(The (fast Oregonian. She (fast tingsaûa. PUBLIIH3D EVERY FRIDAY Bate» of A4v«ftMaf, te (tate : ... »V . ♦ TURNER & COX. on*«, m * u st Opp th* < 0Btt n use 1 irS i its'bv« 1 * larhra rolMli»« ta < uiaiasu MriatbQ iw • 4 < 4 5 7 a )•> ta) UM «U MO uu uO 1« • ♦ OS a ua : uu • 'M • MM >A UM l> uQ xs VOL. fi. NO. 37. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 24, 1881. f | der ■■! liars, the < nurt u ten I M il K UU ATRI.'K IM HK 1.11'1'. I which, to me, were of all that you l*ave , der regard for ita wards will egi-UM* a been pleas«! to writ« m., the lent — ('■UN my swirthraft, cease thy doubting, ' <-ontiiigeiiC appliculioii uf th« fund." A mong the latent use® to which flaw- WatgiMt, N Y . May 25th -We “As for th« condition, I will do the JoD Printing •'»ay not rowi arv Idly apukrn . Beaiilva, had th« Judge obtained poe find tlrnt tint said Helen Gray came to lieat I can. < will ravel out this tall­ dust has beun applied to in tha bmaf - 1‘huugh thy lipa limit Lively, pouting. ' M-Muon of the fund, it would have I mmoi ' her death from the etlect of a pistol ied skein of life the best I know how. facturw fit —— orncK——- wheela A writar oCatoe They ws«r»’ made tt»r awreu r u*kvu. j i-xhah'it, tired by lieraelf, while laboring * will grope toward every glimmering that sawdust car wheels, sawdust brick, 1 For tby null", my heart la waiting, I I*cutll< ton, Oregon. For thy hive look, sad and alghiug, therefore, allow the exception. under mental a’s-natiun, un the mom | light I see. I will do my duty as well sawdust fence [MMta, railroad turn, and For tby kisaaa, aupplicaliag, Bll.ltows vs HcegxcBR, mg of the 25th day of .May. al her m I kuow how. If it has been ordain • even sawdust wutdow and door frames F<>r thy paaahm, faint and dying. 21 Josh Billings, 1KT. ■el that I siiall do noble things, not wainscoting and moulding, begin to father's house in Wstkinii, N. Y.” BOUB ANl> JDII I’BINTINU In my •leap I Lou b«tier that be .. to her and i is quicksand and 135 feet of solid blue And the tbirwiy past fur fumitalua; waa very sick, Hickness is certainly in the uiinute* of the coroner's inquest, whatever was tenden-at in your letters clay were above these, and a considera­ ; Aa the woUboed warrtor. reeling, Dirama of paar at ul valet aud UiOUDtama; a legal excuse. Litigants are usually from which it is copied verbatim a* wu truest," that "with three exoeptioua ble quantity of bon~s and shells were A rroKNKVM »ii k of the law l>«fore the law is done follows: you had been entirely candid and sin-1 drawn out uf the well at various depths. AT THE VERY LoWKtfT KATES Ho my hungry heart, m «leaping, ----- rere... • H«vela in my bounUous iuvmg; with them. cere, that my auspicious as to the real M onday . 1C 1BÔ1. > a rvaeaa u a ««»• Ko my itarchrd h|»e. to thin« creeping, One of the recent new usee to which CflarriXK Cox's fa «. Since laat < > wtjbrr .M — w' Laa ity of « oom things in your letter "did electricity lias been applied to that of Driuk tby kiaaaas, fln»u approving. Tt/RNEK A ('OX. B aldokm A ffxal . 1 sent ma love lettera of the u.oat ñat- you wrong,” were "unjust," etc. ; all oxjking victuals. An electric cooking Iiu<. elaa* woe follows waking, 14 Sun's Barber, 181. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, taring kind, asking me to help him to this is quite beyond me. Why it would range has l>een invented by M. Halignac, For my bhna die* with my dreaming; An afli4, oubgom of France, which is pronounced a great Their Stxjk Will roust st as heretofore of Night Night la day when love la beaming. might have I mx » ii exacted. But thin make me say I loved him. Whenever _______ to a nte only the truth, as I plainly and |. ■ ■•MM O« MM. •»••*< I». It su«?cess. An enthusiastic writer says Sw« «’heart' ah, Ihme eves are weeping* was not required, hence it do«** not 1 said “tot the correspondence come to earnestly asked you to do, about Christ­ that this gentleman now broils hit Now thy lovelii mm ia human—» present t a proper projier question for review; an end, ’ he would write aud say it inas or a little later, and generously of- JOHN A GUYEK, Aui|ri art thou when ( Ml akwping; i th»» appellant .pellai.t himself hiruself seem to have would be “like breaking one of the N<*w, I kite iUwe, thou art woman. Hau Ersuolaoo. Ai raiu» W mbklkm . atHicteti ■ with tnalans to«fore ti e ver chains which bound him to home,*' tell- rXi: hr. ■" ““ «-rtist ATTORNEY AT LAW, dict was rendered. This is fatal. ing me he loved me truly, etc., “that . •7—-____ - ... rVURLKTO«, • e ONKQOX • ’ el^tnc current, mav be sdjusted to IX R»; NHl l*O< M. my influence over hiru had always been . ‘hat your letters contained even more 11 Quinine fiS. O fwk » T (g Mair«, »S«v» ib» P^tnRl »• <.!«)< EIUES, The next exception likewise presellt refining and ennobling." “* _ “ ■VPIUtMK CW HT OF F.MMOIUI, no error on the part of the learned In March, 1881, I wrote him. in so KI Klim a WALK EK. Count/ <>i Venice. trial Justice. He im said tu have greet many words, that I loved him. 1 i • . • , t any coal or wood stove now ia use. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, i. . , i rd one Balthazar with the expression. should have Mud it long before, only mv totters an admission which I use Smux » In Error, i» k •? n, °f •!*» Il A R I) W A “Give me vour hand, come you from from the way the letters were written, l«alv regret, «nd wuuid need the «-«md I veriui rexetsroM. ueeuu.v •ight tu fathom. If I ever did yon » 5 ’ * ‘ ou,ldl “ d Olympia to ba dL j ol great an injury az to call for xsch elaL- ''*ded. >“»*>,four «I“*1, P-«« b, tha ... AMD » •«• vvetvs • a asu.s> foot, ' or “give me a cigar, or “give us wanted him to be jierfectly sure he orate repavment, I confexz mv rr.emorv Ataencan Meteorological -8ocie4y. vho OM'IBIOM IN AFFKAU «tatai«h a »eparate etand- I n F ramk D i ffy a affxal cared mure for rue than for any other give« me no clue to the fact ' If it wm> P™!** EliMJ»T llAMVIta, Cuunarl fur A J'I *e a rest.’’ TVMTIN A HAILEY. Onlv to gratify vour vanity, you have, n,“e for ,The <»»» 49 Private DalzeL 783, lady, else, of couise I did nut wish his lanL ATTORNEYS AT LAW, — -------------------- -- - ; though ' ’ L it seems j Gme totween each division and tho I it was held to lx* an irregularity on the love. of course, succeeded ArToXMKV G q ».RAL opposed. «•• «wlMtaa* titaa Glassware, Boots anti Shoe», to have <7e‘ one ’roul<1 •* «Mrtly 'parted the Justice to squirt tol I* -ntlis I have no loro th - - -;-M better have been i «.‘fl* north and smith, HATS and CAI’S, ! en that th« witursr/s eye was a glass fa for the SI iv U m k Fluiutnf in Error. J 11 HEED, ■urge in the Law e»ch hftmn degrees wide, ui eat* ei. JrSxUl IVotlOllB, EtO Ast- , , urae, niy last latter, , ’-’n the 4th of May the L nited Stats» V *i»d ia lb" *«sf»nit.n that it in m » doing, h«» nhod, the solid rnninc of justice. The er-, Sa < » Vw <»vrr I'.anr O hbgoniaw pient explanation, a moot successful enterprise. The cere always. Life kvnu oth« v Suet mi . int ri hl spilled or cauaed to tlow any of Anto­ . ror was thia: "ssary, if you care »re said to l>e narrow and short, carry- Portia, a WOMAN, who appear«^! ve leasure never babui Perh' » it B mir nio's Lhtaxl, he waa liable; an«l that he i PIIYNlC IANS D** *» Opîl. And other l’r-ulucr tak«*a In exchange at must take neither mure nor icaa than in male disguiKe, (in contra mention of oe th il Jt and now I pre- mg from 14 to 2>) passengers each, and of pein aud sorrow. | for n the High vai Mat het laica. •r lady friends, I can be propelled easily al an average l the statute in such case made and pr»*- Kt h ■ done to other people sume t a pound;and !•« E If 111 YING, i a d dr and know that you speed of twenty miles an hour. Tha i my pathway all the must H M.n tliAt» by exacting the forfeit, vided.) was allownl to practice lirforo • ha-e reilevi PHYSICIAN ANO SURGEON and ambiguously cars are propelled by a dvnamo-electrio r tn it. For snr eel will plaintiff* (nn alien) was guilty of om thr Court as Counselor st law, and I suid.gb*-b.lt tùig. re», i> e««s». <>f Wnmee aud Cls'Mi«» a P|w*Uily ative, or f i never occasion machine, which receives electricity soiracy against thu life of a citixen of iflrfrnded the defendant Antonio. ire» or it i pleasure. . through the track and a suspended This was an error which cannot lx» ant frietii.'a \ 4»nice, hence that his property should! (»fFv « and Rraulcio •* ihri <’»ty Drug Mas«' rii ng my n<>n ”« -Meetjng cable, from an electric generator, one Had the in n J" pt; W QI", lie coutiscat»««!, one half to go to the too deeply drpricated Su»m, r*M»m So. 4. brick building. 5 ■ aindly, I ot reiterating , end of t;ie ijne^ each generator j Court permitted an indicted Police no IF GOW. State, the other half to plaintiff. LOOIÍ ! ... t » qui aited f< W C M< KAY, M I» Judgement to this efleut, as recorded • I Commisaioner to dump a scow load of I why yrei she Iftld ef (the City’s refuse in thr Court Ro«-»in wat . It is now upon appeal. ■tei or PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON The Bill of Exceptions will l»e con as an exhibit or he allowed an ainend- hea - mein 1 old noux euphuistic, ; Bt r*nib. tb K, m. . rKNDl KT»‘N. ORKGON I mrnt uf the Bond surd on, permitting life. sideied in such detail a< necessary v<- has slipped from tion of extensive i-.tou tieiu« ■ * i past twon.ontna cas tieen a living tieaui. thereby Antonio to have taken two ExvKrriu.xa lsL That Lis client | It has a 6l' inch disk ano .. W. w WIHH'OMII, M. I). I have lived a« well as I kuew how a my pell), I bid you good-by. |x»unds of Shy lock’s Kosher meat was not represented by counsel. PT*« H elen G rat . i an,i ¡a caps bis of disehsigirtb"«.,'! 1^’*^ true, purr life; so it is, an it shall be in Had hr adjourned thr Court for We do nut consider this exception PHYSICIAN AND SURÛEON It becomes clear that Miss Grav did of watai per minute. It M is dnvrn driven ! I'jr y a»11 taken. It dors not appear from drinks or played muggins on the thought, won! and deed. May the rsani rro.w, orkmom not take her own life because of her ' « * v horizontal engine ----- '------ of * ’ 1-6 ->• *- horee-powvr. ----- ----------- the liecord that B|M»llant was injured Bench or hud hr taken a year’s va Ixird God of heaven aud earth forgive AH «all» pf«»iA|HtV aM«mA*’l «•». >l*v w ftifM by the want of counsel. Judging from cation continuing to »haw his salary tne, if He will; in tile name of the deep and undying devotion to the for­ and works against a lift of fifteen foab An important expedition baa h«e a the usual experience of alienta, we an in the meantime anv or all of these Father and of the Son and of the Holy mer object of her affections, but because K r KAGAN. M I» inf the opinion that he wa« positively acts might have been excused as the Ghost I ask it. As for man, let him her high, true, confiding, sympathizing, dispatched from Milan to Tripoli, foe j and very sensitive nature was stung to commercial axploration in Africa, th» i Iw nctiti'd thereby. The client or liti- simple exercise uf a sound or unsound i ivmeniber with what judgment he The ■hierwign M her leg 1« pen rd a PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON judges it shall l>e judged to him again. the very depths by the consciousness principal object« of which will be th» judicial discretion. ’ gant usually has a better chance to ob ­ »•■TUR. osaeo» But to allow a W oman to plead in I cannot frame my sentences as I that she had been tritied with, and the exploration of the Gulf of Bomb». Th» tain justice, if hr avoids contact with l'enne rm Ma'« - couwwl than otherwise. He won't sell court waa certainly rough on poor Shy­ would, uor, I atn afraid, can I place confidence of her inmost lieart aud soul ports of Tobrcnt and Deroa, naar th» himself out. A oounsrl sometimes will lock. W«rr this dangerous precedent them relevantly. I must write them 1 betrayed. The wound was too deep to Egyptian frontier, will also be thor­ OK J W. HALL No. IO? Norlb Flral Bt«» Besides an astoppel by waiver inter allowed to stand, what, we a>k, would as they cuuic to me. His letters are heal, and added to a nervous tension oughly examined, after which an at­ PHYSICIAN ANO SURGEON resulting from poor health, she could tempt will be made to penetrate into ¡Mises herein. The appellant proceeded I m * thr length, breadth and thickness in my trunk, also imperfect copica of ■•«»■« B'B./W .W ■». ram>i.«n>N, ossuns to trial without counsel. Hr thus of a trial with fetnato counarl ou each ' 'Spine to him. He lias tliu real ones, not recover from the blow, and although the interior of the oasis of Jazebud. • 'rrtrw At ih» X til art NtMiaa All ml'» promptly st iwtMiuirsi »rrx.wnox ar saved a fee. It is true he lost his case. bidet Infinity. That w*ould l>e about which I wish he would be so kind as to her reason was not dethrontd, hernerv with a view of opening up eommordsl t«n4«s tat *mv Of hlghl NflbiMF "•• I* lha t»*l tl>ai Ibay an piv|eHant fiawnbroker, was prejudiced in this they will not conic. From a foreign journal we learn th» MAKE ABVANi EH copy of my last letter to him. which i sequences ensued. wise an attack upon a lone woman is i have complained had the verdict been , J. A. STROWBRIDGE, Royal Medal« of the London Geograph­ -------- —a » ♦ ■ ..... . Thrrenn nt r«a»on«bb* rMr» IlNving hsd in his favorf We venture tu sav, not. ■ often made. But the courts must pro- will perhaps explain as well a» tuore ical Society have been awarded aa fol­ Direct Importer and Dealer In lonu axpi’rlHtica iti w«w»| growing. nu<| The goat, says the Boston Transcript, lows: The Founder’a Medal to Major i tret a loan man. Portia should have words can. Mr. and Mrs. R. H Can­ much. H im waiver was fatal. our lntvr«’«ta Ix’ing counuon «ilh b««wi arrosted for assuming a male dis­ field, Mrs. Payne, Stella Newman, anti is a native of the vacant lots al«ut Berpa Pinto "for hi« remarkable jour­ 1 \V iski Sowers, 392. th«»«r of tha.Htalr At large, und guise. Women should never be allow- inv own dear brother, know enough of cities, and there are lots of them. The ney acre»* Africa, from Benueat to Na­ 9 Uointiz, jNNrticularly Kulrrn Ore­ gon, we feel that wo The first exception is therefore over <‘d to wear the breeches, (exception the letterst-o attest the truth of what goat is omnivorous He will goat any-1 tal". during which he explored ntariy No 18V Front Street, Portland, Or. cau give •aliafac- Doctori* Maria* Walkera*) Women I say, also his cousin, Mrs. Winship, tiling that ho see.*, and will seise any­ .500 miles of new country, defined th» rule» I. The n>r to un n( our uflico, 107 Not th First St rev', AV ATKINS.-------- , 1881. I the moat famous. Goats are fond of on the fourth coast of Franz Jasef All concur, except. Hilton J. who I Via *1 ilia anally. «nrra«ai lima, and norreaUKl Mv Dear M—— : Tha only under the outskirts of large cities; also of Land during la»t summer aa well a» for dissents. Conkling, J, absent at argu­ JACOB FRAZIER, from office. aami weak y ftoiu iha Mnd OIU< » al I .a Granda Will aavnrr claim« for partiaa "nB nf Idt-id Srrlp nn abort n.ilicc and al “Qui facit per aliuui quoad ho»* nil nisi lowwat markat rataa. Will huv and toll Mad, Clalma WA1.1.A WALLA prills.’’ Or, in other words, some I Here is an excellent recipe for male last for as true a friend as you are to The goat is one of the signs of the ment of Stanly Matthew, to the Su­ Uuv Fropariy. Kt« . on rraaonahla rnmniwion. Hie I’laut and R«cofda ahuva rafarrad In ara ilia nnlv ¡things Iwing ton previous and fresh! ing an infidel: Train up a child to ¡them; and, as yon haie told nie that zodiac, signifying that, he lias the pro premo Court Bench, and of Robertaon anaa ol ilia kind in I'miUrtt county, and arttlara j peusity t-o knock things sky-high. He as Collector of New York, are simply must be allied with salt. look upon Sunday as a day of frigid only for your father’s opinion, of all tava lima and a trip m U Granda by nomiag to ua M a have aptw ial faciiliiM fur laoaling naw «Mnara(m31 The avertment in th® third ex cep-1 austerity, force it to listen upon that ’ the people in Watkins, you should never gets high himself—that is to say. the partial fulfillment of bargain« tuad» J ion as to the tender of six thousand day to three rermons of a dry and un­ greatly eoncern yourself, it is a puxzle ■ he never gets over the l>aa a. Shaks- ' by Gaufield last 1 all to get large sum» | «ali At a Philadelphia theatre, a few will release me from a promise which I was certainly correct in refusing to, 'deposit the fund in the Judge’• hand nights ago, them wnsapie-oating match gave honestly and truly, but for which rosy have read ahout. For many years The astonishing part ia that ha didn't j to hold “pendente life. Who would; lietween eleven young men for a silver the wildest imaginings, on my part, the goat wag the only butter known. charge #60,000.—Boston Post. have held th® Judge! In the celebra­ watch, and *ma of the papers devoted could not make me believe that you Goats love to get on a high rock and Now th st the New Testament ia re- Of avary nori and daanripilon, at Dadrork Ogura«. mors space to the performance than ever cared 1—sinoe you cannot doubt •nn themselves. Give them a chanoe, ted case of Uaving aac tirad th* »arvira* of an ax pari a Read vised, perhaps it would not be out of workman from S mi I rantiM-n, I l>*vt to COWJOOM vs On.TX A HOARD'S. I they generally do t-o a Bhakesperian but that all the faith which I had in and they will always seek a sunny offer al tbn Wall» W»i|a Rakerr stare 14 Swt£T R ixger of M icbfoan , 7 representation. And yet there are my friend has forever ‘ gone glimmer­ climb. The god 1 Pan was a sort of a piece to revise some of our w cid am nori of ganda lu my lin» of boaluawt do not pan out preachers who select their text thtal g th® principle was distinctly declared t ............. writers who do declare that ths stage is ing through the dreams of things ihut hslf-goet AU goats Gir» me v