AXXABKI. lcc It m many and many years ajo, In a kinplom by the to, That a tssaden there lived whom you may know this maiden the Urol with no other ukhijui Than to lore and be loved by me. I wis a chQd ami the vra a cMU, In thU kingdom by the eea; , But sr loved vrfth a love that was more than lore, I and my Annabel Le , , , With a love tint the wiajod paraphs cT baavra Coveted ter and m. And thU u the reason that, loo; affo. In thU Linsdom hv the mi. A nind blew out of a cloud, chRr.y Sly beautiful Annabel Lev Bothat her hlch-bora hint-man uam And bore her away from me. To shut her up in a sepulchr In this Luwom oy uie sea. The anscls not half to hpy In hoaven. Went envyinc her and roe. Yea, that was the reason (a all men know. In this kincdom by the sot) That the wind came out of the cloud by nlfht, rynin- and Villinc my Annabel Lee. But oar love was stronr by far than the love Of thove w ho were older than w Of many far wiser than we; And neither the aiccls in heaven above, Nor the demon down tinder the tea. Can ever dissever my toul from the soul Of the beautiful Annabel Lee. For the moon never beami without brining me dreams Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And the start never rise but I feel the bright eye Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And so all the niht-tide I lie down by the side Of mv darkn? my darling my Kit and my bride. Id the sepulchre there bj the sea. Ik h-rtomb bv the soundkij met. EdjarA. roe. THE GEEJLT BAllKAT FREETILLE. Thev "were 201ns to have bazar in deal of that town. There was a "ood distress among the poor, for the panic came, ana nara times came, uiu mc manufacturers failed, and those who did not reduced their working force, and a gu-al many operatives were out of em ploy, and were wanting help. Economy and retrenchment were the order of the day. The iadies some of them did their own sewing. Some did with but one servant, some did without any. They kept their daughters out of school to retrench school expenses, and the aca demy dismissed one teacher with an invalid mother. The ladies who kept house managed very closely indeed, and deserved much credit. Mrs. Millyun concluded not to buv the ten-dollar silk , 1 . . 1 1 she longed for, and took one for four. Even more, she got a friend to smuggle it from Europe and it cost even less. Everybody said: "What a good ex ample Mrs Millyun sets us ! There it is not at all necessary, only it makes it easier for us to "do it who are obliged to doit" But Mrs. Jones, the dress-maker, missed the patronage of Mrs. Millyun, and thought that her work, which had always been good enough before, was good enough now. But there was no use of keeping so many hands if she was not going to have the best custom, and all of it too. So two of her sewing girls were laid off weeks before the usual dull season ; and even then it was not easy, with her sick husband and Tfimp. little boy, to bring profits up to the expense account, let alone saving anything. Then Judge Rochester set an example of economy. His barn needed repairs; although material was low and labor plentv, it was no time to have extra ex penses ; so he let it go. So poor Buff tale's little boy had no overcoat, and stayed out of school. .It soon became obvious that something would-have to be done for the poor to keep the wolf from their doors, and "the bazar" was the talk of everybody. The tender glow of benevolence pervaded society. Judge Rochester gave fifty dollars, with a warm feeling that done him credit. Mrs. Mill run gave a hundred toward paying expenses of getting it up; and so on through society. The young" ladies worked early and late over fancy-work and the pretty cos tumes in which they were to appear at the bazar. The wisest economy was practiced. Everybody did everything for themselves that could be done by unprofessional hands ; and when neces sity called in skillful labor, it was always expected it was a "Charity." Sometimes the employes grumbled, but d&ied not offend rich patrons ; and so they did it, even though grudgingly. "What a blessed thing it is," said Mrs. George Allen, her fine eyes suffused with moisture, "that we are getting tin so well with the bazar! Everybody seems so willing. Thus, 3Irs Johnson finds time to help us, even with her seven children ; and Mrs. Trilobite has lent us her grandmother's brocade for our "Marie Antoinette f and Mrs. Mill vun has given so much to bear our ex penses. We shall not be obliged to hire anything done scarcely." "Humph r said Miss Mary Bryant, SJ1U Kju iuia. yrajG iuiui o biiiip met ter, and hA five thousand a year of her own and no question asked. As I said before, "Humph," said Mary Bryant "Who makes the coffee this yearf she asked. "Oh, we are going to do that ourselves Mrs. O'Lay asked us two dollars a night, and we are going to save that, and Sirs. Brown said she would do it" "111 see to the coffee," said Miss Mary Bryant, dryly. "What J you make coffeel What did you say about cooking, yesterday T "Not at alL I'm going to pay U" OXay two dollars a nigbtr for coffee and , -trsj- 1 r fryinc oysters. Her husband is out of work, and she has six children. For he four aight of the bazar it will be quite a lift, asd she will come in at the deafij. and help clear up." "WU of course if you pay out of your owi. pocket, it's nobody's business bet the IvtUef Society won't pay my bills." "Generally speaVdng, 1 pay my own," said Miss Bryant "What ire tho girls go ing to make this afternoon when they come here V "Dress dolls. There iaa great demand on dolls, if you understand it If you dress them cheaply and showily, and sew on clothes, you more tliau quadru ple the cost in the profit Don't you seer "I understand. I wan sacrificed to such dolls in my childhood. Flimsy tartalan and spangles, and to cut a stitch -was to sacrifice a whole wardrobe. And the doll had pa raothing to speak of dur ing the -rTt"f her natural existence. Do these voanirladie propose to immo late the juveniles also on the alter of economy f 'What a queer girl you are i X don t taw what you mean Ui po tthey UtSlA want to mike all thoy can for the barar. to But here como the first of them, wliilc we" are talking, and here is" Mrs. John son's man with the dolls in a clothes basket!" In truth, it was a pretty, a kindly sight to sco the girls satin-red together in Mrs. Allen's pretty rooms. Girls are so pretty in thomselves that it don't mat ter what they do; they are always the nicest of all tilings to look at But to dav they meant bubiuess. Ti,en were bright, experienced ones that cut, aad industrious ones who sewed, and igno rant ones who botched, and iiH onus who shirked, and busy-bodies who in sjH?cted but did not work, as always in such affairs. Miss Brvaiit came in while they wero the busiest, with her walking dross on, and the brishtoot of s tinier; on her faea. "Well, girls, how many have 1 got to dress r "Just as many as you please. Tlioru s a hundred here, and each of us can dress one nicolv this afternoon." said ono of the "iris. Tltat's onlv tweutv. Well, 111 dress fiftv." "Fiftv dolls! Ok Miss Bryant, ye are too good!" and a bwzx f approbation ran through the otroie. "Xo, I'm not Fiftv dolls isn't nmeh to dress for one's Ueedmjr country. Soieet fifty of the prettiest and Inrgust Put them into the basket, and 111 ali for them in an hour or so." Ad Miss Brvant walked o The carriage was at the door al Mmk Brvant drove away in it. She drove long way up Wa.hutgtoi tfrrtit, ad gut out at a" droll little shs kept by an oW lady in her front jiarlor a lattMty little old lady in a fall border! mp. It old have done ywsrbwrt good to haw seen Miss Brvaai tajwUe vr the little pile of goods that Wl kin on the shelves so km Mwe of them, that j Jt worn. Itut there thev were onite soli worn. But tkere were remnants of silk of bright colors, of bobbinet fee, illnsjon, edgings, Sum mer silks in little checks, and s-aall rem nants of lining silks; bright merinos aad wool delaines, balls of narrow ribbo&, odds and ends of all sorts and kind. The shelves looked qwite bare when Miss Bryant jud the bH, and the face of the little old kdv grew lovely to be hold. "How comes on the Wwtor, Mrs. Hazard T" asked Miss Bryant "Pretty bad, pretty bad. Yon ftt, I'd rented nty npjwr room to Nfly Moore and her mother. And how khe out of work, owing to Mrs. Jones dis missing her extra belts on account of the hard times, and I exct theyH have to move, and then what I"H de to pay the rant mzzles me." "11! jnst step np there," said Miss Bryant, jnst as if that was not what sW had intended to do. "So, Ndlv." said Miss Brvant, "y are not going to be s hwy a iorBterU for a while. I'm ever so glad, for it helps me out of an omharrasazaent I've got fifty-doMs to dross fertile basnr. Of coarse I'm not h silly as to do it myself! Here's the material to dress them. Can yon do ill" "lit two weeks yes, if mother witt help on the plain things. It's aM hand work mostly, and takes time." "Well, they are of all sizes; some of them very handsome; some of them small and easy to dress. Xow they must be benesUv dressed, at leaxt all the larger ones, with the clothes to come off and put on, just as little girls love them best; and if yon cannot de it at all, tei! me. Let Catherine Waters do np the clothes that need it she k out of work, too and tell her to send me the btH." "WelL its hard enough on her," teid Nelly, "but Mrs. Rochester savs that they cannot afford a laundress tins Win ter, and keep a cook ta." "Humph!" said Mi Brvant "III brine vou round the dolk bufore dark." When Mis Brvant came back to Mrs. Allen's she ielt for a inmate as if she had missed her way and got into a bee hive there was such a busy hum. "I'm sure J try to be economical," said one young lady, a teacher of musie. "I save a dollar a week washing handker chiefs and collars, and that's what I'm going to give to the bazar, I feel as if I had earned it almost" :And the bazar is to help the poor!" said Miss Bryant with that odd smile of hers. "Of course." ''What kind of a woman is vour wash- erwomanr Oh, she's a" verv respectable vroman, I assure you." "Like to come on the Relief Society, this "Winter T' "Certainly not, if she can help it. But she may for all that." your, my dear girl," said Miss Bry ant, vith her dazzling smile, "don't you think that dollar a -week that you save, at I sun sure some inconvenience to yourself, and I am equally certain some annoyance to your landlady, would help the Relief Society more by keeping your washerwoman beyond the need of its help, by giving her honest pay for the only part of her work on which she I t . A al A A. ia IA a1. makes any profit, than to put it into the soup-house fund to help you don't know who, or how needy or deserving they really arc! Don't you see you take honest bread to give to possible im posters V "But, Miss Bryant, don't you approve of the bazar Don't you think the soup house is a good thing!" "Yes, the strikers, think so, feeling sure that their families will lie helped while they help to ruin their employers. The frontier towns think so when they liave foreign invasions of needy adven turers. One who has depended on the soup house will depend on it again; and you do much to encourage vice and idle mcss. No, girls! Have your bazar. Enjoy yourselves, make yourselves pretty and have your good time. God bless you all ; Uut while you are doing it uon t uiKcuaige the music teacher and teach the little sisters if you can afford to py her, for she has a mother to sup port, or somebody e1e; nor do unsuit able work and make yourself ill. when the fee forgone doctor's visit would he a godsend tosgme xor woman glad of the job. It you ury rich enough, to foe gen lproui, you caabc honest and help others to. If you cconomiie, try to do it all yourself, don't crowd auothers place. Don t try to tuicli ami take uio piacu 01 a poorer girl, who could do it better, and who lives 011 it, while you only buy ribbons with the money. "But the example "Fudge! as Burchull says. People who are needy don't want your example; they want your place, l our room in the army of teachers is far letter than. your company. Now there is a large clohs of x.ope bom and bred to better days who will grow very cold and feci von hnngrv anu uover toll anvuouv, who will always be decent and pinched and patient and 1 hold it is the 1 of good (.ThmtiaiMi to lieiit tkeae, and help them with houot pay for homwt work, and with MKrh timely help deli cately oieml, as will confirm them in their own mm! respect Thw wa quite a s-kwcm for Mhm llry- ant But the result was seed; ter al though not nearly so many itvos "do nated" work or articles, ot wore akrd to do so, m much was am1 out for such e&oes that tlstsre were not m von- inany poer folks to help thet Winter, for Frve- ville is onlv a small iriace, alter alL And the young folks bad a glorious good time, ami will talk of it for yean to come. Failures of Crrat iltn. Brother Gaidner, of the Umokila Club, Delwit rwlitlv made the ftjuW in- remarks in introducing ('nsitesshot SnewbaN. 1.1. IX. of TusoiMlsta, Ala.: "Gem'len. tli4inruihtd ixc h-ck turer, Ikmim? ainter, fihssofer and aboe- ' maker am amove heah on hta way to 1 Montreal, where hajsm gwine to all a fiiXlas ongage-wewt lie waa received at de depot in due form; he bee bin lteehod heah in regJar order, an' at my mmi 1 tJai-fai kassi WvriU now slsJiLsr 4 'intA Mtss of which am ..t i. . t . m lr 1 suura ww ui uaa nc. After the apylanfe had Msbsidad the guntieman came fera-nrd with a bail on hk neck and a broad smite on hk face, and l igsui: "Press, I am Wo' you on hs ocm- to iniate a few w isieioni remarks -" - - - 4m liim J a! ksalorr. Vou hev all heard oi Seenea. He a a great man. He wore No. 10 butea, earned a salver Isaecy Wax, an' he wiped hk nee sm a handfcerciaief wid sun printed on de ce'neH. He adrkod de world; he madu rules for ftoetety. he whee(tfd np tUsMophy ttH dtp folks bed de nightmare in de dayttane. Yit, my dW freaa, Secnsiea didn't invent de Ions? weL de psrden apade, de elodseafdn, which toon's batween k tramp and de Isanti m ue Mnoue nouee. He war a dead famre. ApplauM, dming which Waydenr Bebee bit hk umcne.) "An dar vat Napoioon de fat," eon tinned the fawavker. "He killed of heaps o' men, made tioubh for Into o' iiaiidiuii , hmrned de wrid hava- tm shnqen a lead pencil wid aa old oaae knife, an' but he if piu-d right dur. He didn't invent de peach baaiei whioh km be made to hole eight quart or nJr tw, jkt a de teach man sarihes a cus tomer. He didn't invent doze fenus, int bransiy bottles which kin be car ed in de pocket widout iktou. He dkm't build de fuat ice hone, turn de fut ww miil, nor put np de fwt sign of Sample Hooum' on de door of a low dewa sfive. Onto was a great man. De hotel folk, cut down de price of board tor hkn, he got hk skirt washed for tea per cent off, and when he went up to see de rncea h wnti pouted s dat he could bet on de winnin' hoM. An' yet dat man Onto couldn't mend a dg hole in de fence; he conhin t sharpen aa ax; he couldn t down a earnet aa' he never voted once on lexwhun day. Shnkecpeare writ boeka, but he couldn't cord up a bed, nor oil up a deck, nor splice a rope. De world hez known of a doeen odder great men de world hez wkneawd deir faourea. What am de moral! What am de leewonl It am thk: Beat' great am simply tiffin out dose. Rein m dttrious itMseverin' an' pawhient am what suU poetry ea de tbmlwTaw' an mem Yy in de uldic heart" After the neaal appmuse aeeorded to aM eminent men, Brother Gardner mm!: Wo wiH now inaiet homewarda. Keep de ba'r short, deeyea ojn, tie ears up whar natare growetl em, an time ww give as de best seaia ia the perkav circle." Sharif's Improved Siwrtitie Rislw, ono thswwttd (1000) yards range, msing GevarsBsent Oftrtrnifrtj, cstnbre Aa, with deahle trrsrw-s. KosjihI harral $35, OcUsssm barrel $12 MX. Safaai gaa made; large ootaigBBint juat reatvel at Wta. Beck & Son, P&rtland, Oregon. The old firra of Xortbrap k Thowp son, of Portland, has diioJvol. 31 r. Tliomisofi has ivmoved to California, and Mr. K. J. North rup continHM bast ncss exclusively in AVagon Material, Hardwooil, Luinlscr, etc., at his new store, corner of Firt and Main KireatA, METZGEU'S GLUE IS THE BEST. iwrrLAND cure factort. Don't TucsT a Yaluaiie 'W.itcii To loeasarcteat Vanlt far refnin, bat sctsi It to U C llceriebaca A Co., I'urtUl, Ortcaa, HEAP LAM.-1H ACMES OS THE IIAHMS brkJre maj. II mk frxn IVartUnJ; 14 aesvaia mm: t aeres to aiieal. W aeres larath tAtr 4 co"i water, rrkr, IT Mjr acre )aUa! eo Urae V 11. Stcants A Oa, MS Urst strast, rartbHJ. Ors. awWlsal I7XCUIXEKT BfSI.VESS OITOKTVNmr IX ItUtT il tuta-A funUr rwwy stare. estaUttM ssti Tears, ta as caf sbc eliiaeot loatttwns ta ts a 4 rsrtJanl U liar sale. It Is Mbx a aaf and KaMe budes U VMO ttr mMt. HosUsr; SatM t I aoMsHtbtlxstwlL I lira Ir tAst sl U& IsVKO. dwao; Ulaoco cm mifwn mmmtHf ai ler urerri. II. II. STEARNS A CO IjtytMl 3 I rtfst Wrrtt, IWlSsoJ, n. J OVAL IL BTEAKNS, ATTolUIEl AT LAW, j I'm Hand, (trrgtm XVlH jrzrt km la l akssl KtU CVwta Ladies' Shoes. A NwecplB? Rpilficlloii In (lit Prlrr ol I'lrat-t'Iaaa CIckmIk. We are manufacturlns IH' kM feted nalmarals bi four sKdtln. C I). E aad EE. aM -. Mea rc "ar rant to le In ci cry rewet voitrinr la aaj tlx mM Iff tAbtt dealers fur I! V) er tstur. aWeli as M al the senr tea- rriee 4 ft U). and nmsl ernjr pttr. We Lars reroiulkmlxnl the ,Vj trade 4 IVrUafrland hi order Uist Lsdlea la tlx cawatrr raajr ataM tbras-cl af this Croat asdnr in the ott ti sles, a 81 anlers lij mall on rceelj U Ut rif (J 1 M) and Un eeats r wir aaoiuonai to roj pusaa. iwtucsnir m srauKijrr ererr lr to fir aatiafaeUets or taoorr re funded. Address, tiiiud tmtnnT'iioE ktore, y Z. V. Ouumax A Co., l-ortlaad, Orrvoa. AVILLAHKT IltON WOHKS, (laanratcd Sc. 11, 1WS.) t'orucr Xorltt 1'ronl nud lM(reta. rurUasd, Orra. J. TV Sl'IUCLT, rrea., I'l-TEU TAYLOE, 1o rm. t BON AND BIUSB rOO'nERS. DOlLtS ilAKEHS, L Csm1 M1-M11I1H sl Uawiae lVuSJeo; masvlae. Istrcaad la(araW hl,'U aial lev fviuur SBarifM aad tush tiarjr mtsun as4 tiBirs, mv mKU. jrUl saBi, )ani lasnsas im ajiasWHirai mttatwrf Are ir lU CbWatd MOOllK a I'.lKKtK WATU: UllLttl,UaM tlian isftlltr hml ki sue. tlii srfcu- W m 1 r I 1 rr asl tJIr KBilr aiutld t ad MU4 SMi axtiim abd IUttUa. Tm ari aM mi siutK w iiiunu bbrxn t aaa IV4MSMU. tbttf lr lb mm 4 Ukb. J A VI IS UTA.V. biiu-rkuWcSU WALTCK TKOVI-SON, intT. a vxs : g fxs : a u.vs : Winchester's Repeating Rifles !s CUUW3K 41 AMI U (. LONG ItUVfli. M ! lira. ni la nsut fier eartrlda A Urgm Sas Iswt SM4te4. Atwaft W SttcMtrr's arM Wit, aafaW V, fcMl Sittaf 4 C O. I, W aa? foil U unMi mt w 1 1 mnKs lsmsT tn M t-rzx it but asfarSHcaskc TAX B1K-X a ON. MaM S ymm aa tku adsttltwiiieat. joii.v 11. i-iLi'i.vtrro.v, 31. w OCULIST A.I A V It I S T. 1 hilvts or TUC TWi 1. 1 a f.iin nK. LUU ANU OITIce Mm KU.a nr IVit aal Uaa! I net tit. lUa. 1 (M.vr. tW fot ! r -J i. 4-i-c ssm-jsv aal a The Great Oreson IJL00I) IT HIFIEU LIYEH and KIDNKV KECSl L.VTOU lias met with un paralleled success wliererer in troducel! It lia arhlercd a reputation by its own merits! It is jirononnceil Oresuifs best vesetalile production, and the favorite in every household. Fr aC toiairi - Of -toU the it r&ucisi ta Urrar Njaae!. a , tosVs ssm .t " .tm ai a Se V tt ss- t.Va. : i ; s I"- v-saarri'.-'a. L-a ssrytam IT MLX1 I' rr-'. mrs. I"rsm, Uh l3x f.-rf f t s. jrsai ta tr i U' r-s e C S r -r Vr tars Ut aa taV Ma s. praio liAt . K'lii evsf zmti Mvti"xu ST1XDAKI) AND LSTi; 0HC1SS, i a nxvrutAO Watte Iwa-rs, T JCUsnl. OrtpB. ja. nim a. a aitm Bennett L Harvey. Waalrsailf aaal lUtaJI ItaUn uj te.f-UO 4 si DssS Saddlery and Harness, X3fp Saddlery Hardware, Xm. 123 rrttnt Mrftt I'.rllaad. Orrsosa. ittsMt Tsbsb Hatsstas lrB fO to M totsVa BaiTJ Hirsi Ti ITT" l li it I CastSas KsntrM Irxa $a to tA at. Mtoaav Hvtfav titc taartu itattsl a Am. lil ii ismtia hENNKITA KAXVin'. ratAwal, Usa. Blacksniitlis, Wagon .Makers', AM) BUILDERS' HARDWARE, rartnera'XIarra'anil fBrjx-ntri-V Tcjola. Thompson, Dell art Jc Co., SlCCalS TO NRTtlBtT A THOKTSOS I WHO has ; i SB iAa a2er tasaas SBar Max, "tor t tVe lufnt aa Sac iUU. CARBUOE A.Vl WASOX XXKEXX ItATDUAL, OaawlSr 4 IIIcknrT. anj Asia I-nnuber. Ilnba, Spakrt, Rlra. SAKVCV IMTE.VT W1IKEL.1. fllrablr. BtMSBC mar Atnxt !r-3 EasterD ractarir. aaJ la Isra i nallKii. a sr eisslanl ta 4!f aasr -ens-teasers sV aJvaistaf cf Kteetsa; trwa a serji Lars stark st tcrjr la wa. XtT OrtSsrt Wf jaU Jcamr-Jf ttJ. AAArea. TiioxrsHS, iihart a ca, AtsUOU 5UBd, 173 anil 173 rrout Mrrfl, rartUai. Onsets. M. G. XEimERIlY. COM XI. SSI OX MERCHANT, 123 rno.vr KTiirirr, WtMSeaa! Itealer La Orrgi ai CaXfeisia Fruit and Produce, Mill Feed, ETC, ETC, OBattram-fiU setWtcd I rem tU Uterinr, aaJ nim reaottr aad I. o. box aax The Australian Seal) ExtermiTi ator, AXD SIIEKP DIP, FR niEVENTlOX ANU C1T.E Or FCAll 15 fclHXl' frwral haahh and cvoditkin 4 lU Mrff Mtnalia Vj K Ute Tlx IVsl Uduf la Ut MarkC IW CbkttUn aad rrk list, arrir to OILMAN A YOUKQ. 43 rirat KlrreU larllaml. Orrsoa. x. jv. bThowjuudgk, IMrset tbrorter sod DraUr la LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, Xo. I II rrout M- I'arllnail. Or. FOR SALE. Heautiful Country Residence. In the Delightful Vnllrj" or llie frapiasu, Tin llarrfrn or OrrtoB. O AfiaO Ac,tra orTAXll. MUVTirLTAT w. Z.fjUU seraUed allli jrtiii. hlU and dale; eotv stnkot to rallruads. srhmds aad ehnrtbes. Ilostanis, suUtaatlal futees aad the met lainrtant soO oo rartk. EteosalasT tb 4ac In the toort perfect psl nrdcr and repair. Tu t suld onlr uo aceuunl 4 Lbs old at oftlanrr. It is on 4 the nvt macnlSeent bosnesteade oa the raciCc Coatt, and all! U sUd at a rxiUls UrrslB aithia U bast nliely days. V- t'ur father mrtieulars call or sd.irM V. II. ST1AR.V 4 A Ca s-tf 1 Real EaSst ArsaU, rartUaa, Oa. 1856. KNAPP, BURRELL & CO., Front, First and Ask Streets, Portland, Oregon, r nVmMaftalinsBs, taVeaT maj ?WmX lUtiinii a USa; ,' St Mb ssmSt ami! msSm UW ssaW kc W I itiKSf mi ! tUrt Uiu a aTyte f atr. ; aa4 ta Mrs mi isiiuli tJx t V Itx n4 Mkaa Kmc TVf -s at SM asi Vnm amsnwl - isa aM sfcr ,hmf ia fcrM tnm sfcsf caa fcMJWrwaaiatsjdw smtUV isJUIkt lmini a max ttM JsUissaiw U ! 14 NmA f w a CMC ajaaai aa Mask t Skc ttt tbile, as U canTSKctatrress4a sSMSftlaaeasM SBSlKHuk t Si taaamifslaWVTag hl tia Sarssrratitaseaaf s gittm tm rrssa si ry avM aa4 swnb A a Uiwr ca MM Kals -U W nr-aJilBC. w as to r" a hananHd iSiii as as a-- mmr C as nsSvr iffotrttM V? U UUm nltl u w1mM(tI Sf tl h to ss7 C j isi 1 1 is aa tt SMia tttc i Bui lns i Waa a. sjI Ss i rlil4 to tttc iBnl tntm m W aa satSv uJ ss sV si 1 1 isssmi' -1 ii i i.- awt ae a u t-v 1W thntf .-fs kaa Wms kssassa a tlnapr and U to4 atj LX TW raasis s 4 !kf taL a taat ta s4lr eaa W r flii ill to BWsaataatBniiMnr Xm aad acar ai isanili aa wf iw aasi inns a aa great siseaiiBnas am SB eaalis 4 aa MaTili raw Ttmssn, TV Pfcat aw i si i taSti bj4 ta to- tat If tasmta set- Baasc aay BtaciasW sis ili.r tJtf stlSfr 1 nl si It mt im i tojstf ttwti to riwts bW niisat 1 to fa Vaad. Ttoa at a y tm wm BtnMiat tor IVa Ttw 1 sbsh r at ! Stoa A i)tolm Vtt 7 si) 4s4 iS. il ifciWi TV CjbB 1 1 1 trt 4 rttrs tatBt-jlisaa-lt rf n4a tf atoW aattra tosur aa- SSk. TV an 4 mm 4 ftuli il tut It sUs-cS. Btic n(w tor Sto imp TV Haa4 Cjasl iv t itoiss. astor x ton t sr. Vss aaSra Var, atdbl In addition to TV Champion fr aad XrrMf cse TW Oaarjilalstts lifM Xraad tSaSt tJmfmr !: -I I ab s Vstao4 awaato s aw tost a nlsVStslw st a art tsV R.Sf sal fersS rftiara. Rnltalas I'llta K tajUstgr TVrwVir rt tor lstl At"' llnOaltt IMlla Kallrnzrr llar-M- fmnrr a nasi 1 1 saal aWv a sWta Z to Is a.rt avast. t jssradeltt Tamtoaf at Tana liBm TV tot Im tax 1 uSaaiT. it I sawtoaa W lir-rr A TZrlicU. Ttrs tlmtm Esat Out TV Halts . sstt4 fa iT. rstrat TVta.e ! TVtatma ' -lI Sal TU, trtia Icaacsfa. Sllltrr'a tlllllf-d r'QBT. TV. as tj lnm,ted TV UK aacaa Vmi. Vao av aa ta Cnfts Aaa saaaU tsl a . latoa. I ant' H4 fix asat Xtsat rh. frra;ss t-prlta7 IlsvrVa aast a fa tta f Tiger tulUy Uaj Kb lie. ssf tC- " aat lct- THE LARGEST STOCK. THE BEST ASSORTMENT. The Oldest and Lend in? Honse in the Trade and Prices always HAWLEY, DODD & CO., PORTLAND, OREGON and WALLA WALLA, W. T. SOLE AGENTS FOIt THE ELWARD SELF BINDER HARVESTER. The Simplest the Easiest and the Best Ttse Uslslrat Draft Ksrhlar jet Its. iralfd. Titer ar sso asnall Kprlatra ssr Trlssrra las Brrak arzheaal. Xuj pT asa thai rats manage a Irasta rasa ral asstt bind lal bars eat. 7ft rxlra ttlravl ttand ralr4. rsery tanner ran attrsstt to hi. stain tiara -tt t I lb on of tttra aim- plr and rassaiplrl) Saehli TVk Aatiaai'ir Bs. far Is a an saa. a ha beats SWuBStsW ttatatt as la jnlB tVU. 4 Teaaa, it SBaAa aad SB Hnl fr IA twt Im Jvars. aad at aa (rrat ClaSnos Eaf iltsta 4 l7 K as as Ss afwrataa Ihrr sanalt. aad ras IA i Ian I sad aaaat aawlarfal asT al ta kvrrntMr lai rsaa lArrr (tatBttel As ateafan sa arVstittsra la i nnat hat tuttrat Ia Uv In Jar aaij la mrj Stat tiasaess rati aad IVa ahsch raprrvrtH tasiM aa aaaM staad la ttrt trttls that at hav ta, aa t MBSKted ta aa Ons-sa and WaaAaafUas cnaa fieaL. Aetata a hat aatehed ta Uaartl Sell Hltsdrr at tu Tarisan starta-fraa aaiirirj ta St taat rt stat. aad a fel war ranto! as wSsttac thts sai Jta at tax itrr beat Mf Itsali By i 1 a mtme ta cat aar prrseas eaa ar that there at laa. mwhaiwry. a Imr bsbbc 4 v starsnr ahecas aad raru Sa sankr ta Mwv th desiml maX Tbarsadala aarh. and there is Baehaaa la the aire, ahseh sasrJ htads sh lata Ml sfter tt Is forsard. rarca- rt eaa sesid s9t taU th fieti imj mhmxrtj taustsist farta hand aad 1st I ewat leal that th wrt sM b prr Unant At th hV nadasr aartj asnesBstirsJty tt afll aaal asasX r larre hainMi-s as rupairsd. aad ail wort as stea sr ari 1 iset tiuntt It laaiaii aa hat an rrsja. the drtsrr, aad there is a as tttry straw Is taivd. TheELWAKtl sues lhN M EoMarr sted air aad eastjr case rial, aad th Uadssc Is ssstch ttUr thaa it U ivmmit t V with twinn hand, atad th VbahBr anaeh tanrs tatsfee-a. This michUw asH fatad Hh . 31 ee S ain. tat fr safttf aad fvtsf Beth as aS cao- enajeu as rraMt aa riuanaiii.i .a a, atra. Tb ELM A EI d Bt SrrL ar tmf th baaed mis. ta sas aid hat drructts th shaaf araanlr an th beU etsi. that stsadsax al shsttertart and aif 4 prvJa f raea thaa sourre, to enmsrani la ether self banders. Th EXfWAHIi Is th esaly est that does thaa. Tb ELWARD 1 mad ia to sisea. oa sit fret eut, tb other trt feet eat, Tb sit. fn rat M sseraf baa twrli t fifleea acrra per day; th fir feet rot trees tea ta IS acres per day Th Harvester shelf is sat the best enutrarttra 'and material. Its plan i too haawa to need cipn. tian tar caaamea t, aad la parittEg on this Under no palm jasox srnixuEit st co., Corner Sr aad Ultsieo Streets, Saa rraaeisoo. Maaafactsirers aad tajalers la l)001li, WINDOWS, BLINDS, Welch ia, Corda aad rallrya. 1 10 porters rf CKEVAN FRENCH AND ENCUS1I Wl.VPOW CLA5B, I,n aad SS ax. XiT JJoon n tjocUtlty."ffl SEXD FOR CATAUWCE AND tEICE UST. Xo. A3 rroal lrrfl, rortlaait, Orrcoa NOTICE. fl bate ten roasd rrllnble rnslomrra tstio 14 nut to rent farms or land .oa shsrrs far tb nexl sratoa. J'arllratiav las landa whirls tbrx vslsh to Yen I or IrnaovslII do Hrtl to arad u Ihrlr ad dress. I. II. NTILiRXN A CO. Orasta Land AcrHcy, I'ortlnuil, Orrjroa. RE-ESTAnUSUEll. J. SIMON & CO., . Peskrila Doors, Windows, Blinds aud Glass WEiairrs, corm and ruuxrs, IS rroal UU. bcf. WaaUlnslou Aider. J4 la rORTLAND, 011E00X IMl'OKTEItH O V Implements ana Machines. 1 r S CHALLENGER" tMi Af.t. dMjJe burn Hk BT-I :9ii and an fw saeterr rtnrt tu7 ttr i aaa t . Ixdcra rsU TVs trti ytT ar U timurz uce aitd dUawtfT AB sa fosVs Itm tomSila rats are extra Urr dsuawUr sad iaor. atU tiuv Aitng Wy ta are kasbw4 U tVUr as4 ISx mtuU swatarfsA H Ktsa. kiottua a( ss Sua as tmA as la rti Ss thm laninr straw a mass an. atursiir aaarfi tner,rMl baaes aajt aa) paja Uat sasf ai tar Last Ua earned. K farstn ss jsas ta rajas Hot to 44nr ia stra' t SW Mr K istwt iswiaf U ;nj. vser tua, TVt sJsasSiSsaty 4 Six fSsW w abaCW aut aat ta tu at. fcwr laMaaffiUtlt7ialsapM9Mt Craoi a rsrM w N Jstr hhim tt. Ttc ltTs satU laid trrtk. TV saaka lart al ta IAh. S U VLm ina 4 SJa lt laSi. )nu trrLa I Sara kVe Lot nisininn w aa latressvcr iniai TV Irukt ( Um Usta is sini. M 1 on to si snas sad cartfaaf Ucr4L Tass Gun la rry Int toSk taal taa t laaariaatl as tt UrsstVan a aal asu tarbeaaarir Tarr ar 4 aaasi aktta to carrr aX bW nus Uot rrri to txa -ii.ri tKarrr 4 "rriar atairsjg. watv aaas a esSnky atta. a- smtsta, TV Timji i.m t'isic mssaf saaa SB mwaf, gas to iwixrr'J t trrUr ojmrttf to tsVvr Stx Curt tyur TUKtsuoan snttlli rawitims a naar Hre uimial an saaasa; aV bato T -m -----T 1-1 1 t iil f-T tarnssaag riaa cr a"rt Ceua. a SS l-Tl ISaiJ rstu tVr tfa W Vtir. sad dnaaac St rssra ds, ilU-a tt a esiaara tor stfsa to jaa 2natf to VU vc nzrj a iieaM W rnJa. TVt nmiiftkunslasul r U ra UK as assl a SB rrua VdL TV ra Xaa tt assMt fvtVy si tfc Wr i. to Mast strs tlaU raowrt ssar lal saaa ales above we Offer the Following Line IlBlar-a Klaslr ausct tVaoVIr Cr Ilessd. era. atsa nm wrf atit inlimrrl k A. J rlxict A Cat, aV Veuain umlj taMtaatss n irlaai is TtoasssBa AalltY Eahr. tV tax Baas Zfess Salaaa TV X -tiel Jt rrVatss Trt aai Essritr rnciT rAt. acaBnlaasraal to Vt mstncr t a atin aa taat BtsKatas Seatml aS lata. TV mmr eai at stotl Stw trat si tV Oilisl il Uatv FicHl fusil rataitt rVua a sls esanlr a zrtat has la srared ta bsrar ta th paired the brtt Pelf . asodcrtaade. It did Utlrr ork la th Ki-mS ili 4 thaa aay ether estnprtias sBachin aad th report c4 th Bcalrd rs Eu-aisatkas at th rtaevra Ex inwerelaiTill'SBtanarcd the ELWAKM a asnJstt an- ether ail hiadoc cooUiTaaea there tahibtud. aad wtrJbi pattiar this Tltafhtn hstotk hsndsefth tanaers 4 this ecaal protest them "". the thasa fion 4 th harrrrt fccii. v Oo aval 4 maer-sr th lands at lArcahtec tta as nth shears ptctdUrt- adapted to that perpose, hot aaaay sneahalchrt aad let th hand raja threa-sh. as th air d net ho tar. th threshfcxr taahts ba th least, aad fed ctA lent that (oniafh craisaisl boated sner th erdisar; hirstirtc to nearly U a, rally pay for th air. As this bsndertsfreefrcsasa aiaaS and attrkaU parts and tu appsxalas sjt ia plaia ssrht ere la sethtn; to pozzl any one', it is easily casjerstoud. It tseCion ia steady oa steea, no srt, bo sodden starts on hard plan-s. hear th thre treat matitra of a aVt rim karresttr ar secnrnl As lu sisrsidty is self evident Its ttsrshtBtr ta therefor secnrnl IM tu aa Baa afreMst f ets s a aarersl ct-riwoa tx-r. And bene say th small fresher af tt parts, the suady uniform metro it! tu freedom bxaa ecapbeaoa teal th draft eitruntty Et aad easy It iB haad3c rrate of a3 kinds ami euadiliiina, aud i& head bricU jrain that d&ea th hand ct the farmer. !P3 L. 1UB8.1RD A CVX. X.OaTACTfKrKS AND I holesal dealers m Dorts, fltoes sod Rshbers No. s rruot strret. !srUaad. llrrca. AsA ytw mer ehaou far Hibbards Orrjvo Vad BocU and She Best lathe Market; 1s3I. 1TS. Alas, iimi, ato. v.ssttt. T. a. satis, t. a. asjrt HODGE, DAVIS & CO., 71 rroat UU. Portland, ereroa, IMPORTINQ WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, And Pealert la raiats, Oils asd Window Glass. IITlor aBearpatwl facPidet lot th blSdflBa; of Cawds b can aril as kw as aay ho aa th coast. Raa rranrlaro OIHrr 118 I'ront Street. Srw York ClfHrr 3 IMatt KtrsrrU CEIXIIRATEO MOORE A PARKEK Turbine Wator Wheel. Jell cheaper than any other first -rlats I'M! now taaJa Send for circular ata price list. MOORE k r.VKKKX. rortlind. Omrca. ABELI, iaerajRirKiT. 67 and 69 First. Street Portland, Oregon. No. ""S""""?"OBraaaBwTjaTOaa3 . ja ajr a 'mmmmmmmLmSimmm. l xTaBM8wlsBsKll asr 1878 THRESHERS, ws. rr - i - .r b bik ulkn S cutr a&ea ssar I takea oa. tfcr UK tfcltsnt Tkw am Ufailtimij -atith r-r-T- fiTr. ftSy (Mmuit Tl liUBl AHsIat uuSu U t iral finl! xl rua tti t4 a skalt aad vselust; satstsaa lntxn it Hraa4 Urrr UHt tkc ss Uft. 1 teres U lt UK. nnaz a arr. (nskalsas tua to tL tin inh;K st gnaa vet. Aattpaa taassr rsa the H U nXri aai ta2s ta UW Wa. a ia tvmmti sat us a baaW stxali t abi nssHfa astis ti lad ttsiu li-cr tfcst as UVe crsa UU mtt,i rcmnhtlttr Amirrd fc &e amsi nm isaiil1 irvaa tt ake ta Li Uau Itc sno. TtJ aertcat saj cp ts tS UmM ss4 tass ctssar s U m-ss at tuas sd t is me to Vt-L. la trataas ifc ihirti nta Ue ilfln disk as at it UAi x tW ttrs EfL. u mxUH ri"l SB ease Was su, -mhrnh as n 1 1 las 1 1 u aM to kab aavd Vsld aast aecssclataa sjai a elzst osmi k va lal aa a naS aata Ta MWM ! kasa sera sSas rsTU lrrtc-i t svrei uf lattof alaet Casafc, tor asaa ttsa tt CtX fcVarr UU tVerwla. Ba Jr Vl iexcx U aba La Bet. S saj- ttut aa acear text- Tn - nT tr inr.h- nV t ajtTn1 arrt iT-r "-1 sus ca at a..wT ;t mmUt mmwr tV Fgfils nstsss. 1st su4 Uws0etliSat(CMl tm la. isrf ts n-rd rrtt, larrt ir-aft rf Tt t-N intm'ln null if luatiT T-r- T 1-7 "T tr nfiiafi TV ea- is Irani 11 itaaiii sad aV nuusuia atastcsia lb tsMot mzc 4 tt rd. TV nagat Was Jtmr.tA Tmr at ifc as rsosfe 1 1 ssl t ywmiT 1 inea V as a n r 1 ettf K a B4a caarh; sX atien snavsFcr as vVrssa. H tt tosaHtts tottsct treat jafrassacaa. al sahssbArd to jt ETrattr cat 4 oA ii crcair ssnssra aa4 1 Tatj of Specialties Bjsre- n tls1sr Bsr XA. Brs Bar IVrta. TaBV SsV a SB a 4 Xftirtimnl rsatJI aa!a. VaMVelaa .i rj. m stMt, I - isttota. r.iaT cata. Til. tx4 LVrr zviavxc eVrrm. al.i tawia. Smi iur er rYir li aat toraaj anstto jtat aaat ta tta,aa 3 aaal ja Taviltftxrm' tpdal ssrmlsg K5APP, BtKIUX Jc CO.. rarity Zarrarta. A(rta. WJU WmZa. W. T? Irst Baaa A tum.tna. V x C X X C Xu. AlaMa.w T- tstwua A Stats. LaCcuAt, Oi 'S.v. it X. Tvmx A C. tVntW..a. Xrusa A Flora, TV. laAn, Orrm. Car A Ca, Imsn, W. T. r l "V I at, JtXxtm Orj, W. THE LEADING MACHINES. at the Lowest Litinij Bates. We tav-t a orrtd ectsrariscs 4 ocr bc-aJar B-hh ethers sad sAer dna; so w f3 assured that yes s3 acre vrttk c that th ELWASO is the Kbrda3sa hoaders. Ib addition 10 the aaltaiTV we aer the fbl Ian In? VnrisalleU 3IaclUa at tlaa 1arat Poaalhle- Prlrr: EIXKETE JiOWES aad EEATES, t w3 Aatwa to Bead ceesacat. CASTOX F1TT TnEESHECS. th nra- aad swrtsa fal tttrcsher. shod 4 aJt Its fcSosti; U wads aal tx niirnH m g pnrrs it -ss chin frr H 1LVCOS- CEXrrSE Sajk and Ihe Gear Header, with Sfial tsra-si mraX U hantrt 4 1ST3. CVXTOX MONITOR TUBXSUISC ENClXt UCE STK.W El'EXm EXCISE, sairrnnt Farm. Sprmx and rratcht Wa$ras. JOIIX DECEITS ilOUXE. Cas?, 5cTty aad Erraiiaf rloa-s. XsTSead fee rmial drroltr ta IUaky. Doll A Ca. or to say of th ioaxains acectv W A. Bnnrta. EBrten. W. X, T. V. Soorr. Weston. Orejao. J. R. frros, OJftT. W T. J. a Urroj. Ameta, "W. T MONEY TO LOAN OVEU 1ARX ULXDS. Sl,0e. S3.0 aad TarisMta larx ism bp ta S3,xaa, by tao ORECON AND WASHIKOTON TRUST INTESTXENT COXPT, r ItCOTX-UCB. OITICE, 4 FIRST STREET. rORTLANTX. OTTERED AT 10 PER CENT. INTEREST. RETAT aU by three, four ar iv yearly saraal insuSBeata irry 1V1 ui tuit tarnvm cuTOMtaaort, or rrrjSw ta eo sum U deairtd. three. Awr or fir rears anerVaals r-h In no Imtaac and ttojar no nrcorstlaacw wQ th tvnra.TJ xxT no;h t ind-" borrows to sHob- a k-ra-a-ara JOTABUSHED IX ISSJ. SPORTSMEN'S EXPORIUX WM. BECK 4t SON, Jmporfrs aad Dealers Is GUNS, RIFLES smi REYOLVEKS, or xvsxt irscjtimox. a Car. Fltt U4 ilskr Sis, PskUa-hI. r, al ' A a"f