The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, May 17, 1879, Image 4

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    I Taatfl.
Destruction of tho Vinos.
The Vice of Treating.
p.vriric coast.
An evil only inferior in the best mc-
naccs Italy from ihe north. The ihvl- I
loxera vastatrix, wliich his already pat-
tiallv destroyed the wnevatds of Fnnc., 1
is now very near Italy, and if energetic
measures are no: itnploicd will continue
its march. It has been observed abaut
thirteen miles from Vettuniiglta not far
from Nice, and at its uual rate of jwo
gress she incursion oi this insect may be
expected in Italy next ear.
Those who hue studied the character
and habits of the phylloxera assert that
its progress is slow, but sure. They itc
ommend turning the infected vineyards
as soon as it arrive ia Italy a the only
mean; ol arresting its progress, and even
that relief would only be temporaty
But in the interval thus gained, agricul
turists hop; that s -me etJeaaal remedy
will b; discovered. As ye; this has bet n
sought in vain. The viae, have bicn
kept wet and dry; they have been fumed
with sulphurate of cirboa. with caiboaatc
of potash, and other disinfectants They
have been sprinkled and blown upon,
and bottles have been paced over them;
in short, a thousind remedies have been
.. . , J I... I . 1 I
tnea. out an nave ptoveu u am. W:
devastating msec: memphs over mans
most ingeniou, devices Ine ex.em of
ims mraieaea cv ,naj ue ,
the ravasres the insect has alreaiv made '
the once fioariskiuc vineyards of
France. Oac-ihird of all the viuej-ards
in that country are infected, and owe t
eighth entirely det wed.
timaled at Iranc annuailv.
France, nmil ten years ajo. hea tn '
destructive agen: began in work, was the
reat wine pTodndSg coSn:,v. but u has
r...i 1 . , r.,.f . ; . f.
trade. The anneal income of lulr from '
wines is es imated at 6143.003000. and ,
in the present condition of the finances 1
Tr HimainiHAB f ta4a CHM MiAaftLfl fta 1
disastro-s to the coemn The Al
wou d be a sufficient bariier again: the
entrance o this terrifcie advetorv taio ;
Ital v if h w ere not for the agency oi man. '
In unthoeght of uws. on the fioer bolo. 1
on v.n mn-c o iiu. v. tc
.aai - . "ri the vine, one or two ot
these iiecij u.y "vired two a:
country, and in a &:ngle mtjmju u;5 the
vinj-Jrds with millions aod IwlKtWH of
dercendents. The pismiet are the tu
ters of the world, and man is imftoteat to '
defend hin-.seU artau.: ibetr. haliaa
Notes in Gnciaaati Gaz.ue
Charles Reade
No Hviag has Used the noveuaf '
2i t and gfe wi'h raorr practical pawpose
man Chirks Read?. He has ihioMU up
trades-nnions. and prisons, and private
madhoBs:s, and more thin o! the kin J
than we can well ren.embef We have
ilnr thenrbt Im " Srrrz too ta
Mend" one of the moat p rrted arul ,
toocbins stories that r appeared in our !
own limes; ihoujh for iir.a,iniu.e poer '
and perfection of literarr workuwoahip, 1
we prefer the"' Qotater on tne Hearth." j
Bo: even those who adr.e Mr. Reade
as we Co raau aduttt tfte Horrors and
por.ntts W.Neve.- .oo Late to MtC
were more sensauonal man realistic. ,
And whether the coldblooded atfocitr oi
the Tacks in-oQce be aduicit!eorfouo'j-
ed upon fact, it is certain the tortures m- i of the veaael a aeriea ot incuues hues.
fiiaed on the prisoners betrayed us into In 167- Xr. Ramai made i xaodel, hav
sentimental v.rwtnr with crime, and a ia iu bottom compoaed of two parallel
dangerous oblivion cf criminal -tn:ece- ! and cocaacutivv ioelxned planes, or the
dents. We believe that lew cosnsei get f Tav4 mar be described a made up of
up their cases mote tareiullv tb&o Mr
Reade; bni u men of uudenuble eat
handicap ibemseA-es bearj ia promo
ting social reforms throegit :be mediuw
of brilliant .oraaace. the audchr of thcir
duller imnaiorr: must incur r.s mer title
penakv. How well we know tte impu!
dre chorch contrtnerw lists, who under
take the propagation of their pecu'iar
tene ts who preach up or cry down n-
luahstic obrvanoers who introduce ibetr '
model parsons aad their aavab'.e ladies
T . t . I , .
Doanuioi, ICS i circulate mron tae cot
tages with tea and tiacts. and are always J
savins words in season or oat of . axm.
saying words in season or oat ot aoo.
The absurdity of sech tiories from the
practjjj point of tiew . that, in their
prolixity and shallow seearianitm. uwy
defeat their on end, and ate only read
uv iuc jjcupic .iv ate ajtcAut iuj.iiicu
to their orindplei Those wr.o diacr
shi ink from tliera a iaun from boy wa-
ter. while i: needs neaher tbe r prejudices
nor lacu uiin.v w h .m i em in
ably dull to anybody wbo read with tbe
idea of beinc amused. Almost more
dclislab e is the political snonoauattiac
i r t : r"w. . .
wao wncics r.ixnK.i a , aa
the occasional jeo d'tsprit of some beuer
nan. who his tirown it off m tbe vujor
cf his political enthusiasm, is Shimj those
ponderous trifiers perpeiuil encour ce
ment. Blackwood.
The Folly ot Virtue
A very gcod and pious looking young
man applied for a position in a well knoun
store, last week. After he had introduced
himself and made known his wants, the
..... ..;
proprietor miormea rum that ne would
ike to have a deik if he would get one
that oald tuit him.
"I suppose yon go lo church, ehr" he
"Yes, sir."
"Do you drinkr" conutwei tlic mer
chant, eyeing hfm sliarp'-.
"Do you use tobacco in any form?"
Here tbe young man pushed lhc quid
into the roof of his mouth' and replied
with a smile that was childlike and Wand:
"Inever use the weed, and never did.
I consider it the lowest and most shock
ing habil that a man can be addicted to."
'Do you frequent the pullicy shops;"
"No, tir; neverl''
"Do you go lo the National Theatre,
dog fights, or boring exhibitions?"
"Nerer was at any in my life." was the
emphatic reply.
"Can you tell the acc oi diamonds
frern the king of clubs' '
"I know nothing whatever of cahls!"
"Do you ever bel?"
"No, sir, I don't 1"
"Suppose," said the merchant," a man
thould offer to bet $1,000 to gio that a
lbre-legged goat could outrun a grey
hound, would you take him?"
"No sir?"
"Then you won't do for ihw establish
ment; we don't want yon we never hire
If tint is a noble btitnaii iiujHilae wr
virtue crvcrtd eal alnwe.1 xre than
others by Aiwricaii, it i tbatol sriu-r
otiv. Aiul iwrltatta oti i tb
wort jKfvt-HHiH m tfere ix-H-niviKf
may be fownd in that kgwtirat uUnm
cowtnonly known by tfe trim of "treat
in-." Possibly iU origin may be traeed
buek to stont)UM90it) geuurouty, bttl it
so, how widely has it divor-wd front the
first ricii4e4 of the admirable ii1nt
which gave it birth.
Itnt wlto w omUI have the effrontery to
claim that it is a generottti motive vbicb
tomi4s men u tjt their fello
men I Strangely enough, he is ome
tinies called a wam-heartod, whole
souled man w ho leads his neighbor up
to the 1m r and urtee him to rtake of
that which may deprive him of aiiua
tion, self renueet and rqtutattOM. HenVc
tion doo not improve the com flexion of
this vrocme than tartawM upon liberali
ty, to the Nad effect ot which tUerw mv
iboutaud of w retched moaumeuu to be
seon in ex err large city.
Even thoush triMl of iu i uitwuil".
injurious feature, the custom of treating
"V - - - - . ,
wouW vrt w a ridieulu one. lmai
, Ju ictillM. l0 tke )wrci.,Mi . alher
.tiea ltM1
iwatcrou. W the
. . . - . . '
v i:l .L. . .; '
.IU m AjjJL.-h au'ide.
, . . .
.1,iiWKmu: 1 r a
JLeTlml "
.... ... t .
W1" -watt
seBtlett on the rtneet fcoU aa
"Xuw. L.ya, I wuttt to set 'eut tt4 for 1
e crowd, come in and have a chronto,
a brckrt or mueihw? w nL ut
, " '
Yet w-hieh would he more ahaahtr to
d ht imauly, duwnoa. brA
J lKluor S
" "I1 kinl 1u,u, . . m
1 1 htmentaUe lac that treatiur
cMUMa T" Aiawncaa. a- .1 h
minoos in Ha efcet. And ret, with
tkia, an ith tuaaty other injurious prae
tieaa, jieople raeonise attd acknoarbdee
their evil mooenoe and wt. but wiU
not ahaavlon or eoudeaau them because
they luaapen to te euttoaai larselr o I
erved be those who have the mane of I
beine senerotas and ahuaawal U tho I
ttnsv and hard-fird elaax - -Roeheater
fi ta-.
A Polysphenic Ship.
For th- hwt u. reau, mv The Ene
lialt Mechaxur. tW Iter. C. M. lUautaa,
Hector of East Guihieford and Piavdes,
England, bus held hit invevuon ut th
polerbe&k ahi at th disposal ot the
AdmiraitT. Tlus vesaeh it i ca'cula-d
wiU akiau the teas at a rate ot forte
ntileu avn hour w aaoee. TV- word -vVxts"
iiicWs of the kia, Mr the
avttn is uiainlr baaed on the fact
that if a veaael can W made bj- the mere
-ore hh which it moves to rial over
the wre instead driving throu-fa
e a, Pc- . !
tncac, tuete ts nrune. tacia reftaon M tw
ueve f ucu taguer r a,
than anythinr et racked will
U t
aehievid. The pnnciaW of Mr. Ravaaos'
invention consista in luakinr the bottom
two wedges, the thick end of which are
placed abaft tae thin ends. There ia
thu in the center of tbr reaael a ridge,
where the thin end of the tternmoat
abtrta acainat tbe thick end of the fore-
moat. Any aoatin; body tbui bapod
anot, when forcibly driven throuch the
water, tend to nae, and if the ay eel is
! hijh einurh it will rise to tbe snrfaee
1 inateud of driving throueh the water.
Tfeew faeu were deawnatnued br mm
ronxh exnerimenu mad in the tmence
c4 crediide witneauea. Tne propeUtAs
,w-r in the exprriinenta was a ii
I. L ,l ,1. .)d
ooace rocket. In one trial tbe model.
vei-hine three pottndi three ouno. ran
: a divLao, 105 vank iu three ecouds.
. ife -k. ii-o feet it. U aMoeulc.
wat(sr ,iu,d,l bv a strou
keetsae. but it: uu af tlna tnt deet: vrm
crA . A T-
' M HVk Mbniac,
U ufceii rroitir of t struct
U.,. f, it 1 L
, - - 1 r
deaoustr&ted that the ra4atanee tw uch
veuaeli. which at first inct eases about as
the square of their velocity deereasr c
t ..i w .,,,..l ,.!
, rtJnod there is no further m- :
JZ,.. r:...-
atlMnm tWn for Ktfdiln? l&Vpo,v- j
; stmenic abtp and there seems every ;
probe bility that sfeed of forty uilea an
! hour or man can be attained
Kindness to Animals.
' The Lieutenant Governor of Michigan
i wr.ies the Klmira Husbandman ce
cern:ir2 tbe treaimeid cf fractious animals
. .....
i em rodytinj the IoUowhij excellent ideas:
; "I propose lo give )-our readers the
j benefit of a discovery that I made iomr
oce, that is not patented, is free 10 all,
ate nothing; saves time, annvyance
irritation, rage, profanity; a weiK ana
futile effort to subdue by brute farce;
tMensc perspiration mingled wah cx-
ireme madness, and finallv failure, mor-
tificaticn and suirender. It is a matter
that I have tested thoroughly in practice,
and I have learned that animals that arc
treated kindly are not a to be vicious or
ugly. Treat them kindly always, young
or old, let them know that you will not
hurt them, and more, teach them that
you are their best friend. It is very easy.
and also a very pleasant thing to do, and
ifioidoit the chances are that our
cows ui:l be kind and gentle, your steers
and oxen and your co ts and horses will
be so also. i fit is found that any ani
mals can riot be made useful by kind
treatment it is best to get rid ol them.
Trea'cd kindly from the start they yield
to it cais!y. Prof. Miles, when going
around with rncto see my sheep, said:
"What is the matter with your sheep?
They do not run when they see you?"
I could only say in replv that they knew
rnc. and nad come to regard me as their
best friend. I should feel that something
as wrong with me if my domestic ani
mals did not welcome me and appear
phased at my approach.
Six riANCifttt. Mar S. Au erdir
to-day by Judge Wtigbt aad Auditor
MayHaiJ to tbe tretiiiry again nnI r
Mr. Hubert' control. Tit- t ra-ur.-r llrt
4V will he to eouat tin- ravtiay ir taw vaults
Mtttl maVe kit regular Motitlily 4atawut.
Tke oiuev will at one U t-eed. imtigt
Ur kiM will Hut ih trauvK-tr.l umit w ii
Colli IMoimUhI 32 order.
isnkmccta. Mav 5 lauti' a iirt
prtiomuDrt at ParadloA VliR )tt Bigot,
CLarirH HyHM-r tbot auJ fatally vouudeu 1. j j,;UOW- iUi how Jo do it, uill W ort
W'nmm to the a-lrnj mj ibat j . t $ 4Weortfit scarf in tl
itx 4hkuui; was uniTovutcU and that nr- 1 , . , ,
ner wMkl kv Wen ! l.mehed y tb tntBti- rtu.-emeiil of whwh Uto haj int
aicd audivnee kad not a Jajiuty btnff been Coniultetl. e have acen a girl
otucMv dmew kim to tkl iiUoa a J loekl '. -ky firned five ilolbnx u wk and
km m ike ettnity jail.
iiii r- Kilir.i. t
S rs. Mav 7. -Two samei. y t- J
HtI m mmjfc- c bridge, in the Swro ,
W o eteek. No waa m lb. imuMUMt. t
Mcickborboud. and tb caa of tka accidt ut ,
wunkcoaa. t otui iupwrd tkat to.
lk wru a. trjiug to aiaas a Ipml c- ot '
aawduat. kirk caM.d tke rl4oioc. Ike
. - . 1
Su,todcd OtyTweerHuUr, to-d.y
paid ow to tkeity SIS.Sia, tke aaaauat ot
Cx7H&m d(akanon Mr. HaU.t wiU ,
pnltably be eiautd m a few dj
sntria.. of n siio.iuaH. '
lia Up, mas mn3ttU IL BcU ,
Cmum TJwaur. .aicidMl Ut wht h lwot
itag kiuMelf tkreack lk hodjr in tfca pee
uee ol k vttt. li k-1 at ta U fv
dj afo. kt tkey wt aaka4iT tcva
aaWd. Far ol trial aad rvatltMt f an
atteaopc to n.ordri 111 tke ran- f tkr m-
nlllarnta -m toulluliH Adaflgd.
Hatarsi ai cl-tutt a tke ka frog-
ikm are a compfc-te " Ta city
uad n lO.Oow or tkltat acaiaat
tke coaateu.. ie. - u.r.:y 4 U f
lajXte 1
eonutrrare !&rvukt 1
but mdicat tkat wfctU Aki 1 da . sf tmmaato. I
aauta Oar and mcat of Biaiaf autira
' ,
ttxfr aamat. aruiy all lh ajfn.t 1
Ur a. IkMtid. ilk nttr aaul hta'klanJ I
ta faTor ut i4oUtou. vitk (ausot .4 tkat I
aravjomy Wttaf aaaterially wereaard Ilfc- i
turtatao tu. ittl. cttT ear.y in tk
Utuiooaurfad do. u.relta
iv 4dkt ceeurnar Tke Woai&m.
n- n are
:r . n
jukalaut OTer wkat lk c a.iirr tk
Iruralar TtrtacT.
A Mail AUalr.
lctx,. Xar -Akcut .
Sa l aaactoro. Xar 3 Akcut i-t.c
izm a youas tuan aautrd AlftwJ BartwA asaa .
taken V. tk Saf .tafteatir. ia awe- J
aautrtao. w&rrr fee bad n.j i-i.J ut -
t i st m a roraa
ifafprr. ko ka.1 Urn aa mutat ( tUJ
a.tioib (or aa mttk and Lad tsai.r Tv . i4w, troa tk Nutl stapt
aav d:pMtt4itt tu U jearrt'.aoam! laotttaU. ahask kai a trputatoos tlLbtt
li taade no OjmNa. ta kuaaau; Srtau 1 Iktmagkaut tka ctttiuad vaeld for et m
ukkMB. T- k& t tM huv tk trvatisaut 4 patil eaoxtart. paraljui.
and were lound atnrp at 9 oclktr tkr
Bickt watrnaaaa. Hr Kaai tkrtB aarap at ,
Ht o cloet. hut cut tm Uutd Ttw. at li .V.
vcatrriaav. k fouu t Baztcn aa;p an i
JlofwMr awake Tk Utter atAljr aaid ihu
lk dot kad Weu p and wu J tt- r.
but k rikibttJ no tprcial Uui.g :t. (La
niii - Tk lrki camtiuaVi L.
fouud audat U k. kxAcd mi taw nMaa aad
nuavd Hopper i.4tr.W ol Batioa. graapis;
tim Vf the tLroat. and k -rmm dawd Ha
4id tkat tke kov sot up and ataa'lrd ktxa.
tkta ia doaMiaJ. otlatsr lru.r'l
tj tty o tbc eB(w iciia
I..Ll, Mi lai ia rel
llrlrunl mine.
Si.. Faaxaaco. May . Tkoaua i uxr
ald. a apecial ofieer ko waa na'akrd ia lfc
worl or mptrrunff a ravtoaa etuW ou 'w
Xaateoaaerr tr-ri uat eutm a tut iue
tke abuoaaeu br a eofcbU atone. Hi tajane
tie Mt. erceau smtitt m iut ta
tbe bead wttk a in as e&osatcr stif"
tbal a boT vaa akct k-r Bn uuitt CaMt.
Ckavv. at tkr uuse tUre. k mrta tkat LJa
ava dd aoc arr a hut TbT i- jil
patteetaec. acd rre snarJ rslr a.k Uc
Several akct nrvd irum it,- ,rl
I' nltr nuciH:
Rio Vim. Cal . May ?. Tki
-woama SS Itabaa and PortucUr Lakcrcrn
amd kere from Coiliavill and fear bt4b
eufaf td in tke kaaiaeaa ot aaatcj a Viritf-
cat raid o SkeracB aluug tk r.rrx
Thcar complaint "a tkat taint oa abnuld r. t.
k Mild Ice tkex to cnui a pice. U.irt;h
. "
1 bueu ia tkia ticuuty are rrcuncj kat
Tby acVed boak tar Wt
ake ibmasttubiat MMMMmm,
Tke nver pxat tbeu departed, sotuf up tke
rtter and threatening bsttuetK.s lo tftyt,
tbinz in tkeir a-ay j
LiTta AUat ! o lock tk nui pttataa
i returned Jrwtn tkeir raid up tke r.rer. aadJ
aJ: -ppo mi acr. -a-re ivtc. 10 &.
btJt by Deputy SktT Fi
Fico vMk a pane
tu abarse o( a small enaaes wtiek kad Weu
plasted upon tbe wkarf t ceatstat: tbe
rirrr. Tkey aaneaderad and arc new tasked
up. Tbe sn-n Ltd made a clean twetp es
tbitr trip, boardios every Lstt a&l tbruTics
ovqr all tbe Stb and taking ap it at
CoUiMvtlle. Tbe Greek akeraie& wk9 art
in tke raovemeat for hijkr pnret ksTe
complete control ot aSatn , ratsung to alic
otkert to land st tbe wkarres.
Necessity of Sunlight.
Int.-aIl ... l,iHin tk usli?kl f nn
lnsreaa m ctc.uoin; mc waiigni i oni
our houses, tats the MinuCscturrr and
77 , llic .unuuciurer aw.
' Imtlder, let it lade carpets, draw flic
l f.t.i .1 ...i
" - "Jcw tttii
door and window and bid it enter. It
1 brine, life and beihh and oy ; there it
healing in ht beam;, it dtfvtsaatr di
I ease ami uampne-s, moid, megiims
Instead of doing this, howcer. maoy
careful boosewives d- se the blind, draw
. down the shades, lock the door, shut out
j the glorify. ray and rejoice m ihe dim
j anj musty cootness ana i-nigni oi tneir
apartments. It is pleasant and not un
wholesome during the clare of the noon-
I tide to subdue ihe light and exdude the
! air qeivcring with heat, but in the morn
I ing and in the ever ing we may freely
indulge in the sun bath and let it Hood
; all our rooms, and if at its very heicest
and brightest it his full entrance to our
' sleeping rooms, so much the bc.lcr fr
i us. Wire netting in doors ami window
exclude not flies and mosquitos only, but
all other insecs, and those who have
once used it will continue to do to.
With thit as a protection from intrusive
winged creatures, one may almost dis
pense with shades and shutters and enjoy
all the benefits of an open house without
any annoyances to frequent in warm
weather. But better the annoyances with
sunshine than freedom without it. Sta
tistics of epidemics have shown that if
they rage in any par: of a city ibey will
prevail in homes which arc exposed to
the least sumhhc, while those most rx.
posed to it will not be at all or slightly
affected. Even in the same house per
sons occupying rooms exposed lo sun
light will bejhcalthier than those occupy
ing rooms where no sunlight enters,
Wlwt loii.turt it in to oor woiuen,
lrb yet like tu look ull, remember
thnt lit-H"t h. iinteli what is worn as
hmr it . won. that- proluee "the t-en
eral-t'tfivt ot lullig will dli-wiJ. The
mai' iijl iuj 1m a-!vii-ld, but it ill cut
or' 111 adju&tVd tho woman appear no
Wtu-r tor it- A linen dr. -an made with
ute i men- becoming than o sUk out
of I ho nod or awkaardlv imt cn; and
the wltutdail TiLLoiDs1 tK-l l'V Olio h
Jl ln on jt, rodiice k better
etTet of totlctlo than aMother whe
fa"mW iU bills without question.
UMtf luav ofloU U j
on wlwt w ugly and eommonJooking
aa on w hat vt delteate and elegant,
There is a choiee in everything, from &
jj, w A V9
f . .
tH H that ends wM that baak uiuM
U pret.r healthy, for it endeJ that wll
"77 .. . . .
"The kanging of two or three gm
teal ttiuraVrora will atop the blooJv JU
4 mmam," mys the Charleton New.
Rtgfet. but wbeu the .South logins to
imnz "gentrer luur-leren, ju.t you it
ut know.
A Valuable Madiciaa.
FaAZIi k "Mv enaStitlJMI a4
t-rv a.Mt Lrk r. down fi r VMrt Mt
a dJwtlon, boW-Ia akl MTVOUn oVatrUi
Vrre itt a tt bad fuatdiUOfe. My
, wmJl rot bronrrh iworMfw-d Altir
- . . m Jh:r-d an i utr
- . .
rexn . I huh. U6. a wu
that 1
rs--ii I .ittM MwtN. 1 waE and
tuOat W" rab4, tut en trvtng vur lCwt
ttr J MtncJ W "aaJbdrfullv tl
tuoat Bit-" rab4, tut
B-ttrTN 1 mtomJ W
. .
.tv-u atH rrr:
Ooaviort wkthr Uain: Uhiu.
Bad -' fvr ma kottk, wnaeh pleuvt vtJ
fc, .j, J J Srl n I
t MnuM2.u, . 10,
(1. U . ..0 ii
" , .
tratte rem ltc-x lbttrea. Tkv e
of utr cuaf tan, a w
Ij npiM., whv had uveal ail
without aav x-4 re-
tttw J
. Mill Lit, lm-i.t.
atrial. I tiiana(ob', lud.
nt faaol I.i:- tn a
ku da-. ciuk lrt. iJt jotau.
ctoeked BaaW. ptW.
Uttila a&d avaMl ci-
tarrk. id ''.mi PvetUcd. Orruoav. at be
CkartM Hot!, (loan Mr lh to tk 17tk
Mchtv aad Watta Walla. '. T . at la-
.1taaai' Hnute. if it !fo.l aad Strd. 1 :T
Tkeae nfOut "rttl Wnn iritl: tkeat as ex (tutftt oi eotlr apfaratM ir
ttraiakt'Btu: tk rrt deleraaUat. Tkat
H au opportoattv -akiek tkouk! sot W se
fUrtd by tk asti.-ted Eiiawilfet !tr
It : an going to paint Tour kuUwr,
' W. uuder
. . , . -
the Mr it t warrxated irv thetr
iO :-t :n i ii own town not tu chalk.
a a . i
irrr. s r-r rtriu r. to nitr wkt ana
.r ;r. r. r y 4brr 4.rt.
Ta '"ryrf -
.?- fi r: 'r
y, r T UMt. ti n MU' tfc oc
r-. r--it a --"-!l- r-v:i ttHr
. T1" Ji" l" ""' nrrrlus
frin liurn nnd lrrr;nlarltl- rau
tliitl uetblnr rquat to ITunUrr l)r;su
Ilia-rHl I'arlllrr to atrntsthru btr
Uitr l-lm ait lata hw Itaat lac at and.
Ins rw- of erarBlM. Ilat rlr ..
Iiar brrn rurrd ljr rictit or tea !
Ilrvnl l,fnntcr" Orjrwn BlMtt luHllrr.
If I ii Maklu; it) inrrbtu' r I u
r r 1 1 n r In T-r jo n r lu any adrrlle
mntltitbl pifrrjou Hill pirate ru,n -I
Ian tt" nimril thrpavrr
- nr? M A TSnTTT V I
Idii Li 111 A DLLLlLt'.
The M -l V aciable .Mmlicul Dvu-rf
Kns-.. u the WvtlJ-rXo More I se
fur'Quiafrv, Cabmelor Mineral PoU
otis - Life fur the UkoJ, Strenh f--r
lL Nitv. and Health lor All
.11 UVtt LLTTUl to THt FICUC.
Br'ittlec 'bl hr ranlor the Mood act
to: 04r plbros.tMal-tt tsaooljr trc
rj .f Mn:..tijr !la afl betas IrvUt. rd
wth afikorii"! ii iur z.clArr h .Trr tnerb
bfn 1 rn tu cnnUUuiioo. rc,
. trjitr ii. ry''- aa an.t parlor cs.1 tct
W many k'sUtol rafUutec adrtl-J
. irlitrfMii 9a ttar rrra'aatrvrr Xbrfan-loc
Irtlce ib) ef elrc me-llelen rnair from root
aaa hrrlM. I ftKtsnaMlr dueeTmlawaa!-r
(at miu r nr Hlxl 1'ieaatr r, ttc Snt txl' it ot
w Irb ratr m new I b anl Tlror aoJ !n time
tS-rUA a peraianntcorr. I vu frr from cj
! tarrh. tor nt learne droae and MMintt. U
' lr la itaa tt rnot tcrere call and
ftmn. a i harn rai"'t orr ininy rnu
, aw4clit. rellccrnn0drnt tt I bail rnaj
xltal Ul.roirrr In tardiclB. I prepared
.st,tjr,rftiM. iuxk tiiitrr,oj v.i a tbo .
' kMtottin tbem aay lo stok rrlrnJitnJ
. artaKkra. I fatind .ha mnllelnr (CmM the
Mt aroodrrfnl rur- or all dlu camtnl
train hmmr-f or KTla' In IU- b'ooj Impro-
dm.. KKtrearb ao. Kldarjr Ini-
. TiJ Tti or mjr
, airBaut I iai myrirriied upon tn
,lSr,T '.,r?u "!'!h m.rJ.l,"r D1':
i fc sh wa lodiMvil lo n ir raiorr lor
: rxrucdi:,f aui uxninnb iuot Btm m
'"UUM.aaj; uowdevuta i mriie
1 Ttanuor atitnrtiirmua-
t bTvV'.'vJTi Tt-faaJ UTrTor n.Vmrtur. wbo
I j-.'v" &&Z$V2!S&
i rarnMirrtnorcatarrbroruta.ttbruuatiiin.
lrPpla and Hkln lsrari. tatier all otbar
IrtatruMiU bad l.ilnl. Ate jou troubled wi ll
Irk hrMactir. rotivrnei. dttllnru, wak-
art... imki iai in ininonin,DriTmiaor. an?
broken down in constitution? You wilt b
cur.1 If too Uka Ibe IKJOT III IT KlW. litre
, vu hMtnora and rrimpiri on your faceor ,kln?
N'-lhii-s will slvp jou toch cool liealtb.
urucuiano itraoir at, lliluT llirTr.ilW.
ro inauer wbal jrour raal'Dfa or fjmp'omt
are. what the dltra nr allmrnt li, n Hoot
Dillt-r. Ilun't watt until you aro aick.bulU
yiM only Irrl bad or mlfrable, uu tbe Itinera
alune. It may ava your lllr.
rl know that Jrafout phyilclana will cry
tmml( be.aiiae inyUltcovery curat o many
ftfibrlr itlrnt.bol I cure not. It la now my
drlreanil determination to !!' or H'Xr
I IlTKl'-Man rl a po.ilble within tbe reach
at all thote (Btrrtlnr tbroncbont Ilia world,
fold by wboleaalo sod retail drnrcltla and
eoHBtry tonebanta. or aent by exrreaa on tr
etMpl of price. II per hoitl. or tlx boittra $4.
Kor renlCeatri of wonderful rurea.aae my Urx
elrrular around each Iviule of mrdleine It ad
aad JaJce rorynaiarlf.
or Ak your drurclalor metcbant for Fit .7.
IKIt'A hOUT IIITTEn-S.the arcal Dlood CI rant
er, ami lake t mUtltuto be may reeorumend
tweailte br make alarxer protlt.
O. W. FltAZIKU, I)!coverer.
33 Su i erlor hL. Cleveland, O.
For ale wbotcaa'e br
Rrdlucton Co.. Saa rranclico. Cal.
TMoxitsomory's I
'J.M, -123. ''37 nml 330 HrCOnil KL, la
H -N KIUNH'CO t'haa. Ito leonirry, ITop.
TIit l thon'.y atrtrtly trmperanc" ho'cl lu
Pan Francttro. and (Sen auprloraceommo
tailone lo lia iravellDE public Board nnd
lodjinc per day TJ eta. to R; per week, f I to Si.
Hlne e meali..0cen:i. Hlx moal;Ucku. tl
ap 9-2m
M'ltolfsalt Retail Dealers iu i
General Merchandise ! j
Goods Sent bu Jlall or Wells '
Orders from theCoilntfy Solicited
All kiniU of l'rolace Bought and Suld '
r S;M on Cduimhtiotu
ItUr. f.w.t4ly diru.trtil. Country
Centennial Block, the Middle Store
y'u. WO and 171 Second St.
. Comstock & Pfluger.
To Merchants and Jobbers !
iaK t4 tnr l euata'tt ttuii WwJ u j
m IU, wl J ant. buto.
ra Immi i j4 ma i i fjiic
Tvti, an, Itofn, h(rlkV
lri.,Lrt. tf
ttb4nlUI,tf.hlM..u i
ta.a r1rw
a nu lw l .vuu att fn'X t W
T. 11. ( HiNDLLIL.
v. .. I J w.t vi 1 V t tk.1 h --..-.Tv Cr
i) ta-tf
Atmospheric Letter Copying Press
er ' " tr J 1 il EitLlst
t t 11 s." TIor
strvr: x
CA It 111 AGE Ayi) H'AGOy ,
Tt Uxat aaJ bt fvc 't! r rx3
Mkrrtu UaW. Alt. IUi, Lra oar work i 7tr lt.J f
l f(f rirtl aAd Mats
I ' v. .- nmM r-A WmA
r, St ytjv, i r h;t zr I
j ;bc' n Trr. ktj to nJ case aaj pot '
"C S f . aal w .i mai: tbtm rrM oar
Near Cata,rB "f l?l. Tht ami oocaprL
Ula.' rl-f . a i and Impri'M Jlr rlca.- '
tcnU mru, Kara aad it.. I MacUlniiT
CTr ..icr t :s 'rrfje w.:i prscn rrdnet to
lh lime.
Knapp, liurrell A." Co.,
lortlan.. Apt!' tftb lrarp 1m
1 AJ ' w taaJ wia U. Uirl E.. UriMt
M.a lmwn prt Fii-i-,4 Ci part lmixl
The Best Spring Medicine and
Beautifier of the Complexion in
use. Cures Pimples, Boiis,
Blotches, Neuralgia, Scrofula,
Gout, Rheumatic and Mercurial
Pains, and all Diseases arisine
from a disordered state of the '
BloflH 0T I IVPT
miwwu yi uiiuu
KOLl) nv .t i.i. imt utilaTa.
) Orakra ta
t Doors, Windows, Blluds ami Class
whig i rrs. coara and rru-trs.
tat front Kl.. lat. WaahtBa-lon Alder.
h lrn lOR7LANT. ORtOON.
Tti old laborloo and Udloua proceu of
-by the-
Price only SS.0O.
ra-WIIllut a;Ufc Ume.-Sa Head to
Hlevaaaoa . Zn-prll,
NaS 3 Second 81.. San Franetaeo.Cat.
a-Aicnt wanf .1. mcli 11-lm
.. .V. HTltOWUlUDGE,
IHrrct IraporUr aai DW la
No. lit Frost BU. Portland. Or
tfbarp't and
eharpa and
And CartrUreiof all kindiat reMooed prlcee,
9-1 v i-orUaad ,urvron
Alfl 4'1 Q i L( 'Ol It B I ("( 'Hr-i
-of rut -
San Francisco Weekly Chronicle!
Dunn.- tt lmxr 1T rvraiBa7 r tilt. " 'tii.
lutui o( our balttrrltiua LIU iur-; tL4
(CJ DO ltK dS.1ft( It 4 J U JtV
Kurmcr, MiMer and Mertluut.
Utl).rur Iwlutua.. or tilt l
CJ.CB itATt,!
A J-i. U u. wt t I., ,, tt SI v w m. a Ui caea W i ti ytt f-t t. 4. M a t. 1
curt, it MnJkfw . rt UJ jat
Iktaara. rarlaMr tluraa4 tew Mill,, trluoi tlatk. mlri. -aral..
muwr aac saatM-r tllla;. a a a t-nrtI sill i ara.!ia
H w U . 10 rlh rraal '4rx:. rrlUaa. arr.u.
i. r- cc3 c . us
W - J0fe5
ca -erf- S
: W E
CO " ii i!
? s s
oo co
a ;
W. W.
Baulr. Carrta , lrtaaH lUkt p-l llu', lUat aad Ui ZUIl Baarvtt, Ullrr
WtiMt. Met ajar an4 tthilr Ola - 5 if fl i.-t. tjwla; a4 Tlirv;liVrarr 3iil M i
a, tfec trj BarV. Trnrla, Dnji lid Xkliirrr iri;aa, fUirl Vfxaat, El-,
balll artbc beat EJ.lcm KalrrUL
a .Ti
VCilla to ia oc aarta t:( jrc4 u' a . tx,-
trd rr trl -
ecu ii-l
iP 0 Box 414 )
o. It l Front Htroor. Inut -tile. rorilnnil. Oresron,
Mar.-j,Lt..r r ..z. I..t- t r f
Saddles, Harness, Leather, Saddlery Hardware, Etc.
AGENTlfarOcltaPoreiaaad Bcbtr Mir j -a?-- r- Tc-- sc.- I eT FTe arid
all oitet ktndt nrjl(w,ic haJ. at .i JT- .-rtttu Pr: v ap .J-IT
BlxtKlo Ttilolc.
Crystal Bnoot. O oi
Wholoaalo Druiralxtt.
x Benson's Canciiie
j A Wonderful Reraexly
There la do com patina between tt atT- he
euenmoB a!ow acUnz'poroat platter I: .
la avtry way aupertor to al; rther extern g
rvmrdlr. iDeladlas ItoimeoU and ihe Q
railed leetrte.l appliance- It conuln. 9
new medlolnal laruenU whWh tn oomt'a-E
allon with rutxr, pewtiM tbe moat cx.-a C
ordinary pin-rllaTtnc,Irenrthnlnc act fi
curatlra roprU. Any payileUn . P
your own loealtlr will cooarm tbe a novo
alaiesaent- For Lama BaeK. KieumatU 71.
Female Weakneaa. Stubborn and Nextect-R
N IVIsi. isa LOU(Da. uiarmjru Munrji.
WhooplnrCoofh. aflXUoca or the brart,
and all Ilia for wblah poroai p'.atten r
uted. It It tlmply tb beat known remedy.
Alt tor Ssaont Capeina Poroue I'laaier
and takenoothar. Bold by all DaacxUU.
rrteaSScenU. Seat on rwlpt or
tfeabary Jt Johuaon.Il rtatt St., New Yoifc.
Bth &-lm
Xaa330XJB edb SINO,
General Agents,
Cotatalsilos aad Forwarding Merchants
I. Pill DuDoU. W. B. Ktnr.
til Wathtntton su, los roct Htreet.
Ran FraaeUeo.Cal. ronlacd.Ucn.
Special aUtntlon gtren to the- tale of Orrf -n
Prudaa in Portland and Kan Fra&cleeo.
Carriage Factory,
Fourth Sueet, between Taylor and Salmon,
A One aiortaat or BoRtea. rbaitona. Car
Tlaxes, Kxpreaa Wafoni. ete coaatanlly
on band and made to order.
Top Bstxiee and ExUealon Top Carrtace a
pecUlty matlnr aipecialty tn thl !inatt
manuraclurlnr a larra quantity, we cun otlrr
belter Inducement in an any other bouie in
Orvcon- Top untei rroni iio to JIJ0. Upon
8ucxle Irom t4 to $XO.
Call and ace oar 8 Its Boxtj.
Order trota tbe country lollclled and prompt
ly fill td. New top turutthxttonrderby tnd
tnc teat. TIIW. FKKEMAN.
. i. . (. ...i i.ii.iv.: 71. l i.
lse. Hlch aad JalT
CD. t. DC TrC A to.. a rraatlfo. CJ.
Atrenti. l-r
K. P. VI LlSi. ( u..uf MiiHtfUk- .Ui-uii.iii,
Mill Builders,
And Mill Furnishers !
Steam Knine-, Yha Mill MvJiinerj ,
. r
x - .
j: O
' c
c '
i Z r
- lib?
. air ' t.
v. -wr. rartT. tux-
t r as. i ae cs
rritid. Oca
1 1 I .- ljiiI . s.
i Lr.i sjd asiJalU atrceti, rrt1i.1. Orecaa.
VtjtMtit:l--tJ :.--r yeart w.UitiU
daaa .(.ta-Tt. a i ia p-cvs.cM .-i.-or-attr.niTe
re- -r-t'r rrer(H bexl'h byray
IreAuaea:. acl wa be ea
atatyoiSe ! a ire-t a : aad Frt
vato dUeauc ar 1 resaaia wakseua. Medl
ctaeteent to a. 1' of la cociatry asdail
proper qnet:--1 tif-I tivocb taenjallf
by R two iuvl uSx eaaItxsios
IR. JAMES KEv K. IS Frt aSreet rort
laad. iWfW IM-frvi.'tH (.XttbUoct
asd ad It !a year teir. tsrh SIX
S.-:i,-'7t - vr-;".Krt7-racJ
IirauicU : liach Piauos.
Gabler's Xewcalel pric't IManos
Uurdett Orsrans.
Fine Piauo'Stools.
Tjaiar and Kt. rtZ latttSibU a Smcii.. r
MAUi:nooti -TbirUl.. near Taj lr. Part-
land. Oresan.
pc 11 K
j Corner TTalrtl and F !treta.
I Near Ike Sieaaiiaia VuAaft J luiiroaj IfvU,
LtMviston . Fretland, Proprietors
(Lata jf Viae Ml Hoaue.)
WW tpare. ao fiat r xiea to aula tali Losm
tiii: niST iioxnt. in rouTtAxn
The Physiology of Life & Marriage,
PyJ.M. Jottelyn, M. D.
Ta awat lete&ttlr AKrnlfor wI mr ktatd fi
tbearwa, uaxdfe; ut attrMUTaaa taa tisias work
; at IV. IWiauj, Br-JUa-5 iko j xvd rteortear, aad Jlr.
1 th-nat tke pacr w --1 1 Mead.
I U laid Wa, la Ua
I rVliy bar wi by any mm t aay place Tie
I laBMcTUfe aad cum ru:iy upUuMd ta a uu
ttat rlrea tke tub-v ta uiternt et a ot1 or book ct
vrarua. .-any iso u.-M vf Taiuieie ta-c-3itwa tjr
tertUxlr t'rlce ti Cents. .Udreu ta ordan U
SAN FKASClSiO N""S V O JT 1S WiaMsfUc St..
Saa Fraacijco, Cat , crxa.ll c:ittJtt ,aui9r,
SM Setter St, SJtl'rxrrlio. nla