Tho Duke of Wellington's Sap. Perilous the XcxtlieaBond Panic? Forfomo vcarspatt capital lias Fought lLrlmcnt iBonds, and the demsnd for Self-reliance may be carried too far, this class or securities has oadonbtcUiy I and self-reliant great men are often verj bad ucit to do in stimulating the issue difficult to take care of in old a, alien of bonds. Capital has great influence their habit have suivived their atroocth. upon legislative bodies, and those baring authority to plunge the public into debt. The ease with which school districts, Tillages, township!, counties, cities, and The late Duke of Wellington was ac- cu Homed, during tho latter years of bis life, to drive himself about in a currricle, a habit which caused his familv coniitl States could issue bonds and raise money, f erablo uneasines since, from hi inert as has operated to produce an extraragnnce ing years and failing iiion, it seemed iu expenditures lor all classes of public j probable that ho would meet with some Improvements which has no precedent in i accident. the world's history. The amount ofj The duke's well known character, bow. bonds now held by capitalists is truly , ever, was such that nolxxly dared to bint alarming, and the indebtedness of cities, J such a thing to him, and all the round village. States, counties, townships, and , about methods taken to induce him to school districts is strongly suggestive of j abandon his charioteering haing failed, bankruptcy and repudiation. Statistic he was left M enjoy its jascrrs at peace, bearing upon this subject arc of the most j What rendered this extremely dan startling character, and capitalists are be- j gerous was his habit of ging off udden coming alarmed. The indebtedness of y to sleep, which brought him so many ISO ritiM of ih TnUl States now as- hairbreadth eseaues that nt last tt xer' gregates $1,003,000,000. The debt of atranged for some member of the family j many cities equals one-thirl of the as-1 to accoaipsny him whenever he could do . "Somejcars ago there was a young clerk scsscd valuation of their property. J so without awakening his suspicion. j occupying a de.k near the entrance to the Under the practice of issuing bonds, J One day bis second son, Lord Char let, j building. He was rather reckless in his not only extravagance in public improve- , contrived to be honored with the peril- Character, fond of a joke and loved an ad- meats has grown up, out tne numocr 01 ous invitation. Alter driving a certain ; venture better than he loved wine, which uitinnce aioog moMia, tneuuica went : is saying igooaaeai. uneasy a young Xo Vacancies. P. stcd conspicuously all along the corridors of the interior department Is the following notice: "There are bo vacaBcies in this de partment. Applicants cannot be seen. Applications in writing will be received and placed on file lor future examina Uon." I called the attention of tho venerable clerk who was showing mo around and giving me lessons in civil service reform to this notice, and remarked: "I suppose this Is auotber device got up to deceive the peoplel' "Yes, it serves the purpose of deceiv ing applicants to a limited extent, but it asoiiloally got up for the benefit of one person alone. The history of that notice is snmewhat romantic and a ould be a giKxl ubject for a "yaller kiver.' " I urged him to give me the story, which he did in nearly the following language : Tn K STOKT. officers has been greatly increased, sala ries have advanced, and current expenses have more than doubled In nearly every oninto a nap, and one of the reins fell i girl, well dressed, and about sixteen, ftrtm hie ria,.!. Yrtifli Yt l-ant lintd firtrnfrrrtfl Vila rrvira unit a . V a. 1 If tija.aa department of local government. The j the other, still feeling the horses' mouths j the secretary of the interior, lie ssw current expeaes of-lbe 130 cities referred j with it. The result was thit the animals i at a glance that she was a simple-minded to amounts, la tne aggregate, it J were gradually edged towards a deep 000,000 per year within $10,000,000 of and steep ravine which bordered the tl:e current expenses oxtne uniieu aiaie i road. GorernaaeBt. For the past ten years, the Lord Charles was watchicc thiotrs indebtedness of these 130 cities has in creased at tbe rate of $50,000,000 per year. Hard times has not operated to check this great tide of public extrava gance, but ia many instances has doubt less had the effect to increase its volume. The pressure of capitalists for their fa- meantime, and praved that his father might, as be had doue many time before, awnke in time to prevent the else inevi table smash. Tbe duke, however, con tinued to nod and to putt, until at last, j as tne liorses were on tne very ecge ol the ditch, i.iro Charles seized tbe Mien vonte securities, tbe importunities or rein, ana giving it a pluck, pulled them contractors, tbe private interests of mem-j short round into the road again. With a hers of Councils and others in authority, have all combined to swell this public in debtedness. Prudent business men, burtbened with -enormous taxatit-a and alarmed at tbe reckless manner in which s narp tum tne duke awoke, and seeing tbe rein in his ua' hand, asked angrily, 44 What are you doing with tbe reins, sirP -Well, sir," replied Lord Charles, "the horses were goinji straight over the edge. country girl, and wondering what she could want with the secretary , deter mined to findout all about it,and prompt ly replied in tbe affirmative. She there upon told him that she bad recently been left an orphan and among strangers; tnal Iter father s estate,wbicb was consid erable before tbe war, had been swept away, and that sue was penniless and ouiigeu to support tiersell. is be Lad a good education and wrote a fair band. and bearing that situations in tbe de partment were frequently filled by ladies she bad determined to apply for one ber self. j 'Whenever and Wherever Diseases of a choleraic tyt prevail, or leers ia cho 10 auprcnena a vim rrora mem, tne system should be toned, regulated and rein, forced bjr a courte of Uostetter's Stomach Bitters. Perfect digestion and a regular tablt of body ars the- beat safrruarJa against such maladies, and both are aceurrd by thla Ineall. snsbtd tonic and alterative. Tbe Hitters are alao extremely servlrrabls In reuiedylnciueh disorder. If promptly Ukea In Ulfonscollr, dlarrba and cholera morbus, the dWetse la usually frustrated. In dUrrttrr case. It la only neceaaary to restore the tone of tti re. laxed bowels, and tbla Is one of tbe speclne effect, of this medicine. Wind on tb slna. aeb, heartburn, biliousness, nausea, headache ana tuner ssmpioras oi Olslurbance In the gastric and hepatic regions are also speedily rclleTcd by this excellent remedy. Aa a fan lly medicine It la Invaluable, since It prompt. Ij and completely remedies those ailments which are of meat frequent occurrence. Purchasing; Agency. Ladles who are deslrona of tsarina- raJa purcbsaed for them In San Francisco can do so by addressing Mrs. W. IL Ashley, wbo wHl scad sasa plea rood for Utlr inspec Uon and approval. Would say that 1 am aa experienced dress-maker, and bare tbe ad vantara of buying at wboteaale, and would sire my patrons tbe benefit of tame. GooaV purcbsaed and sent C. O. D. Send for Cir cular. Any Information In rerard to stjle cheerfully given. Would add that 1 have a nrai-ciaas caUblUbmcnl for Dress-tasking, and aa prepared to execute country orders with dispatch. Address Mas W, H. 1& Salter street Boom 31 San Francisco. A Beautiful Publication. Dr. li enter baa tail ly UlaslralcJ little IrocAwrv. comprlslnr Sca ur on C.t rrb. bend for lL Address Dr. J. UcnUr, Ku. 2l Sutttr street, ban FraucUce. UEKBINE purines Ue blood. I. M. COOPER, Stock. DSxo3s.ozr, St. W.C.r. PI and ..-.. 1st... sax rnwetsco. Stocks Bought asd Sold ea Com mission. STOCK BOCUItT axi cakuieo ox uxiuuxt at tt SultowtBa run- Vr 4laf at acka. O Xa S per eat5 ixiuilbk.SiWHtrct. Oi4cfa orst IbroajfTi WeJU, u.'a . frrM prvtaptly at CALVERT'I CAKB6UO SHEEP WASH 91 per canoa. T. W. JXCXSOS. Saa Ttu ctKO, Sola Axral tar Hat CtScOoaat. 0. P. H. TIBSSLL i CO., iMfomaa Ajto lumomiu or BOOTS AND SHOES, XB, 410 CLAY HTRKtrr, SAvaea SaaaosM aa4 Banerr. SAX fKAJCClSCa Maaabrtarm or Meat. Bjts. TcUs. as4 CSU-Sru-a riK CALT Buufa. Urcn ai 4enl ac4 proaaptlr tP4. A3 lUn aa ;s3Sts BUs at ta ktt BuxkA pebm, roaa tuotu ts nea a4 sekica. REMOVAL. Pacific Newspapib .Pdblishihg Compahi, CARLOS WHITE, Proprieter, HAS 8 KISS XOVKB TO ITos. 525 and 527 Market Street,' SAN FRANCISCO. tar srufc a KW fRXss U4 rmlnrx3 Karlllll. Ska &YVs K. wftSaf. I sa pioMr IW lt&c Caaot, caa aCrr a srt ssiaf aJraUr air 3f natxr Srjs u ta. t tw&tUi BLTKIUKS, tSMIBSUS. A.e. fir Urtt. tiH UX-nauiifc, ut a4raotaa-r ojrrtj, a44n RUPTURE A PROMINENT CITIZEN CUUED. bonds bare been issued without leason-1 and I jut pulleU tbenioiT it in time to ase propeci 01 aoimy 10 sneei uieia ai prevent us bcia smasbeu to pieces, aataritv. have creed State Legltlatures to Basvtcrkdly cnatract the power of local aetBefitiea to i&car indebtednes, but these efforts availed little, aad there bas beea so perceptible check to tbe issne of bonds. Daring all 'this period of extravagance, cafj&al bas shassed ba Jaets investment asd tbe farmer and manafactorer have foaad it difficult to borrow money at lej tisaa twelve per cent. The capitalist preferred bonds bearing from foar to seven per cent: to first-class mortgage, securi ties at eight and tea percent-, and few in deed cosld be indoced to take stock in any business enterprise. Easiness gener--x bssaered severely through the withdrawal -of capital fro Tbe duke looked at him sternly and said : "I'll troable yon to mind jour own basinets." A French Crowd. A writer, describing in Forut and Stream a Fiesch crowd t he saw it on a race-conr, mentions its orderly charac ter. "Ttete is no crowding, fussing, or any attempt to intrude on each other rights. All is the acme of decorum and chcerfal politestss." "Yoa will pardon me, Jtfoasircr It mUi tjirt," a partly dame would say to a mite of a soldier, nf I ask yon to stoop a lit tie more to that I can see over your Lead. TT.rnt!t i Yoa axe small enough already, yet not .a ..Jr, nnKn;., rnr ;nct .sBtSciently so to caabla me to see over meat in beads, aad thousands of failures ' Jr 00 " fi, doa,lt B" Bavecccurredtmaccoaatof the iaability ,m.1u1, lto?&" bod J. and of business men to obtain moaey at fair ' r;l!,,,t..St ,0 Uf Ser. i ratesof-isterest. .so I hope , JfifirrC7eraZ , you wll. Alt extravagance most have an end, 1 .m .Uic f'r 1 , , and thonghtful basioess men andcapi-J, " hil of raillery elicited heart talistsWsk the bond extravagance mut Uoshter fiom the bystaadcrs; but, hih. soon terminate ia a bond paaic it j J nmive ai the r reach are to any thing seems scarcely possible that theiaterest Piroaching ndxule, the soldier did aot - . . - . I spoilt Iha. taf4v v tt.f4 lnMliinM upon the bonds now issued can be paid, i , , ' . i TK f This r hvm4 tt nnsa aw(i wbea mere must be , , r '1 W'Lr , . aad the tune is Bear an ead to the oavmeat of interest upon t bes'ds by the issue aad sale of new bonds. Capital is beginning to tern away from bonds aad seek otuer invett bksts. Savisge Sinks aad men baviag large sums of money to invent, are al -Monsieur will oblige if he will move oae side," aa ourricr would say to a po liceman, as Le was being pushed forward by the incoming multitude; bat instead of dabbing him, as a New York p lice man would, for bis presumption ia speak' r . - -1 ready begiaajsg to turn bond negotiator M? i.inmariy, iae ciacer mereiy Z-Zuh ,-Z. ,v 4Ut t.r- i.. .11 'turned arosad aad said that it woald be eei t a-4 w ttsiiwa asssssr sxaa . m . . impossible to do sj witbont breaking tbe cordon. Facing the crowd, he aked them if they would be kiad enough to move back a little further in order to rive the horse that class of securities ddircd, and would rather sell what we have got than buy more. TbU certainly looks like tbe be ginning of the ead of the bond food. uxt Lean es.d to the issne of thai class ! Paty of room. In all this swajing not of secarities,ana when boads caanot be V ottered by aay per sold to raisV Hioaeylbr tbe fragment of d wbtn one kaptaed by mistake interest which caaaot be raised bv isxa.ipnJi Bthel be immediately liftea ties, whet mast the malt bet " la. bat aad begged pardoa. A. we have always said, capital is be-! ione werf than tbe civil giBsing-to avoid this cUss of secnriUes ;JScers, aad if U.ej made a request 11 aas ty selderi of boads are unload. 1 w" al"J ZllU ' Wata, tl iBg to escape the'effecta of a panic, which : wu manifested none of the ?lifrrrrf t,, nrrr Kromuig, small-apple self importance -it? . rjL- . . iof the so called fite: p'jiice in the , AUrA to believe liar the world,' jet. thty bandied thousands with- crisU will be averted for a few years. Al out tbe least trouble. Tbe people are bubbling wLh cheerfulness and suasity. aad though "chaff mgbed snprcmr. it was devoid of all tiacture of aenmoay or tbercmottst ill-nature. agree Usatit must cesae, sooner or later, wkea boads issued by local authorities, instead of being in demand, as hereto fore, will beat such a ducount as to pre Test their issue. hue this conaition ol things must re-1 Forced Back to PcxLnMCfT. Some sun in heavy taxauon, it cannot fail to ; time fc TuUng m2Bf a dHk in ilon esfenre rigid ecoaomyoa the part of mu-;! Dam Monaaoreacr Be at, Kicipal authorities aad caase capital m i fljrg a cbeck (ir $i,000,ia the name seek iavestment in real estate and busi- of Schiller, -Clwk of the Crovn," sees eatcrpnses. When business men can obtained the monev on It and fled to tbe get aseecy- at the s&Bse rates or interest iV,ted Sta'es. But be coald not flee which have been paid npoo bond, we from n :oqujet mind, and tho furies of awy teak for hetlertiaes. Capital will reDloree tM,mc pBtsued htm acd he tavettesi ia producuve laaustries, and finai,y dlore him back, to confess hi laMeaa ol sapping the -wealth of tlie cnv. snd submit to its c.nieouenees. r :vm,r."m "r people, itwiU be employed maddlae to a iU,tr.tin of the, "e"P; V, Sir I 'the geseral wealth aad prosperity of the formidabIe torture of a2uiltv consdeaceJ ,lf,,n?!.. uJ,?e J,J.l tLeVr coBBiry. ji we suusi nave a uonu panic The Montreal WUncu says: ll mere is bo oiner ana ucuer roaa leading to geseral economy and prosper ity that panic caaaot come too soon. Csrtaialy, the sooner it comes the less mast he its disastrous effects upon the Tne prisoner told --The clerk ascertained that she had no backing, but that ia ber simplicity of tntad nsd come here thinking that no such thins was necessary. He there fore decided upon a line of action, infam ous in design, and disastrous ia its conse quences. Still carrying the idea that he was the secretary, he ascertained her stepping place, aad agreed to coasider ber application and call that evening to inform her of the result. lie also can tioned ber, on some specious pretext, against talking with others on tie sub ject of her business. Ue called at the lime appointed, aad, telling ber that there was no vacancies at present, ad vised ber to take lodgings somewhere aad wait, promising her the Cr.t place when a vacancy occurred. She txk his advice, and the result can easily be imagined. It was the old, old Ury. Of course she sever got the situation promised, but was put off from day to Jay aad month to month on various pre texts, until finally, by a change of ad ministratioa, he lost his own situation. Orcr belated bv the loss of bis po sition acd tLe consciousness of the infa my of his conduct towards the poor girl, he shrank from telling her the truth; aad fearing the coeseqeeace of bis guilt should become know a, he re ulted to coeceal his crime by still further deception. To this end he wrote her a note, telling ber that he bad sud denly been called to Europe on import ant business connected with the de partment, but that he had left orders to have a place gives ber as soon as a va cancy ixcurred; that in the meantime he could always tell whether a situation was opes to her by looking at the notices puted on the walls in the departmeat. That night he got several copies of the above notice printed and surreptitiously pOted them up. "Filled with grief at his sadden de parture and filled with a foreboding of impending evil, she wended ber way to be departmeat oa her first visit of re coaaoisaace. She saw the notices, and, overcome with despoadeacy, she, fur the Srst time, veaturra to disobey the in structions she had received. Eoterias the oSce wbeie she first met ber de ceirer.montbs before, she inquired for the secretary or the late nor. bhe was -tbowa to his room aad there the whole secret came out. The scene in thatcfSce wbea tbe kind-hearted secretary re vealed the truth can sever be described Suffice it to say, she was conducted from that room utterly broke in micd aad health. The .secretary provided for ber immediate necessities, aad called tbe attention of some charitable ladies to ber case. For weeks she lay hovering on tbe brisk of the grave with a brain fever, aad waea she arose her mind was gone and ber hair was gray. Her be trayer was traced out and forced to con tribute to her support, but for tbe sake of his family tbe whole matter a as kept from publicity. Wbea she was able to go about aa attempt was made to change her abode and surroundings, but she re energy. her lover wiiSld one day return. She clung to i tK. lisllnf-lnatt.tM S. tS-A las a si Detective Rchiea . ... . , . ... . U.I vb mi-c UtfUi Uf .WB IMG wiiiru IUC UEKBINE la nature's own remedy. HERBI.S'E la a household Ucaslnr. IIERBI.S'E should tw usd br sscry family HEUBINE contains notilng Injurious to the system. UEKBINE s&ouM not tc confounded lti cheap nostrums made to sell at a low price. TIER BINE Is worth tW a bottl to aay person ho needs It, bat Is sold for tiXO per boll!. IIEEBISE should be In the hands of every Crst-claM drarcbt. Ask your drucxUl for it, and If he has cose, ull hid to order a duxa bottle. Scaacaias for the ComunUt AJtvoilt.tLt only paper pablbhed dctolcd to the Labor Question oa the true principle. PrVra Huo a year. A Ztt-coloraa eeSJj touroal. Ileoa. tain an Lfce latest market reports. .Iddrca rjrtvii AJivotU, i3J Xojlruacrj street. Farsiauts of hixa susdiec note!'- Hex. ly jrir their ladorstaeBt to ta use of the GraefceUrr-VarshaU'a Catbolleoa for all fe taa cotapUlals. The weak aad deblUtated and woodexful relief from a coaataat uk ot uus vaiuaue remedy, bold by all draxruu. ILSO per boUle. Tnaow Awar Toca Carres as. Cure Rheumatism, sprains, UruU,Goat, N rural. r-a. Lasae Back. a&4 U Ache aad Pais, ia ntATT axoutkix utl Saa ra.cicu. So. 1, SrTi bs. rtsacs-bearSlr TVc Trot I vn4 t jc-sW'aSSMefTiikMfcrUBtare.(rvaB wkUhl afaa7cfntfvrtst vwaaTT-rtsc litu, mi I bo! tvasiaet taat aaj Lsar lu t-r csml Si JW MAOaTlC LlAS-nc TkraS. U- lix taSrat ataal7baaelx4 tmwft I. wiarltaaSllt. UCaiasaUe c.sm4 ll ts ricrWs of U. yi a r. as-l ta me&beas Sraav I aa. Cnt air, jirn tralf. w c. jciBr. Cvr U. -jMrsal tf CMcavrret;- Urn ritxtiixx. Mr. Qslaky U a rratlrsaa a a4 tararsllr kawwaaSvr-etSiieMM. ALrr ztndiM.t trntOrrt 4lian m wdesalm snrtU TrsMn, aa4 taTt&c afrrv S-r lnl nn, S-e waa rve-sUrfj cwt4bi a Srw p-, U.1 Sf U-r Mmiitk ELune Tas. TW r-aarxaVlerar -Tlrasd Dr J Hausa, lt fUf ttaii aa4 SitUiaa. U la kawwa aa4 mprtu aS ttT t CatSrS SULm a4 tro. U tint l?i t4 Vy IX ljSimWW DIL J. SIMMS, TVe rea l-SjlccMalt T Srw Tcck. CURED I , Cstxaa. Cat-Axa-GrfacU. Maaa. riaaca A koa. J SUeraaxxW Stnvt. Saa rnactacw.-I tak craat ar la txJbralrf IXt tV Trax I ysjrt tmrt ( jvr 1m tat X tclT aaa cwaaaSrttST esr-4 tV Uaycara Wa wllca 1 i nm4 Urtwt jnn. Wkala ttn Jran mC acj Hcrxla e Baar ktl imi n?S3j wm an a-aAax aa rOaarj traa. aa4 tae taUatta . -ri lm Ssw I eacrwl. as..4 lay aaM. r atra-4 1 an. yetBCMa stcm omU tmnt tt. a4 isra ta i u Uivt Arr X war. m t mr rATXVT MACyXHC ' tXASTIC TCrSAU ltrtr Titm. 1 a3cr T f U- UtuCla- tU a4 p- Is at aat. ma I raM. aw I aaalv-4 ta Mf Haul, ai4 as waa UvaVa j Ucraia v ttuntf rsn.a4 ta Itj CABLOS O. llox 2271, - - HAS FKANCI&CO. SOm SHOW CASES, HAZELTON PIANOS. Us, XYXHT DVaf RIJTloX u ixt rArrrcxu St n. (SKKXatTtts. aa L.rUia . s rrarlra. IST-Aa ort ruiulni teal N.CURRY &ERO.f Hi Saxsama Strset, Sa Jrxzzlite, tajCTtcra as4 Vim ta erarr ccr1 otacr r-K Si Mxml-l4tmz airui.iT-m m ui.t INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, i CSS uS aa Krarar au, m.m rrauaclaca. IMialUM rSB DAT. B. C rXTBlUUE. - - 1-aceairroa. &ZXStt,ttVJS?E&Z BRANS, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT. rTrr.WCaB. E t3-ScUT ran, -raaU4.aa - P21IIS TUT 11 Y. .313 HIS TaUJIITS. uroEHsnea is couiirt iesiosts tmr mui.ia US XstXfTsurj Street saa rrtv4arsi. The St. George Hotel CZAS- s. satoit. cheri 111 Sasrsy 3trt, tas rraarisca. Nrw rorn-sTour skicc muiiiz ism tvaatiral taar rMu, a .r fxrjla. ta rrel M t UJ- Wtrc sr llaata. la acit ittj. at Mtalf tk H n-vra. aazax car t nr. .a m aejltrttjtee U acsu ica aC O. UuSarcr at. tut rr. COMMERCIAL HOTEL sa-v pijiwmBfri sarr I UBS KEU.T. Ja-TUK a( TXAES nsofcxriuc T BEATS THEM ALL! mericaN Sewing; Mack I He. Tfcr.. taattw Im frttla ttvaua uy saOr waa taa CuaarisCIAt. err .tv. aat tnr K S- t TV. tnt-cta-a tz caauaaMlax arw stcrr aal.wtta n nmar icsm. ax in earnw- tmialix Oil for Family Use. 1 rV)r m rr.--.rmx BreeT.Veuw I " TIT"V"V: T a A T" I'l I OIJLW. Ccas roa Soar TsaoaT. Rah the throst wits Trapper Indian OS untfl red; then Uad os aaaet uattt satorated with It, aad la the taoralng it Is goce. J. W 5HAETFEK A GO'S GREEN SEAL CIGARS art raade froa saest Ilaraaa To bacco. S3 Saeraacato sU Saa rraacisco. IHlcrctlHg lo AH Is the offer 4 a Genuine MUrxtctj for a trile. See AdtX a4 S-mavcfal r". SVa-t (Caaaf t-r vuaa(a. rOTO t ir vt xW iti at MMWafaUrt T Art, art XaaK-orrr arrwe. SUa TtWm. Csm. It. CaUaMa. K tt M- TturUCt AS OAUJZT, St TV tnrt. Saa fraacSM. TaaaT Lain-. Hmi. -lti r. fclrrarj r-ajrr. tut iMn utancm. trtra-. rwv wSta a a!r m SmcfSfsS aaaOi.aiii i. wOr w fn tit. af ui aiii n ai a mil i U.M uir, uaaraaaUaU .a-vswr-. TVr rkaala-r. J t- r-tlrs a Cw lS WlaUaa. KrfrL 3C I . I.U.-UM nm IHslw Valwe at Mm tnX. Slutta fnam. l-X.i:i"Pi. 1 1 ITT If ail! r WltlJ trrt St ta tw a uj I wt U fa aaS HT tcaM- W ar aSsaaartj aSietvf. I m ut al SStrtr s. ftUX Oit Won aVMU saaat snrrr X aaa. maZ mfwrtTaS-- jwor. J. HHUt. K tL SUsS-ac Vav, sSaC aS StJvMd mytc trmn 1 irn.i rSSy yr-aa .pa Vfci ltn iaajar a aX IV CSU vm la a r-rrfx-lf Vrajss tmM LaaaVtca. CUatt aa4 Blaster AxXVa.5cr fwc DttaBtr. avl . cryittl avii-raUasax f ta n- am, are mt SW iS rSct fn&vri Sj Mark tkUaS tU eamataani fmmtrr. 1A la tSrw as SU. tn a Vtoim-. a aaaa-e af avcSaV-4 feiijarac htataai BS. e'ast-. Sf jnmMU. Pa. ITaacrB. SlaaacTtc EXa-rse Tara. aac ViMCr BvrtTas Fa rat Vt Ualsda.t.V IW 4rrv-W. S rtrw aa4 rraraVrU. aaavr aaSacaaWr lUV asa-traW c9-tac faB U&-naaaaa wSB S rmt tn Sa lfUr m. MAINETiC ELASTIC TRUSS Cf ., 1 1 SorrLamu Sfrfi ? tudn !Ua rrrtira.Cl I !- ta2talatra'T m h tU atT Mr Teat OIU IS x. Fir. Tn. ASTRAi DEVOE'S PRAT3TS WL-WAXr oll (ilSRCC X. Bt-IKH. Az'.I. Its CaUroaata Sr tm U. Saa FltJIK AGEXTS lTTaGD! TO SOLICIT PICTURES awir-Tsira. 1 S aauuai sair-Tjr-v. las XI X-tawiMS Saaal.-i StUlNl I StauaaUavs asawa.b-l sua UN owe lr rr Om. ow r x re sua at lev X JMU. H'AXTK ES ' st- mj.urj w s-a aa smu aaat trkraata. ira LM taat .mt aa. ta ,. . M a... rvM .iaNtia,nauf(ia . aaja. Vt pca. atjmn. atU Saxira-SSrR UW r-r M-nwo 1 tnal AJ ananas tU Caa9rr crwl ta-vr VT nAxt 4rUri taS-naaSva w a mctir. cMAjl J UllOS car. raase rmtfrT raSwaaUat la.. Hrtr rest tssic wcak, XERVarx a4 4-OltaS-4 - It tVSXKA i(ttr Umrx Vts aa4 cCMz aaUaw. ear. f-fcrali. aU all -aral carvole .. -ttMt ax-oac iu. t aaaJwraal ua laSarBVaUaw aaat)r trre. Iai awarax Vj tae laat atrcSavaa . fair rar-tu lun las ta ouMutanL' XUn J. a. BCaAKU. A3tnciaa W tMl Axras. 1SS r.4ava ktreS! Almost for Nothing : A GeHaine, fscfal. Highly lntercstins S Microscope i- Copxiac. Talaryiaj- aa Retgachlac- txa nrra rnircr. fa'TVt -t -wt axj surSa-at eweezvtaea cri, a tiU rwtf. AAlrra -for VIS a..- KaamTI laj .a, at 1 1 a akf.aa.. rr.iHaaa, BEST Iff THE WORLD! SZE IT! TRY IT! BUT IT t iWarraatad t Gir Zatir rUtisfartlsa JLaSeric Srxis .c):!" Cc G. S. WOOD, Jfasiager. sax niAScacr. Ar-BU SSavattaaS rwala-a ?s-stiarT. f BCCBTl' ' S K.ry Sawal l WtCVM T- rwnt la. IMa. ratTkrMrta U.aM,HnaV4 swry nica w0wuulullaCWeBI..,d epsrtraeot and read tbe notice, and uv tcru alCAafc ail t V vaua ai aai .Ma r. JI I a, ; sitioo of trust, lie said cc uau cone ISew sorlc aud remained there s rules B,l ending "no vacaacles, ' turned away lib a o aad returned to aer room. isterests of tbe coautry, and tbe greater lhe tb0uirbt of a bat be bad doce, and of u tht ., , , I ,i its beaefils in relieving tbe load. Tlicrc i ?! llSJi .nrf.rhht .1, ? he. .. ?0r.lire i? her3 7fo k aa abandasceof taosej in tbe country,, we are told, bat it bas bees x persistent ly withheld from legitimate and bcallli wfsl basiaess pursuit, and so lavisbly ex- nnr V?aeu apoo uaprodsctive and extrsva- pab!ic iaiproveBaents tbat tbere has at least existed a sees tog scarcity of asaee; for ordinary basisesa transactions. Let extravagance cease let there be no iscrease of BiUBicipal indebtedness let aosey sael: Savestsaeat in real estate and legitimate business pursuits and wc bmj cosfidestly rely apoa great imptove Beats ia business and geseral prosper ity. Tbe facts which we have cited afford aauch food for tbe reflection of thoe wbo base costrol of public exoeBtlitures. Tbey suggest tbe absolute necessity of CaUUBg QOWB SBIIHICS auu wc aiumanu; of ua&ecetMrr expense Let so new deasa be created where it is possible Vt avoid such s result. Better bear the ills we have than fly to those we kaow sot of better eedafe inconveniences and get aloag, for a time, without such improve ments as may be dispensed with. ToUdt Blade. ftowiaAXD Hill, in bis later life ucd to oume to bis cbapel is a carriage. lie got sa aaoaynous letter rebuking bim for tkif, becaase it was aot tlte way bis Ilea vealy Master traveled. He read the let tor froa tbe pulpit, said it was quite true, sad if the writer would cosaeto the ves try afterward with s saddle andtiridlc be weald ride hisa home. Tbe XaJksaal Graage meets sext year 9& RwGiM&&aHty ft raifccrv and sotTcriug brought upjo Ins maocent - parents breast, until bis then be could bear. It was, however, some weeks befure be brought himself to start back, and on bis arrival here be first communicated with bis brother, wbo advised him to deliver himself up to jus tice. Jlontmorcncy meditated about it till evening, and" then went to Mr. Schiller's house and surrendered himself. lie handed G3(U3 to Detective Richie, being all the money be bnd. He looked pale, dejected and careworn, and evident ly deeply regretted bis sad first step. A good man in the large sense in the r i.i.:t ,s,. t.i rankling iu biD .a-... theT were lnjediHelv re- asTiny seemeij uicaicj r-, , , . t ..a vr. .k. vt..a r v ' . ' iiiatataU. aC&aai saia a7a.sui t. a-sj-L. unaMi a J a tbe case was kpCa profound secret, and bat two or tbree wko from day today ssw tbe pale, wan face appear with the regclarity of tbe sbs, kaew or could fatboBi tbe sad history of tbat blighted life: aad of tbe taoasasds wbo careless ly read tbe words of that bo t Ice, few are aware tbat it hid its origia la tbe perfidy and the treachery of man tbat its let teVs are writ tee is the hearts blood of a coeSdtsg and betrayed wobbah." Here the old bssb blew his nose, bade me good-bye asd was about turning rojt meaning of tbe word-Is not merely j w7 wb deU3Bif hI Kllh: si a "goody-roody" person. Tbe iiuality i in bis very grain and liber. Ue "abhor tbat which cleaves to tbat which is good." You can nut separate a kind roan from bis kindness, nor an honest man from bis honesty, any more than you can separate bim from bis intellectual faculties. Moral qualities are not acci desU, but growths. If a man is tricked, then is bis wickedness in bim as acidity is ia the sour apple. Evil docs not lie outside of him; is not bung upon bim something that be puts on orolf at pleas ure; it is in bim at blood it in the artery, and as marrow is in tbe bone. Golden Sale. Thk greater part of all the mischief of the world comes from the fact that men do not sufficiently undef.tand their own aims. They have undertaken to build s to a er, and spend no more labor ob tbe foundatios than would be necessary to erect a but. GottJu. riK. or Lira. ttoxTcuiitttrs TxstrsBAxcx hutku wt all. acao4 aaa rraaciae. a WraJ Tar am. at. inQT f80- ": asd oAtTta crroa, jeLs rt. la Ut kw. sratae aa taauaev as iirrj st a. r M.ATKB WATCH as. Omm hawa wariS. Saaasa. Waira Tni la Awnsa voruaa atiyaaaUicaan I a. OH SU --c a at t C rata, wtts aaar.ea tvwaSk tJJ Mrl. tu-rt ( 1-arta.sacta.. 11 facs. ti-UL jkcamx. aLniri,Haiii,KSaua.s BSC. St. SS. LKANS. BUTI.i aaa fi avitnl la ass Karats St- Saa rraa raT aT C'n-Of CaaaakrtatV 4 1-tB.XATM KWHSS-TASCKS. BHKr- XJ tAiam.Tawra4t ST M twctaliT. SIS ac. va-al Oat tm t tx CMS (at cm (rat rat Oat nt ens Iras (at t-s t- s?aC wtsa Stata, tRaaaracsa. sSm teat JJ -t. alra. aprtacv . tar. Sets JJ OM titcal a4TraaallWLU at-(rat rl llrrvrr nrr Wfarr 2rrt Ut (sa 1 a. , ( .as Oa. uinoaM,, mus- eras (. a-rrUwWkssaaalarr7.aafcaalrrt- as JJJJ t-M rrratrr -eal. SAaa rrrr WStre at Oa. SrB,-t. tw eC U rrtaer. taat. y (rat Write prt .r U r-aSSiaWi . tJJJ aftVea-vrocB. AfrttmUnrUt caa fctfrr " U WaaCT.Vetrllf.'UraA Crat Oar -l , , t rrat l Only 40 Cents, 1 , U-Ci rVrtr WOCTM S.. Vm X.XTTJ tS Oa Fasurr. u tu -r-A-taral CMralaraa. ta- (rat JJJJ KrmWa tt Jtaia-anl. Ur nLLaa-i J"JJ Oar TOOO -A(vta;os;EEST.Wn4 CrS. UH jaaSarrtatVtraSarra.Vr Tuatal (rat rial .UIaatMihliaaMla-..ll CVt Oa . ... ,-rtt us ' JtoMr aad ft. am. cral S !t Will Pay. ?il tX aa- ' tntfj -mMM IW utr Oa aMrraa.BI VrUe a t-rvdmra Cr afi Dta FLOWERS, PLANTS, miS, BOLBS, SEES, &C. HERBINE. Aa tVVlTCSC STOCK r rr rvtr-c Xlaia. a: CKSt.aTa.a- Kasrcas rsttcs:... e A. K Z..S. 51 B. CAL. Sata roa CiT.tMn. lTaauar 1S32. Jawrirw. Afrieml arM , dracrtW fer- $4001 ' ntirr!. saaai Fru oTH. AUKvra wait. KB. SSw of tar lairat aotrlfir. Nii ht uaaaiatrar. A a cu. caseara. ,-Asrat.WMS-s. savMtMD a tw erU. um iabs. ma jai vm,tiWani atiea. cirn-six sptrtucc conrs r r KEirn. O 'CLUIlCllEUrw.H n-.SU Arrata. Carlo-. 1 Seta, vltk iw Mt)eatSoa ta ct.-rr arr. MUtflmau - .-, SOt w. Sta M., a ad a a ail, u. Livr. (SB Lsrr live inu art r Trrta.a) IL at tW tralal Kam or i. iHjuiuj. iiviKiuttu rraartroa, ruuat I. i mm a ifwm;. aa vra wamaiH. IPCstTC Abti PIWVICCCBC WAKTKas rtwaniu nnv unniniAJLBj tr Mr, vucs emarvaa ra;j rrrlrct HILCSS DIACKAX, LADIES ASt) GSSfaXMEX W1SHIXO U1XIA S'r Sraial. Vt n. a. agiekrnm. ruoka. laaa- tMR,rtuibH,inet. aa M.rK.r.i Sa-I ma. aj.if" na rrirrrorra, at Maa, J, J ra. ruTI flojmrtl user, 7SS Itarkrt atmt. Saa Jraae MAOtc rocsTAtv rccs-tytsEUBix-ruu aaarkiBctJarx Write, wits rrrr-D- lak r- aatrra. Enrr rra saraetc4. ST aaaU. rat-aa. Wc. S far Sc. Acrat. vaafcd ta rrrrr uj uitidj rnatuca. -Imysrtsat ta Xiacrt aaa trraaorr r r. HaA Iv. (Umm for ureaur va a., a. rsrri.ii n. a urinal airr-l. ata.lrn. aaa. Oa. use . Dm , Se-r.i wVl!l taH Crrni3va f tW MSera- (Ha- , aaai amiaHa..H.M.a. Maa itr met ataar tlstr. a diss. Sra4 Jr Oar i a44in.alr.rac tXaataSUtlt. UK ,JJ ! iraS B tar IS J atarWa J rteaK-t Oa. ' aB efisn.lela-gartv Mlrr-CTpr. t 'J I Ca n asi 1 lUrta-ear. lor tUO Oar ,-ark. Urer Ire tt rata. frtor IL? rati.) ISc-alirxtriJ-crafS VOcrxacr-r I Ii Ow Dec iw IXar taa Dtaar Wav. ia. IVa-r i lav I la ! Dl.r taas Ur : .Wrjrr-rr !uirrry aa.krr. lalW MIKERALRODS "Ooe taoaiest before you co wbat Ucameof tbegirir uSbe faied away that it all. Her visits toward tbe last becsaaeless frequent aBd finally ceased altogether. Is a few days, those entrusted wilb her secret were notified, aad we followed ber to ber grave. I tell yoa," continued tbe tld maa, "I have atteaded ssaaj fuarr ala in aay time, bat I sever atteaded one so sad a this. Her betrajer still llvsa and It is to be hoped, for tbe credit of humanity, is a piey to reasorse for the perthetojkin bligetisg tbe life of st beautiful a girl as ever lived. Tbere; that is all. I sever told this story be fore, and you are welcoase to it. You are a literary nas, abd by adding a lit tie to it you could make quite a story out or it" But I asa abt ambitious In that Use, and prefer to give tbe plain story ia the simple language used by the departmeat jelic WathfrificK Cor. Detroit Star, 1;ow rstSNKBTN ar kcistic wests, fcaassaarvaakru a ataada 4 aU aUra. eaalra. adtaa. SaMra. VracSrsa. a&4 rrvr vaiirtjr of rtte work. vVuiraal. aa4 rrtalL T. fH'FrY sti toat tactsrrr or rsatse work. X. W. curarr of Ifrarrrll saa braTrawona tta Saa rratetro. T larcnt MkIII tw catlr4 Matra. TW awbUC arr tarti-4. aacajTS-D0 TOD waxttiie uit luck naaniwH taraaiM aa4 rraaiM la A3rrtraT Dojva waat IS. lawr-t ptlee. aad fTr aaiaui u au.a arraa lta Moaiw Strr-t. Calran. ZZXaSTXAa-ZB CATAXOaaZ. ISO tra. M eras. a or AaSjrraax i-scTu&jas. as avat XABIC LASTKRS FOR CHII.BBIR3I A rp-etaHr. rr.r. Hat rrrr. mm SCO tTaltrd State, or Caaadaa. Lvcrj'bou y s jRa. Paper, The Best aad Cheapest ia the World for City, VlUajrr;, and Coantry; Tut every H&B, Woman, and t'bild; tub km'm Apicultsrul, m ea!V4 Vreaaw aurtnl SS year av aa a Carat Joaraal twkrarr tta tuimut- -bat srratlr ealarcrc la aire aad atopr. wltvnt ckurt r star, aaitl aow a larrt, ayWatlt. IllHatratrU rataally Jaaratal. atat4 W tW Waat . riraaarf, las pronaaeatat rry JT.Mtwa FmUr Cllr.VilUcr.aBdCowHtrT-ranefrt.VIN' riuctiCAU fstrft, ivrr.irsTt.vfc.REUA BIX. ssd IIH.IILT IN'TUlCnVE INKOtl UATIOX wltS Uttxrtairaia Bwt Ta'aaM. to H.BMkrr arrw.ta Vowl kjaaj ta CTklldrrat. K'rrrj x ilinf eoatalM u 9a3e eriaiMal ttasravlairw, Caetr cirratrj. rll prtatrdon Sa. fxft. Ttry are rULVMSU aad ISaTRXCT tVE. (r.V.o.rrr.rraa!Uaf gttttma amai 11. Ia IA1 artlt pat S-k1 imi, tuw. iu twat. TKIUI JS, fee tar Cllh or Urnaaa Rdltlowt at-SSd arwr .MBtrl-IldX Tvar rop- SVJ1 itiairacS). Tea eoak. taru tlLS! caeh). (Citra tor Hlcror-"J. ts abotr. rabttavrd j UR.V3SOK JCBt COa. TK V IT A TEAK ; . , , ... TU Broadvar. New Totk. ATtTStSns TSTC BKXaBT. PBtav Mnd&afi H7-ja ajal SaSrArr rittaaicirt James Hutchison's Nurseries -..cTtso---, EVtmam. axd Swim f tVe TtaraaX. laac Lrrrr. Br eH. tLMsrry, SlaAAr. Kt. c. Tall rtn aad UTataaVW eweayoaad wa kacwa s Tin- ,aita 5MinaWMaM-Kt!ab4lW Ectrrror X OOCTCS nXSEXaXDESZ e tw awtaidr wraaarr lTa-e tva rcr bactie. r tVns ar fcUH. Sold y CBASES B8S2BJS.M asd C T. EICHAES-& A CO WV-lrwal. Amu. Saa FTut-av BIWN WITH HUH PRICES! CHICAGO SCALE CO., Mvls a-tvr-a w tho Ax);, i -Mill SS a T3 West Xaarsd i', CHa-ix. Tim vai i I aa auaatai m rrmrw f . a. Aidrrw CRAS. St, S.ST0 X. ISS JBoatAaaa.s j at-, T. BORUCK'S ILLUSTRATEI CALIF1RMIA Spirit of the Times t saw rrwif far Sa. PRICE, FIFTY CENTS. tT rexTAsai rACK. At rr. L want. X Si T tar aaadusrat SBit7aSat at CAairjstsi.a hcscskkv. al iT rWal f laarrat rrrr U-ar4 a iWr raf I mtaliaara-t aa-xtor rvadlas aaatitr. uTtkre wlta UatrW .k-tcwra i eaca U ramiln sT tkr Stair ItUwitaoatrtrr-iCSaa tt taart rataaVr awoBea tlaswia Vr-t latrer-u a( IS Utc j et VMrd. , IAS ntA5CX5Ce SZVS CO., Stt'l Aetata, SIS WaaVlaartoai ntrrr. ft. tr. ICZEBINCf Vi 1 1 aaafa2- ' aafaw afljaTsCEaawaaawBail Scales 559; FenaEr Pries $1H. .ClxVrr at a errat r-daetSoa. AC $ealr WjkmtVVTa.J. urdrrrrom Waaaf-rrarrr aad aara Salt roar o-tarr Z4 Ur r-Sr Lit. DR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S Medical Institute, 399 ST Sea Friaeiase. XSTUZUSBSD IX 1!TU. T7OB TTIX rERM.lXEXT CTBE OT AtLSrBCtU. V aad Cares. Daraara. aa ate. aX Frmiaa Oata aalata aad Dinn c( tvr Ncrtwaa &rt3esa. TV laaxaraoe dotracttda of kasaa ELS. aaaaaRr, 1 (roia CSrsaSe asd Dtaealt Ctirarra. caawrd tata oil aad rrSUior laantatr ta r rarfsnaVid arKtamta-drl-AU. rraa ta tXV aad anrrwarda ta Saa Faaa ceavCalaU t. a. a yrtrata taapra-arr. ta or4 ta aSbrd tv aVtrd tVe bnt Medical aad Sarsxal tuatauat. Sjt tVt atere asd aB oCwr aS-cttos. aad etxaipUlata. fAafsaaeat aad qcicX cm at www btr cSarxva, CoaMTta&aa at tVt laattrttr er rr krtsr era. lttK-a arat Tex?rrM. judrna. I- J. Ciatxat. St. Du aw. Urmj mim saa rraactaca. POWlaETrS ATMOSPHERIC Piaat, WarereesMS, si rostT sstrs STT. ha rstAxcince. Aai 1 J t.. ELEOAST n.VNO' Aa rottTTJT a ataek af aw aad braaUTml Wilr. Clraaai. !- and 1 CprlKht. arr-r IaatBrat raUr warrattrd aad rrrrrt aaOatWtioa cwarat-rd rathe aajeaaa-v. It aao auld na ltatai!arau f dr-lrrd. u aw AA J al a. Iras 1 mine . 'COPYING PRESS! umvEismr mound COLLEGE, M BIRDS, m tlX FBAXCI2C0. Jaat arrtd froaa rrM IJ9flD Sa Srtmaa Caaarr Bird., at rrdaeed aarwsrdcd 6f WIJ. f a-r it Co.. Ei ft n ta aa r fs rt of I a eoaat, C. U. B. AAvreasA, svsfJtstaas ia atarBjsvB.s OABDtso school ron rocxo nkx axd I fUlYii. nalUlBa .o. njilpmrou la rrrrr rr ret thr Sarat af ISrtr ktad la lh Mate. Wttkrarr. Sal traJatax la trrnr braaeb AC a baalima aad abrral IedaratloB, fb te.ttiaUoo rombltr. tb ranlnni ssd rn!4ne ot a wcll-ordrnd borne. SaDd far I aOBf- ..... .saa BaVASLo., s. a., riLasjvsx. FOB SALE! A SccontMianil POTTEE COUNTRY Compart, Irlablr, RatrmVlOa CVr a.s kUBt I rat. StfSMtbtax arv TVs brat tklac ret. 8 sar ts tr tt brSW psreaaatar aa lro ma, MB rKISS, TAVL8K -.CX. dl JUaarmr-ttaSuarraaclacu. SXTtnl-CUaa Aseata Waatrd. CYLINDERITHE DIME WALLET mixb er at kb asxis. "Wcrlcs 1200 per Jxotix. An, at-wt oreaa.aa-a,.ae aa V iVla a eaaaoa to ara ai Swrti. hru-.rj aar. mat U IM 11 Mbaiaattal. HnkaiMi Saa. M-o p-Ua4Mok br atmprxMdtaSatMaeaWtaiMMoata. W.tacSaM IUultparuclatarartiiaoiaraakvaj-itSiw - - laMl.aHawln.Uwi-a1MaN M-rtaaMk jod eeaduloa aid wat soM only t T.' . TT, VraVTaTlt abSSSSTX-S MILLER 4V RICHARD, HAW rRABCISSCB. AGENTS b p.n. p. a "WANTED! roa rAKTtcci-vw. addkxw WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO SS9 Rr.aKar, Tlrvr York City 1 Chlras, tll.j Ssw ertr, -.. a icsjTt -sens QCttx run xkw ctacc- AlCn I W tar oT T ATt-aTTtO WtV. UrratcbaartaiatirFrr a ml aaaaaacraseaU; rroo) ..,.. ss. err,.l 9nm CO. 1 1 a Uoaro irrr. Caifar. ix:ixau. Vmr rT7 w a aawaw sal PENSIONS; TKvHX, BaTTrlSB, B. lissSSsTt SSWTT nas. iWwk saa) 9BL. X. T. Ml IB .SMI MUJBL i Bars taiaa ssaMsW. ASanM s. a. sua irrr