The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, September 07, 1878, Image 3

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    tljc drast (Drcgjmintt.
,6'Ein. 7,1878.
lle Senator. .
KrmnUttre J
cbool Sapcrtntcudcnt
orooer .... ........
Jstliceor fracr. Itoidlctoa rrrcl..ll. VT. ItaiLsi
XarvTjor J. n. iaiy.
..n. n. YniKrx.
. .ltcu. Wiu-cs.
. .J. 11 IllIN.
..A U. Itxmarax
...J. S. White.
...Lea a KrKT.
..J. USntaar.
U. Kworr.
...G. W. VaB.
..J. C. Asou.
....!. J. It, UiiT.
. Jail OtmkiiA.
High vinda on SnaVe lUvcr .lcUinc! the 1 Wc note the arrival of the wife of MaJ.
lowiu cm tbo third iiuL Itarrivod in XiirocKmonon on last oaiuroaya wagr,
... I r 1 I i .1 1 - I T i
nccnrnpaniru uy ucr uaumcr nuu run. it
is said that the ro-unlon was satisfactory to
nil the wltncMCJ. He was taken captive
complete one child in each arm and the
Pendleton aboat fourteen
the usual time.
hours later than
H. H. Cttrrr
J. S. Pata-rax ..
R. A. hTain. and tf. V. Kxos, KQ
C. B. 1UUCKT ............
N . T. Catov, Ej
T. L. JIwimor
AsTatluk ... ....... ---
Any of Ihr abore in- oiberut-J to rcceire aol re
coil for BKmcy ! tblaeOce,
TravrtUnc AgreL
....Watta aa.
Last Saturday to the time that Stock,
Sweet and Pascapam were arraigned before
magistrate Bishop, on the charge of niur
dcring Geo. Coggan. J. II. Turner ap
pcared as prosecutor on part of the State,
while Maj. Throckmorton appeared on the jjq
pari oi ueicnce. Jiorc as we iook at tue
case that justice should be done, than a
special pleader to clear the Indians if cvi
dence sufficient were adduced to show
Pkusonau Old Lucie Hilly Mitchcl,
one ot the lirot county commissioners of
this county is in town looking tw gay and
fotivo as a young man of 20. May your
shadow never grow less.
Gor. Chsdwlck has pardoned J. W.
Mason, onq or the men convicted of rob
bing the stage in this county some two
years since. lie lelt immediately for Call-
W. F. Moffat and son arrived in tows
Thursday from Long Crxwk, where they
were rwhlnxl ef their hor-rc and cattle, the
u4t fumnier by Indiana, In thi isanc notice his aJvertiactnoiit and lend a
helping hind to a deserving num.
The Circuit Court convenes on the-4th
Monday of OcinWr, 1S7S. The nest person
who comes to this office for the above infor
mation will be expected to take the Kast
Orecosiax for one year and pay for it in
Pat up and save cot. The accounts of
S&ndford & Co, have been placed in the
hand ofTurncr A IUlley, attorneys, for
collection. All those indebted to said
firm are required to make immediate pay
ment or forced collection will be made.
August31st Jt 1S7S.
their guilt. The principal witnesses were Gen. Howard's order requiring hostages
"Walsac and Tilcoe Indians and Fred i of the Indians has only been partially car
Foster of Meacbam station who was with ! ricd out. bo far there are only three held
Coggan and Bunker at She time of the ! by the military. The Indians arc making
killing. Foster gave a very graphic ar no effort to get the guilty parties and we
count of Ute whole affair the attack, the
race for life, the death of Coggan the un
earthly yell of the savages as they closed
tirouhd Goggcn, the hiding of Bunker in a
ditch and his race into town to save him
self and obtain help to go after Banker.
You could notice by the surging of the
crowd torwanl while Filter was talking
that the sympathy was with him, and if
any hit their lips and swore vencancc it
was no more than could have been expec
ted. All seemed to den: and that justice
should be meeted out to the murders. The
case was ably argued by Turner awl Mj.
fear that they intend to do nothing.
Badlt HcTtNEn. Clarkey, son of A. J.
Sturtevant ef Pilot Rock, while playing in
the back yard set his clothing on lire
with matches. Mrs. Sturtevant's haads
were badly burned in removing his clothes.
Dr. Whltcotnb was tnnimflruJ, say
the burn is of serious but not fatal character.
better half clinging to his neck. The
Major has been a gallant oftlccr during
this campaign and all our cltircns owe
him a debt of gratitude for his insurances
and his actions in our behalf during the
great scare in this place, and we congratu.
late him on being captured at last by warm
hands and lovlnc hearts. Long may he
Drunk and Duesseu ft. A soldier of
Mnj. Throckmorton's command came to
town last Friday, and after imbibing rath
er freely, was tied and placed in n gover
ment wagon to be taken to camp. Price
the Indian farmer, got aboard with him,
and feeling sorry for the poor follow, un
tied his hands. The soldier soon untied
his own legs, and as the tram was cross
ing the Umatilla I liver above town, he,
(the soldier) to show his kind apprecia
tion of Price's phllanthropby, drew a
sheath knife and made poor Pierce take a
leap fcr life into the middle of the stream.
As soon as the team arrived on the oppo
site shore, the soldier leaped from the
wagon, took to the brah, and after bash-
whacking all night an I veil at the quarter,
weary and worn and very repentant. So
goes the lager.
Mr. Mofictt informs us that he has jat
come from Camp Ilaxncr, and hrwgi the
fallowing bewa that may be relied bjxto:
On the Sth of Aaguit, hostile Indiana
made a raid oa the IUnehca at Stein Musa
tain and took from J. Dixen 70 head ef
bene. John Diriac was branding a Urge
band of cattle with ammber of ma aaJcr
arms ar protection. The Imbaas imin
drd him bet did not attack; they vers fal
lowing Divine day after day, and at last
he west to Harney aa4 rrpertnl I cea
minding efScrr. MetTet nxt htm aad re-
eetrtu Uus iniersaties dtrcct: It the war
over or net or ha there la a war!
UfUi Near 31 II Ion. Umatilla County.
Orgnu. August 29th 1878. of diphtheria,
David M unmix, aged nearly 7 yean, son
ot M. P. and Mary Bull. Airr Near Weston, Umatilla Co.,
Oregon. August 28th 1878, or diphtheria,
Wiuiru, aged 3 years and u months, son
or Nelson aud Mary Swaggart.
Mounts Wm. B. Morris, manager or
the Northwestern SUge Company, and or
Wells, Fargo Jc Co.. at Boise City, died at
his residence In that place on the morning
ortho 23d Instant, after an illness of near
ly ten years.
Ofarrofotmnt of adalibinlar.
"VOTtrK is ur.nEBV circs taattah
Mld hxt lD ikksM w!mUi4lrlw of lh
U Hey J r Mrtr A
prrec kitlaf ata tfiic ukl ntt an intlmt
Ir rtraret llr uar Wi m Txr1 TnHnt. lUua
Hi moclhi from Uiu dau.
J. C. Vt-OOV. A4artcttriW.
Es trays.
DrmscTiic isnusir-MKicxxxT is rxs
DU.TOS I into! 14 mT lt" Kaiact. four
urn ef tWMlal t dm4toa. TU
1 jHlow Mnr braSi4 A on rlfbt Lip, S jnrt eU.
1 ul Hrrt. SjmnoSS, kft ttrnl ir, bru-
Mrt r.(tit u
S oa irf I (bUb tmi Z oa rrtl (uk
1 hll Mrf (ot t inn oU. irftear nl oa ao4
branded on rieht hii einnrcted-
If UotTt vtSoutt hrmwi 1 M tf tbrmttx
taHeaitt. JEKHf IlirAI
rrltoo.Or. As 10, .
Netlrvef rmnrKHrr& Vr TV OrV a4
1 Kml tarn nAt f taWl 1wUt.
1 inu tmtm um trukl
1 ft aiMaf rxfe mc lS dmt euj.
1 Imj norr lrtrZd Ken Utl AmaUnuA R. It. on
VcA Up.
I tar Bar fcnaSr4 J Hi acet4 tm kA tSifr
1 tut W-ib-W II o UWr aa4 Up.
1 fcrm Lw hni V oa rlt twaMrr
latWBtaa Ifcr alvr banr caa hr IM tan
ab Um Waltvs rprafi oo bm Crri at at. T.
Ar( 34. HH (I vt
D- Theodore.
All kinds of
and the
choisest WINES, CIGARS,
kept constantly on hand at this popular
A. It. Jack's Saloon.
jr ttrs thi brt nr wlvks. LUicou i
JLV. O tent Ojirl Toon, etc
Oh ran a4 U a driak aj tojt.
Oh rvmr u4 Ula tfrtak.
T-iH cbi T ct lalo oy,
Ua4 saaa t r iroabba atak.
K. IV. Standlleld,
AUo keep constantly on hand, arvl for
sole choap, a full atock of muI
IiArnrM, etc etc
Se. CO
)'aita irWfa, ........... K.
Not Posted. A viraar man hv the
' name of Herser tp(ed aaxJ herde4 sheep
Fairs and horse racing at Walla Walla
track, September 10th 1S7S. At La Grande.
Union County, October -JthlSTS. At Bake ; witbins three miles ot Csaias Prairie ftr
City, October 14th 1S73. Levers r fast ' Pat TriWe daring all the Indian esxeite-
Throckmorton, both consenlinz that the and fine stock-and our countr is full of! meat. llotllc frrMently viltrd his
i- . . . . . ... . . i ..1.1.
court discharge block and Sweet, who, it
was evident, according to the testimony,
were guiltless of the charge, l'ascopsra
was held to answer at the next term of the
Circuit Court on the crarge of nmrder
Pilcoui held as witness. It is but proper
to state in this connection that alt of the
above Indians belong on the Columbia,
And do sot acknowledge the right of gener
al government or any or its agents tn dic
tate to them in any manner. There can
be but little doubt now that all the war
riors or thec Columbia" were with the
Snakes during their raid through oar
cx unty, and it is more than probable tkat
to convince the Snakes of their sincerity,
that they did nearly all of the killing aad
robbing that wad dene in the county of
The feHewinggoMteman, SAEBcof wbMi
were Senators, some Representatives asd
mi doubt other some, members or ibetfcinl
bouse, gave us a cs'l lat Monday. Alt
were on The broad road tlmt Icaas t
" (Salem):
I. D. Haines, State Senator; W. II. Car
trrand C. G. Chandler. Rcprese8tatie
from Baker County ; also Jen. Sbian, who
once seen is ever to be remembered; Jas.
JL Turner or Umatilla County in fact a
stage full and to spare. All of these will
be heard from. Treat tan liaaiy and if
cither-oue gets out of his right place, call
him Smith or Roe or even John Doe.
Kow the question arrises, what are all
these Senators and Ibrpreseatatrvcs going
to do about a U.S. Senator Thai am the
pietiim. Are they to sell their birthrights
for a mess of pottage?
A UoarillfK Jr "
rc Carta. TW BiU
Brr . Vfirur Varrt. BrrVfr, Um
& & GtmM,ritwl.
Ti ral Um $trmt . IS Fav kaH
! a4 limit M la Emu BraaaWa aa4 Lwta.
ivr Ure tl .! cvmU 1 1 U) UJ
atTKA rrnt t.
alaMT. Tcal av4 amavtbl, raeSi, fT
lm al ri iaal.i 13)00
tnwr. fmtti al Gmaas, e ca jt
. - . .1 it M
He mistrusted ae war. but wondered a. r. rL
muddy why Trfblc did not come with pro- j JL k. cAEJsrrsav.
vbieas; he living fr the last w etk on mtl as wuu w, w. r
'ton straight, and wbea TnUe arrived
ri ixri r i
l Forwarding and Commission
Agents Oregon Steam lYaviga-
i tion Co. Dealer in
Dry OW, (lothtng,
1 1 a rt w r lad tral JIareauaadlaa.
Mark Ceods
ears J. K. F.
c. johsr. rosrtK kCO.
PENDLETON ORE. MrawaallrvillUMtcWzr. Tlc U lT
: Pendleton. - -
AcrosH Uio bridgo o
so, rrcftUtut,
I Ajtn T ST. bwt CWt CaUibrao4, - - oa rit:
j aip crop a njs. car uocm, aaata Ln4 ou utl
TONSORIAL - - ARTISTJ t.i&mM .ua,.
l,,, (.'. f ?.,. t I Hpui Fran v. wnJ lir
Htt rotlret, raarlsx
and l4x bair r-
Ir4, lmiA ac4 f'
brunt. xm oo bn Saak
AcVs a. ruiir, N ; !?: Up xtA 2 A
i ear
J. Lennex.
Main Street, ojijohite Court IIouw,
I'enilleton, Oregon.
ll.txim prmpUf imlt4 H a4 it prVeca to
Mit lb tana, itnaxtoi dcaa "Kb Btawa
aiaStfvjwtcb. Jlra
kkaiai. I'EXULETOX, UKECO.f .
3""House building a pedalUy.j23
thea arc requested to cut this out and 'cabin representing themselves as friendly,
give as credit.
Is Towx. We note the imprerrmests
ef A. Jacobson fc Co.. a stone warehose
igcu. nre-prooi. Also aa jumhuob w ; wWi prorUiens he wa svprind M learn
itatbcblld & Bean's store by Thtaas 3H b, hkJ ..11, n,ci ikrti-l, i I.
larkey.'tae upper portion gWag the terp-1 daa w BBscathed and bad been as it
Saddler and Harness Maker
All idadj of werk dose iriti sextseu
DIrpitci, tad at bedrock PBJCZS,
7t. XSX (Vr (wee af CtaatlBa !3tr l rtr I
It a raS Vrfcre rtx U Waita WaSa. aa r vat
raaraao ta rHI r"i m Cbp aa tb aaa aaki
r. jjrzns, rtoprxtior.
Httr Marlrt riwr paM SaraWat.
Taa brat bar ala7 a hxsd Ut txir.
Abn fbp rUL
Flonr exchanged far
sicbroans 24 ndafctoca! feet fas which t
perambulate and "Tip the Mght fantastic
Cauxd. Wc remvesl a frlesssUy call
rrosn one fWestn"s kaslisg naea. Hugh
McVrttHsr, wb inforas as that the &rm
or Dasentanr Bras, or Walla WaHa are
abost to erect a store hMse la Wcstea.
ex.V, aa! &tt it with all ki4 dry
srods and groceries, and early next spring
"tear down and halfcl greater" witk briek.
RETrnxcn. narve Crawford of Batter
Creek, a highly esteemed ckuen f r
csaaty, pat in bis appuraoee at ear oZee
tkis week. He has been doing the States
this summer aad has rctaraed satlaed that
the State of Oregon, Ceer.ty of Uss&tttta,
is the only place vntih living in this sin
ful world. R ekoroe borae.
were in close caxniaaaiAB wkh. BAanocks
aad Snakes, while alt Kher herders had
either been killed at bad 8d. TriWe a4e
him a proent ef 8100. aad he ssvay be plac
ed in the same catenary wult CaAtsblanea,
the boy wbe stood apaa the barnlog deck.
now is the time to buy
AU.!fst n.vijt.n'atux Hi, w t and
B. twiSHv. S hi- k.a4. -t bar Mt !-
l1t ht a a a4a- ttaawa a4 SMana a(
alata. A i l4t t tarmac Bfuna baaaSWs, '
a karat aa4 ." an
Tba fctavaarr H"aM W tVr Uti nat af rVT
Ua W rr biai-al aibatitrry tta. rarr
arta. baf. rc aaa . aM. Ip-aa
al ana. aaarran avaSaa " a Va4a. ami
"rriir: "trr. tiTrr j: s: - K"-'r ,rtw.
X.rmmfi fryt Madder. tbf lrat lafSair tmrm
euJa. (Hminailai c aalrf bi-r aa4 yr a
SSSW. Fa Hlntartaar. taab auM; a4
TTl' mtVUSTSTVt JaW is
r-X. ain a to Mf
1 aw WW rtatbaM cWlii a
RceelpU the weeks
W W Ogloby S Id CO
J r CooJe 1 50
L H Adkias 3 to
' Capt. Maxcaa 1 50
Go?fE. Alec. Pendleton's friend, took J H Shia 3 CO
his denartnre this marninr for San Fran- l Theodore 19 00
cisco where be goes, which akes readie-1 jZy.'
ton happy yes for he will retam with a r ytcr. '. '. "." " .
.1 1- r .1. 1 1 t. - r.i
low and will keep himself -O. K" for
re-ooagratalations on his return, In about
three weeks, from the fair sex.
3110 00
I IB ft
CHEAP 1 feive Kut re-
a a lute Kmio Sa tar (tack
af ranjaarr aS at akaca I Scr
Wlwlawt. Ooora aa! Triaaaalac
mm tmf r era, trafr abaa IU7
baat cat aK ta abu vrv
afkbr a nry Waw-r. CaS
Jesse Failing
SaAaiatbtba lal atf kr u4 a! rw ibi raia. I
Aac K. TV
T LMcwrhooae..
J P. Hayes
j 11 rvnuou. ......
J J Bleveas
W F MoSet
3 CO
23 50!
3 co :
3 col
as TO ;
1 M,
SatliHc ami llarnos
KtTT Ceeataatlr c ba4 a no aTTT a,
Harz. raca. BtvaVM. --fart. Caat
Bafcriv fuattira. aat nrrjtaaac ' ta aaf fear.
Oalaa4 a. bfcrv ari2i baiaar. e
li; (rMSSf a&ra ta.
Mr. Coon bas gone to Camss prairie in
Eastern Orezoa Coranaar with Van Townead to see ir he
forbids.eveuiranv were so inclined, wbich can find the bod v of his brother who was List ol letters mnaiasag in r-taee at
we fed sure they are not. We want a rl ; killed by Indians about the first of July. TeadletM, UmatOla Caaaty, Oregw hr Um
sterling Democrat, one who is oppo-d to( n.U U hU third ftflnrt to find tl4e bodr. Ii otath tsiding Aogaat 3lat 1STS, caealkd
monopolies on principle; one who is alive ! . . .. . . ... .
to the inlercsU of Eastern Orejnn anaue, . - -
: successiaL. it ne snoaw not, ne nas snown
I a praiseworthy lore and regard for his nr.
fortunate brother worthy
May he succeed.
of emulation.
lull development or her mineral and ncri
cultural resource. A good business man.
We demand of Eastern Oregon Senator
end Representatives that they select such
a man from among their constituents and
demand in llinnder tones that the next
Senator must be one of us. It is said this The band or sbeep that was stolen Trom
is sectional and it is. Wc belong to this ; Bolter Creek and taken to the Touch et
section. 11 wc must always use our swn- MV,,i,:nn TW?tnrr nit lrlr t(.:n,riM w
aiors ana itepreseniauvea rom era ; m - . . - ; . . . . . BAxt Ja,.
worse for their long march. Morrisy & ' ju-j r y
ADest, Wm. Heater. Chris
Adams, IIS Kendall. Eliza J
Adeock. Wealey Lee, Chaa II 3
Annia, Moo roe Lee, LW 3
Aaacasvr, UmatiUaCo LAhroae, Frank
Belleync, Petr Ijwrrocc, Wm
BUkdr. Miai Astucc Liavillc. Geo. W
Lusey, wmerwtie
Oregon, from among a people whose inter
ests are almost directly opposed to our own
and do it on the ground or no sectional
ism in jwlttics, we might with equal, yea,
more limn equal propriety, select oar
next Senator from the great seaport of San
Francisco, or from among the miners and
fctock gram era or Southern Idaho.
The country about Weston is the great
grain growing district or this count rv.
Byersi Co. of this town hare the mfll
to manufacture it into the best tlnur made
on the Pacific Coast; cnncqticnily the
road between here and Weston is lined
with teams coming and going. The sea.
on is so dry that the roads arc jMundcd
into fine dust, front six inches to two feet
deep. As great a doubter as Bob. Ingcr
tol who could see any person after having
made lite rovnu trip Irom iicrc to t cston 1
could not but believe that such person waa !
made of the dust or earth. Wc hare tried
the trip and can assure everyone that, un
less wc have rain soon, the roads will be
impassible for unWd teams. In many
places even now thelrivcrs are breaking
new roads in the prairie along side the
main road. Wc arc all praying- for rain.
Let income in copious. Confusion.
Young men of our age are not many anil
aroof no little importance, csnecialfr for
newspaper mention; they are and we tell
yoa so. Anyway we are under a thousand
and one obligation to our yonng friend Wrr
Ahem, who has been with us for nearly a
year, aud has formed a reputation to le
pnrad of, especially by the young alt, well,
SVm. is a good boy and has done our office
for several weeks tost with such as we could
get along not well without. Wc are fcel
mz for to do you good, Wm,, and hope the
oung ladies will feel for him the boiuo way.
Local Mrnday last, Frank Snyder,
need 19, and a young miss, who lucked
about six months of being 18, our muse
says thusly: -From Meadows unto Pen
dleton, this gay young couple come; they
wanted to cct married, but could not get it
.In... cr ifTtt l'atl Al'mltd fir t1lnf 1 1 1 -1
did tHil, and they got married aud went
right back down on the -Mcauows, ana all
the neighbors do say, that they arc the
happiest couple ever "Jiccrd" tell on since
Adam run across Eve in the garden.
Co. can be classed as "way high up" for
getting out or the State with sheep, and
Morse & Co are uf men to get them back
i Buttkr, J
! Bell. T J
IUylcas B H
Bawman. CO
Rahr, John
OctofLcck. Mr. White. one or Pen-! Calhoun. Josenh
djelnn's unlucky mortals and good citizen, Cunningham, C
met with an unlucky moment on an nn-ra"
lucky day last wk, the 2th alt, at Uiejg,,
planing mill ofllobcrt Short distant from ; iwr. Wm A
town and a few short steps from the brick Cochran. Mrs. A J
yard of Lamar & Kinkaid. by the cutting ', a
or his thumb and three other flngcrs,J ixJ, zt
which he unluckly caught in the machln-' Dcgraa. GleaJon
crv while under full headway. Some bone livxa, Iji
was extracted by Dr. Pruett. He is de-' jw.JwfcJ'
cidedly out of luck. yn,zh
' IKckerscn, Mrs NA
$5000 noxDS. Capt. Banghmtewho Fcrgaa,PH 2
Tine rliarnl of Ihe mnrdrr of PatrtiHLlen. I Ford, Thi
" - BB " a a a ja
lore r ,, VT l.ri. ut.-t....
Circuit Court of Lmatiila County raids George. WM SutberLaal,TbosA
were placed at ?-000, which were qtifckly ; George, Jobnmo
was tried before Hon. L. L. McAri
Tlie Dalles and held to anrwfrv
. A
Lewis, Ckahlda
Ijiwrer. JIarr A 2
Laaa.lAle,A li
31aaaHig. Batw
Mink, Macc.a
MeodcshaS. Mary
Marah. S W
McGbu, Walter
Mahancy, S A
Murtihy, John R
MQlcr. Abe
Mu.Ull. N
Payne, A J
Jayne, Joe
Perkina, J B 2
Pcrkiat;J P
Pctanoo, Marahall
Pet rwan, Chaa W 2
Patterson, CW
Parker, John
Patcrson, David
Prter, A O
Pyan, Michael
KichartU, Sdth 2
Riehardtoa. J no W
Rhodes, K K
IUjdgtra, W S
RoUrta, A L
Roberts, C B
Rynehlt. J
Jjh3er, W
TVBJktec, Onxa- OSra as Vi-a
(.wan saw
HXTIXC lb la'rrt aTl lal t tttrj TWa
abte nR anaSta taiaaar aa4 aax ra-raBy ae-
SaaiavH ana lb Wawa iu 4r af aa ua ua
la lb Vc4r. ia ran aaaa w pjren laai
uraftVLulUnM I s w luowai,
rra-aasttara, TteW caftarr ar f ISiin Heoaataas.
rarlaraar ataraaaaa raM la iaa hhiiiw b
tratrS tal atalaa la l&c 6rfnsttl at Waablaf-ra.
Dealer in general merchandise
and - Sip - Painimg.
. Ktxw or QtgfA3trsTAi.ji.i !uuycp
SvUafaruoa CaanaUrt.
Shop on Main Street nat door to drug
store FenfiKton, Oregan.
X. H. K.raa.u,
iLZ rum
Marshall & Folsom.
BlacK ffim lt33.ts
fawiacri ta IT. a. Xarakaa.
wilboat baracrw ttat A aa rtrbUbtp bat; cav
atf off nt rar. Ham, Lulrr MaLat a 1
AtrrHU U Cailb. nn rpSt, Vrmrf ya Itrr'J
umu; UasvSav.catj ttt osl Ktrti ajr
Baamcardaar J J. fmalaga. Cattb? 3b at-, r 7
ad tX to Wii rr Hum aaax mM aa tb
tvoAa. U. f -Caula H eoaarclrd Iba lay a at .
on rlbt aaav rar surt 2 errVUa la kit
Hanra. aa A bualVr.
ErryjiT. Mavaa. ctlfVTZ oa titti kJ?r rrf
aarrbaXrrefiaffniatcaT. borats aasat '
Utl aboaairr.
Cakar TVaaaa. Bmpyf Casf e: rati. IS an Utl t
a&aar lurK ta nbA car. doa&i tra u-j ra
ImatUaalSr. barar aaea braatcs Irft hi'
BaraaH feee, Heffrr. Maatia la etarsaaTLr
Trraaerv I turn trvp c u fell car braatf, L
as fljbt Sip.
BreerEubt , IncSktaa. CiU. Boa kft bip. Ih wa
BraosVM W W. CataV. Srirc S asArr rrr lork ec . ft
Saab , crap ac4 apKt la nzbt rar. aauW tlevr ut
Irfi. Harira, B abler half orde as abuaVirr.
C1raa$rl H. Lrca, tnavt, bona, tnase C aa Jft
Cruczrtt a: lj4. Caalt C L ca Irft tWr. ra.- low
lark aa4 aar Kt Es eacli ear. Bona aaaae brb4
00 Irft abMiidrr.
Carsrr I. ! . Kar track ; CatllabraBl9C3lrflk
atcrr rtp ta rkgal rar aM avaoav tarz iu "aArr
ba Is tba lA ear. Bcraca aaaa bra4 ea tkr baft
DaatMrry X. attic, bran ec kft bip, boon Lemi
S left itiOtlStcT
lusttttj. SL . fraaVrtto. Ca. rtrria Hi asr" -aUarbnl
nairrsaaak. as left hrp, raH im
rarb) rar aat aadrr aJt acxi aacr bit r each,
BaTarf aata Wz4 aa Irft muZm.
tbej.XtiLv. Hrf yevrr CaS. c:. a lt nfct c
r a&n- tori a ocli aid Ut !a rirfa aad r r
battslrKaar. benn. aaas tsraa4 ao riC abar
Drrrck I H. VTeataax saUir. S ee r!(M ben ar
crap T natat ear a4 aolrrMt U kft, toraea..
Wi atwaaVr
Darke tHrai K, P 1 BarJc ealCe. D!C 1 -
rar aaarb". aal aedrr ba ta Vr!t aat ta Sa '
bonra. D a kft MaoUar.
Iwsb. W U. La barwa B D aeVrfl kip, -
auaaaa rs4 Ma. rra aat rarabtaw fcrtto
Daasct. i. 2. Hv J IX ea IrB roV Cae r .
aalrflbap. raraurk. tpvrtUMnx tflcil ac
rrtat aat rxU.
T7aV HBaOUrmrt CattU bra4
Jli atape arerecasstea oallt.a3
lrftaai atata pJt cas Eonn arunS (; -
es r0t aioak&rr
Praalfca. JC Lrta. eabfie. Tea Wl aMe rrr "
rzb( rar aa abjt as aaaae: korara, aravr t
aalmaWaVx. Vn i C FraakTis. bono bracal -ea
rVaranj! r. ar HrjtcrT. CatlV. rrcare. F ca r
ba 114 ISAx aat rualc Taa rtb tap fare
atrtrAk. aair bat aal rraSVra 8rk la r fll w j
aaVUn amrtfjata. baora. ra rgtt atao'ift'
G aratcA L, Cmtfili jralitr.tll c nftt a.a ' -f
ta rartj. twrata, um tnaS larfnr'tf
arft abaaaSn
Catac. rraa.TT ncsrrlrj nM braara aaae
lrfObeaalrr curt tall aaT cr art a-i '
rala. dMe racSi-- Sarb t nz&a.
CTWaTur X U Bmur mt CatlX me arTef ri.'
tvavtaaBuaaaaBUbftrr : -
vatMSaeajarftjav braiat. J ea Wi thU aavt 6
kftbaa. Banea. C aa kfi abaaASrr
Crrtta; J B. Brek Rat, Bear Wtscoa Caitkv k"
qteS arrre ac a-j rycl lAJ radcr nak.
aat aaairr bS Is rtgUtar.
Hkkl J H. BlTrt. errefc CanSr. tVra e atija. rr
aa4kaarlBkfter Baoea. I aaj IrB atxxirV
Ear Jabc trs. caaar.kairr Taatf aactcr as
tan ua. aafetiancrktarisar sarrs
aaae bra! aa Mt itwlvr. '
5el Ppg Caaraa. Cask? tna a eaa
eruw aa irfi ra&r. aavt erap M ae is nf3t cac as -crapaasakTbMiakft.
Beora hoaori B aa lr'
to r-
Ar; ra Vals Sfrt efTsl
ftSaSrlca 3 -Art, f. uCll ,t
rrOaKakaara499V&a4U "vmbV raira
AC aaak rain air 4. AS ktaa af afnctSaeral
mtirmrtu rf ca basal far mtic
JAJ5 JUST rrcrtrra a larr. aaacataadt ef
IDry - Good.s5
1 rtXC aifa-k CkttmM rW ca KaL4 that ata
M. be U at tbc laacat irta.
Special Inducements
OSeml to tltese coBtotaplattng bajing
r Sara a rv aaanrta ci ef lraxr Cook Stem
1. aa4 KiXfTTi aVaak 1 al arC rbeaa Sc caak.
If toh araat to sure moner, don't bar
kruI too have priced mv
etovt.. I have large
and cotBdlettaAsort
ent of
vhicb I
trill oll at "bole
sah atvi retail price
&l at price!! to suit the
times. Also PHrap, Wrought Iron
and Pipc I am tirrpaml to cat
VXD U r"r rjs-lrctta ta rtl yaar arroi
By ataca af "Tal aa! Vaftav Wara ara alat
aMbanUaaaatbrcbratal. aH ttal mt Jcfcbtaf
aaat rrtaumc ooe fas scauaaa ae caaraara.
Thanking the public for their
very lilajnxl patron
age during the
past, and noI le
ft continuance
of the same.
Umatilla Oty, Oregon, March 16, '7&
vv. Ta Leezer
The nndenlsaeil Vill offer special in
AVsotavrcu aa mbeat akaa( ta cacatfa
to their well known House
in San Frasciseoy wbe kave
made Ore-roa arcols a
jpceialitr for the
Kx ta jnn at
Jrrl rsr e tfttef
Satire Satisfaction
la ifrcaa1 c i y' I r to tkea
given, aud he departed for Portland. The ' ?Il-vXv
witnesses for the State were required to AUea
give bonds lor their appearance mine sun Hill, Ellen
or $250.
Countr court met Monday last. Present
Judge, Hnjh Yoakum, Commissioner,
Judge Waldron and J . 11. Benson ; atlor-
ncj-sprcfent at the court so far, Frcd-Paj;c
Tustin,S.V. Knox, Douglas W. Bailey.
Settlements ore being made with all the
cxofllcials at this terra, Indian war pre-
venting such action in July. The court
has granted the following licenses to soli
t piritupus liquors: Jacobson & Co. and A.
M. Spirits, Pendleton; H.D. Griflln, Jas.
W.Young, Jas. Cothril, Weston; A. It
Jack, Umatilla. The court is crowded
with business, and it is putting in full
day's work, a matter that will buit all tax
payers to hear.
Hdlhoose, Marien
Hanter, Live
Ilackler, C P
Harcdoo, J do. X
Hani', Mancic
Hunbru, ancy
Juhnaoo. John M.
Jones, G W
Kutnon, Jin.
Kmpht, John
Xruidley, S
Stantun, Alf
3 Shall, A P
Smith, Hercules
3 Shaw. HcaryM
Schnctnalicr, C
Stread, Martha.
Sherman. Frrl
Tayler. Mart
Thofutono, II 11
Taylor, W II 2
Taylor, II T
Tuwnsend, Martlia
Taylor, I) M
Ycateh, Frances H
Yan, Jas T
Yedder. C W
Womach, ola .
Warden, Wm.
Having receivcl a new lot of groceries,
rarhaa Iteck abratSaarr. Oataaral. frail bararr.
Cbn-ar. rrrxb mM, Iteere aal rrarbra and
JrHy-a aad drVnl fruit af aM blsia. Ptt rt.
trial. 4searMlc cmrrrara. bneta aat tbora aad atbar
antdra ton camrroaa la BKBtaiaa. Akaa tat el
frtU (iotbta; a barb atfl bo aoU at roat at
Main Street, - - Pendleton,
Oregon, opposite Court House.
Our enterprising citizen, Hill Switzlir
has bought over 000 head of horses from
Indians since the first of July, and has
sold a great portion of them. He knows
all about Cayuses. Those in waul of gen
tle ionics give him a call .
tit. iLf L. jia-lum. Mrbrra er ntbrr erl-
irorr ot loJrMrUora anlit Ur tate of Orrrm lt
a,rr of article rntbrdlann Iba ar, are rr
nnrtlri to arcJ Ibr auar, with name and pnHrfKr
addrraa af ! boWrr. la Cnloorl J. II. cHa at Inn
IKU. a bo a aatbartrrU In irortre atal rrtara rrern
feraaHb tnurl rrr. aaj IraBaull lben ta Uatarput
CbaJaxk fcraadll. J- KO-7'
liao aojll -la Mit. Ccn. of Ofa.
On and after July 1st 1S7S,
a FUr f lr
-liriU. IXaVK rK.VPlXTOX rtlR
1 1 t'auiiMa rrrrr TareUr. Tbaraiay
aad Haaardar at a. a, mantEi frsea l'aaa tta aaa
Uri ea arrival efbtau rrom Ibe DaSra. wio Mara
ItUf foe lb IHBra. m. nio Rnrk ard ltvter, al
lr . WWIraredailr lor WalU Waaa azr.
for Duaac CM at I A at.
Utah, Idaho and Oregon Stage
tl,.- v.. raacbra. Ca.l Mnefc. 5btlrJd lrlTrr aad
able rTfctaawefrketlaaaare
tba Imam eflbc cmnpaar.
Farts Grtatly ReJuetJ,
- Afr to tor UVSRVORK, AjraL
tUSBlT.r, ItAILbT AS t", rrernron.
Main St. - - Pendleton, Or.
text door ta the cerner efroaiu Wn. Satuler's.
Willi daxJcrs in
Fine Wines Litiuors bSuCigars
troubles nnd de
sire to live always
cull on us at the
If you desire a nice
cooling lovcniv
such m will make
goit forgot nil your
popular resort
nutl tnke a xmilc.
VCr bare a Xv I jvrA tat-te to iatrrrat
CM anwo-l. Ilea a lota, luon and CU
alaijatttra basd.
Xarkr Lira.
JVrtlitX. Or.
Saa Fraacaarav Cat.
r. o. im zzse.
Errr;S-a Exyar Casjrt Catde. err? rtrl tx r
tm a raaM aax laaa. a an rar eras, c ta a.
abaxb. Karvra um n4 cn krrl iWVr
Ha; llrUa. tonetr Brurr rrrrk-CaaV: T aa V-
tbasa. raa-a reri aaa sadrraary aa act ex.
baraia. Terilrat aS
tlV. E-Jblaaa. C aV. I es rk Hy 'fk
JL tr aval at 1$ rar aavt eafer-bat ta left bevac
aaaac brasal aa icJt ibaaMar.
arr- ac left baa
, IiitiI 7 WT 5J. aM as raca ear
Jra JL UnrarCiRt-Cek.MCaIr.
rmari aa rvH aaa Tperr acre as rtx ear Jiacara
aaaar kraad as rMba aback.
; m E rtaal Ea-k Calfir Brasi. ciaia t
m tarU fcf. rrrfJ eaeb rar as ittjrr eroaj J
rut eac Benra ana trass ca Irft aiambX-.
KirtT i A t n-a CanV. -amLar Jjr-a
ce left baa ffcttsnftlear aaraa t.
Secsrr J H Bertb crrrt. Caalc, I E taasrScg am
ha baft Errata aaaar ea Vtft abaKlVr
Lrt L L, O asrBdaaa crrp aidr4jr Sim
LasKtaaa.eE. aaVbr: ccCr. EL aa rjki U;
erap ar Mt raraMxaaVrtatlsrcM, bcnca,;ca
Lnabir-aif r H. Brpeaser-. eatlSe, deabte rra-iwk c
irttiaaa. rrac tCnftl aat raanear aarr taqrar
sedaardraj ari. barara uraa brand a Set a&aaalatr
Le-a5J. rtaaabtoct. BM, L O aa aaj njtt afeaA-
drr. eaatSr. aaan aa Rrbt arp. x4 araaOe e BtcS.
LaaSnvA. bm ALnaatclriaaan!ar aeiaas A
ta IrR beWrr
Lrc Waj.. Eanb tract CaftV. tita J.oa fcf. t
raacaaar lark a ax STr MBHt ear. atanea, ua
M braad aa im mtn.
Lev TTfauMirlia lrR,b
tgarj Tf aa Baaaar t farb Came w a. ereareie e-s
attt aaaBrai sars. a eeca tar. uonea .nx.
aArr.r at. Irarrr, crr) ut baiT ens? rttl ear
A Large asi
veil aekcted
ftock of
Toilet Articles.
Glass, Paints
and Oils a
and in full
Also a large assortment
toys, fancy goods and musica
instruments which will be sold
Very lew lor Cask.
rUclej is alt lit brant brt 4xx preeiX'OX aa ea ttae.
Aaiaa Baaaaiacura
Of all Defcriptlooit.
t am prvareJ to AQ erdm at Ihe fa tovlac rrtcee
S Itrti roonai as4 RuaUe rarctitilBJ aiat aotkrd
$3 U per ICO Irrb
Warttas S txxh Amiss RuOe (I 3) rr 100
BertW arralhrr hoanhae nrtunrrj ft 1 f aaj
S torh clear larabcr foot It- to-, ox rtnuabr4 at J 1.50
per 100 Irrt.
IVwra farn'alvM at frn i Tlloli CO.
AJitbt ah hr qtantitr l M
!Mtbl ab, br qoaailtr. f I
Waib bmnlaSlMrrr Jota
On all bttla arer 10CO fprt a liberal ilaJaelkia wilt be
MoUios eea eat prr lath rT tteraL
or all klvts m to rrUrr on iborl cottc at WatU
HrCrjJG, Kra CaBle. 2 at eeeacrW
saar. in r afa caorr aetx; aarara, aast
aa kctabeaatrc
ltarVa.Tr. H.. Pry Crrtt, IT. I.lmo,
XeC brri. Ratlrr CaSJr.Ucataab.-;
aaaam Taf rars ear, aonra aaax snac, aasar
VacrrJeax. LaartrSattrr crret aerjea, ass
aa IrA liaaHT. cats. aaa ao nat -".
aat raVf bat m rarb aa4 raaara fcrt a rVb car.
Vclara a IVfcrrtT- Bsurrcn-rt. Cbzaebrsatti
eraata;aMtbinrraa sxiveataa m tez m
Han aase brasi rs kft abaartirr.
rviac K.l-ftrt Sort. CanV.afttisrrUraravIa
V raaiaTaaiai!intra!,iaaae
OOrrtR J Earn- Car roc. Caatic tara
ea ncbt a-. Crf raeS ear, beie b rijfta. j
art aaaw braJ aa tbaebSer
IVr-3Kbx.S g. tgarrBacrf rrret b.a ia.
aa nrU abesUrr; rto aaasa ea nrU .
rrr. a'- rjZ tc rit ri lao fjta la JOi cr.
Taa cabUr 3
Qsaafeasaa, Brrcr CaC. Q aa fca bii
rr Ieevr4asiarvb5teat$bl. f, bar;
ara tbirs.
Brrc: H. bew; cuile K H aaWtb
bcir ta racb Car . banrx, ceBSara cf &
Erfrra S. L., Trrue. CattJ traaet J es
aban crap eff left car, aa4 cater crop
SikrJ n, ilnim CattVbeaaJ, Rt
ribt baj, aaat cm eff of tea car ar
ri(b. eVatap im. 1
EbnaCA Lrarr tVaftr Orr. C
bap . aaabrr bu la Irfi rar aaj rji
ara. R ea ntbl abeaUrr.
Sttjaet r. Crraw Caitbt. ere. eT
crap ear af rtrbt ear. brasdr Sec
aaae brast a kft abeoiaer.
Scb4ta-R C. Hi1, S ea left abaaaJrr- eJt"
H 5 ea rirbl Brjs raseoth rrra a rtsbt ear.
$UairTT.t, n. ttrrrejer-. catair. on;, a as art
cr dr Up. crrei aaxi ttsArr asS 5tT bl r
ear. fc- airre arxal ro Wl aVvaiJer
la eao& ear. heree aaae braad ca irft ityncbarr.
Suatsa Kb T. BaltrrtTTrt CxtiV. TSaa rbt
rib Wfl tSanabfm
SmiOi Jo. catlie, VJ t a J aser n, ckkcn a
nabtbrf. .
Sennarr Ja Wettee. Cin. S rrrtrrJrJ a C
rttberh-X Uarara. Jaae iasrl -rt at-miart
oa rava esr. mi. rrara ca rza aB. mm
aiu. hncj m rtrbt ariealer
Smrt C C ttmera? rerta Caok. KCaaVftl
mn r rlit aial nsaWr Mt ra kft earAre tap a
ram urvr . . w .
mbo-erci a r rcttrr nrek.catOa braa4 O
nwn OTeafcraaseaaier.
Tt-..,iw. It r iMtr Itsrrtfr rrrek keaara TT
la lb njfct aat apBt la IM lert ear
vtpairftbip-,asderw eaca.
aea aba etr.
1T'reiAS.tlrPIJirr: CaSllr, tbrra)
uUjijnlir facta oa Un bip. laa .araSow fcr
ta arrt rar; bwx. aarar braaj oo V-ft i-4oer-
wrkzk k. indieten. law. praaia. i la cwaaw
mbt Wtv rmci o3 er tubl earaiat aat IB lea.
akla rron m.T R-bl Ukl mllaar ftirl ta b-ft
Itaraw. aam braaa on Kr .amurr
IV1-S l-rlrrei. CHlle braoi. bn rboa
art are tiw, arar ntwar. v n vat ia( h
aa rijhl ibouWr.
anrara, u aa IrO blp. CalUe- O tf ea VA t.
taaoS Ors