She fljast (Dvcgoniaiu VI M1MU ,1 i:i:kv svri bdav JioiiMM., J H. Tl RNKK . M. 1! 1 1. IT It NEK A: 111 LL. OHioP, Main St., opp. I lip Court House. Kutr f Subscription In Coin: She Sa.of tcgottimn KATES F AIVKltTXI.V. IS c lie On Yir, tn advaivv . Six Hon tin. Three Months . j4 W . I U 1 e M LODGE DIRECTORY Doiox Loror No 4. K r I Uixu u i ' 4W HiU, Pendleton, mctj VV,lites4 tr-.r bixlier. In food sun din; arc tvrdiatH moJ t atniij Prtti.rrox Loir. No :.. A r J. 1 Um flrr. tad third Moudai t-f A tuaeali H.H-r 4 meeting, 7 r M I Earrxxx srxx. Martba CbaiM . IVc ! tou. Meeu cterj Tuoday asbt ijUiu. tbr am: and ttird Monday ui tack mouth, j Kcxzci Lome. Ji I o o r . rVaAVtM strt rrry Saturday etcara; at I P M IWImi i ta ' rlaadln; uc invited to aileatJ. Vin.a. -Simrie M.nean.-cnv Virlbi, HM-rfcrf aiJ ilojn, uiu tfS tatertei 1 cUfyc- UhaXaarjr o.'.!n. ,'. Ik; ba-;ul far :w . tbeir JctrU.. Kindle cujwctof tbe Ear tar-. - t, ia ni-iycn, tar i m.!.ii, aui be obtain. J at it- r .e We nun no i i...4y - csfeeateJ by t Dr. J. A Knovrles, Dentist, w I ILL I KACTICS HIS 1HOFESSIOX IN VI! A T blU tnd L'ruoa cucntic. All enlen xiims4 to Lira it rendition, OrcR. r Jl be protnpUf &tteJ to. All -ork gui-iateed. CbJ sxxlcnte. V. W 0CU3IT T. cruiixsex Oglesby & Williamou, I PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. I XTratoti. Ortson. j t.a. ATTEND ALL CvLLS. DAT OP. NKJHT. ' 1 itb prssfits Mkc cb ida Street, tarpo- i te lmi Store. J. W. Ashforc!, tVJ. D.f PHYSI( l.i Wit ili:iAS, I . F. Kremer. D., PITiSIt'lAN ANl l"Ki.D0; Vieit Lit Praex.U.ail ukm. to tbe f.4i - PEN'DLETtiN Au lanvaiiiilittf nuUi OFFICE At mjAeem uc of Ceut, Baau. E. P. Eagan, ii. 1)., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. WESTON. CKATILLA C0OTT. OREGON Of J. H. Pruett, M. D., PHTSICLLN AND SURGEON, PEKDLET0K. CBXgi Office at Sc Idcncc i W. Whitcomb, H. D., PHTSICIAX XSD SURGEON, PENDLETON, 0EEO0N. t IT ILL ATTEND ALL CALLS. IAY OK MCM1 IT with prtsrptaess. AH beue teeui by tbt tUext aad verjr beat model for tie osor: oc xbt rJ W. C. McKay, H. D., PHYSICUN ANT) SURGEON PEXDLETON. U1IATILLA C0CNTY. ORE00. OSst eppottt the Pendleton Hotel Dr, J. B. Lindsay, ! SUKGEOX S1 DEXTIST li cow located persjuientljr IN PENDLETON. niATILLA COOTTY. Where Li Krrices can aSwavi Ve bad. H'Sursory ex. SioocioAlfy. S. V. KXOX. Attorney at Law, Weatoc, TTcatBa Coccty, Oreya" ITILL PPJICTICE IX THE C0CP.TS OF THIS V Bute and WttUccton Territarr--triifdA attention jaid Xo Lasd IsuiMe aad Ost tl&na. i. n TCASia. 0. W. IAKTT, KoUrrrBc Turner & Bailey, Attorneys at Law, C0CSTT ORDEDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. LOANS negotiated. XOStt m XUln Street oppoelte the Cecrt UocaCEA PENDLETON, OREGON. J.H. FuTrawQbeaxa3datedwHhctlsa2!ccUtl cacn la tlt Circuit Court ia tbe fulcra. John A. Guyer, Attorney at Law, PENDLETON. OREGON. 1 IT ILL PRACTICE JS ALL THE COURTS OF W Eaatcm O.-eron. ODoa with O. W. Bailey, op yjt u tbe bolcL LfctaS Etrxar. Evarts & Ewing, LAYEES3 PENDLETON, OREGON. office-id tbe court uouu. HAINES cfc LAWRENCE, Attorney h at Law, BAKER CITY, 0REQ0V Will practice at Uw In all court Ui Oregon an lAilrfk Particular atteation dd to bii.ei hi IUkar abd Calon couaUea. "Wilson Hotel, Umatilla, Orrgou. MRS. M. A WILSON, FORMERLY OF ORLEANS, ba located on Front btr.-t Umatilte, wiierv tbt bai opeaad a flnt-dan briteL Tlie lxmae Ijui been re fitted, tb bedi are cictlleut, and tbe table will le auo pUad with tb vary beat tbe market aflurd: TrTeilera will not refret ttopiintf at tbia place. K. Yf. BUC CompUf'i coacbei atop here. VOL. -1. t S9IBC1UU J I IU. t Rotlieliild & Bean, Suraoda u s. eotuchilp. T0ULD EESrECTFVLLY CALLTH E ATTKNTft S 61 tat pause u tccU incrvucJ tO. w GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ' flTfcfch tie lafuseJ lidMlia tSieJ 1 slUr tstVti. loa cuUet ttca to cStx At the Tery Lowest Rates. Ilicir Stock will foailit ai kerfororoi Dry Goods, Groceries, ' -IHLn.T'll'TXm Tfl. i China and Glassware, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, 33 to., XSto., tart -A' ilun laic rtrar a anr aaderi . i. .Ccy vnf be caaratle Xa XXe i U tktir -Lrrain and Hides , et V 1 is-jtVL utea La td-ijt at at HICK ; atuix.: aTi. 0ah Paid for Wool. UTAH, IDAHO & 0REG0X STAGE CO. WILL LEAVE PENDLETON - For Umitilk even Tuesday, Thursday-, &bd Saturdav at G A. M.; returning fie I Umatilla the &Ae days on arrival of boats from Tbc Dalles. WILL LEAVE PENDLETON Daily for Tb-Dalle via Pilot Rock and lleppoer, at C P. M. WILL LEA1E DAILY For Walla Walla ht 7 A. ii.; and far Boise City at 2. AM. New Coaches, Good Stock, Skilled Drivers, and able performance of service on time are the features of tbe Company. FAKES Greatly Reduced. Apply to Lot Livermore, Agent. Sailslmry, Hailey t Co., Proprietor. ADA 31 M 1 at. Proprietor of tbe Centennial Brewery, I'riullelou, Orejoii. BEbSTO INFO mi THE rUBUCTIIAT UK H NOW ixeparrd to raralab CHER to tbe poeiAc of tntx .llHt quality Try aad be coorlnceiL Unvry cal txR vl XIAIN STREET, tenter of Mock. WALLA WALLA STEAM BAKERY, ESTABLISHED IN WA. O. BnEOECTE Manafactarer of Ertad, Caket, Plet, and . Cratkera. Fire Proof bolldinr. Mala Street, "Walla WallH. A. X. SPARKS' SALOON, Pendleton, Oregon. KEEPS ON HAND THE SAME GOOD OLD KINK Main Street, opeslta tbe Poat Office. Union Hotel, UMATII.I.A, ... - OK tOO If. HAVE HORN, PROPRIETOR. f IV1IIS 1HH-5E 13 W THE REST CONDITION FOR i ti.e r.ctMkuof xucvU. Cfcan boJi and food table able bile b tle i.H'tto of thle hoaaa. Tlc natronars oi tbe put b mJtAlad Mate leave tbe bout lor Pendleton, Wane, La Oraude, Union, Bakar at and Bobs CHj. I'ENDLKTON. I'lMATILLA COTNTY, OllWJON, .1 INK ! I. Is7!i. rvSTl.KX ST.Ui.S. Tin- I'r,.'tHrj. i-iix..ivs. Jnae J. The d-U tatei. U hw tb nacre of tb deb: (or May tab ?2.2S0. cadi w tb t:mn J 130.5tfl.307. gold cinncale. cla.113.70U. Mhrr ceruc- catr S2.SCC.yf0. rii4cate of drtou oat- ! I ctaaJtai;. fStf.Ts'S.UUO. r f an li$tg c rtitUtte't. I c2d.7'i3.fitK. L.a! u-txkts vctaUtultatf. B uT .Mua . 1 . . 1 $ 1.016. framonal mrrcawT oatataad j ing, ?15.ST1.7T7; rtte4 i:tat " uott- bU I for tidetafitHMi of frscuoaal rurrcacv. a,Ur,10; called UmmIh d( autotrd for wbirh 1 pet o nJ. Wtul bTr l-b uaoej. clC9.771.i4ii. AbrrtfNioa to 1 ir ceut. Mfaadtng ( rtiacau-. stsrr natorda' u- Krt. cl. 717.170. Tbi tatetatit icrUJp I aot uh callnl Load, but tb ikv bond j tsme-d to irdtn tbees. TW eaab on band 4bor lb iauMr rcertvod U t a lKnd. I tberfur'. -dtoald U iesiu-Nj fn-at tb- a- (TCt'- of boad. Tbe dU statara of i AapK nett. aflt tb called buuda are lald. i Bill bo tbr actttal condition of tb treaa- utr. Two xuulioa dollar wcr aitl ia Hay fvt am arc f praaiont. aad oa and a ' ixvTaj nt. ia addittoa l utb-r aa of I tb gvtrrnas Dt iu IrOios iatrt ou tb pabltc dM. ! JiKllrial i:irr:le lu IIIIuo!. Caz.iw. , Jste 2 -A judicial elcrttoa oc . carred ia IIImu-m to-dav. circait ladges being j liected ia tbt vanoo Utrm. aa l alio j tan jaJa of tb Saprat Coart. Iu tatt j drcast tlkrr a a MftaUr Dnaocratic aad a I NgaUr Rrjallican tb-krt Tb unptita MvtD to reta-1 tbat tbe IvtUi f atic u.Bji t (md tL.' c.tjr l y a coaaidcrblc z. ij tslt. aJ UtAt the IU i.cU.aa t, .luree trbra:!t re(rf 1 a aikjvnty ( .! .a the uttry tuava. It aa tbe rul uafa- t. a b;jre tb auaatioa to pat a &oa- tiit.SAnt.ckt.atbe Held a a&al ia joa.. wit. in. lrnjodaui i f. ct d a tarty imto-. Tb Rapablkaaa war uxi.'wrtcnate in xvwaiaxHtag two or three xnv pi jki - r- ti. wbota dead wiight ca tb ti k' t L. U a tbe cant of no. h tnytry t.' t:. u Arm, .ouilnatlun 4'uiitiriurO. fa eaat tn etecaure aaMa to-day eoaBtaxed ail the aoapeadevi army noaatx.a. Xioaa. Exeh aad errry nomnati n trtt b tb SatMe tone tb Itb of March ! nuw I coa.anad. Tlir iler Itill. Tb 5-rnat Saaaw coaaaxtw Lao j4 poaad coax4eratlu of tb- aii.r btU tall Friday. Ileiuocrallr (urn. Tb revolt of Uat ai jfc: n-eatw; of Dataocratic caacsa coca: lite um xa Adoptxax of tb prorasax aaggeote J by tb iob-cocnauttee. The Iaaoerat of both boaaaf wiU atdr tbe report tLa aftrr-; soon. Ileal h uf (if n. Jatura nhlfld. t ITOTI"!. Ia , Jnae 2. -Gener1 Jaaiea ihxlda. bate V 6. aeastor fr -tn died raddealy xn tbia rtty at 1" 30 ?at erea- ix- 'S aabbalb dav L bal aifeatd in nanal health, at a hearty expper at ait. aad wrot- aevtal Utter, bat jaat before rebnn, j rotnf leaned of pain tn tb rfc.l .r. i ..-ra 1 tbrreattef d to hii xxec Cat L. Jj - j in;, and in thirty minster expired t:ttxac in 1 b chair, reaxainiag cosxaaat i- tbc la at I Be Mctaretf is xnM city on euaraoay e v n uxg bvat. and had reioaiaed h r- v.a,txag re lation Hi retnaina leave bere Icr b.t hoaae xn Carroll ton. Mo . tbi Tbe Illlnola Jmllclal nieclloo. Cmcaoo. Jaoe 3. Tb retail of th jn thcial electxcB yttrdar xa Couk coasty m th avtca Deaocratae sajarity. b.Tli. For enprcxae ex-art jadge, the xaaautity of Dickey .Deat over lent Kep.'wa- 7.fe?l. Ia tb 13th circuit tbe Ilepal-licaa elected all their radges. Kepom from th Stat at large nra acauria?. Uxt indicate that where parusas noxxunatoae were axad tb Rpnb licaas eeseraliy elected tbeir randidaie by mall nxajartUe i. Tb vote wa Tery lxcjit. epecxally wber there wa oalv one ticket, av bapftened m aeyeral cirrniti Itorrlblr Dentil. Wcartv. Mw.. Jan 1 A fir in th Merrxaxac Cheanxcal Coapaay'a work kwx sight eaaaed a l'-s of 70,OQft. iniare-l. A. V. Week, bookkeeper fr the eoeapaay. fell into a p"''! r-f v:tr 1 and wa fatally baraed. vinltir Urrenbark font en Hon. I'oKTULVt. Me., Jan 3 .-Th Greenback Slat Convention net to-da . Wax. M. RaK wax aaad per aoa neat cbaxraaaa. Coataaitteea ou xeaalatioac and nomination wr ap pointed and reeeaf taken. Crop All instil. Omaha. Jan T--l!pnrt rtce-ivtd by tL Herald front tb vntbrB part of tb Stat, where tb tom of Uat week vm th fever eat dxow that, ahboagh xa a few place thee was etigbt daxaaf to crop, cn tb whole the tain did a very great anioant of good. anl in aotae caviea ba caad xeach grauf,,aa; pro- ' pet4 of aba ad ant yveid where Wfor- tkete ! bad been daager of droagbt. i I'rovlUIn; lor tbe tltluu. ' V'iai)TO?f. Jane 3. Tb FJoase commit ! tee on ppropriationc to-day agreed to retort j Ulbi f-xtendiac; th aalarxea of Ilejireaeata. tiva Schletcber, of Texas, -ad Clark, of ! Iowa, deeeaaed, tb aaave to be paid to tbeir j reapertlT widows, t tiit. IlrnUIrr All lllclil. I W laHlxoiov, Jane 1. OfScial iBS'Niucr i ment hat betn made of the acqaittal of Capt. I Iieudire, tried by coort martial at Vaaeoaver, V. T , ia Apnl Iat on a cbarp of coadaet ! trrtbecxwiing an ofScer and centictaas. More ofrilsjobu. Tbe official papers in tbe Fitrjobn-I'orter case bare been delivercI to tbc Pre-udeat. It is understood that he will refer tbem to Congress in a few days. Sonde and Certificates- The secretary of the treasury Las rivea notice that on and after the Sth inst. 10 re funding certificates will be received at tbe department for conversion into t per ct-at. bonds. The refunded certificates forwarded for convention, and I er cent, bonds issaed therefor, mast be transmitted without rik or oxpeasa to the government. Packages should be marked "Kelunding rertificate." and nddrtsel to tho treasurer of tbe United States, and applications nbonld specify tbe denominations of bonds desired, also whether coupon or registered, and the fall name and post offico of tho person sending. The Appropriation II 1 1 It. The Democratic House and Senate joint caucqs met this afternoon to receive Ihe re port of the joint advisory committee in re gard to tbe appropriation bills. Following is the programme agreed upou : The House coinmillic on appropriations will forthwith prepare for the introduction of three bills. The first will be the army approprintion bill, witn a provision that no money ajipro-priaU-d by it hall bo paid for tho aabsist ence, equipment, transportation or compen sation of any part of tho army to be usee as a police forca to keep peace at the ih1Is at any election held within any State. The second is a bill extending tbe Irgisla- tlt, extcntne t. l j:liiI j r. tiii i. ct of June I'). 1?. for oup jr f rm th 30th lust. fir tlis uur uuh ali i nrHM tbriu sci&f. rxcrjit in rrJ to the -urtiua&sBt of tic ckn-l fotc- iu mr ui tb fipr; tirr JejAtttu-h!h. uhi h i Irfl to lL Hcr Ut n of rotumr.tee ou jrori aluiat. Tt- Ltll will roHUiu no g-iwral IpKiaUboN tbat HtKM of tb trrct Yt-Un.I Mil ubicb prUVKie for tbr of certain kw rrssrJluc tbe lovturbt of pen- . . .. iM'ina. ami aircni im tc:utry oi titt- Icru IV U tv oat irttragw of hmm tbe rrluAiMtrr . t tbr f Ml.UUU.U06 htdterto brki a a apccbil land U r tbc rc-l U(4tou of trx tiutul fHirtwucf . TV- tbhd Ull will kuakr a( latiu tvi lb rxpMMfi of tb nmtU of the I'tuttd Site for tba dacal Tar taiia( Job i. lssl). auJ for Uatr aror. Tat lull will waiVe uoproMK for tbr pay of rrpaty scirnbalt of Wtioa It .ll prurvJ f..r lb abolitMMi of tbc yitot' teat oatt. It JKObeUu all okri of tb KoTrxuseLt ffoaa maliag rootiaeU or ibramMg uabtktm m X fondtd foi br tbit Ull. Tba brlif i atttaOit Btutii .bterUu.4 tbat tbo l'tfuilent TtU Mim all tbre affro prMUoa UIU tba affeJ opua. aad tb aaal adjoarsiaxt ot Coagrr aT b ei;td J to tal.4 plac dutiuc tbc week after t r praaiii tOBM-u hi, rather i Central Cathollr erlitlluii. Nirautr. N. 1 . May t - Tb Grnaat. Er aiaa CatboUc Ccatral Aeawiation of tL Uaatd Sutr to-day elected i. H. Makx. bori. of St Ioat. prcvidvat. Rv. !tbr j acfcwcatasrr. of Kew Y fV. lecvrJitj. tste tanr. Joka M. Ditr, of Nmpott. Ua.o;r Aa laTiutioa ha Ln extended tb lnk. Catntlsc uf Notn Aaeiu to partict- pat ia ike next animal coat.tK-n of tbe Urtr-a Cataolte Central c icUon. larirur ut llulne-. N Ytvr. May 1 - To-ajorro - 1 -t.;o atll Lav tb fvitrratac coauacat t tb roar of baiaM a aaowa tbr cms b lar- . "i"""'" . ' uuuHgw tLfAntu: boQX in MT 1 feedrd Iboa ! a Mar. It.-, by forty aad MX -tenth terl t . tb total tkt. r brtta . laat rear Ha creatly exeeei that f any May i.t. tbe pAnk of IS7S Ohio (areriibarX. mululiua.. Coirxac. o. Joa 1. The Natio-ial aAte coBTenuon aoa.inated tL 1 U jwia j txckK For Governor. Gn. A. naayet FlaU. Ieat Governor. Ho$o iVeyrr. Aad ttur, Aadrw Koy . Treavarer, (.'bar lea J.n Vtsi , Sapra Jode. A. M. Jrka. i. At-toraer-Gccaeal. ima '. ( reran. Metabtr of tb Hoard of FcbU.- Worka. io tl rUtt. of Haaaxltoa. Tb Grewabark convataoe adopted a olaOoa durctm tbe cbAtraaxa to rale oat of or-'er aay r etc lotion lookxag to a roalitava with tb UeaaocTau. UrcTalilaeU. CofMoXtn Jna t Tbe aeeiaXatata tu smm. i I ixml to-eeaj. Tb Senate tkr! J. M GaX- baaer Rn nreaadest. ll Iroe-ntle .NoraUoilon. Tb Ixaxomttc State Miakt aetaUed ax 10 o clock. Gea. J aaaa, cf ToUd . waa rboa taxp.rary Tbe eoavesuos reaanaahatl at 2 o.ciock Samael F. Haat. of Ctaciaaao wa rb-a praaaaBt chairaaan. r-riBf waa aoaataated far Gvrar r. tk 2d ballot xa th Democratic coavenu. . Tbe Leslalatlv III II. WaaStOTwV. JoaeS - Tb learuJattte. et eeatiT aad jadxctal apptvpnatu n Ull which Atkxu prwsented to-day ia the IT u incvr poratet the ball kaoaa aa tb McMLoa aaaasdmeet providing for tb repeal of cer tain law regnlAiisg th paymant of penawtM aad directia the aarretAry of tb treaaary to pay oat for arrearage of pennant the re mainder cf tL 21O.C4O.O0O aback hat beea held a a rpeexal fond for the redemption of j fraruoaal carxaacy. Tb ball aUo provadeii i for th cahxri of ofaWe which have been ' created at are th paae cf tb act cf 1V7-. , ! And laeladei the nectaiary approp rxatxoav ' J for th dt-errat baraas and other nxtnr 1 : proviao&. "o general lenelataoa other ; I than anti(,ned t indaded. ' i la it Ilnrrv. CattTKvxt. Jase S. Tare renaad C bej- j i eaaet who a hot aad killed I'rxvat lUder. , aad wocaded Sjpaa.1 Servant Kennedy ; . while a roat to Fort Ktgk, Moataaa, and i who were taraeel over to th ci nl ABtbontae-. ! at Mi IU City. Montana, to answer a chart of sarder. were an Taeaday laat aeatenced j to ne nans on xne :n ot waiy. i a aaaxe erTeaiag two of tbem committed ixiktd' by hansiBs ia tb cell of tb ward boo at Fort Keogb. Oblo llcinorrnllr toutenlloti. C. LCatac. O., Jan 5. The followia xa tbe ticket aomtsated : Governor. Tbomat T. . Kaing; Hn tenant Governor, A. V. Ittca; trraaarar, Anthony Hon ells, lodtlor. Cbae. Kavielia yade of tbe eaprem coart. W. J. Gilmore. attorney general. lauab l'lllara. Tb platfonn denoaacca tbe predent'' ve . toe, demand tbe repeal of :law regolatxng , coacexicnal r lection and tbe repaal of tb joror'a tt oath, and aaya tbat CM a dollar aboald be appropriated to jy aoldierv. aoar I bals or aoperviiors to interfere with r!r-e- twBi. It opposes national basks; favor gverstse&t taosey c)aai in vale to rotn and a legal tender for all debt, regalated by deaacd. dtsoaacts as a XBoastroaa fraad the docetizalteu of aitver, and demands i the fall restoration of silver to its anginal place , denounces the increase of tbe bonded i debt, and detaasds that it be pat in process 1 of extinction, detaaad a'taodibcaiion of tb treaty with Germany regardisg tbe rxpatn ation of oar naturalized citizens. A WomauS tVorb. 1'oeihmi. Me.. Jane 5. Tsesdav aaora- ins Graeie St. John Ciemaxenco broke sail m i tbe jo!iee station in this city. Sb has been ! in custody oa a charge of embezzling .' 56.000 from J. E. Spring, of Sacramento, I California, aad forging a note on Senator j Sbaion, of California, for $10,600, which ! e falIed t0 Kt canhed. The Northern Pacific It, it. Cricaoo, Jane 5. An Inter-Ocean His. xaarck ( DakoU Territory i special says tbxt I'reaident Hillings, with several RentlemeB who liberaliy Knbacribel to the recent loan of $300,000 to the Northern Pacific, in spected the extension west of the Mtouri river to-day. It is retorted that the Pre. dent fonnd the work progressing too slowly, and tbat he will take steps to stir Hp tbe contractors. Hilling says it is bis desire to bnild the whole distance to tbe Tellowstone this year. As to the change of management there is nothing definite, ex cept that Hillings means to do the beat thing he can do fur tho interest of the road, independent ot personal friendships. It is thought in some qnartcrs thst Vico Presi dent Stark will be the general manager. With tho completion of tho division of the Yellowsttuif. and tho Pen d'Oreillo iliviMon on the Pacific coast. President Hillings proposes to establish a Sitago lino between ihe termini and thus provide for through traxel and mail route beforo the road is completed . TJii ktliinnet thing on record ia n man's pockctbook tbat bad just been struck in tbo stomach by a milliner. j m:hs. . I br i-ur. i isi.i. j . .. Jou- 2. icr Alatual STluour. i I. of tbr Mnti-L. uv. iu tL- Muraiiw 1'oat. tLt tb-- fart r juirrniij tb rcat natal eagaaiettt oft tb retartaa roast atr tba. tli- I'rruriaa iroa-clad abip llarasrar tck lb Cbilua wood a akip lUatrralda, aad tbt I be I'tntviaa anaor tUtd ai Iadprttcia ia paraatax tb Chilian wooJrn abip CTiidoag ran is a rrrf an 1 was wrecked. Ilutlt in I nml riii. llAkLf. Jan 2.--It U aaidtb iuM . I 1 - t. a o; lav ancatibrai ana aMaaiaciaring groaav of potecttoU . tb kktM !! 1- rT,H"0"' '"J"!"41 V.' rA. tb uty od Rtaia t, s pfeaaiag, redo., tb. daty on u. t. to So pfataf. j llteluiionii iiniisr.1 M. I'muarL.. Jon J.- Foot rreolo- Uwn.aU anid Idvfaaaaa, Oaaiaaki. j Jtraaduurr. who ia a Irwiaa ambawt. and aa txakaowa aa who i a-rbrted la baT- ' larea lb roaafarator Aatoaoff. were aag4 J at KM to-day. ; "" nr. An ui.' Laa len laaaad lOjatrorUi tb aataiat of naaac to wan? a i per caat. xa- , Urral I-ti at SC lr tbc amoaat ttl 3W.- ' , r.iM-.. t,i r ter tb expenaea of tb Ut wax uLfttptton -en on tbe Stk mat l.ncliati I rji nul JIrIrl. l.,Nt. : Jon 3 Tb Mark Laa Ktpteaa ay Groatn a beat ha generally not ba ctratrotaid by tb late Michait weaaber, and it sapx of pdy chaas are realtMai tb check aaay not prove to bav ba ia ianox. aad tb bar. tboa$b lat. may ytekl a iau return. Harfey aadoat areoaly n-dJratly rrocuan Whrat laoka tolarabiy healthy thotafk backward. Grata baa eaan aacneed to grow, and woaU dobtle. cn- ttase raatJtr xf venther iraai b--t prpecta of bay crop u far from eariw. Aji.-altarai proaaeeta xa are no aaeaxa proaaiaua. Ctala at urkle a&J IV . tio. m.t ..,.i dMnel. (.rAuuimUVn..! Th.1,.. t -w a.-a t at . a . of wheat l? fararrs at prxrvxaraAl axarketa hav agata ta bberal a compared -auk 1 year, aaowtnaT rraerv-ea to aav bea on- , dmtUaaated. or eta they are do to tbe ) prrewing fcel of CK-.ney wharh t Sett in ag ; nctxUaral cxreaea. The ooaehnoa of abat o3rrd wa xaxpi' J. aa th averag pne , adtanceJ eight ltx per qaarhar. dwepate ; aery inactive pr..o.xal trad. Ia Ioa)do& , ta aaaapL-a fully aaa&taiacd late rabra. tut j arrival wet axcall. Import .f fvreia akeat cp to Fn Jay vet S3.7C-J qaarUr Miller irxne th week boagjkt oa a axerely j retail acaie. beraae of inexwaaed sraxaeaecf baUctw. vTitb attU ronaaienU vmbi impply in Aamet aad abpial tr m 1 aortbera Koanan i-or-.v. trade has loat mceh of ats baoyaacy. bat pne mtt one handed, except far tprxag America danpooa. fc-e "hxrh holden accepted rather law! rata ex ship sooner than tarcr iaadia expen m. Ivsatavese was ftrth ; rt isnrtei by hJbdays. Welativc t tolivr. xaaae aatpported laat week advaa,'. Iet tab have rxaea simx- j larly. I'-I 1- and ln awid aioaiy aX f I axes rates I'.aa a. r ratber cbVrr ia ' roaasiiaeaf c' the Urge rappiy. 1 I'amlaelB alunrrr, j Stat a. Jas ? Tbe facme ia t'aLmr very arrioaa tr-at Jxstxeia prevail tbroastkvat tb ccx.try. and many to and vtUav-e base be a depcpobtted. A a tk-rxtle are n l:n aani-txnce Tlir le ou Civil Tlarrise. lloafv. Jane 3 A letter written by the Fofr baa bra psxbtxaawd deplorxsvr the aw etnl nunat Uvi. and aeartwc that th eharrh dessrrs to encroarb apoa th prerog- attv of th Stat, bat afeclarxag that par el v cxvtl Biarnages are drstitat of honest oc ACVe-i boasd. teouUlHrfr. Halle,!. tr. 1 rTsasatrax.. Jaa 3. T Golo aa- ' noaacea that UK) Dagherb-a mosxatmawers ho iwaited dannj th lab- war btv b , txxied to Perm. llHnliur r.splurer. Mtbta. Jnr.e 3. -Tb steamer A. . i Nordeaakjold Lv aaxlet bene for Bhrtag j Strait by way f th'- net caaal ix aas t of Itb ateamer Ieara, c-axainxng th bwadwh Arctic exjlorer. 1'r -i. K.-rdenakjoU. aad '. partv , riir lliiurr; nlr of Caahmerr. J Ix5XK. Joa I. OfScxal report from Caahmer say that it is impoibl to exa gerat the dxtre that th lamxa is caassar j there. Tb xaahtrajAh ot tats province at , th argent rvqaeat of th viceroy of India. ; xs proceeding; to rxaogr to MspenaXesd the orgaaiastxa of relief. Tbr thae&aad j are haadred xoaxs of grain are in trxnsst to tbe valb-y of C ashmen' I'u XVIII Oterllon. i Roatc. Jaa I . Th river Po has mad a j brraeh ia tb smbaakmeat betwa Staatd i aad Kivere. and is doiag tenons daaaaee. Vol Ilrnd. Ixao. Jane - - A Pari dsspatrh five ; carrcacy to tb rxxmor that General GoriaalJi - it dead, bat Meantti Ganbaldi at Kaase tel ! egrapbs contradiction of tb .apart, aad say bxs father ha completely recovered from bis recent indisposition ' 1'nrilon of Comrnunllfc l aat. Jane S Two handrod sad eight y- eight addstaoaal comaxanists have received ' amaesty Tb amaesty law expires to-dy. A Coinltir Iiool. Th SmUi Staffordshire miaes drat nag commitstoners yesterlay aaaoaxared that owing to a debt of t W."fcJ on Tipton das trict. all pampsag engines woald be atopped ktet night. Tbe effect of this would be th floodxag of bna-lred of colliers for mile arostad. Soatb S'.-vaurdabire moakl never recover it am lb diaastvr. A aMntia? af colliery owssrrs it called for Wednesday might to consider tbe it nation. PACIFIC tOAbT. The (ireru-lnl Minitlrr. Srsixvit-n:, Jone 2 At Spaafeth Springs ia tbt conntv. oa ktet Satatday. C. II. Hood attempted to kill bis wife with a aat iron, after kxck be attempted sakid by stabbing himself with a knife. He wa committed to-day to jail to await tb reeult of ber in juries. Jealoaay was tb cans. ;A Inhlns Ileapemilo. Pti.rMX. Arizona, Jaa 1. This afternoon about two o'clock a Mexican, well mounted anl anned with an old cavalry sabre about four feet long, rod madly through Main street, slushing right and left, very badly wounding three men. Officers immediately started iu pursait, bat the Mexican stands a good chance of escaping, as he had n good horse. Th- officers have not yet returned. The wounded are doing well. Ilork nml Itetolvem. Paxxxx, June 2. Sessions of thHoue have been characterized by the most dis graceful order. People in the galleries openly express their contempt and hatred of certain members whose hostility against the executive has been most marked, and (boss members increased the disorder by tusking most inijKissioned attacks against th r esi dent of the republic. The popuUcc replied with volleys of stones. Members used their revolvers iu turn. Things got to such a pais xo. :is. f n IU- 7th of Mv that Gcaeral TrntiHowjlh litU!iB of Columbian gnardd clrartd tLt uw. adjoorndtbe MOb and eswtd tbr iu.bra Iijb IIKOmu llarriilioner. -i . a. Jan 3. J. L. Squires, vb ( foaail gnuty t B.crJ.r ttl tbe flrit dsre la Friday, ronuaittrd Mtirid At bait paitS t-aafbt. If cat both arms aud bin throat wok a raaot. One of tb prionn is tb ; tail a the aUria. and iliea tbe abx3 got ! to &a4 be m yt xliTe, Utt dixl m a ! abort ttat. Hut b ot th-e' ruor ii a rTt- l terr. Hi wxf riaited htm ve-itenlav I . Lave rarnd it in. onirrr or Drulda. j,., Jn 5 Tise Gri3d it of t-T Hl tb fallowing ikml oft,r. Mowfcl.. .Vo 4 S6GK A k T t uu,,,. D( Xo j, W. D. G a. JAi Utter, of X. U.K. W. Graad .-ietao l. Coataleae. of Xo. 10. U. X. Grand Ireatarer Cbarl VatUes:. of So. -3. W. lirad Marvkal. 31. W lirand Gaudiin A. Oo&aai, of No. A i.,,,, for Llbenj. j,41 UUCTr,t JlMM, i.Uttx.2 eight aad iul o cloek la, aigbt i oin ciifd Mr.. Eatw,n. who. mlh her b?abAsd. was a paaangar for tb at on the OTlasd ex. urea train a hack !: Sas. FraceiMio TMln. s day aiomtn;. jacpeti from a cat window whtl tb train wm sader fall htadway. Tb he band of the Votoaa aotid tb cos. doctor, who report, the accident at tb Srt awtxoe. A party of sxeewbow: ttaptoyed , at To.!V axilla. aar by. west oat iad ( baa-d the vomaa all aiht. Tay fosad bar rarlr thxi as oral a; walktsg ox. the bridge j cier Canyon rreet. The only icjarj ib i rciT.d aa a -rr cat oa ea ere The ; baabaad cIaibxc tbat the votsan is laaAae. M who foacdhr say ibe abows no xxgns of laaaaxty Th wonxan clxias that her hnt baavd i taliag bar east to pet her ia atiaoa, ae 1 rather than aer this the prt ftr Jeatfc. Allll Tbr, tome. 4i FaatBCw, Jose S Flight Lesdred and seventy-thra Chtaea arrived os Saa day p- r U.-ctdentAl aad Orxeatal ateaasbip Ocaaw. It u pnrately reported that 1.40J tickets have bars Viii at Haa Kong for the next ateaaer for thxs port. Horklusuien't tax en lion ol California Ail tb-e b the Stat Coaveatxoa of th V P. -f Califorxua has bees ia x-vaos. with I'enni Kearaey a th chatr. There were ckt 11 dewates. Several days wer pent ia :aas;ag reolntxoe. and they CvTr very z.' -!y at svs groaad as the sew Mat r.nrutatta. Th ssaxn platfors rc padxaAva cornxnaaxsm and agrarxAsata, which wa epposed by Kearaey. tkoc;"a be anally wukirew bxs oppoatxos is defereae to the country nxember It fAtored the sew cunatitatxoa. cagbt boara labor a day. all cf aces elective b. xnclsde postsxAitan.tostpcl aory edccatxonbetwocn s and 11 yaari of a . tsa State to pay for school bocki. rat of xs tercet xvt to excee-j i per east., forfettar of land srant when railroads were -ol baxit is da txaae. repeal of banking law. etc. Th f -Coving aosaxnaussv were made os th Stat ticket Governor. VTS. F. tV&it. of Saala I'ru. a-J a xelegram wax reevtved from bias anaoenrxng bxs aoceptAace. V. R Andra. cf A.-.; .tXx was soaxxsated for Lieatenaat ' roternor. and appeared aad'ad drrased the rxaventws. For State TreAtsxr- ex. t haa. luasr. of Napa, for txcretary of State. A. A. ncvitb, of Kcvada. for rTtAle . . ntroi:- r. Hagh Jones, cf SastA Clara; for attorney tieaverai. C. W. Croat, of Kevada, tx orvyor tlcaeral. II. J. Stephessao. of Ix Angflcs. for Sapertateadeat I'abbc Is-stractK-n. II. D. Traat. of Sasta Barbara. for l kief JaMtce. K F. Morrison. Kite s( the Itb ladxcxa! dtstnet. foe Assocxxte J i xxe. McKee.and eoaveatios adtosxraed tistH y. Jaa l it Wheal Veal Hlaaln?. The Ecrasoct Castle has bees entered os Lloyd's Karaxiae register as ssxas. This Ss British iraa bark of H ton left as Francisco SeptesiUr li. 17?. with 7.523 ceataai of whaat vtlned ? 17.717. Sb was eteaw bv t - ir- P&Ateri V 1. , kWF for Cork. h has never been beard of since aad it i feared thet the west down with her crew of 2o oa board. rOKTY-SIXTH C0N(iHKSS Senate. WxiHlNOTVs, Jsae 2. Mcbvaaid Laixvg abfent. ooauderatios of bxs r eolation was poitpaead. Tbe monxing boar expired and th Me-l.-aald reaolstxos wat over. Th Seaal proceeded to contdr sas hl bastaass. betag IToe.e bill to am sd as act approved Mar-h 3. 1:79. sxakisg appro pi wtxoas for tbe coBstrsctxon, etc.. of eartaia jckt oa tb great Kasawaha and Kestecky i rivers. The bxll aatborizM the Secretary of j War b as part of th appxopdation for the i parcaas of at let for sack tmproTeaest ine Suat then took ap th bosxse bstlto catabsteh postroad. and wit boat sctis '6 i thereon adjoaraed. llonae. Tb bell for tb appolstaMst ot a Missis sippi rtvr comstsjlos, asd appropriating $175,006 to at', its expenses was passed. Under a call of States very aaay bills acre latrodacexl aad referred, araoaj tba th following. Ity Wave For taxatioa of promissory notes, and making it aatawfal to exact more thaa S par ceat. interest for the loaa of money. ItvSamford -Prohibiting tbe fsnding ot U. & bvntls tpayabl ia csrrency into coin bond. By I.-w-e -t abstituw legal tender currency f..r natnal bank curreacy Ily poagr Prahibitiag any soldier stalione.1 wtthia two miles cf any place where a special or general election of rep resentative in Congress is betnz held, from leaving his barracks for aay purpose except that of relieving the guard or casting his vote on the day ot election. Coiambas Cpson, successor ot the late flostave Schleicher, was sworn in as Repre sentaitT" from the State of Texas, taking tb modified oath. Wright, chairman of the labor committee, moved to suspend the rules and ndopt a resolution appropriating $2,000 for expenses of tbat committee; agreed to. Kenaer moved to suspend the rules and MM a bill authorizing producers to sell ten cents worth of tobacco on the farm where produced free of tax, nnd without requiring license therefor; defeated, yeas 112, nays S2 not the necessary two-thirds. Cox, chairman of the committee on foreign affairs, moved to suspend tho rules and adopt a joint resolution in relation to the international exhibition to be held at Sidney and Melbourne, Australia, in 1579 and 1SS0; passed, yeas 13$, nays 62. It appropriates $20,000 to provide for representation of the United States at thoe exhibitions. .Neuftle. "Washinoton, Juno 3. House bill extending the time for the pay meat of pre-enptora on public I.tnds in Min nesota and Dakota, passed. House bill to conter certain powers and limitations on commissioners of tho District ot Columbia ?rj taken up. 1 la 3m. tta. ljr () II lJ ei W jU 0) HO M 3 01 (A (Si II M km t W TC(J li () 1 OJ JO CO 'tl SOU II W M4 SiSO-i 7 "1 ! W 3 W 21 C ' W i I1M 31 ') X W C 10 tO IS ' MM WW 70 M 11 (fi 50 M M M 0 'J ISJ 00 1 UU ZlMle. S hMre . be. !lej w lal roiuaaa 30 mt.U ba. fm um.' ti x, aad 1 j oifeu tun va wkaoait annni AJeeUutf LiiU cafiAh (.urtrrtjr. C&nat'Itratioc was iiittrroptl by npir tion of the tnonuBg hocr. Iloas bill rUblisbin jt roctr thn ettae np: ad. finK th- roas.dTaCoii of tht p'ntrocte Ull. Berk introdocd aa aatadtaent pra Tidtag that the I' bh is. thonzed to eteat ioat roatm os any pshuc highxay, rail or rirer ia th United States wheaeter tkatrab!. lie fiao'ly withdrew it, aa Max? proelifi that the eocateitte coaAtder the qaeation. When the door ropnd AdionrBW. XIoDae. Cosaideratios was rcmed of Leiict cf the CDorxusg hocr os the biH asesdis the etAtste relatiTe to reaaoral of CAa4 froa State to federal eoeru. Towtuhed. of ItlifttM'. taoved the pts- . Ttoai jae-toB, bet withdrew th raotios At ! tbe rei9t of Cox. who proceeded to cpeak ! a: leagth. favonaf repeal of th tet cath j At the coccloaon. of kM ok th Hocas 1 Adjosrsed and a DtaoocraUe CACsas vxi a noncd for 1 o'clock. Henaxc. Waasiscitos, Jsxve 1. Hayard rportd with arsesdsesu Sesate bxll repeahag sections sa il of the re rifcsd lUtetrt, which preseriVs the jercrs tent oath, etc . aad saad that he woeld preb aUy it !cv to call it ap to-morrow for coBasderation . ordered pristed aad placed cn th caleadAr. The bill confe-msg crtaxs power, etc . cs (ixattict eoanxiaaxoaerx, a as paAse-d. A bill ?ompeaaatisf E. E. Eke for prop erty 'rxnaferrad by hist to th Caibsd States, for tbe as ot Ui ronalr aad dtplotaAt:: itoridiuiti in Jtpss. was taken ap asi pAd. Tk Saat towk ap th atil to Astesi tbe act ia relation to jasdscial dsxtrscu .n Texas. Voorbees orI a resolataaa dsrectmg th SaereaVAry of 'ir to laforax th SsaM : of th ctrrasMUsee leadssg to b AtreU ' aad rsaaoval ot J. M. B-U aad atbr f' j lee ladiaas fross Ike Charotee actios ' Voorbeec bid xauormxtios tcadict; to how , that th persoas aaassd wee iarrsbly re moved by C. S. troop wit boat reaAos bexsj Siven for sach actxoa. j -" Uaaie. . Sxte aseadaata to Hoas graaahapper ' bill, eiteading the Ua of payment by pre- eaxptori. have been agree.1 to. Th resolatios was adopted, veai. 12s aays. tl Atkiss, chxirms of the cotssxiue os xppccprtitxoc. reported back a yoist rt latxos repe-Alxcg certaxs daases of the scs , dry civil bxll, approved Marti 3. 1579. wits I Senate axexuinxents thereto, with reces I aaxxdatioss tbat they be eosscrred is. Has toon sebesxtied as asxesdsxest iscreaa xsg the approprxatxos for the fasiily of the late Gastav Schlescher Xo ?I.f:0; agreed to. Senate aaeeadsxeatx, ax aaeaded, were - oo ic erred in. asd tb bxll rHorsed to the Seaat f.r action. Evans, frcm th ccaxcittee :c post ofsVes ' reported 'track Saate bxll to eztesd the tssve for apectal postal serrace aaal sach service , can be obtxxsed by adrertxsesiest. wtth as anxeadment baxiaag sees ezteasios to os ' year. Tb ameadeaene wax agreed to asd the ball paad. ! Seaate aaveadaseets to the tat rent Ull wr aoacarred xa. AdjocrsJU. Heaalr. WAssrroroy, Jea S. Pesdlttotx. from the eoniuo os fareija aSaxts. reported back th Hocxe joist rea 'atios appropriatxsg mosey to esaWe th UsttedSutes goverascatto nartiipta xa the tstersAUssal exhibition t be held At Sydaey Asd Heibcnrs xa 1;7S-S4. which was adopted. Os meoon of Ktmas, the bxll for dehvsrv t SAasel Lord. Jr.. receiver, certais bsdt sow ts the haads of tbe Usitd States trets arer wax takee ap. It appears frosx letters submitted by HersAsthAt the boads referred to caste xa to the possewioe of the govern meat deriag the war, scaaxsaliy as captared property, thexr owsershxp vxi afterwird dis covered. The btU was paased. The bill reported yesterday by Bayard from the jcicixry eosuaittee relAtisg tj ycries asd to rtpl secQoas 51. S3 and 521 of -tbe revised staxstes was takes sp lloaae. More thaa aa hoerwas ccsseced thx i ia cos&xderatioa of bstis retsar'aa from cotsmitte os pticg. Ssll far eko tioB of a coagTcestosal pristsc was reported bet not admitted, the point of crier being raised that it was not sn: a a biH as cosmiUss was privileged to report at xsy time. Atkia inquired if be coald withdraT the j bill. Tbe speaker replied that he coakl. Tbe bill was therefore withdraws M th Hoese resumed cossiderancn of buaiseAs of the xsoraiag hoar, the bill relating to the removal of causes from State to federal coerts. Tbe desxasd for the previous qaestiaa be ing withdraws. White proceeded to argue ia opposition to the bill. Tb moraing hour having expired, the speaker laid before the House a message of the president, trasszattisg the proceedings asd report of the board of ocers on tho case of General Fits John Porter; referred to the comaxitteo oa xalhlary afairs. and or dered printed with all th documents. Atkins reported the legislative and ju dicial appropriation bill. mAred that it be printed and recommitted, asd demanded previous question. The previous question was seeconded, and the bill was ordered printed and recom mitted. The House then took up special order bill reported ky Hatch from the committee on agriculture to prevent the exportation of diseases, and spread of infectious or con tagious diseases among domestic animals, and was addressed in support of the bill by Hatch and Covert, and by Morton in opposi tion. Without action the House adjourned. Tbe editor of tba London Truth has been sued for libel. In tbc cours of tbe trial it was shown that he was also part owner in another daily paper, own! a theatre and gambled at table3 and in stock. ITc cleared $20,000 last year. American newspaper men Lave something to learn yet. The happiest moments in a woman's life are whon she is making her wedding garments; tho saddest, when her husband comes homo lato nt night and yells to her from the front steps to throw him out soiiif key-holes, assorted siies. When you bear a man say tlu world owos him a living, don't leave any hams lying around loose.