The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, May 15, 1880, Image 4

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    The Guillotine.
Never, in tbo memory of the oldest
inhabitant, has the stolid bid cily of
Chelsea been the scene of bo intense an
excitement as that which pervaded all
circles yesterday-afternoon and cTcninj,
when it was discovered that a rnot e
maikahlc instance of suicide had oc
curred during the carl? hours of tho
morninjj. The annals of crime in this
country furnish hut one other in
stance of self destruction by similar
me&HS that of avoung man in Ohio
in June, 1S7C and the, to tho mass of
citizens, novel moans employed by the
suicide, together with the terribly uner
ring manner in -which the fatal deed was
accomplished, invested the affair with an
intensity of interest which will cause it
to be the topic of conveisation and spec
ulation for wests to coma Tho victim
was Stephen M. Pillsbury, of South
Boston. Six or eight years ago the lat
ter came from Hewburjport, purchased
two or three acres of land bordering on
the marsh at the foot of Powder Horn
Hill, anil commenced the business of
raising vegetables cad poultry for the
market llis eldest son accompanied
him and assisted him in carrying on tho
During the Summer the father and
son slept ixla barn on the preavses: in
"Winter they lived in South Boston,
and visited the farm in Cielsca daily in
order to lend their stock of cattle and
poultry. Last Saturday they jKxssal
the night in the barn. At 7 o'clock
Sunday morning the fatner started for
South Boston, leaving his son alespiag
on a pile of hay in one corner of the
loft Before departing Mr. PiHsbnry
remarked to his son that he would re
turn Monday morning, and advised hun
to come home during the day. The son
muttered something in reply, turned
over and fell Rsleeji, in which condition
his father left hitn. 3IondaT noon Mr.
Pillsbury returned. Opening the door
of the barn, he was horrified to tee his
son lifeless on tha floor, the head com
oletely severed from his body and lying
in a pool of blood. A humed'exaratna
tion showed that decapitation had been
accomplished by. a novel method.
The following letter was loend on Uw
dead man's poison :
CuEtscA, April 17, 1SS0.
Dear Parents Brothers and Sistcra :
I believe that the cad of If? is nar
hand, -and 1 write tkis to bid v. all
good-bye. The step I aw aboat t talc
- - ...
is, is seems w me, iw obit ribt one,
anil 1 w.ll not soeji rt to cXjMvsa any
regrots or jaatecLaay . cxcbsk, iMtKavanf .
as I do, that it is beat for jh as well as
mysolf. This is. the country and tk
age in which to enjoy life, and I hope
you will live long and lwippCy.
. SL 31. PlLLESUfV.
P. S. I with I could sec yoa again.
I was of .a good 2mnd to go homo lost
evening, but gave it up, I had so little
time, St M. P., Je.
Ths instrument tif death vn hastily
constructed and crcde Imitation of the
famous French guillotine
The machine was improvised from ma
terial Found in the lorn, -sad iU An of
operaticn, which proved oqual to all its
VuHdcT expected," was as ToIIowjs: Two
upright?, 3x4 joist 12 feet in leegth,
exten&xl -from tbe-floor cf the lower
stoiy to the ceiling, to which they were
securely spiked, Xhe lower endi of the
uprights were mortised in a sJid piece
of hard wood, about. 8x12 inches in
size, aid oirio 51 feet in" length. In
the centre of this bed piece was chiseled
oat, agpareatly with.a-very dull instru
ment, a groove sufficiently deep and
wide to admit ths entrance of a man's
neck. Fitting between the uprights, in
an easy, .sliding position, was a square
piece of two inch plank, to the lower
edge of which was securely fastened Ihe
blade of a carpenters broad axe, chaqv
ened to -a keen edge. The bottom of
this slider rested upon a lever 15 inches
in length, working upon a pm secured
in the left upright, ard from the end of
1- T 1 I 1 3 t r , -
naucu, Buspeuucu. uj u corn o icci in
length, was a watering pot which had
been .filled with water. On the top of
the slider was a box containing 50
pounds of stone. The bottom of the
watering pot which was an ordinary 12
or 14 quart vessel, such as is commonly
used on a tana, iiad been perforated witn
holes, so that the water might leak out
and release the Jevcr, thereby allowing
the sliding block with the axe attached
to fall. The .axe, after being released,
nauaiaiict otieet. J n order to ren
der the uprights more firm and prevent
any lateral motion, a piece cf scantling
was mortised in between them at about
18 inches from the top. At the bate of
the uprights were two holes, through
which was thrust a brocm handle, which
effectually imprisoned tho nsck of the
Yictim and prevented any attempt tore-
move it In front of the machine, on
the floor, was a zmall piece of timber,
about two feet long, six or ssven inches
wide and some four inches thick. In
the end, next to the bed pirce of the
guillotine, was gouged a cavity large
enough to hold about two quarts, and in
it was found about a pound of ether.
This ether came directly under tho nose
of the victim, which Tested on the float
ing Jid of a cigar box. On either side
of thle, with the ends firmly braced
against he bed piece in order to steady
it, was & large box filled with atones
and dirt
The father was completely unnerved
by the spectacle presented to his gaze
when heiopencd the barn door. Ifc was
unable to give a coherent statement re
garding the afiair, but later in the day
became calmer, and talked freely on the
subject He says that, after reflection
upon the matter, be caa.o to the conclu
sion that it was nothing more tban
might hare been expected. For zome
time past ho has entertained the belief
that his son was a little .insane, as at
various times within the past few years
he has acted very strangely, but not to
such a degree as to create in the mindi
of his family any apprehension of such
anjevent Mr. Pillsbury also says that
it is hereditary inhis family. He thought
that his son became despondent on ac
count of his feeble-health and the
thought that he was likely ti become
dependent upon his friends. He was
ingenious, and, though never
learned a trade, was proficient
in the uso of carpenters' tools, and was
able to do a very god picco of work in
U10 lino of repairs.
When Mr. PilUbury arrived on tho
premises ho found tho barn door looked
and the key in tho uual hiding place.
He says that when ho left the barn ou
Sunday morning there was 110 indica
tion of any such machine, excepting the
uprights, which were luft on the prem
ises by a Mr. Carter. The latter gen
tleman told him yesterday that some
three mouths a,o ho missed tho up-
frdm where he had loft them.
Pillsbury thinks that the deed was
committed somewhere between 7 and S
o'clock ou Monday morning. He bases.
his theory upon the fact that Ins sou had
milked the- cow, for to obtain the
amount of milk found in the pail in tho
room they occupied he must have de
ferred milking until a late hour. The
body was clothed in the ordinary
working apparel, consisting of a woolen
shirt,- cheap coat, pants and vest of &
dark color, and coarse boots. The indi
cations are that young Pillsbury spent
tho wholituie when he was alono in
making the arranemfnt for his exit
from the world, as the cooking utensils
in tho room had not been used, nor had
anv fire been built in the stove. This
Clinic, in its preliminary details, differs
f xin the one in Ohio, previously allrdt d
to. in tuat the fatal blade was loosened
br the leaking and gradually lightening
watorpot instead of bv a burmi - tal
low candle, whwh, at a certain point,
. . . -.. , ,
came in contact wun, anu several
card attached to the leTer holding tho
knife in position over the victim head.
Boston Herald.
Tornadoes and Emigration.
The destruction of wore than a hun
dred lives and of about 51.UW.WU o,
prowrtv at MarshStld, rceontlr, by
tornado which swept through the central
xurt of Missouri, is not a cha rial ovout
for the contemplation of pcojAe who arc
thinking of a Lome in ute Watt I lie
frequent cycloMS and tornadoes which
terrify the inhabitants of several State,
are undoubtedly a serions objection in
the ostimatieu of anuir, to efeeotfag a
rcadenw within their "limit. Even if
the probability of wreck by torsudo is
roroole, there are coapaistivcly frw
MMghborljootls in certain parts of (he
V.J, which whully -eej- iainer rak
war from the jMWjfewee as xicul
atunua. Tm lauitgiaatt Inuai
tfarM&ar, It-UaJ, Xorwyand S-fi
way Hot be fnghteid flora tit Wast
by the stories of its terrific utortas, Vt
many inbabttaats of lLutera State Ha
questionably osaeider the terror of the
tornado one serious objeitiea to migra
tion westward. WotafH ajpxrioUiy,
dread removal te a rvgioa where sack
visitations as that which aalieted
Miaseori S&aday eveniagasa ib3e
oeceruace. However, the ilis which
mortals HaQer are for the sieit psrt
those of iaagfaatioa, aad were a ecu rate
statiatics to shew the exact proportion of
residents of the Wtsit who have suffered
iniarv to iierson or tm9Ky rm the
fHry of the elmeHU, the appremsotM
of the timul would be rajtHlty dimia
ishetL It is mid that it woaM be ab
solacily safrr to 1 ravel by no! than to
walk the streets of Bastoa, abd as the
securitv of life in that staid citr x
notable, the horror of &a oocas'saal
railway dhaster need begot no reloetonee
of the traveler to embark 011 the rail
way train. A similar array of statis
tics as to the probability of injury by
wind storms would unquestionably re
move much of the alarm which makes
many regard the "West as an undesir
able place of residence. like a fatal
ttrokc of lightning, the tornado is fear
ful whrn it docs break forth, bet r.o:
one death in a teillioa, and perhaps in
many millions, is caused either by light
ning or tornado.
Tho Corner In Soa JLIons..
Captain J. Mallet, who quitted Now
York for Oaiaha on Friday says that lie
ias captured overy sea lion now exhib
ited nnywhero in tho world. Ho was
for tuanv ears master of an l?nfiish
'oasel in tho guano trade, lid it was
wbilo laying off the Chinoha Islands of
South Amoiica that ho studied and bo
cauio interacted. in the soa lion. Being
told that this animal r.-ould be a valua
ble addition to tho zoological gardens
and travolin? liionaiKritf. ho savo an
its occupation and engaged in the new
vonlurc, capturing the animals on the
coast of California, tho ouly other plate
where tkey arc to ha found, ami tho lt
dace m innnt of proximity to tho roatea
of travel. Ho has several vessels om-
loved in the trade. Finding what is
called a rookerv of sea lions on tho rooks
along tho coast his men am roach
t-tealthily, htseo the boa&tK, cage ike,
faston liuos to the cages, throw them
into the surf, and float thorn to the ves
sels lying bevond the surf, Caivtain
Mullett has captured two hundred sea
lions. Their average priee to showmen
is $1,000. He lias provided tho show
men, dealers and gardens of San Fran
cisco, Chisago, Sc louis, Cincinnati,
Philadelphia, New York, England aad
Germany with pecimens of this race 01
aquatic boasts. At firvt the sea boa
was traaspoited in a special car contain
iig a tank of watir. When the water
grewoal the ai'inial died. Now it ic
Hot foand ueeesMry to uee a tank if the
'awl's body is occaaionaMy raoh toned,
Tbe sra lion is fcrockms at Just, bat is
oasily taaied, and become abgdtent
The captain says that no other animal,
except Ue elephant, is so intelligent
Four sea lions that were oaptared lr
j. ark. it is saw utai waeretrr more n
a sea lion more people ojagiogate
aroead iU tank than aroand the oibrr
animals in (he axkibilie. The eea 1km
k of the heal sftpciea, hat ig ooanr far i
and attaiaing a larger staa. WVfcV
Captain Maltett was ia New Yrk .
rredvtfd a U4rgrjni from Qnlttania
Educational Folnlc.
There are amid lo lw 20,000 children
in Oh wage who &t m arhooling what
over, aud 7,000 in the srhooU who, for
lack of proper arcoaucedalfcm can only
be taaght half.
itaptriulrn-l'nt Icky, of Pittebarg
in hi annaal iciort, MftkiM wiaHf exeel
irnt Miggtationa ae ta thn teaehor'a
work. It is hie opinion thai the ase of
the daily paper a text boefc in the
hands of a I earner cannot be estimated,
lie advocates the leaching of spelling in
connection wita other brenche, as a
nMM of inUvrating the jwpfl in the
ortnagrajihy and pronunciation of crerr
new word be aeea. Whoa ntadyiny ge
ography, for instance, as in PiUahar ,
the ipila are not nlbSeil wiaV simply
leamtat; the name ot a eoaatry, a nvr
or a 4ace, hat they will oarefally look
after th jellinj and pronunciation of
the word.
The Praaemn Miaiater of Etluoatien
oontidniaa that the (toady increase of
crime and imwcraRy in the great town
of Uermanv daring tha last ten vears,
has had n enect upon lira teachers of
elementary awboole; and that the tone of
the elaea has tky w latxl la all um chu'f
ooateia of induUT, except llerlin. He
thiti km, tooruffrer, that the teaehfrs hard
been spoiled by loo mack attention, pol
itician hating ' ied with each other iu
the attempt to win their aanpert, awl he
araribatre their dimaraiinahm ahm to
the IneraaMd ieBR&. for drldkSng
whteh hae Wn iroTwdVl by reet
IrgiaUUm, an-l wkicJi Ua injarionalv
aaVctd Urg naeiioatof Um enwmaaity.
The Original Oregon Botanical Remedies.
Prepared Ouly ly Vnj. Pfaiplsr, 0p2ratl7a Chemist ' "
Vj w. tla r! ( At IVtfc Cot AenU tny btttr W jrtiml with mHSes gxtnnu, woU thj jn m
tl el tb Uett jr Ucnntoiai. ad Uat toe. bj pawn h nr cvtn Ataiurf rj iu bum ytoutr, madx Itmm
nedtrfttt vukhft. Thit iftraian wKeJ omU yon apt la Wa Kiricr, lis coif ofmun tbemi ia OnE. Tl
rtnit ni Oat Ihtt ptdau 9lcJ Umttlf la a great aJ S rneirdt of tl OBotX rttttatiaai, trswW fa m
n qntkk, tiydtSf Wt oul Im dhotfk a tkeir nrrcn fm-na 13 nu MmW
tana. 11 u it.uoni rawmliM. iatrx xnbauaox, uj fmpst muoHant, nfcnimn.1 ia the trxaaiea iusan to-dy w
No. 7138.
Illris; kail ttpaytaet H Tcry iSftmlt oeJiraon, cfcnrlcilt. mtc, far arte tf 7rx,
XLUTxn, Mil tku im
Cisericac miiei iL mxarr.
aad K-lia; oxttmd Ihxm iS ikroajS hxrd waif, ki hm. al is
ou BsUaiol RmiJUi. Uoon ki unaal ut -.1. ..l,..f
gool aad VuCoii to w3z haauaitj, xrvl lunt; tk ta)'. Sittt
, 1 "WOW'S BL000 PUiOTER m paUnlr V, hd a nkU re' U rtrarj; caaitfrl'-lci, lcUd UiiTX, 4ft?Cl. 1t
""Tl K0tWK5.0rrxM,JurTtj.ilIa. A frw UtVl efyw iMtti nhnUeot,,cXM PfUIDIS'J CnZWt KJ099
rVHtf ILH tin ntinlr carol nr BLrnrntttmi M tmn tx-yliar. s4 cairn -midi im n y WU il k a crm in wwm mtirm
It. ScrTr.e
phiat tfirf. cwytliia. Oui villi 5 Uuia
Lmvi 1'ir-. Cvi Contractor, , rnri a miAttl of VjnUAi, uyti Yjt it wrj I mXirfl he Cmt em
U PflJliaEa'S ORECoI ELMO rnjaffirn rnnatm vmmnwmtm
I m.. -.t h, lrd il. xa k3 It ioaauai itftlm VTViS Tfc 03EC3 CL0OD PtNIIrKS Sah
Uctarrrt. AH ljn will udtrAxvi whil it nrxit.
ctlit venfo of oaecf nr
anl Wn war othrwit c)r Axptd hnbod.
- Im Si mil Piirjtr't
rrikaaroBS2tsu CctabxtlerpnJII3Eit'S03EC01 CL033 PtJiinU. Um it;
AaI roa, ton, tooz LUj; yfn ai try a ieoit U Am mfly ianijwMtes nmr. vi nrtm iW
m . a . .. . . . .. . .
0rt;9 Bllod PrSr ta ljctor Art l iWvt flirt. w4m k Ua mlwtliw a.i J1V -i ' r ow m itfn it riU
Maff. McrwK)witBaHimlwbriHr, t nd n Ht S ilxsv frfiianrfr- it nt t, -tr- Y ' f
cc Tkrt u 13 iilrart mxinvl (racm iir. Koa, Ftrnx 0t. Orrp. i
rrwt?i XZZ. rf 5ntiA mct, Sat ef Orfwi. emtfr tc cW Ws. M Ut'l Qtm mm PorlCer ty rn4 bxp a jg
Ona BlV Prloaa tottrmi vua ndiuia ttMeaua. SmI: KbQb. 1
Va 5Vrr I u Jrea u --rr. Irt ukj I ui Pi oiltr't Crr; airtPjtitit liaMUtU lcjt ixetx.xr'ux. V
MttambtniuJtuni.'lttiutimtl J
lA l kr ub kutu- -Out imM ml rW. rp-li M.'aj.-p.MiiM.A IU a irvptfdc Km'mmi
ten Wnfte ryt, UillkT cnttw-w b tJrf W.O, k oi PUxllt'l 0fTJ4a 2b.ii f-mftt mi a AioK
I JL JMrt lua; enrrj ariikaat the mt e Ow m Wi Unc U4 aaj I mm mfitvz ' vcrrrsula. Smr to
Trv UrHyuoaatlMlMt MedaanrfirrcUlMf TMUaoWMc. f . T - --- - .
H ryrff4riini UiNuCuulaS Carrkr. V. S. ,
LafcUaoiilifcnti mt-nrtta nrmiUo. mr crra4; Kxavca. & 'rT "f W tUnits't Oftjs Elrf TerSar.
ffcain'i S. S. S. (uh, (crt, tfcsiy) rrrcr ai Art UllTar CtrdBCaic I wtXrl trx tin vrka. wW I m tU. MlarUI frrcr. aeevnanrl ami
ttuM m iy act!. Sad. w Jsr. fk piu U orrr. riatttta: uyhatt tairnajil U&tif tatdmet. I ul PFUS3t'S FOJt A33 ACU& K1ZTUM.
ciWi nffCj ia lak. Uaxix Wrjn,ScnM aM C Urrrta. PonUxJ.
IhaTsittCtMWini. Tlx CWBi'fTHtn -rf iV, UmhI Staas But tauur aaea of tavaaa Vaau llWtTWCTrtrraf U iXm, vm t ftHa '
CrtSM EHt Ptgittr. ta th U raalOT torac.
ftw I'cjnx'l Cimxci Toic aecri.ppfrcicanaa. wifTritiMtaaiiaKnait S. C biJ aatsde. .t tls cam. tlve ixajan. taat ts-iay aw'
foi Mrf era taiiwtaniliw. pjer ttoOBP, ac. taaa ay otW Mjaaa. Ti lira rn- ir vcilj pcfdnicn tsdktraia. aid sapiijiutlkac
trJ W ri Bog U orat4 (or but mrti nj) utafceaaa; li-rc. whm carcrt'a praaaa art tturwhw. mad trr oanaaex. Eat ecr CthnVi Sum ulim
Kwrr Druggist has It or will get it for you. "The Original." Insist upon honing IU
fe upci'HMirx to iit-lty, IJ11 t Co.,
ixrotrrraa xxd Ktauua is
Hardware, Iron, Steel and Farm, Machinery,
Qrf al rJrt, U .via jr 8"
i rjw-try, lr vlwJa art- Salt jLptsU :
The Rsault of a Spree.
Tbe wife of a skillfull artisan named
Schmid of Samaria, Ilosaia, was hronght
to bed of a child while her hashind, who
had spontall his wage for many previous
weeha in liquor, was away from his home
on a dranken frolic. Two days after
her coaGnemnnt Schmid staggered in
and began to shoot, withhorriblo threats
and cuiH'-x for his dinner. There having
been neither food nor money in the heuse
cince he had hut If ft U, the unfor tanale
woman hd aa-1 no nourishment for her
self or her babe since its birth,, aad
the latter had died of exhaustion bat
a fear minutes before iU father made
his appearance To Schmid 'g biutal
menaces his miscraulc wife made no an
swer. She rose from her pallet, wan
and emaciated, crept across tbe room
to the dresser, looh thence a large dish,
which she carried back to tho bed, and,
placing her baby's cotpie upon tha dish,
set it down on tbe table before her hus
band, with ths simple but awful wordr.
"There is nothing else to eat in tbehouf cP
Schmid sat gazing with a glassy stare at
his dead child for some time. Presently
a neighbor came in and spohe to him,
but he uttered no word and made no
sign. T7jon closer examination he was
found to havo entirely lost his reason,
and he was conveyed to a madhouse,
where he still remains ahopcleis lunatic.
Industrial and Trade Intercsla
The 6lrihcrs still cause tbe plate glass
works at JeflerBonville, Tnd,to remain
Nine-tenths of the emigrants from
Canada to tbe United States go to man
ufacturing towns.
Tbe Barnes Brothers Clock Comnativ
has been organized at Bristol, Conn., as
a successor to tho Atkins Company, with
a capital stock of $15,000.
It is the opinion of our Boston coffee
importers that tho opening up of Mexico
by the Central Mexican Ilailway will
be followed by a great developmcut of
coffee culture in that country.
It is expecied that the flax industry
will lake a fresJi start in .New Jersey in
consequence of bounties olicred for its
culture and the improved process of
manufacture It is now worth more
than $100 a ton.
ftiaghiat of the cipiare hj Ida tara of
two ara eieMMata ( f th fact VL
they wr both faadiag and in gxi cot,
JRioa. Ilia says that (he ks Ji Jaat i
has never Wiacv bean acea hv anv lirras
man. Wise tmen hnvdiaeawl the rx
iateorr of the animal, many ot ihrm U
eta ring it taliahmi, altisjagh naat j-ar-.
ott to be part-'a .f th- .i rS- -'
ahc lrtn anr rxhtlwttI in lljr jk
Thenfut- C-ta. n Hvlh t'. '.rl.-r-Jd
rrary sailh parrhaaer ia tar wurfi,
notttjr lag (hem of the aoaaiaiu-oa of i"t
oariutity and eenming hhk far then. A
m ia St. Ioaie maae tint hiahra q'S-ct '
aad obtained tin taiamle, TV? arr
matea, wtgh fiOO ar 700 pounds a4
are pjatraand of tha arohoaos an-l t.'..
that ive tham tbetr akkaamc. C-trfa-!
MaHesi thiwhs af taraiag his ailcnU
te the valnM jmxL ITe says tha
has never bean rxhthitL It atuirw a
weight af three taocw X. V. San
So large a portion ofthe crass
and zrrain crops of the Pacific
least tiavc been cut by the Buck
eye that no farmer here can be
i -no rant oHls merits dr require
argument to convince lilm or Its
The ne pin ullra or all Threshing
3Iarltlnrs. unraualcd for lislitdrafl.
power, durability, fast tlirolilnK ami
clean separation: as iuiprecd for
KSSO, It .stands nnrii ailed.
snpcrxorily. as it Is loo well and favorably known to need comment.
mc pericciion oi ait iicapxapanu jiowins 3iaeJtiae.
Tlie Standard or ExccIIcnee and
leads all labor saving machines.
It took the World's Hinder Prizes
In ISTD. It Uthc.sIranIcst.Mron::
r: and lislitcst rcunXn'r Hinder In
the World.
An Ooean IIytry
Tae lamaa ' nUaaedifcw City at I.i I -,
meni, wlkich arrirwl heea an Miday,
bnmght the anraaaUy large natal r t
,t& ateatage paaaengrra. When V ,
left QneenntawK tlnva was mm ad
dilienal aseager on board, & voan;
gooddxkang IrnJtwaman Hacrd llha
Wynn, who dwappeaivd m a very mrs
terioas manner on Thareaay afternoon, '
last. Mi Wynn loinltd the vase! at
a a
LacenMows, nneeeompaaKi uy uv
friends ave a youth whose name is aa
knewn. Both were natios of the same
town and their olj-ct :a comtag to this
country was U better their osadttioa.
During the voyage the ooodact of tha
young womaa was exoraphtrr. She ap
peared to look forward to the termina
tion of the Toyago -crith a great deal of
chccrfulaers, and nothing in her de
mcanor attracted the particular attention
of either her numerous fellow passengers
or the officers or the stearaship. The
last time she nas seen was at the dinner
hour on rbaradar, when she parcook of
her mid day iscal at her mmat place.
At tea-time she was reported missing.
Information of her disappearance was
conveyed by & passcngrr to Mr. Lmraael
Jones, the chief steward cf the steerage,
who at once began a search for her.
Every part of the tl -ahich a haamn
being osahl iuiMy vml was tltereagWy
cxantitmL of the sttcrsga pata
engfrs hl seen Iter on the deck daria
the afternoon, between noon and ft
31. ilrr youthful friend afipoared as
much in tho dark as the o'nr, as to
her fate. About the time of her dhjan
pcarance the City of It'chmoml wa
plowing tho waters of the banks of
Newfoundland; tho weather was roa-h,
bat fow, if any, htavy seas were ahipped.
Under the circumstances it did not
seem probable that the could have been
accidentally wasLcd overboard, nor was
tbere any evidence to sustain the theory
of suicide. 31 r. Jones was the only
person on board the steamer jcaterday,
who could give any information teach
ing the case. Having imported the
foregoing particulars to a Times re
porter, he added that the officers of tie
City of Richmond had done everything
in their power to solvo tho roysterr
without meeting with sucec The
case had been recorded in the Jog and a
transcript sent to ths office of tbe com
pany. Mr. Jonrs also believed that n
rejort had been sent to Castlo Garden.
Tbe prctent whereabouts' of the youth
who accompanied Miss Wynn froia her
native place could not be ascertained.
New York Times, April 1 1.
Ice is king in the hamlet of Barrio,
Ont, O vcr ?10,000 have been exj-ended
in ice cutting. It will taVetbrce months
to empty tbe htorrliouKCP. which contain
from 3,000 to 15,003 tons each, and for
winch ?25 to?3Q a ton Is expected in
II. r. 1. . 1 I
wraiuurfiuil 111.11 kCk,
It is ataled that tho' French Jesuits
are making important purchases in
Spain of old conven(s and houses, in
viow of their expulsiou from Franco.
Chicago paper aro predieting that
1,000,000 strangers will visit that city
this Summer.
Tho Canton Xonitor En
gine U far snperlor to any Uorlzon- ...
tal Engine: lizlitcron thehor-csand of crealer power. It Utiieuosf
cconomIealEnslneIittheworhl.consnmetlie Ieat Materand facl, has
the patentSarcXy riii-fond is the .safest Engine Esadc.
Krai! farfpttUl CI restart a ad rw rrtccllit.
Cll.VfJ. IT. IJOnn CO. rortlanil. Orrson.
ntn nmmi wiKTwvTanwAOATa. -raccxLsniuTai notasMX Mttn. rvem. the rtnx
i. LT KVW OK mmt mm r vfca r. -tfcCT' Tftm 4 Hrtl lta.tna.1 at flaac ai ' ; WU aW
Wn, Mm Swff.MIMHt H Taffciw. Xnlm, Wan aai iMtat! Staat aarf
M Ifrkwitm U Uaaaaw AaVina at at
260 and 262 Tirst Street, Portland, Or.
And Walla Wallo. W. T.
WaaHixmur. IX C,
Jm 19, U7?.
I have known of ??-vera! pevaoac vrho
reaardad tWiatrlres a gctatty, benefit
ed, and scan of thaw as pfltaaaetttiy
eanal of dLcaaas of the iridnoys and
nnnarr ortaaa br voar ar
nar's Safa Kidacr and Ltror Oare. I
hove kaown, ton, of 4i w ia MHiiUr
cue by uhyatcians of tho higfaeat char
aatet sad sjaadin. I do not- doabt
that K hat great Tina.
J. I'l ItAXKlV.
All MHMtda ) mania saftaristg with
Thrnatiam ana l'enderV Oragan Wood
Parifter. Sold at one dollar a bottle.
Whan yoa sol a xuether of a ten year- '
oil hoy making rapid pragroes in the ;
diraetion of the river with a pood htont
bean Je4e in her hand, yau wrll not be
far oat of tho way should yoa conclude
hhc is geinK fiahirtg. Sho is going on a
"vrbalins" voxaga provided abo can
find the bov.
J l'J i wa. Wfaxiw
h pan0", IfssasMV. t
o ruml br tlx aan 1
tV la luc&ia; as; nnrtumo or in
wrlllntr Iu rcpon9c to ur mlrrrttae
tavnC In UiIisperyoii trill iilrAaomea
f loa f ! jnm of luf iMicr-
rxny faect iaa to mora bcuiifiu acUao. aau it a brMat In a.J Chum. .
I a t impimVi ettite Mont. !!
Batsralaa4iwe'aarrma.imari.' -(. rwt
usm asa eiirretm Krsrla
iii f. . . . -- - -- - -
' Bltlri-a. Il La wa!ea!l
II U a oalewtlra tfcasM W In rmr Cam
Uy. ait4 t:cli. wbrmrr tnrd. H1 aart li
(urmcsl c( caaa (Sectors tuu.
ColUn ef twv ates : prt'o SJ ctnta a: Sua.
Snfc Heme
dies arc sold
by DmggtHtH
ami Diiilcra
In XTctlielHO
Horhnlrr. K.V.
0if! tut rastfUet
asil IcaatraaoiaU.
IIODGK, DAVIS & CO., Agents.
- 2 ? 2
o g . - rt
n 2 v z
aviBaT a rr k t aaaaaaart a
ilii mf P S;
111 U?i' l
rorttanJ. Oirsaa.
TIio Audiplione.
ntrct Xafttr aa4 OaaUr la
Ha, ill Front Si.
An instrument that cn-
4 . a tJ
iblra tlie u to near
a-itli rac through tho
U-rth ' It is a remark
aS! Micce!. All deaf
lr ons ahould tr it.
b vnt free to any ad-
dre oa receipt of price,
$10, or on trial, "a 0.
1. ami clmrrcs.' at cx-
)CZ jo
MillTand Farm MacMnery
arT9aaV oBaafaat
t JaaV'annvLaaaBnnaaanaS''
n cmlialiai i
laVa 1 Cmt, c anaaac raad -tmC aat
mm. a4 feaaaVa avaaxatW aa4 iattme.
V. r 14 a lataa-aimH aw 9mnw; Map ja
tVt nntd a ika aaaw.
WJlw,',IM J laatra ai tax
larkaa wm, Mm tM -T tW Kawan.
laavaa ml nrttaw Watw. St
fcair aaVt aadacr taa
Lift !mi I-nfl.
ta r-a TW tmm
ar- ava-V a. Mai .
aA IU nrna aa SL au af alat
-a. 4im ruaia,
Ua N i Al aw aaa a la.r . Wml ' -
jtt aia arf MTi .iaA I wa VJ.
I ktuuitk aai ta' Stvaar lilati Vafa;. .
Wrn Karaa
Ta 'S ifTEK Jl VOC0 St k tnJkltt larir
air 1 a 11 a ia Snt anm.'a' -.tUVrntdrT. a&I tla
ay tarftitati aa wa
t tu 3 la. ear. 1 IC C la. czu
Taua UV-atr tu lncrit a im ax4 a tmxr '
a.tawujaMl) htavia H MM' Mr M
tmm rwr b aa arawv w . . aaar.
taa. 3iim Uraatf Wt ai
fc9la !-wrr- -c Cratr la Snaxvi tasrVJ mia
I aaM ai mm. 11 I Tk. mttmnAtm txa .
It i, 8 at ' W Marar aa , aiiaVa mlial c-a. &1 kWdcSnrTcf -
la tal Omctc. are aaofaaU. Ttcra ara to
wrmtx: ar aiaiuj ITfjtiMT cr tm
iiiiJitiHr aa wt tSUi ASrsStr b
, aa, mi a t mm atataat -aacin! aat awiiuato ia t!aa
. asacaf BaMara af atawr av aa.
Ownax e nex Braatc Tac tti auaCay cf Ova
I VajaaV k a aiSiit a? it (iwai oC t&a Irsa
I am.-aa aaaa iVaulm ta iu tiz. tetttmt mt by
! mmt vat hara-a fc nan at fneuaJtrcTDti
i xmr itmw i 1 mi 1 ar frasiea laaacrw l&a
: taaaaV a mmtwt mt tratiim a- ti aira; aed with
w . . . it 1. n . m . .
anafc nai r t aaaAly cr a 1 ijtil
a aW aiKaiabr cm saa. vita- ta-o cr Uxa
mu. t&a at aa4 aaai tdrc va aitatMa am nr
aNaf taatcr aaalatcafvr tlaa aaa Baadaw twaaai.
laaaa vim aaaa aawt ate Wee fa-Kacr ara aiaa
laaatr ajaaaaaaaaa !a fe armriaa taat &r jnja xaral
1 fm. tar TBmtt
" W rtr "r"! ? C MM.a TK.-la tarafa: tta taal, m
7TTl' . - . ' VrTT aatiiaawiacfcaaaaitWTTt balaot dattez.
Kala Ffr aa ato U tac aul at-awa tu
am b. fca m U aai atMaa total M. Tarta
aaaaaal kttoa. ailrattet iU mmrtntuc I"Hai ray, at
iinliapBarttgtaysne. H aaajadtr.tai lar
Hl an any aal artreeil cwaaaa are aiuaaaraa
aa Vara toeraac rwr UaL
WaS wa ain bm canfal at aX tftaa ta rrtate aa it
la ptrtmiKx : -jieaH aafch baa po WateA.
Wsnfa CkaaaEalc Ecafvr i rreat TTMasfSet. vc
aai. fna tt to taa cai saA cbaacr aa aauiuaa.
Haa aa yntWcil rlfvruare aad tifti InU ia 11 &eS
fcaaa abaaai ta caaWaKc; aaJ a ttoalinnn 1 a Hi
kata an4 ta al Uatt (Uiicj IcrMhna, aai
aalaaWxa3aanatafrvtajacatfet "urea
mt atagrna.'
Oaaraaa.-t ttat Maalara aa av ta Orrym akaw.
ia4 fcr fyrrtii Caaatajtxa aW Oraiara.
hVi'll f.jttw At rrolfref U, xiih th Ait
lasaet aa naVT HVA, Srat a&t rate. aOocnatt
Uaw-aoUac Wl CerzUrxd Xadsaara tba
Xeat ESaanac. lEeat FwrniKnicil aai CTirca aa lha
iltrmirzz Attiit.aiiiit SU ci&er tax SSolx. tz Swp-
Tho Model Reaper cf tho Period.
Tic Oalr rtir-Kabe Krar 3Laaattaint.
brlcorc hu ilrta-ortratril t&t i
nXrt mt laex far nHi.- aS linl asal
It a Mt ltwnt4ra.'jB atakt rxl-f. tunt,
a4 dstaW. aaJ ccoactaieal Xtet-aaa Bearvr aav
Walter WorJ", Etarv-n (art a aaaal te aaae
adly TetiMcM.! crfc TVj ar ajo j raanaat
la rattle lax as4 aevj cbrar.
Wa.atr A WooT 6rsHalt Eayr l wo
ttrartraUat ta RvlM; aaJ Cattisr airaratts aa
l tSAtaaatj lawamt U aecsre taaftol aai laa jraisv
Leads an ctar Scparatara anal
Pawsxa la IrajrrtrrtjBea of
real rieris ssd tsIss.
Ths "Chicago Pitts" Still Ataai.
Tlma aad Trial Frora an Ttoc-Ta
-EOS5TIIK.ES3rR- of tave Ceaat
rtrat Prira Orrra jUata Fair
1577 asd UTS oror .til
ether Separate-.
Vacbmrr. LnUwr aad Raabcr Bettiar. aS U the l-vJ
cam- a (ecafttU ant af extra farta lor aa prvtilocrr. ImOi
m c a SB acad rn ta asjr allmi oa
eu. ttlai'j, tte.
aJilrtaa ear aacata er
IW Ocjaer rarra tir, La EeSa Fara
aax Uaac nara. aaa Uaaaaal Qiw
StatMcij Easnr. Sav aal rionrlaj rQ
Na (aaJeaaaot ar aseaii-iAad ateek. Wt
trai aaJ aaja. icU Vr a9.
ees Cata!cara aal rntl Orcetara. tfnar fS JacriMka ot SSttaX
L'orCltvzicl. UrcsOB
Xo. I Xorth Front St.Portlaad, rc8.
Hate ta LxaJ tsi are crrttariUy mtlila
' Flour and Saw Mill Fillings
Of Every Description,
-Mill Stones AVnter AVlieelK,
Water Wheel Governors, Motion Indicators, Smntters. Separators, Mill
Picks, DiamoncTTools, Bolting Cloth, Leather and Rnbber Belting; aad
General Mill Frornishings constantly on hand.
We also keep In stock the celebrated ALUS A CO. n8I7TtIF. AXD
IlaTiRZ bMilt Hd pat Ih onrralionscrun of the best Flanrasil Saw
Hills oh the coa-st, will wen -nrlll consult their interest by cerrespeHd-
iuz wun n Hcierc iiHrcHasinz ciscwHcrc:
Kcrlrack Prices h1 first class werk saaraRtccd witk every sale.
ScbiI fnr lllHStrated CatnJezHC aHd Prlre-IJsr.
What Do Ton Require?
SS ami 33 Front street. 32 and 34 First street, : t PertlaittL rfea.
rxi. the ruts waoov iiooqes hk-vdeu wrrn ivrRovmrxTS for junsn tURTEsrrsa
MH-iuautra, aicuoraaoc iiarrrHtrr, RK-uuatrrc, Titer Solar Eatr. Ttiomaa' SuIkrRaaf
USrjatrUocaaial IVvtra . Spring Waioot, OHrer Chlllol UtUl rtoia, UoUm ITon, to&aCHr
" AT, iiTTr, unauau Jr ami coiutatan. Ganlta Seed
Champ Grain rtr-ater. Irf4 raining illll. Stnab ilUU, IcTKh Dur OU LW
ra. Soithau Snattia. CradlMu Porta. l!ut tb-nn rv.i t-tlT. Jl , ! .
of party onlfiinr, with ontion f ' a."cr ,T"t,"l?i lJ.,l,orli"J f:ic?37,.!io, f"" nthj aoa ru.
l Circtllara froft. AdllrOSK . tfcontl-baml or coilanJ rooJj In Stock. Hare vmtrlrCttaWwfarl3T? 'It alaaAIra-
tr with
iRicaio n:u
H. r. Jl ITlir.US. 4srat.
fJ Jlvntrxrr St, haa I'ramijco, Cal
ra noatal card aaklts (oral' rPLIiniLYT IXBruuciKT a-uar to
ij X3"It twi hart not rol Um Catatocio tof 1J?J, aai tor it.