$fe fet vcgottiau rCBUSHED EVERT fUTl'RDAY XOI1XINU. T TURNER & BISHOP, MM, Mala St., op p. tho Cour llonsev. hato op Anrnrratso, nr oovs. Rates or Subscription la Coin: On Tear. In - 03 Str. Heath 1 50 nm Montha 1 CO Susie ""r 1 VOL. 5. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, MARCH -20, ISSO, ytiee In Leal Co&uaa 91 cents per Ud. Crst fnaee tlw, ttA 10 cent per ha each ashaVroent InMrtiiga. Adrertlslnx bQU payihla qsartry. NO. 24. 1. lot 3a. Cm. lyr. i Im& tx oo it m e oj rw oo oi 1 Inehe 3 00 4 00 8 CO II tn t5 On Sloch SCO 7Cri 12 09 1901 SO L Ieeh S09 800 II CO M 1 0 tA 00 tCUama. 7 00 9 CO SOOI 3 00 oos Colamn, , ,, 8 00 U CO U (ft V. CO 1409 Column 10 to li 00 00 0 00 79 04 Colxnn- IS 00 Vl V) 49CO m CO IS) 04 EAST OREGOXIAN Job Office, PENDLETON, OREGON. Bseu xD job rsivmc OEevery deaoriptlon. neaily and promptly exe-ar-l cu hJ at reaonable rale. Jf OTICE Slap! aanoan sea eats of birth i, rairrtare ud M.lh. will b Icwrled without chirrt. Obituary BcUece will bo charged for according toblr 1 refill. Sari e-iplea of ihi East Otzoostax, In wrapper, (or WlVrf. au be oblaiaeJ at tail efloe. V astcra no raponilMIitj (or r!tn expensed by csxrcepeadaau JOHN A BUYER, ATTO RNE Y-AT-L AW, Pendleton, Oregon. OmCE -Up tlalrt, abere port oSee. FRED PAGE-TUSTIK, JATT ORNEY-AT-LAW, Pendleton, : Oregon. Ofir in Court Itcct S. V. KKOX, A T T O R N E Y- A T- L A Wr "Weston, Umatilla Co., Ogn. TS prattle In a3 court ci tbli State aaj. Waaklnc. eeTarritory. SpseUl tttcclloa piil to Uai SctlaM ad OeSectlaa. EVARTS & WALKER, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Pendleton, Oregon. OmCE In the Court House. A. FIEACHEK, Attoraej-at-Latr and Notary Public, Weston, Oregon, W0 praetica fa a3 tie Coer s t the Sute. HAIMES & UWRENCE, ' A T TO RN E Y S-A T- L A W, Baker City, Oregon. WE practise si kwia aB eocru ia OrejTa uA Uabo. nnsiir artesaoc pall to bTf-m la Bike aaJ Uaisa nrmr'n. J. 2. Trxsxx. D. W. Biarr. oa-T FabSt TURNER & BAILEY, ATTORKEYS-AT-LAW, Pendleton, Oregon. Cecsiy orders bouiit and told. Lotos serstiated. J. H 3alar wi3 be as-oeiatad with c la a2 evetcesed i tn the Orcslt Cocrt ta tfc fstore. OmCt-Italn street, oppose tbc cocrt bcuae. DB.J.B. LiKDSAY, SURGEON AND DENTIST, Pendleton, Oregon. iterery aspedaltr. E.P.EA6AN, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Weston, Oregon OmtX-OaVih street, J. M. PRUETT, M. DM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Pendleton, Oregon. OTTICE At rcKdeaee. W.C. McKAY, M. DM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Pendleton, Oregon. GITKrE Opposite the Pendleton Hotel. W.F, KREMERi M. Dm PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Pendleton, Oregon. OSers bis PrsrcsxSosal serrice to the people o' Tmaltua and tsironndbur oosatrr. OmCE- At resldcsos eait of Court Uouae. WKITCOHBj Mi D.i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Pendleton, Oregon. tnS aataBdaHal!f.drornlsfat. with protantae. AS d aw am treated br the Utett and rcry bcl mode ler the aeaort ol tee patleiit. m. W.T. WILLIAM80H, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Weston, Oregon. jVffl attead to aS eaUf, diy or nlcfat, with promptwaf, Qj fjl Wi 1m ,1T1 1 jvci cppuHi ousb WALLA WALLA STEAM BAKERS ESTABLISIinO I.V 1$CI. Katmberer of Urrad. rktrt. f, a, ' Crackara, (Ire I'nf IMJm;. Kaiu SlrreU Wnlln Union. Hotel, have now, pcwniKTon. fPiiis uui'sr 13 jx ti; ccsr covjirnox Ktn 1 tira;iicr.t1. C! I uri s-1 u4f fa the nu-uo lb.' ' . J")x j.trviirjB. ol UK rubbe , auUetrd. tslt fc-ve tl t-uum tor Toidictuu. Wilson Hotel, tTmaUlla, OrcfoB. -a a-i V. A WILSON. TORjmiLT Of OELEAS3, JVi hu located on Troct Street Craattlla, where tse CLi aw.! a ftratrflaaf hcteL The hooae hat beec re. Eed. tfe bed are excellent, and tbc tab ia win b acp tid wKh the Terr beet the aarket aSerda, TraraUm mw raptt nopltng at thU plaa. X TV 9tag Ceeapasf f 0Mbaf ftep here. a. EOtircszuiw Hothcliild tfc Bean, S3! to 3. 110TII CHILD, WOUtD RESTECTTULLY CAIXTTfC ATTBNTHaS of th public to their Uixdy lncrv.w-i steel: U i Ffaeir Ileest will eeaslst as here tare re ol Dry Goods, Gt Tr f a!i taVe pnsn 1 ikb aWeh they nay be cstnaud U thvbeeci thair Grain and Hides . dMT P30ifXUlxa U cxJLaa at tie Q3B Cj 5h Faid for Woo!. Pendleton Hotel, 3Iala Stroct. THIS CENTRALLY LOCATED POPULAR HOUSE Hiring tees cstlrdy REFITTED and REFURNISHED It now cpraed (or the reorptloa of itcta. THIS TABLE Wtnataatiseebefonndrsraiaed with the rcrr Kvt the surket aSxdi. and erary exeroe ai to aatlafy ice pazroB oijise cosae. THE 3JED8 Are iU oew. aai the rrtoss tare twrn fsmUbdlathe seatoa etjlc aod with crery eosresieaoe nsaa3y tnd tn a Lit claat Bsme. Pendleton Hotel In an ita desertmeatf wd be ta with the Uses, and the Prrprietor le dctennisad that It ahaa mut.UIn the repctauss ct bticf the Best House East of the Mountains. Tbe ralda-it and trareSnr tnUle are rcatwcUoTy tBTitea to eau. E. "BATTER, Proprietor. Hon Ton Hotel. The underrlfned taket plewnre in annooseinf to the general pnaue uu be sai aecsxui we First Class Restaurant In the buQilaf Lnown ai Stove's Sample Itoom. PENDLETON - ! OREGON Where yoa can ad the BEST TABLE North of San Franci6C0. TheUblewinuanUaeibe luslabed with tbe rery b4tbe nurkt aSorca, and erary excrUon made to aat- ia?y tae patront ol the houae. THE BEDS Are all sew, and the room hare ben fumlahed la the SMteat etyle and With erary oosrebience vnally (eond in a zuavcaf bocae. Is all lu deputaente win be cp with the tiara, and the Prowl tor It determined that It thill culctala the rtjratadfto a btlag the VhBf BEST ilOCSC ut c( um Kouniaooa. TheraUntandtrarells; patlle are ropectraHy la Tec 19 STEVE SANT0RD, Proprietor; G. We Bailey, GENERAL LAND AGENCY, Pendleton Oregon O&ce oa Vain street, opposite Court Hoot. Barter, the latest approred plats of erery Towsthlp la Utnal'I a county, and 14 rr; ptrtxiallr aequaiaUd wl hthelocatltAautqailityoi all lands In the oouur. I will secttr laeda for jartfas under any of the I and laws cf th U. 8. either Buseatead, Fr-apUon,Tt3-ber csitsr or Soldiers Hvesecteait f artlealar attesoa paid to th proeeeaUon ct ac teetad Uad eUtel la Ife darUsrsi ut yratUoi'Kn. UTAH, IDAHO & OREGON STAGE CO. "Will X,ortvo x'ondlotoii For Umatilla every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 6 A M.; returning fioni Umatilla tho same Jays on arrival of boats f roraThe Dalles. Will X.onvo Pundlcion Daily for Tbe Dalles via Pilot Rock and Ileppner, al C P. M, WILL LEAVE DALLY For Walla Walla at 7 A 31.; and for Boise Citv at 2. Ail. CoaclicH, No' rStoolf, Skilled Drivers, ami able porformanco of aervico on titso are -tho features cf tbe Company. FARES Gmatly Redaced. Lpply to Lot Livermorc, Agent. Sailiburr. Hailcr k Co., Proprietors XTCT5 SUatStARY. Bfuisrci tresUei iaur4 a Xtw TojV caa uJci4r oa tbe re of nu taarnr: apleft GTation ta XonltoiW waj a rgal asiSeace .V ucgle firat in New Yert M 75.090 wortli A raleatloet In tbe isl 46 yeara tbere bare boes 29 Icdias Mts&laticarTa. aad taoat of tbeta west out f aerriee with repautie&s like Ilsjt'i, eo&- JderaMy biacke&ni Af.propnaUoa ca- aktee is wrestliss raisbnlj with tbe fatsre e tbe total Neglect of prcamt seeds An tasacceaafal attempt was cade to wreck an 3 pre. train is New Ilrscswtck. tbe object Pfd&Zprcade? The Tens e re DemocraUC Coavestiea will meet in KasbTUle June $tb btM to estabetb a temtenal geTera- iseot for Alaaxa bas been reported Tbe Irish fa&iee Is reported weit ia hand' and tbe danger of cesera! survattea baa pasted Captain Eads bas a aebease in ceenevtiea with tbe ship railroad. Pare bas istroineed a btS to abjitb tie datf ea prictia type Tbe Wt Q'Learr waiting match ts ia prtgrets at San Fraactaeo bjerra Kerala hrifits aaveaa meat of S2 Great Bntaia is watcbisa; eagrrlj for a fbtba!d on tbe Ittboat U arte: an it now in Ijsadoa Mestigar, Frraeb dramatic author, is dead Tbe Qatea bas been adrisett ts cHveUc Parha raeat at Easier Tbe raaatsrUem ef bexul ittec ta Afgbaautas ctnrxt be taaea Imager ddajed. Cttixess crate'tira aaa it deiaf god werk la San Froadsco Kearaet'a tasaae threats ara Toafcrssalj applauue-J by tbe rabbi that bancs oa bis werii Abaut 75 caests wrre ia tbe Gra&d Ceatral HeteJ, Oakiaad. when tbe are brere eat; all -aiped with DeC of their personal e'rets The Kctgbt Templar, frca LiTcrpool to Af rica, was csptcred while eadesTorts; to ran tbe blockade An insarrtctlen broke out ia San Dsaino February SOib; the levader, with C confederates was killed, and 16 per seas are under arrtsl There are ia ew York 2.000 bouse terras ta recetriag from 810 to $0 per month At tbe bectaaiag of February tbe elsrators at Baltimore con tained 1, 234,753 bssbels of grain The strike at Cohoea, X. T.. iaTolres a:x cilia aad 40,000 operators; 375,000 eptndle are idle aad tbe daily lots ia wares is W.000 Forty thoattad deaths from dipbtbf -a bare occurred (inae oremberta tse i can prortaoes rariey preaeau to wa crets a memorial of tbe California Legisla ture atktng S500.000 for proUctioa of nrers front xatsisg debris. Korth Carolina dtlegatea are solid for Sherman Jet profits of the Western Union Telegraph Co. for tbe qaarter ending March 21st will be about $1.325,071 Be- peblican senators are naanimoat in opposi tion to tbe Fiu John Porter bill, with the exxeptioa of Hoar, who it donbtf al TU- den's iseime tax ci will be ordered on tbe April calendar for trial Several compan ies of troops are after tbe band o! Indians that is ruarauding on tbe Texan border ParneU'a audience at Montreal was tmall Mayor Ktlloch has iasaed a proclama tion voacbicg for tbe good behavior of tbe Workings: tn DeLetps is enliKhtenieg Cecgrrssmea and government c facials on tbe canal question Tbe Southern Central eoal trafae it lircly i nomas i comas, colored, kged 110, died at Baltimore last month Iowa baa passd a more stronger law for tbe pnnitbeent of body t&atcbers Zidiement at Sydney. Neb., ovtr tbe ex- prest robbery Is intense In the text book war in tbe California State Iiecbiatare Ban croft & Co. come off vktortoot Elliot S. Morgan, of Pennsylvaaia. hat been con flrsed tecreUry of Wyoming Tbe wife of Beprcsentative Pacbeco has recovered from ber severe PJneal A bill to increase tbe efSdoaey of tbe National Board of Health bas beea reported A bill for tbe relief of tbe California 8tate University Is before tbe SVnate A 15-year-old daughter of D. 0. Mitchell, superintendent of tbe Eaa'era Cider Co., San Pranosco, shot her self through the heart on account of a threat of an elder sister to reportatrinlngdiobedi- enee to their father Bealu, postmaster of Bod if, was shot and fatally injured by a stage driver with whom be bad some trouble about mail maiUr The ecore Ja tbe O'Leary-Weaton contest last evrning stood: D'Leary 314 miles, Weston 333 A police officer who hat been attending Keainej's meetings is tbe principal witness against aim Tbe Pennsylvania Legislature bri bery cases have been rirtoslly abandoned. "Somo moro cheese, please, papaT "No, my child, you hare alreadr bad cnouch. When I was & child I had to cat my bread and smell my clioesc Well then, five roe a icco to smoll," The EmDress of Rataia and the Qnotn of Italr both sufTer from f. lack of blood, tho Emprese from being cooped tin in tho Winter room, aad tbo Queen from tbo shock -which oamo -when she saw tho attempt to aatfjainato Humbert Dowa in Ohio, "when a young man has taken a girl to spelling school x teen timps. tho lawr considers them en raced to bo married, and she has a good breach of nromise eftta if h doesn't tralk up. T!RTKtf."R. A PHTfl I LLSTEIIN ST1TKS. Urnb rrairie. Clark connty. YT. T.. TreJ, Dretnek. poatmaaler; Cotlase Glen, Yakima cocntj, . T., Jataei J. Imtric, toatraaater; Xerton, KlicUut conatr, X. T.. C. C. Secbrcn, pottn-ajitcr. Diteoatlnari S!t kin. Coot county, Oregon; Alkali Flat, Whitman connty, W. T. i'otUnutera ap pointed Lafayette F. Morri. Spring ater, Clackamaa county, Orrgoa. Ota. llowartl amI iberrrtiuru'tBaBli. Wain:orojf, Marcb 7. Gen. U. U. How an!, before tbe enato !cct comniittre oa tbe Frtdmf&' cant, txplalnexl bit person al account, 9bicb tbe books abowrd to be orerJrawn $2,415. lie claimed that tbe amount bad been redact d br depotiu, Iip and bj drafts, which do not appear upon tbe boot a, to sorae 5200. and tbe balance, he could cot admit or den, owing to tbe length of time since tbe trassactioa aad tbe fast J that clsrisg errors and omissions bare been discovered by experts in tbe bookkeeping of j the bank. Too failure of tbe bank was dse i to tbe bigb rate of interest paid and Invest. meat in real estate securities, insteaJof gev eraracat secarities, and tbe failure of Jay Cooke 4: Co., which rendered othtrwise good securities almost worthless. sttolea aVopenx Rceovereit, Nrw Yoar, March 8. David Robert-, far tbe past sixteen years chief cotter f er II. B. Claftin k Co.. was arrested to-night and confessed baring robbed bit employers of silks and satins Talued at $ 10,000. Tbe robberies bare been getag n lor a series of years ; $10,000 worth of the stolen property fcaa bc-u recovered. Ibr Gasernat'a Velo Haatalued. BiCHJfex, Ya.. Marcb S. The Senate re fused to pass tbe ltaddiebtrgtr debt bill erer tbe veto of tbe goreraor are, 19, Div. IS; not tbe ctccisxry twe-tbtrut. UuDr Aaylata BarneJ. Paoia, Ks., March 0. Tbe Iassae Asy lam at Ossawateste, containing S04 iaraaies. has been totally destroyed by fir ; lots. SieCOd. Tbe t&caatet are provided far. No lew of life. Murder aad Kalrlete. Bacsavrza, Marcb 9. Robert JararJ, a lawyer, who while tatexkated shot a caa named Bate on Saturday eight, banged btm self to-day. Stalae Saulelttat Elcelloets. Arc cm. March 0. Tbe Rpabliari have canted Basgor. Btddefcrd. Frevfart aad Belfast, and tbe Grrexbackrjs bare . ledcd their tick ft at North Derrick. Crave tbarse) A sal nit n lartati Xrieat Csrcaoo. March 10 A yoaag wacan. re tidic? sear Massa City. 113 bas xaa4e a (wrmal cars plaint before B.ebep Spaaieh&g. ot Peoria dsecoe. cbargiaz Tho a. Dsfiia. a( parish prieat at Dela&aa with caamituag an octrage upon ber while she was aeu&s as bis boetekeepcr Tbe bithep bas totli tated a caret al eiaminiaen. Ijrlt WltbBot Approprlatloaa. Btcxuo-ra. March 10. Tbe legialaiare ka. S'loarnrd sine die wtthast pauiag tbs p projrr.atioa VtH. llaoeward Caa ad. Nrw Yoir. March 1. Paraeil tails far Esrope on Tbsraday. bat trill retars to America after tbe flection. Stale of Carerataeeit Bond. Nrw Yorx, March 18. Proposals to tell gav.rameats to-day acgregata $I3,C0v.O9. oa which ? 2,003 000 were accepted. Icie Sizar aad raper VariK tTittmM. vr.i. in Ti v a v. w . means committee to-day, tbe sabjsct of tbe new augar tarta was rutma ts a iso c-ks mitts e, a mijonty of whom an- known to be in favor ct some redactions of dc4irs on sugar. It is ccderstood that as adralortm of SI pvr cent, in all diSerest grades of tugar cextt with considerable faror. although it probably will be opposed by rtSccrs. There is a large gathering ot manufactur ers in WasVjisgtoa to-day, aad sertral con 'tation bare been held with reference to proposed redaedoa ot duly on piper, t committee on ways and mesas bat de ed J to bear arguments for and against re daction on Friday a ext. Early Ostealar of the XIadMB. Nzw Yorz. March 11. Tbe season ot navigation on tbe Hudson opened yesterday, an earlier day than ever before ia the past 10 years, and about a month earlier than has been tbe general rule. Cfea Stalraieat. Nrx Ycsx. March 11. rsrnell has ar- tn nred. He states that $200,000 has bten raised and S'O.COO remitted to Ireland. Tbe i rant rrasraaar. Gii-xyi, March 11. Tbe announcement U cenarmed tbst General Grant will sail for boms oa tbe 15th. He will rtsit Gal res ton and New Orleaaa, and from tbe latter ; dtv. bimaelf. in company with Mrs. Gnnt ; and Mrs. Kitty Felt will take a trip to Den- ! rer, si which point the ladies will sojourn during the general contemplated tour through tbe mining refiona of Wyoming and Colorado. It is tbe intention ot tbe parly to return to Galena during tbo latter part of April or first of May. Beld Robbery at Kydoey. Xebraaka. CHtTixst, March 11. A bold and ass- cetsf cl roblery of gold bullion occurred al Sidney, ebraaa, to-day, while tne Union Padfio express agent (Snydrr) was at din ner. Toe amount taken is variously esti mated at $'-'0,000 to $200,000. Entrance was effected tbroaga the floor ot tbe express office. Tbo robbery was evidently planned in advance of tbe treasure coach irera tbe BUck Hills. A later telegram from Sydney, jutt re ceived, states that tbe treasure has been re covered, except $13,000. It was found un der a pile of coal near tbe U. P. track. where a trackman bad teen the lobbert con ceal something in the afternoon. One of the missing bricks, valued at $3,000. is from tbe Esme'ralda mine on Black Tail gnlcb near Dcadwood. partly owned by Hlbbar , of tbo Cheyenne and Black Hills Telegraph Company. Of tbe balance, ?i,wu is in ex- plot pscltgts ana tne rest oauiua. ana immense weight of the treasure ISO pounds avoirdapois, prevented the robber from Ino it o9. and lbev were compelled to conceal tt at the first available spot, a coal pile. dooil e's Ctilaese BUI. Nsxr Yotx, March 11. Goode'a Chinese bill was reported favorably in tbe Hou.e yesterdsy, and there is little doabt of itt passage. Tbe BeprescnlatlvM of tbe far Western Statee are doing all in their power to secure volet for the bill, aad tbe Blaine patty in the House will support tbe measure fnr nolltleal benefit. Tbey hops it will re sult to tbe advantage of their chieftain the voters ot tbe Padfio slope. Hutcbint of New York opposed the bill in committee, and wilt debate against its pass age ia tbe House. JL Victory fer tbe W. C.Telerrapk. 0li7xs, ?ta March 11. In the Dittrlet Court of the 4th diitxlit of Juuuu, Joa, Orrrort nixt U'tiIaclou Paalnl Ctiancrs ! MDJ (OrremoTal to tbeU Waanijcoios. March C Postal cliaocM cue will now go before for th Panfifl Cnmtl !il wV- V.t..)l.-1 I tfaa L. O. Circuit Court. SteTec. in ,b8 C3i0 l tho.ViV,tera Union I Trlegraph Companr againit tbe Ktnui Pa. cine lUiiroad Company, held the injunction in faror of tbe Wettein Union Company Tattu. i rauvrar men uim a petition ami b. Coart. and tbe Jadije ileCrary, of This is a tabstaa. tial victory for tbe Western Union Company. Tbe injunction declared valid is tbe oae vhieh tbe railroad company Tiolated by the akaro of thi vr.ru on tbe Kansas I'aeine ItailroaJ. urala ProtptcU la the M IJUlo Wc-t. CuctxxiTt. iltreh 11 Eeports from Winter bat in 300 poinu ia Ohio. Ken tacky. Indiana and Michigan show uni formly Rood protpecu. Ia Illinois, Iowa and Kansas wet aod dry weatbtr has been damaging; tmt an arerat crop is eipected. Increased aertege is ptnerailr reported. Tbe Winter kd'a . it iat (eaeral in 7ta concin. X'ay lor IT. S XnnbaU anil Hepatic. YitaGTSX, March 11. Tb Hosse immutee on apprspmtlo&s deeido to ia enrporate in thi bpecial DefieieseT bill SSOO.UOO for pay of U. S. Marshal and dep- cticj, without any proviso or rtttri-sieas. FOREIGN F.WS. Ulaaater at Sea. Ltrzxroon. March 6. The Britiah ship Isabella, from Peetscela tor Uafeiia. has been abandoned at sea water lgetl. Eight I el tbe crew tar beta landed at St. Michaels. ' The rest were drowned. !eilpMrecU sua Its nerror. St. Jen llsrek 0 Tfc PtLini dnren ashore Ist tu-ht aad la a total . - . wreck. She was dnr close cader a frown- denew that none would occur. Tbere is a ing prectptn. BaU were towered enly to ( ranter that Kearney is to be arrested lo be swept away, and all Lands hadxo take to i night fer bis remarks ai tbe meeting last tec ri5iss. fire caianas&teiy ' got into ine Btzzee ngtsg. wntie the rerstia eler laabed theaveire in the forward nging. After basptsg a the rocks far saae'ttBK. tbe vessel add enly tamed over on ber braadude and all ia tbe tatzzen rig ging were droaned, shortly after, tbe Blas ter, Capt. Barry, pat on a hfe preaerrer and attecBpled to swim at here for the purpose of taking a lire, but be nerer rsached land. Tbe first mate, named ButUl.Jell over tbe jtaboem and was drowned Vefore the eyes of fats comrades. The remainder ox the crew dang te the wrtck tiH tho atornt subsided and the tide bad Mien, aad then co; aahore TTi .t rZZ .71 L .i I " J.' 11 i aad crawled on tcetr hands and knees ap the prvstpsie&s cits' Although tharoagbJy exhacated. tbsy haj to walk a mils aad a half tkrowgh tbe weed to reach a baUta tien. Ferta&ately the weather nt not very eeld aad tbev were only thghtly frost bioen: Paraeil tleewptiaei at Montreal. Me.3Trr.li., March ?. Pam41 and Datlea arrived lat ntgbt, and wiea Pamctl itepped treat the trass be was eatbaslastk-aDy rr evired aith Tocsfeross cheering frost sn immense crowd wbetbresged the depot He was then with Duloa rlaecd in a rplesdsdiy rqaippvd sletgh draws by foar white horse, i a&d racerted tbe Si. Lawimce Hall Hotel I by a large terealubt proeassiog. certlt'.tsg f McGtll strt the crowd eahamesaed the i terse, attached ropes to his sletgh, and ' drew It tbe remainder of tbe distance j aawii isi rfirenn i&c cuuKuevfi usea - i.rirwT icum, ue . u ... . u. i.. i. tfce tserecbfaree. Ia the preceeatoa were ' revceae paid en such debt for aeh year, sereral traasaaretetes with aech souoes as ! tbe asonnt paid fer pensions, iestsding ar ' Heme Rule fer Ireland, Fixity ct Tea. rears, and the amount paid soldiers and ere." etc. There were fatly 5.C03 term- sailers cf tbe war ; tech iaforsaation to be bearers in tbe proctsaien. At the hotel . brsujhtdowa to January 1, 150. Adopted. Pared! sett with a perfect cvatsaa. fire to Aencew. . Ilona, Sr. PxTzxaacao. March 10. A great fire I The Hens Committee on Coinage agreed ecrarred as Madsy sj the weiring works , to report faTerably Fort's bill to pro ride for aiMeaeew. Tbe entire baiUieg was de- i the exchange of trade deliars for legal tea trvjoi. 21 persons' wtra boned to death . dr tilrer doBars. A proviaa was aded aad 23 lniered. I that the Secretary cf the Treasnry shall rreparlaf fer Clectloua. - Lorno. March 10. A large nsabtr of ! tbe embers er Parliament have already I (It ; fer thj provisoes to prepare for election s. Mark X-ane BejMrt. lsvss, March II. The Mark Lane Ex prees review for the past weak says that iht weather has been favorable and a considera ble area cf Spring praia has beea sown. An early and favorable seed time seems likely to be secured. Autumn sown wheat presents generally satisfactory appearance, as also do paatare. Ofieriegs of borne groan wheat at country markets were generally scanty, farmers bav ins been occupied with field work. Tbe de mand fer fine wheat for towing has recently ' been pretty active in tbe prorinces, bat in , London tbs review shewn by millers i re stnetiee sales. Last week's opening prices . ! Ecgfish wheat at Mark Lace have beta cod- rrate. The condition of foreign, how rer, w.ro tartly nuiaiaicea. ice amvau 01 ; i was fair. Liberal opinion i relative to the ! caerte of prices in the immediAta future are j rretir eiaaItT dinued. the caiel interes: cen-j tertng nooa American, oaaicess naa oeea smell aad tboagb wbest was only quoted at i six pence cheaper last Mods v. a greater re- daetion bas sinee been tieceesary to effect i salts of any large qaaetity. Tbe repres sion was caated by lh abstention ot millers ralber than by depression ot foreign sup plies. Maize, in consequence ot icaraty, hat fairly maintained the advance, bat tbe fu ture cosrse of prices depends upon tne mag nitude of American ehipment. Arrivals at porta of call have been small. Bayers are holding off in expectation ot a better aelectioa from the et now due. depite tbe more accommodating dispofitioa of Amencaa holueri Australian was pretty freely offered st reasonable ptlces. Sales of English wheat last week were ,W0 quar ters. PACIFIC COAaT TfarrateBla? riaeanU. J?i Paascrsco. March 8. Placards are being potted in prominent places about tbe city warnlna tbe employers of Chinese to desist from tbe practice, and vaguely bint ing at terrible consequences in tbe event of retusal. Pointed reference is also made to the condition of tbe n lemployed. They are signed, Council of auirteen." Co. J, 1st Jlegniar t.avairy. ana -part oi Co. O, of tbe 8ih Ii fantrv. arrived this morning from Camp Lalleck, Nevada, and proceeded to tbe Presidio. Increase at Iellce.Forcc. Sis Faasctsco. March 9. The board of supervisors last night finally passed the order increasing the police force. Tne Cltlaen TlcUet Trlaaspbs la Oak. , laatt. At tbe Oakland city election yesterday there were two lickcte in the field citizens' and workingtaen's. Tbe former made a clean sweep by majorities ranging frost 200 to 1,400. X Hotel Be troy Ml by Fire. Fire was discovered in tbe Grand Central Hotel. Oakland, at about 1 o'clock tht morning. The wind was blowiag a gale aad tbeflaaaej had made gnat progress before the fire department arrived. All around the obiter aeiecuoa iroai mo uei now aue. t "" -- , ,,T , Oalng to extreme firmneet of holders, foil directly prejadicial to the pebllo interest prices are paid where sales cccared. Yeiy and contrary to the publio pobcy thst coa liltle buatness was doae la wheat for arrival, trolled Congress in chartcrtag theUniae Pa- hotel were eitcated otLcr bnlldlc gv, amonz hlcb tbe Webster Uouse, with five otbrs. and tbe Grand Central, were des'royed. Tbe I ones areas follows: Grand Central, $250, 000. partially insured: Webster Hoase, 20,. GOO, uninsured. Tbe other losses amount to $ C0,000. The Grand Ceatral was a wooden etrneturo 00x300 feet, four stories, with mansard roof, and was built about sren years ago by Michatl Be etc, tie da. ceaaod millionaire. Burning brands carr!el by tbe gala set several Crea at a distance leeward of the ho tel. Most of tbe furniture on tbe first and second floors was saved. Fatally Earned. Ssjf Paaxcxsco. March 10. Mrs. Green ougb. mother of Harry Greenougb, an em ploye of Wells, Fargo k. Co., was fatally burned at ber residence. No. 10 Willow ar ease, this morning. She was engaged about the kitchen stove, when in some man ner ber delhia caoght tire, and before they could lu extinguished tbe fUoei blazed op a boat ber bead aad face, baroiaz ber ter ribly, Tbe flames were inhaled and pro duced lajaries from which the died this afternoon. All Qalet In Kaa rrnaelseo. Ererythiag has been rery qalet today, and tbere is nothing new te report regarding tbe agitation. Tbe community is ertdently waiting and expecting some decided step. It it aadersiood that the executive casxmit tee ot tbe council held a meeting thU after lZr. ib:!!5!!" noon, tat nothing has yet transpired regard- ass. Ia conversation to-day Kecraay emphatically reiterated bis state aseat previously telegraphed that neither he ear the workingmen'a party desired a con fitct, aad thtt the first sp matt come from ths other dds. If - farlker mmvJ ec- evening. Arreafed Car SXlsdesaeaaor. Say Faascisco. March ll.-Deanis Kearney was arrested ty tha police at his residence this morning on two charges cf misdemean or, based es remarks at the meetisg Tues day night. He famished hail and was re leased from custody. Horn! sjaaslvta rtrtt Tore) AnrrwanL Tbere are cany who think that the Ctti zeas' Protec&re Union will be able ta exer da a moral pressure that will rerak ia the eonrtctton of Kssrsey. and that the policy "'"f 7 p,v MT? .2 ia incendiary tirgaage wiH be vrgwoesly parsntd cant tbe agitators are either locked np or cowed into tbe observance cf tbe letter and i pei i o: 'he law. C0XGUESS1OXAL. Senate. Wainxsoroy. March S. The Yxe Pmidmt rresented a memorial of tbt Traitees of the Peabody Edneadonal Fsad. recommending lefdsiarien to aid in tbe edaeatlon ot colored children. Referred. Kikweed tubmilted a resolsnon inatract- is? the Secretary rf theTrtarary to eomm nieate to tbe Senate a autecent of k9 i all pcrpaaea neceasarily growing cut of the 1st war. specifying separately tbe assents paid on the pr.ncpal cf the pnbHs debt j casse to be exchanged at the treasnry and at aH snb-treatnriee legal tender silver dollars fer trade dollars at par, and shall reeoin trade dollars into legal Under dellars and stop the farther coinage of trade dollars; provided that the amount ao redeemed and coined into lal tender dollars thall not in- terfere with tea by Uw. : new aatlorlxtd Seaale. WiKxtsam. March, 9. The President's message on the inter oceanic canal was read aed referred. A communication bas been rectired from the Secretary cf the Nary answering Senate retalatien calling for tbe number ol par- matters ia thi nary aed coder what dree stances Edward BeBows was dropped from the roll ot paymaster; referred. Bills were introduced by Kemaa civinr " R religious denomination! equal rights and privileges in Indian reservations, and by Maaiai lar a v.aaet L-ii,...,r..i ta naia lngton. Billy submitted tbe following resolnttsn: Wnxazas, It has been anno aacad by the public press and there is xeaaon to believe that a contract has been entered into by and between the Central Pacific railroad com pany and Union Pacific railroad company on one par, and the Pacific Mail steamship company on the other part, by the terms ot which contract the racifie Mail company in consideration of receiving the tern of 5110, 030 per month from the railway companies, binds itself to charge taeh rates for freight and pasaeegvrs as may be fixed by the rail way companies and to collect tne same I rum tbe commercial public, aad. ciflc railway company ana in graauog to both railway companies large aabsidice ia moner and lands; therefore. Resolved. That the coramitiee on judici ary be instructed to investigate and report whether sacn contract eaa wen maoe ana hat letrislationls necessary to preveat the execution of the same, aed to protect publio interest, and each comauttee may report t bdl to carry itsrecoatmeadatioas into effect. Tbe words "aad there ts reason to oeiiere were stricken out oa motion of Edmunds, aad tbe resolution agreed to. The calendar was taken up. WjuinxsoTox, March 10. Tbo Vied President presented the Presi dent' message transmitting the agreesaeat between tbe.Becretary ot the Interior aad the Utes, and recoaimendirjg ratification; re ferred. Tnariaa reported adversely a bill reint- baraing the States for Interests on war loans etc. Bayard, from the Judiciary committee, re ported faborably oa tbe House bill defining the terms of the office ot chief epervisorsot elecaoa. Bouse. The bill to establish a Department ot Ag- licuRure was referred to the comsaittee ot the whole. Scales, from tbe Indian eosamiuee, re ported a bill authorizing the Preeideat to prctcribe suitable police regulatio&s for In dian rtteivstions and the punishment of ar son, mardsr, rape and burglary oa Iadiaa rtservationa ; placed on loa calendar. A considerable number of bills were re ported from tbe axme committee far Tariotu lecal purposes. W hi tt borne, from tbe naval committee, reported a bill authorizing the equipment of an arctic expedition; referred to committee of the whole. IIixItoa raeved to consider the calendar, being tbe Political Assessment bill; agreed to 11C to 101. He will call the previosji qctstioa at 4 P. M. to-morrow. Bills were placed on tbe Ho ate calendar appropriating $3,000,000 for the relief of the poor of Ireland, to restrict Chinese Im migration, and to prevent the removal of Indians from tho States into the Iadiaa Territory. Consideration was resumed of the Politi cal Assaasment bill, and the House, was ad dressed by Young, of Ohio. Hcaletter demanded the prevtona ques tion, pending whiah tbe Hoae took a re cess. An evening cession was for esnsideratios cf the Pension btlL Mrsate. WaaaxxcTOw. March 11. Sharon prexented a petition from news papers for ridaetioa cf doty on paper. Re ferred. Dawes substituted a resolation calltng oa the Secretary of the Interior for information eeaceroiag the alleged killing by soldieri o f Big Snake, a Ponca chief. A don ted. Wallace Introduced a joint resolution for the enforeeisent of the ei?bt hoar law. The Porter kill was taken np. After the coming hoar the political as sesameat bill was considered. Jones thoujfct that part ot the aentcnae imposing political ditsbtHtie. null and vend. Davis, of West Virgins, moved poitpo ce ment ot tbe pending btB. and consideranoa ot the fortification bill. Logtn moved to indefinitely pottpons the Porter biiL Daris coved to tails it. Agreed to. and the bill cay bewailed np by a majority vote. Adjourned. Ill Vanef. from the coinage committee, it ported back a bill psntahing -"-' crimes, and also providing for lie exchange ot trade ill liars for legal do&ara and ta amp the coin age of the former. Bell reported frots the cosaseittee oa buildings and referred to ta eee&ari3e of tbe whale, hills fer the erectioct. cf at any public btildrrige. inclairjtg Qsacy, HL. Peoria, HL, aad Denver. Upsoa sahcitted an tr, to the Pohtiatl Aasessstnt bill, beat SoaseCcr de canded the preti-Kia quessoa. Tb licarii rtirataed from Tor-. Koc, Hottetter ofiered to allow two hoai far debate, bet the Republicans wantc limited debate, and filibustering contra Hoatetux caid that Garfield had agrees. call for the preroocs question at 4 to-day. and acted in bad faith in now refuting to vote. It was generally nnderstood yeater- Coarrr alone objecting. uameta caeieu xnai ee eaa caae any ar rangtaent. Finally Aiktn cored to table fits tail aad amendments. The rots resnlted, nays 111. yeas 113. strictly a party vote except Aiken, Feltca. Morse and WeBs. who voted with the Eepnhlicana la the sSrenave. Ad- Mumeu. Hidden Treasures cf Arizona. At several points in Tav:pal eenjity, daring the past sixteen years, seme: srea dcrfully rich gold qnara has been picked up. The finders, is. every itiTttanfyj made dilligent search to discover tho reins front which the Coat was supposed, to come, and failed, n every instancy, to find the hidden bonanza. We append a few- notable cases which, occurred in the neighborhcod cf Prescsta and the coxn try adjacent : In IS 54, William Rice was nesting is the conn try bei-xeenYV"hIpp!e and Lynx creek. His ramp was out of meat, and WilLard was determined to crla back some venison. He wounded fat beck, and while following hi. up over that roach country, stumbled and fell, sptainisg his ankle. In at tempting to rise, his hind" rested on what proved to b a, piece of the richest kind of gold quartz. He looked care fully, but found no ledge. He carried the specimen to camp, where it created much esdtement, and, although the whole of Lynx Creek turned oct in the hunt, the rein i cumin? undiscovered to this day. Ia tho Fall of 1S72 Pete Rtvd, Char lev Hall and others discovered en Tur key creek several bnre specimens of honeycombed quartz, literally filled with the yellow treasure. Ine boys wers la ted, and thseght they had "struck iff sure, but long and careful prcspsctisr" fatTwl in nmartri the win and Jf not been found yet. During the Bradsh- r- exatemeo lSi 1, some, pa"1, brought that camp nU 'r pounds ot tho richest quartz . . jaad ia Yava pai county. It vi' jfot- over 5100,000 per ton. Tho huders tr i the lions ot the camp. Experts, ci- -ants, saloaa, keepers, every one cc.: - their ac quaintance. It was coaa. -Ted a rare distinction to take a drink at your ows expense with one of them. Merjkantoy offered them credit, barkeepers cSeocX I fully "hung up" the drinks, and raiaiai v speculators advnncea tnem somo reaaj , cash. After a rshile they returaed to the scene of the discovery, on Huaabag fully for nearly two months they did aot Ami) A 1 mA In 1S66 prospector ia tho country between Groom creek and the Hasea yaaapa, came across a piece of float quartz which was half gold He took: it to tho Chasu mill, thea owned by ISoyes & Curtis, and" several parties searched a long time to find the miae, but they only had their labor for their ; pains "tho min was never found. Im every instance mentioned it is tavaMHV. 1 ion of experienced prospectors tkeueVt veins ironi wmcu wJie ore case stave seesvN covered np by a sliio from tho adjoeetvt; hills, or by the natnral decoBBpesitio..t' the veins thomselvtv and that the rrek- est gold ledges ia Tavapei ret undiscovered. Arizo&a DtWoerat.