The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, August 07, 1880, Image 3

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fTJlP (IMCf diYiTiYllTttlV
v v wmjhhh
SATURDAY ..AUG. 7. 18S0.
rw.. r- . o i , .. , . i
mi mini Mitxur in tbe rvenlo.
ora wuawj iDTiira io auexxi too aomoc.
Urraoturr Caruoii. lrrarliine 1 anl 24
Suast) t or ch tnonib; Sunday Kbool at 13 o'clock;
pnjer acetic; JcfJiT tTenlnj Strangers utile
welcome, J. C. Kiitroan, fusvr.
Rer J C Cbmberii!n wtU prrach rrry 4ih Suthltr
i tbt it E Chorrb, lYndlrton. icih Ketboditt
Birnrr Carat. - fnachlcf at rin fU4lt
Chorea every wruud and fourth mjoJiv In rack naentb
81 11 A. M. aal Her. W S. rTortt Mtar.
tenty School eterr SutUr morale at 10 o'clock.
lTayer tottttcr rvrrj- TburKUy illr n
ST. H. CftraT..... ..
W U Errtscca. .. .
Eccm Csaax ..
R. A. f nrt aad 8. T.
T.CT, Ktq . .
T. I.. Voonuoin. . .
rj-kinri, n. c,
. . rortlaBd.
.... . Ctiaa.
Kxox, Kj .Wratoa.
Waia WaHa.
, . . ................. Cuattlla.
era. m iters
Cooc lifoi Ceaterrine.
AB.TribeaborfluaiIniMl la rrceiTt aait re
crit Ir money da V1 effio
There will be dirine service In the Epis
copal Church sf S r. m.
. D. M. CoXLirr Eq paid a flying risit to
"TValla Walla this week, ou leal basiLCiS.
Cathouc Cnrncit. Services at Milar.
teja Hall next Sunday at II o'clock a. m.
L. L. COXRAllT, C. P.
Drs. J. M. Tarlor and H. Cusiek, real-
rleat dentist's, will make visits to Wastnn,
Heppner and Pilot Itock.
July SI st.
lenaielou, ur.
t4 1
Thx Columbia Rivr Conference nf the
Jl. E. Church will meet in the Dalle
Angpst I2th. Biahop Wik-y, D. D., wiU
Red alias Lolieastine is abont to take a
trip to 'Frisc and any one who rie
aires a rood nice little jb done gratis, will
do well to give him calL
31. MnTZCEE. f AValla YWlIa, the irre
pfesalble. inderaltgable acent of A. A. Cohn,
wa in town, this wek, hrnking after the
Interests of the business f the branch hnse
at Walla W"Ua. Herman Lt a good boy
aad full of iuiiness.
Apple tree lice have detroyed the entira
appla crop between Foalers, ia Clack arna
county, and Pudding river. Farmers wlio
in torruer years have raised as high as four
thoesaad bushels, wfll not Lave econgh tLJ ,
year for their own ufe. ,
Mt. M. McMahon. wh. own, a rand.
eight or fine miles above Boise Citr. lnt
hi bam and ita contents bv re last week.
He had jut got his bay stored, and buzsy
harness, and other prnverty w-re alini cca
saaed. Loss, about 100. Aralohdu.
Grx. O. F. Bell has been appointed U.S.
CbmmiasionerbyJudEeDearir. Thejadge
must think business is atwiut to increase in
thk county. Judjre Bailey still acts as
Cammistoner. If thi keeps an Commbs
iouerswill be as thick as Notary Publics.
SarBERT IIacek have dissolved par
rerahip in the meat matter. Ha;r retires
and Saobert will do as he alwavs ha done
keep a tirst-class market. He is now sq
well established in the lirarts of beef, pnrk
and nologna ratTS that be has iktlc. to fezr
from competition
IW. Williams late of H,e T1.1W t, I
ccrrd the ce-nprratlon of aM the best mo. I
MCal talent in town, and wi'I jive an eater.
riav) .reainr at MtlarkeVa Hall, that will I
La a rieh treat to ail In o! rnnair. W 5
trust be wilt have a good, well filled hoasa.
A fine Wd of mariile has been diseor.
ered n-ar Tark City, Utah.. There are ap
jiarently Tarirms strata of difTcn-nt color
a beautiful rariecated Wack. also redd'uh
lirawn. greatly reaembltar the Seo'ch mar
Ua. and a pae white. The ledzc is eppar
atly about 73 feet wi.le. AcalMtle.
IsconroRATHf OFTnrTorx Areqaest
If lieing made by a rreat ttimlx-r of the
citizens of tha town that all the citizens
meet at the C'Urt hou-e t take t-omc ndi'ia
spon incorporating tha tewn. thu Saturday
aftaraooo. A. general attendance is r.
quested. Mm Cmznss.
Pxxcc, ecergy, persevereace. skill and
aedustry comhitred will always socrenl
Hence ur young friend Frank Si organ,
he tailor, ia pwpering. fur he possess in
-as eminent degree all there qnaiitiea. Save
your money, go to Frank Morgan's and
Siave a Dew suit est to fit you, put it on, go
ont Into the world with a nobby suit, be
-tosy ud you will be Murbody.
Uscta; Georce Webb, the veran hard,
-ware dealer, has gone with his familr to
-.rev. nvuumui ui nisucaK. U31 WDI1B lie It
1 ..: . .!... , .
the Webb family, can be found at the stor-
ver ready and willing to wait on the num.
r-JH rito . .... i, 4. A
nua custOBCra who congregatij here tn
lny their hardware, tinware, aloves. guua.
pistols, amuaitiou, elc, etc. Arthur sells
cheap far cash.
The political pots are bogirnia j to b-ill
and babble, and in irHr l ril.
the wants of hungrr and thirstr pohticlant '
X. HaUawav. at lhe Red Store, baa rerilen. '
ltnta uis stock oi canaies, nuts. I relit, etc.
ad has his soda fountain ever in nadtnesa
well filled with cooling fluid. Don't fool
away your time by drinkiut; straight water
-these hot days, bat to to Uathaway's and
jjetyour ice cool soda beverages.
m The teaming past this town at prestnt is
simply immease. It has been no weeder
to -us that large amoonta r, roods ro frc
ward over the mountain for Grand Rnnae.
Wallowa and Baker valleys, saying noth
ing nf the different minrar camp in Baker
exuety; but when nearly all the heavy
teams come back loaded with hides, wool
sBd lime, it is a matter of surprise to ts
-and we expect it will be to our leaders.
Ybsteepat we took a stnale throng all
rpart of the town and -can safely say t t
Tendleton is going forward fatter In im
proveraenU than it lias been for years.
-tvmeof the buildings in course of conttrnc
-tbra would Iks aa ornament to cities of
riarger pretentions. Ererylwdy and their
ifrieads are busy at this time. Lumber II
arriving dally, but not fat enough to keep
.pace with the wants t builders. Tlie oul v
shabby IookitiE thingin town is the court
lionse yard: this seeds a kikk! and tiaw ea-
closure and then it would be well to carrv
out a portion of the recommendation
ta last graad jury.
Mr. Harkins. or the firm of Hnrktns h
Patterson, proprietors of the Eagle Marble
and Stnse Works, Portland, was in town a
few days 0 taking orders for grave atones.
Kb left here fur Walla Walla nod will re.
iara on M&nday or Tuesday next All
who are is need of anything In this lina
-will da well to call and ace Mr. Harkins
-while here, for he furnishes tha best goods
t prices meek less than has usually been
charged here. Tlie firm Las the reputation
pf being a reliable 050, and wc aSuT" oor
CM WW1 buy of i
"-Jio m rcturnsa iromjrV&la
3Yidra sud srarted to Pilot Hock yeslerdivi
vMing. He gees from there to
gfeftpBor. w e recommend him to liepeo
ie jM ed of work-in Ws -' -
A UoiJ) KocnEnr atMt.Tuaho. Dnr-l
inc .p aueraoon 01 aaiunr WJI. pti-
vate soldier n aired John JIcNulty, a recruit
of recant date, entered the posuifficr. dur.
Ine a temporary absence of the potrniutrr.
, ami took, from a truuk upwards of COO and
! passed nut thruiich a window. A soon as
I the robliery km ills Tered. the fart was
mc iuuiicii uipv aim, ilia m 1 was
y and an
array nfllcer being present conveyed the In
formation to tha commanding officer, at
Camp Howard on his return. Alxn't tlm
sarue time another report rame to head,
quarter, that one John McXultv n private
soldier who had leen orer to Mt. Idaho
wuooui leave n, awnre nu reinroeu ana
was boastini; that ha had won $200 from I
citizens at a ran.e f poler. On lieine I
qnestiniird eloaelv it wat rraannable to con.
elude that thla soldier was the tK-rann nho
had cotuiniited the robl.err. and unoa sLnn...nt. i . ....t
warrant lieiiig sarvwl upon him be was
taken and i.ut in jail. Tlie rnd jury i
wtra not long in finding a true bill against 1
hini, and his trial is expected to conclude !
this neet:.
Wrsuts Asn risnis. We are under
oblieatiaus to Wm. Switr.ler frthe follow,
ing iuformslionr he has neii to the Hath.
awar and Mays mines, on the muih fik
of John Days nv-r. he says that the placer
mines in that locality who have Iheirclauns
open are doing lemarkably well, the saw
mill, put up by Hathaway and May, it
now .He oi account of l.ct of high water.
SwitzSer prruectcd Bp and down the river
for M-veral miles and savs cM can 1
fonnd in every pan of dirt. There has been
fjuiie an rmicration f miners t this
localitr lhe pat sprincand neaHr all have
located claims with which ther are satisfied.
He killed tw elk awl one At: on lhe trip,
but says gume it scarce. Thus we see he
is a rood hauler. The GtUinz is all the
:Mtt . ,, ... , ... . . .
- .mm, 1UIU AM 1 1 BB 11 V USB
TmsTLis. W are credibly infonnetl,
says the Leader, that the geaainn Canada
thistle has made its appearatica in the
Grand Rnn3e -lley. As Ihere Mfni to be
no probability of a mistake on thU psiat,
we would earnestly rrcoramead thafarmera
of that victnltv to take immediate and ef.
fective maaenrrs for its mmntri mdm.
tion. 2so greater ickt ever carded a ooautrr I
wttb its uniqnitoas piefnr, nor on, bar.
inr gained a good Awiho.!. that Is more
dlfflcnlt to gat rid of. W. W. State.
Wonder ir the editors of the Weston
Leader camped there oa their way to this
country from Canada.
Bet. 3. C. Kirkman. wh has been loca
ted at this place for the ltt three years, and
mortala of the town atri coaHtv. a good
(new and neizhW fukinr the Wile de-
I!P, LV'.'m'' t c. '
r"'T J
upit ill" -kiii Trnj inn nir arwi aniii i
where be will pm--h that dar andSamtav:
Uieiire to the M. E. CTjun Conference,
which mreta at tha Dalles whare he is a
be ascribed to a new scene of action If
he due as well and makes as tsaay friends
in hit cew cliarcr as ha na here, he will
have accomplished mora than many a man
who hi devoted his time and eaergies to
the Chcrcb.
Lost, in rredtetan. cr Satardar the Itt
day of August, a ctMld's cW neck ebata
with Wue -oiralrd heart bapl locket
z.ttnf4t-t TY,- an.lf- ill k. .iVL.- .
warded by reternwg to Mrs Disoa way r j
this oZlc I
" . j
Tbe Jlonnfain.hsa .1 last -e
tn theeoriMasioa tl if CasdIW Va!. !
. MW . ..... "V .. -rf . .....
i 1-V it lantir-i lir a tLl f Vi n...l
"ck. UieWpe Ko-aln DWIhe oW
ciai roate. becstMe at Ust.
t t- , " , . ,
'7. ,"3P4' " "n "n" prean.
ally ecgaged.
K Mm Tnm.r tL ulf e
of lhe E O . Ua ejntie to Baker Clxy ua a, to be gone two or Ihrea wtrXwsI
Smtncrs in M. E. Chart rxt Sanday.
rcnmine and treolMg. Iter. E. iV. Mormi
Tnos. Rn&sts. baa aatd bis market In R
C. Hacar bo will ma the buaacaa ia the
Gnsux. th. little u.a.aker, u til right !
Umatilla the Way fnrour Freights
Oar the Blue Mountain.
An article in the IS'o&i VTata Unum,
Doe. B.ker'a'-en ri- -T. u W .
i w wa --a-" a vav can SMMIIVa a
; meat for Eastern Orrgna mtrcsauu to ahip !
: their fraiehu via Wallnla and Blue Mouc-
lain blation on Dry Creek, or at least forty
miles oul of the way jaat to tAHge the ra.1-
Cowitita knun C1 ibat everr 1
new railroad man oa the W. W fc C rtod i Tw tnt nwf ts4 -thinks
he has Fob Ir. Ur tTT
. . , . . ,. ,
?"J made t1'' "
i',...,. t. r n ,. .
Tbatorjin r: Freight (ram Portland
. . . . . . .7 .
itm uiq uuiti iiricov a ruiiifitj inr
$20 perton from Uraaiiluto UdiimIc Itontie
or per ton total fnm PrtlaHd to
Grande Jtomle. Uat it it wbea the writer
unnertnok to show bow niecb cheax:r
freight could lie curried arsHtid forty mile
for the sake of his petty railroad that lie putt
his foot in it. Note bow 2guns do mb
Freight from Portland to Bine Mountain
Station be taj s is $23 or 7 per ton mere
than to Umatilla. Xw that $7 It measure
ment or one third more than weigh, so his
figures should lie $23 per ton, addtd be
tween weight and tnetsarcment of 7 and
.a, ana urning uis own uures lor land
fretrht. (winch no teamster will haul for) i
freight, (which no teamster will haul for)
S15, makes total cah via Dry Creek,
42 S3. Addinz the actual price that
teamsters would charge Ut haul from Dry
Creek over the hills via Wtrn to Grande
itonue per ton instead or 5lo and you
hare 47 33 per ton or 87 33 mora than !
via Umatilla. And 27 33 of that is gold !
. . T, TJ r. . ... . ,
oonipaid the H. R. Co. to oblige them.
And the OUPstloil arises who will be ritnon. '
fible for shorts and damages of freight if !
the ccaerous Railroad Co. store and shin
foe nothing. And again who will be re.
!jwnsiMe to the Railroad Co. for the freight
money, for they will not want to ojen an
account with every shipper from Blue
.Mountain hUllon to liolee City. To me
ns an old Eastern Oregon merchant, who
ihas known Ruckles Thoma. the O.-S. H
cvs una lc uaKor's lailcrrs in all tlinr
-rTurU to force freight nrmind Lv the Walla
Walla way; Harms siranxe that a btii.
nets man should still try fortans water an
hill. Ereu a new man ruicbt post httntelf
awl prtifit by arqnirine from others ths
knouIe.Ige that Eastern Oren merchant.
Can licure as Weil as tbe I.ailruafl Co. 'a
hired men, and are now mostly too aid birds '
to b caught by chaff, such a. are all prom. 1
tses Of cheaper freights, when some hat to
lie carried orer a round about way and at
tlie expense ol two extra lianillingt, by a
railroad that must pay its expenses. And
the teamsters when they haul through the
narrow lanes and orer the Dry Creek We
'on bills, don't propose lo befooled into tha
:jCfc batit is worth less than from Uma.
iilla.wht.'6 thty. Iiare room, io 4. ST6"
and water cm.,!' ad wide level row i i
It a a . wa If a. awa. 1 I
w torn ot tee jjjuv. -"uutaina.
to unguis. ,ier oaray. storage al j IawrraVr.Sw.w m raa-tot
furwarriingat Lmalli:a,$SirrAa:lrrigkt;wrrwalr.ai4MttiiaNa(ia rwM t.
from Umatilla to Grande Iiade. fTX) itr rwa4 abrtwaw aira ith in ta4 sar avr-1
loo : total present cash via L' matifla. i0. i lStVw'?'Pf Ul ii t awww t tv
v-. l. . .. ,. . T , I wriaaiBii t- the to aaamua r-mx !
TLe Portland Standard, Jkt and WiUatn
te Farmtr are all wonderfully ejercited
., . . , , ,
vcr the tnartyr, Alexander Auaws. a bilk
, mat aKippea nnt from Uits county a abort
time ago leaving LI creditor to tnnurn
orer bit, well, no, not bit low, but thtir'a.
Adams !a a thoroughbred and haa inducel
the tenderhearted (?) Jo. UurtileS, theritr
of llultoomau county, to shed pota full of
tain on account of hit arrotr, on a vrit tf
ar.tit, sworn out at the inatance of cur
worthy townsmen, llolhchild &. Ltaan. It
8ecmi th4, UlU ploBi rr,aj bii ,n lJjU ,
. .. . . I
amuli Wfflc lmT1 or "ree yra. anu oy a
free ue of a hypocritical and oily tongue.
has succeeded in rettlug in dtbt to naarly
. J ., , ., ' .
traniactions. He owed Messrs. R. & IX.
8120; came to town a fow days before lear.
log and tuld them he was ciuc East in tha
Fall, but would pay them befote leaving;
went home, got a teamster to talc bin an.
other road, a as nrt Ut pa through Pen. j
dleton, and left the country. 1L Jz K. com. 1
minced au acUon against him and caused a
S writ of arrest to issue, and he ia daUtned
j ,t Portland. Jon-pb Buchtel imtaedhudy
h i.,. ,i , , ...
I "P1" ,L" bc ' a mun-
9w Adauis told him ao and Joxph fell on
blabom and wept ana believed it all j
That Adams bad money th era it no doubt
The papers nirntamed state that Bechtel j
recrived a telegram stating the debt had I
been pikl. Either the paper so sUtisg, '
Buchtel ur the telegraph operator bed abaci
that, and e are sure it was not the opera
tor, ltacbtcl is audi a tender hearted fel
low that be immediately look tha old fraad
' to Lis bouse and kept hita there while ha '
was nut in Ibacity aiandeting Messrs. IUth.
child Bean, wbasa character as gentlemen '
are at wuefa suprrior to his at is the light of
the noau-day'a tan to mMnighl darkness, ;
and these papers takiag up the refrain, re- .
peat "the vile slaaders witheatcver stoppaag 1
to iajuirc or care whetbrr thair aaxruocs
are tree or false. We advia Mr. BechUl !
ia the future. Wore clrcslatittg such slis. !
dert, if h dtd these, to wait until he ksaws '
what be is saving is trae; and if ha thinks 1
that Mr. Adams is such a Ueased martyr, i
if he uiu. iastrtd of fndi&g sucn bills as
he has fast tamiriharin send up to this
county he can bay up claims against tbit
Binder? Stephen for two-bits the dAttar
till be exhausts bit coders. No, gentUnea
of Strd, Dec and Farmer, ilrssra
RmWcLiu I. ..j .
- r -j - m
ta 4o a wrong act.
They are boUt weJi
kaewn by all tlx reHaMe basiaeas tses ef '
Pdrtlsad. any f wbtjos woe Id rorat aa ia. i
auk offered them, and woald taVe their
werd before the toad tf alt saeh martyrs
aad their sympathizers A4ats uM every.
this; ae bad ia the country and pocketed
the Cijh LeCa.'a takhkg French leave vf aV
seace, and a doabt is iiaw cXjaeklicg ever
hb newly xda depet ia Portiasd wltna a
"u vysgc l.i.
Turns & BeM have Htwre.1 Vlr otSee
iJ'Slld"' C
?. tkeJ 3rV.
.msw au imc nii wxau u zia.
SitUJTfl mQ at ont a )rr Ut af ntinai '
and fkscy arHdes at tbs Bwa Ta Cixar ;
Lecxw.s Kdux-At lite M RChcrah
in Raker Chr. AHtsl Ut. st 10 u'etak
jl. u . fcr Rev. T P Havnet, V. Lock.
wot.Jf i'mJIdiio and Mua telle Mc
Leaa f linker Couaty.
Bainx-Sn.Nu la Prndletafi, Ajm?
JW. at ike lrM-nce f Mrs. S. Sao.
M, by Kev. J. C. K rimaa. Mrs Or
villa A. Strong and Mr. Tbwmas A- Bar.
Astionai Dciascrallc l'latforK. j
TV twwMrraltr eartr Iba 7aStt SuIm
Vatia iMttM avKktr :
FWM K trr arh aaaw to Ureaiwtioa
al u i u4 IradHtMa mt ftavTWte Ineiv w
itWarri4 Vr lartwp aa4 f of a K fta
' Kaajilie u aa4 rairwta. a4 wMW
tfc fi.tra H itumntMiii warrauM tin.
" wviaaQi aaj was to w.a
Jala aa . M aa ta 4finomH aa . aarf
aerr fca ib a n af i-mta
aa -fa.rr t. n mini 4
1 rn a khi
rarS TM aaSaHnuna. a4 tt iBirr I. ta
rww aad a t'lrrAl 1 ttanmik refcxs of kha
rMb Kaxl.t Ua MM ta to. nt awtfi.
ST af a8 malt a4 ad aoall Vt f" il tti
... I. tmrt it I mi .f.tM
aa tr. tOfclit tba irf 4tta ;
t 1 1 urn 1
(at, ovaat mt tfc. Mwtal rat. af Ira ltdM, tba t
MM Art. .1H M Itf m m at ora4 aa . fr.
"- m tar ta. am M-a ta Aamtraa Utaarr Ik.
" T to. it a aMS. aa.rr ami at mUt
tarr rM-rrr tmk a Cnmf Wm at tM artna ft
rietWitf svfrnun. Tl fi BMrtle trtr. la
'r IK. ruawrr fnira ie. barrara af a trM war.
wol IwiUtM.. laHVina ai4 pairmc (a
I4i.t tj r oM Ak arf la 1-V TM
nw on t.aaaatftrrwT atae. It lti a
mora ntwl aaT -rj &. rpi af ta saaaa tfcaa
aacerer a4mad ta ls unxinu cf a aaUaa aT
lirtMb - V .Trent. Ita rwerr of IMa aa4alc!ra.
Una la maliM (Jaera fr MoeaI crataaia. aa4 4t
ta -re a rrtvai or atasat rirti aM uli K farrrer
nnir4w rr a awird ewuoi. u bno. hit j
lot aal oT a aarxr hr ratUlan awe IS. l.
Itt a pwl asala In tn?ae to oeaaodt, aa4 aal ra
crtrea hi aoUota t
Ntatb TLa rtolioa af Flaw I J. IHdVa m( art's
la!s cMt Inr rVctoc. tha nalird ptac to
otilek ti. wu4aric4 br amaonif arbttmsutmti,
aal Iraa a hieb b wa axeioCM t-y U Wa.Vrt af Iba
io?'" rortr. I. rrrrHrd or lb. IcwoenU ot b
raijtKbesnuiy.tai or eebta the
fL".?!? Vf, rt"wm "J "STnr
oHwbt tbaaMian of eoiantaa -oetar a4
ilirf unht evdtrata Hm t)at be it riaitio
lb. rellretnTl La baa rlMMi Orbiua.U'Lr iba nm
rbjr Pwj't Ww oitni. l rrre4
moraMtr and aornicr arxl portfriar iLa mUic r
aaaaoa aw vaS a", VJ WIW stall; SJB niDWtri W tM(eC
nr.. imjU tbe laulci Tauuda vi bu ceeslir ast
be 1 any.
Tratb Tree tblpa a4 a llrfa; cbtaea for Amerkaa
mmww O" lb. tea aaJ oa Iba bad; aa 4irleiat
Ik brer of Uasrpotuiioa lioc, rornuosa or
rWroth Amendmeat -.' be Hijrllrctat trrstr;
m luor. lrir" Imtnlp- Una rxcrr lar trarrt nit
Tprtrtb r -i-tlc moMT aa4 rvbtte rrl fr patbc I
arina frtrij. and ibite bad for adoat artUfrt
T.trwia iba iwnrrralle (artr u Ova frWnd of
1alar ana lb. Ialrifi. msa unA if ..1 . .
I ,rrl Utm alike caltt iba contMracu aad tba com-
K":"!' ,v .....
' bat Mawd lb. rahUe rxmditan flll-ui ujoa ar.
1"K1 ,b eoiootiKB of mme-rur ai bwoe t4 tba i
rmaroa-nl a atult'laura lu rrnalae tatUox ntorro
la trrtj dnruneal of tbe blie arrrlee
izzWheeler & Wilsoni
OSBOSlf, Traveling ACt,
. mart!T.t
ISng of the Blood
Car all Keroraaa aS-atiana aaj 4lMrtar twalt.
lafnm Itapaittrat tWaUool. ItuaavtlMaio
apartfj a!l,ala.irrrTraawaal.jr mlOwtr
raaM.ltat XtU Kktmm. rmtVUtr; Tmmrrt.
Oottn, 3ZUmi. tiL, mtm tka tuami auiaiM, aa
tU aa taaar aitUob vt tl iort, JlmJ, Lr.r
and aii antA.
VTciitrfcl Cera cf SUiiK.
I). XUyaou, 5a it Co. . FVr ika Xaatit cf aB
imlW vita &aatai or Ioi-rr lluxl ia ih(r
f.ur. I katalir msctsutxl iitcjr oT toa rtN.
1 Lata tra troaUMl with !ror! iut lh
Jrmn, whMb as aSrataJ lay cra that I wuaoai.
fkCUlf tbkit far all lsaia. I IU laauausablad
ta try Klo; ar llw Uhl, vaMh ka prvraj paal
tusc Vn cia. aa il ki rocaUuJf a-rml tn., aoj.
I cLwiiallr rnuaasaul 11 taaj UoUlaaI Lata
t Yaara trwr.
JIa. S. VTEaraiax, oariiaU,K.T.
wiU b ta as; IUc KmtUI U ta est,
alljr artaaJ kt. tat rTT etrUCMe at taia .aii
tea tatUla4 17 aa akjciu iaA (ruaaa.
Its Insrediente.
Ta aaw oer fa!t!i la Itm tx!tj tzrtZast cf
tl K. t;a jrocr rTal arfiMatioo, tea
aaUW Ikal M taMail'oa la Inlrwinl, a vtU
the namaaaf a3 Ha aSalartt.
Ta almao&ra wara Mttravli brfcr iTtLatro
jrot or aj rtlt 'aadr XfUcn la Uaa vwld.
JIaajr taaUmaatalaanWrlarorsatloo.asi
fah Jimtisna far utrr 1H t (aosj ta tV jaa-lt-TraatiM
oa 1mtm af tba B-J," ta
akJeaailsttlUrabaJ Friaa 1 1 far loilU
tMr i: oM.or aStoM 4a. r-Ut Wiinw
ta. !. Ha aaa.Na i IX, fraa-ta, BbSa,KY.
Ti soeerr tatr. fUrti. ia iinivii( u lit
ItomaJ l-caaw tUl U Uu aaranW L
1 IU WUCi aaraa at
StcTc's Sample Ilooa.
VUcrt ;h cos frt
Three meal tickets for $1.
Statfr Diil.... ....
tUtrt it leicjtg. ftt itj
Rmtri, ft k
..... t so
.... sea
mm BiiiiM,
Great Hcduction in
Ger.ta Summer Clothing
To tlasc Oul SCocIa
Ladies and Children's
Hosiery and Gloves, Em
broideries. Hlk and Lace lies.
, Etc.
A roinilctc StocL ol
ZT Call and examine prices. 3
Pendleton, Oregon.
Dr. Geo. C. Harris.
iCndcalt of JtCmsm Vr4xl Caljr, rilU., Ta.
Omcc o.v main fTRtrr. orrortK toubt
bv.. rrrtfetaB. Hb Taror. IuiWt a Oct.;.
l..W" l"i5-a ttn, c;pj.Ut rKum of
J 11 Taraer.
Cbratlc ac4 baa af womea ta4 cbittrta Ta
arracUUr iar3
John C. I.sasuro.
rcxoLErox, ubcoox. .
X3-Ceca rp'W'tt court baaM. a lib Khealer Era
of ice. Splendid ranch Tor sale, situ,
ated cn Little Butter creek, 2,4 miles
above Lena poit-o!Hcc. 40 acres under fence,
KSOtrX AS TIIK JJ.K bcjchx ruic,
can all be plowed. grod soil and plenty of
living waier, goou noue anil granary, r or
iteina, apply to S. II. Christian, Lena post,
odcr, Oregon.
I have pitrcliased the old Bailer Crrsk
Saw Mill, known by some as the VAXAR-
II I V flT 1 1. . ., ana am reany io supply
lamlierofall kinds to customers. If de
sired I will deliver tbe lumber at the top of
1 J aa a a .
uie graue ana win always keep a supply
at that point. I will alto keep on haad
poles and tosts. either milt or round, at
what is know as the BeoU Cxan. near mr
mill. I hava moved Biy engine on top of
ina mountain, uaii on tar, examine my
goods and yea will all be convinced that I
can furnish not only a better article, bat
can furnish tawed pest aad poles cheaper
K. Auiaxsta. C toaaatroa
It. Alcsantlcr Sc Co.
" 1
Saoctwirs la
(Xj ; Post Office Buildinj, Maia itrcet,
I i'cudlaton, Oregon.
Dealers in geaanl
Etc., Etc.
iuii, oorapiese anu nurair
new stock of jexieral snerrhart
! 1. 1 . I
t Mnnt.
" And tis larreat and most stock of ready raode
4 Ever brought to PeadJeton.
just rwoetred direct from San
Call a23 c3.
Out jooda before boring le-
Cirantrr produce taica at
.jbigbest caali txice.
t Goods sold at WALLA
g WALLA prieei
?l R Alexander & Co.
Draffs, oils
Glass putty.
Patent medicines
And Perfumery.
SchosI Doeks.
Fancy & Toilet Coeds.
ran. lwi.
?lCatCAU MsrilCaKXTSi
Stttat auatlr.
JIutUal kwoka.
a.antit atd
Uap Cat am.
rictar frasnrt.
Etc, ISlc.
rrraortptlasj eurfaSr BTrfosaiel.
Pendlctan, - Oregon.
Omcx is old rosTorncc snLouce ad
Jatalat '-IBCaSal,, oCoc
All I left cf Tork doea la Ika Knt vortmaa&la aua
aat. AU wwk raanatrtiL Fa'au muted.
Oretrslaftatl a ttrseSloraeraBinilr
... ' ' '
Tba aa4trti(s4 la aa p't;tre4 la tspot Iba r-
ota of PE. D1.STU.W
a lib weo4. AS arlert
lrtltb BMarattbalawaSeeof
Tm nrt a Caller will ba Mocacll
tua4 la. Tbot attain j 4ty
vaaj tat m wtsur tbaatl ars4
ta iLdr orders at aa oarlr
Btrtbt T9 If
Wheeler Bros.
We are sow prepared to famish the far.
Biers with everything in oar line; which
we will aell USHER Walla Walla prices.
Please call and examine our goods.
Also any farmer who has ana of D. M.
OSBORNE'S machines aad is la seed of
! Ml
E. J.
any places of such machiaes it a wiU fur.
nlah thera.
Call at oat ctSco opposite Court Homo
rendlctco, Orezca.
SttySlI ' r 7
raa arrrr it.. ... r . t . . a
11 X, "lib a rail alack af uUUiiiair good.
HJkt, Ttlrau. Sattaa DotutBa Ctwkt. !
lbftint W.nfrSc f .t. fn. . 4
XUbboat, Laoa, talrl-rij-,
rau.taa, Prua Tlaulifi. fan.
Ktb.a, L'ooda,
In Fact a Complete Assnrtxaeat
Everything in the Ladies lice
Wbkb wttl ba told U laal eaab
-I. JUatlMiray's-
Carstr. Cowl aai X aia ftrtau,
PtrMtUm, ...... .... ... .. Grtyon
Always well supplied with
K.XIT U. CAXXtD fiOOLJ. dimed salmos.
Aad notions too numerous to mention.
Cocrt Xfrcef.
Peadlclon, - Oregon.
Ucriu Bearded Ly Ike day or ieti st rtut
otuiLle ra'cj.
J. H. Raley,
rCVDLlTOX. osxsox
I.f Aeowdtso Sb Statrta ta rrarr ta
1 1 ataaaa. CiCf -MS C W. EaJar.
X. Dob.
I. 6. Hmu
Heppner Flouring Mills,
Heppner, Orrgea.
This xtu. ts xott TravLG or? as cocn ut
trtaia of cru caa oa feod tar aara Ti
lyVtaSij (aroteat.
ootetar aa cat sm4 Li.ait o Lad Sar la-e. asd
Cnipta sarxaartsaroSfat. tscaZIu
W. 5. Marshall,
' ?tt t!t T-.'.--
JVr " K ats !lwt aVlt
rria Sctrl, rractrs.
T rrOCZ rt wak arata axi at ratm-iVa rrrt
ii ax watx raantivc
Hcppacr. Urualllla Ce , Or.
TSo tablt wial ar-trt be f traiH aoi lit
brsi tba aZiria.
.Tia bt art tral avt rJoaa...
A tra-frscf aa.c ia tb HtfaCt of raia&bs.
All the Stares to and rrca i."
i:p at tiis Eet:l.
a- 3 r. arsarx.
XeS deer 13 gcslfiltr
.. .Deters taa3 Usit of Uesaea ai Ua. . .
ne.kertcocauailcalaautl ycpaW
RKA. Orrt at a ctU aS3 ta
ceariacal. $lT'
The Ki change Hotel.
la!a Stmt, Wa2a TaSa. IT. T !
TBI HOTft. t EWLT SCtLT. AXti 15 Han
tatebw. IbTMraacI, aaj aria oa Csla4 aa a
llrtt CUa Skm. ,
TVt Te aUl aart bo rsrrH4 ba tbt Ut ta ttt
Bel aa4 cold talat lor Iba coarraVcet of rtu.
tCT ftaaecsm as4 has(a takra Ort to tbt octt.
Ut trwaea ecaalar ta WaCa WaSa art reeeettol cat
lo tarxtt Uit bottl
TBOS. O SRICX, ryprirter
snOnf lauaf UaoHaaae
j. a. saatis.
ioat a ITXC3.
text ixsaa.
h K. MM h Go,
Art aaw teaJf far bartaets at llrlr
Of aH daacrlplVttt Xpt la ttxl aa4 aaj la crttr.
Cm Ibta jear arecrt fe laxbar.
VTt trapiar ofT flrtt-etats workran. aa4 a til pttr
aatoa aU oar aork lo ba Saaa aa orarrrX
J. fi. & baron & Co.
.Ntrr fa it. a ins
t&to. fata io ao-r
aMre son a
Klmlno. Caotaloa
i rterlpdMU of arery
tu . rinrro
ntoaal Uiollr aaa.
wnh Of rr I TOO Maalmlont. Wa s-J a.1
(l sr ti t . tr.t la irttstltiet lo wit
la. parrb Tbeiuij attltorlnaj la AvkiUa
HM . k . a- - al D4 Ad4aWL
uuvrdiniutv iv.tiiis a .o
ZAt. Ibora, Ktl. Cia. Ctau rsraitfeaf
Ctdt, Cruarlaa. Bardatrt, Tars,
XaCaea, tie., 'he.
A9EarlEr mtaeadr fcwawd a UlfSaV
XnHem I a U bet ba aj-UtOi.-S
Caa 33allock.
"rTines, Ketrr and Cigars
Of lit baa avatar alvtrt oa basd. yoadaitatalad
dnat.afaay k at un laesataeert .
ALSJ a taa bLarl laUr Ut iba amaatataat ad my
a!ala'lratsattaWilt Ali-J A Ca.t Kara.
iCtCtii'.E TU
Saddle and Uuraesi,
KEt Caatual as Laa a ouajata i7 aa
Earn. sAa. 3nd. Wijf. a(-cra, O-Lua,
JUlan. Sixrtaa, axJaTortuaxaa-drfocrEzA. -Ca3
tad ita ct br&re tar.r. b. tg'Pra-.ff-ia(
araatif i;t ii ta.
Main St, - - Pendletca, Or.
tc iccr to t&a tartar eppaa Ta. Sw&Jaa.
Fine Wines LiQEon k Clim
If yon desire a nico trosblea and de
cooling beTerage, sire to Htb always
rsch as will rnsJce call on ca at tks
gou forget all jour popular r
nd tucs a iir.ile.
7 Wa tare a So. 1 swl taUo la
Si. OtEarxaC Ttz bscta aaa
j tJotja Jeft C3 ta&.
TUt trmrr wje bcmrurU raabrS. S. XAJ
TXa aaa A. Z15C
A szTtxsos iJmaz or irrx iras. ai.
a oartbacatatlaaAceaeaBfsByiyr-oiBlait la
FraCasae. Xr. a.
EaLak Excbsrrgc SiIcm.
Asblcj It a I ha n. Procter.
lie tcr! a" IRmi liesnr atd Gears',
Ctretr of !Uta tst AJfre i-rG.
rrar nrrro srAcuu.r rs au. siatt
O tva wra.
Aa4 a3 (astral work ta lia EUoLrtuii Sao sas
wtC aal wab 4 -.
Solicits I'atrcaage.
roraacrelbanathtrJeif B.OL1.1JI aa
I XcatcwwXwataiaiK LABSBBCatlaaa WB
! kaowa to tnlLlona 11 orrr tb- wiwld a
I IM railr aa.'a rrlLlnr tar Uia rrllf at
laeeMnta aal pain. It 1 a Ke tebw
.norma prxu bnl jirvl ta War H
kind. lCurcTcry to.iuof erumaipeia
illcilm- Ualtaect la wltbrnt an cnaal.
It paMrtrmlea KeSt ud Bawatle So
tto anr bono naH-nr tba cocltaa
fit rfecia nrwa iluroan Moll at tits
I K.-a: Crratioa aru casijy wfj.Ieergl
lUalaeat Is reettej lir somebodr la
! rrerjr hotruN, Xrrmlav brings new of
I ll a oaoajr of art aMrrttt inMer ban)
jmlalccU, of rkanuaatlo tnartJTa re
laMrot. or a TttaaUt fcorao sr ox
I aarrd by Iho tealtagiwwcrof tats
which atwrtUlr caret tech alTnant. at
Hit HITMAN ltSU us
I KhtamttliBi. krralllnira. at Mr
..ui, auuactni jmaactaa. atoraa
aa srautia, cut. Jlralttt autl
j prs!u, I'altauani JSHea oud
SMlaa. SUSOieat. XaBaeMea. eta
E Sort a, llcrra. Irlblir.. I'liltlUalBS.
!ioT .-Mpplra, CaUetl Breaat. aad
! lutlec d trr faraa af oatarual t'la-
Irate. It ttraja xrttaont tear.
rortbaBxirrsCscaTtoy It urea
Saralua. SvrlBar. SUIT Joints.
Paaatler. 8aram Sortra. Hoof ma-
e.e, foot Ko, tVrrrr Vottu. 5cab,
ilolloir Ham, Knattbft. "Vlmt.
irallt. Spavla, Thruaa. Klitcbawo.
Olit Snrrt. VoJl KtU. Fitaa tta
the S h I aud avrrw other ai2atrwt
ta vrhleh IBs ecettaaatta af tba
Mablo atiil Stock Yrl aro liable.
Ttti afexlrwu Saitane CI b (in at
atoava care And nortc Ctoappcteta;
aatl tils, pot Itlrc!;,
TOE 2T C3 B2AS!?.
I 25, &. COT',
r! 1. w i.
man any one can lurauu tun r&and ass.
July.a3 W. II. COLTOlf.
i i
. O. U EaCHASl, I A"
i-JIM t '
astfcatett. ; j - o: - a. a jW-