The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, March 06, 1880, Image 1

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2att Copiea
VOL. 5.
y.Aia la Lol CUmaa 50 ect par Ifae, rbu nerr
tinavaed 19 ante pr haa cb 'pinf IretT-inn-
sua poraus qsanenr.
Jbb Office,
0-Xvery description, neatly and promptly exe-
cmm axrescon&oie rates.
NOTICE Simple announcers en u of births, tnarriafea
aad deaths, vU pa imerlej without chare. Obilaary
aetioe -Kill U charsol for acoonllnf to their length.
Blnrle onples of the Ein Oasoostax, la ihhwi, for
visiting, ou be obtamol at this oSoe.
We assase no responsibility lor Tier expressed by
Pendleton, Oregon.
OFFICE -L'p stairs, above pott eSee.
OSlre ia Com llaciC
"Weston, Umatilla Co, Ogn.
WD practice In s3 marts H tfaia State and Wasticr
cn Tern lory. Special attention paid to Land Bosiaea
nd Coll actions.
Pendleton, Oregon.
OFFICE la the Cccrt II ocas.
Attorn ey-at-Law and Notary Public, J
"Weston, Oregon,
W21 practice ia a3 the CsurJs c4 the Suit
Hater City, Oregon.
WO practice at avxin an eooru la Orefta and Idaba.
rfcraealar attention paid
to bosiaeas ia Baker and
PaJeo enmtin,
J. H. Trzszz. D. W.
Sotarr ynhSc.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Cocsir Orders bocit ana sold. Loses cecoUateA.
T. TT -BtTTT iTT trr m f -T hi -1 t t
eaaea ia the. Circuit Court ia the 1 uture.
OFFICE Vaia street, opposite the ooerl bouse.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Ssjjery a spedahy.
"Weston, Oregon
OFFICE-On Jfain street.
PenSleion, Oregon.
OFFICE At resUecce.
W. C. McKAY, M. D.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
OFFICC-OpposUe the Pendleton Hotel.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Otel hil Prof eaaknal aerricea to the people U
Feadleton and tcrrormding eouiitrr-OfTICE--Xt
reaukece cut ef Court Ilooae.
WHITC0M8, M. D.j
Pendleton, Oregon.
fTSl attend aUcalla-illT or nirfit. with promptotaa.
AS dseam treated br the latest aad ery bett modes
tier ttt esalort a toe paueu.
"Weston, Oregon.
WE attf nd to tU aJU, diy or nijit, ich promptataa.
OfTICE On Xaln afreet, bppCMUe uroj biore.
I cstABLisnco is net
arer-eC -BeeM, CaJbea, Pies, an
Jlje rrooC Vadimg.
Main htrrrtj Wnltn
Union 22otel,
mrA.Tir.i.t. .... 01: 1:1 j ok.
have ncrts, raorEinron. ,
This iioipf is ix toe f.KX ti'iirri03 ron
UK r-ori'n if nicst. tin" J talj
W die noui illutte. "SiMrfatrvwr ;iUi
Ja tJidUA. i-e Iie ijm I'nullctoti,
"Wilson Hotel,
Umatilla, Ores on.
has leeated on Front Street Umatilla, vbere she
aa aaed a fiir riiat hotel. The bona baa been m
Sated, tfee bed an excellent, and the taUe arill be snp
Hafeled vtlb tfae ver beet tbe aaarket ttKorda. TrareUm
vW. ot rgrt n'.&ppiac at thU pkce.
J( K na CesBfesf! ceaafees stop here.
. a. uu.
Rothcliild & Bsan,
to s. rothould.
Would RjsrtrrrciiTCAU.'nirATrEN-Tio.'s
eC th pab!ie M their lajstllocrcajeil atocV U
Irtish the tnenased farfnUes aSorual br tidr oxaiina
tse smMea then to cater
At tie Terr Lowest Rates.
t"eJr Sleek will ceaatst a kereOtera el
Dry Goods,
a j.-a 0
X3tc.t x:to.,
TierwS ateantale riexfure kt Sswac ass
efeawaiSa tberauj UotRBUil rViWtti asir
Grain and Hides
UtT rSOIWCE tales U cxiir,t at e HMB
Cash Faid for Wool.
Pendleton Hotel,
3Ialti Street.
. .AM)
HaTiac Veca cstirrlf
la wnr opened for the raaptleacf (nesta.
-KiaataatiaeabefocadfBnsaaed wHh tte trr beat
the market aordJ. aad Cf try excrtiea oade to aaUafj
ue patrocs cc tuw rxxae.
Are all new, and the rooms bare bees fara4tbr4 ia tke
neavsl atjte and wtta eerr eesirUesee saousj liana
ia a us cuat nccae.
Pendleton Hotel
In all its departments vfll be bp iritli the tlraea, and
the Fraprietcr is deterralned that it atafl it arntaln the
repnutioa of beinr. the
Best Hcmse East of the Motuitains.
Tbe resident and traieHsr pnUc are mpctfal T
Icritra to can.
E. BAKER, Proprietor.
Bon Ton Hotel.
The xnkkriifDed Ul pJoJTire to uMadnr to the
First Class Eeslanrant
In the boBdinj Ihti as
Steve's Sample Itoom.
Kb ere joa cza Cad the
North of San Francisco.
The table ai all times be JornUbed ith tbe tctj
beat the market aSorda, and ererjr eaertion made to aat-
it j the patreni of
Are all new, and the rooms bare bera f urcitbed la tbe
neatest stria and with ererj coaTesdcnce tuaalljr found
in a Brft-ciaas honsa.
InaBiUdesartracnta win be nn with the limes, and
the Proprietor is determined that it shall maintain the
reputation of Ulc the VEEY BEST HOUSE atof
the lionataias.
Tb restdeat and trarelinr palUc are rcfpectluuy ln
Titedtoeali. STEVE SAKTORD, Proprietor.
G. We Bailey,
OSe on Vain stmt, eppatita Court Ilocse.
Hiriof the latest approred plats of erery Townthlp
1c UmatiUa count j-, and betas perssnaDr acquainted
with the location aad quality ot all lands ia tbe county.
I win secure lands for parties under any of the IauI
Laws rfttlC.B. either Uomeaad, Pn-empllea, Tim
ber esMara or Soldiers Homestead.
ParticaUx atteetion paid to the pro aeration of ocn
tested ksd rtiwm la the drpartmeat at f'aUarioa.
Will Lonvc Xcmlloton
, .Eor Umatilla every
- "TuesdaT, Thursday,
and Saturday at G A.
M.; returningfiom
Umatilla tBo eamo
dajs on . arrival of
boats fromThcDallei.
Will Lcavo Iolitlln 1 011
DaUy for TL6Dalltss
via Pilot Rock and
Hqipncf.'at 6 P.
Per Walla Walla at
7 A. M.; and for
Boise City al 2. AM.
Jfcw ConcltcH, IVov titoolc.
Skilled Drivers, and
ablo performanoo of
srVice on timo arc
Use features of tic
Company. FARES
Greatly Reduced.
Apply to
Lot X.ivcrmorc, Agent.
Salisbury, Uailey A: Ca, Proprietors.
rarsell-DiUoa-Msrdocl: dcssenUnfioa at
Dtrot v&s as iase& sair, inbforip-
tDt asseaatcd to $1,000 E. C. Mar-
skslt, ose ef a bad ef Boston herglart, vxs
wt reared by bis ce&f alcrxie in a qcArrel
oxer their rpaih A l!r of Ugh rank
Has be8 srmted ta St. retcrsberg on sbs
pieion of beias eoaoectrd vttb the 'Wtcter
Pjtlicc eoatptracr. Harder axd taicide has
exterded to tho pMiper, otjo in Yer&ost
KaTing kiHcd a coerade a&d thn HemII
Anotier SO mile of Texu FaetSe rail
road has ben Ut Tbe cssa! Seeds r
usd-lot deCMaitratios, inh the csaal blood
and tbondt rteche At a special meet
tog ef the San Franeiaeo Board of Health,
Chinatevn tu drclarfd a criwnfc
Sxxta Clara xsecras J!aJd execstioa;
eacae. tbe seiglect of the clerk of the eeart
to tra&sait the proper order in tiae
Four nea vere baried aader a ssov slide
near Fra&htova, Ker. Belcima his rtce-
nized the iadepe&de&ce of Bocsaata
The Dceheaa of Marlboro fend Is diaxrib
aUd esf aaQjr ase&g seedr Catholiea a&d
rreteatxata ilaaata aaxa the aid el ex
priesed police officials of Esgland, Gr
xaaaT asd France in Marshiag for cons pira
te rs afaicst the life of the Czar.
Tbe debt of Kcr Toil Gtx on the 1st ef
January a S130.3C3,9i3 The debt ef
llaiae u t,0S2, LeieTre's U1I for the
sIpraaaioa a&d preTeauoa of cattle disease
eaxnra sia it a approprUtiaa
daase for the esferrxxsest of it preriaioas
-Tie leadtsc rsea ia the 5acicnati
iralkiBS-taatcb claim to have beatea the best
tiae on record; cale receipts cn Sssdar
$tfiOQ Letter Iron Blaine asd Winder:
aad about thirty Cacrrassien vera read at
the Far&ell-Dilian detsosttratioa at Chicago"
ev i ore Ieaocrata ooecsel baraosy
lodge Field it Bea Bctler'a choice for
Presidential nominee on the Democratic
aide If saSdeat i&dcccsests are offered
the Atlantic a&d Fadnc Railroad Company
viU.baQd a road frora Bio Grand, miirg
Ssn Francisco the terraiaas A vattiap-
xsatch for 1,000 a tide is beicg arranged b
tveen Brown a&d BoveO, London Hav-
don to a the boat race on the Tjse bj
twenty lengths Tho Irish seed potato
bill has paad in ocraraittee The Tiliago
of RtetD, la Italy, ha been totally deetrsyed
by fire.
lova Democrats triU call a ccntrnlion at
Des Moints The German Republicans c'
Syracoae aa&oa&ce thtmaclrrs opposed to
third texss Jesae James is in St. Lasis,
the gaest of an old guerrilla friend ; he rails
at th minorities in a brief letter Cred
itors cf the Uechaaica Bank, Montreal, will
proKccte the directors a&d cashier A
peddlers' strike? closed the xolHcs null of
the Londotdny Iron Mi&es John Mc-
Deritt, & sUTedore, fell off the dock at San
Franciico while drank asd "was drowned
There are P0.000 miles of submarine cables
now ia cm There are bat foar jute fac
tories in the United States three ia Kew
York asd oae in Oakland, CaL The Kew
Jersey Assexsbly rejected the bill to abolish
capital punishment by a two-thirds Tote
There are $33,301,631 on deposit ia ta tar
isgs banks of Maine.
Tbe Irish transportation bill has been sp-
proTedbythe president Tne committee
on elections ha.Te not yet decided on the
Washbarae-Doanelly case The Kew
Tork -tire nanafactarer, whc operations
canted the failure of the Grocer's Bank, has
been indicted for forgery The Kew
Bnxsswick Ilocse of Assembly at Fredrick
ton, is burned Brete Harte doe not like
the climate of Germany Twenty-sTen
thocfand men are employed on ths Yaadrr-
bilt Hail road The Tay bridge will bo
rebuilt 20 feet lower down than before
The Pullman Palace Car Company eperates
730 drawing room and sleeping cars The
street car companies of Brooklyn haTe been
in the habit of supplying the officials of that
city with 29,350 free tickets a year Orer
10,000 men were employed in the pork pak
isg business in Chicago during the season
lie uzar nas oraerea a reaocuoa oi un
marine from 23.000 to 17,000 The cosfof
the printing of the extra session necessitated
a deficiency bill of SC00.000 There are
2,000.000 milts of fence in the United States
Whitelaw Held has sent another party
of children 21 boys and three girls to
bouts in the vest Tennessee has S.C12
public schools, attended by 186,1C2 pupils
A factory at Qshkosh cut up 2,000,000
feet of lumber into matches last year.
Her Royal Higliness tho Princes
Louise is interesting herself in a scheme
to promote the emigration of unmarried
women from the orererotrded towns and
cities of England to tho Canadian set-
r tletnent and Australia, hcro there are
men "vrho -want wives. Any movement
that will tend to mitigate the eAils oc
casioned br tho unequal distribution ef
tho sexes is worthy the ratronaro of
A small boy could not see why the
"loaves" of tables, not resembling any
leaves with which he was familiar,
should be so called. At last he found
it out, "I know." ho cried: "they arc
called leaves because you can lcavo
them up or yoa' can leave thesa down."
Kimble Burned.
Kewtoet. Feb. 22. llaward's stables
were burned this morning with twenty oar
riages, ten horses a&d a largo amount ot
grain. John Shay, a stableman, lost bis
life trying to get tho horses out of tho burn
i& building.
Veterans Cnzrrsalt
Xosrcxx. Ya., Feb. 23. A conTe&Uon of
Mexican veterans began to-day. Gen. Den
ver presiding. The annual report adtited
veterans to wait with patience the action of
Congress regarding the pension bill,
tierce Veujrmacr.
GaXTtaToy. Tex., Feb. 23. An informant
from sear Linden, Cass county, girew the
following: Mrs. Clarke, a respectable mar
ried lady, living in tho Garry neighborhood,
was yesterday; brutally outraged asd then
murdered. Three men have been arretted.
Ono has confessed. lis was horribly nra
tilated by a cob aad hit cJethiag was sat
urated with coal oil and set ob fire. He
was afterward hanged. I&te&e excitcsaeat
rite Kerortl.
Koawtcz, Feb. 2L The Kiantie mills,
at Bast Lynne, burned this afternoon. Less.
S&O.OOO. insured.
BacwTxxa, X. Y , Feb. 21. One-third of
the business portion of the Tillage bsrned
last sight; less $100,000. insurance $79,009.
Kellrf or Ke I tiers on I'ablle Vnail.
The House committee on public lands has
agreed to report favorably Valentino's bill
for tho relief of settlers on public Lands. If
provides that when a pre-emption, hoeae
etead or timber culture claimant shall file a
written relinquishment ef his claim in a lo
cal land oSice. the land covered by sack
claim shall be held as open to eetttesnta&I
entry without further action on the pert ef
the commiuie&er.
Conlrysnast Accept Ilia rate.
Xrw Terr. Feb. 21.-Iter. E4ward Ce
ley. the convtedaanBr c theSbepfcerel s
Fold, wras in court again to dv. tbe Ucm est
a writ of habeas corps a. Judge D sales
dismissed the wnt a&d Cowley ww r seaad
cd to the custody of the sheris
rjeree Battle wills llieKson Drifts
Fasoo, Feb. 25. Thirty paaseorers have
arrircd here from the ssew bee&d trains,
walking eight miles. The Bismarck work
men have oed up Are locomotive breaking
ssov is cuts, which is like baUcxisg a stoae
Calosi raeiBrJRmaa.
Ovcxaa. Feb. 25, Sept. Clarke assecacet
that the Union Panic railrtd will imceeh
ately commence a bread gasge road from ;
Cheyenne to Yellow ucne Katienal Park,
with a Dtdwcod branch. Another read
via U built frnm Echo to Park CitT, Tiaa. ,
It will be completed by A&grst.
.'iw TerU KrpabUcaii Coavenllon.
Unci. Feb SC. Cenvt&tiee met t-day :
at 12 P. M. Tbe teuicn vas seasewaet
stormy and ended in pledging the Kew York
delegation for Grant by a veto ef 17 t lbu.
The feSevi&g persons were named as de-legates
at large to the Naliouil CoavtnUoa:
BoscMATo&llisg, .Uesze B. ComstL C. A
Arthur a&d James D. Warren.
Yrmant Caadlitatr.
Moairixxxx. Feb. 25. Tke KcpUex
CosTe&tien to-day showed a fall attadaaee
ef delegates. Besolutioa were adopted
that the Republicans of Yerseat present
to the Bepublieass of the country George
VT. Edmusds ss a suitable per on te be
made the candidate cf the Bepcbaean ptrty
for the next PrraideaL John Grrgwry
Smith, Frederick Billings asd J. VT. Stew,
art were chosen delegates to tha ItepaWican
Katis&al CoaTestion.
Election Ketnma la Jfalnr.
Arorrra, Feb. 25. Hale's IuTMltgaties;
Committee to-day cestissed tbe exasataa
tioa of election retuma. Several impoctast
Irregularities wtre discOTered, aad partie
larly in the cases ot the towns ef Bochnoid
a&d Browxncld. where the name ef towns
and counties were omitted in nlU&g ap
blaaks, thus rrcdenng said returns fatally
detective. Some unauthorized parties, how.
rvrr. after the discovery of such errors.
(Ulr.i in the busks a&d returned fusion
a 4&ty officers as elected. The changes In
Ui returns from the town of Hebron also
arc sSrwn to have been made in the inter
ests a . the fusioniiU. It is reported that
startling disdosares of fraud will be shewn
in certain case from Washington, when tbe
evidence will not only implicate State offi
cials, but leading fusion politicians.
Br. Brandrelh'K Will.
Vxw TcaxFeb. 2. Dr. Brasdreth, whe
lately died at his home in Sing Sing, be
queathed his home tead and faraitsre te his
wife, and leaves the Bracdrtth lieu, in
Broadway, valued at $100,000. to his seven
daughters. His stocks, trade marks asd re
mainder of the estate to his six sens, on con
dition that they pay his widow eao tboeaasd
do Jan per month of ber life.
Xatable Dentil.
Assistant Surgeon -Bobert White, ot the
U. S. marine hospital service, died to-day.
H was largely interested in sanitary science
and vas a prominent member ot tho Ameri
can health aisorfstion.
rire la Nevr Tork.
The picture frame and moulding factory
cf Maaa k. Yahlan, Pearl street, bnraed last
night. Lota, $50,000; insured.
Jar Conld Visits Tcaae,
Jay Gould will leave for Texas the presx&t
week, to be absent f cr three weeks. Ho will
make a tour of inspection ot his recent ac
quisitions in tho railroad lino and will look
about for others.
Paraell Kenehea Xlnncoota.
St. racx, Teh. SC. r&rntll and Dillon
had an enthusiastic reception all along the
lino on tho way hither. A large meeting ia
now procrcssi&g, and it is estimated that
tha receipts will be $1,500 besides subscrip
tions, lie will spcac in ilinneapous to
night also.
Ttae Murderer of a Keaool Teacttcr Bea
A cams, Feb. SC. Herman G alligher. who
murdered a school teacher - named Wilson
near Penrys, some moalhs since, was to-day
found guilty of murdtr in tha first degree.
the jury affixing the penalty of imprisonment
for life.
a-aBlslaaat fteaaCora Suspended.
Krw Ouxurs. Feb. SC. Tho Senate has
adopted a resolution suspending Senators
Demi. Capes. Btimms ana nievaru.
chirped with contemn! in siminc the Kel
lore memorial, and ordcrinc the sergeant-al
arms to keep them in custody until farther
ladlau rcpr4ltlonH.
Six Asroxto, Feb. 2C A body of 70 In
dians are raiding tho country bct-een Lare
do and riedra Kcgras, ana .Mexican sou
American troops are co-operating in pursuit.
The savages havo killed eight men and sev
era! women.
Coarcs CataisTf, Tex., Feb. 2C Fifteen
Indians attacked a Mexican wagon train of
six wagons heavily loaded from Chihuahua
for Laredo, aad captarcd three drivers and
tho lira stock. Tha tcanstirs escaped aad
brought news to Eseeras. Twelve men havo
gene in pursuit. The Iadiaae vera veil
mounted and armed, and vest toward tbe
Bio Grande river.
I iicoinc of (lie Uoierntae-ar.
WisnisoTOX. Feb. 2C. It is thought at
uciwunu, uut mo iwai re "
ceipts frem customs this month will be
nearly Slo.000.000. and from internal reve
nue about $0,000,000. Taking this as a
basis, it is estimated that the total customs
receipts of the government for the nscal year
ending June 30lh next, will be about $153,
000.000, asd frem internal revenue, $117,
000,000, thus making a total inccm to tha
geTcrnae&t, including reeeints from miscel
lax cons searcc, ot about $300,000,000. It
u calculated at the department that tbe to
tal expeadUare. ladeding the ssBking fend
and interest or tbe pabtte debt, i!i ftet up
This weald leave a Ptoat to tie Trnnst i
of bboat $4S,O0O.O00.
Aaranre in loai,
1'atuMinu. Fob. 26.--Cc&aettiee
the LswJgh aad Schwytkilt eeel ee)ayai
te rty ffeo to a general Mvaaee ef X
eeals per ten la prke ef lamp, steamboats
and broken sixes for liar, est y aad barber
trades fcr March. The iacrease spaKcs
parricaUrly to f emcee trsde.
An l.nproTohetl Harder.
Masioer, O., Feb. Si. An ssprereked
murder eeearred Ifret eveniag. Eaeca
Young had a fight with two boys in a aalees
asd was badly punished, lie left, this ten
iae vesgeasee. asd sees returned with a
knife, aad fttabbeU Iiraei Bensky twite, who
was net coaeorwed is the fight, kiUise; biat
lieu tot tbe Old Daruiulos.
BKSfUOtt. Feb. 14 A bill wee iatro
daeed ia tbe Ilcaate to-day reesMajsatsg Use
prtseil of ibe Stseeiabt at $9K,mW0;
tbat 3 per era, iasteeit be paid east awaw
beads be lesaerl. Tha psewiae 1 ejwile a
ssasatitia. Ptoawiaeat ITsfiahliiaas are
Mid to have majrwieiad the teem of tke bill.
The moTsesiet is resjaiilsit a a asfsttiau ef
IlepqbsWasM a ia aessessw fresa tbe reak
arf law r aarsaeuw.
TelrzrapU VTar SUic.
Daxvaa, Fb. 24, The cooltet between
the Waatera Uaeea Teeegraab Caiaaay aad
Mr. Gerald's sew tetssnatrh eeasaasy eees
seeaeed here te day. It hat bees aa
neaaeed that tbe Asaericaa CaJea weabJ
ee4aat the Wlrn Unioc ott the U. P.
11. K.. beit it had at trasselred jest bew
this was to be egselwl ia view mi exJsifae;
eesraces. It tmt tha; Use Westers
Uaeen dtseeverd that t4egrah biHerirs
were Wag seeeetly erected ia the swSm ec
the Eaaaaa Paeta raihvtd aad tbat a aew
lisof tsUcrasit, vas evvertry eaewtrxeted
from these Wtteeia-i im a paeat ia tbe eeatral
Tl Vr.TT' T,, Z-",f V t
that ay
saainiag it with tbe new bactrrieis. aad
. V . L w t V . .
To pravsst tbe eeaatciaaaaCenat ef aay a was.
aet, the Wcatera Uaeast Ceaspaay last
rdgatftbsdito U3a tbe dssCnet eeetrt ef j
Arafsabo eematy aaaieet the Amrtata I
rasaei TeaffTraeb CoospirT aad tbe aUaeas !
t'aaac laaatread Lessipuny. aaptytDC for an
iaye&ettea. wsieh was granted tsi af terse aa
by Jedge ltaett.
Tbe iayanctiea reslraias the Kano Pa
eMe frera peramtiag the American Usae-a
Teievaph Ceespaay te operate any ff the
wire eeaatated aWae; tbe Kaawas Paeilc
fresa Dearer, a&d prtanbettag beth ded
asls frees discounter! ag aay ef the vires
freaslaebateerie ef the Wessera Uaeea
Tsieguah Cempany. er ocaabiaisg rasa:.
Aa Iraraccae CSartty rnad.
DvKXS. Feb. 2 -The MswslaTi Haea
Mef eesaeatMea ceertriVoioas ta
to jC71.J1.
Hie rope reauteii XTIe4y,
. !
i- !
Reaiz, Feb. 23. The IVm
tiracUeas te Catbeti Wbeps ia fiasaea tall
iag apes thesa te arge tbe etergy aec te mix
is political a3Uteas.
rtasae Xtiddra rroTlnecv
Yixxtx, Feb. 23. Diphtheria is raging Is
ccstn? Haaaiv. It earried oS Lut November
ever 16.000 person ia the province of Sbar
kaS and Fcltava aleee. asd in the neighbor
hood ef Willi wh4e Tillages have almest
died out.
Toe Irnrh Itellef TaaS.
Paam, Feb. tl. Aa Irish rtMef oeeaceil
tee, composed rsesaslTely ef rayaXits and
Besspartistt, sailiinag ferty, appeal te the
press aad iMiciaisa jnHiiml asettva. aad say
that they will aaakrtaxe te divide tbe fead
betweaai the two cweasajttse aad IrWh
inssirto . rcc.
Bsaux. Feb. 2L XeeeaJasieeja
Garaaaav aad tbe Yalieaa are at a
staadstaU. as a direct aerecsacat is
taiaab.. Prassia tbexefete, aetie-g es tbe
bM of tbe knowledge tha ei wired, pro
poaes te order ber eeeieaiaslieal aSairs in an
iBdepe&dest manner; and Ibe tatiean as
sumes that tha ministry will lay a bill before
a bill before
Chambers to this elect at a sa
aeasion next Summer.
AdTiwtl ta Shift rosttlos.
Sr. Prrcaaacso, Feb. 21. An eminent
general recommends that tha Winter Palace
be given up as an. imperial residence. In
favor of tho palace opposite the I rack
Gen. Bepoff has been appointed military
governor of tbe Winter Palace viae General
DekaHe. who has became paralyzed.
German Coming" to America. 1
Braux, Feb. 25. It U repotted that ow
ing to tbe dMamisatioB of reports froea the
Uaited States that trade is invitlog, emigra
tien for that reentry from Germany bsaeoei
menced en an appreciable seale.
fnse of trie Armjr Bill Necewirr.
At as audience given by Emperer William
to the president of tho reichttag his majesty
daci&rtd that tho passage ot the army bill
vas absolutely nceaary tar Germany's de
fensive power.
A ramlae Vlctnrc
LosDO?, Feb. 20. A correspondent writes
from near Gal way : It is n terrible state ot
affairs, nity families here eko cut a miser
able existence. Their houacs are small
heaps of dirty stone, their land is rock and
soft bog, asd hunctf and wast are every
where apparent. Tbe people go naked and
without iced. Many are slowly starring to
death. Such scenes cf appalling destitution
I never before witntil. Every step we
took brought beforo e r view a new and
more f eaif ul pietsre of destitution and suf
fering. The ruoro wo saw tho mora certain
did death from starvation apnesi mentaUy
the fate of every man. woman and child ou
the Island. Gaunt, thin and pale were the
faces of men who wero naturally ot herculean
build, and the feature of the women and
children wero overspread by the ghastly
pallor of husger. Is many cabins children
crouched shivering and almost naked noun i
the fire, and when I entered they sprang
behind their mother, whose single garment,
a thin dress, was but tho slightest protection
against the wind which blew through the
broken roof. On tho arts was the dinner, a
pot of brown-green sea weed. It is certain
that unless they are well cared for dozens
wUl dio ot starvation."
Heetfar; Disperse! I7 Oraujrmen.
A large tenant right mtcti&g near Porta
down. In county Armagh, was to-day at
tacked by 3.C00 Orangemen, armed with
bladrwona. who minrmnl fV. nlcifrrm end
dispersed the meeting. Twtnty tenast
J righters were seriously injured. The Orange
ncsiers wero tenons r in i
yanr cuiiiiucrrAi tne meeting seoiuons.
Approaeblnff Dlaaolallou.
Sr. PrTzareesc, Feb. 2C Tho Czarina
is reported unconscious and approsclusir
Zteavrtreaur I ro lection.
Sax FaasctMO, Feb. 23. In view of
Kearney's threats oe the taad lot, Sunday,
there Is seme talk amoag bwAineai men of
re Tiring the csanmttee ef safety. There li
aseh ladiguatian a&eeg that date at
O.. City HtlL
Termtnat l'aeltlllr for ttie A tlantleand
Kui Faixccoo, Feb. 21, A speekl meet-
ise; of the chamber of commerce was held
this afieraooa to consider a telegram frem
President Nickerion of tho Atla&iie and Pa
cise Baiiroad asHsg for terminal facilities
far that road in Sinraseiseo. A number
of gentlemen spoke britny on tha enbjtet
aad the feUewisg was telegraphed :
Sax FxU3cxsco,Fcfc. tl.
ToTaeaa Xiekersoa, Prafident of the
A dsn tie aal Pad&e 1L It. Co., Beitoa:
Year dsspateh was placed before the ehamber
of eoeuBere to-day. FavomUe asd cetapii
aestary resotstiens wtre poised and the
wbete sabjeat was referred te the cstv author
it. Wir. P. Uxscocx.
Preeaicsi Chamber of Commerce.
Demonatrtctlonrt oftne Ca employed.
Hat Faasczsoo. Feb. 55 Un employ id
aaes yeateseky waited epos Alex. Shares, of
l rame Uetei, vao daeiised te aliaw
tbcar isneteeeee with hk bcjtinefii. Lead
ea ef the Aeveaaest ieJermed the crowd of
tfc ratalt aad added that ia their opt&ies it
was ao barm te kill txA a maa. Mrs.
Satb, vita has bees prominent in the
seereaoen! Utely. sweested dynamite aa tbe
saeaa ef re mo ring Chinatown n sis me,
The parade viH be eestinued during the day,
aoespteyed wetats joining the rants.
I'scpartcg far Sefcrxtc
Sxx Fraacxsoo, Feb. SC. The CaXttLss
aer&iag say thar a secret meetieg of cstx
acas for the parpose of ersantasg a vias
kaace ermmtUee. was held, lat nlrnt ia the
Palace Hotel. The avowed ebftet of the er
saaszatson U the sa-srrssea ef oar neaal.
i ate riet wbieh aAgirt eccar in r namntiaa vtth
j tbe bvbor aej.ties aweresests.
Ssbc Il Ornlory.
TbetewM a parade of tbe utictpan
t4y. aad tbe a,iae at tt
tne aasd let was
a. eavairmanaf
tee, ra ported that after this veek
( tbe aoesmiwe veeld eeeae ciMrg ob the
swpieyiw el Cbsseee, and that week day
wsnitsigi at the saaai Ut wasJd be dieeestis
aed. (Craeeef MAtate."l W vta aej-
IUU ia a 4iaeawat way," said G annas. Sis
rpeeefa was prisetpaSy devoted to ther
: cent Bteettagef merchants with the view of
j raiting serbscripticas fer taebesentef the
amemfBSTwd, Mvesal ot whea be abused
' revsdiy.
I Ctiloe-ttc Elcliarcd.
' The Maeri&ieadeat ef tha Sclphsr Bask
QeieairTer Mistag Cospxsy. ef Lake
eeastv. ef whteh Txbarcie Parrett is presi
dear, this week disehargi aHthe Chinamen
employed try it. The cae testirg thx cos
stfcatieattssty ef the act of the Legislature
watt, it is wAdersteed. be poshed en to a ds-
Wxsnrsaxey. Feb. 23.
SenatcT Sejar aserd that ia rfct te
tbe asessecy of Geary Waahiscteh the Sen-
mtm aJtoew
XcDoaald aaaeemced that ho wwaU te
saecraw ask a al Tete en the pendiag five,
per eeei. bilL
Riiley giTe sociee af aa amendment ad
ailtia; frte ef daty clethiug asd other eee
tribatiens frecn ahread tc reMtve oasared
eaaigraaU, .Kdjearncd.
BQb were intrcd&ced as feHews
By Ceureth Orgasissg a court ot pen-
sieas to ee&siat ot a chief justice asd fecr
ataistaat iasttcea who shall draw an nusrcal
salary ef $1,000 each.
By Keilev Ta provide fer the xstredac-
tiea asd calttrationet the eiaehesa pkst in
' tae catted btatea.
! By MaMrew-Plxeiag es the free Hit
i warcc seauble fer books aad aewsnaaer.
I lly Kali For tbe appoiatmeat ef a setect
ieiS ir iaTasT Senses
of ta present prin Uorftair. and rpajt to
Con cress what lesslatiea can be had to
remedy tha viL
By Biaekbsra AbeJiihisg the tax en
tobacco; also, reducing the tax on distiBed
J spirits to 50 cents on every proof gallon,
j By Warner Establishing a pension ceea-
misoon to consist ot six members and to
continue tcr three years.
By Atherton A resolution calHsg en the
postmaater-general tor information as to the
names ot persons is the employment ot "the
postal department who have been nned, and
what disposition has brcn made o tio-c
WaaaxSOTOX. Feb. 21.
Piamb, from tha committed on public
lanJs, reported favorably the House bill
abohshiBg military reservations, in Dakota
at Iferts Abercrombie, Seward and Bansom,
aad ob opening the land thereof to stttlc
seeat. Booth, frem the committee on public
land, reported with amendments the Sen
ate bill to reduce tho price ot public lands
within railroad limits; placed on tho calen
dar. Butler, from tha commutes on civil sex
vice and retrenchment, to whom were re
ferred a memorial relative to alleged viols
lions ot law and civil service rules in con
nection with the Providence Custom House,
reported a bill prohibiting tho officers and
employes of, and the claimants against, or
carp rations created or aided by tho United
States and contractors under the United
States, from contributing money tor any
political purpoie; placed on calendar.
A number of petitions were presented
asking a reduction of duty on chemicals
n-ted ia tha manufacture ot paper.
Eaton, trom the committed on forslgn re
lations, reported back Senate ioint resolu
tion providing for a treaty ot reciprocity
with Franco and asked that tho cemmitteo
be discharged from further consideration,
they believing that the matter ought to re
main in the hands ot another department of
tha government; indefinitely pontpoaed.
House resolution in regard to tho mem
ory ot the late a. M. Tay was read, and
Cockrcll eulogized deceased.
After addresees by Cockrcll, Kirkwood
asd Ycst, theJienate adjouraed.'
chairman ot
tho commit teo on
efcctiocsjsnbmitted anojority. report rela
tive to thbTenniylrant contentel election
case of Curtin vs. Yekum, declaring tha
election null and void and remitting tho
question to tile people of that district.
A minority report, sabxitted by" CalkMii-
j : . -. . . . - -vei
Kwa Joaam esutito to tee seat.
Both reports vera ordered nrinl-
Btount. from the appropriation committee,
reported a tar ferric deficiency bill,
which, vaa crdered printed and recommitted.
Consideration was resumed of the billot
court rempral.
At tha 'expiration of tie morning hour the
speaker presented a meamga from tho Pres
idest, transmitting a communication from
the aUorsey-gtneral relative to ths appro pri
ttkm for Uaitcd States manhTs; refemd.
Tee House then went into committee on
revbioB ef rales.
On motion ot Dunnel aa amendment was
adoptul providing that it shall xequire a
two-thfrds vet? to suspend private basines
on a Friday;
The committee, then me. ' '
WajHEtfj. Ftu.
Whyt h&Tiag preaeated a bill for the re
moval ef a Confederal soldier. J. L. Heis
ke, who is iaefigible to eee nnder sec
1218 of the revised siatntesEdmands asked
why that sUtate was not repealed Lra bold
and seusfywaj, whrrsftpon Garland moved
to strike est all but the eaaetisg oi
thependxag Irul and iasert to repeal sec
1213 of the revised: statates. en aet which
Edsmsds warmly appUudwl aa'brare. asd
which the Senate by a vata. ml 35 to 23 sas-
-v codsb ci iximcnaa isr muienmte pc
peseasest was agreed te, 28 to 2L Booth
asd Farley, aye; Aihsas, Davis, Kirkwood,
Lesaa, Paddock, Shires and Teller voted
EJeasBtif mered to rfssemider.
TeUerJaerred to adjeurs. Lost, 25 to 23.
Legaa said Edmusias urged1 Sesatcxs to
epfoso ta bcH beemv; they wool 1 be tried
rrfmiaaek sail that he eniy advised a
cacafai rr-artr Ttien ef iMs imaertasi mcas
nre. At 7 o'clock ilaDanaJd averred to edioernu
a rw .
The Teie; recalled in la to IS, so qncrsm.
Bat the rett abaw-al a eveorsm r-'"1''
Lamm, scewaacd ta continue his rwtcb.
seoel for aooka isd pepers snd enicrtiin tie
Seaaie i beers. After cessidsahla li-
bcitactag a Tete vat reached ca adtocrs
meaU and the Secate adeemed, and the
bill vtfieemeao in ths marninc xt unln-
iebed bitripear. m
Buckbsra rsised a potsxacaisxi lis
serriee bH tfeat it did ant iicmira cr
tse afjcrtirMe ci tne aeBcuftrtatms as
tha quired by the rules.
Tbe eewasttee related to sxstim.
Biaakbarn read his areeaseal amendmesi.
nmitishe aparepnatieB ta SSW.OCQ.
Hr.,J - .V.fl.a. v.
prapascd to eCer ior tac nrst section of the
WiL tayrec-riiaasr $500.a tsmeetthede
isitscy ia the star sernee. bvevidiag that
eeenrsettattect abail be rsalseed to the term
ef ersginai oootrxrt oa tay reels em which
tae prsee law aeest laereasec. and further
prvvieaaig that aetbaag herein contain ed
shall be eoassraed ta lesses the number of
trip per veek ea asy eue racle.
The cemmittee tbea rase asd the House
The New Departure
Public Schools.
In tbe
At leegik tke eld sysUra whici baa
CBKred so long wems crumbling, and
new xaetiaseis an4 acw ideas appear on
erery side Th-at eW systes, tie system
belareil by Use trae pedagogue, is only
too well kaows. ' It is tbe system cf
tvetaoe astd el eraaa, asel there arc few
peaaik aader forty wbo have aet at some
tisM scaercd maeVr it.
To excite isttereac or axecjse enthoai
aai Isos set West cooaisleretl the tasi cf
in. tae cotamoa. scaools. Ja
the contrary, an iatetvsted school room
weaM prebably b ratercr noisy, and
hence oftxtioaahle, Scholarship has
btflst held to coasa&t in learning text
boots by heart, aad ia answering by
rote seen qacstieas as were printed for
the master's nse ; taat school has been
tixe best where the roati&o was most iron
tersm ti. xnanuaLand
. exccileace, m tW one case as in
the other, Speeded oa taming human
Tteiags into rrsncwiaeg.
Now, apart freat the fact tLit seen
eiesciphae is pernicioas, because it en
feebles the BUEtt by overloading it with
nndigHted matter, and crushes out orig
inality by daeearsging all independent
thought, it u ajaally objectionable on
other grounds. Long experience has
proved that it is a doubtful blessing to
teach a man to rcaii, and then torn him
upon the world to pick np-sueh fcrtier
education as the cheap literature of
great cities afTonli. The immense sale
of sensational newspapers f worst
class provos the truth of this- fact, and
is admitted to be rae the most threat
ening signs of tha times. There is so
cse in. attacking the pablishers of crim
inal literature by indictment, and by
fine and imprisonment. Where there is
a demand there will bo a supply, all tho
laws in tae statute book to the contrary
notwithstanding. The truo war to sup
press such publications is to lessen the
demand, aad this cut be done only by
educating the childran in tho common
schools to read sotaetbiag better. That
much can be done in this direction, the
believers in the new departure are thor
oughly convinced, and that without any
great expense or radical change, except
in bringing common sense ta bear upon
tho educational problem. ITarcli At
lantic. a
It being agreed by a party of twelve
that a disputed question should be set
tled by the opinion of tha majority, the
six ladies expressed themselves opposed
to the six gentleman, and claimud tho
victory. A gentiein&n. objected to this,
as the number of votes was equal, say
ing, "They arc half and half True,"
replied a witty fair one, "bat we aro the
better halves."
Acids and pickles aro usually the con
ontaof the family.. jar.