The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, February 21, 1880, Image 1

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E&e tot wgoniau.
Office, XkIb St., opp. the Court II ease.
rates or ArramsisG, is cois:
Kates of SabscrlpUoa In Cola:
One Year, In advance-
Six Montti
Hire Uoatha
tX 00
- 10
otxe la Local CUama Th eenU per fine, first laser
tinj, an4 10 ornU jirr Ht wrfj utiafnt katrti-n.
Adrerthts? UZ paysUe sarterlr.
Stafl Copies-
1. let Sra. Cea. 1 jr
' taeh Jtt W 0) tStses4 fa 00
I tartM 3 OT 0 OT 8 00 II CO OJ CO
laebee 4 00 7 a ItM Mm f) CO
! laches 4 09 a Ol KM 29 f 0 yi CO
Cramn.. . 7 CO 9 0) 2TJ01 Ti CO S3 VI
CUamn , So) um II O) ko LO is
Cciaran,-,,,. 10 00 li CO ZD CO M CO 70 V
Coiaaifl li cw co toco cam 120
Job Office,
bosk axb job r rjETIXC
Ofjevery description. neatly and promptly exe
rr cuted at reasonable rates.
XOTICE Simple annoancenents of births, marriage. I
and deaths, will Be Icsertol wunout cnam. uunrj
actioe. 1 be charged lor acmnllnr to tbclr Icnrta.
EnrU copies ot the East Ouoosiax, In -rappers, for
aiuing. ou De osi ai u uus o cc
"We assume so responsibility foe tie" expressed by
Pendleton, Oregon.
OFTICE -Up stairs, above post oee.
Pendleton, : Oregon.
Ogee la Court Hons c
"Weston, Umatilla Co., Ogn.
W practice In d courts ot this Stats and WaaMnr
cc Territory. Special attention paid to Land Brirfrvrsi
aa uxiecuorts.
Pendleton, Oregon.
OFFICE In the Coart Boose.
Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public, J
Weston, Oregon,
WD practise in an the Courts of the State.
Baker City, Oregon.
WTO practice at la la a cocru In Orecon and Idaho.
Faraasar artephoa
paid to business to Baker and
Caion oocn-c:
J. IL Trrxxs. D. V. Ea&aT.
SoUrr Pnhae.
Pendleton, Oregon.
OoDctr ariert hocrtit and aold. Loans sentiated.
3. tLSlalwwiH be aoeiated with o in all contested
na in the Grant Oocrt in the istsre.
OFFICE Xaia street, opposite the, cosrt boose.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Sarrery a specialty.
Weston, Oregon
OmCE-On Main street.
J. Hi PRUETT, Ms D.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
OFTICE At residence.
W. C. McKAY, M. D.f '
Pendleton, Oregon.
OFFICE Opposite the Feadleton HoCct
W.F.-KSEMER, M.f.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Ofers Ms Professional ferried to the people of
Pendleton and sniiuuudinr eountrr.
OFFICE- At retidtnoe east of Cocrt House.
Pendleton, Oregon.
xrm xilrrA ill Axr or nichL with roraDtsna
AH diseases treated hj the latest and tctj best modes
for the comfort of the psueit.
Weston, Oregon.
YTW attend to all alU. diy or eight, vtch proaiptotas.
OFFICE On Ham street, opposiu vrsg Dion.
Itsaetacterer of Bread. Cakes, Ho, v!
Craeke. Fire Proof IicIIJiii;.
Xala Street. Walla YImII-
Union Hotel,
dave nous, rnorttiCTort. i
I the caiWiof rnests. Ck bcJsand jood table
Uihc tutu of this boose. Tl jalrouere ot U ruWir
a, auUdled. fcUru leare the Itou for Pcaiirtou.
Vestm. LaOrawte. ITnW-i. Bskr Otr and liweptts
Wilson Hotel,
Umatilla, OreyoH.
has located on Front Street Umatilla, where she
suIim hateL The honse has been re.
4Mt2th Tbeds are exceUent, and the table W be --jiiViih
the rerr -best the osrket sSords. Trsreflers
nrffl not regret stopplni- at thkv place.
K r7 7t5 CesBfaey, esaebsf stop here.
A E. lUi,
Rotholdld fc Bean,
Saac ors La S. KOTO CHILD,
e tbe poUSc to tbclr larrely lucrnicJ .lock U
KUci li tacxwMd asCIlies sJEoriai bj Ihtir cocib.
At tie Tery Lowest Rates.
their Steek srUl consist a iterator re o
Dry Goods,
China zm& Glassware,
Stc., 3-Sto.
Taervm alearttaas cieafcrt la SMter as eerier
rith Tth they mar be stnUJ la the Ut U tbeir
Grain and Hides
vi otUr rCODCCr laXea U raUare at lU 11IQH
Cash Paid for Wool.
Pendleton Hotel
3Ia.Ha. Btropt,
. .AXD
HaTiar. Vcea e-tlrelj
Is aov opened for the reception U (nests.
wmataatinMbsfonndfErnUhed -ith the tctt Ust
the market affords, and rrery exertion isade to aattiij
u itrocj or ue tocse.
Art all ae-. sad the hare bees t arsished In the
ceatnt sttle and vUhrrerr cotrrcaienec cssaSr fvcad-
ta a Erst csass toose.
Pendleton Hotel
In an its deeartssents m be en -ith the tiroes, sad
the Proprietor Is determined that it shaU TnaH.ta'.o the
rrpcUUOQ of beisf the
Best House East of the Mountains.
The resided sad trarelinr pnUie are rcslcctfolT
E. BAKER, Proprietor.
Bon Ton Hotel.
The n&derslcTMd takes pleasure la sanosadac to the
eaeral poauc uat ae nas Mcsna va
first Class Restaurant
la the boOdiar kaow a as
Steve'a Saroplo Itoom.
YTLert 70a cut ZxA tie 4
North of San Francisco.
TV. LSI. wffl ai m!l tlmea be famished vith the rerr
host the market sSords. aad ererj exertion nude to sat
isfy ths patrons of the bouse.
I Ars all nev, aad the rooms hare been f ernuhed In the
neatest styU and with erery conreolcnce nscslly f oand
in a crsveass nooas.
In an Us departments wttl be nn ith the times, aad
the Proprietor is determined that it aha3 maintain the
repataUonof btiatthe VBY BEST BOUSE East of
ta jsonaxjiuis.
The ret Id est sad trsrellef public srs retpectfiuly la
riled to call.
STEVE' SANFORD, Proprietor.
G. W. Bailey,
ren diets k-
OCcs on Vals street, opposite Cocrt Ilonse.
Hsrlsf lbs latsst approred pUti of erery To-nahlp
la Umaulia county, aad beior personally acquainted
wb the location aad anautr ot an laaos la tae county,
I srlil sec-re lands for parties under any ot the Land
Lavs or tfee u. u. enaer atumasteao, rre-empuon,ma
ber enuarc or hoiaisrs aomestrao.
Particular attention Bei4 to the reosvaiUon ot OCE
tertsd laaa castas in Kie ospartBient at rvaauspoa.
Will Lcnvo roiulloton
Fer Umatilla every
Tuesday, Thursday,
and Saturday at C A
M.; returning fiom
Umatilla tho same
days on arrival of
boats f romTbe Dalles.
Will I.cnvo Pondlutnn
Daily for TheDallos
via Pilot Hock and
Heppner, at C P. M.
For Walla Walkt at
7 A. 31.; and for
Boise City at 2. AM.
Skilled Drivers, and
iUe rfermanoe of
.vni on time are
tke features of tie
Company. FARES
(Jmitly Reduced.
Apply to
Lot LiccrmorCt Agent.
SaDabfiry, HailcyA- Co., Proprietors.
A SBrderou MonMrr.
LoNKKsnnsr, X. II.. Feb. S. A aurtHc
tragedy took place rear here yesterday, in
wtkfa Sarab, -srile ol E. K. DflHagtaai,
(aally xBaXre-ted aad then murdered by a
cpbea-1 htr Lssbasd, aitcrrard coEfrsssd
bis crime, aad upon rtpauiss; to the place.
bii Tietits found lyis? cpen tbe Coer !
vitb a tope ticbtly dravn aboorht brr seek
and a fen.Het bole tbiesgb ber brain. Her
death Is xaeaentanly ti petted- Tbe brctal
Tilliia cay thai fce vent i&to tbe -roods
back ef tbe besse acd tried to shoot hii-wlf
mtb tbe mat reTolrer, Lot failed tbrob
uub ef eesrafce er Mice etber cacse, ai though
e&e cdr lcilet Lele was made in bis fere-
bead, tbe ball pe&etratiiu: tbe Tbis
vessd U &t thought te be fatal..
rental Ctmnzev.
WAHrrcy, Feb. S. I'ottsi cbtsgea fer
tbe Paa&cCoait Ust-etk. L!Sc cstab-
liabed: GarribaJdi. Tillaiaoes: couaty. Ore
Ren. Jebn H. Lanes, p&ctxaaster; Ueadox ,
Le-sris ce-actj,W. llearjr Sbielda. poll-
oat: or, Tens. Whitman eoanty, . T.
Pestt&astrs appointed : JoBolbaa G. Sears,
KesteetoB. lUlaaook eocatr, Oren;
Jase il. Tracey, learaJla, DoecU ceBtrt
Albany tniy unit Karaeo.
AixaT. X. Y., Feb. 1.-Tbe dtj ball
was btr&ed tbis oercicg. Wbea tbe deae
feH serrea flreavea vrre crushed, one caned
Keller bs since died, asd to cr three
others are tzpifd to die. Jois&ect
records, ebattel n: engines and records ef
tbe piocdinr of supervisors ere de-
strcrtd. Eccsrds of deeds, aazt&ztt on
real estate, tbe portraits ot tbe ti-Goreruors,
asd tbe boobs and papers of tbe oSees
srere sared.
Ttie Mlaereant Confeae.
ILuiCZTXarxx. Feb. 10. DiHingbaa oaa
fesaen that b first abet and then ovtraged
bis aa-t. Tbe ofScials bare takes him te
tbe PerUcjcutb jaiL Mrs. DUttacbaa died
ASlilnnlibnltti Indian.
DriD-s-ooD, Feb. 1 1. A Fert Keogb, Mos
tana, srtcial ot Feb. 8tb. Kites aa aeerot
of a skirsitsb bttvren Icdtaps ksd aeedkt
in which to ef tbe fenaer vere killed at
tbree captured, and one soldier vas killed
ad one veended. Tbe leldiers, ten in
cumber, eces.p&nicd by ten Ineias scow's,
made a sally fioa tbe fort to capture fire
Sioux, supposed te belong to Sitticg Ball's
band, bo bad killed one xaaa and -vosnded
another on Merpab Creek atTcral days
sice. On receipt of tbe sevs of tbe siir
zaisb, Capt, Snjdtr, of tbe Stb icfastry, tritb
a ootapasy, proceeded at once to tbe scene
ot tbe action and put an end to tbe afUir.
The scents came in in tbe afternoon display.
leg tbe scalps of tbe two Indians .bo were
killed. Tbe other three were taken prison
ers and are now being brought in by Capt.
Snyder acd Ms command.
ratal Family Brail,
r co tn. Feo. 11. Lou McKincer shot
acd killed bis father-in-law, Jacob Frje, on
public square last eTe&tcg. Cause, divorce
procedic acd family qaurela, for which
McKinney held Frye tcccwiUMe. Beth
partita are -well known.
IH-strorllT Flr.
MosTcoxtccT. Ala.. Feb. 11-Tbe cotton
factory of Lebraan Dnrra Co., rratt-
TiUe, burned to-day; loss, ? 100,00; insur
ant, 75,000.
Trinity. Ems copal. Church, comer of
Fourth ATence and! tb street, Kew
York, burned to-day. Tbe bnildicg coat
S 125.000: insurance, jw.wu. ice organ
cost $10,000; insurance, $7,000.
Redaction of Bate to fiaa rraneleeo.
Nnr Yotr. Teb. 11. Tbe Tadac Mail
Co. bare announced a war of rates to San
Francisco for r.atsecccra axd frricbts.
After to-rsorrow rate for passage will be
75 fur first-class, acd S35 for atecrore. In
opposition, tbe railroad companies to-day
oiler the following rates: Flrst-claas, 5100;
eecocd-claas, ?5; third-cltis, 45.
Deflclener Appropriations.
DeCelendes in tbe annual appropriations
for Tariocs deportments of tbe goTernmect,
... . n ' T . . r 1 1 -
lor WHlcn aenaency apprapnuioa uui am
asked, aggregate $5,779,636, and include tbe
following as the principal items: x or star
mail serrice. 2,000,000; for payment of
claims certified by tbe treasury department.
$80,450. Tbe deficiency estimates are In
cluded in tbe regular annual letter of tbe
Secretary of tbe Treasury. $1,103,237: de
ficiency in tbe public printing, $15,000; de
ficiency in appropriation for expenses of TJ.
8. courts, $395,000; deficiency in tbe postal
serricc, $307,218; Indian semce, f 13,500;
railway mail aerricc, $55,000.
An Atrocious Harder.
CrscixSATl, Feb. 12. An atrocious wife
mnrder was committed at Henderson, Ky.,
last cicbt. Grabam, wbo bad been arrested
on comnlaint of bis wifo for beaung ber.
Lnka isil and f onnd bis wife on a wbarfboat.
H shot ber tbree times in tbe presence of
tbe passengers of tbe steamer Idlewind, kill
ing ber instantly, and then cscapca tn a aaiu.
A. Deed of Xaaaally.
LocisTiixr, Feb. 12. Mrs. EUen Filrger-
aid. need 49 years, committed suiddoby set
tine fire to ber underclothes with a match.
Sbe was discoTered U tbe yard iritl tbe fire
raging all OTtr ber body, praying for mercy.
Tbe body was burned to a crisp from bead
lo feet, and ber bar almost all singed off.
Sbe cannot rrcoter. Sbe baa been Insane
for several years, acd tbe deed was commit
ted while in a fit ot depression.
Nllver I'nrctiste.
WatuisoTox, Feb. 12. Tbe treasury de
partment to-day purchased 350.000 ounces
ot silver for tbe mints at New Orleans acd
Vt III Xot Submit lo Dictation.
The Secate baring rejected all the Ohio
aaperriaors of census, on account of their
being Republicans, Democrats are anxiously
watching to see what tbe president will do
next. An Ohio llepublican ot prominence
aays be does not intend te submit 19 any dic
tation, but will nominate etber llepcblicans
for the positions without regard to tbe threat
conreyei by the action of the Secate.
heuata ConSrmnllaBs.
The Secate confirmed Geo. Walker consul
general ot the United States at Pans; J as.
U. Iloward, New York, appraiser of mer
chandise at New. Yoik. and J at. K. Spencer,
New York, agent fer the Indues at the Iie
radi agency.
Peer Lo asd Ilia Grievance.
Standing Bear, a Pone chief, to-day con
cluded bis story of the injustice dere his
peeple, snd to-morrow Bright Eyes will be
"National DctMoriatte ('oar rntloa.
Tbe meeting ot tbe National Democratic
Committee, baa been called for Monday,
Feb. 23d, for tbe purpose ot fixing the time
acd place of holding tie Democratic Na
tional Convention.
K!dlrr.B4nislr BUI.
A bill to equabre tbe bounty of soldiers
will be presented under suspension of tbe '
rules en Monday
Tbe bill pro rides a bounty ef S 10 per
memo isr tea stir ice ai eacn aottucr i-u
etKtrtd between .April 1, 1SC1. acd before
July 15. 1S5, all previous bounties received
to be deducted, icc'disg bocctirs paid by
State s and1 counties.
Aa Cafeaalou of Tltae.
A bill was introduced into tbe senate to
day by Garlacd which proposes to extend
the time for tbe completion ol the Texts
Pacific railway five years.
Habataatlat Benefactions.
Omaha. Feb. 12. Twe thousand dollars
were forwarded te Iielscd to-day by tbe
Farcell Irish Belief Society of tbis city, acd
they win seed $2,000 sore in a few days.
Sr. Locu, Feb. 12. At a meeting on
'change this coon about $2,500 money and
300 barrels of fiaur asd various lots of pork,
com meat acd canned beef, bread acd other
articles were contributed to tbe Merchants'
Exchange relief fund. Between tweoty acd
thirty commit!, represectiag difiertct
branches of business and prolessiecs. bare
been appointed, who will can vxa the city at
nee, acd It is believed a ship lood ot food,
acd ether supplies will be railed in a very
abort time.
Mlstarsela Takes JXrr Trim.
C&scaoo, Feb. 12. The House co matt tire
ea ejections bare decided to coseat VV"ah
trsre. BepubHcan. in favor ef Donnelly,
Democrat. Tbis wUl giv tbe Democrats
another State tn case ot a tie in tbe presi
dential election. Waabbarc bad 3,009 ma
jority. Tbe claim ot bribery will be set up.
It is manifest that the deep purpose of the
Democracy which was revealed in tbe at
tempt to steal tbe State of Maine is agaia
disclosed in this efort to rob the peeple ot
Minnesota of their rights. It is proposed to
reject 1.700 Totes of Washburn's 3,612 ma
jority by throwing out the retire Tde ct
An Expeaalte Blow.
Csrcioo, Feb. 12. The Imperial Mills
elevator, situated on the corner ef Sixteenth
snd Dearborn streets, was blown down tbis
morning acd 123.000 bushels ot wheat
which it contained were sptHed oa the
ground. It was 100 feet high, acd HBxS8
in extent, with a capacity of W,0?0
buibtls. Tbe mill adj lining was badly
damaged. Tbe establishment was owned
by Dauglas iz Stuart, who have other ex
trusive mills la Iowa aad Canada. It was
rented to Mucger, Wheeler. Jk Co. Tbe
levator, which cost from $90,0)0 to 5 1C0.-
l. 3. is a lota! loss. The losr on wheat is
about $ 3,000; loss ot tbe milL $M.&OJ.
There is no insurance covr ring this kicd ot
Raaata on lite Alert.
Sr. rxTxxaacxo, Feb. 8. Oae of the
ilim if V ri..a4a mtnntwr 1t vill i .
sect with a commUsioaerto gather infor -
matloa fer tbe development of trade with
CUns, Jspsa aad the United States.
Here liVpefnt Gatleok f.r Irelaad.
' " ... v. .
Dt7rr.3'n, V Kh ,v
couau still come froa eome dtstrictj, thsre
U generally a more bopefal spint among the
people. hewsrplicAtxonstwlobylsad -
ownersthe part week reath 200 : ooat
appbed. 11L000 th. Mdjrf horea.
ber, 3,7C3.000. Tbe beard of public worlta
takes care that tbe laborers are paid ta cash,
and that tbe amount of the first issue has
been expended ia substantial -work before
they bxve a second iatallmat. Belief
measures bare already bad a beneficial ef
fect, acd a mors hopeful spirit is growing
among tbe people.
Daraared la a Ualr.
Pz.TT.ocrn. Feb. 10. The steamship
Cblmboraxo. fer Australia, returned ia con-'
sequence ot damage during a gale, two
persons were washed overboard, two killed
and seventeen injured. The steamer lost
six boats aad received other damage.
lcae Asralnst Eastaad.
Yrxxwa. Feb. 10. There is no longer the
slightest doubt that a league bas been formed
in Central Asia under tbe auspices of Bassia
and strain st English domination, and that
the moat prominent and influential member
ot the league is tbe Ameer of Bokhara,
whose daughter recently married Aburra
human Khan, tho Afghan pretender.
A KaealiiB Xetaed.
St. FxTrxssacao. Feb. 11. The police
bare seized a printing press acd many copies
of a rerolotioBary pamphlet oa. redistribu
tion of land, acd a great quantity of type
and forged passports. Tbe occupants at
the house were arrested.
A Tote ofTtianka.
Lovrjo-f. Feb. 11. Tbe IrUb National
Laud League baa passed a resolution thank
ing tbe United States Congress for accord-
at Tfsa
lag the privileges 01 me noor 01 mo uuu
to Parnell.
atark Use Kepori.
ywrjos. Fab. 12. Tho Mark Lane Ex-
-nu' mriew of the British ctala trade for
t Vi m rui.t -rMklr ura frost bss disappeared
an.l fl-i weather has been showery flace
Ratnnlar. . Rome little nrocreas has beoa
made with field work, welch is still behind
hand In some districts. Tbe laaJ, however.
is now ia pood workable condition. Ileports
relatiTe to WJnter sown wheat are ftTorablo
tn thoao districts where it has appeared
above tbe surface. The damp weather it
unfavorable to threshing. Beally dry
aaranlrs are nrac Ileal! r unobUiBabls. i-ren
fair areraee loti are rare. Trade both at
Mark Lane end in tbe country has been ex
ceedingly dull in cocsequsnce ot this acd
the bad condition, and millers would scarce
ly look at English wheit. Last Monday a
decline ot la.2 per quarter was quoted
even on best parcels, the provincial markets
Dense fogc also variously Interfered with
bnticssa in London.
Imports ot foreign wheat into London,
bare been moderate, but at Lirerpool ar
rivals were more liberal. Last Monday's
decline ot Is per quarter has cot been re
covered, as tbe conaamptirs demand was
very small, but there has been no further
redaction. As regards the speculation for a
rise in America, taking i&to consideration
the fact that of American wheat tbe r orpins
is not much, it anything, in excess ot Eu
ropeac needs, it is quite probable that prices
may eventually adjett themselree without a
great rise her or a great fall in America, but
at present tbt question stccu to be simply
who cm bold out longest.
Arrivals at porta of call have been eecsid
erable, (hough red Winter wheats are Tery
scarce. There was great depression early in
the week, but sine J then, owing to an ad
van re in America and a large quantity of
wheat taken from the coast fer continents
ports, prices have advanced Cd to Is per
quarter, with care demand both for the
United Kingdom acd for tbe continent.
There was a fair inquiry fer maixe at aa
advance ef about Cd per quarter. Beyers
ahow no d if position to eater into a forward
business, either fer wheat or maize.
Sales of Eoclitb wheat last week were
37,313 qura. at 41 2d per qr., asauat
C3.73S qars. at 3?s Id per qr. fer the corre
sponding week but year
Imports let the U. K. dcri&g the week
enlicg Jan. 31st, were 1.000,139 owls ef
wheat aad ICS. 053 cwt of fler.
A Urast Aaked for. Public works.
LoxDoy, Fsb. 12. A depstaiios, coeuist
tcg ef Wa. Shaw aad etber members ef par
liament, represeatiBg ooettitseectes in Sestb
Ireland, waited a pen Ilea. Selya Ihetses,
jetct secretary ef tbe treasury, aakicg 'a
grant fer tke presecutioa ef pafefec works ia
oeonectien with the imprsrreasest of some
harbors ea the south coast. Tbe secretary
premised that there should be ao delay ia
doing aujthmz that was ceceasary fer the
rebet of the auf encg people ot Ireland.
The Canada Uorrwr.
Lrxi5, Feb. 1 1 .The inquest ia the Daa
nelly murder case begin te-diy. The pky
aiciaa who made the post seertesn testified
that the bodies were so badly bersed be
could eet diitiegwita sale from female, acd
was unable te say poctliveiy what was the
cawsc of death. Jobs Censers, the boy who
was ia the heuae at the tisae ot the murder,
testified that Jasees CtrrelL a eeastaUe.
called at the boese betweea 12 aad 2 e'efeck
to arrest old man-Do na0y Beaidee CarreU
he saw Thomas Byder aad John Psrteil ia
the beuse at tbe time ef tbe saerde?. He
was sure ef tbeee three, hartsz seea taetr
Ttie German Parliament,
Bcxxxx. Feb. 12. The session of Beech
stag was opened te-day. Tbe peeob frem
tbe throne was read by Cemel Yon Sieifeerg
Weraigerd. who opened the Kcaien ia tke
ease of the emperor. The priseipsJ
measure fer leculttaoa announced in the
speech are a btU fer eAiabbshtcg btesatal
budgets, cew military law, prolongation ef
the law against sociaHsU, acd fer a coa
scrctil treaty with the South Sea itlsr.ds.
rrrnea riasutee-a.
Taxis. Feb. 12. Specie ia the Baak of
France teereased 12,009,0001. the past week.
Ilastera Beelloe-d.
Sr. PxTTJaxTts, Feb. 11. la consequence
ot the tU health of tbe Empress tbe Czar
has decMaed all tenders of atteedaace ef
special represectatiTes from ether courts, ea
the occasiea ef th 25th anatTcrsary of his
accesaiea to the throne.
TaltBT icale-s oa t1slaee Ioaftrf .
Sis Fcanct5o. Feb. 9. A meeting of
merehaate was held at W. T. Celeaaa's of
fice this aeraisg to consider the qnesttea of
tariff oa Chinese rice aad starch. Meat of
the starch mans.. arte ris were represented
by age at. It was seggtsted that Ccsgress-
ata Dana bad already ictredacd a btu to
rxirs the duty oa rice, and it was therefore
decided te let that part of the question alone.
A resolution was adopted asking that tbe
tariff en China nee be raised from Se to Cc
specific, the ad Talorea rate to remain aa
fetal Xart&al School Burned.
Sax Jose. Cel.. Feb. 10. Soon alter !
! Ibii mini the State normal school
J" oxscovereu to ia x-re w
trtt noticed in tbe cupola, wbleb .before the
tagtn miti a. a pyramtd ot flame ns-
I ice ia the sail eight air. ithia lo mta
1 ntU atur the flame, were first seea pouring
1 fna u lbe ,ho3o interior ol the
I BUml o w fiUed
!. nai cnskias Lko
faBe8M IBrl54Ct,. The roof fell ia with a
trttt-edocj crash, aad ia a very brief space
of time the whole building was ia ruins.
The building was of wood, aad the main
portion had a frontage ot 63 feet aad a depth
of 160 feet. Oa each aide of tbe central
school waa aa arm 52 feet tract by 70 deep.
Tbe basement walla were ot concrete aad
brick. The iaterier was dinded into class
aad recitation rooms, music room, museum,
laboratory' acd apparatus room, society
rooms, gymaaaium aad lecture room, etc
The building cost $2:0,000. There was a
total insurance of $50,000 oa tbe bouse.
Tbe city market hall has been temporarily
secured for the purposes of school.
Oae Hoodlnra Lea.
Sax Fjuscxxco. Feb. 11. Shortly after
midnight Officer Dwyer, while attempting to
arrest a susptcioua character oa est Alts-
sioa street, near Twelfth, was set upon by a
crowd of hoodlums, knocked down and bad
ly bestca. Ia the melee the officer drew a
pistol aad fired, bringing down Micbaei
Wyaae, with a bullet ta ice eiue. ie w
taken to the city hospital, where he died
this morning.
Dernaad ertTorMiasrcnea.
.Rome 3.000 unemployed persons assem
bled at the saad lots this afternoon, and after
listening to a cumber of speakers, about call
of tbe crowd formed a line and marched to
tho office oi the Ceetr 1 Pacific Bailroed Co.,
aod n committee, appended for tbe purpose.
aoneht au interview With President Stan
ford and Vice President Crocker. Both
were absent, and the committee waa re
rivd br General SuDcrintendent Towae.
to whom they stated that the object of tho
movement waa to ask the company to com
nlv with the provision of the sew constitu
tion forbidding corporatisns to employ Chi
namen, aad give work to unem ployed whiles,
and intimating that it tbe request was not
comnlied with and distress continued, it
would be difficult to fortell the result. Mr.
Towns replied that bo would refer the mat
ter to the directors and return an answer
Monday next. The procession tben'retursed
to tbe sand.lots and subsequently dispersed.
Other corporations will be called upon to
morrow. Tho proceedings were quiet bed
K Hack eye Tho ecbpetl sun.
WaaaxscTOy, Feb. 10.
A Joint resolution passed appropriating
$20,000 for a United States display At the
Berba fishery exhibition next April.
Davis' motion to reconsider the question
ot the interoceaoie canal committee was
taken up oa motion ot Gordon. The latter
opposed reconsidering and said that oa Dec
2 be moved to refer the subject of the canal
to tbe commerce committee. His objects in
doing this so early ia the session were to
assure the distinguished representative of
Nicaragua tbea ia Washington, acd the cap
italists he represented, as well as the Xicara
guan government, that this government
would not be laggard ia protecting aa eaUr
prise which might be inaugurated on this
isthmus. Six hundred millions of people
two-thirds ot the entire popala'ica of the
glebs stand ready to deal with us ia a
commerce boundless in its scooe whenever
the barrier ot tbe isthmus is brokea down.
Tbs raoreicg hour expired.
Eegalar order bill to authorize the Secre
tary of the Treasury to ascertain the amount
of land located oa military varrrat ia cer
tain States wis taken up.
Bsmside, from the committee oa educa
tion led labor, reported a bill to establish
aa educational fund and apply a portion of
the proceeds of public lands to pubtie edu
cation, and to provide for a more complete
endowment acd snntxjri of rational colleces
, , , . - i -1
dostrial education, aad moved iU indefinite
no.trcnemsr.i Th till ..iKor,",..
Secretary of the Interior to ascertain aad
certify tbe amount of Land located with mil-J
itary scrip aad land warrants ia the ctaiea
of Oregon. Kevadaaad Colorado, and other, i
whose ecabKcg acta f admisiiea into the
Union, eeataiea a stipuhuion iot the pay
meat of five per cent, oa sales of public
lands therein. It provides that after rzth
ascertainment the Secretary of the Trts-rsry
shall pay such States fire per cent, oa
amounts of sueh lands, estimifirg them at
$1 23 per acre.
The till autlrixicg the Secretary of the
Interior to deposit Indian trust f finds ia the
treasury ef the United States acd to draw
interest stipulated by treaty or prescribed by
law ia fieu ef inveatment was passed.
Wood, ebslrman ot the ways asd means tee. reported a resolution asking fer
eridesKe oa file rtepecticg the enforcement
t the internal revenue laws ia northeast
Georgia, adopted.
Conger reported back a b 3 fer the relief
of ceiored emigrants; pastel.
The House, after some consideration,
passed the Hot Springs till c ruler the pre
vious question; vote. 125 to 121.
Eiavg. churmaa of the committee ea the
later-oceanic, reported a resolution
calling oa the President fer cop ten ef all
correspondence" ia regard to the later
oeeasie caaal which may have passed be
tweea this gortmment and foreign govern
ments, aad betweea this government aad its
representatives abroad, aad indirjdui's ia
terested ia the conttruetion ot raea a e-iritl.
sad direUisg him to specify what, if aay.
treaty obeXgaisas with ether governments
rests -spea this geveraseat; adopted. Ad
WaazisoTEcr. Feb. 11.
Warcer. froa the committee oa ccdaare
reported back a biU amending sectica
f the revised statutes; printed aad recom
mitted. Consideration was resumed cf the court
reaeval btU.
Tbe Hoase committee ea Indian affairs
agreed to report to the House Scales bill
providimr for the sale of certain lands ia
Kansas which were allotted to c-rrtaia Vew
York ladiias under certificates of allotment
for 3t0 acres each to 32 ot said Indians.
King, chairman of tke committee oa the
icter-oceaaic caaal, reported, the following
resolution, which was adopt!..
Involved. That the Secretary ot the
Treasury be requested to fumuh the House !
fer the ee ot the committee ea the later-
oceanic caaal such statistics as say be la the
department oa the f.Howisg subjects:
First, th amount cf thippisg betweea
Atlantic aad Pacific ports ot the United
Suits and amount aad kiads cf cargoes
froa tee coasts of the Pacifie.
Second, tbe entrances aad clearances at
the port ot Sxa Fnr.-ivo for the last fiscall
year, aad the amount aad xxed 01 cargoes,
aad ports to aad froa which they are ear
Third, the amount of trsus partition across
the isthaus. aad generally its ports ot des
tination aad original shipment.
icurth. tbe average duration ot voyages
around the Horn betweea Saa Francisco aad
New York.
Cockrell. froa the committee oa claims.
reported adversely a bill granting a pension
to tbe widow of the lite Uen. caster.
Garland, from the committee on iaiidxrr.
reported a bill to amend section 3,352 ot the
revised statutes in reference to bigamy aad
Uaadclph moved to take up the bill lor
the relief ot Fitxjoha Porter. It was- sade
a special order for Monday ntxt, after the
morning hour.
Hill, of Colorado, from tbe committee oa
pubtie lands, reported f ar-orably oa the bill
tor the reclamation ot waste aad and lands;
placed oa the calendar.
Eaton's resolution, requesting tbe presi
dent to tinsmit coptes of correspondence
respecting the inter-oceanic caaal, was
Tb bill authorizing the ascertainment ot
the amouot of lead leased oa military war
rants was considered, aad Edmunds spoka
WaaaxsoTOS, Feb. 12.
After the morning hour tho consideration
ot the militarr warrant bUl was resumed, and
McDonald favored it,
Davis, ot Illinois, from the committee on
jediciary. reported adversely on the Houso
resolution tor the appointment ot a joint
committee to investigate the present system
of salaries, fees and emoluments allowed to
officers ot the Uoited States aad to ascertain
if aay abuses exist; placed ea the calendar.
Morrill, from tbe committee on education
and labor, reported a bill to incorporate the
National Education Association; placed on
the calendar.
Blaine submitted tbe following:
Besolred. That the president be respect
fully requested to commcnicato to tho Sen
ate aay intoraaalioa ia possession of the
government touching alleged false statistics
and fabricated testimony impoeed upon tbe
Halifax comaalssioa aad need as a bads of
tbeirawardintbematterot fisheries: adopted.
Aftffr executive session tke Seaate ad
journed till Mosday.
Stepbo&s, from the eclaag cosaaailtee, re
ported a bHI relatlre ta the metric system of
coinage; refemsd-
ItesolatioDa were adopted authcriziog the
secretary of tbe treasury to ferniaU States,
for the use of agriselttral colleges, one
set ef standard Weights and measures.
Wills, from the education committfe. re
ported a resolution asking tbe president for
information respecting the pending negotia
tions for a change of treaty betweea the
United States aad China; adooted.
House renamed consideration of court re
moral bill, aad after the morning boar the
House went into committee oa revision of
the rules.
Warner offered tho following ameadseat z
"Sec 3. Ko appropriation bill shall be re
ported ia say general appropriation bill or
be in order as aa amendment thereto for any
expenditure not previously authorized by
law, unless ia continnstiaa of Ibe'appropri
atioa for sueh rublie works aad objects aa
are already ia progress, nsr shall aay por
tion of such bill cr amendment thereto
changing aa existing law ia order, except
that it shall be la order to reduce the amounts
ot money provided for by exit ting law aad
covered by tbe bill, aad to that extent only
to change) the law."
Warner's amendment wxs then agreed to,
129 to 74, aad the question recurred 03
Spear's substitute as am ended, pending
which the committee rose aad tbe Haass
J. 1
vTVJj. jJ ?
deebmag women ehgiblo to serre 1
school trustees George Beck, of Queea'a
county, Li. I., buried his wife a month since,
aad recently wear ta her crave, lay down
5 '"i. v
through 1,1 00 miles 0! the Atlantic aad Pacing
read Aa explosion of a boiler ia the
Canada Paper Company's, mill killed two
men aad fataCy injured three Sixties
persons were drowned by the foundering ot
a French steamer ia the Channel The
Omaha Bepnbhcaa same sp the Hayden
murder trial thus : "Mary Stzaaard died a
natural death. 11 to 1 Seaater Ferrj'a
ealogy upon the late Senator Chandler, ia
the Senate Chamber, occupied an. hoar ia
delivery The petroleum torfegs ia
Haaover are yielding so immensely that
a European Pennsylvania is predirted
A wostaa ia Philadelphia died of by-
drophobla, havisg been bitten by a dog
twe months previously The Archbishop
of Paris is the of aa Irish relief
eosiUte in that ciry Tho alleged nse
ef the petrseage of the Trearary De
partment by Secretary Sherman, for po
litical purpeses, will be ieresxigatei
The rcr-rrt committee report adverse
ly oa the nominations of certain super
visors of census, iaeJadiag some Southern
outa Senator elect George of Miasiriigpi.
drove an ox teas in his yotsth Engese
Schuyler, Consul General ta Italy, receives
$3,000 froa ScrTsner Jc Co. fer bis history
of Peter the Great.
A Spanish sailer en board a British ship
ia Saa Francsco harbor ended bis
life by drinking car be be read The squaar
I wife of a Caiaassaa ia Catco was bemed to
death by a lamp exptOKon Major Reeo
eat beea allowed to resign, thus saving the
disgrace of dismissal from the army Chi
cago hotels will adhere to their agreement.
aot tc advance prices during the titrirg of
the National Ceaveanes The Irish dona
tion of the Baroness Bsrdeti-ConlU was
500 inttead cf X00,CG, as reported; a
slight difference Emperor Wifliaa win
not opea parliament in person, bet wiH to
represented by Bismarck Prussia has"
submitted a proposal to prolong the opera
tiec cf the socialist act until March. 31st.
ISSS The crasns swperrisors for Califor
nia, Oregon. Dakota. Id tho. Monti rt. New
Mexico. Washington and Wyoning have
been confirmed try the Senate The first
school was opened ia LeadviBe ia July. 1S77;
the presrat school census shows 1,200 pu
pils Tor the first Use la the history ef
public dinners at Dclaonico's, ladies parti
cipated oa equal terms with men at the
Burns anniversary hoatqaet Last month A
chOd three years od was atraagled. 1st
dath ia Saa Franeitea by a piece of meat
lodfiec in its Inch.
The Harden jury
is censured ly the press ;o turning an
other lecturer et upon society
Delegate Cannon kas for wire, thirteen
sons and fire da&ghters. His salary s Del
egate from Utah is rresnaed to come
handy Eagland denies having released.
Persia froa ber eagxgeseuts relative to
Herat -The xbtilding ef the best burnt
district in Tokio proceeds slowly There
were 163,000 cases of cholera, and 101,000
deaths from the disease in Japan last year
Six distilleries were surrd in Georgia be
tween, the 21st aad 30th cf January; three
thousand gallons of beer and mith were
destroyed There are 60 tramp in the
eoanty jail atFairSed, CaL Ninety-five
per cent, ot the beef un Los Angeles county
have perished Eight deaths froa diphth
eria in one locality in New York resulted
froa a broken drain pipe An Ogdexi
farar got 13 cords f wood and two coons
out of an elm tree oa bis farm A couple
of hundred girls ia tee searching rooms of
Troy shirt factories hare struck; they want
price snzeued up a little ut im men
com: posing the Wucoasia Legislature 23 are
native of New York State, aad oaly 9 of
the 133 were bora ia Wwcoasia A Span
iard under sentence for murder hanged him
self ia the county jail at San Francisco,
iag his shirt, torn ia shreds, tor a rope, and
the broomstick eet in tbe ventilator for a
gallows Tbe number of vessels belong
ing to or bound to or froa peris in the
United States, reported totally lost or min
ing during January is 21; value, exclusive ot
cargoes, $692,000 The dcmonttrxtisnl of
the workxngmen in ban z-raaexseo is simply
deslgned to infiuenco legislation nowpend
lag. Dcrikg the month tf June next,
20,000 persons will be engaged in tho
work of taking the united states cen
sus tor 1SS0. It will bo the most com
plete statistical report ever made in. this
country. The lav provides for taking
the name, sex, color, birth plxcc, occupa
tion and abihtr -to read,-and write, ot
each person. Statistics of mines, fish
eries and fashing population, railroads,
tiro and life insurance, express and tele
graph companies. It will also contain.
full statistics of agriculture anavery
b ranch of mechanical industries.
A clever author says there are three
kinds of men in the world 'the Will's,
the "Wont's and the Cant's." The first
effect everything, the second oppose
everything, and the last fail ia every
thing. "I will" builds our railroads aad
steamboats ; "I won't" don't believe in.
experiments and nonsense; while 'I
can'tgrows weeds for wheat, and com
monly ends his days in the court of