4 - s is Ctast (Dngmiiaiui SATURDAY ...DKC. C, 1670 fc . H. TtKMJU. i. it. utsiior. -rcnusiiED bv. TURNER & BISHOP. , TEltMS IN ADVANCE Oxn Year - .... $3. The Jfmxrit.irr says Coucrcas should be tosked to appropriate $500,000 for the locks M Urc Cascades; and tre tay tbat Congress should be asked for $1,600,000 and open up lac vail interior so that we would not be at the entire mercy of a soulless corporation The O. S 1 Co. Is as good and better than many corporations, but they are ljke the old Deacon in trading horses thev don't trantto,rmdll.ul thrv want tlte"rrrfAw I want to swindle but they want tire rtrtArr of the ndhtr of the bargain." It is itliin the power of Congress to rclisre us in oirj about jf2,S00,CO0; for salaries of president difficulties. Wc have dc ne our best in this ) and vice president and the executive office, section to send Democrats to represent us, I $97,464, lor excuses of the tenth crr.ros nod if they do as well for ns as wc have ? 2,750.000. Tlic rrand assreRatc of the done for them, tliry will loose no tinio in i ettiHaU'sL?13C47,123. The total ammnt iavjng this Columbia river embargo raised. ' appropriated by cencrets for the current We are looking forward with great iui- riscal year was ?1C2.40I.C13, w bicli Inclad cty to the time when one or all shall intro-1 cd S25.000.000 (or arrears of eustons and luce bills cot to crush out monopolies, about $13.000,(00 lor the district ef Colutn- out to ict some strong company compete for the carrying trade let ween Umatilla and -Astoria. Other shipuioc points above are bottled up us we ioc, tad if all the papers will join and be heard at the same time rre way be taken outoi the insatiable maw of the O. S. N. Co. Time to Organize. 77: . . TijllcourKepubhcaafncnasbosstfally claims that Oregim belongs to them and uiai xorv can carry 11 nexi rail, we dllt I V" CM ,JC nom- I the claim and assert that Orcron wi nercicciorai voie iur me liemocrauc nom-) ae. are. however, not blind to the fact . Maie minXUi past Callao ha. beta a small st Oregon ufigbtm; ground. It is cloe. Uax-infrcted port, and coaquent!v sirict Neither party bss any decided advantage ' quarantine has been cxcrcWovtr ail vts and the one brat rgsnued and drilled, can ; !, c,mn. from that place The lug -win it. In l!6. it is a notorious fact that 1 rw,.u ..v Pir .1.- c.i-. ..... ur Oregon was lost to tue DemoenU in conse- oul lUc kaou kj.e cUat Dr Mc qnenccr ncglfct, while in Ib.a a set ol Alluter, the qusract.ne officer, and landed profced DemicmU took the gold or ihe u, it tLdc offlce. the vtslimmedi. cpoosmon for their treachery U. the lorty. !Ktc,y thereafter proceed on her way to and Lenc. by their bolt and tts a ma. IVrtlaoi By :U action, wblrh is in di jontv of the Ucket difeated. This was villl4lii of the laws or the I tdtl prJisheJoa personal grounds and ob-1 Sutctt tLc owccr a3li ,he rf be jecrion to the local norainees. whicli wiU,tMg have laid theauclves ll.t4c tn aetcie Tiot be the case ,u a boaal contest and , peBdliWt XTIi H U ttfH1ti lht. Collector .T"1 .."Stly Bu-od.sa.steaiiimvlUtakcaelVia in the Hor at 1SS. Bat to so unite its forces, it is m- nu rrtk. .w. ...1, . , it lortant that the roecrsary steps be taken for an earnest and active camnaisn. and a complete organization effected ihruBsbaat ' iLc State in every precinct tmi coaaty ' "-.1 . - .. . ' ,J j . ' S.rY.r r . Vi i"ntMe ana u 11 ptveiy eer- astrtt that the DemocTa s Lave n small ma- uterd tbrrc U M iWe cLiarc ftff janty of the vote, yet that majority can be artad contagion to ic introduced either thrown away by a lack of prmr exertion ,t Ml0&. or at'l'ortland. on the part ot the lexers of lire parly- The J good workor organizing and getting ready I EartIjqBak.e. for the fight cannot be commenced too soon, I r. . . ..... , ,. and we call upon tLe local committees toco -f"or-'be 7 time in tl history of thu to work and do their dntv. Ibe battle I f ,lf 0kr .henk ui felt here will belong to those who contest for it, and ' .la" JS"J neJao"n- f frlr mwuto aot. as wat d; in lS7G.tn those who with. 2 0 Jt. w" quite a lively or. drew from the field and allow the oppaal- fJ" J" wbo hsppeoed to be in tion a clear track. The DemocraU o Ore- bncr b.BI d,n acraWy fn-h! gonoveittotheaielvrsto see that their A!."!! ''-J "J grand U not tccupied by U.e enemy, and feJ- & f'7 Bk d Df tn order to prerent it. it ii necessary to ata, P" ''ricki. hot no damage was nionctheout?osutbcs.tineU tii guard .ht ,jhock IP every avenue of attack from the enemy T . IL . . fc. . . . ... I . . ,.r ... T. : .... c.l.. j -every Democrat discharge bis duly and sac -Cffs wiU be Uie ultf Oregon need not be placed as a doubtful State. SLe belosgs ' to the Democracy, and if lost, it will be tn j conseqnenee of neglccVand a fallen; of Its : guardian Iladicals gave them gave crats lost it because they relied on that ma jority ana neglected to contest tie light rCcxl 3'ear is an important oae to Oregon. We have two elections, and it is not too soon to commence to drill the forces for ibe fight- A long fight and a strong one. one that will unite the entire forces will win the contest, and the Democrats should at once prepare for it. Tlic Iladicals are in the field, and their strikers and public official, wuo d-iju at the people's expense, are lay- J ing their plans, and it becomes the Demo crats to be np and doing. SUaiord. Granite Creek. Items. Milton Stcress informs ns that the mill is running ana xnat it s ausiitsc out a . "... . . . , . ... " , 1 iuV" - S y . 1 fr,,-,, S3J lwm P fmrp-W00.- fT3 ran ,p". " 'f nr11' f tLe "SL? " i-S rV-rrS'T lcf ."todBearirl ompletcd. One very rich ledge of gold , 'iLTJT13 nnlngthis tun- T7it'naffBB.,?2be Tilled with neb minerals. About finecn t miles from tin Mcnumental. at a olaeel called Gre Horn, Eeveral Very valuable Icdces have been diseoverrd- one fn narfl. 1 tans in discbareinc their datr. The ' - 7 . - were organizid in 1S76 which Pi . c,tUBCC f - " w ft. a State that in Jun?. precediag ZJZ? ,V.nu a"fK w f- a Democratic majority: tbe Demo- , 7t- ';r ularof pure lead to IRyKD gy ,Tr:M." "T-.,r.cV:toT- gratina to these mines in the Spring is in- eri table. Wc hope so. as it will make a market forUmstilla county, and the amount of travel through Umatilla will be immense. Pendleton merchanu have bad aa eye on this trade the past Summer, and have oM several loads of merchandise for Granite. Birck Crcekers consider it a God-iesd ; all Uie spare vegetables they have tliey take to Granite, all Uie spare bacon ditto. They furnish the beef and apples and as a conse quence money is more plenty on Birch Creek than in any other portion oi Uie jcounty. V Captai: John Mullau, Assistant State Xand Agent for Oregon, has filed an appeal a Secretary Scbcrz from last June's dec! .ftlon in Ihe General Land office concerning Jte Sccretao' of the Interior, has not ful-1 .fitlcd the reouiremcnu of the Swamp Land J .Act of 1S50 and 1SC0, end that Oregon has 1 - 9 mot lost any of her right under the swamp' land -rant by the Departments tnilurc f i i act in the premises. Captain Mullan has also filed as Land Agent for California, Oregon and Nevada, un argument with the Id Slates i -..ffl1 tn Iiul.nrllto ..1..1 1..1. ! MW UJHUVU lUUtulUikllD IU( M.UWt al1i9 t ancluucd within Indian reservations. This question has been submitted to the Attor. Aey-Geseral by the Secretary of the Interi. r fcr his opinion. TI'aixa. Wails, Iov. 27. On the 20th. as the stage running between Dayton and Lewistnn was o caring the Alpowai, a road ngent de'ianuded Wells, Fargo & Co s treas ure box. It was given him, but there was nutbtag la it, as it was Ihe up country tag. Mrs. Dunlway and two Cbisese vcrc the passengers, and it is hardly potsb "ble that any amount of cash was takes yrom them. The yonDjj king of Spain, Alpbrnso, ras married on the lOlh inst. to 2Inrle ChriMine, Archduchess or Austria, The '!cncditio!i was given in behalf or the Pope Jy Cardinal Patriarch, or Indas, who' oul ciated at tho nuptial mass. .The earthquake shock at Garden valley, on the Upper Payette, on Tuday last, was M ccvera Uial it snook dlsiies oil the" tables. The shock on Wednesday morning was EtiH more severe. Jddto Vanocral Government Estimates. The rrintlnr of the detailed minutes for the fiscal year ending June 30. Itfisl, has been compuinl. The otliusti-s of atuouuts required lor expenditure under the war de partment acRrcsste $29,321.71H for the mil itary calabliahncnt, and $7,557, $34 for pub lic works of various kinds, including about $5,000,000 for nvcr and barbor Improve ments $1,000,000 for sea coast fortifications, 774.000 for buddings In and around Vah tngloa, and $057. 000 for the arsenal. The cost of the naval establishment is rstirtiatul at $ H.503.a TbcnUinhirs.br the In. diau service foot up $1,99840; for foreign intercourse i-i.iixj.liij; tor Miancs and ex pciucsol collectota of interns! revenue, 84.- of-1 nccs,l,A..ol0; Tor sslanes and expenses o! the treasury departnieut projker, $2,CG1,- C72; for the Interior department iroter, j,,,,, beacons, and for sicnah. $074.000; 1 for new government buildings throughout ' country, $2,247.e00; for judicial salar-j nd cxpenes of um, W.OOO; for pensions, 32.044,000: for Uie fatariea and i expenses of the two houses of centres. I bia. 2ia rsiiiuates for either of these par. est!. I poses are submitted La the book of mates th's vear. On the afternoon of the 211 inst. the tup i "aui v. oeru amveu nu ntc uar ai aan I Francisco fiom Callao, iu ballatt, atd ici- i mediately after drupping anchor she was ordered to jirocecd at once to rortland.Ore- tpon. and take an order of wheat for Qneens. p Qkronuie aays rrrdiDS ! tbe shipr "On board the rea:l were I ""f1? r 'Mn5f" r?' Sm Francly. and when the tog Donald went akorld herniTJalii tn I.V-ll,..,. Pr !,,MTja!ii tn i.t-ii...,. ..1 vr npos fac&v tUc sbip shoold not Le allowea , - ie,i. .b..u JL .. .1.? w ee up Ike river. an the pivcniiBent t prtcae'jOR to ttievet any oae frnm ihc --'(vessel ja&aiag suutit a pntper esamtaatHio l .u ii IT . -ows.--ffc -tit cxjvcrcu .t j Kioa rs it was ascertained that we bad xnu t itiid J12r'tynml ? ,lmr Ming perfect y safe. .Mr E-Iterson J nt ii ii ine ancci was rjniic WilJoT creek, about foar mtlcs ".V. carm8' bJ K Trrm ibe leaba IWaarat ) Kocst Bra. Nov. 20. 179. Yoa must excuse me fr not having writlta you oiteoer: but drcumManccs alter cases. I hv lea where I coold not have wriUa bad I been difooted. IutunInnU i get neither pen. pencil er psprr. and conW 1 1 have prccuml these rssentiali. thrre was ido means of cnmainnicaUon. But I wiH now tell yoa ail I know about the country. as far as my expetiescc has girtie: Between uocy iisr. Atlanta and Lost river, there i one of the best xmaic dutricts I ever saw. and the greatest wonder is that it was never found out before. Hut that la easily accounted fr; the ravages have bevn so I...I .1 MNll Mn f 1 I . v w ui -mkcu : uai ornr -cnJn- I JI, aud It is oae of "cht countries I rVersaw. both in mir-cral wealth and agrleuli.ral adraa- "6 Tflt Xtle? " covered whh rrlring lands and meadows, a4 ihe bW. itd with silver and grf,. in,l ja, wbicll not falIcd t0 Jes; j 5100 10 ?500 ton. The gold lrl 1Mrtx K lilcr still. arSall ,n Ibe i .1 a. t . .7.1" L T.o toll and c'VcZe he eLd 1 . . .. iiincu WIU1UJ JIUOT fcOUIt flO a"n:. of vest Importance tot Imnortance tn iKr- wnoie a entry. The stream! abound tn fish and the val. leys and mountains are covered with deer. bear pheasants, fool hens atidmtny other! 1 Vf mc- A fr myself, I am Mess- I jih a goon claim, lours, as ever, t G. W. Stilts. Preprrtr Ulghts of .Harriet! Women. The following is the text of the "act to establish and protect the righu of married women,' as recently patted by the Legis lature oi Washington Territory; Bo it enacted by the Legislative Attcmbly or Ihe Territory or Washington Section 1. All laws which impose or i - 11 jf . ..... recognize civu oistotiines upon a wRe , ,V , 1 , , r r:n?l;,zw,t 5f c? " l? ,bc..llU.lf;'!,, r.,,ertVr al?- V"-"J i"""-"'. nai ccn,.er I Vila w4 al fl t rrifai -- a- Miff ..fliju a I ' , "'" upon uie ?' "W " provided by I,W; tnd ,ur "njott uun,ati.,n of her J 1 f . J '11 the same ricbt toanntal. Inlirromn inill TdB)u' ntnc, to the courts of law or equity Or iui irurcss uu proiccuon as inr ti'isuand has. Sec 2. Henceforth the rights and the repontibilities of Ihe parent, In the ab. sence or inlscondnct, shall be equal, and the mother shall be as fully cntiUrd to the custody and control and earning of tho children as the father: and in case of the father's death, the mother shall come into as full and complete control of tht chil. drca and their estate as tho father docs in cate of the mother's death. Sec. 3. This act shall lake effect and be in force from and after its passage. MsTcrr Gave or Bhhaiim. A match game of billiards was played in Ihls city at the saloon of J. V. Ho, onTburdsy even, ing last, between Lo. Short, of this city and champion of Eastern Oregon, and lW. Will. Willie, whocltimsto be tho cham pion fancy billiard xlyer ot the world, and who travels through the country giving billiard entertainments. Tlic game was for 100 points, three hall, for the sum or 40 a side. Short won the game, beating hit op. poncnt 40 points. The highest run made in the game was nine coint. !r ShoiL red' lkmoenit. r mmiuinT awnii i k aa a, at vr s . Ha.aB NEW TO -DAT. CHAXLSS JOHES. T'O N S 0 It I A L ARTIST. Rooms at Bon Ton Hold. la tttf County- Cenrt af Ihe Html Urwgmtt, fur Caaatllla. Ceaulr. r la tie matter ef th eetate of Chaa. p. AUea, d- cm4. la fvtr jT aw IU ALLEN. THE ADMINISTRATRIX (If " ikiwn.kiuiinwtrfUr .jmaxunUM r; j .i m. tu.w4.rr v.i.t. kk jr af i"7. A i T unl'ti? tWoet i p.ui, m it- u,r miwui, ; ore, hx tiunu a ini na- leor nuxwit . l.w it.mtn H.K YlUkl-U 41 6Mf Jsdcv. IV. .1 rr4ktoc, tbtiZ4 tfJ cf D-c, A. U. 17 Notice of Final Settlement. la IW matur of lb rtui. ef AViUkdn CA!, irOBwJ. IUUA CIU.IH1E, AIUIMT3smiX Or THE ll isU r4 AtrtttdtT U-4. wwwt LaiM B4 Ur tl mxwM ft ftSaWMInlOl C uU oWf tti .lr4 Ur a wr T inlMMimi 0na. lb. ltB. II C TiMV.m. CM Jif I ouUu CV&. ir. lu Mktnj Vwr.UK Stfc cty r Jnr. UK. t t vVtok kntM M IK. tHrc ftft4 U mumx Mtxsrtr, IX. i. ll Ateft train ( t jut. S. H. Kennedy's Mf'g Co, V ANCfACTt KCRS Of SHEEP DIPS. jibe Largest of the Kind In the TJ. S. ..... r.l.W- tMSira at4Wra, tt J!BX.. ta M M4a tb taat aat cwscr-vnuTto Extract of Tobacco wr a 4 i iftai Kr-t Laf Tal aon-Po!sonoii! Dip. m(UU (iu4i cuUt t a a-t--. IS St a raa. Thai w awr rAVuMVr tav aafrtf HEMLOCK POISONOUS Mr rrw. (3ta(aXc. AaJ u tU Vrat faUaaici Cark CiWia af atim Dfa wiat Dtl sgh for 225 Sheep aJter Sheiriaf . Jst a la Oa a! It CaliM aats vsa IkX rfCUaa Iwf aa raajiittt tmt frte U ay Ad&rcti. 5aU t7 all laaal Ja:.r U&itri S.1I. KLJIEOVi ITa Cat OKA8A. XCB. soracattxi a ecajc. r. rsxa. TI1I1 space Is reserved for tf, S, BYEBS & Co, HAHDWAHo STORE! HltlK Urn ! 'For your hardward, Tin ware, etc . etc., whore you will find such as saws 3.0 CSS, ETC", KVO. And in fact cyerj thing kept in a first-class HARDjAlS STORE. Al a Cora pi rl aaaertnrat af COOKING STOVES aai Italic TFAicA ImlltrU at Portland prictt kKK t&rfrd'jhl addcd.'XiA. A full stock of tin-ware at Wholesale aad Eetail at trry tow prk.t, AlvitfhaitBtatre nrmiear4 aa alao PUMPS & lUflN PIPlS rti ret to sail rattnr.rra, aTOOEJ WORK. efatl fclttda 4!er at nodrraU rVr atd Is mil iha limn Can aad tn brfor partliaaie( rtacwbm. MA IX Street nypniilt tht Court Ihmte. G. W. IV ED It, 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. Mc Connie Lyos. BARBER SHOP. UUr Culi, eiu? tej .11 ?haspUc not Ilallm AlvraysItcady Vila stmt, IWWIn. Notice to tho Publlc. H A VINO KCRVrt) IJiillT TEAM A3 ACFNT tut Ca.nl nl Le4 l"analun,M LaTtaf aoiatml a kiwalnlrr ( aH I1!!, labia f ail c wm, toraklr aca alt. a4 cantaa4 ilTMitlj IS j UtW va by lt Flair, u rll u nUrawl aa rv , rrcnrsl Itilra. I kai.k-nr Iw an. aUraiha la IL xtliriDrftl af vir aa4 IS oJWItaa U claim, al Man Iw ;mnl drrlaj I farcaaM aai rUalf. , rrbont. I'alrrralr.l'.awr.arTw. Iaate. H1 ! haa4 btaak an4trailMW a4 trajwfm I lH aa , trarl cplivruax , all aawMftia an.1 la aiH W 4B4lf a.UaSnl la I wttt a(r VHar. It Ilar4 b 1 aj-1 Cnll.rfl la raara l est ml 11 -a luklcUlauatt. I rtt aim rr Unst aa4 oy pln a4 M?UU i. abl a.0 aatra aa4 ancMiti. tarrr. lor mh tn fuiniiii; l a4 Br ae irvj. b a M T. U. CA.SN, itlrm. Or. mhISbU 0EEQ0H RAILWAY & KAVIGATIOIT CO. truiAL soncr 10 iwiSAt-rons. 1 u. AnvFRnEvevrfrnn rantiftix mtt J tin aa4 1-oWrt to t r-a.tol 4Ma c3sr rrrrteca ia lau Cala ara tmtf mUnn ULNKT I ttJURP. Kar ri irsi rtuat. Oregon lltttttmit anil Xiivlgtttlon Cum jhi 11 tf. J lYollcc to Contractcrtt. Proposals for Ties and Tin bars. THE OnmoX RAILWaT yAVtCATJOV CT Iay taritra pifaab acta DraraiUr I'. IIT. (a TV aa4 Tkaafaa hMmi: taat (kl tW) TVa.ait itl lawi la rk. ait rl tarara Ixv. tlA anra Itt Un kax a(Taaa.rwt a VJ ar T1W V. ta aw atnrn4 jM WrWa Trtaa Irrrj aa Kaakv RJtrr. aaaLtagV Trrnaerf. aa ar WaAarrtt IV TVm. rs tti tartn Itar. l HI nt aa4 inn 7t Uat aac at Taaaark cr Ka4 ar TiH I tf ta Va lml Wirr Untt aa4 Jstf ItrS at IS At aa ra-iaAAr Ua4ux W rtnajWata a. Iaif Ca.uWaU nT ltw t fvrr ofa a4 lar HaiW ar at af mWr aaaJnc Sr fraUw. Ifft C-aaaaUa nrr Mn O Aaaat Hlik ar a Wf aWi r arta Ta3a Wala k Cilnut .1 tncf ltir an Mw U-a. . iaMaa. aW- tna yaaTtaiia. tr. tl'rrof l-rrS a iaitn ta t, aVajrtaa al tlai aaa n karrh iM Jf. lsa. I'lini a "piw fvirbH as ayaaa-il ta faaafaai 't ra. icrra lata aatat ataia aUtlprftara WlnH a V. a-fcrtr. W w eaaS.. aW wil r Sf tv. KtMarfinrt aa.Ua.4 aa WU 4lMiMtMMiatiatlMlHj C.Aaaa- Tk (upiij a Mi a rx. lr ia rtcM aa f I- "t aar aa4 itcxar ILlaK To tf If iomi It tnay Concern. ras. r. a wvv. bivixc ixtt vt ,i a4 kr MWM aa. i.e I aernka. I away aara ak a akt I mU aat rf . far aaaarant.c ("a aU. J. r. MIMaiX e U lan Notice for Publication, L Ornre aT La Ciaaae, Oa.,1 Vm.. - tara ( "VT'TKT. Is Btf (Sim akat t Mnaf a. a. 4 .1 artO-t ka S-kU a-Oie al kai laaral a aa aaaka kal ( i la arri ka rtalaa. aa4 -vrr Saa ra tej Ik.w.f at tka rTfmin e tkair .11 I'M. ake ttfra laUMUr.ia .atXtCI K1 lr. l-r ake M',rTIliat Altaon:kS..iac et kat nt tVai X Juraakat af t aaaae Cn t at4L. A Kiriun a I awaa .. Ha.tcr DkwHr. Keaaaef Kotica of Sherifl"'3 Stle Tot lar'iae.atwt Tatra. aateaf nrefaa, favHf af CaaaejHa-ea T wnou ir kav oc rax . Twa r a aarraat WaWtaae,eai ur-a arW fer la eaA am w UM Ca lart ee aV. Ca; t'aa MU. rHM af rrr-a. k erae kate tk-a ike 2lH oae ef Vnalrf, Jars VV- aoa Ik. M katj eraf re-I-Tt. la-ait IWanamr Im. a. " lee', f awaataw -r - Xra.aa raaaxa. xal-4 ta I'avMCU Maat Pnrw, klirfrtl. MluiMnHaeaatn rwa4V.- ra a-M am a at 5rre. w W S'rVt knai tar evfc aa Vea4 a. ak. SrS at a Auaarr 1. la Umer a t tat Ue aa 4 WVM taealf. aa'ee-S etenr t-e ( 1- a tM ja raaca. aearuee am aa I -ia. J USrCXBT M-e-f I riUUQ. rWe4tka.a ear af Xae 1IM i-e3 B.a.f. t?, 1 k.'.t batiaJt SA CaaiigC aSJlVki.', j lltppntr, Orcjcu- Alilcy Kalhan. Prop'lor Ike Lett cf )rjjte. Liqwrt and Oyxrt, ? alt fjaraarfprL i aaeaiaf Commercial! STABLE. FEED SALE & LIVERY. J. W. Bxas, lrrteur Main Sbeet, Opposite Drugstore, Pendleton. Oregon. A Oeart attt af Bcxr Carrtarea aS 5aaA Hurara alaa.a la jwal arSer as4 rr4 Sar oae . Hertet Boarded by tie Day or Wed; al -Reasonable Raict Plenty of Feed end a freeaso of Comb and Brush. Bari. Cam a4 fee Mi. pCttM E. J. SUMMERVILLE, DEALER JX Paint oil, Iiycslulls, Class putty, Patent medicines AndPerfamen. STATIONERY School Books. Fancy & Toilet Good. WINES AND LIQUORS: rare Ueper. 2fC.tCAT. I.tSTHCMKSTIi Bhrtl raurle. Mmlral beaks. . leamnt and X-arnp flilnrrt. Xaaldlag. 11 torn framta, tc, Etc. rrrecrlplloni cirttiPx rrrj-oiW. Pendleton, Oregon. 5-B j AjjVERT.SEMENTS. I King of the Blood Cam alt Scrofataoa ailttlao. ot JUqrtm itall. lac (rata Iiaatlijrar Ibc IW.I. Il I. banltraa to fal7 aIl,Bfl.1iai((C4Rkiial.x Xr.it. I La: caaae, but .VaXt KAtiu.. i'aaj . f, Vlnr, 7 . J. titr. SmtUimf. ar. tuc uul nagwn, aa tt at rauij icttoiu ( tL llaut, llttd, Itnr scrofula. rfsl Csrs cf SUriztts. TX umw. Sojr r Co. ; For IS. hoh ef H Uwtaa4 1U frtrcfaJa ar Imvrr Iltv.l ta lLatr ?aU&a.I Ur.tr rrnxnarvl Kia of tU iSiotA. bait teas trvabUX vitahaafaU frlW Tatua "S a aSrrtMl nyrjaa tLat I saaotm pMrif Ula4 far mi kwmih. I vu lawrasaoJ! tatry KJaj of Ilk. IlVwl, lrtnfii Kll mratarnit Uraatef ta B. aa It Saa romlHy niiM aac. aJ I rWrfaflr rrmnrtatal It taaJl traaUai aa 1 Lata laa. Tn Iralj, Xtaa. 8. IVaaTaaauT. sxt':r..'a, f . Y. SloOOO yrM r-M la ar PaWat Bnalat J Data Vr arrrai roa. fur ry nrtiaraf af taat ci-ii-tts raUialal Vj a Lm ta cat (vttOc. Its Ingnrcdlents TsaWoTfaidilatWaram4 MraBcsrvef tta X. au prsr r-""al arfaaaalaaai. .Ua aUaS4 that tia ta.Ukja u tairesVj , aa tll rtr tk,a raaaara af all Ha tawrr-Acrsf ..W aSJattr. TaaWtaSeTi rt sntf raa4. Utrr STt&af. (rr-araf aa ali rasUr MaJanaa U tie warSi. Maair taUaBnUlaJrUatrtoforiaataa,aa4 faXitoWttoa. fr ta salt U Ia4 ta lairt -Trrmjla. aa bwim af i jav4.- in vWSraH.l!UtUrtMtaW I'm- I nUlVn. taiatar IS aanarra. ar II Va M aw. Mat Sy Srax tta. S.C.a. .,a t&a.frap'ra.BaJaia.y.T rMkaa PARTICULAR Assy st-ll yew i Vawt daeaavaia ! Ill 111 tat MM SMat ajaajat larwaral aattl vartic faoMNrilairJjr. I hare told est ay bsisa ic L'tatalWa t J. M. LEZZER. I bm1 have tLc taaaey tt pty ibr swy tM ttsck. Tboe w Ivs do ca( pay tMriy tsjrs wM Iheir atcnli ia ibc be4s m( a Wwyer. nltewiil bave calera caflact immoii atJy. f LEEZER. X fee kr. uf aaila. w aa ife4 w ka Datox op. Vinxnv, Cat n er aaarT. 11. IL. Ciatk. Caenl Laa4 J fat im rmH,lil Wiatta-reirw, eaerr raSAc taaa- - 'rHa aar 11 ra. a. r. S C.aai, .n r. (aa. aaaer. Awt-xarer l--ei i ei aaa! C.aeeat A 1 Si-r-eti ef aB O Tee. - - -a Qoaaaku r aarr .t--.7 iw e HinfTI jar FRANK lyVXX. AHR, C H I TE C T b"DTX PEXDLETOX- OR EG OX. I eetltf la tka Cvoatf I an af k faate al Or-iiea lar ake taaVtakaUerafakeCaraatafC L AeaaBo-eeaaf r t Arnuai t t k jrwK wr th orar ; ta Ha U a-r aeeaw e aa t44 a. I aH Afckrtta. Kxevatar t Ike kat aaB aj ae. a. i nwat af aaX airrawL peaatet aa aeaWr af aek- vT r-ii aUaae laiaattae aa ake e-4e e4 aet aewa Taat M H aeae aarr aaett ak. ikat ar aaaae i maaa tkerWtar tke 3lar 1,ri, aa tkeitUryr. a4eip aaea af aSaaiat trari a. H H taeerkee rfwt Ike Jar af ikaa eaon. tkat a!1 rea.i alirr Mr a .W eatate f aa! fciw apa ar b fall tfc jalre af Iks rwan aa mW Stk air at Jarj. I X, t a . cit r - af ! car at tke Oart Bcaat al Ivrrvtao Is raM I"-t al 5uu.ttrkM0aaiiraMTaajHa. .rfaaa- 4 tetre nM rlidlw ta aeB ike fa I aatate 4.an.il ra k pKarea, ar ea raaS tkereef at ta xnuri aar tke pvn afaa eaaat. tamB twNSafiktr-t '. .(4 , af K ' ?e 3. as4 XE af XE . 5ec K Tea a J RS T. OMaiat IHaim, iwH H I : ofNW a4 'V , at NE , a4 XK af tV i:Teas3NKaV,eaataTaart(Barva.aleke --:ir.NA- 1,atcM2af.NXir:N B H F, raaaaulvt 131 arrea;-alen a rertala W er parr af Uarl aasate la rvaJinaa ra Saal esastf af raaatlCa arr4 aa laa.aa. taatt Caaaaaearlac W ket enleflr aa a k af lb EaM tate f TkaBraa arrei fras tke a-ethaeet rarcer af Vck aat ' eiat a tree ake sartk kee af Water alrwt mai l 'Ae aaaae !fcl raaetr f Ik ere raaerlr a al aarlb Baeaf Water trwt 1'JO Inrt, tVeee at rikt atvtiea avi a a Bar T paraarl iu aa as af Ear aale ef Ttaamaam alrrel ! awrtkrrlr la Ike rtsalaU rrrer, Ikeiare hm ka laakl I of aaal rtrer la akere tke Eat ka aa lot af rke. rjet raie aa mm ibeK.eea nnttimeai sm imt, Irtff aa aal tor 'an ranoVii aaaraerl- ta tke paare af t 'fHaatx. Ataa a tertara pam er (nrtaai ef bad awnMu IVkMia. taall enaaraeaewe al -rtkeat craeref arc 12ax rasa ta raa aeat tk-aea mtk ta CtBaUftt rtrrr. ikeare eaat alnas Be. if er kiak la tke nark UcT. tkesor ta a auotkrajlrrlr (irert-a aluaetbeaatsnt blaStalkeaa baeaf aaH nc li Ikeaeeaartkltueraareaf keciaa af. tke aaaae aetaf a r-e af kkc arlkrat aariee i xr.kaait aaar krraertta laerr leaaekip laa sank. .ear. Ifcr . -e-t A 1 at e.al real rtale k-ia HI aar- . t'oililti rmiatT aaj Mtir af Ofrsa Aa4 laal a eeey al lkn riWi"ie4aea-.,la4'lkeWlrif sal itrrraaM. rraaatar alrkaa IWa rotate a4 tkal lie mb le pvfc. Babea S-r at Inul (wr crfle-ra(r areke la Ik Raer (Meiaa. a aeellr lm.fr faaheke-t hi Ma rnoalj aaJ Stale atf knvtar a cnel rtrraiatM. H. I Yil. Kt'H. t"aaT Ja4e flr4 IM. SSth Ait t f OrV-r X ! . nr. C ARrPESrTER AND XT I DER. Paper hanging c spcchltj. PKSDt.ETOX. OIIKflOX. aailStf W. HALLER, Watchmaker fc Jrvrclcr. Store at Seott t RnW, Pendleton, Or, Urn ate-i J ttytnt kr alrtrt atlmtlaa lo tiaaiBen acl dnlae rooj aeik, lorrreitf a tbrof yoar rairoaic. 1 tier. Sraixl, a atitea, On ia aoJ tlry. If ADVERTISEMENTS. The Zixchangc Hotel. ilxm flml, Walla V.'alU, 7. T. rniit nTft. is .r.tri.r nriLT. a.vd i iird ! L SatUI iLraajlwal ail H1 lc ceciUttri aa a IllratClualtiMae. Tb 7-lU Ui ala-ijrf b lappllrA arU5 tl Usl ta Ibr niratl. HOT AND COLD BATHS. I IlotabJcoU lutt fcrttia CMtretrtta frf faaU. ar;tn astf U-i; lalta frra t tLa Sotwr. Kf Mtc. eni( Is ',VaKa WaBa arc rr-fltd cat la foTfrtibUbaUt THUS O'BRir.', l-rrrVUr yT.lZ Lau af flti.. tfme. ! Rl.asrrLLu?i!:AjSrr!. j wrsn.vt oErxox . FKANK MOV, - PROP'R. T taate la farvaaaa-t at all taavra a atfk tt irrf beat aha aurtat aSaraa. NEAR P03T-CFFICE. D- Theodore. ; L'jf ATILLA Okkos All kbvlt ot Liquors and the eiMrifest ylNES, CIQARS, etc i kept COni tantly OH hated at thll popular ItESOlrr. GIVE 31E A CALL f.tSTLJIMEV A5II !ZT. rOllI5Ct.VVJ. ' Dun. C. fliaaaaa ner M flliiS, Ilrppncr. rr-;on. DEXIS d IIEM'ISOX. hpriUr,. I 'oa- uu, s jt rciiws im r A- oiaj 1 ara.ar3M.aaake4ryM Tka aaakeat ea.s jeaat fmM tr akeat. rVwr. an taeaa. -ajiir eM ajaBleof area, aa ta4 3r a4 Ser JTa aa rlakfaAvr atatat. 9MkMi LIVERY (JadUtta, at p:kd stable. jvjan5Ur. .Onr8 Aka) keejrrt OOaaSUatly B kavwl. sari ffcr sale clir-atr, x tml stock of sad- 9M tjirfljtt 4j . A. K. tu:ur J R 5a.Ix. PEHDLFTOIT X W BaT m PLLMXG .111 fltrtlLi., OO.fi.ii'JJ X L3 f rICp 5. xtrr cmsTA.vn.Tf-!si os ba.vo a mi j KfrtT or DOORS. i WINDOWS. MOULDINGS. SASH FURNITURE, i WASH-BOARDS, i ETC., ETC-, BUILDERS, COT) 3jr- -a.---.-?f; I AT3-raaa n.l 5rAn.ai farUW.-; All r7ori Gsaxaateed- Laarfer Aleita ea Bui. UM IV &TORK! VraOr rrem Uael. SEFP5 COKSTiSTLY A tetert ateck af SCHOOL ROOK?, STAPLE AXD FA3CCY STATION. ERY, RLANK HiUlfC ) AJUUIYO, L.tTET Xee.1. ivt rare- IVrftrwrr. Hr . "Ua ractrt Sa.isa, Euan, laaJa. nersr I r mim, Cine Clears and Tobacco. Cs94ar, aeor Baade tal CaDer. at artllif IL JACtm. GREAT REMEDY! 5re-Je rrearaBrtitnl Br Ike XraVal rarahr fee al saws of-. xcarrtcsxEss, vveakvem. DEWLtrr. orsmnt.i. UDKCTtO.V, CU1LLS. FETtlR, ETC. 100,000 Cases of SiMMOHD'S! UtHIClTETa- NABOB WHISKY!; Seat an 'ke r art So Coa-t Jarirr tke jetr 1$TS. Tt rvjmt a4 beat tar aX mrJau; t-J talf rerpoar . Hepp tiem "rjT T CIBE .NERVor.XES; PEBtUTT.r""18- ... I I A. IaXJ taotreMMi. rerer, IVraXaea. DvI r"ieT' " t1- VCe-e rirdact-Jirxt barm It X petal. CaUK ttc, lit Ilaa kreo aakl ta a9 ike rwef'l l W-fl UuV EaaSera talea aa4 tar alTrnol Mlia&ruoa. tl U f J "" TlKB Mrrfewe Cattle. Q oa Wt kip; Wi klifcly rrrommrsJee ky ta Fara-lT k aH (lasjea tf X Mr "W1 Najjar a rtjkt w; horaea, Q r.rrr aaj Arse. Nernarorra. Wrakaen. PrlMBtr 'k. IWipr pali. latfterrUoa. rie. It liN Itlrvdrrvl i ' U. WIU ham; callk R R oa Wt alp. man wpiNKai id rariac ?lpe. lairafwrerlkr Ik M - ' I In; rrrtllk-iie of tk rraiaenl Pr. S. Daaa llajra. T r i T "aw. aao nr. u. U Ua-l. rnbatk, af M. LcQia Biawart. cnteatea promt. ' k-oi la tkelr MarVaaloa, aat aaxk la a runatr la '. ad bajrra ef Ua rnillr an4 naahir I na .k . l5!!S!lWl'r,ft'HOJ,rm,fw;',a rruofta 1'irtwi rrt Caiv-tv. to leiutr 3 m okths atvl ih UbtSl k ka lCW a a laa.il rrwertr a4 Um 5COTT A HALKY. Sealai. imu.. htmm er XATIACK BROS. &. V. AfLEY;'EeinflrSalMI! I r-aah IwIh a. a.ua a. . QrfER UN AGENCY' rotoO-Crrcon. nan n V.i. U . " " ' aa -a l lVMt? CoartUavM. HAVtXO lblrr.tirrrTrredr9atrf err Toaa aWr. in I m.IKU muatr. arrj S-ta reranmSr . tutaie4 alia l.u-lorjllaa aad ttilii; of all the Ur.1 InlaeCSnaatr. I wl tmre UnJ fur raiiKs eader aar ef ihe Land fA, al u,, rtlkf r Uo,. lemrUra. Timber raltar er.aUitn Humeii.i L ,J"tc-'-- raM t rrwre.ll ctm. trtled ttivt Uilou la Ike Jrr na rat at T iaattstca. 0UR BRANDS. t Srlinmlitr IUI IIkm wb aaliarTlft for IkU ; Jfr cas kai Utr mark aa4 ferabdi pnbrlabH la it amlljr wiUmmi rtnfr. Tin aJaM U wofifc lb ! MUrn4aoa frrVca taur toei-ralT i4rrMa. 8 rrtiaa; cau!v A oa Wrt kip; ear Buk. a?tr aa4 aaoVrUt la rU nr. litxw-t, ram Sraa4 Wll abimaUr. AinaWaa.. laa ; caltla, ar Mrtr, apjr 12 rraa rtl ear; an la trft. EnM.4 A aa Mt Lip. Ajro T W HaiUrCmrc. CauWSras4. -'- oa rialrt klp'.rmaaCitjM ear. Ilaraca, aaaa brawt oa lr(t buvUer. 1.1- KrypmrriJ A rBerte4, lkt X raj ten Up;r(klrarral aiwa la lie )S, af awt-r fcap la IVft nriM aaMle as left atartarr; t.er laed, aaaa. ea iHt Cak A3.6 Job. CtHc,S Taaleftktpaa J A Caac14 wUtaat bararruaa Ike A aa rlfbl alp balf a4rr enf afl" njtt ear. Banes, IV cr krxad as lrt thnaVUr. Al.r-K V Call. r ryfct, Warr part Uttsf br.54ae.rttT Sr anue-t. llorara aaor.a kft.kUB. Brow J B. fcxnr 23 s rifkl akaUer. Catlr aaaiT aa rlrkt tp, crop a3 tka? left ut tft tad euirrvn la riatear. Baaoisaraeer J J, rvaufia. Cattle i ca, aiie. rrop ail Ht la Wt ear. li ar run fcra4 aa Ik-'ct. balsas rrtVia; MB. rccaerW, ear aurk. M ta rrt ear; rkeep ibe aArae ra.rk , txtran aa& I br;aa taroeatar atare larbrasAsz. BaMa, Wat H , UMUrr'jni cattle as-aSo or. atdrv bpastfrrt rariavrvtcrtaatw, lm Tw 'rX as Itil Up. 1Io-i utoe bru4 a Ull tMti. Cerry.B T. Mlhea; eatHeTZ tn I bn; crep aa4 a3rr L-aT rroy H ear, korTSi aaaae brS asr VK rk-l.hr. S.aerTkarii.. Hiayr Caarg. ratHe. It ao Wt t:p. I'aw. hea a rjat ear. aaoaie Cnr Up cjt na ia aa Ike aaaaaV. kwrv-a. atne kraa4 a Wi b.p Barwpl Oav H-aa-r KaMkr la r!f afli.T Treabart fkae rrop ceTcfieft ear, kra. H I. aaet ea nfcc kip. KreeMM , rrealrua, Cattle. B ao left ap. Eeraea ra W W. f Ut, Spire i osder rrr lark aa tart St;my aaxapat s rM ear. aavier alw la left. Heran. B oaWkafrarrJeaMVr, grwiWa-WtHi.; oiilr fc Wat, rtjktklp ear fc rr7 ta4 aaaaf la Wt M left a&e 4rr me sa R(s ear Hir-e. aaae kraarf as Wt aaoaatrr Clre.lWdK.Leaa.krat, krxa, truarie C aa left .V-aU-T. CrraOaakaa. C D ao left trp, aave vaatc cader eara ! v. ' . 1 . m l . - r r v . . . MaseWatWaioarS.aaaafcrku Itrit ! Ca.-iT I. rTT . CKtVjna45CeUri t . eaaare rrf a rlfat e af r aBa r terk a4 afc.r Wt r tk at ear. Ueea aasr Iras4 a tU Wt loXal rrv -n a- Wt lr. Jam; f rlMirVai kM Mart - . -.. fct a 1 ajrt S e arfa DSu7 eaaaar. keartee Wt kiy, tarre tears ra left -itair ta.r infctr B.a.T riaV. ; , ea Ik- mil U. reaMaa; fart t - ut apy-rlaC ia njK aa a&a.r VtmleKear. keraea. aaaae koa4 ae nSt taajcar aVmrtf B. treaieaaa. fl aa nsfct irp; etr rvart tltuXr " lcrS U lefc karaer, D aa Baraa. ra J. kvxr. V&Mr4t rbaSar. Catate lease as nskt Ur . ra r&ask. aadrr Ui ta ' nr ar j ahra. Kaeal Z, FV t Bark, cutte. PD ta Wi fcp. ( ear avark. aaaaS aerrkrt U Wt aaf la ia niu; ! kTa. RMHlHMaVr. , U" V. Lrsa-Wr-a K D ea Wt kfp; cad. 1 "C rkc e. mo ail nib. fcrt ta, erS rar ' lal I. J K. Rara-e-Jflf MaS. CanJeaaaea acaraS iap: .araacrt.- rT7ktt9et af Wt aa ra- JIKataner rrX. Ctakt bru4 la tka aC e. B'2tea OS Wt. jae relW ia laa aktaa nkt ear. bnarwSelsn 1 TeaaASa. AC. Lean. eaOkv T. ! A nr ear -at aa aaaae. atMkrir?. SnJcrrasV WtBee rrepar , a.aae kra-S k'o. Lcrara kraaaC r fVarai e. r, ara- SejTRer rarate. ly-et. r rtrit k aMtktak. aat caat rfn rUka kip. ear dark; SarV4k aajarekeiaaa-aatevairktortear la aaaft-raivaDae tJi F-a rrrtr it. i'i r If'iraa.l t,r Wl jarBr.HIea ngUewj ka . a karaea, aaaae tnxA ttsactaSj jtWa.. rFHUnTwaMeHil key. lanes aae a "T. aa-ra. aarr eraa aa artt S l r-iir wal.i asr&j ia Ra. J. W (Maaae.-caaaV A C a rvt k frreer aiepa U eaer. rMr aa njat ara4 aeti. Wara. crcla t-atkaa. aa axaa raMrr UBaarrcrret. CaoV. rj- T f nrkt Sale ia aazae. a4rr ka bi tke Wt ear. ul S Wl Jta-. Snat. 2 ea Wt eaSr as C aa . kaa. U aa M i'..tr j camearerS e krp. ajBX asj aaarr kat la Wt j 1 aarrk at rettear i GT!r"Tr0r1 "i. r- - rrtt aa raraa ia r. 6aSnaa J J. Ma-t EjtV. kanee J aa Vft O-irt cacUe rr-fralaariaaefe,.ft,ECaifl39 TT al AAa. L-M. eatCe. Wtrr T 24 xax37 aanel A L aa r a-j. t-r a4 aar- ka a nit aar; a-re-, txaar araM aa MI aSaia-e. S-ni RarvT Caayaai CaV rr a c-aVe eea left a. ae rrsy sa4 el Is nt1 aa4 erey krr M Is Wi. Bern Vu-f4 Q M tt-eeer Ka . Baape da?. TjK eia ac4 Ktrf rat 1 rv aa4 ejB la Wt ew. knsrf. H aa Wt attWfa. Bee-ee mae Uolw Wa ikJ'i. Kanaka q W . asana.. WaaavaBa. eu kar a. z ea Aiit akaavaVr. aoaV l rufc kry; e ttaiV. ee-a -Crke tlk w( a tear ta Ike Wt Bat. .k-Wa. Ler Baa.e i fret Carrie. T aa Wt aar; ' T-C rrAt al Oariaje Sa Wt -w. kiei a. 7aa kA at S- 1 - C ira. ieeRtrairtiUaer. aaVrfca-'t i I renatt a va .a - - - - - i I "g-'r.a aa Wt ! alt r. wi wax aart J la .W. otiaanS J Wi k-a. akt a eae ear V. rAa K-.t . rvar- rrre et axV-JUx rx rtM Iter, ra W-.aaarln krsas ta Wt tii. Wt .kaVarr a Laaer STaSaar C-eek Catt. JJ(ar Jra erWl aa rirM kajr. aaaer i la ngu etrarae aa kraa as rtjkt aksca. I K. I a brt. CuKe anat kaac J oo t-Si kf. rrrp aa Ma ear laj rST m? I ruktear baew-aa anajan Wia.ilir KrT A - Bw-y mBX J -xla- aa Wt krpaM 8 ikt ear aai cw-.Lt ra Wt kreaee J-aaa-k rr t. I. eaie. J K raaarctcf aa kretkap. Banraaarra MiWUrf. LraaiLL," aarUKrapaa4aAr?ka3rr9 aeaeaear : t-a-Klt K. SaaaViae; cast!. Kt as. mVt k.p; I ea at ks mti ui u n , - . . . nV i ! Ml.aaefaertl ' U ; leaakereaas at K. hVpcaer. cat. ortNt neVt ea i aWteakr; rr. ff rrtkt aa4 ra-aBaa- kart ta Wt ear aerkktearer t-p. W-a aaaae kraaj aa Wt taiaier LaeJ. NrtlutX Kmn, LUmm rfkt akaai at raUJe. aaaae aa rt kep. x4 ariSe aa art, ! Laafceer A. karea X L eaeaeete4 islau kar acra-a A. I eakiaMer av.Baraiere.i. Cattle, tfces A- aa Wt kr: I ras-a- lert. aat spree kit ia 1 I war anal aa Wl tea. Baraet, Ue ' Lee V.TTcaeaeateSea Wlkfrt. L-rr ta-BaafeCrre Caule T E roaserul aa i Wt kip tsabnr tet ia eac& ra:. HoneaTea left ' tattK "Jsairyvr . trarjT, crap aa4Latr crap njU ear. Vw ta Broa reaTetaa, kann rac rxkl ak-aUer. ralale aa WL aa rjil ItUmVerre. rsatali. B. auk fci-t crrt. eer iaat-a, aartfkt klv era af lb Wt aa4 atsall aaerkn a rtkl ear; Kore, suoa kraal -aa Wt itwtUrr. MrCoyrj. KeaSea-a-CsaSe. J crc9erte ao Wl iJe, ton r- Uaa acct ; barwa, km SraaA aaarftek.aAkrr Tta.Wau H.. Irry Crrrt, X ; kora-n. sacbar T i raktaaiajUir , kVCi Keak. SaUrr cr-ek. CutV.Uaa Wtkls; eo refi a."arSl rxr, harars nac krasj. aaaEar I aer W fHIfl. ; llo-ee JeMO. Laaer Butter tree W, male afcea , aa WtabaakW. aiUe.saea ca rirkl kirv rrer , aaJ atti-r aal sa ack al tHa-w t-xx. ra rukt t-ar. i UrtBa. Juetn. Utter Crrek. Caiu. ear Burt, apMtaUlrar. Baaadni JJt t Wi kJa. Harare. I Kuse t-rw aa Wl ah-cltrr ! VatlrrkTJ Leaa; karwo. t J CO Wt tkealiee. ' UcKitaeyTE-v crrtk.caiiU, kf-rwes aa- vrr ii. aa bp smc. I A. a .cattle, MKn Wt kr atxW atoe- aX rlxktrar Itarar aasae kraaA aa IrTt itira I cei K. rVot K-t CtltKrKttarrcklearaBtfap- I !T aaa wan aaa la aMII. HI. OS left aip. I fiaraea bm kraai ae. ktt iWWr GohaaS. J lUpCV Caaraa. CattW braa lv cfr ea rtikt a'de, rrp of earh ear, adc la rijSit. Bar- im aaaae hiu aa lawsajer SvewA loarr Batter Otek; brcara, tfxre i aa I lea. tup, ear svuK. ca4rrbi la r!kt air. I 73aUBira).9 U. Uw BaUrrereek aorrea, S r ; JL a ntbl akoaMee; eatlte sas aa rt(kl kin, crop reCt Is rati aal twa ebhu la Wt ear. , ---. "m; aanea. Miners era kwet oa -,n. fr?' I r . i sami IHW1NHT, V OYSTERS ' t-rl . OYSTERS ! Tan- J I r-aah IwIh a. a.ua a. . . KOFOAbT Pcl ! .-aura a iutii or. araerij of AKorU- 9 ft JPs ""sstEscK. REsrEcrrrtxr wV tsema the feyple of rvallrtnn aj -jrroaa4-lareMiBtreilulheamHr rerfArea la arrr ejtur rANXV, KOAST, mi ED, STKTVKP. ETC, ETC laailir ( sUed at SI CO per haa4rcL All gokw irvartty fljt. aavSU'