The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, November 22, 1879, Image 4

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    Touching and Impressive Scene.
"SVeiiakcJriliatfollotiScxtract from
nLrief synopsis j a, jsennou. delivered
by Iter. ThphVai Guarl, in conducting
the obsequies of ilelin Woodward, Ue
unfortunate youn sfilciUe whose ilcatli
occurred vsimost simultaneouslr witlw
that of her lover a young man belong
ing to cnexfhc'iirst faniUiesot Oak
land, .libjljljcv'n byJiiin Wtrayed to
tier ruin, and the suiciue 01 ioui was
the result?'5" his full height, the speaker
hurledirtsrslafib'of eloquent dentmcia-!
Uon against the sednccr.' H6 duliiiot
envy the 'feelings. o him who' had won
her'trtu ting.keart and led her astray, in
tae ursc place, wuat aro laiien cm-
pires, fallen churches, fallen States, le -
side a fallen Taralt -To what a depth of
denravitv imlst'ltlie' hrt 'of man be
fallen, wheiiTiVM thus crush the lovelv
flower of womanliooUinir cast it aside,
wj ue voiuuuiu ia uio uuaaiiu nure w ,
In. M A r,A f. ih Mnrr bdfcs
arrogantly UirourV the salons P2y
,"1 rn-Sl -JiviJihmtT.
worldlv mothers 4o-duck another -vio
tim and treat, her as hft-did. ibe.rst.t
ITe iBwehitiirwItE ml anIk)ws'
in thft JinmK of innocent girlhood, when
hi should luL-fit! .as. ft- Ui.htAd
The womaTwhoTias trusted andbn 1
betrayed, is tneered at 'and spit uion, :
but who thinks to casniiF fame oon-.
tumelyupon"tBeCen-fold guffiier man'
ir,ft Ti:firnmtii;shid iTu 7-rfH1 vmnrl
How xuaSfmSheTS! there'-no'wprw-4
her sftn5 -in.l Jnntsrs. riht and sllll
pnt who are neflcetim? their dntr to
TiaTt- lflrlwm I A mntlior msr liav- '. the
lnne all tiWfarin Lerriow'er toruidcl At
have no guarantee that thev will not go ' apiar in "swallow tails" ami in frock
rfrv fS? in l.s. mninritr'nf instnnfWrcoats, and no one ammars to noto the
the mother can. if earnest in her work,
instil suc teachings' as ahWkive
fmm ipnnUr Jnm.. '
more jtist toll T A J tt ,t .
, , f . . ..t
From thecaldeB pfthjjJ o:y;i
place lt-cfcertf iti JMonlsn. tie supuu
uere to. iuc moiuvr, uiu jirajiaij,, dnaed so as to attract special at
worldly motWr-Va nootrttalcr,, ali thc reasonable requirements
this until we see it practiced. Then he o the oca woaa taVe been fairiv
that is without an let him cast the first t meL pJe are somtis ebarrasd
stone. ro!i njr ru9nosT gently,, raeeiay
over her breast ind,- fmiherniore, it
is truly wonderluhflo wbttiexient the
mind of the young is corrupted by the
uijoipuiiuiticiawirecuuatjuc. .
uu iuuiw
tne face'lrom licentious cats and a car-;
tons at evejy TturK. it is erne that (
eery jjuueas. wu, ciuj
per, and .every divine m tne oano, rue
uparanstAluibli2htog.cprseof litera-
rare that is gnawing'the vitals from the ue t euW decline t accept
moraKty of onr youth. Tx-t tit Tlocial iaritaUow, and, as a matter of
strike as they aever struck before. Lsti f fcondrods da, while others, not hav
leader after leader be penned by able ' ia a gt of this kind dedinc to
ands denoidDgnu-unmistaiaWe tenas Lhv i jn York,
tnis temoie :eyii, unm a is wwhit np;
pressed.' Ivor "fcy tuese ano otner caas3
4X11116 -irt11 ur mmsu "ctheirmeats on baad to loan to cu
uueu wiiu w ,
mate an attempt to stem tbo tm ot m-,
fkmy that was leading so many.otray,
recalling with path?c jower thtem :
uie enooi tbis jooreJUdi gin.
iue cijjjtfjs uf '. suoyiu
Spirit of ifortal be Proud," -te p?aint-
ive melody mingling with the sobs of the J
sister and movj,? Qgheiirt to: JJty.
The corfOtlie casket was then Iitad,
revealing the pate, white fnry.nnrl, .
Tuat curled the lips of the dead. Those
who wished to do? so were idlcswd to
pass around the coffin and view the'cre-
-raains for the last timrrand' while the !
crowd warsureinr:f ocwrad. he -ttrrible
grief of the sister knew .so bounds, and
her scre&-rgHhyAir' nfif nlry that
hundreffs sobbwl auuTblv. TTnaliy The'
Leart-lSbln tirLsfacmfio h&rileal(
sister, crying7hj"?ny Meliada, I j
snail never see vou again She bent ana poor meet logeincr, ana social bis
over ami kissedSEeJcohl: Hps and- fBen tinctiaftfor the time. waived. To
with ajnQan.jliwent to theicarta o, agreat-i2:teni tsrr bare-been 5rfrcn
all that heard it.tho-xasktwintiag on 'away from the more wealthy churches
the Gcm.jjfftidi time wciaenJwtrRfcbjrjthe costl;. dra-jiag (A more prosper
weepingjuidsSobhinK in ejry portioaof ops Ieople-, .The gaiety of the opera in
thc church, rendering thV scene one the mstfePof attire, is Jr53hfullyoiUu'
,3eveKto be-foTgotte-hjnliosep e! ve in tho church. ,So many people
held it. AktoraiivesVere applied aha j feel call'-.! upon to wear their best to
the fainting Eitfer brought lack to her pTaets of wort-hip, that the waving
overwhrlnungj poyow," following tlc nluwe.Jt gahiifg4ar, iie fluttering
casket to the hearse .wth sobs andjot costM Hci wlnelt' would e well
moans. The body vr2.r&kcr? t ifoun- enough at a theatre or , pera, arc quit
tain Yi.'serietcTT- and placed hi' tharin excen at fashionable jilacosof wor
vault, where it--wjrenB'iasjrrgifur ! ship. In'sftrae of -tlie more taHrrated
ther disjjosalyicrdercd, y )ic.rejatiTr. 1 congregations of the Atlantic cities there
- ! - j is in scrupulous avoidance of over-dresi-
Josh Billings on Marriage. jng for churenP It' is not ' only -cotisid
! ered in bad taste to appear in gay attire,
Sum people? mafiy" bekiaJ they tfilnk"f'l7ufc it iscnshlcred lall as .an examlo
wmmin wjllJsttrcr-noj Tod andout of all harmony with the spirit
lire to wondertiow the stock holds out. i of devout worshio. People who are so
Sum marry tqret rid of .themlyeejjitlired that they attract no particular
d discbrenthat the Jfaroftiras OTethWtTattention iir)hat r'j--neialkcd';' .
two can playat and neither win. - v
hum.marryibrlove-without a'centirt party or church. And this is really tho
their lfke, pcffSlfriefig in'QiJytai'i, most wholesomehjwhiclj can bo sug
nora drep'of- yx-digree. Tliw-looksdCT-j geed'fo jOOTOsions. ft'
perate, but is the strength of game." j F. Bulletin. ' ' j
Sum manylifliSte, and'tiifen sitdown ' '
and tldnfekKpfIy,6oKr 0 'Gentwy-ana Twanaps -'
Some think it carefully over fust, and .
then set down and marry. A recent trip of the steamer City of
No man can tdrjlStretacUywhaX cat-
i madc-t-P-hc-jn
don't know"-Iirsf-lf. .1
kinds B"tbechiII of fcirenmsCancc..' . u. J.f -
,T i " . ."
ThefHetort Ccurteoua
It occurred to one of two editors
tho West, whaifcd 'iarreneJihat&a
reference to his adverearv's life would.
prove iF"i3i tlnff &c
cordingly. "As for our contemporary,
he wrote, "whaPcan &pecletlv" from
a man "whoiiyi-TearBiro -was peddline
f--4T' l"lt. ".i lit
aroGngs . uu s, mum, vou an in-cuuui;
I iioned beast 03 that?" His YmddM
aot deny. - ,"Gai: contanporary," he i
wrote Msiiaie3tfcimbc;rjl"Eay3 that
fire Tears atro we were "pedaling around
-with a muleV and an ill-condMoned beasti
at that -"lfFl
so occapjt 3ut we are cmjmseA tos
find thattn? mule had scfl agpod'
George 'Eliot says: "Women do not
love men for "their .-.goodness." This is
lacky, ": ..u
Tho Esthetics of Clothes.
, .A correspondent sondaa note inquiring
what is meant by "full dress." That term
is not quite so strictly construed on thU
side of the country as on tho other, ami
especially in Europe For instance, at
an artist's reception in this city, a year
ago or more, the same requisition "was
made. It created a great deal of flut
tering at tho time, partly for tho reason
that only ono artist was iositivuly
known to have a" drtscoat, although two
had been seen in that costume. It was
inferred that the serond costume had
been hired for a special occasion. Ik
hernia was esjwcialrr stirred lcause
there was a creat dearth of dress coats
among tlie fraternity, but no lack of la'
Sniu.s and oth"r, accomplishments
" i"1""'" ' " -
! several export not so much to gut an
jact definition of th tenn as to make
1 it brood enough U let in well dressed
wore not in ful1 "f8- At
ome former receptions there had been a
-o -
Tbo waraus, ' the bobtaileil jacket and
tLe l'ncn duitlr wbl0 the-v ro'.PorfectlJr
consistent with neglected genius; were
hold taTDeniWe off according to the
most liberal standard of clothes esthetics.
tnctly mteriretefl, "full Urvss means
a dress coat, that is, a "swallow-toil,'
doves, a low cut vot and shoos. This
duliiiiioTij however, is -modified w that
& dress coat 11 made to meet all these
requirement. At the leading Opera
House- in Pans no jwson is admitted
who loes not imisent himself in a dress
In -u.v' l"r, there has
been a good degree or socku treeoom in
matter of dress.
evening parties, where no hint is
ClVCil abOUt UrCSS rtMirOBWlS, lr50nS
diflentnee Lalterly, liowever, there is
strong disposition to imitato the more
strict conventional usages which prevail
f, Something of
what may be called the freedom of dresa
Ppbably, if one was to attend a ball or
wLo src weM dressed, lot who
mPet otiers M ekboratelv dressed, or
to ti,e .rase is. "?ot uu." that
jblv ftl comfortable br
web striking costrasU. iiiere are
great manr peoie wbo, not fcaving worn
a for tweatr or tWrtv vears,
a easeH) ridieulous m putting
on a gannet antiar to one wra l.v col
cnsl walter3 at faioaWe hotels. If
Hirnii to -nnear in that
are .depots of wppHes." 3fer-
ia maJ1J iasuaoes, keep
tomens for 5paettl nse. rotate soattT
does lW oae appeara in
hU Q drvs-ccat, or laa borrowtd it
for 0, allT re 5 it in
quires whether the diamonds have b-:n
bind ape jjjy -oflMiw. Overdraft
b thBtcndnM-. jt althUEh
it is eato iar what'lliat'reallr is
at a fa&hioaaliie. party, where the d
iJav exrected to be raerHy oae 0:
dothcs,Gopdu taste will avoid vclgar-
itv ax iubch in excemn unesaz u is
any other direction.
The exaction ia the
matter of dressan soen now in a half
ludicroas way in
many of the mof S
The "dress circle' is
wealthy churches.
much more obtrusive than it ouhl to
Tie, and ofifh mpcli nior- i5 than1 com -t
port witnoaitaslc ThlichHrcli
fcobei- idace, whollr consocrated, as is
wppjotod, to religioas uot The. ricV
all Uie sUietie acquirements of tho balj,
. a a - . a rai l -
vonte passenger. In th?ame Btcamer
was a vounz Enirlish t-nob. who wore a
suit of clothes of very large plaid, -with a
4 fatigue cap to match, a single eyeglass,
thicksoled boots, spotted shirt and long
necktie. lie had that exasiierati rig drawl
1 peculiar, to English snobs. "Aw, yaas,"
said he, in conversation with the "Wash
ington -girl, "I have seen considerable of
your country.- 1 "hare 'been iS 'New
jtawir, nwago, vjmauaw- ana -otoeiv'
' ?a . . .
iisaces, ssu it is u,gwa country, uut
KJA uou-v rvum w Aintxj Ullj JCIl t w y -in
Amcwica." "What do you call gentry Y'
aiked the lady "Ayr, why -people, you
know, who doant hare to do anything,
-you know t people wbo .livo without
.work."; r"0h, jrj" bVe such pd
fple nnswerc-d the young lady, "but wo
v4on't call them .gentry. "Aw, thcn,
what do tou call 'thern pwayT "We
call thcm''twamp3.,, 'lA-wj" Washing-
,ton Hejiublic. '
Detectives are the spiesiof life.
Chester, of the Intnasv, lice, from Aew, ,tlieolQrK tp Jiiverpooi,wa i enippoa iiy uje
trvooit of allt'trit of a-Washington grrl; who was 'the
A Brave Boy.
It wan a stormy evening-in-January.
It had bctui very, cold, all ilay, but
toward night it grew "wanner, clouds
came up rapidly from the northeast, and
now it was snowing. Freddio Johnson,
bright, chubby little fellow of six
years, was sitting by tho firo looking at
the pictures 111 tho last .Nursery, when
his papa said, "Corne Freddiej I am
going to write a'Jetter whieh'I wish you
take to the ost oflico for' 1 nr. Run and
put on your coatand hat Tlie letter will
be nladv as soon as vou are."
"All right," said .Freddie, wlio waWac-
custoiHed to obey without oslanr tines-
tions a rare trait in .1 little lov.
Now, the iost otlice vx half a inile
distant, ami Freddie bwl mitT lfh
there alone, though he hailftNi none
with his paj.lut he was a eoaragos
litU " fdlow, and very prowl of doing
errands for his iaia, M),hndlil as he was
biddoH, ajwl with LU jiiamma s liJp was
soon mutlled p to lu. chin in overcoat
and scarf, and whotr 1j.uu bask for
ths let tec looked as if he could defv an
"v5u see 1 have wniie.l this letUr "! !
in mir, Olit it. wil( at Retort. ;
Now when vou get to the offleo tak the ?
... (, - -
lajHx- off and drop the lelter into the
box. Don't stop anvwhere, bwt come
din-ctlv back
'Ves, sir," said Freddie , and tlien he
whwpercd to his am, "do yam bnliet e I
shall see any dogs T
"No, dear." Sir. Johnson replied, 'the
dogs have all gone to Wl, 1 gsew. Now
good-bye." -
, , Freddie off braveir. It was a
Acry dark night and he tjowii only se a
little way ahead, Imt on h trwtgod,
waddling tkroHjfh-thc dep snow, trving
to whistlf as his VnAt Cfcirhtf kid." ;
"Hallo, sir, where are vom goibr
said a mljsi whojiichfl'iHfl JM?"tTA!'Or
down. .
uPo.oflkv,-said Fmldie.
"Aren't you afraid you will gthMtP
asketl the wan In surprise.
"No, Mr," said Freddie stMtiy, m Im.
assl os, "papa sent nws.
lie found the post occ withotst
culty, dr&iqied the letter into th box,
and started for home, Ctit w mb& go
back a little in oar story.
As soon as Freddie had left the ho
his papa had hastily jrtit oh bis wt-rvaml
simI hat and hurried after kiss. ' Walk
iag on thc ppo-if fideof the strm,
and a Utile behind. h followed Fred
die, keep his even, on kits alia
way, to
that no harw
came to bts dear little W. When theyJ
bad neariv reached home. Sir JohnsSI
harried ahead, and was trjsilr roadiiig
his p3v-r whsfi Trrd-Se "fcAe hi. looking
more like the snow man htr bad built in
the yard than like Freddie Johna.
Then what a greeting the huh hero S
cetved ? How his aaassa and his awt
in ersvdl iraaail liim tA Lain kiaa olT'
with hk wraps, shake off tfc Mr, and
kiss his breht. rtm- cheeks ' How his
ct swklwl with delicht wheat bis
mnaealled him "his Ware little hw.1
and told him that be wwt harry Zzul.i
grew up, fcr h-iteW,iri.lia asore hvj
sKii a derk as Freddie would make 1
Iwt itwas-bov boittuu and with i
"2oJ niehr slf a'rouud. Fre34 -arntl
ut stain and was sMk iknasc soainlit .
Now children, this is a true storr. si1
to me it has been a leas)tifI irswH.
J act as Freddie VtaSirs- followed him ali
the wav. ready to hcKhim if aJUdruJ
ger siijubl ihresti; Jim, k ohr Father
in llpsven watatcs at wltererer we gn,
and whatever we do, aad althoagh w!2Ah trort, with a fall lin ot gas
csunot see Him, we
Hating androssed, yoa enter '1 tjam
pcrfamed with
umJr lMr.Ul (La nj .ifjN
leing of white matble, inlaid wit?
llaM aralieqHL Inserted into th
walf'oH loth sides of th roow, sqe
large marble tanks filled with waier, of
jx-rhaps one hanilrMl antt fcn t9tr
Three stout 3Iohamedaaa now take you
in charge, pourita; water from bwge
cusuies over yoar neati ana noiy.
11 . t 1
tue vou id a oomtortawe cbalr. a
bnngine vou a rlaa of wter -to drink.
After a few minutes ret, your twti and
hands are rubbed with a piece of barneSl
brick, verr much higher (Un
ri t 1.. 1 t. 1
s-s xr t u iixi la-ci s if" ani sv xa
ma I- sare that I Hxtares 9X
He win not let av real harm com to ! Ue UU asaadsomy and costing roly !
usL-3I. irTTriiTSarafioa. J one- as aiarhas joarbt? kiwts
LJ lion norphrrr maatel in the O- Cos !
iniicr, men, iinnr ia-i iKkuu on j 7;
the floorfevfult JcsgCfeUlipong'PH fSf Mf ' f
Tt,;c .-.f-wl 1 5:itte boss pair1; KM V'sA id s
a- I vr sx - a wsa aya .
- a t
-palhrand kii-lv-sn-Kta-awl
vnrimu, of Li no eotveMwm
and finally mta you together into a
, 1 " .1 ?. t .
suI which you lew 10 w ih a vasru-
Ung, differing from those given in ilS
Turki4i and jtusnisn liatlw, the opera5
..wearing mittens, ot coarv. U"ipE
sjitclicJ cloth, while attendants lrencC
yob with hot water from small siKHrte-X
jnctal pitchers, producing a Mngalar.jbit of tljeir Jebrated manufactured
1U1L Tint IlRflTfWth!f litillstuui A li. .-..r. . . , .-t.i t
1.1 ? 1 .
uirtw mjcii tnwnnz, yon nrp suaveu in
true nindostan fahi6b; (TorSH
lcggeL Your hair is then dressed with
a rich, gloss-jiroducbig cooiJJoand'hame
"basin, which iurp.v?c J?f?st Western
pomades, and ccnsuti mainly of pulver
ized-aorangA peel- and flour iiiiade from
teas. riu9 imui nnisuoH wjin nnan
and Mtyhig'.'tht- smokiH" of'a npniI
the siiirang iTS CaklP can of coffee.
KvcrjftliBgucB& deliberate that thoc
time occupiad i two hours, bqt 51 the
whole (he Persian dvoJTf.W ffluJtttbf
TarkUh or even, tkft.Bassiambath,- nor
,is thc shampooing so exhilarating' or,
soothing, ami in no liatiisr are- tue rub
bing and percussion prncctbsjarall com
paraoio 10 me Jiawannti lomuomi.
Albany ExprcsiT ttl Jj
rr. asr
A facetious traveler dejcrilcd the dif
ierence of society, in tho nietrolwirs.
when compared to the thnndar town,
in the following'.hu-guago: "In the
country if you bar? a leg of mutton for
Alr,. 1.1. . 1 r
l.... . i.V Jk . 1".
isjvsV44 juyioj jui utcpiu-ua ior
It1TUn BDM tf ytS ea tlai--.llAnt
ss-MS w vatv M, JJIIA PUUUV Sk
Exhibits at tho Portland Fir.
Ytata Um ToctUnJ Itell Uer.l
The riumWp"and gas fitler, of Ko. 43
First street, has prolably gono to more
Hjocial txpense to help the mechanical
exhibition at the Fair than any other
exhibitor. I lis grand showing of the
famous I lookers Patent Direct Acting
Steam Pump, ia the wonder and delight
of all vihitors. Theso pumj aro all
worklng,.sending forth gnut quantities
of water with astonishing force. They
Imvn no equal in simplicity of all
working larts, ease ofatcosa for rejiairx,
iliirabuity, and fclrcntu. itio proper
proportions and design of ali juris,
-alves and passages, lioth in the steam
and water cylinders, are points, that con
tribute toward; tho roitstroctkni of an
vilicirnt and durable pujnti. From the
Mere test) that these puuijwhavo been
ubjeted to, and the universal satisfac
tion given to all purchasem, we feel jus
tified in pronouncing them par excellence.
They ara manufactured by W. T. (Sarrett
of San Francisco, ilr. lUrrelt u the
so!e agent for this State forall the famous
msnnfactures of this establishment
amid various sues and for
The reinilar toiler
, . - . , . ,
"' nK WV "rewersHimp, aiui
wining imps of various sixes. Tlie j
enormous Na 10 mining pump on exbi 1
Utien is IS inch steam cylinder, 12 inch '
water" tviuider and 21 fhtlf tlrokc
At the present lime one of lhe pumps
i in otcratin in a Nevaila min, forc
ing 40,000: gallons of water 300?'fret
high even hour.
Not. 1, 5, C and 7 of tho same style
of pp are on exhibition ami working
every night. These wraps aro in use
all th Pacific Coast, and are ex-
tetttivclv nsed'hrtLe O. S. pf. Co. nnd
.ill'. '.- . i i r I
oHt-r re
kteamboat owner.
will run faster or slower than any other, ikdl throw all kinds of liquids, I
hot or cold, dear or gritty, ami contain
twrntr to Cftv percent more of metal
than any eastern jiump of like cajacity.
Thrjv rro-i) wl the jtirst premium at the
Pifitadejphia Ontennisl ExdsitKiti.
They are made single, duplex or com-
IiarrHt also has tW cumbiaed
tewp sd1 lo!cr of alt su , szdi
to Mit iwrehasers and liscesTj
Many who have lsn Ukiag witdMilb f
are Mbotitsting thciefor thw -paafts.
Here is also on exhibition two tire
hWrants, Mr. W. T. Garrett's pitmt, j
which are anti frtesir.g. having fsK t
wav ami so
constracted that
hvdrsut above
i tV (.K-aVine if Kk
I . .
Z f aM
Here is aiw.t WorUangtoa Ui4ex
iiw pemts with a raparitr o 1,500
gslln$ er hour fhe styl Ttsed'ibyj
the Portland Water Comj-say -fcr thorj
HOfks here.
Also thc Dtakr, oofoo the oidt and
liea4uiAwn-pumpa sMufsctored.uutheJ
Ua5tpli!ti erteiarrely uvsl Htrihel
L btat cxtarrrfy uvM Strtaen
J1- " lui
I tJ"
.RifJ.VAN rAjCT JXjir.-roi:, i
Lifting and aa S. -Thtxe is .naj
iVr.Uoo oi ssoderntnaes of so grtaq
imf-orunceto pnoai using item lotl j
ers as thii iftgenibc. de ice for'tretrtog j
walr at the exact and prscY h-rrl ia'
: "e 1 otter si an uues. it &erer lorreis
e imier a( ai unn. beTer impu
1 J1 the botVr, and w o ain4e that it '
1 to
of tJassbing m trttuig t?jali of sny
j hoow en. this Pusf- He, has, jt
I opeaea ana sicsej a i-ore ai
nsarbleiteil iron t taanteU, ,
Mthibit cots onlr Jg5. sntf ti aT'hand
the Nob Hill jrdar i "
Mr, li. emjdoys the lit
Sl eXeCUteS nothing but fift ck.W WOlk
iai:en sLL-ioftiuer inc exuiii wjoc 01
the mostehyJai"wellM the mt ex
pensile in tb I'ayihca. , . ...
A Boj'j Vacation letter
A small hor wss sent to the country
to baard a bLort time ago. lie prom
ised bis .mother that he would write a
9od long letter, describing his trip and
!oardig placfc; tc? A week went by
and his poor mither was nearlr dis
i -
nieieu, wnen sue got tne
tereatin'r letter: "
following in-
Itexr, and I
and he is
j Jf11 Umcs yter.lay and a
want some
MKJiey. ami XUmnS IDC IHip noswa-i
' , TTT 7" ,
There are nowovcr ICOscholai
... , Va7few
t- t . ..t 1.1 '
Exhibits at the Portland Fair.
- VLiTitLVs' 'dl'iX' '
Meforan 'llrotherr mvWan ox-
' nourtcanawau etc. itsii n-liUle6Hr-
.:,i. ,i ,t. . r
grain that fimhv a market .in our city
mat in is is me onir iiounn? mm in
j PortUnd. Bat the Isckv-of quantity
maue up in quality, for there is no mill
on this const that manufactures better
goods. They secured tho medal at the
world's exhibit at J2hiladclplua,for thc
Lest oat Mf-al -tft thd wofrVTl they ob
tained a medal and five first premiums
at J$r8taW Fair in -1877, the last time
they exhibited Their productions go
everywhere on this coast, from Sitka to
San Diczo. -TLe&i ia not, another mill
In tho State th-rt -works -tip all kinds of
grain. Thcy make flour, graham flour,
bnpkttBea.,flA5rT tyo flour, oat' meal,'
corn meal, cracked wheat,- split peas,
ptarl barley and farina. And what-is
I better than nil.- their poods maintain a
hihiFnrs, nttilitV in! all . lliot Lear
TThMVrentiinft hrnni tW wh
uted tho McLcran goods can always be
dtpcndod upon ax being first clam.
A pew, "portable family fruit dricr
foppijing ni mo .dee onicc, i. oruaau.
Oregon. Je ucvl aXHAfiu-22-tf
Exhibits at tho Portland Fair.
(rraa th rortUnJ li&f ru)4
i-noK. w. WjfiTt "
Ona of the most attractive features
of tho Fair is the display of joii art by
W. Lynn WhiU, of tlie National
ltusiness Collrge of this city. Thc real
artistic merit and exquisite di-licacy of
this work in all thc department of xrn
art must bo seen to lo appreciated. His
blackboard writing exhibited in the slate
detriment of Mr. Parshall attracts
much attention, litis blackboard writ
ing wai executed entirely with the free
or whole ami movement without second
trial in any Hue or dot, ami is a marvel
of skill .Mr. AVhiUa toputation as a
skillful artist-penman and as an in
structor in tho various branches of the
art lu become a ustional one IT has
ncciveil orders from all tarts of the
Union for en work, and hundreds of
letters from the most prominent artists, ,
lenmen, teach rs and author, testifying '
tliat they liava never seen his work cx-
ceJhsLwlhis'Colletitiuii of testimonial ;
in the hand wrilitg of the most eminent
lontnen ot the worhl, n an interesting
study and wdl worth teeing. .Sir.
Whjte oxtentls a cordial invitation to all
who are interested in the art to vkit his
ofliia and examine thae letters and
other works of at t He has latelv imb
lished a work on panmattsbip, entitled 1
the Pen King, whkh m sitoken of east J
and west by the most competent judges
as being in method and artistic mtnt 1
the best work on th art ever pb-'
lisheL I
Exhibits at the Portland Fair.
K. J. North rap Jt Co. make a fine dis-
idar of eorriase anl wsson material. '
Thoy lav a Sann wheel wountd on '
a nf"ir tjl'" f l rsota passing
Rive the wheel a tsm with their Sogers,
in that way displaying the advantages ef
j this, style of axk. Tin rest of tar ,
sjicce is actttally cntmwed with ptrts oi
carriages and wagons, both forged and
malleable iroaw, an innwane variety ake
of Woodward's berry bodies, geariatc,
j hubs, spoke, ainrlotrws, yokes, etc, et&, i
ako carnage leather and trmninp forf
topt Hftsyarethe only eahlwhwent ,
in thc Nerthwest exdawveiy rBgmgvd ia .
this Hce ami are therefore btr pre- (
lared twvbaUy to spply thww good
than Others eovklbe
11 J00 S5 " J01" '
barn or nssehinery, the waW,
' fnl IniKmiluliU I irnt K.tnf n BfmT .
' fnl Inmni)uliLi f?Tn) V.itif u taerrix
r YTT t! -TZ Zr tkri
I 511 " T! JfiSf
-nv"" " V"" " , w -"-j
P1 ? iu y5 lf W ,
UfexbJr F&icl vu sw4 ts St prBBm, .
errr alt etSrr tttlstt. at IS CaISara hUl
Klr ln uJ 11 nU n.iJ .1 ttrvras I
ixt Kalr. ISv iM a cflw Irao lSlr 1
M fxnia ism MfM cnT
Try Ia
la u4 T CMfaWlrWMiM
A wathr reUw his rxperwac ths:
i I use pieasr m -ufcnse to tow
"T ttinoiMaJs, that list- Tharsday.
I rrhkeivi- Da L not hemr abl to
preach aomtst of Rhevssatic pains j
in the hoMer, I bought bottle of
Jacobs ( )l, whkk. afir nWiag several
tisse, reiver el se woaJevf-tlly. Ir
R Pick, RoeWrW. New York
I O.Ms) extra Soe Peach tree of huce
vsncttes. .vnJ t. J. II. Jttl-mier,
oodbara, I hn? -a, f--r a .-ts.o ai
pcisl rates.
y .g
. Krl(i
Ins I rv-apouae Is i y iMlTcrtlie-
mhI la thl prer Tu will nlrae mr-
(! tbf Mnirtf Ihrpapfr.
PfkHdcr'a Orcsea Pile Salro It
& filsplc sat Ccrtala Caro ler
all feras of this aaaeylBC
case. Try II. All drantsts sell
It. PrlcCjlSI.
f W. A. LEWIS,
Architect and Supcrutteadcnt.
tSt aai mW-r. St USSnun UH,
rortland. Osn.
KCrOlOClA-WaSkUMS Dhxt. r rUl fra
Ta- jjiaHti, tr f 1 Cm mtf K.jC . TV llWv
I l
-The Dalles. Orcson.
tar I ;aa
Assorted Canned Table Traits ;
jOcb&i:elMl3l IVaSMi. rmc. nass. asJ 1
Criwi r4 Ux ttr. rkxt. lUjta Vuvwt
TbaTaMnnf thaO. S. rU"i tual ara apfot
t UU rcuMWoanrt. M. R. iKBIMn
wrl lo
TS '- -. OrastA
- - - 1 "
CIO Bnei4t. IfaK Rtaui Trtc. sad all
klsttiararvwrrr la aitlcr.
A rarai IfacSbMrr rrplrivl cm Scrt watW.- Ttt
llr attfcOloa lU la BotW Wt U1
IVlt aula aaJ trpklnJ.
Iroa Fencing a specialty.
Jta. M Fraal Stmt. larlIsBI, erncaa.
CliiKS & BI.CHA,
Attorneys anil' CoHasclors-at'Lavr.
Portland, Oregon.
NalknU Bui
Dissolution Notice.
mAm "
Tb ro-partanlup txrttcfeTa atbulw ttrrn V. Jt
nrkbrr. Jaar HtCot aad Jaom IL hfHj, nadr IV
aam of Dm IaicrUhablc ra st Cotrar. tala dar
UnotTaJ by B-dloal ceetett. Jii B. h.tOj aMM 11
atttborUcd to ro&ttt tba vebtandiaci aad areata of
tba cotaittaj, aad artll WT aU cUHaa a;ala4 tba !lhl
FUq rnpcUoo, Oct. X, 1STJ.
ITirinr KUmtMt Jotmat 'la lbs ImiKrUlaUa
rlntOo Hr JuDcaR.Kdtr.wc ort conUafljrrf
ta oar frbsda aad palroML
(idrM-i) a. . nxTcnn;,
Csa Fnndaco. Oct. 55. 1S7B. M H
Oregon Kidney Tea !
Kn More
No Mors
KUncy Complaint
irodiff.OaTlR 6c Ce.ti'rearlctern.-
Dry Goods, ClotMng, Groceriesl
Corner First and Yamhill Streets, PORTLAND.
Otlaklii(l!uliumul.i..i i .
M ImUitl lkn ininl Xt, fct uj vi i
wu niurMiay. iirremner 11. tniu.
At )4oia A, X
- it
II rt. in- rapplr. s uaih .IJ:
JUm t.l-l-aypr. I tooallil.t
IM fit L 4 t j
. . el K cocbot M.TTCC
ThmtUt WntfrMstWCtao ULrS it kfc R
T.ytfao Ctf., Sitit,tailu
Offer for Sale at thc Lowest Prices Possible,
Deere's 40, 60 and 72 Tooih Harr6v3. Fann, Feed and Grist Ms,
Backsjs Brasikasi Sisdsrs Braa Drills;
Schuitler, Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons
STUDEBAKER VAGOHS. with Patent Roikr Brake.
Too will known to need mstt -r f iVm or Circulars and Prise (JsU.
a. jl. erriiowuKiHCi:
Dtnct Xortx aad Mm Ix.
str auests ru?. Tin: rsn . iuxd
Tt W rtETKX a C
Aa a pmr nrf aal csrt fcr BttrmLSrm, Kv
nlrU. Oeot, aa4 aa a rnn! a!a Rcrfacraal hcaSsx;
Baaatat. aa tTTnUca ca rut! acaak tLe Oeau
nnlr 5U Jacobr OC It maarlaU actka txt
, sjaUVJ BttUrU tata, dtEfl Kim aar
! ' Uirtaitar raia aaj asnru&c dccSariar, Wat
, a tb eerj Kt l4 curt tal It hi a-cJol lh
llur pcrasc ocmr-'lsc enstecst lUteci fa Gfc,
) aalaboara xB aaA awaw ang UJgriaeat tSa
j UsJ. fcarc troca ISr oa airctScac aad ab-crraHoa.
arcrd4 Utt tsott rMh-a oteacsxattj to L.
' JaccsaOt
Til. ... m.1...'
)hto--rbSi CU ITUaeSltcil aw IT" llr
oinrnUr It nHn-t f;- Kircxalica ,wvl o!rM
' ti r -rrr. -t.vw tl'-.. "MI,,-.-
" 1 - -
I cmattea b kaj tra UO, riUra ttw
mii jrara a nni un si. jaceca uu mr wm '
1 lu m abt to lara br M, I
i RT- Dr. B- Plcki rtschraterv W - Y- I
! SvClrrni at latnaHr frocaiUuaaaUM raUi Uut ba w 1
I oaaliifUrrrtch. MTtra! aDpUcaU tk Si. Jaeats I
! W-rtS.rMtiaa-ooJttfaiT - j
data far ljat. Oorraor of Ohio. lh9
It rcrwi Si tX CScusulaia aaj I caa Twqrrmnal It.
Hon. TIimu B. PHca. TJ. S Troaa-
UaH JtStta Ouaa tSf cu! iraairttal ;iu reiirrbic
aad htaSac maolf ia tSa wprU. HU tatuaottial fe
mionol by aoaiaol tba ba4 etlrfali 4 IhaTrcuarr
IVpxrta-mt abo bara bcra cunt c4 Ubwmullmi aaj
Jfc R- aehafart Na. 31 Brjwn St.,
AILcVuir Cit-r Pa-, bu tsa lUwamatiaa
br Ut ftarvaai had itnt ocrrfcaont tonlkvi4
aitVjct ncrt. A a!a;I bcni bf St. Jacot OUJctard
Gaatar A Hallssasta Editor ef tsa
flttabiKra-Ilall- JtaaU Ma."-Sml
vita rbmmatinn tor tciaa Jaut, aad lay czunT a Bi.t
ttiUt to umo oa aocaofiloftrmlcraiai. Tv
l tt
Oil cored him.
Mr T. Wllkic Lafayatti rrjwrU
a rata abcra a cua nsctnl ladtr alth KSotitiHIhh
thaxbacooVl act mora. Hii Icci -t ra3Qandh
bad tba nxat UmHi raiaa. Twtlrt boan after lb
flrtt arpaeatloo of tba M. Jacebi 1X1 tbc tuau rcr
uvi nrt
r rwtUisx bad dlpxi.
Hasnr Sksaftts. MU1arakar:
xj rond c Rbauaiataua la tb htp
Huarr IVmv. Patriot, flit In. bad .
St. Jacob OU rural blm afUr a Mr aprV-Al
TS St. JacotM IM 1 tor aale br all lnrta
rarrttn. IViVn
ia Mtdkinca, and OoMral
prrbotUo. . . t
Whrr rartka are tnaVteio cHtlatbe article throurh I
;wrcatvta ai luxrvrata
lb CfQll aad ca&n6t ladtlc Xhtit ifrcrjbta ta
Iht twal wartxa aad raaa6t ladtlc thttx iProribta ta
i(rTtooqj order or nitnal ImwiV
tictuei ct urrrrai. axtcoac mnn
Tha tradt rafpa -,t br
T, Mil,
rartUad Ore ca. irfij; fa
v TaaaaaaasSs yV
.. . .. u ..... U, . .
i- hcAT PiUtit IIrjUa roRue for
ii- ir 'Jt Srt - Imi wjrk t thort ao-
hith i:ko. a wiTt.
A. I Auction.
I.. 1. . ' -.r a . '. - m.if-j. OFX flff. PMtUaJ, Orr.
tH ' tt-i r.Ki-u hw, nr
Hia Coenos si.TTr.Cs. Klrd hu.
t t
i i. 4 A ut brSt to Mock
our Cattle lappln. 7 virrkIJ.
. I u.!, f ukxf s I'm. WMArrt 1 tii
roTiri. nr :iih ou.
.-... ; l TryiCU ro- Uyr Str, W Eoxti.
tvlMb )UdMMU(riMluiUwc
It rir Birn-t. rmiu4, Orrsas.
Vr WOO Sold in Oregon u
1523 . T. in the last 3 yean.
-1 KT t ta Ka to U aj
ttwi VinaMaUat a Inn. Alt
TO housekeepers;!
Adjustable StraiiieivT
aAO casr icox yrrvarr.
Tr CesbtazTlraktl are
tarwaaptcte wltkavl tboau
DlSr ar SCi rUlrd I u; atu EcStfe.
vjHillnUSateaaaW jooe tattia. Wheat tbty
art a4 ht miiav StUrtr rat ara oakr It iat-
sH c UHl, Itm? nfUsr tac (s3 UoaStUa
. Sett. TVf art milai natal ia c2Sac trsiX.
, HkT Hnjtf cr Soas cws b nsoraiirixa a
L-. v r frl aa bC al ar mwHf aJrteC Sa
tata iiaaCatrta-UM- SarJ aa car?
Sold by Agents for 75s Ea$.
'James McMurray,
I'jta r-rlU4. arms
r-ry 6U J. ViUmT
fUoO ul lUoiZ CWm ia
I) rues. Paims, 0iLs aad Glass,
.Ua,Baal. aat Stttk&er.
The Dalles, OrcKeru
r v-aaa naaatfaaa C-aepsaaitJ lay lajfcjl.
ht I laa
OExnc tr. achats. .
1 fo-4on zn Forwarding XcrtiaaU,
.- . liol rtrt. Ct VTasbloxVn abrrt,
1 ftart aoO.Ojti. 5aa mactfoa.CSl
. i ai'.-.iion ctrao to Iba a cX Wool,
ijr Ciraitt a&a liVlca In ronlaoJ JSu
f t- Hltviaa
Benson's Ca peine
A Weadertnl llemedv.
IVrab aa vacaHaae iKt a It aal thecoaaaa
Mm imuf porm fiutar. U b la atasr nrl
tiqpir W all kcr lal prnwlwa. I 11 ntiijl
1 fVia(Ba sr rwdMsal ckssumu frtuefc
1 wbou im in rcaBaa tiRcxu arasaacaa rap
I fsa MS raS-. powwathiattaat extraarjj
fvialaa arw nosdsal akaxmu aiuet la msal
. i-.t mm h jwa pwj m naax.
; Jr. 1. B?i ?f1!?J
I ViM OatrOs Uacaaat KUnnra. WSoartac; CMcVfl
1 im urn car vatca
J ;4tttn aw twwl. ai nittSa beat ksawaraaadj-
7 ak ijt wwi upruc i-eros l-Jaaur aat tatti
;s etStr S4i ly aa drButa Prka tS casta I
at wo rrcttft cl prira. bj aaalnay A J jltaaua. g
f rUKStmC r Trk tara9.lB I
Beer, Ale and Porter
Wktcb U rwonor to aa atbcri
Sl hJw7Srr.
Mttarpa aoi
- Wlnalrr
Mri-4nntrMorsii nnuast NiinMdt
f , n 1 'T a 1
Cs'u9 .ajl otel,
Ia trn for tba rrrtt Urn of rant, aitb tTrrtivfar
-nr itWrinU7 (urataUd. A Bbrrat abataef tba
puk pUrwufM i rajtndlr acakitail. Tba aaoo
arts W ttf I OfvM aH Bitot, aad a ttea cinch U aat best
'. THoHiH surra.
oct Mn ranacrl; ct It Eaplr Hcaat.
? il