w X.1XES "WRITTEN AT SEA. The itan, through falUnc dew that steep Tb shades ol twi Isfct, falutly Uiloe , Xni, U Uicy xroap sot, ma la warp In tUcuoe e'er the iliy" Jodina ; O'er hoes that, though tbty fast dirty And $et la tUtl-iicsi, soaa return Sut bo (orsM, irbcn pone tar aTsy. Will mourn ny ho will wen to noan. Perchance cpon a desert (bore , The saad slutll boap tny rtoueleas gnn ; Perchance, abort me, heedless roar The thunder of the ocean ware ; The wind, arboag voice lti breaker mock. Bean my tut tifh unheard aaray, The shadow of the mountain rock Forbid a flower to deck my day. And jrt, alnce more will smile the leas When I am pjne, the ocean foam. The column of the wilJcrnc, The sea-rock srere niy fitting tomb. II v lot, yon orb on ahieh I cue lay imare aril, kmc. dim and tar. And to me tH be but as The wltlur of that matchlMts star. rOLITIC.VL ASSASSINATIONS. Thirty Tears) Record In Europe and America of Attempt on the Uvea or Rnlers. 1S4S November 26. The life of the Duke of Modena was attempted. 1749 June 21. The Crown Trince of Prussia was attacked nt Mindeu. 1851 May 22. Sefeloque, a work man, shot at Frederick 'William IV, Kin; of Prussia, and broke his forearm. 1850 June 28. Rolcrt Pate, an ex-lieutenant in the armv, attempted to Assassinate Queen Victoria. 1852 September 24. An infernal machine was found nt Marseilles witL which it had .been intended to destroy Xaxleon IIL 1S53 "February 18. The Emperor j Francis Joseph, of Austria, was ously wounded in tho head while walk ing on the ramparts at Vienna, by a Hungarian tailor named Libzens. 1853 April 16. An attempt on the life of Victor Emmanuel was reported to the Italian Chamber. 1S53 July 5. An attempt was made to kill Napoleon III, as he was entering the Opera Comique. 1854 March 2S. Ferdinaud Charles HTf Duke of Parma, was killed by an unknown man, arho stabbed him in the abdomen. 1855 April 2S. Napoleon III was fired at in the Champs Ely-sees by Gi ovanni PianerL 185C April 23. Baymond Fuentes was arrested in the act .of firing on Isa bella, Queen of Spain. 1856 Decembers. Agesilas Milano, a soldier, stabbed Ferdinand III. of Naples, with his bayonet. 1857 August 7. Napoleon III again. Barto:etti, Gibaldi and Grillo were sentenced to death for coming from London to assassinate him. 1858 January 14. Napoleoji for the fifth time. Ureli-tidhis asso ciates thiew iVufS(iaL' lombs at him fa his way to the opera. 1861 Julr 14. Kiwr William, of . Pransk, was for the first time shot at ' hr Oscar Becker, a student at Baden. Beeker fired tice at him, but missed . hlBB. 1862 -December 18. A student named Dosaios, fired a pistol at Queen Araalts, of Greece (Princes cf Olden berg), at Athena, 1863 December 24. Four more conspirators from London against the life of Napoleon III were arrested at Paris. 1865 April 14. President Iinco!i was shot by J. Wilkes Booth. 1866 April 6. A Bcsnnn 'named .Alexanders lile at at. Petersburg, tie was foiled by a peasant who was cnobled for the deed 1867. The Czar's life was again at tempted during the ereat exposition at a review in the Bo is 0" Bolqgns at Paris. 1868 June 10. Prince Michael, of Siberia, was killed V" the brothers Bad waro witch. 1871. The life of Amadeus, then newly Kid, of Spain, was attempted. 1872 August. Colonel Giitieriez assassinated President Balta, of the Re public of Peru. 1873 January 1. President Mo rales of Bolivia, was assassinated, 1875 August. President Garcia Maeno, of Ecuador, was assassinated. 1877 June. President Gill, of Par aguay, was assassinated by Commander -Molas. ' CBTcrtlRg Ike Heathcs lj Weight. The old man was oiling the hinges of the stove door and carelessly singing one of Beethoven s best, when a middle aged -woman entered the station and began: Mr. Joy, are you a good manl" ""Wall, tolerable tolerable," he re plied, "I never dropped a bad nickel into the street car box, and I don't go fishifcg on Sunday." "Mi. Joy, I am canvassing for money to buy lbles, and so forth, for the Afri can heatlhn," she continued as she showed a pai book. "Are, chl toes he seem to want a -"bier ' . does. Ba. sits on the sands of tve shore anMooks longingly this way." -v "Does, eh! Sitting vjgfct there this morning, I 'sposeF "He is. How much mi.Toa sub scrie, Mr. Joyi" "Madam, I've got to lift a ttortgag& before soon to-day, and " "Put down what your noble, heart dictates," she said as she handel him the book. V He reflected for a moment and Vhen asked: "Will $5 convert a heathen a gnat big two-fisted heathen with a stiff knetT "I I think so," He figured with a pencil on tho bot tom of a chair and said: "Five dollars into two hundred pounds ot heathen is forty pounds for a dollar. hat is, less see urn ten pounds tor enty-five cents and none to carry, "dethe dividend by the divisor, cut carry nothing and, Tko SorroHs oi Genius. The uij;bt is waning and Uie hush of inspiration makei the sanctum solemn. The newg editor has Just written him self a New York dispatch, telling all about the cerpeut Tlio iwliticr 1 editor is just closing a crusher full of blood and thunder, and winding up with a ter rible exjxjsurc. Tho proof-reader is opening a new caso of pencils for the purpose of marking all the errors in six lines of proof. Tho funny man, from the tearful expression of his sorrowful countenance, is known to be in the throes of a joke. Hie joke is bom and this is its name : "A man died in Atchison, Kan., last week from eating diseased buffalo meat A clear case of suicide death from cold bison." Enter the intelligent compositor This Atchison item, what is this last wonll To him, the funuy man, Bison. Intelligent conijKwitor B-i-s-on 1 Funny man Yes. The iutolligont compositor demands to be informed what it means, and the jtainstaking funny man, with many tears, explains the joke, with gieat eialtoration shows forth how it is a play on the "cold pizen." 'Oh, yes 7 says tho intelligent com positor, anil retires. Sets it up "cold poison." Funnv man rroans. takes the proof. seeks the intolliguut compositor and ex plains that he wishes not only to make s play on the word "jism,' but also ou word 4'hisou." "And what is that T asks the intelli gent comjxjsitor. The funny man iwtiGHtJy oxphuns that it means bunalo." "Oli, yes ! shouts the intelligent com positor "Now I understand?" Mortified funny man retires, and goes home in tranquil confidence and grow ing fame. Paper comes out in the morning "cold bufiklo." Tableau red fire and slow curtain. "Why Gikls Cannot Tiirow Stones. The difference between a girl's throwing and a boy's is substantially this : . The boy ciooka his elbow and reaches back with the upper part of his arm, at aboat right angles with his body, ami the forr-v arm at an angle of fortv-five the direct act of ihjzjvmz is plished bybrjitae m back with a sortofo-uaji, like the tail of a snake or ip-I&sh, working everv mint xrom l shoulder to wrist, and sometimes making your' el bow sing as though yon had got a whack on the crary-booe. The girl throws with her wlnile arm rigid, the bov with his whole arm relaxed, why this marked and unmistakable differeBte exists we never learned until, at a Eonie- what advanced iieriod, we dove into book of physiology, and learned that the clavicle, or collar bone, in the anat omy of a female is some inches longer, and set some degrees lower down thma in the masculine frame. This lonj, crooked, awkward bene interferes with the full and free action of the ihoolder, and that's the reason why a girl cannot throw a stone. All Sorts. There are 855 lawyers and lawyer's firms in Boston, and only 167 merchVats and mercantile fima Of liquor deal ers there are 625. Fred Douglas blacks his own boots, shaves himself, brings in bis coal, gees to market and ft els that he Lta't aay greater than ShakcKpeare was. There is a vacancy in the dqrtDeat of the interior. Sit down, Ohio mas, sit down ; wc don't intend to excite ye; the Secretary wears it on his neck. A painter ornamented the front of an ice cream salcon with a sign reading, "Ladys" ice cream parlor," ""Diet's a singular plural," said the proprietor. England, to far, has shown no inten tion of availing Hetvelf of the immense stores of miliUry talent that are lying useless around every newspaper office in the land. Instead of asking "Will you please write in my autograph album, ML Kellogg V they will soon have the ques tion; "Will you please sing in my jiho nograph V A Hazelton young man, while taking off his shirt, put out one of his ey with the spiral wire of one of bis studs. Henry Clay Dean has no sympathy for him. lie says a sian haB no busi ness to take off his shirt. To the Farmers of Oregon and Washington Territory: "We regret that the course pursued by agents of Wood's Self-Binding Harvestor in publishing broadcast over the country a circular purporting to be an account of a harvester trial at Jefferson on June 15th and 17th, necessitates our appear ing in print: but as the statements con tained in said circular are entirely un true and misleading, we cannot jmrmit them to pass unchallenged. "We do not intend to allow vou to be bulldosed, or uped into the purchase of a machine wuich has been tried already in uregon and foiinj ranting. We therefore sub mit the following true account of the Jeffercoa exhibition, which wc can sub stantiate by a score of -riUie5es. Wc arc and have, been at all times ready and willing to meet tho Wood, or s ny other machine, in a fair and square contest, and leave jou farmers to decide in your own way as to the merits of the compet ing machines. Messrs. C. H. fc L. J. Mc Cormick fullyuaranteo every machine they sell to be in all particulars just wliatthey or we represent. T. CU-VflN'OHAM L Co., Genh Agts for Mdrmick's Machines. Poijuvd, Ocy, June 21, 1878. 'xxi.voiiAJf & Co.: their circular. I feel called upon to state " tho facts in the caw, for "truth is mighty and win prevail. I will stato in tho outset that tho cir cular referred to it entirely falto in every particular, and rellccta ao credit on the parties from whom it emanated. The circular starts out by claiming a "Grwit Victory" for the Wood's Slf- Himlcr (the patent, double, back action, kicking, binding and threshing machine), .,n ).. Af r.n:i. l fv.i.., cit. Binders, in a two days' test at Jeffeioti, J Marion county, Oregon, on the lath ami 17th insts. Now tht facts are, tlmt wlteii wh had our uiachiiio ready for the liuld I wl to Wh the Wood ami Oaborae hmm (of whom each machine lmd tbiw or fwr nprotiitatives) and inquired who ImmI gotten up this affair! Wht it was in tomled to W Wltethur it was tj W a fiokl trial or an exhibition! Who had ohMrg? of the UMUageinent of tin eon- . text, and whet points r were to can-1 tend for! And inforweal thttH then and thore that w wen ruadv to unter inUi anything that was fair and Mjnare, and leave th (IwUion to tW votsof the faimers inHt, Norw of the rep- Msntative of oitW of thrM HMchtnes ) seenHMl to know of anyone who nad i otmrgt of, or bad anythiitg to k wkh I the getting np or nminrntnt auair. itout i He umkmum ami icuor miek ntacbints were sold to the wen whs nml tbni on the ground, and the Wood men said they kwl boen mitd then (by no one knows who) to exhibit their iimetunr-, and tJny did not expect to gnia anything in the nniiaea, exornt to how farwers srant what their ma chine conhl da After talking the mat ter over fHv, it ws finallv decwled be- s tweea the rvHWHntive of the tlanv machines that thwv honM be no com inittet, and no vot of the famets nrcn eut taken, and an exhibition of the working of the three machine wonld he the tmUhv of the day's work, m.: : i t :j l His nrcnarHtp lar .'icvucwKlt am . delayed on the start abent two hows ea I account of breaking a oaatitae. Thk m j TUU : " totally false, as we did not break a toU t ingdnring the catiru day; the. YiooJ,) however, cannot say b ntnoh. Asd sinking altontjrsitas, I nette! and i calledtk--SVteaiion &f wrae. gentietaen , r j hXocx of reiturv -which u w&aii : had along with them, vie: an extra arte, i an oxtra t nek or, mm! an extra kicker, ' they writ knowing, as I do who have seen them work to often in the Stair, that they were hat hie at any moment to smash those tarts e-f their machine to nindens. Tht circular mys the MeCormick rut a six ftwt fcwath, and the Wood sax feet six inches, which k a mot bantfneed lie as the cwuing oanacky of each ma chine was moamrvd in the field the McCwnniek araenring i feet 10 tnchea, and the Wood 5 feet S rnchw. j Tins drrniar apain nm, the XcCor wick hal to chn-e tte team tlrr tun- WAGON MATERIAL. on aeeonnt t neavy dtatt, and hsM trouble with efontin; which rtnc Hts are both ittfenutl faltacheafc. We li J ebai-e one team, aftasr eaUenn-; the field, lcfore we htnl ?one one mnml; the reason for which wms that on of the hones we bad on haikca, amt ahwhlily nUnI to work, wnereatpon a gi our pnaacnt, kindly nronpit mm forward, and hitched them to the mm- ehine,3nd with them (the limbic tn the nehi) we otterated the until about tax o'clock, when he ta gn home; then we Wteheal nt tim tttam sain, ml worinul them from half to three ounrtcr of As ta the elevation, we hsul not one ftartiele ef trenhte rli the my lane Thin- etrewhvr aho mys Uurt nt the dose of the dny the 0.Aorne and Me Cormiek rejrt3entali not Ining taali ned wkh the work they had done, re futed to have a v&o ef the iwnmen taken, and nskatl for another dar'f. triaL Thu k fake as fa!e ean La. Not on word was Mid at the ciose of the dav about taking a vote, a we unaWmood at ' the start that there was. to be no fold trial, only an exhibition, and a to a j continuation of the trial beinr; agreed on j for Monday, this looks wry likely when j lwfore leaving the field, in the praaenee I ef all, I .said to 31 r. Uochanaji that I had to 50 to Hcrsebarg on Monday, and Mr. Buchanan Rtid that he eonld not be ' thtsre. We knew, however, that the Wood and Osborne men bat fii)osed they were both atin-; m good faith, when they said they were only coming to rnc&e a further exhibi tion, the same jm tliey IhmI Ikth ahwrc. We staid we were jierfectly Mtnn1d with the operation of our rmichine, and did not care to return, as Mr. Pariah wowM have no trouble in working it bitmetf. ! Judge, then, of ray surjime, when en Monday morning I was informed in i Sal era that the whole three machinea ' were to have a trial that tlay, and (a I , learned afterwards was tlie fact) the 1 whole W 00U force would be on IwxmL There was no one in the field to retire font our machine until about 1 o'eieek, and the Wood men thought that for once when tlie cat vas away they would have a fine time of it; Imt soon' after 1 Mr. Buchanan (who had accidentally heard of what was going on) and Mr. Keller appeared, after which time the t wind was completely taken out of their mils, and instead of the Wood co-nun: out of the field with tho "Great Victory" they herald, tlio McCorniick enjoyed a complete walk away over them, as wns attested by the farmers who woro pres ent I have been in a great many harvest fields, liave aeon a great many "Wood Binder doing (what tLcir agents called good) work, but liavo yot to sec the Wood Sclf-Bindcr that has or can got away with tlie McConnick in a fair, square field trial. AH the victories they liave ovor achieved over the McConnick are totally and entirely in their mind't? eye. Tlie Wood agents seem to univcrs ' attempt to gain by blow, buiicomlie what their machines laok in vThis circular is throughout complete assortment of bosh Liavo ever hud tha .OUi lJK?ootl( otmnle kictoric&A Yours truly, J.vjics IL Smci-us. AMtioti nas .Jntgon I nu, in pas I Uuihopigat xtn-u It was a curious old buildiug with tpialmugular inn-ard, surrounded by wooden balconies lead ing to tlio sitting roonu and Ixxl room on tho tippsr iloont, after tho fashion of the White Heart Inn described in "Piekwick," ami its tjuoint dining room was eat up into Mparute Ikus by dark ami high partitions. It uxitted as far back as the Tudor and early Stuart times. IL J. Northruj), late of the limi of Northrtip .t ThomjuiOH, lately diwolved, advertn-ei Coach, Gurrir-f ami Wagon iHaturial this woek. S-im1 him an ordur wltoii you want stock of that kimL Attention is osli&l to thu ttntimonial eonerniing the 0lon Slf Binding Ilarvufctt-r, wldishod in another column. METZGKIfS CLl'E IS THE I1EST. iiHrrutNK oux faciory SLXUKR SKWIXr. .MAClllXi:, IS T1IK BtST nliw wtmKs - AWui oimax xuvsa ittSJSXXtm' t?icixult ntxi mHm m- is mmct la w a jMsaqr vn lt'.tl"t JJ CSLaa !Tlr J it JHTSL ULtTumfui 7 nrarMr at Mm I ft. STEAKJCS a CU M I1M Mraa. rUiai Ufk - IM M-tUCS UN THE HAKKtei II laalM M rwtlaW. U . V rnta.ac Mt-M- Tlie Australian Scab EsLterminator, axd siiei:i DIP, -.- x ?o rainrKyrtes ax cmc o? scab IN mUT IfM Mtnt WalA aa4 nalstiiti U Um r""""' a-t sm tvn turn? m ta w1 u' - oilman ' I YOUKC 13 Flral lrert. IufllB J. Brea. jG a IN IN UU-! fclH- I BVT TOCK SOOTS AVD SHOES OF C. M. WIBERGr, OIJ Man J. 45 Irani Street. Port !ml. a- TirajVATtP MUX X rAKXCX Turbine Water Wheel. 1 im?mr Itaaa as; MkrtlntAn . ,ti ax asaW i l tar imalir aa4 t r trt. XuiU. a eAKJkUL rUjavl. Coacli, Carriage I - JLNT - Oak, A5I1, Whitctrood and Hickory Lumber, xuts, img, srosici, niu, rauffi, nue. ieum, .vHCx Tocns. srtoJCJtrtrrs. Alas a M ajaartaaaala( SARVEH PATElT WHEELS?, It ireM.Mi toUtony.lMal i I a 1 1 to ami Mas a aaaraM Uak rial at C Mat. aaat aa a. Mat tarn to t t C A4a aa. ataasa aa raa aa toaaat aaU Jail Vak. atoa ta 1 mar Um aaw laallnai aata I aar at rnat aarf Mala Kerala. X B-Tmi 1 aaj ttflt aC Use ttf Ifta fee E. J. Nortlirap & Co., 7a at ABELL raoroetirnLc 67 and 6g First ?ortbnd, Orcron. No. Street An Unsolicited Testimonial or Real Merit. Oac Hi r. hnn Oa . (Mx. Jam lis lTi- TMa k ta rerurr tkat c, tM stolaottaal. iarsatrt U Brataa Oawdf . Urryaa. aWataatd IM Ma at MM ct D. M. OSBORNE cTt CO '3 SELF-BINDIXC HARYESTEUS, Oa Um larsa at CkaHeaTfa an raos. TM MiaVaar niamM a IIL.VVT. OUrXN OATS, aail R aat HLTlUt WOK taaa a trar aaa daM If hud. t Ctrrs CLEAN aaJ MXM OOObS. aad SKa Ik 1 m LTijtvTtnii TM V 1 fall e dms kf Tarn llanea. CHAWJK THOUrSON, rrtUcr. C H MAa, J It. il,K: I1M. Atrt.RU. St Willi? I WAN, & K. MHOWK, Jr., A. K. mujV. fi, II. C T1IOJU-SON. Wc eenMj Mm Um VI Maakc Ilarreater aart re (arrH to aaa aat ae aa4 aiame4 tf a farmer akaat aagr utrkan sMtnatiaa ar rx ta fminz tM aaaaa, aad astHuajl aar kaaaliaf ar Mail, tlut IM I mtrgams cartt&aato aaa taTf UM aaUl. a4 that a ba4 aa kMwMU It, inUr ar tajjmtU, twta ( raashwl K. Xi:wnfRY, C'lIAI'XAX .V rarUaaJ, Ottoo. Kaad la IM urn fins far farUwr rarTieilin as to A no' hjm . i unit m i i ! rtsta. sbj t!M CMKAI LAn twatya Mk4; am. i iwt i ta iti ii. ai at lay . tslisiir at i H Mam x la.. Ma ljrM iw. rWtSa IHitMa wltlll ! fy I.W U IllMURt a Oil.. MAM JUCrt KMW AJfl j . V S rM lis at. l'iiHia. Ofsan a JUfc Mr smt I m. r Uw ta. , ctfeuat tor MSvu.i Onvwi ill Ht-a. aaU Mm- j , r m wrrsw m Bl Matt I W aasMir 'tii nati.aalaft-Mr W aaa aaa aaaaanaf a a JASOX SPRING EU aV: CO., Comer Fjvar as4 Ul.aaa MrwlJ, Fan 1'raaeUon. -alaiwlaalurari aad bealrrs la DOORS, WINDOWS, 11LINDS, Wrllua. Cant nntl I'lillrja. Impnrters cf OETUJAN racNai AND KXOLISII WINDOW CLASS. II, II aJ M et 7l)narN u Hictln"lt5."i"l BEM) rOH CATAtOSUC AND I'llICC UST o. n.1 lt3i"iTTreel. I'Mrllnml. Oregon .T. A. --TltOWItHIDGE. Mrrrt InforwaiKi Ofler la LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, 2S'e. Ill I'rent St., rerUand, Or. 1856. KNAPP, BUBBEIX fc CO., 1878. Front, First and Ask Streets, Portland, Oregon, 1878. BUFFALO PITTS "CHALLENGER" Great Improvements for the New Year. ltfet-rk4tytifcjk)t,HU iOier TUwsmt MX kaa Ihtm fmU awl UturHn U I'M kraaaac a4 Tkrtu mmnt l Ifcrmtgfcimt UU ls. aa4 mhhii) tM4siM lar IM aMMjr f tm sankim W tftf Dm tk-SUw toum - IM el aaa ttaU vri J tm itrr al amUmr .a iwinmal aai rt sail, .N aUMT -hi f -li It m Ika Imf-m. ngsa4 MatMrtxw ad aaaar aaa 4mm k Ukat toa-T Hrt to nuU) MHa4 h4 Mrk fuatttHtj m h aM mli n . a4 tc all Um fmtu am m awaty aiaaialTMal tow UIM ata 4mm ssaMltf wm wniiinl l r saiaaalmaiia i mIoj ifau a tna-st i ) WIcti aax atari, urn aann mils cataaca Itawsi Sail Um asMtataa Mai k Mm naCato In. Mm 4 aas aataacc a aax part a al Um rw tstra hatn .mail I aa wA4w 'italar aaswwaaaaa ha kaa aai l k mmr taTi llmMun UkM k wtfUdm inia tul Isiaoy ai I- aaaaj mt lam km n sOj to Ma Ike aaa i m mm a-aa 1st a mvC aaa) aJtl a Ual Um tabb I so -taH mgrnr, imr aC ara toJMet. m ai rti to Um araxtl aarUaaT Sat mt Ukm rtiiMii to Utmi nai J. UMT ttm aMUf a! ItamMUawtiaaMtlMa W ak taar ml afcrtli um saiiiri kw Vaas awaMaaai j ato mstt to . wa?vr .oii asi Ito la? SaayriMiasiMai mrm tmmad mj to ISm HmU ia-tmiBau4 at Um un wm a.iasj4 tMC ka I naaaisc aa fag IM Umj cm to 4jik4 to f .rw aa mmai4 n a to Um mat Um W Urn Inn I m raal-ai Um MJ .an U at nast aaa mt tarM pa Ito traa. Ito I a.H u In I aa- gtMMitiMa eMst aoar aaal ml Um al aa. mu W ataiaar IM, Mat a saw am nam u IM !ae lux aaat M-.a M Awa u lat a.vi avada A la toaM Xu IM lawk MtoM-kc to w mtfml,d. tm m to ... a a i nm il 1 ai.aiia iaa Mae a -x.ltt j. ai Um IAmC aifil n4 a. m fciwi - J M R!aAr mt mm CVaaaiai fciliar ajMlnIrt Tsf nttoea-rmMMi U a immtrmi -) M U ttrf a Cxattoa. 14 TV lanl Haah ml aa4 iapaHji ' U W lanBi t Ttnttoa mt aa toam. fcM k ataf TOMlMauakatMrsae stoat, aa aW Um SSalar aaa Wa 4ak to aal salasttm k Ux rraat tsaaJa aratna -irac eaaas UM mi Im i to rsa kanL TVm m a n aaataa asaf aaiat tor llulanaVicara laapSbwr AM Kfi a law tax Mm .. mdmi Mjm mu. to. TM fytalar aaa uf aatoa xal- sJmt Um igirlW a t aMat MttoaJyaar aaa- aran TM Sua are at ram at palnl laa tm atraac. mtti riaraaJj krtkawaat TM tkaal Cjnalam, jm ikisa. a-iiM ar km f -war. mm iaa toaay -ml In addition to IV ("barnrtlon i ant Beafvraa Xmatrtmt TM ITiamplnri laaa leifal itoali Maaar .a- uM tal Sa to to toa toal al W Tf n4 Ti mil Iiimii tiiiraln llll 1 kallens-'r Ikmkt f!rartuliUiaaaLa aa Uaac ttmm aa Um nsjMr U. paaaMamc tot Wi H k MC IM tiritir !! aaa Wa tojar aa a AmmmaT aaJ ty m-mk aa ri ia ai aaar ti Waat 1aaa 1 1 Mm K M- a aa. ito a4 mtmt w Ika titiimh im Mi yaink -ar aaai i I r I '- UlaWra i taat at a Tkawtoaa. aaaw. a Im to M nfarw to aa, mitx aa aae. llunalo fill hatlrusrr lUrve faarr Buffalo fermleaat antuaala. TW faak toll U al aMMik.Mllilttoa.H a.4ailail tklHlnail !Uic rVLMat OaaaS- ltaili'l'l Tto-toac a 4 l.i UM. TM Um aaMa Bmjb. djyman aiak t($fau aalalf a sreat aa4 ajl aaai aaaH Has i mauat aa aaMj aaalca. M hri-rr A rlirk la .laTM taaVai CVaaa Ik Itaia Hasaa, kvn4 far tt?f. I!rat rVaarTto air kr TkM. alt (at aak toaMsf. Ilaee'a I tiltle-il I'tosr. TM aatf aaanaafal TWIaH .ajaa aMalt Ifut aaa ta aa ta iaja fkjMto aaV' aa4 WaaV-afkai laii.'kl; rv 'kaftaVdatlV l rrjn t-vprias llaeka ud M Im t( "Ilr SulU, Hay tlmUr.t In t- f"t gaa a4tmgm. THE LARGEST STOCK. THE BEST ASSORTMENT. The Oldest and Leading House In the Trade and Prices always HAWIEY, DODD & PORTLAND, OEEGON and WALLA WARD SELF BINDER The Stnpktit, the Fssiast aad the Best Tbe IJ;lilr-t Dra.1 Jtarblne jrl ln i rate I. Tbere nre no amalt ajjrlja or Trl;:rr In nreak or :ltr anl. An) prr uu Ihsl ran maaa;e a Inn rati rut, and lilii'l bl bars ral. .artlra blrej kaatla rr-ialrel. i:rrj tanner ran ntten4 to tila oau barietl allhaaror tbrae ilm jilr and eottiplrla Jtarbinra. s Um sraaa toaaa at laaaa. Itaaaii its IM taaa Ma raaja. aad Utatp4 at tsTT hi ta ta aaaaal-a aaiil laajaaaalaaa larftJ aC aU laa taaraaaua; aaa a an tfa aa'atol 1 i Aa aa aiff aaaat f. -a aarftkaataa h iSka aa aaajj Miad Um ariaa InO. ttal M aatafacMf aa aa Opwjau ud d. kane aa M aaafa,4 IM tllwar I S-ll lliii Je-r to sk art aw itoxa, r taasstaatfa to sk at. al arliat ilila. aad a tori aw nalrt la afianarC Uaa aairkaif aa IM arj tot SaV atodar , raaaaraaax M eat aay f mm at ma IMI Ska k taa. i,inii). a frr aasaMr at me rearM; aaaak sod aarto at aaaar la aaeaea UM onsfad man. TM artai aa tM aark. aad Iksrs k M akaaa as Um aire, aMfk i sain kaaa. IM tojadk atoe t.tarid IVto an aaa a aat aaav IM toad My adaxaf MiBajiat laraa taaa mad k 1 1 a nfaat fat tM aaek dt to nr A. tM VtJ kMdar aarka lataaattnBt M -mM I ar Ufy il sin aa 1 1 aaa i I. aad aa aaaa ar aaaaaa srvaaa. St fTaaarai aaa aa IM ftmar. aad tkiri k M au aa avary Hratr m aatait a4 aat, aat tort, aad Um kaadtoc k ana K k laiinak to da autt Man a taaad. ai IM U. AMH aaai IM tr 3 at ti aira. taat tor aatrly aad waaft 1 sa al raa imat at pa Miaaeal Sm atra Taa KLWAKD ftoe Mt rk ar Caac IM baaed crala to a-M aak aat dian.a. Um itot aa-ay aaUktaaU ef. Itaaa aiaaVac iM ikitls'lsti aad aaaaa at srasa lev Ma afn. a. aaaaaaa ai aUncaist kasdira. Tie IXWAK0 M IM anly mm toat aaa Uaa. Tm LAW AMI k saaAt ka to atua. a six fret aat, UMaaMr tkafeat cat- TM ats kad tat asl araraja ffaa I wares to Wtoaa acre far lt. IM Sea let I rat frass tarn to M aova par aa, TM Karraator atoat ktttk beat fuailrarttoi aai aailarlit Mi 4aa k to aaai kaaa to ae4 adaaa aad m fatuo; ca t&u uaursau Illacksnntlis', nagon Jlakers, AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE, i Fanner MlnrrV anil CMrpeulrra Tool. Thompson, Dellart at Co., Srocnse-ons to sortiikit ATiioMrsoNtwno kaaa r,UraJ). mSc iroat User htock, vbUh U tM Lureat ka tM biate. avnMUon and wagon makers u.vtouau Caaata;of IrUory. Oak nit I Ah I.tttnber. If lib. Spokra. Itlin, KARVfuX l'ATK.T WIIIIUI.. JInllenble. Dayaat; wur (tondt dteret frara Tattera rartarica, and n tut qaaaMlMa. m raiem u euer ear cw teeaara IM adnaaaf ef whaUag fa TT Urs atoiA at .ry laa frteia. iZT On! en by raal preptly afkd. Address, TIKiMrSON. DxIIART A CO., At tb OU Staai, I7U ami 175 I rout Street, rnrtlaod. Orrtroo. M Maataai I aaa SM Wa. SOlAfACEtia i)R Tilt I NM AtXJUl STANDAK!) AMI KSVI.l OKUASS, a w. irtENncE co., itcak) Dalan, PiulUaJ. On rsa. uiPonTEiia op 1 fkMjMPLEMENTS ana JjACHINES. kl MWk, aWwllr WarMF wa n aa4 arc Mf-Mtor aa aarf fn t to aa; UMr t aa4 Vrtmmm saaJa TOm 4r..aaf ytl jt u mt aalra iarf lacs al AC IM mat am Uk BaCato !ku an tra kvrf aaaaator aai M. aa4 taw amng Maay wk ar - - to Um naflaia fMaimrUZ laaaalM iMtlt C Vaaf mt hiif aad IM M laatMal hilMHhnM aa4 aM ant Mi-a a to to IM faMc itnv a triaaal i tana; ouMam Mra la ujMf ahaMa a aaf Caaa Mat auj sksa tar tsar Ua cantoi. Ka UUia H it ftmf. Lt rtaM 4xt la dntr Its v M Sam M iWat IMaamK' Um piaa r toa. TW l kM'tMlTf U IM yUAwU imarrarJJ twlali Um VH aaaftoaa La M4 skte. M. a gnsml Jafrwari. Otuat k IM rtjl rc. Um aMr lfv k. Tt Trtfs ataiat UU IcfUv 7Vr aaakiiana(UM Umm a. IM ttmi turn at ahaea tM Bito rWa terlh (Ma tote tM tea! iianimaw ti tX sanilir lrifc) ai ii atone aaaJc TM traat at ttnt tortk u ilal aaMal aa to Uw Im al rr-j taaami Ha aaaMatM Ht? tort Iwtt lajt ea-t t ajnjaal la la liai1n a csarf an t surtoraUrto' TMf an4 awjali m4Xl to carry Um rraa IMA 1 1 n to a ilimt ar iUa.', a Ma- aaaa a Attoake asa aaaK aaa an1. TM Tl kagl laaV, 4 . -tu tailjar ato IM Cantor. ?aa toaa ialiial. f 'mt araator aarK to Mtf Um Caatcyar TM 1Ts . Im 1 1 ar Satol sUi gai"ii in nat Uw BtatM' Hakl. to anil naaa;. mXz Um atto llau --Caaaaksar IM Mat aaaelM m SM aarU Sar IMiitlat rba ar Wt firua. ta M Wl BaSafe lau Um tfaee Wtares Ufca Ual iluliai nm aVaa. laaasa. M akiame tor t2.iv to mjs. a -I lalsy to MM c erry a kirail a znm. TMm aalra luatfc k aaasaaaat aaer tM isor Ml aa it u aaar Um jnaa to X. TOm atcaa bk Mi ikakV iuHi al tM toaar ntl. aatkata tin ilmalt raaam taara US alwre we OITer the Following Line Ilalne-a lnslc anil Poable Cer lleatt. era. aata ma ar aaut fluli ajaatniaiil 111 J. H- A a.. M Mat! IM alj aa Tbomat SulkT UaUr. sM toat Baad Bass tWk.aaa TM Haenrale JL I rban IVe va4 Bar-Ur frtrnt SOLE AG EATS FOR THE kaa trea ta red to taaarc ta tie rotrcai best ttojirad It &l tatter aark la Iba harrrrt SiIa at 1TT ILaa aay adter naar(nC saaekkir. aad tM Ttrt af tM Baard af rvi-r.-ni.Tn at Uw tTcar IJ IxaHaai arre lanftlT la tarac Um O.W ARI u vrE aay atMr atC toudaa; raatritaaec tMra ci Waited, aat aa feat as auttaax Uaa aitt( jet.- IM kasdatte fanam af tku raaat a fews 1MB ik tM cfctza tarn at tM turret tM. Oar al af ntaartsc tM rab al tAroMsc UEa k mrla i.M.- ; lAu)j aii4rd ta Uixl ta lew. tqt g-ae aacataatrtMl tad let IM baada Jam Ud-aafa, aa taw atrednra aat tolnre tM tkmfaa; saacMM la tM kaxt. aad aa ted o aAliat tkat neai craka be tared arr Um ariscjsj taenia; to tway if art tasty ra r fee Mi aire. AatiKatMBierktmfrMaaXfsaaSasalrirate jerln, a&d tit asraratw aS ta pialB tftl IMrc antktuc to fwxtto aay M. It k e-udty taidtrUiI. Ha totaa k steady. M atora. Da yars. Do raidea atorta ro Karl plana. Mar U. tare rrrat rtfanltr cf a Cnt elaaa karmtrr arc ansrol Aa Its ajafSettr b mK cTairat Its teabaHr Is tbersjace sarsmt aad Oa aaae f saaa ajtanal (awn aa a mfaral cawiwm. Aad beer aa IM its3 WiKbr at ill pLTU, lk t4ai, caa'cera raallnw aad tu franka fm casraaltai esaka tM clralt ntrraatly llekt aad eaay. It adl baadto rralo e all kieda aaj rvaiatMea. aid .3! lead brisk (raia tbal ilcc tM baad af Um larrxr. r otal a Stearns, attohnlt at law, la tttUm!. OrrT XJTTgl yoctV- fa Cclted SUtca CeagU. IVJI. 1ST. .-Si. a. ttar, ta a nut. T a. am. r. k. auvta HODGE, DAVIS & CO., 71 rront St.. l'ortlnuil. Ore fro a. 1MPORTINS WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Aai Dealers ta " Paints, Oils and Window Glass. riarlas anBiiJwl facilities tor Ike bnjlaf of Cevd. aaeaa aril a.lwa as My baM on lb tvaat. San lrnnrlrw ORlre 116 rront Street. New York OHire art I'lwit .a. MONEX TO LOAN OVER 1 Alt.H I.AM)S. $500, 91,000, R-d.000 Mttil Tnrlon larse an ttt up to S-ja.eQO, by- tko ORrcON Nn WAHNOTOH TI1UST INVESTMENT COMr'Y, or SCOTIVVXD. orncE, ds first street. rorrruvND. OVFERlli AT 10 PER CENT. INTEUESr. RETAT able by lore, four or Br yearly noal lUlroeoU ttary Kail to so.1 iarmer." tuvunaliao., of rrtyaU In ocm .uui U iUrcd. Ihree, tour or 0 JJ- sjurkals ataia In no loaUnc aad tualer no ownaUwtaaU IM compiny kaa taooty ciioadb t ualiK bxroirars to sIImw a lurvUoauxc f THRESHERS, 1878. raaar j- aa Vauk ) laliii aWcffaraaea axvaatalra at. IkkK t-xaaeMui. Tata la aa aJtonikntf atata M atMr Wifan Ia. aa4 aWaa Utftabcra aiS lXj aavraitato )M 1 atoat limw w a .nt i af ! arss fte4 at auk aaj U aaWt aarf varkaac kastMtaa ta.tara to KraJhl toa arMtoaUM awa Lcs. UtncV sacwIMaaaK nkea Um aiau acaaaat IM awicraVU U Uw tat, jartay a aij. msaakau wrAMm to tlx atnir utd laatc; ta tiaXa Um aja set. As Um gnia umos aWwasA Um auaa hk m raked lark ttla as to aW aEctoa. k la raa&i f as to a amt tilth, m tiaud aai mmaatUA - Um tmi Snie Sbcm Usa aa Um xvaia Ub e at. a m XmmkiUij tattarzat If Um saatkat Ii I true tM atea to tM imorm. aa to IM cia. Ttoa an i iati aar aaKaaraacn ktoa-ar Umm I. naaaf aa IM uir. m lu qui aalt iaiaagtoka4. TOm ztus k sWiajt3 ae to Um awnMa aaaal Jaal aa il fatk tnaa IM crav EcK. Tkk k tauaaairr ju4 ka eaaa at att (rate, akarh aa auca anikaaii waft to Wt? aa4 Mat aaad ft aoecssUtai ar IU aajal osn ublat so: a tMac at Laac aa a fctXaa I lata Ikrtaben a- I aw kia- ikatiaM.lv aaktka U seeks kaat IXttj bU Wxtta. bat tar tM Icar&U Uc aka aa tot. t -aM aaf ska. M ttkr hnrt aaiat, ar arnkani saaAak tiaiiti nl aai arsaacstoiia U VitilaaBa )t eunUc ssaaser that tM BcTtio tM M. TM H"l aark taVaaziact k seMd (ioas asa ir. al u aaieraj H Hart auaca cf Ux Uat tavat aad IsaaaaUc luaa, saato eaaaiSr far aot toar dfuaare TM aaar m trJut rrraMcu axd IM an n rr nat i Una k UacaJ as. 11 labf asac U tZa ya4. TM gagala fUU Haw In I raarer k tM eeJy sra-fea 'i i aalnl aar kaaH naes Um Uatoea aa a ssnestai Mr k k aat (aa EKUf al aUanartaalwaa rawer a atank. K iiitoMaaayrarawrygTataaaj.aitjaija. al n Vain i.l lms srealcr caaeat' 4aKaad xrmur alratgUiaaiiiiiitatily. of Specialties: narne-a ,atr Ha, HsM.. liana Hi, Taeka. T-c.t-T atab a Wat Um af jcrkatraal TmmM Uaaj, i-aavr w sni owmaWiMi ara.d Vw5r. WrtLirt vrJ aeiarto m aaat a u.ut aa ul sal J imatataaarea ajal laweair. i;-catc nrvyri ja. r-m n.Arr", CLKkSLU. re, run. rtirrni. tna, WUk "ar.su. W. T. fits a Baaa A Bat a ma. ItiM, . T. CAM C Kaaia. Alula. V T. fMMiua A Hull. La hnaV, rraa. Jaaa K, Tama A I a. I auaak. toessa. Jter.tLaaa a I IIKS. IM tn, Wrt-fra. lara IU.Uma.k T W L. IVaxxa. I alaaai I mj. W T- THE LEADING MACHINES. at the Lowest Lirimj Rates. CO., "WALLA, W. T. HARVESTER W ccTtaa rartfaJ ettataraaa es acr braicritt Cben aad after. kr&; at ieii aaasred tlat nc wCX vrn a-olt cs taat tM IXWARD ta t K'r-; af a3 salX kaiera. la adtlltlon to the above we offer the Dal loa In rnrtTMlted Xarklae-a at Ik Lameat IaMilbIr Prlera: DCCXEYE UOWIX aai EEATrS;taa aaS toers ta seed reessses. CAVTOX PtTT TintrTlEES. tha arm aai nnr fal lertaktr. abeai af al tt feMars; U snvU taij cs ..u. td raa aS a ttaaa Jce It. IUINES" UENTINE 5ScW aai tVaabk Gear BeaJer. vak apeciil rafrareisceU far barrtst f lS7i. CANTON UOMTOE THKESH1XG ENCIXT- kio: str.w nrnxrs tsorxE SC1UTTLXE fca, Sfrta; aai Fre!fiit Wa-oei. JOftX PrrKITS UOUNE. Caa?.Ssay aai Erraiac rw-v XtrSead foeirrcui eimiar to IUary. rvcil A CV, or to aay it IM feejaaja; aaata; W X teftn. laytoa, W. T, T II. ScBTT. Weatea, Orrtvo. J. B. frw. Cateax. W T J. & I nxa, Afcacta. W. X RE-ESTADU5HED. J. SIMON fc CO., tWen ra Doors, "Windows, Blinds rutd Glass Tracms. cords and rcmrvs, I2S Fro a I KU. art. Waahlaztoa dt Alder. jet Ira TORTtAND. PRECOX. AUE0RA HESTAURAXT, A Sqnare Seal for 23 Ceils, Xerttteaat Cer.rroat and AlUrr Street. rORTLAND. ORKCON. aai S ESrABUHUED IX SPORTSMEN'S EMPORIUM. WM. BECK SON, Im tonrs aad Dealers In HUNS, RIFLES and REVOLVERS,. or a.YKT i ucRimoy, 1 (M S 00 -a a a Cor. front antl Alitr SU, fsrllais!. r. a j