She fet rrgomii. published ievkrt saturday mormxg, ST THE East Oregoniau Publishing Go., J H. TlTRXER, Dullness llinarw. OfBcs Main SC.. ojP tke Court Ilea. Knln of Subscription la Coin: On Tr. in adranoe $S 00 KiiMontha 1 Three MonUu. 1 Siaji eopie 19 SATIS OT ADVErrUD'C. Vf COCft I Cottuao. ENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1878. NO. 1. Xotieea la Local Colossi! S9 eestj per Baa, ftnt laaer- ui rsu pw bzm Caen actae AdrtrtUaz biCj parable qoarUrly. st isaersas. She (fast ttgomatu i ri i n ! i . . ai urn mw te lit' wepttiii. 1. it, tfl. (. ljT- X Intri K OT U 30 SS (A $L0 00 SS9M llactae S 00 t GO I CO II OS MM X lacbm 4 00 7 CO U 09 14 00 SS 9 I Jacfcea S 00 SCO M OS SSiO 84 tCoiBBrn-.... 701 9 00 S(3 00 X 00 M68 CWnmn SCO UN MOO 3000 2409 iMmm . lAiwk tcsn flA ut fn m rm 1SC4 S0CO tHa 0909 13000 LODGE DIRECTORY. tiuiM tor. No. , K. or r Icfli in the Caatl HaM. Pendleton, everv VeJnrav erenlnj. Unrtbera la rood ataadinr are cordially Inriud t attend. PxswOTOiC Lodcc, No. SS, A. F. A A. M.-My,,ft. tU first and third Hjody ol each month. Tneetin; 7T.1I. 4 KiTtts St, Martha WwMnctno Chanter. ton. "Meets every Toe-day ui;ht f dSowias the nrat an third iljaiij in eaA mouth. ElKXxa LoPOt, No. Si, I. O. Q. r , resJ!Ua-iIu ererv fcilorday evcniur at " P. M. Brethren la pxJ vtandlns axe invited to attend. lliuuu. Lorax. Xo. 10. L O. 0. T retvilctnn-J ilortl everr Tbnrviiy evffltfg at ooek J". M. BrrW ren in poml ttaodinf are reijoeeted U attend. CHURCH DIRECTORY. oiheijj Emoont. Csrccsn. W. L. UacEwaa cSdatinr: Ticcson aeeohdand fourth Sunday of each, month 11 A. JL aa4 7 A) I Ji. Ctrrar Rer. W. IL TVatU, pastor: aerricea at Umj Ooort 1 loiM on tec second Sunday ot cah xuontb, at 11 A. it, and 730 P. M. DncRix Orcxca. UxU in the Court Hoes on th third Sunday at each month. Mr. L X. tilrlnnltoo oSd- atinc at 11 A. U. and "iO P. M. MeniooaT Cut ten. Sooth. Rer. S. W. Dt1c, pa, tor: aerricc in the Court House oa the first SumhrW earn nwih.-mt 11 A. M. awl 7 -JO P. M. - Mi pa, )C E. Cnrxcn. Kr 3. C Klrkmxa, raptor; amice ob th fourth Sasdsr of each month. Prayer martlrx ca Wcdacaday ctcqui. tTxxix Sonar School. It. TrSSi. SofC Xeetieroy Saaday is the Court Home at 10 o'clock A. 3L Sena Ssiie jjiaoanceaicnts at births, Burriecia ad death, will lhMTte4 without cJurjc Ohitoary sotlcca cin be chartvd for asrording to their Icztjtk. Sat copies of thedsr OaBwcux, ia wrappers, for riiHiix. ran be ohtarani at this oflioe. "Kt anvree do roomibHIty for Tiers mitul by Barrnpendtpta. Dr. J. A EHOTdes, TbeAr Stoek will MaiW kinUfcri ! Dry Goods, Dentist, Groceries, OREGON LEGISLATURE. TENTH MKMtieX. Eleventh D.vv, Sept. 23L hrnntr. Tlie Sonata met at 2 P. The journal was read and approved. BILLS INTRODUCED. llurcli To incoqwratc the town of Amity. George Authorudng tlie disposal of dedicate in the State library. Itrown lleiealing the auial and locks curumisidoiierK. Haley To rejwal right to establish wator trorkji at Albany. For the relief of Jajon Tieeler. Enabling judges of circuit court to exchange placnc Bennett To "amend code relating to sheritTs duties. SCCOSD CEADIN'O Or BILLS. To regulate and define a homestead; referred to judiciary committee. Kega lating rocAsoremcut of lumber in log; committee on commerce. To amend Sec. 9?6 ot the civil code; to committee on judiciary. Relating to tale of fire arms; ordered engrossed. To amend lav relating to common school; commit tee on education. Relating to clerical committee on way and means. Bui to amend the law governing time and place for uoluing circuit and county courts; to judiciary committee. Cochran bill re lating to o'.iice of State Printer; to com mittee on printing. To regulate Salmon fumng on Clackamas river, To commit tee on commerce. To license the selling of goodn by sample;" committee on com merce. I Sill to staliltMi uouse of correc tion; judiciary committee. Incorporate town of Amity; committee on incorpora tions. To reiteal the act authorizing Jacob FluJiner to atabliah water-works in cttv of Albonv. AfTEKXOO.V SE&S10N. The bill for an act to nrovide for jiayment of war Jchums 1878, was taken from militarr committee and referred to eommitlee on elsjix. law re Latin" 1, to t ill peactice ins monssiox VS CVA- 1 T taia and Union ewmlira Au crdcra adiroaed to hla at Pcndletwa, Oregon, will be rcomptty atteadod to. AU workctsaraateea. taarsts taouerau. Hardware, T.T.MUCR t. t. ttt : r i rtnx Qslesbj & TTilliamsoH, PHYSrCiAKS AND SURGEONS, Gkiaa asi Glassware, BOOTS AND SHOES, riLL ATTESD ALL CALLS, DAT OR SIGHT, with tcsritnf OAaaoc XaiaStnet, OBC9- uu SrsfBura. HATS AND CAPS, E. P. Eagan, i. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, tTTESTOS, C1IAT1LLA COUNTY, OREGON'. OF tee on Slain Street. J. M. Preett, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, PENDLETON', OBECOX, eflre at Residence. W. Whitcomb, M. D.T PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, PENDLETON', O LEGOS. emTT. 1TTT-ST1 ATX CALLS. DAT OB 51CIT1 V with promptneaa. AU diataaea trraUdby the bteat sad tery beat swdca tor the comfort el the p&Utat. W. C. McKay, H. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUIGE0N T-VEXnLETOS. CMATTLLA COrNTT, OEECOX JZ OCTpidtethePcodktooHoUL Dr. J. B. Lwrfsay, SUKGEOX ASU D EXT 1ST Ii now located pennaneotly JS PENDLETON, UXATHXA COCSTT, Where tia serricci caa aiwaya be bad. S. V. KXOX. ttorriey at Law, Wecton, Una! ilia Cnssty, Orseco. "TTTTIX PEACTICE IX THE C0CETS OF THIS 1 State and WahiRttonTerrttT- . . XfSfcdil T'tf"tw' pud to Land lioiiatm and Col- ecttoni. Fred Page-TasttH, (XotaryPsUk.) . Attorney ut Law, Axd Real Estate Bbgkee. OPEOAL ATTENTION CITEN" TO COLLECTIONS . jj and Itobate JIatUra. Loans at2Uated and County Orueri boojht and eoJJ. OITICE IS COURTHOUSE. BILLS PAEaEU. - - S. B. 1To amend Sec 20, title chapter 4, mifcellaneous laws. a B. 33 To amend sale of liquors to Indian. S. B. A3 To amend the act incorpo rating town ot uervais. Discus En. Bill to legalize certain elections in Yamhill county, ordered engrowed. bill regulating adjudication and ayment of claims; amended and I ordered enrros-viL Lord's bill for an act to iecure a just . - - - r 1 i . uivimon ot ine estate oi wv. jxmding consideration Senate adjourned. Haar. SECOND BEAD1XQ Or BILLS. IL B. 57 and 5S relating to suits for recoverv ot real nrot-mv: reicrreti to aid in State department; cotamittee on whtx and means. lleUtinz to convey- ances ot real )rotxnv, coramittee on judiciary. Relating to conveyances by executors and ailminbtraUon; comrait- te on judiciary. Relating to osting notices ot election; orueml enrrosseu. To repeal Sec 77C civil code; committee oa judiciary. To amend sec et , , . . ' I jiuhciarr committee. o. i'J, to cure tnfore made in cood faith; to judiciary of taxes; committee on ax&rssmeau. To repeal act nrovidiac for traveling comtensatioa of justices of the mpreme aad circuit courts; committee ea judici ary. Relating to duties f State Treas urer: committee on wavs and means. For a committee on swamp lands; cera mil tee on public lands. The president signed S. J. R. Xa.1. ; Adjourned. I They w31 alnra take raeaiRr is Sar aay orders tth which thry tfiay be cctrsaud to thfflty. :U their Grain and Hides And other PRODUCE takes la excise at the HIGH- EsryiKsfrrgATaa. Cash Paid for WooL COOKING STOVES AXB MANUFACTORY OF TINWARE, And aS kind, U House met at 2 P. ii., speaker in the chair and 55 members present. A petition was read from citixaas ef ILnton county axking lor m to am in the constrnction of Alsoa Bay wagon raid. H. J. JL 3 requesting Congress to extend time of completios ef X. P. IL IL; and IL J. IL 4, aAking that Uatatilk rervation be thrown WXjh to wtUe- ment, were read tint time. BILLS IXTRODCCEjIS Stratton For recovorv of damages for injury to private property by coqo- rations. Dorris To provide for holding teach ers county institutes; also apprejriatus S2.500 annual lv for uiirt ot state uiiivendtv. Gilbert EsUUishing ditches, drains ami water courses. Evarts Regulating costs of trials of Indians in Extern Oregon; also, amend- inc ejection law. Steams Relating to common carriers "Wcbdell Dcfininz duties of county TiilitTEEXTH Dat, Sqa 25th. i Keumte. Bill for an act to provide short-luuul reporters for the court: ordered en grossed, and read third time to-morrow. REPORTED FROM COMUITTEES Bill to amend chatter of city of Albany; favorably. S. B. 12 To promote incihcal acience; favoiablv; amendments offered and was adopted. U0CSE BILLS, ETC Tlie act to incorporato town of Jack sonville. The act to authorize Dalles city to disose of certain lands, and the act to inoortorate town of Lebonon; wore read-first time. II. B. 10 To prevent the employ ment of Chinese on public works; and the bill to protect stock growing inter ests; read second time, the latter ordered to third rcodinz to-morrow. Senate concurred in joint memorial for the establishment of a harbor of refuge at Port Orford. And with reso lution to exjivl the saloon from Capitol building. Hie House resolution requiring two thirds vote for the introduction of bills after 30th dav of session; laid on table. House memorial for an extrusion of to the X. P. IL IL; referred to committee on railroads. Memorial for the opening of the Umatilla reservation; referred to com mittee on Federal relations. Senate concurred in House resolution to procure copy of procedings had by representatives of general government, and the State, with the Umatilla Indians, Adjourned. AFTERXOOX SE&SIOX. time After the committee read a resolution to meet the Woman Suffrage Associa tion, and hear arguments; adopted. Adjourned. Fourteenth Dat, Sept 2Gth- Hcaate. "ILLS READ SECOND TIJdE Senate bills To amend the act to prevent swine from running at large: to special committee. An act to redis trict the State; to judiciary committee. To amend Sec 313, of civil code; to ju diciary committee Act to amend pri vate incorporation law; to judiciary committee. To amend Sec 1,051 of civil code; to judiciary committee. To amend Sec 55 mil code; to judiciary committee S. B. 77 To amend school law; to committee cn education. To amend Sec 44, title 4, chapter 11, civil code; to judiciary committee. To authorize sole of duplicates in State library; to judiciary committee. Tore peal the act creating board of canal commissioners; to committee on com merce BILLS PASSED. S. B. 5 To leaglize election of jus tices of the iJcace, in Yamhill county. S. B. 82 To reteal act authorizing Jacob Fleischner to erect waterworks in city of Albany. DIACUtSlOX. On Lords bill for an act to secure just division of debtor's estates occupied the tune of the Senate during the most of the morning session. Adjourned till 10 A IL 27th. SHEET-IKOX WORK, Xalst Street, oppolt tlsa Ctort Hmw Win cocstadly bare oa head aad lor sale, a Conrptei- Aaaxtoaestot i. E.TCEX2S. B. T. UOXT. Sutar, PnbUe. THrn&r L Attorneys Bailey, at Law, "37X3NT- And wQ alwayskaeccsplcUajeortaMXtaf COOKING STOVES ALL KINDS O P Done to Order at abort notice aad prices. U reryaaodefal Cotnnr orders boucet akd bold. stCUtiaUd. XTtXEae on Sfala Street oppaiite the Cost PEXDLETOk, ORECOS. J. H. Stan wiO be SKodated with ss ts aS to the Circuit court ta ui rotsre. LOANS G. W. WEBB. Jobfl A. Guyer, Attorney at 3La-w, PEXDLETOX, OEEGOK. T-r-rrr T. tTrTIcC TV ALL THE COURTS OF YV Eaern O.eeoe. OfLso wfcb O. W. BaiJey, J- ) tc tbe beleL Wilson Hotel, ITmatlUa, Oregon. a roe V I wifsnv, FORVERLV OF ORLEANS. fL has located on Front Street Umatilla, where she ha ot3td a Orat-daM hotel The bouae haa been re. fitted, the beds are excellent, and the table UI be jpp nlled with the rerr beet the market afford. TraTeDers w31 not reet stoppla? at tela place. it. W. Stage Coinpnyi ooaehea atop here. AD AX STAXG Proprietor of the Centennial Brewery, Pendleton, Orrrna, BECS TO IltrOOU THE PURUC THAT HE IS ROW prepared to f umidi CEEU to Uc pcoiJe U an el llt nualilr. Trr and be eonrioced. Brewery cut OMessorx. Brobock For relief of Lake countv. eidcU! CTlUXT. center of Mode 'rT?C!fn bnnneai roa caa ene In. X)JO A ss to no HO 1 per day made by any worker of either aer, rijht la yonr own locauuec i-arucaiara u ample worth Si free. Imprcre yonr ajare Umo at tuu oostnee. Aoarea nnaaoa At., i wui""' "WALLA WALLA STEAM- BAKERY, ESTABLISHED IX UU. O. EUSIOITTEXi, Xaanfactcrer of Bread. Cake. Plea, and all Vii a' Cnckea. Flra Proof BoUdlny. XalB Street, Walla Wall. A. X. SPARKS' SALOON, Peadleleti, Oressu XEBPS OX EAXD THE SAME GOOD OLD ETXD. Xala Street, appeal 1 the Fest OSSee. BILLS READ SECOND TIXE To provide for completion of State Capitol; laid on table until Sept 2Ui at 2 P. iL Rerulatins fees ot Mientts and clerks; referred to judiciary com mittee. Aid for internal improvements; to committee on internal improvements. To prevent brand of stock; committee on counties. Amending estray law, same order. Regulating rates of inter est; engrossed for third reading. To peculate common carriers; committee on commerce. Regulating sale of sprituous liquors; engrossed for third reading. For relief of Grant countv, committee on claims. Rerulatinff apportionment of school funds: committee on education. FIxinz time of holding legislature; com mittee on elections. Defining bound aries of Grant and Baker counties; re ferred to members of sail counties. For tmnishment of vagrant and tramps; committee on judiciary. Providing for election of superintendent of ticnitcn- tentiarv: committee on elections. Ad journed. Twelfth Dat, Sept 24th. Keaatr. BILLS READ SECOND TIME. Bill to amend article 770, title 7, of civil code: to iudiciarv committee. Col- vis's mininc bill: mining committee. Bilyeu's to provide for payment IndUu . - .... !.- TKII war claims: military conuniiicc aui to pronde for erection ot insane asyiura; committee on public PuildidingH. lo nrovide for constitutional convention; to committee of the whole To regulate the floatinc and rafting of logs; to com mittee on commerce Bill amending law for destruction of noxious weeds; to committee lull to appropriate money for relief of A. Wing; to committee on claims BUI relstin: to pavment of taxes to State Treasurer, by county treasurer; to iudiciarT committee Bill relatinr to the exposure of hides ef slaughtered animals; to special commit tee 1 1, ii. C5, relating to duties oz tne emoars of tchool districts; to committee en education, mil cranang me uerry brothers nght to use Canyon creek; to judiciary committee Granting UnutilU Boots Ceapoav, same ngfat to I taauiu river, judiciarr committee. imi to grant right of way to l&ggers and lum- bormoa; to some committee S.Ix. 13, to inoaqtorate town ef Lafayette; cora BtiUee ea iiicoria3ratins. S. B. 25, cediBg juristliction over certain loads at the Cakcades; to special committee MEMORIALS. Requesting Cbngres to extend the time fer completion of X. P. ILR. And asking Congress to provide for jiing the L pt'Wa reservation for settlement; adejitciL rrriTioNS presented. From citizens ef Ronton county ask ing aa appropriation for constructioa of wagon road, from Aisea lay along ai-a river. From citizens of Lake county, asking r a change in eastern boundary of the countv. From Portland Board of Trade, ask ing for bill to allow the K. P. IL IL Co. to build their road through the State REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Committee on Commerce ; houre bill to regulate common carriers recommend ing its passage ' . ... . , Committee on .Military reported ad verse! v on IL Bs. 3 and 13 for protec tion of gome Mining committee reported favorably on house bill defining mining claims. Committee on Roods and Highways reported back the bill to protect public and private bridges with on amendment allowing 20 bead ot cattle instead ol 1U Ao be driven across at once ; amendment adopted and bill ordered engrossed. Hamilton of st-ocial committee on re- Tiort of centennial commission, and the ... .... ...... bill for defravmg expen.vcs ot exmuit, presented majority rejort recommending passage of the bilL Grant presented an adverse report from minority, Both reports and the bill referred to ways and means committee AFTERNOON' 8ES5I0X. A resolution instructing sergcant-at- Harrisburg for PETITIOXS. From citizen of amendment ef charter From citizens ef Benton county for an appropriation to defray expenses of survey of swamp land at Alsca. From citizens of Yamhill county for repeal of fence law. BILLS INTRODUCED ef following import: By Waldo To provide fer clearing streams ef drift wood. Lord Te repeal law for appointment ef the State Librarian, and allowing supreme court to appoint. George To amend law relating to cerporatiefas. TbcrBrptoa To jirevent spread of con tagious diseases among domestic nnimtK George Te amend the school laws. Myers For roKef ef W. W. Beck. AiprOB To amend laws fer collec tion of taxes. Cochran Fer relief of certain psr cha3i at public sales. Davidson To amend laws fer taxa tion. I Bilyes To amend law relating to elections ef justices ef the peace George rer relief of v. S. Horn. Haler T regulate the employment of convicts. Brsdshaw To amend Sec 115, page 329, civil code Burnett To permit foreign corpora tions to do business in the state, on same basis as domestic; and another to actions against such foreign corporatioas; and Uil to punish tres pass. Adjourned. Itoeiar. arms to remove the saloon from capitol building ; adopted ; also a resolution re- , quiring a two-tumis vote lor uic intro duction of bills alter thoUlh day ot uio session. BILLS. INTRODUCED. Bv Schrocdcr A substitute for IL B. 25, relating to prrotwrty to be ex cmpt from taxation. BILLS INTRODUCED of following import: Br Lee To amend the law relating to disturlatnccs of religious meetings. Kohlcr To fix fees o.' jurors and j pense on witnesses. Bewlcv To fix boundaries between Yamhill and Tillamook counties. Brolack To prevent bulls from run ning at large adopt a uniform series of school books for the State Thompson To repeal the law estab lishing a land ot&ce at La Grande Scott, To provide for tiling of mort- SSCT- . Campbell To appropnato $3U,WU for payment of expenses of this legisla ture SECOND HEADING OF GILLS. The bill authorizing IL T. Hill to build booms and exclusively uso Luck- uunute; referred to committee on internal improvements. Bills to provide for the construction of a fish way at Oregon city falls; to committee on commerce To legalize certain roads in Curry county; ordered to third reading to morrow. Bui to regulate practice of medicine; referred to special committee of Hewitt, Green, Reed, Acton and Rinehart. To provide for additional Har. Action of yesterday oa the bill to pro vide for purchase of proceedings of Umatilla council; recommended and bill laid on table BILLS IXTROSUCZD of following import: By Stearns For an act to amend school lawa. Galloway To regulate foreign corpo rations doing business in the cute Starkweather To provide for fixed salaries, for county clerks and ihrrirTs in certain counties. Schrocdcr To repeal Sec 946, title 1, chapter 13, aril code Acton For purchase of the Quackia- bush patent shackles, for use of State j oSciak. (TamttAl1Tn nmrriU fnr tii rnr- ; chose and distribution of 200 copies of supreme court reports, volume 1, at cost of $1,200. Hughes To amend tie act creating board of canal commissioners. Thompson To more dearly ' define duties f assessors, and provide fer ap pointment of deputies. RESOLUTIONS. By Starkweather Requiring state ment of accounts of canal commission ers, and to see if the tea per cent due the State has been paid ; adopted. Thompson Requiring State Treasu rer to render his account for the last two rears; adopted. Thompson Requiring school land commissioners to make similar report; adopted. SENATE BILLS READ FIRST TIME. To repeal act authorizing Jacob Fleischner to erect water works in the city of Albany. Bill legalizing election of certain jus tices of the peace in Yamhill county. REPORT Of special committee on canal commis sioners shows the following bill of ex- that account: Allen Parker, President, $I,S04 32; James Totem, S1.1S0 S2 ; B. Jennings, $951 82 ; W. P. ConwaT, Secretary, $1,712 33; AY. L White, Secretarr, $625; total, $6 274 29. SECOND READING or BILLS. Bill toprovide for construction of por tage railroad between CelQo and Dalles City ; referred to committee on internal improvements. IL B. 75 To amend rchool laws ; to committee on education. To change the boundaries of Lake countv ; to special committee IL B. To prevent the abuse of cor porate powers ; to judiciary committee House adjourned till i o clock x. Jd. EVEXIN'O SESSION. Was devoted to discussion in the committee of the wbole, on the appro priation for Capitol building fund. The committee decided upon $20,000, as the sum nccessarr, and reported an amend- meat to that encct to the original out. which was adopted. Adjourned. YTutsd to be JaterTteired. He walked into the office with an air of grandeur and importance scarcely commensurate with his general untidr, unclean and unkempt appearance He might have been a tramp, but the prob abilities were that he was only a boarder from the Hay Bunk Hotel, of Coramcr cial street wharf, on a short rural ex cursioa for the benefit of his declining health. "I've omred,'' he "Well, what of itl" "Nothin' pertiekTer; only I thought you might want to see me So I dropped round to save you the trouble o hunt- 4WbyJ Well you're the wust I ever saw. Why, to interview me, of course" To interview youj, What do I wont to interview roa fori What do you know 1 " "I reckon Pm Txjat s well posted. the general run o folks you mterriew." "I don't know where to begin." "You don't I S'pose Gearal Grant should slap along out here, vhatTd you askhiml Er hoVd you tockkBeecher, s'pos'n you was to give r?w the grand talk I kjr King Calico, or the Chinese Ambassy, er the Tullis gang, er any roosters of note aa' cons'quence I HoVd you begin oa them!" "I'd question them on those subjects with which they are most familiar, of course" "Well, let me see ; maybe yoa could pump me on finance Try." "Are you faraiHur with the nrftruraT question l" "Familiar enough, ef beta' oa speakta terms is familiar. But, to tell the truth, finance on' me never did get along to gether very well, though we never dis agreed when I could get a fair holt.'' "What do you think of the present state of the f: nances throughout the country I" "Now, look here, 3Itster, please don't press me so hard. Ths frTtanopn is all right ef the financier would only let 'em alone What we need is a circu lating mejiura, on howYe we gain' to her a areola tin mejiam ef it don't cir culate! What good's money in the bank dot For instance: You've get dom' there No good. All right. Xow sfpoe I'm oaly s'posia' you under stand yoa abode con.r te tune exxn tal to me an' I transfer it lo a &ve cent beer man, and he pars it over to the Uean make money faster at work for uj than at any tUactW. Capkal not required: we will sUrt you. (12 per day at hose tnade by the jndmtrtoaa. Men, women, eoys ana gin wanvea ctcttwi a. Now b the suae, CofUyoatat i Addreas Tars A Oa, Augurta, Main. aad term free. rjri week in year own town. SSoutatfrae. rMc Reader, if Ts-Ji wastabuaiM at wMch petseesef Mfeera rao ake pat pay all the Urn iktj weefc,wriU fer H. Kiujrrr ACo.,, Union Hotel, OKECOK. If rriKa house ix the bust condition fob I tbereeciofirBot. Oran UU and jood UW l7tbetuoHthihc Ti pairaivaf ot U pAk a Mfietoi Mare tear Mt boa for IMMtaa, Wenoe, U Orauie, Uia, tr Kf aad JMM v. TJXATII.I.A, ... SAVE HORX, PBOTKtrrOR. for Araistant Secretary of State Kohlcr To amend the law for lew of school taxes. Schrocdcr To require county courts to Dublish nunrtcrlv statement ot cx- tcnditurcs. TTiinlimi To amend the school laws. committee on roads and highways. To Wright To provide for construction Galloway To repeal law providing justices and constoblcs; to committee on elections. To amend charter of town of Gervais; read by title rcriTioxs. From Portland Board of Trade, for an act authorizing N. P. IL IL to build through the State Fmm otitens of Warner valley in authorize the State to recover warrants drawn on swamp land fund in payment for swamp lauds; to committee on ways and means. Bill creating oflioe of clerk of board of school land commissioners; in committee on education, ror relief of John Flannigan; committee on claims. For an act to nrovide for uniform taxa tion; committee on assessments. To amend Sec 700, chapter "8, titlo 2, of criminal code; cominiiwo on wmuiuui Tn nmvidft for aid of internal improve ... , i i l - riv. meats; committee on puuuc ianiw. au amend laws relating to duties of State Treasurer; committee on ways and means. Apperson's bill to amend law governing levy and collection of taxes; committee on ashcssmcnU Bill providing for la borer's lien; to judiciary committee. Watt's bill to provide for cure of insane; citizens of railway around the portage, at The annexed to Dalles and Cascades. K0 couni-T' Evarta For a general incorporation report of committees. law for cities. Ways and means Reported back the Lee To prevent tlie spread of the bill for defraying expenses of centennial r - I ..... a. la A 1 , 'A, 1 exhibit wim recommenuauon mat i. oe referred to committee on the whole Canada thistle BILLS PARSED. n. B. 8 Authorizing Dalles City to sell certain lands. IL B. 24 Regulating enclosures. IL B. 47 Amending law relating to cs trays. 8EXATE BILLS. No. 1 To amend section 20, title 1, chapter 4, miscellaneous laws; 53 In- corporaling town oi uen-ais, BL-; punish persons sellig liquors trjK read first tic AdjoarBed. 23, to Judiciary I L B. 4 Regulating con veyances; without rrcommcnuauoti. Bill to punish persons provoking breach of the peace; adversely. Hill to pre- scribo the tiino for coffiMeficesveat of action to recover real property; amendments, which were adopted. AFTERNOON SBtMOK. House in the coMiaittoe ol the oa the bill providtseg for ibe of the oawtot btuiaisig, whole afMraoom ut Fifteenth Dat, Sept 27tk faraate. BILLS PASSED. S. B. 9 To secure a just divixioa of esUtea ol tlebters. a B. 12 For an act to promote medical science S. B. 18 To ameivd tho city Albaay. brcwerv iropnetor, and the brewerv poT it to you for subscription. Yoa grt yoar money bock less the wear and tear, and it hex circulated aa' dose good an lifted a single soul at least from the pit of despair to the gallery of bliss m the theatre of life" His tones were almost eloquent, aad his sottish eyes almost fioahed as he caught that last sentiment on the fly. " What do you think of communism V "Communism. Now touvc- gentle rocket, aa sent her in with a twist. It's a line shot, a tea strike, aa the las roll down my alley. Ef you'd called it Kearneyism Pd a dodged the issue; if vou'd called it But! crises Td a backed water. But yoa pooled the jmwiit on' called the turn for Cosimmmemt Communism is good. Dmsioa is the price of liberty. What's yours is miae, on what's mine is my own. CaitaTs a fraud, and the greatest good to the greatest number is the kings the times swings on. The greatest Kumber ss as Communists. The greatest good that con be bestowed oa us is capital. Give us capital, an well run the usiTecse. I'm a Communist from the word ge. Anything else you want to know I "No, not to-day. The valuable iafec matioayou have already von cats ted ia sucicient for the day thereof. "Ain't you gota to aay asytkia! "Haven't I said encuchl"" 'Skeercely." "What more do yoa waatl" "Didn't I say scsethiag aheat drea lotia' mejiums ! "I believe you did." "Did I meatuja aay prticklsr amount I" "Yoa did two bits." "Well ef yoa think my reaeeeia was sound, I should be plsed to HlaoiraV in a practical maaaer. I woald late His cool propositioB was sabHaely impudent that the qaarterrwas imatedi ately fortkecming, and the lart view we obtained of the "interviewed" he was u circulating " around the coraer te "cir culate " the " mejium " in afive-ceat beer hall charter of i. The avorniag sessioa was taken up in ducussioaoa tho Pertlaad bridge bill, and resulted ia the adepttORof aa meat or substitute mittee, to whkh Arrai Most with Unequal Length of 'Lscs. Aa elaborate scries of meosureaveats of ha man legs has beea made by Dr. J. S. "Wright of Brooklyn. Ia the weceed ings of the Kings County Xedical Se city, the retalta i the investigatioa are ea aa W . very tusawaAt appears prooBe that aeJnpJMlenoa ia jUaree has k aV aMa .a , aamaaaaan tssfassB kaavaaBeaar at'S