The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, August 17, 1878, Image 1

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    fijnjst vegoniau.
rr tat
East Oregonian Publishing Co.,
J. It TCEXEC, Bntiafw Uixcr.
Office, Slain St.. opp. the Court Ilousr.
Rates of Subscription lu Cola:
One f, ia adrenee C3 (V)
Six V fht. 1 SO
Thres,ytvHith. .. ,, l (V)
Single Oopifs , . , , . 10
lie (&ii$f rtgoninUe
lw. lav 2m. est. lyr.
t: OT 81 (A tSCQflfiM t33 tA
SCO 111) ICO If CO SJ 00
i OT 7C0 11 CO MCO MM
CO I CO II CO SO 0 V. 60
7 00 9 CO WOO Ta CO Vi 09
sco ix oo st co x co ia ca
tarn u co soco to oo 70 co
1 loch
i Cttbimn
1 VJiinn. .
YOL. 3.
NO. 46.
X4ie la Ltea! OJamn 30 eentt per Kse, lint later,
nou. ant to ccau fx Koc each asJbwjaeot isaertkn.
A4ertidsx b3t payable qcarterly.
Davos Loisir, Jfo, 4, or P. Meet In the Caitl
HaU, IenJlct3a, eery WedaroJav evounc Brothers
la rood atan.linx are cordially larited to attend.
PrvDLtTOX Lorot, No. St, A. P. & A. M. Meet oa
the first aad third Monday of each taesth. Ifcuref
meeting 7 I'. II. (
Hisrtix Sna, Martha "Kaaelnstan Chapter. IVodlf
toa. - J'.ectj cr-y TuexliT nljht the flrvt aad
third XIjdIij la each mceth.
Errrsa Lome. No. Sf, 1. O. O. F.t IVodiw ilcrt
every t-Uuriay evealog at 7 1 M. Brethren is pvJ
Massnau. Lows. No. 14. I. O. C. T . r,dWl. -
rea in cvj ttandiue, are requested t alleaJ.
Enxvirai Curer. V. U. tulkiiUor; -r-vier
4 m foorth Scadav o( cadi taoalh at
11 A. it boO rj f. XL
V.mvr CurjKTJ. Her. TV. It IYucU.Jtnr: srrritet
at Uic Cuurt'll-tfoc eu the scivod iMuity-U ch rnoath,
at HA. U,aJl 7:30 1 JL
Daonr. Cnrsen. ltri. In the Canrt Jtrnwe on I He
third m-- inuktluAir. L X CKUhbM uAd-
atin;. at It A. aadi-U) 1. M.
Jlctrwrrr CHctxn. SnMh. -Her. S. W. ThrSr. pot
tor, Knl.M iu the Omit ltu on Utc firet StwAy cX
each month, at 11 A. 31 awl X I. JL
XI E. Cm-uit Ker. J. C Kkktroa, rostnr: irrvicca
oa the (Mirth ftaJr of each nieath. 1'rayer rrt"
oa Wednesday rtcmn.
rxiox StiPiT ScthniL il. M'HKi, Kor. Vrr'a crcrr
Sasdijr in Uic Court Hmuc at U eooil A. H-
LtdnlK ujil ue hitertol Mout ohua, Hvturj
noiim v-Ol be cLa-; fee aarvrJo; to lkr lotUi.
iii'Ce ejirt of l Ear Ojwjvuj, a vrpen. for
cuiliij. cm be obtain,) ct ih otkee.
TTt aArmc no roronvHtilj ior Tiro errmscd hj
Dr. J. A linowles,
Witt fractice rm ttjottsssos cr nrA
UlU sa4 Viaee eoeatint. All Iert aliod
to hra at I"cndlrt.m, Ortea. nl be jnijijr -ntpti'1
to. AS work urasteeii. Cbars zaoderate.
Oglesl)j & lyUHamson,
YTcstoa, Orejon,
T -with praptacaa, OSat os XUla Sunt, ot-po-aU
t E. P. Eagau, H. D.,
Sec aa iUia Street.
J. M. Pruett, M. D.,
Office nt Rrtiilrnr.
W. Wintccmbr Mf-D.,
1 V "ith xiear4acs. AB liwiam treated Vf llai
latest aad rery best taodei lor the cearfart the icJiaa
W. C. McKay, M. D..
OSee eproEitc the IVuBttoa lioteL
Dr. J. B. Lindsay,
It oar located penaaaeat
TThere hii erviee eaa a!arxj- be had.
tarsii rsory JSjaoci-jLlty.
Attorney at Law,
R'Voc, TJr-itiTli Cocaly, Oiega.
State aad tVauntOD Territory.
XZpeual atteatkm paid to Land luiiiaca aad OoJ
Fred Page-Tustin,
Attorney tLt Law,
Axd Real Estate Buokek.
special atiextiox ci vex to collectioxs
aud lobate Ualtoa.
Lcimm oesvUated and County Oruers boujtt aad o!d.
orncE ix couET iiocse.
j. n. trsszx.
. . ranxr,
N'otirj- robbe.
Turner & Bailey,
Attorneys at JLavr,
faTOSce oa Maia Street oppxtt the Cosrt Hoat."TCl
J. H. S-Tra nIU be aModxted with tu In iH cccUxteu
ia the Circuit coon in the future.
John A. Guyer,
Attorney at Law,
Eaitorn 0;sdo. OOc with O. W. Satle, cp
pMUthtbottL "Wilson Hotel,
Umatilla, Orrsou.
1A has located oa Front Street Umatilla, where ab
haj opened a Srtt-dul hotel The boota hu been re.
Sued, the beds are excellent, aad tbe table will be eap
plied with the Tery beet tbe market aSorda, TrareSeri
will not rejret rtoppinj at thia fixix.
X. W Stage Compstay eoacbee atop here.
UT?QT bouaeu Ton eaa tusg in. V lotZS
Sj A-iO JL per day made by any worker of either
or, nfht la yonr owa localitiea. I'articulan aad
aaraplea worth $S free. Improve yonr epart time at
taU bualana. Addreae Snjraoii A- Co., Portland, atalne.
TT eaa male money fatter at work, for us than at any.
U thin? eUa. Capital act reqnlred: we will rtart yoa.
912 per day at boou made by the lnduitrioua. Mea.
women, boyi aad cui wasted everywhere to tort for
ma. Xow ii the time. Cortlyontit aad tenrw free.
Addreu Txtm k Oa., Aueceta, Mala.
f3RR tVkJarmT..n Urr!1- Koatfitfrne. Xe
CUU riifc. Seaoar, U yoa wast a bntiaea tA which
penesi of either ez ran make treat pay all tbe Urn
ibey work, write for partlcnlan .to H. Hiiirrr Jc Oo
JLawta, KaU
i. tut.
Rotlicliild tfc Bean,
Saecetsar to S. EOTII CHILD,
, of the patBc to their larsHf laercaaol Jitf
Whleh the tneruied facSiUci a3ardJ brlhdr cesMaa.
Ion cuaiiica thesa to aScr
JLt the Very Lowest Rates.
Tbelr Stock will contltt aa beretelorcol
Dry Goods,
China and Glassware,
Stc, "Etc.,
They wSI alnra Hie pfeatse let fWw- tar '
with which they may be catrcaUd U laVc: U tVcar
Grain andf Hides
Aac 'Aer rjeOWJCK liktc la txabx?; at ti niGB
Cash Paid for Wool.
jLad aS kiadj of
Xmln Stroet, oppoalle thvc Coert IIooi
tli eoastastly bit oa hand aad for ta, a Ceeaii
Aaeortaaest c!
Aad wQ alwayi keep a eooipl4e aawrtcaect of
Done to Order at abort twUc and at very mode?
Proprietor of the
Centennial Brewery,
Vnutlcfoii, Oregon.
prerrd to f aniiJi IIECI: to Uc l1c u( aa ex.
taHViil otulity. Try ud be coarlneeu. Unwery cut
liJeUMAlX aTltECT. center of MoJc
o. buboxiteii.
Xaonfactsrer of Bread, Cake. Flee, aad all Wu
Crackera. lire proof liuiUinj.
Main Street; Walla. Walla.
I'CBdletoti, OrrsoB.
Ha! a Street, epjoUe th Peel Office.
Union Hotel,
rruns hoik is ix the itest coxornox rpit
1 Urtrrecjnofsue-U. Clean loJt arx: ffod tabU
Utltow&uoof Ihiebooae. Tli patronajo of the pnlbe
U eUidtod. buret leave the hou lor Pendleton,
Vrertoo, La Qrui, UUon, JUker City and Be! Ct.
s. aerwnna.
Tlif 'rl.
Cnictco, Aj i Prrhleit Kwp bos pait
reUtrtHdl fim a trip oer tbe NmibuettvtH
ratlmaH al half Ma tnLUrt(. A W L
oirrfully gxaninl toe erttft yiteci m the
re gtum wftr thw greatest ilawwije luu len
iHiC I'V MtttavwaWle uvaUver. kt cwNc4n.a
are r( lMirirL lie (aye wr ai Uadwaetl
until twu r lbr wek an, mImmi k Uwk a
Bilil4i Mart atwi it i-uaiet aa mewl at tka
thi tie. In lwa it yrmnitu ta U m gw4
a Ut tr. U kat prteerally iiMw4
Ur4v Uj ttw beat, ttc iajar- mei g im NmtUi
Tm Immis aaiel S"'mtiur MhmmmU. llcrw hath
the ejastMitjr af4 qwabtj- aiw JkHd. ti
.-nrul ii,l u-M Met ucvrj t n t ibeb yr
avrta, Vjla4ni leva U ketlar thOM rUetarw-
II ere the atvemev u tur U fill
leetfU. I arajw lei MtMMMta
cwmirml. bR eJeew brc a m botter tfania
Tbe prwywrtaiai i4 V.ihHV wKtlikM kwtat
ry rwati, lat M nc.wiwwial Ira4 kae Uncei
abainfmiinl. Oata atv ghiH- iair. Mm
toy it jwr )rbL In iema 24 Mwi mtn
utat a me icly path ril. Tbfw aH h a
laMch lie men r Uw 1 bacap aaxi Nth e
Vaew ia ever)' arttd ( paea riwf BMat a.
there Ha laet yaar. 1 m tLaaaafe tat rfwax
hat leeat cMCMCitaeuWy erwitwaalw4. Oilier
pe Ktwweei vitu ncmmefnateJ 1'nilJaait Kewat
Miecrw tha .
1 br . I, it. It.
ItttMAitac Aaj. 2. A )rty af etfeWrri
-h mebtary ZJi liealeil by teaeral
RMSfec, cbid oeigientir rf tb N. rthera 1'acteVc
KatlnMel, Mt Utaa H,rap far Fort Kaagh.
'JV- object aa ta ateectaw U aabac e4 tax
Nwrtbera IWaic laaal graat betweai tke Met
MMirt aael VcahatMe new. iMbta Mam
nwe. f Miaaeaioln, acgiiwpeayiwg tate
party, will te rl bm retara t
h'aw Yk DaMai4 bo tntak. wt
tbe read fat ike Mwvee ul iLCeyOa
ftMN Uc Northera 1'aoMc l . a.U.O,k.O urn
f laa4 a taxar eeiaiijeratiaa.
Ilorrlblr Outrage by Trampa.
CmKMO. Aa(. X Tbe rrvieuK'r itarleac
ta, Iwira. afaxaal ay: TaarvAiy aMeraawa
twa traaaf lcaiaal at a tarwei'a hr aear
Tfcataa. iiaaary o erty. aenl after a pw4 aiia
acr irwat ilt faraaar'a a4 liiratar that
tbe baabitwi auabl aat be home aatil ct lag. ,
aiUBty aeaaeal her aa4 atrgail ber ervue, ',
MmI bjit iter laieaiiUe. 1 hey ba4 ttuffmt i
the cnea w ttte tarateri muc aarar
ralba bar aa m a MutVet. U hea
tbe ekieM vaa nearly al(uatei aael vaeai m
baeir. The ltejfUri are icoana; tbe
try fr tnc '' aat at but aoewaaU h
lf..rv V.I r, af 11a ml &
VasUXBTX. Aag. 1 The aalce a? 4 par I
eeat. bai yaetawUy naaaat ta J..IMJ.OAJ.
PariacHnll a.nU I'nlon l'-rlOr.
Nv" wMC. Amg. 4 Tn Wfti aayi .- A
kfse taajeWiee- aael liroewiatat avcaar erf
tbe 1'aaac Mal SVraaihip C'eiaaay aaai y-
Ha1m Bei bMf at the
rrmmiT that it ba4 Jiciii4 that
cWes ttmt ext aar laaJiag am tract with the
L'aeea tVaic ItaaW4. The rextaa aangaaa I
M that the farm af agtxeaaaat .wbech wae
drawn aat by whacb It a. tat ta eaab-
bh prw rata rataa xad hat the an ail ir mi ,
Ueaoran t be etwaatchwt by the ilMMibta
caipaay aa evr Wvlly rattaeei aa4 ieelif. ;
ilaary Hart aaU the cueaay ha4 aat rr- ;
cweveel any adacaa antiieitna U aelraaae M :
IreeebU Bx4e by She Utaaa IacaV WiWai4.
He aba oaatuWiel that the refa ay aoebc ,
aat ta be qiea;i;lli! ta taaiati ta the i
ereae4 labwierie br that rain a. A carcaW. !
be eatJ. ka4 been atot Vo aaercbaaa aewl
ahtpfer tayia; that freaebt vwabi W taVea at ,
the U ralx rate mi $S par IW aaaei. .
There bat brea aearly a ailboral unit mi I
cagaseaieota already auoe wa that baaet far j
the aezt Keacarr ta fiirc ber a tall carga. It ;
vai ab tbe nUrattuea of tbe caaay. Ilart
aatil. Xn gnat lav-rabje oaa neieeai la Laraa
abaufiera, if cuMtraitt acre aude iwr Urge ahta-
aetiU; or if a ervi-aat were lUaC ta eav I
ga-e to aaip all their gaoeH by tbe I'aeetee
fteaatbip bse roea t eanatcticai with the
tiacotl rate aabi be raaJe. Hart aiw aifcleJ
that vbas oaantrtaoa Letveea tbe eata nay
aael tbe ratlraad It farauSr aeTered act tbe let
U SepteatUr tbe iUahc II ail Stauaibt.
CaeAfaay inS be ran as aa kcieMet Vom
aad catireiy ia tbe latereiU of Kattera aaec
Train Rnbber Kentrnre-d.
IUwusa, Wy.. Aag . 5 Tbe traal af tbe
Porry trata rwbLera ended ta Ur. There ere
ceateBeei at ieUri: Wilham lleary. 9tr;
D. U. HtM. 7 yean; J. I- Taatai, Syean mi
tbe LtBOHis. Neb , I'eMteatury. Gibe am.
vbe taraeii isUtea erideaee. ai freed.
One of Thme Utile Halne.
Fex Lake Jcsciwx, Wit., Aag. 5. A
revere ttarm af mis aad a ia4 eeearred th
eresMig. Falfy tw iBcbe af vatc MlwM
HMantca. Grata aiH Le dawarcd cwaatderably
by wisd aad water. Fanaert caasat atack
Ur t- r three day. Graia u aH cat.
Wheat ea tbe pramra a oh c-third af a eray
aal of very pr qoaltty ; a good deal af it
had to be mancd.
Smnzcllnc; by m Government Veel.
New LeMve. Cesa., AC S. Caitam
bwae effieen iiarde4 tbe U. -S. tebeel ahtp
St. Mary nUeh arrived Satsnlay freai M
ileria,aad azed a qaaatity af tasrgled ead
cutuiatiDg af ataei, rdevea, tilka, Turknh nc
aad earpeU. Cetnmasder l'btlan aayt the
geoda, with the exeeptiea af the giere. were
aeat borne by e&eere of tbe U. S. tbip AUtasce.
now at Ltaboc.
Cletlluc Jnallre.
New York, Ang. 5. lUbert L. Caie, Pre
ideot of tbe Sccarity Lale Inmrance Comrany,
asd Dr. T. H. Lamiert, Pretideat of tbe
American Papalar Hank Com j any, cenUDced
for tweanog to falae retnroa, oItaiaed a (tar
from Judge DoDoLoe. iwading ap(eal to tbe
Court of Apeala. l)r. Lamlxrrt was na
able to procure bail. C&te. who (urrendrred
tliit rnonung, bad liu bail renewed atS23,O0UL
Tbe Kubber Company Aaaeta.
Knr Yoke, Aug. C. At an adjourned
meeting of tbocredttort of theXcw Voik Belt
in? and Packing Co., to-day tbe committee
appointed at the previout meeting rejorted
that tbe coDJiKiny had a gool buiineat, aaaeta
amounting to SStO.OOO and real catate. iron
mines, etc.. Talued at fSOO.000. Ijalrthtiet
are $yiG,233, of which S1SG.000 are due to
three pcreoot intcroted in the company who
re willing to leave it there until other debt
of the company are jiaid. The committee con
aoqucntly agreed to recommend that the ex
tension of time proposed by the company
should be allowed, as assets wcru amply suf
ficient to meet liabilities.
The Kule for "Jnly Whenl
Chicago, Aug. C. The arbitration com
mittee of the Hoard of Trade to-day agreed on
SI 07 oa the price at which all defaulted deals
in July wheat tltall be nettled. The com
mittee owarded no jienalty for default of jay
menL Previous settlenients were made at
$1 OS.
Tornado In Pennsylvania.
PniLADrxruiA. Aug. C A terrific storm
passed over the town of l'hoenixville last
night, doing considerable damage. Robert
Tonsend and Edward Itoberta. of Pliilxdel
phia, were struck by lightning, the former in
stantly killed and the latter not expected to
recover. Tho villago of Canton was also vis
ited by a heavy storm. The reserrvtr belong
ing the the Canton water works gave wsy, do
ing considerable damage.
Jlnrc lllslionrat Imilnii Agent.
Xew YotK. Aug. C. -Specials lave the fol
loaiug from lltMaank. Dakota Territory, of
date Annual 3th: Iwlua Inepctor llan.niond
bat eowjJeted UihIiux Itock Iuduu agency
WvastigatioM, sad another, Haghes, of Cht
esg. Las eoeic to gntf. lie wii lrmittel to
reMa. Ilagbes l tbe ageut that tbe Iadtaat
wautnl ta draH a few rtaya see. Haghas is
the Mtb that baa awceuatbol to HshihmmhI
tsawe be ua a4c iai(iectr Uat Wiater.
hVy ajery toeaievteil Las rasaltol m w
bojy j 4caMUIt.H. The called Mluutirt
nttr pratr tear tbe want.
MirmttUr Mrllie.
Chm'am, Aaa&pliv bai.lrel jaaraey
awaa t aaatkgre w caly struck the mora
to; Iw an adene s4 waS-e fruta V tw Sli.
Ihey hatw :hi the t.aWr ol the mab)er
hi ertMi4iiiMr UN $10 AU r Ueek. There
are IO.WU ra iket. td Ult ctaaa H Cbtcaa,
aad t. uuw Late 14. altcaily Urack are
thrvateuaug l 4u .. Tic stifle lvcBb all
Wadias; Hlkdceale buWI'?'
tlir ! riuoprr oT lltr ttlo (iramlr.
WaHurov. As. t At a cahnwt - -rt n
ta day tha Naastrtaty af War aad be had uth
inmt JttutieatMta that aeirral MaXaetti vum
pamea arte Uang waasad Iht the asrpwMi
mi nrfwLtac raate acrwea the nr br U. S
taenee. Matter, ara regarded at Wrcaarng
mtnmm: KaaiWh bshn t Ii id U the nt
wall b MtWaei iMtM XeltuM, tbimgb the
ailtjl - m laat tawtw aivai,
he au acaaiiia btr ay fatar cewaiisi by wai
lahiirn. Ihe daxai.HWi t Ike auatSar aa.
Saln'iajf hat it vM att eiaJr J at caU
SMtt iwiajttMi; that aay liwaelty u leatrrar rx
tats at praiaat fr aay ailjiteeaat ansae ta
Ceav Ord.
riilraso lltlller.
fmrAtaa. Asa C The JuUlVri af Cbi
eaga haM a saevnag t-day aad aWaaaaJ the
fatt that 1'ewrsa aad (.tstcsaaati lnta,ra ate
alda t-, SMaJcMll thaaa an the btgb asae air
bat. althaave the aataral UttsUNt af vra
4cOaa aa Ibecafw are pewtar thaa aa thane
tttlat. They hae ewird saalatdared the
ajt ta V imm air llaaaa a brttar aetttog
awrth these goeTaatc aad av- tavi4spiataMi
mi thaa raiaaitna u' ajfaara. They aav If the
tax was ahrvg4 tharv watald um l a siagle
elsetstWry maaea- aa 0ta, aad thfeatea ta
brsag the SMtter U the atseaitiati mt CaafM
aahei a fdy renay m haaad.
Ttlnr lla el tint t,raMhtrn I'lentj
Nra- YowK. Atf. 7. - The Tfam' Ifctatwtk,
laakata, as-tcaal M)i LatMt adrsoea iroaa
Kear l"aw Moaataiai refwrt the eacsteeaaat
ver. aad that eady it aaea ate Mt ta the
paid 4spavt. TW see serrral lost bvadi
mi aaann aa thesr way liawe. Placer fitg
9B0 arc psayed mmt. Oraahoaancs veee
bare y-wrdoy aad ate aft half the crwfn.
NnlelJr of au Inunr I'rnea.
JUstM-t. Aag. . Aa sataae daacter mi
ThaiMrat 1'ra.t. agej 27. pMrrd kumiaat
ear her bead aad cJathca, sat at e ta K aad
baraeel Im daatb.
tlnardlns Acalnat Yellaai rrarr.
Ijttu Ibncx. AC -The Uard af
Health ta-day ateaJtl to atUUseh aajaraatsae
ajaaatt all treeght aad pan gen traa New
UrieaaM. taatatetsae a Ml abvs he eatobsnhed
at WasntaH, afpaMtc MeaasaW. to
the Jaadtac U Utteaaa haata.
Itir ttilnear Qneallon.
The HwrmmT W'aawaitgtasi tfawsal
i a-e oalaart yeotaeway eendari the
of the Chtaeae Kavbaaay. The arK Ma
aacliat baaiana la be transacted with the
Cb aeie auaiilrr m aa agreeaseat fmv tbe
n iasrilmi mi cXertssrg traa tie wth Cbtaii.
f msslly far at rasatat ta
Clsrr laane In Hood a.
Krw Ymik. A a- 7. The .Saw Harriibar;
iiaactal say: Aa vt tume at Uiadt ha beaj
nmtx vrrvd by the ea aa imeaits af taw ak
sag rai I. Seaee the let at Febratry oa eai
Lace beeadriapia- teaVt the IraaMtry oua ,ai
m eaa t that the onamii air kaew wathia;
atast. It a thaaht the wer Saaac wsU rcacb
5 HO. I'M. Fart) aaae tbwataad are abra ly
ueieeatid aad saastlv caeae frasa a ttraager aa
I.ynrh Ijtti In Kenloehy.
KaaMTttAX. Tb.. Aag. 7. -Oae haa4red
araied ar utat tu the )ut at Frank lat
soglit, brake it , aad faH.k theaev &alisa
Iieatty (aaforedL agd IS, tharred Kh hartag
nsfied a iix yearaai daagbteraf Datael Cbrwt
aaa. a pratasaeat a Urea, wbde rrtoratag
irata SMal but Fndsy They baeg bsas. a
sappeaed. aad left hit lojy aa aac kaaw
whera. A latter wHfaUh say t be eesd aad
easeen aaw have beta.
lbmtAhCK. Aag. 7. Graaabappers flying
eaat have 4ase ebt4cabl daaaage. bat
mi', damage Mtaaeaota crefM senwaaly tins
Terrible Railroad Accident.
PrrrraM, Aag. 7. -The faat tram UePitU
bar. C"aeaiti aad St. Lsmi Iladnva.1 wbch
Mt tha nty at 1 1 :47 bat Mgbt met with a
ternbJc aecsaeat at a pstat one aad a bJf
atstes wast af Miog Jatxtum, ObiA. Tbe
traM was cwatfcwcd d twa leevrs, use bote!
aar. mm bsgsge. tv tUl ears aal taw
CMcbrt. Otic f the latter LeBg eeraptcd by
tatgraats. At 1 A. ii at tbe pat aasaeC
tbe faat traia which aat SO tawBtes luwl
tiate aad raasMag at tbe rate af 40 tastes aa
beasr, ciilMed artb a frcipbt traia. Tbe en
tire trata, eicefd tbe bafad ear and sleeper,
was tbrvwa fraas tbe track aad frarlaUy
recked. Klevea er twelve ate re
)nrtd ktltol. aad 15 to 10 tenrealy aeaaded.
AH tbe paaaatogcrs la tbe al.-tjwn escaped
withvat tenees tajary. Loss ef life was coa
haed ta these ta tbe forward cars occupied
by postal clerks aad emigrants.
Tbe CiactaasU potal was thrown ever an
esabaakmeat SO feet and comiIctcly demol
tthed. Postal clerks Frank 1). Graham. A.
W. Andrews aad W. Jebaaeo were killed.
Tbe St. Loais eat aas thrown over tbe em
loakmeat oa its end and badly wrecked.
Postal clerks G. W. Weaa W. if. Houiton.
aad G. C. Matthews were injured, but it is
sapoed not fatally. Tbe baggage and emi
grant cars acre thrown from the track and
badly wrecked, while, tbe hut coach and
sleepers remained on the track and the occu
tout escajed almost unhurt.
'o Advance by Mrantttilp.
KewYobk. Aug. 7. At meeting of the
executive committee of the Pacific Mail Steam
ship Cnmany yesterday it was decided not to
advance live dollars on the rate of California
freights for first class merchandise.
The opposition have made considerable
gains In tho election in Austria.
After a week's aaepenslon thero Is a gen
eral reMimptlon of mining In tho Schuyl
kill region.
Tho Ottoman embassy Is aald to bo in
formed that tho Sultan sanctioned the treaty
of lkrlln.
The Standnrd announce In official form
that there will bo no dlnolation of Parlia
ment thU year.
Tho twn Secretaries, McCrrary and
Thompson, havo got latck In Washington
from their pleasure excursions. .
In tho election at Ixiulivllle. on tho Cth,
tho Hlsnton Duncan-Iilwr-Natlonal-Green-bock
party was utterly crushed.
Asaistant Secretary of Stato, Seward, Is
not apprehensive of any troubles, between
this country and Mexico, and says: that tho
Mexican authorities are doing all they can
topunliSi ilcpredstoni on tho Itln irantle.
It is not believed hero In diplomatic l"r
tom that tho Mexican President wlUlnll ct
severe punlihment on Gen. Ksrobetio, who
was not captured, but surrendered lilmaelt
voluntarily to saye other icron who v ere
In danger.
rntfllali l'nrllnment.
Iaxho, Aug. i la the Haute ef Com
moas. Sir Willum Veraen Haacoart. Ijberal,
deelareil be thought gwveraaMat laatacere ;
that it bail tut belief whatever that aay daa
eer was to l appreheMel frarn Itauaa m
Am Minor, bat Wat it wasted a pretext far
aanug Cypras.
("ullon H Ills Mint Ilonn.
Tbe lUko ttatcs that owrag tn tbe prai trite
OHtHlittun of the onit-iii traib Hontby A. Sn.
nf Ibmkbooae. the krgaat twtll traacrs ia the
INacabara dMrtct, hare givast a iaetmgbl
Motaee fat thctr ajmratiea that they wtM vlaea
the M-iib.
Iiilt-rnntlonal Honey t'onjrett.
Paals. Am, t. -The French IiwsbiiL
at tha ratt4f the Caltad Stataa. ha lartted
farwagn pwuer t an intamatsunal maaot-iry
enngeaas tw hew here Aaet 10th.
IJrellou ttrlurita.
firatux. Aag t- jkUmA. rwtarsM ie aiaatt
the sartsn at 73 Caswercattve. Its) vaesans
liberal. ST L'krsaaa tma. and 3 S
The (Hlalalli KaalaM.y H aatd la)bcaafcmid
the Aaltaa the Uaatv U Itarisa.
AualrJati lirrtipaliou.
lfih. Aaje. 7. A Vsaana dseautdi say.
CaratttMlari Paths eel ha. satatt n
atmc San acre u snseH nsaat hisng a N-aM
tm Anettssn ao4tsnn "4 ratksai. aewttncwt.
.wtiMajaetitly b had m praatat bat that a
sjai' 1 1 g senna aaiacn ui.faliy .
Thraa 1 andrad M-ateB-i-ruM bacw jiaaiil
lbs m.mau in !lraMfcut. laae m
itSCatlMm mi lalaatnai ta ptweaatat a hwty war
frier In 1 ynrna.
Tbe laewc m Uewwiitatf ilinenncJy at Cy
pra. Facty wwaihecs mt mm Lrttssn tcasssnt
aaea lewa attavLad.
I lie ltholape lnnr;rnt.
A Pers dtansub toyt two aVlapsAe Iraat
tbe ItA. if saaatgente Lae aa.t a SMtnaesal
tw Msasalir La)atd eaesHd by the cot
iifi tlUagas aVealiinag they a ad att I- tha
lat swan the trfaixsaas.t af the deratieti rf
thclSecitB catngtaea.
tirlotma I'ltralwd.
Athb. An- 7. -A tcargraca frasa Csnae
tUtsathat tha llrtstka cnSHl hat sstami I
tha Cretan aiiasshty that Uteat bVstaaa was!
aleaa- tw sjtaSB a rel.mic ajsteni nf gnw-
l.sploalon of s I'esilrr Jlrsaslne.
Lva. Aag. 7. A Knaaixa aatsaane ex
fV4ad tw-day at Frateatt. W iitx. kssbn.
a eeer c pertusu and aotac mat
ta praj ecty.
Germany and I be Vatican.
Bosux. A a- 7 Tbe A'asasW
aayt iwtarthttaadtog the re tin mint af Mlos-
ter latk h atetaiy a ytitnn mi tanas. rt
saarck aat prtard at t4rst to uerssW
Dr. Fala ar tseldthn to the withes! the
ataraa. TW yanil asancw sal -iuss at
Knungen another weok.
1 r-u tluthreak at tibmt.
SiMrM. Jnly 7. There was a fer-ib ant
brsak of statstos at Achoen. ihsach tmefo al
Ucbeal aad cantnred a stcons uiw wsth
a baa to the aatrvea nf fif ad to the Dstab
of K.
karrrnrr of Varna.
CAMrvr, Aag 7 laanortant peot-
rd srsth rnarfl be4eaard
an to the Knieeim next V, hot n aural ot
sutrraU Irani the asrtrea wail ritr two
BBOsttb. Ibe Kswatw have adbae4 to the
Partoa bvendly loajaary at to a hen at wsB tnr
lendir Hilisia, hot the rmssia mrstii bu aa
yet received no asaee.
Analria and Turkey.
Vint. Ang 7 The aahutet u strongly
argsng the rarv. m m nf H ati aad Hr
seotsnsan diascsihiis. to encne tin tssatecy ta
a csoar asdentiaihng aboct the twutaaa "-Jk
Potto sutendi to atiassa.
(lernpallon nctWlrd.
A eHijcstob from Kattna says the bsas af the
UsHirt It aUast HUait ISA IVisnsan
am rd teed and mctilUtd the w n a led. Ao
athor dstpatcfc state that the beat part nf aa
Anttrsaa ovttsea waa engad m the so-called
itmsn at Ivaaana. lac Aaitraaa
were iirtana.
tnanrsenf Defe-ale.1.
Vfrw. Am T Tr. . . J
Maxiaj a tniil cxntmnan ram. A reeart bat
beesi received af tan asorc abarn sktraatbe
at Kaataa aad Garwascsa. m both of a atah
tbe intnrgents were defeated.
I'rsnro. i nrrlran Kr-clproelty.
pAEts AC 7. Tbe prajortar for a reto
tacrcsal treaty, wbtcb the Fraaoa-Aaaeraaaa
roafcrerjcc referred to a conimittce but negat.
it esabraeed ia a asesBoraal to tbe L'sttrd
States Congress and French Cbtaibera. bat it
exnreoaiy ttated that that project it issatdy
o&ered as a batit for lucnatton. Tbe j-rwjeet
provides that etthcr coaairy tbaJt give to the
other the ansae comaiercial adraatagas given
the most favored natsant; presenbot eundi
tsaet of astestmsnt af aJ rutin ia dattes at
sbipptng Itat; provaies for revtataa of tbe
American tattfi as French J redxl; ttipnaates
if either aatsan iBrpasea efoatcatac itaty apatt
its w a irbdnctaoM, tbe same daty may be hm
psc4 a that of the other party ta tbe treaty:
gaaraaUes rrctproeal ngbts to tbe csUxens nf
the miiectiie conatnes m na-aerabtp of eat
raercsal maita, nullum and ttajan. Tbe
treaty it to last tea years.
Anlrian Oernpatlon.
lxy toox. Aag. . A Vienna dupate1.
peskiog of AaatnM ticcapatioa af Tarkttb
pro vi nee rays: Ibe retprdaUe pArtioa ef
the inhabitants every abtre late welcomed
tbe Aattriaat, and aaly tbe bmcr e lours ami
same ditbaaded trsops Lave jataed the tatar
rectloD. In view of tbe iatarrrctianary marenieiit
and agttatwn in Sema aad Maateaegrs, tbe
Aattrun envernmeat tateals farther mobUi
ration ef forces to have ia reserve additional
amy corps ready for aetive iimec
Great annoyance is felt ia etTjeul quarters
at tbe unfortunate Maslaj affair. Auatnan
lmecs being considered due to manifest care
lessness. PACIFIC WAST.
Sax Aug. 2. Joseph McCoy,
five years old. son of Michael McCoy, Xe. Ill
Perry street, was run over by a truek this
evening and killed. The driver of tho truck.
P. Braacl, was locked up, pending tbe result
of the coroner's inquest.
Inland ftianfard Frolrst.
Sax Fbas Cisco, Aug. 2. -The following
dtipatch was forwanled East by the lVrsident
of the Central Pacific railroad this morning:
To Sihrv DUhm, PrtMtnt o tke V. P. R.
X. Co., AVir i'ork :
The projioaol advance in rates from July
ISth, as ir citcular issued by your freight
agent, Mr. Vinen. we consider unwue. Wo
rccogniza in you the same nght to control
rates on that side from freight coming west
that vou concede to us on freight from here
going east ; but our idea is that instead of ad
vance upon classes of goods mentioned, reduc
tion woull be better, and we earnestly recom
mend that you direct a withdrawal of the cir
cular. We think that some other way may
li devised to protect ourselves against impo
sitions practised by shippers.
Another Traced.
Sax Frascijco, Aug. 3. A letter recently
received from Concord, Contra Costa county,
represent that a family named Morgan, re
siding on a farm at that place! have been for
some ttmo in a statu of domestic infelicity. It
culminated on Wednesday night in a scene
which threatens to prove fatal to two perauns.
Morgan It a farmer. Far some time put hi
dunteatic hruil have been of frequent occur
rence. On th night in question, Mr. Men
Bap came home after being absent a'l day and
fuattd bu wife aad two men lying ta the
bara ia a atato of ataptd latixicaUan. Tbe
spectacle H.frutd Morgan that, aelriaz a
rhtb, be belaUrl the two men so soaailly
with k that at tha tame the latter was written
thesr lives were detprrd He paral bit
wife of any tneb Hdttctn.H, teotentias bnnteif
with tnmtng bar adrtft. bag aad .baggage.
Another report says Murgaa'a wife bad
drmktng a a sabwn with t traiops. Mor
fixm cnngit tboM to ether ia ba eotral. ins
to lot wot. r reattntws with bar. Morgan
bom to "ii ua-eiy vicn a aia,e. .t. bones were
hroken or torn mjory dnne. Ttnry wera
tahon to tho caasnty katptul. Mrgsn vtfo
brft for San Frsoctaco a toa a tho rrcov
ored fr ta ber drank. ghr hii war rhilrlnn.
and it abost ti.irty years of a-e. Margaa and
ahc weto asarrtad six atontLs agu, sitor a vary
. i I. ... . . .
llralli nf Jtlebarl Rme
S. Fusctorn. Aag. a -TV- Hank nf Cal
wonna thte eswrning ixotvcl a dttfutc i frcw
(Urbdad. (ear-May. that Mrcbael Ueeoe. nad
h mains. Htad at that ptaac yostonlay.
Mstsaaid Kaair. the aowaof wbwedathat
Wallamtiian. Gereaany. it r-reteed to-day.
bvo an atlate apfroaMkated at SI0.0OJ.IMJ
or (nore. and. vmb the exeootoas of Senator
hawm. vw tho largvtt real entato owner m
the city. -ne -wars b h mvie a wdt W
mg the gmat balk af bu eotaU to lcwtet
Sjf Faaswton, Anz - Tbeesroaec's jnry
tl i eentog nmvhadut the intact on Le
W-ly of WaVan. a aetr af the are deoirt
aont. who oaa kitted by John ft Waraoron
S-4ay. TVy fonnd a rwtdact cbargMtg War
ner wath aasotsaaj-trfer. sboa not hnrtrd
to day irom No. 1 engsne bne. The fooeroi
was attnio bra farre cManasrse of aaanta.
isila laai Jain
the ate depart!
. . - . .
nalDSatSun teoM the ewcatuMos ot
Sur FKxsevcm, Ang. A Set-r rwevt ed
from Hsanha-a aayt the French hark Calra'ta
nt atoorr an t.e i.Uud ot JUontt, one mi
tha Smsete gnmp. Jane 234; totalfoet. The
captam f tne bask oaaMattted taecvie. No
osom Irtw Lot
Tbe xbMwer S-Ugbaaad. fram Oatsaltuka.
reports that on the lu nf May news was re
casved at Oamlnka that fan wot af a veatel
were frond at s Intot iattyear. tanpcae.1
to be the tcswnner San Ir2o 'from toe de
senntson of j rt of tbe wreck and letter
tl . -- - l - i v .. i f
crew or tchemir Saa Dte-n, Uuhap. maator.
wnica sasted aoncc tor SttU. ilarrsi 31. 1577.
has eser bea recate-ed.
I. n. u I. Itellrf rand Robbed.
Some tssse da nog the axht of last Tsesday
OHglart aUn4 the aaaec of tbe nW com
atsttee of tbe Odd Follow a. Cd.1 FrtWw.
Halt. o,aned the safe and stole Sl.tOO ia ld
var. No efae to the rewbers.
Trwenpant -lock ton.
torro, Ang. S. Trasapt larwd tbe 4
'Jock west boaad fmgbt traia. -and after
Wing e yected by the candnctor nee opened
are with a revolver an the rear braAinmi.
who retarned the Sre. bttttng tbe trasnp ta
the ttosoach and woo a ilea; nun agermtty.
Great erctteeaeat. Xaatber nf txasnp cath
ertd roand tbe detot. Tbe tberaf wits a
pwsae was called. TraoMe aaUeafotedL
s.kx rn t.vt icu psoDirc XASiitrr.
saroMio rt maaaant tmsaiAV ra ran rarsx n
i a. raana. cawscacsat iacrr. rssmaxa. oar.
Si I Taascaos. Atrart 9. llTi.
-lanraaard iiai EaSra
i u H n.
It Ti. asreraae. It hVet .
ar larrc aa ft US
aaa WaxaaAlatfl CrWt at.
iMij-jM, w w en nee, iiewtii iw.
II ta
raAirit-aUeSettsovratfl 3TM 03L
MkAAT -Ted, aa tnti ttMtaft CSV.
tauOt Oat rota cU tmh JtaaaTl
-Sane taho af fUcot Bncr at TX&XU vA
Bnr.r Ororas ask a ITajWe. TaSry wwaia tt
kofad Oltrrai Pal Lp a arrsa- ta aa vm-iay
SU- Xartet aaetittc at ttfWK
a.i u, ,v .u. . . . n i. i -I - -
oaaaara braad. at ft rt Wprrdoa. XarartSrjL
lauwH -auin anuiM u .
It l rumored that KnuUod Is negotUtlag
for tbe Watul ef Tenedoc.
Alvab A. Clark has bren neminated for
Cnazreas Is the Innrtb dblrict of New
An InataltBient ef Mexican awards will be
fttk! el.iinaHla at Waahiaston ot. and after
S-pteinl'r blh.
Orm hHMdml tltnastnd dollars has been
'HlixiH-r-d fur Ihe le-irKauixaUon of the
IttitiH ltrlt Coin tnnr.
Ttw iHdtansat Y'Hma.Atixnna.areRirins
l,plr truuiJc. It i- rrioited that they cou
teniuUte raiding tlie ton n.
The I'.j5 Cardinal Mertel Ifhe
l4wtllliii: tti ur-ml Cardinal Francbl aa
Prtntltit Ul SecreUrr nf Stale.
R. It. Cunnatit. tho defaulting cashb?r of
r.lind alkinal lb4fii. has been
held t lull in the uutr&2),tC0.
CaraTl.rtkii Pha bss lern intruetrd
to Irate Vienna, ir AutiU will not fix the
torilist ix-cu-nlloii of IkjauLiaiid HerxeKo
vliat. Tho Ibpubliean nf tbe Ninth C incirs
btiaal llistiic-t In IllluitU have nlliliMto.l
Th.-. A. Itoy.l.aud In Mt. Cantiel dbtrlct
Cl. II..W. I WII.
Tlir Ih mociulK i.fihe firt Vlrclnla Con
srmtunal UUlrk-t have miminaieil Uetu R.
I. T. Ilea Ir. a t he I r ra ml htato for Couurrva,
In tdaco of llcveily Dui:la.
- It l mild that IT.0C0 HuUns arr aiek In
HulKsrU. and intaut rlnfrnrtiicuts are
necessary to keep up an ttTrvtlve army.
Gen.TMlleben and Shouvalufl are iluwn
with typhus.
Tb North Carolina Leslslatnre stands as
follows on joint ladlot: Democrats, 97; Ite
puldican. 60; Iudendenu, 9. Aspirants
fur Senator Mrrrimon'it placo bavo agreed
to abide by tbe action ot the caucus.
A virulent fever has broken onl among
the American laborers on tho Madeira and
Mamora railroad in ISraxil, and tiumbersof
them are ilviuc dally. The laborers were
taken -ut br Colllns&Coof Philadelphia.
Sullenun Pasha, with 1JX0 Asiatic troop.
Is sliut up In Trebtnjt?. IIo will not allow
I nsurgenta tn enter tbe town, fearlnc a mas
sacre or Turkish authorities. Fifteen Itos
nlan regular troops have deserted fmra
Treblnje and Joined the Insurgents at Dur
brows. It U stateil In clerical circles that Bis
marck and the Papal Nuncio have arriTed
at an arrancement qn tho basis of amnestv
for all offenses against the Falk laws, nnd
re-etabllsment of tho convention existing
before (he rupture. Tho Vaticlan will
promptly-give formal reply to theo propo
rtion. Tlie Rhodope Cornmlssloueni (except Ger
man) hiring telegmphed that they are
about to endeavor to prevent certain con
templated Russian atrocities, the Russian
Commissioner haa returned to Constanti
nople declaring that his colleagues are seek
ing for Russian atrocities to tho neglect of
other dul'es.
Tho Constitutional. Bona part 1st organ, an
nounce that a marriage has been arranged
lietwecn Prltico Ixmis Napoleon, son of
Emperor Napoleon III., and Princess
Ttivra, third daughter or Aristlan IX, King
of Denmark. The date or the marriage not
yet fixed. The Constitutional adds: It l sot
stated that thU marrlag will be made tha
occasion of a beneficial revision of tbe treaty
ofPnigue. Princess Thy ra Is a sister of tho
I'rluccaa ot Wal.
A Uoraanllc Slorj.
A "Washington correaporulunt of tho
Kew Haven Union teflathe following
Mmmioual htory: '
A 3Ir. Jv a ltcoIant of a Connec
ticut family, hut bom in New York
city, became eaatnored of a flaHgLter of
General Scott. The attachment wax re
ciprocal, but tiie match was &a bitUrrlj
ojrpout by the oW here of LHcdja
ijtne tliat it wm broken off. She cared
B0tht for the vptU afhgr that and
vry boon wus rvwcived at a Milt in the
Oeoretwa convunt, an yoaa Ixn.
bctHa Catbolie nrknt. He wan made
lb aussiajt of Ifiahop Jfennyat 3IiI
wacike. Ivest wm a finished, polisha!
aMM, and eoB aei tbe estM! into
tW Iksvt ty of that bsteUtftil little
eitj. The rtnMilt wan that im a few
anJaa ietvru! Protfsaat gnnriemen
fotMal that User had Cathotie wives, and
thtr ilamtsitie rettUinava vrerv aHhsetUed
in a MMtaer thej have sot recovered
front to this day. Tbe year Graeral
Scott wa nouM anted for IVeaiweat Ives
was esmt aad fet him. Tacit- eKsTereaere
wve then made Mp t nd Ives tok the
eovttrazt to give Sooti Wkootaun by
ebairpo- tho CaiWie vote. Ivta ex
pected ia torn, if ScoU was elected, to
be fjaode 31iaktr to AoMria. Tves Io.t
Wkcoavow awl Scott kwt the PRadescr.
Ives coat the Woig Cesira! Coremktec
evrr 100.000, atvl Butle the -Wtseo&Ma
eJcetaovi a very hot otvr. To allay ths
LI twJtawfcKtt the ekctsott eajeadrtd,
Ivan was soat frosm "V ssocastH. and
tome. I mf ia New Yort, with tit
pricdlr roUss dtro-sra aAssk, aad became
a writet oa the eitboriol sta5" of 'the
HeraLeL While there he aaamed a
Coaaectieat htdy, who bore hm two
eirttslrea. Sobsvaeatly he was placed
at the bead of the IleraM's m-ortoriaj
oarjet ia Wiisoiaum. He SoouitLed
here with great tataa for wvoral yeais
whea oa dy Sceretarv Suatoo laid
his hoad oa bi aad &eat him to Fort
Lafayette. He was njleaaed after a fer
weks hat Baaett had ao farther ase
for him. Ives thea rdeated ef his !i
gioas eoar&e, aad went ta Boise to have
hii atarriage sanctioned by the Pope,
There he foaad, as the Aatericaa. llmis
ter, Geaeral Rafas Kiag, his old oliucal
friead aad aetgabor in 3JiIwaatee. He
eahesl oa Geraeral Ktag for two or three
days, aad thea west to the Pope to pre
fer hk raet, aad that as the last the
osmide woVhl has known of Father Ives.
The cjsaaees are that be retirtd to some
Btoak's retreat, where he now is, if he
suM lives. Governor KandaU, alscof
Wascosanta, who was Goseral King's
antecessor, aad knew Ires, raadfe every
edort jxissible, coasisteat with his posi
ts, to get some trace ef Ives, butcocld
aot. Cardinal Aatoaefli siraply told
the Governor he coald aos be seen or
coatataaiaated with, bat iatimated that
he was alive. His wife asd children
were seat far aad went to Roce, where
it is reported they were taken care of
and the t&Bdren edeeoted. Lately it
has been anBoaaeed that the eldest
dnoghtejr has atade her debet in Borne
as a prima donaa of the highest order.
Coagh Drop.
BacheJors are alwas a hraggtn or thtir
frt-edom! freedom to dam their own
teokiacs. and poaltiss their own shins !
I had rather be a widower once in 2
yosrs, roglar, than tew be x granting,
old, hair-dyed bachelor only for 90 days.
Aatbiahnn tew- shine ia everything is
a sare way to pat a man's candle all oat.
Sucking a whipt sillybcb thru a rye
straw, ix a good dial like tricing to live
on baty.
Sam people wont beleve enny thing
they kant prove; the things I kan't
prove are the very things i beleave the
Good examples among the rulers are
the best laws they kan enackt.
He who spends hiz yoanger days in
disaposhan is mortgaging himself to dis
ease and poverty, two inexorable credit
ors, who are certain tew foreclose at last
and take possession or the premises.
The world owes all its energy and re
finement tew laxurys digging roots for
breakfast and going naked for clothes, is
the virtcwoas innocence ov a lasy fav-
Prntles arc coquets gone to seed.
A dandy in love ix in about just ax
bad a fix ax a stick or molasses candy
that has half melted.
Thare ix no good substitute for wis
dum, but silence is the beat that hax bin
discovered yet.
Thare ix lots of folks in this world
who rather than not find enny fault at
alL wouldn't hesitate tew- say tew an
anglo worm that hix tail wax altogether
too long for the rest or hix boddy.
A man who ix good company for him
self ix alwas good company for others.
Cunning is very apt tew outwit itself.
The man who turned the boat over and
got under it Jew keep out or the rain
wax one or this kind.
I never knew but one infidel in mi
life, and ho had no more courage than a
haff drowned kitten just pulled out or a
swill barrel, and wax ax afraid tew die
ax the devil would be if he wax allowed
tew visit tho earth for a short season to
recruit himself.
I har seen men who had worn out
their rices, and supposed, or course, that
they wax living on their virtews,
What a man ix tho most afrade or he
sex he don't beleavo in; this mar akount
for sum men s unbeleaf in helL
The man who dies the ritchest io the
one who leaves tho least here.aadj
tho most with '.
One dent
but twe
oa.assssBw' wassssBc y