TB)t fet vcgouian. rrUkuct EVERY SATURDAY MORKINQ, BT Th list OrejjJalaa Pahllsnlag Cospaay 3. H. TtJKXXR, Bus rs Xa-gir. OFF1CK.. SAIX NTKKKT, orrosiva -rmx cxrBT-arK. ftatra nf Mubucrlptlon In Cwln: On Tew, In adnace... J 09 Six Months 1 M Tfcrc Monthl 1 (O SHagl Ooplf. Stye rejuiaii. sate or ABTzsnaixa is ccx? , j One iftck, fiat Insert. ,jS2 09 Esci wMflt timttm, 1 00 TlmtUttrtUm ay atimi IhOm mSmu W- Vl (lmu, 39 4-u r tta. Arnit14-t-Gst r sk a). VOL. 3. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1878. NO. 2& pal) u4 lew yrMa. ill "The Water Mill. Listen to the water-mill All the livclonr day How the clicking of the wheel Wear the hourt away. .Languidly the aatumn wind Stir the greenwood leave; , From the field the reaper alng, Binding up the tbcave; And a nacmory o'er bit mind A a spell Is cast; The mill will never grind W.th the water that U3asL Take the lesson to yourself. Loving heart and true; Gulden years are Seeling by; Youth Is passing, too. Strive to make the most of life. Lose so happy Oar; Time will sever bring yoa back Chances swept away; LeaTe no tender word unsaid. Lore while love shall last The mill will never grind With the water thai Is past.' Work while yet the daylight shine, Man' of thought and will; Xever does the streamlet glide Useless by the mlU; Wait not till to-morrow's nn B-atas upoa your wy, Alt.that yoa can call your own L3c In tt tolay. Power, Intellect and health May not always last The tnUIraJuurf grind With the water that U psst I started at 3 a. u. aud arrived where the train was before daybreak, and having seen it under way, we went forward with instructions for it to overtake ui at Choice at night. Leaving the road on which they were, we took a cm-trail to the right ton!, and passed a tract of rolling land, and through myriads of dowers of the most brilliant aud gaudy colors. It teemed as if nature had made this tract her fa rorile flower garden. Every hue, every tint, every shade of color, was to be found here. The poet has uttered the !. ...... ... ' me ounr Lady or tee rsi aad the , Yonns Lady of the Present. ' t The young lady of a hundred years ago was Uught to embroider, t. sing and j tu dance the minuet. She carried hrr-! self upright, and sat habitually on thai elge nf her chair, and netrr leaned back. I Whether she was mode-it at heart or not, ' she assumed a modest demeanor. She DlaiBg with theSilUB. A remarkable event rcceatly took place in Constantinople, causing a lively sea sstloa in that capital. Mrs. Layard, the wife of the British Ambassador, was ia Tited, with her hatband, to diae with the Sultan Abdul Ilamid at his palace. To thou who do not kaow tbecli- qiette of the Turkish court, this event one, Tke Craeltlfts of tke War. Whenever a great war arises, and the combat betwcea the opposing armies thickens sad becomes more intense. I charge of cruelty, outrage and atrocity are almost Invariably made "V cacn com More HxperimeaU With tke Electric Light. Notwithstanding the statements here tofore made and broadlv disseminated to the effect that the electric light, especial ly oa toe J ablosaou pus, is too costly to bataat agsiost the other. This was the ' come lnt practical and economical ntc, ml In lue wu'noflmmU which have recent!- been case ia our own civil war; am! bet wees France and Piussia iu 13i0, short exp-rlsrnt which have recently been mad oo ouita a broad scale la Prance looked down when eentlrmeo snoke to1 would not wrai a atra&tre one. The I ss it was, w bad Ules of cruelty anJ In- tm toeui!raJict this opinion. It ap- hcr. and was shocked whoa ther Wiped wives of dlnlomatists often sit at other I humanity, many of which, at leat, are , pesr that experiment have btea made under her bonnet, which was really some-' courts at the tables of sovereigns. I kaown to have been cr.jMated or j for forty consecutive day la the city of thing to do in those days. She wore her I These are days whoa royalty is social fa Letter from Mexico. Editor Commercial Advocate: A week has passed away very pleasantly in this delightful city. I And Use same kind aad unassuming hospitality tint 1 now legia to look upon as one of the attri butes of Mrxicaa character. There is a coarteous deportment manifested by them all to each otner, and also to the Strangtr within their gite. 1 think one reason first ever ua uiicreu inei.i -- , i ., - ,. . .. - : . idea, "That fio era are the alphabet of . rt , lWrrt i,,, .- mit.r f idr acgelf, whereby thy write on hills and f..M ci. ' , .rn A rr JL " i. .u. plains mi stenou truths, if hts true ooe. I thtuk the wriung-rchool mutt have . i. r j. i Li. . s uri.ira si, iircvswua .o uccoB.jmsuiUK 0rherAaatn IO h.r ,rtner: and whrn uu, u..ra. cun-grapny. , ue wnoe cuar- id epapi ,he blushed, or . .tf. . - h a her tmce behin 1 her fan. "Sensl Scent la Cairo. The traveler who da Ires to see the Mo hsmmedaa at home can not do beitr tbaa to sclc him ia Calm, aud be find is the narrow, picturesque streets of the old parts of tbs towa sceaes of Interest which he may seek in vaiz elsewhere. Wbez. he emerges into the mod ere quarters the change is remarkable. Taougb all tbs tyranny ot tb Turks has not sumced U alter the indelible characteristics of th plscr, aad though the wide sqitres, tfc foanUios. the gardens, the arcades, th watered roads, the roas of villas bare a .J0,. fashion. She always spoke respcctfolly ; But Mr. Lavard Is the JLii to her elders, and atia a corner Ull the not of myal dignity, who has ,Tr. i!g.. v gln admlicd her sought her honored with an invitation to si ,n !1 ?SRm , u0t- When she dinced she gave the tips with a Turkbh Sultaa; aad to acconipluhing r i... v' i.. . ... ... . ... been changed, as we leave the low plains ol bi,jt coui a great charm in thenerra calinta -warm ls-aad h y madam," to her almost imperceptibly ascend the rimc I . ' , , ... I w"'i.i . II Uttl 'll wuc M III uvi ground which i the premonition of the foothills of the Sierras. The Tegstation becomes more dene, tbe cacti! are not a numerous and the tres are larger. The trail, owing to the rank under growth, became more difficult to follow, and we soon found ourselves trTinc to force our way thrungh the brushes which covered a low flat tract, almost a marshy swamp. The mohture of the last shower still formed into glUtenirg peart upon the iolLi of the pendant branches un der which we have to pass and which dissolving in the sourness of our trials, were transformed fiom pearls into rain drops, that penetrated our garments, and wholly false. : Ly as, by the railway authorities there, Tha strae bitter conDlainl Iitve Lxea , mMrh mra (inln i&tl.raflorr. It Tu csastaatlr reoeated almost from tlie foand that a tW eon al to about fort r I""' reach look, the people who crowd begiaaingof the pirseat coalitt betwcea bir.e power was suacieat to keep g'-iog I eTCJ " ruognixre are a oaiuca xajtmag iae uasuaas ana we tunc, i emote, twentr-ei?ht electric lamp, eaca ol J"uK:'MU,eJc8 w . ,.!.! I stoiiei have come to usof outrires corn-1 -! rir n-ht Html to 80 iras-l Here, a loajr stnazof CToauInz caatels. ... - ' . r , o -i , 7.1 i.- . ni: r u;.. t.. th. f . fr i Hiiiitvi om one hub u t liic Liniuiioui itmni -fin vnfiri vim rKr&ixniT ua in i "J mhhs. tu.cai . - - . r-, .- j . . ' aad the Bssht Dazukf, ad oa the othr ! a m t siilctorv msaotr. Trie elrtt P ciover or toag ugaunt by the aut lest savage Cusck. Indeed, ' 0f I0Ch iMaainatloa Is grand bejoad I ease lUere, nail a Uorea I acta are said to have been c mmlttel, of Unvthinir else ever exoorieaeed ia the war K1 wosaaa squat idly ia the mulfils which weaver heard a hint during the I of artificial iilomlaatioa. Tbe experi-lor 'd"J A browa-stiaaed Uy other wars thathare been mentioned. menu hate been tried oa Los to 's srs- bot ao cloUung oa his toee. N'ot onlv do we bear of villares burned t-n . mndirtMiion nf Wild .fe SlMaV 1 le" limb, or a Udy smothered Ia Tolam- aad the vlllsgers, men, womrn and chil- This oUa is to scnJ aa electric current. draperies rules by oa a donkey, har dren, driven foodlaa an 1 homeless out treoerated bv a Wilde raichiae. into aa I covered with a traasparent whita speeches, or fa! a ted awv. which was KsUmlvk" where the Sultaa himelf re- into aa opra country or Into the moua- electro-masaetlc entriae called a dis- Tt b knees aearly as tdgft as fier ' r . . i . a . i - . " . i s. i a m i r i a . i w unumouat to aa acciitnce. II mng J sides, and where the ceremonies aad de- "tas, ta the miasi oi uutncu wnera oai- inhutor. The reatral part being stroaitly cu,f' can vim amau wbci, been brought to, she referred her sui or ! liberations of the court Uke place. I tie I raging; not only of fl -Ids laid waste, j magnetised by tbe current from a Wilda "hich creak horribly at every tara, roe to papa, and wrote a confidential note to I Foreign ladies. Uke Lsdy Mary Wort- towns oesiroyca uy ruroiess uomosfu- machine, a numier ol etectro-msgaet p ireitKjin. herdeanut frii-nJ. 1wm .in., hrr nut to i.rUt.m. f- i,. rttMt to I meat: of flasrs of trace fired upoa: these re Isflieoeed br iu raDid rotation, aad I os oi aoaKey boys ss la wut wc a mention it, and coandtng the I act that , dine in the Heramlvk. with the ladies ol I are oorrora waica war wibji w 1 1 I . , .- .. . . ! . . . . .. a ... V lllli Inm.I ImI. vmaouu awaticnevi aa lnierr. ia ucr t me aaitaa nousenoia; out Jars, myaru I heart at their fir.t meeting, bat that '. is the Am who hi aar down to dinner Fr worse than these are the enorml never wai she so surprised as whea Le in ih Mimlik. I ties which it Is much to be feared have pr-poiel she either made him a courtesr and clined the honor with many d polite that she has done so marks a great and sinking change la the customs aad prrjjdice ofTuraisb royalty. la the Sultaa palace there are two septrate ssts of apartmsots. Oae Is called the "Ucramlyk," aad here live the 'Saltan's many wives, apart from the rest of the world. The other is the! declaration of attachment, was married she wpt, and made bis When sh so did all the bridesmaid. The girl of to-dsv is taught to play the piano, aad to dance the glide, bae stare trickled in diminutive streams down the I about her. and there I no occasion to - - I I - J ? f . IT . Tt .1 . ' . peep under ner bonnet. At preseat she chokes herself with scarfs aad standing ruraei, sad sometimes msnsges to give them anything but a modest effect. She of this marked courtesy to each other is becaase they have cot tbe time to do it. A Mexican never rushts ahead eicept be I we resumed our long-time hibit of gen wrinkled ravines of oar bodies. The rays of the sun burned aad t c rched u ; the thorns ol the cactii pierced and scratched us; the swsyicg limbs beat and scourged us, until ia the plenitude of our wrath and anger we sought solace in tbe ttitcraacc of many epithets plenti fully inter persed with decided anathe mas. At least an hour was passed in this exciting reertatioa, when finding that the trail was, Jordsx-like, "a hard road to travel,' and at the same moment emerging upon the road we were seeking. It has aot beea many years Iadeed,Nrkeaed evsa the tragedy of .-aria Bui aiace the sultans were la tae Eai.it ot I '"'tui. ncmiuwiwin la each of these an ladccUoa carreat is generated. Tbee Indoetloa carreat are powerful eaod'jb Us feed these electric lamp. Acta ally the aavchiae fcis 28 i. Loatoapiaa eses fare, myriads of half-clothed cai hires: play lazily la the gutter, turbased Arab smoke Iuog pipes aad converse eaergtti eally at tho Craer, asd every now aad ihea a fair of runaiag foots ea, ia while jl- i limni Ivitna nlaa isaa a retfwlalor Ie which works by tbe dilatatioa of a silver 1 wide short trowsers, shat to ..vt ik.T. rn .ii...i.t. T.- I tones of tha ruthless massaero ot nd i wliich .lttii.tioa works a IerM- avs-Ciear me way iot a carnage ia wmcs, B- used to sit at dinner quite aioaa aad j , womea aad chlldrao; of joanggtrii UCj( brlaging ths earboa ehsctrles ia!o j bod half drawa bliads, scase fiaa bdjof apart from the rest of the world. Xot hot dowa without waraiag, of iaaoceat coatact. The Frtach Xonhera Rulwsy I the Tice-regsi harem uke the air. Sh evea their sons or brothers were allowed bbrs tooedoa byo3ets,oI m llherscom-t his ordered several msgaeta-electnc ma-1 accoapaaieu pexaxpa oj a iuue boj is to sit at the same table. The Saltan pelled to witness ths murder ol tnriricbiae to light their freight statioas at I "ropeaa ore, aas oya sversvets oc was regarded as too exalted a persoasge children, oi uther torceu w stand Help- th termini of ths road. Tae co.t rrcscawHaaw to brrak bread with aay other mortal. I by aad see their lamillea sscnOcni to these lamps his not been fully worked jcoainus s-xaagesy wxia xne veiisa aare Fieallv. the Isinerial nrinccs were ad-lo passion ana mry oi savage toiciicrs; . out vet. It rcQUtrcs mora U ana makes aa secret of despising old people, , mitted to this privilege; aad at last the I f aambers of people dnvea into barn farther cspcrimrnts to amve at a definite asdata partr gMS about buating up : Sultan Abdul Asix went so far as to ia- d there burned alive; of suSriog J result In this respect. Bat a careful ner beaux. Waea she dsnces. she tell I vite to dinner hi creat minister of stste. I wouaicd men, tortured sal matiiaUd as ' :a lr nf the s'atistics already faralshed : pashas aad beis of tbe highest 'le 00 Dtue neia; 01 nw o: ; tevl to tbe be aad the pasha is oa hurreback, and then his horse Iran-' tie speaking, and plodded cheerfully sacts the rushing for him as the Ameri-! Jong. It is a relief, under the pressure cas are so prone to do. What time has j of such vexations, to give voice to posi- a named Americas got to be courteous ? tive epithets, and to utter some naughty in a crowded tharougblarel la bis ea- ( words. grrsess to get along, he is regardless of 1 S xm after entering cpon the right road whose corns he treads upon, or who bel and here let me state that most of the jBccmoIesby his streauous exertion to f roads in this part of Mexico are merely pass taroaga we tnroag. All this rush aad harry is aaknown to the Mexican; he has bo conception ol such a waste of muscular force; but wrapped in hi quietude be parses calmly and eaily aloaf , greetiag kiadly all be may meet, asd partiag with tbeuiual friendly bless iagofuAaio4r God be with you T It is the atteatioB given to these minor mat ters of geatleaess and kiadliness that trails which have been used for centuries I witnessed a spirited contest beta-een a dog aad a half-score of buzx irds, for the ownership and consumption of some car rion by the side of the trail. Dg had both tbe best and the worst of it. lie held possession and realized all the an noyance. Bozzarda to tbe right of him, buzzards to tbe left of him, buzzards tie- fore him, and buzzards behind him, and her partner to hold her tighter and not to let her fall, and sbs ts rouged too highly ta blush. Whea she ha aa offer. sbo laughs, refeses tt twice, and accept it the third time, saving: "Don't tell aay one we're engaged yet, especiallv ps and ma; ani having flirted to the end of her tether, teils all about it herself to all I - 1. V . . J I r . L. . -TV. was dead in love tbe first day they met, 1 was almost literally pushes lata the i but she could hardly make up her miad ncrial reception room. The Sultaa did bctweea him aad that btadsome KeJ i not deiea to notice him. but cob versed Joaes, until Aed s father failed. ben I with him through oe is marneu sne wnispers 10 nr oriues-1 or interpreter. maids to ice i( ner train is tl ,'hr, and 1 -has the dog d thinks to herself, as her wed ling ris; I I negative ansacr, tha Salua said, thea supped on, bow jelou pour ed Jones ; let the dog be fed, aad the ambassador rank. Less tbaa a aeatury ago. a' I foreigners were considered as dogs by the Sal tans." An English ambassador oace entered the preseBre of the Saltan Sellm, early la this ceatery, to prepare nt credentials, lie was obliged to wear a shabby cloik, lined with cattkia, aad prisoners of war taken out morning after morning and shot down by platoon of soldiers, ia defiance not only of hora salty, bat of everr rule and custom of war. We may believe that maay of thes: re- pott are highly colored, and many of them nave existed oaly ia the nested im agiasuoa of the combatants; vet belief that light caa bt fsr- aished ia Fraacc at ahoct 40 per cat.of ths c hi of gat. Ab Eaperor's Geaereiity. opposite. A still greater coa trait is cSered by tha appearaace of the woatra who stand by as the carriage passes, whose babies are carried astride oa tbe shoulder, or some time la the basket, so carefally bwlaacea epos the bead. Tae bakets hardly difr from those depicted oa tha walls of tha aadeat tomb, aad probably ths baby. eatirely naked ad its eyea full of black cjesLts mccn lice wast 11 aacesiurs were Ia the days of the Pharaohs. Ia the older Emperor Joseph IL, of Austria, hated (.. ' eerrsi'inious -rccrotions as cordiallT as nairtm nf itw b9 iho u-r.r r kvW they have la some in. tan cm taken placa ! Emperar IXca Pedro II. of Brazil doe. I the uae, only that there is not so msck Is too well proved to admit of a doaWt t " er tnem T1 to travel i$-. I room for observing them; aad the traT- Vof is It mtlhU t . ncn'm thai Uith I beiag known a Coast Falkeasteia, aad I eler who stoca to look about him U . .-.Ji.i. j l.:th,T.W.T,;ifrnf.WVinr,ltTMaretvrrcoztizriatiiIpcror exaept I roarblv iostled bv Hindbad. the eoner. n,t. 5.KT ..Vlaad barbarhm. There U as moch proof ! aea h- cho to rereal hiaiielf. Many wit feu heavy bale of carpets, cr the liaedr Oa receivjs- a I agalait oae bj against the other. loteretiag anecdotes a told of hiaa I cxd of Alsdaia, wilh his baa Vet of cop- Tna truth is that neither tbe tlasttais jmuaijm, uusj " " 1 per samps, or iae waier-carnex, cuaxiag is. St. K.D sa -V. T. US3tr rea-Drinking- In Morocco. To the reauiue lover of tea evea the slightest addition of cream aad sugar is objectionable. lie lore it for it deli was hustled cut again. A great chaage has lacked come over the Turkish court, wbea the ssutaa sit down socially at his owa taWe with aa English lady, who has aot evea a title ferocity still break out ia the Turk aad attached to her name. It shows that Cireassiaa. The Tartar blood or tha Co. aacx aaa ibc jsuscoviie suit oosis, ia coo evea evisce iae xaaaxe gooanes oi uie nearx. sometimes buzzards would swoop down Xoristhis line of conduct confined to . from above him. Like the trading la the street; it shows itself in tbe social jdian, be might have said: "Yon bczzard circle, ia "their homes and their neighbor- J me all." Did be turn his attention to ly iatercoarse, aad in it manifestation, I the repast in front of him, the buzzards they place before us an example w hich ! would do the same, and jt dtizea of unfair we might follow with decided improve-1 bills would be presented to his bill of . .4.1.. .n-k TV .1 1 .. . 1. 1 .1. .1 cate flavor and, like the Chinese and Jap-1 new and more fntelligcat ideas are belag anese, drinks it without aay "trim-j adopted. It ladicate that the Saltan, mings." i taught by calamity and example. Is dis . . . . ., , .... i . . . . . . matters. If a gaett in a Mexican family should by chance express hi approba tion of aay particular article that pleaded him, the reply of the host or hostess would very likely be: I am gratified to xd that yoa admire it; please allow me g preheat it to yoa. But it would be peeled that tbe same degree of courtesy would compel tbe guest to decline accept isg the proffered gift. There are two an ecdatea cob Bee ted with this peculiarity of expressioa that I venture to narrate here, to illas-trate it. A Strang er to this idiom ef the ceaatry, whea expressing hi ad mirarioB of tbe hyuse, at which be was Tkitisg, was told by the owner: I will be proud if yoa will allow me to present it to yos, astosithed tbe owaer afore-' said, the .sex t day, by sending a crowd ol ' masoB aad carpenters to make a mate rial change ia tbe architecture of the bsiidiag. Asd whea a gentleman who had ridden out with the lady of his host. in her taxations carriage, expressed his would snap at bis choicest morsels. Did he attempt to mouth a delicate fragment. numerous indelicate mouths would at tempt a similar performance. Worried, teased, perplexed and harassed, he bit this way and that way; barked, whined, plunged and cashed, but all to no avail. lie bad a luscious feast almost within his reach, and from his aggravated position be could not partake of it. Tbe power ful aroma to effectually pervaded the sur rounding atmosphere that I was fain to ride onward, and leave the field to be de cided by a fair fight; and, looking back from time to time, I could see that the belligerent powers still retained their primal status, and tbe strife bad not been decided Our road was a very attractive one, oa account of the marvellous diversity of foliage; so new to me, so strangely dlser- eat lrom aay thing I bad yet seen: and the whole prolusely decorated with gorgeous flowers. The flowering vines In Morocco tbe method of tea -drinking it pecaliAr. A traveler thus describe it : Tbe tea is washed before it Is Infused. and a great quantity of sagsr is put iato the tea-riot. It is, in fact, a syrup, and it might be supposed that people so par in TnrVr tbe wcrld aotSL aad new aad more intelligent ideas are being lth savage aad remore!e.s heat. 11 seems certain mat toe wursi cruel ties which have been committed have nor the Turk are saffirientlv civjlired to i this way, cr walking ia unguis . . a a a a x a i tv Irtnu.1 Vi tn vir with tHo I UWKO bis rayiwi. Id t Tiolarina nf hn m.nitr thr A ' Ojco, pissiagdowa the streets of Vt- stractioa aad sacrifice .4 the laa.ceat aad i caa be saw a yoaog girl wi-Ji a handle deieaseleas. The old AsUtic an I Koslem aader her arm, seeming y piaagwi ia tae led her tocoaSJa is him that she was the daughter of a deceassd o taker, aad his braxea cups with aa immense skiav slcag aroaad his stoopiag shoulder. posed to pat away some old Oriental no tions that hare loag ruled la hi palace, aad to adopt the more enlightened aad . i r ? I : t , reasooooie cusuhbs oi uuhuu x. jiuj. If a Sultaa caa dine socially with aa English lady there i some hope that he bees those which the Bulgarians and Wealed Bb Trwert . A Freach Journal tells how a Paris banker fell a victim to his sharp basi- ness naoizs, waica lorosa uai uvaa ks- remaining ciotbe as a last res sores. "Yoa ought, replied Joseph, to have the Tcrks have visited upoa esch other. pe0611 ,J Emperor. jects sorely a red, asd the waat of which has brought maay a disaster epos pre ceding buluas aad upoa himself, as well as upon the mass ot tbe population. Rare Girls. ticclar about flavors a are the Moors may adopt other aad more importast re- would find such excessive sweetness ob- i forms, such as hit long-oppressed sab- jectionable. let, what is more extraor dinary still, they endeavor, apparently, to supprets the delicate tea-flavor altogether. There it a regular coarse ot tea, im pregnated with different flavors, which are all more or less disagreeable to the aovice. Tbe order cf these may vary; but from tbe numerous opportunities we bad of judging, Uie following seemed the i rule in tbe "best circle. First there was a round of plain green tea with no addition bat sugar. Milk or cream was sorer used. Then came a sec ond course, in which fused, a horrible com infusion of tea with worm You eg ladles who make themselves independent by hoaest aad Boisoless means are not so coaan bat thy are worth mentioning aad Brauiag. It wilt be a small drop of costolalioa to the thoataads of Inaest hoaseaire who look upoa servant girls as saisiaees, j to learn that there are foar workiag hose plans pabucmeauoa th:s As soob at a Russian army hat occupied Balgsriaa district, the satires have rises remorselessly upoa their Turkish neighbors, asd have carried fire and mas i acre Iato their households. Whea the Turks have regained the district, they have retaliated oa the Bulgarians with equal ferocity. Thus the present coaSict exhibits to at the horrors of war In all lh;ir gbaitli- Bess aad intensity. It shows how utterly savage the iastiacts of taca are wbea un restrained by tbe iafiueaces of civilixa tioa. Fevti's Cs-sapaaiV. DaBgcrecs Bedfellow. that ber mother aad berseii were redaced I ol jic priadpre that coaidexce be to such peaury at to part with their few j confidence. At Itoyat, where he west to tan tae waters, be. met aa abseat-miaded philoso pher, who works out intricate problems while teariar off tbe bsctoas ea his waistcoat, asd stand against a wall. stanng Iato Tacaacy, aad Ieatisg by staadera aader the impressioa that he is not oaly blind hut mad. While the banker wat readiag a aews- Sbe told him thlt had already beea d tae, but without success, aot coacealiag tbe opinion of Ills rMajesty's waat of gecerosi'T. Yoa have beea deceived, he replied. suppressing his emotloa. "I will myself report your case to the Emperor. I kaow I paper la the casiao, the philoaopaer flxed him too well to fear assistance, The girl sow broke forth iato expres sions of thanks, which Joseph aastilv Interrupted, saying. "Allow me to lead you twelve ducat for ysar preteat se cern lies. In a day or two Joseph dupatcsed a I messeager. bidding ber aad her mother be will refuse yos I his eye upoa his aetghbor's white dack troasersad begaa fdge&ag the tnasaasd with tbe ead of tbe slip of wood gener ally fasteaed to the newspapers a au paolic reading room. The result was that the iakstaad. .enTwaslTlto learn that there are foar SSTllSi le dtyofDeU.it, who irm woo.1, not quite I Jfd d are " P8"1 mrti, 2 - JiT-Oaeoftbem, the oldest, eama a so objectionable. Fourth, one flavored . "8 m , . I Z with lemon verbena. Fiflh, one MMwaUlSnm"JJ. dtron. Sixth, and more rarely, as being an expensive luxury and intended a a great compliment, tea with a little am- bergnt scraped into it, aad which could be seea floating like grease oa the sur face. Of this tbe flavor, if peculiar, wat not disagreeable. Esch course of tea meanwhile, was eaten. admiraUea of the span ot blooded steeds ; bad grown up bt tbe top of tbe highest aad the vehicle la which he was riding, trees, aad with their brillisat-hued bios was answered by tbe request of his accept- , soma bad decked them ia holiday attire. aace of the same, aad. seat a note to theiTbece vises covered with a thick rsatting wa ii ft t . I w "Pa laay taesexiaay, w in prolusion oj oi joiiage every oun oy me trail sine; uke whHc T wlrm with a manes lor Her iioenu gut, ana as oruer tney ciamoered upoa we swieiy coi- lo(d imackitJg Boiie of u.. nothi, wm Haliwaf Kv 4 f4is fkoarsir Isa carii. i timnsP rsi sad Iaf hswl it in t.l an rt 11 I . a WTsvUVtTa maa kt t-rxsx v - UBtuai Sx4vtasa ssasa av aaa sirs,MM lv was not more chsCTieed at the expla-j attire: they swung from, tree to tree iu nation which earned, than she was astoa- j graceful, many tinted festoons, and ished at the purport ef bis Bote and the I crossed our trail far above oar heads, accompaayiag order. Whea tbe matter ' forming such triumphal arches as sever yet graced tbe prgrei ol a conqueror. Laaguage fails to portray tbe exquisite loveliness of the omnipresent bbquet; it was toa ethereal lor earth, too gaudy for heaven. Ia its fasdnating beauty it carried me atay from the realities of life. was fally aaderstood, they stood upoa this common ground she grinned, aad ! he was chagriaed. The Mexkass have a hygienic proverb that "Fruit is gold ia the morning, silver at soon aad lead at night.' I was told by eld residents here sot to eat fruit ex cept early ia the day; aad acting upon lh'M advice I had a large baketful of oranges brought iato our rooms from the orchard early every morning. ,My as tonishment caa be considered similar to that of the two would-be acceptors of tbe gifts above allaoed to, whea upoa desir ieg to pay for the rest of the rooms we Abtice to Farm era Bors, m?Bd toj farmers aad tbdr boys plain words, crammed with bard of ex-Senator Chandler, who knows about political life: MIf I bad a boy to-day, I woild rather The f attlesaake Is very susceptible to the cold, a fact which oltea makes him as sawekeme compaaioa to those camp- lag out ob the plains. For he will at Bight crawl iato a teat aa 1 seek a com f citable place la the bedding or horse-hlaaket. Aa officer Is command of aa exploring sh wi fotlnKAj mfti-r a time bv a expedition camped oat one sight oa the -.n.i . Wn! 1 fLwrttt tsui dor-1 Naeces river. Texts. Having slept for Inw the laat threa tmti tae foar Bare I maay aigau wiiawas uaasgioK aa u, beld places la families Is the same aeigh- he determiaed to sleep as a gentleman. lVirhisiTsll I aU i sa a ntaaaV9Cl4 m HlKUfaunw rh Mb Hin utb moMT frun Ue fell Micep ud wu ptru&iir awik M 1 " f BTS J I . . a the first. They have made every eff.rt to eued by a cold seasatioa ujwb nis oaca. please the families eaplojiag them, aad Thtakiag, la his semt uaconscioas con have conseiuently beea paid extra wage, ditioa, it was raia, he moved his potitioo rr... rmrtii nerrkud br tk ku I aad agaia slept. A second aad a third been for comfort and long wear, iastead time he was awakened by a cold seat ... t. . f . ho. t!.. Krh bu eaa sew. tton. Ua Ue third roasiag, be saw V f S3 g kJL 1 p 9 m 4t ttrtl m r Ir.i i f aaa aVas RassLsas rara these sense. p8lsed to the very ead ot tae tabic, aaax for a second in the bslasce, asd thes, Tsap- aliaf over, emcticd its contents over the repair to the palace. Whea the voaarisauwy white docks of the cspect!ag girl saw the Erapetor she falated from baaker. The banker jumped up, aad. fear aad emotion. Ua iter recovery, Jo-1 sbakiag the almost cscoasciocs pMleso seph said, on delivering to her a pcVsion I aher by the shoalder. showed him tha 'equal to the appoint a -at of her father, J damage he had doe,aad Insisted that rl en treat yoa and ynur mother to par-1 the paatalooas mast be paid for. dou las delar wbtch nss oeea tae caasel TMpIulcMaser swnl tsat he woeiti of yocr embarrassmeat. Yoa are ess I sead the money to the banker roots la viaced, I trust, it was tavoluatary oa my I ls thsa as hoar. The baaker, saipect- fitrt ; aad should aay oseis fataie speak j tajt; the shabby little mas wasted ss avoid 11 of mr, I eXjject yoa to he my ailru-1 paymeat, deasasded thirty frastas thes cate. I aad there. Tha tahllosoDher asked for a reed at. aad paid the moaey. Taes, tsralmg ts the bysttatkrs, he said, -.Now, gentlemen, yos are witnesses ail patch, dam. put up fratt,make preserves, thst the bom was sttiaiag. aad was woa feok any dish, tack dowa a carpet, pat I deriag where tbe raia could come from, up a stove, harness a aerse, maxe seri m ww,u.ai. ""-Ji own clothes, aad trim her ewa bat. If awake were fiUiag itself agalast Each one has a bask account, aad for a1 tpiK. t.lsrj hint a thn Imt riiir.m rei -n 1 nffl but opened to gate of paradise for me to ; .u- i.B,. vke rnnr hnni-i nlis.,nt eater iu and find a resting place. J7i-1 s,vP .h.m io ttrmctlve that ronr sons swx, ia S. F. Commercial AdtoeaU. daughters will love their home bet- I tr Ihm inr Atliir tiltm ha fin. I'd rlh VThisperisor for Bachelors. Nose j k-u.v. th biBf nf r.min-, but tbe married mm has a borne in hisl ,,ie ,t., TOIir a.,ti a. that it -ii i nsu a o.y to-o.y, i woiia rainer - ' aJ eb- With a yell, he ipraag to hla feet, put him on an eighty acre lot that had .jjJJ rushed from the test, bunUag out the "f"r.fPJs?W,"n" I. ow almo,t accom- whole freat A large "rattled fell from old age; none ha friend then but he; u ffi0lt hthfol aad profitable occu aoae bat fee lives ano iresweas m nis patios in which they can engage. Build green old sge, amid the affection oil ' i BnMM ..a iiar 1n..i ta.n.m.nti. had occupied, I foand a bill amounting ''5 children. j Don't get aa old cracked cook-stove, but to aftees dollars lor uie or&ages coa-i ';'c WIt put in a good range. In fact, btve every sumed dsriag the week, at the rate of a bachelor; there Is no one is whose eyes nTealence that you can, so that your half real six aad a quarter cents each. bj can see bimscir reflected, and from w;,ca Md daoghter will dee in it a p eas- t 1...1..3 .v... fdinni r s-nnM 1 whose not hecaB receive the UBbuI- . .r .l.-I.l. . 1. I bay them at tbdr lead valuation, and ; laR iBrance of care and love, ho, the thil ws yoa cia briag.Bp your soas and A Lwxa Bcsi5S3. Not loagslaca a geallemaa trsvelti oy rail tram a neirhbonncitr to zmsSos BarcHeo a class of soda at a refrehmeat stand la a that I have paid for Use troasers, asd I way statioa aad gave the atteadaat a trart job will sspsoct my reoable re quarter. The latter appareatly purposely quest that the article of dress that I have delayed making Change, aad Uu cat-1 prcaea may se at ssce ince w mj tosser was obliifed to harrT os hoard the! asesiosr tnls with a tWlW of kvavlwip haa A Uach ras aroaad the room aa tha cheated, aad coaseguesUr "oar ifteea I Acidemias advasccd towards the ftaaa v r . cents, lie coaeeal rated bss wiu aa the idea of gettiag evea with the refresh- meat Tender, aad at last devised a p!aa which succeeded admirably, as will he sees. At the next stop pig place he ntshed to the wiadow of the telegrspa n. i i V. iu. I the folds or hi shirt wttais al tha tear, t rberr Vi and putcaaTId at whea it was fcuad aad killed. The of- J ZlrVs fery northern Srt of the city, 4xlW la aVin a t rec It w" m "Jlows: size. They thes contracted with a hits teagala sleep Is camp In a aigltt-) 'HTu r. . wtr.fl rt . builder for a cottage, whiefa was ready for occupancy cmly two or three days azo, The eldest sister then gtva up her sits ation and moved in. Tbe faraitare was bought here aad there, where cash would secure a bargain, aad Is good, if Bet showy. Maay little thiags were coatrib uted by friend i, aad the little home Is as neat as a pia. 1 lie eldest sister will sew become a Ik'"" every where cier, aad demanded the property he had acq aired. Tbe wearer of the ducks prom ised to ue liver u wiiai as soar, sas ue philosopher would sot trait him. The baaker was Bsaily compel let to retire to a private room, Uke oC the trousers, path theaa oet to Me parchaser. aad remala ia seclusies loraa hv whin his servant was dtspasched to hia ksiciscs ts eteh aaether pair. The banker it ao wat I kaews at the besrse as uS-CUe,n' Dsrcbase them ia the evening. Talk of Yankee tricks 1 why, the most dull and stapid Mexican could go all around the most 'cate Yankee, and aot thiak he had made even a slight eMoitJ HariBg obtained males aad aa ample stock of provisions, we started oar trains, toward the close of tho day, with lastrue tioas to tbe muleteers to proceed to a ranch about a lesgae from town and camp there fur the night, aad await our c imiBg in tbe early morals g. We west to the restaurant, obtained our supper, aad were leaving there, wbes we learned that the traits was upon an other road from that which 1 iastracted 4be muleteer to take. B. mouated his mule aad rede after them,,and found them camping at another place en another road, oar direc tions baring bees misunderstood. We old bachelor may be tolerated for bis mosey; he may eat and drink asd revel as such d'i; and he may sickea and die in a hotel or a garret, with plenty of ii... i. iw. attcnilaace about him. like so many cor-L:.i i.-i,i. r7...t; 'icpfortlipir tirer? but whvrel daughters on tbe farm; but wbea you make the borne repulsive, yoa drive ttiern iato clerkships aad other menial poi- UodY moraatstjraificg for their prey; but where are the moistened eye, and gentle hand, and loving lips that ought to receive his last farewell! He will never kaow what it is to be loved, and to lire aad die amid a loving circle. He will tro from the world ignorant of the delights of tbe domestic fireside, aad oa the records of humanity his life is noted a blank. At a recent fashioaible wedding ia Chicago the bride wat presented wits a boaqset ef three hradred flowers, each fijwer ef a different virkty, aad tbe present ef a friend. Zcxo. tbe philosopher, meeting with a young man who had aa aausaally exalted opiBion of himself, and. wat always too reany to uiurn conversation anu give an opinion, said to him, "Uncollect, young msa, thst nature Ins gives us two ears, but only oue mouth, to inform us that we should be more ready to bear thsn to peak. Chicago Timet headlines are better reading than dime Bovels. bat do sot possess the elcgaace of dictioa which eharae'erizes the table of election retard. almert as theagh ear better thoughts asd sympathies were charms la virtue or which the soul Is enabled to bold some I 1 ..J l.t-nru With. If'.i! IT Wfk t the spirits ofJ those they loved Is life. L wi'i? .mJAl'.'f Alaaihow often aad howloag may those tbe week. She will keep heate, aad be i. wmtrhinr- - wtAi sawaw a. svassrarra nuiai bsunsih n t . , V j . a It Is as exquisite asd beautiful thlse was a chaaee he repealed this message. wUtoat breeches. iaear aatare that when the heart I Upon reach! ag Boit m, hariBg tha Jkf-I . touched &Bd seftesed by some tranquil " vcaged himself five times, h glided ewtl A StxboucI Minaett. Many haBBlaess. er aSectlosate feeliar. the I of tlie depot aad off ab-mt hi basiaess, I would recoil from titestselvcs. If they memory of the dead comes over It most Jwith a quiet smile of salkfactles irradiat-1 eoald see what shrivelled wheat, what powerfully aad Irresistibly. It would I isg his placid features that wat refresh-1 musty cars, what blighted grapes w sat lr w iwa asus. as sot use aotia water I Bttter Mums, woum ue vtetaett raj i . . . . .. - . ... maa, that atgbt alter Matting up be I rear if aature were sot better, w iw er- . . . I?.,. . . . 1 I . . . 1 T , . itrew wb a uuw smtaace aeeet oa use bt- i ur. taas user are is taesr iinsn re leal ci dtary a wiiws: "Kxaessat of telfgraphy, f 1.25; extra profit ea soda. 13 seats; oat, f LIB. JSU Ainrtucr. a mother to make a some for tae rest. All owa a share, aad if sick aea come to one of the three still acting as ser ranis, she has a place to go te aad seme one to care lor ser. Each Sabbath day they will gather there to feel that it is a heme, aad ta visit for the spell which is to often forgotten. O the authority of the London L-i it Is stated: "A mas is a certain neigh- horbood ha I three daagBier. n tsSiag for a sea he made a sokma vow that if with aad advise each ether, aad the sext was a girl he weald never speak I . a a a alillH m K-.. i.it.r. rr.i-, r.ii,.- ...i srmtlte her. The next cHtia proved to te m vn - sms va stmsnwi - - ----- " e a a the wide ocean, will be epeaed aad read sea, as Be wsea. oat, curiously eaoaga. - m a . bMa eaweasauai asBbS&Aar ua aaasi istbb mi again aad agaia thraagB lean si eye, m i' n uj t7 '"""' 1 M tktf. Tnar Albu I S It I USSPI M miltl'SH 1W Ills laadt-IWr Fru Frtt$7 sim. He always talked freely with his s.n.-r sa DM Mnist-aia. wemes. BUl attef we ueaiR ins lataer, WBea ..d oku.irtroBira weeklr the pah- he talked readily with ertryeae. llawa IkaHlhiafBreeklys. j aalled 'Dumb KlI. " tvoss. Oh, Vf a miser cosld oaly see what a poor, gnarled, pi ached crab-aspla tree he would tara late if hi spirit shecid Amwa.rtaiTED lookiwr hdar. with a K XZCm issaMcerchief tied ever hi eye, a straw " ff m.k.7TvC.- "S hat daagllag is shreds abeatU ear, the rJLt jf buekle to I - . T 1. r i. . i . -1 1 1 r l . . i i . r 1.1. . i:. ru jseck hi, lacerated kpyeriag thresh his disj seated -saautooa, oae arm la a ?J? mW u sliagaad a heavy stick sap pert lag H JS .wVftLiLi! skT! . .1.1:. !!..- u..v. l pressaw ww sw iwrec a i rFVrWvaaLd Tto Ntteasymhelkmlrreref hilf. bear about the exptesies, bat this wreck j ' ef hHmaaUy, taraiag hts gashed asdl A Raeoctr nw thst Is commaaieatedls bleed ia: faee apes the crowd, s&a it t m leager witMs tky power; tar tnta . . ... . i. .. t. i . .. un...it. I. i . ... i "i tremaiuos oui aepetui mmb. uctwc-i uetosae ww m ptayustagws aua us tu dita't aaa CM VSS waat SS UHV I wha wtusld hA mm in -I lJ " a aamber eae team ef graca male, tub- j Ulaly earrled eat must takei Bia', de ywi laey uhist. jkmm-s. ' piH,-eMsi.