SATURDAY FEB. 19. J.H.YlfcKER. L. B.COX. rCBLISHED BT TURNERJb COX. 3 JOt OOK:, aCS.JL-Ct. TERXS IN ADVAXCE Osrs Year f3. Oar AtsestBteat. ProsaWy so Stole or so county ef any Bute caa bout of sara a complete botch at "Waa. RatMll ass aaaJe in hit as&ess&aeat of TJaaiUla county. The idea of htrisg to piy a man for not only sot doing any thing worthy ef rcsaBseraUoa, bat for getting saltan to bepeleetly entangled a not to rtersaK of say solation, would be too ridica. Iraa If k w-re sot a matter of each itapor. taaca. We Tcatare to uy then U not an Indian en the Beserratioa or a Chinaman in any ef oar wah bosses who could boj hare cot Maan-blisdH drunk on forty-rod whlskr, put hi head Into a grainy tack, and Bade a better assassmcst of Umatilla cesaty than oar late assessor as dose. If be had sat aspiaely at home and left hit irerk estirely sndene it vroald hare been far prefcrablr, for It could then hare bees performed by the Sheriff; bnt he bu got hk twinese into rach a cenditioa that co nun lirwg can cat the Gordisa knot. In Baaar instances he baa failed to take eat any isdefcte4nes in the aeons t of hk as. aecsaaent of indiridaalc, although directed so to do, eAener be hat added the whole thing together, iBdebtedses exemption and all, and in rery many cases, apparently, he has faDed to account for any exemption at all; while wa hare beard it claimed in nose eases that he changed the amount after tfeey tad been giren in. The Sheriff has trestle with almost every other Ban who cornea in to pay his taws about the asaesai and k in as interminable dkpete aot persesaL sowcrer. Wc wonld not ac esse Mr. Bussell with baring been in a chronic atate of inebriety, for we hare so knowledge that he indulges in intoxicating lienors, bet his workbooks very much like the work of such a man, and if he was not nk he was certainly utterly incompetent far the place he attempted to fill. If the cesnty was to nadertake to force payment ia all cases wbcrehe acacsssnent is disput ed, and will not be paid without legal pro csedinga, there would be sufficient litigation to ran a court the whole year through. Mr. WflKasa BbsmII's asteuaest is rather an expens-ire lnxsry. Hssceek Atotf. Now that the official count ef all the rotes cast at the kie election baa been Bade, it is ktdkpatably proven that Hancock has a majority orer Garfield of aore than 30. 008 relet. It had been proclaimed orer the CGBstrj that Garfield was some 3,000 ahead, bt a trifiisg mistake was Bade ia the vote ef Texas the banner State. The slander. e kapasatioB bad beea cast upon this Lose StirStaiethatit bad gone Deaocraic by J esly 86,000, while the official coast ahows I0it lieacethedifferesce. Of the while r&ie ef the United States Haacock has a pepabr majority ef 1,500,000. ami. Br wi .t j - . . F3IM THE CAPITAL I rx oca wrut CBaassiustui-j, D. C, Jan. 3, 18SL If th week from JasaarjrS2 to J as nary 28 abesM be Wetted eat ef the hkte-ry of Casgreas the pshlic basic ess wesld sot be grkTOtttly ( back. Ore day was given to the electoral reaorslioe, which was sot pass, ed, as4 another (yesterday) to a heated po Ikieal dkcssciea over a (mall claim. The appiopriatiea bilk made so pi agrees in the Hesse aad little ia the Sesate. In the con snktee ea ceamerce ef the Hoase aa agree, aaest waa reached to add $l,00,000 to the xJaWer ssd Harbor bill for expesditare oo Jfee Mkakftlpi Rirec There hare been cars est discsssioes is committee en the several Brepoaitieac to coast ract caeals or a ship railway from tse Atkstie to the Pa. .die, bet so report has bees made. The '.pmspeet of as agrecaseat between the two Houses on a fasdim; bill k better than a week ago. aad probably the bill, when pass. ' ed. will provide for long time bosda at 3g ' pereeat., aad saert time Treasury notea There k little hope bow ef passing aore than the appropriation bills, and the fund Sag bilL Mr. Cox k sanguine ef petting a Re-appertieaBeet bill Ihrengh, but that is becaase Mi. Cox k the most sanguine of legislators. The Republicans iBproveevery eppertanHy fur psKtical discussion, especi ally when there k a chance to allude to ''Rebel Brigadiers,'' asd to the civil war, aad resort to fitlibacteriBg asd aemi-reTolu. tJeBtry tacties whenever aay meassr -lUJMJ9eU WBICBH9C3 BOl CXHCliJ SOU Of. They are determined the Radicals sig them that the country shall be in a f tr ie est whea the sew admlsatration comes in. Thk k desired chiefly because of the teiaesce it will perhaps have ea Garfield. They wkb to start him ia the same Barrow rots ia which Grant sored so regularly and Jeto which they forced Hayes so speedily. Inconsiderate Democrats are aiding these enemies ef good government. There are, however, farther signs of a eSBiict within the Republican party itself, to spring from dkcatklkctioa at General Garfield's Cabinet selections. The rumors all pdwt to Ceskling. aa they have done ever niece Blaise waa samed forJSecretary ef State. So well confirmed are'thf latter sieries, that Garfield's Wafthtsgtoa friends are aaM te hare advised him to come hire as eoaa aa the Presidential rote is declared, asd oeecslt personally wkh Congresses ea frem sll.sectioes. These ia charge of prenaratioss for the Yorktewn eelebration in October next are ramped for means. The programme, so far aa It k assosBced, does sot promise mch a celebraakm as the great event to be com mein orated deserve. The project was set started soea eneegh, nor has the gov. cramest been as libera as ft s-beald hare bees. Then will, however, sedoabtedly he aa iBmense sembtr ef rkitors from the rrigiaal thirtees Slates especially, and VI r. .b;3 promises toprcwicr fc?rn, POPDLiS SCIENCE SOXES. The Cosmograph is a new invention by M. Rlvier, of Marelllea, France, for pop ularittac astroncmical knowledge. The inttrument is mounted upon a monument from ten to filteen feet high in some pub lic place, and consists of a vertical circle, the plane of the meridian; a rod, directed toward the polar star, showing the position of the earth's axis; a circle placed at right angles to the first. Indicating the plane of the equator, etc, etc Useful astronomic' facts and data are engrarcd on the pedestal and inscriptions in relief show the names of the various portions of the instrument from which much can bo learned by all who may give it their attention. Several of these instruments bare already been erected in the towns and cities of France. Some of the Scientific Phyticiaas ofths land bare of late produced wonderful re sults in their experiments in artificial re spirations. Pror. Fort, of Paris, recently restored to life a child three years old by practicing artificial respiration on it some fonr hours, commencing three hours and a half after death. Dr. Fooraol, of BuQoa court, is reported haring reanimated a nearly drowned person after four hours of artificial respiration . The person had been in the water tea minctea, the doctor being called one boar after asphyxia. Numerous other cases similar to those hare bees re ported, proving the sew theory to be a practical one, beyond question. The various urban sanitary authorities of England and Wales hare expanded no leas an amount than 75,000,009 during the last fire years, in works of a asnitary nature, and judging from the steadily decreasing death rate of the period, it is implied that the large sum hasbes judiciously paid out. The example k one that might well be fol. lowed, and that with profit is many locali ties of this country. It has recently bees fully ssd satlsfsc torily demonstrated that fire and waUr-proef houses can ba built oat of cotton and atraw. I The eoiiMi em) I lh. rTn nr tt, I . . , . , . , ,1 tations and factories, and whea ground up , la about an equal amount of straw and as-' btttos. is converted into a nut and sab". I qcently into large slabs or bricks which ! bxome bard as stone. The article tth us made It pronounced the best of architect ural material and will be-cBck csed. Joseph Albert, the renowned Munich photographer, has invented a new process by which it is said he is enabled to pro. duce plctnres of persons and objects with the finest shades of their natural color. A remarkable bed of Kaolin covering ; an area of eighty acres and of considerable depth has been discorercd near Bremood Texaa. A factory for the manufacture of the article into porcetalne ware has beea cstablihed at Xew Orleans, and it is said it b turning out work fully equal to that made from imported kaotisc and will com. pare favorably with ware made is Earope and other foreign countries. The labortnry for the Johns Hopkiss zoological In re ligations, ettablkhed at Beauford, Xorth Carolina, some three years ago, has prored a most rueful one. Some especially valuable results ia the exami nation of Crustacea hare beea obtained. Four hundred and eight species of aaimaU " f . . .. . -. ... aavc oca loaoa in mas locality, wntcn arc pronounced excellent cecs for scle&tie study. A strange and rare phenomenon of as in verted rainbow was observed at Inns-brock on November 25th last. For some minutes the cad-points of the semicircle, centre of which was the ran, rose and moved west, ward with the latter, the remarkable spec taele then rankhisg. 2to satufactery the ory has aa yet beea given explanatory of the cause ot the phenomenon. Anew comet, a remarkably large ese, was discovered by Pennle, at Copeshages Deamark, on the lClh of December lat, Ia right ascension 18 boars, 49 miaBtes; north declination 10 degrees 35 minutes. Iti- motion is aortheast somethbag mere one degree daily asd can be sees with aa ordinary telescope quite plainly, bst will probably not be rklble to the asked eye. The manufacture of glass cloth k be comifig a profitable iadastry at FilUhsrg. Pa. The thread, which it made any de sired color with alnerak whea the glass k origin tlly melted, is drawn oat of a melted bar by means of rapidly revolving wheels at the rate of 2800 yards a minste. The weaving k doss about the same as with silk, on looms. The Almacantar, k i.jcw isreatlos for the determination j'time and Iatitsde. The instrument is ad to be scperier to the transit iastrumeat la caleabUlng the cor. rect time mi is much more simple in its cestrnctions and workings, combining as it does a tinxnd latitude in lira si eel la ose. The tslde fibre of the Cocoisat k being manafacturcd extensively for shoe heels asd kslsd to a most excellent substitute for Wthcr. In fact, its wearing qualities are Uaid to he superior to that of leather, aad much cheaper. PsMcfcer Share TJt Cat. (Tommy to John, the Butcher boy:) Patcher share dot cat. Harm not ron single hair. Mine head ras filled mit sad, Der grief I dont can bear, Do see mein hidden cat, His feet tied mit a rope, Mein eyes mit d hears tos ret. I feel like I rill choke. I had dot dhemaa cat More as a gonple of yean. Of course I feel me sad, Und reap mein self ait dheers; Bless, pntcher, drob dot knlte. Let loose dot kiddrn's feed, Dook not a greature's life, To make your sausage neat Yen pud a llddle poy, Dot cat ras cif to me, Of course I'll feel me joy Onf you ras led him free ; Vor ren mtla madder war dyela, Mein ace it ras yasl dhree, She called me by her side, Und give dot eat to me. She dholt me to feed him Dwo or dhree dimes each day, Or else be rat got slim. Und der rind blow him aray, Dhm, pntcher, sbare det cat, Harm not tos single balr, Cr I rill got me mad, So hoh b'm ouf yon dime. Sere sad Titer. ... . . ... . , . , , I The most of tho water mills are damaged irginia manufactured more tobacco last , . . , ,, year than any other atate. I m0Tt or ,e,, 71,6 m,n Jm r R- C- ... , , . . I zelton at Cottago Grove was carried away The Sheriff or Linn county has col ectcd:,mf,, .. nmm.i'. and paid orcrOOOSUto taxes. almost entirely. Mr. Drumboughs saw I mill was badly injured and be also lost The Goldendale GaittU of Y-h OA. sirs I . ' liar ic Uotaendale is scarce at a ton. and at The Dtllcs, $10 is the price. Genersl Joseph Lane Is suffering consid. erably from the effects of a gunshot wound received years ago during the Indian wars of this State. Of the 136,992 61 due from tax.parers of Jackiwn cofesty :SA53 Oi have tx-e'o col. IccteJ; last year at this time but 3,070 74 bad bees collected. It has just been discovered that it is wicked to allow a Mormon to sit in Con. grcaa. Still, however, there Is no talk of expelling RoscoeCoskllng. 5radjnf. Workmen digging a trench near the alms bouse in Philadelphia rn January 22 uu. earthed a pile of 60 coffins. Tbcy contain, ol the remains of victims of the cholera of 184S. Stock in Lane county are In such fxct). lest order sow that could survive a Ions continued season of rough weather and deep mow. There is littls chance for any lots this winter. On February 9th, 1SS1, at 12 o'clock M. the two Houses of congress went throncb the format procedure ol counting the electoral rote giving Garfield abd Ar thur 21 rotes. Uaacock and English 155. The Philadelphia Ameritan thinks if a man is ashamed of his business he ought to get cut of It Well, supposing hk business is to peg shoes in the peniten. Uary; what the blazes is he to do Ealon Pc$L The tallest trees In the world are in Aus- trails. A fallen tree in Gipptland measured ' 45 teel iron the root to the highest point of the branches. Another. Man Voz in the Dnndenong district In Victoria, is estimated ta be 450 feet from the ground to the t'ip. Howell E. Jackson, a solid Democrat, has beea elected Senator from Tesneatee and thus the Democrats will control the Senate let big David Davis and little Wil. bam Maltose rote as they will "well be gay and happy ttfiV The Chinese treaties bare been reported hack frcB the beoatc committee oo forel-n reliUOBs wth recommendation that thtr be ratified without aBendment It it said to contain a clause prohibitory of Chinese naturalization and nullifies all raturallza. tions a! read v accomnlithetL Bo Snipes and J. B. Hcntinrtoa sUrdTLPFcrcc- In Goldendale last Sundsy night, en route to The Dalles from their ranches in Yakima county. They report cattle ia a deplore condition, hundreds of then irrTn w , death. They say that anT number ot catj tie could be toe. h firflalcid. f Mr. Charles Roasell, the msn who swnr oa the trial of Thomas that be aaw Brum, field alive alter as was murdered by Thomas and found dead, pleaded guilty to the charge ef perjury before the district court Tuesday, and was sentenced ta a term of five years Imprisonment at hard labor in the peni tentiary. IT. TT. Sutra. A man by th name of "Buchanan near Fort Colville. W Tabot aad inttantly lull ed a Mr. Lock Fenwick. wounded a Mitt Mary King, fired at Major O'Xol and then shot himself through the heart with a re volver, falling dead. On the same day a toMier of the garrison ntmrd Dcsajoci committed suicide by shooting himself through the body with hk riie. Near CaayonTille, Douglas county, a twelve year old son of Mr. Glasgow had a narrow escape from death. He was out buntln: and was suddenly confronted by two panthers. The boy haring been taogbt ncrer to run from a bear, thought the rule would apply to panthers as well, and with troe spunk fired at one of the animals. The wosned and sow infuriated beait made a spriog t the boy, aad but for the help of a dor he would have been torn to pUces. The boy yelled for help but continual lofighta&d in dolag so broke hk gun over the animal's head Fortunately the dog succeeded in driving off the panther. Soon after a brother of the boy rrivrd aad the other panther was killed. SWjuttnL bnrosMXTiox Wurnnx Coroner Rob bias hss received a letter from Xapa, Cal., inclosing as article from the Kapa Dxifj Itifcrier, makisr. Inquiries of the wherea bouts of ose James Montgomery Parker, who has a brother, Chestley, bring in thst city sow. We are pen aided that the re mains which were found buried in the sand opposite tbkdtyoa the 16th of lat July were thote of th unfortunate mar and whoa, it was supposed, James Cook mur dered. The Tima in its brae of July 20th. contained a fall account of the disinter Best of the hose, and also finding ibreds of clothes aad Bemoraodum book. The BeaorasduB book contained aa O. S. X Co. ticket from Portland tq Columbus, W. T., dated Mar 14th, asd marked book Xo. 63, Ticket ho. SI Tne other leaves of the book were blasks of the Napa Valley Savings asd Leas Society, envelop stamped by the same society asd a blank check on the same. The date rsvrn in the Xapa Reporter k May lllh, 1S73. whea Mr, Par. ker sailed ea the steamer Orrfva from San Frasckce for Portland. Allowing three daya, (the ossa! time required by steamers between these two ports.) would make the 14th of May the the date of the Issuance of tse ticaet is rortlaad. Tnere were remains of a dirk co!, a plaid wrtnten shirt, a light colored pair ot Mats, aad ose Xn. 0 bearr saoe lossa sear ine uooes; aiso jock" or r . . a dark aubsra hair, a fire-sbooUng reToIrcr aad a large jack-knife. In digging np (be stcJetOB. two skillets asd aa old shovel were exhumed. The skull and bones were erldently these of a small maa. from all we can let is from thk silent evidence, w believe Mr. James M. Parker is the name of the mas, whose death lias been amystery for some aostbs past whose skeleton waa first brought to sight by the wares of the Columbia last July. Timet (DaUa). Cottage Cbote, 0e, i January 23, 1881. f r.Drro, i.U: It has beea some time tisce you hare had a communication direct from thk place. News of importance has been scare: hers up to the late high waters. Os the elerenth of this month the waters were nearly as high as they were erer ksowa bete, asd ob the 14th we had a second coeusg of high waters, but not so great as os the lllh. A great deal of damage has beea dose to railroads, public roads, bridges, fencing, and In the chang ing thecsaaselerthenrcrinoneor two placet also some stock has been lost. We bare BOt had a through train from Port Usdtlscslhe 12th Inst, consequently arc Bot adrlsed at to the amount of damage dose. W e expect s train to-morrow (Mon day). The damage dose in thk section ii small ceapared with what the country be low here hat tsSicrsd. The gee end health of the country here is good fisascially, times are close asd aucey scarce. Si see the ftood the weather has bees fine asd every one it busy repair Ing (lamtges Ud tettiBg mdj fOf plowing asdsesdlag. Osr towa aad cosstryU. till IsiBrorlsE fast. The wistcr so far bat I the flood we had had but rery Utile rain. I w logs, me mutt ot lue umigts are damaged to some extent and a great maoy hare been carried away. Tho waters are all lovr now and things are about as usual. We will say something more at some fa tare time. Cuirrcx. Ilrrrsxx, Ok, Feb. 7, 1631. Ed. E. O. Chsrles Deal came is today on horse-back with rery little mail, from Pendleton, but the first we hare had for several days. Among the other mail, hew. ever, was the East Okicoxiax, which seemed to satisfy to a certain extent the ravishing hunger for sews that has bees worrying our people here so long. We hare not had any mail from Portland in nearly three weeks and the last stage that came ia from below was last Thursday. There is considerable mall at the post office for Pes. dlylon which has been there for some time. The people here seem to be lost whea the mails do not corns regularly, as there are so Uo.any who do nothing daring the winter but tit around and read newspapers. The rdrirers report the roads below here as be. log in a terrible condition azd a great amount of work will hare to be done before anything like time can be made The late freshet seems to hare been general. Wm. WeldC a stock man from John Day rirer, csme in from bk ranch but week aad re ported that the rirer there was three fct higher than he had ever known before said be knew ol no damage baring been done except that considerable fencing bad been washed away. He reporta that the winter in that section had been a very mod. crate one, but rery little stock haring died. We are having rery p'casaut weather now. This morn lag the sky was clear whea the sua arose aad everything teemed so bright and pleasant It seemed as though spring had come in earnest erea the squlrrck were seen frisking about on the hillsides and some were heard to conjecture that the grasahoppes would be induced to pet in an The grass is growing rapidly and the old cows that have been bawling around, living on gunny-sacks and clothes lines for a couple of months, may now be eta Crazing peacefnlly on tact "all earth seemed to sm the hllk; in idile." Wm. Glim ore took his departure for Portlacd the other day on the hurricane deck ef a whit cayese accompanied by ' Robt. Curras. The rumor is that Will's business below was to take usto himself a Utter half. We caal rouch for the truth ef aald tumor. H IWn-to the wife ol Wm. WallbriJg of i Hepporr. a son, January 27. j Ber'a.T. P. Hsynes aad Sklpworth hare" been holdisg prstracUil meetings at the: Baptist Church, and we understand that their effort have not beea without success, aa sercral hare professed religion. One of our J. Ps we frar is going to the bad" Esquire. It wont do, won't do. Heppner k to hare a brass band sons. Wbo sild thtl "DcOr"' thought of get ting spliced ? Tours, Moxrroa. HEW TO-DAT If otic e of Final Settlemsnt. vroncE is nrxxsr cittjc thst the rx XS 4ml,tl jMaaMnur af tk buu mf 2hm I rj oow SW4 ku umtl r Cad arulnaral 1 ta abara aak4 catata. ta 11 Caast Cain mt t'eu&tta Ocatr. Su:. of CTra, a4 SaiT tlt I k ilfl AjrU. 1111. u IV Saar U ) e-cfark la tat Iwctmaa U aalS tj Sa ara mVj aU4 mn tar ta Vat1z mtmitafa U aui accocM ia tU wtUrawsl af aakt raute. DlTU E Dt'KJt. a; n ac, aujk, rtauu Notice of Final Settlement. Ia U Csaij Caen ef VauBU Cacat r. till at Oma. THK DfDEK51C?tDl HAVING FILED HIS mil. aemat la IS aSar i-a, cccrt a ACmtaavra lor of tk nuu U rurll VlArr. mmrrd, aotlr U fcrrST snra tLat Xaar. tl IJt if mt jrrU. 1UI, tt Imra mtort Sr aM Caart tmr lit Saa-tac of aa. yUom ia to ass a& la ac(Unaat tbmmt badas Krrni. Altf. JOEL H-ILXTTAH. rrUaarj 12, 1HL nSci SajltlWfilar Guardian's Sale. Br rnrrcr or as order or the cocxtt Caaxl af I'atatiBa Caaatr. Onraa, ra O llik 417 af rrtrcarr. 1H1. I atO. aa la lSik tT mt Xirti Mli toor mt 1 VVict liOfamiattt aakt dir. M tlw caan baoae doar la rreaXaa la aaM caaa IV, m-V at r'-ie aacxMa t ta tUfcm Uiatt, all at lb hctl. BU axl ilUrr tt Um bCal( ual Btaara. ta att. Jaaa Ban Kama. Irnan Bnt Smtt aa4 Waa. TV-ma Krrrr ta ami U Um T asl S la U K 1 ta tbe traa oflVa4Vla U CaulAiCMaiv, Orr. Tmas of aaia Os. thirl oA ta Staat. lb maala. irr taa untri af a 8nt taartr aa la rrraUars aa JH la do jmr nh Itinni at ta rxl of ta ptr rrtt r saaa atmt ta cilai la bm aaal at nwta af parcaaair. DAVID COrfXAV, i.Trrt s .111, Sojcdiaa aura Dal4 Tttnatj lllh. iML CsarSua of aaU elaont. W. J. LEEZER, ... BEAUX t . WOOD & COAL STOVES CUTLERY, bolts, SCREWS, HINGES. And all kinds of njiiiDjrjiRE. X croml aavxtmal ef Krpt ca aaa4 aad auSa Is orJer. icwra axd ox nrra fi-bmssed ' m baa. A cents raR rnixK bros, AcrtCaharal lnpUmrcla. .SaCaa a&4 exsatta toy oe ateek.Ct W.J LEEZER, iti Hrtr.r, ur. K0 TO THE J.W. COOLEYM an! a SrVlaf ataairanftS lallasa'sbIUia(OffH Us iit cca In Umatilla Landing ! Ur Oolj vu tonatfj Ue frrkUr 94 iruUl hoti I " ' ahi J6a.v;'l WESTON ACADEMY, WESTON, OR. Ece4 Una sUl btfla MOJfDAY, J AX. 31,1881. CLXiflCXU MrtUtc t4. Ultrt' nnm. Ikar. If la rmtu CunHtfi st law ma. Tat wrUca Urs p?l la nrr. e. tr. wnceiuv Ju" 1-rlsdp-J. WOOD! WOOD! TV D4rtl;lid U bow pirptnd U MpityUtpm- Nof PKX DL.KTOX lUt moot. XO vtitn kntKtMerUlttUv eOe f Trwr k Bufer ! rnMDMlr ul for aexl lslr a!MU srwl ta tatlr ardcrs u aa atrl tj. a. t. uixc. mirth I nit SOMMERVILLE & RALEY'S AT TSE XEW BRICK STORE! 0E4Ur.ES IX XJ Paiot oiU, DyestitiB, Glass putty, Patent medlciaes Anil Perfumer). -STATIONERY- Sclioel Beeks. Fancy 3c Toilet Geed?. WINES AND .LIQUORS: Sktt mule. Miiilol Waks. lamp m4 lamp Asfarrs. P1tlr frames. Etc, Etc. rrncrtsttt oxrUMj enrpoudei. Pendleton, - - Oregon. atWsTTsTaTy That J-irn yonnrl nnfttlnsrln ?,I,!:,f.WA',, " )Ou to send to MS II. HTOXK. -vyntcttmnhcr. Jrwclcr jtnd otl. clan. K.W. cor. Klnat anA tfoVri- rwie areni lor Ittc Dlaraouil Miacctacles. cclcltrattect Stolen! Ox the ins pat or srrevxtx. uto. it tse r a uat tar Smtw. aaaat XI taad lATV. aa mur ta SrrtaJ aa4 a ku a Va aa to a4 af kai aw araaaaC a it Kl Up aT.US4kr4a mtrU r I a h M aa atnal Sna ilvM. al3 cat aa tmt rrra tarav Vr- a als O aaSot at ta. lac naa4. Ta taSS i-aVa ana CL Van an a twraWr r4 mat aac waa ara aea a raal H aa ta ha af ta Vara VTtra u aan tm laai trartf trmm. am aa aa Lia aj u KrfrT IVm SaraarS aay lsWsutkW4teith nocrrrj- aft Sara ai4miccia'UllJ'U X. S. Brwn, TUDaSra : 18S1 WB I. mamt mi k a3 araSbwa. aal vtaa- h i.wij a-, 1 l iln s 1 a niK irft 1 im-.hi MattMimailvaiain. aw.M. I.i llMfti. JMMM a a kaM! a. at. rzur ce. , utnn, xtsk. Com mero lal LIVERY FEED & SALE STABLE. HENRY BOWMAN, Pr'pr. Main Street, Pcndlcfon, Orcges. erCir W. H. Jafarshall, Sacnaarr U Ifint.itT k. TaUem. Sbr-aWala 5lrrt efMrtls aft.. IVaalrtaa Hotel, mklctas, Orr(a. "T IfORT dM wflh iTtih atf at maaaaU run T I aa wars sairaatmL raa Eagle MarMe Wwb T. 0. rUSKtXA & r TATZXSOS. Ilarklns & Patcren, mOPIUETORS tWS bbVT "an nliBBeLvvaBB 1 Sa SSHMa LBBSBaaaf SaaaE Saa BBanBaBaTBB.t) aSa ffaaarSSSatBaT'"?BBBaaaaaaaBBBrJ5 " fJlNVT ACTURER of Marbt UaeamaU, H rad ii J. hod, Tabkla, tic Abo raraltara ltn. Oaa. tm, Wiih Start sabc. Vaatka, Mirror SbttTM, aai all kladi of nutU vera. ir 70a hb iBTlblax la oar I'd, a:H at, srti a dracnrilcacf abatjoa vast aai wa am mi jM barxalaioroaranrkaalertcMU caoaaa tram, AU onlrri r-rajiptlr tllei aai Jfo. as, SalMion 8tM btTTtn lit and 3nd. PR7I.AM, OR. ADVERTISEMENTS- CO Si CURE YOUR BACK ACHE. aa4 ttl Staeurt T tb XXttrn. BUUer sa4 Crteirr Orpics Sr vtarras Iaprtre! Excekiw KMsej Pa.. It U s XlXrEL tC BEJIUXC tad RXUXT. Simple, Sennlble, Direct Palnleac, Pverlul. ncrMn.-mmmtaimttiiC. a rtpv. atla a RvvslntlaB U il-Oaot. Xbmarp V4H. t lrm ijfllailM, - mm I In rnllrfK. Urj UuntiJ r&tim. fi Ur nr tmtiM ea KMr I nUa, i-mt ft. Salt j infpU, or teat tj m4 oa rrcrift of prx, 9S. rK- Wii 1 lasso ni rcir tC It 1 ;ukMtOtr JDetrelt, 3!ick. LEGAL. Kotice for Fnblicatien. Un Ottjcx at La Ccxtk. Oa .1 jit. U lffL VT0TICZ k farnVr tra tiM lb r3ies tarotd CuSarafia -rrrt af aU tUto, s4 tail nM rW wm b tmtA Vriara ti Camstj Jsg U rata lJU Caaatr. tt rvafirtaa. CesatHS Coaatr. '"caa. aa rrt Sm, 1HU ttx: ISA S STCBSU. KritxyW ViaTI!(BS;Ea-niaMii'Sfnea. K aaawa ta Uaatas Vksnan la tvr S t (aatsaaosa txiiUmt apes. 14 caJunOaa C aU UC vtz A. B 7ljW. tt. W BmCr. Hrrj flrrff, CMlsDsaa Uc aa af ITnGfU. CavoJU Caaaiv. Orrrm UtAiX BE5XT W DWWilT. t?Mr. Katies for Pablicatioa. S Ortxi at Li Cains. Oa..l M SlK. IUL I VCrriCE rs Emtj (!nt Oat la Unu 1 111 ft antkr bia IM aoun mC t! UtraCaa la ak( tail pmt la n;arl eC tt rij'o, it tbt s M rtWdSUtuUWIm Dmil k VLrtn raMjC. l rVaAaa. du St Ocitf. Or. mm HmxA IS. 1M1. x aSTBra C SSTLOS. trtrmpM T . N rtT trtticS V. XC . ami atU IS ,M . w-Uaa ;(T:JRK. Zj.1 t WHUrC XrT Um. B uan tb TrtUm-, nawi ia pro b caatttcsai f 1 m m c. mat (ilonfka C iUMi. ttl O. HtU. JL Inat, Tbaxa Hat3.Jtx ' af rX R-a. faaUk Ocacr. OrfJi tcfta EENKT W DalUHT- bpr. Zstray Ho tics. f rnascx cr bttse vxvosickzo dc csEisr- I JL a fnrort ma ar abwatjtc&arr tl. IMU as V Wf am lir rrw. aU html li Laaa aaa 1 mi( la t-. Uas abo tnt aI aae alsw , c. ra ara4 mm Irfl tmmUrr. I vol CkcrxTTLtWi ceunt kfS.lL TVaataBB JaKjoa af li rVaot at 131 VsSxS J. i SENS ITT SHssimeRs. ta Ja3on Cotrt W Trm&rtza pnwiaa. tt Orrgsa, Carat) f t'TntfaTi J X. Crv J. T. tadas Errrtt XT Iul ya. vs. nut c. x care, dctgoant tx thzxave JL af O fut af Orrsaa aa my rms af aa aaaS.- mr la li tlm tauCmt aeotm ma ta 1SU raj- mt Jaaaarr, IrfX, ;m ar tra rtUrtl la aa a-ar SeCar aa. a JmfDem tt lb rcaoa lar U pmxaa ml-rr.. at nf Sr iWria, aa UJS xy mt Karts, ItSt. at IS "c!rt la tS tanaysc at nH 4j. taaawy t i'jti uml ojU la a rS act AsS If jma lal ma tm aarar li rUrttC. ata tUc arwat afaiaat vac Str t& raa af anar owiiaaiil af taat ta tSrt CM. U ant S1U SW aad iar tier (xau aaa aart fcTca Crr uait asj laa4 1U1 ta iiy af Jasaarr. ISfX. jaot: J so. a. ctcz, j. r. Sammone. la ta CrecJX Ctsri af ta Ras of Or-fra, fcr tS Caaaty at CasabBa. S. X UaalrU vtttaoS. ra. C K. TaSarraaf Tmt TvaW. JiuTbm amtrt tk tna tlx. as ttjU at cw voearr a era. Crtrvaasta. rpo cw teopez a mvx rxooca sense J. taaur la tl aajaw ef Cm Stat tt Ocrf. TS aa rfc af r ar Vtptmj rvrvrmi Imt pftartM aas wrr lb axaUm IW acatsat jma ta lb ar raU IW actfaa, valla Ira Sti CrB tba tttt at IS a-r-vsaaf Unlaamfm. if amaS as tSaa Cw:tSy; ar. f atrrol la aay eUr Coaatr aT CU Stal. tka vsSm traljr 4i Croai lb Sale af ti arm af Uca gaaaaau aaaa rat. ar. trarrrrs Vj taaSeatlva. tbet aaarataria!2U4r af Ja. A. fa. Xttl.tb-aBaM arts ib Sna Sir af Mit txt rralxr ttra af lbs Caan.aaj If raa St3 aia iarr.fcr aaaailuiaCila 1' fittoe a IU dfarct asalsat fas Sir tb aaai af iiuir aM9-)ss9Ban soar ass exit aa tit- Wmnu r Ikas artk-a. TUi fnam paaSaVnt Vrararraftb Ras. L. l ScJrau.JaJvartbaarutir4ClB(it, baar. aala Jaaw7 to Ilia, JL. D ltQ. TCXXEK COX. jwTBT A:tJ 15 naiCl SammM. IatSCtrea-tCctartayuiatOHaaa, terVba CmaUrmt CwariHa Waa. B. Sabb aUlsbS vs. E. X. CaSea drtraiaat. rpO E. K. 61TCS. DETEXOAXTS IX THE S.OTE JL at tt 5ial af Orrgaa. r4 arc atfeVf rmjaai ta aaafar aa aaaarr lit c Mri Slat aaalaa JM la IS aWra tataira acUoa, wkbla tra dart fraot lb aat afibimeaf lata taw naaapaa ri STaerr r4 talaMCaaatr: ar. If arrrolla aar atber Coast? af IbH Rat. iba allkta taralr iMjt treat lb Sala cT lb arrric f lii. StsaBiimnt.ullfaTr. ai tfarrr. mi ay aaMraSaa, aVa aa ar brlsrv IW Iks 4a af JatuX. P lsl.tbaaabrixalb S.-fS Ur af tb bail nxaUr ttrtm. at IS Ctrcstt Caart of It U!aaf Orrra far CautlSa CaaatT, aeiU ya faaaata aa-1 tvrr. Sav vast taraaf.ta rUiatsT 01 tik jat'ra at I aslass jaa S tb Hi af Ta Baadrol al Sutj. I Six SSIM i4 3-1331 Daairs M t rxali aali as4 a e-rm-4 aa: Srr aaao aTtacrl Yj tbc rUiaJtT lo raa. a Sw ooaa aat 6nnnU af Ua actloa. Tai. naaoii BaUuW tr rrTf d VLmm. L. U KcSnbar. la&t at aaUCaan. BaaSFalcbaaibma4 baarlas iU itsm Ikb dar af Jaaaarr. A. P. 1SSI. Tl'KKEX S COS. jtast; rtai aura. SsmiaiekaS. Ia lb Ctma Casrl ef tb Slate of Orrm, tx b Caaatj af VmiliHa, a. Jaa. R. raavraat J. H Eiaii. r-utara. arx baii arei aaarr ta Ira aim al atvl or Jea. R. feaur a Ca. PluaUA riLS. Catts rVKaalaU. mo E. R. 6 A' TES, BETESSAXT- IX THE X-IHE la ef Orrm. yvt an brrebr rrjaired U 1 af ta Sut aaear aa4 aavarr tb caaaplilat SSaS acaicai yea U Ur abar tUW atia. USU Ira Sara frea tbe eauof IS arrrk of tbla SaaaMcs area rea Uarrr 4lalauOaaaty; sr. lfarrml to aj cA-rr Csaal; vl tba Stat. tSa atUua tavaly tfara fraai tbe Sale of lb avneeof tb)$aMBai apoa yc: aai If afrrr-i bf MMiratlaa, Ibea ea ar to&r tb ISUi Sav of Jaaa, A.O.ICII, bVambrtc tbe Smear af tb ml rrnUf lna af tb Qrtait Caart of tt ful af Or Ca far UiaUI3aCBMj: aad yra txil auumr, rervast larrrot. tb rbuatlS will uXa joicatrat asalsat ,aa tor tb taia of Six HaeJml aai Tarstr Oa 41 MO itssi 44-101 DaSar iat tbt reolt aeM aa4 atbTrrvd bf ta PUtaUaa la 70a aai rr rcata 14 ii. bararaarau af (Sa artwa. T tt Saamaa eobltabrj T erorr ol tb H. L. L. VcArtbar, JarSe of aaal Caan, sud at tbaBbm asj bairlaf cat tb ITik tj atJaaaur. A. P. 1SS1. Tt'RXEB a COX. )s3M rtZa ACr. SwiMBBteus. la tbe Orcoil Cewtt of taa State of Ortfoa, tat lb Caoatr aT I'BMtlHa. a. - J so. R. rraurasd J. H- Koarxi, Banaert, ietat bcai. aoa aaarr ta 8m a aaa at; I or Jdo. R. tiutr Jt Co. nataUSS vs. E. R Rate, Dralaat. rpO K. K GATES, SStTENPANT: IX THE Jf AXE JL f lb Sui ol Orrfea. rj arr twrrt-r rrcalfrJ u arTrarasdaaxavrlSMeecBAtiat CW ai-art ri la tb abava taiitttd arUoa. aitUa tea jt tm tbe aat af Hte arwlet af Ibai gaiaawiea r to, ifarrv e4 ta tblt Coasty; or. tr imM hi aar o(W Oaair aflbla Stale, lb v.tbJa tweatr airs fra tbe 4a. at tbeierrtceol tbta Sstaaeas fao too. 14 tfarrraa t-X MbHraUaa, hVs oo or befcre tbe IHb ear of'tar, A. D 181. tb aaan b4r. lb ana iij T lb eril rraUr tena ot tb QfeeH Caart ef IS Pule of Ore MSxUautdbCaaatf I asSirroa Salt aa to aaiwtr, brvsat WreaC, tb hatatab atll take JaScaarot fuatt raa far lb na of Twa Ha4r4 abd JcrralT. Xta eSMS lira (S-MS) SoSart, Use tot r"U eald aad daHrcrtd aad ataa, adraarrd tyj aad r raats sad dtiaiaiatum af late aeMaa. Tbte latnaaaa aalilaabtJ a anlrr of Uw Hi. L. I MeArtbar, Jadae af aaU Caart, awde il tbamben aad naJ i Att.s. I eeana date ttu Klb djr of Juatrr. A. U 1HI Cniu j AlSOXPTlOy All LINt IISEASES, TKRIAT IISEASES. BREATHING TROUBLES. it DriTM Im1 ta tfgUm earaUve uti'j sat bij s4idaca. Il Brawl from O iSmtmti jmra tin yma JO-TwnmaU lady 10 Ks tMan. YOU can beRELIElfED I CURED Doat rvir vast Km trWd taU gmeU. tir a(k4 aad KinirALLt evne. fU4tr Dnsrlil. mr vrxt S7 sad os rtci?t tt Pr1r-a.T Snrfbr Tha 0sIjM ur ?i C, oar twk; TtTrs Ynrt frr. WIU.IAM3 BLOCK. Detrsit, Mick. evvaaajrr ADVERTISEMENTS. CITY HOTEL. HEPP.EKr r. J. W. GILyORE, Psoprietox J CUia but ZnrrHszarr. Carjw PRANK DUNN, buTlder, PEA'DLETOX, 0KEG6X. njlti STOP! it LEIlfM BLUM'S STbra joa cao ta ra. aaS c M Cdl ia G ET HISPRICES. THE E5TI&E STOCK OF DRY GOODS, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, CARPETS, WALL PAPER, NOTIONS, El C. ifust be sold within sixty days to make room for improve ments. SFECIAX. ATTENTION' IS CALLED TO A. Fixe Assoktmext of Ladies and Misses Cloaks, Knit Shawls and Jackets In which great bargains are offered. LEHMAN BLUM, rcaciefoo, A. HEALEY, BOOT AND MANUFACTURER FE.AJDLET8.T, QHOr ma Xaia 5trr, rroaaa cwirt Waa.. A j asaab rata. al at 1 ark6ec ta tba beat atjbr, aa4 at raa. W. S. BYERS & CO- norxtE?OK5 PENDLETOiV TVT TT r ANTTAcrczjEsa axo bsalebs tx ruecx JlVL Craia, EU. SJ-Harr ntiirvrf IW rwd VnA-SS aIT S AVED By buying your SEWING iTachines at the FTJMITTJK.E Store in Pendleton. Iwiu. seu. VAcacncs tor r as soen r aai brttrr tbaa cms be bMtbl tnea Vacoaa tei. If raa bay fraa Kagua jrm htm pay lb aaas fectbaeteof bbj Iraea. I sre la atbcklb Tb n poovrfal aed Btetert raaalog airtli tae ww jmpnrTTM 3XO VaTK, Knvi ta arerbl over aa IS very beat. tbe vorld rrcaotsed raa-anfaia- 'W'SlSMa. Price from S3S ta s. Alee Oil, Steatos, Earn farta. Etc, tor ail aaacSitar. ' to M Ow C1.L 1 S4liSAiaU.-b'a Utn mild sbJ p!tsat Mil up the lime of' JBtI Aca 19, TJ. TfJC KNER a cnx.