The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, September 29, 1877, Image 1

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orrict cockt sinner.
orrosita the oocxt-hovx.
of Subscription In Coin:
w" r-- .-. U m
fill Uenthi j 50
' iTtrrt MoBth ""IJ""".""" 1
S"lnr! CopiM 10
There is a sacred spot on earth,
Which antedates our Joys above;
Tis where we sit when toll Is o'er.
With those we love.
Oft, In my waking dreams, I sit,
With the dear darlings of my life.
And gaze upon those treasured gems
My child and wife!
The fleeting pleasures of the world.
Like darkening shadows fade away.
And gives us glimpses of the bliss
Which scornt decay.
Oh, wedded lore! God's dearest gift
To render all his creatures blest,
TIs only, neath its smile we taste
A perfect rest.
NO. 52.
if you please." McCausland's tone had
something very solemn in it, as he re
plied: "Tell the station master at Ammcring
Junction, and any peoplo you sec, that
the Sonth Reservoir will not last three
hours. It will burst down the valley,
aim win uesu-oy me Apps taduct, and
carry away the bridge on the Holmes
dale branch. Stop the traffic and save
me passengers,
ye, ride for your
hates or AOVEirruiXG ix coijr i
One wh, Rrst Msedies $2 00
Eh i-jbjTueat insertion, J 00
Tta Uratitm tf tcctrtct. Bafiant aetUf I
tfc fceal colossi, t.ia pT ua,. a4tiUI
. -
I 1 1 I . ... . ... 1 a m
III'T- Wt k 1,1.1 IV nl- I .
master put down breaks. X tearing,
rending oand that was not Uie brakes
a crash! We looked back. The line
dropped behind us like a atgc-trap. The
bridge gave way, and with a roar that
was heard two miles off the pretty via
duct was swept away bv the boiling, fu.
rious water.
We were truly thankful for our narrow
escape. And now to save the excursion.
lit- .
name I ilIiot of acres which will yield a sure
In all the cities and towns in
hard times there is much suuVinv
number of the weary unemployed i very
large. Strong and brave men wear out
their hearts as they sec wire and chil-
urea in want, and after months of vain
Fen is like murder, in that there are
two kinds of people who ought not to be
punished for committing it: those who
csnnot help it, and those who do not
know they are guilty of it. Dut any in
dividual, who with malice aforethought
The Famous Cake of Banbury.
Kkif a
To Banbury Cross."
The Jadje and the Witness
It ii very seldom that Judge Walton
fulls in accomplishing that whereuato be
puuiorui an eitort, but a short time
I wonder how many Httle f.lks know I lincc during a session of Supreme Judi-
tlle storr ami wnifii-.f.i- f .. r I dal Court, for eiril and ai'fflinil iiinn.
HMtrcmng lor emplojment too often urc and no prorocAtlon. jme to work to be , cke r ttwkarT Crou, or that for tfie In Oxford coantj, be met hi match
God bless you; and, hark j Seding forward again, whistling
lire. I will fire the sig-, demon, our engine Vigilant bv a:
tewptel to crime or ma.ldene.1 to suicide, funny ought to be Dut out of the mm. i fQc of their renown we must took m
or, he found the stick that would not be
x et tne land is broad enough for all, mud inunfty. Some men are so chaned with ! h,u:k h'agh the history of England to Pht-
witthey can no more hinder its flash lw ,,me OI JHiWIeAga? It stems
...I . - .. I ' . ....-u. uuug . . " -" J
Ammerinr jnS;. .rta- Mt of the excursion train. Jo patients worker. He waiting than a summer cloud bristling wi.h elec
v yi.J,iVTi7ZCZi' "A xtw uagwe averted aa- J . uur cities are tricity can smother up the licBtaisir
r i uu uiiitisim I - Mw.wn.MW4 luiai iniu iutzn men mrf? nuimf I1IM4 bm
The case on trial was about a bill of-
away. ily route lay through an unknown
country, across moreland intersected by
tlooded streams and swept by the fierce
wind and raiu.
A Eace for Life.
"Jly dear Wlow, I am delighted to see
you," exclaimed my friend ilcCausland,
as he met me at the doo. cr his hoUhC.
I had gone on a visit to Homesdale, a
little town in the aorth of England.
McCausland was engineer to the water
company there, and had invited me to go
down for a week.
After the usual interval for dressinr'
we sat down at the excellent little dinner.
rot unnaturally the conversation turned
upon the weather.
"I am sorry this rain continues," said
McCausland; it spoils my water upplv.
People bully me as if I could help it.""
"Are your reservoirs near the town!"1 1
" "No," he replied, "away in the bills.
We can go over to-morrow if vou like.
I'm due there."
The excursion iras arranged. We
agreed to start at eleven o'clock next
morning, and we started punctually. We
pursued our way up the hill, and cross
ing uie dtow, readied a small inn. Here
I must do It, I thought, as mv horse
pscked his cautious way amid the loose
1 r
posts being down, trains had to run upon jotionhas been slow, while the towns there are humorous people, fall of oddest1 Ka a teannl oW oa.aD, and told some "c1 defendant hadgivea totheplain
thesame line as far a Handleigh, but ?ve ','ced ha raj.idity far excecl- conceits, all their own. who make dull ! o( hcr tflri' t the expense of kinin tifftw5ag thesale of the beast. Defend-
funnv. doesn't iL to think nf .ui. I ie of a very valuable horse, which hmi
a urery rhyme having any foundation in I not Srcai ad it became neccsvtrr
jcai, u uc uiiwrji uat Jlother Goosel oiTcrwai promises or assur-
atiiLtnVimniU.. ti.. . 1 1 I a&i! finnia anil m... k.. .. 1 I aat declares in ennrt kt k. .
r .1-.1 .. . " Ir 1 T . . . . -"-J. .hcj laay B9iuent. . . . ' . u ,n .Lul- , . "'
I t ... . . LCUU f Ul lpuiuon. I nuc characters, or even self-sacriSciBi'-'J'K5 aiwutwnom and what she pleased. I. ' c uone wr mree tftonsand dol-
. ou luerurai opuuuon of Uie north- bet martvrs are not irrilbJ on ri,Hm. ' for all tbovs who have oaswd fnrrrrr . "aintUT declare
that be really
our Umdy action was all set to rights at I ,B lfle uetnand for such service as
n c soon srive ltu ItcxiUirmX Twi.un. I luerurai iiODUiauoa ol Uie north. I m! m.rtrr. ... i :.,t'' o lor all thow.
Mones ao'n tJic fUtni uv-rcuil we had as-; t.'ers :o under.UntUbr numisr f.rnv ttr I cra 3llt?t the newer Mates. Kmu. rrm ! nor . 1 .7 . . , from under hr nnur nt. v, t. ,. I oooght the nors tmu n.r.- i
cended the previous day. I should need bad had. Fervent and sincere were tfce pka, Colorado, and the 1'acific iatcfvals; so the hero market is never 'rical fact of one of her ballads: I no he took him home, though ke did
"ucugui, uwugu, mi oxecBie my c rvcetvea irom all. cicejrt ogrr " "aS inciaueti, oi ctmne cxbaastcd. while the drmuil U i ua me northern ed?e of the eooatr nf I rufc PJ MJ mooeT down. There had
lice man. We waststtaptag from justice, a ad " or .0, per cent, of the fur these gv neace-maken. TMr i Oxford, in Merrie Easrland. lies thi. an.l aURfct Umenen
usk,soi pressed on. A valuable slice; nan. lie was cseapt&g from justice, aad iu,3US...'., or .6 per cent, of the
out ot my time had been expended when , capturwt. From the elevated en-1 are iwpuiaiion of tnoe States. But
I reached the broad highway and urged , UaBkmeat we cwtld trcc the course of j16 "wo" acc that time, as shown by home possessing one a bouse wherein ! ra timc immemoriid celebrated for iul tht Jf W1 cot Pnoanent injury before
juWc mtlmw. i oau w turn oa i uc uwu lor raiies. lite train was pat -f"c "Jis.uave icca rc-1 tdc cook gtrU icrioIk:4JlT. as tiir hnmUo nca cax. And this is not sararisin" I . U1J nooej. ue had taken the
l . l i rBirk-Miaii tnii nibuf i . t I . . . - a . . . . t-i I
I fur thrwi rr
never fluctuates. A'e have heard f a'otnttovaof Banbury, which has been . . P1" must
of the animal.
satiify himself
KW. u4 T.
10.rT Tui
ii&itui tie
The same services, in commerce, mm.
-r . . " .
Biacium, anu oilier tasks Derforranl in
cstics aad towns, which less than
we found a country gig awaiting us. Into aboat cvcn more across the moor
this we climbed, and proceeded alons a coa' reach the junction, and
wooded by-road, stony and rut-fnlL At that tnuas St havc started, and
lengtn, when hope had almost given wav ulca
to bad language, we pulled up at another I 1 bnrEt 11110 a CuW perspiration at the
small inn called the "Reservoir." We j lDonght, and then desperate, and only
got out oi tne gig gladly. j " conscious, i roje madly back to the
An engineer foreman hurried up and -mer,n ?d up ue Ml again,
accosted us nolitlr I 17le ommit of the neighboring hit
us ail right, Johnson!
again, i sncw, out t lancicl 1 should ck liaadleigh, whence the passes- krw"si nu alarming. The preacher puts it, "fearfully and wonder
easily find the path. Besides, was there gc- were f.irwarded by another company, wlowiag stows the population living in folly mad." She strides up stairs to rive
not a sin rHt' I Bv the f imf r i . rl u..... I Cities aBd towna and in th mnnt rv wtt. I -.M.tMt t. .n i i r .
o I - . -w t OUIIUI , - . -wuiu, IIUUIKf.
T i - i . . ... 1 ,n1 . 1 , .1. . i i i I flu nr rv"rf Lrw nf l . . i 1 . ..
x rcacueu uie turning anu pulled up to "-""o uc uruxen viauuct, lae I v..u .ii Ui iuc ww wi wrain, nxe
read the direction I should take. I nearlv vrater subsided. A footway waooa- Pruuoa: The good man
lainted with horror as I resd. The fatal "cieu across me muddy nver-bed, aad
finger pointed to the cross road I was tnXDi stopped at bothsidesof thestreaBt,
pursuing To Holmesdale and Seabam. ! the Pngcrs exebaagiag from ose to
The opposite index pointed To Ruddall j tlcother.
andAmmering. I could scarcely credit f The aspect of the country as I retraced
mv senses. Snrelv. I wa riht! W i my steps was deplorable. I ooald
1 'j 7 . -tJ--- w I . l .f ... . - w
uau come up xne previous day, and up the ' ,hTmr, ; 1 1 fouTtk whole pojMilatioa sufficed to
iu uie JC7C.TUU7. x ii&a mwr 11 - I ,n ik'ji M . I . : i
r-lM1 tv,;: I X lound 3IcCasslandaadb:tsLair&tt(-rl;i, .. . i.; . . I babv eri aftr hl tk. .v:
... ,, 1 ivKiiauoa was siruggiiug aad I . : r rr " "'s
band fervently, and said certain words
S SBL , . , .dg for theaties andtiwMof Urt: The lttUe mother, tired and Jt
The paduct was qwckly rebuilt, but these States should have been onlv 5 GH KW. tnr 'P comer into
the Station master at Anmnmo A. la. 2 .o , . - 'Itiwi I.f .,1 t.--k. : - i - .
,-. ... f I in o.w, ana, isoegu may chanires l, . . "." iciiiij
in or industrial condition have reitlril y jest. omaa-like, if he can
some change ia the nronortion. it it In. I? do be not see his tri
reverse the route we had traveled. This
was a terrible mi-txVf it nn- .t i reservoir
six o'clock. One of the three precious
hours had elapsed, and I was further
from Ammering than when I started. I
was seized with desnair: vhitnfr twiA
I do cowl Two hours remained, and I ' forsret the race of steam versus water en
naa tnree up nil! miles to ride, and then luc 'bIlisl socomoiive. or do I.
an over-hot tea-kettle,
who can't beta Leim
r.. r r . ' o
iuuot, iiu ja jeugment on her case.
The result is always the same. Bridget
steals sheepishly out. at intervals through
the day, she flings her apros over her.
head and relapses into wild levity. Ask,
"What alls you Biddy!" And the answer
is always tne same; "O, but the mw-i
Uer patses such comics on me." Th.
before The Transport of England's 0blik-
wtre shrouded in
a veil of mist, but far
diinetablt. t&it t. ... I Umph.
tsalimi i.rtk. ..i...' I Bat to the real subkets of our sera tin v
towns and a tic. There the v crowd and Tbc I0? e fssdes are " as dry at
. .Aco'PoadealolIodoa cef-1 cnuh each otiM. lhuZ LJS.Z? I remainder biscuit after a vovak
" A?"?. Zr the work which is nut caiuihfar ai Land P who cherish the idea that witdcW
Eravn"SS7 share of ihe InduTtrial
on tinder the superintcu'de7oTw Wu,S W
Dixon. The case in which the stone Is
ly distributed, would add to the nation's
innmrWJ Mr.
n i -n " -
"Yes, all is right; bat"
"Well, tut what!"
"I don't quite like the South Reservoir
embankment," was the reply.
JlcUausIand turned pale to his very
"Come with me," he said abruptly. JZ aw,.
TTp hnm .f,.V v.; .:, V.J1 die distance.
with a strange dread upon us.
We soon came in sight of the extensive
emuanicment, which con&ned the waters
01 the largest of the three reservoirs of
the Holmesdale Company.
1 litre is the spot I was looking at
this morning," saki Johnson.
"l.u liad better have a few men to
puddle up this," said ilcCausland, indl
vouug b liny ctsck mat would nave es
caped less experienced erea.
- -We then continued onr intwtinn Knt I engine moved out of the station
during oar progress round the works the J histl shortly afterwards.
Apps river down the vallev, and , , "looa " semaeat space
guess the spot at which tlie" flood r14 cleared around the -HMtrate
strike the railroad, and the branch ltooe-. mJ aea J ere at work
which I stood, I could trace
of the
Hue over the spur of the hilL I could
just distinguish the Junction in the mid
A dark smoke anoeared to
be rising from it: an enirine Dtrhaw wait
ing to start with a train, and was linger
ing on the hilL This, aad more, I could
perceive as I rested on the sumrait.
Smewhat refreshed, I rode manfully br-
wam inio uie sxorm.
How my horse kept his feet I do not to
this hour understand.
I was quite alone, net a human bein
in sight, but suddenly the whistle of a
locomotive was earned to my ears. An
to be conveJaT hZT. L" ?"!T' . Td all doubt, this over
of Messrs. V' thir n.,. v 't .kl g u
the channel I J"""3
are as easy to make as gud resoletioas,
if one jut goes systematically to work.
It would be a revetaUos to thorn to
realUe that oseike differs from aaotber.
when we learn that the coantrv rrnnH I tjrv: home; cared the slight lameness:
this old town laU sotae of the richest 1 Bn('er band, the youag horse
pastore lands in the kingdom, a single developol a speed that was marvel,
cow producing as many as two huadred OQ-- Defendaat had beard of this
pounds of butter ia a year; aad as but- SJE totnTi'S jet received aay of
ler is the prpdpal iagredieat of the Baa- lh PT for fleet beast, he went to his
bury cake, what wonder that nearly all ghbor's stable, when neighbor was
the men in the place were bakers wboe ,r carried the horse home as his
renown spread far aad wide? No wed- rTa property.
ding festival, 3laypole dance, or merri- LaM. Spwkaian was called bT
meat of any kind was complete without pkua&T to recount what he had
a dith of these cakes, aad they were also T6 kkot "J about selling the
served to the authorities upon state occa- "e aia disposition to
ssobs, for-we fiadiaaa old record of Baa- rxaole- He wanted to give the conversa-
bury accounts a charge of "cakes for the boa ,a?oal borc M o4 cader-
J edges at a meetiag of the Court," two tx lt to give the Impressions which
jwuw iuicc asiiusgs aaa Sixpence. SO - u.n w au raini.
you see even those great men granted "P. top," cried the Judge. "This
their patroeage to the Btaburr pastry. 1 001 Look ye, Lr. Spaak-
Xow, when good Qceea Bess 7y to ma' e "'"atyoa to give to cs the exact
the throne of Eaglaad, the Puritans were ,r6nij. whicfa e defendant used oa that
very strong ia Baaburv, aad, by aa ua- P1103- It is not for you to say what
lucky turn of tisae, the cake which had M 181 only what he $aid. JTe
been in such demand all throah the 0:1 JatlSe ""B his intent was. Dojoo
Middle Ages were suddenly aad uaac- not femeaiber his words r
csusitably looked upon by thit part v with " Spaakmaa, with a bew,
disfavor. Aether they ccidered" their "X I da."
pleatifal allowance of butter a waste, or TiKI iH J00 repeat them to us re
hether thev had bad digestions and P5" tbem as nearly as they were spokea
jrrudrwl the uiM to thiw K V,. .. I Jo caa.
?n " ,1 "w r?J'"A" of 31essrs. Mo'hins last .l -'B5 " vic employments, thu di-
1. neighboring ground, .Uewn 1 lr .Pf ." ""-W
of altsbtpes aad sizes, all ready to I
ywM -uic mtbufcaia ui ueuiaaus
aest struggle ia vaia for work, has been
aa important cause of recent proio&ged
dif asters.
The remedy I Mr. Grrdey taegbt it
"Go West, yoea- maaT Look at the
adTcrtiieaests oderisg free of Srst cost
intu. - r . . .
excavated stuffhas arisen which overtops tUr, t .lT 1 ..l-r r'
the tre that th rrA v, ! A gle oompaay, the Union IV
i'tr ""iciflc,! now eSenag ia other colemas
yesterday clearing away the soil the
men diggwg, the boys carrying soil in
straw baskets, aad already a mocstd of I
as a fly-specked leasoB-drop. out of aa ' lcr ooci 1104 haowa; but certain it is joor hoaor, Mr. Jones had come
lhcj tormeu so sirosg a partv about v- vi uuc uaiaia lor
this tJae that they pulled to ttegnwnd crier's Brandy col t. Jones had noticed
old "Baaborv Cross," so celebrated ia f de laicae 'te of" hind leg, aad
our nursery rhymes. he said if he cocJd be sere that was caly
So the people of Baabury made two fslPorii7 ke wocid give three thousand
parties and waged war right valiantly ,rr for cult; aad as he was a
upon each other; I suppose it must have es?lU; bcn doctor, he wanted to take
beea with thtir bMM r- t the animal home and attead to that If
kveard ef aay other weapons beins d "cM cw it 1 woahJ pay the
Hi.., wit uac uiaers issm i
antique grocery, differs from a strawberrv
ensp with dew.
T - . 1 . .
m a maa uc ucaiag ia almost aay
other mental endowmeot. aad if he does
not opealy acknowledge it, be is partic
lariy careful to avoid aay strata ia the
dtrtcuos of that missiag link. Vilui maa
igaoraat of time, rhythm, notes, aad the
whole theory ef music, crer offers to lead
a choir or to perform a solo in public !
tts. r . 1
noere u were one, wilboet a matbesnat
O wuoc.MWS I ahfVa W Tl. W-
breach in the sea wall, and verr l.ttU . V"tc '""J
widening isneeded for the passage the U,e thTcVaeWT"
been slmi-
uvamr, uich, waea resav. is u tv i.j 1 -.i l . . . t .
rolled iato deet, w a hn.i.l ,85 "ea atixactioai of
... --r LSJiianus.
from the shore.
clouds bad mascd themselves in wild I txm was 1 watched it glide awav
granaeur above tne hills, aad lav beavil v i"" UiC iaa ucu r ire minutes later
above the Apps Vallev in front. The TOac nto the station, aad called for the
railroad crossed the valley ia a graceful J tt3t,0a master. As I dismouated the
Tiaduct near Ammering Junction. I clock struck eight. The time was up
A low moaning sound was in the .air I ad no signal from -McCmilaad. Tcle-
It was not the wind, for the breeze had j SP"10? ad now be easy. A porter
strangely lulled. The men had all cone ! ctme 001 i response to my summons.
McCausland and I
up to the reservoirs.
sat chatting together.
"Do you think vou could fiad your war
uses; aiuae,- - ue ascea suddenly.
"Why X" I said. "Do you Intend to re
main heref is there any dangerl"
-ttell, scarcely that; but I think I
ought to be oa the spot. I will return
to-morrow or next aay."
"Cannot I stay, tool"
"Certainly, if you desire it. We rough
11 UfJ UUC, UiUUgQ.
"I do not mind that," I replied. So it
was settled. Fortunate it was that I did
remain. As we were preparing to visit
the sluices again we were startled bv a
sorry ye lost the express," he
I don't want the train." I rrolied. "I
must telegraph at once. Where ia the
station m aster f"
"Hell be here in a minute But ve
can 1 leiegrapa. jdc wires are blown.
Yi e had to send a 'pilot' with the exnres
to clear the line no to Handleih."
".Not telegraph I I tell vou 1 must ston
l. . ."I? T-1 1"- . 1 . . .
iuc uauic iuc oouiu uoimesdaie itcser-
voir will burst this very hour."
"Can that be truer' Inquired a cool.
gentlemanly man at my elbow. It was
the station master hirnlf.
"Truer I echoed, 'ft is onlv too trm-
vivid flash of lightning, which had hardlv 1 haVe "dden to 11 you. We must stop
.cct urti.n . 1.. - I the train "
"k" - ivtu laug uul Wliu a I
inousana tnunuer echoes. I mc excursion leaves iianJIanh at
This was the siznaL The windows of 1 05," mused the station master. "Ther
heaven opened, and a nerfect delude de- may be time; come with me." He
scended upon the devoted vallev. The crossed the line aad entered a shed on-
ukuc u roots leapea up, and daaceddown I posiie. a toiiowea mm., just then
the hillside?, ia white array. Tiny wa- 1" booming sound rent the air. The
terfaUs swelled themselves ioto cataracts, I wnnd came back from the hills like
and loassed down to the streams. thunder.
iiut still the men worked hard mM "It is the ticna I" I exclaimed. "Th
the gatbenojr doom and thnndnr water is out. Heaven helo us aowl"
lantern-light, and Aature rested not that I he station master called ouL A
livelong night cleaner appeared. "Is that engine
U A A. a I 3
xtui a turned in aaa trot um eipoti in I reaavi '
defiance of the elemental war without. I "Yea, sir; waiting for the excursion."
At hve oclockm the mominf . thl "Hun and open the noints. Xow. sir.
iri.. ..... .. . 1 . . - 1
"6"'"" struggling iato lire,Mc-ISeinP-
island came, fully dressed, into mv I obeved mecbanicallv. and bfor
room. 1 started up. I nn5t mKtkA tin. otn.tmn n-. i,aA
I lrosio rnnns-lrafl I .
jwmsdwa uuiLLiT as Tnn ran i rn tha tin itn 'i .m ef.fmn -..i..
aau come uown siairs, Ue Said. I bpffan 1 tnnivrl tr. wl fl. ,V . r
to ask questions. "Lose no time," there's instructions to his tubordinat?. I now
agoouieuPW X want TOUT assistance." I nerry-irml thut tn mA ik.fl
rrl .1 - C "
xioicu,ub.uubi. I Steam Vfrn irfr WhTrh nU
X lumucu up Bl once, nurncd to the 1 cnnntirT
winaowanu looKea out. JJay was just A whistle; we started. "The flood, the
-- I " w w iiw tuitiCU
fhA wnm vj rtti nanw I
, ODe friaoce uv IDC Taller. A morinir
bough torn from its place and whirled to was tearing down Uie devoted Tiaduct!
the soaking earth. Xo time to lose. "Go ahead." cried the
uiu juiul-u AlCSUS- I Siaiion msatpr. I tnniwl nn
land in the little parlor. He was study
ing a private copy of the railroad time
tables, which as aa official he always
"Will you take the horse and ride down
to Apmering J unction with a message?"
His collected manner assured me. Waj
tliis all! A ride through the rain was
not much. "Of course, I will go."
He grasped my hand firmly. "Are you
nervous?" he said, as he held it in bis own
steady grasp,
steam, nut
.u. 1 ,. . . j ' .
mc it-Tcr over anoracr -noicn." ana th
race began in earnest.
It was an cxcilinu race, and one nori-r
to be forgotten. On rolled the flood. Wc
were running "neck and neck" for nno
terrible hall-minutc. 2ow the resistless
flood bore directlv to the bridge. Stones
were rollinir before it like
Trunks of trees, haystacks, debris of
every description came headlong down
upon the doomed structure. Wc fled
like lightning over the rails. Oar speed
Aonsense," I replied, laughing; "I'll told now. Sparks flew from the chim
readrin fin ninnli. irit'. iimuii..) n.v I nn4tinF UnAl.1i It I . i- .1
be ready in five minutes if it's important.
Is the horse ready?"
I ran up for my waterproofs. When I
came down the horse was at the door,
and McCausland inspecting him. I
ney. Another "notch," the beat of the
piston quickened to an almost inconceiv
able rapidity. We were on the bridge.
Hurrah! The curling ware beneath
seemed to spring forward. It broke
Sfflint thp bntlrracM. Tn a ttfnnA
"Now," I said, "for this great message, were across. I shut off steam, the station
i... i
The stone itself Is asitl . : ,: . . - MJ LT '"v wwi8g aaa
,.."n ' -! towns
sZ. . ' ' h , l!roR,JpB- Sr and die.
-. -- kuiu,uu uauaciMJC, WB1CB, BeS
the obelisk was erect, probably faced the
desert, aad was exposed to the saad-ladea
wiads, they are almost illegible. The
edges also have been dipped, aad will
have a slightly jigged appearance. Still
twi ue world is o Terra a with people
e jorcxex trvjag la oe fasts v, al
though they have sot wit eaeegh to salt
If Ue good God gave you the gift of
it, it weil; if you are without it, take
heed tortd Thomas-a-hTrmpu: "What
thou art that thou art, aad thou caast at
make thyself other."
Paradise; aad
crutbsog mil
still struzzte.
Hannilv far them tna.
i - ....
saa save xosad Etmes,penaaaeat labor,
aad sure subsistence on there Western
lasds. There too, they have foonJ a de
gree of independence which few can fiad
where all the paths are overcrowded and
all this mill Uve dimiaisbed prominence .V. r xv -.'V f
when the stone Is raiwJ an.! Lr M W hJ
will nodoubt furrn .a object of bcautvas wd? "iV - ,J pTO
weliasofinterestwheait sUadiu iu .tSr ,in bo"a ave not
home oa the Thame, embaakmeat, after f" T ' l
baviag bn to.ed through all the y'fo caT ffiij 'r
rani dinrrn nf tnmi U tl. .r iu, wb can MfW -1 . i.
"j"" i"S a ic xvBguso c&aaaei. A
vunuua uiwa iu unnrrcu occurreu ve- I - . t-. . . i ,
terday. The base of the obelisk coild
not be found. The sister obelisk that is MaaifesUtioas of internal force be
erect was excavated to see what base th the earth's crust in the shape of
there ought to be, and a large square eilher earthquakes or volcanic eruptions
block of granite as found. OrisrtnallT occar os ta srenn nnrlr ibm. timH a
at the fonr corner vivi. fnnr I wmIt in i. t. i
- . .i.immu-i -v. biv.w. w u iuiuiuj in some I j i -, , - , . . .
mals on which the obelisk bad rested; prt of the globe. Secb, at least, is the T11"8?.1 rrS"d rr propne
but three of these tupoorts had roar, aad cosclusioa to be niin . t,nm ,b. I Ue escirc,cJ Dk with her two
stones had been thrust beneath ia their Puon of all the recorded nheDomena of '' .betwe5a kiu. bestowed,
place. After this iavestiiration a search this kiad in the rnr i.t.i . Vs' -te (Xiss, l am (kUs so (two
was orcanized for the miinp bast ht oared bv Imfr.r Vnr-1. .itu.VLi l5Aui P,ad to M Jw (kUs-s-s Stz)
as yet it has not been discovered. in a German scientific iournal Wbta did J00 .come feere 1 1 thought
--r ' . Out of the three buadred aad sixtv-five l -.Z J Iowa By thu time
Feed Hi First. The atv Dasers Lt.r. . u. J J L. c smith began to realize the delicate sitaa-
a . . a i w v ms. uun nuniimi vpm i .
pubUsbaa account of a tailor who. boiai? U.iUi .1., Jt . , uoa of affairs, especiallv as other wen-
TJIS VbC- a'fiM? .ueaticrecord presen, and he veW to protest that
Newark, h. J, to New "i ork in search of must have been manv shocks of mot or tbe lkd WM mlstaken-that hu name
empk,ymeut. X finding any, be re- leM vMencVin ?5i&ri rftr?? he
turned to Newark, as be came, on foot .1. .,.-. , " . . In Iowa that be had never seen her 1-
iu. iiiuuc uci c w ajitxiirT mrrra v- rnnurn
boon after his arrival there he fell to the I tn .ri.t Th. ..w... r ... "T foropno all of which the ladv finallv verv
ground ina suteofunconsciousaesspro- aerved pheoomcna occurred at Cucuta. re,at,J McnteJf remarking that he
duced by hunger and exhaa.Uon. 0a Xew Graaada. on the Ifith. 17th Vs.h " P1 lm.fie f " "ry dear,
demonstration was her overiov in the
dJ'- . . auadalaxeTn' M, "i "apposed discovery of him thus unex-
burely, stringent as the times are. there nth- .t T iS t.i..i t.. '... v-ll pectedly in KondoaL
,V;f L "5 fion th; at Lah'ore, in the
iJiCiitvy, uu I I'untiiih' an1 Tr 1)1 . t ia.l I Tnv Aliv tsrrA .... n
nswwl fn. .f. Th. .i... I T.T . I -ir uwun iua, ia Oil
- - - - MwMa v aj auk 4ii t naa vtia-aj s a.iii l a. . - i
Kissed br Mi,uke.
The Elagstoa rX. Y Frtrma rebtes
the folle wtsg : Oa Fridav taomsasr aboat
fie o'clock, as a youog aiaa. wlxne ex
treme modesty preveats tae disdMire of
bis name, out wsw may be called Smith,
was prepariag bis store for customers, he
aotked two joeag ladles straagers to
him go past, aod what appeared most
siagular was the almost impertiaeat
manner in which they riveted their gaxe
upon him. However, they pissed en aad
were absent from his immediate vicinity
a short time, wbeo he was surprised to
agaia see them ia front of the door gaz
iog losgiagly at him. Sedde&ly oae
rusacu inroagn tae pea door, hurriedly
ptaccu aer i rareun- saicael upoa tbe
preachers, aad preached dowa the cxtt
sad the rival cake-makers, aad the lawn
was ia such a com notion that tone were
made for maay a long day. Thus the
Baabury pastry came to have a new la
tere:, stece it formed the boae of con
tention ever which crave learned t---
fought with such rigor.
It is said that the Puritans looked UTM9
the cakes as a superstitious reKc hmn
they were more used at religious seasons
una at etaer tia-cs. aad wished to nro-
hibit the sale of them oaly oa feast or I P01 VM Ike.1
threenhocsaad dollars."
" es aad sow will veu teM ca 5nt
the words with which 3tr- N'utter aa
sweredl" "WelL rear honar. Mr. N'ctter eaid h
dida't care "
Stop, witness. Yea do not fnHr-.
dentaad. I want the exact words which
were spokea. Mr. Natter voald sot
have said what X would or would not,do.
Dkl he not say, will do so aad sol' He
inst have spokea ia tbe -first person."
uwowonn was ue um
iasi aays. Ana, ladeed, cakas have al
ay, trom time to time, had a neculiar
icttou signiBcaace attac&cu to them.
There are those made at Cocgietoo, in
Cucsbire, triaagular ia shape, wita a
rauia ia each corner, emblematic of the
Trinity. Tbe N"e Year's Dv Gud cakes
ofCovcatry; the Good Friday bua, with
its cross; the Jewish Passover cake.
asu, ajaia, tae runtaas treated the
misce-pie with religious observance; aad
the old rule rigidly adhered to bv them
was, that the crust of this pie should al
.... V-! - 5 L. T ..
Mv dear maa." said the ind-
iog ia spite of his trouble, "I mean that
Mr. Nutter would aot, whea teHiag what
he won Id himself do, have use of
the third person."
"Of coume not, your hoaor; was the
third person there, aad be dida't want to
use me at alL"
"Pshaw! Look here, ay goad maa, I
simply wish you to repeat the
words used by the defeadaat oa that oc
casion. Give them to cs just as they
came from his lip. Now he did not sav
like this. Provisions
hMrta r tint in -rvl il thmi
" -" i .! vj kr. . uiuuci UU m Ills aQmi-
.IM1 I. . III I. 1 , . ...... - ..! . , ... M ..
MUtnan.nn.r i : . ' I ."v-rv n. ui uc ouscrrcu, I l'"!' saicuccmai uie," tons
est straits for food are often ashamed to north f th t; r ri- i. :. ...r lriA t.. .k. . .... T . .
beg. But when human bcinirs are acta. .."i .V.V "7Z ZT l. I "U"" " w lac
mak ll'e? atnn A ftion caused by these earthquakes, fulhe evil of isolation. Tolive a, a
them rIiPTl lueuamage to property was enor- mcmoeroi tne great white race that has
" i m i in ft -.ijtniiin m . i n law knmvA i i
It i m.lnf.,1 fnr.flw T...:I r- -..v u .uita sau coioniZCU
- w a. IJiULI BUllUiUL' I -"-.- I m akAHnva 1 a . . . . a
itfAth.Vofih?. v a' RI i v wuii ucicu w uaic cr territory it has
w -aM ajwa Miaaaya. 1U1 111 1 II E SI PVCnWTTr Th Af..-..:!.. I Iiaati l.rl ...
matter that anch mS.fortnn ,r..n.i. a "17 r." r"" "tuI'J. w oare irom
i . e.-w : M.i'iMW3aie tue pnviicces ol Atner- aav to uar l tnouchts. It earei. it In
,, .,i. - . ... , ' ,. , . -rr-"- w aiacr- vt, iu iuuueuu, ui cares, lis in-
conference .pfration It is necessSy thatery man
todoforaraanwhobstarvinirislofeed ' 7i v k m !"Z
him. Lectures on domestic economy do
not properly come in order until after.
wn.rdi.-JV. Y. Ltdgrr.
who had voted at the Presidential elec- seal It is because
are the
bewildered and at
tlifT nexir rpail a
tion should be admon'uhed, and that every newspaper. And why are the inhabitants
minuter should try to induce his mem- of the United States, though scattered
bcrs to abstain from voting. Previous to orcr a territory fourteen times the area of
on wc jtcnnonites in Southern ltussia I r ranee, so much more capable ot con-
Buows "Hullo, Jones! What's the
mattcrr1 Jones famttenr tcuorl t40h vm ma r. . ' .iM 1. -it .1
. t rt f 1 J i, iivui uuc ui MIC UUIIC4 Ol I Wiwu avuuUf bv uiuu iuuic aic ouu
European citlzccship miliUry duty. Io I tnoilcro, to much more interested la new
- - w wum, as uwu 1 s 1 ss i v 1 rtn w m 1 111 a)imm ar t n 1 snn t nr
MDeir mel oa don't mean thatP th lmt..i - . ... "JJl ,T1 ..t..: 1 .:n.: .C!. i V ..
.tn?n7.?,? cnob"cd .enve up States sctln. They never go to law, and It la because the newspapers penetrate
singing altogether." Brown (with alac- tbcv make It a rnl n.rr .. . ,K- erervwhere. and even the lonelv d wellrr
- liy ucorce. look here, old fellow! I 11k n. 1.1 1. 1 ' I .u M..t. 1 tt, f.,.-.i j.
Come and dine With us tinM f W KT
,1 , o IW.UI III U1C u HUH, 1 111S IJCIELT U)0 I -'-.""iJ .hi. (jiuiLUireOU
pend the evening. is not atranrr- that Ameriean of public life which flow through the
A tocso Chica.r0 vu Pouuc. oiTers few attractions to tbenu tcicgrapu ana press."
. ... 1 . . - -
ins notel bill, declared:
the free far "and mfehtvS ? JounStwonin aa pretensions At the present moment 4,000,000 Hin-
MihlZ A whatever thinks of wearing .anything doo and 100,000 Mohammedan children
u"?? V1 D1J but blue stockings and sandals, are attending schools in India, and 50 000
b SeS unrelfi.SkyLmIdni?bt -l'tchez itowcraf. This U rather to 00,000 of them are receiving inUruc-
snnsHnT" 0flrcllcTed bJ J ? dancing ahead;or the Georgia costame of a shirt- Uoa up to the Fglbh Unlverty sUn-
l" collar and spars. dard
ways be obleag ia shape. Ta imitation of I "OBki do ili he aait have said, do
the maa ger wherein our Savior was laid, ff' J - Dj J00 tmder-
the mince inside being sappued to refer tUT
to the gifts of the wie mea- "Bat' I6111" boaar, I can swear that
So more than fiftr years passed away J'ar 8COf4 name was not meationed at
aad these cakes were still rerarded with bether jear hoaor cared or dida't
disfavor, aad ceased to be sold at the
ruadxide inns aad taverns, formerly their
principal ucpou; and none were made in
that old English towa, except, I suppose,
bow aad then a pan fa! on the sly, by
some white-haired old baker, just to see
Walton gave it up, aad was forced to
allow the witness to tell hu story ia his
own way. Q. Jrn .Yew Teri
TnrraxD Wbckeits Ores es Focsn.
that the cuaaiag had not left his hand. 4s T Tvt rocsn.
or perhaps foris preT .SdSffi ZSZ 1 D"h nUk20
. .V - .. -,.- .. imca is coatrarr to what, not bibt
was the ceneral oniaioa of
h ha) hninl f.tS... . I u- .
tim of the batUe of Baabury Cross, aad enUfcl
vaucicu uvw iuc cute lasiea whose
name had passed into a proverb.
Now, whea Charles II. became King
of England, that monarch -wbo never
said a foolish thing aad never did a wise
An. n tk. tIl..M i. . 1 . .
w.v, .- amuw.j uaacia ueiraa 10 see
oca. The researches, however.
which withio the last twenty years have
been instituted with regard to the earli
est races inhabiting Europe, have coa
clusively shown that weapons aad imple
ments of bronze 1 an allov of tin aad
v a. a. I 1 . 1 .
ii&MWJto bdb the KS
been laid awav on the shelves br their
fathers with a leaf turned dowa at "Ban
bury cakes." For a Merrie Maaarch had
come to rule them who lived for the In
dulgcnceof his appetite aad cared little
formatters of state or partv Quarrels. so once more the time came when
hungry, belated travelers, stopping at
English inns on country roads, were
served with tankards of foaming ale and
hot Banbury cakes to send them on their
way rejoicing.
At me present uiy inese cakes are
more widely sold than ever, and in 1&41
five thousand were sold weeklv. larsre
shipments being made to America and
India. On tbe marnascof YictnriaAde-
laide, the Queen's eldest daughter, to
Frederick William, of Prussia. Uie Ban-
ounans rcouut the cross In honor of the
ceremony. Every year they exhibit a
pageant in which a ladv. beantifollr
dressed, rides through the towa upon a
wnue none, fahe is preceded br ltobin
Hood, Little John, and Friar Tuck: a
company of archers, with bands of music,
flags and banners, follow. After march
ing up and down the principal streets
they halt in front of the cross, where tho
lady, Maid Marian, distributes to tho
poor people of tho towa baskets of Ban
bury cakes. Christian. Union.
Thkt who take self-love for their culdo
ride in paths of partialitv, oa the honw
of adulation, to the goal of falsehood ;
but he who prefers the raaadate of rea
son rides in the way of probability, la the
course of prudence. Ills jouraev will
then tie as pleasing as tho object of it,
which is truth, shall be sure.
duction of iron.
Ia the curious "lake dwelliags," dis
covered ia Switzerland, not only bronze
implements, but bars of pure tin have
been discovered. The proportion of
tia varies from four to tweaty per cent-,
about tea per cent, bclnj the most com
mon. The principal present sources of tin
are first, Cornwall, where it is now al
most exclusively obtained from raises,
instead of washing or "steam works;"
second. Saxony or Bohemia, in small
quaa tities, aad exclusively from mines;
third, Baaca and other Islands of the
Malay Archipelago, the Malay Peniasala,
as well as parts of Hindostaa aad Bur
nish: all the productions from these faow
furnishing the greater part of tin com
merce aoown generally as straits tin,"
b(in? drin!" f mm itMm wnrlr fonrH
New South Wales, Queensland, and other
parts of Australia, together with Tas
mania, bpaia, Uolivar aad Mexico, also
furaiah (or have lately done so) some
portion of the tin of commerce. Green
land, Japan, Finland. Siberia. Iceland
and Madagascar, and some other locali
ties,have also yielded tin in creater or le.
quantities. Mining Rtconi.
The growth of wool haa come tn h
one of the most prominent and profitable
industries of California. Several wool
growers in this State own each 30,000 to
40,000 head of sheep, and many hare
amassed colossal fortunes ia the boaiaea.
The wool export last year was over 50,-
wu,wu pound, worth $3,000,000.
Earlt to rves aad late to bad: the