The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, November 20, 1880, Image 2

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..SOT. 20. 1&.0
punusaED bx
3c.. ant- ooc 3ss.a-a-
Jfcreaitd There.
Deer Lodc,e, Montana, Is moro than ICj
mile lone.
C.itt!e on tlie rayettc, Idaho, are dying
with black-le;.
Xat, the caricaturist, has mode a fortune
of $200,080 by his pencil.
Stttlne Ball, with 000 people, are desti
tute, and said to bo willing to turrcuilcr.
A nen- Iron foundry ami machine worka
are beiuc, put up at 1 tic Dalles.
I Capt. Smiths boom burst at Tnxas Frrty !
' ....I . wi rvi . r I . . . rrt
nun j,uvai,wii in:v m pi awaj, iucy
win Do cau'Lt ai Ainswortu. i
For the benefit of tboic of our renders
-whomay be as unfortunatoly iRuoraut a we
were until recently, we chronicle the fact
that there are said to have been five Prcsi
rfcatial tickets in the field In tho late con
tent, viz: Democratic, llazcock end Enr;
"Huh; Republican, Garfield and Arthur;
Greenback, James R. Weaver, of Iowa,
and B. J. Chambers, of Texas; Prohibition,
2Ceal Dow, of Maine, and II. A. Thompson,
of Ohio; Anti-Masonic John W. Phelps,
of Vermont, and Samuel C. romeroy, of
.Kansas. We do icuiecibcr or making a
note of the Prohibition nomination, at the
time, as they were simultaneous with
"Woman's Rtsbts" arrangement of some
kind, which called our attsntiento the mat
ter. The last named couple, however,
were as a light hid under a bushel since
thpr did not make stir cnoaeh to inform
the voting public of their existence.
Isulsu Citt, On, Nov. 8th ISSO.
Eoitor E. O.
Knowing that you always have space for
items, I will give yau a four from" Grand
Rimde with regard to tho porK this fl.
Park is high here and scarce, and some men
are setting la all l.ity can. One of our
One hundred locations havo been nrCi1 ,nrn rouni1 tcn Le'1 of LU 1 bo
; Idaho, and ars eaVslnl Tjn aWrlhei
There are 2.3S9.232 acres of open land in
Oregon, and 7C 1,000 acm uf timber land
open to pre-emption.
The late interest law passed by the lsls-
;amre uoc not p into caret until January
SSd IS81, so now is the time to put your
money out.
There is just one man in Oregon '
-want to niaVe the ncqasintance of now the
nan ol the Jacksonville Tfsas. Brother.
thou art aa near and yet so far. how shall
ire comfort each other? It seems we alone
are pitted againat Mrs. Dona-sway-with-
h r r- V e n. an' s-R : zh is" and the enemy
evidently contemplates throwing him.
we beg pardon, Afrself between tho two
.arms of our opposition angels and minis
ters or grace defend us!) and smiting us to
death before we can unite. Well, as the
Governor of North Carolina remarked to
'he Governor of South Carolina, 'lets take
a8mibV, through the telegraph. We can
- at least console ourselves with tlis rtCec-
ss 4"
"turn that the opposition extend from one
- extreme or Oregon to the other, if there it
an aching void amidships
Let's sec!
We believe some ipqlfjil.
have been firing at
TbeAUisnv Heraki aya the trial r
Frank Whaler, for killing Chas. Taylor,
resulted in acquittal.
U. J. Hendricks. Sr.. of Elk Bead, Dong-
las county, in a fit of teniftorarv insanity.
committed sulctae.
The little son of W. Wiseman's, while
nhiylnS near a vat of boilinc water fell
in and was scalded to death.
Tlc StaUtman says the Chcmekct hotel.
at Salem, is dolni; well under the. adminis
tration of Jlr. w esicy JUrave.
The steamer Chehalis has been success
fully r&Ued from the sand bars of the Ska.
git river.
Two millions of dollar;, cold coin, was
withdrawn from the Bank of Eoclacd
t edcesday, for saipmcnt to America.
Henry Ditcher. ofJaeksen county, is
driving POO mutton sheep to the Cat If or.
ma market.
A farmer oa the Lower San Pedro. A run
na. claims to have raised 40.000 pounds of
barley Ire a ilr acres ol irrigated land.
A man just died in New Orleans of eating
matches. The poor impatient couldn't
wait till after death for his briatitoae.
The residence of John Holt, who lives
between Vf incville and Pocahontas, Baker
cousty, was lately burned.
A men in Modoc county was attacked by
nine badgers recently, and had to climb
a tree to get out of their reach.
Chas. Bradford, aged 27, and who has
been drinking hard ol late, suicided at Lin
Tilie recently by taking morphine.
Hie School Superintendents ef this State
are in sesaioa at Salem to see what chances
shall bo made in text books for the year to
Nick Ficke, of Jackson county. Ogn
last week sheared his band ef sheep,
and realized -1.500 pounds of wool, which
he sold at 234 cents per poand.
A Iwellin? hosse leloneinc to S. Lann.
on Itthtnus Stosgh. in Coos cocnty, ws
burned bv an inceediary during the ab
sence of the family recently.
The hoc f ol li. 1L Thompson, of M4
alla, and most of the contents, were bcrned
lat w-k : the family were oa visiting'
Less, $3,000.
at Viod rlvrr.
from $ 12.000 to 30.000. Jobn Iter In has
a mind that nrays 1000 ounres of silver
per ton. l,uinler sells at $-rJ a lhausaail.
The old "LHbv nrison" In BWitnond.
Virginia, was sold at auction on Nov. Ilia,
to James T. Quay for (C.72S It has Wa
tor a long wutlc past mcl as a tu&soco tao
tory. and part of the vail has been car
ried off by relic hunters.
A do of EddyvilM. Ky. entfrel a bar-
row a long distance alter a rabbit, aud in
enlarging the hole threw the dirt behind
bim. and closed un his retreat. Eishtrva
da)- after ward a son iif iu owster thought
ne bearu a doz bars: or how I uadorcnniiiil.
and alter uiinc uon several Tret, the
animal was discovered. He suffered no se
rious injury from his leng confinement
and fast.
A sad life history dtfeil at Scrantno, Pa..
last week. A younc married wewaa nam.
cd Tcets was tound drad ef hunger and
neclrctln a wretched garret. Her babe.
two days old, was loand by her side. Mr
Teeta hid ber porerty Irom her
and several days ago cut ef her hair, and
iM it to buy lood. wttKener wortbiess fens
band was carousing la a salca. She ala
sold all her clothing lo suia WeliU-iJ.
only article of appr4 f.nd iu her apart J , jjjy.r., ,
msai vi an uu nieni ureas wraimcu
around her child.
The follewtnztabie shws tbs neraber ol
inbsbiUnts in each of tite AmerlcaR States
and Territories west of the Httsimit ef tks
Kockv MoBRtaios. at aerrtalsird by Ike
National ceases In June. 1&S0. aad in lSO.
mther" pen the other day. They set- i
tied it by a trial in Mr. Goodnnngh'a pork
uouse a poxer lawyer anu whiskey their
judge. It his not yet endJ, but we hope
it will cud well.
The old man get the school marm, hat it
did not gir; pleasur to the Republican
prty, because it was a Democratic wed
ding. One individual gave a Republican
dance and did not have a Democrat at it-
he got fourteen boys and girls. How is
that far Republicaniim r One good oil
bachelor get a girl to do up a fine shirt for
him to wear to the election and when he
came alter it he cave her an order en a
man in Walla Walla fnr her pay. Yoa can
gvesa who he voted lor. lit petitlc are
thin and when he left town he tkeczbt
Grild was elected. I. C. Y. C S
It tit 4um Ux Kkteeyt, BtV4rr sad
Improved Excelsior Iildner Pad.
It 1 a V1RVEL tt EC1USC uA ttUZT.
iilinplr, Scna!blc, DJrcci
(Nxtnre'a T7ay).
Umatilla, - - Oregon
Also keepa cooHtantly on hand, and for
aale cneap, a fall atocx ot aau
JTes, laraea, etc, etc.
w. s.
& CO-
llDrlrrt I n tu Us j una cwiti tMU uA
II Urvi from ibe GtuLui um a vaUaat '
ttuU tm WtSi 1
0U can be RELfflt CURED!
' iJL Cram, tie.
iMlsww m. wim va mm kmmmw. . llllr
ermrm iff K.Ufc, ir i HMw
tmrf wunu mifii. far wr vniw aa
, KtSMf t tjmUn. tmA ftr mf inyuu, K
Mlr Ma MmnMlta, 84.
Nevada.. ......
Me. tSwii j
1 U Otf 071 f Si
ta ml iLt r'
gh the columns of the Xcz JVcrtAewt
nn th sctited or " w onaa a tuurace anu
.showing an extreme desire ta draw uj oat
into aa argument upon the subject. Bat
as ""Moiicr Dcaiway" is away from home
at present we can only advise the present
qnUMrivcr of the3nr Ari; to curb
Ills, or perhaps Ler would ba better, rasing
ardor. Werprop&ie to make a sqcare fight
trpoa'the qutsuon.and will not molest the
chicks in the old hefi'a absence. It teems
little out of the divine harmony of arge
xnentative procedure, however, for us to be
expected to open upon the negative of a dis
cussion. We have ta meet an afSmative
June anil xl is -onjy fair and just that it
should be presented. As cur minds seem
to be en fortunately too obtuse to sagces
any arguments in favor cf woman suffrage
and as we bare never i tea any worthy of
the- same preheated, we should consider
ourselves rather at tea in entering upon an
opposition controversy it would rather
look like like fighting the wind. Present
your case "Mother Duaiwajn aad w will
endeavor to meet it.
jLh Explanation,
la reviewing the proceedings of the Cir
cuit Court in oar last issue we made the
following comment upon the case of the
State vs. Ilembrec:
The man Ilembrec who was cemmitted
to jail some time back for robbing Stanley
atar tcwa of $439 and wbo was sJso sus
pected of robbing Dunpby's store, wasdi.
charged frosa custody last week on the fail,
are uf the grand jury to indict bim. This
-was mainly owing to the absence of the
jiresacuting witness, Etanley. whe failed to
.put ia his ppeamace aad it is strongly
bated thatthe further crime of compound
ing a fdoo v Las beea committed, and it
would ceem these suspicions arc not without
la the above we intended to, aad did.
allude to ilr. J.IL Stanley, the victim of
the robbery. Oa last Monday, however,
-we had aa interdew with ilr. Stanley cpon
the subject which term in tied pleasantly,
aad ia which be gave us the reasons which
prevented bis being present at this term of
court. While thsy are to some extent pri-
Tate and such as be would not care to have
-appear ia print, we take pleasure is saying
that there were good aad sufficient causes
wkich made bis presence ia Pcndletoa Im
possible at the time and his explanation of
.the matter is quite sufficient lo us, at least.
It seems that injustice has been done Mr.
S. ia connecting bim with aay com prom
is which waa thought to have resulted in
Hembree'a discharge, and if anything we
have written has contributed toward the
suspicion we shall very much regret it and
kope the above will be entirely satisfactory
to the public as well as to himself.
visit to Oregoa will be the speedy arrival
of a large colony from Scotland, composed
entirely uf farmers.
A KentBcVy wemea, ninety-nine years
old. not only walked three miles lo attesd a
eircBstbefttberdsy.bat saved fifty cents
by crawhag under the canvass.
The PlautAmltr says: John IL Sclherlss.
son or Jlr. t. lfaerim. of Fair Oaks,
a boy 1C rear old. killed 83 geese oa Tkr
day of last week, aad it wasat a good day
tor geese etuier.
"What is the best, thin; lo be done in
case ef Sre? asked Professor Stearns
"Seethe tnssraucecampauy. proraptlr an
swered the boy at the foot ef the class, wbnte
father bad been bersed out ones or twice.
Carrey or beets has discovered a pass
tureusa ine uascsue .Hoantata tfcat is
tncca lower than any other with the excess.
ttnaortbe bnoquaiirae. Tbe pan wtN
bear the name of its discoverer aad is said
to be approached with less dlQeahy tbaa
aay iiieryes saowa.
At rarmiafion, raiaste cennty. a maa
nameo ifuera aai Jtausrt iisxtie bad a
quarrel, come dsrs g. and while tbe lat-
ler bad the former Con Iltfa Grpd a
ball thwnch Tiadle's neck, but he Is d-inr
well. About fifteen cea helped Ssbtthc
Blffcos Daniel S DorretL of tbe llnho.
distEpifCorialcbsrch.dredatbu resjdesce
in Richmond. Wednesday nisht. after a
protracted illness. Tbe deceased was one
of the mot popalsr as wU as one ef the
ablest cmnes tn tlie iJetbftdUt rstarch.
Ee was born is L&ncaster county, Virgmia,
ia 1S10.
Tbe Mormecs are still at work on their
new teapbr. It is now twenty tears since
it was commenced; $UK3.0(9 have leen
expended and it is one-fourth completed
Tlie building is betas constructed of Utah
granite, and when fobbed will be the most
stately church edifice. If not the grandest
building of any kind, ia America. It will
require 23,000 to finish the temple.
Capt. James V. Eada. the builder of jet
ties at the mouth of the Mbnlttippl. lias
gone to i'cuco to see about the construc
tion of a ship railroad by means of which
loaded vessels can be taken up aad trass.
Tbe total gala is a boat IfMOO la th tea
years, or aa average ef a Httle mere tbaa
six per cent aaauaJiy.
Says tbe Rnte4rg FUimdnaUr: We have
been able tn gather esly a lr-w uf the fact
ia relation In a. trrriMo' trajrJ v vbleh lvk
place ia Csmas TaKey Tsxnutay ercsiisig
lat, ia which Mr. WetUtca Patterson lot
his life. Tbe essr repenrr rUherrd
them are as fellow Mr. PrssrsMi bastes
"Kiit35j5in the fore pari of the day.
loon, sis aorc aa rvu xai n
bring it in ssae tsese dsusas Ike fansulrv. iwi h
Late ia the evasuag tbe twre rnvraeJ. T2tlrj
woenact, witiMisu a r4er. barest being
tssade. Mr Paltmoa wat ftHsa4 w tbe
woods, with a wosHsd is tbe bead, in a dy
lag cendstioa. He wm taka home al
la IV CimH Cn ef k Suu Te)rts, tte lb
MU 44.
a It 5usSr. rwsrf Wt lt
Stm Ma ! H;U U SUS7 Era, nc. vs. i-
T S MtsMM. lie s4t uat4 DtSftitist:
N Tsts s ve or the jTitt or osacov.
rrSrri rit u rtwr ts4 unr it
tf ;4ll S4 . j la ISa W
ue. mmuji ma taM
last t'i !. tt tmmi
if trrtr ia t vbr cM) mi mm
K frttr mjt ttmm IS ar mt IV iwni MM 1
. . . ab - k i
me ! st tm 4j is rwimui ma
n. nann; ats uue i au -t
mrt, Imt trf mr HuSlS fX '
vM eM 4mnm.t ta hK Um mt MS IVt4
C rt m ium Jit mm unn Hr l
a4 Snnmli ml sa mis. I I'
T naaiM fSSa4 mf t rrtrr mt sto Rn L
L L WSraVr J4t it ea4 Cn,
ttf AU ii iC jr NaT. A B I" t
r vm i n,T
Kit a a
t'i aS
a 14. sit
SVr N a4
Only" Lunz Pad Co.
Detroit, 31ich.
Com m Q27C EL L
Tt AI. Lreaofr.
DptX, r Mil
rT -Only" LxnS
M-Ma Uetrcilr. 3!Icb
rs tr in4 ttu gwss.
lj asail o rteeift of
Pad Co.
Vatcbmakcr & .Jeweler.
Sire in FeiiiJUe hvOdinj, Fcnilticn, Or,
Basaas bj auvt altrua la hsncm al CmHi tol
wit. u mmilairf;Krenu(i
Bvrr fjafo ,
' - ' Unln Clrnnr Pendleton,
s.- mam ouggii
TO Tim
rxicae r
Ttttsncsi acvx
Solo cf Heal Estate.
fui. tt Orrjwt far
OrSVe a tlMw ttmt
1mS mi fml tCLS- i IMSoXl mt t
m4. Ins SUARSMC La j rwiu ir mr tt
mit mt fmtrmutr.
U rvu: ci Sm. is iwb ism j
an i mm IM wj XaSU a lSWw. SS nirl a
b ara a- um mt Treat C IIV aa
iMk X. tfa. man. tnjmmt Ssr aa crser ml lit
mtttotm. mrml wSUr V wtt I aV i ulr mt al
wmmH IS uaim mt SS m:r
W wSmlHW it 4
MwW- i TtKl af aw mt aai
. a4aS! ym " X ".aV a4nsaaa
iri4iScanH Jl V iSa-Sar-J
4 H llMilltltot. r 41 (MR
TT nrfl r" E m-mM
II . VyUUbCi X iu.laaraat'el
kc ASaaa'a VmMm
Oralrr -awaalr sa arSi a xiaSil leu
af sbt-fV Waa. . i aia ai.aaaa
lwa s aVt i ia l.
t M W pt mm Mm.
Ta la. v iailiri mf O'lf ay B.34
rseaai a a.awa4 mm aa
far as i i mt mn law f
Nrr (t
ta; mmma mt
. . UlSUNS.
lira,!! IOMn a: tk W Mlia ta t aS
sarrical aid nracssnd. bsst be ilied abosri 1 r-as-ma. svi u sa-r u irt '
, 7 , . T t . i , rarriSM.lalrWSlS a mt saaa
spped to lie skat ot a g.bal. asd at I m Kll.rZ.ra St l. ul r e aJaS
Ibnv sat &n rmmntr kil in IS m it i T mt Is I ka SSWt iSjr X Sa ta. Sa mt
- j - . i
sii sapfvasM tiaat souse maaarf tbe ps
wai accblmtaliy cxttt4eL sr. W rM4r4 '
tbe fatal waa4. I'artW are MTwtsjrasiiaf
the matter, and tbe tratk sty be obtained.
Subscribe far tbe 3v O.
T. TT.SpatistcicJ:.
(rraca U aaXar tmj vnMl
We. the na4eigsed,isessrc ta ktnti the
Chris li an pwbito ibt we iKi ast botteve tlie
above nrsaed lasbmlsal Mb) s ssniabtV
erton tu travri a aa e vaarefett. We 4
vim cbardi orssaavaiis l Un are of lirtst
V-c bare recesveai adtscrs from a Miari
aest Ibptist eitatater cnsMrig sm tst ifcrv
smnrcsslAna. eo-rr to rrcail tire arucsr
ia the dlsker Canty i&vessV f October
SSd, psblUbrJ ever ear iira stare (tHostrrs
datory of bim. We do svot 4arr bam.
It. W Ula.
Pallor 31. E. Cbtt'cb.
Haascx K-tijs.
Deacoa lUptsst Cfeareb-
E. 1. Watn.
Taster Captbt Cbnrcb.
Frea Our IleppBer Cerrcspoa-
IInrrMX,XeT. lGih 1SS0.
Editox E. Os
A few items from "Optic" agala la year
columas may appear natural to niaay el
your intelligent readers, since ba bas fsr
aisbedyeu with items from this eesamuni
ty for something over a year, and new after
aa absence of several weeks we appear aa
usual, gstheriag a few withb oar limits.
'i in Caaawna '. l
1 i X. la Nl r a Lm X X S , S. M
irnaal If I mwt t a t C S mtM A.
S.C.WS r4 tr.nmmml rtvt. . K ls4 J
faxiMre.- I iwtufwUf. Wfyjaa
iM M w irka 4,i r t lal a r mt tmn n4rt '
IH lT rfwiOll mtm mmlmjm SB SV4 j
kan.( mf t km! t. larv. ka aS Cr MO iul j
a tly m ' fmmim't Iv kW r.l butf mf 1
raissi la S MM mt nr. a a frf r ft '
tmrirtrartrrnM rub 1 Al f f SS tlf
VM SSba Kmt oaf mt ro-i A. U JS
SX C IaS "W CWasjf
TCSXEK k CSX. aat a to acaSSaa. MrSUl
SaMtMui s: II
52 il
nala aJt OnM aol 9frai tucuas.
SaOf aa Slaa ftrm. m
XmmU mt -mmtX M a
Plenty of Hay and Grata
mXm SaasataSr, mt as rn.
Farnjcr.? Call and Sec
notice for Fcblicatioa.
k S
For several eeka past we have had a
ferred terms lo tbe Pacific, or tire rma. i very quiet time, partially oa account f
Tbe people of Montana bve celebrated
the entrance of tbe Northern Pacific inlo
their Territory. A silver spike and a pol
ished oak tie were used oa the occasion.
We return thanks to Gov. John Whiten
ker for the Report .of the Proceedinga 6f
Jibe International Monetary Conference
f& 1878 with Appendix, cad also for the
pamphlet edition of the Statute of the
United States of America passed at the
first session of thefCongrcss, 1879 ; and
j-eccat Coar cn U ogt'ml Executive 1'rocla--BatioBa.
' -A-2
The Clackamas Democrat has changed
baads. Brother J. B. Pithiar. iu editor
Draper, better known m tbe-State as
-i . r -r. m. -
The village of Wallula Is being gradnab
lyobacured by tbe new railroad system,
which leaves it out ia the cold, save as a
waylaadiag for tbe Saake river boats.
Tbe cars leave It o!T to the right, and
there was but one steamboat laoded there
all last weeR. Most of the people who have
made a living there during its career as a
terminus are aow moving up to Texas
Tbe ItiURistneer has this: People who
have made observations state that within
the past few days one of the highest spurs
of Xount P.anlcr. known as the pack-saddle,
has broken ofT, and it is supposed fell
into the crater. It is also stated on pretty
cood authority that the mountain shows
every indication of being in a stale of erup
tion, as large volumes of smoke can be seen
on a clear day rising from tie old landmark.
Yesterdays dispatches brought news of
the sudden death by a lailrdad accident at
Wytheville, Virginia, of Hon. Fayette
McMullin. Old pioneers of Puget Sound
and of Oregon will remember the rubicund
-visage and jovial disposition of Governor
ilcitullin, wno was appointed executive
of Washington Territory in 183C, by Pres
ident Buchanan. The Governor resided in
Olympia, where he married a Hits Wood,
tlie belle or that bright little burg, till the
breaking out of the rebellion, when he re
turned to bis native state. Virginia, and
was elected to the Confederate Senate.
At the end of the war he was elected to the j large.
u. o. UODgress. ucccascu was an active I j, D,
politician, yet a picasani companion, uis ;
Court in Pendleton, which called away
many of our citizen. Bat everything Is
uow again in its natural channel. We are
bariag beautiful weather both ovrr-head
aad aader-foot, with a cool atmospnera
about five degrees below temperate.
La tmtx .t L St. 1
,it ISav i I
yoTTTE I tmT fr Dm it. ans., a
' 1 anaare Sa bim aaar mt J
Sail if at i).! mi SMf owaaa. aa4
Mr lmnmt at to apraia a mm; Sroi aV
mim mf Skat tmtm". tt IVSlii A Ha r tsp
turn, Jt v. ITK. U-mn trh A Ikular. Nal a
fxaoc ai a av m. friias to. miiw oa P na 1
aa tmrmmXt aw H Ta Vr kaaf ' Ttr ar mmj
a: aiMU xiruaa. im utm ta in
Biuka mm.. mm C C tira. I rk m
Ta. XasSS tat U. C Ala Sac. a! mt FiaSim
CoaaSa voaij. tfrr
ran sun a iv NUi, tirprnmn.
"1TTH ' e s laeinaic f a Vr rfroa mt aov
II saAt r j im 1 1 ma. o mrm a. ana)
iaaoiOTi ii('av aa imiMrM melaat as sao
IaSvr ef kaor SHI m.IT
(oaoaos S SWM fost sr .ra em mt !atuS
Strata r nil te mi mmj trmd f
tca W mnlr aoi SaCM aaoore.
TV a aaaaj at S mtm mt tanr amf W
.ii ak r tort na roaoroa mt aVr
Hi H mrmm ,m aaaiin'i a . n.aa: aamot mr
Wfaa"""" aoSti anx so vaaa-s. sa
gang Emm
At WESELEIt XlllO. &.Co.
J. W. GILMORE, Psopeietoe
TmTX. Qua hmmn. En-jUs;:
. araoa.
r. zr'maorac.
Lai r aa mm mm oooi mli aa aar. mm maiaa aa
mtf OS aaiair H"l a rl l Im 1 1 l ftia ol t-
Sa-l. m m ' moiiSi i mt l J
imht of ta mmmmt tl.a-i mmm aaOaM k ,
n ituxrr to a .l . aono . a
Lyoas ?.IcCcI!oai?h.
yA Aa xtuuuu
At Uexiers oki stand on Main
Street opposite Court Hoibse.
A full stock of ojoccries of
every description,
rsuns, etc., etc.. ztc
Flour, Feed ami Vegetables 1 1
V'lliZZrZZ - t ;t5SCiish paid or g
i !L vrT X" .- . rWf Hot and Cold! ia exchange f
ai onif i 'on a I
ra . . Shaota W wlwilul fmmtmf fm K -
Mill t Cn ilwii Sr. TSirii vxasau- .
. . - . V
jS produce.
oods given
or courtrv
ftt rssr
CaSIf atSriw
I lost a note give by me
J. B. Jacobs dated about tbe ;
7 tb of September last for $100. tT S7 TET t 1?r
Tbe aamo has been paid la falb Tbl. is to , XTmJ ai W saaSr
DK. hFnjHT ro.
Va. 11 Iwvy?lrn. -a fnaitia.
r. S r ptae 0-"i mt wi rtitt oSl
ry mt mm Hi a-1. aoSVtaraS S a tor, n. aC ka
a- .auaUfci, aa a Uaay aAOT a aw Sl rrcrOt
aU r ia
The same bas bees raid
wiro persons not lo purch-u- ia a
Hrme one may find it aad aitcmst tn sHl it.
Nor. 19th !Ssa4t J. Il.TUU.VElt
Atieracr nt 9aiT
and nfotary
QUoa A'fliii Strtti etc- EAST OUE
GOXIAX Vfjkt. '
Administrator's XuHce.
. . PgStXTt PC....
And all kinds of
Tbe nodrraienetl has befl dnlr annoln
Cev. Halnrs delivered bis wtrodudory . , g,e of 0rr,n Administrator of the . r 1
sermon in the Baptist church last Sunday, t,ute of W. F. ii nlcb. deceaaed. All pr. ' mux B"d
iti llili imL. la a remcdsUc inJItnce. It ! sons hi vine claims arainst said estate are!
urreuy uotiaeu to present mem in me. oa- j
Silk Ilanberebiets, Labia
Geats Silk Scaxta, Ladles Silk aad
Lace Ties, Racking, etc., etc
.1: tXe Xns York Smvrt.
mrrn mt aX
S!r JlaMt(ap: uaAs.
Juitsce's Coart t-t tbe Prcciset ef
Milton. I asatitta Cocnty, Or.
C. While, plaiatuf. vs.
J. J. Cairne, aWecdiat.
Civil actios to recover asasey.
To J. J. Causes, tbe above casscd Dofca
Oregoc, yos are hereby rrnwired ap
pear before ibe enderjUBcd. a Jastice of
Ike Peace for tbe precissct aiViresasd. m tbe
, 13ih day of December ISsO at 19 oc!ok ia 1 nrjr - m m meya Ml
4 e freon of al day at the otSce of seld J ZHfntl Kg. tj j, E W -Ed.
' named plaintiff ia a ctvil action. The de-
fendaat wiil taKe notice that if he fail lo
Cologne, I aoaTcr toe compsamt nereta. inc piaiatts
I and dubnrxments la lot actios.
This summons I puWiihcd bv order of
J. . Kirktin.l. Justice cf tke Peace, this
the 23tb day of October ISSO.
Justioe of the Peace.
was appreciated by alL
X WCrXriS-SkT. rroprUlar
1o -.v4 ft wl al mVIMMulai A If 4 naMalnof
A yw.lf in ss fTo-a- aVsffSfraa- lam rlrwat I . ... - . J
a a o a o a a ..a'a . m mmm H a -
Bros, saloon cm last Wednesday, the lttb
inst. between B. Woods aad Jim Baraea,
tte former gelling the worst of the game,
lie b aow lying in a critical condition, but
under the treatment of Dr. Shipley Is get
ting along as well aa could be expected.
barring the infliction or seven wouods the
most severe being in bis neck and back.
Both were strangers in our community and
to each ether. Barnes was arrested and
awaits his trial until next spring, getting
bis board for the winter free, while his
partner fares better at the hotel.
Barker, the wild man. turned himself
loose last week ia a two horse wagon aul !
date hereof. F. W. WE.NTZ.
EvAtrn & WAixnt, Attorneys.
2or. 20l h lS?0.4t
if ruiTwtsr urn?.
Wtiea corn So ta, as4 da to UA to
1 Annnp
made things lively for a time on our streets.1 unt UUUL,a
On Thursday, Xor. 11th, at the residence ! HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES,
of the bride's parents, Jlba . J. Jones . CLOTHING, GENTS'
Main Street, Opposite Court IIousc
rncrrlll &
; The choiaest of Wines, Beer, Liquors and
Cigars will be kept constantly on hand.
We intend to keep a first-class house la
every respect.
A ncerat jsjattstat cC
rjt oa
to crirr.
was married to Oscar Mitchell by Warren
Clark, J. P. The attendance was very
J -i t 1 A . -n
boy orator." 3Ir. Fifhisn has beea com- " iai
selled by ill healtk to snake this change and ' A sewing-machine agent, in driving
.n - . w r . I . i. .1. . .t .. .1. r . i . t . I a
wore to a more con sen la 1 climate than that
of the Willamette Valley. We regret ex
"eeedingly to lose bim from the journalistic
'field, for bis paper has beea conducted in
-aa abb) aud interesting manner, which, we
bare every reason to believe will be con-
tmaec by bu successor.
through Monroe county, Kcntuckcy, drew
up before a cottage and akeda beard-
less 10-) car-old boy standing in the yard if
his mother was at home. "She is, but ahe
don't live here," he answered. Pm the
, bead of the house." Finding the boy mar
I ried.tbe scent went in side and encountered
I a child, who said she was the boy's wife.
r r. . . . ,, . aad that when she waa married she was
The rote of Oregon is not yet definitely notcjCven years old. - What oa earth did
scaled, aad we begia to doubt irit ever will you two marry fort" asked the agent.
be. Curry County has never mode a return, "What do other folks marry forr' the child
we believe, and it begins tn look as if they "P'"1- T.hc J1? Intended to
. , r ., . m c. . - r i buy a scwing.mtchlne fo.Mns wife when
bad forgotten inflect. Tlw State is Repub- ,he'ROtoId enough to sew. "Come around
lican, estimated by the Ortgonian (Rep.) at jD threa or four ears," he aald, -aad I'll
41 &sd by tk Un&trd Dim.) iv3. take eac."
S perry and several others have re
turned frrai their trip in Cheyenne. Mr.
Sperry drove a large band of sheep, consist-
ing orseveral thousand head, out last spring
and met with great success.
Our school began last Monday and Is in
charge of a young Mr. French, who bas
just arrived from Indiana. He seems to
be highly qualified for his situation and la
assisted by Miss Smiley. It will be no lit
tle task for them to instruct the minds of a
hundred scholars for the term of the next
three months. Omc.
Hon. George Ainslie was reelected Del
egatc lo Congress frm Idaho on Nor. 2d
The Territory could aot have made a better
I selection.
Must be sold witkin sixty days
to niako room for improvements.
A Fine Assortment of
Ladies and Misses .
Cloaks, Knit Shawls
and Jackets
In which creat bargains arc
Pendleton, Oregon.
D ranch of
&!L1PE & CMM,
Portia Mil, Or.
Hides, Puis Sis and Tallow
Justice's emir! for the Precinct of
Mil too, UfaatMlt Ceuntv, Or.
W. C. White, plalntia; v.
J. J. Caircr. defendant.
Csril ictlcn to recover money.
To J. J. Cairaea tte above named defca.
Oregea yoa are hereby rrqaired
appeal before the nndrrsisaed. a Justice
me reacv inr lae precinci ainreuia, on ine i
I3th day cf December 1SS0 at 1 1 o'clock ta
the forenoon of said day. at tbe odice of
-M Justice iu aald j.neioct, to answer the
above oamed plaintia" ia a civil action. The
defendant will take notice that it be tail to
anwer tbe complaint herein, the plaintiff
will take jndsnicat against him for $210 00
aad disburaenicats in this action.
This satnmons published by order of J.
E. Kirklan.1. Justice ot the Peace. This
25th day of October 1SS0.
J.utlcc of the Peace.
pusrs and rsex nrcs rc:.unD
-nvvuttxa nirtxaxxrs sm
j mt HmfI
i QKvrs rue ntANst bsos.
S3-Cil an.1 cmlat aj a stocfc-Ca,
Hrrvcc. or.
Hotice for Publication.
Laaa Orrxs ar l- Cuoroz. Ov,
on. ltm. ism. )
Jaat metres al rorUaait a larr lot of
"iroOL tUOS, Wtikh e offer lalbotVool Orow
II crsalSas Fraacteea cnat. Lltxral rash aj.
TSserinaJooraoaxaeiBttorool. Nototsal laUr
eat al Commlaaloa eturrcl
E. METZQER, Maaiger.
ttsta Si., OprotlU Sits HoocfWalU ral'-a.
or A. A. C0H2T,
'i Treat SU, rortlioJ iuZUt
"VTOTin: I? berebr Sli iat 14 Mtoviiif uaI
Xv oriike kaa SW Dotlro r his tauaitga to B,tt
Siul prw la nrtrt ai Lis ctaln. asj ann taal e
try Itxrmf al :burnua of tain ittrs tram lb
Ul oflhU B-Hior, ta WIUJAU t KKKMEK D.
8. N HU trior. nutt J; I'-ntry. Nuim rebtw.
ml IVixUrloa. CnUtU Ck. tT oa No?ttabr 93th
UObrllXtrre.It,T.aN.ItSt Kaf UM
ae4 aama tho loOawnSAS tu wtiacam, rll Will
Un Apflrtoa. AUa MnctvrO. Was. rnmnM and
iiearj UKiru, aa rrtrfiefc-a, UnuUH Ox, Or.
occas hexkvw. Dwiuar. KrttiKr.
Eaia Street - - Peadletoa, Or.
Fresb Beef,
Corned Beef,
Salt Fork,
Sausage Meat,
Dried Beef,
All kinds of Fresh Sausages.
Highest ensh price paid ler
SlftHzhtcrcti Hep:.
DissuluttrtH rVetlcc.
The partnership herrtofore existing be.
tween A. P. Shull and Frank O'Xiel under
the rlrm name of Shull and O'Nelt tn the
Facie Saw Mill business is dissolved by
mutual consent from this date, Shull aud
Beau coallnuioj the busino.
t . P. OEIL.
Oct 30th lSS0.St
A FptradM wen rrj Jack. II baads fclib. This Jack:
ha tattlr bnta baportttf tram lb Ca bf Wm ByHy
atJatkaoa Coaslr. Ottcoo aad wall kooaa br taaujr
aTUweitUraaertbtaOMiBUTas a stock rrorr aut
raiser. Ua ru b rrcmianiet by ntaa? h.laz la
Jaciaoa Ca.. aibo fcava breU lotbVa Baa Jack, aU caa
imiry ta bis aanertor soalny aa a bneibr. noaa
ohcs to p-j rchao can reftf V W- BjbT, VcMIbik
tiHc, Or.; J . Uiaan. SaU TaSar. Jarivca Ov. Or.
Uran b iMia: al Um ruuoj Baarjf flortr on BirUa
Cret. 2 re oHcbr rtfex Evci.
roe&teby 3, A.raXXISS.