1 Site aj$t vegoman. riULlSHED EVERY NATl'RDAY MOUXIXU. IT J. IL TURNER. C. VI. BULL. TURNER & BULL. OflW, HkIb'SI., op p. the Court IIou. BATES 0? ADVEBTI5I50, IX CO IX: ! Haul Hr m m whn. . iw. 1st. 3a. ecu I jr. Mm i oo ti to mm tasoe 2(0 SO) SCO it cn mv SCO 7 co u oo in CO M 09 SCO 801 K (O S,0 9SM 700 90) 9)00 Si 00 40 CO s to um r oo vi cd tata looo li co so co turn 74 os 15 M SJOO 44 tO 00 03 133 00 1 Ioch 2 loe&es Slbchca IIdcIks I Column . Rates of Subscription In Coin: lCcbsia On Tear, la sJvsno.. f3 (W Biz Months.. 1 W 1 ta ArOL. 5. PENDLETON, UIMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER 25. 1S79. NO. 5. XcUcm In Unl CcJainn 30 txaU fr Dae. first lassr Uw. led 10 cnU per Una sadi satumBtst Insertion. AiirerUacf bins psraUa qsarurir. TtTMlionthx.. Sickle Cbpies- EAST OKEG ONIAN Job Office, PENDLETON, OREGON. Beeu aab job t'Kivmc m - OCevery descrlptlon.neaUy and promptly exe cuted kl reasonable rates. NOTICE Simple annouDCUaent of Unbs, rairrUccs aad deaths, wm be loerted without ehtrce. Obituary notices win be charged lor aecurUinff to their leefth. Single copies of the East OasooMas, in wnpx.n, far raiuinf , can be obtained at this officer We assume no rwpaasiUSty for views esrsd by correspondents. I. EVARTS, ATTORXEY-AT-LAAV. Pendleton, Oregon. OFFICE In the Court Heue. WILLIAM EWIKG. LAWYER, Pendleton, : Oregon. JOHN A. GUYER ATTORNEY-A T-L A V, Pendleton, Oregon. OFFICE -Up stairs, above past eSre. S. Y. KNOX, A T T 0 H N E Y A T- L A V, "Weston, Umatilla Co., Ogn. Wm practice in all eoerts of this State sad Wsdanj. tec Territory. Spec sttestraa pud t Land Bosian aad Collections. A. MEACKEN, I Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public, Weston, Oregon, Wn practice In all the Oecrts ef the State. G. W. WALKER, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Pendleton, Oregon. Will practice In all the conrU of lb State. OFFICE Over the new post otSee Main fcl. BeTerenee by permission Jndce K.S. blrsban, Jpege J.CJosrell. Hon.L.Fllnn. Albany. Ucn. HAINES & LAWRENCE, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Baker City, Oregon. nnrxaeticeat!awlaaIloocTtsis07t?eaaod I&iha. Partuslar altetitiwi joU to hesmest is Bslr and I'nioo counties. J. K. Trxxxx. D. W. Baext. NeUrr rEbUe. TURNER & BAILEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Pendleton, Oregon. Count- orders bocjfct and sold. Loans secBtiated. 3. VL Slater will be associated with n in aS coettsuJ aes In th Curat Cocrt in the fat are. OFFICE Mais street, opposite the court boose. DR. J. B. LINDSAY, SURGEON AND DENTIST, Pendleton, Oregon. Ssryerj a specialty. E. P. EAGAN, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, "Weston, Oregon OFFICE On Main street. J. JKPRUETT. Ms D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Pendleton, Oregon. OFFICE At residence. W.C.McKAY,M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Pendleton, Oregon. OFFICE Opposite tb Pendleton IioteL W.F.KREMER, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Pendleton, Oregon. Of ers his Professional service to the people of Pendleton and nuroeadinr coantrr OFFICE At residenoe east of Court House. W.WHITCOMB.M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Pendleton, Oregon. "WIS attend all calls, day ar night, with promptness. AU disease treatsd br the latest and rery beat modes tor the comfort of tht patlett. DR. W.T. WILLIAMSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Weston, Oregon. ffUl attend to all calls, dy or nJjrht, wich promi4ocas. OFFICE On Xain stred, oppusne urns more. Union Hotel, sTXATII.t.A. - - - - OIU.IlOK. HAVE HOOK, rrtonCTR. t Pins nn"SF is ik tiik iw:st coviirnos run X tlx rrot4iti uf rm-U. t-ii M atfl r"-l lal-le Is tlx luMito 4 Ut Itubw. Tle (ulruujc ul II iM.t it mixalrA. Mi;r. lesre llw Iihm lur VrAirtiM, "Wilson Hotel, I7mntilln, Oregon. M ES. M. A. WILSON", FORMERLY OF ORLEANS, has located on Front Street Umatilla. here sb opened a Grst-duis boteL The bouas has been re. fitted, ths beds are excellent, and the table will be sup plied with the rery best the market aJforda, TraTeUers wsU tkot recret stopjiuff at this place. X Tf us Coispuir'f ooacbst stop hers. H. T. HELMBOLD'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU! PHARMACEUTICAL A SPECIFIC REMEDY For ,A,1 X OF THE ladder AND Fer Debility, Loss of Memory, Indisposi tion to Exertion or Bassse, Shortness of Breath, Tonbled with Thoughts of Discs-, Dimness of Vision, Fain in the Back, Cheat, and Head, Rsah of Wood to the Head, Pale Countenaaee, and Dry Skin. If these symptoms are allewed to go on, very frequently Epileptic Fits and Comarip tion follow. 'When the constitutien become affected it requires the aid ef an invigcratin medicine to strengthen and tooe np the sys tem which "HELMBOLD'S BUCHU DOES IN EVERY CASE. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU I IS UNEQUALED! By any remedy knewn. It is prescribed by the most exaineat physicians a)! over the world, in Rheumatism, Spermatorrhoea, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Aches and Pains, General Debility, Kinney .Diseases, Iiiver Complaint, Nervous Debility, Epilepsy. Head Troubles, Paralysis, GeneralUl Health Spinal DIsoaBBF, Sciatica, TJeafs&SE, Decline, Lumbago, Catarrh, Nervous Compl'ts, Female Complaints, etc. Headache, Taia is the Shoulders, Cough, Dizziness, Soar Stomach, Eruptions, Bad Taste in the Month, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in the region of the Kidneys? and a thousand other palnfcl rymtoms, are the off- springs of Dyspepsia. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU 1 Invigorates the Stomach. And stimulates the torpid Lirer, Bowels, and Kidneys to healthy action, in cleansing the blood or all imparities, and imparting new life and rigor to the whole system. A -single trial will be quite sufficient to convince the most hesitating of its valuable remedial qualities. PRICE, $1 Per BOTTLE Or Six Bottles for $5. Delivered to any addrsss free from observa tion: "Patients" may con rait by letter, receiv ing the same attention as by calling. Competent Physicians attend to correifiond ents. All letters should be addressed to H. T. HELMBOLD, Druggist and Chemist, Philadelphia, Pa. caution: See that the Private Proprie tary Stamp is on each bottle, SOLD EVERYWHERE SBsyS-ly Kidney 4. a. Hothohild & Bean, Eocosssors to a UOTIICJULD. WOULD RESPECTTDLLT CALL THE ATTENTION of lbs public to UmIt larrH Inortued sUtk vf GENERAL MERCHANDISE, sTMeb. tba laersassd (adStks aSanUd Ij thslr ec&Ua. At tie Very Lowest Bates. rfcatxStoek will evstatst m kar to frc ! Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Cklna ana Glassware, BOOTS JLXD SHOES, hats and caps, Sto., SXto., Tber w3 alrars take plaasart la OSbe W4 xnlers tlh alkti IhrT saas t UnMd la Um Ul U Uw Grain and Hides Aol clwr rfiODVCE taata la au at ta HIGH UT UXEitTT KATES. Cash Paid for Wool. UTAH, IDAHO & OREGON STAGE CO. "Will Leave Xencllcton For Umatilla rvery Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 6 A. M.; returning from Umatilla the tame days on arrival of boats fromTbe Dallas. AVI 11 Lonvo I'ondloton Daily for Tha Dalles via Pilot I lock and Heppner, at 6 P. M. WILL LEAl'JB, DAILY For Walla Walla at 7 A. 31.; and for Boise City at 2. A3L New Conoliesj, lVor Htoolc, Skilled Drivers, and able pcrfannance of aervice on time are tho features of tbo Company. FARES Greatly Reduced. Apply to Lot Llvermore, Agent, Salisbury, Hailey Jc Co., Proprietors. WALLA WALLA STEAM BAKERY. ESTABLISHED IX 19U. sfssmlaetorrr ct DrtA. Ctirt, Flee. al Cracicra. JVs Yruut EoUJinr. Main Strict, Wall Wallw One of the Committee. It -warf one of the advance committee of four that met General Grant on the Tokio, 'who asked tie latter tbo causa of a sudden grating and rattling heard be neath the deck while the party were con rerxinir. "That's the steering gear." replied tho ex -President ; "wo are quite used to tho sound now. "Ah 1 that reminds me," returned tho committeeman, who, as is veil known, is the sole lessee and proprietor of tho Pacific Coast, "that reminds mo that I'm afraid we shall hare to call on you to stand at the nation's helm for another four Tears. General. How docs that strike vou. eh V " I think," said the General, thought fully, after a fianse, while crcry ear was strained to catch his reply : "I think Captain Maurv oucht to receivo a vote of thanks for having sorno of the best port wine on this steamer 1 have come across during my entire trip." And while everybody but the ques tioner grinned, tbo silence might haTO been cut with a knife. a. aansctcia. TELEGRAPHIC. EASTERN STATES. AUaiu Acrrjtla. lkwToy. Oct. 13. John Qciacv Adams acceiiU the Democratic nomination for ot trnor. Tba rillasrd Asrrarjr. IUwLi.xs. VTt. T., Ott. 13. Oa entering the a gencr a scene of quiet desolation pre sented itself. AU tbo baiUics except one were Imrned to the ground, and not a living thing iu right except the command. The Indians bad turn evrrrtting except the flour and decamped. The women and chil dren vera missing sad nothing whatever could be found to indicate what bad become ol them. Thej have either been murdered and buried or else taken away as hostages. Their dreadful and unmentionable fate calls forth the most profound sympathy. The dead body of Father Meeker was found about one hundred jards Iron Lis bouse. It- in on his back, Vot through the head, the lett side of bis bead mashed in with some blunt instrument, a piece of a barrel stave driven into his mouth, and one ot his hands and anas badly burned. The dead body of W. H. Tost. Father Meeker's assistant, was found between the building and the river, with a bullet hole through the left ear and ene cader the ear. lie and Fathtr Meeker were stripped entirely naked. Another em- pleye named Eaton was found dead. lie was stripped naked and had a buxdle ol pa per bags on his arms, and his face was badly eaten by wolves and a bullet hole in bis left breast. Frank Dresser, a brother of tht one found in the coal mine, was fouad badly burned. He had without doubt been killed instantly, as a bullet bad passed through his heart. The bodies of Laton. Thompson, Price. Eakridce and all other employes not named, were alto found. Eakridge was found two miles this side of the agency, naked, and a bullet hole through his head. Tt Vie. CecasBiasidner Hsyt ot the Indian bureau to-day received a letter from Agent Page, wnlten at the Southern Lte Agency Oct. 6th, in wbieh he says : "I have had a coun cil with Igcado. lied Jacket and Masnigin- ncp. chief of renegade L tea. and sixty other Southern Ute Indians. They desire that the great father be informed that they prom ise tnat they will take no part with nor ren der any aid to hite Itiser and L'aitah Utes, that they are contented and decre to reruia at peace. We to-day refused to iatse thea their annuity goods until this day two weeks. To this refusal they consented, saying all nsht. The houthern Lies request that when a reply ta this report ot their action b rrcHved it should be communicated ta them. which I have premised to do." rtucmafa! Kipf rlnrnL ItosroY, Oct. 11. An inventor of explos ives and his assistant, named Edward Vha- len. were blewn to piects to-day while ex perimenting down the harbor. Th Feser. Mrxrcn. Ott. H. The following tele gram to the Western Asscdsted Prtas is just received : Fotxsr Crrr. Ark.. CVt. II. The Board of Htallh report six case tf vellow fever here. Fouref thea have died within the past six days. Air rats. Oct. li. .o new cases ; ten deaths since last night. Tftt Fever. Mavrui. Oct. 15. noon. Five new cases and three deaths. Oblo Clretloa. Coixxnca, Oct. 15. The Republican vic tory is so complete that its surprises Itepwb lieans and overwhelms Democrats. At the Democratic Committee room there is little figuring beisg done. The committee say that they have no news. They concede the election of the Slate ticket to the Ilepublic- ans by a handsome majority and allow a werking majority in the Houm of Represen tatives; but still claim to have one or two majority in the Senate. The eosutitte es timate Foster's majority at Od.OOO, with chances that full returns will rather increase than diminish these figures. They claim 70 out ef lit members of the IIoum of Ilepre- scntaUTts, which Is 13 more than is neces sary to pass a bill. The committee claim 19 Senators sure, which is a majority of one. with a show of two Republican majority. Cdcncxart, Oct. 15. The Times has the following table of majorities on the Repub lican ticket : Hamilton county, returns from all precincts have been received Fos ter. 3.1SJ; Lieut. Governor llickerlcper. 3,170; Auditor ot Stale John F. Ogltvie, 2,272; State Treasurrr JoserhTuroey, 3,091; Judge Supreme Court W. W. Johnson. 3,129; Attorney General George K. Kash, 3,201. Total vote cast, taring the vote for Gorernor as a basis, M.SS3. Iem QrcllcB. Dts Moxxes, Oct. 15. All later ret eras increase the Jtepablieaa rafaritr. The State Register now puts the Kepsltiiean xca- jority on the State ticket at 30,000 ever all other parties, and extremely Uteiv to Ee 3d. 000. The Republican majority in the Legis lature on joint ballot will be larger than la the last Legislature, and the Republican gain over two years ago 33, WO. Ace ol Froxress. VTasirrxoroy, Oct. 16. A statement cf the operations ot the psteat eSce for the last . . . . i . i n . t nscai year snows max among toe i j, menus ending June 30th but there were 19,300 ap plications for patents; patents wero issued. Ohio rolltirs. Counters, Oct. 1C. The Republicans will have eight majority in the beaate, and cer tcinly 35 majority on joint ballot. The Republican committee are now noti fying their correspondents that Foster's ma jority will probably fall as low as 17,000. Tae Vie Ward VxsnoTOX, Oct. 1C The following tele gram was received at the Indian bureau to day: Los Two, Col., Oct. 11. To the Commissionar.of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. 0. : All quiet; no danger of trouble from tho Indians, either near or remote, unless precipitated by evil counsels and conduct of the whites, who seem deter mined to make trouble. Tho newspapers and tho atmosphere of Colorado are full of lying rumors. The secret ot all this outcry and these false rumors can bo found in the text, "Tho Ute must go." The White River women, children, EBoaey and papers are safo with Mrs. Meeker, and all will be aent here as soon as nracti cable. Some of tbo emnloves are believed to bo alive; sol dim have been reinforced. Provisions and water plenty. These itesas are obtained here from runners from White River. SrxxLXT, Agent. Prospects Jor riKBtlar. Br. Locis, Oct. 18. A dispatch from Ban Antonio, Teras, says General Ord, com mand! rig tho department, received lha fol lowing dispatch to-day: Fobt Coxcho, Oct. 15, 1879. Colonel Hatch, eommandiBg tho district of Kew Mexico, icforas aao that largo bod ies of well arxaed Apaches are going Sosth toward Texas. Tfaeyare probably resegades fro a tho Indian Territory and Meiko. Have arranged to intercept them and rein force and concentrate forces when necessary. signed ukx. Utttsos. Small Hata.sts.np. Cntcaoo, Oct. 1C. Another railroad acci dent, which barely escaped being a rival of the Jackson affair, occurred near Raraboo on the Northwestern last night. A heavy freight train and passenger train collided, owinp to the absentmindedneaks of lbs conductor of the paaaesger train, and but for the fact that both trains were slacking there would have been a terrible di outer. As it was. only one man was badly butt. To engines and five freight cars were smashed to bit. Ifaatasi and (Hrlarr. MaTSTiLXJC, N. Y., Oct. 16. The boat race has come to a moat inglorious rod. Late this morning the air vu filled with rumors that Courtney's boaU were ibitc; another that they had been cut Iit night. A visit to Courtney's quarters disclosed the facts as re ported oy Courtney's nepbsw and Uurt Brown, who bad been with him as attend ants and engaged in taking care of the boats that but evening about six they left the boathouse. locking it on the shore side lith a padlock and on the riverside simply book- lug it and driving a nail over the hook. On returning about eight from the village they found that the river door bad been forced, the nail broken and the boats both cut with a saw. The one cade for the race was cat two-thirds through. 12 feet 10 inches from the bow; the working boat was cut entirely through 6 feet 4 inches from the stern. The two men kept the matter a secret from Court ney until this morning. What will be dene as to postponing the race or disposing of the prixe la unknown a yet- The referee, c5 cers and bankers of the two men are now in consultation. Courtney's backers boldly declare that he himself caused the boat to be cut. Courtney it is understood asks for ten or twelve days postponemeat. Every train brings large tc ccsuions to the already Urge throng. The re!err wilt call the boats at the ap pointed hour. liinlsn will row over the course and sttempt to make the best five mile time on record. The question ef the right to claim the money is iu disnute. Sule contests its payment to Ilanlan. unless the race be rowed with Courtney as stated in original articles of agrecaet. F0KE1G5 3EHS. Vrsas ta Iroat. Lorais. Oct. 13. A special dated the 10th. from the British camp before Cabal, says: When the cavalry rt turned Iroa pur suit of the enesy on the evening ot the 9th they rode through CabeJ. Some theps and bazaars were open, people was sitting about j and all was quiet. A specisl froa Allalabad firlag upon the Rritiah, and prisoners taken in the fight were shot. Leaders ot the mu tineers are the Ameer's aot trusted friends. Frederick Roberts telegraphs that Afghan troops have been completely routed and tubes who were asteaUing to fight have re turned borne. The heavy battery which Is coming sp with the Khybcr column he says may go back to India, as the heavy guns and howitzers originally presented by the Rntiah government to the Ameer are in ear posses svon. complete. Ges. Roberts visited Bala Uitaar on the 11th Inst, and was to nuke a permanent entry into Cabcl oa the 12th Inst. Most ct the Infiaential men ef the dty paid their respects to Gen. Roberts. hooo. Oct. If I i it. lien, ltefeeru made a public entry into Cabal yesterday. Haclltb Crops susd HarXirta. Lovnox. Oct. It. The Mark Lane Ex press says agricultural advices are still aet disoouragiag. The quantities ot wheat and berley stiO afield, are deteriorating froa spreading damp and discoloration. Turnips and potatoes are badly diseased. Hop are a total failure in many ot the best districts in Kent. Preparations for Autumn sowing are retarded by a diversion o: labor in con sequence of the anxiety of farmers to get seme of the present harvest to market while high prices are current. The supplies tsar- r ted show an increase, but are mostly unat for milling. Such as are in good condition readily brought 2 shiBings advance. The best loU ct malting barley realized 12 to 50 shilling. Most ot the new crop is badly discolored. Arrivals in London of all arti cles except oats have been moderate. Last Monday's list showed only about 25,000 quarters foreign wheat, chtefiy American, and subsequent import up to t ntiay amount to CI, 120 quarters. Prices again favored sellers to the extent ot fully two shillings at the beginning ot the week, but with only a retail demand at the advance, as large mill ers and sailers hesitated t follow the rise, which during the past few days has been maintained with difficulty. Fine American reds and such varieties ot white wheat as could be used in place ot KngHih wheat, hare been in fair request, but it is probable lutssiaa desenpuoas will shortly come In favor when asjrplie of home grown increase. as the eoMiuoa of the new cron is sure to necessitate a large admixture of hard foreign wheat to render it suitable tor milling. There has been no excitement in the trade. neither have the week s sales been large, but steadineM prevailed, as sellers were by no means Impatient U realize. The recent saarket rise in the price ot wheat has not served to unsettle the opinion ot holders. as it is due to most perfectly legitimate in fluence that again aaect values, namely supply and demand. As far as can be seen at present there appears no valid reason why wheat should not advance another five shil lings. Easiness still rests on a firm basis. although it must be admitted that increased supplies ef home grown wheat will probably check the advance temporarily. Maize at tracted a good deal ot attention, and owing to the scarcity spot sailers have been en abled to establish an advance ot one shilling on the week. Grinding barley, beans and peas moved quietly at former rates. Con tinued heavy receipts ot oats again reduced prices threepence and sixpence. Wheat for shipment has been in largo re quest, and an extensive business was done, principally in California and red Winter American at a shilling advance. Calcutta descriptions also participated in the advance. Arrivals of grain laden vessels off coast have been small, and haro been in good request, and advanced a shilling to eighteen pence, but tho limited choice re stricted business. Maize ruled firm at six pence advance, and has been very large, though somewhat irregular. Basin eon trans acted in forward wheat, especially red Win ter American, for which quotations iudicato an advance of fully a shilling. Maize met with fair inquiry at prices for cargoes on passage and for prompt shipment, but for Kovesaber and December an advance ot six pence was paid. Sales ot English wheat last week, 19.3C0 quarters at -t&t 8.1, n gainst CO, 130 quarters at 39s 9 J, the same week hut year. Imports into tho United Kingdom for tho week ending Uct 4Ui, l.Gl.US-J cats, ot wheat and 232,270 cwts. ot Hour. Irish TLaad Troubles. Dcbltm, Oct. 14. Fire hundred tenants of the Marquis of Sligo and Earl o 1 sear Westport, county Mayo, su.k pledge them selves to pay no lent until a rr dacUcn shoald be granted propotUeaato to' the great fall of prices ol all kinds ot agri- cult nrol produce. Kotice was ported at War ren Point, county Down, that any man com ing into the county to pay mora than a pound an acre for bled may bring his coffin with him. The IMilased Bra Id ear jr at Cabal. AxxanasaD. Oct. 13. Sir Frederick Rob erts and staff to-day visited the late resi dency at Cabul, portions of which are burned. The greater part, however, is still standing, though completely demolished. The bodies of Major Cavagnari and Dr Kelly are said to be buried beneath a pile of debris and charred log at the northern end of the court yard. Search will be made. Major Cavagnari' visiting dairy has been found at the ameer's palace. Haaala'a A lan Expedition. Loxnox, Oct. 15. The Rnaaiau press Is very impatient about the dearth of news frura the Central Asian expedition, especially as no effort has yet been made to reconcile apparent contradictions in two efikial re ports of the action at Geoktepo. Meanwhile a letter from Ttffls published in the Golos says that grave apprehensions are felt there for the safety ot the expedition. The letter describes invalid men arriving at Baker as being in alterable plight, and says that great numbers have died of diphtheria and a scorbutic disease, and that medical ar rangements are deficient. The truth about the Geoktepe affair is gradually leaking out. The assault on the Deugiuepe earthworks was aade on the Plevna pattern aiter an in effectual cannon td. The Russians aade a rush with fixed bayonets; but wer repulsed and treated in disorder. The Tcrkoraas cavalry in attacking the "-i flV and rear, created such confusion that when the vanguard reached the main force in the re- sctts the latter was unable to -' the tide , of retreat and was itself compelled to rears ; 40 ailes before order could be restored. . According to private intelligence received in a-. w . -(, - a . at. l eterworg. ine jicssian loss is much greater than official reports admit. TTae Cermaa Ann J". uzxia, Oct. 1 j. Accenting to positive caturances troa St. I'etrrsaorg. men to be raised tor raihtary and naval service the en suing year will not exceed the usual number. 253.090. Germans CrsUa Tartar; In consequence of a rise in the price ot breadstaffs. it is doubtful if Germany will Leon levying new duties on grain on the first ef January. 1SS0, as provided for by the tanff tall whiih was posted by the rdchata; in July last. PACIFIC iv AhT Tb TTalklna Jfaleh. Sax Frtaicsco. Oct. J 4. The ladies' walking match dosed to-night in the pres ence ef G.000 spectators. The concluding as fefeews : Sherman. 337 : Sodie Dea4ey. 321; Maynard. 303 and 3 lap ; Al ice Derdey. 2S and C laps ; Greenleaf. 253 aad 2 lasi ; Teurtiliott. 212 ar! 7 laps ; Miiey.ac and laps ; frsr.tos. 177. A ratal Fait. Vaitxjo. Oct. 1 1. Vti John Lawrence. rigger, was at the ton ot the r'i m front of the marine barracks at Mare Island, t fiUiag new stars, the staff brake at the I ground and fell. Lawrence was kined. ssilaaaUJ Ele-rttsa at Blrecter aarifOaamrs. At the annual meeting cf the stockhol ot the Rank of California to-day. the tag persens were chosen directors for ensuing year : D. O. MiE. C. Adolnhe Lo IL M. New hall. Wa. Sharon. Chas. Mame. J. C. WUaenling. II. W. Carpenter, Grant, Jerome Lincoln, G. W. Beaver and W. Alverd. No dividend have been paid during the year. The board art at 2 P. M. and elected the following oCcers : Presi dent. Wa. Alverd; Cashier. Thomas Drown; Asautaat Cashier, Byron Murray, wr., eecrwary. a. iraaxun. Outlaws la AmbraU. Mtroocxxo. Oct. 13. Constable Wtiliia Host went out this acrning with a posse consisting of James Morrow, Z. W. Potter. James Nichols, Cyrus Golbraith, Archibald Yell and Thcaas Dollard. to arrest four men who had previously been found encamped in the woods four afles eai; of town jerking beet surreptitiously killed. Their first camp was iiesmeu. and louowtngtoramileor two, the peat caae to the remains ot another! camp fire, apparently aLo deferted, and' Wright stooped over the ashen to ascertain whether they were yet warm. Oa his rising J the outlaws fired tout shots froa the bushes, dangerously or fatally wounded Wright and Dollard. indicting a fiesh wound through the shoulder of Xichols, and perforatiag Go! braith's coat. The two latter retsraed for reinforcements, and A. Kelson and another constable started with a posse In pursuit, also telegraphing for the sheriff to aeet froa Little Lake with a poe. Dollard has just been brought to town dead, and Wright is just alive, but there is little hope cf his recovery. Tae Baaaaza Suit. Six Fxoscxsco, Oct. 15. In the suit of John II. Burke against James C. Flood and the Nevada Bank, application was to-davi made for an order ot the court directing de- lenuants to auow Jar. lisrxes counsel to examine the books and papers ot tho Nevada i . . , ... . . . i ' .. iiiiiimw wfu v. cum wuciti relating to transaction be tree a the bank and the Consolidated Virginia Mining Com pany. The motion will be argued Oct. 21th. SlMtrb Between Xea aad Heraes. Considerably interest is likely to be mani fested in the six days match between aen and horses, which begins this evening at the pavilion. The men are Wilcox. Kswhoff, Brodie, Guerrero, McGregor, McAlpiua and Sherwood meet of whoa have fair records in either lonf; or short distant matches. The horses are Control sr. Double Cross. Denver Jim, Finafor.', Mountain Maid. Addle Mack. Dan McCarthy, Stockton Belle, Joe. Nellie. Vlioodlum. Controller has the best record extant for 10 and 20 mile trotting. Double Cross and Nellie are thoroughbred runners, and the others am well-knovrn local trotters. Controller goes to a sulky, tho others under the saddle or led. Indian War in Arlseaa. Trcsox, Oct. 16. A special to tho Daily Star from Silver City, N. M., ssys that In diana have been committing terrible depre dations in the Rio Grando valley, aad south west ot Fort dimming (cr several days past. Tho peoplo of Colorado have been besieged aad fighting since Sunday, and ap peal (or aid. Sunday a volunteer company ot 30 men under Capt. J. C. Crouch, went from MesiBa to their aid. They met 100 Indians near Colorado aad IS miles from blocora s ranch, oa tho side ot the road. After a severe fight the volaateers were compelled to fall back. They had a running fight into Slocua's ranch. Tho killed in this fight were W. T. Jones, county clerk ot Dona Ana county, aad four Mexicans. Oa receipt ot the news at Mcailla two more companies ot SO men were raised by Col. ltynearson. composed of tho best sacn in Mesilla valley. Tho companies wcro to join Crouch to-day at Slocuai'd aad go to Color ado. Two trains were captured yesterday west ot Slocara's. In one ot them eleven Horse vs. Mea. Sax Fwxnsco, Oct. 1G. Tho costeetbe tsrceu men aad horses rpeaei at the pavil ion last ovesiag to a good aUeadaaee. The toOowasPSsb tno i fi I track for horses is arranged around outside of that for men. Of the men entered for the match, Sherwood and McGregor failed to tilt, and ol horses, only Controller. Denrer, Jim, Dan McCarthy, Pinafore, Hoodlum and Nellie came to the score. Rrodie aaie the first mile in 8, Ntllia close after hia. T lie California. Vte. SacsAursTO, Oct. 15. The total returns of the State election are now in at the Sec retary of State's office, and the official foot ings show the following result: Perkins', C7.C33; GIenn,49.695; Wbite.Ji.iS. Myr ick is the only Republican elected to the sa preme bench. Bird Proas JUls ffoemOs. Msxsocxxo, Oct. 16. Last night William Wright, one of the victim cf the affray with a gang of outlaws in the weeds, died to-day at this place. He had received two shots. A Spoony ixrver. The youthful Kin; of Spain vu so delighted, we are told, at the success of his wooing that he committed several breaches of Rigid Spanish etiquette such ax calling at times when he was least expected by his fctcre bride, and kissing his hand to the ralconiei of the Villa Eellegarde!. All who have been lovers will readily excuse the happy monarch for these small o Senses, and will picture to themselves the young King in the act of nnconsdoaaly com mitting them. A comparison of the pictures thru made woold be Interest ing. A young man idaridirtg in the hall, with his hat in his hand, and a yoeng woman in a red wrapper worked with white thread, and with her hair done np in papery just taking herself out of sight through the dinisg-rooa door. A voting fellow disappearing on the sidewalk, his face tamed back: and np, pedestrians trying to avoid the per ils of meeting a man who walks in one dircctioa and looks in another, and the lover throwing kisses to a chambermaid with a dost doth in her hand, whom in the ardor, of his passion he has Tnittskim for her whose usage is in his mind. These picture are not tree to the ang inal scenes, bet they are, doubtless, many times reproduced in the collection we have mentioned. The Heaviest, Tallest and Oldest Men. The tallest xaea of whom record is made were, a German named liana Bar and a Hungarian soldier, name not giv en, each of them being eleven feet hirn; their weight is not known. The heari- est man of whom record is made Mibt T)i-,' TWnmn rho was seven and one-tall feet high and phed over one thocsanti pcwTsis; he in 1557. Daniel Ihssf sWJsv- V "mass of flesh.1" was vMi'saat: 'sssd even inches m ceaaaaV. and wssgaed ' ' i In 1565 there was sassssmr&t Bengal, In da, a man named CSiyssy -who claimed to be three hundred and. fifty years o age. lne oldest person who died dorCr the present centory, was a rr in Paris, named Jeac GokfebcsHwlsa was one numircu ana twentj-six Tears old. A man named David Kurnisoa died in Chicago in 1&51, who claimed to be one hundred and sixteen years old. Chicago JoamaL The Toothpick Market Excited. The toothpick market is agitated. Those chiefly in use are white wood and pointed at both ends. A patent for 14 years was obtained for them in lSbb, and the factory of the Boston owners at Bucksfield, 31c, used from three to five thousand cords of wood yearly and turned out incalculable quantities. A box of 2,500 sold for twenty-Eve cents, and the profit was large. A log six feet long and about 13 inches in diam eter was placed in a raachine, where bevil knives cut it in each direction aad turned out the toothpicks rexdy for market. About eighteen months ago another Boston firm started a factory in the woods of Ohio and used similar ma- chinerv. The price then began tambling ( and fell to twenty cents at retail, thea I to eighteen, fourteen and twelve. Ut late the original manufacturers have re duced the ngcre to ten cents or eight cents at wholesale, and report their an tagonists on the verge of stoppage. Ooe o' the 'Poatlea. Two rustics, who were on a visit to an art exhibition, bat could not anocd the cost of a catalogue, were at a loss to decide the subject of a painting which particularly attracted their attention They at length cruno to different conclu sions, and stuck to them till a lady caste near who was provided with a catalogae. Her kindness was immediately appealed to to determine between them; and the fair referee, turning to tho number of the picture, informed them that it was Peter tho Great and his Empress. told you sol" exclaimed one of tho cost- -noisseurs, with an air of triumph; "I aid it was one o' tho 'Postles." A cyclone, accompanied by a heavr rain, passed over the County Pair Grounds at "Watson ville, Tuscola Co., Mick, on the 3rd inst, uoag great damage. Cloth teats aro torn to ahrede and fences blown down; Qtie teat, where tables -vrcro sot for o&eh.adred persons, was blown dowa, overiurmag the stovo and large reservoir of boiliisg water, severely scalding six ladies, mm of whom, with an infant six raojUeeed, probably fatally. In the bmur. kalitia exhibits were consdderakly injured hy rain. " To the girl below sburs By weaRS let your light shine before wen, provid ing it isn't produced by firing the deceit ful kerosene. I