9f , , A mm. SATURDAY MAKCH29, 1679 3. H. TCRXEK. a. it. DULL. rcnusnED BY TURNER & BULL. EKStS IX ADVANCE Cke Yeak 3. Sill Relating to Ilnruestead Settlement. Wasiiixctok. March 13. Followinc is he full text of the act .panting additional ; Unh t . hnMtitqri tt!r rn null! lamia nchts to homestead rettfers on public lands within railroad limits, ppro-f on SJ inst: Be il ejutttetL etc That from snd sftr the pasago of this act, even sections within tVe limit of aay gran of public Isjids to any railroad compafcy to any State In aid of cy railrosd or raQita. ry road, shall be epen to settkrs under the homestead laws to I be exteet of ICO Acres to each settler, and any person who 'has, under existing laws, takcH a bomc fctead or any sectien withis tXe limits of anv :raikoad er military ro&l land grants, and "wh, by existing laws, sliall have been re Etrictfcfi. to acres laay cater under the homestead laws an additonal SO acres ad joining the laud embraced in his original cntry if such additional land be subject to entry; or, if such person o elect, he msy Eurrender Hs eatry to the United States for anceUaticn and thereupon be entitled to Cter lands under the homestead laws the came as if the surrendered entry bad not been made. And the person eo making an additional entry of $0 acres or new entry, iter the surrender or cancellation of bu original entry, shall be permitted so to do wiwoat payment of fees and commissions; &ad residenco and cultivation of such per son upon and of the land embrac ed in bis original entry shall be con sidered residence and cultivation for the same length of time cpon and of land em braced in his additional or new entry, and shall be deducted from the fire years' resi dence and cultivation required by law; pro vided, that in no case shall a patent issne upon the additional er Hew homestead entry under this act until the person has actnally aad in conformity with the homestead laus occupied, resided spon and cultivated the land csabraced thereon at least one year. Tfee foregoing measure was iatndneed by feootb in tho Senate, and by Page in the ttotise of Representatives. We published the above law last week and republish this week in order to make some comments thereon as wc were sick and not able to attend tc it last week. This law purports to be for the benefit of the set tler, but when it is scrutinized closely it will not support such an inference and we feel inclined to fear that there is some jb in it somewhere. Instead of being a bene fitto the settler it is a moi e adding insult le the injury already heaped upon the honest settler by railroad land sharks. Under the law granting subsidies to railroads, settlers were restricted to SO acres and that SO acres was all that be could by any possibility take. These subsidies were all granted several years ago and the settler was told that be was thus restricted because he received the benefit of a railroad to Lis door, thus en hancing the value of his SO acres and makjBg it equivalent ICO acres without a raQroad. Thus he has waited and watched on bis SO acre lot while other settlers come crowding in around him until all the lands adjoining are taken and still no railroad is brosgbt to his door and now behold the time for building the road expires and still so rail road, no locomotive comes whistling past his door. He hears instead oaly the eW ' thud" of the mud wagon as of yore. But Mr. Booth pretendingly comes to his jescse and relief is offered tothepoorsettlcr. He is com placently told that if he wiD give up his lit tle home that he has been rearing for years past, pes, give it all up, and sufler hit homestead entry to be cancelled, he can go backinto the backwoods, fell the forests sad drive out the savages as he had done befure, rod (Oh! what benefactors these sharks arc) can sow take ICO acres of wOd waste for the privilege instead of his SO acres that he now has. Everyone knows thai knows anything about the settling of the lands along the line of these proposed railroads that when there are settlements at all, nine tenths of the even sections arc takes, so that the law can be of no possible advantage to one set tler out of ten. He is left just where he was before the law was passed with the recollec tion forced sensibly cpon his mind of the fact that "republics are indeed very ungrate ful." Again, another feature of the law: Persons taking pre-emptions within rail- road limits were required to pay $2 50 per ! . , , acre. This Jaw mates no provisions to re- torn this class of settlers tbe extra $12 2 t a-- ' per acre that they have paid and no pro vision for the relief of those trho hare not yet paid, but they are still required to pay this doable price. There is bo doubt a "nipgir in the fence' somewhere and a nice job for some land leeches, and sorely onr honest legislators, if vrc hare any, roust all bare been aeleep when this act was passed, for, we are loth to believe that all members of Congress are in with snch jobbery. We trust that the present Congress -will look into this matter and try and do something that will in truth be of some advantage to the settler. This can be deme by simply allowing the homestead Bot tler to take his full qooto of land any where government lands can be found with out restricting him to lands adjoining and within railroad limits and by reducing the price of lands pre-empted. Frem the Governor of Oregon. Executive Office, Saleu, ) March 20lh 1873. f Brio. Ges., J. II. Tcrnkiu Dear Sir: I deem it advisable, under the existing condition of affairs, to call the aUention of the state militia and the people generally of your department to the law concerning State arms. On the 10th day of November last, I made an order requir ing the several County Judges of tbe vari ous counties of this State, to immediately cause acd procure all Stale arms and mu nitions heretofore issued by them, or by any State officials, which were in the hands of individuals in their respective counties, to bc forthwith returned nnd de livered over to said Judges and retained by thcrjx until further ordered. It was in leBdcd, when the order was made, to have nrganirxd companies formed in the coun ties where Indian depredations were op- prohended, anil those anus issued to cacli companies. Since then I have been im portuned by a grait many pcrsous tor leave to retain such arms until some future time. The militia law, as I intcrprc it, contain plates that-all Slate arm, in the first instance, arc in charge or the Adjutant General who issues them to organized companies la the various counties In the Statc,uuder certain regulations specified in the statute. That after the issuance thereof, the counties in which such offfanleed companies arc form cd arc severally txsponiblc for the safe keeping, repair, and return of the arms when a return thereof is ordered. The law also makes it the duty of the Secretary of State to cliarge the value of all anus, equip-! mcnl Ull muitarj- stores, etc, so issued, , . ..... to sccU counties. There is no authority to I Issue public arms, equipment, or military stores of any kibd to any person not a member of the organised volunteer militia, or enrolled militia called into active service "except in time of war, insururcctioa, or public danger so Imminent, thU the com mander iu chief shall consider that the public safety requires him to make such issue, in which case an accurate account shall lc taken or such issues and to whom they arc made.'' Under mcli authority. State guns have heretofore lcen delivered over to individuals, bHt only temporarily. The law Intends that they vhould be re tained mly during the emergency, and when il has isol they should be prompt ly returned. If hostile Indians were about to invade a settlement to commit deprcda. lions, it would present a case In which the authority ought to be exercised. The dan ger must be imminent and morally certain, and threaten particslsr localities or persons in order to call it into action. The issu ance of guns and ammunition, or allowing them to be retained under other circum stances, is not authorized by the statute. I am aware that in various soctHms of the State the people feel very insccare on ac count of anticipated Indian difficulties, but anless they- assume aa immediate threatening aspect, I do not feci authorized to suspend the order, though I will do so at once it the occasion demaBds it. The ne cessity of having organized and equipped companies of raHilia in the third brigade at this particular juactkie, is too apparcat to require argumeBt ; and they can not be equipped if the public rrms arc left in the bands of individsak. If there skockl be an Iadian outbreak darisg the cemisg summer, steps mast be promptly take to repel it. The defense of famiNes and par. ticalar settiemeats should not, so r will net, be neglected, bet a policy which has for its object mere individual defence wilt sot be satisfactory. It taast be extended to effective offensive xaeasares. Besides, part experience has shown the impraleace of scattering the State anas aioet the country, as they have, in xasay instances, been carried away aad in others, "swap ped" to the Indtoas for their property. The law forbids their private ase under a penalty of from $3 to jQ and authorizes the commanding geacral ofthe brigade to take possession cl them, when thos ued, kn out process of law, and requires him to ac count to the adjatant general for tse same. Had the wise provisions of ear militia law been better observed, we woaid sot be in the preseal etsparrassed cewHtka in rela tion to anas. The State has largely overdrawn its pxia from the Unit4 States. A aaeaber cf stands have been borrowed from W'zih iugloo Territory, for which a claim has been presented for their rctars, aad we are still greatly deficient in am oast for oar own use, and when we re&ect that large numbers of them have bcea trifled sway in the manner indicatod.it renders it a bami liating subject to contemplate. Helving upon you, sir, and the militia of year Brf. gadc lo assist in carrying oet 'the views herein expressed, and la remedying the abuses mentioned, I rcaain Years truly, IV. Thatek. From ilThc Old Philosopher," Mk. Eoitob: "WHAT SlIAli. DO TTITII OCU DOTS ? Is a question upon hkh tash has Lcen faid aad written. It has mu disctused from almost every pulpit, and the columns of nearly every pnr in tbe land have teem ed with able arguments en this frcrious mat ter, and yet nothing of t ake has been ac compliabnL "Byt iriU be Uy," but un fortanately some are a little more so than others. I fed absent ashamed for the good P1 tixic . but tne trati, is, that there is cruwinz ai in ear mKbt a rpnPraiio f ..hoojia ' T-1, . a a . . . a -- r vet zivanceu to uu; gcctvc ol rowdviMn and ruffianism of the notortnos Saa Fraacxa- co "hoodlum, bat nnless interfered with by parents or by the authorities, their advance ment in that line is but a question of time and opportunity. On pleasant cveninss a gang ot these youngsters congregate on Main Street and make night hideout with their yells. They arc of coarse rcf cscd liquor at the saloons, bnt they "hang around them" nevertheless. With many of these boys, ranging in age from ten to fifteen years, pro fanity has become a "second nature" and "our army in Flanders" cannot compare with tbcm in "tall sw earing." Some claim that destructiveneas and combativencss is innate in every soul. Even if such be tbe case these attributes should be guard cd against in onr youth, and not allowed to grow in them with such results as the almost total demolition of our uutnet school house a few days since. About twenty of the ris ing generation were engaged in this "attack on the enemy." I hope there is truth in the report that all the boys who were en- gagca in emasutn? windows, etc, will be punished by imprisonment. It will be a wiioicsome Icason to them, their next move win prouauiy uo an atucu on a Chinese laundry. Now I do not pretend to say that all theso boys arc bad Voy at heart, but they must be taught not to follow bad examples. No one, KPtT0U ls more ready to take the part of the Iiors than I am. T sm fnn.1 nnw ii 'P011 88 1 was in my boyhood days, an'llhke to encourage boys la innocent andbeneficial amusements, hut "hoodlum ism in all its aspects is an abhorrence to me and I domett earnestly condemn it There are parents in onr midst who keep their boys at home after dark, and try to malce home pleasant for them. But others, alas, give their boys full swing and eventually lose all control and authority over them. loo many thuik that after clothln? ami schooling their children, their dutv to thtir ! ofltnrinir is at nn end. It is tnin n deal depends niton the teacher, bnt without earnest and able assistance on the part of parents, in regard to moral training, bnt lit tle can be done by the teacher, who at best rales our youth only a lew nours In the day. tii EDccino roan the cones xixd. JesrasTur twig u tjur-rni Trix'a otcLUtB." Edacstion is ivell enough in its way, but would agpet that if parviiU were a little more tirw, and would occasionally Ifmi the ling over the hacks of their Ixiys the tree trnM tneiine toward a noble manhood. Spare the rod and spoil tho child" was one if tln u'tuvt Kaviun of ilia niattat man. ! 1'areuU and boys may think me harsh and severe, but such is nut the case, for anyone who will investigate tins matter will agree with ma that suututhiug tnurt ba done with oar Iwys. If I were anything but a cu firmed iM luchelor very much afraid of the fair tcx, I would hive something to aay about orr. ntnu bat il is a subject whieh I dare not handle. However I can only speak well of the girls and ladie of lVudle- 1 Un. 1 hey ore all worthyot lag ntgtHstt ad miration and esteem. Ami this leads tiif to -Aiaa rtfia.fa4 fKMft'tl Tl a SaaliiUaf hcre jMt k .it every l.v 'supriw. -A Wc all Mtwocd it to 1. 4U4ter J'eUmt, ami w lira our tdd fnrad Iteach came tram a Jirrtfnwi'ryaua xook unto wm self onoof the mut amiable inemlcrs of Pendleton society, wc were aitaauhed. Sucrtws attend you I tench, and yours. Since my but there has been anotiIkt. nan Mrxmo At which, I am tM, the attendance was as on former occasions, decidedly dim. The salcrihrs to the "engine fund" dectdrd, I boll eve, to orgattue a Joist Stock t'uiay, with a capital stuck of three IbtHnaiidt dollars, rcprcacatcd by ix hundred shares at five ibdlars each. Jl'r approve of Uk j dan aad ltope it will l-c saeoeasfaL With-! in a moat the lfUsmeM r!MB of tw j thriving Jouns aa tltU Stat Ashlaad aad ' la irprodeacc -have Ken laid watte by the "fire tiend " May Pesdlrtea ever be spar ed a siaalar fate. "An oaace f prevealkia is worth a pBd cd care," aad oar citizcas should net delay. I regret Ui leant that J'our contemporary up street is eppetcd to the "Joint Mock Company." He scents danger from afar, and frars there may be "a cat in the bag; that the btg tUh wdi eat the little fih aad that nmuliiiy wants to rale er ruin. I low aptvpot are the lines el Gay: fa ar as4 citae , To st a tn4r cir.nw tfnt." Years traly. The Ou PmiarHtx. The Investigating Cotaaaitlee hosded by Dave Thowpsoa passed back )et Saaday on tbeir way home alter their vsmc lo the Land office at Union. 1 hey oaly stopped a few nlaates ia town aail scraied te c dlsgasted from what wr caa learn (thoagk wc did not see them) becaacthry foaad nothing te coademn. W'c arc glad ldat the oSccrs of the State w ho hail from East, era Oregoa are dear ot aay eclatMB. The Hoase of Cosgres has orrvstwd with Randall as speaker. He ncetved Ml votes ea first ballot and was eoadactal to the chair by Itlackbara. bit Deaxcrstle caucus appeaent aad GarfleM. tWIErpaMi can caadidate. The .i Grec backer voted for Wright. IWt fad to call ea Steve at the Hew bar. HEW TO-PAY. & Boat. 1. ti Bte Heppner Flooring Mills, S3 Ilcppncr, Oregon DEX1S IIEll'lSOX, Vtyrktasv. THIS Uiu. i vmvTt-ajrtM nrr xs s ax anada af Saar aa ea a ln aay wtwee. TV BtsUteaafcaree4 fara-aat )Vr aara BMal. lT aX taifl tmmt aiaaya aa kaa4 Jar aa. va aaarinaa la esmitja lae ant NOTICE TO EEEEDEES. SI ' STUItGES BROTHERS. lltgibreJ Hnw&itt muiR Tn4Uf Stat tern. C03IPR0M1S1:. WiM asaLe the Ma.vs coaaesesatjAg It: stasJias at I'smU(b. Or . each tsatay day aatsl Jaly lUk l.9, the kai- aaee of the seoaost at tltrar roach Si atJ Berth af I'nUcUm. Parties withsag the service ef ta4t harraasnl besag aaaUe t hnag their auras U Wc jo rijea Bpoa twaaliag as a IaatU card, the herae will tak en ta their place Ttmi Srrriec Seaasa. pjayaUe at service. Ta losera, HQ.' FEDIGUEE. "Gaprotely lUcaa's "HaD)Ut-tOB'MtB,M he by "UuBWetaaiaa" Jr.," ar the Fkch Hore; he by Hyrfyh "IlataUeioaiaa. -CotaprtHaUe' tram Wj UroaBraw;" he by "Pasl Jofie;" he ay J. G. 3IcCracken' "Hlack Hak;-he hy -Vermont Black Hawk.- "lira b lew's" dam "Jsne 3IcKenric," or the Dr. 31 1 Hard mire, the by,IIaffile,, be hy "Meaatoath EcSipfehe by "American Eclipse; -Jane .McKeadeVdam, '-Hlppy.,, by-Tom lies Ion", he br "American Ecllpic;--Hippy-dam by "I)kc:rilc " Caof meat la a 4rfc clwasat 1 l- aaa tart. writM UtiOMieeAt, xbi Lai laa aUt a4 tret. 1 a Lrw af eery Cm earm; a4 I apuattaB. aatl i cacao) ln artaaaaf Lara-a a I"tfTr atS! afcaa-1 J tfat art mtl UB poa U Jjarrtaaa tarf a! 1 IVoatioc, March t iiTi. HAHDWARe STORE! Go ta G.W.WEBB'S For your hardward, Tin ivare, etc , etc., where you will find such as saws hail:;, SHEAXS, tltiES. iiXCr, KTC. And in fact everything kept m a first-class HAHDWARE STORE. Alao s cotnrJrte atmrunrnt ef COOKING STOVES SDtf lUDfra iriie IteiUttU al Portland prices vith WSrfrevjld addcdr&l A full stock of tin-ware at -Wholesale and Retail- si vrrr nr yiict. HltiK Alraji oa band Ibe abort tarclkanl sad sSm PUMPS 8t HON PIPtS cut lo sail csjtctatr. arODB WORK. Ufa!! Hods dose st moderate pnors xad ta nit Um Umes. Call acd ace Uforo rariLatlus rUcalxTt, 2LIIX Strut ommtUc U,e Cowl Ihute. ADVERTISEMENTS. UTAH, IDAHO AND OREGON oqi t n 1,1 35&f 'O M PA N Y On nnd after Jul' 1st 1878, SUITS M Ul UTAH. IDAHO antt OltK'iOX Stag To. -riLI. LEAVE W.M1LET0X tDK I I I'eiatala nrrr Tnralr, TliorJj aad SalarUr al ( a. a, rttarwnj liua I'BiaiHa Mac aar o unnli of boats 'rata lb IiaHr. WlH rmv UJtjr ff I. tU. IHotKuck uaI IIrjtr. al Ir . WOI lrTC dAf lur Watts KiiU al i r. , tar Ikw Ctl uli.i. Utah, Idaho and Oregon Slap company lUre Srm VcmcUr. Cou4 Muck, i'libd Drm sol ibt dmiHt of trrttn on tlm art ll katirra ef iha cveatosjr. Tarts Grttttly lltduetth arfJr u tiXT MVFKUftSE, ItXiX. SjUSBCKV, 1U1U.V a CO rtvrrwtan. JIJ3T LADIE'S BAZAAR. BS IIENDRYX AXO SPAfUttSO WOfU HT aat tWr tarv CUM op j4-att rwaii aa Caart Mm arar Um lotaScr, aa4 arc irparot to 6 aM Libia t MILLINERY L. DRESS MAKING la U tatnt Uflc, ai-i la aJaXKia U titnr tirvat mtU UMIHKat afjaU, aril rr rti c t rasa Jtl"rvKico a Urr varM; af SPRING St SUMMER GOODS. J jr2 uImu -a BulKI a!Ed. UENDRYX a f rAt LTKNC LC KnuniU. O. 0. Cociis.i Kaykendall Sc Goilkln. -M- 4-f sr. iJT- sr. ss. sr- -sr. sr. Kfr. ss-. i H 4 CAm.VET JfAKEBS UNDKRTAK EltS PENDLETOIT OREGON. - Oram far aB tla4j U ttrcHvr Xnaf3f BiM aa tbart aatop I a4ftulw( a rfnutr iD aJI 1UJ. T fp't l-ba t WW, V7 Ae ra ar ty la 4iy SATISFACTION GUARANTEED la aX aar wart. ft9 aa arar af .....(Varf 0i Cttenirrd SimU...,... xlt w U XntM't Saul Uaaac aurlSir -The Thoroughbred Stallion 3s: SIDNiJY BTJRBAGE" i Wilt acrrc a limited naatlcr of mam the casatag Seaaoa at the North Pacific Mills. Walla Walla, W. T. Oar ha. -e was rin-1 by A"e. lUr. he W Lcasagtoat he hy llsUn. Ilea aiam (Kf aaas) araa tareal by ItMtfnStt, ha by ilUaa. Tha aiak tag Batrhaas iaberal tVt. taa ml parrst hhJ. Hsa ratine paahxrrc eaa Le faaI mi aUcuf ia tac.Xataraaa Stsd-Uwk. TKIIMS f-fi for the Soaane. payaUe iat Jaly aa4 $S t greasa, jjyaWc'al Umc ml mrnem Gfrai tastere far snares fraca a abatac. bat Dm inraajatibrHtjr fr afcuUata. II. I. Inac- Saalaa 'BON TON." RESTAURANT. r3af ux4trrifei ialei plmrurt in snaawsf iay to tie frntral jnUic tkai First Class Restaurant. --in the building knows as--"- Steve's Sample Rooms. Pendleton, - - - Oregon. Where yoa can ad tha BEST TABLE Xrik cf Sut Francisco. t 1M rmneaHy are ta tLe cakeary oVrartsrU aal waste lUt t&rrc aUS t nm -v i-r i rorr - , 0 CIII A H ASII? at my restaurant Call in and girt me a trial and talitfy yntntlf. A. Lapierce, UI a lti SUE Ueaaa. WaKa V, alia. axilUt Summons. In tbe Circuit Gnrt of the Sute of Oregon far Umatilla County. L. E. Ilieksccker, plaiatitf, vs. Arthur Criitiehl, James H. Koontz, W. 11. t;UUt,K.A.Hawlcyaad C. II. Dodd, defenJcnts. To Arthur Crisfitld the above named dc f client: TU THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregoc, you are hereby rcjuirvJ to ap pear and answer the compuiat tiled against you In the above entitled suit on or before londay tbe twenty-eixhth day of April. A. D. 1ST?, the same being tbe first day of the next term oi said court, ana it yon tail so lo answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded m said complaint, fo wit: for a dc- you to said plaintiff upon the 1 9th day of February 1S77 uimq tho south-west quarter and the west bait ot lliecorUi-easlnuartcrand tbe south half of the north-weit quarter of section one, and the east half of the south cut ncartcr of section two, all in town ship two, north ranee 27 east, in Umatilla County. Oregon and for a sale thereof, and ordering that the proceeds of said sale be applied, after payment of costs, to uio pay zncufc ot j uur uuio iu hhi uuuu ij. January 10th 1877, for ?1,CU), gold coin and interest in like cold coin at tbe rate of ten per cent, per annum from date, and for 8130 attorneys fees, and for such further relief as txrtaiti to Ciiultr. Publication of this summon is made by order of Hon. L. L. McArthur, Judge of said Court, made at Chamiicrs on tho 10U: tbty of JIarch, A. D.. 1879. NoKTIlUr it OlLBEBT, Atl'ys for plaintiff. xaxKLun ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice to Creditors. vroncE is iiehcby oivkx that the rx- Curt of I'nuMh CmMf. lwmwifliif t hum to m mr.k pnfr tatttun i mj tr Writs v KmV. ta Mt4 cvualr iittM ux m oifcj fraca lU fUmUlU tOr. JLJ KIUJt:r. O W HAttXV, aUf. Jl4aMBtntor. Guardian's Salo. BY VIRTCE 0V AS OHDKR OP THE COUNTY cQn r I'nutiH CMtir, str r orrM, oo iLe 14 df W Urak. !!, I mat. mi Taa-tf U. djr MJtri, un. ml kMt T '(iwk x. m. iA Mt Uf. m L C'n Hmm vr la KihShUa la BkU CMSif . kII at mkttt wotaa t la li lain 1 1 hUtr. 4)1 U lt n;lil IHV aMl Ia4.f "t ia-r Uhmw tnc ttvl BttMn, ta K ! Kmt. Jaka Omrr lUvrri. U HM Kmn a Wbv TilMil Bwm, ta iklUW;talwUKl: t laUMtaaai rrihtktaa h I'buIiSU Cwwr. ina. Tui ar fiia, Oa tUrt tm M kaa4. Ik f aiar ta t itct4 Wy m-ngtfr aa ftVr nwm M m4 ta as ) rti. imnil at ni af ab Il tcBl. r bsaUL IUVIH COrrMAV, Ouraua af it aWt ito cuaan. LCCIAX EYaHTS, XlUnrj. Snmmocs. Is U QrcsM Cat af tia 4at t OrrfWt T Vmx HSUCaaaty raitaat 1' Zmn, W.tat r. iian L. frtm. PltaaaL 7 Jav-i L IN THE .VAMK OK THE JTTE W mmtH, Ya ar trr7 mm al I ta ia 1 1 r ta sa ttxm mmt Mrt ta tkr- af lanat artais aaa UiOflariawMiwaWSWMMHann M mmt4 aMSaa rakOdai Caaasr. lata aitkaa Va Atf. InaiWaurafMntM' Il htM .ta-a vf ataif ntatf ta tb Mat af OiwaM, m-m sMSMS trar dt;t tnm ta af fen am tl MM aana mt tbcMaif aOrra-c.ritiay. ar mtttJ ay jmmh- I caUas. tars aa ta. SnC aajr mt la brlt rrm ml Mat ! an aatca aaaM wmmrtm aaarrthaa i ka aArr j aca tra ail arrtK ar tt wrnra ay .aiiroava. ) jm mm taar k4v iM aalm yaa aafa W arrrr aa4 taataUtat. ta ftHmUC 4I aafSy ta Uw ! mrt tt tb mutM M aaal lvf4tan. TV. ; rrtMT raiiiia) ta u4 .avaAuat a 4afana fnaa ' It Saa4. mt pantawaiy mtmms i-tra im a4 aw j a&uaaK: U4wtw fataay af ta ansae . Laa try laaaaa mfa. Tal aMaaaa fMaMhaaWat Wy 9&iT C k? Mvsl La, T , KUnUr Jmg mt aaat C'aart soar aa4 mttM fmmm art S. UJ. J tl t-UUXEJt, Ittajac 'a AaaarviT'. staraM 7K Citation. tssa Oaatr CaaMar SW aae mt Arajaa, far HV Oaaaay mt t'l nal la Mm matter mt ta artat aa r aaaWaa4. 7UaryaaB.e V. Baa, Cart E. Ba ljtat a X. Bm. A4aa M kaa.aa4Haa K. aa aa4 ta aa Mfcifa al rim ) ac tax ri'il mt taaaaveK r. B4aJrea NTHEN'taCarTHC rTlTE nr INWMS. Yaa , Caaatr af lailltl, at Sk Oaart t INalibcta Ma. i ali af Tl tf . SWa iW SVr w aW 7tk ay mt Xfm t. a Ma arl ia Mt Sm., aay aaaeaarinUaaeaaa4eaaJ fL Tar I at St, aa Mar ln af MM faajet. ta aG taa "J mmu af aw It r San. ara to am. . TW X W v a Mar t fcaaf da. W a araa af ' RS ta a aaatala Caaarv. aaa W mi - . - V. Mar fcaaaiy. ta Sja i a r a aai ' M law r- m aaa raia. I , 1 lii u a aa4 a a faia. taSMaat a a -ay MM .nil.. lam ai I at lrt tear al aar tm at la KT aaxH4. a . ay !'' Waai4 aa . aaaasj af i mtrtmm- "Xmm-m. aw Iba. 8 Taalaaa. Jaatta af sk Oaaty Caart rf Mar .'aiM mt tmejaa, Sar sk OnSy afraaaraK.a Mar i afa-atCaaw 1 Mm M H af Kan. JL. It Hi. J KaaiMaT. Pi aa qt. airl St Stimtncns. la tha (.'.resit Cat mi fe Saata af Aar l'ai4alla Caaaaty. Mastiakt it. Tkmr taUiaUta; t Akaaa V. daaat. To Alaaao 1. Tasssar. the aaavac (eajaieaU: - TN TIIK KAMK OP THE STATf OT x Oracoa. Ya aa huaby nsfaai h aa. rwar aa4 aaraar ta iwaliiat kls4 i an ant j sa th aho rslHIed ast atthat taa sVars treat tha aVaaa mi the aarrwaj ml that aiia sans ja af aerrei M Matt r-J4y. ar X rtM n aay asarr raiatj sa sasMai than ntthra lavwty dan irow tit aiate aat the kerrtc aC Ik at tiaaan aa-aa yeas, a gal af Hfn.Wltdaalaa ilw. a. tt- W A. t ISvr AMI Wrw mi Ik atari iiitssit T 1 are atay eaW a4 nawi4 ta aaaaar a a CWtf Gaart mt the iaar af tfvmm tmt IW I W i ii ta.f. Vi.air a. aaV.aaa I axMetaaaS m Oaart axt lah'tyaat U the datr e tfr j pabhestaaa of Ui iMatanas. Aaal TMiltasi ri.mti wcaxk&t wi.n( mM UV aatica that iTai fast te atWW ' '"rai'iMata an ass ai aatwer. th fAmmmiMsf orM aaaair t she ! JJaaailaA "a WjT HC!I Eua af aa Caart far the rrba tsaiaai I as W Oaaa- 1 Ta naaarxt at( wsaaita; yaabe are rnrecaCaay ts plaiat. vie: Far a aWraa mt thai art iar i a4 ta aaa ev-r MWalrasa; the V A ml aftnaaaarhana- PexmillgtOa & Be , t altaUSV ktwa yoat aavi the laiatakiaT ! rtv, -arx. - lar the eatre aa4 cata4y ml Clasa M. ! la:araal Itsiln I. Tarar. siiso; chsl tf rea nf ya aaa! aateisatitt. This iaaiaaaaa paliltihcwi hy artsar af the Haa. L. L. 3Ic.rtlar. Jaaist as tsik Chart, bsarinc aata, March the tU TUJtXKst & lUIIJ-Y, ItC's Atlas. Barabl Tl il WOOD! WOOD! TV aBraiS4 n km yrraamt la aaayiy ta f& tt rK.V01.KTt. aaa aoai. J leRattaaMRrUtaetaa aatee af Taraer a Baalrr 4W iraataajr mfmkmt dry aan4 far a-lt aaaarr aaaaM rd ta tfcatr araan al aa nrtr mxf. S T. l&tAC tairtkt TJ tf PIONEER LI VERY. FEED AND SALE STABLE. Court Street, Pendleton, - Oregon. Hirsts lkardel ty the iVy sv trervfc al reas onable rates. Frank J. Dcpne, tnorslj PROPRIETOR. For Sale! 30,00 Pounds. SHEEP DIP, Leaf Tobacco. Fifty Barrels of Sulphur. 70 Barrels of Lime and 40 tons ALL AT LOWEST PIUCES.r Won arM i rartUad as4 9aa Frurtfra r ear ml dml ratarrtW 3', fr ml otaeatsnaa. Caaa alruKM Sa4e as aool aa rvcalit tVoat SmcVl. Cbrin. BarUfX aad IUdJ Iran ea bss4. a.1 mi. ttnxul a4aMof nci (rawtrt a 10 Rcceirc Prompt Attention. JOHN R, FOSTER & CO., Uniatilla, Oregon. BiK&f 19 Sao Ml. llroaJwav. 1 123 Kearny St.. Jfcnr York. I Ban Erancbco, II. Ackcrman Sc. Co., lsnnrttrs of CROCKERY, GLASS AND PLATED WARE, CLOCKS AND BRONZES, WOOD AND Oils. lanps nuA LaMp Steck. Nos. 6 8 Korth Front Street, fpar22tf rortland, Oregon. ADVERTISEMENTS. Scott 4' Raley, DEALERS AV Paint oil, Dycstufls, Glass putty, Patent medicines And Perfumery. STATIONERY School UooUh. Fancy fc Toilet Good". WINES AND LIQUORS: far Ltaaara Ikctt aaarlc. X-p. and Unp Axtaree. Aaaiaiagt. Ilrtaira fraanca. Etc., Etc. Pendleton, - - Oregon- PENDLETON HOTELS xaix tTrirr. CEKTRALLY axo THIS Z.OCATXO r. n n . . I U I 1) A la UU . tf invr b mmi . - acAa ci . i auj REFITTED and EZFUSJISHED a tmis yea Tho Reception of Gcests THE TABLE at aa sa w fc4 ftarawM M Mt vary W aWaaartt iHitu, aa aeae; nafa r,V,:U r'W MafyiMa nfmHaj THE BEDS ayartaa4aa.aayaaata,u timay W j u a Sn tii Vmc IS6IWUU.IO. UVlr, FfTtt niHnV a.rt a A aa. JACOBSON & CO. MskSt, - - Poa!ItoR, Or. brxt doer ta la ccrarr rj jU Vs. Satdrxa Retail dealers vi Fine Wines LiQUors & Ci-ars If ytm desire a Rice coolitrg Wveras eh as will make j fonret all vor trobls and de sire to live always call or us at the popular resort aad toko a smile. Wtat a Xa. 1 nasi UU la lttaraa Jro . CaKara lad. rtaa aaaca, Siaan aad ers ala ar If as aaad. D- UXXTtLLA Theodore. Oczcox All kinds ot Liquors od ebobest WINES, CIGARS, etc. kept constantly on hand at this popular itEsoirr. CIVr. MR A CALL. GKNTLKMEX .UD SEE ros Torusixvts. Mc Lyons TONSORIAL - - ART!ST JArin Street, Pendleton, Oregon. Hair Cutting, Sharing, Etc. Settle Up. HAVING SOLD OrTASt fJCIT THE HOTEL fraala In llrcdktoa mail hara moocy. AN ta la oHrt ta c Ut Bake Ita tool laic rujmrat rMU ailMUl tba toots are ta tie usis of J. It BaVrat U Dtit Store. Co tea bits. J. IL HALEY Jt CO. rrn-Kra Orrsaa Feb. Kit "3EPm Sitdrtlc antl llnrncss MAKER. Pexolctox, Oueoox. KKEP Ctxjtatilr oa kual a roasphl (aprr llarer. SaAflo Brttle. Vklja, Spnra, CoUara Halurs, Starbm, acj nnjCWj ocvira ta oar kar. CaHaM rr m brtr aeuHaj Ulow. 3-Ktii l( rromtlr aliroii-i u. LIVERY & FEED STABLE. It. IV. Stand Ucltl, proprietor. Umatilla, - - Oregon Also keeps constAntly on hand, nntl for ealo ohenp, n full stock of sad dles, harness, etc, etc. ADVERTISEMENTS. SOMETHING NEW. The genuine OILGRAPHIC PICTURES. Premium of America ItUa lraMsxsut1efrtar6rtfeL7 fnr nUrr. Isx-ao tt fnUttj. !Ut matrnl aUnaatfAl ssoraa la sMia- for raitra (Mara ay tfca sew yntm. mint 4aarra af Atumea, tM uk Ice my Ur Ut ta aoa i la ttrmx. mmtiH mfeUnttf raN tie ataralias mt taant -mmo tare at aruir4 tfc effqnitMy, ta 4eM Umvm arm. Mt eaa as4 (4aer, at IL mxt fcf licca&t: aL4 Eusa aca WatUKaKa, W. T. Tteae pirtarra are ffUd la Srw yrt; City tl c4rfJ trtntt oC ataah va aYaeaml aaa cf the pwlHt Rata; arUata aM aSM l etwrred la gnt antcr, with Mack wataat fraaiea, eUjisHy nama Size: IxW JU (4 Ii 12 30 t Kill 25 60 Ta aear attrsUoa tttlaut rmatef ea orter (er n fcaH It aoaaat. (iriiL ts atac. SAa Ajetl, WiEm Wail, JT Z. Alio ar-ot lar tV r laprvrrd fairtt Kurt plyt f Wrwt ta bn Uriej oct. Caa Le am aa4 ortfars Wl wtm Karvr Ca , atsr e tfcalen. WaHa WiSU. W. T. rTte i la. Oet ta trim early la orter la a arrauretiaa. Ortm rrmroi mitXm pmavtlr lar mtnlM. iltctj Is xinocm. X TUW15C. ie Ajrat, WaOa, X. T. J. !t BtrtlXT. S. W. Haa-r. BENTLEY 3c HAWK". PLANING MILL iiiillSASH & DOOR FACT0EY, endleton, rtactzj ia afl IU ixxtr prasjtiy tU as Uaia jLMitn wiiBe-arrart J WINDOW FRAMES, SASH, BLINDS, AND CHEAP FURNITURE Of aH Deacriptioea. O a- j-rtrvi U Sfi r4m II ta b Vrter rrrmt i Hmmti xl tia tl Ti t Ji Ol j UtMuatftutUf U l!kt fcy aauaar SI 'i. Cjaa-aanrat IS r 4mxrm OaalUB war b Iret a kbrrat dUsee w S t Ba mfC FURNITURE f U UU. asvit ta araer ee. Oen rie tl wt 3 KentrnaMiiiki CaB ES s- aa a ule eaairwu Xr 5ir af i art- asna UfiDER TAKING a taarustjr. Feat Ttf a r A. ISoIon. WATCHMAKER JtXD JEWELER- Kerya a mMeuzn. mt FINE JEWELRY! Latie s xttt dmU Gold nnd Silver Watches. XArKlX RINGS, WEDDING RINGS, SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES, FINE LAME'S SETS, NECK CHAINS, LOCKETS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, STUBS, GEMS, BI AllJCy AND ALL LINDS OF FIN GEE 2 INS. All sold below Walla Walla prices. W Oteaa mt Jmrr ratre4 at aUrt aa rt arraat. iias. tnaaeaf. laa aaj are bc Hew MUSIC STORE, STANLEY B.:OS. Eattef rrsasretlr lcat4 la WaJbTaEa whs. Mi Her, of Onaas asi rtaaca. aeta Vaaasa, Gcatara. Sit Xant jl Sur.l V&ucal v-r....v Wocil txj a IU fmhme. wr x:r orm- Prrra--1 ta fSf. 8113 ISSTSUXZSTS on the nost reasonable terns. W art sat xgezts ta tba MATHTISEiX Piano and & HAXLtS" Organ . T Uitfceik rtaao at wtw4i4 br tas tot laaairtin a a ant dxas laauaiarat, tt a ma! ts tss ieezrr asaa aar attrr IVw. Ttr aaarr of' las is aar,ujri ar arj" riaaa Basaaasrr4 la tkc faatol Stata. -XAS02T & HAYT.T7T- Lralita ararU ta U sua ctaosra eCataaOrpsa. Instruments rlll bc deliv ered to customers In aar part of Oregon or Washin-ton Tt-rritotv. SzitUftieetttla !TASLKY BROS.. WaHa WaSa,w.t r-cJccTTS-oTJ. AsouALaaa. . aaT SnTtjf Lang A: Stevenson. , rrftittoria. . BREWERY. PENDLETON, ORE. 4 RE NOW rVRXlSlUXG MOW: ANT) BCTTKR f. BEKlsn aay brrwrrr ta Eutrrn Orrt. Ibrr tuye rtSllrJ tkr rr!ar rrcwatj- xmtx Uta hrKlcnanh at taa obrra Qy are atirajs oa aaal rcadj Jo wait ta Ifenr fours " SL ( ra.t-tr. ) . ..rarxsorsamao ssxx ... , C0 lU.l Uuls xrtlaiea . . G. . BAILEY, GENERAL LAND AGENCY, rrniUtOD, Orojeo. Offira aa Man SU crruit Court Usvae. HAVTXO Ibe Irrrt rprorr4 plats ff rrrrr Town, xhtp Ut CmatMU raaatf, aad Uing rwraooollr qiutttrj mtb taa IwalWo acj (jaaHtj- of all ta lasU la lb Coaalr. Im Kcor UoJ ter raiti ns!rr aar ottha LanJ Lava tj the C. 8. riliwr Iloc-olraJ, rrr-eopOoo, Ttn(r caltore or Swfcskrt IlvtaoicaJ. rarUcoUr ailrnilon palj to llw pwilioa of caa toted )at chics la las dfpuUacat a 'Xaiiispsa, !