The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, August 18, 1877, Image 4

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    My Dog "Sport"
I bare always loved dogs, and dogs
have alwajs loved me. I cannot recall a
time in. my life when I was afraid of a
dog, and I never knew a dog to be cross
to me. "We understood cadi other. Dogs,
like people, soon find ont who their
friends are, and all the sympathy of their
dog nature warms up to them. I endure
cats, I fancy birds, I like horses; but I
love dogs with a real human love. I
have been the owner of a good many, and
their memory is fragrant with mo yet.
But the best and loveliest of them all
was Sport He was as handsome as a
picture of a rich brown color, with
large, liquid eyes, full of inexpressible
tenderness, long, silken ears, that reached
nearly to the ground, a short pug nose,
and square, intellectual head. He was a
rare beauty. People would always stop
and look round at him as he patxxi.
Thieves tried to steal him; but he wa
too cunning for them.
He understood lan gunge, as far as his
range of words went, as well as a man;
yes, better than some men I know. He
woulJ watch my every motion, and atthe
slightest hint would be off like a shot to
do my bidding. If 1 told htm to take a
man s hat off in the strtet (which, I am
sorry to say, I have done), he would give
a spring to his shoulders and bring me
that hat before the man had time to get
over his scare and look round. Some
times, if I left home and had forgotten
something, it would be enough to say.
-sport, nanaterchiei r 'pockctbook;'
"gloves 1'" when away hs would g, soon
after returning with the article in his
I was once bathing in the Delaware.
After I had dressed and gone a mile from
the place, I found that I had left mj
necktie. I looked at Sport, pointed at
my neck, and said: "Bring it." Before
the words were fairly spoken he was off,
and in a quarter of an hour returned
with the tie in his mouth.
I used to play hide and seek with him.
1 would turn him out of the room and
then hide my handkerchief. He always
beat me. I would put it under the car
pet, inside the piano, stuff it down behind
the sofa-seat; but he always found it.
Once I put it on top of the curtain-cor
nice, tie bad a lone bunt that time: but
at but he mounted oa a chair, looked up,
gave a long sniff, then wagged his tail
and winced. He couldn't get at it, but
ioia me piaintv enoujja wnere it was.
One Sunday night I came home from
church very tired, and thought I would
see if he could get my slippers. I took
off my boots, and, pointing to my feet,
said: "Sport, slippers P It was a new
word to him. He looked at ae sharply;
inea at my leet; tnea away ne went to
my bedroom and brought mr nirhteown
Seeing my boots off, and knowing it was
near bedtime, he thought that was what
i wanted. I snook my nad: N( no:
and again pointed to my feet. "Slipper,
see V showing the uncovered foot. Aw ay
he went the second time, returning witli
the bootjack. I said. "Xo, no." He
looked at ae again inquiringir. turned
bis head on one side, then dasned off the
third time, with a sharp yelp. This time
he gut them; and oh! how glad and
proud be was when I patted him approv
ingiy. He never made a mistake about
slippers after that.
Of all dogs be was the most faithful.
If I put anjtningin his charge, he would
guard it for hours, and I believe he
would have sacrificed his life rather than
desert it. Put him bedde a sleeping
child and say, "Watch P and wee betide
any one wno should disturb that child.
Once I came to the city in aiteamboat.
l pot my value on Lbs lore-deck and told
Sport to watch it. He lay down with
his paw upon it and his sharp eyes en
closed. "When the boat reached the land
inga colored porter rushed up to me,
crying out: "Baggage! biggageP "Yes,"
I said, "take that Talise,1 pointing to it.
He sprang for it; but Sport made a snap
at him that soon drove him back. He
tried in Tain to get possession of it by ar
tifice. I stood by, laughing.
ine porter saw tbe joke and went
ashore to get a comrade. "Here, Pete,"
he said, "uke that gcnlman's valise. I'm
fulL" Away the second fellow went for
it; but bports teeth rattled more furious
ly than ever. I offered him double fare
if he would get it; but it was of no use.
Sport was too much for him; and even
alter I bad called him off duty he eyed
the man suspiciously, and never left him
uu me vaiise was saieiy come.
Once only was Sport disobedient. He
was subjected to a temptation too great
for even bis great dog heart. "We had
sauea across ana down tne mer in a
huge yacht; when anchoring, we took a
small skiff to hunt in the reeds for ducks,
bidding bport remain on the yacht and
Keep waicn. ne were gone about an
hoar, had fired a few shots, and then re
turned to the yacht. Bat Sport was not
tbere. n e called mm, whistled for him,
fired our guns; but in Tain. We spent
bouts fee King lor mm among tne reeds,
Fruitless search! He was not there. We
thosght him lost to us forever, and, with
sad Hearts, at nightfall returned home.
Bat Sport was ahead of us. He was ly
ing oa the grass at the landing, waiting;
uui too weary to rue ercs. lie couici
only wag bis tail, and that faintly.
We saw at once what was the matter.
He bad beard the shooting while on the
yacat, aaa in a moment or excitement
bad forgotten the command to stay, and
jumped into the water. 2fot being able
to swim throsgb the reeds to as, he re
tained to the yacht; but the sides were
too bigh to cumb Bp. Alter, probably,
many fruitless efforts, he started for home
on the side of the river a long swim
against the current; but be accomplish;!
It. It cost him dearly, thoagh. He grew
qaite deaf, aad lost his ambition from
that day.
Soon afterward, while walking on the
railroad, and, unable to bear an ap
proaching train, be wu ran over aad
killed. How sad we were! I felt that I
bad lost a fries d to whom I waa all the
world. I woBder sometimes if there is
so after-life for one like him. The line
between bis iastiact aad a soul's intelli
gence was Tery faint. The depth of his
affection was wosderfal. Poor dear
Sportl Woald that my arms were around
thy Beck and thy soft, silkea ears were
resting oa my cheek bow ! Tay place cas
sever be filled Bet. Thtmat Street.
The westers farmers sad specalators
bare discovered what their predecessors
discovered in tne Crime&a war, that bo
oae Bstioa can permaacstiy benefit, by
the misfortunes of another. The ira
mease fortunes which were expected to
be made oat of the Bafiso-TarkUh war
by the aactaatiofis of the markets bare
proved to be mere castles in Spain. Hie
Chicago Tribune says "that the war has
utterly failed to create the demand for
the prod sets of the West that was ex
pected." PiUthtrgh Cemmereiei.
Whes another speaks be attentive.
The Mission of the Fly.
No doubt many people have wondered
more than once, "what flies were made
for." The following from The Alliance
will help to answer the Question :
A respected correspondent, not satisfied
with the entomological opinions of the
scientists, has peered through the lens of
a microscope to learn more of flics. lie
has ascertained that they arc lovers of
gum, and that they buzz through the air
in pursuit of that luxury. The gum does
not come ready made to the fly, but is at
fiist the invisible animalculx of the air,
which gather to the glutinous wings,
limbs and trunks of the little inccU,and
arc worked over Into shape for mastica
tion. The fly is therefore a useful scav
enger. "Watch a fly," ho continues,
"that has been soaring around the room
gathering in these minute insects; wait
until he settles upon a lump f sugar,
and then Me him divest his accumula
tions with his feet aad eat gum, animal
cu'a &ud t-ugar with equal gusto." " lis
true" sadlr admits the investigator, "if
you will allow plenty of garbage around,
the flies will gather on it and 'whittle' on
withered cabbage and cheese rinds in
stead of eating gum. Flies force the
slovenlr btuelu-cper to a certain degree
of cleanliness to escape annoyance lrom ,
them, for if she keeps her amrtments
perfectly clean and sweet then there will
be no animalculx to make cum of. and
no flies to eat. you see. On the contrary,
if her house is untidy and unsavory, the
fly will go through a deal door aud a pair
of stairs, you see, to pet this gum, and he j
will use her face or the sugar lwwl as a '
dish to eat it out of." I
The correspondent enforces bis opm-,
ion bv quotations from the English chem-!
ist, Mr. Emerson, who first discovered
the fact that flies cat tram, and who ci
phered out the problem by the algebraic
formula of Noa. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and n. Mr.
Emerson taw a fly on a lump of sugar.
Instead of "condemning it," he set to
work to find out why "the insect's mi
nute trunk or proboscis, which is per
fectly reiractile, and which terminatss in
two large lobes that are spread out when
the fl v begins a meal on sugar (and rum).
should be passed over its body so fre-
quently while the fly dined; or in other emotions in all. Intellectual vigor is
word, why the fly should lick itself like manifested in shrewdness of obtervition,
a cat, since its trunk was not made for i and strong powers of perception, imsgi
licking, but for grasping and sucking." I nation and eloquence. Thev arc quick
The chemist fell to thinking. He caught 1
the fly and put it under the microscope, i
u.. w.k -
rum, were as lean and lonesome as a park
uuoQicT ajic. a aigni is a uar-rwra.
The fly correspondent closes with the
following peroration : "One word for the
mosquito. When the summer sun dries
up the stagnant marshes, he sends the
gay and festive mosquito to warn you to
close your windows against the miasma
that will bring chills and fevers, and if
you will not lit tea to his gentle roaade
Uy, be inserts his little bill as a gentle
reminder of the doctor's bills which may
follow, compared with which it b as
Titaniaa wand to Goliah's club.
The fast trains are to be withdrawn,
and one of the shortest railroad wars on
record is over. One week more of fast
trains rushing across the country at reck
less speed, wearing out cars, engines and
tracks in a foolish rivalry whicn brought
no return to the companies, and only
made railroad traveling more dangerous
for passengers, and the old time-tables
will be resumed. With tbe old time
tables will be resumed the old rates of
fare. Verily these great railroad wars
sometimes rctcmble the spats of school
children. Here within a few days the
rates of several great roads have been
suddenly dropped and then as suddenly
raised again to their old level; the time
of trains between cardinal points has
been suddenly shortened and then as
suddenly restored to ib old length. It
is cheap wisdom to ssy that this caprice
and this uncertainty damage the rail
roads and demoralize the calculations uf
the business public 2o remedy has yet
been found against the recurrence of
these wasteful contests, of which this was
one of the least excusable but happily
tne least destructive. Tne day may
come, however, when railroad managers
will not be able to indulge in any such
preposterous fooling at the community's
expense. Y. T. Tribune.
Who Will Take Care of Thev? It
b commonly supposed that engineers get
so accustomed to fast running that they
are unmindful of the perils which beset
them during every minute of their jour
neys. Thb is & misUke. They appre
ciate the dangers of their occupation,
and, though itb rare that an engineer
falters in his duty, they do not, as a rule,
like to exceed a certain speed. This
aversion to extraordinary running was
illustrated in the remark of an old engi
neer, yesterday, when informed that be
must take out one of the fast trains on
Monday. Removing bia slouch hat, and
running his fingers nervously through
hb hair, the old engineer, who has made
all sorb of time, in daylight and dark
ness, fur twenty year, said: "All right,
boss, I'll Uke her through, but whoU
take care of my wife and fire children if
anything should happen! ' The remark
showed that engineers sometimes, per
haps often, think of their families at the
same time they are watching their en
gines, aad that there arc some things that
they like better than running fifty miles
aa hoar.
There was one survivor of the crew
of the Turkish monitor which was blown
up by the Rutsian shell last week on tbe
Danube, ifierc was also one survivor oi
the Custer massacre, which occurred a
little lst than a year ago, and in which
nearly tee same number ot men met tneir
death. It might be called a coincidence.
Cincinnati Q anile. Why, dear me! so
it might. Then there was Tbermopyla,
too. How very strange! Thb reminds
as that the name of Hiddletowa waa de
rived from Moses by simply striking out
the "oses" and inserting thewiddletowB.n
and saw tbe insect was covered with in-1 manner, and with a certain exproaion of
sects. Here was something to be looked j pride and reserve. They are strong and
into. He caught another fly. with a like i active, and naturally averse, to aa isdo
resnlt, aad in this case found the Insect I lent habit. Thei: activity, however, b
eating the vermin which had been work-, rather manifested in war and the chase
edorer into gum. "A glance through j than in useful labor. Pastoral, agricul
the micrC4Cope,nuysthechcmLt,"bow-.tural and mechanical labor they depie,
ed that the operation was not one of self- j as forming a sort of degrading slavery.
beautiScation, for wherever the insect j In this they are as proud as the citizens
were, thither the trunk went. Thev were of the old republica wboe busineas wai
disappearing into the trunk. The fly was ; war. Their labors are laid upon tne
eating them." Tbe chemist grasped a i women, who also are, upon occasions,
paper, waved it frantically aad mytte- the beasts of burden upon their marchet ;
riously through the air, put it under the : for the egotism of the red man. Like that
lent, and found it thickly covered with , of hi white brother, makes him regard
tbe same kind of vermin that he had j woman as his inferior, and a prrdettined
discovered on the flies. "Here is some- servant to minister to bis coaf ort and
thing definitr," he said. "Tbe puzzle is J pleasure. The iilackfeet have, moreover,
solved. Eureka! The fly is a scavenger. j bvth a local attachment and a strong
Mr. Emerson made investigations with t patriotic or national feeling, in which
flies taken in filthy and unhealthy places, respect they difer favorably from all
and found them fat aad saucy, while In-other tribes. In their public coandls
sects caught in clean and well-ventilatd j and debates they exhibit a genuine era
apsxtaeats, where thev coald ret little 1 torical poer, aid kecane and close-
The Blackfect Indians.
The Blackfect, taken pi a body, are
still the most numerous and powerful of
the nations that live wholly or partly in
North America. In person they have
developed an unusual degree of !eauty
and symmetry. Though of lea stature
than many otber Indian, they are still
tall and well made. Their faces are very
intelligent, the nose aquiline, the eyes
clear and brilliant, the check boues less
prominent, and the lips thinner than
usual among other tribes. The dress of
the men differs little from the ordinary
costume of the Indians of the plains, ex
cept in being generally cleaner and in
better prcserraii.-n. The B!ol dre
more neatly and are finer and bolder
looking men than tlio 11 lack feet, uho, in
turn, surpass the Peagins in these re
spects. The Bloods are said to have
auioug theui many comparatively fair
men, with gray eyes, and hair botli finer
and lighter colored than uual in the
case of pure Indians. This tribe Is sup
posed to bear its savage name, uot from
any particular cruelty of deposition, but
because, unlike the other till, iu war
riors do not steal horcs, but only tcek
for the blood of their enemies, whom
they generally overcome, for thev are
among tue urarot
The faces of both
of all the natives.
Blackfect men and
women are generally highly painted with
vermilion, wnicn ceint to be the na
tional color. The diets of the latter ii
vcry singular and striking, consisting of I
leng gowns of buffalo skina.dressed beau-
tifuily soft, and dyed with yellow ochre.
These are conunctl at the wrf.j iby a
broad belt of the same material, thickly
ttudded over with round bms plates,
the size of a silver half-dollar piece, '
brightly iUhed. Tbe Blackfect, how-i
ever, in common wita other Indians are
rapidly adopting blankets and cajoUs
and giving up the beautifully painted
robes of their forefathers. Tbe orna
mented robes that are now made are in
ferior iu workmanship to those of the
days gne by.
Tne mental characterittics of the
Ulackteet nxsmble Cloclv thos of In-,
dians everywhere. Similar drcamstances
give shape aad force to thoughts aad
of apprehen-ioa, cunning, noble-minded
and firm of character, yet cautious in j
Fnanwar .nil iifi . m w iir.. , i ti r
ne of reasoning quite remarkable. El -
. uruwc iu puuut a-aaing uacui aiuca
they earnestly cultitatr, an-i tbe chiefs
prepare titcmsclraa by preriuat reflec
tion aad arrangement of topics and
methols of expression. Their tcxpe of
thought b boundless as the land over
which they roam, and Ueir speech the
echo of the beauty that lies spread
around them. Their expressions arc at
free and lofty as thoe of any dvilized
man, and they speak the voices of the
things of earth and air amid which their
wild life b cast. Their language being
too limited to aSord a wealth of diction,
they make cp in ideas in the shspe of
metaphor furnithed by all nature around
them, and read from the great book
which day, night, and the desert unfold
to them.. Jf. RJbinton, in AppUie-nt"
Shining Twenty JMes.
If ths new collossal statue of Liberty
to be erected in New York harbor could
depend on one of the Pennsylvania gas
welb to keep the great torch burning
which it will hold in ib right band, tbe
sublime effect would owe as much to
nature as to art.
The Bradford Xac Era says: The im
mense vein of gas was struck on the
night of October 4th, at a depth of S10
feet, and was so strung as to render fur
ther drilling impossible. The well b
about to miles from Bradford, on the
Bruce I lodgers' farm. Running from the
well are two two-inch pipes, attached to
which are three gas jets of the tame size,
the gas belching forth from these pipes
with tuch a terrific rush and noise as to
render conversation, pitched in the ordi
nary tone, inaudible for fully one-fourth
of a mile away, and the roar can be
beard fire or six miles away.
The blaze from each of the three pipes
is sent by the force of the gas to a hcighn
oi irom twenty-nve to forty feet, tbe beat
being so intense as to melt tbe mow en
tirely away for a dittance of at least one
hundred feet, and alto keeping tbe
ground so warm dunng all tbe cold
weather of the winter, that grass, straw
berry vines and other plants may grow.
In many places, where the crowd of
ight-scers have worn the ground, it b
very dusty.
The light b so strong that a newspaper
may be read half a mile away. On
very dark nights the illumination b
grand. Tbe light has frequently been
seen in Ocean, Salamanca, and otber
towns twenty miles away.
Sixrtx Waxts. Mr. Ruskin certainly
practices what be preaches. He says
that hb father left him 1 000.000, besides
a great deal of real estate and many val
uable pictures. Hb mother also left
him flttf.OOO. He gave S5,000 to his
poor rclatinnt O, most excellent man 1
sold the pictures, bought Brantwood, as
sisted a young relation in business at a
cott of $75,000 oa harness and stable,
and has given $70,000 to St. George's
Company, besides having spent $350,000
variously. He is at present worth $270,
000, and announces that he intends to
give bis valuable Marylebone property
to St. George's Company, hb Heme Hill
estate to hit cousin, and the $00,000
which will remain to him he will invest,
and lire and die upon ib interest
A Stratford old lady, who had never
been on ths cars before, recently rode by
rail to New Haven. On her return, bo
lag asked what she thought of it, she ex
claimed: "It's the most m-o-n-o-t-o-n-o-u-s
thing! Why, I believe coming
back I bey went through the identical
places they did when tbey went down."
A Solaco for the Arrod.
In the decline of life, as the Tlsor of the
system wanes, and Infirmities attack It to
which in early lire U was a stranger, the ue
of a safe medicinal stimulant I liU'hlj adtle.
able. Nothing, as experience alio a, U to
admirably adapted to the wants of old peo
ple aa Hottctte rs Stomach lilttcra. It U a
real solace to the aged, and the best safe,
guard they can olb!j uj agalnil tbe
complalnta to which tbey arc peculiarly lia
ble. It invigorate tbe body and cheer tbe
mlnd.U pure, agreeable and effective. Kbeu
mallim, lumbago and gout are more fre
quently developed In age than In youth or In
middle life. Hottcttcr'e Btltcre are an ex
cellent remedy for thoae painful disorders,
and alto fortify the tyitem agalntt them.
They never create undue excitement, are
gentle In their action, and arc Infinitely purer
than tbe unmedlcatcd ttlmutanl of commerce.
An An tlsoptlo Burial Oaakot-Now
Method of Embalming
ua.IUK cipcumcmru lor .cltral Tears, baa I
made adttruvery which U of great intercattol
acienrr. and t lit mlU.I .....r...i.n n .... I
Ucular; and which la dnllunl to effect a a en.
Ure change In the Jrrcut niUni ot em.
balmlng, or prrxrTlog the UxJtea of the dead.
AH the method hitherto In iour, altboujL
varying allghtly lu UcUtl.ucprndcd upun the
Injection ot tireacnratlrc ebemlcala Into the
vrtna or arterlea. Although thla In a meat,
nre antwercd the purrxne. It waa not entirely
aucccattul, aa the features were liable to
change and discoloration, the meibod el
penttve and U tucccaa greatly dependent oa
the kill of the operator.
Dr It0eremnl0TafurtliennrrwMoilrlrr4
i t.7. a - .
i a canci oi peculiar coaiirneuoe, an J a new.
!r dlacOTrrrd rnntMnnfl villi .Kl.k k -j-
It wathed. The catkctU made with double
wall, or with a rccea In tha bottom In
" Jb!5lf1!kBf' 'fe,, . A'te,r ihe
kaU begin tlowlr to erarte and their u- J
Uon preacrrea the body. Before being placed
l? the casket the body U waahed all over with
,J?'a.litntv" d K1' tfAlh'ot
preaemng tha body for as Indefinite time
without 1U thowlng any signs at all of ie
comrotltlon. During the experiment In thlt direction)
by Dr. Rogers, extending over a period of
Trara. the taallra til .hw-n An-. w. :
uaed, and It la only of Ule Ihxl any aUempU
wlthahsaaa body were raaie , bat the re
sult ef the expcrimcaU wKh the former
leaves no doubt of the auecc of the proccaa.
"TH rTVl" rrtT. "V. "c
uiui uau iTca ur couoia utr are re.
ped to . mt obtained In u.
the eitr and
tne cut ana ho -ji! f.. .n.tnnir.i "
oc cxasjiBca tcu tosjfcl laat weck.ome
M days after death; there waa no tlrs ci de
coapoaiUoa apparent. There waa no cior
wnalever, and. the nab aad jvlnU are aa
pMaUe a when In life. Th
The aoIotloQ applied
dv ttaaaea la bv lh
,jta the body
esdoamoala, aad mtsi to act upon
- -
every part of the bwly. The 2eth appcarrd
bomi aaa naxarai in color. The viscera had
cot been remove!, as haa to be dose la orJl
aaryeabalratng. Thla (object waa prvacrved
a&cev saoaual AlXc&ltica, aa It had ba ex
poacd to the action of the air during the en.
ure time lncc death, aa it was secretary to
examine tt frequently aa a matter of experi
ment. Aa will be aeen, thla dlacoTcry tt quite
clmple la the meant eoptejco, rapid la the
ply It- ft natcral appearance U not drtc4
oat of the bodj, nor la It at all mutilated.
Thla abject has brea critical! exxeUaed bv
several members of the medical faculty of
this city, who concur la the cxprcaaloa of
their taUafactioa at the molt of i&cir cxaav
InaUoe. whkh waa conduct rd a a laoroogh
tsaancr Among the phjtldaaa attadetl to
were Dr Withe, Profcaaor of Aaaloeav la the
Medical Cohere of ae Paeiae, Dr TUaa. ex.
retrdeat phj.icua of the CUj aad Coestv
UcapUaL. Dr AlUrUoo, VicT-Prcaldcat U
the Slat Uunxvpalhlc Society, Dr. Hewry
Ulbboaa, St, editor of the i'awvtc JaVLco.
Jtmn aad Dr. Parry Several lacttlocj
were nude, and It waa fooad that the Uoud
was ttUI aa zold aa If the raaa had only txca
dead aa boor oe two, wherrat Sfly dais Lad
clacavrd alnce hit deeraac.
Tbepmceaa U entirely acrotnpUthed by
the external application of chemicals with,
out UJcctlng the circulatory ayttea. at ta
erdiaary embalming Aa4 alllf the body it
kept la a perfect ttate of prracrvatlon. The
prweca haa pro ten for a parka! of seven
weeks to be perfectly antixptic la hit action,
aad alao a perfect duisfectant la IU cScctaju
there It no odor emsaatleg from the bodr
For the purpose dealxaed by Dr Ragcrs. of
preserving tojlea for traatportatioa to the
Eaat r Earope, thb discovery menu the at
tcntiea ef the pofe!ic aad especially of the
raedical prof caa loo. For preparing hodlst
for aaalaisical parpoae. wfcea not needed
for ImmedUte uk, the prcseat condition of
we oosj reterrea to warraaU the aatnmp
tloa that the process keep them la a belter
atate and is superior to any method practiced
la the disercat medical colleges, aa pohKthed
er now Leo mo to aaatoaUta.'
t . .Virartc
Usa Barahaa's
aad neuralgia.
Able lite for rheua-tatiaa
Fexaa Irritated Throat, Couch or Cold,
"Broni JJnmXio! 7"rwA" are o2cml with
the foHett cenadence In their cficacy. They
malnUin the pooJ reputation they have
Justly acquired.
teas roa Soax TmroaTv Rob the throat
1th Trapper's ladlaa Oil until red ; thca btad
on Saanel untB u la rated with it, aad In the
morning it b cone.
UisBursusm'sAblctlae for croup, colds,
sore throat and hoarteaeaa.
savb vorst aexEY
nr rr-K rr i-aoroGUArKs at tiowLAMrs
-t'SEW OALUUir. 5a. aa TSlrt atrm. Saa Tt aa
Oca. nmlM rvaoCTiada t Salt tk arke
elarre4 at cttr faJVerW. LIXraU rermlta. la eU
r water cobra, cat TEX DOLLARS. Oil rktarra
EalarjTd ta aaj alt aa4 beaaUTaRr csletrtt. Beat
ZaaaeM CmSUhU aa4 Cartfa TEST CUCAT. at
UOWUlXtrS StW OAIlrnr UrrSraacaaaa4
tae fcr a-ort aaa ret oartlcra bctiev TtalUacela.
vaerr. aa4 b rare aa4 rrmembrr tae aasbtr: 33
Taint atrret, ceraer af Joair.
B. r. B0WLA50. ArtKI.
Saa ricicu. CaL.
Stasia roe TAB DKorS.
Br Mr. BUraaa atult,
For cosaaa tr Calda Scrrarter,
Toe aerd tertr fret atraU.
Tt S cratMaaa.
rWXSIST of SWXXTTAR DKOrs S iKjrtt Cooxi
Is aaa Koaneaaaa. SWKXT TAIt TBOCUES. lor
nrkntr or tmtaUoa ta iba throat, teailca' to coca.
S WEXT TAB BALSAM, to ot aaad la ooaaaeUoa wiU
la Invr or Trocaea. aanreise to tae aaxar of tta
rataalalat- lor eery aeaX aaa rac tUf Coaaa. Croat,
Uootfas Cove. faSorua. BroacfeUu. Aausa, not
tbe ransaa mtla.Het aXccOcs' lbs Laxaa aa4 am
Mra. Blctiaat remacti oa ta trratmect aad ccr
0fTanMtaaLcaslXHBBUlata.obtala4 aAer aa mx
perlraea of maar Trar U coBaretloa with her Sweat
Tarlteariilea.eaabcobUlaedoraa7araM m of
ctarra. Ttrj Impart raiaa!! a0 oarfal ialormaxloa.
SWKXT TAB REMEDIES a.r I la 00 oe rrrrart
aoBa.aaBCUoBedhrthhtCu - 'VUlianatMal
am tare ta their rem tor waat 3jtj ar rrojso
ccaacd. KXDIMiTllh a CU. SaariahctKa.
Notice to Subscribers.
L L, CKAOIJf A CO, 111 SoaUt roarth Straat,
raUaCtlatlv bercsr asTM to ara4 to each of the Sab
tcrllMn or rraJrri of thla paper. Ira, a aampla of
DOBBItCr ELECTRIC Mar. prorldrt they rtcdra
th aAireat aad erteea ceata, which aaa axacUr par
U poaiara oa the Soap. TClj Soap tu proasuco!
by tit CeaUaalat JadxM to be the oa! pan Ttta'Jj
Soap tsala ta America. Aa tt hat beea nU&alrtlr
a4rrrt!lar yean oar rtadtrt kara Badoabtadly
beard of the Soap. Tkli verr Bberal oXrr of IU aua
afactaren caablet atl to tratlU qaaUtr far thetBMrrta
my cheaply. Bead yoar addro aad aflecaceau
for poatace direct to
I. t CKAUIX at CO.,
11 l. Fomrta Mlrt, . - rklta4lpla.
XKWTO BROS. A CO, X CaUroraU Stmt, Baa
rrataca. Sola Agaau lor Parts finaat
CaU taa Son of all klsdt
OU Wiaarsa a Col, IT Nra- Moatcppery L. a r.
MoxTooMEttra temfkraxce hotex, r
Secoad at, aaa. Fraaclaco. MralTleketa.t.
J. Bows a aua. 1M awt IS
Serraahot rerelTrr. with
box cartrlilrra. Addma
tat Wood tt, rnubara, ra
"tITiliTPB TrarrUM SalrtBea.
SWS a asaelh
n aaaaiiripeaarapua. aarraollar
Addrrat fmrnVUfLam?WoTU,Vinciil,0.
T W JAt ESON. Eea frit
din, tAe Aeeat tot It 1'
& ?. H. TIBBELL & CO.,
laMitiu xip wavcracrrata or
baiaMa SaaaoSM tut lUllerj, SAX tHXHCUOt.
Uaacfwtaimer Vn'i, Bjji'
Toeth'. aad C&O-1
rmi riMALr mii. i
Orttn tulitMl aa4 pmpUf tUri. AH alJaa aad '
pultun majallaaaarsi Bflrt nrUca. 1
fjaa rx imj a ia rvrfi awl
L AKirlrai saair. t i . Ilalint E f Lm Aacalra i
titrjn.anif alaa mim oataaucnaawaoaa Aa
B-WciiBiatUTiaiur. ac wiiata ibm inula
H.O bif. M hiT'.w iui arr lt .vllmcx boats'
era rvcttc IUUrua4 rllraJ. UM(t ta Uaactua M
Aratxta kii I'arau arajf auU aaa laiamittf. r I
mUklir f. r al la amlaa ar rrart-oe. br AlTrnl
IbUun-Trun. Sit Marlrt t. rr liwalz-xs-rrr.aa
fraaclaoa er aaar to Wi K. DWo.Au I
Mm. I IUt UoCTriMra.Wn(aiwlr.Cal.
Trrnt. ur isanrr rab tUarr I. 3 a&4 S 1 can
taUral at lu pr ra' , aaaM at a4 aT radk jrar
bra4 f-r aua aa4 cifralr "
- - 1 HP JnTKS af w
jrEWO W -1 aad ( arrlatf
iSiS-, lrlal.CArrUiltf
afKmtX tkl Tnmaltp, ti
"ajafM a4 aj aar U)w al
f ' ! ibl Sanrm rat
Karrta I
rir aa
woud utt av-u. si
Airau tor ClarWa
Carriae Uaferella.
k J-BSHavaaaaBaWalaB
tirW Sai tetatfi Ha aar brruuil 1mm
a WMl aa4 Bu4r ractorj aa4 Macata traartB3(.
rtabOM a at a!. Cavn lot : tfmttti arten. aa taan
mUitm. XI gvuCt txrxflx at la Buat fraaatn
N'oa. ra aa a I rrraatt stmt. Saa Tnutta.
Xa- MM aa4 tot J Mm, imanta
Tkz sirziA rxuxz axd lcxzer co.
kavt ever 100,000 Acres ef SUGAK TtSZ,
LA5DS; 10 8wXlIls,3rUalsg lfJll,18Jh
asi Deer 7scterT, 143 aila T Ilssrs, 10
adles ef Traawsvs. 157 mil ci TtUmzi.
Iiaa, IS Talaph Statli; aid csafloy i'.l
BtsauM)exia asa asrses.
laves aad 5M exaa sad hsrscs.
TacSUOAS TtSZ Issararpaated ia qzxi
ty. sad ta whals ccaut caa be tiyylitd.
Tta TZLLOW TISZ b ira, rat rrsia
aai rsperisT to asy etatr hard br ixr-
bf, ataj lf , etc.
Ths ST2UCZ kxs rrmt strcagta, dsrablt
whaa cxTesad. sad especially tdartad t liilzy
axd Ship Zaildiar. wtil tit TIB. sad CEDAX
art as vsluUs in a rrsat varisty ef par
peses. Last year talrty xflllwt ef fret were cat
aaa tas aatiwats far UTT b ifry atHlbas; ii
teen Tt Hildas art aow ea r t v A, tasrsayly av
Ma ky las IM tllaU of 2 ZlaS sad
larrt erden caa be illad ea a day's astie fs
ail kiads ef lUILDISO XATXXIALS, roajh er
crI dry, 57 watch aiaraat aad sahitaBtlal
I wk "T cylUaa4 wttast dxlav si
" tls asaal coil 1st graca lsaber.
Oram far the bterbr illd at lets taaa laa
rrsacbeo prices aad freif it.
SOOSS, IA1X aai BUSDJ always ea aaai
la brr faaatitbs.
rriadpal 01 cm: i ,
' 1 Saarraacbce,
I Ccr. r esrta aCaasaal
TxijLi U is 2asi0
CTIwqwlr afjaar fJrwerr VarjH
California Cracker Co.
A aietaa. ae twi rraa-weas ar t
tratrratfyaa aa anxl of iet tapeelany
to parSra
aaScr e trao laate-Oa-a ae P)jittj.
AJ TIC Ttiraa. the (rratrat
aaaiUta laTrasaw af ta ace
Lavat aad at. at (rtatiy re-;
nCarnt prtrra.
A ehOd caa aijaat aad wear
ad art aaa eaa aad
rata Ion. aa&aiarOo raanatred.
tlaatararSea t. aad nu
rtirjr CALirekXt A SLAaTIC TRCM
IO, KaiM U 7S7 Mattel M
ttr" Doat bay aU atrte bra
harana wtaTacaa ret Baata
WaretT rau4Trartr
rter Hame-aa al aaw anra.
rrereaUehaSaa'ar the Sack, mrr at th Iram.ud I
artMrau whtah reaa 1 rraaa Snrtt traeca arroat
th barker utaraul AaadVrr Hard are aa4 Cot
Un Whuaf aad Ertal! ISTUra BaCa.aVpat'
tcraa. SV. SAVla. t . ain
frartlarSaa Faaactaoo.
Maaaractarrra aad tBpartm af Clolhlaxr and
raralaklas Sioarfa. hait Masatao
tarm of the CekSrxW ratrat
Overalls and Champion Clothing.
1 aad 11 S-uaoroc Strret. - Baa Faasctaoo.
San Francisco Sayinis Union.
aaa Caltrarwla Hl earner Webb.
jBa,t47teaDlttdea4h. beea deeUml u th
rate ef Xlrkt aad Srrrs-tcetha oa Trna riepoatta. aa4 Serra aad Oae-rank
I i Wlpec ceav par
iiicaimtaary urpuatujret or re ral tat, par.
bleoaaadarurJaly Il.lih.
UlVEU. wntTT. CaaVer.
IIS Stalest i treat, Saa Traaeisea,
tta ponert tad tVr ta c Tt ry de-crl p-
Breeeh aadXaule-Laadlar
liritS.lMIT-llIS AM P1S.IU
X. r. UL'RXHAXf -tTd"
la declared the-TAXa A RBTL'RRISir
byorrrasa peraoaawboavit. frlre relwr.
New pamphlet, free F BfRXHAM. York, fa.
VOCR aaKf etqalaluly prlated oa SO tae Wlttag
X Carda.aSrtchltraaprralcard.Bc. -"oo-by
Sceaea.- Etecaat card caa. KC- Acrata estSt,
Me. llaadaama rommladoaa. Wirts BaoTHaaa,
TS1 SI itb atreet. New York.
1T K Vn nm xtx A FIRST-CUSS .EW
. liVlllJ ruao-rctall price. aw-wUl So aeld
at a liberal dlaroeat. Foe rarther partlcatart G.11 oa
oraddreaa N 1L JuHN'sTHX. aaa C3ay ttreet, a V
noinu cuiaEi
rAlXL,KM t
Oalr Sacmaral
Sead for Faper ea Opl
care. DrvD. A L. Mtxxaa.
TAL lux)Ma aaa ! sl.
aear Baah.SaaFraaclaeo. tniier
CaLOaoroaJi adKlalttared. A bvly
aatutaal ta attasdasea. Gsabvatso
eale aaWieai u Aaaeata
1 CWT WANTED Mr Ike tkrtrau work.-Notad
Awtrl I Oaernilaa. or Wartare of the Detder.
Um er QaaatrclL Jarare aad Yottacer Drutherartiai a
core of other. SeixS luurar fmpectet, aad cok
mtactrtaata. A. L 11 mean rr Co a V.
Aad make Ss to Si a dar. Seod for ClrenUre to
i; Jvj t-FtsTKU a CO, Urnrral Acta!, IN Srr
Btrret, Room 4.9, Baa rraaclKO.
Traarra of r. '
laa. ar aead tar
nana lull IIimI wrhleh eterle.e ha prmr4 t lh beat. Tk AVXRILL
r.lT. Jll T:i RKtDV fUH (.':. revel vr Ikr III.! ailr4 l la. (I.alrn.
nlal fUhlttlilftit for UrnutT. lnrlillljr, att-t rrmnnwy.
UMiUui kt.1 it time ltUMU.'l;rlhf
' la (v,Whi lat ea be vs A VKtlt.U 1 1 tHli f It r wl I m 1 nnd pftt. ar
bT AafvnaarithO r V .rf j U r t r V It I KV rui KSU.
I XT" 1 1 la Jm.i ltr lant far lb a . It la Itjr tHr etln tnlr.
Oa ctHoa eaen t)viut jrri4 ,S ro 2 tn. T-rti 'Mf ,:fo M vast ym inr
j eanl oA prtta IUI la tt CIMCIIHXI.l MIJT C(l.,MmriiM m..n Krnrlvt.
C:er Zeirsy asi Jicktsa Struts asi Xsstgissry Anzzt, Sis Zrasrfsts.
THIS llcA'l U fa ta rrrr trtzrr cl XXfC.m3.r -f
HIS llcA'l U fa ta rrrj trtzrr cl tly Ofrat C :r
taSaa r-aac-arr Tt lUr! L altli ca ti k
X taSaa raac-arr Tfc HocrlU ali ea tiwk cf
1UX. aa4 aftraK -aaa Vartrtf Tbtr la iLrtrt r la
VuMJIUmjian in, aa rxicuaiaa a!kt t fta-aaa. aa4 !a a naj rrtn TxmHr Haiti
la btx fraaoaoa. tut Ubr fntr
200M 20ASD, Sl-25 TO 31.50 P22 DAT, ACCOHDIirG TO 2001L
Xh I I n I a s Raaai Uae taMC4 Zuar. ntSatbauliraarr fx iMLtri to tnlH arva aa4 ap Main.
TkTablrla prara lr all to U IS b( la Saa rraarlata. Balk Raaai nnrrj fcw
PR V P f'(kl fit -TWO II-rKI ' OACHU. arta is uar at IW Hai M.lHlainfU
a llI'r' vwsvia tiiasf uucUMUMMitrriMvmto!W Hul rKKC nn
r (XjO rVt CMCk It lX, re alii U-cfcvrrot H. C. r ATRI BUR, rratrl'Mr.
91,000 CbaUenge Ore Mer!
Hinbg and Sax 3LU lacHer7.!
. . , v. 7 c . I
Oaaruaaalaerxrwaais-daa I
l-i.M.l.M-A AMI UUILiKliS,
Aai cOr MacSrrr Rocrlt tsjA Stla.
Aa4 catr HtcHzrrT Boetxt ia! Ki
ar. :H.hiiMX)Y,
Coa. 1'iucn aj M:at:s fr. aji 7aasc:aai.
OU cUnt a&S SKat cnasalcW Cm miriftt CU
ttca aa r enaai. tcu! t awfaiaUj. tanr
mratucrCSc. aracccai traefcm air a'
a-sa taa &3c SUtral caa cmnesc at ar?
Oat. Xht a&S rrratax tntftitt. Clrcx-an E7 t
Sat frra ca, aaaBci-vni
a!7 was. ta cuMMUsxIaL K'irsX.a Jaoctfraa
ffTinLaUEnnriua r Taa lx23cml 3 a
Sntlaa a4 cmbvCu a- 3arT SjoLK.:-
times rtc aai mSm rtgr taaTTrt M krw
ratra. rr coaea aad amvn tram aJ (cSW A
caS trota farawr aatraca m-mETaJr Ut3
w af taa BrvaC T ItaWL a. T
aaa caxlo
1 ass mM aa Siaavrwr C Waa rraatelx.
SLC. raTXtWjX. raorurrca
Tot Caaranl CaarkM. was aa axaraf tu
Batat ea. arts aivar S( U -nasa ax Qa lasCS U
ccaray ajara aa taa mac ga. ir icunrj.
rn uta taa tti OacS. IT rwa SaaaCtarr 8
ff 1 IW1 mm It I aS ITX I V
Sewing 3facliiiiea
Tr. it art era teaa frtettaai
tkjaat aaj
Oiwer Aaraiaa.
!( Mhwttta-I
laia; Seelel
rjrThla MacSte
U ft hcsatz
on aa ta
srr it: tstjt' scr rr:
Wsrrsatal to Civs Xatirs Sttlifartica.
G. R. WOOD, yfaaaycr.
- txs rn.i5CUo
rjr-U4 Areata Wanted la atl mm
raptd Xerrttairy.
Water, Water,
G- ab. S
P 1
las 01I7 casaaaa seas Pi?,
Xasilr IalL Staai as7 Presrxrt.
Xatily tapped wita aa erdiaarr aarvr.
tarSead SarOrealara aad taxeBatlBe ha
axericax nrs: co
ra CaaroraUSl.aa rnaebca.
Cirrtua, Bints, Euns Wiisu 1 Hmss
413 aai 415 Sattsry Street, Saa Fraadieo.
T. W, KASTBAB. Agent.
149 if tw Xaatxaaerr SC. S. F.
eBto.CaL A MurdlBe aad ly He boa I
rwr !( Ladlea. ta-ead Sir arcalara.
porreapoadtae UtIUUiIU alt who wUa fvr rarther
(Da BkTa rtTatrrji.
ilA moTedto Ueary atreet. Baa FTaadan
Aa4 tr rnratfle'
H'CI ATalihla eat aaiheatle hworyet
thellerauou Adreatnrra, Tnala. rrtrCota. CapUrl
nea. aad tW Urea aad death of the -MotSera of
lfcFMS.- By William W Fowler F. OKW1.NO
a Ct, I'ttMtokera. Saa FwiKlafo Cal
P.N. P. C
No. 158.
V. u
rikai. atwaia.nwt
eaa be raallr Bade
twrlac wellaalthoar wewr tTell Awr.
it tjMl. aeaa far caMunr
tt. atBTMS"tlKht, Ml. Loufa, Xt,
utt outrol OKUCIM-i. U it af aoSrri eofc r
' m rfV iHrtuwut.
Zrrtr &-nt U tie tsrtt aa4 tt'ae'M bwlar
n Pst OSetlMMtazx IliSaf.T X lJUJttrZer.C.II
Asa rfraacbeo, Xay 30, 2S77.
We, taa sadersigaad Vaalesab Gneors
takspbajartbrtsarirfsg taa iaereasd de
aaad fer Sowta's Trtsisa Ttatt Sttvitr,
Welhaaa, Peek & Co., JHHtats k Co.,
Eoct sladcrtca. TTzzUtT
Ledies.VTaffTbkCa, Joaes k Ou,
Tahcr, Harxer &
r. Ssaeri ft Ca,
Ttaasaa ft Zail.
Aliert 3ta ft Ca,
V. V. Doift ft Ca.
J.X.Pii ft Co,
J. A- Jolftr at Ca,
Sevtrc Zres. k Co.,
Cartb Sma
Taea. Jeaaiars,
S. Foster ft Ca,
ICebab ft Ca,
Eceth ft Co,
KOhxea Erst,
AMca a Lewis.
rJTTaT Crvtitr aiima
SET. 0ATI3 HcCtJCBF. friadpil.
O AKLA3 St. C.X t
I Journal of Commerce.
Best Commercial Paper
rcBLSHEa ox the rxoric OO A3
A Complete list of Jobbers' Pricea.
And a General Review of all
Goods sold in this Market.
- J5.0C par Tsar.
Hat ea AwaiUea-
17-" a sai p 1 e Cap lea
S. f. tsarasl at CJerct PaaStUaf Ca,
Esrstrletly t-ctaa aaj ftCj wamatedja
Iteaal Tor Itlaatratea CatUeraev
CHA5. S. EATON, Gaasrl Ajaat,
1SS ataatromtrr Street, Saa rraadaas.
Excelsior Force Pump.
It la far tbe Chaaet ta Uo eaA.
Taoaeaaae r tkeat la Ca.
1 1 taa4 liajOSntaStSaa FTaaclaoa.
Scribner's Lumberi Log Book.
OTStR HALT A BILU8M 8tB. llort
eonpleteoxwkortukladtTTrpahaakea.. Clew
BeeaarraeateeaktBdaof ismber. lean aa4 pJeak.
ca Meal rootrau ef aqaare aad roaad Batber. etaTe
aad heajizebon rabiea, warra. rest, board, capacity
or ctKrrea. eord-vwat, latrrrat. aai. Stasianf 1 kat
la Cased Mate. aaTCusaaa. Alt yoar bootatOer
tar tt,or I atUaccd embrS eeatj, acne-yaU.
The Sew Caap
a ww re eUSa oar
ty t to. a4 Mda.
aaxtlazsaa. rrtre
al aad aa. A lib
era dlacoaatb the
bale. Mat CO. IV
ta ut eart of th
g li. MCaELET. Aft. Al aaaaotae H.S. -
Spena, Whala. lara, taaaera.
aAa all braaOaeX tllajalaatla
IX la. FraUa. SrK.Pa:-
U rraaa. etc Sead aw drcalae.
nuiunintia aa vw.,
FraprWtora rveall OU Woeka.aiT FroatSuaF
dIB aa SIS Market HI-. Haa rraatlara
imaiAittuAa av e r
ruroirrERS .vsd pwihj
I roa. Mee . Hotw Sboea o. 0 to N a S.
utobe and haad-made llorae aad oa
N.ll. rurar!ea aaawtmeat Back
ustlfc' aad ICala Tvoh; alax. fall tta
of bharuaa, CMVBolta. Borax, etc.. U
lower wrtcee) lka orert tkree
tolre per ccak of lur cast.