Unssiau Social Life. I is naturally to be cxticcted Uiat, in a land so backvca'd in modem civilization as Rassia, the social life of the people should present to the stranger points of novelty and quaintnes; even beyond what is usually met with in an unfamiliar land In the primitive there is always something Bird Story by Thomas Edward. In the many lone years that Thomas Edward spent in intimate fellowship with animate nature, he was a witne of man ifold curious it cidents happening in the history of birds and lcats, which be nar rates i'n a spirited and jiictureitic man ner. Among such anecdotes which Mr. . i l ? . - r I , l.: oi tae picturesquevimd there is much of the ' smuts nas mtroiiucea into tiwuni s w charm of antiquity in the manners and j ojiraphy, one of the most iuteresting is customs of a nation who-e habit have i that illusfatine the snrnrisinc degree of practically undergone but little change for feeling which Hie tern is capable of tn centuries. I tertainiog. Edward wa, one afternoon Although serfdom is abolished in Rus-; in AugUft, watching the evolutions of a slvtmcc of the old feudal sy.tem which ' dock of these birds, which were engaged to long prevailed there are tt'll strongly j in fishing in the r'rrth of Boyndie. He marked, and the gulf between the upper i whs seeking an opportunity to bag oue and the loner classes is almost as wide as of the beautiful creatures, when, as tf iu "ever. Even now the peasant ha Tittually ' anwer to his dciire, a noble specimen no remedy at law against the noble who directed its course to the shore, fishing all wrongs him; for a small grievance it is I the way as it came. In the ruidatof a hopeless to oroceed ara;n-t his rutwrior in vivid description of the habits of the bird rank, while, if the great man seriously in-, in pursuit of its prey, Edward relates inrvw thr twnr itia tlm tfiHttar run a.ilv ; 'OllCr tllfirM hi anara alut'r nn liro! t- i ... .i .3 . r . r..... .'tin. .....1 )...-:.... l . . : ". I bles to tlie loal magistrate! Hie result is j vat i.n, and hovering, kctral-like, for a thaf the peasantry often take the law into ' little, with quick, repeated strokes of hit Uieir own hands againt tJteir oppressors, hy acts of ietty and secret malice, such a rickburning, w'hich of late years has be come terribly prevalent in Russia. Xevcrthelesi, it cannot be said that the lower cla-ses of Russia are an nnliappy people. The peasantry at industrious ana ingenious, ana tuonjrn tneir servi. e Singularities of Great Men. Suetonius tells us that, "During the winter, Augustus would wear four tunics beneath a lhiok toga; to these were add ed a shirt and a woolen undergarment ; his limbs also were as carefully protected. In summer he would slccn'with bulh doors nd windows open, ami frrquentlr , small but alt Important organs grow Inac t . 1 - . . - , I - I ...111-. .M.1 even uncicr whte where, moreover, was rwted a stave, A Suporb Blood Dopurent. Upon the action of the VlJoevt, blsdder and bowel depend the depuration of the blood. It Is ly promoting tbe aetlt lly of tliete orjrant thai HotteUcr' Stomach Bit ter oHture purity to the circulation. In lt psHie through the kidneys, ImpurHIc which bezel rhfUtnaUtm, gout, and travel are trained from tbe blood, but wlien llioae A Groat M11L O.VB Or TUB GREATEST IX THE WOKLti. Tlionch not located in tbe city, the Starr Mills may tw ronildercd at s rtty rHttttutron. Io future day Yallcjo will be looked ujxn aa a suburb ot San Franclteo. and even now all ! the lutlfta' of tbl mill 1 at mtttU rarrUd en here at tbnugh it located witbHt the corporate limit. Tbe fettowinr drrriplm THE SA1T FEA1TCISC0 under the Mrrittrla' of hi ml., tlvc, tbue Impurttlea o( rourse remain, asd f It troin a letter wbieb appeared tvmc llm l"t nf I Jir. & Jl , ! X .. iMtitatdr prJdwe th dlwa.es mentioned. .lce In tberwal f rmme w.ll give a ! J'ta ot water nlrvs.je.1 the air, aLd Hotetter Btrra nwe tbe kldneja to re. ! very cd Wra of whu V carried m' tbe re: CHRONIC 1 E whose duty it was t faa him; he could not endure the sun not even the winter sun and he never walked abroad with out n wide-brimmed hat on his hesd "Ferdinand II.Gran 1 Dake f Tuscan v, who died in 1CT0, 'av the Abbe AroauU, in hia Htmoirs, "was the alave ot Id. j health. 1 he frequently teen him pac-1 insr up and down his room between two large thermometer, upon wldchhe would 1 the .ix rixcico ckickck couraxr Keep tns eyes cntantiy nxetl, unceas- ffu ercanlzed by Frederick Clar, who rec ntwrd artivitv. br wbkh means the Uood la "In ronuecUoB with dirret expert abtpweoU depurated. It likewiae purifle the blood o( Wheat and Flour. 1 1 will be moat proper to when contaminated with bile by promoting i credit Vallejo with bailag aa large if not the a gentle but effectual action of the bowcli, ! largeal Flour mill en tbit roBtlneat, which and baa the further effect of regulating the ! claim cmbraeea the world. This modeat at- action uf tbe liver, thua counteractluc a aertlun will no doubt excite aurprUe ta Ui teiidoner ta blUmiinr.i 'nr.rwtuli milirl. i mind of manr. nevcrtbeict I challenge " . . . : j-i-r- -- i . . . rumolalalt are alto auowmg c-uuanag me iwireaiag. iiwbwbi ml fever and urlairr I conquered by It. 'LARGEST CIRCULATION A Qreat Industry. can no longer be commanded gratuitously ' denly, as if tttuck down with an unseen Uy tlie landowner, thev a-e alwavs roa'iv tuad, lc drops into the water within to work for the rih for a small consider-, about thirty vards of the place where I t i .i - . i 5? " i i - i.i , . Uinlons he raiKdlr descends. Ar-ain. howeTer, his lmpeJ-for ictim h made its escap-: nd he bounds a a ay in an oblique oiroctiou, describing a beautiful curve as be ries without tiwching the! chjh and balls than this water. Sh nly after he wiatrs hi-wav in his cans." nearer au1 netrer to the I each; onward i The Abbe de St. Martin, who, is the he advKi.ce with zigzag flight, when ud- seventeenth century, rendered himself so uuiiuiuu nn ui prriCBtiuBa aa hi ingly employed in taking off and mttiag. oBlied the neceltr of auchan inttitutlnn. on a variety of kull caps of different no general manager uf tbe concern, U,trvMr J.rnnh .,r nliiMi tio h.l al. wbkh number among tbote Interested Nine Uegtccs ot warm h, or which lie had al-, rf ,UHIH.bt ,Bd wol ,BailcBU,, of ifce vaf nrn nr or In fn It nil ritlnr In .... . .h7H. .7 v, ..; izzizzTiTr ; .:r:?j?:? vj.jxrv m,, per davtfw wed.ue IU IbTfi. U April lit. IsTT. two hundred am : VcvrctT four dart. Iei thirtv-nlse Sundajt, leave K working uay rsris barrels ei I Hour wer uiade and turned out of the mill, i 1 an average of barrel per each working 1 " Idar. U'lth IV di subtracted fur time Ul ;! In repair. eU, making tb . actual -orklng , TjATLY CTT ROITTCL'S Sfi 70 WEEKLY. ONLY S2.50 umc miv cajt, me average i uicr i.nu bir ... . , . . . . j icU per day, wbkh place tbe Starr Mill of Vallejo above tbe celebrated Watbburse Mill ot MteBeapou. 3llaaeota, by overoae the instrument. This, I osn assure yn, j tberefore. been la cxitlenee nearly a jrar ota rtval really turned eul what It claim to I bare tbe ability, vlt, Ifi) barrel per day. minions more dexterous in handling his , prince is hift- anon. And tlie Russian lira ant can turn his hand to many th ngs. One day he will le at the plongti, the next he is weaving ' cloth or cotton, on tlie morrow he will help to build a house, and the following day he will be ready to mount tlie box and drive four horses with admirable dexterity, if some great man should need an extra coachman. He is generally well fed and well dressed. am standing. A he righted and ut on the bosom of the dcei, 1 was enabled dis tinctly to perceive that be held iahis bt'I a little scaly captive, which he had snatched from its home, which struggled violently to regain its liberty. Its strug gles were in vain; a few queezes from the mandibles of the bird put an end to its existence. "Being now within mv reach. I stood was a migiity piessaBi Hgsi in oviumi, , - - "v. . ' ! ll n ici rae ihote utstiiar wiu mm for there wa.U J-w ! eXnce;" gfJSJ&SKXZ 1 1! 22LL2: . ...... . L 3 .aTw mn. v m " irwm - swKnr n C?mV"? re M ,be v,h,e perte agaJn.t turalag out tbe taxHUt at fiJearh,makl)g i bkh they are rated. Tbe arr MiU are a cartTSL Or rUOM). not exceptional; their Urget Say' rwn dnr- With tbi. and wttb tame of the flne.t ma. I lS the time named wa UTS bane), while chiaery is the wrh! to work . Ith. and under 'their full capacity I I,VJ barret eer day. exceptionally goud management, it aree I The mUU, aa wtth men. tbe renalta determine U by no mean remarkable. The factory 1 , "an ratMga. U e rel owr cue Uh located bet ee Saeramewto and Commercial mU' run. averaglag orer IXtW bar timb. Sin FnwiiM n ri n.t 4k ,, ( rel per day. Tbe trta H emid of X tenner. a&d0 and ll on tbe latter: hat a 1 1-Starr, A. U fcUrr and A. KasnUter. and frontage ot Ui feot on each tree I, rutMtsg e never aiuiraml ti boi.il. i.lir.1 , . .. .... ' anw h two iore in nlgnt. mere can here ..ua. is auuiiKia u hi nine a.u- ; tortej et 3AM S of cracker masta, always wore atae skNll-ctp ' upon bi head to keep off the W, with a wig over ail. which, by the way, wa -a! wata arv and dihevcllrd. so that hit ' lace po:l cap.', ings. cracker per day; lax v So ! ba 2:ab FraaeiM-o, alW) aod Llverp-Ml S. F. Jtmra U CwKivm. Tho Boat Photographs Oa the 1'aciic Coaat are now mxie at ttc N Tork Gallery, SV 25 Third iret, a as Fraacbe. frtee to tU tbe timet. J. IL PETERi. frartetor. he wure also niae tiairs of ttcclc- j wttb a lUlle addltsonal expee the caBacttr Ilia bed wa made uf bricks M- ' can be keraed ta double tbl amount, or dotaraih which was a furnace. vt con- twelve Mitxtox rwxw or nacco rta tnctcd as to impart the precise degree axxm. or warmth that be tnigbt rrqwirc; iwi 1 im m w uy w sires me miwoi cd i bed had a verr mall otalng. thwisgh : erffc" "wth.ffiH. I IIw to tr Fjcm -Keep a Saik of Trap- bis costume consUting of a rod sliht, prepared for the moment when he ehonhl which the abbe u-cd to ereep when he re : totmni here u done k& remarkabte dl' ! away aebe ad pal, aa wU a Ue doctor' l'a-tencd noand the waist with a leather again This he did as toon as tbe j tired M ret at night. pateb.at aa hxUneeof nhkh we taay men- J btlt 1'rice. eewu. belt, a pair of loose trousers tucked into fih was despatched. I tired and be came i The Jeit UtH-zxi, a writer f the to the victuaHsngof the Kaaa xa4rva : , boots nfmghalf way up the legs tlie d..wn with a broken wing, cxeami eleeath ctnry , te wr crwp.cald.. whole being covered in winter with a warn j he fell into the water. The report ot the kll-caps beneath hts wig. The learned M i7iTfced at loordj . iwle T Urge . . overcoat of eepskin, worn with the wxwl! gun, together with his crie, Itrought to-;Krench Rtathemalician, Kunrier, bad re- I eorOraet wa effected tbrourh the twiue m Vninn 4t aiilim;iiniv ir: i.e.. .. l .. v.. i. ..i i r. .v. .i ' .... r.... x..r.. . ...... , , . ' iiit r:. i im. .suiilc tu suuntHUCta. topand down the middle, an 1 cut evenly might ascertain the can; of the alarm. tisui, and with a caattant Msulha f the wacni.vEar all around the neck, to which it descend, j After surveying their wounded brother! cold; he suffered dreadfailly wheatetec be , U of the Sft. Utet aad mot lasprov.d tnOBcn ne srenerallr tes a band around i round and round, as he was driftm? an- u cxtoeU to an atmtitere hwer tsaa anaw afone iroaa ueraoL it doe eien It tnnvwit it, f.thnnintn liU anu nVm ! ini.i.lr fl...!... :!. ,1,. it... iImfm IuOiiw It nmr' r. taC WOTk Of p i , i. ... . . .! . , " i t ... he is atwork. But br far. the most sightly clas of lieople to be met with in Roiia a e the famous sing:nggyjsies of Moscow. These people, who are generally well-to-do, and are not accustomed to wander aboat like others of their race, dress with gieat finery, but vet with a natural eve to aitbtic effect. Their songs, which nearly always con-i-t ; of an air with a chorusand are aaally accompanied on the balalaika, a sort of guita-, are greatly admired by favellefs. In fact, it has been said of them that If they a-e not the best singers in the world there are no other singers in the world at all like them ; and there is a r-iory current that the famous Catalan! was once so de lighted with a certain female gypy voal it,thathe threw aroand the shoulders of the singer a costly shawl which thebc:clf had'lately ten presented with by the em press. Another pecul ar and exrlusire order of tteople to be met with in Itnssia, though of a-widely different so t, are tbo-e'strange patriots known as the Old Ileligionbt-. rbeRnssian are not much given to change, but the-e people ac as con?crvative as the Chinese them-ekes. They dt ie-t all mod em manners, ins;st cpon wearing the old Risrian caftan, and never cut their beards, allowing them to grow to p-odigious length, from parely pious motive-.bei-aase man is msie in the image of God." But sfll mote singular is their religions objec tion to tobacco, for they look upon smok ing so common in Raia as a sn de nounced by Scripture in tlie text, Xot that which goeth into tlie month defileth a man, but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man." One would think they might get over the difficulty by consum'ng their own smoke; bnt, as a matter of tact, the Old KeltgionUts are to pa-ticnlar in this respect that theie ate special fraiztra, or tea-boutcs, exclusively kept for them, and where the "fragrant weed" and tlie "pipe of peace" are ngidly tabooed. Yet thee queer folk are onl v a few degrees more behind the age than moit other children of the Czar, and prob ably several generations will have toelapse before Russia better deserves to be called a civilized nat:on than that Turkey whose ' barbarism t-he denounces, and is endeav oring to make the pretext of a war of ambition. Home JoitrnaL Rec est Even at xs Hoteu "Who's there 1" Hiere was no answer, and the queer noise stopped. "Anybody there!" Ko answer. "It must have been a spirit,", he taid to himself. I matt be a medium. I will ty. Aloud "If there is a spirit in this room, it will signify tlie same by saying ay no, that's not what I mean. If there is a spirit in tlie room, it will please rap three times." Three very distinct raps were given in the direction of tlie bureau. "Is it in the spirit of my sitterP No an- "Is it in tlie spirit of my m other r ine tide, they came fivins in a bodr to the spot where I t'od. and rent the air with their scream. These they contin ued to utter, regardless of their individual sfcty, until I began to make prepara tions for receiviug tbe approaching bird. I could already see that it was a beautiful specimen ; and I expected in a few mo menta to have it in my psessios, not very far from tbe water's edge. "While matters were in tbi position, I beheld, to my utter atoaUhmet and sar prise, two of the unwound ed terns take nohi of their disabled comrade, one at being each wing, lift him u: of the water, and bear h":tn it tcaward. Titer were fol-1 this basket bts wth lowed by two ether bird. After being ! ted dtp at discretion. vast foiMed htm evervwhet wMh Biantje, in rc-adine? fr any toddea change of temperature. Daring the lat ter years of hi life, txhau.ted by atbs.a from which he had Lees fferer frvm hi youth, be kept himself, for the par- pose nf writing aad speaking to his friaads, eaclecd is a tpceir of box, wbkh tcrtaitted nudeviation of the body, and left at til-erty only his bead aad htods. The Florentine Vctelpt.-, I) m tetht, who died in 1466. among other siagnlarities had tbe habit uf keeping bu money in a baiket w fetch bsnsg trwa a ail in the wait of hit reatn. Into ami friends UrethoToa, L L. CTUtllX A CCL. 1U Ssk TwQ btrmri. ' fMli IiUMl ajff hm U 4 to re T ate mwr e rtin of Ski fr. I r, a uxy4f i ; IWMtys tXXCTBlc SOar, rrMt J iwlte ' (V illwi ut tern eeou. tara ma txteatr hf M CUoa. j4m to bt tft ptn Faai-'r p BLkle la AaaerSbC Aa K !mi cauaJirHj tbe work of paaatag out itbotit held, and ' I hi Maetf a marvel of modern Inventive tktlL Amowgtt U we may ifxciUiy mentbn a snag. ncet roUtorT ovee. patented br Hale, of lorK. 1 fcere are here employed about I 4terHt Se year r n4m kt Utr4.j XS hand at good wage. The trade of tbe j Vnri mt la . Tau eerr asm. oCtr of iu au . company extend to Anxoca. Mexico, Paaa- a!aeartr cuWa as; to Mid uar Sr tasuertn 1 ma, Oregon. Victor t aad salt LaVe Citv. nrrcc7 Seat rvf inm aa tTMotu WEEKI.Y CHRONICLE CLUB RATES: A Ua aft at fi SS a ir rah... 1 1 ti ' 1 !a T 10 at f a jrarearh i 04 SXreU bra tm Cally aad WrUy. AH eats-a ti a CtnS aaott be trmt xt UV- at Mbw.(X Send for av Ssecimea Copy. All Poftencvters ara Agenta. ind Babmy by poatal cider, irxlatrmt letter er by rrpr-, to Caua. ToCM k Co., Sas Tnaetaeo AEE YOU GOING TO PAINT? fmm manr hml that wklrh rxarrlrnr- xm yrora lo l lb bt. Thm AVCKILL rAI.XT. MIXKO KtlOY aUli lHCrMlfr4 tlfknl M4 t Ihr lVla- Imt KthlMlla far kfaaif, darsltlllly. mm eeoaoaar. THE AVERILL MIXED PAINT YllXitTHRr.E aD m HI m OK BEAT lrm4. 1 A -'TVrJl fHALXI V' I of f 4reS eaaar ft u trmn4 tat iaelul C--ti:. rJtr .c t) TSliser er DrW. ao Vv aC pni T ttttiX ar XlH mt Use It U eu. J u "i tor sV i u shSl vork -jrrr aM ve aa wi aa M la(keLhTaay7batrukera .tVEtILL ItlXCn rUJT . St ftorul ottr Af ru in 1 :a3CUtwtbra.)l.'i.riaua ' a V. ItlElln vutauvx. ta"H Is Jat I' fmlmt far th ar". It la la ay ia sail a a aa I y. Oancwen 1j ir jirlitnau, or i rrS i ou. TjriftXtT .sTjeuaa ead swaatr ev4ayr1aattoia CtLiruaill Cltir CUntT tin iua Uu rrwlm. Eaa fra arises, 3ay 30, 1S77. We. tie srdersirsed "Wtslesalt Crecm, , takt learxxs is reatrkisg ti laereaaed da arA for Kovta's Prtiaa Tatat Pewdtr, xzi at Uttifyirgta tie rral aatUfaesa j gives by this braid; j Welhsas, Peek Co., DUlrjixat Co-, ' Eect It Saiierses, Xrzs k ZzUt. j Liirs.'W'tiryUatCa, Jeses k Ca, Ku.1 Ers-, X. Esra 4 C, Taier. Haxxtr ft. C-, Adass, JCtSeUl ft Ca. J.X.Pii a Co-, J. A. Toller ft Ca, Xe-wten Zrta. ft Co-, Caitl Ire-, Tio i. Jrsaiags, S. YstUz ft Co, mericaN Scivins: 3raehine. TSmaarlrn leva rrlelloa jsaeajioa. BEATS THEM ALL! r. Daseri ft Ca, JCftCXaartls, Tills: ana ft Ztzi.il Albert 2U3 ft Co, W. V. Oodgt ft Ca. IT I (Sjaa Xabsis ft Co, Eocis ft Ce, Xilhkrs Srss, rrtcato AlUa 1 Lewii. PrCC at CO rklla4 donotedly dec io tbe zeal and ability ot the ! - t- CftAUls general taaoxgrr. w ha, by tae way, boilt op I ttf) . roortn 'r-i. - tbe Calrtoraia Cracker Co, and la a very reud yrwTwx XBus. a cu. aa coiru sc-m. saa exam4e of tbe bwiioet mas ot one el tbe (a( i, narlet. and aacxt go-, bead eNie t the kiweierw cewtorr ' ma! mf - 1M ALTHOUSE WINDMILL, rruoxa, Me Xtrv Sar 1KSSX raaa PxzTia troubled it rwotorc are aaxlow lo aad a evoalortaWe truta and ooc tfeat ea be (eled Bfa. Maay lcnroieseU bae beoa made dvrlng the laat few year. Old Uwatea arc tferooa aa ay aad tbe near oert carried six or seven jard. he wa let j the computer, bad twe !mpriu. hiMrO. ac aileartSoa W all tba areVto aaarted to gently down again, when he wa taken t hr wbich he wa on.Ually awayed tbe aJtertfeeeeal of tbe CJtfora4 Dutlc up in a similar manner by tbe two whoj that of moving bi lodging, and that of Tn Co. oU.er eotoma.. hd uern hitherto inactive. In this war ! walking. Scarcely he isHtalleii is i c. ! C A L V E RT'S CA HaOLIC SHEEP WASH a re rSa. T w JXCXH, tt Tns. caaca. Sato JUeM Sr It rv rtlc ( & CO., TWafiiu4QMi( ialM-ariC Srad tx Tnt Uat. USrr A HaaulUa. Sas fruexa 4 S rTtArea. they c nunael to carrr btm altetnatoiv. until they had cyvuveyed btm to a ruck at a considerable distance, npoa which they landtd him safely. Having recovered my telf-poters;on, I made toward the rock, wihing to obtain the prize which had been so unccremnioualy snatched from my grasp. I was obtcrred, however, by the terns, and. instead of four, I had in a short time a w hole swarm about me. On my near approach to the rock. I once more beheld two of them take hold of the wonnied bi d as they had done al ready, and bear him out to sea in triumph, far beyond my reach. This, had I been o itiCliced. I could so deb: have pre vented. Under the circamttances, how ever, my feeling would not permit me; and I willingly allowed them to perform withont molestation an act of mercy, and to exhibit an instance of affection wbich man himself need not be ashamed to im itate. I was, indeed, rejoiced at the dis appointment which tbey had occasioned, fur they hwl thereby rendered me the wit ners of a scene which I could scarcely have believed, and which no length of time will efface from my recollcctioa." Ua Harms aad bewralgra. AMettae (or raeumaltom 1 ? r TTTJTT T Sm m. aa. ai ilililliil larorraaa i arrTrM ar Feelings of a Mad. Dog. It is no ploasure to a dng to go mad. Dreadful as hydrophobia is to the human being, rabies is worse to the doc. 'It makes its approach more gradually; it !ats longer, and it is mere intense while it endures. Tbe dog that is going mad feels unwell for a Ions time prior to the full development of the dttease. He is very ill, but docs not know what ails him He feels di sxilified with everything, vexed without a reason, and, greatly asainst bis better nature. snatjpUh. Feel ing thus, be longs to avoid all annoyance bv being alone. The sensation induces him to seek solitude. The light inflict upon him in'ense agony. This induce him to find out the holes and corners where he is least likely to be noticed. If bis retreat be discolored, and the mas- apartsnoat ere be wmM hvcorr some fault ia it, and oomasece lookinc ' ont tor another, t err aj alter dinner. Vnmw. wfe ccSeoiaie ittl despite rain, hail, or anew.be weald be ' oe iUwoil Moisday. or at form oa foot aad take a long aad fatigu-. r -, " .'J. ing walk. The Freach atroamer. Lajvy purttaahsg U,.r PboUgraiA at Waa. Cattle, had contracted the piriwat . iac'. GBrrT. No. Ili Kriry iirrct. Un habit of reading and writing with one . arc tewra: aad Ll ptrterct tie ' eyeonlv; tbe other eye wi especially t mcrveii by him for th perpoae .f tele- , M4SI lrU. who read tbe adterUtcmeal tcopic ebcrrtiia. Ily tbi means how- o YL DeCnck d: Co, is aaotber cooaa, may , ever, he succeeded ia obtaining very ia-, not be a "are ot tbe cxteuivc bculse car i teieting results; f..r in.Uate. be -a. en I f4 ttu THr u1" .Wed to discern with case and prco.on i Xl"T?Z? VVilZ the heights of the stars alwre tbe hori- , iq pranebee .fcould' vuK lletr maadaetorr 1 zscm of the sea; aa obserrattea gaerallv i and ec or tbecatcltea. Trr r ancenaia. oa arceont of the di&- cultr of dearly di.tiugui.bin tbe ben-! BaexcataL TaocHta.tor Palao. 1 urn in tbe obtcuritv of nrgbt. It d rJ -vas-mawc uiaorcm. Late pnd jf ik . tr-Xr-a4-lar akalllr! H.ir.Tlir.a4 1 a x 3 ! 1 : Lljil,! Haulii! Hlltleat Kaaall(: Wlaapleat: tJr-TaU Maealaa a faa: 1 irij kaavs at BEST IK THE WORLD! SX JT " T&Y IT SCTJT Varrazted to Git Esdrt SiTirfart'sa. American SeTrlr Hizblzs Zz. C. R. WOOD. Xaaager. W TZrZd STVX1T. Alrau Wavt la all aaoe- raolaal Tarnaarx- 3IITC1IELL WAGONS, Ju "W. SJLSsOZS, Agtit, Ula S. T. Saa Tna iaea rrrsar Mnt lTiat aad KaOerr sxx rnjLTi tvro Tfa'a. axl Ct Oft MaaJrrrtr f WraX aJ,' uniliLttu m 1 7. tr-irr, m.- r tr4 ut r -a 'T I X A3 alaM aad (LOBn au at 1V rwmt a&artrc rrVn. aaavaa ta ca aaa KVi RUPTURE CURED ! 1T tae CSUTOSVUl XX--i TK 1 HI''. IVr rreatnC anltra Meaaa af o ifm. rta aaata ar BMrWO aetata. Lum aad Sc ax treatif rraaoa aearra. JTaarr 1 arvlra. TMa Tu a ar mifVt aa4 mi taa, aa CI art. ilum Traai raaraa ur u ta $r,t aa4 la aaM oa CaS aa-1 nam Vtart ya.eaatr.ac ar4 Sac earrsur awrtta. i raur 2 2SSJ. fefeaSS-f'aaralfaail TBI 3CirSr Tars. TnU!x aai Srrtax raca&c CaaKI rtr a Kjreat at aa aaaaa tarn-mi f. ma Vu err aaasXarjT u 1 S tt.irt im.uu i xi mi ataeatoaeajat na atVrr Mr wrirLV?ST. 7i Ti aaly fffnsn aess Fifa. tuUy Laii. SixzJ. asy Prrnrt. ; jiiiiy taoai triti a erdiriTT aij-rr rrvU SxrC-rraja.- aa4 iSmr. m u axcKicA.t rire co.. aa CaSSVatt.rUS'rabClaoa. . THOXOUIKIKAGE, EXPRESS Of . atae. Or-Jalaa. 1 Utkl CarriaiK J Wagons, arxta, lBataaaa aaa col ajJJ-car that any as!rcosier since bis ber eScary by a teat ol xsasy yeart.aad timebai aoeg'it tioontlrm biiavelf tesoibate reeestcd teaUcaealala from ctahacat ditScult a practice. ! men wbo bar ued thes. C.aLiroMIA ICU.aTIC TKCaw CO, SO tUT trntt-r S.t Taaatr i JP A MTIiTRS ! g. a. potter, BEST PRODUCTION TO I m. r. uutrcaxD. SriCEit was wading wearily tbrogb a pile of w.o-k which bad accumulated ' lHTWJtSTIK. ea-w r J. aafnraa.er daring a bncf absence in .New York, anr w wben a stranger banged tbe inner tSce LAXira sew oaLUcair. Ka. s THint) stexxt deor, placed hit lighted cigar cenven riiraf Jr-i. wirrru-rj amut w tairt rirr ientlr on the corner of the de.k and I C1L-V4 "CTVSES. aad at rnra at a., caai. leuny as uie ei me oei, aavu, cautat u Uraaaral rtaw. TTTIX spitting gracef-illy m the w aate-baaket, ; ut u HOsuNm xrw axuxnr Tv aad : ' Craatee Irarl Tj are tarsal vraaaaal rvtar ilr. Spicer.I prtaumel jeTeraaJ.eMer ri or CLt4. Cart IVtarra. Tbe paragraphsuppreaed ! . ssnile at H?Z TJr, j'c oc H rcimng in ure iwx croa 11 CDta B oa Jaat ka ta arte cUrrM al Ckruimrrtial Adterthr. Inhaled about OaarTi.a4aar4 wk m caatwaWa CrIaalra afjtar Uraeer rarxj GRAHAM CRACKERS, VASCTAvTt EXD ST THE California Cracker Co. 1?hOV THE KXtTfX Or X C ElXbKATXXI MV- a Maatfarrtrrr oc" uOora 3IAIIBLE fVaf aa, f aa aa av- a. T d - SrVMoTaA. Va Vaataa-ej tar a ce Da UBl!ri7m IRflH UIUTTIS. mnnvabiaaw iiiwii a aavi aarrSTxarr Sn ra.ajrtoa. three cent' worth ef hi gneat'a five-rent la LA MfS Omr ban rev k SW osuaj: T Sar M oaw -v lia mJx aSM ana, mf ara7rwtarriaeOUev TartUaSrrt. Aruat. (r auaj )tui Q Stas4 Sar Cfmaarr. A rct rrj a!4. TVrT laj aae SWXXT TAR for a (MA ar a eaU. swer. Three ram. -Are you happy?" .Nine raps, tar's n.ice bids him come forth, he leaves fDo you want anythingi" A succession , hiding-place, anxious to obey the rf very loudrapi. 'Will you give me any j iTe(i anthority; but, before he ba gone communicauon ii igeiupi- o answer. Dalf tbe distance, a kind of sensation comes over him wbich produces an in- uShall I hear from tou to-morrow!" Raps very loud in the diiection of tlie door. "Sliall I ever tee you!" He waited long for an answer to his Iat qu cation, but none came. Tlie spirit ha-J gone; and, after th'nking about tlie extraordinary viit, he turned over and fell asleep. On getting op in the morn'ng he found that the spirit of his mother liad carried off his watch and purse, his trousers, and his great coat down stairs in the halL Specie Payments. The Journal" t Washington correspondent rays tlie action taken by Scc'y Sherman last week with repect to the" purchase of gold with 4J per cent. bond?,for tbepurpoeof facilitat ing specie-payment, leaves no doubt as to the policy he intend to pursue. The pur chase of $5,000,000 of gold.it can be stated upon the mo-t excellent authority, wa tlie firrt step toward tlie accumulation of a fund'of $100,000,000 in gold or legal tend ers, or both, as a condit on precedent to the resumption of specie payment Jan. 1,1879. Secretary Sherman considers that this plan is not onlv authorized but is directed by the Resumption act, of which he himself is tlie author. At tliit time Uiere will be at least three hundred millions outstand ing, and Secretary Sherman does not think that it would be practical to commence resumption with less than one hundred millions. There is no doubt that his pol icy will be that of accumulating this amount of gold or legal tender, or both, between now and that date. Too go to Shecaggo, rfnrlllAmull rmm i7 r.n unir QMUVUIISII iiVUl UUaUiaUJJ o hcyP taid ft "VelL vou lie bretty garful about dat vater derc. Ef you dond vant to ket seek, vou trinkc node of dat vater dill vou kct used to him. Roehaler Democrat. cigar, and replied -Vesir- in eee Ume JrHitmx ana tnree motions. The fame of your journal ha reached us in Kew York Sute, cunlinsied the visitor. "Another feller that waat a notice,1 thought the writer. "I with to talk with yen about advertis ing. said the caller. The newrpaper man brightened, and rather wished he had a freih cigar In of fer the visitor. ST a-ar la lluW yvar t-viare. tir- I PflMMPRPIAI HflTFI - ww,,,!l . L 1 ut 12. DKTItlCK & CO.. BAGS and TENTS, SAN FRANCISCO. TO It KXIXT, Ja. FUR 3S TEAKS FBOf XtaTTOB al ttecCrwI'ri Hr.. a. r , i. saw aaaacetea T U ea a aaa. U.S.BII6H1H-S SWEET til REHEOIES aalr vwa ta- CUMMXHtlAL HUT IX aa err at. aa4 grvar C a. r TV Caulal i a Sncelaa aa caeaaaaaciar Bav I urT ! ttrraW, rte aa4 mSm aarerVar fariaIea at tea ra!a. rr caaca aa4 earrurr Paia aa aataxa. A ea traai tarmrr aatraaa rr.p aJr tnta Orais. Tlffsr, WoL Ore. Eeas. Specir asi Salt Baca. Nrailea. etc TraU. Aaa-xca. CalXar. Crala asawaraa Orrra. etc 123 Clay Street. 3. T. VJXSIST or SWXZTTSR DCOrW SaraKxatCDevt V ' aa4 wa, aWXXT TAH TlXaTMLxV Hckair ar irrUAtiaa la tt taroat, Iea41ax la cvax. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, ' ftt mmt T KMnr nu Mam rmnfUr -l . . . -a ! Verba Bnena Bitters, T K- Errximarr a Littt s4 rm?r& K SiW. jYerlia IJuena Bitters. , Tar Ikacraaaa. lY'erba Bnena Bitters, ' TC DrraU. I Verba Bnena Bitters, I Tae Orrat Srrtlt MafictML. Verba Bnena Bitters. TT JaxaSwa. Yerba Bnena Bitters, far gatoaa OaToiaifa Verba Bnena Bitters. far Berslattax tat BmA CUXXZ X 5SIGHA3C A?aU.3. JT. CALIFORNIA TAlt nALSAM. la be la irraa. r Trocar. roat, ua4la la carara. w C saniUeuaarrnoaaKa Is ta aalar f ta SIMu4SIe rATtUDOC - rxu DAT rsarairroa. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. eatapiaiat; lr aery attf as4 larllrf CaacS. Orso. ' llaotasa CoetX laSarax. nraecarua. Aaiaasa. a4 stantaneous change in his whole appear ance. He suddenly darts back into his dark corner. If let alone, there he will remain, drinking a great deal of water, hut not seeking food. His appetites are altered, nair, straw, uirt, nltn, rag, stones the most noisome substance tbe poor dog longs to swallow, in hopes to eae a burning stomach. lie is now al together changed. StilL he does not de sire to bite mankind; he rather endeavors to avoid society. He takes long journeys to vent his restless desire for motion He does not walk, be does not run. He proceeds in a kind of trot. His eyes du not glare or stare, bat fire dull and re tracted. His tongue hangs dry from his open m uth, from which there drops no foam. He cannot stay to bite. If, n ev ert b el ess, anything oppose his progress, he will, as if by impulse, snap as a man, in a similar state, might strike, and tell the person "lo get out the way." If he return home from these excursions, he seeks the darkness. His thirst increases, but with it comes swelling of the throat. He will plunge his bead into water, but not a drop can he swallow. The throat is enlarged, co that nothing can pass. His state of suffering is pitiable. He flies at, and pulls to pieces, anything within bis reach. He emits the moit hideous cries. The noise he makes is incessant and peculiar. It begios as a bark; is 3uickly changed to a howl, which is sud enlr cut short in tbe middle; and so the poor wretch at lat falls, fairly worn out by the terrible disease. JV. Y. Jllu.tratfd Weekly. A ritE-mr rcplr of a French mother: "Which of your children do you love most f " "The one that is absent." "I am introducing in New Ensland the , u tanuei airttitr u iasx aaj maxx celebrated 1'fOliDc 1'inkhampten I'ump kin, and I am authorized to oiTcr the seeds to you at fifty dollars a quart, half cash and half advertising in the Cem- menial The exact manner of the Western seed man's death will probably never be known, but bis friends will be pleated to know that his remains hare been care fully planted at Forreat Hill, where the Prolific Pumpkin vine can twine a gar land to his memory OTer his early grave. Commercial Bulletin. eara.vrtkaaaca( tVf Ilatai ee atr a! van be 'a aarnae I (ft taRa ta Coarry panexfrrt lotfee Mam tree. IB rare rom i re a aacwrr tb ta Catramroea. Mr, nacsaa remark oa tie trratsrat aa4 rare c Throat aaS Laac taaaSalata, abtalsr4 artrr aa ci- 1 MTtraceaf Batj tan lacrawrlUa antk ber karri Tar Kraetflra.eaalaetalM4eaardrErraa fir at i eaarre, Ttmrj lafart rmJoxc as4 iwrfu ulurKauoa. . SWECT TAE lir.VrlltnS are ats;e Soma errrara- , rtaa.BrtiaaedaTtba!xtwatBarka6IaorlHwLaa4 . ara aarv ia unr rsna vuw aaas uy are recom- uauijuiu.'' aubaurruCHO. Two Caarar-4 C" ret lata ta not CaacS ckarr roa. ' Dx. BLTa FaTzarT r AxrrAcrrnzD ar nzssn li'a srnxvo. me4 ta e Imrj atrert, e3 rraaeuro. Waa far Orbjr BritMIAM-S ABlETtXK Full DlTIiSS. SCALDU. Cat aa Sore of an alaU l ONTG)VtrjJT-9 TZlirntANCZ HUTU. MT ill Nrcoc t-.fcaa rriaclatn. OVralTIc a rta, Wl. QJV-PAOE CAT A LOO TE FREE TO AGENTS ? r "JflfcaTaa aCa. IT Xea- Mactcuiari i a. y DCVniVCD Drr Nrrraiot rrTuJtrr. alii nCVULVCn rilLCtrit earuiarra. ASSrra J uoiia.iai.uu4iMa OILS I Wuo4 at . intubarc fa. ( 1 SIAIIK BV u Auajii mm lui.. ek-rra era artldra aaxnsle rr-c A a. iai a. a A"- . a i,rry Krm. iaa t raaeiarn. "llTiliTm Trarrnax Salramrn. a naat Ta aitlbU aaialleiprBraald. rr4.llac ldnaU.mrUrIa, rail rwi.uil 7 - - - l"t . Ilia. 'a A. I'l . 1 . . . tacb. 3 fur TV for aJc Wiara Baoraaaa. In , MIU atrrrf. Nr York iOrUTC WAVTKDfurlatttirtlBLr ort,".Votrl AUuniwOaemHa.orWarrre al Ut ivsrsar The SiwrLE Secuet. Twenty clerks in a warehouse twenty hands in a print ing office twenty yung men in a vil lage. All want to get along In tbe world, and all expect to do ao. One of the clerks will rise to be a nsrtner and " WosoKitrct" xaoic rsyrt Write CICTK will I IK w oc a. miner, iuj rti,-at lat-Mm;lr a)-l v.irr atteaWr masea i'rtune. uucm uie competitor will own a newspaper, and become a prospeious and influential citizen. One of the apprentices will become a master builder. Oue of the villagers will eel a bandtome farm, and live like a patriarch. But which is detined to be tbe lucky in dividual? Lucky! There is no luck about it. The thing is almoat as ceitain as a rule of three. Tlie young fellow wbo will distance bis competitors is he who mt.rj tita litliinala ta-lirft tiriHjtrr.t lita integrity, who lives clearly and purely, J who never gets in debt, who gains r .1.1 .t t . 1 . t . i.t. money inasavingt' bank. There mc- F OiirToi ot foap -some ways to fortune that look shorter Ma IZO FlQUT TOllOt Soapl I than this old, duaty highway; but the Maizo Flour Tollot Soapl-j staunch men of the communitr. Uie men ' a treat ilOTrr,-. ?. eapoaad! it looififa. ouiirBa. ua wiiirci Urf i ill. u voiaf mi OOKTOOH.D ; ftrriiatj, Buna, Eirnss Wusu i Hina -T- , abbot Dotr.xnii ce.'w, 413 ani 41S EatUrr Street, San 7raarisee. T. W. KAWT3SAX. A tral. HARNESS! AT B EDS0 CKP KI CZ3. trDuat bar oVl n' frn ttmaaarircnrucn Batlt' r lad aad Tr lar FHOIX MACHINE OIL Srarm. WVale. Lard. Taxsera" aa4 al' araa4af tiWatlnaria" ou. ntvSi. Laas m a. ratai inu a&S Leata. aruaTra. Al brraar. etc Seatf Sjt Ctrralar HUTCHINCS & CO., rrorrsetar Faaatx oU Worka.ai; rrxitsCR. T Sraatleri Arataabl aaj aatVatle kiatorr cT la llrrotam. A ttemrra. Tnaia. rmalfca. C?arl nr, aa4 aoMr urr ma4 eata of la "Viarr af ialpa.ae Br uiia W IVwSrr F DKW1NC a iu. l a. abUakera. Saa rraxctaro Cat A WELL N barias atil, ar . rwa ja,i uat, ao llinCDC -ao ritR bay MILITARY ACADEMY. IXTae Ctrealar alirra ItCT. DitlO MeCLtRf. HrJ?ll. eiKUXB.CAU eaa b ra.Ur Bade I "VT o O ilUNrMran'rllAartr. " . w tar I aial.ra. ta TsruKB.RI. UaKSa. No. 153. lUa.S PATENTS. 1T vn tor sale a nasT-cuuw srw,, L lil i W r-Uao rrutl rrtrr. towui be aU i at a nbrral atecoaat. Tor rvtarr eartScalar can aa , "TC A. LXII WA W. SoB tto at Fatrata. VotecU. loraJdrraaN It. JuilSiTUX.aas Caj- trrct.S. r. I X . D. C N Taat "a raj Seed e Omar LitrotOaBtnU.Jaaraao4 Yuaerrr Brbibrruaaa KurratMam. arat ,ijius.r ltaracxaa. aaa COK taraec at aaee. A. L Baacaorr m la.k. r. i lit aoia iiaica a l Biieraai taaxa ryrao irJO. It aaa aa4 tae Iradite al aotorc an caeca rriaeStr. rrna It Srt latrtMartlaB. Sir cvumm. ai utrf arqtiiBin . n. ii.rm.ra- 114 inraa ai ' TO cat vllWat TirrMtoa. I can rrcetameaa luuarto all la Bred at a cosek rea-dy Artrr Ikl trial of atx r !". A B. AUUSTiaiXU.SKetkBart.l-a. J. COIlMtS'Kt.L.,l taata. TAL lUXJMa. Sao Craror L aear aaa.eaa r raaciaco. aTaaaar Cauiaoroaa adaauuteral. A ladf aulataalla attradaac. Oaaarars n.1r .laabrrad ta eccrvtr. . aafrh I . .u . . m . mum.m rmrat ehaSac ante Sack. Vfir of Ilk tracraar.4 t accldrita aklcb rmt fr m throalBS tranra accat th bark aTaaaa mat N4dW-rr NaMwareaad Cat lar WaoaraaVr aad Krlali tII rr Bout. a.1 pal ters. V. UAVK. 41 naa.ara e.. NrajtUt,Saa Faaa. laca. PUWIPS! r Bl'Y 115 taYTIttt OLD ATI I) KKLIAELK Excelsior Force Pump. It la end. Something really worth liar- I beaUac aad aerrnsr vaaUac proprrtle. aad I eqaal. r...... " ..i -, . Mr tcitedltor tbe bata. Baraerr, aad rraeral toilet. It fortune, good name, and ai,, detUbUany perramed.aa. otd rrrrtwhrr a! a raodrraie rnca. iwcuierxi in rairsi-uBce, ina, aj IU toaaaractBrrr. McKWINK. VAX 1IAAOEX A CO rbllajtlpala. X.I who achieve ing, good serene old age, all go this road Ajj old man died in Dcckertowft, i"M tbe other day, and in obedience to his d jing request, bis coffin was carried to the grave by his six sons, wbo are all young men and lawyers. It was a mourn- I a . a a. a . a" . . . 1 . . 1 iui sigut six lawyers in one lamny. i cm. The Xrw Camp La a a (r artxb oa If i Iba. and rM. tiaztlazsaa. rnr Hint). A Ub rral dlacoaatta tbe trade. ferntC.0. 1J. to aur Dart or tbe C H. MOSFTXl. Alt, 4I Baaaume IU.8. f. br Tar the Ctaaaaeat In In Taaaaand afthrm In V.e. ItOLHnOOK.nKRRILLa CO,Arft. Ill aad 113 CaMtirgl IU S-aa rraartea. A. B. ELFELT & CO., Maaaractarrra aad Importer f Clalhlaa; aad furnlahlax la4a. Sole Masnfae tarm of tbe Celrbrated ratest CHAMPION Overalls and Champien Clothing. lexi aad HeVKaaoeae Strrrt. 8i r txcrrrx. A Solid Gold Pen, DIAMOND POINTED, In Telescopic Gold and Ebony Holder, GIVEN AWAY. Tb Brora Maacfaclarlnt CrnranT. mannfjetartr, ct GoU Fmv reacil.d Hakfer, oTrrrrT auraata la ba ta errr aad.tbra tot 14 rckt. dtaatead ilatrd.alib IHneobe Omit rata aad Evaar lloMrr. dratrltlloa. bate aiaJ arraamarBU la rite tir oa oT lb abar la rack rradrr of tbl AdrrcUttt. ta artlrla la aarraatad la ba ta WoM rrcaaad UUm taat ot tar KIBd Kara raa SACRAMENTO SEMINARY, I ST t! KET. BETWEEN tCtb ASCII Uth. SACRA Dtata.CaL A Moardlar aad Uajr Hehaal Tor Vauac Lad Ira. I"jJ tor Orralar. CorrwpoedeDC larttrd with all aba vUtt fur ranber UforaaUoo, XJU. KXUC0K PXIiKT, PriacipaJ. aad llsldrr It rt aplo a aatrr.tlcbtUtr.'latr4Caa,aklca.aa claaai, I bat ;! ) 4r. I and eaa ba tlarad la lb tnrkat aith mrart anrnr inlut lmiarr. TbrtaU I rir. f lilt talta- did articl la ort.r U tbaa Sjaanra taqrti war. , , . -ai.il mil lotipea asj a ll la urucai Kaaalacxanec i-waipacj, . r- taraalC' mtH Cmmt ia.1 kUna laal la w-tara aiMCiaal yalMat UraMa ttla aa ta aaa. J lain av No. O Holltl CI o lit Commercial Xeti, Id. HW, u nil rati n null all U aa tax ar-a nam a. twaaj at t awia. U ta- at Tia. ta a. t aailaa. aa4 ttiiii ara. Tab tat! b MM .Itkast lMrwl. sir""- ""iTk'.v r?: ?tTk t.': VT,t T. INSTRUCTIONS. tk mml trnttf Ift ala I. Ilt (fM tmT M'lU.a WM. if. Ulkaia v-a. mrmwlm laa am OaM IVa aad Hjt. airaa a arm. aaaw.ana a. piaaiiaar. .V. 1