SJetjatst rcpiiait. SATURDAY. .JUNE 12, 1SSO. UMATILLA COUNTY DIRECTORY. Cettty Jodfe H. C. Yurr. i ", U Vaukx Slate Stealer.... i .......... .- j. n ...3. U. l'KVMXCTOX. .J. ft. Wtflt ..Ltxxix Kvaxw. ...J USrmt. R. Kkokv. .... W. Wtas. ..J. C. Akoib. . . .Wn lltMOk XrpiwktlUtM k!kerir. 3.rk Troaaerer Seheal SupcriBltndrnl JlKIMt..., Oiruarr J asllrr of TVare, ProdlKoB htm . Justice of peace, rctiUica prrct .IK J. a 1JXKUT. G. W IStllXl li a lUtner. CHTJECH DIRECTORY. F-naront. Carrce terrier in th fr-eopal Cbercb oa tbe wwood and foarth Sunday tn it ratniiiir.; a tbetbird ?uudr in lb rremnc. AH are cnliaar inrilrd la elircd tlx trrrtor I MKTdotuvT Cxraoa Pnarhtnr li nj SJ Snada) of eacb. raonili; Sunlit c&d4 t 10 a'dck . Twercr acrtinr VxJdoJjt ereon!-. Siumi ouklr -arkonw. J. O. liirkoiaB. Pa.r IUr J C Chitalx-rUia will p-e.eb very ' Pcnday S lb It C Cbarcb, IVtKtleiun. Small VMbolul Bimsr Curara - freei-Mar at Pirn fUpiitl Church rvrry tamed a&d founlt ncd4V tn earh noma at 11 a. x. and 7 r Iter T B . Prou p.lar Seeder Reboot rrrrr Scndar moraine si 10 a 'cock. I"rer atrrttnc ewy Tharvdajr alj r L OUE AGENTS. B. X. CitraT. Wariiirjtna. D. f W. L. Ermca rutUad. SrctnCaiw. .. Cntoa X. X Vrra. aad S. T. bei,tt Wrtt. T.CaTa'C, E WaSa TT.Hl. T. 1 Uoacaaara UmalMa. Cm. Voxxk MHUa. k Iktoc OfBlrmftt Ar arts abora ara asllrcn! la mri'i aai rf cri4 far miaaty dc ibw eBn LODGE DIRECTO&Y. rrtilrtrc IJ(T.X.. HI. T. II V. YrrU -tba rrrela; eT Uta 1st aad U II vaaj af rack aiaalh -Trr Blau a aere. Kurtt Lodjr.Na JI.O O T f.i at lbir er Ball Sxtordar atraiBC of rack tt Dauaa tdxr. .No 4. t of r. Kill at tat Odd IVIlan Ball rrry VTda.5 trstr. LCCiL jtSD 7HCR 1STKLLU.KXIK. Last week we f an acennnt of the arrtsT, trial and acquittal of visas C C. Brooks, cn a charse f the manler of Ihompson, the sheep herder. late of Sulaat county, California. Sheriff Spcrrr receirctl -a letter from the Shrriff of said county, Maticjr that the yonnp man w of a nice respectable family and he was alwaya cob aidered a good boy himself After h wt diKharged. a man by the name or Harnett End two of the Pnlands n'ere arrested and exanitced before Justice ila'lon- and a?o acqntlted. bapicion now ret on twa yoansmen by the name of TH'nason, and cperry sianea on sioaaay ia& iq imrsau o? them." Tliey were in the nti-Ulwrhooil the cvenia; before the mcrder and have never beta seca there sibcc, bat n! have left for California, as Mr. YL. R. BUbop. of Heppner. received a Mter from them post xaarked Astoria, requestinc llr. B. to for ward their trunks to Sin FraacLv:) Sparry wrent by the way of DeppneriR onler to father all the tacts be ornld and 'will o to Salem, procure a requisitioa and ?!low them. The Mount PJeaaat Baptfct Accoctatian will hold its thirtath annual etina with the First Baptil Church of alia Va:ta. TT. T, bejnnnioj on Friday hefrc the third Sonday in Juae, 1SS0, at 10 o'clock a x Toe comma jioas and eligibly located Chbi laerland Prrsbvterian meelinr boo- has lieco secured for the oriioa, and there -will be ample accnmmodatiooa far aK who coma. Lat there be a grand rallr. Come tall who caa. D. W C-"Bbitt, Clerk of Association. Asdt Bakec. brother of 3Ir C Tlaler, jpmprieior of the I'cndletna IIteL ditd at Walla Walla, cn Sunday night last Mr. Jitter was fannrrlv Dimion A sent of the 2f . W. Stage Co"f.j the FendleUia and Walla Walla Division and afterward ngeniof U.I.& O Co. Hehadaaany trirads ia this place who are chaved at bis os. He wits a generti favorite wherever known. 2'cxee to his ashes. GitAFsnoprEEs. That lerriN scaurie to JCanas aad the adjoining MaW. have -appeared in rnnntless nnmbw ia wae pirs -of oar coonty. Swarms of them are lobe found in the Willow Creek eoantrv, Hap;v Canyon and the Walla Walla valUy. We hear soase talk among fanners of Cuttin -their 5ran fr nT. to Te it lroai the ravages of these praia. 5Ir.s. CoLWELt a sister or Mrs. N. C. Moore, wife cf ex-rlexk of this county, is 'Bow restdinr in tins place, tier anu br hnshaad. like anaay othf-rs. lost a nice crtn-, .peteDcy peteDcy by one of tho fatal Spinih i grants that has been the ntin of mi aar, aad have crime to this country ir order t -agaia build up vrith it. Givo conragement. , . , , On Saturday, Jane Sth, the canvass of -the county closed with fpakiag ia our town. There was quite a good attendance And everything raised off pleasantly. At its conclusion the various candidates be teok themselves to their respective precint -to "soend their fence" for the work of Monday, the result of which is given else where. V. i r. ,.. .TVt lit. m.i son and we presume isn - tn atero f t he field. We sappoFe. however, that each subjects -should not he dieccssert publicly, for s- the ,uoigS.r..nCeuu a icw ,r,i si Me. nrnnsnndt would rearov anr v- u ... :j ... r . -tem of theology in the wor d. X.TL. Bishop, of Heppner. has opened aa -office where he proposes to attend to all kinds of Isad business. Applicants for liomrsteads. pre-emptions cr other 'JLa claims will do well to consult him. He will also prepare your papers far Saal proof. ICicho'tug Bills, who murdered bi wife in TVaco countr. an account of which appeared in the East Oup-oosian. of last week, completed the trap-dy by bin winr 'his own brains oat in the Dalles, a few days later before he cocld bs apprehended. LiECT. E. S. Farrow will vibit us in a few -days on his noptial trip. He was innnird a short while aco to Miss Clara DSli?a1t -of Delaware. Who wijl f ay there is noUu ing In a name W wUl giadly welcome .!.. i .. - aaaa.BLaS avc Wl WW M Tzor. J. C. Arnold has so far recovered from his recent accident a m lu .1. . tn . commence ou Monday the work af taking -the census in the western end of the county, to which district he was &igccd. TcnSEE. Bailey & Coaley have moved -ont of their old oflice and gone np higher into the upper stoty of the building form rly occupied by them. i"hx Grand Jury, of the United States 'District Court for California: Judge Hoff. .man is engaged in inveriicsting the Tulare -county troubles. The Judge instructed against the settlers. Thx bill appropriat ing $40,000 for the Improvement of Yaqnina Br, which pass ed the House, May 18ih . parsed the Sen ate June 2d. 'Rah for "Honesl John" and SlaUr. Judge Yoakum was in town on Wednes day and transacted such business of a pro hate nature, etc, as wa pending before the County Court. Tez excitement hu t ubsldcd. EvrRTTHINO qaieL Ip ol-o-ne-1 spells "kernel," why don't c-c-ho-g-n-e spell "Kearney:" Ask Deals. Ip woukx are angel, why don't Ihry fly over a fence in -!rad of making such a fear. fully am k ward job f climbing? The trial of the HroorafMd munlerets I now in proerrtt m ( iillax We have not vet learned the roult but can well antic ipate It. ... . j Hufarrf for the Tony? Don t Wc hr rtc'Ttil n Sfcini psjt two d, how- it thi m-jycil. truth crutd to the earth will rise g!n. Tr Jvidiz Fitx UimM I nnmicatnl the women nUsWl lo W allovrl to vole. a he ia tki bandsmeft man Ulkcd of fur the Uciimcratic coraination. SoucroDT lias tiicoTered that cta can't live at a greater elrratMB than 18.000 fret, therefore hack hrd theuM U Iwllt 1300 feel high. Zfi$A-An IlrpvUiosA. Att J Acting's nw lotel i ia projrej of ereclin. the foandatioa t now lwwc laid and foon we tnar look for luontnple. tioti LlTcnnor and Ellu uana'rrs. Gcnkral BcTLnt hu Ixren snjosrnlac at Salt Lake, entrrtaiead hr the MormKaa. lie is employed t ilefrnd roenr Ivaltoch in hit coming trial for the mnruer f Cti. DeYonnff. A farrnr in Cile conntr, Va.. baa a rt from which ! has cltcd dannzthe ;ist year. Who beats this in Oreen B:o jollincatMn iReatia'. ia the corirt hoHf-e. on Friday wn'mt. everveae irre. sjwtive of partyl is inTited to attend. We have had oat Sght by. let's make it up bow and take aoncenul ""aiaNa." Wr. are Bodrr aty WtCtKi3 to L B. Cox Ei. for raltiiMe ediorial atiiatasec rendered tit ihis we-k. Whea c -rr stck aaa anaUe to at owr fM&t. he kiadlr took charc sad cendected the iaae. "A totno ladr in IVa Tt aa. N T. wrr twrlrr dianoD,! nsp oa mr fiarrr. SUr ahmkl alro wear a jiM b-tnd srmiajd her bead, to prevent the erark in bar kall from becomhi' wider.-yvrmlnt HmvaU JlASTtr.e Tilirasn Taylor. ITardin Msbs fleld ami Virgil remncrr have led tl.etr respective c!stee ih Di.trtci X. IT dcria; the schoel moaih rodis; June 4th. II. S Gakfixu. I'TiacipaL y Ke Xsr Yoas: nrntorrffice is snv conplete wiUot a unade olilor. And he ItaS to CkVc bit hraiB haHtinl OrCe a A. H'ith fair treatroent and pretnfK attentiMa to repairs a good puula odkor wMlIast a weet. Esrrone alt none ia iukinc Eiisoa to In vent n yle T sewapaper eelajmBs tttat will enable each separate ajlrertixrtnlaave a next la the rta4taj matter, and ai the top of the cetUBB. There's isHhos ia Louse Ficxcuvs. hMiberaf the 5. F. i CW. h lren arre-tt for KM hv W. Y. NeiUoa. l- pubKhad llayor Kaltoeh t Sfieeefa at MrtrnOMlltaa .Temlde acatta NeHoa. A w.mni ia for the arret of eiisoa for JiWim hTi;sa. OCR friend Dr. J. E. Ud?r ccMrht into oar eiri.l '.artHin. the "other if. nice oief f sto-? rad in hit zaraWa Thecare the fire: of l teaB a,e hate heard ewlr if his deciofi had any , thin to do with it Mcay thadiks Doetoc TrwES, Bailor & CmiiVv are now t feiud fa th eddMioa to ilteir & ffiee tHiiMtns. Tbfir 3k- fcled opinaMtl fc and comf'TtabU tramtr ixA tty ri!l be glal to receive all fnesMt pzrtseularly !h- with legal besiaesa properly eap ported. 3olicc Splendid raach for sale, sits, ated Lmle BnUer creeh. 2K rattee fcboro Lean jva't-oSce. 9 anseecaderfecee. KNOWS AA THE JASI MTCil rXICa. can all he plowed. rad aoil and ptratv af Ilvirr water, coed bour aad rrasarr. F- r t item, apply to S. II. Christian, Lena pert- onjce, uregoa Sheeting Affray. Vclip the foKowingfrnrn tke HUn4ari: From the JsckeoaiKe ijtlind we learn that on Sunday aftaroo-m an ahr-itHn took place between J Jack Mftots itnTY and John F. EvL ia wtiieJi the foraer was danreroaaly. if not faulty thot It recast thnt an elrrtaoaeenwg party west wl ia Rafael's wine cellar. alflrt a half milr 'north of tows, and while ibera twtiiirl tiiftu.4Ma betweea Earl an I Moat. orary. both having drank ronsMcralrV . winr. M'tjieomery wne I to fighi El, to which the latter was unwilling to eon B'Bt Some of the party held Mwatomery while Earl started for home Montgomery rt awar from his friends and purrse-1 Earl. The laiUr gave him warning not to I apjx-iach hiio. ahieh wa uaVeeded Exl I wnsuot aionigomery. lawicunga . ntinosil rrortal wosad Etrl was arttrd. and ! after an examination i!ichsrr5. aa it wis prarven ther the shooting wa done in self. i ilr v- iioiit-oinery u s'milwigfnr a g ,, M(j fc fc , pays the J . - penalty of his long career of vice. Another Brutal Jfurder. Tr a MmnrMl lLat tnatW munf lia ' been added to the ldoo.1v Jit, already mwh too long. Tlti time it la reported that a . livineal vmt i waive mlh-s alvo voons man, I li Kinxuif. viiuuiui. t-i'aa'j, f . I . . in-o name we wire not able to r.rn. was rear dercd. and hiit body liumed to hide the ' tv l.: . t t evidences of the crime The unfortanate i victim had come frooi California tl-out a ' yesr azo and taken Up a ranch, upon . which he had built a bonne, and wsejnit i . i t . i - t (oniuecTCOi iiuiuiii -atsiarnia, uc married, when hit sadden ilifapitpsrance rrli lo he :ni.titntr.l. and Lit cnarrea oonei were .ounu onocx me rrri . . . , T,. h . li burned 'it is supposed' me airocic atrocious Ofl was rtone for money, as deceaaed was thought tn litre, had a con. ! eiderahle nm in his poswsinn It is he- Ilf-vafl lhat Ilia f-iilll-r oartle tr L-nown. later. Waitsbut.0. June 8. J r, v. The 7Yro' extra. nt ifued. contains a rewirt of the inquest. The only material evidence devel. oped is that a certain man toak breakfast with the murdered man Hsgcron bat unlay mnrninr last, and promix-d (u meet him the same evenintf, but this teatlinony it not eraflitr-d. Thn nartt.a nr.-lriti.1 neelfd are still lielievrst In tia It. a niliv peciea are bllll f'teveu W lie lliC Sillily ones, t ne Ancient uruer r t died Work. men w ill oner a reward Tor the arrest of the murderers. The deceased was buried this morning at Dxyton under the auspices of the aiiove onler to which he belonged. SheritrSteen is on the trail of the taurdar. ers, whwe arrest may shortly be expected. An autopsy of the skull made by Coroner Day, demonstrated that he was kilted by a thirty-eight caliber bullet, which was found on the right side and that Ilia brain had been sliced with a kuife and roasted. The coronrts Jury returned a verdict "killed by unknown persons.' Men living in the locality of the murdered rr&n arc in to p. hunting up eridence. of Vx-Os Wednesday evening mi Lode. No 4. Ik. of P., elected il eir ; D iiiioii ofucr for the ensuing tenn as foKunt: F. IaroTutln.C.C. It. Sargent, V. C. K. Alexander. Prelate. O. F. Cell. K It. A S. Teacher' Jiramtitaiton. Thtrc will be a lSiUie ExmHiBotiAn of applicant for teacher certtdctc. herd at court Ihim In rendition, on iletidiy. June OS, ISiO, UglnuiBr MS o'cWk, a m. "Jno c AnsoLa r jnnrTMt Sclwl Spt. IIIIII.V. Hkimhk To the wife cf Mart llrhnek. June 5th. at llrntlry & Ilaun's saw mill a hoy. weight I S, OUR BRANDS. a-ttnBrfar taal iImm m i it ml iar lUa paKT na katr (War rnatl; aa4 Irtaali nafct m it wianalf ttat ifcMga. Haw aaaa la ana A bmy.'t T. alrfv. (Ht T Z mm laakl kaa: etaet aad I i Ml BalM-Tbaaaa, tlaasf Caefaa. eaatfr. M ec ltt Up; aaatftfa lark M rjrt aar. aaaai. 4rm laa eaA la s a aL Blia1i: turn a. Mat Snail Ml axft. Bataard , H'MT A'aMta a carf 4 laj.i TrLn CSm rtfi at af laft car. kaatid, H L aW. as ii(M aaa. RracrMbK , rmal.i.a. CaMH, Baa tall Iriaw BaM tnaMi W TT. (-.. taf i taa- VMk aa Ml 3t.aC , fff aaddn ia WA. lit.. K in -f I ia aWaV; at Kta ; nmH j W aa. naa aif. ar atk rraa aad iily m Ml at Mt aad na I r ouai ia nM Mr Har t taiar Wad a Ml taiaiSir Craafd H, Le&, aosd. Wan, tmagle C aa tell a. ntd.f Oaurvi. ?trte tMT aaaaW T aa naS aaaa. amp aad aat-r aad eettr aN la raea aar, a ton asa W4 Cam Naasaa. KDtk WM kep, wmt aaaNV aaltr aaak um Cai. Jaba. bnmA. karvca. J C aa left ikttll r. cat a.aa Waad t teat kaa. aaark. taaBwx lata aa nakl OoknaAl Brrt -o di kaa: ar fa Ml lark aa fiftl UMMIU41 drv Btea Cr.wc. im aiaii't. a art aa rtfks tSMSeVr. aaealr. taaa aa ruM , Wat aaa raafeTMr X. eaialt. kaart aa Ml kaa. ktran krarll SJ . Ml Ik-. aali r rW.araVar. jairCaea. T' -a ek -irk tr; a4 asar a; aa naaa aaal avaar IVtiak (' M. Wnua, wen.. I aa rtaaH ka, aar eaark etm t r(ki ear aad aaiara la MS, kaawa. It a Mk : i;r fleraa. nea-.Taa. trw. T fla nW laar Ciww 1 1 ... as rvM ka, aae aut, ttat Ul ia nafca er Hatf Kttd R. Pdt Haak. ntata. a Ml k ear aaatk. aasaO aeaVr aas SaMlaa4a ka rtjVl, atnaa eft aaSat haW 4AaaMC FraHir H V. trwa keri-a kaa; Met.. aaaaa aa nets Mac a aatl iSw tare ia aaakirar SHaM.J K. Maetat JlVaaUSl anaV uai aalreikaa, ar laark. aaarfcStaas af Ml ax4 aa VnataatafHeSd. 2Caa .H 8 Batur crk. CaB kaaad at tea J taatv af tj.t0i aa UK aaaa. avaBav , Ml aad aJMaa tejaw ear. ataw ataadie aVai. ; Fraata.JC.tea.. aaUK Vrnm Hk aiaV. tear a7 tajk aar aad akt ta aataa. kaaa. a a- ad aekafcr.l lira J X. fWk'a. aaaaaeaadad r , -p. atar ft tee ir faaaV. ay.aaal Tmm rlfke ' aasawtaa Fa ratka kaa, aar awl far i nrka rer. ' iSaintBi " area V.T aa A Ul xatiaM laa ngmx aj.alM! F naA.TlT c.,nr4 rajkt kaa. k - nai a . Mlal iatiu. aMk. Mr ewetaa aa M iM l daaSaa. eaji naflair aarka ta tajke. j 3 W. WOaaaft eataV J A aa nsas k-a aaanc aSapa at j I J U Haamamk. Caaa. eraj. aCafnaka' aa Sk Ml aar. al aaSa. kraal J Ml 4 aad a Haw a aa m at.i aM-r . Br ' a, a-ar Wi aa raaall, katf aa naae aaa, aaaw aa ft J J !" Nark. Saeaat J rm, rwe aac-r Maa. 1 Sv KU -, tAM;eatBB Wkr. aad mmmu at d aafae eel fcnaa at aal SaaaV Ckaaaai f XSV Maauej Piaaiiatlia at. Lawr ati I r ara.k-4 aa nab. aka!ar: aaaa rata aa P keik eraa a d ax as rakt aad Me aaleM a Ml ear. Vaaax rattle- S R. k.r.. laa tukTekjaSii n tttW e taA Parka. W ! . Ma- PiicSsH kraad Woaa K il ajcar-I'daaiMllkaa. q: aaatTktaiti. HHpaar-Caaii.. Sjaa) KaS bap- let ear laa aad i ban at. tHat Jaa aaaaai. g 1 ed.C H. tfdbra. eaesW R II aa Ml kap. rsal JLk M rati ear. kfeexa. aaa ac a a naSjC akaaOdar Can i L. . ffaia attte baaed R aa abancraaaOti r. a nap aatder af af ruas ADVERTISEM NTS. JUT Aial2TED! FSJieeler Bros. Agricultural linpleraents. We are now preparH ta larsuak the far tners with rrenthior ia ear he: whteh ws wtH sell UXDEJl Watts Walla pritas. Plesaecall and examsae our gaeds. Also any farmer who has ose of D. M. OSBORNE'S machines aed is la Deed of any pieces of such machiaet we will far niah taem. Call at our oi opposite Court Hcojc Sqaarc. WHEELER BROS, I'cndielcB, Oregea. Testimonial. Vrnrt J). if. OcWa'it CC. r.iTS - I have Cie 1 one of jmr netf-fcuiders ' (e Wff. laaietle valley for to svasits and will say they do the bet work in alt klcdt of grain of aay biadr I ever saw. aad are jct what I tte Ue 'Tprreentad to be oan cspedfully. L D. Smith. Ilarritbarg, Or. ntsvf -THE- OREGON in m j . lad tb fjoai irtasne4aH. tn:.-i rr-ee I.W BHW l'T. ebwa M aw lux. M ! fl. .r-tlr lh-4r n k4. a. U k-o . ' . . M" ,"- ' rf ,C nr a-t.i... t-.. tv, .w. ...i two or are. -Hiiiii(kiawit4ltk rrtrf- j tatti af tb ao.iaj abb I tare uwd , - r . . - . . . . . I rvkuaaf t'e Orecran Kiftnajr Teat fran J f ' U . aad from IL ar-l d. b.taa la I I b n-r aed a iiarer teaar I bit aRrr BAe; itr fackaf. I a a a! matt 0SiHrf cerad. aAUllLlX Tba mrArt tit 11. t faHeft( It a Rtplnt ratrirr a' rater trar. at-adiar. HI kaawa aa a lUaa ty la lk lndiat, andlt a w a l-rr ta tkeartant rara-llt rsuVUaaed at J o at Grave fm lbs edaeaHua mi Iim-iab jaalb Perm Orer.. Iirrroe, kterrfc e. He t bare taaa irMf4 masr rrtri -b tnttM of lb EtdoaTS atd Lata Irud oa. dijrrtl rtatHtfA "'fi" eidlitaa; aiSHaai rr.-uataasaraa cfi-tt-l : rlimiira V aUa irb.t iat bate bh wtk weiftrh-el een Pmrier ib" .b inn, u ib t.i" m ita "rrron Itiiloejr Tea. I abUt)d t bat ef I aad ki'ad-nt a ftrairrbtarftt fieta it ibati aafiklar rit I bare jet Kuad. J T 111 FP SHEEP FARM Sale. 1000 Wra!kra. Alw Use Cart ar.d I-amM. A' o l&uO Kwte aad I a mil Tbea- area r I- bdrt 'rd td at-e-p. and raettr trade Uof-o. aadarv eOtr iUf tn-tralrlr or all ij!nr. AUo tana rmatMiBA' of X0 terra; ana tbrrp rantk. team. Oatr r. eaatpeet file. tie. Aprdr le Allred SIukt, oa nak 13 Htlesraatb ri tlrtiatri er tjira r)nrlac Mt Ceonur, f alrsi, Preeot . ratrSMt K aad a t ra aa la-aeaar Oata?. ! taatii r frrk kaad aatiria ta tajl aS aakr. ta lajka tar, j a aa aet aata. aad rtaa aaa aad ael-r ket aa Mk ADVERTISEMENTS. - FRANK DUNN, . jixi- BUILDER, PENDLETO.W 0itKG0.. ttt WOOD! WOOD! Tia u a p rparaJ la asfplj tba pto li. af rCVUtETUX H d. AH train 1R Hh n ft altht law adca f Tarar k fititoy iU a rraupU tHtadta Tbrat wiutr d.y far Ll! alalrf aLt4 aJ ta Itnr ordtri at aa aarlr day. S. T ISAAC W. H. Uarshall, ttnttaar la VaraVall k 'tttta. kaaea Vale Slrrtl aapatM ravaa Uatal, rasdUt "tries. "t I rRC data Hk dt9Uk aad at reaeeaakle If AN aark pwultW rt'et fttt cWtieel6i & Wils9ni SKW1XG. MACHINE- THE BEST Ih THE WOULD. A- W. 0SB0KH, Travelkg Agent, aureks; f say ?os2. FROM TUE EAST! FllOX THE EAST! E. Darphy, Propiistor. resatmt, Grfm. ftrar!, Cnaatle Oatn fiaaar. rilEC rxaajfessi:n HAS JOT AHMVrft rou J. Ska Caal "Wai a la iManm af J.a.arr. ka , aa4 haM w rr. alaa a 181 av. af va. a'l i ai aM. mi l tin, !. aad a.lnr. ka-atnt i ial rrpar. laalai aitww af a4 kic., kanta aad urn- , eaeaa af aa nmai Sd-JfX aaatte, atrtp far n-U wtt ate a aaa s rtianai S.r Taaaareiaa, araasJ mcCot-inlc Lyea, A. D I DDTD 01100 l f A tl 0 T tl Si II Ull?" un" u Ln U" U1 ' Fa, .?! '7 m sV Catr CMatu, fkattrf aad Skaarwaa;. Islot Catb AXnray.i Heady. rata tlra. mMaa. 1- J. Jloudcr? TA!f THt UTt -r-ViW. r .Vr V t-T i' UVIJI LKM-lIVT rpACT. J (a.,k. .td la h afcSt Samxta. t- ik. ed aae at aa u i itHl aaai W aaa aa an.aai ata-a VVrraa. v. ttMi t-- MOT.EL. TVc atdlit-l Ul -t- ia ntnt U laa tasml paA skal ka kaa arad ISt FIRST CUSS RESTAURANT, I the kaettf kseaa aa Jtcre- -Sannplc Reosi, PEXDLr:T0N 0REG0X. Vatrejte aaa rl Three meal ticlrcts for . , Board azd Laixtsf. p-r 7... Baarl per wt Beard aad Lodftafc. ptr a-k . . . ka. ...It ... S ) t n King1 of the Blood Cava alt Srf atewa aaSrtiaoa aej dUnrlm raratl. tacfroaa iBpartipar IbeLLiad. tliaaaalla to rpta-'y ai ,at iki 37m: m umU ittiu tbetr caate, bal B Sanaa, riaw., VL-rrl. Tmwrt. CaiVt. Xatthar. At ara taa lauat tutaaaaa, a vail attaaay tgatkiacae Ike Jtaart, H.4, Irrw and AamaA. SCROFULA. T7o:trr."al Oan l Sllslacn . D. XUrvnr, Boa ft To. Tor Ike af tesaUat a-lla Srfa!a or lot art Shut ta t&aw artU3u. I hwSbT rrtaaiaaJ Ktap of ibe VUmi. 1 Lett twafi troattaa nh feraftl far lb paal kaa ptara.vkiali an affrtlaj 07 tjra ibat I anQt. SJtUlr bUod lor tit mattka. I Wat raroaairaadad te trp KUae af lb H.eot, wblala kaa ptetad a eraal blraaur la ate, aa il baa tanltlajp aarad Mt, and I eaorlaur IMaciau li loa.l uoableil aa I bare baaa. Trara, blaa. . 'raaraaabaw, flirviiaJa, X. T. will he ptla o tlr raVtie Hsrslial to U acata. allf acTaad itn, ertrr eerUCaale ef tbie ataji. aee paUtabed tr vbitii ie net taa Laa. Its Ingredients. To tbear our fajlb la Ibe taftly aji.l rxrtCeaee raT tba K. IU epia proprr paraoaal &pr4icatloa, bea aatifSKl ibat no hDtXKiliea it thicoIeiS, a ulil Sit the nararaorall itetardiaala,by aOdarit, w atiureuSrra wm aetrr iwale lfonr brtbe pro. ptia-or of anp atbar Fajaflr VrJidae la the world. Mtnjr (rtltmOMlata.ftinbtr inrormatioa.aBd fall dirrrtkma for aMca; a-tll be foand ka tba pan pVlet -Treallet rm riaave ef Ike XUaod." ta wbtrhasrlibotlltlirriclovd rriae taerbotUtera. Ulnltrj: 11 oicna-n. or A3 to i itcai." JiJ.l lfmr fHU. V.Hxrnx,5ov 4 Ca, rrv"rt,IB3aJo,Nrr. eaair aa at aa- ia a., ,m M tar aaa at ava taM .iw I v ik taaa a lta blna' aaat fcaaaal S C a rasVt fa-ap a aml.ii .te-etareiina, lia.Uill.ill aaa rar. aaataa aaaa ataad v. M-a lk kaa- ua a aaf. rnaaaat kf J SH.IC P4 Xa k. raa. U) I aatti m. ADVERTISEMENTS. jlLaxirt. C Uicim c & C'9. E. Alexander SuuaaaMt ta M BE AG LB Post OZifs Building, Main street, I'cadlttoa, Oregon. Dealers la jeneraJ MSSCIZAIVBIiSa. ft Stc, Etc. NEW FIRM! NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! 8? s I A foil, cotattlcto and ntlrelr new xuxk of gaserai mtrrhaa list. Hats, CAps. Boots and Shoes Aad vbs larrest aad most iwapleto stock of rc&dr m.-ule 1 Ever Lraujbi to Pflcdletca, wit roceiveu iHreet trof '4 ir -rancuco. 23 221230.123. O Oar roods teicre bnvia-- else- 1 X at Goods sold at WALLA !U WALLA pried 1. R Alexander & Co, . J. SU1V1MERV1LLE, DEALER AY atrUJ'k, Paint tils Dye stHiTs, Glass puY, Patent mediciHes AntiPerfanicry. STATIONERY- XckoI Boeks. Fancy Jt THet Gtmis. WINES AND LIQUORS: Part Uataci. xrsickt. tiritxarrsi Slatat aaailr. PlBttral Takia. La aaaa aaa t-aaap atilatra. Satdlae. Plctara fraaaea. Etc., Etc PraWftWae carafal; trrpeaadrd. PendUeten. - - Oregon. ROBERT LAIF, I'EXDLETOX, OREGON. Ornm i.f old wnrnct ocildi5c ad aauz ledt(erar aCka. AR klsdt T aerk doer ta ih brtt BnkTsaakkt at arr All wk raara-d r. au nurd I Ortifra la al I r trf Srr prvrajl) mujfti allradrd la W GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY It a errrr faMaxCar far .SVrraa. Ivbikif. Cx kaeMol VrtaXr. traiaal KnIvw, .pmairrr. ba. LOST MAN It OOO. ImpMrarr. ran t. . aad ab tb ler nolr eUrrtt ar yK Abeta, jaatkfel Srare aed ti v.f h laaieirr jer, .orb tt tote of Dieaary IaaUeaV. Narlaraal llatftioa. Arrrtlaa to -iortlf IMmtrt .f Vt. '.w la lb. Haal; tba vlai Ceid paa-m aaiieued ia Ike aria. al cuay i-.r ib-it b-a -10 laaa.-Hr asd 4ala. Dll MIVTIBaUaireUfrfnl Five- Hon ilrnl Dollar a lor a rata ol tbit I lad tba Vital llrelnratlvaieadrTbla trertU tdrtrr tad treat Bwl wiN twl rare nrlaraariblrs Intuit ertejatf- , one (nt la it. IK. MINTIK ImU all print- J-u-aa. ra aareoafaHT wHbaat rorrcary CONSCLTATtOX I'ni.K Ttamosb rxanuaaliea aaJ adrtre. larltdtBS aaalynt of artar. ii 00 Pnra af VITAL RkVTORa- , T1VK, JSOla aouK or ienr Uatra Ibe iioaatMy. SIS; j tral taaiy addroaiaa rrrnptof prkr. or C O. ! man Inxn Baarranaa. aad la prlratr baaie U drair. I r.1. by A. F. MIMti; M. IH, 11 Krarcty Stmt. Faa ' Prascbeo, I'tU nri.itiTirsKinxnr RKucnr.ytpnRi-mccM Cum aH of Rfclnry aad niaddrr Comrlaieta, UeaxTbcra. UWel. iMmrrbira. Kor tale by all drue; ft 09 a boU, six bottlrt M1 CO. TIB ItlNTIIC'' DANnRUOS PILLS, are tba brtl ardebrarrat IlTiPErnU and rtlUOL'3 care ia Iba aiuktl. Pot isle by all drozUta JiotOjil ; U0PCC, DAV1J C5. WtsTrfils Jself ftr abere rresaJy. ADVERTISEMENTS. T01jMDl! : MRS. HITTER Uat ralsrabl fiota reobad a lib a fait aiaik af mMtaaj jvH, Skt, Ttlrrta. fallLa Mom i Ibttat WtrdfaW, Ladlra Cadrrarar, Xlkteat, LarK, titra.f-.a, ; Paurrat, brtte TrUamlcja. fart, j alu-, Baoda, 1 Ia Fact a Conp!ets Atsortnsnt cf Everything in tko Ladieilisc Wktrii tH U a4d at Ita-rtt cata prlers WESTOXM HOTEL ire tB era. tbt laa r-MBa kare Sata feratsrd la Ika aatt alf la tad w IB a-rrr eaaf rtleada aaaa!! (aasd la a tmimt kaear 'JL'lao 'JS'w P 3 o TTM at aM Itesre Va faead f reul4 aMk lk rrrr kaat laa martrt aSrffa. ad rr.Tj tsarUoe auda a aOUl Ika paireet af 111 Loaat. A BAR IS IJJ C037IECTI03' WITH til JlaiO M9 C. A. ROBEY, PROPRIETOR. A. 31. Sparks' Saloo.v, ra!llaa Oofta. KCXrj OS HA.VO THE f AMZ CCCO OLD XISD Mala) Slrttt, opjtaella Itzaa.lar'a afora. -I. Hathawar's- FRUIT AND VARIETY STORE- Ccrsar. Cam? led atais SkfaHt, PcrulUibn. ..... Oregon Always well tnpplftdwlth Fruke. XCTS. "TOBACCO. CAXM. SI AHOEEr CtOlKS. PIPXa.JEWEI.nT. TOTf. MTL. CAXXED COOU i. DKlEtt aAUtOX. And notions too MHnerom to r&rtrtkjit. aaana:7( PIO.VEER LIVKRY. FEED A.'D SALT STABLE. Court direct, Pendleton, - Oregon. Uaricj Hoarded l-y tke day cr xcuk mt Ttus fmnhle rain. W.P.L0CKV00D, nafU I ROPR1ETOR J. HL Ralcy, SURVEYOR & CIVIL ZXGISEER. rxsr.E7ef, atxc WetC JV Aar-!rfare. tSi Ttars tz. mrj ks auaca. Oica aak O W. CaaVr. darntr a. Dana. I. C EM ner Rgniiinz Mk Heppner, Orrjon DEXIS t UElTISUy. PrtprUtrt, rnsis xru. n wv cr as coe ai X arSaS af Saar aa raa S faaad aar alat Tba kfb-t3raAk sncr pud Ue abrtl PSaar. aara aftk kaesatr td aaaa trad acvart aa Laad far aM taar fivra ta rulrft tar ilal avraCSc STAR STaJ. MEAT MARKET. T ThO!s. ISobblxir. HATTXB CPDftO A W UttT UAtSPT ft ara praparrd k repHf tt laayi. af rtcdSHoa aad twltf atacbaaTrlRraUaralktdt ax rra, aacaaCa ra ta ak-p ea ktaat airatt a;palc Oan Xaa, Pttt-a aa Cirraa. r-THING H Pairmltara Store. VY aar MANUFACTURER & DEALER Umatilla and PzsDti-Tojr, - Occcon Also agent for the xsWr7iisoNsk.wiKG HAcrnsr prife $."5 to $50 Doors, Windows and Door Trimmings, lowest rates at the Umatilla Store. Aet IS, IS. Dr. Gto C. Harris. iCradaale ef Jelmaa kttdiral Ot.ej, Ptaa., Pa. OPTtCI OX VAIX fTSEaT. OPTWHt OCKT beear. Predlnao, ask Tars-r. aaaV At CaaVa ak-art oa Ikaaava atrrtt, aaiKa rrrkSraer a: J tt Tarerr. AX" Cartaie aad djaave ef aton asd chiktraa -i a aprratir- - at) A. a. saatas. rial waHet. nms inn Art aea invty ttr tatiana al tktir ATVI PLANING irlSLLj' SASH AND DOCR FACTORY -AXD ....LUMBER YARD UNDErlTAKSNS -a SfEClALTT.' 3tr TaT rr ore mx "art ac Of all Jrtertptioni Irtl la tlsck asd esade lo crdrr AGENTS FOR BENTLEY & H AWN'S STEAM - SAW - MILL. Cite ikta year on!rt far Isnber. TX enplay eoty drtl-ctata werkaa,asd Witt par aalee all our a art 10 be dost aj ardcrrd. J. II. Sharon & Co, ssy2 tiepp ADVERTISEMENTS. araaBaaa jBbbbb. XfKr r.llT. a Var aBBaeBBBfr tor ear Price UK te W IM IMO. razs to say MM mm mm atdreat asoa aa. km m DlicatUm. CoBSalaai lAmm-Bp 3mmmr dterlfdleas of artry mKMmw mmmr taiaa- rtootrrd br peraenal or faaiUr aaa. wttk ever l.ttV) ttlsttrulooa, We sail aX Kooda at wbolaaaie pTtae la qualities ta smx tkaparrluaar Tke oaJ latttiaUea Is Aaaartaw VbaiaakatliiflbirtialaJbattaraa. AOtrtMm. 3373311 H' Ave-. Ut<B, taU. 33, GEXER AL MERCflANDISB Soot, Ei, Ktlr. cafa, Crtit rerxitfaz CvZt, Crbcarvai, Uirt, Tejf, NaUo&a, ZU , XU. CZSTXR TJLLE, . ORZGOX X7Harls( (maaeall tor tad tl tthrSSV ATS-JiaeaZwaM eet ta atdrrmid.-0 BiltUf Caa Satlock. PEiDL ETOy, .... CVee Liquors. TTincs, Beer and Cigar Or lir ben aaaktr ale-art akaaL yeadattantad sneta araa K ad avail oat la cotarr. AUO a aaa kaOWd lilda Sr lb aacsMiut.1 of atf patraaa. ICaa trtt text daar It Aicxtsder At Ca.'a aLare; aevSIf J. BAILEE. sccctij'.a to C5-w f? Sadtllc nnd JIurucsx MAKER. Pksdletox. Uxigos. KCSP Caeataaat,- aa kaad a traaicia aJ at Mtrsaai. Main, tkraO. tTk-, sri. Caiaae, gitiirt. stta, ad rre tfcaa( aeaard la aur kac. C.S.a4 ear s Saaar aaea WLa. 3EaraAT iafiaieaf iHnaia. JACOBSON & CO. Stain S, - - Peadletoc, Or. aaza doer is lie ecrsar erpcafte Ta. Za-xaiar'a, EtZiil dfalert in Fine Wines Liquors k Chzrs If voes desire a nice ceotiae; Ixneragt, Eisck &s trill raake g fergt all vorar trouTrrles and de sire to lrre always call en us at i& papalar rticrt aad teic a x-sSa. CS 7 kt. a 4 1 peat taiia ka kttanat ytau e&f Caaa!el rkaa alcaa, assort aad tytra Z ajvttt arrt ea um. -STAR- BR3WS "EL""- THt trrrrrr waTI laraaXrr be na by S. S. Xa? TEaa4 A. k?A. A5r?rsiov aztkxx or acts tciu. al wtyt beea, bead aaaapraaplyiti ni7 b NATTE'R & STANG. radksea. Xr. S. Conk Exchange SiIcm. Htpptr, Oregon. Ashley Kathan. Premier. tke tat a Whet. Ltjser cxd Cigartj U imported. aalM 31. E. FOLSOM, BLACKSMITH. CerxtreraUbiaadAUa et.attx. SHOP rntal) SPZCIAX.LT IT- ALL 2XATT lru bbts. Aai aX 4TSrrvl watt a aba AUrl-cab Sxg imm wtS aad tsk d -f"-. Solicii3 I'atrcnags. AtSaf THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS ?03 KilT 123) Tor mora ttaa a third of a eaatsrr ty.m I SS xiran M nttaa g Uatau at tux oeea aouwa to niuiona au over laa aioria aa lo oary aafo reltaace tor tie relief sACMenu aai pata. la a aiaUbdaa abrnra priCMl aol DralM Iba tnilarHi ktlatl. For every fecsa or ftZtrxLalpoa MEXICAN j llastaac f Intmest Is wtt beet aa crzil. I It paatlralra flrPa aad aaaacla to ItTae aerjr ktat-niaklac tba eon I In a- 1 icerf paiaasdlxtSAQtaUonttapoaelbte. tl'e efferte npoa liotaaa Flrh a-Kl Ukb Itraie Creauoa ara eaaalir woaviIesfcL I Tfca Hexleaa MUSTANG il-ln la'st ta reeded by somebody la rvary buuae. Every day brlaas news of the tritr ofaa atrfial oral it or ham iaitNlonl. of rhewmakla aurtrn re-ietorc-t. or a vwtautbla aioraa sr ox 1 land try Uto IXMllaj poirer of thU LINIMENT which speefiirr rnrea tech. sXnieats of Uie UtiLX It'IJSa as i laaanaiiin, BwaiiiBS. alia Et.vian. igauarint aaiactee. aHmi land 3 -0.I da. Cat a. Urultei and "pralna, 2 I a o 11 o ( a BMee and iXttnce. SUtbtu, Ltmtattt, etd J Soret, rirara. FrottTallas, 1'klUuiatB.a. "ere .-Mpplae. tabad Brratt. and tudrcil everr form of eatenaat Lke raa. Il rtaala lthnut acare. for the Bbcts Ckxutiox it terra Mpralns, STtany. 5 1 UP Jalnta, ronmttr, ITarnraa Bores, Xfaaf Ilia r-taaa. Foot I Jot, Stttw iVorat. Pcabt Hollow Horn. Hrratcora, Ttud tralta. ? pat In, TlirnaTa. Rlnrbant, Old. ritres. roll Evil. Film ttpaa Ilia Sight and avery ataer atlsjaent ia tvMctt tba neeap-ala tf taa stable aud tstockt Yard art ItaMr. Tb-t Sexlraa Xailanz IJalmtat alav cures ami never diaaripcials: n . I - I - n !.. Nil MM4UtW.J THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOB HA1T 03 B3AST,