The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, July 28, 1877, Image 3

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t mi rrgtmiam
-JULY 23. 1877
- Castro Watat No. 4. K. or V. Veela Id the Canle
all, rvodleton, crrrj WednraJar errata. Brother
U pjoJ cuodD; are cordially tovitrd to attend.
rntwxnw Lopc.i No Si A. F. axb A. M. Mem
jae the 8 rot and thirl Mondays of each mosUL Bean
ol BirrUnt r. x.
tAmior Ftik, Martha VTafhincton Cbtpter. rend!.
Job Ueu fr; Toeaday nielit roStlt( the firtt nod
third iloodajs of each month.
r Iciui L3Pc:c No C I. O. CI. F-.iVixUeton Meet
mrf Salcrdar errnioi al J r. x. lUvtbren u food
aundinj art luritoJ to attend.
KiMMU Lodoi No. 100. laC.T. TcndMon
ilittt erery Ttiarwtay rrrninr, at J o'clock r. a.
araieeru In ood aundin; are requeued to attend.
SmoortL Sirtjc Oa. the Ihrd Sundae of each
neth. the Rrr. U H We Ute. and preach
ia the rrxircinr at IT o' lock in raton; I
nibeartctnt ;
at t o'clock In IVndVton.
Sonet Simple aDoanmeBU oT bntha, Bimt
e and death. triH be learned wHhnet cfcarre. ObK
..arr aouce will b charted tor aordicf to their
Eiari copiea orthe Eat Oarcoxujt, in rrper far j
aaatfiag, can he oatamd al tnia trace.
. W aatcm co respoatibShtT Ior xleweifird by
Fur I"lie TrTeler.
1 leave I'rMletcn for Cmaiina ia'y M"e2 S
and -m a'dork r a
m - S A V.V .a. V-t
ton at aboct is o cta-k mMoicbt; far The itaaw .
Kiraierat6o'rlork. at. Meaar. Wedeedara and
oVkck la theerro.r- .leaner amre .at raiaHa j
iK..u i,,M-v.. -. - r-- .. - ;
oYlrek-V x ; departtnx on We.?ne-dTa. Fndat a !
m 1 - .... and .1. rm . r m , m i
jjoocara on retarn tnpe. &iafei suae cteM cccseo
tton.iththeateiusera. i
cuzsaarsa rotrrtaxfi.
M I Sesc VS
MaRiUAor Licenses Issued In Urea.
Uila county for the year 1S71 :
Get. W Ingle to Paulina Patterson.
I Z. B. Ouens to Adelia Welch.
John Night Man O. Ilartness.
Beaj. Walden to Jane Phipps,
J F Wenttto3IaryM-Jhnoa.
Edwin Bninnia to CharkiU Trainer.
IL A. Locketl to Marv E. Owrns.
Plenty Slovcr to Mary E. Bowman.
Wm. Taylor to Rebecca Owens.
John E Bran to Sophia Bishop.
John L. Brawn to Nancy E. Kerth.
3Ioses Stubbiefield to Mabala White.
n. L. Mon-honse to Charitv E. Church.
Geo. M. tnon to Martha E. Alexander. !
Charles E. Brown to Man- A. Eardesty.
Thos. R iy to Martha Hendrix.
Joseph Dnntoa to Margaret Hendrix.
D P. Royec to Margaret E. Rnyce.
lleston Green to Emiline Haner.
James R. Brown to Dorcas J. Stamper
Samuel W. Benjamin to Eliza Piakerton: j
C 0. Fanning to Mary L. Rei:!t.
Henry Pinkciton to Msrr L. Prcwcit.
Joshua Cox to 2tancy Lillibrhige.
F. M. Stcart to Francis C Cases.
A. V. Donally to Nancy J. Odeil.
Luke Rawls to Mary E. WHon.
D.T Cex to J. F. Wanaosth.
It is usually asertcJ, with bow much
truth we are unable to say. that preachers :
are a shiMess class, cad those whs are in-1
tlinedtobea little irreverent assert that '
they are as a class bora tired ; but in all '
- .1 - : . . t c ti n !
U . .
of the M E. CinrrJl S.nth. of this place,
last f .11 wugut two town ,ois ana immeai.
( .2 j. l. t ? r- 1
but when completed he fooad himself ow. j
ing fur the materiaf : sohe goes to work '
and exchanges house and lots for two cn. '
improved lots adjoining, Md is now pre-,
paring to boild again, and by doing the
work himself, which we are informed he
intends doing, he will hart a home clear
of debt To all other preachers we would
say-go and do likewise". Help yourselves
and others will help yon.
Frnr Mile Racf. psarlM C. Bush ofjOf course draaken men only do tlwso
the W. Yi . Driving Park whips as follows i
regarding a race of 50 or 100 miles which
he proposes shall transpire on his course in
one week from todey with Indians from
the Umatilla reservation: "3Ir.Smitb will
ride 50 or 100 miles on the same terms as
the race with CariJweH; each roan to ue -
10 hores and change every mile- I will;
give the Indians one-third of the gate and1
pod money or $50 and let all the Indians
through the gate free, and famish them :
Sn hay while in training." Messrs. 3Iori-
knd Switzler acting for the Indians,informs j
fas that the probability is that the race will j
came of as above indicated; at least the j
Indians will be in town toay tocouncil in
regard to the matter. At present they seem
to be "on it." .
Ox thc IUfAon-A tliccTthcrder by
the name df W. C. Klopfer came to town,
got drunk, captured Bill Switzier's stcre.
abused three Indians and wanted to fight i
them, was arrested by the Sheriff and lodg
bd in jail. Ere an hour had passed the
man had set fire tnthestraw bed in the cell
-wherein be llad been placed. Luckilr there '
. . . . :: ,
were two other prisoners in the jail who,
i .. , , ., , ,J . :
immediately gave the alarm, and caused a '.
a. a .'.i :,i. .1.1, Oi....4,r ,n s..
sn appearance; thc fire was quickly quench
ed. Thursday monning the man contribu
ted $10 to Justice Bailey's court and was
allowed to depart
Grant county will soon be llie source of
supply for thc grand mining camp soon to
be developed on Granite creek and in the
vicinity of the great Jlonuinental mine.
This will be accomplished by that county ,
-a t. tl la
m tnc enterprise it is now exnumiug ,u
building goKl roads to the mines UmaUl -
la county is the natural sourci df supply
for produce to those niiaes. bill we are cut
oil from the advantage whlfli itould ac
erne to us by the inaction nf thc people
and ocr county actboritiee. Let something
be done ere it be loa late.
T, r, , . . , ,
. D. C. Reynolds, who left these parts last
,- . a., . iji.. j!3Biic iuc sun nova "jiu iv ink uvtwuu
5?Spnng wjth several lioracs rl crisis own, and : ... , . . ,
i!V ,., , , r ,, ,. i the horizon, they engaged a few boats and
If found bis way to ilontann, was followed by , ' , . t . , , . .. ;
y . ... 3 '.. , , stnickout They proteeded up theslougu
eereral citizens, owners of the horses, and ... j f , . fl,f , . , .
arrested. On thc return trip he acaped
irom His captors, was cattgia Uy hostile In-
flians.W Lnn f&r,.nJr. tLnd re.
.. . ' . m .. '
poriB are very often true.
Itcais from -Ontnlie next sreck.
We are opposed to an extra session of
the Legislature!
Our mercliants bare of late received
large accession to their slock.
T m. ll,!. Iofk lmnnMt In
side of our countr jail with tbcirprefence.
Read our excellent letter from the TVal.
Iowa, written by an entirely reliable man.
The weather of late has been splendid
Cool nights and days Just warm enough to
be pleasant. j
Green corn in the market! Twenty cents
a rirxen for "nubbins" four inches long, is .
irice the asked.
Shoemaker Lennox will soon bare a
bran new side-walk in front of bis pretais. !
es on Jlain slreet
The Umatilla reservation Indians are as
peaceably inclined as the most law-abiding
man in the country.
In the fiflr-mile race at Walla Walla,
S L. Morse's "Pike" ran seven miles: on
the second mile his time was 1 5.
Dr. McKay has removed his office to the
Marshall bulldiss between Bowman's llr.
ery stable al MarshaU's blacksmith shop.
Advertisements of Pendleton bnlns '
men in una paper are very scarce.
nnn.ailnirt A't -.- . .
paper. I
, 1
-TI tt. ,i - 11 - -
xac it aim n aim sutmrjita comes oai
" ,
iu uc iri. i c arc gian 10 acr mis
cridence of Its soccess. Gol lnck to the
c. - -
J. X. VanDorn Is erecting for himself a
neat little reaklrnce n the kit intervening
(.between Sheriff Sargent and Wm. Swltz-
i ler's I
Tlie editfir is still an the sick Wit.kBtyet !
heworkelh. Ilis weight is new 113 nsi
avoirdupois, as against 179 eae year and
four months ago.
I. C. Oiseiiway has retwrned from Favt.
1 ind. th High Joint Graver OwaUioa
not desiring his 'services as depsty U. .
marshal anv iasger.
W. A. Cwl. frrem the Walla WaUa river.
makes semi-weekly trips ta PesdletaB with !
bi trag-in in red wttk bemtrs and ether
farm prwdacc and he sells cheap. j
The 2-rear oVd rolls tor the lltb of Ac I
est race are being trained 4lly by their j
mrions grooms. The race is for Mood, and i
t the time made wilt he woaderfutlr qelci
j Our friend Carter of the Orralils Ga.
zelte has latetiy baried lwj iBerctrgcLll.
4nM- Diphtheria was the cwe af death.
IIe h" OEr Jr fa bcreave-
Billy Beagle spest a few days a: the
Warm Springs, en the Rvekle & Thomas
rad. last week; while there hp cKht SOS
targe trost, the largest one aeassred &
inches long and weighed 2Jj posnds
qeke "hefty."
G. W. Webb et tr are sfetetraVid good gar.
densrs. Mr. W. exheWlcd k otr gaze car
Ptate as Jarre as the average of niiar.
ed He iafiirmed as that his wife help.
do the gardening.
G.W.Webb is mktag rapid prrpara.
tlsnltaerxxtx new b.!fcHns na Htfa side
ff M3-a itrea Btx. ,9 m KthehW's strre;
The bet weather deters men frara com.
ing to town to d besieesa hence we
can procure no items at the conaty clerk's
loSce: forks dance, the issue of marriage
licenses and "slch Hke.
Thanks ta oer e Sclent sheriff and deiHt.
tr. men ere not now allowed to be boister
ous, mlgar and oWeae oa oar streets.
. shicking the ears of every lady passhsg.
Pmf. E. C. Taylor, the world.rentwned
Wizard, has the last few eveaings deHrlil.
j cd our people with some of the most astnn.
. ishing feat of matc ever witnessed and
. withal he is a rrerfee! rentlornan. - He ex.
Liw,s aain ,Mi trcwto.
J. 31. Bentley. successor ta Sylvester
Eentley. has made a very material redac
tioa in the price of lumber etc at his plsn.
mg mill. 3Ir. B. will prove himself a pAp.
a!r man in the poiiina he cow nrcaples
at the head of the extcnsUe business he Is
eDgaged in.
v.'m. Geisler on Tharsday got drank and
boi.temas and biV:enelangBarx. He
was arrested awl phveed In jail. Thmngh
the intervention of his wife lie was releas
ed. We hope tills is the last time that we
will be called upon to record such an itost
ia rcwd 10 ,hc Eainc P"03
Pdt ui down for a narrow jruige railroad
from Umatilla town if possible on the Co.
r-.A Tnn.i. ...ti. -a
, . . . , .,
Baker city. The people of the three ooim.
. ' , . . ,
ties can grade and lie thc road and capital.
, ., , , , , r
f do ",c balance-but thc people of
t Tanllavfi-kn ravMilM fftif area Tri ell 11 a-tm
aV vajaaa v i' s VAJUIIV aaU wa tuail WU
via their town.
Fions flic Capital.
Sai.em, Or, July 20. 1877. EDrroc E.
0. Everything Is quiel this week ; tlitrt Is
nothing transpiring to mention which
would interest ynar readers. It Is hot. tub
try weather, and loads after loads of pleas.
ure Kekerg are ,cavn b da for u
mrf 0inj. , Mteni iiwiTill
j IIood otIlcrs l0 c,piore jcfr,Tson, and
f uanj comphdning of some discrepancy,
; E:c i)eaJed toward Smxlen Springs in hoj
I rjf finding relief for their diseases.
j a small party of children, composed fcf
j boy nnd girls aged from 18 to 22, that are
cot going to the inountlains concluded to
thave a little-time of their own. boat-riding.
L .... , , ,
uul" f . "T. t" jT '. 7.
1 . .... ,,' , ,, ..
CO'nc 10 ,bc elusion that a-ey would
un ein till?
"balance all and promenade around"
awhile; so they procured a fifer livIngJDol
vcrr.fiir oIT hnadanced rnfU' llir
. i.- aJ
ras bored Inside" and retired.
A. Mallory of Ileppnrr was around litre '
. . .
jiocaueurmn tor tlie purpose or
selling his wool; but finding no market
, . . . . .
ior u ai m-crut pices. tiousou it up ana
r.r. 1.. .1.-11 l,u.. it .n 11 .,,wl I
..,.,,..,, lw ' -"""'
up again, -which it Hl Tcry soon, in all
' probability. His reports are that there are
better times in Umatilla county than be
has seen since be first moved there in 1S71.
The high ptice of wool Is undoubtedly the
Tlie wool market litre at present it al-
I most stagnant: the reason rr this, it seems,
is ttecause Oregon wool lias been rallied in
in San FVanciscn so fast that they (capital
ists) have accumulated nul'iitns und mil
lions of pounds of it, and bare made ar.
rangements among lhmselves to hoW
wool and undertake make eop1e sell
for twa or Three cents less than the regular
price. Quotations from New York, 1111
adelphia and Boston indicate no cause why
the woo! market should be slack here. As
soon al the wool is shinned from San
Francisco the prices will ibn come riebt
I believe wheat is quoted tojUy at $1.
R. E. Porteh
Hci-txi, Jnly 2i Advices from Mis.
soula to 1 a. si. of 2lst. rertort 18 lodres of
hortIc 1 e vmllcy, baring come orrr the
'n' ,r11 Indians ara coming in faiL
All me settlers are mortar Into Stockades.
Tiie Indian appear to be trying t escape
through the upfer end of Bitter lit, into
' - -
11., .
l"e U'C tirn COSntrr.
There Is no dosibt
thry belong to Jox-ph's baml. The mall
rider says it is reported that quite a dub.
' i r .1 t ii i j t
ui oi iuc itmuuB arc noaagru a
Pny of soldiers left Fort Ellis forMissaala
yesterday. Others follow from other posts
as spedily as possible.
Pendleton, Oregon
"J '
Ccrt atreet ra A aas bctUizr af VaU
'abtaekl Hhtba
.....".glazing", ". . .". .'.
SKcr'ttian &. Hyde,
Porlland, Oregon.
VTUlnC and BetaM
Cera Axest tar OvfOZ for It
At U Cenrtaial CxbftWca lITs.
Fully Warranted for I en years
Sheet music, music books, and
every description of musi
cal merchandise,
wholesale and
lutrstacsU rjii S raajr, tacatUI latUUamU.
CauVa at4 rice lut arot free oa ippllajlon.
j.aV3r, Cn Slrat iSi iUer
Bl" ,sinwwawiiwics
i .--- -
Promptly Attended To.
Sacnaasr so
Portland Oregon;
Our Brand Column.
iwioturi iqu tuoao oio nnoiH ior iui i
pp,r k. iur maria and tnau pMuh4 u a
- B ..... . .. . ......
!!T"Jl! Jbt as. . ortb the
sab, njawo prac u ear sicl raWar
h. ua. irr creek, w. t ; him. ifcr T.
IlfM atH-oatrr.
eaitfe. II lea rlxht ltd, a bale
honn. aK Wracd horttuolallf oa kfl
J C Iraaika. Lent; eaHle. r M Jn aKU. eta? ff
rtM ear aad tht barvea. aSM brabd oa
UH Mi Wf. ln j u I rt&i'ts. Lraea bnade4 Y a
'R rrj
C H Keed. KM fe K II .1 Irfi Un. aau I I
W tm eaobe.r. bna. tWatf a bouC in Mit-I
It We.aet. wn rr.k, ratat. II a eoeaeetrd aa
k cep aal t iku fa UH at4 aaaler a(oi an
njWi r iui do tip. brr. -7 as kfl
w ll SeMttt. Barrb creek; rawle. It LaoM Urn;
ea-A Mr, areea u bratid u. Wit aVntaer
Jaha II. j a. L ha. wte. letter T aad tweer aatud
oa IrH tHfi. BKdVr aa4 tr Ut u rtht tt, Utm
aaake Waa4 oa avet alaoaaSar
RKUiMaVHaiLiaHi, eatMe. IILoa rtbt btf;
rrvp off left ear ad aer Set u ruU. Ua-iaVa. I oa
leJ ada -f aeck
MH UrlS Hwa.k. Raster (reek CaetSr. U oo left hi;;
aaua traat eaek ru, Lwaea aaibc trabd, aaaKar,
a.t oaer l aula
Ekr Malur. C4tt. EtaarUUcap. -aderUW
teua( of ibt rr aa-d nawerat la teR. borata
aaaa braad Uit abaoaaer
CT Merer Vliav. caatia TZn rUbt bap. etp aad
are balf arjp aC rrbt ear braea aaraa brat4 a
le aboahlar4
Rtai Hat er. 1tTJ Caaf . eaule, e leR Vf
..aHaai faek Hi rbt ear. iieWi lap cat la
t. as (be . baeorr a Waad left Ixp.
D H Uaab.ra.aa. Heaver .
UMaaSe eivp S rsfb aa-t eaaa Sara la aeft a.
a4 tat Up, bark a a-Jta bn&4 w Uri aboaldar
A a Wada. HrHr. eairta aniaa O i la UUjji
Urbraac Urt by. ta Mu la Ull aar;
hrar. aaata bea oa M abeOdar
K A. Hare. Hadawa tUf raah aa ! creek. Caltl.
r.K nkOb).. MaierbaatcevpaaTrtMaaraadap-
prt luaTervp aC teA ear, h-reee aaiaa brafcl oa kfl
3 K Iaai4a. r.aHriaa, CaM e. tSrat h axchcr
tHMieOOxwtia. a k bp. aaaa fart, la
eacb oar aod oa-W bat aa-iaer Sat a eat ar Hat
t It r-aOMataa. lae-er batar cf -are. 9 T
rrbt abt.a M. eatu- aa oa nfk btp. rop ad
liM a rM aa4 too afdau a
J a id Kaew LM a, anatx J Mfta a
katbaa ila) nft eaf a4 aaid r ibl la tea, aiae-
- urtw lb ii all it
aa Lef bMaae li CatSW W L eaaarelel oa
Ml bap aaalaa Sl aa eaafc ear. B-rxa 2 kit
E a aawerr-W daa- Faela C.atW. W C aft bap-
ru aad 4a bat a kl ear-4aSap aaaiar
SbraaM UM V C oa Ml aieMT. a aa kat tot
A W Nre-Caaiae. N I boat oft bap. aoaVr aa fcl
IVbSHT aaaa. brasd aai kft tbb. aar
a a raax abaaa
J ft Ueekiar Meek IkC tear Waatatt-CaakK Uaf
aaeee aof m reM tftn aa4 aoder bat la kft
t.iiiaeaar Heaeel. Caatae Vraaal SC a lea hp4
aaaee r-t m rtfeX i-t aa4 t.aMr. t. aa4aVr
Sat aa a aaft ear Korae. auu aeabt oa ata. Ml
Cerr lafas la euAa.aTeraa ; Uarara Ctile.1
J H Keoaef Bwdt crak. raaSSa. J X (acaaOaa aa
leaaam. Hw a- M MOl ia .line
Jaasaraeaer-WaaM Gaatla. t eayweSaJ of a C
ata.r a Hoeaea. uaae SaaavS aa l-H aaVKer
SaM Beot. praaetaa. Cats. B aa UH 4 Sar-
K Ma.(eB. raaSa. ean rfeW. WT pan SasZ
. ardaS a eaaf Soar tMel Boraea aiTaeiaa
UH .fcatSt
a.atav. Sark aa4 Sat SB teH ear. Earua.Ua
aaaae aeaaal la ha
A arSeakaa. Beae te-t CaaUe. A S oa left lr. ata
at eek ear MarM aaavr Seva eo a-a atiolgiT.
9.3 Haaaa Caar CkSe toai. ! asr
araaMaaV. Cao K eaok ear. toe to !. Ear
a-a aaote aeaaa loaoMrt
Tra H'iiiiii Oam- OaMJa teail -j- aa ruU
kaa.eaaaaaaTitzoA ca. SaMa, aaaaa araaj aa laA
3 V Sana, aaaah areet CaaSa. afcrr. fceir. ere?
talaaMIar SVwtajaalaaaV.
aaaiirreat.aaaae Sea4 aj
MlaoSe raavaf nxM ear a4 aM aa laA. Ear-ea
A KctSuaer La aVaaali Caa. trarr S a ri
box crw mC rwSx aa4 aM as4 oaaVe kai aa lea aar
weai al
r . aea aa aa4 J A t a4
A M r(M aaa hai
aC mM car
aTaaerea, Staav
r arwl
oa left
1 JaeOa. ter Wakav Orat CaaaV J-J run 3 rv
trrt mu rarM ar. ofor aat ia rtaa aar liar
m. aaaae aaaae aa rjOa aat.
CAaa taaaVae, aear WeiattT CaV W oa raaai la.
aaava mvm
s r Jlaw, Buoair "aavl. tj aaj rt RrU
tv aiata. aa aaaae Ta rta ao. er swra
Sar fcaaa. aaiir aai aaaa imi- aWt aa r . ear ta. j
aAaWoarufclJa.. Warwa. wer
Aeltay la,a. Ba.- aoe a.eifa fA a. I
rraaow Sart, aa aoa aaal aa 1 1 f Sana tSi aa4 atj&rr .
a ia lets oar. Sanaa. a aeaa os aooaaaVr
TtauatOMal Kaoravrr-Cae. Qoilataa. left e
liai : a4 aroaaa a ruaV. . Um. Q oa left
Jaa M Aaaae, aar Ma Baa farta. 17 aa risk! lay.
SaoT a afar aaa. ea aa4 a aroo aa4 aa4at as MS
abate? aaafaaaa tjtti vhaaBtaale'
JC KeOae aeaAa.aajaitU 3 H MaarBtel ten
lata. t aw Sf oaar seat . aetra, aaaae Sraxt
Sato MSX laar BaOer rre TaMie. t oa trft
aatfa, aaaa; rv aa4 ooaSeraavrar la rft ear.
SCJU'eat, ler Moat rreet A S pea net it tl
SA aaeatl.'.r of Sain aac eaiflo.
VT X laaoflae. taa -aavi (It Jrl kaf . cMrle.
aaaa ac rajSat me orao aavt a aBa o tart aa eae -ar
B C lliaana laarr Poster areet Srt T t '
lek at aaair. tmaale. T T oa leet ko. or katf ra
la at rarka aa4 oM ta to- left ear
Jca - Sloar. t"er tl.Mir creei Vanee. nal aao
aa Sea itiaHir aaltle. aaat. aa rtaSjI kao. orrr
aa( a.r aa ta mct a4 eaaV Sark as n.U ear. 1
Aaraa TatciX La-ta. Cat. T o-aa croea oarr top .
oo tea aao, aara Ofa H. eaah ear wiae brta-ers
B H tr a ' rail a. Cjiaa. tm tat am left ear. Cfara j
aaft ka aaa! acW atia Hrn r -e j
Lali Treioor. ffaafe. aa-alVraT Sark ta eark I
ar. kraa V Too left hep oak kbo 7 ivmcj oarr
tie ;
C X BSra trer KSfcre, l-t dale, K oa rVrkl '
ia.as4wMaMMlttwaiTTr!. 11 or
aea. JC oa regkf akooSSer I
18St Keafavr Cajate. ii aMi rr lark a '
eae. craa o itaac aa i- im tarx is ten ear.
Booaee, ear. Waal o. U ll laSS r
B. C r4a ooj Hae-r-. m left l .alter, raal
H it ae nraa haa, larnt rrrp o3 rtja ear
-as. Lee. Meek rrrk. Caatte. ta-ai J. to arT. at p.
N ! k aakiiijr. Rajaaer ereea CaaNefcraaal ta aa
aT aaaaat left kaa. orao aatal vo aku is left ear
H'oe'i aaeae bra .4 mm left S alter
bane, a Ural Ca'de CL ta S-fl aVSc. raaBrae
Sark mA oaaer Sat th caafa ear liaTM aaata Wi
3. L raajT, arraaoc (Ml aru4 K a nrU tip,
abort orao a? left ar. aa4 caar ere? a?af
3 3 Lara-. POK Caak. . Saraea. LOoe ec rgkt tVral
. aVrr. aae. aase mm ttM lajt. aa4 a4ft oo ceek
Jit OBaaeatara. rot Rurk. CaHia LI'aa rxU r4a
ma skirt ao4 Soar j ear oSS aver. nk catatanoaa
oo a.ft fcosv
3 X. Ooaa il BotiT creek CaHte. rrop a3 af rlxat
ear aa4 ko aa aaaa. oaaVr aft aa aW left ear. aat i
ooaMSeac SHIv. keat. 3 mm left late ia: C as,
left kfta Hf-a. 6 oa kft akwaSaer
area T jeaaloo. aowerareek CaMa. T 3 ee rtaU kef.
epftt o4 araVrSot M rskt ear. Karara aaaa Snad
3 H Amtrr, y.oa CW VearM. H ta a aSret rs
raaka kat at em o? of left o.r a&4 alK l at
rtaM. oVatae oai
a V Bea-OriAe. Ccara J aoVr r kk oo trfl
CMa.rraol xwt toaM ta rtfbt ear. aoaVr ale, la
left, lloeee a. B aar kolf ctreS -m ka aSlrr
rM.ratllaali. faajlo sua. atme e etU Hji.
aaair fcatf are- ta left nr. Urvrt aiae traad aa
left akoSSaT
3 Jnaoartrfarr. VautaU. CVeleJ ok iWa. amy
aa4 ala la left ear. Haree rim. VraLV m tkuo.
It II IBM. BoMrrrreek. CaHW hnni ta ta- aha p.
of eje loacara. oa Kft a tar. awalto-e I t& kft a4
sat mi rent ear. IIorc oraacea c-ars z oa rp
VI. STaaBe. IVooVUa. Cattta bnad. beex i!m oa
tea Mo. n4t ear oat of. Uoneat, R O oa rl(tl
K etroH, IfM Rerk. fXile. aht ta rljVt ear e&4 or-
rraa4jterMlal-fH.Uaal II L n left tip.
lionet . araa4 ec I H rfanoaSer.
r Ktrt- Caiaae Cattle, rrvn off of I t ts4 aatT
rrMfoCof rtcMear. Jew4 K btp. Horara
aaaaa oraa4 us S-Ti akoaWer.
ft A ao4 3 V r-aJWVirr, HoHrr creek. Cattle crop
o3 raeii ear, hrta . Stare S oo r-jM aUa. Uorra
sante bra4 oo rtl acoater
MEtlS rirlJlS A MrCOr Urtax lemJi lb
oD-n of Una rrtebeal borae. tH jit. boo
raom ao oofawlatiar lo cm torrare Ibrtretnrk.
Tl. I4kmiac afcowf that be U oae cf lb parrrt
brri boriea la A&ertea:
fTMaoleea. 1111, by fir Arcbr,
Sit. I TeeSUlKW by riorUal
Abro Car (
eeat. ran tf I
UiafCrt, (
Imp. farpedna, IKS, bjr
Howrta bjr easftrr.
f 5otUa, Itlt. bj Mra.
laifetrieii !
CKVoe, tb. (Tnmpdtoa, iKi, lj Traop.
,, (lnp.7raBbr,IKS.byDUrtlotk
ThstTtM LavljrTbooipkioa. IS31,
f be A. ItCtm.
TLt l,rM witt inaV. Ika antaa ml lha tana of 3. 0
VcOj at I be Jleu-ioaa. aa4 at lb. rrm of llmh HeUa
bear lb taoMb of nmier rack. Msrra ran ta left at
either 4aee. rattanr. fatGiabetl at 1 1tr wmia.
. Tfn tt k r. mv tn nnu. a raj of tuna.
-rut br
Firi and Biles.
Baa aaaa tauVratof !a
1869 - 1869
Ar aT aT-rlaj ta lb r a tarra aa
oo3 oaiattol atack af
At Ike tttj Woeet CAB petrea, at tbey
bate avae rraafmta I a art Sate rmtit
Km lit fiaa rnatlaco avariet.
Tber keep aa kaa4 a faB Ha af DCS
Ktra revsxt milac SIllKr. wMcb ar
aaaj looitfer: aa4 aaj extra auei oiS b
faraab4 ca aVan aotx.
Tbe KlaSeat pnea W fr paM lor mC9
aa4 rVR, aa4 aU klaa of Coaatre frs
it r Wa ar tie. areata for aU Usft
rVa1c aai Csprrti aS ta t taa
&z JBcaglc
The rc nnvr.wa xnis n ow
taai.ca4 a-J la ZHi oyaraU ja. ir nU bo
.Or Ila..
ilizlicst Cash Price Paid
Far its saxe.
VTM grind Com a ad Cnap Ttvi, r tsS,
aey Cay lu tie oatlt.
For Sa! at all Uissi.
Try tU jc -at ti I co njU.' it 'r':
MM U-4aSaa aaac. aa4 aaaaal aeaau t 1
In tha 1 have ite lest Jili
Eut of th Cticrdei.
aVortl.- Western
Grtot I2rdmftia ia I'ttrt 3tL
Locut lieftx af Fare:
reaeSetaa la La Cr&4 tM
tjpaoo 11 ar
aaterCssr j as
roa-a Oa. Maka asm
Wfcunaaaaa. Kft.
Sefcaa. taaiv. C f. BtBoiiS .. . ta)
Vaka Waft. .
Tknaatk tweta w fwkax cvaoa. Eacaa cmj.
51. Leaoaa. RaUSHHa. Ne Vert. SWvaa. Waakfte
toa.aa4 al a4ot. Tia BeSr aai Keftoo.akr
ien fteertaav. ate . a w aaVr a crvaV ic
Near Cawaoa. tai rlt tVaVf rtrrrr nftal.'i
peetarmtaer f arrtaee oa aoa a. n ft' I frataeea .
tbe coapaar.
array to lar UvaxMaRR, ArtX.
V R Uaa .ajeatrleat.
A. n. BOCaTCB. AaaiMaat 5ciftatrcdal.
!ADAM STANGi Waeh weelc ?" 1 and
. L,
.wrCfa..rov . '
rfa is laiona the rab
I Mi I Sal he It eow pro.
! rrc4 U raraiak DECK
J teUtit Try aod
M at rmi ix
abeooart cnL S.-tr
xx j eaal aUa of Vala U. rcMor of bSadt
MONEY MONEYS in 0 ttnc- l;r"
: pitixn can avail tham-
HORSES LOST - $5 Reward. I selves of this invitation, and
Ibcjiefit Iheinsclvcs, the public,
acnx a Tnritor uy .mrtsrca rco'nnd render lis n rit fviir!-'! ' In these columns we bono to
thrr r
peril r
UHa atMMtT : tone
abt oee aeiiTerler aar nf tiM la A. 1. Hon.
a moot tbe lcJaao wen
loWaofrodl.lo. rHl b rra,d-lat:intortj; """t " I'l'" ""
wrboaL Tbibie.raMlMi.teHlirr,:rrVaJi)f thn POUntV cllVSOr tnayfsjlliar
braa4eJ C e Ibe left tbclrr; p brUe. i 1 , , " V VlUSsUT lUgOtllUr,
ell w'i Utu mW " i to 'ot "lG people of each sec
KarthkisTs. cm. okgxk i tion know wnnt tbe people of
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars
JacoI)n & Co's Saloon,
Ofpnaiu Eft Sultrier1! Slerr,
rfpu:ro rcc
The East Oi Ec.iSiAiY. ,
This pnpr is pwbltdied in
really one of the best counties
of the State, and which yet con
tains much valunhle public
land. The paper can be road
a vahmlle auxiliary to the
more speedy growth and settle
ment of the county, provide
a generous support is accord si
it 13' those, wno have poitiT
interest in the welfare of thS
portion of the State. The very
hard times and great soircity el
money will deter manv from.
subscribing for the pnper," wko
under ordinary ctrcttaattauceri,
would viiltttgjy assist in main
taining tlie enterprise, by buy
ing their moxey's worth sf
XEvvs, boil, home and foreign.
Tlie duty of all is to sttbeerile;
first. fo a copy for bom read
ing, and then to send at least
one copy to a friend in the
States, that it may then be cir
culated among those who de
sire to better ibeir condition
by immigrating to a better
country. It is a noiotiom fact
titat Oregon papers sent lisftt
have brought hand reds of
ihes to our State.
those friends left behind prefbr
a paper sent to tnem every
week rather than a letter sensi
'earl3'. lieally it is in the
power of all to subsenbe, at
we sund ready to receire IVtsin
those who cannot pay nsovre',
all. Kixns or nnocac sfltsie
farm from a lead of bay cssfn
to a turnip. It is not bergt!tg
that we are. bat stmplr m
minding people of
to tneuuelres, their
tl the pablic
To those doing boamsj is
the country the necessity, or
'rather benefit of sTettaslBg.
ocght to be apparent. Let sor
country paper make a good
showing of bnjainess men; fH
it reflect the bostnesE bf ihi
conntrytand then those abroad
can fona a correct ides; of what
we ar and what wo are dbnag,
besides the advertiser will get
His koxst lues; inatireeily r
fbld. JOB PRiHTii4G.
Tbe East Okbooscux job of
fice can turn out as good jshun
business and social cards a
any oftice in the State; having
:i fast Etiggles card press ia
good order and condition, card
printing is made a snscun-rr.
Tlte large assortment of wood
and other type renders the of
fice complete for potter print
ingj which we are alwdys ready
to do with celerity aod certain
ty and at very low price?.
Any business maa in the coun
try desiring any kind of job
work done, will please address
us and get terms and ws
pledge ourselves be will have
J no occasion to send to lVafi
! Walla or Portland. Years of and an adtavowi-
! edged skill in job printins pre:
pares us to assert that we caa,
I'.nvo on tiro &tM&ff inn
Th settlements ad towrj
of U ma i Hla county are so dSs-
j tant from the county-seat, and
; from otie another, that the ex-
peases of eployinr a repor-
' f , T l"j l . r
tr in CflCil WOUIO lr tOO STeat
Kir tllC SlaSIU UlMneSS WO 0X-
pect to do for a year; therefore
n would deem it an eapecjnl
favor if persons iu each town
and settlement would sand us
jtlement. Items which aro
sometimes considered trivial
, , . . .
'ItilU ttUll tVIIVll lal Oi Itlta,
Young men and women who
desire to cultivate their powers
of composition, and learn to
, riiirr tlm nnnnlra nf 1 naaln
otner sections arc dome and
this we cannot nccomplisb
without assistance from one of
more persons from overy town
and settlement in tha county
Therefore vc sav.