(L be (fast (Oregonian under which the people can exist «e prece la ripeta Buy. near Otyapta. Is a native bn secured la tbe remalty; and be it Nether bed ef oyutere af abaul m«bty ace« la na- 8OMMERVILLE Xra\W. Tkat ’ha '.ata rold bl.'Oded at­ tsnt, and duriag ita pani torna vinta« JGNK IT. IWt tack nt the English military agsiau aa uw- ■bara bava bea« stoppe« therefrwni te Furi- FRIDAY & RALEY •rreevl am! p«e. efrit pupulalioa only lately land sud San Faanciaao »0,000 onsk» aj ■0 U X1AREBY rraur ■ MSI Ab TMKATX relieved from sterrata« by ths outside toe poua.ls ench. Two yenn ago a cnaapany *T TM---- T real« all t^naete a»l B y »»al Itetam world, is »« idanre lh«t la Iralaad there ia waa oygaaised at New Tsnuas, wbo balli a Th,' railroad magnate«, after two dare more fenxiuaa sad brutal lyraaay practicad bosi and treasplaatvd osar kw bustaia of BRICK' SI |io» ava with the noble red man. at than that which called foe tbe interroailao »valere in Gl« batbor. about all aita frvm »BALIM IN bated a treaty with them whereby the of other ustiona between I'brietlana and town Tbe oystas bave praaparad, are Turks, and that under toe sir.-uiwatsweva growmg rapid«. and lesi seaaua coai- railroad takes one hundred feet wide we deern It toe duty of all Irisha*«» in the ■bencnd breediag by toa ■III kmia »here I he mad runs through the newer coaatry to accept tta lato aetata of the Aci'inant ImM tiuaday while a man valion, the Indiana reserving all tim aiiiiiary military in m Ireland ireiaou so aa a «rei drclaratom «.*' ow y e staffln, $2 50 per acre. The treaty provide» of Kngland natii su.h lime ss she with «landing near ia tbe ankle eevenag two ST-1 terieu. IH Malley happened to be there sad «tarn patty. for establishing of their dejuMs, one draws ber troupe (rum Ireland. took ip tta arterlna sad saved the horeas Patrnt mr «Helara A.W.IY.Ì. Tini th» pnwsut parere» resi» at Pendleton and one ten miles above life. 11 was a narrow secape far Maur AadPrrfu tanca and dcuriainati« lo pay ><• reni ia PendieUm and one at the mouth of CalUaa and Eaglaton — W. InJepaixIsat. ita oaly pnlicy te be adopted by th» peopk» Meacham creek. There can be but little ia Ireland at thè presaci lima, bel that we The Spetngflsld «Maae.) Republican says doubt in our mind that if that treaty »troagly urge up.w tba Iri*h National Kie- tost ton Garfleld Unbbell letter "adds aa-1 is ratified by the government, that it cutiv» t'muasittse. ia Ibis rewntry. Ita ocher to tbe laatanaaa of Garltad'a Inca pec will open up a way whereby the city neeeasity al adopUng imreediately war- Iiy of moral insight." (*onimeoUng aa of Pendleton can be extended as far like niessures agamsl ths Eegiish («vene tboen nerds lo toe B-wtoa l\wl well ro­ Fancy 4k Teilet finnti« meat and Itisi il ia Ita opinino o( ibi* land wsrks ** ll wu "incapacity of m *sl m south from its present limit« to where HALBERT E. I’AIN^ lesgiie tbat th» mani sffectual meacity ni maral Inalghl’«ben WINES AND LIQUORS; (Laie CMnieiaaivteKr e< Fa »«rato, I Fwrv t jsiBBfW and to pian sn uressiaa <4 Kuglsnd he voted lor thè salare greb; il was incA i. F. SBAFvea itevei B !*»• MVBirAL ■ AILROAD MKS-TIXU. pncily ol morsi inseghi' whan bs acce pici ■to«l«el teMte«« Dr J B Stewart is suing at Shelbyvtll», •«MX> taa K it apaaklug lo lh*a* Sliepheni lo I I The citizens of IVndletou met in the &s*IM|M « b 4 lad., fer a divorare frwai hie wife, oa the ' behalt ot a palaut p*»»«n»nt, il waa inca Lamy Bst«re«, court house on tbe 15th day of June, ground of encl and inhuman trretmeut. I ■•telNlBg«. I pacity of maral insighl' » ben he falled lo PAI.NK, GKAFION A I-M»n. Pleitor« tram««. lr*ei. at R o clock r u. S. Rothchild Having a large pracliifl he is frequently tali tbe trulli about illesa iranaastioos Attonn*ys-al-Law A Solicitors Ktr., Etc. was choaen chairman, and J. A Guyer called aut at Bight. Hie wila. beiug jeal- Wall, we don t care particalarlv whaluaui« of Amoru-sa sad Fsrwiga rsleats. >1—llpttem «areNBjr *««i|*«««««*4 an * C ' recretarv Mr. Rothchild then ____ ___ nouured that the meeting had Inwu from home were prof^lonal. met d.m*n.tal , certsisly bete lu *re break mg sul ebreo Paadlaton « • Oragon Fraetk.'* Ital«»t tea to all na ft« '• iB* r»i*ai | - . hb*m» that I be — »bovili «tmw slay Im la of wsimlnW-a nights. Ilan He oval said a»J lite a«4Vtereo t eerto •< «Be I cr '.led for the purpose of getting tlie I bat hie patients would sot stand neglect ! tcnlly in a Presidenl beu»ver he had a night rail, thus com «ducati.» «bona tbal tbs l'nited States, with a populalioa ol Ml.iV.frX*. bea 9.425, palling him lo remain and doctor her eunuuct Mails Walla aud Peudletou. UDO m sebreKa ; Austria, with a populalkui R estai ravt Mr. Parker, of the W. W. States awalkiwnd a deadly drag iu thia way lot JL.lto.OlX». haa 2.140.000. England with Mail Siro«, Boat doot Iv r»»ol (Xe«. u ij,6uo,oou. hai t 500.1XW, Ireland, wito a Alaev« *• head favor of a rvwid between the point-« Owlrwllj l*OT*«t«4 Iter ■ ■•1a«*M Wm belli aa interestmg meatting Usi Suaday ^.puiauon „( s.tll AHI.lisa t.oni.OW, Italy named- Mr S. \ Knox of V v«iou aflaraoon ^.^^0 The mu tee ». ou q the picnic witL a popnlaiUa of 2« .901.000» bw i.'XM\ The corn comunità» Ih» picnic «ito a popolala« o( 98.flOI.OOlX bea l.-XIO, •pole briefly in favor of the railreati r re portai »l.* -• — of * all «xpansne ----------- — and *a I ,w. _ j * cl»ar with a papa I alien of — 34 Sauro. extending beyond aii l through M eslou. more m<>o«y lo com« iu yet. ’• A cvmreitts» 2,100.000 Prussia, with « pop«Ialio» but was passive relative to the th al «il appuinlsd lo invile al) Inshmen to Juin uf 3j.730.OOO. ha* 4,007.700; Hueala, with a destination of tbe road, whether Pen­ Ih» league aud aid to give freciom to tbeir papulatiuu of 78,300,000. haa l 213(100. aud native land. A new set of reaolutioos w.r» SpaiB „¡u, , p..palati«i uf 10,000.000, haa dleton or M>tae other point. Mr. L. pro[>u»e . ( BÌTCRVILLK. tn bay ay Let no <>o« think that we wouldUispoMCA« «errs in grain; acre« more p)«>w«tl. Raley also spoke in favor of the road, tbe Intlisns of tbeir h«>mes. Like even IT"*! dwellmg bouse an-.■»• ssd sus ,le>W1,« „, »dflrreoi dim«!« for I.Eflrt Iban flan Fraanam Mr. Parker said that his only object teaance. Hut we believe that equality ot ouatcouulof her health. Apply to at« «>n retail prices Ctaing mil sale I- A. O vxbtun . was t« aramiMa. tn make room tor niy He licepi the luergret Morie Im CLr.mic dau »re of the ¡uaudim send men - l,oeLtf] people »anted the road or rot Mr. this Creremty. lality that provides f»r lb« Indian aalhoagli Blum then said that the people were in be were a child, an ! treats with him after IMMENSE ST Ate*, a cnMrLrrt rrvK X uUhm»n. Onto is •. ’ « ... wantebn«a« about it. remarks decidedly in favor of the con­ let Im religion be what it may. St. \ in-‘ (j uoe I7tfl A. L ang A. Lena. . (June l*tf) struction of said road. K. E. Eastland rents Hospital ta roetlaad fumistas a M»TM E having been called upon spoke in favor home fur tbe stricken, sud such alluni ion Aleiander 4k Ce. of the road. lion. J. II. Lasater was sud cars sa eso be given st as other place. John Klchardsun wants tta whole wartd called for and spoke in favor of short •yen in a comfortable, home. 8t. Marys v> knew that be is aow running the aa) own MAIN STREET. - routes and quick communications from H i «pilai st Astoria la aleo doing invaluable formerly nccul by A. I.siii Ever brought to 1'aa.llston, __ _ son ires, as twenty six patieuts sic uuw re Court __________ street. He promises «n I his I bteuor tn .. a ' set Un all points in Eastern Oregon and Wash­ , ceivug tre Bonghi la dan Francise» lor Bp ffk«» the I best llaiurxrB liquors wrirnma wines A cigars. To a? meet a at a al that * placa. OREGON PENDLETON, ; know all about it call and riamine Re- cask an.l soil ington to the east, north and northwest. Ä — member tlie City Brewery, ftirmerly kept P rolific F i « r . — T wo years ago Mr ky F [June I7tf) J. besjiain. called upon, spoke in favor BEDROCK païen of railroads generally and especiaJly to WiUinsoo of San Beroardmo placed sit i - — Pendletou, but did not think the people «rP in . p-*l. am! eutaequeutly placed Mallee lo Town Tux Pnyera. Dealer« la — , , ... 1 ’ aoiu « of their iocreaM ia Another pond, Tbe tax mil of the town nf Psndletan. would «nbeenbe very liberally toward ,BUr well ,tutked 1*1. ba* been placed in mv hands (or col- building the road on account of the »¡th toes« delicious food fiab. It would Inchon snd must ba paid bet. ra the ad ap*?tf I present obligations to tbe 0. R. lt STATIONERY PATENTS. Millinery KANCH FOR SALE! Dressmaker. and OBIBNT1L BOTEL LEAD OR IRON WATER PIPE BATH TI IW, BRASS (XM’KS, STEAM FITTING GOODS. STEAM BAt'KINtl, STEAM ITMl’S, I NJ KOTO KM, OIL Gil’S, Ll’BRI- GATORS, OK ANYTHING IN THE STEAM OK WATEU LINK, SEND TO JOIirtf BARRETT, 43 First «troet, PORTLAND, ORECON, P. O. Box OS8 Tratlc kupphed at the luwrat jobbing rat«a t'MATII.I.A AltVKIirinKMKM'i. 6. W. Webb & S cb , nein mtrr, PENDLETON, OR. A.%B Kasson Smith's, T1IELAST CHANCE WOOL GROWERS ATTENTION. We tlciiire to cull th,* ultrntinn of the Wool Growers of this county to our unexcelled facil- iticn for nelling Wool Ln tho Portland or Sun Francisco mar- ketii. Liberal advnncenienla will I«; inude on Wool, Coin- intnsion charged fur selling is Wool forwarded al 5 Octa. per loti. We have a large aloek of Itti dm*« Leaf Tobacco, Sulphur, Block Salt, Wool Sack«, H<*ec«j All of A large stock of hardwar»» ntt.l Twine, Shear«, Etc, which wo offer nt bottoni price». cutlery constantly kepi on All order« or btininenu of Wool Grower» will receive prompt -------llSIltl------- uttriilion as in punt years. John R. FOSTER & Co. CK I'inatilla, Or., Jun. 14, 1880. jaaHml FURNITURE LIVERY .k FEED STABLE, .ft Ntandllrld, proprie But. Ateiu4er& Frazier CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS MATS, ETC Cenciai Merchandise. BRANCH .STORM J. H. KOONTZ, GENERALMERCHAIDISESTORE NOVELTIES io DRESS SOODS [Penland Or*u««.«n J Levi Carr, who resides about 14 miles flanday after noon a large and enthusiastic I above Lewiston, was brought down tn Day- meeting of tbe Irish Laud League wu held j too oo Tuesday, by Th«. aadChaa Flowers, at Red Mso • bail. for the purpose of having hie arm. which The cdlnmittee oa picnic reported pro- ' was dislocated about three weeks since by greu and receipts Itaretrum. «449 80, with a fall from a horse, operated upon. Dr. more to comt. Pletrzyckl attended to his case sod ba is Rousing speechea were made by R. D. We bare added lxryely to anr Stock of doing welt________ Pitt, B. U Ilara, WUliasa Sheehy and F. | Maloney. 1 A Startsut Caaxoc— Thsiuuasfeandlea EBbraUerlrs. Laee« s ms Ete. 1 he glee club sang tbe opening and clod- in tta army is virtually abolished, and lamps Ladies' Llaen and Alpaca Tlatan. ingude. Mrs. B D. Pitt ung a solo called take their place iu all buildings They are Nobby Styles of ■ Harney, Come Back to Old Erin, ’ which already in place at the Vancouver barracks, was loudly applauded. and a supply of 1000 gallon* of oil on hand. MEN’S AND BOYS' CLOTIUNG1 1 he following resolution wu presented Tbe change Is as agreeable as sensible, I At Lower Prices Than Ever. for adoption u a subject of debate by R. D., Tbe greatest conundrum of tbs times is Seautia« in Ladies* and Mimes' Pitt, which on motion wm adopted: ’ bow a man who i> not worth acest.but wbo Wnr.sto the land bill introduced by KI0SH0E8 obtains a Government eitustino of gfl.OOu . SANDALS, the British GovernuMct aud now under A Completa Lias of a year can, inside of two year* from hi* ' diacuutoo iu the English parliament utter- ( appointment, honestly contribute «25,000 Jr fulls to rtdreu the gneiauces of the MEN S k BOYS' BOOTS tarmerà tn tbe yoke of | Ft-V MSo Fstrit.—Now Weeton Leader ^nv^^nd'ihL’t'ita^d'tkKÜiM'rä’-l. «'»•»• your oplnioo of the Undo. Pre« tratad by But fti»b truel! i. «L. only .me. *bvU‘,b* !,‘b!e »'•« »*«• «•ftdfeton, OP«gon. IOVELTIES in HOSIERY, B II , SLIPPERS AND CARPETS AT LEHMAN BLUM, HMTM.Il AliVKKI IflKMKN Ifl Heppner, tnialllla Co, Or. J. P. ©ÜÄMEE, PÂOF'TÎ The tobte «iM al«sys ft* furftiehM wlift »tat lanfB Ute Uiarkst oBsiBs INTEKKflT CHAKGEI» ON AI.L COL NTS AFIXIt M DAYS J.attf BENTLY & HAWN, THE 81UE MOUNTAIN MN MILL. He U m al«o <4>ened a FAVORITE RAW a«d D m ^ b UB. With plvoty of ■ WM. VOSS B m np«D«d a F rtt Cla«B BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTICE. Ueppncr, bo CROCKKRY A Oregon. - pro esn|*4iM>, MoileBr cBlturw, butu»«t*w4a, »I«. Patronage Solicited. 9t.4I.LOHT, J<4»lleo of Ih» l owcu LUKE’S (X every Peerrlptiea. Rot GR nr PR KAM Eh, aa 4 tier rd SHINGLES, LATHS. PICKETS. PALACE SALOON. Hala airee«, war Mew Drug Miere, Finest Wines and Liipiorw, Ala, Beer, Cigars and mixetl drinks to suit tastes. Cocktails early and all kuul» of lead drinks after 10 o'clock. Thn very place to drop in and tain a «piirt drink.------------- L. KUYKENDALL A J b IU iii M HATS AND CAPS, • ------ 1 au wow— ■ enarenan n> usas wi.i arrtoua mower I ly I slandoefrt.enl lAi>'lofl r stasar................ WanuixoTou, p. c. , no saddle or collar marks, branded small aapltal ■ an left obnulder. smooth •lied in freut. I will pay «10 each (or tbe return of *ald borse« to ana st Pilot Buck. Dux 8. «rgwagti ALRIAXDE* à FRAZTBR (May 74 3t. J Etc., Etc. Law and Collection Office,