She ast vcgouiatu rUBLISUEU EVERY SATURDAY MOHXIXQ, rr J IL TCBSER. C. M. BULL. TCRXER & BULL. OMite, Slain St., opp. tbe Conrt Uotise. Rates ef Saberlptlon in Coin: One Year, in '" . 00 Six Months. ,,, .. ,, i ca Tliim lmlhl , , I an) tangle tf , , ip She ai5t ttgoniau. HATES OP AfJVERTlitlXo, I.V COLV- If 3ttJ as M Cia y. oi ) em m cm 70 bi lsi cm 1 Ittell Slndtc laxltes i Cnttuwi i IMwaa M CO I Csfoaa. IS cm YOL. 4. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FEBRUARYS, 1S79. NO. 22. Vfctiec la Local OAiima 33 cent pr lice, fine tna tivo. and 19 cms per Bae each rubaVrseat IsatrUoo. AdverUjlar blSs p;aU qsarterl' Ik lw. lot. Zm. Cis. H l.-l 1 Imt t'. SIA t.y 3 CI lU Ol II Oi r 7 Ol VI M id) it cm to o ;w ace saw tco s&) is Oi it w zn (st V) cm i ' mm LODGE DIRECTORY. Davos Lome, JCo. i, K. or P, -Meets la Ue C1r.!e Ilatt, IVniUetou, everr WcdnetJar evening UroUten lu cooJ stVkliii; are cordially imttej to sttcuJ. rrssixios Lcooe, No. Si, A. F 4 A. YI. SIeu cm lite firs: and third Mondav f ecli nwuth. HocrtJ meetinf 7 P. M. KasrtCN Star, Mxrth Viihiii.lon Clialcr. PeneSe too. Meet evtry TueUj' night laHdHta; tb first aJ thirl Monday In each mouth. Ecsrui Lowe. No. St. I. O. O. r . Pendleton Meets every Saturday evrtuu at 7 1 M. Brethren in cl slandiur; ire invited to attend. MaaMiau. Lonar, No. 10, I. O. C. T-, IVadirua Mocu everv Thursday HYiunjr at 9 o'clock P. il. Breth ren in cood standing arc rc)Uitsl to attend. Konct SSmrle aiajsueeracnis c! births, currant sad Oeaiht, will l Inserted vtthom. ohirju. Obituary salxa m bo chert ud 'Jr aecorjlaj to lhtr IsnrtU. SinrU ootilcs of the Eur Oaeaoxiir, la wrapper, tor mailing, can be obtained at this oSc. VT aarsonc na respoaaibffitr (or views txjnttei by auresponicats. Dr. J. A Knowles, Dentist, -rrrnx practice his profession in uva- I Y tnia and Union cocsUe. AS omen adircssed to ban at Pendleton, Org on-win b promptly attended to. AH work (carastcad. Cbarce node la. v. t. ocjst. Oglesby & "VYilliamsofl, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, "We (aa, OrcB, -TTnU ATTEND ALL CALLS, DAT 0& MOST, IT wtthpcasptnsa. OSatoa Xala Street, oppo. tiM Drx Stars. HAINES & LAWRENCE, jf-ttoriieys at Law, RAKER Cm. OfiEOwV W2I practice at bv is alcoaru la Orraa aa4 IdaW. Particular aHeBUaa Yk to huk m lUlcr uA Liuot! cuUBttet. DR. A. R. PENNINGTON, DENTIST. li sow pcraiaeoCr Iocatd an PeoJ tloa atid u ft carcd V do all Vindt i Decimry Oftec at tit nl dense near the aev chcreh. yothtc; bst first tli ork dooe. Mr. Peenpios anUt tuci In tit cork E. P. Easan, 31. 1)., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, w XSTOX, UMATILLA COUXTT. OKECOX. Of use on oxain Mrcet. J. M. Pruett, H. D.? PHXSICIAX AXD SURGEON, PEXDLEroX, OEECOX, OfEee at Besldcace. W. Whitcomb, M. D., PHTSICIAy AND SOGE0N, PEXDLETOS. OEEGOX. rriLL ATTE5D ALL CALLS. DAT OE KWITI IT prtzqttaeai. AS dacsica trratoi hf ia Utaz aad Tery beat ood lor ts cicort oi the puiaNi W. C. McKay, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUEGEON PEXDLETOK, CMATILLA COrSTV. OBEOJ OScc oppodu the Peadleteo HoUL Dr. J. B. Lindsay, jMfc SUBGZOX ASD IEXTIST Il now Ixaled peraaaestly IK FESDLETOS. UMATILLA COCJiTT. Wtere hb terrka can ahnyi U had. t3"Snrsorv ST00ei.Al.ty. S. T. KXOX. Attorney at Law. Weilon, UcatSla Co03ty, Or eft. "XTTILL PEACnCE IX THE COCETS OF TUtt ) Sua asd W aiMrgtm Terraory. TSpeda! ,TTfn'i"n paid to Land fisiiaess aad On- Fred Page-Tustin, (SoUryPsiSe.) Attorney at Law, Akd Real Estate Buokee. special attestiok cites to collections aud Probate Jlattc. ttrr aejvOaUd and Couaty Oraari bosrst tsd old. OFHCE IS COUET HOUSE. j, b smzt. C. W. tAILIT, Setexyrcbllc Turner & Bailey, Attorneys at Law, COUSTT ORDERS EOUOHT AND SOLD. LOAJS negotiated. 70acoiiMaIs Street oppoiU th Cosrt KoaM.H PESDLETOS, OEEGOS. 3. H. Starts 13 be aaodat ed with a Is d tss&t&cd aia in the Circuit Court in th fatsra. John A. Gayer, Attorney at Law, PESDLETOS, OEECOS. irriLL PRACTICE IS ALL THE COCBXS OP t V LMtcrn Oitgoa. ubo wta u. n. tsuuj, up jot u the bsteL Wilson Hotel, EcaaUlla, Oreyou. MES. J. A. nLSOS. rORMEELT OF ORLEAKS, Lai located on Front Stret Cmatflla, where ate baa opensd a fint-dass hoteL The bouse Lai beco re. ttted, the bedi are exccUtnt, and the taUe win be rup plled with the very beet the market aSurd, TraTtUeti vfll not rejret atopic U thb pUee. X W Su;eCou.pan'aCxachef (top here- ntiCT buuneaa rem c-a tmt In. il to fiO JOJlJO L Ir day made by an,' t.orker tlther 9i, rtaht ia your own locafiUea. ParUculart awl sample worth V free Improve your tpare time at thUbualneu. Addres SnVJX A" Co.. Portland. Maine. "TT can make tnooey bxter at work lor ua than at any. U thing elae. Capital not required: we win atartyoc. 112 per day at bocne made by the induttrlout. Hen, women, boys and flrls wanted ererrwhere to work tor ua. Sow la the etme. Cottly outfit acd termf free. AddraM Ttn L Co., Angmta. Maine. $66! ' a week in your own town. $3 outfit free. So 'risk. Reader. II you want a bcatnau at wblca perascaot eJUieracz ran make treat pay aS the time they work, write lor IL Hir.rrr & Co., AajTata, Jialne. t. a. (tax. Kotholiild & Bean, Saaeeeun to S. BOTH CHILD, WOULD EESPECTTCLLV CALLTHE ATTENTION rtth.pohtt! uthalr UrstlylaerMnd stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Wbl& th UursasaJ fascitis xSxitl br ttalr ecnViaa la enable ibes to of ar At tke Tiir Lowest Kates. Tfaelr Slock wtll consist u bexslefer al Dry Groods, Groceries, Hardware, China and Glassware, ROOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Sto., Sto., tary w a!rtake carart la SMa; vtf ' 4adh tlx, suy tc mruHi l li Ut f Mi h Grain and Hides PEeDVCK takes U czdLasit u ate HfCM Jt ilARKCT KATtX Cash Paid for Wool. oOJDCKu- STOVES A 2iA!JLFACT0RY of tinware. AndaSkiadiat SnEET-IROX WORK, Inln lret, oppoaltc tfae Co art lien MC coiutastiy hirt ea Land aad lor aUc, a Consr AaaxtEMCt oi And 9 ala-ayi keep a oooftrte aaantoect ot COOKING STOVEE ALL KISDS OP Done to Order at abort doUc tad price. at rryc- G. W. WEBB. ADA .11 STA.VU Proprietur wf tl Centennial Breweiy, I'rinllrlart, Orryuii. Ill IEUSTU IXroiUITilE PL'HLlC THAT 1111 IS X.iW J ran a red to loruUii to tlie iktl ' ' u4lent nuatllr. Try and be convinced, lVt-x Lie U MAIN STIthi-T. eeutcr rf bU. 1VALLA WALLA STEAM BAKERY ESTABLISHED IK 1MI BH.EOHTEX KancLvtsrer U Bread. Cake, Met, and at Cniken. fVe Proof BaUdln Haln I tree t. Walla VTbIIi.. A. X. SPARKS' SALOON, Peadletou, Oretron. KEEPS OX HAM) THE SAUE GOOD OLD KI.S'P Hal a Street, oppoalU tbe rest Office. Union Hotel, TJXATIZ.I.A, ... - OKV.OOX. DAVE HOES, PEOPRIKTOR. TUIS HOUSE IS IN TIIE BEST CO.VDIT10S TOR lb rrccjil'n of guota. Ck-aa boJs and rood table Is tho tuotto of this boo. Tbe pttrouaro of the poUia U avlidted. Mares leave tb bouse lor Pendktaa, Wotoo, U Crud, U&Jea, Baker CHy aad Betas CMf . TELEGRAPHIC. E.VSTEIIX STATES. So Trnaatrr. WxinisoTox, Feb. S. The Utrase ol Rep. rcxentatiTcs. alter a long ditcnaiion, ban re jectcJ IUrntu etarndncnt (or the tratufcr of the Indian bnrrau to tbe war department. The vote w&n 6S avfft and 101 tior-t. Tbio killd it for tbe ptWcnt Congrea. The Noble Rih! Mau. Cnvxcssx, Feb. 8. Mr. Sander. wb left Toor'a ranch, on the N'iobrnra, Fcbrnarj Ut, with difpatebrs, reached North Piatt last night, having been driven M mile by la. dun, lie confirm the newj oi the kuung ' of Moothead and Athbauj;h, on Janttiry 5 br 13 Indian, and alao repert tbe uuaea of two others killed at Howard's npper caaip about the Mtae date, one a herder. Samael Brigg. antl the other a sab Utelj (rem the agency called Hauler. ladlau Ajrut. Amoug the nominationa to-day were Jokn B. Smitk (r the Warm Spring ag'ney. Ore gun, and Jokn A . Simmon (en tke CaiTtW ageney. W. T. I'alat rict., Feb S In a ditpte att sight t4ot the dm4on of use ibened property Frank MorrU aad M brother Charles were killed bv their lrtber-in-Uw. We). Hale aad Mr. Vrai hxa they Wad asaaHd. No arreU. l'rtlou la be- ItenrMrJ. The 2Ie coaiaittee on inralid (wom trill athonze a report to the Hoi with (arorabie reeomendaUon for a bill rector isg all iBTalid penaionrr dropped (rem the re Mi en aoeaaat of residence uariBg the re beHion, and prendtnj; (er paysent from the p&uage ol the bill. The UM e&abie Mnt eas war pecaioners. resident in tbe Soaih daring the rebellion, to reerite their i-es-dena Kf before the war. Snee-eaafal -S Imiurr. rrr?cra. Feb. 9. CaptaiB l'awl Ketyn tea. who entered the Alleghany rlrtr at Oil City Thwrsday moratng, amred here at 3 39 o'cieek P. M.. asd waa enlhaaaxioally greetea by L9,(k3 people. khrrmau on Carpet Uafsrra. Vtxszisazos. Feb 9 -General Shetaaa ha written to the Atlanta Confutation a I lac; letter warmly commending tke k41, rli- ! mate. keeJthtalnecs asd nxrerer of taortk- i era Geargta to emigrant. No u&gie region on the coetineat holds ost aa atrosg indoee- ' menu. The present papulation ba cat ' dene iostice to the region. He deprecate das diftincuon. and aaya that the attempt to boild as arutocracT en the creend of slave holitng ancrstrr will result .& ridics- lea feature. He adrjM- t let cp on carpet bagger. Not one of the men who batlt San FracM and other great VTetc-rn eit ir were native o' the 4ace. Tfiey were aabttantaalty carpet bagger. A I'ailblea Wife. TaT. N. Y.. Feb. 10. -G. F. crazed br tke c4otiement of hu wife. bis tbtve ektldrrn and est his own tkeoat. I. K. Senator Reil;n. Li.vta.vo, Mch .. Feb. 10 The reaawna tion of Senator ChnuiscT is in tke bawl of Gat ex nor Croswell, to take eflcet at sees te-dar. The eoteraor will tkss errasng transfiatt thj netiScatien ot Chrutiasey ' reaigsauos ta the legialatsre, declarisg tke a See wacant. Marine Iasf. New Yets, Feb. 10. Estimated lau of j the merchant marine in the focr pri&eipal j srale ef tb past aeaeon is over $t.(O9.0Cs). a t heavy drain n the anderwriter of this aai ether cUe. One hundred and t weaty terra lire vere lost. In tha stem af Octaber and December, 22 1 Tctael trere lost aad UA I damaged. The Cbeyenaea. Ovahi, Neb . Feb. 10. Cheyenne prisan ern, eeTtn bactt, six squaw aad six chil dren, passed throagb Omaha this afternoon in charge of Lieut. Foote aad ten saldier far Le&Tenwertli, Eanta. where they are to be tuiced ever to the civil tathorine. Alter Robeaoat. VjLiHrseTOK. Feb. 9. A majority report of the Ilesse naval committee prefer spe ciic charge against ex-Secretary Kebcon far ml-administration in oSce. Oar Internal Xasprot-rsaenla. "RAaBZXOTOJr, Feb. 11. The rirer asd har bor appropriation bill reported to the Hesse to-dy contain the folio wine appropriations for the Padflc Coast, Oakland. $S.00; i Wilmington. $11,000; Willamette and Co lsmbia river. $16,000; Coo Bay, $40,000. Upper Colombia rirer, $10,000; canal at the Cascades of the Columbia rirer. $50,000. Six Sen Killed. Easas Cm. Feb. 11. Early this mora-! icg the walls ol a cnt oetng maae I or tne i fifteen to twenty freh case of a disease re Chicago Jt Alton mlroad at the foot of grand aembling the plague occur daily near Xasthe avenue, cared in and Itiried workmen and teams tinder C.GOO vards of falltn? earth. j Peter Bagley, Jame Uagen, Thoma Casey. Edward times, Dan. Lscelt ana iucnara Bene were killed and seTcral others wounded. Ail the other bodies hare bees recovered. Kenibem Hlebaea. Lectrnixr, Feb. 11. The Cosrier-Jeur-nal'a correspondenU report no yellow (ever in the South, bst tome sort of sickness seeM to hare been caused by the disinter ment of tbe bodies of persons who died ef yellow (ever. lVe, tbe Poor Beadsmen 1 Bm.rrnxr, III., Feb. 11. Geo. VT. Sie ber. treasurer of St. Clair county, i de faulter for about $30,000; assets, $15,000. His bondsmen will settle the balance. V. H. Marwbala. IiicmioirD, Vs., Teb. 12. In the case of Adclphus Gillman, on trial for ejecting a deputy U.S. Marshal from a polling room at Peternburg, Jndge Hughe ruled that U. S. Marshal bare no right in an election room during the voting, unless needed to quell actual disturbance, or the Supervisor be in actual need of protection. DUeaed Cattle. Ktw Tots, Feb. 12. Tha Board of Trade to-day ordered the arrest of Jacob Hoyt and Abraham Stein, charged with bringing into the city & herd of eleven diseased cows. They were shipped hero from Connecticut, and slaughtered and disposed of as offal. Nor! a era FaclBc Land. wasKrxoTOJf, Feb. 12. It is rumored here that the men urging the passage of the bill extending the time for building the North ern Pacific don't want it done this session, and they are buying tdl tho bonds of the road they can and will try it next year. The land grant has lapsed, but cannot bo thrown into the public domain without action of Congress and therefore is still reserved. Tbe OilBcae Restriction BUI. Tbe bill restricting Chinese immigration went orer in the Senate ft unfinished busi ness, without any limitation of debate; but, nevertheless, there is reason to doubt that its consideration will be concluded to-morrow. Nor does there seem to be room for apprehension that it will fait of passage. On the contrary, from present indications, it is likely to obtain a handsome majority without being amended in any particular af fecting its usefulness. Ilrpubllran I'rocrnramr. WainiNOTOS, Feb. I'i. Itepnbltcan Sena tor in canon hare agreed that, beaiJe the annual appropriation bill. Edmnnd con stitutional amendment to prohiUt the pay ment of disloyal claim, nhall be preed to final actiou. Krle anil Ureal AVe-ilern. Nnr Yoar, Feb. 12. A special from Lon don iiaya that tbe Erie llailroad Co. baa leaaed the Atlantic and Great Wntern rail road, the Erie fpuraMcein?. the intereil on aeren million at Atlantic and Great VTeat era bond &Bd making an cvjnal diriaion of nt-t earning with the Atlantic and Great Wetera rol. ThU gir Erie perfect con nection to Tbicago. IMeil Uaine. rLmtaxi. Feb. 12 Charle McGill tra hanfrctl at noon to-day for killing Mary Kelly in December, la7T. The murder waa nMt bratal. lit but won! were. "Don't make aay mistake aKat that rope." ludlatt Kaiil. Dr. id troop, Feb. 13. Latt Monday a band f 25 Indiana raided the camp of three bant er a the Cheyenne rtter, 35 mile eaat of lUpid City, and captured all their prevision aBtl blanket. The banters ay the Indlasi bad a lan.l ol 100 borvM and were moting northward. Irr Brraklu: t. N.awti-H, Pb 13 W iQ the SLtlacket and Yantic riTera broke to-day Beth attcatu Terdowl their banks, inundating the eoantry Tracks of the New London notthern railroad were baned for a time? ander bage cake of tee. The wbarTC and et41erk of that etty aie dcxaJed. PHitaprxrata, Feb. 13. -The rVhaylkill rirer rove rapidly but night asd to-day wark was aaspeaded in the mill at Manayaak. The isitcrtor report frr-iheU aad war abtrm. Milk (taarantlnej. .Vtw Yobc. Feb. 13 - KstesMte eaw tlaUes at UKjunftr. I.. I., where ptare pneaatoata exUta, are atrietly narantiard by arder of Gatemor nebtnsoa. The sulk fraat tbew aad other dtsUtterr fed eowa it eWtrafod by health oAeer whererer faand. Same tender were Aaed to-day is the pottce coarti. Hrnatr Baalnem. WiMMswivK, Feb. 13 BepabltCAa mem ber of the Senate m caacaa this saornin. adopted a report pretested by the committee appointed to arrange the order of bsatsett for tke reamatnder oi the aeaaion. It wxa agreed t!at tke pott o&ee sppropaattoo ball shall be taken ap a soon the pesitsg measmre in rrjard to Chicete tsaaugrattas is dispaaed of. and that preference shall be git en to other regclar appropriation btUs. tnetadinz the rtter and harbor bill oter all ether boautet theria(tr. The fetlowiag aeasere are to be pt oonaidtrsUos, set to interfere with apprepriauos bills, wkes read is the order named rrepowd conati tational aakendsaest on tke sabaect of war eiusn bill; for Ike farther djtrtwtic of j tke Genera award. i The Teller rammlllee. ! The eh-atran of tke Teller eoasutue to- j y appointed a ek-asaitu ta Jnjwre ! imo tke foUonstg branch af a retekttioa of j Ike Senile, nx I Wketkor t tke year IsTS mosey vu rats ' ed by aateu&teat or otherwiae, spoa federal I osnee-keUersor etapteyees for clecttea per i poses, and ender what cirssmat'aen asd . what ateaa: asd if ao what amesnt was aa ' raised asd bow the same was expended: and farther, whether sack aaaeaameats were ar set ts rsetalioa af law. tab Refunded. Rraxoro. Feb. 13. A committee has de cided to submit to tke genera assembly with oat reeomairsdAttos tke recewd prepesi tien ef the .Vmrneaa asd English f andisg aocsatien. It is that the debt be refaod ed is bands payable in forty year, and bear ing interest a follow, Thre per cent far ten years, fear per cent far twenty years asd Are per cent for ten year. FOREIGN NEWS. Tb rUj:ar In KBkil. Sr. Pirwirw, Feb. 3. No case of tke plague at Astra whan since the Cth Inst, Cemeteries are being arranged for the dead. A merle-IB Caltlrw A committee of the Cattle Trade Associa tes of Lirerpoel offer to erect the necearr lairageand abattoir to comply with the re- qsirement of the privy coanctl. It i be tiered, bowere r. that in consequence of the importance of the trade of Liverpool, cither the corporation or dock board will under take the work. The government i not in clined to interfere with the importation af cattle from America, provided there is ade quate Inspection before tdupment. The flaarae. A dispatch from Vienna states that from in aaesaajy, ana is at mere is great mortal ity from the same cause- at Baslog. It is be ttered that the infection was introduced by Kurdredifs. A Berlin dispatch stys that a case of the plague is reported at lyssokoye, near Mos cow. This is possibly the reriral of an old report. A dispatch from Khela Ti GlaiUai says that the troops there bsre been ordered to return to Candahsr. Tb Liverpool Klrlke. T rrrr twit P.l, Q HVn n, It.eA I to-day. An additional force of 300 infantry ' Ul r.1 m-i-.l . . . . f . If . . . M in preserring order. A I'reora Eaubezalrr. Bocdzicx. Feb. 10. Delbaeque, a direc tor of the mint, ha been sentenced to ix years' imprisonment and 23,003 franc fine for embezzling 1,400,000 franc bullion, lodged in the mint by Rothschild. Del becque cubstitated galranixed copper bars for the bullion embezzled. Dull Times. Loxoox, Feb. 10. Three of the largest jute factories in Eorfarahir hare stopped owing to depressed trade. Four in Dundee are expected to stop. Cattle BnslBCa All Right. LrrnrooL, Feb. 10. Tho steamer Istrisn, from Boston, arrived to-day, asd her cattle were all admitted without trouble. The British government has issued no such order as that published in ew lcric baturday, de claring that the landing of lire cattle from the United States after tbe 2Sth of February was forbidden. Tbe Liverpool Strike. Livr. stool, Feb. 11. Striking laborers bsre appointed a deputation to learn the riews of the Steamship Owners AsiocisHon, but the deputation is prohibited from mak ing any compromise. Not a single vessel silled from Llrerpool to foreign ports on Mondsy. Sercral hundred sailors hare formed a union. The number of strikers of all rlaa.ea now here is estimated st from 50,000 to 00,000. lie HUM Lire. Caixtrrra, Feb. 11. A report of the death of tbe Ameer of Afghsnistan is untrue. It is the Ameer of Bokhara. The Ameer of Afghanistan will endeavor to reach Herat. Yakoob Kahn recently sent a tarslry regi ment to Kuaistaa to quell dis'.urbasccs among the tribe there, whereupon the fac- tion suspended boatilitie and attacked and routed the regiment. I Urlilab Uerisit in Atrtra. ' Lo.ndox, Feb. 11. On the 21st alt. a ! British column wm utterly annihilated near Tnqnela rirer by 20,000 Zulu. About COO j British soldier were killed Tbe foliowisg communication ba beed receired at the AVar Office from Lord Chelmsford ; " I regret to hare to report a very disas trous engagement on the id of January be tween the Zulus and a portion of No. 3 col umn, which was left to guard the camp. About ten mile In front of Rorke drift tha Zulu came down in ererwhelming numbers, and In spit oi a gallant resistance by fire companies, tbe 1st battalion of the 21th reg iment, one company of the 2d battalion of the 2ltb regiment two gun, two rocket tubes, 154 mounted men. and about S00 na ture, they overwhelmed them, and the camp ' containing all the Brpla ammunition and transport of No. 3 column was takes, and , but few of it defenders escaped. Our toss. I fear, miut be set down at 30 o&een ami aborit 500 non-commissioned cScers rank and file of the tin penal troop, and 70 son commiaaioned o&cer rank and file of the colonial troop. It would scent that the troop were enticed away f rem their caaip, a the action took place about a mile asd a quarter outside ef it. The remainder of Col. Glyn's ruismn reeepied the camp after dark the aaase asght, hating bees with me t scire mile away all day. On the fol lowing morning we arrived at Korke'a dnft, which for twrfvr hoars had been attacked by free 3.fMi to 4,000 Zalas. It dafr&te by some 800 men ef the 21th regiment was most gaHaat . 370 bodies Lay doe aroand the put. I compete the Zalas loss at 1,00) here alo&e. At camp where the disaster oe e&rrrd, the loss af the enemy U com paled at arer 2,000. Col. Pearses. attacking Na. 1 colemn. ha been attacked, bat be repalaed tke Zalas - -.1111 oss Strike. Lutirvot. Feb. 12. Trade here is par tially paralyzed en aeeeast af tke strike. The strike aasont; sailers ha become sa gen eral that it is akacalt to obtain crews except at titcreased rate. It It slated that there ar thirty grim-lodes ship at Qaee&atown. .k. .1. I 1 1 them. Meanwhile tke grain may be heatiag 1 in the reael Loitia asd readsrru rameles. ' These are ntsy r sports of isttmrdattos by dock laborers asd ether to prevent men from working u&ul the dispute ts settled t Sinker to-day xefosed old wage and one boer loagtr work daily. Th of abipewner for arbttratios was also rejected. Affair la Frawee. VrxAairxts. Feb. 12. In the Chambsr ef Depstiea to-day Albert Grery was elected ' Vice President of the Chamber. DeBareere. Minister ef the Interior, presented a ball grssUK ins sty ta Comasasiat. LeeeSar. Miauter af Ftaasce. decfa&ed to saake asy atateaieBt reiatite to tk coBrerssoa of tke fire pr cent, irate, sayiag tkat he wow Id , dsscna that milter witk the CosnaiUee an the Bndgei. Later is the day. as interpellation on this sebject betsg pressed, tke Chamber. ' ta avoid prefadtcsag the qsealsoa, pa.aiud to j tke order af tke day tWreaax appointed a . Coesmttets es Army Heforas. Nine of the eletes members favor reflection of the period , ef service to three year and tk abolition of , the system by which tke rd scaled elias aerte asly one year. Past. Feb. 12. It s expected tkat the oacul journal will pekhah t-marrow a de cree trassfemsg seven asd rMsrtiasiag er re tinsg twele precsrater general ; foar com- ; ns and era of army carp will r transferred ' asd sine dsasiaed. Tb rtatse. Sr. Prrrrsarxa, Feb. 12. Sisc tke tkaw set is tke aaaaber of plagae-striekes at Za ntres has increased. Prof- Jacebi, head ef the Medical Cemmivstea sent into the is fectol disutct, has bees attacked with the diseaae asd was worse st last accon&ls. Rental a Flraa. Lrrxxroet, Fab. 13. Shipowners remain rm at closed decks, wher the men are fed and hoesed. More sppbeatiess far work to day than ooakl be accommodated. Kearfr to Leate. LesTOX, Feb. 13. in BaLTxria hare bees ordered to held themselr is reaaisr- to icai c at ase use sppMsteta ot the Brhu congress. Advance Beassusdea. Lircxroot, Feb. 13. Dock laborers, num- berisg over 19.00), held a meeting to-day and decided that, unlet the masters agreed to the old rate by 3 o'clock t&is afternoon, they would demand as advance of day rate asd ef one penny per hour for overtime. On tbe March. Bnxis Feb. 13 It is reported that Gen. Todleben on Tuesdsy ordered four regi- menu to march toward Arabia Tabu. Ger- many and Italy advise Poammia to ate Arabia Tabia. Other powers are dis- posed to concur in this advice with a view to the maintenance oi t-aropein concert. West Indlew. Krxostox, Jamaica, Feb. 12. A revolu tion ha broken oat In HaytL A negro dis turbance of an alarming character occurred la the island of St. Vines nt. How Fast Can a Hound Run? This interrogation h frequently heard, and always with varying answer. A practical demonstration of the speed of this species of quadruped recently cam to our notice, and being well au thenticated by peroral gentlemen who were on tho train, we give it as an illus tration: J. A. Ford of this city owns a heavy-built inastitr hound. Business one day called him to Ceresco, a small ullage eight miles distant, and this dog accompanied him. On his return he got on board the train, and did not discover the absence of the do until the train began moving, when he stepped to the i back platform of the car, and there saw the hound had just started. Tho dog overtook tho train, but as tho speed of the cars was constantly quickened, its endeavors to jump on board were fruit less. Then the train began to whiz faster, and the dog quickened his pace, and until within a mile or two of this city kept up with the cars, which were going at tho rate of eighteen miles an hour. He ai rived a few minutes after tho cars, his feet sore and bleeding from contact with splinters on tho tica, having made the distance of eight miles in half an hour. Letter to Chicago Inter Ocean. A gicxtjmany years ago a poor beggar explained his ragged appearance by ob serving:" "I have no money to buy new clothing, and mend I can't." And his class have been called mendicants ever since," PlClFICtOAJST. Nb Awteaament. Sxj Feaxcuio, Feb. 9. Raymond Dy bas reaaindod a one dollar ataeMment. Italn In California. It has bem ralnlni here at Intern! all th forenoon, trith a prospect of continu ance. Ulllr.1 by n Hljrn. As Mr. Mary Flanagan was going down Market street, between Second and Eeker. tkto afternoon a sijrn orer tbe store of lituer. Tebriner Co. fell, striking her on the head and shoulders, indicting injarie from which she died within an hour. Deceased was a native ef Ireland and aged about 39 years, Hnlelde. Boke, Feb. 10. Joseph Potter, a sport ing mas. well known in Virginia City, com mitted snsride with morphine thit eveain-. , Tlie rblnr Colas'. Sax Ffta-vrtaco, Feb. 10. Two Chinamen ! get into a fight n Oakland last night, in ! wbiek one track tbe other over the head j with a driver, indicting a fatal wcBbd. Tbe mardrrer was arrested. Selllnsr Verdlel. j S- B. nauelcms. charzd with embracerr ! in affering ta sell a verdict when he was a jarer in the Hodgdea abortion case, wa foa&d gudty te-day ftnaes's Peeulnlloaa. Sasc Frocto. Feb. II. Th impaneling of a tary to try George M. Pinner on tbe first et loar indictments for fraolaleatiy usaisg nary ,ay certiftrates m begun ltd fere- noos is the I'mted Statee Cirrtat Court, and ; the nnderttasding between cosssl is said i to b that tke verdict is this cae ta to decide whether the other three are to be brought to trial. The evidence to be introduced will be : identical with that gives os the trial of cx Paymaster Spaalding. who was acquitted. Aa retard Pmsey, the I". S. District A Iter -ner claims that the fact ef hu filling oat blink certificate ef payment already bear ing SpuaUiag aijraatsre made htm le gaily gatityof fraad. The defesse will be tha't there is ae endencr to connect hta with the payment, ami that the filhsg out by him was , a rleru'al daty ef the paymaster's clerk, far ' wnscs the bead of the department was re- ; Journalist Dead. Geo. W. Gift, editor of the Naps Erporter, a captain is tbe Confederate nivy dcring the war, died at Napa to-day. roreman at Kan Qneatla KlUi. ' Sut Faacxsca, Feb. 12. Herman Keeh- j ler. focesnas at San Qcestis. who wxs as- ! sacked with a hammer by a convict named Wm. Derer, abed but sight from hi is- : jcriet. Murdered. Hotiarriix. Feb. 12. Lit Sunday ssars ta; the badr ef as s&knews mas waa joasd tytag near a ditch os the read between Hoi fester and Tres Pibo. Death had ertdestir rsked from a seTcr gaah is the right side ef the seek, as tkoagh made with a blast lastmmeat. A teestster named Stmes Woods, is wkoe campasr deceased left HoUsster on Saturday. Las been arrested, charged with tke murder. Circumstantial evade nee a siren; against him. Woods de- j nie sst knowledge of the affair. Strike In tbe Mine. Bowr, CL, Feb. 12. The 3eninic- amoa is os a strike far as l acre ax of wages asd redeccos of heurs. They marched up tke kill is a body this mersixg asd com pelled the mines to comply with their terms ; or shut dews. The Mono company barri ' eaded ihetr doers asd refused admittance. The mechanics have jtits the sspertstesd est two hears ta opea the doer er to hare tree We. The superistesdest asy he will I keld the works st all hazard. The Bodie company, wits several other, were com pelled to shut down. There is much excite mest her. fclld la tbe terra. StnxxCrrr. Feb. 12. Yesterday it raised ta the very summits. To-day it is some cool sr. theegs it raiss high is the moun tains. About 7 o'clock this morning some thirty acre ef the casters aide ef Sierra Butte waa looesed by the deluge ef water asd rushed with irresistible force ta the "river, carrying tree, rock asd telegraph wire asd cole, asd for some time damming j , mt river wits Its CUge mass. orele riaylna- wrlib Oa. j St. JoiI Fb 13 A terrible accidest j took place at tussel Ko. 3, through the I Santa Crxi ssountats on the line of the South Paeiffc railroad, four asd a half miles above Alma station, at half-past 9 last sight, by wkich ese shite mas, M. C. Hylasd, th foreman, asd fourteen Chisames were so severely burned that it is thought that eisct er ovU;e Ust ?anot a"- For ! ! tnX "?a5 to -anug struck petro- , 'u:a 5 12 ,bs iwh, 'g p ' b" b3 ? for i ' betwees the blasts which hereto- fore had sever accumulated to asy great ex tent. The amount cf gas increased so of late that the foreman, fearing danger, quit, asd a new foreman. Hylsnd. who U among the injured, was substituted several weeks ago. Last sight the man selected ap- Eroached as usual to touch on the accumu ited gas. the others hering Xired some distance. It is thought that the blast Just previous had opened up a larger fissure of gas than had bees known, and, instead of i the usual uaah, as soon as the light touched it, a terrific explosion followed. The report was heard for miles, and a column of dime shot through the tunnel and from its mouth to the height of 200 feet in the air A ten ton engine used for supplying tbe tassel with air, which stood about fifty feet from the mouth of the tunnel, was completely turned orer. and the blacksmith shop, dis tant about serenty yards from the moots of the tunnel, was blown to pieces. A few moments sfter the explosion Hyland. the foreman, groped out, asd was soon after followed by three or four of the Chinamen, all of them hairless and horribly burned about the head, neck and hand, or such portions as were not covered with clothing. A hundred or more persons from the Chi nese camp contiynou and railroad grade were soon on the spot, asd the work of get ting oat other commenced. It was found that lights could not be ud for any dis tance, and men went in and cirried others cut, groping about after them until they were found. All were alive, bat burseJ to such a degree that those who lire will be frightfully marked. Seueral hare had their eyes burned out. and all aro unrecognizable. It is probable ibst a shaft will hare to be sunk to ventilate the tunnel before any great amount of drifting is done. Earthquake. Coltos., Cal Feb. 13. A tdiarp shock of earthquako was felt here at about 3 o'clock this morning. M'orktBsrrarit Eire led. Sax Lets Osaro, Feb, 13. At the sauai cipal election vestsrdsy the Workiagwes elected their fall ticket orer the Citisea' ticket by aa average majority of 45. Mayor, Henderson; CohbcII McloJs. Walker, Har ris, Esapp aad Darriagtoa. Marshal. Xeb bias. Assessor. Castro. Collector, S stall -wood. Police Jadge, McCetmgky, The Old World Plagues. We are apt to tlimlc of the plagues Ki of the Ieprwr as a disease of tha past; and yet it rage more or lees every year in the East, although Europeans nota bly the English, are comparatiTely ex empt from it when residing in the Lev ant, from their snperior deanlineM, ueatr hadit, and love of frenli air. The plague hut visited England in 1CG3 5, out as kite an 1720 it dtartroyed near half the population of Marseilles, and fiveaty yeuw after aptteared in Kossia ami Poland. Since then it has been al most unknown in Western Europe. The plagtie of the Levant w virtually the same malignant contagions fever which, under the name of bliclr death, proved sstch a scowrage in the fourteenth centu ty. In CbiisR alone 13,000,000 are said to have L-n swejt away ly the pett knsw: in tbe're-rf of the East well nig.'. 24,000,000; in Europe 21,000,000, and in Africa, C.000,000 to 7,-,00,OOri, teak ing a mortality of not for from 70,00 , 000. Aniraak as wall as men rrishel by raifliona; the earth vaa LUu.k and Lerribie with agsmy, terror, and decay. Death wai em all sides the v-a as Vrll Sji oa the lanJ, ships drifted aintb-sg over the ocean, the crews dead ami ptttriiyinrj en board, and carrying infection ami death in turn to the shores on which the wind's or tide 1 appened to cast tif crises vessels. The imagination is appalled at the hid eous picture. The fearful morality gave riei to other ahedderia? evils. Super station became rife, the Jews trere every where slaughtered on ssHcion of hat -ing poisoned the weib 12,000 of these innocent people were cruelly murdered in Menu alone, manr aiireinr them selves in masses to avoid the forrof the tneb, and in some places being exterain ated to the hut man, woman and child. Thousands of people died of fear; ties of kindred were dissolved by terror; mothers forsook their dicue-stneken children, the wordly became mono-maniacs on the subject of sin; hands of wild devotees roamed through Europe "nth crsciifixea, banners, and iron-pointed thng scourging them elves, trith the idea of expatiatisg the wickedness of the people nd appealing Heaven by their seoeriags. Humanity underwent a total revolution, society became disor ganized the planet was delivered over to a class of terror, sur-?rslitioe, enme, pain, pestile ice and death. Fortunately for the race, such teniae scenes will never be witnessed arain. X. Y. Times. How Mines are Named Names of suaes, like one's emotions when eating Iimkcrger cheese for the first time, are Jpecnlaar. The locator of Dry Hath probably showed his prefer ence for a dish that is a prominent tea tare in a boarding house, and has a large circle of acquaintances. Little BJk leaves one to infer that thete was a great many of them. Molly Darling shows that, although she is getting to be an old maid, she still has admirers. The Fraud is no exhibition of human nature; the the locat- r wanted to pique the vein and spur it to belie its name. On in quiring ot one miner why he named his claim ul Know AH," he explained: "When I leit the east, I left my girl there, and some trouble with another lady. When I got out here, I wrote to my girl so, lat yoo know how a fellow will write. I wrote that I expected to re'urn soocfand cage her in a palaco. She said: "I know alL Yours no more Jane. Asking another how he came to name his "Terror,' he replied: '-For a lady." How 1 Didn,t not know that was a female name." "Well, you see, that's bv wife; she's a terror. Left her in GokI " III1L" Tom Pike being ques tioned as to hk naming a location Joab Johnson, said: "That that was my name in the btates. 1 asked tbe pro prietor of the Last Chance if he really considered that his List chance for a for tune; if he failed would he try again. I "No, sir; no, iirj will go to robbin' the stages." To the man who was showing me his two claims I remarked: "From, the name, The Treasury, you must have hopes of this I" That isn't why I named it that," Whythenr 'Ther's nothin in it" "And this second one. Hector; you admire the ratiantJTrojan V "Nam ed for my dog, Hector He's dead now. Buried over thar. Come an' see his grave." Go West. Among tho comniunicaUons to the Lime Kiln Club tras one from a colored man in Chattanooga asking the Club to aid him in securing iiuitoiials to practice the art of whitewashing and stove black ing, he having had much sickness in his family and being obliged to part with his' implements in trade, "I can't understan dis system o livin," nohow," said the IVcsid.nt, as he riled the letter on the hook behind him. "Why doan' dat man take a farm ! Why am it dat people will live from han' to motif in town or city, roostin' dor backs in Summer and frvezin' dar hoofs in Winter, wheiv. dey can skip into the kentrey, take a farm an lib like nabota ob de valley; why a poo man trill lib up stairs or down cellar an not see a sweet cake once a y 'ar, -when de fertile valleyH ob de West am fairly aching to lw ripped up wid a plow, am a mournful cottnundrum dat I can't guess. De SwJcxetary will write to dis man dat he'd better walk out an' take a farm in' have somo atvle about him. Free Press. 1 fear that you do not quite apprehend we," as the jiil bird said to his baffled (Hirsuers,