i u I If cpimut- SATURDAY.. ....MAHCII22,1S: 4,11. Tauten. a. m. nuix. fUDUSnED BY- TURNER & BULL. TEIIHS IK ADVANCE One YnAit $8. Sill Relating to Homestead Sctttcmcuts. Washixctok, March le. Following ib hc full text of the act granting additional tights to honiestcd settlers ou public hinds rithtu railroad limits, approved ou the 3d last: Be it cnadtd, eie That from and after hc passage of tins act, even bectioos with. 4a the limits of any grant of public lands ( to any rtilro.id company or to any Str.te in Hud of any Tailroad or military road, shall Txs open to icttiers under the homcitead i laws to "the extent of ICO acres to each set tier, and any person who has. under exist isg laws, taken a homestead or any sec Jtion withib. the limits of any railroad or tailit&ry road land grants, and who, by existing lows, shall have 'been restricted to SO acres, may enter under the homestead 3aws -en additional 60 acres adjoining the land embraced hi hh original entry if such -additional land be subject to entry; or. if och person so elect, he may icrrcader his entry to the United States for cancellation nnd thereupon be entitled to enter land t&der the homestcd laws Uic same as if the BCrrtndcred entry had not been made. JLad the person so making an additional entry of 80 acres or new entry, alter the surrender and cancellation of his original entry, shall be permitted so to do without payment of fees and commissions; and res idence and cultivation of such person op--ea and cf the land embraced in his origi--teal ifcy shall be considered residence kb& cultivation for the same length of time upon and of land embraced in his addi tional or new entry, and shall be deducted 'from the five years' residence and culUva tioa required by law; provided, tbat-in no Case shall a patent issue upon she addition al or new homestead entry under this act antll the person has actually and in -con-formity with, the hemestctd laws occupied, Tedded epen and CGttcvsed the land -em-feraced theroa at least one year. The foregoing measure was iiitroducnd 'by Booth in the Senate, aad by Page in 4he House of Representatives. Ckief Moses. Special to the Ortgiaiu A few davs ago Father SViMmrlhc ssper. intendcnt of the Yakima Indian raserva- tion, received orders to have Chief ,Mo: j 'in readiness to go with other prominent chiefs, from the Umatilla rescrvaltoa to j 'Washington. This iBtormatioa was im-l Iio riwiaTn lolrf nnn. JTrJlV -with considerable saspUion and betrayed i?d J6. - 'Falbcr Wilbur gave him a furtongkof 9v '1 fiZ. rffr TTirrrrS days to go and visit his people, aadera promise that at the cad of tkat time he would return to lue rsteervation. on " . zL.hCr JruTtw I lanLSt toabmit an wbeT; ! Trowd of citizens from laktma t,;iy ar T-A nrnK, frm Vahima C,,-c ,,. rived at Fort Sinrcoc. the tgcacr beadaar tcrs, headed by an officer and armrd wrU a -warrant of arrest for Jloses. The grand jury of that country bad found an indict, xaect against him ss accessor- to tbe Per Mns murders. The posse or citizens were astonished at tha action of the areat and strongly expressed their indignation at the proceeding, A meeting of citizen? w.reheld to take eteps to rearrest closes. Father IFilbur -was present at the meeting snd prosaiscd the citizens that if they woald remain qaict t woald deliver Moses to them within twelve dors. Moses has gone dircctlv to his camp beyond Priest's Rapids, and nfiK vnr of 11 ?Llr"L:.JK,? doubtless aware aad will prepare himself accordinciy. He. if mirssed, will look anon the matter as a violation, tif his parole, and ronnbtng I . C . 1 - . 1. ;i !... I treacucr uvai uic -urei, c jii oc tool 10 rSorTaV. and any precipitated attompt, at the expiration of the twelve days of grace, will involve the entire country in a relentless and blood' war. The situation is one of great peril, and it is now looked upon as almost certain that war with Mcses and the other tribes is Inevitable. Eola items. THE WEATHEB. Al present is schncwhat dampening to the unfortunate man who chances to be travel Inc where he cannot find shelter, as there has been over ten inches of water fell dur. lag the month of Feb. Scarcely any grain has been sowed during this month on ac count of the prevailing rtins. TUEEAXX At Eola came off in fine 6tyle. S. Fried man, acting as auctioneer, sold the whole stock of tlry goods, . groceries, eta The sale began on the 5lb of Feb., and it took three days to dispose of the goods. The sak amounting to about $2,000. T3IETUIAL At Eola was next to call our attention. W. Fossand Harry Wilson wcre-simsstcd charged "with breaking into the Good Templar's flail over the Highland M. E. Church about two miles north of this place. Foss was discharged and Wilson waived an examination and was bound over in the sum of $500; failing to give dobcs lie was taxen to uic county jait. THE QCACKirt, About a hog, between a lady and a gen lie man was the next to call our attention. It eeemc that the lady had sold the gent, some hogs, and a dispute aroc between tbcm about which bo;r the lady had sold, whereupon after the lady had repre- ma&dcd1bc gent, to & great extent, they decided to act uicir oimcuity uc scuieu uy arbitration and three men were selected to decide it hereafter. THE CHALLENGE. Popcorn Literary and - Debating Institute appointed a committee of two, to challenge Oak Grove Literary Society to an open debate. The committee aiet Oak Grove Literary Society and the following ques tion was chosen for the fubject udoii which they would debate. JiAutU'l'htl wualti wdlus a greater influence on man kind than knowlege. A. G.JioberU wu chosen as leader tor Oak Grove Literary Society and T. H- Starback for Popcorn Literary Society. SNOW BTOKiL ? Iflan Priday morning, vcryearly, if 'began aowinjriuidnieltlujj'ucarly s fast' as it ' fell. bt f$T a continuous fnow of nearly all day, it hail coated I Ik- eround alwmt three iuchcadeep l is MKwingat'7 ofolock Km WIBPT UK KAlUIOAt) iw"rrei iJiSSfjStac: lTruVui my Wv lfcrdiMrfi jjukttt th tinman- , si Ark pin. ar mmu ... r !...- -.t l.tr. ...!... Three cheers, for tke cotainr. TW company tkeir cMgiec, roMtii;: 4ock, ctc.de., tl nrcufuvvtiptEtxiiniocatingiireroaa. ir filial ItKatirHuUou of rwMWtera bant Bi tmtlwill add mostly to tke bem-liu ft,rilWBS ;.., 1 mvwlf tkat for an Plk ooauty ami will uatl.Hibtedly injure M wnli j urrt a MeB,iy Sih1 Ugible hand, the trade with Markm county, bat judgms (row www f the wrd Uit rrun. Jyonr tyjaj inada me soy last weak, my ltalmiin Tni.i writiui:,iuUt.haVrtWuiuitakuM .or that tutc nbi "long since, everj' inciulwr w Sad forbroakinethe rokM of order; bad on the boys but good oh t trearj'. in a uai coxwrrws. The Narrow ttaee KMilrmd is grttlap in a vun- bad oandltiea. as abrat tw wiles f it i wablml out m bad tkat it is deem cd unsafe to m an eapiae on it now. Ihey will probaWy rapair it la the Sprirg. l'ART Of 1H.K K NTt OUKMT1UN. Polk emintv is ia a thriving coadklos at iwvteitt, it lias one railroad, and sooa will have another; it has as nice dwellings as there are in the country ; good river nsor- es as welt as luraltufe ractoricM. nW . 0. . . wills, rte. sud never was nroaiuud te. and never was proaiuud with as good gratn crop before, as H Is twr '. ABdnowyoar n.'oner bejins to fear that he will consume toa muck space ia the"K. O."fo he will cfc witiiar tke E. O." as well as Umatilla rooBty la gen eral, great propeniv, i rcmaia, -Dick.' TJxuatillu Items. T.W.IIttlley of Umatilla aaHed at ear affic yesturday ou hi-ay to 'etna ta wit hi paranu. Hccawe iu, patd his ealneriptk and gave us wwJs f n.angMat. Dave Hern'. Hatel ia &Umt oopUcad. Dave hxt (pared wtLarttate av ux)Be ia reattiaghid ha&sc. The U'iImo llatol x sko ib Aood for tke pna traveL .W. Weed ksia naitod Jot. Lmmt'i mack for three veonr. A dliag is aaticipatad ia tira ia a skort tiwe. Iki-gj- ridiagirtke siyW bare Saadays. Varkg, excft by fhaaaligkt, has piayad oat. Mr. Jobn R. Hayes kas jt retaraad from a visit to kit paroat at Hageae C4v. Ditto, F. E. Cloptas frota rarttaad. "V. J. Leeaer has tha laret ttaek of tia ware ever in UautiBa CaaaiA-, tf iawfiictar edbyT. W. UaUey. Tke iaaHaiale ball at the Uaiaa Hotel on tbe ITtk of Iraiaad, wa4 a grand aacMt and wcU attend!. A. li. Jack 'tk pbee rooeivod a tek I rnun frota Partfaad a Jew data ago iaferar- v r . t - s,. . . - -r . tkavphKu. Sne dwd m tke 12ds iat. X'inatillri 31aqncrafic. WeH. I am glad ta tell yoc tkat we are all at kame again 3hm. and according o ow promise Ui you f will try to girt jia an aeootmt oT fcr auVt-nTurc ia tke citv of Camilla. WckftonrbaantMnimtletowa on AlaaJay warainr whb a good Jotty crowd on 'beard ana pleadM wcatker far ar ianrcey and arrived ia UmMirU abeat 4 o'clock wiiere we w wetcond r oor iHA fTMad Dam Horn, tke gtmml boa: of tibe Union lionce. About an bw after- f I ward we weca called to Mtww, wktek wa I rtry aocitable to all of oar party, as the I :alMer of tbk placa retnrwed fmm ISart I breeaebad narpend oor appethes. Alt luwi a lew daf s aee Tnoe hIm ctJoct the kound of two vm4tn. manie-1 stated by our old toaods Jack Mortoe aad j Roba Crawfiwd made as awanc UtX wtr I wre to set raady for tke mauarad baH Etctboov enjnywt tteaaselwcs kudv, i I . L- , , . J - J T . . i Sf ltftaT but we hope, if w k idtany oat rber twill tuxue uas ikts is all tke lkwr conld make oat from memory. Hiss Anra Mee. .Flea Uia Mrs J It, &utitran, ii icitlaaa i.ari; 1m Uaan- Oar :.! . if t t r. ..r. Gertk Gordon. Cb.Wy ; irs. Cooler. . . ' J.'!. i.1!..?"" ill. J. I i Tf -awltrm Tr T - a- "J r, at'A -T. aVc XJCTXw er. Bride; Mn. ITx Beagic, Itassiaa Lady, t ran: Cue, Americaa Saikr; L. A. Cooler. Clown; F. W. lieadky. Uncle Sam ; Frrnk Clooton. Jockey; J. Jl. Walls, Tort ; J P. Bobec. OW Man . WM! Jiea-ie, Sailor Boy; Bod Beaclclndian Chief: a Fh'iiawikl CuUMonthJoba; U11I Leaner, i Monk; iMe Bllswortk. Big Iajas; Va. Bel. Man-of-War StHor. C. C. Mane. Dutch Piofeseer; Of the ladles the best rrprcseated char- actcrs were ilia e of Mrs. Bnsbce and Mis Aara Morse, Among tke cmUemen it i tkink Olopton and Will Beagle I were the best. Dare rt a eoleodld wrr for cs aad dkl ail in ins power I to raake tiie dice ciilorsbVe to everybody Me?rs. Wm. Leezer and Cod Basle were fioor i. . ." , XJ27 TY.?J. Y.i liT. U aaaM 4U6 AIUISTU tmJ X4 UC Klflt tiH-j- toek to maixe oar skort sav enjava- We. After a flae rkic e rrrived" ia!- miJ foend ia Ptidlcton and are able to sab. scribe oum1v, Yosrstralr, . Bjulxast. From Dry Creek. Marck 11th. 1S78. .Mn. Editor: Yen bare tbe OH Pbll osopher and many other good reporter but none' can eomjwire with Forae of oor Dry crcelfws. Tlie llE O Jndrpendeitt aad Leader altogether fall to tccp pace with oar Dry creek news spreaders. I tremble for yon 31k. Editok; what a plir you can not procure their services for then your fcticceis -tvonld be asnred. Byalliaeans procure theservices of one of our telephones. Thebealtli of this section i$ good. Spring has com: and everybody after pirden fetal. Look out for cany vegetables by the firat down train from llfeton. A' T. From AJilfoxi. Alarch 17th 1879. iniTOP. "Ji V;" Tiniea are livdr at this place for the ofliccr and lawyer. Litigation of a criminal character if the orucr oi uic uay. jir. jonn joroun was arretted and brought before the Jcatkc a day or two ago on the'grave charge of as sault With & UMir-lTfiBs tTMnrin ctlti Intril I lO kill On& llSl!lr Tlia rinnmUiiiMu a developed by the evidence ere as follows : niiile returning from fpelling school oil the 13th inst. about 9 o'clock r Ji when sear tiie toa-n of Millon, otne one ruibed suddenly uion and struct 31 r. B. a hcarv blowtHi tbe btd with a rock, or aa Mr. B.tcstltie. -wiili KMnethin? as hard as a reck, intllcting a wvere but not dangcrou wound. Dut, as the act wa! com mi i ltd undercover of the darkneM of thenlsh: H tvag iraiKuilble to Identify the dastardly individual, and jMr.Jordon was released. The constable is in puranit with warranto lor two other individuals charged with trl vial crimes, but as yet has not taken them. More when I see who Uic olbr boys arc 3Ir. JHley Koontz, acr h loriglllheM, hi upunwiiumcin jiuion, ou: is quite fec- blc. bAunr. Wc Bind our papers to our bubafTibm at Pilot Hock regularly and arc unable loan swcrtbcmauyquc&trons&sto wiiy they ate not forthcoming at Ihe nostolllcc there when called for, but wo. will make inquires into the matter and cpnsult with PosIhI Agent Steel who is not? In our neighbor hood. Pilot Hock irubt flic only noHOfllcc of w hich wrc arc conUntiaUy.litarlflg "com plululs. Jntliknienl " - "' ry t ., Lt..... r-i.i f I. : l,w ,...) tO) i 1' ru 111 iuc Mn. Kitnvitsr- i i..,;. ..Omi rj eikMit tha inuierees xp tlr ninVM..lMb sad editors or ta the Ji ririt . r.n.. of another tiriley'iia to hit aahc. Did I nut j vn i iiinwjiiiir - u mace know uai my &rucl6 aru mi un oy a iik i ymtt lady ia yr oiHj4y, I would ialt-r tkat joar "kir Itad a kuid in Jliias' raybut. Itwllright,locvcr, Mit.EiiTwa, for yoa were away, ami "Miu" wa rula. 11 v too bay to evrrret imf. Mttiako will bie8 "ia the lest rvgtilatd j jwr. ltst that loads oa ta tbiak what a woadcrfal aMMMt tf work ia tbe way of proof.rcadiBg mat le done a the groat dallies ia ir Katni citM. whre 'copy" it faraukwl an to Ike koarof troiacto iiiwi. A t vim vrsi lii -1 nw ia Hth napeni as tba N ". ir, vr -n ir ,j .. . ev la lh '"S c aapets a tkts Oast, u a rarity tadW. Talkiag aboutyfait 4pna reminds uta that Mtlui feu of vvurradn ia toun here liavo aay ida bow exteaitly vaar iapr racslalas. W ky, "fba Old i t'lnho4uir iHktcvua bum atca in cur retaidenca f mm awy down iu News U rataer kcaivetkU wetk, or per haps, to be mare correct I tboakl say tkat I have not been aronai to gatker u p itetna THi: DON TWN Kli-'TAUKANT is naw in full bUst. Tke table is highly comweadt'd and Lspieree ill ho doabt establish a good buaiaeas. The hotel can tinucs tube "chock lull" with guests. Heretofore there kas beoa a kick of accom. taodatioa for traxltswho,iiieonjejitscc, were always ia baste ta get away from this I dare. Now with tke kotel and restaurant, comfort and osuvcakucc may be, found by all who desire So come. Last Friday tke lltk mat. waa blaix nuiar tLroj:hnBi tle United but. It was a day of wkokd kanftag. Jokasau aad Un n. tke kutory of bor criat H weH kaounto jimr readers, ware haaj; mlVm kvad A CtuaaisaM was bang In Mary. (The Cnlaee Mt go) llutgm' ats took dace la Maorkaslt, Pennsyi vaaav Ookgadn and other statas. Vc trat tbe examples ibn made will aWicr nea from becoming kardened cnmina'.t, mu we fearit will a-? ftfa all oar boasted pnwo. wltb all Hr ramted spread of citiKzatioa. there I no dcrrse at crime. Harder. Hrtddc and rakbery are the order ef tke day, and eack repeated act seems te oatito a lormer la canning and df praKy. Tkere k bot utiestrp trom tke ldime to the ridieslont aad tke next thoasht tkat eaters ear crannm a akant tke Mitsq er ade IUH wluelt took dace nn tke efentar f the l?tk af Ireland at Umatiiia. Htvr. at of oar yana fttks attendrd and reprt Havmg aifuM mac. - t'AinrKa day wa okrred ke by raMai: tkeAmerf. can fia; an the aag?tirat MiKrkrj " n tirm f Jfrmfk ail c!i eaawaii ta its wav bat tike oar riftetl Patrick i Henry, I say & iWaUj L'&aaafotoitr. Mr. MacEwan ti irecad Enfeeanal oanr oat on the anul ui lhe usjm tm tie trU dixtiuiaJed. uJ Amk rfilt knrewln Ike basamaof aomaofaatf wiaag ladias. Erarec k aawutt the mhk ferine latest Xo lm aorrmMlrtad h. the rfvO antknr. tf :ea of l akima and wi ickaifd on kail. He a now at Fori Vancynr itiaa: the arrival U Inoian Agent Uornojrrr who, aitk snamr af tke chtrh of 'kc LaaaHlta. will preed in WaakrBgtm to jmt vaar wMi me Oivat Father. Mwe onght S take a Chinaman with him Hia influ ence wWttkr-lfreat Father aouMthan Wr acuaxteate(y cuattr An extra liketr In . ... . 1 vill koif aaVaVWof ku. W- eaaa. s "y- fal iadiaaatainit' ar Ike rtaabaea d suakood. and naw oor leytajiaitatiae aleet is made faatuaa letwavc, bk the Jer of i - t-kj - cutau jeuuaiu, at m nuiBg jwyum The IhaaihWfcana bar ecatnAai tmr lez laton - tweawy yaaa mm!. WVethar Ike Democrats wha gar ban erttttel of both kausra a-M a any batter, the fntnrc alone eaa deteranne. I am irnVnaed that MbsMX RotkckOd and Mam, the eammitiee rm sabfcriftioa ' far a ire tneum. bare aat tackt kandred dollars salAcrrbtd. Oar town oafhi ta make a better abwaiac than tio, bat I am J told tkat a-n? w rtth-cst who are mat 'able, lure rein to roUertbe. Often arb- j it aay bexaoU laarirt. aad Mraettma it r m a raaamr lUoam about the t id ! tke VmalitU Jtmr. iro ' 'XAtuanUtton af ' Jeremii'u' After xhtj joutkuni ut lane r ffcar dan. w are btviar a "twvee hld nin. aud noon tbe aor atarrmg cattle who hare sartirad tbe Lard wistor w3 kare Times ara alrtodT bamntdng to be livelier and our &erkaU repiwt an imHrvvnaant in trade. I bv bea at nark uvday toe a dm ilu. Emme, &sd tcikt I fral abnort too Urud ta wntc IdctoUaautlale tkat is furctd and tmed, and. ft snag tkat ta mr tiresest waxry sutc tbu Mtr may become v I ill l "bort aad sweet. Will e&dcaverin nrr itexttobe more Icml a&d ectcrtair.ing. Yours truly. Tut Oui rniLOMrntn. HEW TO-DAY. oCl, Broadway. 123 Kearny St., San rrasciaco. .A CIV XOfai. H. Ackcrman Sc. Co. CROCKERY, GLASS AND PLATED WARE. CLOCKS AND BR3NZS, WOOD AND Oils. Lamps aud Lamp Stock, Hoa. 6 4 8 2orth Krwnt Street, mar22tf Portland, OragHS. 1. Hatliaway's FRUIT AND 'VAR1-TY STORE: Curacr, Coart ttti Mala trtxit, PcndlcWl, 0rttf9n Ahvavs w ell cupplied with r FniitV,' ' - NUTS, TOBACCO, CAMI EJ. hTATlONUUY CIO A U.S. 1'IrtiA, JEVflXltr. TOTS. ' KNivia, CA.vxrji r.fxisuint haluon. And noitoui too numerous to mention. J. a IitoaJ 1 MEAT -MABKET.' -i- Eo7jl)Iiif &. Benson, TTAVIKC OMSfnil A NEW 11 KIT JUtlKCT Wtcl 1 1 are prtfwa w rl1 iki I14 of ITuSirlnci M rtoMHy Mt. I- rtiwnil Ktw aj K khwUal raaj aoniala raiea. flm Vu Mata'ttmS an)WLWtf "S'r, f. i TT"" 1 aUWr imiCnTICCMCMTC rw uni ikihinun i x UTAH?! DA HO AND OR EGO N stage sScompany. On and after July 1st 1878. . .V ( Ike UTAH. IUAIIII ! IIICKCOV XlKge To, riu. ixkxz rtsutxtus rr. I 1 1 I'MUlu nrtrr Nrinr. Tirir mi toic ijr m u n uu ti r . ftrDeteCWt U.x Utah, Idaho and Oregon Stage company Hat Nw IWW, OmM Hxk. MM I'rttm ud M K(MM of tmitet as tlOM uv Mt liu tf tit c.(u. , tr t tor uvEr.vonc, Intl LADIJ?SBAZAAR. 5i itg IltXOKTX ANf WACUHSO WOVLD ,V w.iw t7 Mtwt mi i yumumta, m uMb r t Mm at CiiMrtw tt lirM - JIM MV MMfN w MILLINERY &. DRESS MAKING la Hm huC MfU m4 Mi 4a-' w Ibnr H.M vHI UWU4lll((ll,llM , WW Imi !'nn 1 ml) T SPRING SUMMER GOODS. 4-ca kt o Buitstr uas. uexdrvx a srAOL&tSG. LC Ktnouu. O. O. Casta. Kitykcntlall &. Gotlklu. 1 I i ur. u-. sr. sr. -sr. -jr. sr. -yr. -sr. 4-f -t f CAniNET XAKEIIS S UNDKKTAKEItS P2KDLET0H-sro OREGON. - Ot4lV aS . Ila4i rTra' . . H 'I 'If a4 a abart aaka. I a.tl,- ina; ... Aa tX 1M af ff-r lag; aa la M-JT, t.y IW SATISFACTIOH GUAHKTEED ta ta aar S4aa aa OAlr af CvrtatU Cfitrsl Strrtti rU aW M AfMaU-i Soaaat Uaaae. aarlttf -The Thoraugjhbred Stallion Will aarre a tlmtd MnaWr "i Karcs caiaing Sraaou a: tke North Pacific Mills. Wnlla Walla, W. -t- tbe T. lmrkaaa asa tiroi lay Waadbara, k I. T ' . a "a a TJMaaaaa. he lay B4a. llat (Bif etaaaaal waa aend by KmfUt, hm ky Moaavon. Tkn aaak itf" lharWaaa takfad Km. Hit intlta fialntria aan V Jhmmiijm duaal ia the Aaacrcn TKIC3I Stfinrthe raipkrabla latJttrrand ? ta- aayoiaW at time af acrriaa Cad har mataa faeaa a dumnea. WtSM hy W inkau. II. I. lSaacv atUfaa BON TON." RESTAURANT. Tkt aatdaiiiUMnf tmiri jJetuwrr in itaMaMi First Class BestaoranL '-in the building knows as-- Stcvo's Sample Rooms. Pcudlulon, - - - Oregon. Vhero yos can ad the BEST TABLE Xmrtk mf San Frvttdtf. I ul I i. naaSli Ma at Sat m axnaaw Mbl aaa tittW at my restaurant CaU in and jicc v'a trial end yaaraatT A. Laploxce. I jar af Ma 5( Baaat, tfmt KatU. cUar ADVERTISEMENTS. Notico toCreditors. "V"071ck iiJiiraiEnirrotVE.v thxt thk rx- Uearl of UhuatU OMradnaaairMur f lk iln l 7Vmhm !. Kim), jl rww 4. All mil baiac lUw jMiM aut4 malr mn tM k nat lM u hk i'k fnf r m mj iwtw mm Wiaar ad Ml o4 rkl a aUs MX M Ihl (ma taeiSrtcarihaaoue. A. J. K1KET. G W HAILir, Aj. J1fiUr. minLi I U . fc , .,,, -i-nnarfHnn'ft Rnln. , . BY XIKTVKJ)? AX. OCtlCJt.lrt-TUK COUKTV m tw dr r rrk-iT t m. m rawhf lUMkar n( lfii l'T ite uar T 'caurk a. X. wtiu4 df at !- I -mn H"r ia rr4- lntMouiii l! at afcOr mM la atatvK fctUer, ail . it rit : c iur-t f tfc &xha tHUaM wia. 1- . Ujtl.n i kiK Jta MaW H, twn latfl Kri mA wav TaaaM fcVm. ta (klaiMitiMiHiaWli I Ml aVc Ua f fialti'B H. tfci iUiH Caimty. Wtaana. TUf u,-Oaa iaarl oA la aw rlw Hl txrvrtf. Waanrann b4 at4 Ui vm jrmr Kii ttlwifi at MW af u i uwt. itrKbMk BAVln CWH.l.v, fliP mf tVt aawM muC uwn. txciAN rvAnra, aKrar- Summons. lalbsOraaaCaanaf ia af Onx Sac Cau. urn Ewtaae r f rbasVt; Jom L. Srtraaaa. tli aaiar Ta lmn I. Vno, BwaVtarai TMC NAM OT TKK STATE Ar enOtOV. av - nmwi'yCfc a4 am at oatla tWM a N' uk iHa wa 4a Sraa iWoalrafiarnce. b imt i'aa aay wax maty tm MVr (UK r Oncaa, aV att tme tW OMc 4 It ay IS eutr trwiM Mvatlii. W 4 trrtft ay CtUaa, MW aa IM Sot ar aT tW Ml trrat nrsn w1m .ut rwiMM avarr laa i iSirc ata !! mowt ar UM am ay aaalaiiiln. 1 Jt H Ulra tStl -. yae jattaf tatatr tahl eacarSoai. U 4iauf a tarty la Mm tn Ut ia naaf 4aiaJt w ta4 i ! if H rtHti Vai !. aw4 iatH m a 4.tm kata Ua W-aJt af aiii'Ma uy ,nrtar Waaaaa aa ia4 0a itimg aanuay aV axaar aUat, tas rr tt&aaj Mm Ttaanani abcai ay aaaVrWaW Maa I, I.. Wtiniar Jaae at wMCaw mkmaaMn rj S lr j K t-rJTCiC, Citation. la U Oaaaar Qan at aV HtU af a a Qwaatf af rajoali. ia tka aaaaac af r WU naiaaaT TWMaryna. l( Oaa. ai X. X eoait M- Ran. Aaaa. UMkataU. f. aWl amal faaafau. tx Tm: Sixt or rax statx or onnoo.. yM I. arr MiWi a aaa iaji 4 I. laetar ta taaOvaty Caaft MW Mata c aaa. f W OtHse Vainlo. at aV CaaM Ibm a al iWaaoaat m aaaai; U laaaantt aa Xaaaay Mat ?ayaf -ayrtro af M aTMaat ia f luaif af aalaay. aWa tat (a eaaw a n. ay aaa-raf it iLaatt aalWaaaaa at J. H. Taf ar aajiiiianl ir . al iwaii . aata k In (aM u vak i- f Mft tun. ta aaa aW la-a W aa X f UaK. ttnW. aa a. Taa X V ar a4 ttM waf aaT at IW fcajrt aT i-aaaaataaTC K m aT at tana. Oaaaar. rw- ar aaa Iaaia4a aaay toaaa ray aaaj laa iaa itaa a W laawif. 4a rtu aaiaiaaaliaa tmfH aaat aaa an aV ttf art aa Wt. at A4 aa IkaaW a4 that af Uaa MUM atWaM eaiaiTat a la. L..T aaaaat,, a aaaajy a t aa aaanar al aaarnajatf ar aiaTiaa. Vaan. a Sat. K. C Taalaax Jaa Cmmmt Can ar ia taaaaf nan, a ea afnuaattai k aa afi mOaiai auttaa, I at aw trfSfjt,A K aa. X Srimmsna. la tW tlrCaant flay ftnat af fr UaaatdU raa.tt. MatTdaK.Ti ylatnlir. vs. JUaw r. Ti Tn Akanao P. Tamer, th absrt IN 1HX XAMF. OT TUB TATK OT L f ra, yam, l arr trty rewired aaar 3al aajw Vac oplaaat .ar yaaa m tax mVt trtlal mm 4aM fram lh daat 4 thr wtihi' aaata"a aia u if ar4 im that r H ri m anr aataar a-at; aU llaiSmia Wa w-Hhjai laaaaly Uf itaau tax dana af tW uttnc mi akya nataai naunkoai, aad at lml by mkltTrilaaa tkara oa tb lai aw af aW An! Urat af Um xaWar Martial Ms! tn lar ia af Ihe imhltrataaa d thai aaam. Aad yaat that if Ta had ta ia-tr and awrav th racabd arO andjr ta tha (W. iar tke r iaaf dcraalnj at hrr ntafaat. via; Fx a dacra 4 Wa Ceart kar- TU- aadtinaZaha Waata riaac:aetar - ai in aad lr aba ear aat caabalr U farBeraaaH ITmI. r Tararr. aatnar chat- arikfyanJKlaipiHr , Tma Mam mtiMiNt arararai ar Ha.I,. I. taxrth-r. Ja-hr- - thai Chart. '! aaoLraugauaiv Mra aw aan raTi. rur tAuyt. WOOD! WOOD! Tb atnafaarknar aaTai at naaiy MtaaaaaaartSit- krvaSaaaC Taraar UaJr; aiaaa' . , aM a 1 1 1 1. Tkw (ai ai arjr wm vanar aaafVa a au ara it um aaat aay sTr. rue atrtai9tr PIONEER LlVBItY, FEED AND ALE STAULK. Court Street, Pendleton, - Oregon. iwia JivarJeJ If ti dag or txk at ruin onahit rale. . Prank J . Depne, tnattij J'JiOl'HJETOR. For Sale! 30,001) Pounds. SHEEP DIP, Leaf Tobacco. Fifty Barrels of Sulphur. 0;ta!sofLiiiiB8iid 40 te SAT 13?. ...-SALL AT LOWEST lUJlQESr- WfJ aaH a rattMa4 34 Ra Frtaabtta ay ner ma. aaat trttr ttr it, ir (art. w wait ana. C&aa aaaaaaa fU aa tf rsiOW, BtaHaraa a kaaX Afcr ilm lol kaOsaf aafl paSaia aTJf I.ccdve PrMnppAttcntimi. JOHMR. FOSTER & CO., f ' UijiytU7a,'Orion. I atarta Ti taaa I u Win. living, ! PenStcton, Oregon. ! V 1 Jl-it Iu Uvarts, 3L -7v Pendleton Oregon.. iatM: 5 -il! W. Achlord. TT. I). tv. (.r 1 - PHYSICIAN AND PlltrrLat iU H."aa. am tan! a . . mm adawtnf Clara M. ADERTJg EVENTS. Tan l aaian a. m aart 1 1 aUnta .- hllaTml I rl I iScotl 5 Haley, DEALERS U: Drugs . ,i j. .,Uiii Paint oils Class nuKy, Patent medicines And Perfumery; -STATIONERY-j c is n A ti J n j II School ISookx. Ik Fancy Tollcj 6od-'. WINES AND 'UtQUORSj rf Uaaaft. IUICAt. l.-TliCMK.TS KhtaL aiuilr, Xualta! baaka. Itmuip and Ltun Gxtaica. I'lclart framca. Etc, Etc. rmattttaaat caarfaBy tnjyfyfr1t ienaieton, - - Oregon. PENDLEJiiNd -us srarrr. THI3 CEJaTRALLTT JLXB P O P U L aV.R.flS IZ'j U AT ISC aMXS EXTIRTXT EEfinZD :nd lEErUE3ISEED Tie Reception of Gnssts THE TABLE axary aaatyi watiaf aVa 1 THE BEDS at av TSK ITDCDLirrON fiOTKL, Urn aa cy tua 1 "'" j jt nurcciuMaf mw taaajaat aaat aata'ai yaaaBc ia - PcnningtoalfitBcnsonJiti .liPflRcnN X- r0 HIMn-i iiwuwga, vsr. u Jaw fc. Ox MlUii T.taUT i Rtlcnl dctUn ia Fine Vincs Liquors & Cigars Ftr 1. - . - i . . ... , I If vfwjlcaatv a sire tnMnaes niv! aJ 1ctMMj lweap, aneli xx will inaJht ire to Kvo alwavs jU no. Ua at L orm ait vsr foptlar rusnrt and take a xmiis. Uaty. taaiaa aaM. D- Tlie odor e. UXATTLLA. ra. ffM t vera ivuocs'r All kkld.o Ot Liquors 'and khe choWeit WINES, CIGARS, 'etc I'aTatt afaVf i al1T AaU ft--.I MiTf Tntltlf crvn mk a call c.EyxLouat axv sec rwt TOt'Kt.t.VlUI.' Mc ljyoiiBa' 'a. TONSORIAL - - ARTIST 8te Shaw, Etc, T.l'Jr'lH LaijIJJ4 SetUeTJp:' ' rTTAVTV.a smut Mt ASD jnlT-tT7tC HOT EI. XL Vaiaiaa ia ry!vaa a irtat tara nry I AM laariajlaatnl b ar aW VOt at a4- aa il oukpiantuiatarBvac.- ! ttfKtt xtvTstMatseter r 7 XJLttiLK-fcJC0 I raa-B 0v r Kiat7. 2?. "gtsSl-s-: PrjjpLtrto.v, 6i:too-. lv Jt-traaM, SaaoVa. 8 n lav Y tvsiri Cvitn, Mahary, autram. aJ rtr .. OaHaat ir - vfcr ta a Iar prof4ly maaanl 14 LIVERY & EE EDSTAB I5E: lCiV.S.aiitlfieia; iVuutilfu, Oregyti it: at I. i w t i .4. . ci mnrnu l?;nlWi,S'iiwJ, l!Jf iw r Jl," 1 ",M.rJ ia. in . . ... . ! i i .... i i w w 1 1 taV l I o,L .J..rr a iliai.- XT Vi.TI 1 ITr-rmaaaa, iwwnaraiTiTiwm ktots , .7 ., . afl - , UJirSwUWUl,iUU-.,alUja.a 1 ICiN U3il tttjawji-jvBiaa r ' ' . .i at; aaaa av ajaaai aaaaV ai-.-E- 4 - : Oi ADVERTISEMENTS. SOMETHING NEW. Tke genome OILGKAPHIO PICTURES. Premium of America Ifi-w Om tf Maataa; rwaaj. aataajil WMataa ta rtamaaag far aaianpaa; aaoaaaa kr Oa rtetf4j caataraatjae at Haaaa aha la rt TtaViWaartaaan-. taajaaat km aranM, alC uaacaKtaaw. a taa taraar at Sawaal aa4 ta Will tTa.1t, K. T. " Tic BhttVM u aatM la Xaw Tart OMf Oa rlal Hm af ara alaaiairU ky aca ct l rXot Nraac irtMli lai al a aaaicarM la, ratea-, na atatt walaat ftaawa, ilifittfr baa. ifaH- !. .... fW to 15 & ma . UUI Ta aeM iMiaUaa arrfi.a uffaa arderSar ca ata U aaawaaC iMu. Maroe. SataJjaa, WJb WaSa.WT. Aawae-at ktf aVarw laaiaa taaasi flavaBlsa NL M 1 aji ifcaiauu Ca.lin iM ertftn Wl mb rwwa Oa aba aVaWa. 'Wttb.VUbW. T rna la ML (ariM'raVra cart tm artrr ta m. r-ri-al.ti. Oram rrn-4 waly rrr4r U:T WfaUkaaajaasava. V THWIMJ. afitt, WaJa.WaUi,.W.r i. it hnur y. 'V Uats. 3ENTL-BY-& HA WIT. PLANING MILL SASH & DOOR FACTOP.r, " IE3 oXicajLotoxi, rttaaa; a alt al VnaeVi waaead, as , mtat WINDOW FRAMES, SASH, BLINDS, AND CHEAP FURNITURE Of ah Jiptiptijfcji. 1 Hi 5?"" v-5a '., jriw rS3Ta rp)atti a. aacLaoS law arr laa ac Krrtaat KaaUMTtaaaTfut aara claar laair. fv4 htr 1 Jf MA be fara ial al f-o Jj TS ia St M. a-aaat aak ky euaaaiT St at IfiakaataMrhiatMtUwii f i . . a i)i xaatjwatCiwiaaaKhaa FURNITURE OraB Uub a ta arar afcart Mm u 1 pMflnVL 7aJU Leu ra4T$tfar K 4. A. Ioion. I WATCHMAKER 'fef JEWELER. QpftiU PrvUStT St- Wcr.'aai, Ooa. t f FINE JEWELRY! Gold and SHrcr TVatchcs. . . me la pie's mrsi xeck OlAIXSL O JOsJL E T(Sr AND ALL LIX&S OF F1NGH2BIN5. - All sold beJe-rr Walla Wall a prices. Lrai.., Bra. MUSIC STORE. STANLEY BROS. t-4 arrmaaratly luawt a TTtJUS'tai. wni faCatar&af 4rstaia4 raaaataja, Taalij.ffaMLH. ftLart. WaaaU tif Mi MV ataax. aaaraaja.li1JLat Va " I55TBJJ2E2rr8 . the zott rrajoeible tsrns. Wt aafc afaaaj tar Ca l ?iaEo and A05 I tn-viTirn - . u. li i .1 in 1 uigauv 1 VavVaj aa MmiT f latiant al aaar; aatav Am rt. i i raam raCr SMtaarn iiaaa 1 14 mj axrraalarTtia "S Ta WtUaaaaat Data waynH ay aa Saat aa it n aaatoSataa autrcfe. a tuj Mara aaiarjMl f y asy nt aiaafa-itrt ta tat PaaW'r'aMaT. LraMW J wart n thn plxaarr aTCttecwrxrt. riistruiucnts wlll'bc dcllr- 4 crcd to cM5tnrV in acj pcirt'lofti'sv- ' or WaaniHu aTA.M.nvnno?., qrxlpalt'a t La lis: t Stcreiirjoii, Ot3 BEWERY.3; PENDLETON, ORE. : Ji XVr FVKN-SHtN UORK ASP BCTTKR rV" UEtrrbaa tar Wi-r- a Ejra OramC T- btrr raCUrat tarir paaair fcrrarcy arraa laa vyn. aaaw. ) 2 i . ( Fa.t c l itutt er iMrT! tm V r'alj fi 9natlnjaa M J S3 00 . 1 " 1 Ua. . a V tal - - - a . - 1 8 1 Cr. Onr-oct Territotv. ' W "RATT.W -.9- GENERAL LAND AGENCY, IWfeUo, Oraj"- OaVa an Mala St crrmto 1'atrt Hmm. HAVtSC ika tr rama pUtof crrrj- Towa. tafp la Vataiah taaatf. rf tts jvrtradly ce n.!nl&l mijK it, Imltaa srvi n as LLV tlTll tliA H-v. . Vsi tbi Oast I Mt aecara laaJ Car. pajta- txAtr ' USfWraO, trail. t if - 1 t ..mi f.. 3 J 'it a ; t - a ,i- tae l .! a - y