(LJjt (East rcgmriam SATURDAY.... ...JULY 10. 1SS0. j.H.TtRXEK. n. b. sisuur. PCBUSBED BT TURNER & BlbHOP. TERMS IN ADVANCE OxeYeaii . .... $3. Democratic Ticket. TOR PRESIDENT! W. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT : VM. H. ENGLISH, OF INDIANA. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS: J. K. WEATHERFORD, T. G. OWEN, JAMES FULTON. Garfield Settles Ilimielf. Froa tbe CtKta Ttaer. Garfield's defense is simple, rtratcbtfor ward and eloqnent: I acqnit mjielf," he y, of the great trancreioBi." Tbe people of the Pan 2c Coaat aay the Cblaee men go and the Drmocraric lt form aya the Cblaeae ahall cot cunt- Ate- Who- Gen. Garfield runs oa hi mlliUry record, br brines up with a jerk araiut the fact that he lett the field while the war vra ! jet racing, left in good health, and accepted J a. civil nce in the rear. If he pat hit 1 political record in front, out cornea the i s:oryornit6lipc into the Credit Mobdier aadlhe DsGolyrT disgraces. T.kitir one coocideralion with anotlier, ihe poattioc n a candidate thua situated ii cut a happy cac. Wtuhiistoa Ptii. The Democrat who obtained at Cincin- OP PiNNsYlAAMA. sati two4hird of the whole number ofi,i.f.it , . . , , . veieacast,- a claim, tbe Utk i alhr Acency bnke loe from th declares, upon the tattbful suppin of hu wble party, intmttely atmnrer than the candidatr who may be created a nimine by a majority of one vote at Chicago, ha upon hia The tmpoibUity of a weak or foolub. cloicM i guaranteed whtn 492 out of the 733 representatives of Iirsaocracy in Convention tcaibled agree upoa a standard-bearer. What thz Goerais Thiks A New Tork papr which warmly supported Gen. Grant's eandidacr. tiritit Anntrh fnmi Galena. Illinois "tutin; that Grant will repuaiate Oararia aan rupport llancock. Grant aT: "General Hannrk hat the claanet record of any n.an m the United Stales.' General Sherman vu akcd by a reporter what be thought of Getral Haa cock'a BnmtnatiMn. The General replied that be did no! have anything to do with politic. -Bnt if yon will it down." be added, "and write" the bt ihinr that can be put ia lutcaage about General Hancock as as officer and a gentlsmtn. I will sign it without hesitation." 05 the 31st of Jaanary, 1S79. President Havre wrote to Collector Arthur: I leeard it as ray plain duty to eopend von in or-i ..,, i.:t, .t rv i-.t t. tier that the office mar be W'y .drain- P!1 e 'arIft ln P--Itteml." On the aame'day John Shermaa ' gloa- Tic lura m,1 ,TTiaS 10 Hd np wrote to Mr. Arthur: "Gioat ahusea of ad- j tbe country, tn establish bnme for them sinistratioa haveOKitinned and increabed I tetre. thefr wire aad their children, aad IlWTr j l- - 43nliaales in sereral branche of the cu. ! protection of the ronatry. are to be roM-cd tom-boaae. and you hare in on case np.! ported tlie effort to correct tho abus. Both of thi-ae mrtern ciril service reform ers sow thmk. biawerer. ihat Mr. Arthnr i a good enough mas to till ibeutEce of Vice President. It was under Gn. Hancock's adraini. I t ration at Itew Orlean. when that com. maader badjjde up his mind not to en force the n coaliruciion law, that 4nigger ki'ling" wajiatrodnccd as a political method, and aooa after it became a iarorite pasutne. -ine am amnonty" tnat r- fused to punith auch crime wa that j might go upoa h to pasture, or ant one of !.whWn ?ta'Tu V.",1, ln-'U'e teamsters seeking to make a living br stated feat the military should lie kept I., . , . " J strictly sulxirdinata. The opprcrd daia- ,Le htni "nd bfa they b,re to , es received no protection from Gen. Han. 1 1'3'. who may turn hia team out 10 graze at cock during the whole perhad of his admin- night upon the Indian land is liable to he istration in the south: and herein lie tbe ; eat!, taken to Portland, nndcr orders secret of hu popularity with tha dominant . T, ,. , n . ' , party therrAOrfniii. from Attorney-Oeneral Derens.and Hoed Wa wj Gen. Hanck found the people j dol!ar a bnA for eich Iran.gret.ioa. -ef New Orleans ground between tbe uPfertT1,ueire,lie acts of a party which asks aad Bether tsill itone. carpet-bagcera and,,he PP,C for funl,'r ,ec r Powtr- siggers. with the help of the military, had 1 .overriden all law. Out nf chaos, Ilan order, and civil law -cock brought social .again holds sway. The First Cnnupt Candidate. From fix Sew Terk foal Ttlta -in..tl f.r a tr.lrl .Hl I.- Jr. iiacuWied fnmi all otbera in the biatorr lf I the United Slates by one circumatance i 11 were. tne Utea for their murderous war hich trrery m.'r.respecting citizen. Demo- in Colorado, and which is responsible for troubles in th'e country for th. the Government, there is a question aa to ! fifteen years. General Umflald Scott the personal iniegrity of a candidate tor ' Hancock has dealt with Indians for more the Nations highest office- .Lau ,LJr!jr ycarij ,Je b raet ,hcm n h Oar peaple have not been accustomed tnia;,, . j - .. . , . . bear charg of personal di.honety brought t'f "d w cnoDC', ht ,,M against the men presented for their saf. i Ind,an depsrtmenu, be understands their .frages. character and the sort or managemeat they That la becauen the candidate chosen ' rpqt,ire. perfectly, and whin le Is ckcled cby both great parties in all p nt campaigns j ,.. , -iave been men againrt whe prirata char. -and. SraUd the conotry will witness a acter there was not even suspicion. The ; satisfactory and very different solution of selection by cither (tarty of a candidate not 1 this troublesome question, .oaly susjiected but proved to be guilty oft corrupt practices, is absolutely without i The damphnola who preide over Ihe recedest. Wekton Leader sy they have a cliaracter Oie thing, aad only one thing, could be and reputation to rnttain. Tlie oole cat aasore HBmniaiiBg 10 our ..attonai pnu tbeelectinn and Inaurnration of a Picsu; deatfcranded -fitk pcraonel diibonerl ! CUnrrtl h Tretpass. j TIIE CASES AOAtNST KAMT.RX On LOOK STOCK ! MEN IX THE f. S. CIECCIT OOUUT. Amnnc the cases on the United States Circuit Gmrt docket, Tor trial at tlie prrscnt term, are a duiuut against ttock wnra in the eastern part of thrtatr, whoare chare. .niUi t ' U -1 a iu til wttb allow inir tlirlr rattle and liorui la prarn urvnr. land within tha Ik.amlarict ofiin upon niand Itrxmcht our aid to the ex. the Malheur Indian reservation, aittialed in I4"" f lufrtnin: the people of Eaitrni Grant county. llieH cha.n.v are ma,le 1 Orrpnn and Nrmda that they am citig to thruuch -nforniatinn n-curtsl by Ageat Itine. ' return to their own country. Stiirle hare hart and filed with the Department of thn ' 'rn told to her that the eople of Eajtrrn Interior, and Prowcutillg Attatrtiry Matlory lOrrfcOti would kill liar people if tliay pais, commenced the mil Id acconlanre with in. Jrd thrnush that con ti try. Tlii br aliw t ructions I rom Attorney.Grneral Devrnt. not believe, l.nt if it i" true, the Pitttt-a Twoorihe casri have already been dicided. i "w here ill co even if only in met death, and the defendant. Jauies Shepherd and prcfernnc to mnt the" rnni drtrorer Ji-mIc Walker, of Haruay ValleV. latind CnHtJ'.j,,',irnientlielni:renUerrdhydefanltffn of lincerlnc death at Fort Slwce. and a verdict of $300-1 ten theraTernnieat. Amnnp those w hose c-V re yet to It tried it inr airatnt the Ann of Freneh & Glean, of Stin' Mountain. In thit State, alio, it is Ml forth, drove 2.000 and 75 head of bur. ee on tha nrrvatinu for srazinc purpow The defendant in thift cae have entered a denial, and Mr French it enn in thl city attending to the caae. The nearest line of the Slalhriir reservation U 55 tntlea from Freneh & Glenn' place and the immediate country ornum!ing Stein' Mountain offer. tnc far be ter crazine place for rattle, the Ann ha no need of drivinc their atnk t the rvaerration for Irrd. and the carce prefirretl nsnM them hy tbe Infortui-r, thev ar. cannot tie fUctaincd. Mr Frauch haa hern compelled to make tn trip to the city in connection wiUi the Milt brought acatnM Him, ami tia leen pot to tlie x. pne nt nearlr one thoutand dollars in mi doinr the ime he l..viK to brfnC imuiuixiuuiwrni wunom i'i uiD. tiate Hit denial f ibecWc made aiinit him and hi partner. Similar charge are tnadearaintt PterStenger. of Harnrr: J, S. Miller, of StemV Mountain, and Td. Hunter Jc Deviue.of While Horwr. arairat htm the Mine iniorniatmn bat li-n tiled. , In cie of conviction the government re. Ceive on dollar fr each bed of tock sworn to bare lv-cn crazed ao the re-etva. tion and of this the infnni er gets one half which would seem to uimulate liim to iro. prove bit thiaing hour to the ltet advan. tagr. All the defendant la the abavr mentioned are wrll known in the State, and deriegtho Bansoek war wrr neartj rained by the depredation tf the very Mr age on wbme gfoundathey are now said tn have trepaed; the lit nini bv French & Glenn alone ling nearly $100.. 000 There ha cot been an Indian living en the referratinn alncs Ihe war. and Rice hart I tuperintrndent of a rervaiin without a redkin on it. Each and errry oneoftheemm are doinr more for the cod of the country than ever the govern, men Vha. and what Ittlle protection wa atTorded the settler aod toclmen br th government haa been removed bv Ihe ahand. onmentof Ft Harney. Ieavinz them. now that Ihe Indiana are tcoiporarUr out nf the conntnr. to the mercy or the Indian arect and those worae na than tbe ml.kias or arent. tlie informer, who in order to gtt the money out of ihe goreniment file their charge tndLrnminaiely. and where r hap one may he gnihreodeavor in Inert ' their amount of -Wood monrv by iarln.L log every man ia the conr.tr who hu a dol lar, in the same crime.- farmer. Sneh is the policy of this gneat moral re form adminiiration,a c"atinaa)ioa of which he people are at-krd u inflict cpoa thm seve. Trnly does Ihe Indian policy of the Republican party commend itaelf t the favorable cocsldcrtioo of the intelligent American voter. Look at tbe fact in the above case two vein ago tk Indian from eir rejervatioa, murdering and plcndtrinr tbrosghout thetBrroun'llnccnnntrT: maar honest. iadatrton critcri. foranate eoongh to escape with their lire, were re. doced to a Mate f abj-ct poverty throash thioatlrrak. home deiroveL stock to!en and theroelre with their fmlles thrown npon the world to shift fer a living a het they might. Instead of aiding the men to retrieve their Je4 forune thi Repcbli can gnrernmetit rewarded be hiwiilea f.tr their fiendtIi ded. forgave them ererr. thing, and placrd ihtm cpoa a new rer- raui la acenrdane w jth their wiahrj. i Tlie dialhenr reservation. cmpriiog aa enormoa tract of laad. hs aince that time been withnnt a tingle Indian ocmpant. aad when these men who lot ao ranch by the war attempt to make some litt ae of the pastarage which growa and dice for the wnt of aiock tn craze upou It, orders come fmni headquarter to piovctilr them fr the act. sod take fmm tl.m tha. rmn.r. of their little all left alter the raids of the av3L- one-Lair tn go to tbe gurernmeiil aad one half to some worthies tramp, per bap, who it too trifltag tn do anything for hinitt-lf. and hopes to make a living by tockinz the blood of honest, worthy pio- DMT. ' This state of a flair might happen with ns at any time, as it hat. indeed, bappeeed in tbe p'st. with regard to tbe Umatilla reaerratton. Any poor man whoe cow 7hls " "e VnT wlch PPe th open- ingof this reterration no, and prevents an act of justice to the tenters of this coan. try which a Democratic Congress would be only too willing to grant did not a fried ulent veto standeady to meet tbem. Thit party through the milk-and-water policy of the Secrels ryf the Interior even rewarded, liai the ime kind or character and teputa- . I a t ' . tion. and sustains it la. the same way and wttb die same rnaterisT 1 Exedua uf (lie rtutt. Under 'carrot S Scliurz. Srh irinot. niece it tn trail licr people forth from among tbe Yakima's and lke ilieai back to the Malheur rrfrrratinn. Fnmi tb Yakima Rrtvrd we clip the following: . ' a ! On Fndaynt lait week. Sarah, in company WUII Her liiolner. lye it lnDrmtlcra. 4allr I quickly rather than encounter another n-a. Sarah ln the jenulion of the Secreury nt the interior lor urr and ber people to return. We interview.! Srah a to tha raute which haa led to thi remarkable extalns t the i'jutet. We rrquetrd her Is efn'Wy her iie In a couiiuuuiratl.iu Thi the has done, and the letter u tjnrd hy alt tbe head men of the l'intc. and a f Hi: "Wr. tbe Pinte. 'artr.l here dnrinc lUf Winter of"7J. kdI arrived on tl-r 10th of rrhruary. 1ST9. Our people were all ell I i"iiplied with clothca, the mn fj-rinlly i with nh clothe a thry bad obtained of tne mj.iirrt at Lanp Harney, Orreon be lore we left. Wr wrr here Iwtt a borl Mine when m ol uir peoide went In wrk 1 tat the Indian Hvinc here. Titer west to the iwioniw that Ihlr w.'.rk w.hi'h! i ' J"Mi inr oore. lliey wrre to work j tmm !i to 10. 13. CO and aa high aaSOd! j a bony, Thev went ., -ork. .nd ' ,r n.i "tb nut P" w,re ihj mai tnrv Jivi eaten the i ntoant of work tliey hail dwe Th"- lhatdid get tiud Munember Irnlini woukl come and take the hrv awar few 'hHi A gwo.1 many of our mpte lw vr bnurbl honet with their own btaakrt and taddlf-a wUIch they bad whrn they came tier. They bale leen taken too. StHeoftir liett horse which broaght here ha v alo been taken. All thi ha l en thl In Mr Wilbur and attll he can't help a. When we go to chinch oar MvnXet and rope ar taken while we arc inUe AM thl ha l-en done to olnr we bavrbrra herr. and today wr are poorer than wken we came. Y-, pooler in rl-ht r-l ia Ihtm Poorer In IcoaU; tn everj-. thing. Wr have Ioi ( ') i3 tirad nf hrkA, and liava lea 5? bead Oar tick hi lea poorly Cared for. and many hare dietl lor want of something to eat Now. can any ow Idame as fT wanting to go back to oHr n a cocntry ! -flit Efccor w'at telling me that all we bavr bad belonged to the Indun Wrr. Tht f lef and floor. TUai the gern. mert baI Dot given a antlbtng Srh tld a that he a-crt he eorrr in Wabingtnn Ed TZwrfJ Tbete it vemetbtng here co whiet. he r i rwr. bnt which hat alrmdr ben paid In tboe who htvr wrkel (What it it Let cj bear the whie fi.ry. Ed. Erctrt J "Ok we rtteaori all pray of mr wbfoe broiber u not he so hard hearted ar'ni u. We all want to g h.ck. and wil lev Fort Siroc-e on lb- M of Jaly. We don't know what time r will gl lot he Dalles and a go.nl manv of at wiH bare ! walk - Tfc abve t giied br Srab. Le and Frank Wirnemocra. Chief Iyggeo, Pad ley Two Cbitf aad Piut Jo. A Serrrr lUbttkr. Ia cor if hi eloquent remark mdr hfr Ibe recent IHin-.ia Dnvoratr- Slate CVwvention the H.n Lvtbh Tratbtt mt j mmHiered a arvere relaake to ! KrWH raa party ol to-lr. tram wUtrh the W. lowing is aa extract: "I had oraVMi tba rJhmUr t a'ey into tbeir Ntit tVn rntioa at ChaCarn. And wbat dl I a looking down opoo that Gisri.i. There were the prrtrait of Ch. of 5. ward, of FMiden. of Samnr and r trelr. b.m br alander and ftUebond Iher kertaded In Ibe rrave. H-fa. Iber were ralltagapnn tbptriUof lh4 aienart. ' d ltrmn iVrx- gri men wt rave I 'rZ In the dart of it. par llr all t gkrr -al.ng Rwt tWr-n to gave J coanteeancr to iu procrrdtao In . when fnr ih l.af f r.. ik.. L..I . , , . . " I rxarnvtetl eTrvoneorihm. CW rSV-witry , or inipcier.ee ro fartlier tbaa tbttfar tiaartr nn ta artoeal tn tb wril. if Grrtr aad fhar and Seward aa tbuSgU ther were with Ibera." Kraraey Dcjinscd. 5x Fr.Aioa.Ta. JhIt 3 The Pu Ol. rentinn of tba Democratic wing of the wnrklegmenV par"v lt night dt.a Kmv a n'erideat of the trtr, and declsred the rfWca nf vic.pretMeT. aerra. larr and treatarer vrtcant, elects a alai enrrl croniliie rrtr'oraed Ifaneark rvi Englih and Democratic preaMenttil etec inr. aad adjosrsed till Tuesday erenlre next Tha pertcle of Qufl Vicla Tecring $2S2S.( annatlr. and the mwdr rriore - Wale tl.tY.a000. while ererr raan in en in Eorlatid it a runner. wIM u4 alwtv innl ibe rilng ini)Hger.e f working people. A lerriMe dr of rrckoeiag I aare to come. Triti VTorld. If aa rlalme.1 br mnr KepoWJeana. Mancock i a good etvngli ntinlM-n fT lhm. wr reallr wonld llkr to hear anv ra n wtiT ihev tnIt oa viitln; for tha Cre-lH Mnbilier. nOn.yer contract bribe-taking Garfield. TliritTaAX. Tilden and all the other de. feated Candidates fr nmlnatliri at fit. riniieti. enthDUtiraIly approve of tbe telectioo of Hancock At'ntuJit, NEW TO-PAT. MUHKERS & HAWKER, tV'Ii tot la poategxa) nEPP.ER, - OREGOaV. Pralrrt ia att tisoa af Uqaar tmt tta CHOICEST WINE?, CIGARS, rtc, mtpl CAtattstl ra bacd it tbl r7t!ar raan. Clr ci call taJ b coartar!. ittwr mi mmm, 4 3 -A- Lang cC2 Oo-, PP.0PRIETOI13. Coert Street, Pendletoo, Oregon. 5laK, talrl a4 prlotr ftolllea rortUbrJ wMB brrr bj tU beule or krg. rtttrJ txrra aprctahr Jtrcef Ii. tica to Credlturs. aaasaaaaaa V0TtCC I3Hrrbyc.rSib.t,b.uaSr.traU. '' Vt Joba. Trrt. alrmtra. All t ana. turlcr tia-tna faiaat Mid rataie arr brrabj uaitral U p rrcl br rr. 'wuhia tx taw.it. truT!b oat ? Ibu iioJ- mrnA m.1, a. a a . . - . . ta. at -WVtT , ''i i""-" laKi-bij i f.u rut- arr rroo:. ta BJa!,ss1att..p',3"l cun n'KKTa. IHthfi Uatirruu (tie SiuhcI. A Rirhmoo'i. V.. special rctvrts BIhT Kcaue ayit,i! that lie hapin! to tie in Washington a lew niontlit api, when the clnrr a in Gen. Hancuck' cnnrxti"a , with the Snrrat cc were rrltrraieil, ami i Father Waller atatnl in the limit riniihalid " ' - . latieiiage that Wen-wa tin truin wiiatrTer in mi cninr. ramrr aii-r w tha rpintuil advixr and coofoM'jr of Mr burratt. The AnMiONrp Vcru The UniNh hark Ortfaf. reprtnl in u dUpatah lrm Ixndnn a having l-rn trtu alia'idon. ed. had a car;o if railnud 'ron for the Ore. Con It til a v and Navigation cuipii4y, utllrient to lay iMrtv tive mllea of tracic. No low ill bmtaileil liv the cotnnanr. a thecrs a t til I v iuorcd. nor will the Icomplrilon of the nrnl U ilrlnye.1. at tha ! nU tau be replaced in Su Franc Uco. The SapremetVyort hat made Iheir elec ticr of ttrmt a folh-w: W l. Iypl. C J ; K. It. Watiuu. i year; J. Waldo, Imic term. -THE- mm mm m V.rti It MUlr trfturMlt1. S.&1 tailr r ba t t ! bt trm j MaM. ,nue -ah kHr.a la44. ta b rn i r av 1 m sjirn "TT Vknh: ( -fctrVi i le I b . . r W t n4 Ur w rh' 1 rvii-Orejron KMnejrTea. I i I'ZZTZ tT. T. "ZJZLl?, . h pial S4 a I He r.ej XT B nil I Wtr hl lb. 4Vi Htt tMtf t.rm H L&4 L. t i . i r 1 .. - . . t . Sen m- st tmr rl.l !.... mi ' . aw rvsa u tat; x ctVrrx t mm V 4 M"elrtkE Aaliona! IJrracrailc PIatfr. Tbe tVwilf raeir " ib CaKt f UU ta roc rtta vtkfrW Ur. F.rt a . 4x mtttrm ih ta A nwllotM at Air a4 lfaa wa t I-. lavTMr pan f Htaitf.i4 ?-T iaiiiftiiti tw4 af4 at a Vc Si, "f II.BikvW wwi m4 aa-4 rmMl tn t 4atr at tit Uit t.lwi.l taaitaW mf H f V irrmt -Ojn.mHlaa a cyatraaaa'i aal Itat a. nwrit mi yir fiw at LmrK uu. f raa. rt4 arr M ak ta 4Vmyf aa aa. ia4 taa tmrtrt uiT M aa. mi f- ril ti. ra.r U.i. iruaa ( aiiti a4 u l-e tv tM t C . CTiWa acta Xm W ip f. I tm4 mtur T r4 'Jwaa fa iww a4 .tnt au-a iaaw mt ike ra,...tf af r-. M a4 tmfTtm nuMt wa a aVaaaaa. thr Mfwt BUHam r It paV baa, ataia aM al-..t, a4 a UC a f r.apa W al tlr ataV&rr t lt w rr. aa4 a cMTal t aetata nlrz t ia 14 nal awt-t a - rmJttt aa tie r-t rrrrw M. t all nrkta mi a 4 A.I t aiO'tiH la er r aurt faatat -baa ttn TWtiiaa f atwtatiinliaa la rtfrnKUnt f nwint af. a4 K ala nt V KM la M eaal HW4 k-it ak cWa a ara J ' A. laraai,iir aa ar l r aii im, w-4 t aa. .. a it la aaaiija tu .veraaa aM a.;.r far. taaafes ttj a4 tak(-.nra ta.tr trai tt -jO-TV rw ft af tlTt. t Wk ar-a lab rrmut 4 tW -tr4 t ml iwa M.1M. aha rm4 aatr 4 al ! tM a aa aea. m w )m Mai iMhr'Wtni M. t A nrvia kM tW 1. mm a.". a vr t mt w tw at .rf. frofc 4mf ' at t r .mv mt ftff tmlm tr -. TW tmmmrmttr mrT. fatary ta te .!' afa t hm-lm- M It -TB a iairlrl Mai tVmr.aiMaakiWert tc Its TW re.. M 4m rrr aWr It Hr war W.4 4aa na ta f mrm mt li mm ta aiarnw a- U- a-i.a. mf Ivatrb .We trrttla r a-a f iba ate4ur. taa ta aattx ttafaa fa SSH'H! rf Wi w eaata a ta aat a a aaarprr br raa. la a aaa tfc n aaa. 'It ra mf at rrpar t camaas 4 aa r wb tial..i Nut-Tbf 4ti.a'aa.lJ ntt a4 ar1 a raaal W t raa t Ma)h4 rar bar b a 14 fca a c)a mt tw eaaa.ra a. aa-4 fr a bari b waaavalai tvribVaa af tb e. 11111 ia r"ir t 4 . b ffW eaarraa. mt b Ca tt. aat a.a.arT. aa4 aVrtar btr I '"' -- a4 taxva a -i a i-l later? J - aaaw a .a aaa raa a-a aaa ar fartWr rmmrm t a I at b aa f W4 laa "m-t.u.wbiiKri t r-nw b H - nusa. .V.W.H SHra" 'rTaT i-nu it laxaw trataaj mt ta onMrf aa( -,"r Tarr aj aa a wi rb.a fr t-- mtaaa rr aa ta aaa M a lb Ua aa r.rr af araanala faaa-attaa. mmm mmm mm W ..aa a a1 i kara, aralaaa mt f VrarS-Aaaact mf tb ft attar lara.a a taifi Vtr .aaaw taaa rirrti ta trrL -a ra -m Umi taraaa aaaaaarxa. C tbarH nr txi y r4 Tnb-r 'IV aaT mtA rmmtrf4 1 -r aU r1 an!tr. 4 rak mt lT-4 fa anaat -llWa T leab-bWaa-rataraa ta U IV trr4 j bWeaa tb ta na aaa. aaa fm4f mmmf t tea. j H1 (aat abl axaauu tb (oranraaa at.S 11 caaa. W4 ml9 gi9 tmimH F SSSSi CT rrtatS Wa -S4-rat'aU fcaa-rar ava mt H I a. ra-f MMe -lra-l aa lv- ra.taa aiaa mt arwrar ' baa aa4 lb aatatcai baaae abtvat. aa4 aVrr a t. aa tb yr aa aara, a raatr la 'K ateaararataaa a' I faaaFia a a aa taaa It- imai aaat. r (ra -r ry Taruaai mf tb ra' anat ADVERTISrM NTS. mum blue, OCtLLK IS GEXER ih MERSHANDJSE. Great Hcduction in SUMMER DHESS GdOD?. Gcr.tn Summer l lotliimr, To I sc tnt lock ... JUUT HECEIVED.. A Fine Assortment CF- Ladies and Chililrcti's Hosiery and Glovca, Em broideries. k and Lace Ties. Rucliings, Elc. A Toniplclc Stock of GROCERIES, TOBACCO, C OCKERY. BOOTS AND SHOES. H ATS AN0CP5f ETC. CARPETS, WALL PAPER, tW Call and examine prices. jjFj LEHMAN BLUM, Pendlrton, Oiegon. A. HEALEY, BOOT AND U IU i Zk PTIIRCR PEIVDIETOa, ORCGO.Y ranor b i oa Alt Purrl. aral at 044 l.ilaat' belM. AU mUmi- cf aark iloa ts f L. k.a ...l. as it RiMtiUt rlt iceotir J ADVERTiSLMENTS. Falkcr, BiII & Co.'s Wool ml Myo Stock ftto ww cy. OSr at 123 CabfuraU iurt, SAM riU.fiUCO, CAU SloraPnclaliir&Grndl) 1TO.lL, HIDES Jl FELfd Received & sold on CominiHsion Wtrthoute Cib and TOWN5END ST3. STOCK YARDS it nibn. 5-oth sa TnxMc. WE t ?- fienuu Ut Ih i4 UtfeUftc (.mm U tMkUXi4 Utr uxk. OSJtGO.T A6C:fCV 30 NORTH FRONT ST.. PORTLAND. w plnWtU rUBlr W Mr .to.fw. rWmu. Ur. I. it Cum, k a nwtu ar Vmt eai cul( la r1t4 M kt r U rrttalfacn a4M(9iu;iMi.U trl PIONEER WOOL GRADING AXD PACKING House PonTLA.SD Co.. OltEGOy. Bf o Lrirz. to trw thk woot cnotr m mt r aa4 W.brtia T.rparry tbal a; ba a ta a Uraawa- tA rM Hm Urtr trMc a4 twttax a( far tba 4trrt akaaarat U tba r Ttk. Baalaa ul rUUXfkJ: aaalbrta. Tot caaitfa?nt of yur Wool Reipec fa ly Solicit d. PlOaZEK W-at. GaaOt5iG X?D Packijc Hooaa, b A. 5EVMOL1J. Saprrtatrsdrst. J. B. art: af raVrrwa (rra If mn lartl Caab a4r.ara aaafa a CirU rati4 T ! tr4taf ar abavrat. ?r AtSf Cat fmrtm.. aar aateaaa a tab Wi ' ' b;. b 'iu. U4a bntiUaua a taaran fmm. raraaae. Orr-a. Warr lat, lS. iwm.n. r 9 Nat f ranlaa. A C3 Sana fraal St, y t ba. y t4S W G WOOL! WOOL BAGS tx ef Partlaaal. Or. rit.caj i. Hides, Furs Skins and Tallow, GEJ.E- AL Ci-HMIS! X H:RCHA1T Jmtt raartrr at rarC4 a imrm- im m! V1 M aa af a aat M t -aLnna rtUfrtt. Lw..l aak aa lalr H. 2ETZGSS, 2Cta jtr. Vmjt .. teaaa iaaa Saaar, WaJU TaJa A. . w Ab. IrUa, tl fml 1, raUu4 jaaXllf WOOL GROWERS We desire to call the attention ol the Wool Growers of thi count y to our ur excelled facil iiics for Felling Wool in the Portland .r Stin Francisco mar kets. Liberal advancements will be made on Wool. Com mission charged for selling is 2 1-2 PER CT. Wool forwarded at oOcts. per ton. We have a larv.e sttick of lM eliis Lear Tobacco, Sulphur. Mock Salt, Wool Sacks, Fleece Twine, Shears, Etc. All of which we oiler nt bottom prices. All orders or business of v, ool (J rowers will receive prompt attention as in past years. Jjh.i R, FOSTER & Co, Umatilla, Or.. Jan. 14, 1SS0. JaallmS J. Moiulcr's BLUE M0UNTA1H BALSM, ... FOR TtlK t.CN ... TncnNsruiTtoy.tjrr.RcniiruijsT. jfrr X ttrnaabria lawtb ad aM. It aadl ditratlna. partfla. tba bbaat. aaxt arU aa a fra n rear a tbe Sol nrrroaa a'tir-m IVamatd tn h pan-lr rr. labia. lilnrtMi: tVa Inr alalia aa talj rrnm,. rallbrreUmraaatar. la .Trrtar ohm tabra af.B ea-anf b ta rmdara riprcioratana. lloa iae.au oa Ira pn. a fill ibr Uae a ear. rrraarr br J. i BTUt'OU, nt SWta, Orfe. ' if.,. LEGAL. Public Sal a of Real t state. vroncR w HtnEiir r.tvvjt that in pritfr- X' ef tonWriHCaaalvCoanrl'alilU ir. ruiet-romo-.. luo- lUtUid.jU.aaa lbmaUfir'ibK.furB r Alt - crawl, ih aadrieaJ lb ajiilauirirn4' Mix ra - Utr. will arU al en aatkia In Ik l.lrtsat HiJrr fqrrkati .1 IL p naUraoqriauMar lb lCb imf t JH-. IM4. at II mrluek ia lb lrrai .f a.ld .7. all lb llhi. tit'r aa-t laurel aflb abl B C iwul. -4, In uJ to lb fulluKkax iccOIxl ml raUtr. eC af JIE l:ir.l mnA lt W t- IW. V I- bjhk hk t, 4aa:j.v it7a at aata in l m.lil naf jr. tri. at4 ocl.laJIz tSJ ax, Tarawa aJ.--tbu b.wj. U. 1" Tviaarn. la IbaOMttr Cuanr tl Mmtm mt OrrM. tar lb Oaat- mf '..uk la b- a.atirr af tL Ui mt IUn tvajtaa. deaa-4 CUatiaa la ttra a4 p.nlra UUfrtl la rrabat. rini ansi 1. Jata L t rortD eoeHI J pocoio.1 AXD rtmilaa. trr.ua r la lb a.av a tb aai at y ara bnrbr dvlt baa4a(r ia lb Cecal f aart mt lb Mtia mt Dr-r-. r tba Caat at'wairtla. aa FrUif lL-Ub 4 j mt Jmlf. a. It ItW al 1 m turk r a tbal !? lb aa-t liara Utbwrur.UtMjM lilt fcr rrrtaia imln taralla antwr rarai ta lb aaH f tf Cn, aa 81c Ibrra.a. lUM t L a4lMI4 la trm b.lr aa lb tart WMI te4 Ta(aawv al aaal Crmm4, mtrt my tttrraUai.a,alrr abna4 aa4 l ta4 ta U taai aa arvaeata- ta tba trutia aa W la laa tlrra'a aCSra mf aa!4 ruibl . Waaw iw.Ho.1. H. C TOtKCW, Jac af tba Caalj t aan af lb. Mai c4 irrra, lar tba (541 tmnmtj ri-aaub.,tbutbarar Juaa.X. C. tut. J a. icri.rr. Cart Trr. RatVr Taala atiasja Adininljtrator'a Ifotico. "VJ"OTlCi: ( brbrora Ibal Ik.cs4r!r baa .i tra ava rrva4 bf tb rFat Oart mt ta U a lfr-a ar I aaiwu aaif . 14attMmr mt b ra'at mt J K Mbn. aa4. all fm-mt ka.laf rt.Maj a.alaat lb. aakl r.1 arr brar r tr ia a--.at ibrv. wb ta tar sri, a al at.-a f a ib ala br4T i m at j Cfc la raa alrtaa. Mr". J'' .l TEli. AJs a'atratar ti4 ratw.Or.. ;k1.UU. jaalS Ditsolaaoa Co-Partnexabip 'I'HC Ca-raoarraia brtalar axaUr ba L lbaratBrM4na.fvUri U" I Ibta ar. af f -a a Wataal uuU, D. W Ca ! tjr Smb tb Irm. J . H TC K. D V Hltur 0. M.CUX tT Jtta II. 1JM. Notice for Fnblicatlon. Laaa Omca ar La Ctaaa. Ct I N., . Ja lab lava j nci: 1 brt tf mm Hut ib hatr-a uaH atWr Saa t4 a. af b-a ovtiao v. tukt t.l im as rata, ft a at. n at al a rar- aal ,. n It i ri f at a-tanaW binr a7t '- tb ala4 Ma tawt III WltXIaU H fc-l 0 J -m. licfi frWrabi4kttMiti r ( . a Wir r.aac u rM a Onxaa. I JaAalM. 1P b.k..S W.lltl ia K aaa t.ra. tb (ahaai r aa ba aaa. ra i LarH aia4, Jr. a. Tiaaa. t..rr V.aaaa aa4 T Ciraa, aa 4 Lr-ai. I sa I. . vaatr laaa Kotice for Pabl.catica. Li rmarUCtiH. ii.l .- !( tlat I "J"ejK"r I brbr $ rbat ab tacM .m.r baa t4 a-aw 'f km (ul a abr la.) rT ia -yj-t WcUia tm4 a.ar Saal ea trr abraf at Itva araia tferta cui Hwi ta 4rfaf taaaaaa. at H C TutCru. H.waa An rmtmmm Va at rrW aK b ! ia lb C. aa tb if. mt Urj 1. far ta t , 'f ta. s.MrlC. X- Saf"T:fRIt aawa f 4 ! baa wv ra S Vr .va a wt fbrar ar r tauara a . ae . aat . W .a-- aa4S at fcaa-aaa-.taalaaaCa.tV 'mt Ht.NkT a" t.aKBT. t?T Administrators lTotice. Xr H KtTEeaT etrcv Tbta ab a4r. .1 baa a afai awj tat trW mt at - ba a . " a 4 aa traaa kanaz rtartaa f"" aatar ar. riaN t awt la a.a t a .a yrr t ara. at aar e raOar.' at 72f Kl til Sthtajtl va rawraau raaaa frMa at. Ja raraar t CaeOr. tMaa. Was t raa . i-l Nutic far Pcblicat ca. Laa Crnra ar t a Cau.nr, la-r laaa ( 'X'wTKT l g" a abf .a T it. -n . aaa ' atir Ivw Cm ! mf X. nararaa, ta aab S-aal m- ta .a. a rt f a a aCair. aa4 ar . J ' r atrTaf at aa raaraaa - aairo 6nlw Vr : -at. r 1 KtVra.34 riLL ar.t. . "a e mt aaa t a rW J f tra a V. ur r.atv at rra-aa. r-e Ui. r . .a Jalr Sim. .a- tSNtSt aa4 aasra ta I i taa a .' aw r a a J Caaaaa, a Wa 1 aaa a a. Lmt M at rraaSrtaa. C HDSrr &KKaT.lWvur. Jobs C 1 easure. rOOLtTlMf. tlSLC'X aa-Cfca T4 aart baa'. ab WkraCrr Xra. ataSKf W. J. LEEZEB, SCALOt IX WOOD Sc COAL STOVES CUTLERY, BOLTS, SCREWS, HI.VGES. And all kinds of A ccm! cisrct ef HrjA ca feasl aat scaia ta aotcr. loxrs ajtd tito.f rtrx4 rraxHan) oK,'t5 tbrtxitsjaTi xrrr jj aa baa4 I fitT5 nR l-RAVS BKiti AtrVkaral tBpartBau. a7-C3 at tuall- Of s alL-Ea W.J t-tHKE. Ileeraar. nr. SZ if. JACOBS. -0f the' JUL. JltZ. I 23 "3? ""5T Store, Oppn-iitc Pendleton IToteL is nbout to move in the old luw olTicc of Turner k Bailey, opposite court house. M:t)r czWheeler & Witeozzi SEWINfi MACHINE THE BEST IX THE W0HLD. A. W. 0S10KN, Traveling If eat, XUTbSTtj 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. D- Theodora. IJUATtLLX ' 1 OlMOaT All kl.tdt 01 Liquors aatt rbe I I , choltett I WINES, CIQAR1, ot. . kept conttanily on hand at ibis oopalar I I RESORT. GITR ME X CAU. 05TLKJdW jt yOrt TOL'ntELTU. MS LIVEKY 4 FKED STABLE. KXManrffleld, proprietor. Uiaatilla, - Oroya In Also keeps constantly on banal, aat! fsr sale cheap, a full stock of sacL dies, ham cm, etc, etc. S, H,ennedy's Mf'g Ce, MajirrancKiita or SHEEP DIPS. ce largest of the Kiad is tie. S. Meat Cu-aiaa tb lt aTlba aitar. rat Mf 4 aeaat, via: rkct3Sa Waa. TbaUartal la M paaaaa tba la alW-aa aai lar. COXCCXrKATXS Extract of Tobacci Dtr rrtr. ttSi caSaa. Tia i aaa - baa taaf Ti'aan Aen PoIaoaeuM Dip. rr. IS a faS-a. Tba la atv raToUrX Brm, a.ui t.iutniuHaai at aaf aapaa j af ampt aab a.Vij HEMLOCK PCISONCL'S 6ir rnrm. t mmflm mm. SacaSaa. Am ta ta baa faaaaaaaa tmxi. CaXa af tbaar Ir.aa anB aaaba Ececflt far 225 Sluep after Skeariag. rat a? ta fia a Tit tuj -a rajta vjtat '.a UrmtlmmA tmt aaa. I'amjk'rlt text Ft te it aay jlddrtet. SU by aat mrimtsfml taan lallaC 1 a. H. KKItBtIT' NrtCai osiii vr I ITTHCrllta a MAX. j at. rrvClaa. W. S. BYERS & CO. n rarroi lPEitDLETOi rwrrrratw u DtxU33 or nmc 1 f 1 r-.m.'mm Tm- i a -t. -, " raT x'-I j-l tar rmt Wat SH a IT W. HALLER, bTatchraaLcr fc J wcler. wc it arfrdSrr IvUdinj, FcxtUein, Or, Ueff tT atrwt attrrtiaa ta ba..aaa aaa aKUf (aatl la im. a ta at iir rnuar. 1 ? a, aaietr. cb.iaa Laarf7. t Plenty tf Hay xsd Graia ME.4LS & BEDS -AT- M EACH AM ROAD. AT PENDLETON RATES. F A. FOSTER. FRANK DUNN. ARCHITECT -AJCD- BUILDER, PEAOLETO.V. )UEG0 I fiwxthe east: feoxthejcast: H. Darphy, Prop-letor. ! rrlfO. Orrj-A. H.U .trrrt. Orfxaa Caen Xaaaa. TBC OrKKNMD HA. JOT AKKtTLD rROlt Ib Far iota a fsB tatrto at af Jraairr. LaOa aa4 t. w rr. aiaa a faN ka af Jt am. rrxi ar vr. njt.aaaisraUrai.aa4 atmaaiiT. ta-arra, aal att"ii t-al aitirVa af a3 blavla; kairrtaa4aa Kooa ef aa ocr94jaea. aa-Sj staaua ta cbr-ap ftr caab "S .lr aa a call aat axataU tmr rwwtrra, avaj ill .HcCfrwlc Lyox, BARBER SHOP,.- Bair Caulc. barta( aa4 baataaiac. Hot Cat lit :n-y Rcailjr. Mala Sut. rWlrtae. PEMT0.; MARKET AT THE OLD STAND Haia Strr.t - - Fendlerot, Or. D.R K.V. SAUI1ERT RACER, CEALERS N Fresh Beel, Pork. Mutton. Corucd Beef, Salt Pork, Sausage Meat, Dried Beef, Tongues, Tripe, All kinds of Fresh Sausages. Iltgbcwl caxli prlcrpaltj fx klRHekaCrcsl Ms;a. i j-jawaaaaawa