fa &a$t wpuiaiu I . I I I rUBUSHED JETBBT SATCKBAY XOKXTSG, XT TBS East Oregonlaa Publiskteg Co., J. H. TpRXER, Fmi'naw Xuijir. caipS BLstn KL., opju the Ceart Hshm. BstM or HnbcrlttIeR la Celat Om Tnr, in f CO Hi ""v" . i , 1 0 Three Moctsa., X 00 fitefU Oupiea.. 10 LODGE DIRECTORY. Duiox Lonk, No. 4, K. or P. -Meet la the Caalle Hall. Pendleton, eray Wedneeiay erenlrnr. Brother! b food ataaolne; an cordially bmted la attend. Fexsuctox Loait, So. li, JL.r.Si. SL-UkU on tbe Sm and laird Monday of etch moaUu Hoar ut Beotinf, 7 P. VI. Eunu Stak. Martha VTiihitctna Chapter, Peae too. MeU erery Tuwvlij- clftt luBowinc the Bret aad third Monday ia each month. Ecus Lodge. Ko. 3, L O. O. F., rendletnn MegU Terr Saturday eveaiuj at T P. M. Brethren la cood Maasinc art invited to attend. Moaaiuu. Ioixar. No. 10, L O. G. Pendleton Meet every Thursday eTenlnr at 9 o'clock P, M. Bretb ren ia good Winding arc rrquected to attend. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Brawn Csrcsa. W. L MacEwaa eSekVlag: eer. ioea on eecubC and fearta Sealar of each month at 11 A. It. aad r.3J 1 K. Barnrr Carrara. Rer.fr. H. Fruit, sater: aenitei at ten Ooort Hotac en the teceaj Suadar el each Baaato. at 11 X. IL, and IX 1. XL Dawis Ocaes. MmU la Iba Oosrt Hneetea U third Seaday of each axmik. Mr. L X Blchardaoa oSd attec at 11 A. M. and J:S0 P. M. Msnraear CHractt. SoelK Eer. S. W. Dark, a, tor: acrricea ia the Coert Mouee on the ant WaMij of each swath, at 11 A. M. and 730 P. M. IL E. Cbcscb. Ser. J. C. Klrteaa. puter; aarrtcea oo th Joonh Saady of each maclh. Pnjw murtlnr oa Wedaeaday rrcninx. CSaoa Scsair Scsool. X. WCBa, SwfL. MeeUererr Sasaay ia the Court Hoeee at 10 o'clock A. M. Xoreex. Smjis aaaocncerocnti of birtba, aaarriacea ad ileallie. iU La iaacoed witlwet charge. Obituary aeUcee wBl be caartvd I or aaronUsf to their tsrtb. Stse cof-iei of the East Oaaocmjuc, Jn nv-peis. lor TTTiHirg, cm be ooUiarxl at Ua o&ca. Weaavuiue no rcirmiiliilit i fer tWi nn.i 1 v, 3)r. J. A Skowles. Dentist, rxrx PKAcncE Bra psonsso.-T rs ziu.- tSla tad Union coe-atW AD erden uUW Vo. All vstk raaraatead. Cteargea moderaU. Oglefiy & TTiUiiiMSOH, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, TTettea, Orecwa TETBI. AIITSB ALL CALLS, DAT OE TKST, Y a-frap-ririieiiam. OCea on Mais Stfeet, tiatSncStan. E. P. Eagaa, X. J)., ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WESTOX. UMATILLA. COCXTT, OECOX. CT flea oa Mala Street. J. M. Pnteti, M. D., PHISICIAX AND SUEGE0X, , PEXBLETOX, 0COK, aVeo at Xcaieleace. ltf. VfliitcdiRb, M D PHYSICIAN AXD SUBGEOX, PrXDLETOK, OEBGOSr TTTILX. ATTDT AllT'CALLS, CAT OR MCH1 V-- eMrjbgg-taeea. AH diaeaaea trratod by the Sie& aad rery beet mode for the codort nf tLc axlcat. W. C. McKay, M. D., PHYSICI1K JLND SUT.GEOX PESBUTOX. CMATTLLA COCSTT, OSECOX. OSce efpoaUe the PeraSetea BotcL Dr. J. B. LiiHlsay, SCKGEOX XSD DESTIST I bow located peranenDy Of PEKE-LET03T, UMATILLA OOUXTT, 'Wbert hi aerrice can alnyi be bad. TStircor-r SxocrI.Alty S. V. KA OX. 'WeatoB, r-rititli Oeeaty, OracoB. TTTHX rEACTTCE IX THE COUETS OT THIS Y Slate aad WaahtMtoa Terrttory. Jinirrnil ittrnunn paato Laad yrarrnif aad ua- Fred Pae-Tnstw, (KoUrjrPahBc.) A-ttoniey at Law, Axd Real Estate Bsokes. 2phcial attextiok sites' to couscnoxs 5 aad Probate MaaUn. Loam segotUted aad Conty OrvCT boaybt and acid. chftice is court house. a. w. xxiurr. SeUryPBVfi. Tamer 4 BaMey, Attorneys at JLelw, SWCZ?TT ORDERS BOUGHT AXB SOLB. LOA3B y Bagetiated. jWOCaeonMala Street oppaeHe the Caert Ki.m PEXDLETOX, OBZOOK. 3. H. Sum w be asaodaled vHti aa in tSL eoBUaUd eaaee la the OreaK Ceart to the mure. ioM A. GHyer, JLttotmey at Law PEXDLETOX, OKESOK TfILL PRACTKX DT ALL THE : o&tnt .IT. Safer, or op- TV Ecataro Otafso. Oaaot vMtaO, Wilson Hotel, TJraatilla, OrpfoB. M1 rs& M. a. vilsox, formerly oroHCEASa, ha loeated so Frost Street CmatiWi. where ab Caa eetwd a int-etaai hotel. The aoaae baa been re. Med, the bed are exeeHeat, aad the taUe wffl be af pKed with the rery beet the market aaord. TnrtfBen wHl rwt reret attee at thU r. Ji. W. Sug Ceeapaa)-' rrachea vtop htn, DT?OT baataeei roo eaa eeafe la. 5"to fW r FiD 1 per day aaade- braay worker of eiaber aez, right ia year ewa. Inmltrtiw, Paraeatian aad aamriee worth $6 free, fcaprove W T at tUabaaaeaa. Aaaraaa Snaaoa A Co., Pertiaad. Katee. A TToan Bale matiaateral wsfftter-aa tfeeoat asy- U tUagelie. Capkal aet raqnlred; we w atart yea, f par day at baaf made by aba lndnrtrioor. Mas. wwaen, beya aal etna waata ererTWBerr Ba. Xew U the atasa. Ceayoatit aad . a . a a a . - a. I to werk tar iirB TWX A Oa. Angnato. Malae, i QfKZ awetk SByH- own teira. KeataHfraa. Xe fca. eflOOriat. Keaaer, if yea waat a baataeat at wbtab pataaatef afaiiuraa eaa wafce great pajra'A alwaaaa aat they wart, write ferparl.leniirf .to g. lUijw tee ana, aiinr. lie YOL. 4. COOKING STOVES Aire MANUFACTORY OF TINWARE, AadaSUadiot SHEET-IROX WORK, Xaia Street, oppealta tbm Co art Hobv Tffl eastUapy Urt on hand aad for ml, a Coefjrt of Aad vS alvart Vrp a crwrrleu ajaorteeat of COOKING STOVES ALL 11X1)6 Of Done to Order at aaart aetiet aad at varyasojera- prtcna. Q. W. WEBB. a avaua. RoiLoIiild & Bean, to S. BOTSCHLD, WOCLD RBa'BCIi LLLTCALLTHZA; iLAlKCf ml the pafeUc to Uir hr-fety lecnued atoA of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Whha the taereaaad UrtfMm aferaed byfcaek Ion eiftiWat theaa to eater JLt tie T7 Lewest Sates. TavttrHfA ylUeomJlit ma aTotafcroaJ Dry Goods, GcTooeries, Hardware, Cklsx aad Glassirare, BOOTS AXD SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Tfceywa alwayetaka atmfara ta Voz aey t with wbMi they aaay be catnieCed to the beat of ability. Grain and Hides AadeaherPBODCCEtakaa la czAaafa at tU EST ULAEEET BATES. Cash Paid for ooL ADAX STA.G Prsprietorof tiie Centennial Brewery, PendlefOB, Orwfrea, TiSOS 70 IK FORM THE rOHOC THAT HEW XflW JlJ preaand to fandeb BEER to the people of aaet aart aaaltty. Try aad be eon rl need, ivewcryeatt idc of MA1X STREET, center of M s WALLA WALLA STEAM BAKERY, B8TABU88ED IX MM. Ml aafaeterer of Bread. Cakes, Flea, aad aQ KloUa of CfliefceFa. Fki Proof HaHiHnp Mala Street, Walla Walla. A M. SPARKS' SALOON, Pendleton, Greg-va. EE EPS OX HAXB THE CAME COOS OLD EIXD. r lb Ua aWreeC, aytaaadf aV Tmt Otaea. Union Hotel, ITS LaVYTLXA, . - OBaWOaT. bats mtx, raOTKlETOR. MS WS M IX THE BBBT COKWTKMr TOR I the f teuton of pttaaa. tiean bum i r brabeoMMLeeaabwaie. The patna the wrtAe la aaHwted. Staea teara the bagaa far Panaataa. ft estea, La Otwaaa, VWem, Baaer wMf as M aaay. PENDLETON, UMATILLA 0HEG0N LEGISLATURE. TENTH KEJWieX. Twextt-Fiest Dat, Oct. 5tk Keaate. BILLS PASSED. S. B. 21 Directing the treasurer to redeem certain outstanding bonds of Uio State. S. R. 22 Amending sect. ICG and 1C7, chapter 10, title 1, civil coda. S. B. 23 For an act denning rights and liabilities of married women, and business relations of man and wife. S. B. 25 Amending beet. 1,041 and 1,042, title 8. chap. 14, civil code. & B. 2S To amend sec. 3, dun. 7-4, mis cellaneous lavs, granting to married wo men the right to dispose of any real es tate held in her own right subject to anj rights which her husband may have as a tenant by courtesy, and by will dispose of icr separate ersonal property owned by her at time of marriage or acquired afterward by her own labor. S. B. 29 To amend sec. 3SC, chap. 5, civil code. S. B. 32 To amend law relating to du ties of sheriils. S. R. 39 For an act to amend see 1,142, title C, chap. 15, gen eral laws. S. R 45 To amend sec 25, chap. 3, title 3, general laws; read third time and referred to ways and means com mittee. AFTEBXOOX SE&SIOX. PASSED. . & B. -4C To amend stc S66, title 7, civil code. S. B. 47 To amend sec 1, chap. 33, miscellaneous laws, to define boundaries of mining claims. S. B. 48 To provide for payment of claims grow ing out of Indian wars of 1S77-7S. Adjourned. Ha ae. Beading of minutes dispe&Md with. Consideration of bill to regulate rates of interest resumed. After discussion, S per cent interest, with 10 per cent, on contract was adopted and bill ordered B. 82 was reported back favorablr; ordered engrossed. II, B. 18, favorablr; same order. IL B. 102, adversely. 1L B. 91, favorably and ordered engrossed. IL B. 76, fav orably, same order. II. B. 104 was re commended as a substitute for IL B. 25; adopted and ordered engrossed. IL B 138 reported as a substitute for 132, and ordered engrossed. ILB. 131, sub stitute for the water rights bill ordered printed. Adjourned till 2 o'clock, 7th. Twextt-Seco.vd Dat, Oct, 7th. Bfnile. AFTEEXOOX SESSION. BILLS IXTRODCCEO. S. B. 52 Toamend Sec 1 and 4, chap ter 51, miscellaneous laws, relating to extermination of noxious weeds. & B. CI To amend Sec 155 and 27S of civil code to provide for the applica tion upon judgment of property at tached. S. B. 63 To provide for laborers lien upon personal property, bill aLo includes common carriers. S. B. 67 To regulate salmon fishing on the Clackamas river. S. 11 73 To amend the laws in re lation to recovery of jossesaion of real proirty. a B.7G To amend Sec 575, title 1, chapter 7, civil code. S. B. SO Authorizing sale of dupli cates in State library. a B. 14 To permit women to vote at school meetings. Haw. AFTERS 00X SESSION. Committee on insane asylum reported; recommending a half mill tax for four years, to build an insane asylum, and that immediate stein be taken for its building. Also ""recommending a con tract with some person for keeping in ssne and idiotic at an expense not to exceed $5 per week to each patient, for the next four years. BILLS INTRODUCED of following import, and read first time : By Gates To provide for transfer of mint property at the Dalles to Wasco Countr. Gates To provide for record of deaths by county clerk, and require physicians to report the same Gates For publication of sets of legislature and decisions of supreme court, in a newspaper. Thompson For the relief of Charles Dimon. Schroedcr To define bounds of Coos and Douglas counties; read second time. Schroeder For a bounty for the de- ) struction of certaia wild animals. Green To provide for a free wagon road from Akea Taller to the mouth of Aleea river; read second time under suspensen of rules. Green Appropriating $5,000 out of public l&Bd fund to aid the construction of the road from Alsca Valley to the mouth of the Alsea nver. Durham To incorporate town of Suerid&n, read second time. Durham To amend incorporation law for McMinnnllc: read second time. 'Galloway To further amend the laws in regard to the state penitentiary. Galloway To amend the law so that the fkcal year shall comBsence and re quire rcjiorts of officers to be in hand of Statu printer within six days thereafter. Cole To prevent swutefroei running at large ib Uoiusabta county; ameaded to include Beaton aad Lake eoanties. Purdia To repeal Sec 57, title 5, chapter 57 raiseelkBecws laws. Purdia To redae the State tax of three sulk to piy of indebted nees to eae mil; referred to ways aad aetni iwte. Ie Te fix tiate sad pkcos for add COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, ing sessions of supreme and circuit courts. Scott To make it the duty of clerk of supreme court to juperintend pub lication of decisions. Stearns To prohibit trapping and snaring of quails, and taking or killing "Bob-whites" for five years. Stearns To amend section 9SG, title 5, chapter 13, civil code Wright To incoqwrate town of Union; xead second time. Starkweather For an act to require rejiorta of State officers to be ready within ten days after commencement of a session of the Legislature. Chenoweth To incorporate town of Oakland; read second time. Smith To provide for the education of deaf mutes. Adjourned. - Twextt-secoxd Dat, Oct 8th, Senate. An effort had been "nude at the close of previous sesdon to - limit the time of speakers to three minutes in each bill, the discussion of which was resumed, but the resolution was lost and the rules were unchanged Senate bill 69 was taxen up and e f erred to committee for amendment IL J. IL 11 Concerning the investi gation of swamp land transactions called up, and an effort made to amend it so as to give the committee leave to report to the next Legislature; amendment lost. BILLS PASSED. a B. 45 To amend section 29, title 3, chapter 1, relating to duties of State Treasurer. a B. 31 To regulate measurement and survey of lumber in logs, and afix compensation therefor. a B. 3 4 To amend charter of Marshficld. AFTEEXOOX SESS10.Y. BILLS PASSED. a B. 51 To facilitate and regulate the transportation of logs, lumber and timber and other dotaables on the riven of the State and their tributaries, a B. 56 For the relief of John Flannigan. a B. 53 Providing for a fish ladder in all streams of the State, a B. 105 To provide for the construction of the lllamette alley and Coast lUilroauL a B. 6S To license selling of goods; was re-committed to committee on com merce. a B. 69 To establiah house of cor rection; was passed by a vote of IS yeas to 9 nays. EYEXING JEXSIOX. BILLS PASSED. a B. 65 To provide for the times and places of holding the supreme, cir cuit and countr courta. a B. 74 Pro- Tiding for private incorporations, and the appropriation f private property J lirvb'rt 5 11 TT TV nmYifl, m tint. xorm course oi puimc instruction, a ix. 79 To incorporate the town of Amity, a B. 84 Providing for the transaction of business br judges of the circuit court, a a 85 Toamend Sec 1,026 title 6, chapter 14, of civil code. SL B. 86 To amend Sec 862, title 1, chapter 11, Sec 968, title 3, chapter 13, civil code, a B. 87 To amend Sec 8, title 2, chapter 15, miscellaneous laws, a B. 90 To amend Sec 5, 17 and 22, title 1, chapter 7, miscellaneous laws. a 11 89. To repeal law providing for the appointment of State Librarian was lost. Adjourned. Haaar. IL B. 163 Relating to Columbia river and Blue Mountain wagon road; ordered engrossed. BILLS IXTfcODtCED Of following import, and read first time: By Hughes To enable swamp land purchasers to make payments and get patents. Kelly To change corporate limits of East Portland. Read To enlarge power and fix bonds of county surveyors. Grant .To allow directors of school districts to designate text books for their respective districts. Mathieu For the erection of a State insane asylum, and levy a half mill tax for the purpose Thompson To provide city of Port land with water. Thompson To admit woea to prac tice law in the courta of this State. White To incoqwrate town of Wes ton. Read second time. Chandler To aasead act asaeadiag charter of Baker City. Campbell To fix tisae for holding courts. Curtis To a mead the hra r e tt- c? t ut saie unuer execution. Curtis For relief of ' county. t r Evarts To prevent unj nation on railroads of less tl in length. Stearns To allow distr admit competent pcrsoas tl too courts of the district. J, steams to prevent o zliae. Read second time. Reeves Relating to discharge of per sona acqiutted by jury. Thompson To provide for uniform taxation aad creating office of tax com missioner. SEXATE BILLS READ FIRST TIME. a B. 25 Amending laws in relation to durfriet attorsevs' fees: 45 Regula ting office of State Treasurer, 29 Re lating to suits ia equity; 32 la rela tion to sherifts' deeds, -were read first time ia the Iloase. House adopted a J. M. 3 for improve ment ef Ceos bay; a J. M. 4 far mili tary past at Baker City; aad a J. it. 5 for laprevemwat of CoquiUe river. AFTEEXOOX 8EK3I0X. a B. 7 To regulate fishing for sal mon on the Columbia, was read second time under suspension of the .rules and tassed. a B. 1 1 To provide a fish commis sion on the Columbia river, read first and second times; rules suspended, read third time and pasted. a Ba. 58, 21, 52, 23, 39, 26, 14, 52, 80, 61, 73, 76, 63, 67, 46, and -17, were read first time. a B. 48 Providing for payment of Indim war claims of 1877-78, were read second time ami rules further sus tended and read third time. After a lengthy discussion the bill was laid over until to-morrow. IL IL 30 Setting apart the room occupied by engrossing and enrolling committees for their exclusive use, was read. EVEXixa sessiox. House went into committee of the whole, Scott in the chair, on IL B. 135 To pay expenses of tie Oregon ex hibit at the Centennial. Three hours were spent in discussing and amending the bill, and at 11:30 r. v. the commit to" me and made a favorable report to the House Twextt-tiiird Dat, Oct. 9th. Keaate. Watt introduced S.J.1L 5 Asking for a report from the Secretary of State and State Treasurer from dose of fiscal year till offices were turned over to the present incumbents; carried. THIRD READI5Q OF BILLS. a B. 94 To amend sec 64, title 6, chap. 57, miscellaneous laws; lost. a II 97 To amend sees. 28 and 36, title -4, chap 41, miscellaneous laws; lost, a B. 109 To change county seat of Coos county; passed. a B. 120 Attaching Lake county to Jackson for Senatorial purposes ; passed. Thompson asked leave to report on a B. 91 ; granted. BILLS OS THE TABLE. a B. 91 Indefinitely postponed, j a J. R. 4 Authorizing warrants of the Sandy and Dalles wagon road to be received in payment for swamp lands ; consideration postponed till Oct 10th at 10 o'clock. Recess. aawaaaBBBB Hoaae. House met at 10 A 3L and proceeded to further consideration of a B. 48, for the payment of Indian warclsims of 1877-78. After a lengthy dicnion the bill passed. Committee on corporations IL B. 172, to incorporate Baker City; ordered ea grossed. Special committee to abolish the office of State Printer, reported a resolution providing for such change, the Governor and Treasurer to advertise for bids after the 31st day of July next; adopted. IL B. 167 To permit directors to select text books for school districts, and abolishing the office of superinten dent of schools, a as reorted against by committee in charge, and after discus sion was ordered engrossed. a Bs. 31, 34, and 51 were read first time a B. 56; wrs read and referred to committee on claims. AFTEEXOOX SESSIOX. IL R. 32 For appointment of special committee to ascertain if there is a record in the office of superintendent of schools to show the vote by which the series of books now in use was adopted; adopted. Speaker appointed Purdin, Hughes and Bradley on such committee IL 11 35 To pay expenses of Cen tennial exhibit; was ordered engrossed for third reading. BILLS READ FIRST TIME. a B. 105 To provide, for the con struction of the Willamette Valley and Coast Railroatl; rules suspended and read twice by title; further suspended and read third time and bill passed. Judiciary committee reported IL Bs. 4, 79, and 41. IL B. 179 Relating to smoking opium, with amendment; ordered en grossed, U. B. 88 Relating to State institute for the blind was reported with amend ments; ordered engrossed. H. B. 171 To incorporate city of Weston, read third time and passed. IL B. 159 To incorporate city of Union; read third time and passed. Dorris asked to have H. B. 120 taken up out of regular order and referred to committee on education, with leave to report at any time; rules suspended, bill read and so referred. to call up IL iJs. 7, 11 and selection and After conside refcrrcd to a d of Purdin, tt and Grant itox. E BILLS. Ito the coadi in in read first time ami referred to committee on pub lic buildings. IL B. 3 To regulate travel over bridges; rules suspended, read second time by title and ordered to third reading. IL B. 39 To aawad Sec 1, chapter 38, micellaneow laws; relating to mines; referred to eotamittee oa mining. IL B. 70 Fer the ereetioB of a ashway or ladder at WUkatette Falls, Orefoa City: ordered to third reading. H. B. 3 Rektiaf to jarars; te jadickry committee II. B. 154 Te provide eifrieal aid for the Sesrewiry sf SUte. H. B. 14 To abmmmI See. 310, of ehapter 4, of miisnHssMwa kws. TL B. 23 To rMal TjBafM aaei 1878. NO. 3. Wasco feface law. IL B. 23 To incor porate town of Indenendenco: amended and ordeted to third reading. IL B. 0 Itelsung to sale of spin to us liquors; to judiciAry committee II. il 130 For a bridge across the Willamette be tween Portland and East Portland. IL II 54 To define line between Baker, Union and Grant Counties; ordered to third reading. IL B. 26 To prevent spread of infectious and contagious dis eases. H. B. 133 Fixing salaries and fees of assessors; ordered to third read ing. IL B. 71 To legalize certain roads in Curry County; ordered read third time to-morrow. IL II 136 To extend time in which counties of Grant, Baker and Umatilla mar send in tfceir asoeasment roll; ordered read third time to-morrow. THIRD READLVO or H0CSE BILLS IL B. 10 To i) re vent emolovmeat of Chinese on public works of the State; passed, ii, il 'z KeeuUtins enclos ures; lost IL B. 31 To amend cor poration laws of Jacksonville; passed; 11- xi. 34-iouicorpGrate town of Leba non; pasted. Adjourned. TwEXTT-rocBTH Dat, Oct. 10th. Meaate. THIRD READ IXC OF HOUSE BILLS. IL II 47 Relating to stray cattle; lost. IL B. 28 To incorporate town of Independence; prssed IL B. 27 Regulating travel over bridges; passed. ILIU 51 To chancre t)s bmnitinM nf Grant, Baker and UnioaCountis; passed. il. ii. iteturned I rota the iiocse with correction and tuaaytl TT T? 71 To legalize certain roads in Curry Co.; passed. AFTEEXOOX SE&SIOX. HOUSE BCIIXEiS. H. B. 53 To limit time for recomr of real property; read first time, rules stnpeaded and read second time; amend ed, read third time and passed. IL B. 119 For payment of rrdleage and per diem and expenses of the pres ent legislature; rules suspended and bill read second and third time and passed. IL IL 159 To incorporate city of Union; ordered to third reading to-mor- Adjocrred. Chandler offered a petition from Ba ker county, for legislation prohibiting the herding cf sheep within three miles of any improved land in Baker county; referred to committee on counties. Thompson offered a memorial from citizens of Multnomah protesting against leasing the Penitentiary; tef erred to committee having the bill in charge IL B. 55 For punishment of va grants and tramps; after a long debate the bfll was amended and ordered en grossed. IL B. 58 To limit time for com mencement of actions for recovery cf real property; passed. IL B. 1 10 Relating to K&ools; read second time and ordered engrossed. A resolution to appropriate $600 to construct a telephone from Salem to the penetentiarr, was laid on the table Senate returned IL B. 10 Relating to employment of Chinese on public works, with amendments; concurred in and ordered engrossed. SCCOXD READ IXC OF BILLS. IL R. Ill To prevent spread of Canada thistle; considered engrossed. IL H 112 Concerning diiturbing of religious meetings; considered engrossed. IL B. 113 Relating to fees; referred to judiciary committee IL B. 114 Con cerning division line of Tillamook; re ferred to committee of Bewiey, Evarts and Galloway. IL B. 115 To improve breeds of cattle; com. on counties. XL B. 116 For a uniform series of school books; considered engraved. IL B. 117 Abolishing the office of register of State lands ia La Grande district; committee oa public lands. IL B. 118 To tax mortgages; considered en grossed. IL B. 24. Relating to enclo sures; ordered engrossed. II. B. 119 To par mileage aad per diem of mem bers; rales saspeaded, read third time and passed. IL B. 122 Salaries cf countr clerks sad sherkas; coai. oa coua ties. IL B. 123 To repeal sec 946, civil code; judiciary coraacittte IL B. 164 Purchasing the Quackenbush pat ent shackle; coai. oa ways aad means:, AFTEEXOOX SESSIOX. SBCOXD READIXS OF BILLS. TL B. 144 To defiae bounds of Til lamook countr; reported back aad or dered engrossed- IL B. 110 To pro Tide for incorporation of cities; ordered engrossed. IL B. 169 To provide cities with water; laid oa table ILB. 125 To provide for parcbase of supreme court reports; coasidered engrossed. IL B. 126 Defining bounds of Coos aad Curry counties; coat, oa eoaatke. IL B. 127 Appointing board of caaal COCA HB WftwORTS f ordered eagroMed. IL B. 128 Deining duties of eoaaty as sessor; referred te committee of Scott, Wright aad Starkweather. A B. 137 To -provide for internal improvement; jadiciary eosurattee ILT1 13$ To transfer mint haUdiag at the Dalles to Wasco eoaaty; coat mittee o& ekums. H. B. 140 To pro vide for record of deaths. IL B. 141 PaUaaaiag sets of cagroseod. IL DiBaoa; eommitteo 147 To BTdwd a sea valley to' eoaatios. ,H 1 14 I, BT COO": 1. scaa see es SS0 7 00 ) li 00 Sav yu SSQ0 S M U OS U 00 38 09 St M as oa M OS Uses no Mas OS 769 as. ilXf at as as 9 Mae Turn Ma as 6e m ee teas MM KM IM&e Crdiran. ,,,, li 00 M 08 is as Xotfeea la Iaal Ckiaaaa Sfl au w aawa. aW tko. aad M oniM yt aae eh trilimtjti tax 'rairWri waiafflj uu layaue qaanany. on counties. IL B. 155 Publication of supreme court reports; judiciary coaa mittee IL B. 181 Te provide for State tax commissioner, same as a B. 57; ways and means committee. H. B. 157 For protection of gasae aad fish; referred to committee on counties 2L B. 158 Legalizing sherifiV deeds heretofore made; jadiciary cosaatittee. IL II 162 To provide for eJuearioa oc deaf mutes; committee on educatiba. IL B. 164 Sale of swamp lands; eoss mittee on public lands. IL B. 165 To extend bounds of East Portland; cce sidered engrossed. IL B. 166 To ax. bonds of county surveyors; eoeaiimni. engtxaued. IL B. 167 For etsctioa of State insane asjluia and purchase of grounds for same; referred to committee of the whole Adjourned. ITQ3 BI TELEUKAFSL. Tbe Loacioa surer aaarket k veer sisx naat. IJeteber Mine aas IeriM aa marnmrat of SI rarrseaare. Lord Cielrmfcrd. formerjlj Lord Cama eellor of Esxlasd, Is deaul. Three atria and a boy were reeeaUr killed by raUiac Indioaa near Ga-lTaatoai. Texas. Bosnia and Heneirorfaa bave beea aoed. rbe intarzenu abtsloaet taatf, ctoon azul am munition. Tbe reaXjCBaUon of Vc.Sn.HnEsraws minWterofncaaersat Vienna, will arob aLljr talcs effect immediately. Tbe town of Koloachln ipeaeetallr fcm dered to MonteneKrina FrtdAr, la aosora ance with tbe treaty of Berlin. Tbe Indian are attll raldls? la V -mt i Tbe report tbat TnorBbenc bad csotarccl a Urxe Bfuaber of Cbejennes laeks rsflmt lion. Soelalift Jnarsals adrke Uscir feUowen. Is tbe event of tbe rinmtjr of tbe aeti-s eUllat bill, to emigrate to tb Csbea "ItTsb or Asia Minor. Tbe Colonial Trnst Corporstloa, of Jjn don. which daastOted in Uit debentare of la tereat, boa hitherto paid a dividend of 22 mt cent, ana Gaily. An Oaana dispatch received trcaa Tbcraaborzb'a coenmaad aara tbe ladiaaa bareaeutxered. Capuia Xodc was W aaUna betalod toe Tbe foil are of tbe GImbtow Basic oarrai wltb It several other banks and cc!oJl roerebaota. Aasocjr tbe latter hi FtetSec. Winslow Co-. lUfiHtSes SZ.Q&IJ&L Tbe Ssrraa xover&aea: has t weired tbe Pone's reply to the reqoeat for tbe re aMrsUoa of dlr4ocBal!e rebuiecs. Tbe reaiy la moat amicable, aad daairaa a reaewai o friendabip. An imperial decree ttas leea pobUaaed at Peatb, acorpUnT tbe retrnaUosa of tea whole Uansaitaa ntiaiatrT. bat cntevisar tbem to enaUnoe tbe tdmiriWratann 6 aStlrs n&Ul tbe sppcis Unseat of baelr aac- A remosstranee has tteen seat by tao de&riaaT bocae to Secreaarr iAtima azalnat bis recent order reqoirtef; weadaea of nallonal bsnK csrrraeT in leaded tar re demption to par tbe axprianaga ca HSm. advaaoe. A dUpaich from Bora bey amyi tbat traaeaa have been ordered ta advaaee from Dae. Ghirfkhao. tbes thm teniae 'rat nit a a from a new point. Is Is rescrud taavt os- aensiona bave brolen oat aatoas ta Afgbsntstan chiela. In nesotbttloos with EasUsd : reforms in Asia Hionr. ttio Porta baa i festrd a desire to Inoorporsie retni ibi ta a acbetse whtcb shall be sppUeabie to aa whole empim. Layanf, t&e Briaaah fnimdor. tuts oppoaed taa coeraw out. A dhpaleb from Bocabar aayx: Koar m Arrteer's lnantry resiaseou aad six caac are aiaiexl to bave arrived in front of AH. Xoajkl. a abort dlaiaaoe op tbe Xlyfeer fast and bare adraaced wklaia six miles of Javat red. ai which place m dttacfameat of KraUaet troops have arrived. A Cortan'.lnnpXe Jipatch ay- ernrsest nsa reoetvea inteuiajea oeiaen nans, oa annoaconii received orders to sorreader Jfoatenerioa, was killed Vy and US officers aad mm aaTln mand tnaaaacred. Tbe City of Glasaow Bsak. whiek wssatly failed, bod 13J brsBcbes. Very rich discoveries of aoid aaieitra lioue to be aaade at Caaaaar. DurinK tbe atoatb of " ilaajkiif mo ask 15c debt was redaced XJW.&B Tbe Xon-Partisaas asawar So be Tatiac tbe Callforaia eosUUaUaiMl moTratins. Tbe total loss saCered by Aattraui traeoa In the BoaoU and UeaefOTlawt war ka been about atee. Tbe bottlls Cbereaaes bare at taaul ta-s rallrraad and are snoriaa; aorta. Taayawrs thtta Sar alUed 17 peopS. Herr Voa Shell, naaariaa aUafcrtec mC nnaace, iu deelarevl tkat a oaaaor aako tbe repoae4bilKy of coatriKiaat to Ute a pensea of tbe oeeseaUoa of .Basalt aAar tko 1st of Norefaber. Tbe Secretary of tko Trtaaary aas hsaed a circa lar eklag vartoas seetsoaa of tas re rlied stavtaies reiatlao: to aeanaawi ex sasM com aw oautoa aaa aaaai et therefbr. tbe payascBt of kaaaort dosies Mt gold aad silver eeia.aaet cahtra a to tao utnount to wbleb isbiiolary aatror aaata. abalt be legal leader ;aa tao set pamt H at tbe last SMaiea of Ctavavas ia njad to tao silver dollar. A SOCTHERX P.VCWC ExriaHTMK. The Easislt Artie expaoraag soap Alert is being fitted oat far- a aew sur veying trip, wh-kh, Xatare says, will, be carried, oat priasiamlly in. ahe Soath Pacific. Her first work: will be aa ex amination of the iaaec water laeaaar from the Stnuai of MagoQea to too Gulf of Peaas, alocag tho soa-boatd. of Chile; from this she will stretch aerom theSoutkPadacOosaa imlsi. ing ea route as isr as prsetioakog to the preoeat knowledge of the hvdtogvaaay of the Low Arcaipoosgo Society aad. Frieavlly Islsadar. Altar a few aaoatao spent ia che ag4xrad of Fiji aad. ia sh eraaimstioa of daayrs Ijimg ia tiro track, ef BavigatioB Vetwoea that group aad the coloay of Ktw Xishiad, she will for the latter part of her vo) ago, be eat pkiyed oft tao aorthwwSotH, oaast of Australia, priaeifedir la Tifrntrlataiay the pestioas of, aad as far as mrrrimnnr caarttaf tho wioao saris aad adota lyin; otf tho Awtwiajt catiaoa aad. betweoa k ajataasoete of whioo. Twoat. tao oMtaafalMaattafai. aad at asaav af has beotv for aoatxa. lor tre- ssty ha W to XATSf or 1 Tn-fi Slaeaa Lveae t fyitaan,. iCcfcaa 1 Haaatetdaavd r ta; a a, fBdaroriiaata AlBBJaaWk. r bis oswa- 6 a