,iY, lie (&x$t rcgouiau Pablitued Every Saturday Morula XT TURNER. &, COX, OBice, MaluS tree l,opp. UieCourt HobWi Kates or Subscription In. Coin. One Year, in advance t t t $3 00 Six Months : : t I I t 1 Three Months : t t t I 1 00 Single Cojiies : : t t t t 10 rrXXJZ EA8T OllEGONIAN Job Printing- Office. rETDLETOX, OREGON. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ItATKX OV ADVKKTLSIJia IX COI3T. lw. t Inch f 3 to 1 1nc&ea a Ui S Inebes 1 frt i Inebes bui imU 7 m U" 8 CO H " loco 1 cotrmn 15 00 Ira. t 08 00 7 CO 800 CO 13 OV 11 OI 3) CO tm. t 400 S 00 12 09 11 CO 20 0) 74 CO 3) II) 400 as S'-OM II 09 IS 09 SOCS 2 CO 7 CO J CO erico Irr X CO x to 40 CO ta w 78 to 133 W VOL. 5. PENDLETON, VMAT1LLA COUNTY, OltEGOX SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1SSO. Notices In local col am a. 30 cents per Has fi.t IcserUon, 10 cents er lloo aaeh sahaeqaent In sertion. Ad vertlilcr bills pay ibis qaartsrly. NO. 51. Of every description neatly uj promptly exe cuted at reasonable rates. KoncE. Simple annooneesaeata of births, marriages sad deaths will be inserted irithout charge. Obituary notices will be charged far ac cording to their length. Single copies of the EAsrOxscomx, In wrap pers, lor mailing, cm be obtained at this oGioa. "We as mme no responsibility tar views expressed by correspondenta. r. race rcsrry. at r. sxu TUSTI5 k BELL, ATTOBNEY8 AT LATT, AXD XOTAETB3 PCBIIC. Pendleton - - Oregon. Office in Coart House. JOHN A. GUTEE, ATTOBNEY AT LAW, FEXDLETOX, OEEGOSu Grncx Up stain, above PostoEoe. ETARTS k WALEER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, rtNOLETOX, OETOOX. Orncr, in the Court Hocse. DR. E. X. CLEXEMS, PHYSICIAX, SURGEON AXD ACCOCCHER J2ot Rock, Umatilla Count j, Oregon. A1I calls promptly attended to, day or night. ' IIR. J. B. LIXBS1T, SURGEON AND DENTIST. pekdltto.v, : : : : oeegox. Surgery a Specialty. J. X. PEDETT, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. rnsELETOK : : : : ossoox. Office si residence. TT. C. 3CeEAT, X. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEOJC. IXXDLETOX, OEEGOX. Orncr Opposite the Pendleton Hotel. W. F. EREXEE, X. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. rEKDLETOS, OHEOOX. Oners his professional scrrioes to the people of Pendleton and Eorroanding country. Orncx At residence east oi Court Hocse. C WHITCOXB, X. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. rrxDixrox, oetgos. fnn attend to all calls, day or aicbt, with promptness. All diseases treated br the latest and very bestmodes lor the eosxfort cf the patient. IIA1XES k LAWBE5CE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. bakte crnr, oeegox. Will practioe at lav in all Courts in Omrcm and Idaho. Particular attention paid to basinets in JSakerasa union coanuea. DR. J. "r7. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Peadleteo, Oregon. All calls promptly attended to, dsy or xljkt. Orrscr Orer the Drag Store. E. P. E1UA5, JL D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. WESTOK, OEEGOK. OfSos on Main Street. . B. TBSEK. 1.. E. COX. TDRSEK k COX, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, I'ESDLETON', OBESON. Office on Main street, opposite the Court House. LAND AGENCY. DWXGHT Jfc BAILEY, QtBtnl Lai AgeRts, Notaries PtWic, aad SEAL ESTATE BB0ECS8, . pCBdleten, : : : : : Ore-con Hare Township Plata of all snrreyed lands in Umatilla county, aad Record of all Claims from first location down to the present ti roe, and correct ed seai-weeUy from the Land Office at La Grande. Will secure claims for parlies under any of the land Laws of the United States; conduct contested eases before the Local Land Office, and on epjica to the Department at Washington. ar-Vf ill furnish Soldiers Additional Ilome Etead Floats and all kinds cf Land Scrip ou short notice, aad at lowest market rates. Will buy and sell Land, Claims, City Property, etc., on reason able comEPiseion. The Plats and Records above referred to are the only one of the kind in Umatilla coun?,and set tlers can sare time aad a trip to La uande bj coming to us. We have special facilities for lo cating new comers. tnch27 WALLA WALLA STEAM BAKERY. BSTABLISIIED IK 1664. O. BRECHTER, Manstaetarer ef Bread, Cakes, Pies and all kiuus of Craeken. Fire-proof baitdisg. ftnV ( Wallsv Wllsv S lUirncaiLtv. J E. litis ROTHCHILD&BEAN (Successors to S.Rothehild) Would respefully call the attention of the pub lic to weir largely increased ssocx M GENERAL MERCHANDISE Which the increased facilities afforded br their combination enables them to oflcr AT THE VERY LOWEST RATES. Tbelr Stock, will Coaaise as bare larore at DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWRE, China and Glassware, Boots and Shoes, HatS and Caps, KOTIOR8, ETC. TWwiB ilnn talaiaasnre !n fillicr aar orders with which they may be cntrostel to the tost ox Uietr atouty. GRAIN AND HIDES And. other produce taVen in exchange at the iiigbeat Atarket .ttales. CASH PAID FOR WOOL. D.W. PRENTICE & 00. MUSIC STORE. lor f lrttreot,3?orUmfi. Or. AH tcatrntnenis sold on !nUHest p!aa ire at oar remar CASH PLICES. Our Pianos and Organs are from the best makers, aad our j prices and terms are the easiest of any boose ca tbeXorth Pade Coast. We folly gnaraatee every instrument we selLand sack Piano aad Organ is also aacosipanied with a guarantee from Uit maanacaxrer. WEBER PIANOS ARE THE BEST. Installment Terms: $H. $100 or sort, ctah balance, V& cc J30 pr bsUu HAINS BROS.' PIANOS ARE BELTABLE. Install nient Terais: 2S, 550 or or eaah; balance, J15 or J20 per SiiBtri. 1BE THE BEST MEDIUM-PRICED PIANO IN THE WORLD. Installment Terras: $15, f2S, or man, euh; balance, ?10 or $15 per tsestn. ESTEY ORGANS SING THEIR OWN PRAISE AND LEAD THE WORLD. Standard Organs ARE UNRIVALED. Installment Terms: $15, $25, or Etioro Gia&j balance, fiu or fib per aaoalii. If installment terms as quoted above do not exactly please, they can be changed to suit con venience oi customer. D. W. PRENTICE & CO. Music Dealers, aid rusunrns or D. W. PItENTICE Ss CO.'H MOHTJBLLY Musical Journal. PRICK 78 CCKTS PCX. TKAH. CmWm Sie.Werth ef New Untie Euh Yer UTAH, IDAHO & OREGON STAGE COMPANY. NTAGES WILL I.IU.TK rESDLETOX FOR UMATILLA Errrr Taev dsy.lharalsy and Saturday at 1 P. re turnier. (ram Cmatitla the tame days ou ar rival m the boats from The Ilaltes PENDLETON FOR THE DALLES Dailr fix. PA Ilnck and lleonaer at G A M. ' rENDLETON FOR VALLA WALLA Daily ai 1 a. A.4 ana wr mk wkv at - A. il. NEW COACHES, NEW STOCK, Skilled Drirrts, aad aUe rwrfcrasnee ef rri c en time are tfee tratores l the Ostspasy. Fare greatly ralaeeJ. Apply to LOP LITERMORE, AGEXT. SaBAmry, Hailry A Co , IVsp-veiarx. i Opportunity I" OK. OUR STJESCRIBEES ArrnciaUax tbe mtitj ef erntKTftm EAST OREGONIAN Zars nemOnl la rutlnx amsceMU U 03L.XJ3L3 SAN FRANCISCO Weekly Chronicle. 3 OO per Year, AaJ ta jcari, nlacnHlee ef tS CHROSTCUC bt2. 5w. tmx Papers for One Tear For S4 041. Poctc Fre-e, Both tfrrt rat to cm er to kUmM. .djcil with tt scimttrr. t Ut tsaX rea tt 50 Ooiit-s. la lsfcicn to tL stove -n M wtuX lech safer. al A BOOK Boe&l la ebah. V fS ierabb tfc. Mlarr&m vuhslUCU 450 Books, AioW! A nCTlCS. roETET. umosr cioaurnT rornc. TAEXINQ at4 CtXiU u Pscitrv lUfcatt Ut hia la kK trim. TV.Hl taetoir. ius utii uVICK. ES. ABBOTT. LDfCnUiTX. TDCSTTfOX. MOCLTT. AMIxjS.rtc HOW TO GET A LIBRARY. SfUUtjUntUfirf iWiletitfir.iMa tr ol fiatlw. la tfc um DIAortxnj Bar eueUartacrttaa4fcTsaOaS.Wa.la 5 Uaotsravvk nca Uautr Ibrll locU jmir. vcU aim estate the mt EvlrnilsUa juvraat. U WETtLT rUEOXJCLE (er M ,nr.aal abn crtal the cwsrs. See a klffarr. That, hr rt4ltc ' e&v t three mlia, ther codl rrt Lctfe rts u-S th chetceel Tcmr Standard Works s A Chtiet ttx nAmritietM at ra Usk tU rf" EIGHT BOOKS Or tm rsUerirttees at as ti& fOCCTlXX BoeU.erOra raUcrtrOec. at cor tia. 1U site th chaw. ( Tis-eaty-Oao Books. . The hook. w3tUt tn tt aaptaoe aal SAN FRANCISCO CHEONIGLE Leading Newspaper 6F T-fwr lr'roilie Coast. rut uicojin.E bcilbiju. XII K MAX rRANCIMTO CRRB.XI. CLt: li I be tnt rarer on lb. ctu" id aUhtr allatUtmhotn4irluHllt,of IU NEWS. NotUsf that the worUderite. to SBK U caitle4 froa IU cdsstos. It alms to fill rverr nqaltr. own! of a fcrH-clui rer. Il.T.leCTsrUcnepaits are the ltte.t and act nlutU. ill Uxal Xtvt the falteri and tptde.1. aul Its Editorull (term the ahlcst pecs la lb. teaDlr,. THE CHROXICXE has ilnriW,il vlll t, the irtmi aad thaarioa of th profit. aclnt ca9iUDatlooi,cll4wa. eorpors tloas or cipCireaSoa of anr klnt. 1 1 iU t Inde jmit Is everrthln, nentra In Botblast llr LDd inrarUal to all parllei, f rt expmlac correp tHmberevrr rMDd.aid wciUncwllh tcarlM rmSeavct to procoota and protect rvrrr lolemt of l!MtvetpoUlchoia it Km aDJoantwcall drprsd. for IU rapport 7K. NAX rRAXClKCe KEEKLT CHRe.YICLi; the met LrilUant and com 4rU Wnklr Newrpsper In tlx World, print, rrcnltrlr 73 roinm&s. or rtcht paxes, of Nm. IJtentore and' Ceneral Inknattloe; alM a luarolnccot Axrlcnltaral Ptputz&toL $2 for One Tear, tBclodto' Pace, to aar part of Ok Unitx! tUt'S. sample conns skst free. Sir Alloolers tnot h aecompiiiUJ hythsroia S-Unn alt (Xtn la GOLDEN UcJIOCUATIC I'M rK.illtt. The Democralie larty ef the United States in Gmvriitiua amnU?il deelsrc : Frt We 4tljre urxJre. anew t ths eoftltutioual doelrinrv and trailitians o the I)intratie party a iliuttratnl by the teaeh iitjr and cxamj.l" ef a Wn line of Detnocrtie .Ute-meii aad trit. and ruUlied in the pUtfurnt of tWe lat Naltwoal Cnventta f the wrty. ScwhmI OppoitiH to esdtralisalitrti and that dasgvrott firit of rocruoeiimrnt wbieh terd tw ctilidte the powers of all the dr prtmnU iU una, aad tliut Ut create, what ever may be tb- frmof truvemraent, a ml dvpotism ; ns .niaptuaryUw, MparaUfea of Ckareb ali4 Suto ftrr tLe gOul of neb. coin mn Mbwel to be terrd and prulecUiL TMri Home rule, Unneit tuwuey, eeasi.t iMcaf poM, silver aa4 isr eoevertiUr inU min oh JemUkd; tbe stnet matoteaanee of the public Utiii. tate au4 N.hMrBal, and a tiTltf for rrrwjae wily. Purth TWe brlMaia of tke mlliury h the oiril pwr, aad a ieneral and tlior Msb rrfrw ( iU esril Kerrio. Plflb Itigbt to a free kiltot a tke riht prrMVT.tive of all rtirlil., aad mat and .kail le eaaiataisl m e-Tory part of the United States. Stxlh Taw rzi.tssif a4saiMtotioH is rep rrstaUve ef ownptraey awlr. M4 it. aiaim. of tke nkt to nnwM tlw VulWt kte witli lrw). au4 itepMty laiawawla. to MttttHidatoaatl bstraet tbe uli elm, aatsl sW tmprreajtirated a of tke rrtm to saatolam tt oarrapt and defote jwr, ssrHilU tke Jj4e aa4 imjr I. tkeir tSMtttajtSMM. Sere lb Tbe great traod f I 7S, by which upua a tal oooat of tke vbrcsnral rate of two Sutcr, tke caa4Uat JtV!e.l at tke pill, wu ditrrd to ic Pre .idea t, aad far tke rt time in Ajaeri-aa kt.tory the wilt ef the peo ple wa iwt ai4e ua4er threat ot military vto leaoe. struck a deadly blow at oar at stem ef rsvrneatative troremmeat The Desttcratie party, bs prefer ro tke ooantry frwm the bor- fwr h Site civil war. .abaultrtl lor a time ta tint firm as4 patnoUc faith tbat tke people rvaUl tmMrii tke rrtasw ta l. I au two precede aad dwxti aar otkrr. It impose a more oaerM dalr cpo tbe f o! tbe I a- ioa tkaa was ever a4dreMd to tbe eoasetest of a natioti ef frtvtaea. Ktktk We execrate tke enr- of this ad- misatratici ta Bills; plaeoa for pBUl cfMouial., aal deiaibd a refsna by statate wlneb skalt make it forever imoibe far a 4rfeate4 osa4iilate U. bribe kit way ta tke Mat wf a sharper by vttiaiasea apoa tke peo ple. Tk wa nii apata IB ropuoe to de- . ao rroeawJ witsi iimaie.1 Nsatk Tke reulstsoa of ime4 J. TiUrn aot icun to b a oaB4date fur 4ecUa, the .xalte4 p aee to vklrk be wa etrvted by a aupKity of bi evaalrymea. aad from wktek he wa excluded br tate lur 4 tlte Itpab Keaa party. U reerir4 by tke IVjamU ef tke lTBld State-, witk MMkbtr. aad ther dealare their eoaSdoaev mi ki. ilm and patriotUsi aad ioternty BBallr"l by tke msIu of tke eeamoa r. aad tkey fartker deHsrr U bim tkat ke i Mkrd loU tke rrtareaseat fce kas eku'H. for kua4f by tkr ympatkr aad respeet of k feiWv cttixeas who mrard sum x oae wao, kr 4ratBjr ta staadard of peklra morabtr aad adnraiaj; aad parifvia? tke paUie Mmw. aaeriu tke kut- sair sraaae oi jb oouairy ua iuiy- Tootk Free bip aad hve eaaae Ur mrioa ouasrMte ea tbe ea aad oa tke load; aodivnasiaatsoa ta favor of tna.por- tataoa Ham, eoriioratioa. or mna.r she. KlevrBlb .areadmeat of tke Itamarame treaty ; ao avtre Chinese immisrattoa exrrpt kr travel, edoeatswa aad ferctsa oommeroe. aad tkenoa carefcllr guarded. " Twelth fume aoaer ssm! roon eredil tor pabHc pnpos solely, aad public land far aotoal tUer. Tbirteeatk Tke IVraratic party is tbe friead of Ulor aad tke l.Wrinp man. aad fdedrr itx4f ta aeotect bim aHke aoiast tbe eormoraata and tke eomraaae. Poerteratk We eeajrratnlate tbe eon n try sjms tbe kaetr aad drift ef tbe IVnaorratic CawirreM wkiok ks redaerd tke t-akHe ex I au dita rr f U).tJ(l.lA) a ? e-w , up4tt tkeeoatia- aation of prosperity at kome aad the nattaa- al keaor abroad, and aoore all, aroo Ice promts of reek a cbanpe ia tbe admini.tra tion of this Goverameat as aba!! ia.ure its seaaiae luting reform in errry depirtmect of tke fiabUc scrrire. rratsc no man too liberally before his face, cor censure Lim too lavishly behind bis back; the one rora the fLvttery, the other of malice and both are reprehens ible; the tree way to advance another's virtue is to follow it; and the best meant to err down another's vice into decline it. He who has no taste for order will be eften wronir in his judement. and seldom eonxideratc or conscientious in his ac tion. PENDLETON HOTEL Mala Ktroet, Iendletoa, Or. THIS OENTBALLY LOCATED - . ap percLAR lie car Uivfog been ENTIRELY REFUTED and REFURXiSHED Is now open for the reception of goats. THE TAHLE Will at all times be found furnished with the very beat the market a&ords, aad every exertion made to satisfy the patrons of the bouse. mir: iiedh Are all new, and the rooms have been furnished in the neatest style and with every convenience usually found in a first-clta house. THE PENDLETON nOTEL In all its departments will be up with the times, and the proprietor ii determined that it shall maintain tbe reputation cf being the Dell Home Fast of Ike MoantatB. The resident and traveling public are rr;-ct-fully Invited to call. C BAKKII, Proprietor .11. V. II.ULKT, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, itjciiixtox, ontJ.K. Oflioc Vain ilreet. un stair, ever East 0k roiiannine. jl? WILSON HOTEL. UMATILLA, OREGON. Mrs. It. A. 'Wilson, formerly t Orleans his lo cated on Front street, Umatilla, where she hsa oiiened a nrst-class hotel. The house kas been refitted, tbe toll are excellent, sad tke table will be supplied with tbe best tke marxet aSorda. Travellers will nc rerret stopplag at tkls pUea. K, W. SUge Coajosj 's eosebet stop kere. i jLaJbcuniirniu. EASTERN. Weaver at Klmlra, JI..T. KpiKu,.S;pU 1. General Weaver was in Kltnira to-day and addrt-san! two iai meniHf xreenbttk mc-eiinsa. ller. Tho K. Ilrecher. srceiibacl; canditbtte frtn Kr s. pre-rikil and made a cIi anicteric lie i-jK-tT.li. General Weaver spoke for two hiMim in the open air in the afiernoun. mainly ou the question of Shance. and incidentally on ballot box frauds at the Miuth, whereby h uid the sreciihickers had been rubbed of victory. Weaver Call, the lln.ll In I.lae a irrn. tack '1 rlarapb. AuLtxr. X. Y. Set. 15 General Wea ver, ijreenlMck candidate lor preside! at a largely attended neetitr to-Hiht refer red to the 3Iaiae electtoa as a vaiory for the Kretvnbatkens. A PrvUaded A rw. paper Corre.paiuteul. Utile U.ine Ciltc.ico, SVfrf. 15 The Imltr-Octtm eays; A ptrMn riaiHiili u Iks -mI rreromUMit of the Mcanieat Itiy Hfttunl (Won Came here jt before thr-kbi-liU' roocUve, and Wirs; MHabto lu ecHrc piarieri ia aay hotel, rented nnttr of a well knoundelevtiva. Thia;s pod plessMHtly, and tbea lopsl oxrr-p !(: was !elilitttl with bu q4arter. Iksnn; the cuhcIjvc thedelective w ralte.1 away to a dUUBrceae of operatiea of tooaV imp irtanre, aied di-1 aot retarn to the city antil a few days eiacr, when he foad that his wife, kxHSsehydd -yxl., several bandred doiktr in raoaey and the alfrtred newspaper corrrl3adet bad Mtnatuae obsIv taken diht. This drtcctive will probaUr hare quite )prtaat baiaoM on Itasd for the rest of tlicyrar. Mar LTMchlaj; Pr.U.blr. XaSHVttxs. Spt. li-To haodred men met at atlme la-t askt and do caxvl the QrtKiB w briber ther a oh hi ruil S'priBjcicIdaad Lvacft the reeMiitiw; nejoea roaaeded with the Ltpradi sar der, bnt after" ard duprrel. The six pnooner wete brovbt kefektot nlzkt by the thenffof Ituberk-oacvHtaty ad alared in for ifc krepias by order of Gov ernor JIarks. A Defaaller HovE-eiLr, I'j-. Srpc 17. Wiltasia Smith, ef tbe firm of Tnrnaaae A Saatttt. mrrchaBbof I)atiCi. Wayaeooonty. IV., has disspfieaied. lie U difaallrr M Ike aseMNt of ;25 .IM3. Tor mate s rulaed a at aeveral Bimsat CoekoetiMs.N. largely. Semth Is brlierel U bate Meed the money la McCic ;prtwlaiKa M.m.cr.f. Cle.tS.wl c;irl ana n (mn a Cut. Cixvcutxii. r. 17. ne aafHiikt T Count Leo Vom MoHlbe of the Gertusa army and Miss HUre Kvoretl of this rstr were celr braird at Tnaitr KprMiMaU churrh U-JicbL The sruea U a Art UeatcHaat ia lhe Imperial tiavaVd and a J son of Lieut, Gen. on MosttW of tke I Saxon army. Ta. ni.arMl. Cl.aa.plaa Wlaw IXstotr, epc 17 Mi-i l'mnnrs of Ca ifuraiaaiid Mie Jtae?lf MiaaeoU rode a 16 mile rxec at the f ir srwsnda to day. Tbe Utter w n. time St aIusHe!. Ih tue filth mile her h re fell, bnt she aaa onlr alrzkUr hart. EOREIGN. Rnlan Affaira St Prrrie-eca.. SetK. 17. Gen. Ivoi Melt Lotl has arrived front LivMio. Itn ierial a.'weat i anaonncedtoa protoal of Gen. Mewkoffand the misister nf in- Ure for revision ef alt branches of the ad minitratHMi of the ttrorine. Th-a work of (Urh tevbion In eibt yOVerariieBU ) has been allotted to f r senaloo. A Derlll.t. AllempC t c- . t. . i uiio, iTiH. .. Jin" i our poanus oi tiynamite, coBHecteii wnn a tube nil! Hh perr;vioa cap and jruapea Jer, wa foiul nnder a rail on the IhJo and Northwestern line, 18 unle from Kniton. theLondHi termiBHs, th s iii'irning. It i snpf.ed ikat an ex prviu train to Scotland paed over the mined rail two honrs prenons So the dis covery, bat that the tube was rbakca from the rail by the motion of the pars ing train or other m failed k act. Xe cine to the perpetrators. Serleaa ftlluallenar French Palltlcat Af r.lr P.mi, Sept, ll.-Kxritcment amen? republican croups continues. The politi cal situation is obscure and uncertain. Chanses in the ministry arc regarded probable and ere freely dicned. A coolness nndoubtrd'y extts between pre mier De Freycinett and Gambvtt a. The lo-ition of a tTair is regarded In poKtteal nlled circles pregnant with storms and dltlicul ties. The Kew SpaalsB Baby. Madrid. Sept, 13. The princeM was born at about 'J o'clock Saturday nichL AccorUint; to ancient eltquettc ttie minis ten, msr?Iiai. cranuees and Ulniomats awaited the event in the ante chamber. The duke of Sexto, grand master of the palace announred the birth and shortly after the king brought out the infant and show ed.it to the awetubhtge. The minis ter of jutticc drew up a deed attesting its birth. The infant a ill tw christened Mercedes and about a dozc.i other natne. The birth was announced to the city by artillery. T he Siberian I'l.gwe Sr. PcTK!.nciai,Spt.H. Symptom of the Siberian plague haveapiarril iuiong the jieopleof a village near Utieva. Knwl.n Klnaneea. Xew fiuaiKv iiiiuiter of Italia, Ms Ilanze U said to havo fouud the fiiianres fo disargauised and encrusted with defalrn- tlon, that witli General .MellikPtl Iieail vbed the czar to appoint a eomtnirclon to investigate the tlejurttnonU ItMln-liev-ed that the rHVunimciidation will be adopted but the result will not be nude public The i-omini.-Kiou will probably hit privately, and submit the result to lhe czar, who will di.nib the first olTendvr. "Hohert the Devil" VTIn. the XI. fcrr Make. - ljoxno.H.Scpt. 15 FlieSt. leridakt'w were won by Robert the Devil; CvpalUa, rerond; Abbott, third. Novel Use or the Tsi.EriiosK.--It is well known that if a long, dry tubo open at both ends lo held over a jet uf burn ing hvdroge a musical sound is pro ducetl. the Hitch and nualitv of which vary with tho length, thickness and di ameter of tho tube. It has been pro posed, says tho J-Jcclncian to adapt such a tube to a safety lamp nndergroi nd in mines, and to pla:o it near a toieuuono in communication with another in tho manager's office on tho snrfaco. Tho al teration of tho sound, duo to a greater or les admtxturo of gases witli the air of tho initio would warn the manager of tho atato of tho ataiosphero ia tho workings. PACIFIC COAST. A Xlee CroMU. Sax FitisriKTi, Sept. !. Tlie board of elevtKJii conitJiiaiorirra rarne near break inn "P l row toLty over char,?i madfe by Tilioon yeatenlay, that the maycr'a party a an tryine to manage fraudulent rtristratioB, TilIori branded the maycr an an infamfHis liar. UegUtrar Thorj threatened to .hoot the top of Auditr Danu'a head otf, and nnmi-ruoi like rivii itiw a ere exchanged. No business of coneaeiice xt transacted. Tbe Tichaor Sprlaga Kracul Kxpoaett. State mineralogist Henry G.IIaalu has analyzed the water 6f Tichnors alleged Kdd beanngapnn near CalNtoa, and nla ti at it doe not contain the eiigh't at trace of uhl. Prof. Hawks denounced Tick nor', enterpnre a a fraud. Tbe Call U day pobilshea sn expose of the man ner in which Tichnor pretended to obtain ?old fioat water, which may b brielly rieftcribed a ralalonr water with chloride or gold. Prof. Haaka has received from tbe rut letter of inquiry rraniii-,; the spring in (nstIou, which leads to tbe be lief that voe tepa liaTe been taken to tvt up an exotenient over t in that nartrr. DalS It.Ir.vrxI an Ball. S?f KittNTo Sep, 15. Capt. Djij isHlscttd in Otivon fur manelaakter in OOflReetMii ai!h the vrreck of the steamer Great IN-jHiblic, has gied aboad of iJ.t and nas bn releael tits case a ill eowe up before Jede UoOman or Friday, a hen tbe qttestiou of sending defendant to Oregon for trial wd be decided. BCS1SUI BTATK JI XST The Siw York "P.Hk'1" WeakJr Ke vle. New Yoix Hrtt. 17 CSrarisz kae ex- cbsacri tat tke -ek shoo increased bciiaeas jf.L.. a c. Tbe fe sam-teg are tbe dHstis acordlsg I ... "T" , IZrtQ tlie ! Atrs lanuis'.Ki rrtora : Uaia .w Yor.2Jl; Boston. 2U.7. PnH adelphu.Se; Ch evew, 31 St Looi 17.0; Ctocsnn It. 41 1; Sas Praooico. It 6: klU tisk r, iVh Kew Oriraai. Si s; Pitiiborc, 41 T; IxMSt. vitte. 51. Providence. s; Kaa titr. 317. ladi-aspcla. 41 CVv eland, 37 7: N.w H.vra 30 7. Lnaeit 19 6 toe -B t n re 3, ajnaur, U s. aaa of aoMe laasily. iisj jotcea a ti it rreord .t e'sehas is mora better sow publishing firm. The facs is that ibsa taatoftbr pncrdMij; .k. sad snows i tuc aveaBes are now k crowded that ikai no 4.ie ic ajsiwy ifboHBe. bs yet Tounjr men of satall capital, who do sot onind cesifensr. wnh the c-rmiiooding , -, . T -Zni SZ week lat TrJ. .hick w., af er tke IpeCCU- ! leTC avdaaoon wfll per- iKrfxdmenl kad baa and tile ib-itu- j force, have to take what offers a liveh ti.a: c iertv tB I g-tirnoe trade wai sap- j hood. Nor do we imagine that men who 1 1 am ed br rcutsioa trcbsses in specs- ha.1 the eourage to toka to retail trade a to, tveaaatasi tse execansa oi iai eh atw au larres-e ol rf 7 pr cent. io be . ct e. ale aad 2t prcent vat-d ti Xea Yon. TDefe t no ci Utber ofacressoo .b!e .ad daa$erwcs t(alaave xcitrmeat or of tlscaaUoo. CUTIUI. AntZRICAA AVFAIllt. Caas'p bI la Vaitowa State. Xxw Ttf.c. tett 17 Kasasa dtspoicnes sta'e thUtheM.asvcr riyif. ahca arttrrd ai XU. aca ! Tc aa tbe 3d rro-ra ib.i .a a ex. Sa t cscBcote-ed a itTcrecsle treca tse wiotswut ai as. cbssilcd to laj Vt S&acrv. Ucr p Tt gajl aft sod rahta boll&rad acre ttuhuj oaav.;4 1X nUSt Mant ol ulejrri cor;ci .rtrV a Umtra he el'TSf ant. dertstder- cais ti the Kale &as tcca ordered hj Ue naUoa 1 r-vcraseaL and leader, have beva advertbed tt CbaStioruud of C difercat llaca. Taa pet of Taaaaa are laalant ever the aea.froa fvra lb,t Leep' coioj cita b at a uc co sad that AcvcrL-aa ercoddaa u tie cnl)lx tu b-ea a ilnii, aat caarlvtnilg of O.U ctttsstat ni.lor oea accreted. I br. tjoeaet. t-rt eit c-C ise rtpMle. U expeet- Ied fce Ml riaeishst the cilodle of tie ooata Uc roses aha anutatrbodr of traops tcsca Uasevl la thi Otf . Tfce penid at of Haadoras has lrscd a debtee cs(tMc the narool ccsKitsect asaiadf. ta se at i& captui a u 14 of epteabr. accofcias i (oau rrporu. ia in itcwrM o i e repa he or tnatsili ca Juir list of ul.vear axooatedtll2U,tW SV lbEomcabtvl9a.vaiw baa enured lata a i coatrwl aim J y Medial Medtaa ttt ta tstaMi.aoet.t at a Una la ihatrrpcU c 16s ta4 u to ta is cH- wtia triacata ta dlStftat tewns a aver gm t rrooin d Tt cm. r.vr nveraaest cealcs tae rtport ta.tt n4 wirrJol a secret tKatr a kit rm. noet a k t K.ca ruirosj trra ta capital. ran .Kas. Ut I k Atlantic t. prccimlsc satt.tartit Tnervpsaneot Mcanna boasts tail II Ml no fsruxadcU. VASVUA. IUU. or Train Jttn. Wiurrm. Seot. 17. fbe brakemeaand fi re a; en ou tbe Canada Pacific road bare re signed aecaae an iaerrae of wata was de nted them, and it a-s tbrn found neceasary to have police detailed t watch the arrival and departure of trains for fear of destroctisn of prrptrtj. Eccentric Animal. The subject of a depraved taste in an imals is an interesting one, which has not been studied as much jHirhap as it might, In human beings it would seem to depend on ill health of either body or mind, but in animals it would seoni it might be present and tho animal enjoy cood health. One remarkable instance in a herbivorous animal wo can vouch for. It occurred in a sheen that had been shinned on board of one of the P. and O. steamers to help to supply tho kitchen on board, but while fattening it developed an inordinate tasto for tobacco, which it would cat in any quantity that was civen to it. It did not care for ct gars, ana lutogemer ODjectott to uurni ends; but it would greedily devour tho half-chewed cud of a ailor or a handful a . . aat A of roll tobacco. "While chewing there was apparently no undue flow of saliva. and its tasto was so peculiar that most cf tho passengers on board amused tnem selves by feeding it, to see for themselves u it were really oo. As a consequence, though in fair condition, tho cook was afraid to kill the sheep, believing that the sheen would have a flavor of tobacco Another very remarkablo ca-ne has jnst been communicated to us by Mr. Francis Goodlake; this timo a tlosh-eatmg animal in the shape of a kitten, about hvo months old. who shows a passionate fondness for salads. It cats no end of sliced cucumber dressed with vinegar. even when hot with cayenno innipor. After a little fencing it has eaten a pieco of lioilcd IVcf with mnstard. Its mother was At least once seen to eat n slice of cucumber which had salt, pepper and vinegar on it, Tho kitten is apparently in good health, and its extraordinary taste is not easily accounted for. bven supposing it once got a feed of salmon mavennatso, why should it now soloct to prefer tho dressing to tuo nsu? Tt is eratifyinir to know that suit against an folminitdator for an estate in Ibtrtford. Conu., who was not doing the squaro thing, resulted in the recovery of 810,000. Tho fact that all but S3X of tho amount went for lawyer s fees should not bo overlooked in the general joy. however. Social Position la America aad KaIaad. Some vears ago a jounp Scotch me ohanic killed himself at Philadoipbia, leaving a letter exjilainicg that he did f from aheer chagrin on finding that h s social jKirion, in disgnat of which La had chafetl himself into emigration, wxe no better than at home. Being, in com raon with tens of thousands in Europe, entirely ignorant of American aoeial life be had'concluded. Laving heard that this country ore man is as good as a. other, that be would find social circles i which entry was imponaible at horn easily-open to him here, and was. co rospondinglr chagrinAd to tliscov that the Cadwaladera, Biddies, etc kept their doors as close again a mechanic as do Xjcnnox or Hamiltons. As a matter of fact, tl line of social demarkatton in our easier cities is as well defined as in Europe, ami a man going to dine at the house of & merchant or profeMiosal man in ew York is as unlikely to meet his boot-rnaker or erocer as at a dinner party in London. Hie question arises, however, whether this !tate ef things will not soon undergo a change in both places. There is reason to think that up to the middle of the last century some branches of retail trade anst have been deemed much more honorable in Great Britain, and that it began to drvlir.o in estimation when the extension of commerce and manafactares offered so much more opportunity for monej-ciak-iag ia other lines. Pepys, of diary fame, was son of a tailor in a small war of bos ineru. ret his father's wife was aunt of Sir Edward Montague, mother of the first Lord Sandwich. Again, when the first Lord Mansfield, son of Lord S tor ts on t, a poor Scotch peer, went to "West- aiaister bc&ool. his kosom mend v- f I ci t .1- Vt vmva ,wi a lAAi i.a.vjnuuc i.jiii.j , wu whose father was a London draper. Guj eraon ited early, and his lather be queathed to Mansfield a valuable estate in Shropshire, which the present Lord Maas&ekl owns to-day. It is perhaps siznificaai of impending change that the son of the Archbishop of Dublin, a would fas caste with sensible people. Some base sisee a young gentleman, yery anxious to marry, resolved to take the "large village shop" in the place where his parents, people of excellent position, had long dwelt. He has made a com fortable livelihood oat of it, leads a maeh mere agreeable life than if he had "Gone West," aad all his friends think: that he did a very sensible thing. IIow Could Lal His Zjebrows. The absence of eyebrotrs ou the face of Mr. Jay Gould ia thus ac counted for by a correspondent of x Western paper: lie had his all staked on the Uniou Pacific, and the stock had been worked up from nine to about sixty-aix. The lower court had decided in his favor in a vital lawsuit, and it was with feverish anxiety that the resalt of the appeal was awaited. The rumor got a bo a. in Wall street tbat the decision of the eourt would be adverse to Gould, acu, in spue oi me private assurances tbat it would be against tbe govern ment, the ttdverc rumors ao un- atruntr Gould that it was hard for him to keep on his feet. A private telegraph wire was hired, with one terminus in Mr. Gould's office anc tho other in the room adjoining the Supreme Court ebamber in Washing ton, lue operators sent alt tbe de cisions as tney were read, urea- nervousness was caused by the lonp tedious opinions telegraphed i which Gould bad no interest. Thi was kept up for hours. Gould almost prostrated. At length th operator announced tbat tho readin ot the opinion in the Cnion Pacifi Railway case had been commence Tho first of the opinion began t come over tho wire, and it was mere history of the case. "Oh, shut him off! ened Mr. Gould, "and ask him whether the decision of tho lower court is affirmed." The an- swer was awaitca wtm oreainiess anxiety. Gould sank in his chair, as pale as a dead man, and those about him were much concern-id for fear that if the decision was adverse he would be killed by it. The operator at length gave the news that the de cision of the lower court had been affirmed. Mr. Gould was prostrated, though the decision gave him mil lions, lie was carried to his homo in Fifth avenue, and a long sickness followed. AU his hair came out, in eluding, his eyebrows, and those nature never restored. Valvatiox of Taxablx Peopebtt. The assessment of Philadelphia proper ty on which tho taxation for IsM is based embraces at least one satisfactory feature. Assuming that the figures given approximately represents actual values, it shows that the downward tendency, of which the hrst official evidence was fur nished by the decline, from 1SS7 to 1S78, of more than sixteen million of dollars. and the still greater dnclino from 1S7S to 1S79 of mora than uftv-two million ci dollars, has not only been arrested, but that tho ratio of increase in the valua tions of the property in Philadelphia as sessable for taxation has increased from a littla more than two million of dollars from 1879 to 1SS0 to more than soven millions of dollars for the period from 1SS0 to 1SS1. A lady wri';es to know if parlor matches am tho best. A long experience incline ns to believe that they are. Xhosa E&sde in the kitchen generally result U Um loss of a good cook, whllo the prh ntuM aimrilr Ven nn naorst Taaai na ti iocs to find moaey that go for boniM. aad gloves.