Cc (East (Drfpninn. SATURDAY SEPT. 4, 1SSO. y.H.TinsEn. i- b. cor. rcBusuna bt TURNER & COX. TERMS IN ADVANCE Oxn Yeas S. TOR PRESIDENT: W. S. HANCOCK. OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOR VICE-riiESIDENT ; WM. H. ENGLISH, OF INDIANA. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS : J. K. WEATHERFORD, T. G. OWEN, JAMES FULTON. Pcmocratic Appeiattaentt. The citizens of Umatilla county will be addressed ta lollowa on behalf of the Dem cratic ticket : Fendleton, A. E. Ishara of Walla TTalla. September IS. VVeeton, A. E. Isbara of Walla Walla, "September 20. liaton, A. E. Iibara or Walla Walla, September 21. Pendleton, CoL C. II. Larrabee of Seattle, October 14. TTceten, CoL C. H. Larrabce, October IS. Te Our ratroHS. 3Ir. G. It. Bull is cur duly appointed agent to canvass Umatilla county on hehali of tie East Oeeooxiax and has entered upon his work. We would respectfully re quest from oar fritads of the past a settle meat of rll docs, that wc may be enabled to Improve onr paper both in its appear tare and its usefulness, and with the same object in view will be glad to add the names of all sew subscribers who desire to take ft good county paper. We wish by the 1st of January te jar- chase a new and mere extensive stock of 'type of every description, and if possible a mew press; from and after that date we tlso propose to print both sides, i&rttsd of ike patent outside sow used. It shall be ouraisa not to make money on a vrcrta. loss sheet, bst to proride our fellow citizens 'with a respectable netetpipcr, having for its eject the promotion of the in Uresis of Umatilla county and the State. Wa only request the support of ear friends in this enterprise and then if it proves & failure, we will bear the censure. Mr.C. C. Boa of iiatoa is authorized "ts receive subscriptions and collections and to receipt for the same. TczcaK&Cor. XScpcIilicais. Hypocrisy. One of the most digesting features of the policy of those s&ea. claiming to bathe leaders of tie Republican party is their 'rank: hypocrisy, most noticeably shows in Mheirproseripiioa of all Southern men who iionestly Tote the Democratic ticket and -their vrfued lore for the "repentant rebeV who barters bis convictions and repudiates his past conduct for the price of as offlce. The -whole scope of the En glish language is too narrow to supply the stock of anathemas tfcey would beap cpon .the former, or their false laudations lavish- ed spon the latter. The origin of all this, -It k needless to say, is the war; its advo cates, znaialy tioie who never saw the flashing of a gxm; the iapelling motive, party capital; its fec&dation, the alee aad arrogant assumption that loyalty to the Coaetitatioa must of ztocecsity be loyalty to ahe Bepublicaa party. Cs treating this question we speak frcaa a Southern stand-point one of the editors f this paper bore arms on the side of the boutli lor four years and the other, though too young to take the field in person, bad scores of tisdred who fought from the first shot until the surrender, and fer those acts we have no apologies to make. In what wc Lave to say below we are expressing, we believe, the general sentiment ot the . moo loletv in "rebeUion." I lie boutbern States seceded because it was their belief aad their education that they bad a right ao te do; they look the field to sustain their principles; they fought and were defeated; they were offered re-admission into the Union upon terms, dictated Vy i Republican Adminiilratioa; they accepted . tbc terms ia good faith asd have abided by and intend to abide by them for all time to 4. co in e asd tbat is all there is of it, Tbey -swore no fealty to tie Republican or Dem ocratic party, but to the Constitution, a iiigher power then party can ever rise to be. But Republican era ton cry themselves .hoarse over this "rebellion which it seems is never te bare an end, though it bas reased, and the great issue presented to the -people Is whether the South shall bare "Rebel Brigadiers" to represent it, ia its connection with public matters. Wc ray 1 tit is to the best interests not only of the Soatbjbut to the general government that this ebonld be so. The brain and sinew of the South went into tho w&r as a unit and if -fuck were not chosen as representative wen, there would be the alternative of on scrupulous adventnrere, neither knowing its wants nor caring for-them nor lor those fii the general government, cr Ignorant .negroes, who wonld be neither honorable mot useful in such aphere. Moreover, we -rould like to be informed ivLetber it is siore "disloyal" for Southern men to be fleeted by their fellow ettizecs to public officthf , tlian it Is for them to be appointed iliy 'Republican admiuistralioas. These men bow !if their acts tbat it is not the "Tra-bcl" eaRisvfca ssfcaxasBSF MSBssBaas, fPff whoso deration into public life rouses their I Grx. Trade Hampton of South Carolina righteous indignation, but only wlteu Le J recently made a speech in Stanton, Virgin votes the Democratic tickat at least such : ia, which hat been the occaslen of a r,rst it the hollow mockery of their pretensioat. I amount of comment and critlciim In Itc They hale a Southern man who follows the publican journals. It was la the first in banner of that grand old chlcltaln, Andrew j stance tertionsly reported and parvcrted by Jacksen, but. Oh! how they lor a man the editor of a oae-horse Republican paper. who Trill tot a price upon his home and i fire-side, his lart and penatet, the tradi. tions and teachings of the past, bis kindred of the present generation and the graves of his sires! Let caa of them but reach ou his bloody band and hew quick thty are to fill it with reward. Thty will glory ia placing a man where they would be out raged were be to placed by any other power than theirs. Look at James Lec. ! street no man in the South era army with the same command shod so much blood as he, yet, as is said by an eloquent Northern statesman, "nothing stood between him and civil preferment the mom est be was willing to tern bis back upon bis old cam. rades, who bad shared with bits tie bloody charga, the nightly bivouac, and the over, whelming disaster that fell upon them all at ita dote." He is sent abroad on a high foreign mission. TTe rcmembir when John S. Mosbj was an outlaw and for same time after the clou cf the war was threat ened with the gallows for the part he play, ed on the bloody arena be voted the He publican ticket and has a foreign appoint meat. Will any honest Republican say he believes them more loyal to the Const. tulion than Hampton, Gordon, or Lamar? Or that be bas anv other IrtHn? far ihi-m I than that of contempt fur the position they , have assumed! But if the 3ortb is re all r afraid ef these -Eebel BrigadtersM why don't it eend 1 of their, -to whip them as they did Urerer' Sorely there must be a few left oat of the ; grest armies she bad io the field, and yet we never see them brought to the front. It lias bad frequent opportunity to boa or some of its military men, bet they have always been retired te make roetn for the heme guards. Take the U. S. Senate live elections bas the State of Maine bald since 1SG5, but not one man who stood on a Seld f battle has ever seen chosen; lesr Repub lican terms have been filled frcmKew York and each time a civilian bas been called; five times has te State of Michigan elected a Senator and each time the knights ef the bomb proof have proved victorious. Then with what face caa it raise this cry? Xot content with this warfare en South era men, however, these uuerable crea tures are tarn lag their shafts of malignant hatred upon Cec. Hancock since be received the Democratic neainatian for President. The mas to whom the North has to look score than any other as its Savier is the object of attack os the part of thess reptiles, while he who struck bin down ia the crisis of the war is LeM by the right band cf fellowship. "Which occupies the most favorable pontioa is tb eye ef any impartial maa, the South honoring Hancock for Hi past deeds or the Repub lican parly Longstrtet for 7ui! TYe lerre the qcestiea manswered. The a!arm that has been raited about Hancock's being under the control cf the Scstli if elected is loo absurd to require cosameat. TTe are unaware of any indica tion in bis public or private life going to show tbat be ia subject to being ceatrclled by any one, indeed Repablkan joorcals bare urged jrst the opposite against bias, asd in addinoa U that the South basa't the power or the wish te control his. Tho States, having scoegiaj in full the results of the war, were saaialy instrsmen. tal is noaunitiag Hancock is the Demo cratic Coevaation, not bceaase they thosght be would be a tool in their hands for he bas shows hiatelf oa all occaxioas both in word aad In deed a t tauacb Union man. bst because they regarded his as a man most cmiaently qcaliCed, both by aatsre and by art, for the place, and withal a mxn "without fear and witboot reproach." Sack is the opinion entertained by the honest asd intelligent men ef all parties and all sections, and they will show their appreciation by giving bid rscb a msjor. iry in Xbrtmberas will bury the party of sectionalism and hatred Is a bottomleee grave for all tiaae to coae. Htm. A. E. Isham ef Walla Walla is now at Boise City and on his return, will speak at Baker City Stptsaber 13,TJnIoa 15, La Grande 10, Pendleton 18, TYssloa SO aad Milton 21st. Mr. Ifkam is a ;ood talker and we hope to see the people turn out aad nve him a rood hearlce. Ha was a Unlea Uoldier, an ex-Repsblicas asd was with j Hancock daring the greater part of the j w.r. This will also be a good time te form n aa cock Club at places where aoae exist, ( ijj Democrats, asd let's reiees this , rnnntr The Portland Bit bas changed bands asd name asd now comes to ns as the Bulletin. It is independent is politic, giving credit or censure where merited without regard to party. It contaias all the news, Is emi nently conservative, expresses itself intelli gently upon all matters of public import, and while we think its editor is a Republi can of a mild type at heart, we can take so exception to its treatment of political topics. To our friends of ao independent or Repub lican turn of mind we caa cemreead so Oregon paper more highly than lav Bulletin. CcniHt Pelltics. Kxw Yore, August 23. Accord iag to the Herald, under tho new census the fob lowing States will lose Is Congressional representation : Alabama 1, Florida 1, Georgia 1, Louisiana 1, North Carolina 1, South Carolina I, Tennesaca 1. Ifsiac 1. Hew Hampshire 1, Vermont 1, New York 3, Pennsylvania 2, Ohio 2, Indiana 1. The following will gain; Mirtonri 1, Texas 3, Michigan 1, Iowa 2, 17iscsnsin 1, Minne sota 2, Nebraska 1, Kansas 3, California 2 and Oregon 1. Ben Butler Is booked to stump Mast a. chusetts for Hancock and English. A few years back the Republicaa party boasted of no blacker specimen than Benjamin, but bis weather eve has caught the drift of pop. ular sentiment. The Democrats and Greenbackers in Ne braska hare united, and that . State may now hi placed in the Dem&cr&Uc colunaa. The Journals of that great moral party took up the cry and papers of such standing as the Portland Ortgenian, claiming to bo In dependent, bare published garbled extracts from lime to time, wasting what would be to some editors valuable time aad paper. If these extracts were a part of his speech, which these impartial critics sedulously avoid publishing in full, we know General Ilsmp'.on to be too honorable a man and his actions have proved him too brave a man to shirk the responsibility of having uttered then. But they are absolutely and entirely false as General Hampton hss de clarcd and as his speech when published In full as it was spoken proves. Yet Scott cf the Ortgonian rehashes It with every u?ue and the result Is that he bas re ceived a merited rebuke from the BuEttin, which a ne can accuse ef partiality to the Democratic party. Oa too S7lh Inst. It publishes the speech ia fall and com meats editorially upoa the coarse ef the Cht&nitn as follows: At the request of saany fair-xnlndedfte- nublicans. who wish to know the exact trotk Ia recard to Senator f - Hampton's speech, de. livered at Staunton, Virginia, on Jnly CCth, we publish the tt-mfcle spaeck in full, which will b found ia aaotber column One journal In this city his represented Mr. 8i" t poliUcal principles or the Democratic psrtr are the sazee for which General Ia and Jackf on fought in the rebellioa. Such uh Ul8 ptiBdpM of nchJ m Joorasl, bat not with the pure principles ot the Repub- lican party. This is oa a par with tke crtat ado made overHancock's itltertoSberaia, bat the great fire kindled oa tbat eecasioa went out with a puff cf smoke, after far. ntsbiag a text for a few paroxyisnal exhibi tions of campaign rhetoric" Tax Triiuni of last week aadtrtook to show, in the words of aaotber, that the De Gelycr law suit which has tigared te seme extant ia the papers recently is all a myth. VTe would give the beja the references Is the case for the psrpose of their enlighten ment shesld they desire to pun Be tkeir ia. vestigatioss further. The papers are cow ia the possession of Mr. Emory JL Starrs, attorney for the plalati who ebtaise4 them from the records of the ceart receat ly. Tie atyle oT the suit is Gee. H. Cblu tendas vs. P.obert McClelland et al. ?fo. 12, 1S1. Circuit Osrt Cook county, DJtuais DsGolyrr& Co. among the defendants Emery A. Sfrrs attorney for plaintiff, asd Ex-Stastor Doolittle attorney for Uf.a dint. Mr. Doolittle Las a complete copy of tha papers. Gixrrxix; ging tie "dtar ppla" for their Tote ia hit coming elsy of triaL This spactade is simply disgusting; itmaydowellcsoaghior a csunty caadidale tx the State IgUlatere or eves a candidate for Cesgress bet when itcnscee to an aspirant fer the Presic'esey ef the Vaitad Etat. it S gaicg a little too ethararise that fact wnald escane aKestien fcy the day of clectiea. Tzx Eat Grtfn JlrpuUteax says, the TfUfran save, that a reliable geaUestaa pasalsg through UmatQla county ssrske saw a rebel Sag Cf iag ever a Hancock aad English dub in Umatilla county. We woser if this r. g. wesid know a rebel flag if he was to sceccet The oelytUg aaswsring h:s dascriptica that we knew cf is the star spangled basaer ovrr ear oce I door with -Haacock xad Esrl printed na it. Aa iolelliact crlireo. frs-:b, -mho ' does sot recognize the Sag ef his cesstry. "yVx usdertook aoae time bark to pab lisbalist of the acceuicss to Uaaccck'a rants from the Republican party. bt the ncraber grew so much larger every week that w were forced to daeist for want of space. Pretty aooa we shall begin to chrs-a. Icle those who have not come ovcryet,whea the list will decrease each iMse, leaving naritne. tia Xew York Tribune aai Pert. I land Ortjmlxx whooping up their empty j ranka oa the 2d of November. It Is reported tbat William B. Dlatsore, Republican elector in the 3th New York District bas resigned bis petition and will cosae out shortly for Haacock asd EsgKsh. Mr. Diasmoreis promiseatly known as the President of Adams Express Co. asd is a man of large istlue&ce. Wa. H. Esglish, our nominee for the Vict-Presidency, has sever bees beaten in a pelitical contest aad this will be bis greatest victory. SyracHSB RepubliCHna XZaitlBC a Hancock Pole. rim aa Sew Trk Saa, Xxrttx It, tUS.J SnuccsK, Anp. 10. A Hancock and Encliih pole, 150 feet Mr,b, was raised ia the Eighth TTard lo thucitj to-nirht by Repnblicans who have crime ont for Hancock and En eliah. Flftr. one Republicans in the ward have signed the roll formlnr a ilrpublican and English Club. Tke Alabama AvtllaBCke. (Trsa Ibe AtbauCecUitstlas.) The editor of the averare ortan refuses ta sccount for the tremendous Democratic majority Is Alabama save as the reealt of fraud. "I an not well.' remarked the maa who was dug out from the ruics of a brick wall. "Some malisiens person his flung a bouse at me." Tkey arc Weakening-. We may be basty in fereboding a Repub can defeat in Xareraticr. We truly hope we aro mistaken; but, unless thero art prompt and radical changes made in the composition of the Republican national committee, wc shall continue to believe tbat defeat is Inevitable. Xetctoa Matt,) RrpuUican. Fio-a tH Xw York Sur, Aorut IXh, UW. Last year only three Democratic votes ! were cast In linexrtlle, fa. row Uie town posscscs a Hancock and x.ns;isli club with KTeaty samcs already enrolled. Ma. George BscxorT, the historian, expects to complete bis histiry of the Hailed StaUs ia October which. ke began la lti25.Cryonia.i. far aad past bisury shows it is aoaathtar, o'y to teirn t tk ItefaaUkaa joeircalsof; the people bars so respect for. However. 1 "J'.11- J I"-raj I . , l wast to defaat CarM, bsaca I rrzrt it may be well erosgh Is ose sesSe bra ,jB) u & tZt jofcUr. ta b. rrmind voUri that be is is the field fer posur. thtir Our Motto for 1SSO. T tiAVft nn Inri nf irmiullir artth ilia Tin. ! publican party because of that act, and be?) cause It justified and sustained It. After snch aa act I bavo no desire to sustain the Republican party in any way. I would not vote for a party that would carry through such a fraud. I think Mr. Haves was elected by a fraud, and 1 do not mean to have it said that at the next election I had forgotten it. I do not say that 11 r. Hsjes committed the fraud, but it was committed by his party. I have no enmity to 11 r. Hares, bat after the fraud by which he be came President I could not rote for any person put op tor Presldont on the Repub lican aiJc who did not disavow tho fraud committed. I would not rapport any tuctaber of that party who biJ any sort o! ! mixture with that frsud. I fed that the counting out is just as much a frsud now as at the time it was perpetrated. Cmables Fkixcts Adaus. At a Democratic msis-meeting la Hobo ken recently Ckarles If. WintJele! made a telling speech. "Garfield," said he, - rep resents in the most otfensive form the great fraud which the Republican party perpttra ted on the free and independent voters of the United States four vears zo. Ha was a visluni; tatexman. ills particular plane of Republican tuefuloesa about tbat time UT Fma ciana. ia mutilans. . a t. a a v WD"C r-' icraie.j Bisssractsred a He- pablicau majority cut of Democratic vales. Haviug pariormed this sice nparstisa, ha took a DosiUoa on the bench where he was to adiedicate the validity of the verr evi. dance he had himself manufactured. Ia nt wbite to dicsas the va'.Witj of the Credit Mebiliarand DeGoljcr matters aft.r this showlsg. WaJimfti TV:. At Gotlysburp;. July the Fosrth, at Gettjsbcrr, cur woaa- ded trader lay; Another Hasoock's same was bora upon that gtorioBS day; There gsJlaiit HevnUdaniked his life, aad fer the Caieo died. And Barksdale fclL a soldier tree, epos the other side : Asd these who fm;ht, asd those who fell, the hruig aad the dead. On either side, shall honored be, by brave meet wbom thty led. The Soathers barp'ahall speak their feme who bravely foazbt with L, And Xerthera soag shalt sing their praise who track fur unity. Bat prabe the Lord, fram lake to gxlf, that ye hare sees Ike day When Hasceck's naase unites the bests that wore the Use asd gray. The 3Iisiaurl Carapremiir. Tbe melaselHiJv days have come. The ssiUcat cf the vr: It's a Kule two wara'fer whisky. And a little too col fer beer. Tbe fioly thieg a maa eaa do. If that is what he tUata, Is ta eSrrt a eempmeatM By musag of Ida aleicks. Why Hancock Instead of GarjleUU rrjnt Tmj' frcfm. Ir I desire te pre rrvias fer my prefer raxe for Viaetd S Haaeeek. I h'ava aslr la tarn to the eelean Af the RefmUleaa papers of Ameriea ia 13; iildettreta) prove dUtrvit of Jasnrs A. GsreM, I have Tr Renvbiicaa appetite for Hancvik i - leUers fets been telle it-I. Tawwioiei-iriiri r -t rx r t I bit at t letter to Sbtrraas t-aad It at! QJJ?j j4 g-yf i .-iji. aa a karca-tcescr?. aie. i ot. I NEW TO-DAY. Sstxay Ifotico. rpiKC ct et rst sraacKtacx jccx mi. . oniwrM aa - JL IISJ. Imcs la lvurti. CaalaTa Ota Imrt aar J.. . : a" t r. tsiit ; rac. b. r sniccarr. ' I C.iVrrriS.. Jty Kta. 1IV. vtU4 .atiosaI Dcmocralic Phlfdrs. Ta tVaaaatar V-T aT ia CsAt Sutn fcs cna tM) a-Be axiar rm-W taVsf omntirt m la ta enxHUtiae I at aVetna aet traaMasa af tka Iscratte nnr niOr 1 t .ti - - - . - .- 1 aa.. A mt Ptiaacrntc Utinaa aa-i firfccu, a4 iaa tic ta tka titltara at tt tait ttlrAil eacttaiata at Ikl j JrotjCjyi:Ua Io mtnHnltma 1 liil ixt tui sty pm ai a u tVpancwcta ts u. a&i uv ta emir. wMirrrr a t bm at rv"tf a ml In pQCUm . vm nrafteary la. upnMt a( e&rzS as4 tut fee U rl af atrl, tan case actiaw ta tm Kttr4 193 fmniai TbtrS Xeerm rear. Saat4 starry xr4 Miict ti3 Uttaer af tb pajkiac (4KB. tocKMisc ef ptH, kArrr asS ratrtctrruUtri aa e.aua4, t UArt ouurunntJ' la pi&e U& IUK aad TMt.t, ax4 a urtC Car rtrow esly Feenk Tb asUctaataaa mt tb aoSataiy tVa cam 11 t. aad a fnrxl a&S UUjrvcis rafana af tbc rH iTTWr. mtb lUrbt I a frr lhaBjt a tb rtitl prMrta- Ur. tt all nrkta 4 B4t aU aUH lm oalaUlaoi M crrry rA at tb t'Clttvl 5tatni NtttTbcrxtailea4aiiMn!iea It nrrrratetaata of combiner acty. asd It da! af tb ttbt la aar rnea4 ttbBe bat Kb trara aae ery Bar bah, ta taMnfetatr aad otatract f tkrrticc a4 tb ipmr4ntl aa mt tbc vh ta BMlsUta lu mmrt maa tmpaiat tarattl Ibe jop!a aai trnl tbatr laatitstaiasa, SVrratb Tb prat Triad at UTS. 17 -akkh, Bfa ataiMtosataTtb lctenl rata ! UiW, tba caadaUU defeaXad at tba poH. via aJTd ta b pn Idral, aad Sur tb Snt Ucta la lewrtna bUlery tbt Kttb7laaftaaia aadrr liml oT BUS ury aJae. strack a dradJjr bUtr at tw ijitrai ef fTptaarataiirr saiatl. Tb Pnemlie ranr. lo prrw-r UiatoaeliT tbbmc of a OtII war, xibmxud far lb Uia la tb Crm aad ralrtota: rutb tbat tb rapW a os 14 (jaih tbl rrlo: ia HS1 Tbla owl frtermn aa daarf vry tbr II tat" Bar aaprd 4y spa ta pv ar Ui cataa ttua 1 fcWmM ewo ITe tamt tba eoem af Ibis adslsktra- j Uaa la Kuktee titct tat pahtxat crnBiaa!. aad 4a taied a rrtara by uuu bic& baB suka tt farrrfr tsipwtbKteraaXaatol caMidale to Imbe bU y ta tba xal mt a aanr by taHalam nro tb feic. Ill trad afala lo ieilEM ta crmaada, aa4 vas ra crlTrd mb arplaaa I Maulirrniatianarsaiaatj Tt a sat ara-e ta br a candidal tar iWUm, lb xa!lrd abkb h aaaHatlad by awJorltj tt blaenaatrf Ba, aa4 rmca alilcb be vaa atrlodad by tbc lfn ml Iba Kt-aabHcaa rrtr. u irtnrm 67 mr ntaacnu ar im Cctu4Fuusriibaralbllir.aBd tby dcUr tbr caaS4ao le bt aWdora aad paUletaa and nlrsnly xoaatllrC by U aasiolt of Ibe caaiaaa .Mtay aad tby rsnber drctar to bin t!t b 1 faSeard tale tb miremral b bia chca lt kiaKir by lb tilby aad rrrpaet af bts frfo rttlirsa, wbo racird im at ooa b. by etaraliax lb atasdard tt paMe neraiKy aad aarel( aad rnrtfTtec ibe raid. srr vler. lartlU tb tatUcc frilitoda af bla eooauy aad bit r"y- Tralb Fir b!( aad a llxln; hxra for Aerrtcaa ceaiat ea Ibe aea aad o lb land; as etatr.miBa ale rvr artnarporutioa tiaas, corrcraUoce er noroiUj. teal Eteraatb XsKednmt mt tba Sartlepsia IrralT: eo taor CblaM ImnHtriUoa ezcrpt lar tmtt, da I cation aad lorrtjp encaaertr, aad Ibmla carsfaliy t l"L . , Taenia ratiie ceey as pabue crru 1 lor rceuc 1 pa itiwa mMc and Mbiw Uad rr act ail kuwi TMrlrrstlt Tbatrinarntletailr U the frltad ( Utnraad tl tabnrloc maa, aad pSfdxra Harlf ta lt blot alike alcu tba eansorasu a4 tb ewo. naac. roerteeetb VTa rooenle'tt ll eoaatry epos Iba betvrstr aad drift of tbe llraiacnlle tncrrfat bi bat redaoM tb pabtle vxpredltsr Sto,oo.OiO a jar, sa Iberoailoajiilmi nt arwtrUyal bam aad tba aatlacal boaor abroad, aad aber all, apoo Ibe prm la or seb a rban la Iba adralahtratlca of tbU pirdrasiret aa abalt lasrall rrnntM UUs; rwtea 'a vtiy ditatat t Slae ivbcstnlor. ijL,iJMiJWgwCTWiiiAMjaiiJaBsttiaMiiiAji ADVERTISEMENTS. TI1K VALLEY ACADEMY A Bwtrdiny and Bay SrAW Jar Boy. WALLA WALLA, W. T. Krcoml Yvnr llflna Mo u da jr. Sli. fith. mills b4MUa mmamt ibafaacb Ea-tiab aad Oaa JL iwiIumw. Wa ao'ini If wf a m- am Stat Ucttn, vruna af Seaevk. feoif rrv i wublsc. Site T una r 2ewtka. Ti (tr ructUni tuUtaA Ika miM.i. KEV.J. D iltCttSKVe. M A, N H. ;i O. Das ZUi K3lZ Zia WalU WaHa, TT. T. 25 Dollars 25 SAVED By buying your SEWING Machines at the Store in Pendleton. Ivrtu. ssu. WACaivEe- rox tie as cooo ir tM. Mar 1U ru W tMfbt (mb ITiani Ut SCO. lf; kar Iras Wmmj mm Hf il ui It Oa aw ef ku Ulx. . 1 ;nf ia tuk S, Tt Bwat pnM a4 jcMat imisi aaicUca ail. Tta Ulat twfrwi4 sac -tlx.- in ! tx M av; it ttt tmt Uh Xia si Tnt irui tZA u lie. Ezm fvu, Cxc, he tl Dwtua Jctsc Failing. J,r ! agriT A 3? I ? JVJEAT fJlARK ET, -i-1- Hyw i aift a I r w Si Saa ' Baaw, rt1rta 0Vi aurSif A. HEALEY, BOOT AND s is: o as M AH UFACTURER SHOP M V'ats J NCT-ICS. Ueppcerj - - OrsHMta ! a I Jilt Tkrxftc r xisrr ttixr-riBcas ramrrr j. I t rwnl Sue Patronapu Solicit cel. a. jrsLLLonr, aanr Jmtkam f mt rum. WOOL ! w y Xrttaav Or. s, Furs &5i!Ia!ls7,! ' ' -X3m GEHEnAL K-RCHA.'iT Bt,,tunl- Wwa!ai3wi. m -nun AH 1 JflltKattrtttrarWiUlinlMaf - ar. reot. ntets. rsaik . rtw 7r 11 m . . . . Vara ft.. &ft tuom Sa. WaXa Wt coszr. ii Tntt ax. ranbtvi JuXIU via mvuwmMi . Lang c3 co,i PROPRIETORS. Ceatt Street, PecidleUo, Orvgas. 5aVae. bctt aad yriau liaiH fara' bad vtab beerby sb VaaOaartac. kMlwi 3. a TrxxES. x. . onx. TURNER & COX, .a. -J sat Xzs OSlce Is East Otwoxux besildisg up flairs. Peadlctea. Or. PEALZR IV GENERAL: . it)i f S"S la, f-t ZJa W S a 1 lifMIJX. J J S ai tm 3 t Great Reduction in SUMMER DRESS GOODS, Gents hummer Clothtn Ol To Close Out Stock ....JUST RECEIVED.... A Fixe Assortment of Ladies and Children's Hosiery and Gloves, Em broideries, Silk and Lace Ties, Ruchings, Etc. A Complete Stock ol , GROCERIES fnmri. CROCKERY. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, ETC. CARPBTS, WAIL PAPER, etc. C2T" Call and examine prices. , fff) LEHMAN BLUM, i'cadlcten, Oicfttn. w. amrH raavt um. ss - " - . n awl m m a ta W atalr. m4 at mm- ?fm'1 X ? v x.m ai araiir LEGAL. irotica for Publication. Lisa Othci l.t Cai'cr, Os., 1 4r- I'M l "V'OnCZ IS Uttkj i rra tba ti.r Sillai: bemxl ; tHtitr aa SSM Uca af Mi tauattea i oJte j saal ffr ia sapfmt fcu curb. s4 Hfr as- aa , Uj Unr at IM puuas ef Mnr tnn lL ; aaof tiMBiM.Ttz J t rxjEa. r s. S. I 1MI USara Iit L HaaVjr, XaUrMi raWir. xl trm mtf: Of-ft. aa (Mft aeih lt. (rttx WK M' vaU,TS.Rlie.u4 ubm lai Mmaru btt .Sitwi, tIj: J SHtam. x JUimb, T. J. f.hft, aa4 Wm. WUUkj, M aTCaamite. CaaMU 0 Of Aaraiit UZ3WT X Q?,'lCKr. IWaUf. Summons. la U OlmH CVin eT Iba Euu tt! Orrot, tar tfe Caa .r I' u. Vtrj X Lann.rUlafrr.f. Jm. R. Uarj.Baftsiait Taiaa K Ia'tj. ItoSteaW. IX THE NiHI OF TUC SMrZ OF CSCOV. Ta SnSwfr nu4 t apaar u4 aaavr Ik caaaaSitat a4 axuaU jmi w lb. iUm aaml4 ac tmm, aM l.a 4mf trM I U Lt Um mom cf rMw o4i t. iTictt ia ia eatf; ar if it4 aaf atbar tun; mt lo. uala. tktm M- 4m ar it unic ar teas U mt-I st aialiwHaa skae Cw aT OcaaUr A. U. 1V lU m at Sb S'M j aia eU r.fsUr im TtSit at inl i coMrt. ttt tt yam ta a t xztnrr Sar iacttaC auiattf tM uXt je;cvat a;jaui ya far iaa ao af ItM aa iktru is.ofca im SraIXiS)ttUaala(aUaa4iSuksiatetata at temm. ttn Haaiu St rr af la Ha L I. VrjrUar. Jif sw .aara eaaiiM asn. tn( a la Satf ttr TtU . TtA.NSX k oiX. ia aiuAtji ut ruai.r. te Sk Om Cawt af Ik. SUM af Prje, fmr ka awtjr af CbmMS. m. Slaruc X. Cmt r' 12 aa. X. 1 CW aVSrt.'itit. T A.-P- Craif AtfoAiht. TXTHKjcaHc or7Rrcra7xr oros. r- ' L m Bfr a aaa.r la ci jinn aw .(MM 7c uu ttt n-,t i m m ! tm cm m m prmtr r ix 'I jm, it tt ai ta lt tiaaiy. or f ' w. tm af ia r laaaar af Bat ite. awo ia. aa4 w aaaB4aa. iats SW ia an. av. m iw nUf area af iSm aaaai. tmc ! W uawatl tea aSaaatar via aanr to : uh r nara . it in. yf am t emw a- Mhc tv .- mt eraM rmt t ; 3M. r-t im en m ff m ia X. Far aba twt aa StaSnn ill ( . . HyW lamM Swr r JT DiseoSutioa Notico. a. kui Mt aaeraaae aa Mm aaa a mam at . aw K. . SUCkSUT lea . C 1UAK. I securer b Ito'.ire. onrr t BSSKsir cirrx tuj aa. i.rat ( W v) iaace 1 w mo4 ab aa naja l m. ta aar a Xati TlSv. 4a-J T;rarr a raaiaif. jmarnji Adminisrrator's Notice. 4 i . rraAw hvks ct-in jscsiwt rtc J-X. tj- mt iUtttm. TaMBSaM. Sll lilt, an Sll! r tm i nl ia. aa l fay i TMelMwa, - t aia trmm ta Surf iSa ia, aa Va , fi an it aaauaaMaM- f mS raaai. a ca ! T v w aMak aaian tw. Stuaaar. I "i taiaQtmrs-kCjuxa.aa.l ! . .a . i : f r'Hltl V War e ew at. Mm.h nsat - afcaa)SHjaaSsasaaB,t. MiaaaHiaMHIiieaa utkonautn- "T aafiir at a nail l ia f tatf aa rnta aa mt aVta aAw. aa JXMS3I KlLLIX.'t' Tt- , aaaataia rr-a .? a4- . iajft t StaaW. ' tStSv. . SariaC-tU.TSX.Xat ta aac aawivi uu naawn, a iv aaat xtn a a., nt w x mmm T I Oil, a Oawarntt. rnaHli nairf. tax. ; aaaAX HC.'vai W. Vlkr, tUpm. noiicc fjr Pcblication. t-tiCamca(UaoM. iv, 1 aaasMasaa. te i rvrsrr aaaaa.j .V taWSaaala I mtw-mi kwaaiH km awaa. aa tmrwm -J tm i if at 4 jms sl ararT r- i 'm tan --a rWj r aCii a I aa !wa aa l IT a aw aeaaM ; vr I M aSI.S laaaCasatrCaanareWttoi co of Piaal Settlttsient. Ser Tsa. ate oaacj. laiSta w.f r sV ata mtS.C vsr mt ev-- x-aai rj C TTicaav a-a-.. k.rj 1 ism at mt iir. x U 1M. aw U. Saw. aa- cvaat at asaMtuar ti u aa mt W Taar. ta rk kr r I'm. a a at IS ai maaf ara mt j Oa nil waVaWlMtjitaaitul . v4 T4k ahw ." aaamakir ) ak Km "iiiiim, a aj 'yi'f a. iiin ta aaat cmj ts xa4 ataaat ia nk ay mt tccax. a. v4. : aacHS wx c Lai STABLE, - 1-fc.t.U bALb & LIVERY. 3. W. Ko.mjr, rrafr.rur. : Main Sbee!. Opposite Drugstore, ! PcutHc.orSj Oregon. CwaairU OavSt af Brr- CwTUc asd Sadat Ha ahraft ta iitmiista aad ready r . j HwrttJ Bcanltal hy tXc IUy er Jfeei al -ifeaxawoWe Bala Flentv or Feed and a free use of Comb aad Brush. &yx, Caata asd Sa it. ros-tTO 1 W, j. LEE2EB, . . DEALER IN WOOD &C0AL STOVES CUTLERY, BOLTS, SCREWS, HINGES. And all kinds of MjIRD UViRE. X atftl anurlBMat ct Kpl ea huj aad buJ to ardcr. puars and iron- rtna rtJCN-isnan TJUKUINO tStXitCTS SETT JL aa. Ivin-l t GENTS Riet JKANK DRS& J. Asetewtlal&l laptaavbt; XtHatilaaat exxmlaemr str iloct-'TTJ Vf.J t.rrasn. Jwrl" IUnror, Or. i X aa I life i tmmm aa iai at aa m i rnaaair. j aaar i WI rUtt-USav - - - a aiaj a a. sraaa , WacavW-aaaaC Ckaa. ) - - aeai aa fa aa i re rrifianti. 1 ! Iltl- ' Sun ff .- Saajaaw. j ADVERT1SEWENTS. D- Theodore. JJaATILLA Oczaox All kinds or Liquors and the choisest WINES, CIGARS, ete. kept eonstanily on hand at this popular EESORT. CITE MS X CALL nErrTMXX XXB TOi TOCC3ELVXS. IH LIYERY k FEED STABLE. propriotor. Diaa tills, - - Oregon Aha keeps costs tan tlr on Laae, aai fer sale etp, a full stock of rad dles, haraeM, etc, etc S, HJennedj's Mf'g Ce. Kaxcfacicaxrj or SHEEP BIPS. , ., , . - ice Largest o: tee aizz in tJte U- e. vOT" ZTC Ham r-jr Uu af l cSSie- rt-Zx"' Mji,?, 3121,!? ' - rrV. 13 lSa-.aas. TS-a U atU Sa M ftwia tl S4 ntlai xt. CONCXXTZjITJD Extiaci of Tobacco CS'U'K) f-JM. r tZZs t -5HI rn, 12 TJ a im a 7 1 -T Sm1 Lef Trt.torB. "on-Po!aouoit Dip. IS as a i.Caa. 7Vu u ar riTOXMS E HEMLOCK POISONOUS DX". Tim, ii IS a plWa. Xa 3y ia im rrtTacar t-3p aSVseka Ssaajh fjr 225 Sheep aft-r Sisarisj. Txi tf aa A aa rw. Sk caaa oa fSl Cmcsiaa SVr ut IjrrjhVttt imi Tree t ay AiSrwt, :U ay al j rat rift Jar ta Ska 7 fi. s.n. KcxxEors jrra rj X ZIXX. XrU. aXaaa. BYER3 & CO- -rnaeKiLTs 7TS "ST TT-i IT T7- -C . Ji l' JJ ILi JUl Jl Vj MXXCTH-mJMS XXS tZXL2a IX nozs. (Ai. za jW. KALLER, 1 ...... I : WaXchtanktr z. iWfeea. Or. Pleerty af Hay aad Grata MEALS c BEDS -AT- LSE'S ETOftMafWT, MEACH.UI ROAD, AT PENDLETON RATES. F. A. FOSTER. FRANK DUNN, PEADLETOiV. 0REG0X. myW FZOXTIISEAST.' FJiQSl Tift' MAST.' S. Dtmpay, Proprietor. ' rvDrta3,0trWitia5tnorT,cat . : 'IVH c rx8ftKXEX uxs Jtvr JiEarrEO ntoic JL tk Em b a M amtaarat rf Jairr, Uui fcaa. --. .r.3 m afj , ih l,Sa7 I naaa at aaamm Uaaaaf ai ary eaataa tt rb? ter ad.-Sa OtT km a c2 aad saaaa Sr rauattraa. . BUJSU Dr. Gro. C. Harris. lOredsata af JcaVnoo Kolxal Oattrfr, TtJtx, fx Orncx ov main street, orrrtsns codkt mam. iNadtiUe. HA Tataer. tfaHn X OmW. Knbt.aa tUni aucat, fraaiie reaidcacB af 3 ii Tnr. Cw- Caraate aad dinn of am as4 cbHirra -S5I afctaSy. ay 3 CITY HOTEL. HEPPiYER, Or. J. Y. GILMORE, Pkopkietor. nmOasbacM. XTtry bte; bv. Ciai Sf, Paul's Schoo A Bfmliag and Bay SAedfr Girls. Walla Walla, W. T, Tb CJiriH5x lra NfrleaTHrRSnAV. SKTTCntR 2, UW. Il b leararual fee vry pepU to ba inal tba narr b v or vae ttex. FtrrnkuurtadJrttti tb rrieeiral, , Airs. Zcmuct 11. iritis. ktaaaf ar u-.w aawu im ! n xl 4s( x-a-4 taaar. a .ajar at a- ;ariin 1 fia kaaay m mm jm?. U BUILDER,