She C’ait (OiCgoniau. FUBLiEdKD MVaMY ritlUAY, ■r Ehe 0ast IkqpniiUL ♦ r h ' ’ i i |4* • f • TURNER & COX * * Offlis. M in kt Opp tbs 1 OQit H un • • u •< I* M »♦ ids* VOL. C. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON, JULY 8, 1831 onr. ft* ou ¿a • * U H «• M St • ► SS • • M «• * US s NO. 39. 1 ulay was “Felicia.’’ b» me rtf the dia- Ile chocke.1 hiinself, but it w«s too ¡•Igut iu it was ao '‘pronounced” that . Late. Hit euthusiasm bad betrayed ■ hirn. Mhe seiaed thè leit hsud and wrutinized tbe thuiub. Jt bore thè _ that she uiighwuut spoil»d by it; in-tlsceable priaks of a needle. but the audience stayed. When it “D«ceivedl ab* ejai uiated. 1 waa over, the Count and Mias Atfluenzi “Wall, never miud,” he replied, in 1 !»*uned hard against each other all th*- good English, “I ia not a eount, and way to her home. He stepped inside uot eve.i a Fruuchm in, but 1 am ari A I th* h ill d »or and hugged her with sud­ . numlier one drsM insker, a id tbe den Yiolunce. aco-rit l bave cultiv.sted wou'd decer ve a Paratia». Lei abitcb ali thè “•Oh, my gnodrie»«’' she exclaimed. I vaine, and set up in tbi biggest mso- 1 dn-«e maker establishment ou thè face I Tl*rre v»aa a »uund of snappad steel. "Vrat is ¿e mattairet* shrugging his ; of America. Did ohe forgive himl Not much. should« rs up te the towering or I)id she ie^tiie his bride! Oh, no. ' his rani 1 “ N’<4h6i)g, count," she munuered, Did aire aerati h his face! Well ye* Did ah« get od at thè neit statiou and hluAhmg, “UOthing." “Ah! Vnuld sat I could encircle zat take a return trami It so aileged—• lovely waist tor evaireF said tbe no- Cincinnati Emiwin r. Lleiuan. TIIX LO»r BKK SWT-.-1X. That settled it. They were betrothed Aocording to Mr. Alden, of the New cn a ft a 11 in. York Tun.-s, tbv Barone«« Burdett- Coutta up to publishing her advertise­ ment, just because be knew that tfae Quean had sent a wreath of floweratoHu- g-nden. “No, Mary Anne’’—which, by Thia practice was alluded to by tha — ■ mn< i S'»wf» ««retlv tW yonr humhls» yr«?»«—. th i bye, was the iu«id of honor's name Kleep, Hl«il| r* «>f • fallrft cmiimw ) — continued bur inajaety, “I will have I X-w York Legislative Comm it tee of Pe» dl< Ion, llrrg II. I h'Hifh tri r».. mwfkir e*»l»«ut» cr«v»t nothing to do with that Gladstona, and le78, which investigated lb« coal oom- The pHtftim he-rr m pau«e 1 inaist upon having th* palace search-' lunation, as follows. "During the receipt of these ears, ln lnufs.1 igt ih» rarth ed.” Accordingly, in the eourae of a The nf y»«ur i « m » m few days Lady BurdeU-Coutte, accom­ maos profile many of tha eoal eorpr ra­ A h «I •u«He«h»r», «MitibL* h»r H» liirth. panied by p licemau C 34, came to the ' tions, a« was the case with railroad« Tli»-«J im n i« |«i th«> io i«* palace and lw>gsii their search. They not engaged in the ooal carrying trade, Sf * «•* * li í ' a . I s »-| im I( fh»- farrlg ve-ara looked into every closet end under unable, under their charters, or toy V* h h»»|i h» iru-t v«*«ir af»«rW t. mLa. every sofa in the bouse. The Queen other reasons to declare dividends up. Il»li»« «I * i««*ir tstifi/ Ih«-tr lean, xcc''EnpAuied th**1! with ft cold, imp^- thftir stock that would ftlw-rh tbftip Aii'l nirirt>«rhd nal expreearon of face, with her keys unexpended surplus, iamed additional Small 'rP'tl’»" ' !«•»• »ntii •)«.>«!»« wf’t ern‘l» in her ha..d- bhe ceustai.dv and ear- ,toub[ *° »tockholder». for which M.ifsi i>uHh ««n '!•« ••< «r»*a«ha f»>rlNV. Ciatically urged tbe Lanmess to be 'hey paid nothing. Inaugurated what 1h .fi < |trn ••'«> fgi «mi Ut>*ul'lt T«* h«sli«*f «t*«»t «»< VTMII m U of the preserve jar*" Or a iittl- later '^mey tro«n the people, creating an in. 1 han «s h* f•* •l«-trAf*vl Vdlof l'e^ 1URNKX «fc I <»X she woull aa : “This is tie trank debsedneue representing tbe same, and llj I nmii ' j enxnM* where 1 k<-ep iuy winter cloth«*, put n»*ki“g >“ this the last! for forever — H t»»y Tiruroil AUCBNLYS AT M W, ' camphor. ' ' *«-•«« -u— * to — — “* - upon un with Never mind ' dis- «•sing .X* the — public pay • interest r|Y»i <»bMi i\ Ihtlf MiocA *iH n»iv| hrr«b»f«>rr of “A count*««, an»d Afiaa AfHuenzi to Courts reoe itly attended the Queeu's ar.-uuging them, you might find your their own money to exacted." ■VA*. M 4 e « • »»'• *f» «bel 1»«»1 !■« «e h«-rtelf, next day, a« the gazed into lb»- at Bucking am F.lace breostepiu at the. loUnni of the trunk, The same report showed that coal I ui.rmr, “and don t let it elude you. A “drawing room," it may laws well you know.” Lady Burdett-Coutts be- could bo furnixbod st *3.00 per ton in Jolts t Ut Ï Ell. memory. ” v.expl i ., is simply one of th« Queen's camo dreadfully ashamed of herself be- Jiew York, with a fair profit upon the f'he ex pre tod the count to call that AITO NEY AT LAW, the ri-gnlu1 weekly “receptions," and those fore the search was half over, and when actual capital iavretod. Mfter*irt that it is a Very pleasant second-door bed-room, where she had this policy u found in the press»t situ- GR()< F.l:IE*. of the , N. Y. C. * H. K. IL B. i b* waist of tii.s remarkable garrn»*nt alfair K» K14 I n ¿ HAI kl II. You call at Buckingham Psi dropped it when the weut up stairs to etiou -r, m made to fit any figur-- by m^ans ol see on a drawing room day at any time tike off her shawl on the day of the * *" »«* the p^ year wire , | ,,*«•• • 1X Lxd*P iissE. Livwiu llSirmexla fine indie rubier, which is intermixed , f»»-!wwn two and , hve ATTORNEYS at la v , ockM.k tn the drawing-room, die i— did .— noi kno. ,‘'yl-Ti12P,reenL iiMupouiU«x«dy Il A K D W A I! E ' with the chenille, making the waist set atav-i mw-ti, ” i » r- n«ur CMFU I«» III«' »ailtT •»•»’*••«-« ■*«"- w •• s»*nry \n R • i*au. • it __ intlaUfd capital, Leiudrs adding largaly rs.ui >r • . • . . , , y * afternoon, give your card to the waiter wbetiier she w*s sorry or glad. Xl^FC aa well a« when made of Bilk knitting. ' and hang up vour cv»«t and hat iu the tbw affair ought to have stopped. The equipnieu , w ic **• charged to CJI IXA . “ ■ r «\ It ______ c T j _ _____ i « rr operating expense* It is now report- 'Hit at tin) «sui time pr««te iting a soft, A AOIKL WITH A UKRO. front hall- You than enter the parlor' haroaeas bad recovered her property, ■uuer " *1* street tbit a further uifla- i unduh'us sur acr that is ranshing to ... *■<’« »run« and shake hands with her majesty, tell-1 «nd the Queen had mode her suffer Dy Clara Dr altp arr 11 || . turn of its capital is to b* made under l’W»k at and even rnorr s«> to t »uch 11 i*riN a nui.KY. mg her you are very happv to se>, hpr,1 for her ind.scrv-et IT— This one was light Mar, and came cion and hope that »be and her fain ly are , erthel-av it did not stop, for the next the guise uf a consolidation with the rHArrm 1. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, In 1867 and 1868 Ito her throat and wrist, without lac* or well, rh« greet* you in a pleasant, un-1 day th" Ameriesn country newspapers L«k« shore rood. a •» »*<»«»si « rt Gl«t**w;ir?, Boots anti Sl.nce It WBA A lIVTllillg ill MftT, 18kI ZG ~~ “,r, -‘Sr •* r“"? r? anything iutrrrrning lietwixt its anil affected way, saying, for exoni) ' * ' * ‘ _ r< WuftH» BFiMk' !n»ui thr Ao* «-it ill the «urfacr and her lightly powdrtvd skiu. “it is so kind m you to come,' and. missing l>rwst-pin . had “been found -„„„j ere added to the capital of the N. Y. at * tl.e f» M 4»« • i«-w iruiuritR oil ED** -- --------------------------------- »«—■ Fxl.ce"--« di",£teh * H R ,K «- “P°u whier,‘T“ di vidauda hav e since been paid, J II HEED, kilirt riaibr Ml«*rvd on th«* tiiuali.i rur- sdk drvsa was trimed on the skirt with hand« was found in the ui law- uP“n th»‘ ^Ur ......................... with th»» next visitor. If you! ! the breast-pin , lama. Il was not a l«hny (>d«-r, hnw- revert and IrTOod ends of hue white * . . . — with the interest thereon, coinpuunded A t TO1N Y sT L AW. an» hungry, you then pass into the back M posa -««ion of the Quann. Thus a : •*v*-r, that ¡'ennefttad the fttr near bv a guipure lace. Th- tnlet appea-rd parlor, urbere cake «nd lemonade ar* *«d matter has born made worse, and annually, for 13 years, now amount to w I V "•««-»• IM • «••< » •»■►( «De t * b '<«.•». tal Motion«, XCto. U tt la on th»- dri-wig s aw-, for it * at very simple, and for that r.-aaon, eery «•I h<«*» •»« *». t .a ha « •« m » i . out on the aide board, and refresh th* breach between the Qu»*nn and the over sereuty-five millions of dollars, pungent, ftnd came from a hair blrac) el«ga t, but th* lace made it an costly whilw the stock itself is quoted in tha blUd>l*eS K r-asMe* * '«* H»ta •*■•««*»• yourself, after which you either with- • barouesa can never be healed, am«e* !■ «lUrli >• tl.irk H a IITI m *.* n g which but no matter Th • that Paj« Adluei.zi had growled loud market at *140 to *150 per share. In draw <>r else spend a few morueuts in | C hi« 11 hair of M im Aflluviiii aaa iu and lot«K over tbe Uli. It was a’a chatting with the ladies of the court [ MTBtlUHT AX» XABSOW WAT. other word* if instead of watering the o r uki !.. stock of three roads in 1867 and 1868 harmmiy with h*r Mu»* *<•»■, her dell- m h in embroidery . O.i the t«»p of the Mww the Aaxiewa we*- and your e ther friends who may l>e iwg U, Mr. Vanderbilt had reduced the rates »ftieh I ii .U m I akiu and her round.-d Bkirt, replacing the drap-ry, was a AT rORNEY Al LAW, present. This is the quiet and unos­ tiguie, which *at will>«y and Lilb.ay large baby how, drawn together in the The intense desire of th« the people to tor transportation to a point which *•• *« ««at tentatious way in which the Queen en­ la-cauKr it was aiicats-d in nrw of th* center, the loope n-ache-1 to th»* uiiddl* i «ed Tentarne it would have yielded 8 per cent net up­ »«r < r wf'fwr’ix tertains her friends, and a leading citi­ obtain copies of the reviu~ new L.tlice work c«»r«««tw .Sb* wa* a • >f the skirt and the broad end exteu- on tbe then outstanding capital, the • •» zen of Oahkn»h w ho recently attended showed very clearly that the old bible ••»»• » 'v M «■» ’I • 4 public would at the present time have < i«atur<* with h-wit« t»"ndencia& mg to Within «le nt *ix inches <*f the a “draw ing-r «»¡n ’ says that it was as had not l'«t its interest for tbe masses Hags would hftv«» tcld you a*» h»,ra» lf, &A lower |»art l«en seventy-five millions better off, 1 hr bow was of surah, The crowds that have for nearly thrw P r id.-iiitr, pleasant snd informal an atKar as an vh«* cat negligently m front of her imr m shad'-d Mur. Her hair and forty-seven tuinions of stcek which drvasetl ordinary O*hk«*h _______ _________ _____ lunch-party. As ba« weeks assembled thronged to hear the rur. dn»Mw-tl tor th«» aft«krn* on. JUSTICE CF THE PEACE, in a fluffy style, her rvrbruws wrn* lovn said, the Ban» lew Bu-d .'tt-Coutu u"»,udiM1' »""P>e addresses of Mr coat only the paper and ink with »Sb.. WoFr* a t«MI g’»WI4 of whit* cull , jtencilrd sharply (for shr was in a sub- attended a "draw ing rmm meently. Hellmlieck prove* with equal clearness which it waa printed, and which is now (’.Kir tivri F.A’T () »«.nxiâx 5 ■*.*R MX ANI» 1111)1 >■"> nu re, thr front u>t which waa {tainted ! ! dued indoor light), her lips were car She hail a prrfect right to do so under 'hat the “Old, Old Story, w-ben tol i i quoted between one hundred and foity by hniitl in a taiigl*«d uia»a of budft, I muie, and two Lngbt blush Sj*ota were and one hundred and tiftjr dollars per the British Constitution, but as the in a spirit of love, still is of surpassing pin i< 11\< a and I<*(H« ml H«r ba r wm> placed higii on her checks. A turtle i- share, would not now be in existenee A»»<1 olhri Pris-hi«*» fikv-ii I») rf |i»|.¿r it lilnaa luterest to the people. The lassitud. , Queen had refused to come to her wed­ the Higaest M «rkel in'e# i nt abort fn»m temple to temple, and gold and enameled steel w as stu. k in of midsummer. thé demands of bu»i •',d ,orTU • P"**« for further taxing ding, without sending any excuse, and DR K R IRVIhG, »’irbil in *h- rt, h»-avy ri-iga all ov*r thr her hair, and «he wore onyx jewelry. ness with It! engr«sing cares, social th* >“du«try and commerce of this State had not given hi r so much a* a salt­ PHYSICIAN ANO ' UROECN < row 11 of her h«*a«l, while at the back, “Papa,” thr girl plea«i«d. “th:» is cellar or a photograph album, it vs«, allurements, and gayetiee—nona of and country sor all time to cocm .—Re­ t> . -A" I M.., ..t If«* * |. - ■ low*in th«* nape of h»-r neck, was u C« unt Bazouk. lie has asked fcr my port N. Y. Board of Trod«. to say the least uncalled for. Her these have been so struog as this desire Grrviftn roil, in which » m stuck n hand." Offlee *1’1 Residence Ov. r <* t. Dnig There are hundreds of similar instan­ imvjimty, there is good reason to lielieve, in the inmds of hundreds to hear the high Hpaniah onmb of Rhine pablde* '•Well, Barack. ' the at m obi man wm much surprised when the servant glad news of the gospel. Si.»r’, ro-'in Nu I, bi k k building. ces throughout the United State«. and cut «<04'1. Rhe wore white luce mar-d, “mil cant have my daughter's t Yesterday there was no diminution Stealings, even, have been capitalised. atciout ceil “Lady Burdett-Coutts— •l n'Liiig« dr*w 11 over pink ailk one«, hand, hut I 11 tell you what I’ll da— W ( M KlY M l> «ime which she married Mr. Ashmeail- in attendance notwithstanding that all — Vide the Erie and the N. Y. and N. and her fret w ere pinched by low Lronc«*- then-s nothing mean almut me — I’ll Bartlett"—and she remarked in an au the church«« held their regular prayer' H. roods. PHYSICIAN ANO SUHGEOÍ « «>|or» L all th» way to the C. A. Hall was tilled. NEW MEN IN C\MP: Duchess replied that she “ certainly w xv win noun \i i> tions to lax tho public, and we will nngw with aolit-aire duvlnonda sel even front dour and down the *te|«. AT THB NOOX MlETtSO never did." Whether the Queen treat- have in this country a monied aristoc­ witli thr surface, ctiArrxa iv. PHYSICIAN ANDSUFIQ1ON id Lady BurdeU-Coutta with marked Mr. Halleuheck spoke upon “The great racy such ss the world has never seen, “t’ount ILizook i« in the parlor, i rwt»l KT»«W. t»RK«MW Th»y rl^pwl, of coursr. Th*y stert- coldness is as yet unc-rtaiu. Some sacrifice of Cbrivt,” upon the and with it all the attendant pbenome- M I*«, sa d a luaid, who entert*d. “Hr «1 wr«t by rail. Miu Affluanxi wore people say that she did, and others in­ incidents of bii trial and crucifix on. ' na of venal legislation and corruption AR ra ta pr-inpUt ati»«. tr.1 k I.* *>r n. and ring«, an as t<> make the C«*unt tbeplirrdvxi chrck |«tter:i. dxrk-drab that she had Ken slighted, for all agree i prayer meeting instead of the usual history. Itrlirve that her toilet wm haphazard in color. H"r wrap, of th" muu " ma­ Ta* «■ ■ .<> i M« n *tr *» m eeting. ti«r dollar gown, and thr rlal-orat« were of the new Englith xtyle. of «1 five g'»wn, ami of the Ere Railroad, in 1873, concludes The following day aocietv was astonish­ CVBXIX0 llESTtxa. mnkr up of her head, for he as m moat trooper nt ailk, ahowiug a faint ed and the court was indignant to find Dît J w hai u with the following remarkable word»: «-..)< >r of In r hand through the material. dress maker in disguiac. At the close of the usual song ser­ “It it not reasonable to suppose that that Lady Bnnlett-Coutts had inserted PHYSICIAN ANO SU ÌOECN Iler hat waa a leghorn, covered with a But we digress. vice an earnest prayer was offer»«! by tbe Erie Railway has been alone in the Ih-rri' g of cream-c .hired Spanish lace, an advertisement in the Tinies, offering Rev. G. W. Izer. i h Mi'l.*|n\, iiRru «M Mr. Hollenbeck corrupt use of money for the purposes cHarrrn n. ami trimed with a wreath of »haded a reward for a valuable breast-pin “lost 1 | reail as the scripture lesson from the |*V»W*V W «h- V" -ri All r p o .1 f»''I F T.» C V 1. ' Rr MU Hinniiig '«re a chapter in the secret history of i lioura Inter »he wax on her way with with lace, flowers, and aatin ribbon. the harones« w-ns very ani MAKC A- VAN ES ’ u; jnrarallrl. d h *«itli ' 3-22, “For there is no d defence.” wrung from the people to purchase the double skirt was l«»q>ed up on one aide. >f . lals'rately carved j.earl. The elop­ ble piece of jewelry at a friend’s house, III»»»»’ «»t rhe Si »1* inr.. »• «n<1 |»«riii 11U1 tv E «'•ivrii 1 hv- 1 and had a train caught up, Watteau ing couple had planned ro get oil' the for by so doing she would cast a serious There is no salvation through beeping election of the people’s representatives, g»«n. *»• Ir. I fimi wr ■ lasltimi, in the l«ck. The b dice had train at a way side station, have the reflection upon her friend's honesty. , the law. This young man iu the scrip­ and to bribe them w hen in office. Ac­ ture lesson could say truthfully tnat he , cording to Mr. Gculd, his operation« < All Jf NitlalHC- In round Imsqne and n mill, pointed ii.ari nige knot tied, and resnnn their At Buckingham Tala-e the intention had kept the commandments, but extended lltill !«• «Il pur. , into four different State* It I hood, w hile n belt was fastened around of the advertiser was at once under ­ li»*« < ionrney eastwrard. I he r cone raation i Christ said to him that he still lacked , was his custom to contribute money the »mat with a buckle of Redish pels ttirnrd on the fashions of women's dress. stood, and it was felt that she had ta­ E.XUAGFD IN OOL GltOWfXG f j one thing. One sin, only one, breaks to , influence both nominations and eleo Idea, to which was susja-nded a chafe I‘h<> count was glib on th" subject ken a cruel and vindictive course. Had the law, and makes a man a sinner, tiona." ; it •■Imll I h * olir i»m, hy li'»m *»v, t’nlr *b"i*!- line of old silver. The sleeves were I-adv Burdett-Coutts written to the “Ze prettiest toilet 1 have s.-en xis intf ►irirf 1’t* ’»li’Hi tu bii«in»’kN, io and under cond -mnation. Noah faith In 1879. a commute of the Legitla- I half long, finished with fluting and Queen telling her that she had lost « in»t»t th»» 4's »»» M • f »• 1 s<-,e «*| *|| h lio Spring, ' he said, “vaiof white vivogne, fully f of- New Y’ork, Mr. Hepburn, - warned all of the . impending - p dan- ture of lace. Her spoke lam net waspronounc- "inpronh r si wix a delicate Crventn de­ breast pin, and wished that she would 1111\ l'»vs»r un u Hh thrir |» «tifili. Ntfd. O'IP (' oiiiiiiìmioii fa >«l in shade, fitting closely nt the side sign in silvaire tread* Ze limpings ask the servants if they had seen any­ ger; every man of the ark was chairwBn> aft„r an exhaustive exannu- il.»L Abraham fo.thtully warned all #tlon declared that the charge of fta- I ■< <’ ■< w y of the head, sml towering high abote c.light up wiz silvaire bucklas, and xe thing of it, no fault could have been the c.t.e. of the plain of the impending t ,bw(l jn roan ent (lie crown. It was trimed with two ¡lull, short .aisted la-dice vas made in found with her conduct; but to insinu­ „ and add(Kj; long, full, doiiblu ««trull plumes, ilia z<> Pir-‘ctoire stylo. Ze sleeves vare ate in the advertising columns of th» .destruction every soul in th- doomed had lw.n full cities were lost. It is not necessary for | pos' d on the front of tlm crow n to hid» putted at xe top, then cl.vsely laced all l imes that someliody in Buckingham ‘‘The mistake was not in providing a man to break all the commandments h^ve/i’and’godown ProF*r «efeguards to protect the public die quills, and sweeping ar- und nt mill ze vnv down re liack of xe sleeve to xe Palace had stolen her breast pin was to I in order to miss 1 the last degree vixenish and inexcusa- side. There was plan nn Alsace bow elbow, vare xay meet long lace mitts to perdition. Souls are not lost gener­ I interest, and hold the railroads to a of wide ribbon, with strings to ninti h. “I think the sweetest thing I've se,»u , bl". The Queen burst into tews on ally in that way, but through one strict accountability for their transac­ Tile lining was derk blue shirred satin. in party dresses," said the girl, “wasof rending the adrertisente it, and exclaim­ favorite sin. The sermon was a plain tions; thus, through thi laxity of our Her hair was plainly dreswd, with pale pink satin, with a plaatern of ed that if Lord B ■aconsfield hid >>een faithful presentation of the peril of sin laws and the want of governmental scallops ncross the f< reliead and braids dark nt by-colored stain p| r I'lio waist was i-ouned in front and cut her so. She t< I I her maid of honor i can lie Justifi d.' mg the unforeseen possibilities of rail­ WALLA WAIJ.A | I throat and tuu'ied int» her hozoni was ing nn square in the neck, the trimming < that she road development at the time of the be- should instantly send to Lady ; The after-meeting was very large I Burdett-Coutts and insist that she la t explaining it but what's the use should conic with a policeman and to leave. At the hour of ten manv «till pardonable in the light of tbe evidence I 'drub satin thread, embroidered on the I couldn't to a rnanl herewith submitted), have crept in those Y’ou I search Buckingham P*la.-e from Garret “If she 2 doe.n't conversing upon abuses hereaft. r mentioned, oo glaring ___ _ find her back, reached nearly to her elbow* ' “Nevnirc you mind, iL ” ” he said; "g> on ; to liasenient. • ( the subject of religion. Her gaiters were low heeleil, and her wix ze explanation.'' I uaaty pin, which I have no doubt is , I To-day the service« will 1« of unusu- in their proportions as to aavor of fic­ stocking'» nil She enrried a siinahade I “Well, I was going to any that a ; ¡>aste and gilt,” a ided her majesty, "she mam FACltKhN or tion rather than actual history.” I «I Interest. The noon meeting will »iirah lintVil with red. From th»' band of pear) paixiiinenterie was sot up ihall make me a wtitten apology, and --------------- *7*------------------ BREAD, CAKES TIES AXI. of take the form of a praise service. A top covering one of the gores, was a nt the l«r frt of gn.Md in uiy ill.« <>f biialiieua. with giddv girls in the daytime, lean- “I will make you von,” the Count ing ravishingly against his arm, but impulsively replied. without clasping it. At the same “You mean you will buy me one." Cerarti ami Cured M ata or «;i Kinde. "No, no, no—make you von. You (live U)u your Orders and lie (’«»nvineed. time sho gated with great wistfulness Frank •AUtajJcB in ulti evury day. Ó HIIECUIBL, Walls Wall«. aud frequency up into bis fac«. Ths forget xat I am a dreaa-makaire, and—■" B|U If To 'IC litui.I III l’imil inn and ask his advice. But the Queen , ,,, , . 'him whet nude him feel so good, bo rejected the suggestion with indigna-1 Wm. McGregor Jia» been arrested in replied that ho had got a new shirt tion, saying that she never could a-bear Ashland chargmi with forging a men's that wao mode out of an old ahirt ot that man's impudence, and had no name for a botti« of whiskey, and held his fawhor’t, that wm aaad« Ml of m doubt that ha had put Lady Burdett- in *300. I old «tek