Hussion Social Lire. It is naturally to be expected that, in a land so backward in modern civilira tinn as Russia, the social lire of the peo ple should present to tho stranger poiuts ot novelty ami quaintncts even beyond what is Ubuallv met with in an unfamil- iar land. In the primitive there is al ways soinetbior of the picturesque, and there is much of the charm of antiquity in the manners and customs of a nation whose habits have practically undergone i . .1 ... - 0 uui time uiougu lor ccmuned. Although serfdom is abolished in Rus sia, traces of the old feudal system which so long prevailed there are still strongly marked, aud the gulf between the upper and the lower classes is almost as wide as ever. Even now the peasant has virtually no remedy at law against the noble who wrongs him; for a small grievence it is hopcleas to proceed against his superior in rank, while, if the great men seriously injures a poor one, the matter can easily be settled by the former paving a few roubles to the local magistrate. The result is that the peasantry often take the law into their own hands against their oppressors, by acts of petty and secret malice, such as rick-but ning, which of late years has be come terribly prevalent in Kusma. Nevertheless it cannot be said that the lower classes of Russia are an un happy people. The peasantry are in dustrious and ingenious, and though their services can no longer be command ed gratuitously by the landowner-, they are always ready to work for the rich for a small consideration. And the Rus sian peasant can turn his band to many things. One day he will be at the plough, the next be is weaving cloth or cotton, on the morrow he will help to build a house, and the following day he wilt be ready to mount the box and drive four horses with admirable dex terity, if some great man should need an extra coachman. He is generally well fed aad well dressed, his costume consisting of a red shirt, fastened round the waist with a leather belt, a pair of loose trous ers tucked into boots reaching half wav up the legs, the whole being covered is winter wiin a warm overcoat of sheep skin, worn with the wool inide. His hair he wears patted at the ton and down the middle, and cut evenly all round the neck, to which it descends, though he generally ties a band round it, to prevent its filling into his eves when he is at work. Such is the appearance al?o pre sented by the itatiehik or zemttick, the driver or postilion, with whom every traveller in itossia soon mates acquaint ance. The iKuiehik is, for the most part, a gooa-numorea, ugui-nearxea letiow very civil, ss a rule, opt much given to over-charging, like all bis race. When, however, you make vour bargain with him, he will be well enough tathSed if he only gets his toueimgrierniL, or eiht penny-piece, as MtvdLa that is, lraa money," called by the more genteel class ol drivers, nteAoi, t. e- tea-niOBev. though it comes to the same thing in the end. Yet the crafty fellow will get more money out of vou if he can. He ad- a - a uresses you aaecuoaateiy as oorttiAia or "little father," and will sometimes in sinuate that be is an old friend of your lamuy, ine names ot wtioa lie wilt prooaoiy nave got lrom your servant, and, tneretore, yon might give him trifle extra for the sake of oW times. Another das of hard bargainers are tne wandering Tartars one meets with in most parts of Eastern and Southern Rus sia. These usually malodorous gentle men are great dealers in dressing-go ant. which they are constantly pressing the traveller 10 ouy, assung eignt or ttn times as much as the articles are worth to begin with. They are generally seen going about with one of their dreasiag gowns on as a specimen, and with these aad their rouna skull-caps, ribbed with red and yellow, they look not un pic turesque. But or far the most sightly class of people to be met with in Russia are the famous singing gypsies of Moscow. These peo pie, who ere generally well-to-do. and are not accustomed to wander about like others of their race, dress with great nnery,uut yet witn a natural eve to artist :c effect. Their songs, which nearlv al ways consist of an air with a chorus, and are usually accompanied on the balalaika, a sort of guitar, are greatly admired tiy travellers. In fact, it has been said of them, that if they are not the best singers in the world there are no other singers in the world at all like them; and there is a story current that tne famous Catalan i was once so delighted with a certain female jjjpsy vocalist, that she threw round the shoulders of the singer a costly shawl which she herself had lately been presented with by the em press. Another peculiar and exclusive order of people to be met -with in Russia, though ot a widely different sort, are those strange patriots known as the Old ItetigiODists. The Russians are not much given to chtnge, but these people a; t arc o coQsen auTe as uie oioese mem selves. They dete-t all modern man ners, insist upon wearing the ld Rus sian caftan, and never cut their beards, allowing them to grow to prodigious length, lrom purely pious motives, be cause "man is made in the image of God." But still more singular is their religious objection to tobacco, tor they look upon smoking so common in Rus sia a a sin denounced by Scripture in the text, "Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man, but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man." One would think they might get over the difficulty by consuming their own smoke; but, as a matter of fact, the Old ReligionL-ts are so particular in this retpect that there are special traktirt, or tea-houees, exclusively kept for. them, and where the fragrant weed" and the "pipe of peace" are rigidly tabooed, Tet these queer folks are only a few de grees more behind the cge than most other children of the Czar, and probably several generations will have to elapse before Russia better deserves to be called a civilized nation than that Turkey whote barbarism she denounces and is en deavoring to make the pretext of a war of ambition. Home Journal. AcKoes the island of Xew York, in 1685, a wall of stone and earth, cannon mounted, was erected to keep oS the savages. The street was laid along by Uie wall, and as the street took the line of the wall, it was properly called Wad street. It is short, narrow, and archi tectural, but antique in history, and, ex cepting Lombard street in London, the mightiest in the world. Richako M. Joedas, a stationer in New York City, Jott between $1 8,000 aad $30,000 at faro in a gambling a Ioob, at various times, and has brought rait sot so much to recover the money, Jrat to punish the gamblers. "Wickedest Town ia America. I have seen wicked cities in my time. I have seen tpreetng at the Etler ki St. Petersburg, seen follow "make a night of it," in the Ornbeum in Berlin, seen ox ii, in tne urpneum in uoriin, seen me wicKeunessat suni ovgoroeuunng ,eueci ui ine iaoe i moot peculiar: yim tho September fair, seen the 3Ial-iile seem to see tho high forehead ami noth packed with depravity when the empiie iag cHo for one re&roa, perhap, be was at its meridian, but I never expected ; cauo the lower features are pennaaeall v to hell itself. I sauntered on the ; hidden by the crisp white beard, lie streets of Cheyenne at midnight. Fifty J advances with a slight stoop, and sVowlv saloous and a dozen licensed gambling houses line the principal street, all thronged and gaily illainiuatcd till the morning sun puts out the lights. What makes Cheyenne the wickedest city in the w orld I I. Cheyenue is the metropolis where the rich owners and the buckskin clad drivers of five million dollars' worth of cattle rendezvous for a weekly spree. II. It is the ne-are.t point where the Black Hillors can sell their gold dust and nuggets and then gamble and sprre away the proceeds so as to go bock to the mines. III. It is the point to which all the Ia- dian fighting army officers come a a place where they can spree away a baa. dred dolla-s in a night and make uo for 1 . . ' . urn iime on uie uig uora. IV. It is the stopping jxMat f.rall the swell demi-monde from Saa FraBcisoo,St Louis aad Chicago, Is a word, it is the American iradise for liconsed driakiag, ogiuiB?, awoung, cic aik with me lato oae licensed hove on the principal street ia Cheysaae at three o'clock ia Ihemoraiag. The hoe is a medley. It is the Fansiaa Vanetie on btxtcentfe street, John 3Iorriey s Saratoga gamUiag boose, the Arcvle rooms on Sixth aveaue, aad the Alham- bra, with its fifty waiter girls, ia Loadoa, all crowded into oae. lite building is fifty by one hundred aad thirty feet, aad two stories high. On the ground fior is a theatre stage, room for three buadred cow boys, soldiers, ranchmen aad waiter girls, and jast out of it are the gambliBg tables and bar, known game is At the tables everv played. Amosg the dealer are several Preach womea dreased in silks and diamoada. Utter lv devutd of delicacy they ahaSeand doaithe cards 5 1 Si. - ( i - ., . miu uaaaie iae caiirs lor rue aaeansi?. drinkiDg croad which Utrocs; tke Ublet. Oa tbe ttage there ia a cotibtaat variety tbow Rtnng a. Skillfal varielv actK are exup.oved, ad ifetre tbe Ugbt-repe walker. tkraoBg aal da sec women ia tight, the lotr-necked ballaJ-iager, the clop -dancer, the negro miattei, the tnoJel artist aad the female bather come oat ia a coatiaenti atresia from tea at night till marniag. Oa the rim door every driaV is ttTeatv five ceati, aad aboet" thirty Eaglitk, French and Aaaericaa waiter girl keep the crowd coastaatlv driakia?. Above this motley crowd of cotv-bova, ranch- men, iiiack Hills frefcator. aaiaera aad 1 coMiera t a row of private bexc filled 1 with rich roachmea, ojScer, tooritt, aad fellows who barr -.ibi iluara watk rJLI . dtut from the Black Hill,. Tbe-e boxet i4uiuuic i aca.iv or thirty waiter girli sepplv the boxe with champagae, the price of which it i live dollar. f.r piat bttioa. All dnnk i in tne boxes are aitj ceata. It is a c- mon tma? for a nch raschmaa. after aelling a thaaaaad cattle, to come here ana pcnd one thootand dollars en a aprec A colonel in the army, who bad been fighting up in the Big Horn coun try, came in tbe other evening and apeot fl.OOO, and finally left bit watch on the red, and lost that,to4. The proprietor of thit gambling and variety satvon is a Tery generotu man. Everybody likes him, and he is considered to be a good citizen in Chejeane. Clergyniee shake him by the hand, and banker cham with him like an otd achcolaate. The profits in the one building are J 1,000 per uay. i sapKf mere are a dozen boutca on one block where sraabiinz goes on I oar ana nignt witb open d'or times the marshal aad the policeman take , a hand. The Jadce iroes out and baeks tbe tiger" ahtlc the jery arc agreeing on a veruict. 1 oa will see cofo&ets in the armr ataodin be iarirata anUim iH I tec cow-boys in buckskin dividing the cnips witn a Ubejeane Indian all in ' tbe most enicrpnsin border town in America and the wickedest dty in the world. Er. s ..rZTZP .. .. , A bather seJy-lookisHi iadiTKla.1 came into a Detroit Wi ppiag office the oa,er day and tt,i arou.d a itii aa aia-. aim cutccriaua air iw a jew miaaies. ' -p.n.ii. .r .u.. .: i 1 :. i " u conctnnag his erraad said, "No, sir, ; we don t want any lead pencils or the Life of ChrisC to-dav. Couldn't bay I them. N'orpxta-kiHcr either; nor shoe-.., . .. .. ,,. , , , . laces. AWvebooght matches until ,i,ci-ia.e the lace the Mirror of the b. closet is fall of Via. If we ned totce pateat oap on our collars it would dis grace the rest of our coats. And finally. we don t ever ret our silk hau fixed up. euse tbem for caahKn." jueomrrmemutfiw xoe urm ana tue I wwaa nuictiaiuu uac bUbUICSUCCIf aad th; caller soemei nonplussed. Bat he shook himself and gathered his shiny, threadbare coat a boat liim, and shrugged his shoulders, and as he opened the dur to go out he remarked in low, quiet ti'Sea: "All right; I last called In to pay you a freight bill that has been run ning since la.t summer. 111 call again, perJutp$.r The door closed softly after him. and a stillness like that of a Sabbath morn pre- vaueu me ouice. UHtoii rrce I'nu. A Stoaxoe Plant. A plant, supposed to be new, has been found in 2frcaragus, which, if wbat is SAtd of it be true, is a great vegetable cunotitv. It has been named "Phytolacca Electric1 It is said to porseas very pronounced electro magnetic properties. The band is senii- Uly benumbed upon touching Uie shrub. and tbe magnetic influence is felt at a distance of eight or ten feet. The mag netic needle is sensibly psrturbatcd, be coming mote and more so until it readies the center of tbe sbrub, when the diiturb ance b transformed into a very rapid gyra tory movemtnr. The intensity of the phenomenon varies with the hours of the day, and at night is hardly perceptible. It attains its maximum about S 1. 11. In stormy weather the energy of tbe action is augmented. No insects or birds have been seen on the shrub. The dcatli.nt fifty-four, lately occurred to au Englishman, known as the Norfolk giant, lie was a farmer and often loaded bis own waxoa iiy carrying lour uu.liels of wheat under his arm at a time. When in great haste to get farm-work done he has been known to harness hiimelf to one of ins own narrows, ms weigm was 336 pouuds; height, six feet six In ches; width, from shoulder to shoulder, acrois the back, twenty inches. He was a most amiable man. Of Missionaries to India, 600 have died at their post. The present number in that field is exactly COO, so that ono has come forward to take up every fallen mantel. Victor Hujro at Home An English tourist, describing a visit to Victor Hugo, says: Presently an old geutlooian with silvery hair eaters, and atl rise. It is Victor Hairo. Tha first i an rio. n is icior lingo. The moves among his visitors with a tterit glance, as though he were engaged in the vain effort to identify them by th names on their cards. When he doe speak, his manner ii found to lie perfect. He has the UBOitenUtious graeiuBea of his twofold patent of nobility , social aad in tellectual; for in spite of what the wits say about the modcraness of bis title ia the French poerage now long laid aide the name he boars has bcoa a om, as the world's estimate goes, for over three bundled years. He has the leijc oast smile of his age, the geBlleet and the complete absence of self-assert i hi of hi. assured tvnsitioa in the tmldic rr-rd. , Hi speech i eminently simple ia torw; j he seems incap14e of aa epi-raw ao doabt because he has iwt made so maar S t. t : - F. . It.. . - - huBdrois in theother rwom.aad he waaU a rest. The rnuraiat; croxd dimi, he goes mi to take.the air. It is rumored that he likos no way of taViag it ft well as to jtimp oa aa omailMii, aad to do the whole Jiwraev ot aad home with the panorama of the crowded streets before , his eyes. S mtimtf, bt at very often joitBotv, he takes the tram for VersailSia a umiU rial duties iaUst, He mid the right oe the other rtij whe tttry "ere etecting a brother ctor. tad ir : rived five miautes too Uie with a vote 1 that might have saved ki partv from I- i tiaute defeat by tarawg the tatatolUto coatet lato a draw. He wa tniued for it, bat m e by hit triwaptVia: ' eaemies tkaa by his Watoa frtaMli. ("Why Uy tn make mea of l-la-e of ! poetsf cried the Fif&T. -What the-y he expected to kaow of the wight of liar They 1hjV at the z diac, : at (heir watches. It i fair eaxMssh a a hit i ia oartv wariar!. Utit MtiUtV of tkmi Ii i. ! f aa force whateror ia it isiUcatiB of I r- . . - . CaaVHire of tMt over-lT life. At neve he eater for d.Mtcr. lie iaJay Mta taal, thit beiag hi fnt how of trae tetl Ui rrlaxatioa. lie hat fneaxit at tbe board every day, aad thoir talk stale the meal the holiJat.tiaae of hi. tpirit. lie teera to keop opea boote f. ti he bkai. Go oa what day yo atty at tJtt hoar, aad thb fiad a parly ttiag down til table. Tke tallr it m --- v-i-- j eJ aalad of good thiagt, aoft aad aioaaat. aa la m. - tl2 a . M.Huir, ifuhiki, aauc, we awaaa, aau evoa art, lr Vector ilo-i m ao aaoaa f-. aa, a aa ft- -"irV Hkr pttlW t meat; aaa. tlocc there are aeof ia.Kamd of Meche. it i aaacb More atet-tiaiav th-aa ortoiliet. It aiy be lieaedratkor to a periodica! ttm-roi aaoatiO;. at n Lu-4t f L mwt. nf mfl. .a.. Uo: i, deieesitxaJ ia ajroce fro. i w WT. a ic ary io BBOCa pavc is tbe Hall of AeatMj ia tbe afWoooa it lo be iooad ia what wat aaid ia ihit ! HtUe tbaiat;-rea 'J airbt beiat. Tbe host teaia bos more by roatuaof his no- Misoa at tke board tkaa tite MlMtaaiitl valoe of hit advice. Tke saetl coea utanow a to toab tiaarr m f at at m ta'olv a loag one, bat probtbly ao oae of tie jorj wit arucka. itt w ries fruni the taWe witbutat f-Jia... tv. i Tkat e are cwtUy of ao ca i.TV i . r .. , acreraUve. satbU soatler aui W a4aiua! tt has been too short. Not a tiarle we- 1 ..r ... . T, , does moment hat beoa watted ia raaai the presence f tbe laJie torriag as a tandiog scanty agaia.t tkat wr.t evil of Ufe. LSM? bfor tk Aimr t. . end, fresh piinms hare b-a to xm- We, ia the smaller drawing rsaa, tbe erooia receptioa, aad the W has M aakehirt'k ttb ki.alMMt IVt. SBaket'Ctw.4KitkM.deett. ttbca the process of tdoatsicatbta 1. cosapsotod they are invited to eater tbe setaa for- ' nisbed in a lighter tve tbaa tbe otber apartment, bat tti'l oa tbe saase priaci- bite from ciiher ccatisc or wall. illr- ror are tUatiitil it it a Fraocfc and tbe maar colored oraaaseaU of their eeeUan frame harmoatzc well with tbe i ririrr L. k...l , 11 by the coal invest from the diaisvg-f oota, aad tbes the scene becotaes oae of srreat ' animation. The atsartasrnt is croaded ' with striking figare, bat tbore cukeao' etioa a to which i tbe tautt tnkia" 1 fal-tbat biie-kaireJoW tsvaa, al-i, ! .,.,r l . ... T. 7l I iJLtUr tbe iZTi Z I irFra h,. cla bTBVaKl ! tl... t ..r 1. .1 : 1 "- " Rteca. of homare. as is .atmwiaava l Hi. Wi8? H10Jotv iteeif; be sitapl'y ca- ws. ..." 1 j 1 r- . - a tt T at T aaar akaaafaataavaw. 1. f-O for oar wiiefBTer VM3 M. J( j,m)ef bescattored t.abeasa -.tbej iM n.ll . ... Sock a d total 4- tioa ailf yield a jast reward, lor itt biav eff. cts will cosae h-iwe to yii aad brigtitra ywar momeats of thooght. CeeriMlao stakes the miad clear, givos tnae to thoagh', adds grace aad boaaty to the coBHtetMBCe. Joubeit says "Whoa give, cive it with joy, milloc. Stailes are littc thing, ckeap atticiot to be fraught aith M many MeutBgt ltk to the giver aad the receiver pteaaat little ripples to Watch as we stand 00 tbe Wc ol every day life. They are higher aad better resjtoosci 'f n.tare to the em-itioa of the s-al. Let the children have the benefit of them the little os who need the sanshineof the heart to educate tbem, and aould find a level Air their buoyant natutc ia the cheerful faces of iboe wIki need them. Let them not lc kept from the mi Idlc-sged, who need the encoaragrmeot they briag. Give 3 our smile alto to the aged; they come to them like the quiet rain of summer, mak ing fresh and verdant the loag and weary path of life. Thfy look fur them from you, who are rrjuioing ia the fullness of life. Dr. Holland, in Seribntr's. Ose of the pretty girls at an evening reception in Providence, It. I-, last week wore an antique bracelet, the gift of a New York gentleman to whom she was betrothed. It was an beitlom of hia family, and had been brought from Hol land, he said, and she said it after him. A New York lady who happened to he present said that it looked like her aunt's liracclct, which had been taken from her in the lobby of a metropolitan theatre. The accepted suitor was asktd wlictht-r the bracelet did not lactose a picture. "Yea," he said, "that of my sister." "My rnnt's,'' the lady, "contained Miss Cary'a picture. The bracelet was opened there wai Miss Gary's picture. The Rhode Island Supreme com t has given a Tcrdlct of $10,000 against the New York, Boston and Providence IUII road Company for the lots of a life re sulting from the Richmond saitch disaster A Modlcine of M(ny Uses. A msdlelne which remrdledrpepla,IIv6r eomplalut, conttliialloo, debility, IntermlU teol and remittent feter. urinary and titer. Ine UouMet, depurates ltie blood, counter acts a tendency to rbeumatttm and gout, and relieves nervouHe, may be truly said lo have many ue- Such aa artkle U H-tcl- ler IHHof, one ol Ihe tuol relUUc altera the of a dltordcrly to a writ ordered tUte I w tne yiom ever prejured or sotd. It ba beenoraatmrtrro( a ceolurr before tae pubtle, l edrird by many rmluent profr. m h the hetla art. and Its mcriu have received repeated rreo;nlttoa la ibe coi. hisbs ot UiAtz American aad foreign Jour. tui. ii is ai;uiy esteemed lo every part of 1M eoaatry, and It cxtentlvely ud In South America. Mexko, the UrltUb tKMtes. ttoat and the Wett Imllri. If It Increase Is puUtc favor lo the pt It to be regarded a a ratable crtlertoa of lit gain la popularity M eomiag year. It hasludeed a tpicsdtd fat lire before It A Notablo Industry. The lUxmcTCoe or Flivobiso Ex. tct. Ex CMC or Jamaica Ui.vobk. Liaox.S.aa. Etc. Tue Eitiblihmc3t or 1. KiesBK A- Co. At Ml Frut ttrtl, Saa Franette. It the etUblubmeat of I'aul Kleger. the daitry carried en la wblrb, tkvugb uapreteadlog. It but Um aueleut of bal l beta ibedais lo couie a grat lJtttlry. Ftve year ago Mr. lUegr. b h.J beea brought up at a practi ealrbakt,audwbowala tbedrug buitont for ay yan. rouccued tbe idea of maau facturiug tsw II turtn; ExUaett that pre viously were bmmI cwmuitMily imported. The aiaouut of Utetc extract ued would hardly be credited by sue et in the butwet. to lbl tbefe wa a rood teld for tlu- Mirt.. f tbl gvuUeSMU. r THE LS4M. aKTlCLXS Maaufactured br hlea arv Eztraet af I. .. Itaausa. .l.c. Ctwoamou. Cfovw. Ktur, wiser AimoMt. straw berry, ttuoberry, !. Mde.ete, sugar f Lvbhmi aad Trekic Ktlra kxtrart idJamatra Cteger. Ibeac arc au tuue eu lie prrtaite usder tbe per Htoal tuirviMM of Mr. lUeger bMtcN, aad arc eouiettueaOy of tbe Mtett kiad. bi bt, wbSca arc ratted TrcMc ExUa, arc "l wfeowr to xnj ever lairted. , Tfcy are Mtsuli ate diaVrcat .vie. ta bot I U. rouUlaimc tw vuacet to a .iaLt.d arc af Imm dC. rcat eVgree of .Uragtb. Ibe tWcalraW ExirarU smvc beeu lg ai.d IarmrkT tana tL. t..X. n.i.i.i.i j Use twacewWaled bat a Wuc barkzrvuj aueiavat( U TreM hat a re4 oae Ttr re i.iwi., laeorfc atorc recttt k IroaliKiMMa. are fruta Uer toferK-r mt:.i tactr way )aUe raoMlv Taey are very MtHor. mm stoat uB lUc the UirrtyUume of hatae aaasfatlare Tfcry are Lhrae Uoai a. tlrwo; aa Uc jC etwaW Knract. aa of rovrx. ct: a atork aca a tac CaacaatraW Tax ixxox tcaax Mtaatactared ky tbl. rrathrtawa the eaaal faaytatar a tke lltve tkat e katc iter m, a4 tt the Iwat avaaie oa the tout, aii ' otfcer kattac laeea pre.toc.iy ltstortc4. It U aaaoe Irota lax put frait, aatf it aitowv. ky alt ao katc tea U t ke naal to aay. Iklor eer atl?cel tela ike Bitltl Iar tajr live at taoatti Lc ka a very Urre tvatvotuat at K. "TT""" . i"c lr7m tiua kit katt arc , Tbe TrrMe Flavor Eilra kit I-leaW attk ler cUAuo. at a lie. kat tvoar ' AZ'ZL, laod aaaoe arraa-aCeouiIa.; aapyiaa. uc xcxtcaa aoUa Sexa. k(b , U Ike katt ta tke ort . oeUr3' or tk Wkieh 1 taaaW Ifm Ike rotH taamrll if ati r-etly ky kit, ka. a try iar .liiki rt,f -a4 a kale toaaltar ttH.t taott aot " ke 'rry ky Uket a ka a ba eott kiaa a tarse it of atoaey. Ta-r taoriu af late artarle are lrriaatc to kc .U lama xa nAMuj .4 . Mr. Rtccar- taie kwat; tkoctf ut tkat a-i ar tracerj aad kqa-r Loose of te "1 'V! " ,V"l-T LUi e K:71 . tt 'r aak B, kx m. Camera Ca.tor Oa of tke lat j-ajt . IC,ta satta, uaatni Vr" TrU su" UJ Va" Creata T rur 1.u re.wrar U tke fva.aa d U-.ieri ac.i rWa.i. Lm Ja.ur j. . n,AM ia. J - er4aw, a4 aaaay otkr artatia of ctrtra eootataHiyo- Ut. Kwer k. k4 uttrv. ,rn - ?r tT, T,,',T? "' be a. SaaraKtOar.y fraUia.. tit Li : wtak K to kc StUatlj oavaerttoed tkat te ' MM oalr to lt akwteaate evtj trade ia fu". Ufe. a), r JmnX f Caaaa v sa Borabasi't AMedBe tet rimaatUa Tho Boat Pnoiocrniiha Oa Uw. f rv... . .. ' r-rk GaJterr. NV 3a Tklrvl .irret, Saa 'racsco. 1TKm to auK tke tttae. PETEKi. Proprietor. - - Fo CSM-' Tlw"1 DUrera. "W etaW tbair eflkacy by a tottof saaay reua J" P cfc-t!b , cnmi, easbx. meat aad aaaltai. aia. a nn uw v. tan. Ua Btsratasa's Aklatsae far tore ibrsMt aad koart eraap, eoMt, ttmta far Oae, o A44 tare aftaaa taalea Saar; , Taka tbat aaaaVar ar TAX MaUTS A 4 J-TI kt eaajalax M aaare Ta Se faauta4, , krs BiacHtu $ sweu ua reuesies wtsalarr ar nniirr Taat iMa. . l Kj aa4 lUaneaMav bWKAT TAJt TUm HLk. fcar ' i "'0a ta ta ami. traac w o;k. iBoa.. iAt. aauvaa. aa ta-are ta amaiaStea aScaaf taa Let-. aa4 !ravl.f V.-a. Btacaata'a rraaarla .a Uv trrataarat aa4 care TaralaalAMOanAiaa.jta!ae4. aArr aa el X I wttate at avaf ear ta eaaeetaaa atl ker Sarel Tar iltaaaatara. caa t aMaHwai a aar aracrat tta CJ arj mi, ai a.aia.aac aaaiBaqa.taauiraa4Lje. aKCTTAK UEMEtMES are umfi, Wr prrara. a aAA, aaa w raacsac. h. r. iium uxd. M llllirroaKArilKKweeaaorta r. J 9aSraa.rcr T Jraaleaa4T.anlaUreU.Saa rraBclaco, J lie km ace ku aM Me&4 aa4 ratrsca al HOW LAMCS SEW OAUXltT. Sa S THtEO KTCEET, aarser af Jraa. Sere Uvey wt be nr ta set flEST CLAM I'lCTtrUEd, 4 at prU Ual Jtfg eaaaprtt Maa. CaJI aaat Sr ttvuae UasUfal PEAEL TTPtS, taade aarr at HOHLAXirs SEW OAUXltT Tae Ceaattve Iearl Type are laetaeat braBUral l".rt;rra ereraaaactitser Ilala r CeSrrd. Canl IVtarra. frwa II 00 ta U 00 rer 4ura. CaUacta. rrca tl OU to tia) rer tWrea. tanxe lTvutTya, to Ratae. from II UJ to II al Jet a air tae price Sarrrl iz week aa raakxtsae la lata lor sare .ear nauarr br rntar to lloW UXIW Vfesr OAllElir tut ,ir rw.rra. IV Jraate 11. r. IIOWLANO. Aruat. Ut taaar jea-. proprietor of ttc UU.c York OaSrrr. Xoticc lo Sulscribexs. t L. CU.VOI.V 4 CO, ill Soia roanb SUret. I'MUlrSpUa. bettr atrte to artd to rack or the tak aerliarra ar reader. of tSU paper, tree, a aamplc ot ItOBBIXa EUXTltlC aoaf.prandrtl taey rreette Ue aldrea aad aneea eetta. aSUh asm eiaeUj para tbe pualac oa lt Svxp TbU Suap a aa roaoacel ! the Ceateaalal Jadira to ta U oaly pare rml!7 Suap made la America. Aa It ba beeatiteatlTe!) alrertlaad lr Jrn fcer reader bare n'jKt4.j beard of lb buap. Thlt rery literal offer cf It ma sfactarer. eaable ail to teat tu qaaUty tor tawnte.Te rrryebrapty Send roar 4drea aad SReeaceaU fur puauce dlrrel to I. I, CKAIIIX a CO.. HO H. rourlh Mirael, . - ftilladelphla. XEWTO.V PROS. A CO. J CanforaU Street. Saa frtariaco. IVale Aseau for laeiee Coaat BP11X1IAM-S ABIET1.VK full BUK5S, SCALD. Cata tad Sorr of all t Irda Q,-l'A0E CATA LOO UE mEK TO A0EXT OU WiaaraaacolT Xee Moatraoery ac.8. T MOXTGOUEUrS TKMrKKANCX HOTEL T SxondaL.baa rraactaea. OMcal Tleketa, l. Hi h IA VX DAT. Arrnta WateJ. XoCon- wti tw uiu peuiioa. m-shicx e. aaarra taspSBaaaajiaCoaoa Waitltxtoa bUrert,! MARKET STREET Bai of Savings m MASZET STREET. SAH FEAHCI3C0, Opjioslto Ii!nee Hotel. .Tiiuian it. i.kwih V. K. I1T0I Ut'rt aU-e4 al. livut rraUaltr la Risk 44Ur .. j cavtria hr Baak item, in r MUrUUt iHfnmW b. wwke4 riMiT a la atalt rwriiLrnl tmrXr Ba r Mwi mi sarcsxk. y n CALVERT'S CAM HO I.I C SHEEP WASH T. W JUUO!t, ht fraa noo. s4e Xseat Sr tt 1- f-Ui C. P. H. TIBBZLL Z CO., ixrvttia nrr.trnu or BOOTS AND SHOES, so. ib cuw HTKKsrr. Btwrs 6U9SM uA Butrrr, SIX THX5CUCO aud tk --c Bkrkt rrtcea. rK ciu:uim rxU W frier. V ? J mericaNh Sewing ThrrrMrtm ! frlrlla BEATS THEM ALL ! lr axhlar, ir-Thr-l-l( Ikalll. : eir-Threaat-11 .lr! Utktnl Kaaalai! Nlllleat Kiaalat! aaa.rc: Iir-TVia VwLu Tm( Hi kivii a. iae BEST IN THE WORLD ! : sri it TXT it arriT arrat4 u Give stir Satiifactlss. G. R. WOOD. Jftnactr, tat rirtH arxuET rr-ia4 .rM. 1 al4 la II VV? srrl,mrr FlpurTpilot Soap!- MalzO F.OUT Tpllot Soapl- -Malo FIoliTjiTlot Soap!- xfJTrrn tmtwt 1 W. rfVa .at a aa .a Va. a flW faat t re aaat .: T -W :x i -w aat fvaarra. ut. tt ia arwatr r ftp. aal a. Trrarvai Kr&xmt a rural .fit, kj tl 1 Kck.m.c var x firx a rn.rvM4rV.-a PUMPS! IHUTIIKOLD.OD It ELI. IB Excelsior Force Pump. It la a far th Cha-arot la Ui te tail. TtaauaJi ar Iba-aa la r HOLKnook nruRiLLa co..pai, III ai. Illia. ' - S fraarnartaea maaaaano ..M.aa..rr ijj flJ J Jj VY iiNJJidiLL ' 'aar iv; Seal ae tntw Uat Bairra His Hit a FraacSac A Sac ti3 trra a. L. H. V00DISs SACRAMENTO SEMINARY, r Tatrr. Brrwtr via ash iks. aicua a taaataxta. A aar4la( a.4 Uat Mtaal Saaa Ljaai-a. (f-ra4 Ut CtreaUn. maaiaattatt JiX a JX aw a aa a . tar fwtaf JtEs. rezxox rraar iMteWt iHULfllOoaarr. at,araar 3 Lb SUrarr ' Llt w ljaiar- aaa-a aaat mrt Sntvrua, a war af taara. Sa I: a tae- rrro-t a. uJ caaa aaea a a tiartartHo K T OSO I MAMl BT I'VE jMaaAT is a fears an fi.a a . a-aa a ear.1 , rt'sc; a oi lMrf m.Ma rnanm U.COU.IVEI.LS UKI '. lao Kearsr St .turrakM Strata r (.iiMarMi i la iniii t a tat wtul unaaiitt Oaasvcaa' aatr a)aoTa4 la aaerata PACIFIC BUSINESS (Red IT kUl is "uSi mm I'm? nHIMlbaaB,, avVEaaalael: The Pioneer Commercial College op The success of the Sam and Weekly) is unparalleled in the history of journalism on this coast. It has the largest bona fide circulation. Its advertising patronage is greater than that of any other journal. It is the most popular paper. It has a potent influence, as shown by the many reforms of local abuses which its bold, pcrisvnc and able exposures have caused. It is the most brilliant, fearless, enterprising and complete newspaper printed on the "Pacific Coast. It is the cheapest paper. It is a first-rate family paper. It is a first-rate story paper. It is a first-rate agricul tural paper. It reports the fashions for the ladies and the markets for the men. Its Boys' and Girls' Department is a most attractive feature. Independent in everything, neutral in nothing. Always the friend and champion of the people. DAILY CHRONICLE. S6.70. WEEKLY, 02TLY S2.50 WEEKLY CHRONICLE CLUB RATES: X n.Sefi at IS :Sinra ... ..SI1 ti A UabtflO at ii a jrxrrvh f0 M aVPoaUt. tn en ViSij lii irllj. xn uaw ta ab nsait U teal it li urn M.tJ Send for a. Specimen Copy. All Poitaautora am Areata. fresJcfiorx by (ostit crdrr. rrjliurtj JrUer er hj ezra. to tax. DiTotm k Co., Sj TnzjeiMxi ARE "YOU GOING TO PAliTT " Iml Kahlwlllww far kraaljr, wrattlllljr. and Ktaaw;, THE AVERILL UtTBKKOn 1 M t BEST 14 X trPri Ivf r-.u-jx aaj mtl M Cm Iliarcil. Hrntte here aj fMtat eaa be bm ra AVKKIIL br Aar se 'aa tff.'r A wV ca aae a braak. trrn.f mtXtm :tta r.lKifCtt rxieXB. tll UJn.l twa. lalwt tmr t -. ft I. fcjr u Salsa awlr. Oa !.. C Trr, x ajart jtrU loiau. or J faMa S eaal. Tit fanaer lalWawSa m( ar aus.; cart taaaeter Srttata C.UirilHM.l MIST CO. 7 m.iaua, nu. au rrtadac. A. POTTER, Uh<Czm d al IW t '3 Ylnr nial aar r Srbl aaat MARBLEIZED IRON MAHTELS. Ill I lliui-'lnir- r.v -KT-, hl 4 a lAi -i-Au OR- Ttt ezlj ttzt Pie. ZAiily Uli. Stasi ary rrtaisrt. ZatUy U??4 witi as eriisAry Aijcr fara4 S-'fr-a-a-aaaU iaaVnait. m La ahcricas nrcco. aa taJeaaa it li-T aca. OOKTOOB.D irnu3,Biii:3,Ei7ns Imul Elms. -41- AanoT nowsno co.k. tlJ asi t!5 Eattery Street, Sas Trac2soa, T. n. Ct.T.T I X. Ar al. FRESH COVE I X L OYSTERS Packing of 1877. THE 1EST CANNED OYSTEI s.xa orrtua tz vau xaaxar. Tit f a a: WVaWSe Sy ta aalj raxrrv TABEK, 1IARKER & CO -' t la rvra U .a rraaetaea. .No 131 1KTESNATI0SAL HOTEL, - - - -a nraraj a. an rrauaet a I AO aal ax ao f X K DAT 4 C FATSIDOC - - - - raorata-rea. ..Taaa C.araH faarkta. th sas at tae si at. ir X a.arafi in 'n :iK U MLrm to toe K..- rr rTSeaaj-v . na ta nru Otaca, J jvi aac.ta7 w aaJT Va. -aa-am a saaa-a aa CALIFORNIA rj ' 'PlgA j W I LITARY ACADEMY, " COLLEGE, 320 Post St., San Francisco. Men's Building, opposite Union Square.) Fzancisco CH5io;icLE.f Daflv MIXED PAINT al j,. 1fVnjt CHXIXlIf la ef aar aMnl mkr a . TXu. or Drier, aad w aaC m4i Vr al t u MUt4r arork 7Trr uA. . uaaHu LM-m MIXED l.VIXT w. . W hj imriir u m Sas rrascista, 3Cay 30, 11TT. We. tit csderiigsed WialeaaU Grseera, tiis zltxrzr ii rrziaridr? Itt isereased d saii far Zawez't Prtaissi Taut Powisr. asi ef testifyiz ta tia sesera! MitiuZiss. fiTs by tiis trari: WellAS,Pek Ox, Oilteu I &3-, Eect & Sasiertn, Ktsa X T.-.Ur. Utitz, y t Ca, Jam & c, Haas 2rs, K. Ti.-m & Co, Tiber. Earirr 4 Cx, JUism, XeStiSl i Co. J. JC Ki & Zo-, 7. Darri Co, J-A-Filrrr 4 Co-, X. b C. Xasls, Srates Zrss. b ck, ' TH-,-- t Eesiel. CarUtZraa, ' Albert Jtas & Co. Tiaa. Jessisjs. W. V . Daijt & Co. S. Fetter a Cc, JCbs4Ca, Booth b Cs yfflflrt-i Zrsu, Taert AUes 4 Iartris. DATI3 HeCttiF, Hacl9Ai. OtlaL.tSD.Clt. K. I1KT1IICK & CO., BAGS and TENTS, Grais. ITesr, "Woel, Ore, Seas, Specie ad Salt ypwtr. nc Teal. AaaJaca. Cetaaca. Graia wr " -r-v ne lil Car Strut. 8. T. MTCHELL WAGOXS; A. TT. SAS202S. stzl, 33 ZetU Si, S. T, THE SOtcaHl Tars. rXc4t asc Saras Wvroea 1 LR.kCaaaiaantlllVtlaKcfalTU aWSaataa tW eaaaa t Ok lMCe CaaiT SCer SAaaia.aKaMT Vr Suaara aJaa krrra as lie ms alaca-. waaa-vat fraa tt .-aa aiatfatlart aa SLaa ckaatT. H, a gwi ainsll a( au nirfraXnl rtinanilaiiaainp pvBRipaa IMUnUUiRtMwC, tArHC Of T atcr. tm. Racxtoa. rkaruaa aaat UcSI Carrusoa a aaata. WELL AUQERS.-vra. laar-.c njamatfXaw VS ell Aaasar. Jail Oat. teaat far Oatalaira ta V. H. BOTKrUKB, Ht. Laala, S. THE PACIFIC BUSINESS COilEfiE Fee saperiar taeMrJes f r bapartiar a Crtt-elaM 1 v-aaKTciU Gatacaisas, a rool aeactiest kaoatedce of Teiexraaav, aad taaraosa .Irvartaaa ia ta Eacebh aad MaafeaaatSrat scaaefces, rcaautip aad tae Msdera. Las caaares aat a taeres sat tetioc of these maLpeti as r'vea at nae tcaooU. It has ever keea a esutfteal prio c p!e la lie ataoaceraeat of tbe CotWze to provide tnor. ousk aaal rartieal eeorse of ttaKlr. aad to import tie Unl isstroeaoB la tbe vari. out beaaeaa. Every avaB. iWe taoalera Itasraveraeat baa beeai tatrvHnarrtl, aoJ w&atcver earzr aad aftcral esradiiure of mantv eoold been doae to CLite tbe Iatiluttoa a bat il abecM be. and to taaiaUatt tar It a r?rutlha artbv ef iu rant Tl, roach u latri&sic taeriu it has Justly leea placed bv aa lateUieBt -uo. lie at the bead of alt shaibtr seboota. Lirt ScnoLAKnir Sr a complete Bulacs Coar-e are Uucd at tbe to a- rai- tf tTU. TbUls tbe oaJy Be!, ness Collece la tbe State tbat emptors Sbls KWal system of tuition fees. Jltg uJ JTrra ng Sasitmj duis tbe entire year. Ladles are admitted lata all tbe depart ment. ach student rr reives separate laslructHto. Tbe dlsciplise of the elttol ts cscelleaL (traduahm. of tbe Pacific Butloea C"IVtfe And I' Uie dtmcclty la oWta:n tnc suod titualiona, taetrc r-Tcferrcd by our business men to the craduates uf aav .imiUr Institution. 1W who desire to prepare lasi. selves for tbe practical dat ls of lite, at tbe least expose of time and money, ahou.'d examine tbe merit t litis school before attending cfi where. Send for Circulars. the Pacific Coast. A TT..X