t Cjje $sst (iwgmtiira. SATURDAY. JULY 12, 1879 J.K.TCBXEK. 0. IL SUZX. rCBUSHED BY "TURNER & BULL. TERMS IX ADVANCE OkxTeak - 15. Utrtviftdsra. All over lie country we Lear complaints of Ike vicioas c&sapclltion which is going among printers, in the matter or prices. A mania for close dealing scemt to hare seized Epoa their customers; and many B3ea who aever Used to ask For an estimate xaccept to ascertain the approximate cost or some lvge jobs, now haggle over the price tf & ream cf letter heads or & thousand "cards, as if the success ef their own trade depended upon the cheapness with which they can get their printing done. In this they arc usually tod more than half way by the printers themselves, who, in the tear that they may not keep their offices raaaiag, or Tor some other reason, contract Tor work at prices so low as to afford little or no profit and oftentimes at less than "cost. The resell is, and must always be, that there arc few liaes or trade, requiring eq&xlatsoa&t of capital and brains, hut what pays mnch larger profits than print lag. Concerns which formerly paid good Vacs aad handsome dividends hare cut down their help and the pay of those re tained, and, with the utmost economy, are barely making both ends meet. In the cases complained of, one would satnrally suppose that the reckless compe tition would mostly bs found in the large offices, having extensive facilities aad large capital to keep employed; yet such is not always the case. On large quantities ot what is technically known as "small work" the coaccrns hating only limited facilities oftea bid at prices so ridiculously low that it would seem that aoptofit whatever can be made, evea when the labor is performed by boys aad two-third era. On the other hand, in some offices enumerated as first class, prices arc cut down so low that a trifling error in calculation or a slight accl. cleat ia execution will Becessarily throw the balance on thewroag side of the profit aad lass account. "It is a long lane that has no turning," aad it docs 6cem that it is time for a turn in the lane of prices. We cannot be made to believe that there exists any longer a raeeesdty for doing work at such low rates as have prevailed for the past fire or six tirs, or that there Is any sease in or reason for the present ruinous cobj petition pre raitiag among printers. Oae aioviag cause of the preseat depres sioa ia trade lies in the lack of judgment of very ssaay who make estimates upon -work. When one printer of experience sad fair Jadgmeat offers to do a job for ahsadred dollars aad another underbid him 85 to 75 percent, it Is certain that the last aaased is either wofully ignorant or loUTJy isesae. Yet such instance are by bo means rare, while less aggravated ones are very frequent. To prevent this, print, era mast learn to make their estimates Bpos seme more dcSaate basis than mere gaess-work, as we believe very maay of them do at the preseat time. The laborer is worthy of his hire," aad the capitalist aararally expects fair retnrEi apsa his investment. When oae invests both hk labor aad capital ia an uareaun. entire enterprise, it is only a question of time whea hk effects will be sold out by the SfeerifT, aad he aad his family be turn ed spea the street. Types aad maehiaes will wear oat aad have to be replaced; aad this caaaot be dose sales there Is seaey comiag la to pay for them. This w21 sot happen to prlaters while they con. tiaae to do work at each prices as sow prevail. The remedy b ia their own haads if they have the serve aad the will to apply iLTM Type Fevx&er. r Trip te Grande Bessie. fottrteHf julyi Year Jsasor, leaving this quiet little brg tor the hauats of the Grande Eesder last Tuesday, aboard of one of the I. O. t U. Stage Co.'s coaches with Mr. Wilbur as driver, about three o'clock in the aaoraiag, arrived at the new station at about 5:98, where we ate a hearty breakfast aad sgaja beaxcisg the stage reached tha place where home, of our citizens Smith, Myers et el were killed bat Jalv.ki about half aa hour. Here we stopped for a nosest to lake a look at where oace sfeeir bodise were cor. erad with what little din could be throws .over them ob that exciUae eocaske. ostdjesae of the has Jbsscs wfcbh we broseht to Pesdletca. A piece of the cuHasd two ribs of aose ose of the 88 fertaaates: these, wish overalls, shoes asd hats are left to raeisd oae ot the painW tragedy. Saiarday, the SSth, Mr. F. Foster took freai the Ucc o( banal a teaBorary xftt & Aoat disuace btm the graves of Abe Ui3 the jeautB et Cfeariey nc iiUehiot aad lsUrred them U) the La faade ecaetary. 3Ir. F- deserres Bsuch xiredk for this kiad act sad resBiads as taat we tea must cress the "dark va1IeTn aad eater the abode prepared for as where .... - i .i .1 laere ss asBecui." JJt 6KAXDE. Amvisg here ia the aftaraees abeat foar o'eleek we dose the lttfcte barg Ib about fire waiawtwi aad shook haads with sewal lnam&i..immz ikfom. Johs Schakr. of t ra. t flefe er osracj- was at aa ead. Oar dettiaaiieB was raaahed. A good supper was BT&eared for bs by the seetlessaaly Jtotel Bioerieter. Daa Moore, Mast of vision's is.tr had trase to the Wallowa -valky aad Btfcar C:ty, to oar aad dtsep- sdtatsBeBt. bat we are not pseBarea ta say whether we reoet the visit or set. Wc -took part is tfee dasce pivenat Dan's HaU ea the evefiisc of thcFoerth. About 36 .cewtee werepreeeat BETCEV. LeaviagGrasdeBoode weretaraed hoae Meaday eveaisff. tired, wore asd dacty is joespaay with w. IL Jacksos, barb wire mb of Eastern Oregoa, aad Parker, editor ot tae nana TVaUa stotetHum, es B way (rem Seise Ctty. with hk his well, he n sew reeus atetiy at basse. m TrsEiBtx. Tsaj Cwisg a Pessecrat that's eaoegb to disgBSt deceat Desaocrats ererywherai, ck off aad put a plwHsaaaoa. Hast et the Mountains. 1 That portion of country lying cast of the Cascade mountains, and embraced by what is now known as "Eastern Oregon" and "Eastern Waskinjrton," was until within a few years past thought to lie worthless tracts of sunk-hills, sage brush and bunch grass wastes, unfit fur human habitation. The name formerly applied was Inrariably "East of Ute mountains," and the tone ot its utterance by the high-fliers of civiliza tion was one of supreme indiuerenco or disgust Since tho day when this great resTm of tmknntrn. tinJrramcJ of wealth I wn itnnilnt fnr Its ntipr worihlesinpsa and was entertained In consideration ooly as a haunt for criminal outcasts and fugitives from justice, great chances have taken place. Primitive commodities In the way or travel and transportation Iiave succum bed to the never falling band of American Erogrcss, and our noble rivers are ploughed y steamers as majestic and capacious as any to be found on eastern rivers generally noted for their floating palaces and mon strous freighting crafts. Substantial rail, roads have supplanted the old tramways built around our far famed cataracts of the Columbia, and embryo cities have sprung un along a line of navigation based upon almost unlimited capital and collossal en terprise. TDK tuixrs, Though an ancient landing and military post nas sever made such rapid and sub. stantial strides in commercial progress and industrial interests as since the fact became known that "East of the mountains" did not imply a land of greenhorns and a total banishment from tirfliration, but an empire of future greatness and acknowledged su. premacy in the way of natural advantages. Since the delusion which possessed the minds or the people concerning this vast country was dispelled by virtue of actual test in agriculture and stock raising, its progress uas ocen so rspiu. so sure, mat a paralell in hasty growth of a wild, barren t country history fails to supply. At one time the entire scope of country from the t issues 10 icwiswa was regvura oniy as a thoroughfare to fields of gold in Idaho and Montana, and no attention wsa given it by the traveler save by muttered imprecations against its bareness and adsptabliry only to T"..l . 1 1 , ; tne production or sage bruin and horned toads. Xow the cold fields are abandoned, and the fortune hunter turns back to richer j mines in the deep, black, loamy soil of a j Palouse or the bunch grass plains and tiin. I bered uplands of a pictnresqe Spokane ' 2ow Uie severest critic finds nothior to J condemn where once the eye could rare on natural advantages either of locality or quality of soil worthy a passiug notice. Here is where the emigration from the East has centered for the past five years ; hers will flock the immigration of future years, here. upon, these once barren hills now wave the fields of the hardy sons of toll, and on every hand spring daily rome fresh evidence of industry and Increasing life. This undisputed agricultural and superior slock raising domain is new THE OBJECTIVE rOECT. Thousands are coming every year to se cure homes such as are not to be found in the valley or in California, and superior as they are in every regard to agricultural ad aptabOity, the price is nominal and within the reach of any energetic, earnest seeker of a home. Here the flocks from the scanty pastures of the valley are driren to wade in sleek fatness lbrouch a sea of grass. Here ii where the capital of older States is ex changed for our fat herds, and here the fu ture horse marts of the West will be. and railroad trains roll on r surplus bmbels tna I l J : - . I sure market and In time uncjr in return vast wealth to the honest-hearted tiller of the soil. .The varied resourres of all the country from The Dalles to Spokane Falls including Eastern Oregon, are such as cause every visitor to add his testimony in the involuntary exclamation. "It is the grandest country in the world f TEX CUXaTE MM a f I . . r lurooshoat is "canr we same, irew breezes from the Pacific rendering the entire . r v-.'l.v.r? I and. considering the latitude. U mfld and pleasant n was rirevat in certain locali ties, bat is generally confined to the princi pal water courses, incessant rains are rery uncommon, yet no drouth or failure of crops has ever been experience. THE BOIL. One of the more special features of this woaderful com try which is attracting the i . i r , r. t . . i , attention of so many I its productive soil. wlilcii is deep, ricti and so endenaid with clay as to retain sufficient ooistare to pre- Icoe alt secesstty or irrigation, ipecuilr is this true of all the lands lying north of , aorea to Uie people of Eoio4-ean nation. Snake river, embraced by the sUter counties alilic;. and be contends that if the Oar. "Whitman aad Stevens. "The virtue of these 'eminent has power to prohibit commerce soils need sot be told, as it is manifest in . in Ibr interest of its subjects, as is coaee. the mammoth vegetatables and bountiful . ed. it must also have power to prrvest crops of cereals that are annually yielded to; citirecsof Foreisn Pjwrrs froa earrring the generous use of plow and hoe. The . on business in this countrr. This u a fruit raised east of the mountains is not to , be exeelled in quality or quantity, and In tact In all its t peciatties our connlry beats the world. The propeet for a speedy eoir-j pletioaof a traas-continental railroad tan-' pins our source of supply brightens the oetlook for the future and inspires hope in uae oosob Ji paucacc; to iraji a, ume loorer till the cood time costing ccme. JfovMaijucr. Signal Fires. THX BX7TXXBJ XT WXBKZXf MCOIKCS tXDUS JIAttXTTr TZXJq or ax FUP EXTCKUISES. AporrtsfioBdsnt writinc from Warren's Digging. Idaho Territory, gives the f Bow ing as tae latest news; On the day of the departure of our last mail, last Tliursdry, uapi. tauey a command proceeded to the sosth fork and camped on a tor en the site of Hall's old bridge. On Friday James liaias came Sato town from his place at the saoulh of sosth fork, eighteen miles north ef bsra. asd recoried that bis horse had disappeared, presoaoably driven off by the Iadiaas; signals were visible on the mount si&a asd scaobe from what appeared to be aamaroas camp arcs, at a point on the mam nver, twelve ssilea aoore hi 2 place, called Bed Bar, but he saw no Indians and did not hunt much for any. Word waj sent to Capt. CaUev during the nlcht and oa Sua dar the command returned to this place aad took the trail toward Rains', camping for the sight four milcsnpSLaughter creek. Monday they broke camp and started throccfa the store, which still covers a tnlio of the trail. They were not able to make it, aad after leaving a mule or two returned to casup. Tuesday ami yesterday they were skovelisj: the worst of the snow and will BBdoubtedly get through to-day. Dar ing the last four days it has raiued and eeowed iacessantly, some of tb time the rsiafellisg Is torrents. Military opera, tioas or moveawnts would seem to be al- saoit oat of the question under such cir cumstances, but both officer and men are animated by a disposition to push forward aad aeecsftplibb soaiethins appareally, but their eupply traia is too heavily i r ioaca Tor rar,a E&ovesiaau We believe evrnr honest Democrat ! Ohio will rote for Foster, tha Republican candidate for Governor Uwiosr the blasted bastard, Tom Ewing, out ia the cold. Tit are two barkentiaes en route for Astoria, leaded with iroa for the l aqmaa The FortUad Bee has lately received a pfiw powar prats, eaetiag Tam pwifi, the butcher, a Democratic candidate for Governor of Ohio. Oh, my G&d, haw lose will the Amerteau people pcrattt racu caarsctcnvo be tsaacrc. Large Transaction The tale of the O. S. N. Co.'s stock, July 1, was the largest buslneas transaction that has ever taken place on this coast Tho money was turned over lo a representative of Uie stockholders, wo presume Sir. Heed, who is report! now in hew York, and the MV. 41VVU, i siocK auiy iranMcrrru. is om mo amount paid was two mlllbn of dollars for fon refill a rt iVt w-t- .till air.UVn!lia tt ii.. w.i! viu n.iinmt While we lira t note rood judge in such matters, we think ' the irarchascra hare a coou bargain, and they have a "bic thine." The business on this route is pavinz and has been for some time, and vet tho revenue lias not reached one-tenth part wb&t It will in the courxj of Ove years. The time was when the O.S.X. Company was a small thing, but It Is now the bircest interior trimorUtlon company in the United States. The boats belonging to the O. S. X. Co. arc as follows : Tons. Tons. Dixie Thomas. . . .1 "5 Welcome. 163 losle McXear....l00 T. Church 300 McMiunvlllc 200 Wide West COO lLltlhomusoii .lOO Harvest Queen... 500 Idaho Mountain Qukii SM a G. Keed 300j.Ulcc Annie Faxon... .3.10,Wil!aniette ChiefUOO Xcw Boat. 350, Bonanza 350 Almota COOOniiit S00 Emma IIayward.300 Champion Btroita 300 Occident 300 JohnGates 250 Fanny Pattoa 200 Spokan 200 E. X.Cooke 200 Ocklaliama 550 Toul CS10 Barges. Tons. Columbia 800 Columbia Chief. 500 Autocrat COO Total 2,200 Besides these boats the com pin r own the locks at Oregon City, a larre amount of wharf properly, fire miles of railroad at the Cascades, fifteen miles from the Dalles to Celilo, and thirty from Wallula to Walla . 1 - 11 ... . .. Walls. While there were two million do! lars paid down on this properly, we under, stand it does not include the entire purchase money, and the figures are given at near double this mount The holders of the controlling interest in this comianr also have the control of a maioritr of the stock in the bmts between this port and Saa Francisco, and can safely be put down as the largett steamboat corporation in the United States. We trnst their relations with the producers and shinners wdl be such as to be of mutual interest and benefit and that the people shall not have much cause to regret the salt StxndanL Geiag After Evriag. Chicago Tribune'. Gea. Tom Ewing. tie Democratic rag-baby candidate for governor of Ohio, is not sitting on a bed of roses. The ex-rebels of Missouri are after him with a sharp stick for his "Devastation Or. derXa 11," under which a whole bcr Of Missouri counties were saept by fire a&d powder. Everything that would barn was consumed; houses, mills, barns, f races grain, bridges, were committed to the names. All the live stock was shot down or run officio Kansas. In all the war no such devastation was perpetrated by any other officer on either side as that by Gen. Tom Ewiog in Missouri. The intense bit terness of the Missouri Deawcrala to the Ohio Democratic candidate can hardly be a matter of surprise. Whether thy will succeed in burtinr him remains to be seen. But be has other enemies to deal with. The r r . 1 1 , - T . . German pros of the whole United Sutrs, irrespective of party, denounce htm as ihe swindlers' modulate," The Germans are believers in honest money, and despise the id recites of fiat shicplasters. Senator Slater's AntUCkiaesc Bill. The Saa Frsacisco Ezomuiut gives the r ? - - Chlactebni aad hU speech In support of lit Senator Slater of Oree w has suddenly cmne to the front in that body asd betMe the country, by the p-rpara'tlon ef bs Bill U erase the izsporta'ioa of cnalies and, effectually, to drive all who are here frwn the huid. and br bis able, iaeesioes and remarkable peeob tn Kppnrt of his proprt- sitson. He roainuics that sader tkt -.!: -T-. . I f . , . L . Borltnrame Treaty the Government ef tka UnitM States is not required to rxtrod to the ChiorM the measnre of rlshts, prira. leccs and protection wh;ch it accords aad stroofr point and one the advocates f t Cbbscse immlatton will nd it diSealt if not iupoib!e to sacocMfslly combat If StnaUir Slater's Bill should pass. bow. ever. Haves would be sure to veto it in I the interest of the monopolists and Radical humanitarians who declare their prefer ence for tlilneae over Uermans ana insu Xot until a Democratic President is ta the Chair of State, with a Democratic Congress to work in accord with him, can an Anti. Cbisete BUI Le passed into a law. The Btutj Tom Ewing f Ohio, tho bastard Democratic candidate for Governor thinks be will be elected. We doat be Ueve It Notwithstanding that State is the home of snch frauds as Hays we can't be lieve that the people who are voters are so lost to every sense of right as to elect snch a bilk as Tom Ewing, who now ought to be serving his lime in a felons cell instead of the National Congress. Frem Dry Ctcelc roomx of jclt xcxkc. Ja. mE. O." As tlic Elorioos Fourth of juij nas past aaa gone lor ihc yearot iqiu, x oxxb cocci uded to gu-c to yoor many readers a few items from this scctioa, aa folio-: gome of oar citizens west to Walla Walla. some to Warm Springs, some to Pendleton, and some to Tonne's Mountain. loader, stand a "war-up' time was bad tt Tonne's Mountain. Ttie Declaration of Indepcn. desca was read by Mr, Foster; oration by Bobm Vzxu, la wt-ocu be dlsntayod mucJi (Alect and snowed considerable study to please tbc many that vere present on this occasion. Mr. Thorp aad family started to Walla Walla, aad their team became &nmana;e able aad onset tbc wagon, Mrs. T. falling immediately tn front and as ran orcr. bruiting her considerable, so much so that she Is aot able to be about, but I can safely ay sue is not dangerously curt. astern Oregon Is the granary of tha world. Wo are prepared to giro bread lo the world this year, hei all thai need bread scad In their orders, end they cau be tilled on this coast. Yours truly, W. A. D. Jnly 6tb, 1870. Salt or Bjjeet. We learn that Mr. S. C. Hutching has lately sold to John Srear ley, 2,000 sheep at $1 00 per head. Mr. Br early also purchased of him about 35,000 tit. of wool, at what price we did not lesm. The remaiader of the baad held by Mr. ilutchlncs have beea attached as the prop, artvof liuIoWags A. Marcs, at the instance et Loiwesburc Bros, for a debt of about 1)5,000 Wo regret this emparmimoat of Mr. Jgatcaasgs, lor so far as we hare beea advised he bca fsitLiol la e&ikarorjsg to render productive this band of sheep. Whether this attachment will stick Is a nutter yet to be determined. Ko one here had any knowledge of Marcuse's Interest in th sheep, or that ho had any partnership Interest with Mr. Hatchings. The number UUUtl bill; HUUIUiVUI w.w. H.UtW. TtlUT. Mr. Hutchlngs formerly lived In this vi- clnity, and we are truly sorry to hear of his embarrassment We found him to bo a ccntlruisn so far as we were aciualntrd with him, and trust and believe ho will come out of these financial dlClcultics as he is a business man and a man ol pluck. The Independent has a "Kuh" writing for its columns. NEW TO-DAY. St, Paul's School, WALLA WALLA, W. T- X twardtsg sad 4ar Kbocl tor UU THE RT. RKV. a WliTAU UORWS. V. D . BEC tor. lila U B. CsmtMO, lnsO!. Ttx 7sH Scitlcmbcr 4, 1S79. Tor Cs itStft sod ptnk&Un aditM, Ulss. H- B. GarreUen, WiLU WALUU W. T. 3STOTIOB TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. -vjoncr. is bcrebt ctrcv raiT I wiu. ox lt (tk tf U asrut. lit). Mr B7 mrac oa tlx f mi til nrrr Is XnSif rtvewct. kt t It Imn muIK bU6rr l takbc cUtt. lh nonet for bciUict a trtar actu ll ti 1'culHU RTf 1st to iLe Ft ss4 f (ma&caOae m tU ta lb CUtft vOem U !caia. TS rocUrtac via b rmi'-rwl la CIT tnoit la S mffmni troibr tk OMfUtSf r u sera Kceetsct u rua sea iwkim i Urn. THOi iuXCB, asmrletX. Jstr i: Stray Horses. Tnc rouxwtvc pcscKteco stiuts CaX UlMtlU r.DU( nwkM WJU Itor. 1 Awl Uf tur l t'b 1 13 jrr M. cU S tcvs U. M bnsl lilU. tuM not tw Sack U ft&m. 1 fcrii&tMmt mm 3 jnntM, au imp ta bo. brmadni: K D eraoi M Irfl i&eoVStr. Tb vntr nan ltM a 7 ftllir; at CwtV nxnh ul pjtt ctari. JlfCtt For Sale! 30,00!) Pounds. SHEEP DIP, Leaf Tobacco. Fifty Saxrels ef Sulphur. 70 Barrels of Lime and 40 Ions -ALL AT L0TTEST rRlCES.. Waal nil t rwtUa4 sa 5a Tn ntm Vy w rni Aril pTfcfr Ur Z ir crtt Mininiic Ctti asnon uai( i rrftotsL CX SkIs. SVan, BtUt aal Eal trom a ta4. AEr Receive Prompt Attention. JOHNR. FOSTER & CO., Umatilla, Orcgoit. sr BECK, WATCHMAKEH k JEWELER, Tic Pallet, Oregw. WW ntowTift tt aa esrtr aar IV cU fCixi. 4 IIepptr, Orrgo. U. .Tl UaVUCn. I'ro priCier. I t H Krwe. I .yaftd ta d al Itsda ot vark ta aar Sis tatrtrr. ta a rrtBMC&l ost. aad mw vm s w- tj tL ra ij Trar l aotdwd 3 d Z'.U. 1. Hatlnway's FRUIT A.SD VARIETY STORE. Cctkt. Oartasd Staa StratU, remUeioM, Oreyoa Always well supplied wlui Fruits, xtrrs. tobacco. c&XMEs. sTATtoxcar c:o aits. nrcs. JEwixnr. toii, KXIVT-S. CAXXLU GOODS. DRIED SAUIOX. Ami notions too numeroas to saeotloo. tifiii;Sit HARDWARe STORE Co ta G.W.WEBB'S For your hardware!, Tin ware, etc , etc., whore you will find such as saws StOCX.5, amrsss. ccx&ws. SAILS, CXXASff. XIsVZS, XTC", ETC. And in fact everything kept in a first-class -HARDWARE STORE. Alas s sis4aU utortiMct ef COOKING STOVES ssKasts Which I trill i til at Ihrtuuid price xiOt freiyht ediiel.fsa. A full stock of tin-ware at a - - . a i WkalMale asd EV.ail U Tsrr low sijcca; HltiK Al) i cc baad tba ibor aiasUoacd sal tliO PUMPS It IRON PIPcS rip cat to sstt caatttsas. efamrtadsdeeeattsadtrsi frer sad to salt lbs van vau saa m atfora paraaatsf cuaasarc XAIX Street oppciUe tke. Ceurl Iltmc, Shop ADVERTISEMENTS. KitrklUhttl In 1S63. JAS.H.KOONTZ, Forwarding and O o aaoLaaaissloiia. And A sent for Shippers. Fire-proof warehouse for storage. -XUo tra!r ia- General Merchandise, Wagons Aa4 Tana Macnlsoy. Wnnr la rnUKl or Sxa Fnaoco l " JJLf 21: urntLCummliUM. link noli can xJt J. IL CaaUB. O Com mero lal STABLE. FEED SALE & LIVERY. J. W. BsvaMX, Frcprtcter. Main Street, Opposite Drugstore, Pendleton, Oregon. X OapifU OsUt cf BarrW. Camata as4 HmOc a!..;t ta fiul vrUr kxA tor lionet B&arJnl by tke Day er IPttl- at ......... VttonaWe llala- Plenty or Feed and a fires use of Comb and Brush. Cats. Cass a4 5e M. Rivar Schedule. TXXnS Cr -Intn CM HLJ ntstez arrT. t( at VtaaMBa TfmAtf nanstac InmCHStKaa amltr areata arrinar al TauUEa TaarxUf awsttf raXOV tlWX-Uairt WiU XtMm4J tan tac imni; .1 CauHSta VCrientUf BcraMc lnrt "aU Ue&iT mantel amnsj at CeiiTJi Uacoaj own qruX CT -Inm Crfcta VrlmUj rrreiat r rtnerat lauUBaTfcr2r a. a. Lniff OW Tli 6T rrratat umt( a I'BMa ftar&r a. a. CCO POW. Ltarra VaBaia TaoJa. a m. r rinac at CauiaUTanttir a. x. ! VVai TiV at a. a arrmai at CoasaVa Trtitf a. a. boiTS LT unmil Caaauaa Taoaj a. a. ; 7aaffar a. a- . trlaj a a. aoiTi IOW.V -Unu t aaalSSa Xabr TxmiMf , TeMitr autizt- Watwafir tmvMz; TrtLtj aura taf. C ::, Kr t, 11TS Strayed. -I7ISOK THE ElXJENtia ITStX78X. 6XE JL picnl Bar.. (ar tm frrbnt, tWn S jra M. Waa44 a W left ul T aar ; cat wtu frtbtUf. Tfca W w ilaS awakltlki. nnki im(, 1 Ucr ul Si ii4. V 1 tatTH SSVj- 2 jrari aU. mm raa. lixr ta Srkl 1 wlvmlntt 3je tit, tur Sa larr&caa. asat toaaX 1 jtaihsr am Ukrf. urtbMS4.attnaJ X iarl U IS OS nek aMI W put tut M nun T IS aW aaMaila ta a at rnOVUa, ar aar ulioaiiata tit "m-m JcaS ta ta4r iwmtrr. B Xtt krvy traarjol XXira LfA Liirari. tn&tmn, Orr&ja. Ja&rUSas Wit. X. VOIS. WOOD! WOOD! fit ml rCXDLETU5 oa aao. IX trim Ica.SaaftriltatiiviaMtf 7rT a EUArr a(S t t att4Mtt TSw maSaax 4rf w4 mt art! wr ifcilt ra4 ts lirtt aracrs at aa ait Air. S. T. If ISC aanVSTStr Gr. BAILEY. GENERAL LAND AGENCY. 0 ; rAsa, Orrjm. PGrm oa St. fcaSM 0 CrtBcac i TTanXC lit U rn fLa f rrrrx 7a- i XX is CsmKU wrttr. tad trttr pnattar mt iwau4 a laeheHM a4 qaaktr t a tt Uaa I ta tt Oku. I S atCST Sil far faitrm Xrr taitaa,rtnVT araUMSK rat i r.ni.'.r - uii La Las nMSM at a. tnud kad tStlxU tz UU Cf?a.-ual at WaAi&Co. LADIEJAZAAR. -rsa nccosTZ xstt ararxorsc wecto I aaeaaajvtaUala'tarrssdVHMaad Mtc- T aat Ar aar VtaX f pvewut naaai a Caaft firm uar ti ynuC.-, aa4 u prfvd ts is tS staaac MILLINERY &. DRESS MAKING a to Ut title, aad ta tMun ta Utr wat vrS aacrtfd at9rk at toast, aara rv rrii (rta SaaTraas-a a br; iwof af -SPRING St SUMMER C0OD3. adCaI asd art a tsartUX X&S, HEMKTX 4 STAvLDtC. Dlssolntlon Ifotice. riiBC corAirryj:inif Bourvroxc txtsTtvo J X. enHS a. jairwia. j . rrrrs. aawrua Cna tuu af Last a tsnnam ta ta Star Brranr. ha&Mt, la Ui t dm!nd. A. Last mM far aa dUa ataisat tta tra SAt a2 drUa daa arr aj-sM U Ua X Uu Jtlf a. lira. X. l. srirxn&s. A. 31. Sparks' Saloo.y, Xcadtcta, Orrgaa. KECrS OS HAX9 THK SAKE COOD OLD KIXD. Hal Rtrrtl, oppo.lt Atnaadcr'a star. 3icCnulc Lyot. ninnrn ntinn SZmZ? mm oh ur, Qalr Catitaa. 5iTUj aad StiisyrWtp Ht Baths Always Ready. Uaia Stmt. rnikioB. Estray Kotice. CjnuTEn rnoM the rnEUt es or the re- 11 Kmln.1. to C&umt.a milt rut at ea loo, 1 hn a mar trvdJ W oa r.ibl baalirr. liatl ItraanaU, oe Iroo-crrr taarr S ytars oti, bn&W 8 Joa WlboHfraa4HCla Wa.tt I ! pr SU aack tor tia dchmy ef taU fa al aaj rm- A. rrleaclicn. AT LAW & NOTARY PUBLIC M'aton, Oreym. WIU fnetiaa la s3 tha Caaiu of lbs SHU. (Jail R. MORENO. and - Sien - Painting. JU. KINDS Or QtUf AHEXTAL JETTERIXC S1GNF EXECUTED H TEE VEHY BEST STYLE. EaUaStcttoa CwvictJ. CumraPawUic DttaraUns. tic. Oflr tras lbs framfUj alusJed ta. Saor ea Xsis Stratt sU door to 0. W. Webb's Ua iw.rB'i, t'rsjw jt::w ADVERTISEMENTS. mwmi Scott 4 Raley, DEALERS JN Drugs, Faint oi!, Dye stalls, taiass putty. Patent medicines AndPerfuuier'. STATIONERY Scfcoot Books. Fancy 3c Toilet Good. WINES AND LIQUORS: ran Lsars. 5JCSICAI. USTHVKEXTSi Shtct aamalr, Kaalcal WaUa. laap Axtarra. XaKldlara. Ptctars fraaaaa. Etc., Etc. Pendleton, - Oregon, PENDLETON mxa rrarrr. THIS CEKTHALLT LOCATED airs I'Oi-CLAK HATISG BEES EXTIEELT REFITTZD aad IZFLTSJISKED a won errxra raa The Heceptioa of GsasU THE TABLE SVUiSaaMWhoilwiaMnx 11.. tttj In. t& BartK asrda. at mrj csmas natt la uki tt jatreaa U U Em. THE BEDS An al ur, tad l&c nasi aar h fanaSad ra tia satm rntjU aad ik mxj cartajnc aa2j bud U a SnlUta tdaaa. THK PENDLETON nOTEL. rrpsuzim C brt( tba ttry BC:T 80CSE Caal cf Qc SanUn. TWi i ? it aad lrrwgttitttariniaralT Sa tludUcaS S, tl, Fexraingtoo, JACOBSON k CO. JlaiaSt., - - Pendleton, Or. saxt Ceat la tta ccrs.tr crpaa Wat. Sa&xSo's. EetaOdealers i Fine Wines LIqhots k Ciiars If tou desire a nice cooling beverage, such u will make troubles and de sire to live always call oa us at tht goa forgot aU your popular resort and take a scule. Watir tSa I inal taija t talcrcrt. T1. Caaaraaad. fla also. Daces aad drs -wJ Vrft aa Dr Theodor. UXATIUJL - OKECOX All liaii ot Liquors sd cboUest WINES, CIGARS, etc kept soasUnUy on band at this popular KESORT. GIVE ML A CALL CKSTIXMIX AXD SEE TO,! TOCKS ELVES. 1 Saddle and Haruc MAKER. Pexdletox, Okegox. Caulaatir oa aiad a eospM "rr'T a. rv Hanxaa. mum, aoiw. vts. sia". p' b.n-t. rmrlMaf ri1 m aT uar. : cn a4 it s Wbr adtB( Sabv. aJ-rfai mmTtir aiUadcd la. LIVERY & FEED STABLE, IL IV. StandilcH, proprietor. Umatilla, Oregoa Also keeps constantly on kaad, aad for aale cheap, a xuit stocfc ot aaa dles, . sutboss, ria, He, MILLINERY X11S,HXTE& Desires t9 aaasse to uw iwtm ot rrtswtaa sad tletaUr tht th bujat rttanifd tnra M rr htr asa kit pardiaacO a Ire aad tamytili stock or MtillMOT sad Yaaey frols. oaaabtiac af lis, Tsnxtirea, amHtsmca. no, seaars. ua nKivitg, rre w. I woald rtpfnllT iorlw aM ta eaH sad rrtnlsa r ttaelr Mh Is wwsltu ta ertrr puUmlar, tsd Ik HtVs wlM liil taa at?t fulxhaa. ADVERTISEMENTS. 8. Dua, I, O. Zxiwrt Heppnsr Flouring Mills. I llcppner, Oregoat. DENIS & UEWlSOS,ProprltU,TM. THL3 MILL 13 XOW TCBXIXC OCT XS COOD XS anicla efOMraa gib ! tsiatf a waara. Tb hjIrt( cajiti prtoa paid for tat. Tuat, tun Baal. tMcalajr aad ntU iced alwajf on taa4 fur aaU, aa4 Soar glna Id ntbup fur wttat. mi&CBxS Ml, Brosdwaj. 123 Kearny St., Saa yraaebco. ter soric. n. Ackcrwan 1c ., Importer! of CROCKERY, GLASS AND PLATED WARE. CLOCKS ANI BRONZES, WO IB AKI WILL!? WARE, Oils, L&bs asti Uf gtMk. Xos. C tt 8 2xonh Front Street, nar22tl Portland, Orezna. BEHTLEY Sc. HAWK. PLANING MILL SASH & DOOR FACTORY, Dcr023.c3JLetO23., Rasisr 19 a3 Sj brudn dm fnafCj aa a Ujm Xtito r,a'rai WINDOW FRAMES, SASH,' BLINDS, AND CHEAP FURNITURE Of all Deteslptioc. W. an itrand ta ta tint at Ik b Wvisc atUts u UTkt " . I'Z "t,afltar rxdus4 Ut ioU aa4 pWWt UAUiuo, arfaruac4 at Isa Iri (trVaM at boo JTt TJ U Si ML -SiM cub hj fcaaM II M 12-st aarA. caatsr. II 'i. WaatovSaSSMprr Cmxrn. Oa v3 UEm atr 1500 Srrl . iim'. t4 .u- m w. Bllt. Xct( ae casx ptt lack prr feat KaaaL FURNITURE OfaS tcada staaa U crd es aUrt satk at Va waEa yoora. Wairrpnpaindkaa &B aarvlr af trk JL. ga aad fl taaarmiraeta Ur haliiur kauer a3 Oacr4ira cacrjirte. WSCEHTAKING a eciar. rrtirxrar AdnBrntfitrarrix JTottc. vener is Brzxsr enw text thz exorx. Xd aa brra HfMri ki-rrt Wrens cf tl Katd IL W. Xarm. draaad. JJt fnm kar Uf cMta. afUaat rt oftata af rrAjr4 L i.m.h HaaAvta a9 wKi ti. zntprr nmxtjrrt. ti at r- tns VaotJU wxiisf els ta-t&t inm data JJa3 ns.'r. vms. XisCMiMttsttX. W. HALLER, Watch maker Jc JTcweresv Slort at SaAi&. Ralrj4, Pallida, Or, Jirtf tanr J Eaygg,y atria xamim ta Imim tai Uf fwi awt.umnttiiiancrjwrpawan. .1 aacyoaaaad, saicSvs. riant miMmtcrj. IT Snrnwota. JxMicn Cocjl tar ti rredart af Statr af Orrpm trail at VtamiSOam TbaaautaarB.CAtaaod.drerMn4.fes O. T. Zaam aea. AdsaSMntar.natszis; ri ArtisrCliiSt. IVitadasl. Ta AnVar CnaSrid ii aaxc sanad daftadxHs IX THE XUIE OF THE SrATE OT 1CS: tjawS. a hwtocf thf peaar tic t&r fcwixa atari ut aa IV ata dr aT Jalr. 1IT al tra aVWi tm bnaasaatauIAr at tfe aSa aT aaa! jni.-.. a atH prresct, U una li abac casad steaf tx a. oil xuat. TV- drfradad wiB UXa satW tAal tf Vr ad ta. aaTta cratAut tmxa CjaxnS'nB tala jC9 ta Sir SJCOQ tad fca cacsaadd- tcrantiaiSUMtia. Ores atA-ray bud iast3& Cmj ti Jaa. 1STSL Jxf. Z- rcix. ttjrrtarra. T&li nasau rMaad aadaf cdja. W Tla r JsKmartarcn KaeJaatU7JL fKgcr Advlph IaAXe. Prprcter- BREWERY. PENDLETON, ORE, l &E Now rncR5srxs jsose and TL BEEZUsas aar trnnr ta Eaatcra Orrfaa. TT ban rrSstrd tferir w!ar arranr aw U loijTBrta Wta vfemt&ry ara ahrafi ixasj ia was aai taor puis. 1B ( FcU4. J .. .rsExaer acmsa i (Hirtlwturrr aozrz. , . rat atsttfa ptt if rrtrs-....-... . 1 S KOTICE TO BREEDERS. STUIIGES BROTHERS. Highbred ILuallciszisx Tnitimg Surie. COMPROMISE. Will make tbe scasoa cxKnmeadsj April m itxJaj at Peadletoa, Oreack Star tbj- caUl Jalj- 15th 1S79, tke bal ance of tke ffaaca at tkclr ranck 2 tnilcs stttih. cf Feadletosu Parties wiskui; tke serrice of tkk komaa beiez snable to briar their mares to atnre parties spoa seaaine ca a postal card, tke korse y ill as Uk; ea to tkeir place. Ten of Serrice: Season. FiS, pavaiJe atserriefc. To insnre, ?-KX. PEDIGREE. "Coopromise.-bT Sacoa'a uHambletoaian,n be by '"llaaibktoe!" Jr.." ortheFltchHor;keby Kjsdjk's H!Iambleton!an.n -Ooraprosaac1 dam kr "Rrcnlow;M he by "Paul Joa;" ke W J.G. McCrackcn's "Black Hawk;" be by Vcnnont Black Hawk." "BrownlawV' daa "Jane Mdvenxie." or the Dr. Millard marc, she Lv.uHaialc!." he bv "MunBioatk Ec'lpsc.'; he by"American Eclipse;" "Jaaa to.V. hebv Americaa Eclipse ;"-inppyM daa by "Dtoscetie.,, Omjom-ao la a dark cbrraal ISM aaada atji -rlhs Ilea toaads, asd bast's a htta kiad Sm. Ia a ton f JrfT tc canfaga aad ktad 4tmpiateaa. aai nmtnariaHt(borrt (aa r-a&crra S1 akaa) that ara cB kaoaa ax tba A mt rvma tarT aa LtCat. STVSUU &K0THEKS. nutttoa, Vtrch aeOi tsra. Buatmo&s. talkeJsUtca's Coorl tor readVioa rmtatt. Suia aT Or-roo, 0aljr of CauUUa. aa. Darid CaScua p-'T tx. Jerry Koakcs, dWL To JefTT Kmlme. drftadaat: IS THE NAM OF TUF PTATE Or 0KKC0M, aodlaparKaBtaeraacrdarkj-aMnada oa Mt Zl 1ST, dimtlaf BMUkaliaa banofL tm an toner nqauTdtaaaivartttfbr Kv. k JaaUei ( Hm rap (mt tba prettart albrrsaM. at aar ofloa tbrma. a tik lilb dT at Jaly, M. al tea oVIxk ta tba Swca of lafci dT to isunr lb ceapliict of Um afan saaa dUhtli9'tB ami) scttoata abictt eoaspiaist, tald rbtattS'drmiadakjB4pBBtaalBM?'mttacila oaai of $41 CT Baa two rraptM raatracts ftr tl ratsarat ofBOar. Aad IT yea ttU so U aoavar. ib abtsUS will lake judismlagilBat 7oq tur tba aaU ana aC $4.(T aad Ut kit cort. Strta 4ray asad taia sub 4r Vir. itre. rm tf. w.Eilirr.r.r, i