BATUttfcAY. AUG. ll, 1S77 SUBSCRIPTION P1UCE OEL 355 3D XT O Eg X ! IK ADVANCE; lTx...Me Mccrna....Sl S0 ... iloomii..$l There has bea bird flehtinr betwcta tfee Turk's and Russian's, the latter having eet stverelv whipped by the former. The a both aides were Tery heavy. iTDcenx In view of VtyposlUon on the late between Sit Francisco and Portland, the Orefaa Steamship company will cany tsbia passe&sers for (10; stecracr, $5; Irtish: for $3 a ton. Those two scoundrels who were forward ia persecuting G rover by charging corrup. tiba ifc toh taction are in inenriable posi. lioss IbV. Bigby has ran away and Styles let has bees indicted for perjury in Judge Deady's court and is supposed to b ia jiiL As Editor Uxder Bonds. R. D. Bs-. cart, editor of the Stock Exchange, swore bal a warrant charging D. Dalziel of the Daily Mail, with libel. Dalziel was arrest, pd and released on filing a bond of $1,0. The ground of complaint is an editorial in the Mail which Bagart is called a disgrace to the profession, a blackguard, and other pet names. Deeds Recorded. The county clerk has recently made an examination of deeds recerded before the drrbion of Multnomah and Washington counties, and finds that the persons named have executed and re terdedthe following; D. H. Lownsdale and heirs, 635; J. H. Couch and vrife, 538; E. Coffin and wife, -420; Vt W. Chapman and wife, 39$; Finice Caruthers and heirs, 63; Carter family, SC5; total, 2,324. Is Training. The Hillsboro Indepen. d eat mvs seven or eight horses are training on the "Washington county fair grounds now. Dr. Bailey has just engaged tight stalls for colts belonging to Bigham, Scog gin, and others in Wasco county, which are training np there for tha fair. The doctor says that these colls are the finest he ever saw and will doubtless make our Washington county horsa men put their colts t their best metal in trials of speed and bosom. Coos Bay Xewsi Emerson, Corril & Co, are establishing a fishery and canning es tablishment at the mouth ef the Siuslaw river, this being the second company that has commenced on the river this season. There are now about fifty men ct work on the river, where six months ago there was sot a single white man. In less than two souths then will doubtless be twice as atanj required. Wages for common la borers are from $40 to $50 per month, in eluding bosrd. JL Committee has reported to the Tarn iill Locks Company in subsequence as fol lows: That locks could be built of crib--work timbers 12x12 inches square, forming -a abutmes: about 30x10 feet square filled with stone, ami six in number, supporting Xhree pairs of gxses; to be completed the "present Fall so tbci boats can reach 31c- JUnvflle all the year round, for $12,000. It wasTOteatoputont'CVock canvassers im Ssediate3y;gerfbe ucfc subscribed. It Waa als voted to call a meeting of stock, fielders, to meet at Lafaycse, August 11th, to elect a board of directors. Articles of IacorpoTSsnave been filed in the secretary of State's office for the BlBe HoBBtain and Columbia "River Jlail od Coapaxy. The capital 'Stock is $200,. 000. The bed Bess of the compixy is to Cdastraci asd opersite a narrow caage rail, read from Grasd Boade landisg, vn the CSolaaibia river, lb Umatilla county to La Graade, ia Uaien ctiuaty. I"be incorpora tors tn E L HInes, W. J. Sfiodgrass, DaaT Chaplin. M. Baker, J. H. Slater, Jaa. HeaderEhott, W. F. Wright, S. G. rreach, X.B. Rees, S. O. Swackhamerk F. JL Wallace, Chaa. Goodsocgh and J. H. Xiaehart, Xassow Gcage. As we are soon to fcave a narrow gnage railway frosn the Co lambia river to La Grande, the query Bight arise In the minis of some people. What Is a narrow guage railway? First, it is about 2 feet and six inches between rails, aad being so narrow can skip over hui uo uown precipices, aoages arouna big stamps, straddle deep gorges on hoop pole stilts that twist and bend beneath its thread, and threaten to send the traveler 800 feet Into eternal smash every moment; Jiangs by ens foot on the side of the mourn tain's stone walls, bends arouad curves like coatertionlst, runs on wheels of one fcide, tamps the cars around like a chop sea in the English ClianacI; can be built for fJMt mile, rolling stock and track put oa for an additional $7 SO; and under all circuasstasees the narrow guage makes all t blurs lovely, serene and happy. And that's the reason we are In favor of "sicb." The Congregational Association, which set at Seattle, June 21, adopted the follow, iag aaseag ether resolutions regarding the Jjsdiaa question: Eeteteed. That this association reaffirm the seaiiment which it has publicly adve cateeHbr asore than tea years; that the la-.-ttsaa ought aad mmt be treated as a maa asder law, aot as part of a tribe, which is with oat law; that he be protected by law ia his rights of person aad title to proper ty asd be aade. asacaable to law, as the English do. Xaeted, That in our judgment the pot. icy f collecting Indians in mass upon res ervaikjBi for civilization, while of man. Ifest xalae for coaveaieacc and in some other respects, fails in the legislation need ed to carry oat iasplied treaty stipulations. It fails ia that it does not give the Indian er his family aay sure hope for the future, li IWJs to give him or bis family the right to own his farm, or take his homestead and feold it trader law. Bucked, That in our Judgment tills ele- awsi oi tne peace policy, which is perhaps am imbued iacior in an uie trcaiies. or glr. lag-titles to land in severalty. Inalienable er ia both for a term cf years to assure thea to the Indian family, should be en. cearaged by legislation; until all tribal ties asd relations thall one by one give jdace to the commoQ, social and civil rela tions of life. THE EASTERX STMKE. The laborers' ttrlke in theStates is about at tad. It has resulted as all such unlaw, j en dlejon lxdge,o. 52, A. 1. 4A.M, ful attempts to coerce capital must result trf.C,', , , ia an Ignominious dcfeal and a dUgraceful ' Tl'e undersigned, vourcommlttee to draft exhibition .f thelackorexecutivabUlty(M' "H0n, "Pe of the feeling, of , . . ,. ... ' ' tho Lodge in reference to the death of our of those laborers who undertook what they did not understand. It seems strange that even the best educated laborers will not learn the fact that the coercion of capital ia impossible, while diplomacy and com. promise are the only known agents that has ever made inroads upon its barricaded walls. The terrible disasters and loss af life, the unhinging of all busiaess and the dsmonliration of commerce, the backset . ,, . . , ... ..ii 7n .n r .i honest labor has received, all call ror the severest punishment of the riag-leaden and conspirators who brought this state of af - lairs into existence. Communism caanct . , . . . ... . , , exist ia America, and the quicker tUo: foreign conspirators (to whom our govern. ment is too good) find it out the better it will be for Americans- and also In the end for themselves. If the secret history of the late strike could be written aad placed in tha haads of intelligent readers it would create common surprise; aad it would cause States aad congress to pass laws a warninr to ininnnt which would be Europeaas that the bastile stands ready to . ' ,,.. . , 3 rwfii all wnn nr tlirtr n?nada Mntnt. receive all who, by their damaable coaspi racles, lead ignorant workaee iato a war with the very haads they look to for their daily bread. We take aot the part of capi tal aay more than that of labor; each has its own rights, its own justifications, its own jurisdiction ia which its uscfulaess should be emnlovrd each wliheni thr .W is helpless, and hence each should so far respect the other that they naay go hand in haad ia making up the world's progress. The quicker the laboring men of earth dis cover and learc that there is n real cenflict between honest capital aad beacst labor, the more prosperous will the wsxld be come. THE OHIO DEMOCRATS. There was no telegraphic report to Ore. goa of the Democratic oeaventiea ia Ohio Below we give a cendeased stateraeat of the Democratic platform as telegraphed to the California papers; The Ohio Demfcrralte Sfati rnarntinn chose Ron. J. F. McKlnaey chalrmaa, R M. Bishop. Hampton county, was nomlna. ted governor oa the sixth ballot. The com mittee oa resolutions thea submitted a plat, form as follows : A strict construction of the constitution; home rale; supremacy of the civil over military power; equality of all citizens; no sumptuary laws; oppo. siuoa to all subsidies; public lands far ac tual settlers; common schools; regard the installation of Hayes la spite a of majority vote far Tildea, as a most dangerous en croachment on popular rights; depression of Industries dae to viciros rrpablican leg islation; demands the repeal of the re. semptioa act; denoances deraosetization of silTer; demands a law restoring silver to a mesctsry power; favors the retention ef greeabacks, aad epposes farther con traction ; ceagrataUtes the conn try apon the pacific policy f local self-government, so long advocated by the democracy and adopted by the administration, nbkb has prodaced barmoay in thcWh. the tariff snouta m oae lor re venae only; govern. J ment shoaW Issae all the cirralaUsg taed- ium, paper or meUl, always ef equal ten. j i der,aad interconvertible; condemns the use of federal troops to interfere with elec tions and politics. General Jabez W, Fitch, of Cuyahoga county, was nominated for lieutenant governor. Judge J. W. Okey ier supreme judge, Isaiah Hellers trior- ney general, and A. J. Howells Bute treasurer. T. T, Lienallen has jtat returned from a point oa the Thomas a Buckle road, where ha was summoned to hold an laqaest oa the body of a man by the name of 3HUer, who was supposed to have bees drowned ia the Umatilla river early last Fprtag daring high water. Tha threshing machines are running within a radius of four miles ef Weston. Harvesting aad threshing will cost face for about six weeks. Oar fellow townsman Charles XeMerri has been buying mules to fill a government contract. He started a drove from here oa Sunday last (August 5th) for Fort Walla Walla. Messrs. Lownsbcrry asd Benjamin have bc4Uliful d lengthy liberty pole between their place of business and Frank! lin street. Quite a number of families from this vi cinity have gone to the warm springs to rusticate. Mr. Jamison harvested 1,027 bushels of wbet from seventeen acres of ground last week. Weston's latest infliction is a conscienti ous life insurance agent. AX XFLAXATI0X. Mb. Enmni In Tiew of the fact that there seems to be a misunderstanding in reference to (he action of the quarterly con ference of the 31. E. Church by which rent is charged for the uze of the church build, ing in Pendleton, I with to make (lie fol lowing explanation through your columns: At the time ef this action there was a debt on the church of ovef $&9j which gave us much trouble and anxiety; A sex ton or some one to take care of the Louse and keep it in order was much seeded. In view of these facts the conference instruct cd the Trustees to charge each denomina tion using the house (including the M. E. Church) $5 per month, in order to enable the Trustees to procure a sexton, provide fuel and light, and relieve the church of in. debtcdness. This was done In good taith. We coaitd'er it fair and right, and we be. Here every reasonable man will agree with til. Other denominations are not driven oat, but invited to stay, and if reasonable fhey will not object to assist na ia relieving the house of cmbarassment D. A. CnowEtt, Pastor. Mjuiuied Br the Rev. G. W. Atkinson. at his residence in Portland, Oregon, July SO, 1877, Dr. J. C. Anduewh of ileppner and iiiKfl Ida E. brxLTE of Minncopojis, jftinnctoto. IX STEMORIAX. To the W. M, Wardens and members of esteemed Bro. C. J. Williams, respectfully submit the the folio-wing- Whereas, It has pleased the Great Ar. chitect or tho UnWcrsa to take from our midst oar well beloved Brother C. J. Wit. tuua, a Master Mason, and to transfer him from labor hen to that Grand Lodge un. scan by mortals, In which we all hope to be united upon the level, and In the everlast ing bands ef fraternal lore: be it j Jtetdted, That while re bow in humble ' "mlsIoo to kerwesseni, we ant led . more deeply to consider the gnst and sao. ffieatoni lh, tLat we nun in nke m)UJ. ner pass away, and snould be ever ready ; for th summons. That in the death of oar broth. ; er this Lodge has last one of its useful o.nlwi, aad Muonn- at large one who ' endrarored ta illustrate the usefulness and beauty of our order, and the community, a , m.a.?ho. woa. t?,ecm od Mend'hlP 1 ol all whoas he had ccaaalon to associate with in the business pursuits of life. iZrtoiwi. Further, that we sincerely mourn with his bereaved family aad friends aad trr them oar condolence In this, their hour or sorrow, an 4 nope tbatlie ia whom j we put our trust may graat them comfort, aad rive to them and to us the bar that hat-: 1 la fnlJl r work pa earth we shall be i admitted and reunited la tbatTemple above .... - ' - - not tnaoe witn nanus eternal ia the heaven Ilrtalred, further. That as a token of re spect to the memory of our departed broth er. the members of 'this lodge wear the usu al badges of moaralnr. fr the period of ' thirty days, aad that the Lodge be draped Jo mouralac for the same period. M9emm: 1 c" uiewiwoiwiaas oe ipreaa oa the ruiautes nf this Loire, a copy lie fantshed the family of the deceased, aad a copy b furaUhed" ftr pubHcalUa to the A3T UnECOXIAX. iv r. WHITE, i H. TTB-VER. C W BlKJCr. 3. ROTE CHILD. Some of our eople consider cherch bells a great public blessing; aot so, back ia the Stales. Here is what an eastern paper rrparti : "The supreme court of Pennsylvania has decided, as to charch bells, that at 3d mia. ates before the hoar of service upon San- dy the bells may teraagfnr fivemiaates, Immediately proceeding church time a bell tf&Zl'SZL n.Lf'i ... . . ,V... Wbst a Wrwvi relief it wld be if this particular piece of Praasvlraala law ceald be applied taOwatoona. Itlngiagof church belts to a certaia exteat Is all right, but the length to which It is carried ia this city Is becoming quite monotonous, to say the least. HiiW TO-DAT. aUMVIONS. In tae CSrcalt Crirt ef the Stat ef Orrsea br CBalita CBsatf. Xataa cn pliiotrff vs. Lazxcs Coctr dtfmdral. TO LOZINA COGEKS Tie itrrre uatad S fctJent Is ti casc r4 tb Sxxu ti Orr rao M rcnoBt to tix cnler tie Ilea. L t XcXrthnr. Jcdr ef tk txiA aWrrSMsbaeni ceart. briar iilr lirt liix iir tif Atrat. IfTT, ; dirrtia; rcbhra&eB hrtrot. ra are barrir rr ', UiTT-l to aarr &e rwrrlntit cf tke piintta , fitrd xzumlyea ia Itc atura reusM vk lfer the it aUv ef ll ttxt trra ol aaal iml eaa WMf a tKx ixrf Orttr. 1ST7. er rx j will ifpir to ih cecal Ur lfe rrbrf cVma&d to 1 Ttrre farrrrr dtiiixios tba heoit f annanr j hecvtfffvr rxUttg lwtwtrs tat a4 tLe fixiaitS ia iea rsR tn icctiecr vxi au eeu air- fccrtroestt aa fee ort etir ud fsrttrr rtteef - "a. Aitr Ur nr. 1 - r tw nnru-rinr- imiiin la Skcrman &. Hyde, Pert land, Oregon. MUSIC - DEALER ! Ccaarat JCftsi tw 0.t'- tsr tt WEBER FIANO AND STANDARD ORGAN mat-msY award At t!e OttttaaSa) ErtftAfoo I ITS. -lira ' SHERMAN AXD HYDE, SQUARE, GRAND AND UPRtGLtT PIANOS. Tba beat nwdlon priced iutnmrzU Baia. Felly 'Warranted fat tea years Sheet music, music books; and every description of musi- Cill merchandise, wholesale and retail. IostrsDnta sold ba ttsy, taoaUilr InrtallmfBU. Catalepse aci JTloa lut aett frea oa ap;41catton rrrstioa's VlaM etetr, CwnrT First acd AMrr EtnxLl, ilhmbtiictl bear bsiUlcc Portland,- Oref oh,- ADVERTISEMENTS Assessor's Notice. vrOTICE IS IIEREBT CITE.V THAT THE JL HotU orEasahutioa tor I'ouulU couBtr, Or ttw, tU tut tt tb Crt twM MONDAY, AUGUST 27, i6T7, Tt pcbUdr rxuUc tk iwunnt Rotla inj tcmci rrrun la ntiilM, dracrtwtea er qailitlr M UiwU ar tiereihrrprrl7 All putk lutmitj n uM- Ac(iutt,ls:T T C. BC30K, Settle Up! qiiE nay or stlvester k bextlet has I la ujJ4. aa4 C moUt u4 kmiu of lt tm Iwra Mi la mj UuxU lot ni-cUo. All e mm bu hm rttl4 iUBMluuij, rtlWr tr sou FORCED COLLECTIONS Ampul 4, un. J. H. TCR.VEK. 1'ensieu BESJ. 8. BAKEX la attl by toctrt rrtt ii IMtAj brmalulM Kt UUrOr of prM Stuaviuitoavtllut pin tl I'rtxtlMoa dfU Spttatrr um at tha CmI7 Cart HclrsM Commercial College. Pmr MART TATLOR WlU. Loeai rnU7 la IMMm, Ukl miWIn Caj mf ltru(r oy CaatatmUICeOrx. bVh via MUtu nSnl Tl cmu. ur e CXuUbm aad Sir Ttar, aaul Jalr !. HtJ. All Waackrt ladaOax iwaauataia aa4 lXW aaJ dMWW nxry M kMac. Urtiiy luftt. Wntt( Kaam. lsaaia( rlaau, ou4 Ur 119. ran rarr ta Uk kn4aa4 nlwn, ft! La&a Ukl raraa Su4 Ur lixSm, Mr jtir cakaUiiau la aiuaj lt mOtiem Oo BffTUl CbBc " "J tnxtuTi)WiKUutiwiuii a KtUmn AU cfaeaiOTf ea lt rout. SOTICE. THE rOIXOWIXG COrNTT O CD EES WILL BE t14 f- ruuoe U taj UVc la ftfeCrtoa Umrrt ibfrMe cm tVM to ABlX vt f 1U Ja I Ja II Jim a 1 si: erTVaaraoa .. int 3 a D U hj4 S3 09 : SS M lUu si 39 I 33 TaMAHI 34 CO C W. WC88. Ttnnitf tsxat a CtcUr, Onnai. IWWtee.Jib'.tin. Strayed or Stolen. $4 O lk UU amiM aatuU te Ta ' IrrTittn ....... ELLA, at rvuSVUe. a tM eMMTrlawtlnnaU, mr la iatrhni, brtbt- rt, Umm a tnmi cm ar aaCWia US OS mtmi am') rn aU, u ta htttnt tnt 1 W oa UfX Uf L3U Y 4t lU W. Um a ami Oa aarrH 7 rail tana CBb, aur la IbRLeaA traaA 4 W aai ap Oa tHtmm lataa kana teaM W a 1 Lt9, B nAwiin AB Oa W la aaaaa lnii la alat oM r1t Tf Alaa St cacti fe laa mara af ifca SaOrawc aatsul unr.VaVraibRSml On asm! aura arvw od, IfuM -t tm W!t baa Mar U A a mm lrr tfatt4 O ca r-fU a!MUr. Ta LrtWs tUaXi tt Um m 3UT craak Flaatscial Exkiblt or the ELuaiis axo ExrExnrmtES or CKATILLA COCSTT, EOB TBE TEAB Y?D t50 JCLT t Utt : rracvrtf nam I t.T l rrar IH. ."m Uf lata! ibihi ....... r ui taatWtatUv fCnuj fxM) X.WC a .vam lax. 0m; uin rn4 J Ca(r UI a SSS.CS3. al II b aa cat. KWH 4n (U ilrnr amnnl f II Dl l.ttu - - pa3 tli ao Tatalaieacst I n.tU K aaarrr aranra ai ru scasae m tin. OrraaiCWt cqafpa, I.7U y (ImTilm 4i Oft ..... MHOS CaoMrJa' Urr 94C Ilmtun JOC CaaianlMiwiTc' uUrj 1 Awi a. r'aaaUfr . U! tC tthBtt rmfrairLt'Ui'w rmitry. .. Z3Z Vt tAitxx u4 rrpmtrf trMfrt .... UC tktijoa nmrn . mat Jcaurra Cort sr tt Earti aai .. . ...... SCSe Ptat Ar aa4 tauStT'a VtrrtM CaarL... OS tnrftxz CoaMf Kfca UM raayrcifaiaa. Sit AOra7'a t-a. JaaUca'Cavt . He? En -a-a tt laaaaa tZ ia) rl UTt-trt arrorf Cttf7...j.. .-. tsca) HtflfltflLaciif I to Talaertt1 1 11 VAC ru a cm. Wt Ttrb tnu rnantf aVo jc Oaaif . . . . sna jr raI (w tmetarf. tt, h&u aa4 t-rit HI ti n5Vtf aa Cy TI RVtaitrT a Caan Kaar, Iran, pnmfi. lc 3 SI bwmHrHxn Tatai atpnaburr-. .1 laocrr rat to vxaiaratm rrzy rn tub zxso m.r 1, IC gy Aawaair, aa Ui rafVctfd (arflp) t OS bant, - 11311 U It Skerrf. frM vrrrifm t dim Lwaerbrvaa rU f aCar litiaw . . . M OQ TxalUarrly f 11.TU It imctt Tin a no in mxzscv. frUSM.rCVr mm ria aie tirWTTa, rj tirft Ill CO l(tEl pnii.... StO rrr . . . tw ran UI. ay Aavanr M rtnj ui, rj flmz, iv. m:io rvaui . - T3 ic tVMraral Ui " M HT Till rvteqaaat MI Ut " - MM Prtoint tr?? Uteflftf - HTJ I0S ' ia - too " Mat-Tty 1K2 S4IS " fM " i oa TrSUn beraar .. II TS Tout. ....I tc Ataoaet ac atrip eaaortxl It t& rtxt t4 it jiirLim t DtteraaxA Ux far IITS f i;,it?st Lmsi est to ait n io? u;t: - - - ii... - - . M - 1K3 - - - HTJ TcAal aaovstcf cMleqatct Ui.... 3,tOt 13 gun of Onr. cmair av i taauna a. L J. H. fiuraa. Cwlr Oil c tli Coral r aa4 fuu. M bfrrfcy mulf thai it txreit ik&t of tba rtcr4 aa4 npraaJHarra arVraaliCa Goaatj. Orrtaa. far Iba jrv mcantrarlBt; Jaly 1, !:. aa4 nxStax Juij L IT7. U ncrecl aa4 traa, la tba Writ tt WUeaai mf baad S4 Ik aral ef aaU cmiXT. tail tba ISb dar of Jalr, tin. "t- J. H. fRAKflS. . ' " Ceatr CUlk. 3. DtP. ISadtllc and Harness MAKER. rnsriLETOX. Oregon. KEET Cosatastlr m baa4 a cecaplrt rarajt tT Haroraa. gaftUta, BrXW, Wm. -pan, CoUart, Kalun, Clacbrt, aaJ atarrtblac vrr44 la oar llaa. Call aa4 ara oa befora ata41a Uclaw. a:aKrrlr. I( rroartly allaaSel la. SUM.VOXS. ta tbaOmtt Crart ribt:U f. Orrzr tor Caaa. tilUCoaaty. Tboa. H. ttiali tixtiMg n D. C BaraoUi dtfraJaal. TOD.O KETXOLDS, tb abort umad dffrjxUnt la tba turn of tba IMala of Ontao, aad paraeaat to tb ufitt of tb Boo. L L. MeAitbar, Jrnlt of MI4 rem, bMilaf Ut tba 74 4r of Jalr. tin, dlrrctltx pabtaralloa barrol. too, ire rrqatml to aa wrr fba cmar4a)at of tb (JllaUtr bftria fcror Iba trti 6j nt Iba txit tmnofaaM cran. nxanaroctsc obtlMdl ilajr of 0 lobar, be 01a;ljr loatU man tor a jadenxst aalut o for lb aa of ISuO, SoM cola of Iba Calud f UIm, with laterrat tbarraa froca Norrfflbrr 1, lite, a&4 for bit out ia4 dabort. BxcU. . . . J. n. Triun, wa Ally. ADVERTISEMENTS. S.-RDTHGHILD CALL and examine the large and well assorted stock of general just rccelred by S.-R0THGH1LD At Ms old stand Ia U II irk ay's bulMiag. aad which beotTsrats the pablle on terms that will comairo favcrably with ihoi f aay competitor. S. R07HCH1LD The fellowiag are seme of the Ieidlrf lice), of which yon nkl always Had a. airtmeat ea btna' : Dry-soodf. Clothing. Roots and Shoes. Hata aad Caps. Carpets, wait rP". Gro evriei. patent aseflriaie. ralnti. Oil. Tebaeco, Hanlarsre. Cutlery, China aad oust ware, suuoaery, etc S. - RQTHCH1LD Orders from tba noetrr vtrt nmin praoipt atteatl8. IIMes. Fan. WtwI. tr t. .-. . , i - - - - chanrei STOVES AND Tin-ware. . 'Tin-ware. VWBtlir. T1XE TW CET faar tt aa4 .t f u(UM ut kr ea, u rr-JUtU rnm JtHpttff J LEETEX At Umatilla, Oregon. B baa a Urra text la atat (na T baa oa af bat iH aba aayt aSa Wt a bo t taa ar4 rmrk fo iwu aaraa aa aan-w is a aaarh alaaa fif ui laa wara ! tbaaa " I aaajlaay ta tba pobia; taat I Uay wmb Mark of ataaaa aa4 ea ar a fo4 lawam af fnvtfm aa4 Ina ta. aa4 aca naVri U cxt V?7i Try hb Va aj tba aab af Ht ETrSTItOpr I. tartW la olulMa; larr a4 iai'm aLarfc af attaa jat racaltot. S4 I M aril u rnrra ta aaattba atxwa. Tba UOrmtsf I mj bat at Kara : COOE STOVES Occident Goldsmith Range Golden Gate Empire City Hirmath Rio Grande Pa Sloe stotes The Monitor Parlor Belle Laurel Ranger Echo Onward PABLOR C00 Jewell Echo BOX STOVES Black Giant Mogucl Pine Knot Woodside Bonanza -A faB acaoctaaet of- CetntuUf oa band, abn tod rasa. Alt rrdnt Ili ad rrCtryr. JOB WORK daaa Ub araU aS aad (SfpaUb. TOf, J. UEXER. FURNITURE STOEE AND. Cabinet shop I. W. TAX BOSN, rwprlaur. New Building, Court Street. Jr Ori'n tor rrnilur yroapCj atundaj la. -sa REPAIRING I REPAIRING M Poc to Ordarr " tnn Xtp -zx ALL ARTICLES USUALLY KEPT la a rtnt-CUM rdrattari ator. POSTERS 5"rJr.wttTa ADVERTISEMENTS. ErenZf& Abel MANUFACTURERS AND Dealers In FURNJTU RE Or all kladL prlBc Hair, aTool asd Fala Badt aad flUowi ao baad aad au2 ta erdar. UraoLSTExr goods, natn maM, vns&y Abadaa, Ximn aad arorttbtec UUicnpax la a First Class Furniture Store. Order lrora the Country PROMITLY ATTENDED TO. Warmeca WaU atraat, WALLA WALLA, oajaocU BCLaalaSotal. STEAM - BAKERY ESTABLISHED IN lBOl O. - Breclatel, rA.vt7rAcmtEa or ekeap. caks. mes 111. aad aS biada af CncXm. Ttn-fnU nisz, atala Etml. Wa2a Wala. WALLA WALLA BEER! BEER! .Vrn.VE Waatait WaSU Waia trr caa frt Vr by JX. Sranatbnr arten aKb teacmr a aastard. rradMra. PRICES: BT. IV bt - - . BaaaW. aar u. Ait. fcun .. Air, tT tut' - . rw. tr r"t 1 s 4 i : 4 4 t . 00 JoRn H. Stahl, CUT Brrarry XalK ITiXa. COOKBAG STOVES Manufactory of Tinware, And all Eixra or SHEET-IRON WORK, Msia szrtct, cpjKarlu ti. Cosrt JJcsse. WHl coruUntlr have oa hand, aad.for sale, a Cotaplete Aisortmesl of JJ TU. Jt-vavt mr A complete Assortment of the Diamond ROCK C00KIXG STOVES. ALL EIDS cr Ocm ta Order, at abact aaccr, asl ti Ttj SoarnlarSos. G. W. WEBB, J. 31- BE.TI.EV, PLANING MILL, 1HHI.SASH & DOOR X3 endleton, Raatat ta all ha braacbaa dc rr fCy aad aa toaa. Aalaa aaa&Hnar Window frames, 9ash. blinds. AND CHEAP FURNITURE Ol all Ifc-fCTiptr'wa. I ta tTajd la SB crdar at lb fetWtas rrx tam Sramar aad Entx flnMkr T S . f JyQ Stvl. WarVicx S terb Soacbaf aad SaaUt It TS rr 1M irK. tarb itw UaUtf, oat Ur taat, orrarabrd at Ji laon un-aaad at Coca t; 7 ta i 04 UM a-ab "T .aaatalr SIM IS-cbt aab. br rui, t TV Waab tanrda f r doer. OaaabtCi oar 1M Srtt akbrnl dadjecioe ad b MaKa aoa not rr lacb r-f Sxh kd.iI nuns and Specinculioss Tarabbad aa ban totter. Frr eTCutt, bra I aa rarwrrd la da tb rua&c. trOricrtUn al Iba Mora Let Urrrnon, r dta, i2 rKan rrecatd aursuao. UNDERTAKING, Ib til As biaacbad attrsd4 la fnatCr. VEEO ASD Sa4us - stable; ptAiy st. wrostTE rEXBtrrwf botixi John Btrirmiin. Steele's Pain EEADICATOR. rrfHK iarr rosmvx ctrk roa Bicnti9. A .NraralM Hradarbf. Lam Back, rta. rle, ta kaaainworU. TakUatray or r3tna3y m traslrrdaadbaantM thebaaada. IMrtlr tmbM. piaaaast to tab, and tarj betllv tat aal bj DrasUU. CRANE & BRIQHAMy Vtoleaal Drssit u, Saa rraocfera. Ccocraf .tjtea fcr lb Coail, ef A. IE rrur 11 ADVERTISEMENTS. PENDLETON xa crater. THIS CENTRALLY LOCATXIJ AXt POPULAR HOUSE HA VISG BEES BXTIBBLT SEPITTED and BEJUE5ISH2JI tf o aruia roa The Reception of Guests THE TABLE M at H Heva ka baad tonkin rtri ti. tJ-. BS1 tba taarkat anU. asd crery rltrHao, mmit t aatft tb imu af aba Bacac THE BEDS AraCs, asd ba raoo bar -r-fi-tlf aautt 1X ararr aaaarMrsc U(Jr la a ent-cUaa t. TOE PEXDLETO.V HOTEL, f cVrsnsaeu oa a wtab tba aKxv aed JViwaaBrUanibuwfBMllwat Eaa tfa mnpam fsaNBitl tluaTB TVtnadtMudrtfa)atemMCWr t. VWadaacaM CZAU fc LAJtSHCT. rrarrMara. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Fraet laad KTm IVart..t ona a tnuaa;aaai(arilt mfanu tf ai t. M ba .nirr faaaaaand 14 waabn baa eaaaaaadalaau io aer feax M taa af yi, gabaVainandaabiaaaad SW a 6- la aUaraa, Maa aw L4. rmr a aWrr. IV Ewuiutinaaiva-miaaxiaiM tacoo M.rra.ioaad twe Mwo. FfHfpm .- -n- lin n ion. AaaM 4 aad aaataaat. Sarawlad. hbaatra rra a taaaa aa aaVa Bata ab- aaaat as aWjfaaa- aaAcac. ,w aur tt ai aatttrraa-i t Iit ijar ar aad aa ad rter) rSart la ai aad jrvaay f.. AaFrra caasa U aad Smb. aba Wttc WHscn Cote!. UMATILLA. - ORKCUX: rB y xxTLny. -- ,t- .rasi.i.,1 1. -IA MArd aa Faaaa -um I am. itji ... fvd a Sv ataa SaOH. Tb b aii r ba S a tad. ap an aaaabioa aaal aka aM a t niial I abaa a - t ca awa aaVaaa, Ibaactaa. aff ta rptt tf4; at laa aaaar. UsVlOiV HOTHL UMATILLA, - OREGONt U'EOaCE XtLLSS. rrttBnHC rpHW asMaaE at ta tbbc im oaa taara ' alfaat Ukaa W-i al aad aaa i STLM5 MAIK ST, WALLA. WAUlA. K.T. : aad gaad flai 1 1 lb. THi Y-rtitai.tSaaat. twar aarwcaK ShrTvrbrt. A Mia, aa arSmiip ,aa fWrj naoa aad baat tab aba w a Saa Qf t ti at carrata aevao. Batftl SMbt cSmL MUi rTlSaJt. h iaabtat' J. 31. PltCbTT. 31. r. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Pr-HrtQ Orrr-o. OSee ia f knafvitsc, f atairs W. WEITC0Z3. 25- D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON VSI afvi al caSK day w ana. ab rt-uy XaTdaaao-a truiwl Vf taa awat aaat rj beat taaar w or aaaatart t V. C .Ticliay, .TI. PHYSICIAK and suscbox. rraErtao, CauaSSa Oomrr. Arasra. teTTt oftstT aTftcccSs'Kaaiaat cttSCcaL L. O. Stern, ATTORNEY i COUNSELOR AT LAW T A. SVraa anr WirlaaVrb J dbsol fyrrx. atd f Wi bai rtaa TTj aartre. aH atc M XKax IWnllaa .-- l od MttKax MUfili trraatalj aUrAda. ctatirr. Cll'rta rcuaaiMl at.nd ft J. Hi Turncr3 ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ctcstr Grr Cbt aad aaat. tMt UrgMhxM OFFICE aa Staa trrri. Omtt S S. V. KNOX, .Attorney at TjOv,- Wrataa, raUaU Oratty. erraa. WILL rBACTICBlx THE CODRT5 OP T T t!sU SlaJ aal Waacvia TrrriLorj. r ivrcul aUcstaae ukt to Laid booc-M tad CoSVcttocta. Dr. J. IJ. l.Indsey, SURGEON AND DENTIST. Ia b- kratrd paratasraltv Is Pendleton, Umatilla County TTber bit arrrtcr e E alnrt b bad. atirSaryety A SftciaHjf.-fBm' G. W. BAILEY, REAL ESTATE AGEXTj (axd .xotakt rcsuc) r'ESDLETO.V, - OREGON. PARTICOLAR .VTTEXTIO.V TaU tb rtWJt afiaad lmii la tbr Prrartaarat at tVaritiefioa, cad Is tb nriau lacal rAera. aad Wtim tronrd. SrTTxva ra Iredrtrd tbna dntrisc to arcarr $tat ef Srbo.J UaJi . aa to tb dcaAB( taaaparttud by Hoaantrad aad tt-mf4k.ia. ST. PAULyS SCHOOL WALLA WALLA, W, T. t POADDtXG ASD PAV 5CH(Xt r C.tK Til Dlr rtatrauat itaardtes bnoi caat of tba Cat- radr. Rcrd asd lanloa. tecdadtai; Saat, KAbU, He, Pr janrr w w u awiaf, rat asartrr. II4J. liTIVttl: Toltlon. rrroa.ncr, it. ft, Kt aad $ 4 jiiht, fnraw irsaaoa, rraarwr.. ....... .. li ea MoJrra buifaic- . Tt trtr T J7 ractta rccriTT-1 U asjr Hmv aad obarard Irorn data oTralnuanv ErU attrotlaa rWt la ibr autrn aad Baaraltrf tbrpaaNs, alaaara aftaMaatcf aadrr tbi car of tba Uacbrri botb ta aad oat afasbeuL Aavnirtbtrlafersaltaa vflt Se abaarfoar rl-rrn ha HOTEL jg JHlM al rttriktoa, July Mb, 1JT7. riOtwanf Ear. L. R. Writ, h&ifaL