She 5a$t (Dwgomatu Site fef MJ0W3U; 1LBUBUXD EVXUtY siATVllDAY yitUlMXU, rt J. II TUaXEE. O. M. BULL. TURKISH & HULL. Ofilce, JIala KL, tpr. ttae Co art Uobic, Kates of Sabscrlptloa la Cola: On Teir, In adraape... fS 00 1 M . X 00 TkrM Months. 10 EAST OnifiGONIAX Job PENDLETON, OREGON. cook im job rKixnxc 01verr description, ne-aly and rrosspUy txe cu.tJ ut rea.ouaiils rule. J OTtCE Strap! anooancet. eot of birth.. marrUrr .lid dtuha, will b IcMrtcJ w.lheut uharr. OUluirj nolttt will b charxoCTor acsuUlor to Ucfih. Slnr' cap! Ihi Hut OtXfcO.ux, la rj pc-i, I r ddlinc;, can U obUsd at tfcu 3m. TV anas ce reipoaiiiility far li.w ciprisi I; I. EVART3, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Pendleton, Oregon. OITiCE In iht Caen Uoum. WlUXm EWiNQi LAWYER, Psadlotoc, Oregon. JOfiK GUYER ATTO RNE Y-AT-LA W, Fendlete-n, Oregon. OFFICE CptUkr.xbsTcpsitoa. S. V. KKOX, A T T O R N E Y- A T- L A W, Weston, Umatilla, Co., Ogn. "BUI p-sctle in si eterts nf Ibli Rut aJ TTiMa- tea Territory. cffri-1 rlTtiHh-i r'' In I ml TVtii.w sad CoSea&nt. A. M EACH EH, Attorwr-ai-Law and Notary Public, J Weston, Oregon, Kn yratiarTa tbt Coam c! tit Suu. Q. W. WALKER, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, Pendleton, Oregon. Will practice In all tbecoarU or ItieMaU. OFFICE orer trie new port one Ilo ft, Rererecoi by perrat.ston JuSc K.H. Hiraaaa, JucaJ.CKurell. Hoa.uninn. Albany, ugn. HAINES & LAWRENCE, AT TO H N E Y S-A T- L A W, Baker City, Oregon. TTBl cnslc alUwlaaSeoart is Ormaaal ltUfc. Particsir attention ntl to teuat la : Eilr aad Cctea sensae. ? IL TSXXTx. D. W. Birrr. Nctarr rctJlc TURNER & BAILEY, ATTO RNE YS-AT-L A W, Pendleton, Oregon. Cocsijr oric-i toilet and told. Loux bjdateJ. J. U. 2aterwiHbauoeiaUdvbliiil&aaeoblted cisa la the Qrecit Cam ia tht fctcre. OfTJCE lai okuU Um eecrt fcooae. DR. S. D. LIHDSAY, SURGEON AND DENTEST, Pendleton, Oregon. Serjerji tpeaMy. E, P. EAGAK, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUEGEON, Weston, Oregon OFFICE Oa Slain ttrett. j. K.PRUETT, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Pendleton, Oregon. OTTICE JLt resUec. W.C. McKAY, M. DM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Pendleton, Oregon. CFFICE OppoaUe tht rnJktoa tleuL V.F.KREM'ER, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Pendleton, Oregon. Oien bit FrofeMional errict U tL peofiU U rcadlttca and urruanJnr wBtrr-OtnCE- -At retUtaca emit e Ceart IiouM W.WH1TGQKS.M.D., jPHYSICIAN and surgeon, Pendleton, Oregon. TZZX atteod all oalli, &ij er iJU. vlli proiatoeM. All ixua treatl bf tU latctt and rury tut sudcf for tte eomlort vt th jtlei.t. DR. V. T. WILLIAMSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Weston, Orepn, ma xteni to a0 n.. v nI1' ? PpM"'- HATH.I.A, - - - - OUMIOJC. HAVE !Kn.V. J"20l'aiKTtK. i vim lutrnr k i the t comiithi.i nu Wilson Hotel, Cm a till A. OrtfoH, MBS. M. A. WILSO. rOKMERLY OF ORLEAK8, bu located oo Front Street Umatilla, where the . . A -J. t r.f rJ 11,. Vmiu hiltiMltl. ml vrcaw wmm. mwm . - fituA ; tb btda are exeU(, and tbe taU will be tup dlsd with the rerj bet toe market afford. TraTtBiffi 2 V Slays Company ooache. ttop her. Ste VOL. 5. H. T. HELMBOLD'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU! PHARMACEUTICAL A SPECIFIC REMEDI For OF THE AND - For Debility, Loss of Memory, Indispesl- tiAn 4 -x V T7 c- . v mmmvu w iurtucu, r nfnnni oi Breath, Toabled with Thoughts ox Disease, Dixia of Vislea, Pain in the Bark, Chart, aad Head, Bash of HIdoJ to the Head, Pale CoonUaaaae, and Dry Skta. If tli ft syaptoais are allowed to go on, Tory frequently Epileptic Fits aad Coainnip tioa follow. Whee the confutation become affected it require the ail of aa inrigoraiia mediant to itrcngthea sad tone np the sys Usi which ii HELMBOLD'S BUCHU" DOES IN EVERY CASE. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU I IS UNEQUALED ! By ay rca!y ksovra. It i preacribod by the low! emiaest phytieiani aN ecr the varld, ia Hhcnm&tiszn, BparraatorrhcDa, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Aches and Fains, General Debility, Kidney Diseases. Liver Ctomplsint, Nervous Debility, Epilepy. Head Troubles, Paralyis, General lli Health Spinal DIs3asef, sciatica, Deafascs, Decline, Lumbago, Catarrh, Nervous Compl'ts, Female Complain te, etc. Hcadfche, Fain in the Shonldtrs, Coagh, Dimsea, Sour Stomach, Eruptions, Bad Tail in the Month, Palpitation of the Ilciit, Pain ia the region of the Kidnoya, and a thontand other painful 'ytctoa.i, are the off prings of Dypextuu HELMBOLD'S BUCHU I Invigorates tho Stomach. And itimulate the torpid Lirer, Boirelt, and Kidneys to healthy action, in c! earning the blood of siJ impurities, and imparting sew life sad rior to the whole system. A sisjle trud will be qtxiU saiCcieat to eearinee the tsoet hesitatin; of its valuble remedial qualities. PEICE, $1 Per BOTTLE Or Six Bottles for $5. Delivered to say sddreas free from oborra tion. "raiieaU may ccntnltby letter, receir ing the saae attention a by calling. Coapetest PhysidsDs attend to correspond eats. All letters should be addressed to H. T. HELMB0LD, Druggist and Chemist, Philadelphia, Pa. CAUTION! See that the Private Proprie tary Stamp is on eaoh bottlo. 80LD EVERYWHERE, ssayss-ly Kidneys PENDLETON. UMATILLA CGI' NT Y, OREGON, NOVEMBER 29 1S79. v ftonsouu. 4 a. Rotlicldld &; Boan, Sasooton to 3. EOniaHLP. WOCLO EESr ECTFULLT CALL THE ATTXXTW t M tb paUi to Uxir lustlj lrwTMl uk U GENERAL MERCHANDISE, fUlci brarwMd UdtlUt lionW hr ltU W ml' teecB te b3r At the Tery Lowest Rates. rketr Stak will eejusUt m sisrtRr el Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Cklaa and Glassware, BOOTS AXD SHOES. HATS AXD CAPS, Etc., 13 to.. Ttj- w3J Cnt XiX f . 3v x-tan Grain and Hides awtW raMCCElatccs b.acturvatavi tUOtl i2r UAitcrr eatzx Cash Paid for Wool. UTAH, IDAHO & OREGON STAGE CO. Will Leave Icn!lnt 011 Ftr U mat ills, Terj TnesJaj, ThnrdT, and Saturday at 6 A. ii.; returning from UciatilU the niae dr on ftrrir&l of beau f romHie Dallet. Will 3.CUTO lonc!loton Dailj for The Dallas vU Pilot Rock nod Heppner, at C P. M. WILL LEAVJ2 DAILY" For V1U Wall at 7 A. 31.; and for Boise City al 2. AM. Now Conchgl, Ktstr hjt oolc. SiUlr4 CUirco,jid able performance of itrrice on time aro tbo features of tlio Conjpanj. FARES Greatlv Reduced. Apply to Lot JAvermorc, Agent. SaiUbary, Hailej Co, Proprietora. WALLA WALLA STEAM BAKERY. ESTABLISHED !. IM o. XaecUctarrr td BraJ. CaVn. Vu.. - i - mkui. bm i rout vouoin;. Xala atrrel. Yrll tin. m Tho Love of Plowera. ) Of tho many touching tributes juid to flowers, there is one associated with the closing hours of Heniy Heine, the ioct, l.I-l. A- 1 t . ...?F 1 wuicu appears uj uo yery ucauuiUL lie was dying in Paris. The doctor was j ray ing his usual visit, whn Heine prrMeI his hand and said: "Doctor, jou ate my friend; I ask a f&ror. Tell me thu truth the end is approaching, is it notf The doctor was silent. Thank you," said Heine calmly. "Havo you any request to makel" asked the doctor, moved to tears. yes," replied tho jioet; "my wife elcejis do not disturb her. Tako from the table tho fragrant flowers she brought this morning; 1 lovo flowers so dearly. Thanks placo them upon my breast." He jutUBcd as ho inhaled their jerfumc. He closed his eyes, and ho murmured r "Flowers, flowers, how beautiful is Naturel" Ihese were his last words as his life slowly ebbed away. Travelers havo noticed that their ap petites re best at stations where thore is l?st to eat TELEGRAPHIC. L.vsri:i:. .status. ttbrnt lurrrnwr. WitHtOToX, Kv. 15. lUttHIM ol No Teubrr lt Lw sm iM tlte wheat nrop f :.090,000 lmh4ii ever 11 yr. Knb and CuhfornU bath dertino in jtetd. Trias, of all the SetLeiti Sul, im the only vhe that falU oQ tu )ield thu Jrar. t'roiliirt Inn nl Jlnn! Niltr-. The director vi the mint eetieuat lit to tal jlu.-u..u of ec.oti kHrUl tlano It joer TJ is fcXlovr: CaWofkH-foLl, 17.CO0.(X; Mlvcr. tl.t0u,W Ntrad gold. $9.MJ.0M; r. $3.140.J0j. Cte nule gold. $3..000, m1tt. $U,7WI. Utah fold, $576,000; wlwr. .SM.C-JtJ. MM. Atizan--gill.tV0.tO0; t4yr, SJ. GS9.0O9. IVota-cW, 139.U; uUrr, 510,900. ldhu-cold. fl.W.W!; ulrr, iiiO.UCK). Orrjoa poU. $ 1.15.0; Ivcr. $30,000. Kw Msr4x goM. $IS$wM;Mt Ter, W0,W0. MtcLtjrsB eilter. 770.fciO; Other dvwrktw ioi roW. ? 306. 04. atlTrr. $67,600. Grd total for tk UlU Sutrs and Terrilorit ; J5.SWW.UO'?. aihec. $ltf.S12.uW limine Mtmtiy for Itir Onau. WaHrsciox. Kor. 1C The fonaUoa of BperTixrm dtetnets &Mdr the premstcM of the cdss act of llarrk S1. 17. has Ixe ref4ted by Srriatrcdrt)t Walker. xcept ia irgard to the bUlr f MsmacIibmIU abd Oabliirnta. Tke ppotnfifCU MiperrU or tsast b Be4 in eaek iejetssw by selee tion Irozi ap4tctU miJioe; vhhin the boasMiatWs of lb xwrpiir rfobicU. fhre .tr U1 peactiesdly rotural the tboiaal of 1wm1 ti,oslst inOtcry fr tho work of tablet; t cosMtu, aeid ale to ailed l-y tWt let ttt JaaaMy. TJie t' Tc-llitij. Drj.Tir. Kor. 17.- X dMpateh froea Is V. cUled lb IM. MJ that the ot!uoL for either aa aeasraMe s1jtaeht ui Sn kh the Indian or premac ta f,a tt of the xrtir lai plicated ia the Whit met dtal eslUr is cxtrtatrly dtwpntirectric. asnl sa lt. J there it a chsf( 4 front u the of the indiaa a twenty t-ttoiaHa ( tW tom aiaiens tabor aay 13 lowhed for, far as their dkltg vtth tho Utea ekreet i CCB eer&ed. Osraj's j-o-rr to ky i tr tuWt& in the balaaer. a&d wUkia the tx?ev dj we shall pruiwUy vtUwM th aaal act of sneeess e krs pctt ia eUlUtatac hw afco Ite asthxtty over tht tittr. or as tittsksl dethroneea'at and tht ace4ca7 of the war fueioai It m MrltT M euUei.l aov i that ia attooaactl UM by tho IswhasM stnne lL traeUi at White rtror, Utnr a aaiy tfvIed iBtix froea tho heotti tW trwcn to ifrjvur befoeit the eosaasswioa, and that aa to giriae; tosttsaoay aad all far ther ptoteedtags lhy site to dewsde for lh-aialir. SawervKa. who trested Adosas w v4I dating hU iir-M oee ta the btia ewaalry, rrtapattenoe; his ltadeM-M aa tie fmaer -eMoa, torttsVed at WasK. hat Mt froa W aknaac to ead. Gest. Adasaa tixa j.-ct the usntue, "H'm I ever a yaar hva oa tho Uraad liTrr'" He aat-wereil "No." Sr eraiek ths asaehatrxid a ad Atim saade tb fediaatae vfrrh to Oaray. The U: sjksr i not Um. I bd alevp ia Sayervick's tent, aad thete aeeSl a aa eM fran 11 a'elack enttt o'ctack ta the EMXBtog. Sawnraiek a peroral, aad wtth the others was fatly aagatjuat a( vhat iS 4s. aad ta-day hr cjeae hrte aad sat he de not Laow aaythta For taat rravoa I UAicTe he has aot ffakea the .traih. aar iI,im kx vi&k to uvcV iIm lrat V I Ulm. j also that tiaae of thesa ik to tptak the troth, aad tberefervlt is alsaeit aaaea.ary to pi any f oitbrr. They hate r!el to s&eutlaa tho aatae af a ssssfU IaMaB. whtle they v& kaaw the piaie. af all 4 Iktm, aai 1 Mw ptiarat the M'.avaUaa ta ;aa ju that eaa ivooea SMd rasae other aaatM vhtnar e fawy nrwt tht atekrs of tho gov mMMOJt. Th cafracsal wac aa to aaeattata aha vara eaejaged ia the digeai ts at Waste river. W vaat tha xsaawa af the Ratky parts . aat if ya tfctak aa caa sat 6a-l aat wa they v r hl WtUr ga basae. Jiml uulUx. Catcaaa, Kr. 17. Mr. .KWUida ItoUtt aha far taw week past has ba oa trial far th xaacder of Tbeadara Wrlr, ru tbea teraoan foasd vat gaiHy of the atnrdrr. by e joty. since at the uae h htilrd htai nut Imim. They also foand that she not yet reeoTeted fatselr. Hhe ll be ritaoTrd ta tbe Djcin iaaae aijlaee. Klltt In Trouble. Unci Xar. 17. Gar. Syasoar says ha is net aware of a laaveaxat being oa foot ta settle d(Zrreers ia tb Daasocratie party of this State. Ia Lis jadtfaK-at the only body ta atbltrata in sesch aSatrs M th State Coa sniUer. aho aitbobt doaht at iU ait nseet ins wMI aot tly aatl jailioaly in ttw of the fact aad teaalt of tho lata electsoa. MIorM. on Itir LIt. Oswcoa. h. Y., Nor. 13. Tho tag Sey monr of Odrntberg left Capo Viacant yestrr dsy with foor tajs. three dndeas aad right acoas in tow fur Hoffalo. Danag the bight 2al on Lata Ostaiio waa rncoanlrrrd, and all the sBiall dredfea aad scars wtre lost. One tag was picked aj lo-day aad the Synv8r has arrird at SackeU' Itubor. Of tho crura only rix perervi wrta Hived and tweaty-two lott. Bob Tooinb ni'Iujat. Cuicico, Not. 16. Therditoref the Nil has Tcriacd the correctness of tho diorntrb recrirMl ftom Gtn. Kebcxt Toomb of At lanta. Georgia, on the 12th Int. Tho dfe tiatth cs rrceirt-d hat been compared ith the one nacitJ. and fonnd to correct in ertry word. Ilcnco there was no garbling in the trsntifiiion. The closiug sentences were: "lie (Grant) fongbt fur Lis country hen-, orablr and won. I fougut for mine aud lost. I am ready to try it orer again. Death to tho Union. XatlouKl riimnrr. WAxutKorojf. Nor. 13. The annual repott of U. fi. Treasurer GilQllan sajs that the aggrfate of roIJ coin and bullion, inclod itig the standard silrf r Jollarx, Li(d; coined under tho act of Jan 23, 1879, which do not appear in statement prior to that Tear, is abowu to bant iocreascd from $CI,tI'i.2l7 in 1870, to$lH,4C1.33'2 in 1S77. to $lC3.tW0. 4(llnlb78, and to 2,b07.313 in lb79. lhe noto asset aro ranged as follows on tho aboTe dates: In 1S7G. $D3.119.CS5. in 1S77, 5KW.Cfti.2S7; in 1S78, bS.S72,60O, and in 1879,5'J.CW.OSO. 1 ha annual receipts from all sonrcca aro $291,080,000. Of this amount at least $31.. 000,000 is in nUrer JoIIam or siircr certifi cate, that being the minimum paldanunnlly for silver bnlliou fur coinage, which amount spprdily finds iU way into tho ueasory. Ttio more cctlaiuly becanso tho payuienU for t allien are mado cither at New 'iork or Ban Francisco which aro both centres of huge receipts by tho government. Tho maximum net noto receipts are thon $230,000,000, ngsinit whiih aro paymenU of $2G7,0GO,0dO far general expenditates, interest on the pub lic debt, war and navy establishment aud pensions niado in note, or if made in coin its retain ib-ertatca the note receipts to that extent. Tke execs of noto expenditures ever We receipt is therefore 17,000.000, which U the annua ritcreasoof note balance freea silver dollar coinage alone. The treas nrrr ears that nnls lun rule of the New York daarSag boa so axe changed so as to per&it payaent by the treasury of all or a Certain percentage of the balance in silver it taay heaotae tiecaaary for tie treasurer to withdraw from a relaliaa whitb renders over $30,600,000 laa-fel isoeey In Ita vaalt nu vaikbW fcrpsyxent at New Yoik, the point f th graati-st pabiie diiboru iat. Ileiu l Uairru Gauars. Nov. 19. General and Mr. Great arrived hoa.e thi e.c&iag and were aeeaaipa&ieu to tanr Lotue Ljr a number of pcrsasal friend. lUrpox, Nov. 19. The Merchants' Asto cialiati has appointed a eatBtaittea to co-operate with other arga&tzatiaas in an effort to aeosre tho cnaetuicut f a uatianal bankrupt isw. Ntw Yatc, Nov. 19. Tbo Badetia's Waahtngtcn special revives the rumor that Itamtay, of Mmnereta, will bo sppoi&ted secrecarj ef war. and states that iIeCrry ailt be appoiattd ta tke bench at his aaa reqatao. Uaaas Havrif. Mwh., Nor. 19 Noon- The wr.t gale of the season has been blow, tag here front the soathwett sin ee midnight, aad M saw Moaing 40 mile an hoar. The propeller Gen. ILatne. from Chicago, i track an the bar at $ A. M. and went to pteres in the river isatde of half aa hoar Several ehoaaers went on tha beach; no hves k-t. Army r The rnsuberlana-Uavelllnsr uflUenUlae trUe.TbBu. WxiBrsoTox. Nov. 19. The city pretest a gala day appearanee. Tfca streets are thronged a ith (xople, ykiojt places from ahteh to view the march of the Army at the Caue-erkil aad lie anvethng ef the state af Gen. Thomas. Uaifdiags, pet lie and priraie. along the roate. are very generally and bandaosaely dree rated. The decorations at Foaxteenth street, a here the stalaa is erected, aro very rich. Arecad a circle axe IS lofty pole U&ttad by a rata af evergreens, each pole bearing the inaigaia aad eoat et arms cf a State, aad a tael coaacGBarating the battle in which the army af the Cumberland was engaged, or the name af &e of its deceased general cficers. The platferm for speakers ts attain th. and its panels bear pane-ts on ahkh arc istambed U. names ef Anderson. Shersaaa. It&ell aad ltaseeranx. In aJJi Uos to thefc appear panel at tnSVrest pvtct sarta: tha aae of Brigadier Generals T. KaeH. E, S. McCaok. &. I.yttle. llarker ssd Dauel McCaok. aho vera kilted in bot tle or died of waand. The proceajeaa was fetBisd on PtB&jjlra aiaav.aae. kear the eapttol. and started pracBptlyat 1 o'clock. Upon arriving at the ctrcl a here the statna m fdaecd th eerasttaaiea af snTetlu.g a era began by prajer. ILul ta tha Chief aad "The ur Spaasited Biascr were saeg by a grand hoeaa. ath a grand dram eerpa anl artil lery aecaaBpaatsBeat. The statce aaj then aavesled, eaple at a dtslaaca being inform ed af th fact by a sals la of f asrlrea guns frasa Fott Whlpjda. Grand hymns were thea gives by a r haras of 100 &a! roire-s, sapparted by a aasklary basd. dram corps aad artxHety. At the carclaisan of the bvmas Staaley Matthews detevcrtd aa oratsaa. Tha prea. eatatioa af the stataa was raade as aa oiUx l&g fraat tha Army af tha CaaVrlaadto the n alias, trd I'rrudent llayea accepted tha a5eriag na behalf ef the pwple et the United SaU. The Freasdeat said. Ia the name af ths people ef the United Stale. I aaevpt this cable ttat&e aa worthy a Ms sahfeot. erected ia honor oi G.n. Geo. Thataas. by his eaarada at tha iHastziocs Army af the CsmberUnd. Tha exrmses of the circle neewpied two hoar. It wss catimaUd that XS.Ki opte wore ia tha thraag that sarrosadtU the n eloaarr. Klnnn4 II Mater toeLakp. U.wroo. Nav. SO. The tag Gardisrr. ahrlett Iht port far Soda I'otat ctrr day, ratarsved this evetdag aad reports e-i-ht sears oi the wrecked Baet aa tha beach be tween here and Sdat. There were 31 per sasM aa the seat ahea it Wit the St. luw. reaea for Lake Ontario, St it era bodies aare ukea to Sle. six to Sckett Har bor aad thr, aha were an a aeow are KHixicg. The aaaaWr lost ai far as known U22. I'oit Ucaax. Nov. SO. News from Sand Beaah reports senens aidnts at the har bor. The steam barge S. IL Whiting, with the schooner Bahama aad Emma C. ilclcb tnsen. in trying to make tha baibor. .track the lower rtef aad weat ashore. The WhiU ing warked orer the rock. Cmciao. Nor. 20. K potts f rem rarioas poiata oa iha Lake shore give aoconaU of a terrifio gale and ranch damage to shipping last night and this morning. Drrzorr. Nor. 30. A telegram ftom Sand Beach state that the steam ibarge Wbittng. schooners Bahama and IlBtchinsoa aad three barges the Prairie Slate, Levis Wells and Wm. Rainier went on a reef about half a tcile below th're last niht. The Weils and Prairie State hare goae ta pice. Tvo men. named J. Wood aad Wm. LitUa, werrJfoaad deail oa the beach a short distance below here. Six others are missing. Civil Xamasa Art. ItoaTOS. Nor. IH. The first eiso ender the ciril damaga act in southern Middlesex district court, has just been decided aud re sulted in a verdict for $200 damage iwaintt a salton keeper vho tarnished the ll.jnoc to a man who. In resisting arrest fur drunken ness, severely injured a policeman who was attempting to conduct him to the lock-up. Henry Lo. Nsw Yoaa, Nov. 20. By the burning of tho Irish ut earner Breamer Castle at Singa pore, the New York underwriters will lose Iroui a half to three-quarters of a million dollars, the cargo being corere.1 here nnJcr orca policies. Silver Rnllloa. WaautxcTOX. Nor. 20. Tho treasury de partment purchased to-day 232,000 ounces of silver buillion for delivery at the Phila delphia and Sin Francisco mints. Sunn Mtorm. Nrw Yocx, Not. 20. There was a driving suowstorm here this forenoon. Tae snow melted at it fell. It is now bhr Snow is reported in London ten signals are all along the Atlantic FOKKIg.N MIW.N. Xllphlfarrlala Knit Lox&ox, Nor. 15. Tha diphl for several rears has made gria Iluasia, scetna to be gaining mo ground. The disease, says the N has attained such frightful pr some rrgiens that the percentag ity far exceeds that of births. lUtstaail, Kassla aaii Ta Loxdox, Nov. 15. Oa sloci Bussian and Turkish securities i A heavy decline has taken plac of political complications beta and llussla. IsM'l iiniiin The London corrcapoodent of the Liver NO. 10. pool Conner says that Sir Austin Layard, British amboaaador to Turkey, has been in structed to hold no farther communications with the porta regarding Asia Minor, but to send for the British tleet, so that it may anchor in Turkish waters by Sunday or Monday. Subsequent proceedings will de pend on whether the Turks proceed to the f ulfiilmtnt of their promises. Au Irlalt rmru:ian. Dcxu. Nor. 15. A committee of the Irish national conrestioa has reaolred that the plan of the Ute DaeitI O'Connor, for the reconstruction of tho Irish Bouse of Commons, be made the basis of that for tho convention. That the delegate shall num ber 300 and that the convention shall meet in DnbHa in April, 1&J. I'ratn Caba. ILtTAXa. Nor. 17. The mayor of Caibarin has telegraphed the government authorities that insurgent chiefs Alfredo Perez, Pastor CYrillo and Joan Casanova, havo surrea derod. Tho gorrrntteat ha dr laird Villa Clara in a state cf siege. HmUATi, Not. 17. Intelligeace has been received to the effect that the government has telegraphed to captains general through put Spain to hold in readinest to start, be fore the end of the year, the portiens ef troops cow under their control wLieh are des tined to reinforce Cutn. Massed. Cacx,Nov. 17. Forty-nine Afghans Lara bee a hanged for complicity in the mastacre of the British embaaey. It is reported that troible is apprehended in the Ghaezia eeaa try. Ose of the Kha aa Lis brother are inciting sa inssrrecUoa lu Kohistaa. Ttilrteva IVraoa Uroaaea Glasocw, Not. 17. Thlrtrca pnoa re turning from a fair wtre drowned while at tempting to cross the Lochindail Ialay. Cabtact Council. Lnsn&r, Ner. 17. A cabinet cosnril to day was called by telegraph at very short no tice. It aat over aa hoar. All ministers wer preatnt. except Ytscouat Saadoa the Date of liirhmond. The itatemeat that a Port corresposdeat cf the St. Peierxbarg Novoe Vremja tad held aa interview with Lord D&fferia. a here at the Latter expressed seme opinions as to the stats of Kagiaad ard Roasia with regard to Turkey; ia xsew dtcicd. Xrtst. .i. Lcxvor. Nor. 19. Michael Daviit arj Jamea Bryca Killed have been arrested ta L cilia, charged with having uml laagaage ia pobhe speeches calculated to iasita breach of reace. aul James Dalr. e'im- rJ fV- Coaaaaght Telegraph, has been arrested ia Caailebar for a similar cause. The priso ners have been coaveyed tor exaaiaaiMB to Sogo, where the spccchce were rrsde-. Bcxixx. Nor. 19. It U reported that Par aeM. hose rale leadtr. viJi abxadaa his pro pattU riait to America. Garrisons at West part. Oaghlerard. CUrecastie. Neoucb, aad other isportaat point ia Ireland will b- re inferced. rrlia Xolra. Looy. Nor. 20. The dbuater ta the steamer Alabama, reported wrecked ia the riter Setae, was exaaul by ranaiajj sgroaad dcriat; a dc&se faj. The crew cscLhsd with diSculty, Tt irea steamer Pallas froea Copenhogea from Amsteriaais beliereJ ta hare foaad end off Heicukerk, sad 30 penoas periahed. St. Prrrxsscao. Nor. 2y. Bistarhaacea hare occarred aaoag tha st&deata of St. PeUrsba CairerrUy. resslring ia several arrests aad ia ciaag of the litrary by order of thefeoteracT gcseraL Stausaeau ia re gard to the origia ef the diitBrhasces are cor.itctiag. llcr Majesty ship Equlra has been ashore near Palahoe. where she waa seat to pro tect British interests. A considerable por tion ct her falsa keal was wreschoi off and she will hare to be decked tor repairs. Troaalea la Irelaaxf. Lasnxy. Nor. 2X The oomt rale erecs the camaittee at its meeting ia London to day. O'Connor presiding, pasted a rrssfa tien pretfsling agaiast the arrest ef Davitt, Daly aad KiIa vhda deliyehn speeches aa tho rights of Irish teaaatry. The mtetias also resolved to call upon Irvdissea ia Great BnUia lo establish a locj defease eeaa BMttea to ooScct fsads to vcara a fair Lnal far the priaers. All Lcadoa acraiag jjsrajii approve the aret except the Daily News, a hicti makes theai the cceaaiea for a violeat partisan at tack. PACIFIC tVAaT Kewplie. SacrxurxTO. Not. 15. Got. Irwia today granted a respite for sixty days ia the case of Sprague. sentenced to death, on Dec 5th for the ninrdcr of T. W. Moro in Ventura county. Lamber Cm Vp. Sax Frixasco. Nor. 15. At a meeting of the Lumber Dealers Exchange yesterday tt was decided that the price ot rough lamber should be rrised $1 per 1.000 feet, aad other qualities cf lumber were advanced ia price, though aot exactly to tha name extent. The new rates take effect at oac. Brawsed. Sax Faascxsoo. Nov. 17. Daring a severe norther at Aatioch on Sunday morning three Saa Francisco sportsmen attempted to cross the river ia a am all sail boat. After crouiog safely and while skirting the shore tho boat capaued. and ono named lUreaer, proprietor ot a dreg stars st the corner of Sixth and Mission streets, waa drowned. At t'aiartaaata JttTalr. Bnto, Nor. 17. A respectablo citiren named S. M. Oakes. waa killed Usl night at 10 o'clock by Mrs. Dr. T. N. Snow. The man was very deaf and called ta get the doc tor, aho was away, to go to sea his cldldren. Mr. Snow could not tell who it was and called out to him, but ho failing to hear did not aniwer. He walked np and dowa the jorch for over half an hour, stopping to rat tle at the door as he paiiod tt. Mrs. Snow kept calting, and her three children crying from frar, excited her more. She said at but ia as loud a roice as she could. "Go away or I will shoot through the door." Ho paid no attention aad she shot, striking him in tho breast. He stepped out iato the street and fell down, 'djing almost immediately. The community bUmed Mrs. Snow bat very little. Oakrs was a large property balder. Ue left a wife. In War Pain I. their men and for revenge. - - v local roTola Ihuahua State !. have occu tho Governor it. Trovino at ts left Zaca fiihua to put atrtct for lay- unit ot JJex- in YnmLan. fly instructed elections of mediately or- f - inret. o i.uuu uta to oppesa socn I latemntioa and occupied the heights of a - . rrir r iuTn or xvczzniisQ, is cow 3. lw. 3. oo. ljr .t(a Jl CO SM tMM t3 (0 3 SO) IH ii o) ato 1W 7 0) II OT IS M 34 CO lOt 8 9) It OI S3 ia it 1,1 7 0) 9 40 70 CO 22 M Uftt SO) 13 OJ It CO V, OJ um 19 (o u xtm te oi a um aa co u) oo a a isj o 1 lash 2 lea XIb. '..,... ICofoma Colms3w Xctxxt ia Voal Ciam 53 renl4 p- Hoe. &nt lr Bjf-a"Wo per saw ek tivfuci itcatrUM. ailTtrtbisiz US eaU qiurUftr. Merida. Gea. Palosaina asked for new in structions from the federal government and reinforcement, whieh left Vera Cms oa the 5tb last. The local opponents of Governor Aaeoca joined the federal troops. Am ltmilia KeunuttreL. Sax Fcaxcisco, Nev. 13 Eosario Melie, the Italian desperado, now serving a sentence at San Qaeatia for several aaaaaUs to mur der, robberies, etc, was brought before Commiivioner O 'Betrae to-day to be blectilUd as a acted Italiaa bandit aad murderer, whoso extradition has been aaked by tha Italian gorerameat. Melts was a member of the society on this coast, known as -L MsfSa," eo milting of Italians bo end to gtther for en&uaal pcrpoaes. Oattoek 'oa Ua Ctmiloek. Vreorsxt. Nor. 18. Bob Pixley was ia the Op hir to-day. lie reports tho bottom ef the iacHae ia very likely formation. Pitching to the east, it is soft reia matter, carrying con ideratde quartz, aad yielding low assays. Tha fonaaiioa increases ia Tal ue with the depth oa tha 2300-foot lveL Oa the 2100-foot level ia a drift raaaiag north and east a fine formation ef quartz aad ore has been encountered which will mill forty to fffty dollars aad is iacreaaing ta richness as penetrated. Prospects at this point are excellent. Explotlon la a Tanner. Sax Jcaz. Nor. 13. An explotioa oocarred near Saa Jose at about 1 o'clock: this mora iag in a toaael et the narrow gauge railroad near Wjv,kf ataUea. It appears that three explotioas oeeumd. Tha tira took place at 1150 P. M-, the second at 11:53 P. aad the third at Z2Q A. M. They wer changing shif U at the tisaa the 2rst explo sioa took place. Sereaieaa Cazaamen hare been Ukea out. all horriUv burned; tweatv foar dead reasia ia tha t&aaeL There Is a terrible scene ot snffmag ta the earspaarlrau aroa&d the math or tie ton ne!. Tke eegjne for pumping air is ciiat!eJ. Brakes sheds aad wrecked aad broken tim bers are seatterad all aroead. Gat prevents any attempt to reeerer bodies at preseat. Workwiil bedelijtd twozsnCks. Noblima is sahl to attach to the coatractors. It is btKered that the white --taken from the taaaei -rSL Etc, bet several of tha Chiasaea broaght oct are fatally iajared The scene ef the diatster is alaosx oa top of the Saata Crsz taowatai&s ia a regioa where ceal etl abeaads aad where boring for wells Uactivriyprosaeated. There is a Tein of cd mnaiag right thrvo!x the tunnel aad tha soil eaa be ignited ta piaos aad wiU bora freely. Explouass a gas. res reaalt iag from the caee hara ba of frequent oe carreace there aad haTe already resalted ia several Kvas. Tha stmat precasnoa has bees aeataaary ia working there, aad only by tha Ej-b oi air eespra.iors has progress been possible. It is expected, bowerer, with a dear tssaei a aataral rarrtnt of air wa bs seSeest. Alter tie Otaler. Sax Fctxcaoa. Not. 1$. A special from Wrights station says that tha watte zaea ta jsrtd by the esplaataa of yesterday are like ly to reeaver. One mars v--'- died last night. Na asara bodies haTe beea ttVen eat af the tsaael yet. The blower has been repaired sad tha peiaps were started at 1 o'clock. The Lsid Chi&aaaa is trying U git seat to RO iato the taaaei after tha daj, bat to asa as wittiog. 1 la wiH probably rt raea to go after tha Uowr runs aboct twelve hears. Tha zir paaifNed aat is nry foci and fab af gas. A Lawyer Drasaed. Tha body ef a asaa was facad at the foot af the VaUejo street wharf this T"a"'j aad was idesUSed as that of Henry Thompsoa. a lavyer f this eity. who has been atasisg siaca the 7th er 8th lati. Corsuuu l be -rive-J, Oaf.- The secretary af the Brpcbhcaa Stats Central Costsuttoe. aadr isstractioas from the Camautiee. has telegraph! to the preai dcctt aaj sertary of the Xatvoaai Repab Haxn eoeaaut te. sakiag that, tha placa of Gea. C. Gwttusa. w th Na-toaol Citaauttea as refreaeatsttve of CaH fornix, ba decUred vaaaat o& aaeoaat of hu actsea dina thos recent Ssate cnsapuji. " JSIne. sail 21lnla "onr. Ttaofacta. Nav. la. The Wr:et disstual th saaratae wtth aeats. sans against Hale t Naeans. Ceaselai4 Virgtaia, Gaoti At Oarry. Savage. Cro-wa Paiat, Sterr aad Ken lock miasag eoatpiaies, broaght br the Saxatwo jears ago to recsmr about $I.S4.O.J0 back bslitoa taxes. When tha actic&s were ceaimeneed tis eoraplsiats were demurred to on the groend that sev eral separate causes of action were united ia one. The deasrrtrs were sastaieeU tha asaal time girea ta amend co plain U. Ia stead ot anreding tie Slate appealed to lie supreme court, which dectdeU that the rul ing of tke lower court was correct. Tie Statostmsekctc4toasead tkecospUiats; ktaje the case was dismissed. Sax Fraxctsoo, Not. 19. A Virginia dis patch en Ike authority of the Yirgiaia City Cfcroaide, says that ore was hcuted all liit night through Union idtaft. Front this tisa forward about tXfO tons will be hoisted dsirr. Tha ore heiited but niht will mill nearly $2C0aad coeses from tee 2,300 drift. Sierra Nevada ora will also be hoisted frost tha Union shaft. The piaa now is to take ore eat of these miaes as rapidly as poasihle. Sierra Nevada is also hauling ore to the Con. Virginia ore boase for shipment to the river for rvdsctioa. Therawera abont 400 tons of this lot, aad it wil bo followed by future extracts. The Con tested Election: Caeca. Sax Fxaxcxsco, Not. 20. Ia contested eectien cases ta-the county court this morn ing, A. A. Cohen, counsel for sereral candi date elected by tha workiagmea, raised tha poiat that the court had no jurisdiction over the cases because continuances had beea from day to day without legal author ity. The co ait took it under adrbaateat. Tha case will bo atrw.? i- i- ....... court ia say ireat. Duan. auditor elect. - i I"..- uu Murouiif. zie aeruea the jurisdiction of tha county court over the case. Ho also says that ac elector was in fluenced by his rledge to return half his sal ary to the county treasury. CoEBBslltew AppalataO. At a meeting of examining phraicians ot tha Ancient Ordr of United Workmen at B'nai Brith hall to take steps to trcard against admission to tha order of persons' physically unfit, Drs. Gmwold, Haley Perry, Simpson, Henry, Hillcr awl Black, wtre Atirxrinted a eomiuliiM ... ...... new blank for use in this State, to bo rabsait- teti 10 ait examiners in the State for iafe tioa, before being prrsented to tha Grand Lodge. The object is to raise tho stsadard of the medical examination eadidalee for admission to tha order. 'HrthyhervraeUaTisit who was prospecting in tho neighborhood of Denver, Colorado. "Stranger, yea," waa Uio rejdy; "ten jvars ago wo had to kill tum IT1MI " r rt , .1.:. . . ut ,uu .xnieiarr a sstttrJ .. ,IUU1 WHO came? a. pair of scissors in his vest kvt, a lead pea- ... ... lWKei a tuemoraaiiasa tn his coat jwoket and his wealth ia somobxxly else's iockct.