fot Drr Adrian. iSfcZ ... ...... ... -rCBUSHEO BV THE East Qregonian Publishing Co. J. It.Tcssck - Business Manager. TERMS IN ADVANCE Oxb Ykax $.1 Cart from Hen. J. S. Smith. The foUowiag card will be read with re gret by the many friends or lion. J. & Bkh: Pobtlaxd, Feb. 4, 1S73. Eiktor eF the STAsmitD. Dear Sir : As I hare been ireqnentlr mentioned as a probable caahiate of the democratic iiarty lor Governor ia the ensuing election, I wish to aanoaace tlironh your columns, that I shall sot be a canidatc for that office. While I would highly prl? an unsought noKiin&Uott by my fellow Democrats for that high position, and an election by the people aaaoag whom I hare lircd so long, as a mark of their coatinued confidence in one who has tried to serve them well, the coadltioa of y health Is such as to con strata see to foreco all aspirations in that dlrectiea. The eScst of this season on my health coaviecea Be that I cannot safely re main in this climate in the winter time, aad I shall shortly leave tho state to he absent saaay csonlhs certainly until after the election. I am very respectfully yours. Democrats, do you take your county paper, er do you wait for your neighbor to take it and then borrow it? If you arc not taking it coaac in at once and give us your aaac, and when you come bring with you If possible the amount of the subscription price. If you havcatj the money bring eoasethiBg else Remember we take any thing and arc willing to allow a fair price for it- Winterer it will bring in the mar ket. To run a paper money is necessary, absolatedly accessary, and to ,'make a paper a saccess, the patrons must take an interest is it. Speak to yonr neighbor, ask him to subscribe, send in whatever ssy transpire in your vicinity, give the items, we will arrange it and put it in shape if ,you don't wish to take the trouble oa ycurself. If any body s&arries, dies, runs off, gets drank aad raises Cain, murders any one or steals anything, let us know it, and don't Jarget to let cs know when their is a new arrival in the way of a baby in your lo cality, And now again we ask you to send ia year biwips, take the paper, advertise year hasiseso aad help us along. Will you? Bea. Bfltkr fays Hayes will not - veto the Bland silver bUL He says: "By G d this k B child's fight Vetoes wont do when aaea saaeHlood. If you duntgivc the people this silvej bill and repeal the resasptiea law, they will tackle the na tioaal.deht aezt time end wipe it ect at the doable quick. If I had any influence at all with the boad-bolders I would urge them ia the sase of common sense and b& ceauBoa self-protection to help on the silver tiee. It k a wrathful tide, and it has Bet yet reached its flood." Well's rx Peisox. Xor ObijuVs, Feb. 4- Ex-Governor Wells was brought to thk dry Ok morning by the morning Iraki es the New Orleans and Mobile rati read, aad was takes to the parish prison. He k saSerisg from a slight attack of Tintiimrtnia. Walk declines to answer qaestieas as te hk reason for leaving town er awTcadcrisg. The csrreat report k that he has saneadered to save the sure ties ea hk head, bat the fact is, his counsel expect te get a taverable jury out of the sew panel which was drawn last Sunday. DecBoerak, reeee up! remember the last Prarideatk election! Be up and doing. the Uawkahert for work. Talk to your neighbor warm ap in the work and let as give ia Uautilla such a majority as we have set gives for years. The states east are all wheeling halo line. We have con trol of the lower Hoase in Congress aad a hare majority against us ia the Senate. We caa aad mast seed a Democrat to suc ceed XiicholL SarcBtKAS State Cextbal Commit- tke. The members of the Republican State Ceatral committee arc hereby noti fied that a Btteiiag of the committe is call- cd, to be held at the city of Portland, oa Febraary 20lh 1878, at the hour of 1 r. sx. A fall attendance is desired. David Goodsexx, Chaiman. Pettkad , Jag. 8d, 1878. Democratic CouBry Central Committee are holding- meeting to-day. Democratic Clabs shoald bow be organized in every preclsct ia the county. Organize and have speakers to talk to yen every week. We have a caaaiag aad crafty enemy to Bseet, as eaeasy that will not scruple to practice aay "trick that is vain" to defeat as at the peik. Be vlgelant aad all is welL t Hoa. Joseph Smith declines to be a can date bcicre the Democratic convention fee Govcrser, ea aeceaat of ill health. He ceaBOt remsia in this climate. Perhaps Kr. Saka woald accept tlic nomination for Coa grass. He is one of Oregons best sad sobse&t s:ca and would be easily elected. WAEfrrxaroNiAXS Believe is II ell. The Capital thlaks the proposed abolitioH of hell thatorigiaatcd with Bcccher, Pope ef Brooklyn, has sot dietmbed much the diriaesefWashiagtoa. They are too sear the seat of government to bo disturbed by aay aeh wild theory. Eves Bob lager seli, leokiag at Dawes. Pig-ireo Kelley aad otherr, says be eaa see tliat if there k bo hell that there ought to be one. Why there's Joha SBermni ; If his head was aet made lor the devil t? break bark over, to jUBdk- his hrifBtteae with, the ruined has iaese bub a? laad see bo desiga ia 'J tp asoyc the capiui. Anderson, one of the I.oulslnutia Con- pplratous of ItetUrnltig Donrd no orkty has been convicted on a charge of fraud and perjury in returning the vote of that state ibrltaycsaml Packard. That's right, "let bo guiKy man rcaiie." The little lata nicked ut here some time vco. and of which we Fnofce. is one of the quietest littltf things -we hevesren. It s nurse tells us that it has never yet as much as whimpered. It 1 kept conttantlr doped however with soothing syrup and kept well confined In its same old swad dling clothes. The poor thing is fed from a bottle and is doing wondcrously well considering everything. There is some talk now of having It made into mucilare preparatory to posting stickers at the June election. If the proprietors find they cant fool anybody they will speak right out In "mretin" i.rettr soon for Mitchell. Everyone who has seen it knows that It was gotten up as a little nose-rag for one Senator Jlitclicll that man who is so muchly mameJ. The annual export from Orcson renrr- sent an average of three hundred and eighteen dollars gold to every voter. Abundance ofgortl and cheap government, railroads, and private lands in Oreeon. No land monopolies, as In California. Variety or timber In Oregun of excep tional excellence for industrial purposes Oregon has great mineral resources, espec ially coal, iron, lead, gold and silrcr. Fine natural water system, vast watir pow er. Oregon waters abound with Ash. There is no disguising the tact for it is a fact apparent toalL that the nnxrwic for the fishing business on the Colombia river this season are not In the least ea- couragmg. Contracts con not bemadeat present at more than CI J0to $1 -t5 per oxen, even less; and thousands of cans are 1 elu in the market now for which not more than $1 00 per dexen $1 00 per case. ts oCtrc-u. A&r. ion. Das IIoltQ-n- x Baxkectt. The an nouncement last evening ef the fail ere of Mr. Din UeHon caused a fceiing ot keen regret in the hearts of his many friends. who were enprenaired for sach unwd come news. Dan has been endeavoring to stem me current u adverse circamstan ces ever since the detraction of the Cos mopolitan Hotel; bat was finaltr compel led to succumb. His creditors were noti fied of the situation and hu application ta be tnrown into bonkraplcy. They will hold a meeting next 31esay and acne upon what course to persae. The aasoeat of the liabilities arc varwualr stated, seme placing them as high as $27,000; but of tats, we cannot speak acceraseir. We have been reliably informed that the as sets are sufficient to pay the indebtedness dollar for dollar, ilr. Helton has the sympathy of the whole community, who solicitous to see him steer dear or all Li. troubles. Dan is a general favorite; lib. era! to a fault to the poor aad des1 rving. aad ever ready to assuage the wants of U e unfortunate by every means In his nower. The statement or his aflairs will be made public in a few days. Portland Ex. The Porx's Death. Koxe, Feb. 7. The Iope's legs were so much better vester. day that he was able to walk a few steps. It is believed this exertion was fatal. The change for the worse occured at 4 o'clock in CBorning, when the death a roar commenc ed. The cardinals were assembled in coeaeil in the next room, hut altogether. wiin tue dignitaries of the parol court. were at his bedside at the moment of his death. Cardinal P&nebaatca administered the last sacraments. All the ambassadors Accredited to the Vatican called to make in quiries daring the morning. King Hum bert alto constantly sot for information. No one is now admitted to the Vatican ex cept pontifical chamberlains who are charred with the ace of Manila- the corpse. Consignor Simonelii, cardint secretary of state, ordered the Outrtatott Etmaw, the daily organ of the Vatican, to suspcad publication until tomorrow. The dly Is perfectly tranquaL TLc authorities nave Uken all measures thev deem neces sary. The police and municipal guards prevent approach to the Vatican. Wcutea ObserratioBs. Febbcakt 11, 1873. Eimtob E. 0 : The recent rains has put a stop to farming for the present, and now the farmers can come to town and talk railroad, politics, etc. A few cases of diphtheria arc reported yet in the neighborhood. 3Ir. T. J. Kirk, living near 'Wciton, lost a little girl a few days since, which makes three out of tlic family v ithln two weeks. Lr A debating club aas been organized here find on next cdncsday evening the great Chinese question which has agitated the people of this coast so long w ill lie perma nently settled. The dnb is composed mostly or doctors and preachers, n singular combination or testaments and pills, and iroae side don't succeed in converting John from paganism to Christianity the other can give him a dose that will cause him to emigrate. I am informed that (he young ladies of Weston have organized a calico society, or old maids union. I have not learned the object to be attained by the institution, but its early disruption k clearly indicated by the sacrifices demanded of tlic members who arc required to tell all their secrets to the sisters, not to look at the old 1 wclielors especially when said bachelors are looking at them. They arc also required to rite tt 13 vera the morning and build a fire. that they may be better fitted as the better half of some unsuspecting bachelor. The usual quiet ofour town was disturb ed a few days since on the arrival of a Chiaaman from La Grande, accompanied by a Chinawoman, when one of our wash Cbtaataan took occasion to settle old t cores with the other celestial by drawing s pktol and threatening to shoot, but old Al, the stage driver, tamed loose his bat zoo, aud in language more forcible than elegant persuaded hiui to defer the matter until boinc futuic time. Avjomauwas al the bottom of It ss asuaj, Jlu. Xow ntnl Tlicn. We often hoar of young men complain ing now aiUys or liard times. Thry tell us there It nothing doing, caat ai woik., we is an sacii we would say tlicy are .14we.l, times are good now cowparod with what they were years ago. A ly can readily get $1 00 per day and board, vhile in the re ruciuUt raucc of i1m v1 lived 40 or SO yeaas ago they could get only a very small proportion of that amount. One day thk week v c Ikteatd to the history and experitnee of one of our friends Kobe Oliver. Hegav a fall ae- conntofbls start in life in 3tbsouri, says he worked when he tint left home for n rain at $7 00 per month, and was to take a calf in payment, valued at $3 00. When he earned the calf lie quit work and got the man to n Inter It. When spring came he went to see his calf and rand his laaa charged him $1 00 for wintering it As be did not have the moacy he lt his man have the calf for 3 00 aad worked the other dollar oat at So cents a day, tin man at first v anting him to board himself, but finally agreed te board him. Kube then went to cutting hoop poles at S5 cents a day, worked one dry and tlic man turn ed him off, giving him an order en a store C miles off for his pay. As It was so far he staid till after breakfast and was charg. ed 25 cents for his meal and as he bad no money he bad to give the order hack. He says he then took hi "kivcrMd" oa hk back and went to Indiana where he got a job on a fiat-boat down the Wabash te New Orleans. He was to get 23 coats a day and board, went down as far as Cairn where be was taraed off aad tt ashere without a coat, the captain cUimhig S3 cents fer extra meals bad oa the way whea there was not Wag te dm. He thee etfrmi to give hk gaa if the cftptala woald give the change. The capUia refaed. He then eSered te give hk deg-kaife, the ealy article ef prof erty be had except the gae. Bat the captie opeaed hk heart aad told him to ga, aad Babe west. agBiiag hk way os foct hack te Hok Cbaaty. Mksoari 17 days travel, togpiaghkway. Sunn after this he ttrark for California with a maa oa the shares, agscesag te give him half be made. 3It yoang men weald bavelweeae dtaeeraged before they oaU have get mreagh half thk. bat ltato hot battled hk way throafM aad aewhes n fniiil tj ia tbk werfcfc fAeds, a akc Mm By wmi Is as heatty as a dam. Goisipiu;. Of aH the fxtiito tlaat prvtade aW raek. ef haasaa society geajttg k the atest despksaUe aad the "pif U ttmt te be feared aad shasaed ia a ea any Nber eiaM ef fnmm. No is wkbeel at haut a firw ef tfttsa. they always are t jhi vMi a H, alwajes stad to see yea, sad saaay foatts aad grewl at jeferaeadllMsratawni. TVy have sesee ktanits news te isajiert aad hefere leavts; are wr te teH yea la a hw bnne whet serre ef year aeaeMiert have stid sheet jwv aad at Uw saar tkae re. qaest yea te'say aedbaag s4ji H. They caa ake tellyeaj 'xt.ea year hash aad wa drak,at kt eee ef year nciyhhers says so, that year wife ha mfetreetcoi h. body's wise. Ia tact they reesa te kaew evcrythlag that k geiaj: oa. After teWag yeu what year aeishber he said aheat yen ihry isaaedUidy ge te year aeigheer and tdl what you seld ia reply always tak. br care that the story kees nethteg ea the way andalways take pains to emixrIHth the srr and aihl te it aatll kkatade plaufable. Thk l a dkcaie aad the fore going are a few of Hit syapleras unerring aad never falling. The oaly remedy that will effect a sure aad permanent care is for all to treat such prrsoas with ahaaghty indlffereace, let them pevcrdy aleae. When they talk to yea tdl them pfalaly and frankly that joa o xtK desire to talk about your neichWs aaI that yea tie not wish te hear them talked abeat Shea all such as you weald a bloody 4g, and they will soon htxmac heaatifaHy Icm In oar aidL To all who are ia the habit of goMtping we weald seycat thk oct and lake it with yru the next time you go calling and read it to your ndghlor. It will cure von. HEW TO-DAY. R. MORENO. H and - Sip - Painting, ll ctxnsor qbsauextal jErrottuo SICKS EXECUTED IK TEE VEEY BEST STYLE. Shop on Main Street xjuitiloor te Ing btore Pendleton, Oresjott. UXAIILLA C0UETY DIRECTORY. Coolly Jait U. O. TaVMtrx c-r.ham :;:;;.. .. :j!ssSa i?UU f CTilTf. C. UiftTaWaU &TrtttUtrrw J ......... I'.. KV Swmux Ptrrtl...... SWaT.SUacwr. CVrt . .. II faax Tiwnrrr fl. W. Wm ?tbool 8rTBU&-tbt. J. U. Akoout. Cotmmt IMl W tarvrki Aumnr .Tana. C toX'i JuHntdta", IWWwiral. W. Bauv NOTICE TO VQOL GROWERS, riAHF asaaal rortlB of lb EMrn Oriti W'nA X Orvarf AnoBtotloa iMb LM ta IVeSSaton, ; eaaUBa Cocuiy. trg ua I noqr aM Satojaajr, Uan.lrtabd3lS;S. 5r 7V tu.aU eaiwt trtC batrrraa by Cot T a LBC S. AUraMt8K&jlttap4taarof tbrOrtaMu Uon, tljofanUa, fit, alio en lnt bfci) at lr, j. Uraof ooot, bTPHliDS. bTW Kwf bJi,ctt, tic. ty 3ttun. V. U, Hsx-a. itoa. 8. I!, C. U Jevtl. Itam. Jotioaud, tlfnry Bocaus. JtaJb Fra xlr. Jtt IMl, Herb rvrbU. 1. IVrkta, Jabs 8. Will tAV. Hwa. An Tmiucura U lorllut br U Iabt e. Slurp t&eB. rltrrp haien, bbrrp bmi. rrt U4r aad Wtwtfaeum out! A rratrsl IcrtUltea Is rvlflijrd all. A GRAND BALL!! FRIDAY EVENING. And a Good Tims Generally. Tickets Including supper $3 00. C. II. SUE LEY, Sec, JACOB FKAZIEH, lres. a card a::d ri:osi'CTus. HAVtjfo orr.XEP a niEK INTCUJCEXCE or Bra, tm IW rvvM f abUnc kbl ualatlig bew niwi la ir Mil. If ill "ilUt DMca at uy com trniiki. trffrrr Vr4 lo X H lr4c B.rPti itkM ta Onm u4 U'MbleftM Tnnierr, I htra Im dirfm'iirl ta rLI4li a Uc4 )ntnuL la b run oniijov ami wasiiinuton Lasp IlCniHtEJf ISfeTtlilrtcb U tn l-flc Iab4 ))TtniM ni lui Afnu tua Mrr rwmmaal nUtoe Hk lb lbai-l u( lmmnKU wbo an ar- nrac la Itu cHr "lUiatW U ta Bltjaata Mr JT htm. rtfcl fu, (W UI It tlrralM aulrl la lit faw tnit aUtli It It f-l4ufM Tt nt ohitaa (i.C iH Lc xmu Ujl lb 10b cl tttnrf- im. in at c-rwB iimtucu u the U(t UMHafalMikBikii. IkKXHMI M UTBI a&4 MMr Ktltlr IeT CkottswUU ocrcrr Im lM (TO orSj or Vm, m wM t cbarzal lor at il rat vf f 1 nth. II I awn ibis miM Uiat taxa tnnty tit to M tbaut4 v4 vitl l aJabsl ta omr r-Ul !r-r-t tbr tritmt u l Nsatr ct 1 STL Nrlr aH Imat rttaU ix toto to Urra uJ WaiMnylim Trfrttoqr Uot Crtt at VvtlUzJ, aad will rtctr a 0x7 T UU tir.aa It vat le tfMntelol srmlaUleaalr. It at ltMTSjrL ttbr.tBaiUlsca&(ti(1BtCSUa, a4 JT r1ir. U 1 to Ibcir ttMLm. Hnrruinai of mnr Sjc a!o Bar t vritua nl ta raB. cinat fhtneur, luauoa, t-rV1, Uns of w, im aa tmtut cf KLoca. c&arctxa. mku, rr., bwti mm U nlMxux oe&Jrcml.lo lljt oil rrotr aa4 U trtlrr tuWtnl ta rorrrpaeJ wua it avxruooa. aid Stol ia my cSkc fur rtfrmxr. N. fclnrjT tuSr tor mW arrmnt ttraacli UtU Kfmy-to col) I rtim! lUx o dHr tor rmrh aKTtMa lurtln! to tt tais KMBTxm. ImIi l UotirirJ wub tt enmjtka. ll May l moi m tdrr by rrpurl ktkr, tc ty ul omr at my rWk Crr.wooiT oa aH faojru GMsrrtot Hb lbs onilnmnotolar lerboaaor UfSUU asilTrrrnrr rrrxtUj Mantnl 1 lt a mwirr my tab la Uo art rtltrrd Mm aaa oT-B pma or U til ad Tmtltr Ut USarm. tovcbaOKa, acnauli, rtc atka la oa la lb. Im levttoa ol ocorocoa. NetMo ot lata null rfwrfa; K4Klt AH B&aUrr turaonl tat t ai tattoo ta lit tuao Raotrrta tatit bo onura oa os aM of tb r;r eelr. uA b la prter U tb tnt of Frbrurr. HTS. AB drvrr !& of artf lor ate br Iswtud la lb crdrr of tbtlr amrxl tbflor'eostB: SrH oa tb oalno forra. Brnirrtar ibal tbia MUata tll be fnat b tb alraaur. or bntb MJcr aa4 pditt, I rafrttttSy witrl tb finf. ol tbe rtbke. A 44 ma aB estaauxsuuea to e at nvtUaJ. Orreos. I). U.S7XBNS. LEQAL BLANKS AT THIS OFFICE. T3 r CT I? T? 'T' Jvt a r-wtiy. a baa LAND AGENCY. IB AVE lb tbtNtt t iumvt tbat t bar lm W4 at w a4 fwt aa 060 Sr ako I in an mom of Uo4 . iu4 Lit. at inu om aajSmaii 1 aaiartt oab a arim Hiiiini mt aB m otala aa4 m ta tb kt mn at La Caa4 viir fr U U4 ta lb abtnet tft; t of lb Boa lliiiiiim. Br rifrtu to aVcoa 1 aot abor to n maa tbe Xac mill of aB Uo4 rbJQrfibiir4iUr aHort abat baba at wttonJ tb aaiim arat tb kraa of ta StaHob-iat to tb 1 rinm tao t Si raoOkat tbM ttir fmmamf aflMl of boUof tb cbirrr atao. an wM 1 1 If a oa bjO Mt ta tbu fart of tb eiiraol oA 1 em taut aB V ban lmi of ab IMoo; oa to r-r a nB I bo eaaaw omooaoo V bb 1 ba ti m mot oocawafaa Hox rafca i I a mntnw . rc as lfer xrw at ia oav ot La lirao ui My baAa a4obiaa via V baaa Hay aa ab aW f akai at' M) ,11 ib 1 at Bk Mat ao yranat luj 1 1 tail o4 a! rtilai 1 Utwtmt oa Staa liMi A JOB vaa of f iiiraanaT.fiot a4 lii. btiart e al ll iraa I wanm t tmmm p4 x. AB waaitiniimi irtc aa aw at Woataa. T BWMKT. aaav. Ju. tt. USi. iaaat Baaa. Cat. inuw. Commercial. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable r VUteSarcot, vPti. rtiruess. suKsm; a rtsrw. atcmrn of J. W. 8i rrtVtara, HAVCWBattTllBaWrvoUbl 1 M tro b04 Sw Mb orawtatoe of ab fbbc, tb Socat kM bH T" vrr lf4 la IVaJftrtNC. , BUGGIES AND HACKS. u.vm txxrt rt rtx. Eenex boarded ly the day or week- AIm EAT aJ aBAtX fer u. NEW FURNITURE UaATlt.l.A, Obecox. rpar, rubnuxj rnr""' ttimi tb rbbc L abatb baj.t marird (nca rnal 10 a tarac otitfil b U rurr, cc!ttx( ot Do4 mm fUUt0 Jof Mn1.i!M rwt Ulr icjV K lavk ibatjMaiMoi uUi Ti Baa .tab (to. 31 t Hi I n-li Oat8 OMOrviroraof 141 kMtSsrabairs 4 to t .LocAxi tuvra, orfota, Ae. Ac Door, Wtoilawa a oil BHaxIa AB of abkbS3b U cbrap Ut cmaa. Jcsso Failing. A. H. Starkwcnlher. PaAcncAt. - I'lioTOGUAntnit. main rrcrrr, VtalltUa, - ' Oreros. jta-BaTtzx SUM ap a rrry W aslUble alj-Dcbt. I act rrorni So 4a afl kro4 of work Utvty to loth beat atjlr, a&4 at rcmaacabl Mo. PICTURES i crptnl ttA rsbvjH- A4 aB ktwt of rosatrr rnS Uirc ia txctMCs t work. I IVHin Utcn 4irtr aar Ub4 ofavttbrr. watts watts STEAM - BAKERY ESTADL1S1IED IX 1JL 0. - S2roo22."tel. i rAxTTACTrrxn or crxAn, cakes, nts urf al kUMbt of Crackna, flrc-rroef bcBBex Ualo Etrrrt, Watli Wan. ADAM STANG JVT CEHTEHNIAL rEXDLI.TON, OUEGOK, rTittofarm tb pib lie Ibat b l bow pre lo lb rTl of aa ri te 0ODTtLcr4. Ujtw- rtKrtA nmSltr. Trr and A ttf tart Ut of Uala t crstrr of Uotk. W. W. CiUihy. W. T. WTBuatfcm Piirstcuxs it Sunonoxs, Weston, Oregon. baa trajja WW UcoJ all rati, toy ct Bltl, Ub irvaij'icrci. la tbe Clrcal t CmH of lb Slat ef Orrea lot Iba Coaaljr of I'oiaUfia. A. A. Cn.forJ, rUlnUJ, ta partd Crets aid Jirat ' T. lUlnl. IX THE NAUR OF THE STATE OK OltECOS. Too arebrrrbr r 4lrnt ta wnr loii asaotr tb tompialal Sbl apJaat yos la lb atnro mtnM caoM ULiatrB4jriomdaUoflttorrt1ccf tbi lam'ocl laojoa. If arnnt la tbu eaaaty. cr, it wrrot la aa j otbrr Cootf of tbia tUau, tba oltbla Iwuljr &ijt frvm tba diu of lb unit ef tbia faaimAoa aroa jroo, anl Ifotrrrd ty paMfcatUw. tbra jo arc rmaliT"! U rTar aal artvrr brtbSrlar of lb trrm Wlowia; tb alioo lbllaa rrattbnl ia tb ordrr rer rabbraUea. ta wtt Sli nanalft ba aa4 If yn UH an to aaa-atr Ut mst tbrmf, tb I rlil. I iff m lH t.k loj.mnjt ttmlmmt m IU 1) a mams U IT9 W1C0iO4wbc lb I'mWfUW vttb l J ral latrmt tbrmtv rroo ti Ik &ty cl r. IJTC. &4 lot bti naU aaJ dtabqnroMat. rabbraslaa of Stostoca aiaa br rrdrr of ibt ne L I. VrAntnr. J!ttU mii Coarl brsHar au. Jasurj tl, IKS. Tt'ttSfK A BAIIXV. ah nr ris. NOTICE. I HATE arU oarsr tAaAter DM u tlofd bad. AH rrwe lo4ttnl to aa br CM er ac- mat aiatt artll by tb lit of Marc, or tb aaaae an HUicniuiMUUiMu altcrarr (or nJ re Uoe. J. M. itEXTLJCY. The Finest Stock of 33 JR. CLOTUIXG, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, GAI!S. Era, Ever breegfct te rssdfetee, is sow boiag rreef red and epuned by 0- 3FLOt33.oiiilc3.. ! He k aio rwetrfe- a hvrge aad vK ard sewk ef HA HD WARE, GKOOEKIES.iGItOCK- EltV, avitrETS; WALL PArEIl, Em -OBEB$ FtlllU tt rBBtn nn!h M?mt tn Grala. Hides aad'other orodoce taken ia cxeLaa jr. lLV.iL SETTLEXEyT. ta lb Coaatj Coarl of CavatBU Coaalj, SaM of OrL 1 ia tb a a.rai cn aa ratatralar t tti ntato ifJoM Cria. itrvn!. NMa k bmby 1 jirro uu jtaacay. im i cr or aura ivn. ta baa aanriaanl T aa4 Oart Car tax brartcr of ob ctloMta Ibcaaaxof tbartUna tbrrroC U.H a via u Acauawuuor. IXCUX CTAKTS, xxunty. Ju. a, itri 3IRS,J.M.BAirroX, Laifr of Raarbars, Crrfa, bar!; bxaM la IVa SrU aM rrfcifll. USwv tb ritassa of lb tctaitr ibat ab baa ooJ a tnt cAaa Millinery and Dress Makin ESTABLISH3IEKT OlfvaH rtadirtaa HottL Wbtra atS b taA a fB ajaorUoraA of aB btaJa of BaKcrrj CwOa, Dma TnaUaca, rtt Cattlac a&J StUsf eeallr as4 UTis2t4 to jtr litlifwinia, at trnill icra. gfttrum (trc brr a caa-V yea. j. x. tuimvc SALE OF STOCK. "VroTtCC U brnor (1a tba lb fUkratc; thur A, of lb Cpul Hurt of tba "Iarratar AaeocU UMCfOrrpiB, " toalt: A. J. CoravrO. X. 33. Jaba Uaobilt. '-. AX Cro. llaaiorr. No. S Jobs A. Blacbbara, N'a.X 3 abana. M TT2M M t M M Win be anil at pabtie taJ t lb bl(bct biUrr for ewb la baM oa tb il lir of Bares 1K U 1 O'floct, r. M. allbfface of akt Aamiutoa to IV olttoa. Orrsooualrrtbeaxiatof tb (t.totsrat aM aanakl aanSKTA da tbrmo, la all: Tb aata of fU. ftrthwT, J. r KESTER,c B7 onltr of tba rmUrct, Jaa. 1TV KNOWLTON & SPEAR. Saddler and Harness Maker Westo.v, Ouegow All kinds of work deae witk seataes AXt . Disp&tts, suul at lxxek PUCES, fC ASC tb rrrrA Bf UautltU CMBtr to fire at f a ran bfur coIda lo Watte Walla, aa ac win Cearasloc Is rH (oodl al t'h.ap at lb aaai qsalUr oa L bobl Ibl ibl of ronltad. p t tjrtq Wonufcs a nwtattr. aa bare Ur OAVlXAiO qaaautlta ef im aad a tanl traa. aflK ML aaaaaaaaaaBssariTr " t boTV BBT7 Bh mm aa bbbv7 r I &r iii aaB7-w - AS THE BEST PAMaLY SEWING MAClffliE. Its cctapeiilcrx rtceiviag cdj an vuzii for scxa Sf echl feabre of their nacHoefc Tie IrlraiiJ WilM Mite Imi Mine . Eas C&UaUUd acAeltj ta da U tlcis of Tizxllj iewlca aad Btrsfiirterlsc, ' ITS PATEST ACTOXATIC "CUT OFF" ea the baai wheel prereBls the as-" caiae frm ranshig hsckwxrdi, aad eBTbies the BccessUy ef UlLss the worif freai the BUcMac ie wind thread a the basliaJ, whkh wst be deae with aB tter SciagSacilaes, te the great aaaayxBee ef the operator, especially bx tackiag, asHadBg aad raMing. It does oae-lhird Btore werk ia a gUta kastii ef tisse than aay ether Sewing Buchise. Trrni etery aonos ef tte foot the xachtse xakes sec stitches. Era WLbn rUl b a r.: ia m dsy a frj rili? 1 It reqalrts ae special iastrnctioai to use it; aa Ulastraltd Direction. Book is taraiihtd with cadi auchise. tr rr cinor car osr or czzik. xn thz wcMtisu izx issaurrart rrmcr; v A ywperijf exeetei Certifeate is farahied with each satiute, -aarasteeii? ts keep it i repir, free of dirge, far fire yean. Marlines 14 aa easy , terms sf aajawat, sxi delirtred, free ef claret, at aay Eailrcni Dept ia tie UtUed States where He kite aa Aseats. Smd far TIlnjtra.ted CaUlAfxe. At" " 1 Fer full parliculara adireta "WTLSOX SEWING IO-CHaXE CO. .F.J. , Gen.Tra'ltAfL PEX IiLETt N. REiON'. M FATl tLf.K ASl rEAIXK--5 IS SASH, DDDHS AND BUKDS, I .... r"- r zA Jytwr of German, French nud nj;U li XrVIntloTr Glass, siU Vrll'idT.-, 0fclx ASU PL'LLL. 41 FE05T 5ILZET. - POSTLASD. 0E- fieri rJTs L. iu Je ruurj prK3(Uj died.-: MEAT MARKET. -WTiSrn MAIS .STREET, X?sa PENDLETON. OREGON. J. DZSPAIIT, Propria tor. SL loss Hotel Mux Srascr - Waiaa Waaxa WM. KOHLHAUFF, IHOPKIETO. lafPrre fnach te the Hsu. J. Lennox jilj BOOOT AXD SHOE Maa Strict, orttszSe Caeat Hoaaa, PeniHt t as, Oilmen. 1 tX olii iniiait lawtli I taaaii at am a i V. aae BkaltaMa. SWaaarac M ab aaona t raajiH. A.fca a G. AV. BAILEY. GENERAL LAND AGENCY, rroSrira, Crt5 oe c Uaks K im CoVtBowr. TTATPOS tb Un, " of Tm- JJLar a unair. aaaa4 vae tbwaica aa4 rCar fca Mb rboair. I warn wr laoc aw ymtm-t aarofabljLi:aalbr 5. rrraaaaM. TtavVr rakarr r fuiOm Swaail ramAaraUtiaMatn4totb tnMi f IntrS Ua4 dil as tax arteit at B. NE STSBE, XEAV GOOD8, Ilarinsrewivetl a new lot of pooriw, roraBorkvbaSrvtr. fUnml Tntt baiVf. CVor. Frrcrfl as4ar. Bor IWbn aa4 Jitrt UJ 4ne fTUt MaB la. trjr ra, so taaoJL JBmm'rv;bacaalabeT aad acbs aruci. aw uomx V Batata. Ataaa k of rU cbKMt abxb at V ! at reat at HESTER'S SEW" STORE, Main Street, - - rewlletea, Oregon, opposite Court Hese. Sylvcter&Dnris, tomor w Jobs, fj Pilot Koclc, - - turegoa. DEALER IN GE.ER.IL - 3IERCIMSDISE. TnfSK itrMr4taJba$ftirrarr WW"' b raS aad HUlt ly aarb or Ma, aoA aboM botaajt rAUBH taat wBI Vm rnct lbM Ultx lr Im vbxb &oaara aX baa oUioarfeaa. LIVERY A: FEED STABLE. IXXSirimlllcli, proftnoter. Umatilhi, - - . Orogoa Also keeps constantly on liarnl, antl for Kilo cheap, a full stock of sad dle, harness, otc., etc J. II. KOOSTZ, FORTTaEDIXC A COMMISSION UEQOHANT Autl Dealer in general inercliandiso OUATtlXA - - ORECaS JJ-A3 JCST rcctlTrd a Urja atsorlaat ef Dry - CSrOOC3LS5 CLOTHING, ETC. 4 , FIN'E aUrk of Cfcrbtnu rd oa UaX lUi M V. ba uM l lb' torat OgTitva. ECONOMIZE! YHLSSW GRAND PRIZE AND- CEHTEHHItU EXRQSLTION Wfo PASTURAGE. TBATC 90 aar- of zr . bwbp" otdarwweTaaiiet3 IIORSSS em CATTL2 vAMtKM' arVaV ioiB baBM yrr BBBBBSBa aiasBW' 9jC m oaiaiA i e a Bscaii GUMSrVIITH & CLOCK REPAISiBH. fvlERCHANT - TAILOR JDIIX STEXG R I TT AS tTaAXiara.T L a X A . BBS bM araaw'. 4lhC aaWaBi' All o:bsa tot Kj'jeumtil awai.ibt mm. Skpaa)iaia urrt aoat oar a f iat rl A CV S. V. KNOX. -Attome.- - ?tt - Ir.w, tawa t TtrriLL PJAcnr is tub rfHNtTS op V V tUSu'.t xJ Waaaaoie Toaisor. 52-rrcb! aejfcra Liid &c4aM ta l CaatcaUaa. Fred Pa5c-.Tnj.tin. ixrr raaatj ATTORNEY AT LAW aaal RIAL Esaaie Isnaker. nOAJaaVsoa 0m Ti uBim I TrvtxOc ,,jt"yfr",T1 ,"E" bb ia atr la Ooart Bar. rnaaa, Orrscaj. J- H-TcxraT T BW. Starr, Turner & Bailey" ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW. Cecxty Crdro Ik.i asd onbt t-rr NcCM omCE-a Jto bawiM Oasa Bccjo. raaJkasc. Qtrfetu J. H-SbtfTeil-wvi.abCTta aB tuest. mamBW(iaiMMMaai Dr. J. 25. Mridey3 SURGEON AND DENTIST. ta ar Krai? rFnii ytj a Pcndlotoa, TJraatiila Ccuntr. Wbtra bis worn c BahnjaVchaj. TV. C. JicKay, 32. rnYSIGIAN AXD StniGEO.V r-radirtaa, Camau OMatr. errsra. OCkorrrasa isc t-Mirtce Btl. J. 51. I'RDKTT, 35. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON re elk tea Oresa. 0cc in Lea's new baHdar, up sUtrs W. WEITC02I3, X. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON rraiBctse. Orrfeo. WW attsxl iX cSi. ijr r obt, mab rsrajgerse Aa wtmstj by tb it a irtj- b- DK a lb tcta&rt of tb paret. E. P. EagxH, M, I. -PUTSICLvX AND SOIIGEOX,- TrESTOX, frill iTla roastr, Orrjta. OSr oa IT Baiaatrcrt Dr. J. A. KneiTles. DENTIST. "triIX rractk hit pnV.a la CtwSIKj -atiJI 1 1 Unloa iWwl. AR orWr oAIraiSAl K bis at rraxttrtea. OtcsToa, wdt b rKrir aiHa3cd bx AUcortgainfitCTd. CbarjM taekraii. ' '" " Frrr-TBarX ;wi m mai aait w it. 0NOark. y m mmm m2mt oa BoS. TaaSaf Bbl a ,1m Aap. IWIi Oxt.