The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, November 09, 1878, Image 1

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    (fast xt$imim.
East Oregonian Pubiisltiiig Co.,
J. 11 TtTUCER, Business Manager.
Grace, Stain St., opp. the Court aTonse.
Rntc of Knlrscrlptton la Cola:
bates or ADvnrrwco. a cats:
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Three -tooths..
"VOL. 4.
NO. 6.
Sa. fret tear-
Scufle Copic .
uon. aaa ia ornU car Oa ca-9
A-TerU-i--' LU ! psyaaU q-x-rtcrlr
She (fast rcnomatu
Em-cota. Cnpcsat W. L. UaeEwaa oSdUoK aer.
It? S ,"J fourth Sua-ay of . moat- at
11 A. it. mj 7 JO T. 1L
lUrnsrCuntra.--Rer.W. H. ft-ell, raster: tertita
at the Conn lloo-e on the second Sunday of each -ao-th.
at 11 A. iL, aiv) 7U V. VI.
piacnx- Circacu. Tttcoulatha Court House ea th
third Sunday oi each month, Mr. L N. KkWuion did
atia. al U A. H. and 7 P.M.
Hrr-asnr Cncacn. Sooth. Iter. E. w. navies, ras
ter; services In the Omit House on the Ant Suu-ar of
each month, at 11 A. L and 7:30 P. XL
-IE. CnrKM. Rer. J. C Mr-man, roslnr; serrlrcs
on the fourth Sunder of cadi month. lnjer msctiar
to I
JC.. a. AEU, ju.. U.f
If 8te en Vain Street.
J. M. Praett, H. D.,
OBc at Reslilcare.
W. Whitcorab, M. D.,
IT with prompt-eat. AH iieurt trt-Xod rf Y.
bleat and Terr beat mode for the tvtd art tt the ralictit
W. C. McKay, M. D.,
OSee oprta-Ve the PdMBctoa UoUL
Dr. J. B. Lindsay,
la ootr located pensastfitly
Where hb aerricea caa alnji tc kaJ.
H"Sixr5orT a Sxoci-Jai-ty.
Attorney at T-.a"vv,
VTeaton, CntTiTh Cocnty, Ortyoo.
State aad IVaahinfUn TaziUxy.
ZSpedal attentioo pud to Land UoKncw and Cat
Fred Page-Tustin,
Attorney at Law,
Asd Real Estate Bcokee.
SrmAL ATTEsnox circs to collections
andfltc2!aUn. ... . ..
Lou utfiAiiitJ hml County Orucn Ixx-iM oa aoic.
orncE is couet uocsz.
S. V. U.OZT,
Turner L Bailey,
Attorneys at JLaw,
- oo Vaia Street oppoetc the Cesrt Xson.13
3. H. Fcarca trlfl oe anoeiated whh t is aS esetetteu
caacx ta Uic urcuit uwn xa ua muiri.
John A. Guyer,
Attorney at Law,
Eacrn O.ejoc OXce with O. "W. SaOef, vp-
jioe tc um ogvom
e Dufix Lodox, So. 4, E. or I. VIectt In the Caatle
EatL Peodletun, crery Wedaeeday erming. Brotken
in rood ataadin; are cordially torited to attcod.
PrxstlTOX Lome. So. bt, A. F. A A. JL llecta on
the firet aad third Uonday of each oonth. lioorof
xoeeUnjr.TP. JL
Eurmx Stak, Martha 'Waahbctoo Charer, Pcadle
km. Meet ercry Taewlay nljbt lollowic; the Srat aad
third jloaday la each moota.
Ecetka Lome, So. 3S, I O. O. F , Pcndletoo UccU
crery Satorday ctcaioj: at 7 P. M. Brethren ia cood
fTxiify are lomea w aucaa.
VaaeBaU. LoKOC Sa 10. I. O. T., Pendlrtna
XukU crery Thursday crenirur atKydock P. il. Brrth
ren ia good atandlng are reqnerte attend.
Wilson Hotel,
Umatilla, Oregon.
iJ hai located on Front Street Umatilla, irhm abe
has opened a flnt-daa boteL Tbe booae baa been re.
IHed, the bed! are exoellent, and tbe table win be aup
pUed with tbe rery beat tbe market aSurda. TrareDcra
wui not resret nopping at tow piace.
S. VT. Slaja Ckra;.' coache atop here
TiTrri1 bnnDeu ron can enrare lc tS to t90
XJ JJO JL per day made by any worker of either
aex, ngtil in your own locaiiuea. ivucuan ana
ataplee worth MS free. Imryrore jour (pare time at
thia tmaiaeai. Addrea Brueox UO., i-oruana, aatae.
"T can tiake meoer faeter at work for u than at asy.
U thlaz eiae. CapUl not aoq aired: we win Urt yoo.
til ner aar at boeae made by the indaatrioaa. Mm.
wueuc, beyi aad girtf wanted ercrywhere to work for
na. .Now a km maa. uorayoatst ana lernu tree.
toon TBCS c oo., Ascnata, Maine.
a week Jo td-jt own town, ti outfit free. So
' rlak. Beader. If you want a buaineaa at wbUh
paacaaof eHberaez eaa sake put tir all teettae
totf warz, wrae lor paraewan ,v a. Biiurr c vo.,
. a. ft
Hotlioliild & Bean,
Eucooasocs to S. EOTU CHILD,
of the puhlic to their L-xUr Incrta-rd stock of
afch the tacTtami faeBlt-M -Corded fcy their c
o eriUai ibexa to oCar
At tho Tery lowest Bates.
lelr Stock will consist aa beretotoroef
ry Goods,
China aad Glassware,
Htc, 3Bto.
Tbrr w31 aSan take deanra a SSat aar enlcra
aU which ther may U entfsaUd ta the Ut U Unit
Grain and Hides
Xoi Uhrr PBODUCE tales La ry-hu-ft at lie J1I03-
Cash Paid for Woo!.
Xla Street, opposite tk Coart Hootr
inn ceeaaaaUy hart os band aad for atle, a Cosptd
AaaortaMSt ot
Aad win alwart keep a cranptcto aaaGrttaect of
Done to Order at abort notice aad at rerymodere
Proprietor of the
Centennial Brewery,
l'ntillefoN, OrefoB,
prtire4 to faniiJi flTXC to Um people ut an
teilent niulilr. Try aad be cocrluced. linwery cast
aklcvtMAlN STlUXr. center of Uocfc.
O. 232FJL0HOa3i:i,aE3Xt.
XaBotactarrr of Bread. Cake. Pica, aad aH Uhu &
waa. jire itom ensuing.
Xala Street, tTalla tTalla.
Feadletou, Oregon.
Xala Street, eppoalle tbo Post OHKee.
Union Hotel,
TJXATH.-A, ... - OBEGOir.
mm HOVTE IS IK THE nE6T coxfimos FOR
J Ur.cC4taoreel-. Ck-an boda and rood table
b tiic tuotu tt liti Ikwm. TiiepUvt&fo(tharabU
k autkiled. H-eea Uaa the lue lor Ptea,
Waatoo, 1 Ofl-Wa, Ualea, Baker CMf aad Beta OMf.
. ... ...., ,n,,t.ry.
ia ure tbaa nuffieitut ta edrer aay preltaWe
laa that RMiy le analaiawl by n-aB ef tlte
rewwrjv rbedtrrcter were ta aeeret
aiHi te-day. It i aaid tole a rale far la
ter ef UaaV bailditigiutbis city to kave tke
cwraUiiaUea of Tauita. So far as eaa be a
certaiBed no arreaU bare been atle Jt.
Angsato Scht-11 laja tbe task iM baTe a
anriBt of $500,000 if all tbe cepn Londa
atolen acre coauttU aa laat. Tae rwbbera
left bebind a akrltton ley aad alto tbree
ttairk of bandcBfia. Of forty or Slty tote
ate ml away loat tvetity bad been opened
and tbeir canlenu n&ed. It it tioaM tkmt
tbe amount taVen may be naore tbaa ;3,0J,.
(XX), aee tbe ew&teuU of a aniaber of tin
ban containing gold cota and geTnMaBt
bwnda. with wblcb tbe aide or tbe Taalu
a ere lined. baTe diaapfteareel.
OlUclal Vole.
Des Mei. Oct. 29. The oSeiU ttate
vale abw HbII' raontT to Ve aad
tbe rot of tbe atate ticVet aboat tbe aaaae.
New Oslxx. Oct. t. TWe Howard Aimc-
ciation rmotred to rrbeTe tan rolaateer pky- i
aeetaaa a tbe Slat of October M atao to
dlaebarge aM Teluelea eapaed on taat dale.
wben tbcT win entirely cJu.
Krw Yotr.Oct-58.-Tkr ridae of Mr.- I
Clarence Oaden. W rtith aveana. waa en
vsueu. - I
tered laat night by two marked Been, who
ohloroforsed and gejed the CKcftaia and
ransacked tbe hoaae. The rohhvT earned
mS i.lO worth of jewelry, a very Tataahlt
oieek and a qaantity of ulver. Mr. Ogden
aare a valaable dta-soed ring, which the
derU eochl not remove 1 mm her ftaefar. ao
they oat it oat of the aetttt. The pobce
hare no rise to the perpetrator-.
Karat Wine,
Dectxs. Cot- Oct. 28 Kara won the
xaee in two atraight beau. Uaae il and Til.
The Auerlrau lime Trampled ota.
Niw Yoix. Oct. 3tf.- -TheTnhane. Wash
ington apeeial -ar- IrtatUof tbe stuex
apen the lCepabtkan meeting ta Georgetown,
C. abow mat tbe .panoeaa wore aaieuy
ooadacting a max meeUBg. and w another
nut : town a Uceaoeratie meetiac; waa or-
gaXUSed. attended by two CMBp-mea of av
alrr aud one of infantry. Tbe oomwiaira
attacked aad ditperaed the Iti-paMif n meet-
ag. tore down the apeaxer aiaaaa. cat down j
the !-t-faad palied vS the national oolora j
and tra-oplcd them aader foot. !
lfalladclptla Wood .larkfU
pBnux--rHi-. Oct. 30. The tia.eacy of
the wood market It spward wMh aa 13 proved
Vrerriary Cvarta laalrnrtioaa Id Xln-
later Wrlrh.
VjnrNaTT. Oct. S5 Secretary f State
Erarta difpatehed a note f Mimtr 'Weleh,
at London, eoneermag the vMlalUa of the
Canadtaa fiahenra treaty and atrae on
American fishermen at Fortaae Bay. New
foundland, of akaeh the following ta tbe
text :
I andmtaad by Lord Saliaharra note
that the Roremmeat ad-pU Capt. Sathr-a'c
eo-ekuto relative ta rvolest Mjarte that
ear fudiing fleet saScrcd at the hxaA of the
Newfo-ndUad fiahing popalation at Fortane
liar, in Janaary of thia year, aa the answer
which her majesty' gorem-Bcnl raakea to
reprecntatioB laid before it on oar part.
verified by awem aiatementa ef nomrroa re-
apeeuMe witneMc. Ice proai ot vapt.
SarHvan cecdaaiom have not been fur
niahed, and I am therefore naable to aay
whether, npon their eonnjrrauon, tne new
which this government take of these trana-
ctian. npon sworn 4abmenlanl oarreaper
tabte dtixens. weald be at aH modified. Yea
are instraeted to lay L-fore her aeajeaty
government tbe strong desire tbat that gov
croiaent feel to be able ta give dee weight
to thit opposing evidence before insisting on
a grave view of these injarie. Tbe report
of Captain Sullivan present as jasttScatory
support of the action of ewfoaa--nd sber
abermen in breaking op eneratioas of oar
fishing fleet, inside the three mile hmit, at
the times covered by these transactioat.
the violation of certain mnnsapal legula
lien of the Newfoundland government.
I shall point oat the tenons distinction be
twtec the official and jadicial exccntion of
any laws aSccting the fiabenes, wben con
fiicting proofs in my possession show that
the acts which Sullivan charge seem bis only
warrant for the conclusion that Americana)
fiabermen bare exceed Ml treaty ngnis. uar
fiihexxcan are not subject to local regulations
governing the coast opalation of Newfound
land fiaberman, whether enacted before or
since the treaty of Washington. If oar fish
ing fleet is subject to the Sanday laws of
Newfoundland, made for coast lopslatien;
if it is excluded from these fishing grounds
for half a year (.October to April); if oar
seines p'l other contrivances for catching
fish are subject to rrgolatio-s of legislation
of Newfoundland, it is not easy to see what
valaable privilege is rterTcd for American
fishermen by virtue oi article ia oi tne treaty
aa conceded to tbe Uniud Stale, this gov
ernment can promise to its citizen nnder
tbe guarant. treaty. If it appear to be in-
tniW to comnel our fishermen to go witti
out or buy bait from local fishermen or sub
mit to local legislation, which is in interest
r,f local fiabermen: or if local interest will
be a guide and notice of the domestic legis
lation, yon are instructed to dissent from the
new of Lord Salisbury.
Mill Aot Una.
Bostox, October 30. Tbo Traveller say:
"Wo learn from what we regard as good au
thority that Caleb Cashing sent to tbe Butler
headquarters two week ago declining tbe
Mechanic HaII nomination for Attorney
Gcneral, and ha given the positive 'no' to
recent request that bo should withdraw it."
Null Commenced.
Krw Yocx, Oct. 30. Suit has been brought
by the government ngainst IhmaireIlro.,
importer, for the recovery of $o,000, for
alleged undervaluation of good.
XIbIuc Accident.
ForaoAit, Pa., Oct. 30 A pinion wheel
of a bucket in the abaft of Gobel' iron ore
mine at Uoyerstoan broke to-day, and Isaac
G. Kris, Ktely Hogy, Casper Klcbe and Jno.
Quirk were killed by falling 350 feet.
At an End.
Kew Oeliaxs. Oct, 30. -It i probable
that the Board of Health will declare the
epidemic at an end lo-morrow, a death
from other cause cxcceuiuoseiroiu mo ici .
Ixns or I'ropcrly.
Yaxtiox, D. T., Oct. 30. A Mriotai
prairie fire wept across the southern half of
Turner county yesterday and destroyed a
large quantity of grain and bay. Mr. Jos.
Bobtnd and child wire caucht on the prairie
and the Latter w burned to death and the
former will probably not recover,
Tbe Keport.
WasmxoToy, Oct. 30. SctrtUry of the
Xary T1hhuod, ia prrpiring hi annual re
port of tbe condition of tbe Navy. Tbe re
wrt trill ciulxnly aome uev feature. Tbe
lodovini; are aorae of tbe important itcma
trblebaill appear in it: Dnnnj tbe year
tbe ilejurtmrut bas repaired 10 nnoa worthy
abut, an 1 wt tbcm adoat. Ititbrre month
two moro will lw rceulr. Tbe Scerttanr will )
bare no deacicney in rt-ular ajiprojirialiorn, ( gene to tbeir bot&e. Miaa Kennett waa ar
bat may fU boit of contingent f und. Tbe ' ranging fer a uretin ef tbe aebool traatces
Report will nrge njon ConrrM tbo imjwr- ' wben tbe raffUna entered. The apiarauce
ee of MTing tbe immense amount of prop- ! of tbe rooai indicated tbat abe bad made a
rty in tbe Naval dcjiartaicut now going to ! deaperate atrafatl ior acd"bosor. Tbe
leeay, for want of care. I lie eerrtarr U i
abo itrrpannt; an inventory of Nary depaat
sent !reperty. ta accoiujiany the rriort. It
it eatiatated that tbe Talae of Bcb property
asaoauts freui ?100,0X,lM) to $1SO,UOO,000.
11 r.1 to Tt-t.
Krx Year. Oct. 31. -A TribnneaWab
inffUm apecia mays the porrrnaifOt will prob
ably be the firat'ts teat the Talidity of the
railroad law paav-J by the laat Cosgreaa.
tlMlrr Chanm.
Wajhisotox, Oct. 31. Secretary Schsrz
aaya ltwatun IUabhcina with ahom be eon
Terved while in Ileaton. are eaMnt Talbot
will defeat Ilatler. lie aaya tbe eanraa i
tbe BMHt exciting and abaorUng etvr known
in tbe State. It i ceneeded the Tote polled
next Taeaday wtH exceed any trcrioa. It
ia aaderalood Abbott Dcmecrala will vote for
Intrnit to Rcalsa.
The VTaahiaston Star of laat eTenln? aay:
It U reported Senator Sharon wtH not attead
tb mob of the Senate thia "Winter, and
will tender bit rvatgaalioB as aooa aa the
Senate into Democratic haadi oa
1 March lib.
I Kearney aatt Ibr IlrratiL.
' Boarex, Oct. 31. The Dotton Herald
Kearaey-The Herald hie. t ae fair play.
1BJ bv that aa ar linntr ToaLaI
Uetkut at Oeseral ItaUet a ofhee. yoa aaay I
ta direct to yoa la the care of Daily Her-ld.
Benton. Mass. Don't be baahfaC lennia,
oar ofer is kindly meant."
(lc-trinc llaase Return.
NrwYotx. Ort. 31. Clearing basse re
taras from li eaUes of the United State for
the week ending October 2th show a loss oi
&5 jer cent, aa compared with cerrespoadinf
week of last year. Eastern cities have aH
lost except Prendeace. Lowell tad Syraease.
San Fraaetsoo's gain is fee) per cent. St,
Loais 19, LoaimMe 7.
will ! .Sbow t'p.
Aaditar French of the bareaa of nil read
aeeoaata has reparted to the Secretary of the
latettor that the President of the Central
Pacstc rat-road refase to tabaMt the books
of the road to tafecttoa. and to muter ach
seoasu at bave been oaSed for nnder law.
A formal notice of rt-feaal wtfl betratu-Bttted
to the Attorney -General to-morrow with a rc
amest that legal prooeedtas be taken coder
the act.
Baak haapenalaa.
WiiKMTtv, October 31. The Gers-aa-Amencma
N-Uotil Bank, which grew oet of
the Gtmas-Amencan Sannga lUnk. and
eocapsed the same Wtldiag, sa&ded the
ateratag. The Germ-n-Ameneaa tarings
Bank bit als closed its doors and pat p
the following net- . "Owing to the tv
patoa of the Orran-.Verv-,a Katioaal
llaak this bank U forced to close. ' OSn-ls
of the aavtnQs bank declare their istthaiiea
u iaml- Both hanks are owned and patrea
tted priacspally by Germans, and the saa
(e&stoa MSwi much sarpne. Excited
ere wilt aarrvsad the baildiag.
llre Loarr.
Nrw Yotx. Oct. 31. The fact that prices
are now below the specie level it made quite
dear by an article in a commercial pFr.
Wheal bat not bevn so low in twenty-seven
year as but week. Cotton has not been as
lew in twenty.three years , nor com since
1!S, except in Jane, 11 , ner mess pork
si nee IS t. Pners generally are 13 per cent
lower than May 1st, and OTtr 13 per cent,
lower than m IfrOV.
Tae ra lorb Clrelloa.
Nrw Yolx. Oct- 31. The an ti -Tarn many
combination in this city is tceawn very
eaasdent, and their betting men are wager
ing cenaidcrabte not en Cooper's election
as mayor next Tuesday. Bat there are so
many different combinations that nothing en
the surface ef event appears to jaatify pab
bc opinion as to result. Evidently the Ke
pabbean machine managers are new trading
with the combtnatien agreeing to give its lo
cal support in return far vote lor ipewi
eaa aa-emUvmcn to assist Senator Conk-
ling's re-election. Kelly was selected to
make this bargain with the Itepablican ma
chine, but he was forced to accept the over
ture. The machine bad bed, in view of
Con-ling's silence last winter on the money
question, to make a combination with the
Ureenb-ckers, gmng them congrrs-mcn in
rctarn for assemblymen, bat that plan was
blocked by a strong money plitforni ef the
Saratoga convention and ConkUng's subse
quent bard money speeches. Finally tbe
Tildcn men took eaion of the antiTam
many combination and effected the trade
which Kelly declined.
Ttiankaclvlnc Proclamation.
The President has iaracd the following
proclamation, setting apart Thcralay, No
vemlxr 5tb, as a day of thanksgiving:
The recurrence of that season at which it is
the habit of our people to make devout and
puUic confession ot their cooitant decnd.
ence npon divine favor for all the good gifts
of life and happi-cts, and of public peace and
prosperity, exhibit in the record of the year
abundant reasons for oar gratitude and
tbankigtving. Exuberant harVesta, produc
tive mines, ample crops of staples of trade
and manufacture have enriched the couutry.
Tbe resources thus furnished to our rcnvinz
industry and exanding commerce are ha tea
ms tbe day wben the discords and distresses
through the length and breadth of the land
will, under tbe continued favor of Providence.
hare given way to confidence and energy and
assured prosperity. Peace with all nations
has remained unbroken; domestic tranquility
has prevailed, and the luititutioas of liberty
and justice which the wisdom and virtue of
our father established remain a glory and
defense to their children. The ccneral nreva-
Icnce of the blessing of health throughout our
wido una nas maue more conspicuous the tul
ferine and sorrows which the dark shadow of
pes-tlcnce baa cast upon a portion of oar I ico
nic. This heavy atUiction even tbe divine
ruler ha temjKrcd to the suffering communi
ties in the universal sympathy and succor
which hre flowed to their relief, and the
whole nation msy rejoice in the unity of spirit
in our eoplr by which they cheerfully share
another's burdens. Now, therefore, I, Ruth
erford IL Have. President of the United
States, do appoint Thursday, the 2Sth day of
.Norcmbex next as a day ot national man -a
civina and nraven and I earnestly recommend
that, withdrawing themselves from secular
cares and Ialiors. the people of the United
States do meet together on tbat day in their
respective places of worship, there to give
thanks and praise to Almighty God for His
mercies, and to devoutly beseecn tbeir conUn
In witness whereof I hare liereto set my
hand aad caused tne teal m tae United States
to be affixed. Signed, IL B. ILitm. Tramp,,
New Yott, Kor. 1. -Tbe WorU'a Port 1
Jarria. N". Y., iectal pvea a terrible atory !
from Tbompou. a am all hamlet on tbe Jef-
f eraon branch of the Ene railway. A yoan
and UanUfoI aeboo leather iiamed Abe.
ncicc waa uruuuiy aaaauiicu iiiumuT
ctrniBg by two traniw, wbi eomplctol their
helllah work by catling oat ;ier tongue, hue
bad diuaiaaed aebooL and tne arbebtra bal
lrnter foana ber Ufeie txlr atlli vara
on the floor a abort time after, when they
armed for the intended meetim;. The alarm
waa immediately pren. and the inhabitant
are oat and aearebtM; la aH directions for
tbe vilkina, who wilt be hang if eanght. i
Our ('orrrney.
Sa Faascisce. Kor. J. -The CaH'a Kew j
York apecial aaya a notable article by Horace j
White in the November iaaac of the Inter- j
national Heview present a atroag argnment t
to ahew how the Law making ailrer a legal j
tender may operate to make reaamptien in j
coin reaamptten in silver only after a little
while, and bow certainly an attempt ta con- 1
i dart tbe bUaea of tbe country npon a ,
1 doeble atandard maat rcalt in petting a :
premtam npon gold, driving it oat of carta-
lauon, ebarraaaiag alt baataeat and heavily
, taxing the people. He arm a a remedy '
i that the hank aetiae; throab the New York
ekanng boase shall after Janaary 1. IsTJ,
relate ailver ob depoait and lhas force re
saaiption in guhl. by making gold or it
-ond reprr-eatauve the only bankable
money. This, he ciai-sa, will atake geld the
only earreat tend of eoaimeree, despite le
jal teader enirtmsntt by Congrrss. He
argea that the haak wiM be esaipelled to
pat ailver into the haaha of eonearrrnt f cads
sooner or later, aad arses thesa to do so
proas ttly, and that render fettle legt-lation
rrwns Ba reaopuoa
He point- eat
ke xnba-ks
anoarrnt. as they are evcata-fy redeemable
in ailver only, and so they writ csreslsie only
for gavernc-oBt dtsWrse-oent aad payx-cau
of taxes.
rourics xevts.
A Xrw stebelllon.
CoT3rriori, Oet. SS. In a eircslir (a
the seg&Atorr powers ia rstrd to the sew
robetttea soaih of the Battim. the porte de
scribe the condsuoB o( Maebaans in Bel
garta and Koannn as intolerable, aad declare-
that fomgaers are eo-op rating with
the Slavoatc miwiailtee al SeiLa and aiming
at the estivTicishairBt ef a new isdepe-ulent i
stale. Ia another aote addressed to Prince I
Labono-T. Baaataa -aUaxior at Censta-iti- ,
nopte. the porte ch-rn Raaaia with eoasiv.
aace at tbe plans ot tae rebels and dctatnitt :
her aid in sappres-tag the rebrkoa begaa
aader the eyes of Ba-saan troop. I
Talallr teo(rwred. !
x Vlassa Jau-Lrk r-rta tk-i fa-ir .
pajases ef l-edsfs. wbsch were the oa)r Tark
lvh forces ia the dsstnet where the Bedcarian
nasng is Maeedoasa Iwg-a. wre tctaHy de
stroyed Iry lasargeat oa the ltih iast. Six
bnttihoas have been seat to reiateree the
g-msen of Sores.
A dl.T-Uch from Berlin reports that Htrr 1 Ife-dttnfft at cost, the aatherilie stiH per-ora-a.
vrwveat a-epeml ci--nclkr, has t-st in kryir-g a lanff ei 10 per cent ea aH
n.i.n.1 V. nxm-tuui I tspKtt of previsions. Add to aH these fear-
tendered hw retrvUu IJ.-lflllM
Gt-Mw. Oct 5S. - The aabeaUr of John
laae-, ngni are over eve snata .
dettart. aasets comparatireiy me-grr. It ic
the Gsssgow hoase only tnat fails, both
Wright aad Seatt havtag retired from the ;
London aad Bangooa eoacems after the fail- j
are ef the Csty of Glasgow Bank. 1
Very III.
Loikox. Oct. 29 The air Is hoary with
raisers of tbe tttnes of Lord Beacon--rid.
aad the cabinet has beea s-Bsmosed to eon
aider what shosM be done in case of his
death. At the last meetiag of the cabinet he
had a aenoas apopUtie fit and the presence
of his physician was necessary.
Laborers on a Strike.
Agriesltar-l laborers in Kent and Sussex
threaten a general strike beeaose of an an
noenced intention to reduce wages. One
tkoatand are already on a strike. The la
borers declare that the course of the farmer
is oppressive, and threaten emigration to the
Cess a red.
LojnxKT. Oct. ?. An inquiry made by the
board ef trade into the Princes Alice disas
ter resulted in the acquittal ef the captain
and engineers, and censuring the mate fer
Another Trwnble.
St via, Oct, 29. Movement of Persian
troop in the direction ef Afghan ' frontier are
reported, which will prevent the Ameer from
withdrawing the troop from Herat to rein
force Candahr.
atnljcartaa Insarreetlaeu
Co svt-xttso r i r, Oet. . Prince Laban-
off. replying to the note of the porte, in re
gard to tbe lialganan insurrection. Assured
the latter that the Ktmians have taken no
part in the Bulgarian uprising in Macedonia,
whieh Is merely an act of brigandage by Bul
garians and Tarkish deserters, and possessing
no political character.
ConzrntBlatew Her.
Loroos, Oct. 29. Don Carlo in a letter
to Ex-Queen Isabella, congratulating br
on the escape of King Alfonso, declare that
demagogy shrinks from nothing in its at
tempts to destroy even princes whom it it
self placed on the throne, and who are forced,
pcrhap unwillingly, to be its stares.
Re tumor Lo rd Bafirln.
LoxnoxnxBT, Oct. 29. Lord Dufferin was
welcomed by the mayor, high sheriff, and
other gentlemen, presented an addrrss and
the freedom of the city. Lord Dufferin, re
turning thanks, said he had left Canada as
contented and loyal as Great Britain could
Labor Trwable-a,
Madxid, Oct. 30. The cabinet council,
nnder the presidency of the king, to-day dis
cussed for several hours the condition of the
Cat-Ionian workmen a-sociation. Dis
patches have been exchanged with Paris,
Vienna, Berlin and Borne, with a new to
common legislation against socialism.
Want a Railroad.
Gecrrs, Oct. 30. Twenty-ens cantons
hare accepted a scheme for the completion of
the SU Gothard railway.
Knsllah J Bailee.
Loxdox, Oct. 30. The directors and other
official! of the City of Glasgow Bank have
been committed on a charge ot fraud and
theft. One of the directors offers tire hun
dred thousand dollar, bail, but the accept
ance of bail is not obligatory in case of theft.
Several person prominently connected with
tbo bank have disappeared.
Will Ask Pcrml-vlea.
llo-tz, Oct. 30. Cardinal Nina, pontiieal
secretary of state, will consult Great Brn-ia
Lbefore filling the vacancy, and will nlso ack
permission to send a nuncio to Londoa with,
out demanding a British rtprtse&UtiTe at
the Vatican.
Kverytklar Lovely.
fnsrainw V Sf 111 -iUU-.l -08.1
"wo -a'B-va--rt wea www.- atH STVCISI-Vas -XB--- i
I e-ltks teJtkewAjof th( B4rrigot tke Dka (
of Cumberland with Princeu Tbyra bare
been remoTcd, and their betrothal u now an
accomplbthed fact,
ia indacemeal.
1JtISJLCr 0c'u ,b(J DuJte of Cnmber-
W ahall rttract tbe manifesto iaaued after
ii. ii,.. .i. ..i. i v-i. l.- . t...
rinht to the crown of ILtnover. ProMia will
surrender to him Gntlepb money.
Kins of Dahomey.
Intelligence has been received from Why
day, on the west coaat of Africa, Sept. 2Cth.
that a Portug-esc commacder and seven
soldiers are held captive by the King ef Da
homey, who make them parade before hlra
I daily. The king has recommended a grand
j custom of human sacrifice, and five handred
persons have been slaughtered in one month.
IZuctauiTa I'liluatUBt.
Loseos, Oct. 31. A cabinet council waa
held yesterday. The Post annoanced in
semi-ofScial form that it ha been decided to
send the ultimatum to the ameer before pro
ceeding to alienor meatnre. It is not.
however, probable that he will avail himself
of the but chance. Relative to the general
aspect of affair it is not unlikely that Lord
Beacontfield. al the Lord Mayor's banquet on
November 9th. may be able to speak of the
future with satirfaction and confidence. All
the morning journals agree that the govern
ment has decided to give the ameer a laat
chance. The Standard believe- the cabtnet,
yeaterday. decided to require from all con.
eerned a strict and hleral observance of the
Berhn treaty.
A dispatch from Simla k tales EcgLind't
cltimatu-a will tcrnmea the ameer to give
gaaranlee fer future good cr-lrrst-ndin.
It is net thought the ultimatum will cause
any delay, as the answer ef the ameer must
be received within a fortnight or three weeks,
and prtp-r-tie&sof the army wtH, mexswhile.
be unrein ed.
Daaser or laaarreetloa.
A Vienna dispatch say it appears the
powers are becezing aware ef the danger el
the Belg-nan in-urrrcuo airy coTesent.
which was cndently cxrrfaHy orxatted
months beforehand. al have opened x con
fidential exchange of ideas en the schjecs.
Morklas Capital.
Loxx-ox, Oct. 31. The Time ia lU finan
cial eolems remarks that the working eapital
ef the Cotton mills at Oldham, operated en
the -usitcd kaUhty system, u 1. 640.000.
Of this sum bet a -Utfe more t il.tOO,
0i has rttcr&ed any interest tr a year, and
cor-t-derably over hi If the captt-1 is barrow ed.
Cbalerw in Xeroeeo.
WxtarscTos, Oct. 31. The U. S. Cesssl
at Tangier has -rartr-itled a difpatch to the
Stile department, giving as acce-ntf the
fearful ravag-s of cholera m the interior ef
Morocco. The miser? among the people is
great. Bastses t aimcat cemple-eiy p-ra-
lyzed. aad tbe c&olrra is sweep-cg ever t&e
so-thers and middle proviace-. Hssdreds
are dying ef starvati-n. and all the s-t-erie
ei smallpox and S-alignam ferers add to
their horrors. Never It f ore ha Morocco
pa-aed throcgh roeh a IcxziaX erdeal. Wild
and -ncertaia rumors ef the ravage ef the
pe-ttence la the Interior, whteh are brecght
datlr to Tangier by refsgees, add to the gea
' nl const m-iion. While ta-sease ncm-
. bers ef rople are sttrnng ia the very street
of Tangier, aad mert Lasts are selling aH
I fcl viaitat-eas the farther fact that the
' Shbonag cen&t-ea hav. alme-t completely
est off MerocccFtrom comma-icatien with
the outside world, and no gloomier picture
caa be tt-agiacd.
Callea'o saeensar.
Krw Toax. Oct. 31. Pope Lea XIII. has
appointed Doctor Gilooly, nineteen years
lasbep of -Jpaxs. to tbe joaition ot apos
tolic delegate from tbe Holy See to the United
Slates aad Canada, The tlatemeat that the
pontifical Secretary of Stale will consult with
tbe llrittia government beiore appointing
Cardinal Julca s successor recalls termer
reports thai aa naderMandtng had already
been arrived al between Ureal -tntaia aad
the Vatican with a new to preMiag Irish
di-sAtniactioa. Tne appointment tberefere.
is expected to hive an important pohticl
Very Abort Tlaae.
Loxsox. Ker. 1. A du patch from Simla
says the nltim-lam gives the ameer a very
short tuue to answer, at the expiration ef
which, it is believed, there will be a general
hlpn reek aad Lows of Life
LoOTOX, Kor. I. The British revenue cut
ter Fanny was run into ami sunk off Fnscar
to-day by the steamer Helvetia. Seventeen
of the Faanj crew were drowned.
A Tall Apology,
LoxnoT, Kor. 1. A Simla correspondent
say the ultimatum demands a fell apology
and reception of the Brituh mission by the
ameer, with other conditions. There is no
expectation taat it will be accepted.
Tbe Walking Xaieta.
Losdox, Nov. I. The fallowing are the
scores of the walker, in the walking tosma
ment, at 11 o'clock last ni$ht: Corker, 371
mi'es; Brown. 3ot; Weston. 337; iubbert.
329; Ik) well, 31S, Corstand. 3u7.
Cladalone CrittcUrw.
Loxrox, Kor. 1. Gladstone severely criti
cires England policy, and declines to give
the government the confidence they ask on
tbe Afghan question, and complains that they
withhold anthoritire information. He
showed th-t the government's relations with
Afghanistan were satisfactory daring his ad
ministration. He jusU-cd the displeasure ot
the ameer at the British occupation of Guct-
A Warlike Tone.;
The Bassian presa is extremely hostile to
England. The cdomosti says: The great
struggle with England, which has been pre
paring for centuries, will occur in Afghanis
tan. The Buski Mir declares the hour has
come when England will be held responsible
for past delinquencies.
Aran to Spare.
Sr. FtTTsrctoit, Kor. 1. The Golos re
joices over the delay in Lngliah operations
against Afghanistan. It says as long as
peace continues Rosa-.
can give arms and
money to any one.
Six F-ajfosce, Oet. -9. Jaatrw FarreU
was brought into the city prisoa early thia
morning, having Ween attacked, by footpads
on Sansome street, aad beaten and kicked so
MTtrely that death ed a few hoars later.
No ai usts yet,
Ex-Kavy Pay latpeetot JLC
was pat oa trial to-day la the TJ.
court Before J-dge sawyer, with J
sib aa a-eoesate, oa a charge ot
altering iraad-lgat Bry pay
jary waa t-3esel wwiaat
tho ksktag of toaUwoay
Stewart M. Taylor.
to-day TMoagfet bb 9 the
swer a eh wry of bauary,
riser Dsafottl. The a
Vwr trial, aad th -ae w
eky wwafaitl eeari, -M1
Qmx, 0t, 38,-11
i er
tory of the Sierra Flume Co. took fire thia
morning about 9.30 o'clock, and in less than
half an hour tbo boildtng fell in. All the
mrchinery and a con-ideralde portion of the
stock is a total loas. Only a few hands were
at work drt-aing 1 amber. The loss is esti
mated at from a quarter to a half a millioa
dollars, probably nearer the latter figure.
The fire eanght in the roof from sparks from
the smokestack, aad the names sprerd so
rapidly that the appliance of the company
for Sghting fire could not re utilized.
M loins" Accident.
Err-EXA, Oet. 28. An accident ooccrrtd at
the Eureka Consolidated mine last Saturday
night, by which one of the large spur wheels
of the machinery was broken Into -Inns.
The wheel must be duplicated from Saa
Franei-co, One compartment of the main
shaft is thrown eat ef employment by the
aeeident, leaving bet one compartment to do
the whole b-ainess ot the mine. It will re
quire nearly a aaer-th to repair the damage
to the mine, and the furnaces have been rsa
high iire-re fer a lonsc use to produce
the regular monthly dividend-. It is feared
that by this aecsdent dividends may be est
dawn in the future. Scpnntndmt Don
nelly is in Saa Frindteo, and the real sita
atien as to the of dirid-ada can
not be learned.
Oaex-uts, Oct. 29. CeL Bichard Eealf
committed suicide last night at the Windsor
House, lie came here yeateriay aad wrote
two letter to Col. Tappan. which were found.
en a table in nts room. In tb letter, hft
stated that he Lad taken chloral and lasda
nam fer tbe parpose of caesing death. Cel.
Eealf eame to this eoaat from Pittthrfrg. Pa..
a few months age. and of late has held a po
sition in tbe L ft. mint, waiea Be procured
through the infiaenee ef Gen. Jeha F. Miller,
in whose Lng-de he served ia the ware, the
rtbe-bon. His ssie-de is sttribcted to ?aea
aad domestic di-Trlties.
B reward.
Bz Btrrr. October 29. A welV-Tessed
woman was focad this eTeaiag drowned is.
tee -MU-rasento rrrerisst be krw tows. She
la -apposed to have arrived here yesterday
morning oa tae lieiSdirg train, aad. was last
seen ahoat $ o'clock last evening walking
down to the bank of the river.
The Ceotgta tTreek
Saw Fxa-ccx-oo, Oct. 30. TJ. S. Inftxctcr
Be mis is hrwdTBg aa inquiry into the eassea
leading to the wreck of the steamer Georgit-
"-ns--erABse era-eace nas already bees
taken, which wdl probably be? mads pelvic
ia the course ef the day.
Tbe Cearzla In ve.ti-.tlos.
Sax FciatCTsoo, Oct. 31. In the inretti-
tioa ef the cirrmsircr- srterrTtrtT spoa the
lata of the steam r Georgia, the nnt wimo-s
exaaxtaed to-day was it- iiennsy. pcrser
tbe Lreorgta. tin icvtimaaT was. to tea
general effect that the fa pan ad coers ci
the ship were attealtTe to their dsriW. ami
that the charge of drunienne- ags-c-S the
apt-tn was o-uocaded. Hexsas J. Bexa-
hardt. a steerage p-asenger. was next called,
aad t-stificd to the preseaae ef a lady ctTata
paa-eager ia the captain's room ihoatlke
use the ship t-rcek. aad the i-totV-atica of
the captain ISul his te-nmony m in mazy
rrtpects so loose aad csntr-rtir-ary as to
raise a seriees quest-on as to its r-al T-he
He stated that the other of-cers were aH
right, with the exception of the sai geua. who
ladulged ia ahesire lasg-age topas-eagexs
wmie prepa ri Tvrr were wing raade to
srwrtden the ship, but on reaching the shore
he changed hu manner and nicqneniry
conducted himself properly. He also les-t
fied that due care was takea ta iasaxe the
safety ef life and property, and eoafort of
p-sseagers -nbseqaeat to tbe acriibrat. '
Tbe fv. r. K. K-
The Southern Pacific TEifiraad C-mpanv-.
of AriroTi, ef which the late David D. Coi-
r v rv-- v . . i-. .... -;.- r .
General Celten. deceased, aad David Harer.
a member of the board of d-rectocs, xa the
place of Crocker.
Tbe Biga-ay Case.
Sa-.t Lixr, Oct. 31. The examlnatioa ot
Miles, the bigamist, has dosed and defeat-sat
bound over to await the action cf tka praml
jury ia the sum ef $ 1,300.
WHEAT Market Tery stiff. AH stocks
advancing. Sales to-day embrace S,000 ells
at $1 67 j; ef fair to good California milling.
Choke milling sold $1 72 t. Choice to ex
tra choice milkng. we Ieara of a large sale
to a miller at $1 7&l 75, bet this quota
tion is calculated to mislead, as rery little
comes up to this standard. Sellers are mere
willing to part with their product. BeceipTa
to-day were 57,500 ctl.
FLOUR Firm, with buyers showing sacra
disposition to operate.
BARLEY Feed aad oats, fair to good
feed, quiet and cast.
COUK Steady."
HOPS Kusiiaa Hirer sales of 30 bales cf
choice at 10 cts. 30 bales extra at 11 cts, 70
bales good at 9 cts.
POTATOES Dull. Q-oU choice reds at
Toe S-vXItabt Eitect or Hocse
vtork cro.v Women. Maaj of tie ills
and diseases preraleal among vranieii ia
our day arv, no doubt, traceable to the
sevlentArr mode oi life so commoa amnng
them. The progress of modern indus
trial art has done awajwith so much of
the household dnidgety to which wo-nea
were formerly subjected, and the result
is in too many cases want of sr-Scent
occup-vtion for needed, bodily ete-xic.
The fruits of this state of things are
strikingly exhibited in certain ebeerra
tions made by the late Mr. KeWtettet,
a Manchester surgeon, who iai Kk prao
tico as a sjxcialist for woaaee's i-Trnc-Lorxi,
found that in women wio pecififuJ ait
a - .
uieir nousenoid woric, there was m 1
of ccrt-un complaints; taat ikHt
puunts begin to make tboir
in women with one
more pronounced i
two . i im waaii
ot ?'
a wv9-iBW-rr