(The (fast (Oicgouiau. She £ast tirrgnta. mimt 1UÌLI14BD EViHY FRIDAY. nr . TURMER & COX. ¿%E0 Bate« af Adv«r.UiB<. !■ Caia : 1 >•** J DKU.-a a lortue a towtM« |W 4 i V • « "C «S ’* 1« æ la. Î a • >1 I* ta ta Iva so IX G» lb ue •e æ > «e M« MM «I ue ee w « MW to to Mw MW to w fe M to M 14 saatr »< ym o L om I CW bmb , se ceate p*r bee fee VOL. 6. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, JULY 15, 1881. NO. 40. ÀMMnNM Mia parane cartarij. raceM CAMAW FBA1B1M. neat black coffin Home worda wer»| Carter sprang to obey, and when he d > with, for they killed her. bhe had ! ;««sed by lhe SMiuen as they were pul returned a nmlier of men hail gathered no right to unsex herself to kill an em- ■ C anas PastatA July 3rd, 1ML Tit* «fir* *ie«rd «>tj th* burning deck ; ting lhe ooffiu on board, which went to about lb. spot. The hatch was raised, peror, aud then wish to hide lehiud E iiitos E. O.—Things ar. ail quiet Job Printing F*r !(•« k »h« tint, show pretty plainly that the affair did and the commodore carefully picked up her sex to rare her life. With the' in t) parts at present. Hopjeri J in- •ini. ttbuh hleird flows on ber na< I», not exactly suit them Ii may have the Imll of twine and found that it wu privileges and opportunities of man­ OFFICE.— luiiml all her treta*« red. srr leaving as fast as they gel big enough been but prejudice on their part, but made fast to something below. Hede- hood come also the pongs and penalties to fly. The settlers are cutting hay. Yet innr*r*nl by pa ahr amt, Pci till (on, Oreg' n the seaiuoii should be allowed to pr«ju SCWIided to the bold and there he found of manhood, and Sophie, after attaining , Grein looks fine. Lots of emigrants A hit« tf is area abv and warn h«r rights, lived just long enough toen- dice one. in a while, when we consider that the twine ran in between the lid 8lt«»l iron» !»*«»••« th bar eauejf bal I coming in; some locale aud sense look the many atesni realities they hav. to of the coffin. He hail no doul>t in his joy them. Al »very manlike lora». for another end Iwtler place, bat I We should think a woman, aud ee- encounter “Hush, uiy g'xxl men,” nil lid naw that there wu mischief box- don't think they will be able to find it Pa b fl to are • friend, hr t«»ld . •aid the commodore, as be heard their ml up le-iow, mid sent Carter for some peciaily a Russian woman, bad troubles in thia psurt of the state. A nd Hiro hrr ernilr was a ««ret W i » ii I«| rrapr« finii y rail Ilia etlrutiftn «»f tl»e On Mr Jnn*a. *hn, gratwlng ledd. 1 remonstrance. "Hup|««e you were to thing tuAt might answer for a screw e .ough in her own sphere without seek­ YYe need a doceor to oome and Io- Took by hrr alti« a aval. > die away from home would you not driver The mac soon returned with a ing to add to them the sorrows and per­ •at. among us. Thera is some sick- public Io llirir laical) lu« NEY S korw low wall ’ll« old luan't way— husband’s mother coma aud live with I In less thun half an hour th« abniier place. AT THE VERY MlWEHT RATES •She Uni littl. one, aud I would say to them « him .' i' ma of bar iuu. Or, she could have united with I “Great fl' mg out from the hay. The ”” wind was the li(is of the commodore. Th* wind »a« frealiminf in a gale, of this world just think how happy TUKSKM A l OX. I li* hoal loBM tl on the ara. ~ i I “Ily Hara Hyde!” dropped like a young minister. Or xhe could have; light from the eastward, but Tucker their little one is with all the host in •fl Ml<"trml " -wkv art tliou pale* had no fear of the frigate now that he thunder clap from the tongue of young married an editor and tried to live on ATTORNEYS AT LAW, heaven that have [isss.-d on before, and H by talk»! lh«»u noi lo ma ’ | was wu once out of the iiay. levy. j Dan. : his income. Or she could have rode aome day they may enjoy tile '1UI rsvnisfos, uaautis 1 lieti Slriek ».H eonsi«l «• Uercl<»f<*rs of **G>knl lor all Iba world like death ; retired she would like to look and w<* there wu material for the death of a venture, joined the men's party and Tit» had it not lieen for a couple of Ila l«*okod like grita drapair l'Oli« I I» «Saira, ab*»««* Ilse I* w« AV A •‘I d»‘c!are,” ntuttored Daniel Carter, entering the cotiin from without com­ we think, even when woniau suffrage ia r* * di ir»m We need a good blacksmith among Ob’ * h»ra a r. rollirf. «HIM o» lia» ’ us, who would do well to tak. a piece Cfll.V.i great majority, or even a small propor- , wheel, "she take on dre ’ fully.** | The first movement of the commo- Uh Oliu lirrwit' «mile be gruwae, of land and live on it and work at his ... SXU 9 r.wa mana "Hvrr, daihug, |g uiy bat. * •'Yes, poor thing," i said Tucker, _ as dore was to call for water, and when tion of the women of this land, will j his trade when he had work. It is a “ come to be scragged." But Mrs Hur- j he heard her sobs and groans it was brought he dashed three or four TCriTIN A lllll.KY. I Itere earns a bliat of Itfhtnlnf eoo nd ; good place for any man who under­ “D’ye notice shall» eje thee gotC buckeuful into the infernal contriv­ rntt, who went into politics on the So- , stands the business Hie girl- 'di' where • *- olir* ATTORNEYS AT LAW, continued Carter ance, mid then he breathed more free phie Pieoffsky plan, got her neck I Ji'tira' bai, «ludi vraauwd aas auiiiM i r«a«t< ( iia-oi|inu Now, Mr. Editor, I want to my a Ilia cup «»I mix ry . stretched for her wickedness, anti if'j •*Nn»* said Tucker, “only 'twas few words aliout the Indians. she had kept out of politics, she might swollen with tears. ’ ’ i “ No, no, ’ he uttered *s he leaped Oh ' k inch fa of old ami brrwea rare; What right has their agent to give •My eyes! but they shone, though, from the hold. “No, no— mv men. bo alive to-day. Think of these things, ( them permission to come in our valley Oh ’ lovers think of that! Il 1TW aud CAPS Ilo U'd'b-wi Ihlng which |>erUhed lb ere ambitious woman, when you feel that ( when she stood here looking at the ihj nothing _ rashly. ' ‘ . Let me go into and dig camas! Land is all taken up J II HEED. \\ in, you want to plunge into Statecraft and , Tucker smiled at the man's quaint want this land for their own use and make things howl. So far as we are ( walked up to the bunk where his p*us ' earnestness, and without further ro- W > !»**»■« • (« alt (•• 1* •»’«••4 l'.M (ba Fil t’H b don't want Mr. Indian digging it up INotlonn, Etc I’ Mi., fi «ss n I .• e«i, *- «se I »««»* enger lay and, grasping hold of the concerned, you should have the suffrage , i mark he went down to the cabin. a wiwTKniot* wiuea. worse than four times the number of KtfililEb* I ' • t»dtel»»«, I M * • •«»(» Wlivn the woman came up fn»iu the female, he dragged ita wearer out upon in a minute, if we could give it to you, hogs would. And when they have a OIMr«» I m mia.lk >• II. Irk tlull 'lhfi* Duriti;; th«* eumiuer of 1841 the hold, site looked about the deck of the the floor. There was a sharp resist l>ut Cake our word for it, you will be [■ass tn come here they do not regard British hail not only laid claim to that schooner fur a few utomrnU, and then ance and the passenger drew a pistol happier and safer and have just as i» r hei l , our rights as anything; and wheuwa or­ Ixirtion ot the district uf Mania lying went aft There was something in her but it aas quickly knocked away—the much play for your mental and physi­ der them off they get mad and souw- »act of th»- Penobscot, but Admiial couple nance that puzzled Carter. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hr gown was torn off" and a man came cal energies if you will stay at home times offer resistance, and it is not only «•iitht and Sir Jolm Sherbrooke, tlie had been oue of those that objected to forth from thu remnants of calico aud ■ and bully your husband and spank the ««a « « s» i i themselves that spoil our hay, but they l*l>y. l.ilt.-r living the governor general of the cotiin liring brmjght on board, and linen. ON tü.«l\ F* *ni tb»v must have a lot of ponies with them to N.na S..,tii, had Ix-en sent with a What do you want in politics any ­ hence was not predisposed to look wry I The fellow was assured that his whole . o»r> « »». » g.«« «Wvf «s i •»>> 4« . M -I tramp it down. Now let me say thia heavy force to tak«* posaeaaion. and oc favorably upon its owner. Tlie worn pl“t had Iwu discovered, and at length how I What do you see attractive in much to their agent : That if he don't cupitsl the town uf Gastiiie, which ou's eye ran over the «thornier « deck ha owned that it had lawn his plan to politics ? Civil service reform is a most n h lusiiop stop giving his old squaws passes to place commands the eninuice to the with a strange quickness, and Carter turn out in the middle of the night transparent sham, the «hammiest sham I cotue in here to dig camas he will have JUSTICE CF THE PZACE, Pein.I.wi.t rm r shortly le-iorv the ev«d her very sharply, boon she went »“d get hold of the ball of twine, of the age ; the “voice of the people ia trouble on his hands, for some of our *>l the Kngliali squadron Com to the taffrail and l.xik.xl over at the which be had left in a convenient place; merely the wish of the strongest party; <*!»».•• over F.isr < I' I••■>«! »v ' men cannot stand to have cainas hooks •^•GBAIN AND lllDES*’5^ urrnal tii'xlurr Saluuel Tucker had lirvii sent stern boat, and then she came back then he intended to have goue aft, the "maintenance of the right is the and butcher-knives drawn on them, nor around to Petiolwcol Imy to protect the and «t.xxi by the binnacle again. carefully unwinding the string as he obstinate tenacity with which the fel­ I'llYlMt l \S*> r will we have them in here. If he wants al coasters, and while the British sailed “Ixwik out, or you’ll jibe the boom," went along, then to have got into the lows who are in cling to their offices this valley for his pets, let the govern­ up to Cusiiue, lie lay at Thomaston. lioal, cut falls, and as the boat would and stay in; the “protest of indepen­ utteivd the passenger. di : k it hiving , ment give us the reservation and they It was a M'booner that the commo­ Carter starteri, and found that the have fell into the water he would have dent thought and popular indignatiou" I can have our valley—we will trade with PHYSICIAN «NO "URCEON C ash i * aid Foil wool dore .oiiiimiiided, but she was a heavy mainsail was shivering. is only the wild howl of the fellows He gave the pulled smartly on the twine. them - but as long as we liv. in hers !>..««. el W.MK... •>« <*k.M..e • ..WMIII ’•>ue, well aruied andutauued. and six- ____ who are out, trying to get in, the san­ helm __ a ____ couple r„ „ of spikes ____ -r-.| aport. and | “And 1 tliink you know, ’he contin- he must learn to know that we hav. I thru cut his eyas again upon the woiu- ued with a wicked look, “ what would carried the true Yankee ‘‘grit’ u|x>u ctity of the ballot" is tissue ballots in j <> S.r a ..I K. wi.l.'iice OwrC.lv Drug rights the same as other American citi­ her decks, of which the enemy ¡tail , an, whose features were lighted by the have folio well I shouldn't liave been one place, and election judges who can't Ni.«.*, w.ni No 4, brick building. zens, aud he must learn to respect those noticed in the fuss—I d have got out read, and clerks who are just learning received from them rather too many [ binnacle lamp. LOOIi ! rights. A man cannot go to camp on w c. M. K YY. M U 9 proofa Gil tlie morning of the 2Stii "Thank'ee, ma'am," raid Dan. “Ha, of the way with the boat, and you'd to write, in another; if ordinary intel- their lands with a lot of stock without < f August a mesaenger was sent down hold on—why, bleu my soul, there's a all have been in the next world in short I ligence bars the citizen frotu jury ser-' PHYSICIAN ANO SUriGEON his interfering. And we cannot put : a — — ------- hair, No—not i order. And all 1 can say iF^hat I am vice, a west flack, thin arms, or flabby from Belfast with the intelligence that i.;_ big — spider on your up with them among us from three to rr.X'i. KT X oski . im . ' sony I didn ’ t do it" the British frigate was coming from there. i muscles render him useless and uunec-1 Here I'll -I'gli!" four weeks annually, with from fifty to This last ejaculation Dan made as ' t'li'tine to take him. Tucker knew . It was With much difficulty that the essary at the caucus; the President can't W W WHITCOMB. M I» two hundred head of their ponies that th« British feared him, and also lie seemed to pull Kimelhiug from the commixlore kept his men from killing drink a glass of beer without explain- i And now I would like to know what that sir John Sherbrooke had ottered a woman's hair, which he tl*rew n|xm the villain on the spot. He proved to ( ing to one-half the country why be PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON right a man has that does not live on large rewanl for his capture. be one of the enemy's officers, and he drank it; he can't stop his lager with­ ike deck with the "Ugh" above ui.u FKNI»| KT’iN. tiRRfìON the reservation to give those squaws a When the coniimxlore rewired the ; t loned wu to have a heavy reward if he suc­ out explaining to the other half ofj pa»*. Some that come in here have AB catte peMaptiy a»l*e4ed to, 4»y mg»»» intelligence. Ins vessel was lying atone Shortly after the passenger went be­ i ceeded in deatroying the commodore America why he stops. In the name passes from outsiders, and I cc Id men­ of common sense and common comfort, of the low wharves, where he would low, and ere long Tucker came on deck. and his crew. tion their names but will not this time; K P EAUAN. M. l> have to wait two hours for the tide to' The prisoner was carried on deck S hus ,hie woman, and all women are “Commodore," Mid Carter with a re . but after this I will give the names of vastly more sensible than all men, what set him off, but he hastened to have and lashed to the main rigging, where Tbc «nJara'^QcU b«i lag opco»4 a markabl. degree of eaniestue&s in his PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON these fellows that lake this privilege if do you see in political life that you I everything pnqiarcd to get her off as he wu told to remain until the vessel manner, "is the oman turned ini" WKMt'tN, OMFGoJi > it is not stopped. should desire to enter it 1 Mem as |x>ssible, for he had no drsire I “1 rather think so," Mid Tucker, ! got into jiort. Ornri O I W« n «irret. At the tim. of my writing there are Oh ! Y'ou are going to reform all to meet th« frigate. "What a horrid death that villain looking at th. com|«M "Look out, | ten squaws, two bucks, and about 100 Dl< J. W. IIAl u this, when you get the ballot ! i The Schooner's keel had just cleared look out, Carter! Why, man alive meant for us," uttered Carter. I ponies camped within a half mile of Ob. yes; you are going to reform “Yes he did," said Tucker with a So. 107 Worth First at., from the mud; and one of tlie men had you're two points to the southard of my house: and the man that give them PHYSICIAN ANO SURQECN ■ things. been sent u|mn the wharf to castoff the shudder. vour course." tv ■». their pass lives on the Columbia river. FkKI»t.«nuX. ilftRu »Ji Sure enough we hadn't thought of bowline, when a wagon, drawn by one I •'He lielongs to the same gang that's "Blow mat so I am," Mid the man Now who is to be responsible for their • Wrt«a «» ihrVrisrt H>Hiwr. All s.lia p*eutpiijr «1 T»l C V I. TR» ATTF\Ttn\ nr li».r»e, cam« rattling down to the spot. , bringing the helm smartly aport. I been robbing | that _ and burning _ the poor . Utm. 4 l >, ay ••« iil.ht acts I Are we to put up with thia ** 11- |>p i-Airal ( > r» ■ *!»* m«» gk*> »nt« and Reform ; to be sure ; to be sure. . ■ . { ( . I'lm drivel, a rough hxiking country- i “But My, didn't lou notice anything |«*ople'e houses on tlie eastern coast, .*— 1 We have filed on our Ah, y-, so you wdL , one of * the 1 luan. got out upon the w harf, and then . peculiar about th. old 'omanF' * said “■'* “ “ "* ’** men. MAKE ALVAN ES J. A. ST-OWBRIOGE, “Yes,” said llie counnodori’, with a assisted a middle aged woman from the YV hy, Dan you Main greatly in teres AK* ’ ° ' ' ** ’ i *r’Te u* a ,‘ped when we prove upon the Ihiiron st reason «ble ret«« llevlmr h ni vehicle. The lady's first inquiry was «1 aliout her' nervous twich of the muscles about | buret Importi r nn«l iK'nl.r in v ' - n . , same, and it is our land and not thn Ions eSI**»rl«iii*e In h >st| growing, sud ¡for Commodore Tucker. He was I Y>e «-[R. J, B. , m the Ha wkeye ( Uve th. cheek to tall the mouth. “ So 1 am, commodore, an' so I am nur Inleresta being common «itti |xiinted out to her, and she atep|xxl up- j A bitter curse from the prisoner now Wouldn't it lie I alxiut th. coffin, too. tina,* nt liietiiuicAl large, am! ua It is gratifying to learn that the |*arlieiilarly Esstern Ore­ on th - schooner's dock a id approached well for you aud I to overhaul itf’ i broke on the air, and with a clenched Messrs. Bentley A Hawn, of th. l triumph of Iroquois at the English l gon, we fri I liiat we him. “Pshaw! you're as scared as a child fist the commodore went helow. No 180 Fmjii Min e!, l'ortlanil, Or can give ratial ic I Derby is to promote the cause of re , Bine Moutain Mill, are still shelling “ Commodore," she asked, “ when do In the morning when Tucker came in a graveyard!" lite mua' r«*liaN«i »ini lie«l »••lahHnlird lioiiae tion to all par­ out lumber. I will put these man up you sail from here I" "No, not a bit. Just hark a bit. on deck, Seguin was in sight upon the ligion in New Jersy. Lorillard had le Pnr»l »nd. Noli» agenta lor Kuby a tiva promised that if his hors« won he would against any two m.n in th. State for "We ll sail right off. as v»n as possi­ That oinan ain't no 'oman. Kalita ClUl Milu Iratlivr. starboard bow, but when he looked for ENGAGE!» IN WOOL GRtHYING ! build a Presbyterian Church in Patar­ driving busineM men. They have a set nirhpJ ble. nindnin." Th. commodore pronounced the the prisoner he was gone. son ; and it is now said ho will keep of the l>est men in their employ that "Oh then 1 know you will be kind to name nf his Mtauic majesty ill the most "Carter «here's the villain I lashed his word. What strange days have we can be found anywhere in the State. here last nightF’ me," th« lady urged in persuasive tones emphatic manner. School is prospering nicely under th. "M vjxhu - husband died yesterday, and It's ths truth commodore 1 can “I'm aura 1 don't know where he is, fallen on, when even horse racing, which our fathers viewed as the work charge of one of Pendleton's young I wish to carry his corpse to Wiseasset swear to it. 1 purtendcsl there w ax a >>f«wi «XM« s « > iii sil i unitili i« commodore. Perha|« he jumped over ­ nwioitr* iiAii.KY. ........... ................... „„...»»n, Harry Hexter. It is his first of the devil himself ............................ is made to contri ­ • I* It 11 A* NC W I ' where we Ix'long. and where his parents spider on her hair, and 1 rubbed my board. " Cwrtll Ayant», Nuhirit» bute to tne the sacrea sacred cause cause ot of morality st'hool, but — he Is doing as well aa any bute to morality I will tuke care of it." The old commodore looked sternly in hand agin her face. By s«>n Hyde, it ........................ ------------------ and .......................... religion! — Yet we shall hardly , old Prof ‘ ™8or . - ----------------------- I-TKM-IZBB. Psrhes .leslimir advances on lheir Wool BEAI. ESTATI; UhOKEUS, “But my good woman I shan’t go to was as rough and iMwrded as an holy- Carter’s eyes, and he a twinkle of satis­ «,» — I »... -------------------- can app'y «I the »lore ol Me«»ra Itolhcliibl rush to the conclusion that horse rac­ rKNI>I.KTi>.< . . . , . IIKKUUN stoiKA You see she told me as how faction gleaming there. He hesitated A lleaaor It Ah samlrr A * o. In I*m4h-i.>n . YYiscnxsct. ” A Htak-rrtee« «liver Delian. "If you will only lnnd me at th. I’d l«t the boom jiho if I didn't look a moment then he turned away and ing, instead of being the thing our ( .,r Io us ol our ottli e, 107 North First Sliee', kVK Tuwnwht|» l'Iiie 'fall n.iivt-vi-ii lanila li Mr. S. L Cohan bought yesterday fathers thought of, is really an elevated i l'm itili* t'oiiiilv, nri'l rvi-ur.k <» all (Itili« Iron* I'orlluml, Or. mouth of Sheepscot, I will ask no more. out I k unwed as there wasn't no muttered to himself. fimi lnr.<| F.li II IW1. Fell. I“ 3.11 befnrw Hi | >i**'il I, iii I •tifici*, iiti>i ut ukei rt’iM Will buy idi I a*’ll l.m'l. CUlm» drinking and gambling into an ennob-, they paid f800. The coin liought by WALLA WALLA her shn« I to wipe away the gathering pressnee of mind that made him what in the ocean's cold grave. City l*t«»|w*riy. hi»* «m r»*aa«*R il» r «•i»mni t»«mn ' ling open air interest in the finest of all Mr. Cohen has a flying eagle, with 13 fh" PI ni ninf !<••« onte glfciYti r»"*rr *l hi 1' niinl ruititv, «n I »rf ' Irr< nun i animals and into “respectable betting.” stars, and on the reverse side the God- ■ or (tnii* an I .« nifi Dl 1.1 tira «I* hy riunitili I «'i- me. and you shall be paid for your1 few minutes he called one nf th« men WOUKW IM POLITIC«. Waliav« ap mnl Iviiiti«« f *r Inciluig n*w cuim«re(uU: I Thisis plausable and perhaps Mr. Keen« eg« of Liberty head with flowing hair, trouble." . aft to relieve Carter, and then he went might even bless it and approve it with and ia in an excellent state of pressrva- l.'l'lll 111* WI1I1IX11 • if it T XlWlMMkrt. ' i down to look after his passenger. “ Tut, tut, woman; I aecommo The ■ When the Czar hauged Sophie rieo'T- KM4WII IIKU IN 1MH n text or two; yet still it would ba t tion. He will take it east with him date you there won t be any pay aliout latter had turned in and seemed to be i sky with the other assassins of his it." ' . . _ . MANI KACri RKR OF sleeping. Tucker returned ... and took father, he did a very brave and a very doubted w hethcr horse racing was to shortly where he will sell it at a hand- The kind hearted old commodore Carter to one aide. deed. He acted bravely, because : prove one of the great agents for re- soma profit. — Nashville Tenn. BREAD, CAKES PIES ANI» was not th« man to refuse a favor, t “No noise now, Carter ; follow me just ■ generation of the world. he had been told by the Nihilists that Major General Gervando Canale«, m H kiuda <•( (mele er*. Fin»proof iluihliitg. and though ho liked not the bother of »s though nothing had happened ’I if he hanged Sophie them would Ivo an Maud 8. tnoted in Detroit on the i «»uiroaiider of the district of Tamalipaa, I am now |>r»*|Mru >««>11 taking the woman and her strange sc | "Sartin." other funeral in thp imperial family, 5th, to bent St. Julien’s time over it. ,li*' in M itamoraa this evening, aged coinpuiiinient on board, yet he could I The two approached the main hatch and he wouldn' take any active part in which was 2:lfl|. Maud went over 40- He had for years ».sen identified AVlxii H’«r npRNKli IN filli NKW •Uni’, not refuse. When he told her he and stooped to raise it, when l>an's the ceremonies. And he acted very , wv I»(f. r far Mal« tilt» r.hotcì U the ground in 2:13». The track is »¡th the house of the northern frontier, he would tie as she had requested, she I hand touched a small ball that seem«! justly, ton When Sophie went into counted among sporting men as three an<1 dit* "“<»»« ‘ban any other man to «very Anri nnrt dt'Arrlptlon at Htwlrocfr rtfp»rrs. licei, l’ttrk, Vntl A Miti un Of Having thanked Inin with tears in her eyes. i to hate Inten pinned up and»« the after ' politics, she went in with her eyes wide eecouds slow, which, if allowed, would nh“‘® marauding. His death la deeply KTurt tl lin* K’ri ins ««t an * t|x ritnn cd utirkimtii Iront Sun ► nt riten, 1 have U» Home of the men were sent upon the break of th« hatch. ' open. She knew what Russian politin ■ l>e precisely the same time as her best deplored on both sidesof the Rio Grande, Tu l»n (dumi in l’wmll» luti olh r ut ill« WullA Walla I-ultiTV <*vrry wharf to bring the liody on >>o*rd A I “Its a hall of twin«," tuii'l h«. ' meant. She went in for woman's rights ; win of geoda tu my lint* <»! Imalnoas Carne« swd Cure« Meato .Cali Mia«.. I Qneen Victoria has been on the "Don’t touch it, but r>»n and get a i and she got all of them she needed , made last snenon. », * Give me your Orders and be U«»nvinod. long buffalo was lifted off hv the man | Fmh ssussgss tns.le «wry day. 1 mor-, indeed, than the knew whit to' wb