lie (a$t wjflttiatu pcblishep every saturday mo&mnu, mr J. II. Tt USI-.IL U. M. lit 1.1. TCRNEK & BULL. Office. Mnlu SI.. opp. the Court IIouj. RIf of Mtu.rrlitlo.i In Coin: Site (Bsst rcgomatt. RATES OP AI.VKRTW.IXO. IS ,o-, U 3 Ut I Ul '. ; 3 Oi I IwL Sltobn. Inthn I lftJonuL. 1 Cblutoll t lUu.. (I bu S U ; o a tu ' do 13 ( IS Ui M so w Si Cn m u UltO b) If Wi II iti tot 31 J ZJ Ut II ift S3 t y -J Oue Year, tu aJmuv Six alotitlu.. .. Three Months.. 1- - - - . . r Itf ') VOL. 4. PENDLETON, UMATILEA COTNTY, OREGON, MARCH -2-2, 1870. 4 CO Ct I, l3tUt NO. 26. lie 33. CO t A '. """ 1 10 LODGE DIRECTORY. Dawox liDDOK. No. 4, K. or I NftU in tbe Cant HU. IWUeton, eere VVrdix-.Ur eieuing. HrJlrr tu rood standing re ooediiJty Int. ted u attruJ. Pixcix-ox LuDor, Na Si, A. & A. at. l--4 tti first arJ thirj Mnndiv f nil month. HuurtJ meeting, T P- M. ErniK Sna, Mirtlia Wi5iint.n ilupter. IVtHlle lu. MeeU every TuoJiv night l4Wiiic tlx firt and third Moaixr tu orh uiKith. Errrxi Lonk, N.v 32. 1 O. o. r , IVuJlctou Meets every Saturday ev-iiug at J I' it. Itrrthrrn in gwoJ standing are iuvitcd to attrttJ. iUasiuu. Loror. Na. 10. I. O il T , PetvlUtoa Meet et crv Thuraday c etiing at 0 o .-Lid f X. Krtlh ren in good 1irxlitg arc rorll to attend Kcrncx SLterJe s30SocciacBtf ct births, BurriafU sal death, via Lo inertl without char-. Obituary ooUocs -rCl bo durrod lor according to Uielr hssgUi. Krl- coplei of the East Otcsosux, le mma, for rritnirf, caa be obtained at this oc. yurst na rafcntblUlj- for views rprBal by Dr. J. A Kiowles, Dentist, W1 rm peactice hq peofesok or tnu to. Afl-rarkpssraateed. Cfearge maderat. t. t. ecacr. v.ctsuiMes. Oglesoy & WlllIiMsoH, ' PHYSICIANS AND SURBEONS, 4 TfesteB. erer-n, i TTfUX JU'iZM) AIL CALLS, DAT OS KKigT. j tt Drs( Start. j HAINES A: LAWRENCE, j Attorneys at La-v4 uakki. crrv, oeccon. WM Mtkc U Ut ui alt court is CregvO aad Idaho. nniraiir :usin um u Miuxxn in tuitr n4 i don coiitw. DR. A. It. PEXXIXGTOX, DENTIST. Is xxiT p-,TiT.oiitij lun:d is PakTcUA ItJ U 4t -urtd totlo Linis U tteatistry O&c at his mi oeiioe sear the atw church. Nothing but trst das rori: dooe. Urs. tc&nicKe asaisu htm la his wt E. P. JSagan, M. D.f PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, TT7TS7DK, niATIUA. COUNTS", OREGON'. Of J. M. Pnwtt, M. D.. PHTSICIAX AND SURGEON, FEKDLEIO.V. OEECON, Office lit XeUdeace. W. WiiitcsMb, M. D., PHTSICIAX AND SURGEON, PESDirrOS. OEEGOX. 1TTILL AT3XSK ALL CALLS. PAT OB NIC HI V vh prsBpaes. AH dacaacs treated fcy tin T ati! ff-yl tkj btr: aiodfi Icr tht cccntjrt of tbe MtM wi W. C. McKay. H. D.. PHYSICIAN AND SUEGEUN PZXVinOS. UMATILLA COUNTY, OKixW 0m oppokU the Fodlftaa Had. Dr. J. B. Lindsay, SHSPBGEOy AXI DEXTIST li dot lacatcd pcn-.afrfT.tljr IS PENDLETON. nCATILLA COU.VTV. ffhcrtiui atrricM caa anp U La4. S. Y. KXOX. Attorney at Law, fCettsu, CmatiTlt Cosstr, Orepst. TT7TLL PEACTICE IN THE COCETS OF TUJ- V Stite and VasWngtnri TerrUorr STSpedal atttntion iid to Laad BuUncas and CjI nSiaaa. Fred Pap-TastiH, (Notary FbU.) Attorney at Law, ' And Real Estate Brokeb. seeoal attention given to collections and ftnbate Jfattcrs. Loics nryotiited and Coeni OrJcn bocftt ui OFFICE IN COtJET HOUSE. i. n. tcxxxx. s. v. zxaxT, Turner & Bailey, Attorneys at Law, COUNTT 0EDFJ1S BOUGHT AXD SOLD. L0AN3 cesttlated. XTOStce on llaln Street opposite the Oast 8aaM.'Es PENDLETON, 0EEG0N. 3. IL Slitzk ta be tsadcted Mh a fat all caslestad ascs in the Circuit Court la thefniare. John A. Guy&r, Attorney at Law PENDLETON, CFESQ0K. f TJILL PEACTICE OT All. THE COCMS 07 T Esetera O.'ejoo. OAee whh Q.V, Baf, cp. ps te tbe fceUL Wilson Hotel, Cmstllla, Oresou. rES. II. A. WILSON, FOEJIEELY OF OELEANS, L has located on Frost Street Umstil'i. where she tut oiieatd a Snt-dass botcL Tbe bouse has been re fitted, the beds sre excellent, and the table will be sup plied wUh the very best tbe aurlEet aSordi. Tnrellers will cot regret stopping at this place. N Yt' Sugt Compai'j coaches gtq stop Lere. RT7CI' business rou can csjase in. $5 to $30 XXjO JL Ir day made by an)- worker of cither sex, rifht In your own locahtiea. FarticBlxrs and samples worth 5 free. Improve your pare time at this business. Address Snxsoxe; Co., Portland, Haine. rj can mite oouct Inter at work f or us than at any U thinr eke. Capital not tequired: we will start you. W2 per day at home made by the industrioaa. Men, women, bor and girls wanted erenrwbere to work for us. Now the time. Costly ostst and term free. Address Tan & Co., Aagusta, itatee. QRCwlc JnToar own town. Kom&itne. No WUUt Eeader.if you want a basteess a wbieh psrsoisof either sex can mike great pay &3 the Hm ibey work, write for IL Haixttt Co., Aaga$u,iue. 4. V S11X. Rothohild & Bean. Snnamirs to 8. ROTSCHILD, W1?C,T1TCLATTXNT10N f the pablle to thair largely laSUui suck U GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ITkLA theUsaaieJ luOttiti sSried by ttalr OiaVSna. SeaasaVlsttteJBteoSar At tie Yrj Lowist Kates. rist Itoek wilt co-taut u kmMftri oi Dry Goods, Grooeries, Cklsa &Hd Glassware, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, I to., 3Bto., Tayill alaajvtala aaacs in CUIsr as; cclnt ith ittkh ttrj ci; U cstraaud to the Lot U Umir abffity. Grain and Hides AteiUhcr PaOIKXXtaaaa b asjhacj at tLi UV1U EST KAhXET RATES. Cash Paid for Wool. 'IIiC STOVES AXB ... l.ACTORY OF TINWARE AiJankiEJeU .SHEET-IRON WORK, Xatu Mrect, eppadte tba Casrt Uxu WU1 rauitauly Lave oa tir.i abd tor Aairtsst of sale, a Cu 3? And wtO always kaap a cccspbie aaaortcict c COOKING STOVi: ALL ELKDS Or Done to Order U abort oetlss sad U rary inMr pricca. G. W. WEB!' AIA3i ?. VrapAcrJl tl Centennial Breweiy, frVMitlelaa. Or. Baa to isroEiiniE puhlicthat m. k v. prrtd U foreieii BOB to the f.f I -n telletit flcallly. Try and be coarintwl. 1-.-sUcUUAtX Knttfer. tester of bkxk. WALLA WALLA STEAM BAKER ESTABLISHES lv ism. IOaBCTTT. Ksmtactarer of Bread. Cakes, Pfct, ' Cracker. Fire Proof iteming. A. H. SPARES' SALOON, Fradlelou, Otrgtm. KEEPS ON' HAND THE SAUK GOOD OLD KIND XsUa Street. epiaitii fctaa Pat OsBee. Union Hotel, CXXTILLA, .... OKEOOX. DATS HO EX, PSOnUETOR. tf rrufH hous; is m toe best condition tor 1 tbereecpcknef reest. Ckaa bods and good taLle tsUMbiotMflB'thSehoaQ. TIki palroBaj of tlio PSiUie is aulMilod. fetares bare U bease far PmW , TTeeKja, La QnbSt, 0leo, Baiter Qtf sad B itJO CK. a. UKBU, TELEGRAPHIC. KASTEKN STATES. A 'iitrtutllblr riot. Ntw Yout, March 8.- Tha Tribuue Las tliacovf red the plot of m confldecce Rama lo 1 jihtyfU at Washington suul here to obuin subacTiptions to a jirrlctuIM memorial to HajarJ Tjlor. The partir cngagrJ in it are apparently mpecuble. The plan wrre laid with much ran ami tlelibetktion. Forged letlrm anJ hulcript!on wrrt cncrcaafnllr ntJ. Urntml IVn subcriptloa (or $S0 ubtriurJ, also Frederick I)e Ferater'a fur thf tBie atuonut. Peter Coojer'a nime furgrd for $100. He had been ap proached. Imt declined. It is the opinion of partini awinJIrd that operations are rar ned on thruah nil the Urge raaU-rn rttie. OircuUm. invitation and noticrs were tate fullr pnntrd en rxpesaive Iaper, and the elaborate preparations made by the conipir atars weald term to indicate that I hey ex pected to Wwell paid before the babble buret. N'j Krai for ilir ttraltieu. !YauiMiTo.v, March i AgiUtion of the Chinese que tion will begin with the aaaem ' LI ICR pi tbe forty-sixtb Congrrsj. when Jants el eTaula will jprar a lite rbau piou of anti-Chinese lei4ttlon in plarr of Sargent As thi-rr will 1 ue delegation from Cabfortua in the Hoatc durinj the ealle.1 srtjQon. Jonra will tntrodaee a Nil in the Satiate as aoou aa it rotamrcee. Rrnutlne of" Ryatd Ta)lor. New Yokk, March 9. The atrsmahtp Get lert, l-Mn'Bj- the rriaains of ILiyard Ta lor, u eijrcled here on Wednesday. Tbe easel will kCtrr the hatlor with flag at half mast, raaaeiigrrs, oSrer and tbe crew in (nil nci f sirs will asalst ia l&sdine the rrmaitu. Hepabllran Ciala Xatsie. The recent local electlous U Maine aLow tht the Grrenbaf k partr morrt&eut ua rsl minated. Tiile Portland elected a Deao-crat-Greenbxck f osion Mayor by 10 majority, the Republican carried both branebe-i of tht city (-OTerxusent. In Lewlston. Auburn. BrtUavick. Saco. Kennebeck ana many other U-ru the Eepablicans gained -fictories. Mia ram 1st K fait. X hght t'-ccder storxa, iMotspanied by hail, parsed otef the city yesterday. At Bof falo lightning shattered tbe mast of the schooner Queen City. The stana is quite sTerr. At Ontario cocMjerable damage as dace by lightning. Esttrro lUsWr Arrr4rtl. OuaBa. Neb., March 10. -The police LaTe arreted a man tusrd A. C. Betiasd who is charRrd with bring an exprraa robLer. In the Fall of la be u enpneer os the North 3 1 uvea n laiiroad, and in rempany with a confederate he rut las train in two and ran his engine and expreas car from six to eight talks and then they robbed the ex press safes obtaining about $3,000 in money with which they divi ppeared. Holland alter conaiderable wandering came to Omaha a few months ago and secured a position as engineer atthe White Lad Works. Ssspect ia; that emVers were on his tratk be recently left the city stating that he was coins ta San rran.i aoo. bet instead of doing so he west to Fort Ocaba, north of the city, and entitled as a prirats soldier 0nt track fd him there and took him. ItliaAlrr lis Xalnr. Nostb Brxwxcx. March 10. The floor in Mechanics ball gare way this forenoon dar ing a town meeting, precipitating nearly SO persons to tbe floor below. So one was kill ed bat many were fearfully and probably fatally woondd. Later The duaaler at Mechanics hall to day, ahows the scmber injured la be more than at rst supposed. At the time of the arridiit there was 500 persons in the ball. 1C0 persons were precipitated to the door below. The recoTery of John Nealy. Henrr Skidder. Charles I'arkrr and Renben Chad bourne is donbtf ol. BarxUr. Bailie!. Nrw Yon. March 10.- One burglar was shot and killed and another captured to night by John P. Richards, who surprised them while they were ransacking a parlor in his hone. A fUttlera Kulrlde. The New- Orleans Picayune publishes a confession of Hood Alston, who studded March 3d at Bar St. Louis. He states that he was wounded In th head at Gettysburg, since which time he his had mental aberra ticn. A Krai Kamanre Tbe Sun to-day relate the drenmstsners oi the elopement and cumtge of J. C. Fpea- i err. aged IS, with Martha WdJonaLi, daugb ter of Dr. B. IT. McDonald, of San Francis co. The bride eloped from Va&aar College with the assistance of two female compan ions, and the marriage took place at Pough keepsie. Tbe parents of both partie were afterwards reconciled. The girl who as sisted the eloj-tment are to be dLaniseed j from college. Trial uT TaJmaga. The Brooklyu Presbytery to-day decided to try Dr. Tahxa on the folloriag charges, presented by a committee appointed at a pierioua session: Deceit and falaebood in statements regarding his withdrawal from the editorship of the Christian at Work; in stating that sittings in tie tabernacle were in; m accusing i. W. Jiattsway of dishon est practices, and then denying it; of false hood in collecting subscriptions for the pay ment of the church dVbt, of deceit in a UiH cully concerning the organbt of tbe taber nacle. Nlx.'Xet Dronae-t. JUrn-our, Me., March 9. The Turkish Empire, froa St Johns to Dublin, went ashore at Big Duck Island os Friday night, and is a total loss. The ceptaio and six men -rere droTraed, ratal Fire. Sr. Lovta, March 9. A fire at East Su Louis destroyed half a dozen buildings. Mrs. Catharine Borst, Henry Shtrpperktrtter. C:. Guiehecbach, John Zepp and Emma Zepp, the two last named being children, were burned to death, Mr. Bauscb jumped from a window, was injured severely and will probably die. At the inqueet this afternoon the testimony pointed strongly to incendiar ism. Tbe fipeavkrrablp. WASHrxoTO.v, March 9. The political news fo-day is that all tho. sick Democrats are cxmTaleAcizg and all tbe distant members olect bare been heard from and will be on 'tand to help elect a Democratic Speaker. WbitcAker of Oregon haa telegraphed that he triU ho here br the morning of the lStfa. There is vejj ljltjs doubt that the nominee of the DeocTatioct.5;s will be the Speaker of the 4eth Congress, or that IJsr4ill will receiro the nominatioc. Too rr oar. Spotted Tail's Indians, would jjo to a new location they chose for theraMlres, and now they want te go back to the Missouri rirer. Too much distance to travel makes things coat them too high, jnti as they were told before they -rent there. ptaf ae Elections. Bangor, Me., electa a Republican Mayor, and Blddeford. Me., elects n Greenbackrr and Deajocrot. f Coloreil 3ten orTritllun. i A convention of colored men from the 3d Congressional District, Va., has met, and discussed all matters relating to right und pririlegea of the race, and is to call a; State convention to meet iu May and farther con. aider the same. Coramluigu nu l'ubllr Ijtnit. The late Congres.. iu the sundry, riril, ai propriation bill provided for the rxpente of a commission for codifying laws relatire to surrey and disposition of the public domain; a system of clasaitication of public land, surveys and recommendation as to the beat methods of dipo4Ug of land to actual set tlers. Commisaioner cf the General I.and Office, Director of Geological Snrvry ami 3 rinluiia are to compose the comtuiMton. Obalrurl CttUltnrrer, Tratiruouy U bring taken to show that the Brooklyn trtdgr is an olw!rHUitn to aLijv ping. Yesael iu the California tradf eti&4t pass it without towering mints. ABotber M'alklu: .Maleb. A walking match has commeiiml at (ill more garden. New York, between O'leiry, the champion, ltowrllof England. HarrisMen of Boat n. and F.nni of Chicago naarlianipiou. i Waue Haisnlon mar nal be welt rtMXteb I sispion may nat armien a South --rubna, Uu Le tLmlaahr- Iur ought ta rWu t pa. tbe apprejiition and Congreas elt ratbeV this, frU to Itrpoblirau.. lU-Srusl.r I'allervaa. . I PatteTMtn of Sjctb Carxlisia. U lialie tu arreat, as ladictmenU tr- tstiH j-radisg against him. Amnesty and eblivien has net Wen efferrd him Tea Dollar Crrtl Hrnlr--, Wsmiivoiux, Marrh II. The traaary ilo pertment will be prepared ta issue oh the la of April, in addition lo tbe ten doHar eertifi eate convertible into 4 per cent, bands, Uke certieate en similar condition to b regis tered on the looks of the trtasery tn the name of the owner, which name witt also be entered en U,e face of the certifieate. Tbe first da are iecaired from beuer. tie other by order of transfer properly altcrd KIbs la King. It ts stated on srxui-official authority, that the position of director of the geelegical or conn. Edited surreys will lv given to Clirence King. ATrltt KaM. QiLltTvs. Mareb 19. Ales Canlt a ad W. Armstrong of I'rysn. (jusrreJe-1 a boat W. Armstrong of I'rysn. quarreled about j some com. and the farmer shot the laiter j three times, kdlhng him instantly He es raped. A News ClarksvtHe sj-f-rtal aay aa e4d feud between tb" DiHards brothers and Ike Jenes and Murphy fseisona . basinate-l to night. The JFO Iiiliard and two fnesal met Henry Jane and a fretnd near Job' bridge. Jenes was tbsUnlly ktt,e atd ibe Ddlards fatally wounded. TTaa B'alklur Malefa. Ntw Yotx, March 11- Inth pedestrun match the score at II A. M. stood IleweH, 1 1C rsileand2 laps. Hamsoan. 135 mile. Ennis. It! mile, and O'leary. lit. Mle and I lsn Sblar 'Berlrr. Sr Iortv March II - H JJ isekery. ahenT of Doeglas eoesty of th Staie. last Saturday with a posse to the boere of Sbett .Usup to armt him. AUnp rrHtel the process, fired a number ef sheta at the ibr.5"s party, one of which killed tbe sher iff. Alssp and Li little girL five year otd. were then killed by tbe aheriiTs pott and two other person woandnl. Tbe ebfld's death, ef cecre was amdental. ratal Astray la tirerxU. ArtAXTa. Marih II. This aiteraoo the ofSc of the State Tivasurer at the capital is tbt city was tbe scene of a Liooiv traaedr. the partie being Col. Robert A. AlaUn. a member of tbe legislature, and Captain Ed. j Cox, of De Kalb county. AUteu fired three shota and Cox two. AUton was shot in the rht temple, the ball paaaing through the . ecer to become ageaU for the sale of ten rcarfal rivtd. brain, and Cox was shot in the mouth and ; dellar i per cenu rtfusdisg certificates, j Loxl. March 12. A dispirch from Sie in the left hand. Alston is dead, and Cox Anr null qmt rMe-iiin- ii -kh k.-. cedin Ihii tncniBf sin thi! titer a fMrfnl not seriously hurt tiesae-tlrarf Bill. WaaxxcrTo-, March 13. - Following t the lull text of tbe act T as ting additional rights i stead settlers on public lands within to homestead railroad limits approved oa the 3d inst.r Be it enacted, etc.. That from and after the passage of this act even sections within the hails of any grant of public lands to any railroad company or to any Stat in aid of any railroad or military road shall be open to settlers under the homestead Uw te the extent of 1C0 acres to each settler, and any person who ha, under eiUting laws, taken a bomi stead on any even section within the limiU of any railroad or military road land ! JJIirL ! ua mu iu eimr rrr, may enier. i under the homestead laws, an additional etghty acre adjoimng the Und embraced in his original entry, if such additional land be subject to entry, or. if such person so elect, he may surrender hi entry to the United State, for cancelUUon. and thereupon been Utledto enUr lands umler the homestead law. the same as if tbe auntndered entry had not been made, and tbe person so mak- ing an additional entry of eighty acre, or ' neT cutrj. after the surrender anJ eanceUa tion of bis original entry. ah.U be permitted so to do without parment of f.e or commi. rions; an -l 1 persot, u original c and culti upon anc or new ei five yean liy Uw; i patent it bomestes person hi the bomf and culti1 least one Ciscttr of the fit cell and the Clin, bishop b suigneo 1 to-day ir4 are Geori Stewart s Sr. Lo crat ha eral Mczi and Mck; eral mo jailed, them. Hi Nrurrd died tibt and the! corery. Latex has beer) him of dans ha1 Mrs. Sb surgical; tho imrrf rstu itcoverr-l 10 fert drHp with water and the telegraph ole-i are swept away. An ice gorge ha formed at Farrandiarille, extend tng a tlitanev of lbrre mile ami pilini the ice np Ttfl feet hiRb. I'aule. Nkw Yotc, March 1'2, -Aianic fccurred at Gilmore's Gardeu at 82 this evening. A sectiou of tempurary boxes about ib feet foug and 20 deep Ml. Nearly a dczeu persons lujurru, oue Islaliy !-vrial womeii were i Among the crowd. ! II I John forier. 1 ilareb, 11 -A commit! from the Tbe board of inquiry in the Fitz John I'o.- ! fhJnl"- f deputirs recommend a second ter cae held a una! sesaion yesterday in this "jrctl,on of Pnl Caasagnic to be d niy. The. procerdings couailed iu the sub. f . rtJ T0.lJ D tourtou wUl deaaml to be oiaautii oi seise uocuacnury evidence, all of which vu admitte! after obiertlon. The I evtdouee cousutrd of one diiateh ami Dart of another in the htmlrriUn of Me Dowell which havr Urea rv4nt!y Uncovered, some i ei tract frm teport by pop and some eon federate rej-Mt. from the archives of the f war drpattmmt SehefleU announced that ! public season of the board wore ctod ' The rejrt wilt be mad- up and sett to the president n--xt week. i Xyo-ry Mais el- Mtwuret V Mab ! T,-.V.! &Un.Uue,l leail rain, i PM.n.ilt. 11..-.! eocnty. wbeh on Una; re-pene,. waiidenU-' Ce.1 as Mnf- the t-amtu of Ulewaph eper Ur namedDartd Smith. wholppear-U fraa, that virUp- m Felraary. iich The evneral WLf i lLt Sraiit. I O..I srur. Nawi.n. March 12. Mr. John T.vUe ami t,o n-. Willie, .g ID. and JehnnU. ' 5, wer- drewned in the Niantic Ice Cee le Niantic Ice Cesa party s pend to-day. XaiLralloei UmiihI. Naw Yex. March 13. Navigation of the I H,Uen ope, wk Uter thanlWreaV i or kbimsuS- season Ltd fair to outrival thitef many jeer .oca jeara, loth in elegance ! amlwmbeol buit. LiTn competiSn I prieo. both fr pasaengera and freight. It J t reeaered that a awamsMth iron steamer in- J tended for night travel is stew budding, and in e4-rane Zad outfit i!l exsv! any boat en gafadlti IJJcn trarei. ! HI Uaat WaJk. . Cw Walttnan and Poke Carvtain I !lron fetind O Le-ir-r at oVL-V .,. xtvorMtvg in an rspper room at Gilmore's gar 1 1ZZJ'te tack. He was is an almost unconscious ' eenditoon. Ut informed them that he weuld ' lack. He w7, is a!a -,-T ' ' neTer valk again xe u a foHews a 11 V il i ufc, IfV-l-T Vti V-T: I Rot 3It mil-.. H-rrirstaa. 2&I:, UayarJ Taylor HesaJai. Cenie v-r the remains ef the isle llsyar! Tavlor took place this afternoon in th prrtenre of a large nwnUref snectaters. Tbe ressaias were taken on board the reve- nee ratter at Hobaken and eenreyed ta tte ' . ... . t ie. oi inrnaj street, iros wruen point tie r. . . . r . proeesaten started. When the hears drew p is frostt of the rrty bill the societies sang a dirge and AUrrmaa S SaUivan delivered aa iddret Post No. 33. G A,la' a gmard "t ksor drisg the night ratal nsBlaaloaa. j Iirtiii. P.. Marti 13. . ternble -x piottoa oertrred the afternoon at the Ma ' benisg powder wcrk of P. M. Gallagber At Ce.. near thfs ptaee. eospletely destraying tbe bcikltng and tavtantlr kitung MHUs Liord. one ef the prer-ri.ton, John J. Evans , j and Join S. Mover. Tbjir mangled re- i taain were scattered is every direction, j Cass unknown. I ! By an exrJaoB yesterday ef epeedersull j near St. Clair. Jeees Htn was ktHed and ! SaasBel Mnraui senosisly burned. Kefaadlaz Certiaealev. Waari-. March 13. Tbe trrasary de , put-cent issued to-day an amended etreular i inviting coHerter and receiver of public moner. -xmiii, .M .V moner. notlmaaler and iH alls.-- n-Ui. , 2 It detdrxited at a demsitorr. asd smn Vf. 1 I nhng tte neceaaary bond will receive a sup- i i nlr of certificates. A eo-raiaaioB of rv, ! bt ot one per cent will be allowed on en- i ti Scale, and liksomnusion to r-v and : otbers purcnaung them directly of the treats- urer or some assistant tei-r In mn, , f 1 net let- than IG0.CC0. .V.uoaal ria.are- in April ami My. in advance ot their actual P-Uti- foryment. thus producan?at I the bury season of the year the hoarding ot i ... .v.. i . i .-. . for snck payment. Frar iierpmied thit ,Bch hoarding -oil interfere ecCrren l business of The country, and I am appealed J to relieve the public from this apprehended It ,, not the rpo of tkjs deSVn t to call moner deposited withubhc depositor i lata tit trelsxxcsU o neS fw payment of caUed SndT of Jthee bonds U Mta potsSr! oMh government and thtir psytilntl be made lj Umple credi . ThePaSeSonTthe! .-.. ifiD M mtxiw ixl rou f nSSl (unr m. -. Van.. will -.m. v.. tnt of eOlAl tv-m. .a -- . . ?" . W -V , :..i7 "re" , t ' T . - "V, . : 7 ' ' . . Tt ""' I 'j .u jui-rc oi me iime ana amount f y ta be drawn. FOREIGN SEWS. American Cattle. arooL, March 10.-Tbe first consign f rattle subject to the new regulations to-day from Boston in good condi- Dahomey lo be Blockadc-l. ex. March 10.- It Is rumored at Lu ll France and Portugal are. about to le Dahomey. Mautti Arrlra. , March 9. It is said the Zulus peace ou the basts of tribal indepen A large proportion of these are tern y disbanded for harvest. Co!. Pear ler repulsing the Zulu attack which (d on February 13th, burned Enta A dispatch from Kimberly reports e Zulus hare burned eight " kroata" tag to friendly Caffres, nearDornberg. lied the inhabitant-. It is reported lief Secocoeni is preparing to attack iburg, in Eastern Transvaal, ltlsh Pcfeals la Afglianlitaa. Yoas, March 10. A cablegram saya tish were defeated la the Akosta Tal 'ghanUtan, and also experienced a defeat at Fort Khonak mountain!, angor was taken, and the English sr taken to Cabul. rlllsh Trouble in Bstrsnab. ma, March 9. Affair, in Mandoloy nvo anxiety. Garrisons in Britiih "e been doubled. The Burmese :et)ttl the tIegrnph line between Uangoon ami Mamlotey. The aititation In Upper Barman Is regarded very serious for European residents. It is stated that recent massacres at the jtutaneo of the King only amounted to forty, but the killing waa at tended by every pcxuiMe atrocity, Th Tir timswerr beaten and kicked, and the women shockingly and shamefully abused. Itoyal princes were reserved to the list, and made to witness the torture-, ami death of Ibeir fsnulie. t'renrli ASalrm. i . . . . ""' "n a vole of I f' wbub br contends the chamber of uPn M ! a judicial body, ha no P.",r ' pronounce on thaw no longer in .ST I . l" ',Ui""'' on lh- act of th uusuatry . 3I,-T l,ud "Pl-lement i , 1!nMOt "port contaiain? hundreds , tJJK3 ,n rapport of I he fart adduced ' , The n.yaliu right has unani , m10cJ'' drClJ"1 o ojose impeachment, "f1 daring debate. The free trade society intends to hat le- I . . VV . ' . co-operilln OX pllilV r 1 - B . , danili-t . PV' nhU' iUd,a- hr ' Kvel -B,! n,! R,R rul-st la India. " . iuc l ui oiaii Ua- ffiT "V PnT-V'c U'- tsh f 1. tt Tt . Tl mm iu??"' U . ".TT. " . 7 .. ,n.ePr"- j - iu proTioce will l- j popUlel by the end of ttw year. rt r,t. 1 .1- . ... . . t, n i,n V ' Coa1aht The Ray a I Jfarriaiz. anit ra t vueesanoroogb to-dar to meet hi hri,U tTJt. ",4rM, l WndRrt l,tJ '"ldar noou In Hanarjr. A J SiAlegin at eight o'clock ""fy night, say W.O0O people are here, lccJtiija' ref ogees from the country. A of siege La been declared. Everybody v " rroundd u obbged ia work under Lf .. riainir. water ."""8 nor tne emtunkmeau. and wanU " " a' " t'rop9S Kan lug Mateo. the P?ru.n announct thit the backers ..'ff11 annonnoe tnit the backers of i Vr Pta3.r? '. K1' lrnU'n 10 ' . 5 . 4lch Courtney be made j far or five miles on the AlWkanr J rtTtr, take aaj date to be agreed EHiett demands $350 for espenso. cpon. rBltm rasBl-4oaer. Cowajrrxsoi-Lr, Marrh II -England and i France tare notified the Porte that tier wiH ! net essply with iu request for tie anooiri- I Ia'at cstea commiataoners unless a tn-- tw,t f a imhu. i tl .... 1 . .a I '"-b1 jriira. writers tnan tV.t .t-(Vi . . l .... rw - -.. that which snppcrt-d the De TocqueviHe ru octal eo. ' Ta Plaga. ! Sr. Pitx-Krxa. March II. Spotted it-! phut t prevalent. There have been two ; tital ease of the Siberian plarae. Pallllcal Olaia la Crrausf. Brxux. March 11 The personal al terra- 1 tions of the last two days havecertiinlT com- J pfeeated the Mtaatxon i-amenselr. The Na- uonil Zeitung Hf-ns to fear earir diasolu j tioo. It admit Hut liUmart is ail power--! tul in th federal ecrinril, which would read- J Ut acred to the proposed dboluiicu; but it I adcls cssiinou-ly that new elections at present ! weuld only result in the creation of a radical ' party which now doe not exist unless the 1 riociaitsts can be so considered. it Keisbst has rejected a motion In , ., Ei- eongre to arrange for c dt"P1:B,'? 1w nt--cruane. Tthe rLticm I the motion. the Socialist and Ilerr Soarrxaan only aap sight o( anxiety all tiorU rcoTed uaele ta? t" broke through with immense force at three o'clock, earmntr awar a mrt of,J? rail -ray staUos, the embankment and ro"Ba tock. AVithin three hours the town . --"J eet oeep in water, -snneia ana criea from thousands are heard, hocsea are crashing by the score, and in many cases j carrying tkur icaate-i with then. God "a-r bearlrending. Orsr sO.OM people .Jf tit " " '-" "y 1 Ji J n xt , T" . . . I'' ?Ilwh " T6' r SIia " ,p1CS bawa T that in many cases to rescue ?e n,Sti'n U -P"- boat capaiied bj- ."t "Jf WOa'a V? 0Ttd- A ' , t?t U nd tbe flood is con- , Uncally ming. ant U now tu feet above the ( f 1 .f rabmerged area ha. ,7 to 003 ar1 etr S1 fT tl' &ntma? , $L tiirtj-five soLbsr were drowned, -.T itously 10.000 11 - a uo (.uiciaairui au l UTO inurwaT mere , tr,i resUllperaousontheroofsof housesand j- Ik. M1I i r : i: : i been arrested. The town of Congrad at tbe conauince of the rivers Thei rivers Theics and Ko- ros, thirty-two miles north of Szegedin, and Szentes, two miles near Szegedin, are also threatened. Six thousand persons are still surrounded by water. RevotatloB la AfctkaBlstaa. The New York Herald has a .cable tele gram that gives news of a revolution in Afg hanistan. The sickness and death ot the Ameer caused three prttender. to strive for the throne. Hamed a nenaewot the Ameer waa in communication with England, and his supporter consist of the Fnglisla party. He was partially succecsaful, bringing over many of the Afghan troop and leaders, oue garrison ran against him and defeated hita the result being that Yakoob Kahn was en- j throned as ameer. Great outrages were committed on the defeated party and the an arcLy lasted fire days. The English party was crashed by the patriotic party. " PACIFIC WAST. 31 order WUl tint. Sax Kir a xx, March 10. About two years ago Peter lta-Ji, of Novato, in this county was murdered. Who murdered hita has ever since been a mystery. Tho grand jury have found a presentment against Rush's wife and a hired man. and they aro now both in custody. The Tunnel Trouble. San Fruxcxsco, March 10. -Regarding the rumor of tbe reopftisg of negotiation be tween tbe Satro Tonnel Co. aid tbe aiiaisg companies, Adolpb Satro states that while nothing has yet been doxw ia tbat direction, it ia not improbable that cesniide ration of a coruprosii-io may be renewed Ian few days. Atresia Tar Anton. hoodlum notm thi cty. m (inesev-Ah-bouse wa attacke,! by wretches. All tlw ocrniAnta with on excepUon escaped, tiouah HnW.V firt " lj tneirT sailanU. One who faded to get away wax barricaded in th Imilding. which wai thei, set on fire and coiunmtd. and the bonea of the nnfortanat. Chinaman were found li the ruins. Since that Ume the police hava been on tbe trail of tne rrpttratora. Tier now lelwrre they have sulllciant ttimony to secure the eonvieUon of tie o Sender, and - this ftTenins George C. Miller. John C. Mm kl. Wm.k. &Mhl P.r,.v r . , - - " - kill i Josefah Barry wrr lodged in lh ntr rail " n- iiu anoD. Htrleiiau frata lis Htl. Tho Baptist m.Ruiter of Sm Franeueo Lav striekrn lh aam of Bar. W. U. Jte--i from their roll f.f murcpre-teauog n?ui ments ef Bptit aad Cbnatian r-oou- vet, " " umuv; 3euoti. Ifnulelptl rjeeilda. OskLoid bad a heavy ret-- Mon.1.. uii the Citizens ticket leeu-d five Couneitai-ti atd SahoolTnttter. and tbe Work-nn-u . two Coaaetlmes. Citizen prbal. y L tie Mayor. In Satsssi CiB4 w- u i nearly the fall ticket. Bribed f-eztalafar.. VxroL-ai, Mareb 10. There- it rmiv able excitement here to-day over a report ibAt tie District Attorney of Ormby euaty wiU cans tbe arrest of three of the Story roanty legislative delegation far ai-cepting I-nl-. from tht Y. & T. R. R. Co. for their rr XB Mar Mai-der. Hxs FrA-M-xaoo. Marei II.- In th cm or The People ts. Sprague. for tie mdrdVr of T. "ft alUre More, tbe Sapreme Court, oa mo tion of counsel for tie defense, -panted a stay ef proceedintrt pending . motion tar re hearing. Kepnbliraa Kallj. Republicans Laid a mass tsertisg at Piatt's Hall this evening, which was well attended, about S.JVM tries present, mriod Ing perhaps AM or 500 sand lot lad. A. G Ab-IL Chairman of ti Stale Central Com- ' mittee. presided, and Gen. John F. Miller CoL H. Ii- Sang and Hon. W. B. May ad dretsed tie meeua--. Good order prevailed tireugioet, ti Kesrney element being con picnocdy civil till after adjeurnmenl. when tiey indulged m tkttr Mal demos ant toes in going oct. Pallor era Jenetrr riraa. Tbe firm of KoiI7 i Hitter, manatactir ing jewelers. No. 3t5 Post street, ia been at tached by Ltvuos Bret, for 5S3.000; Loncb Eros, for J3.0CO, Henry Eptrtn for il 1,000 f-.Kain fer 3I.S15. and tie Loaian an-1 San Franoico b-jik for $3,2L3. Kallrad Break. MaarsTixxr, Marei 11- Repairs on tie I" i: O. R. R. are v far compZtted this after noon that an expreas train pisw.1 tirougi to ti end ef the Tbceak. tire miles above tie city, where paangers and mails wer trans ferred a distance ef fc,lf a mile to a train waiting cn the other side Tie OroTiUe train made the first trip tiia Tjnins since tie break oo a tessporary tract laid arsssd ti break. Baaala; Bnlaet. Six Fiuxrzsoo. Marti li Besides tie circulars to borrower heretofore noted, tie Sacramento Saving Bank . Hso isssrd a cirrular to depotatars tif tilt if tie new concitctiea t adopted tiey must prepsre for a redaction ef dividend.. Tie qietian ot taking some si-nilsr act-on has been mooted arsoug directors ui tie airing benix of tiis dty. be: as yet noming has been dsn. B4 2Ilke Caalrlta. In tie ease ef "Red Mite. who ta been on trial fer several days on charge of tie murder of Mrs. Ann Barry, near Lone Moun tain cemetery, tie jury "tiis evening, after being oct a few minute, brought in a verdict of murder tn tie first degree aad recom mended imprisonment for life. rait- rata rioaet. Rio YraTA, Mar.12. Tie latest news frost tie Cacie Slough section ts tilt tie entire diiirict is under water or will be by to-morrow morning. Tic water is running over tie levee all along the slough, earning great destruction of crops Brilisls Calaatbla. Yieroaxa. March 12. Maiziead i Mann'a sasi and door factory, tie mo it extensive la tie province, was totally destroyed bj fire last night. Tie Iocs is"? 10,000. on which there is no insurance. Cleetrte LUkt. Srx FaiSdscw, March 13. S. D. Field superintendent of tie Electric tig it com pany of San Francuco, has combined tie principle of several electric machines so as to work an electric lisit and telegraph line at tie same time. To-day in tie Western Union otSce in tiis city one of tie nxickinea worked 15 lines of circuits of from 100 to -100 miles, including a duplex of 19S mile. Tnis is tie fir-t time an experimest has suc ceeded in working telegraph circuit-. Aawlher Mexican Han. Sis Disco, March 13. -a Union rpeciil from Tucson says- .V gentleman just arrived from Sinai oa. pasAtng tirougi Sonora. re port a strong probability of Mirisa-al's over throw by Zerna after coaparatirely brief fighting, "and tiat Diaz supports Zerna with ederal troops. SIM TR VXCIfO I'HaBltE MARCCr. Sax FaAXcrsco, March. 12. rxxsr nxariTca. WHEAT -Qnivt but firmly heM at $1 TO for choice. New York market dull and lower. Quotable at $ I 0$( I 15 per bushel. BARLEY Easy at G5g70e for feed. Brewing. $1 OOtail 15. CORN Large yellow sold at SSc FLOUR Fair demand and steady. Nrw Your. March 12. Whale oil and sperm cit steadr. HIDES -Quiet and weak at l,(I3c WOOL Unchanged. California grades have been offered with some freedom at an occaijonal shading. Ckicico, March. 12. WHEAT 2c is bid p-ir bushel for April delivery. Pnnatixxrnta. March 12. WOOL Quiet for all grades, but line De laine which, is scarce and in bride demand, vx cost cxariTca. WHE.VT Offerings larger and buyers holding off. There U no eclling pret.nre. California choice milling quotable at $1 TO and extra choice shipping $1 G7 J-Jwilh slew at this. FLOUR There is a demand for China and Mexico although not large. Country and grocery demand light. We quote same as before. OATS No demand for anything. Market dead and nominal1 probably quotable i I 95 1 30 for good to choice feed. $1 35(1 40 for choice milling, with surprise perkap; mere. POTATOaCalifornia, very little de mand. No encouraging feature to note aad market hat relapsed into a dull aad despond ent stale. Sales ct Pctaluma good to choice at $1 00(31 06. CNIONS-Stiff at C6K.