Home Makers. Tliero arc very few iiertons in the world, and those few not to be envied, who ore insensible to the delights of a happy home. These who are fortunate enough to possess it are generally wise enough to prize it; while those who havo it not make it the nucleus of many an air castle, and the chief figure in many a future prospect. It is, However, far easier to enjoy, or to hope for this inestimable blessing, than lo secure the various ele ments that most combine in order to form It. . It is a prevalent idea that woman, and she alone, must always be the home mak er. This is her business, it is alarmed, while that of a man necessarily lies out aide. It is his part to provide the means of support; hers to supply a veil-ordered, gladsome, refreshing, peaceful home. There is much truth in this vie, but, like many other truths, it has been run into the ground from the failure to jcr ceivc the other side. A home, like a per son, has a dual existence; it has an outer and an inner life; it is formed by the circumstances that surround it, and the characters that dwell within it. There is the house with its appurtenances, lis opulence or poverty, its comforts or in conveniences, its loaded tsble or frugal board, its neatness and thrift or disorder and waste. This is the outer life ot the home. To this both man and woman equally contribute. The division of la bor, as usually maintained, is, upon the whole, equitable. His lies oetaide the iiome, hers within; but lmth are equally important, equally remunerative in tlte true sense of the word. Neither his earn ings nor her care would alone make and lceep the home, even in its outer life, while united they supply all its needs. Any shirking on cither side is fatal. If the man, through self-indulgence of aay kind,fails to do his part, the woman will be overburdened, and the family com forts curtailed or destroyed. If, on the other hand, she, through love of pleasure or lack of discretion, neglect the wise or dering of her hoasehold, or slide into fashionable extravagances, the result will be equally disastrous. "Vhat-rer be the resources, or the style of living they adopt, it requires all the abilities aad painstaking of bath in their respective spheres, to maintain this external do mestic life, with prudence, comfort, and i consistency. It is, however, to this inner life of the home that we must look for iu purest and most permaseat happiness: and here, also, do we find man and woman to be equally nectsry and equally responsi ble. 2Tot the house, however richly far nLbed and judiciously arranged ; not all the labor and thought of the man in earn ing and the woman in managing, how ever praiseworthy each may be, can aloae secure a happy home. They arc, indeed, indispensable, but not seScient. 2oi only must hand and brain construct the home, but heart mast inspire it. There must be love, patience, self-sacrifice, sym pathy, contentment, courage to llear, firmness to endure, in a word, all the qualities that go to make up character. 11 tnese be absent so is happiness, bow ever congenial and satufactsrv mar be the external home. Just here a fatal mistake is frequently made. Tne busv man, wearied with toil. and harassed, perhaps, by tbe events of tne day, comes home to find rest and re freshment He feels that his labors abroad should be recompensed tv com fort; ease, and freedom from care at home. This is, perhaps, natural; bst be lorgets that tne wile and mother, it ear nest and conscientious, has bad her trials and labors also, aad is probably in need of rest and svmpathr quite as much as he is. Tbe truth if, that bomehsppiaes is not a harve.-t for which depart of tbe household is to labor, that another part may ettjoy. Each one most plant the teed, and water the ground, and destroy the weeds, and then each one will par take of tbe bounteous crop. As the hus band and wife both contribute to form the external home, they must equallr unite to fill it with the living presence of unselfish affection and thoughtful kind ness. If cither fail In this, if one be al ways striving to make the home, and the other only to enjoy it, disappointment is inevitable. Tlte children, too, should be eacoar aged aad trainedrom their earliest years, to contribute their share towards the home. .Every boy and girl can add i. the family joy in a multitude ot ways, which will often rapidly to view when they arc sought. The littlekindnesses to one another, the willing deference to pa rental wishes, the plans laid lor eaten ul winter evenings, pleasant surprises, and gleeful reunions, small gills of bandi work to "race the familiar room, with hundreds of other natural outpourings of affection and gratitude, will bind elm dren to their homes and make them ceo ters of happiness far more than can ever be the case when they are merely recip ients. It is the good we do much more than that which is done for us that pro motes our highest enjoyment; and each member of a household who would taste tbe keenest delights of a happy home must constitute himself or herself, in the best sense, a "home maker." Public Ledger. Is Detxsce. As a race, bachelors are abused, and wbv7 Simply because th?-v are bachelors. .Married men are contin ually boastin'r of their happiness. If they are so happy, why not keep more quiet about it! But they are always talking of tbe loneliness of bachelors, Loneliness indeed I Who is petted to death by ladies with marriageable daugh ters? Invited to tea and to evening par lies, and told to drop in just when it is convenient? The bachelor. "Who lives in clover all his days, and when he dies has flowers strewn on his grave bj the cirls who couldn't entrap him? The bachelor. Who strews flowers on the married man crave? His widow? Well not always. Who coes to bed early be cause time hancs heavily on his hands? The married man. Who gets a scolding for picking out the softest part of the . . , , - . t . , i . i. ueu, ana icir waning up iuc muj wucu , . . i rri lie turns out in inc morning i iub mw ried mbtu Who has to split wood, house hunting and marketing to do, the young ones to wash, and lazy servants to look after? The mat ried man. Who is taken ud for wbippinz his wife? The married man. Who nets divorced? The married E3&S.. "What's the use of making such a fuss about a little water?" said a judge before whom motion alter motion had come in a case where a small spring was tbe ob ject of contention. "The parties are both milkmen," quietly said one of the law yers. "Oh! I mx," said the judge. Hekkeet Sfexceu says George Eliot ic the greatest woman who ever lived. Gaees he never taw Barnaul's fat woman, scyg-the Pott. An Elcpliaut in a Ease. uumnro a unratm wms in an uproari ycstcnluy morning, and a curious tlirunjj guthercd in tbe streets near by. A big elepbant named liorsrn, which arrived lrom lavcrnool on bsturdav tor litr uura's menagerie, was asigned to a place where throe other elephants were ; chained, and bonis unaccuttouicu 10 stand otherwise than alone, ho locame for the release of a soul from purgatory very belligereut. He walked in front of ' for the Tauists, as woll as the iloddhuts his companions as laras his chain wouiu normit. struck thorn on their heads with hU trunk, and seemed determined that they should acknowledge hit superiority. Always when several elephants are to gether one masters the rest, before jwaco 12 established. Mr. Hale, the keeper of B.reo, gave him blows with a stout slick, and aided bv several other men. watched the boasts throughout the night. ' Biirsen entertained a consequent grudge J against his keeper, aad as the latter, 1 about ' in me morning, was giving him water, hit him a blow with hi trunk on the side that knocked him twenty foet l.r i. r.l I away. Hale ran at Borsen with hi htiek, but was teired ami thrown over the railing. Ob returning to the ciiirge, he was again -eized, aad this time the bcat wa a tlte tKHut of ultinsiHS his tusks into him, whan Mr. Cttas. McLain, ... -. tlie bass canxaMaan, west to bis rescue aad dragged hisi oat of reach. Barsen tlin became farivs. He broke his chain aad ? la; ted through the jirwuiMss with his tmak elevated and his tail etaadiag sti&ly in a horizontal position He tore down the wooden railing if it were a taread, and went cage, which he knocked to the liua I over. Thnre was then a pindemoaiaw of roars from all the bcat, including the seals aad mu lions. Over twenty fled, but wvon rallied, aad, under the leailer"i of Mesr. 3IcLiia aad McDonald, prodded the elephant with itcafwrk and tore his oars with hooks until he was secared. This was done by first laisoiag one of his legs as be sienited, aad then twining tlte rope arose U his other caused him to fall beavilv. legs, which ' Then, being I eg and hi . helpless, his fore and bind taks were ch&iaed. Is ttti condition, j aiier uemcaoows ueaung, ne wa atiowea j to rise, and wasted to one f the posts of s the garden, to which be was attached. ! . r. a a a , I Ilis ears were badly lacerated, and blood i stream ed from wounds oa ats sides ami belly. An elephant, after being cooonered. rarely attempts a second rebetli(a, and Bonen was qeiet latt creniag, obeung the commasos of tbe attendant. It took six boars to sebdne him, and men were altexwards oocspted for hoars wash ing a war the oonstaat Sew of blood. 31 r. liale was badly, bet sot dangeroeilv hurt. Charles Hivers had a verv narrow escape, fer the etefthaal at one time bold mm wita ins trust, aad was a the point of driving his tasks into him whea a vio lent blow of a clah caed the trnnk to loosen. Bisn is sow so well chained that be can not break koc X. . 5nn. Habits of the Swedes. These settlements consist of two, or perhaps four. bo&es, with the necesa&rr out-buildings, aad seem generally inhab ited by tne several members of the same family. Some of them have existed a comiderable time, aad are occupied low by tne graacctuldren or mat rrand- children of the original settlers. Origin ally the government granted free gift of land, but they have now craved to do this, and the number of tbe settlers docs sot appear to be receiving many addi tions from ontaide. Tbe boases'ssnaliy consist of two or more large rooms on the grosnd floor, with lofts above, aad vast chimney hearths in one corner, in which the logs of pine, soae tw.j er three feci in length, are piled upright when a tire is wanted; being tit, they bars up in a few minetes into a loarisg Are, widen Mif n fn-i& ltt? lae Xamiiy lire cfciesv in the ksichen. and this and thegeett-efcamber are a Lost twenty or thirty feet square, and fur nished with a kind of sofa bedstead which pulia out to as to afford a alccp- ing accommoaauoa of aboet five feet six inches by three feet. The kitchen itself s not over-dean, nor are the persons! bawts ei me people witaoat rearuacti ia this respect; yet the gaeet-efaamber, the linen and the crockery, leave nothing to be dottrcd, Tbe bonscs are snrroaaded by a small flannc. when II.? etlnr Mttiri! f..r clearing, where the settlers cultivate fur their own ooaumpton seflicient oxt and other grain, hay and potatoes. They sow their corn in June, and so ra(iid i the growth under the influence of the lengthened days that they reap the har vest iu six or seven w eeks afterward, and sometimes get two crops ia their short season. Tlte cultivation is restricted to the actual wants of the settlement, as the difficulty of tranit precledes the possi bility of a market for the surplus. Cattle aad ponies, and sometimes sheep and poultry, are kept at each station, but the toed of the family is limited to flab which is dried lor winter ase milk, black or rather brown bread and rein deer flesh, with an occasional change in tbe shape of game or wild fowl killed on tbe hills or lake. Everywhere, even in the poorest houses, the must excellent coffee Is obtainable, the green berries being roasted over the Are and ground whenever a capful or more is wanted. Lively Riw.no is Baltimokc A new and fashionable diversion is becom ing popular in Baltimore amoag young ladies and gentlemen fond of horseback riding. It is called ' II are and Hounds,' and is now played etcry Saturday, the meeting-place of a large party being the intersecti'in of Charles street and Bound ary avenue. A young gentleman and a young lady well-mounted are chosen to represent tbe hare?, and all the rest play the hounds. The brace of hares are given fifteen minutes start, and have satchels of white paper cut iu small pieces with which Uiey are expected to mark their course. The ride is some times five miles and back, by various roads and lanes, and the first couple that overtake the hares have the priv ilege of playiug that part in the next performance. It is an exhilarating and amusing sport, and promise! to to much engaged in during the coming m miner. When the riders become sufficiently skilful it is proposed lo engage in an ex- I . T it r A . FEAits arc expressed that tbe Presby terian and other Protestant missionaries may be greatly disturbed by the military movements in Eastern Turkey. Erzcrtim is one of tlte stations of the American Board, which lias other stations t Nar nooL Sivas. Jfarsovan, and Broosa. Should the war be protracted it rrrny be come neccstarr for the mlsionarics at ome poiuta to retire for a time to safer places. Illikou has fifty-two railways, with 7,275 miles of track. In a TattUt Temple. Pasdug along the streets in China), wo hoard sounds en the tight which ware setni-tnukiral, and through a narrow open ing we saw candles burning, and turned aiiuu to see what U might mom. llrotli- er Allen, who is an invaluable ctccrore, so.. u saw mat it was in a Tauist tiinple, ' niei mine on weie1 nou mat mo ceremonies zutos janu nom antstt, have their rmrgatory, which 3 folds a good revenue. In the bands of skillful priests, there is no bet ter paying intimtioa. Upon a little in quiry, we learned tint the man for whip benetit these ceremonies were" perfnruied had been dead about six mouths; that his children had employed the jniets to get him out of purgatory; that he bad Leon out tor uuce uavs, out mat alter bis re- lea e from the lower regions, it repaired a farther lift to get him up throngh the intervening spaces Iut. tiarddise. This wa what they were at now. The temple ' - - was gnrgeoHiiy decorated with tablets, and irilt haairintrs. Oi Miest . ! stotnl in an inner recess aid two others, with a servitor, were out in the larger sjce iu front, the whole being cmtSeed to rather a Miiall arm. the leitl Hot lww linen large one. Off in rn id wore 1.. summ three others, one bearing on a sort of belt, aaothor on a metallic tttah. which gave raMicr a short, doll MMind, and the third piayiag on a dnte. Occasionally a few sentences were intoned res pensively. Tbe robes of the nriests were verr cor- eo; that of the one who seemad to be iia rint: the chief irt was of brhebt red gnmnd. wiih a bin Ixirdnr. :hrve or four wide, around tbe bottom of it. wnn.o uiwucu umu i' hc lew. ua ' faced down the front, on oach aitie, with white. On the red gronnd at the center of the back, or a little above the center, was tbe gilt Bgnre of a pagida, aad scat tered! MufMHy over it were gilt spaaelea and dragent. He and another priest were fenerallv ru ni with eck other. mad ottra ehanged place with each etfc. r, if they wore dancing; indeed they came together onite aettretr at tisnef. Oee of them held ia hi hand a Mece of wooj, alnjt mx tnrbes long, and an Men and a half qare, hnng aKmt with ie of in tier covered with writina. on which . . . his eves ware intently fixed Hi -o- k'i retire.! after a time, sasoked his niW for a few moment, and then seated hint-1 self with a dale, and helped the mk. 1 The principal ctr eontinned jeaziag an ' his atrtps of paper, and potnting ahowt on a piece ot coarse rlout, wsncn na t a few aysterioas characrer oa H, in a cer tain relation to whkh be seemed to place himself at every chtee ef pvntinn, now and then bowing hinintf n'U dwn :e the earth, and toncMng hi pejwr-eo'V-ered wand with hi forelkral; and so the perforaiaaee wat Uil gning f when we i.r Daring the whob- seean, tyectntar! eame and went at pinanre, sense even J fatng between the osskaaUng ptimU, I whUecstiidren rotnp4 aroMal nndieekcd. . One avan. who t d wrthia fwar feet of ) the chief piet, gave Brother Allen the! hbtawy of tte coe ia a very lend v-see. ' wc w wc M icni iwn i h umu carioBsly at the fnroisner. I shnald have been Blied with den.t at the non- t e .. .t- i . . ' cc i vac naxite HU u k nan been for the horror I leit. that the great enemy fcf Gol mad roan th skl htrc xo qnired ssch ocstrol of cosnttest milHoa of oer race, and that by ae.a even of thear religions instinct. Ilea- revliiy they spend their tn-'ser nntler hi insai- rati s, and how gly they accent the J his priet, pretend to manage their eter- Daldetlnie4- WKat larei of eiorJioa they are! adfrxHst swiSHeg caw ever trer them bet the cfet of the gtace of Gl. BuJu-p rt-i-. Vanity of Ilea. The late Harriet 3!rtiaeaw aets in hnr ajtohiography, the vanity at anna against the vanity of wemen. Sac ay tltat daring a ft-it to Lovden, wheee the saw tbe nrtt men of the neiiea, she w exhibition of vanity in high place that w.naen oouU not snrpaM. There was BnmghaBi, wincing ander a aewapaper critioim, aaJ t4aTi lite foi aasong silly wenen. There wa JesPrer, Sirtia with eiever wonsea la hanr hc- tfw MiliS SJd UsgciMag among a set of 1 r t . . icmaie Tuunra. There was Campbell, the peat, oh red ing his sentimentalities amid a qnivering appreheation of making himself ridicta ht. lie darted out of oar bonc and never came again, beeaase, after warning, he sat down in a room fall of tivntde (all aathor. a it happened, en a low chair of my old aaat's, which west very easily es castors, and which carried bias baek to the wall and rebounded, of coarse mak ing everybody laagh. Oa weat poor Campbell in a hail, aad, well as I had long known hint, I never saw him again; and I was not very fcrry. for his sentimentality was too soft, and hi crating ft.r praise toa morbid to let him be an agreeable companion. There was Edwin Laadteer, a friendly and sgreetble companion, but holding his cheerfulness at the mercy of great folks' gracioutness to him. To see him eater a room, curled and cravated, aad glancing round in anxiety about hi reception, coald not but make a woman wonder where amoag her awn sex the could find a more palpable vanity; but then, all that was forgotten when one was sit'iair on a divan with him, seeing him ptay with the d ('. Then there was Wbcwcll, grasping at praise for universal learning omnis cience being his foible, at Sydney Smith said and liking female adoiation, rough as was his nature with student, rivals, and speculative opponents. Tun Hollanders invested largely in our government bonds during the war of the rebellion, and while the English were watting their money on Coaicderate se curities, gained rich returns for their con fidence in the ability of our government to maintain its integrity. lon that the five-twenties are being called in, the shrewd Dutchmen think they do better than to reinveu in the four-and-a-half per cents, at more than double the price they paid for the oan that is now bcini: called in. They think they can realize a larger trout by purchasing the greatly depreciated bonds of Ilustia. It 11 pos sible that tbey may be t x sharp for their own good tins time, out Itussia, thus far, has always paid the interest on bcr debt. and if she comes off victorious in her war against Tufkcy, all her securities will materially enhance in value. Oin cinnnti Gaiette. Castle Gakdkx authorities stab: that a large number of Germans are emigrating to America, fearing a general European war. The London Tinui will have to re vise its reasons for a cessation of the Eu ropean exodus, or make peace speedily. DlBoaao Is an Antagonist That should be attacked tbe Instant he ahow hlmielf. Don't wait. At hloi before his nail are crown, and wipe him out. The great alterative and Invlgorant of the agv. lloitttltr' Stomach hitters, will speedily In. 1 fate such healthful tone into jour orgi&Um I that It will be enabled to tuceciifully reUt i future attack. The hitler prevent and i remedy cMII and fever and bilious remit, i ''"ta, aad eradicate ijspepaU, cumUiatlon, livcrcotnnUint. rheumatic ailment, urinary and uterine difUealliea. It I particularly ; ueacnciai waeu iuc ijiieia u uccn aramco oflUvlUlitv or U uiherently deficient In ttrcairth. The nerve rather from It both vlffor and trasulllty. Hut while It Impart strength and jrlre a wboleom stimulus to the animal economy. It doe not unduly ex cite It like tbe cheap exhllarantt sometime terlcd to under the crroncou linprenlun that they can invigorate. Luxury on the Hall. Taa Mntiuci. We tare Uu ttrqvthlij utr4: "Who U It HI bnwVrtm rafv4 dtMBX car &4 a I'aMta ia 1!M eirr Tfcit tier U tut iHftlrx Uvril kaakf tHMtMulU wcuinlOBMdilxt, hat lx Uliiirttil MbMe in t rear u ta iaia4a,jiapMrafmM. r m iuti rMnj katMt; pcr.tk- Wr ami Viti Ixm ;uukra ( kj twi mxmj aw nwfrttta. Tk Mtteg ear. Ura. U iat-kiwam Nlhtlw pln4 WK t UM ! U ru ll tkf Bwol Sw. uul kiM Sr . J k aulrv utU lite awl u lm r4. lMk)iMl2Mi tU-nK. aa4 U bj Oc awxl trUa ttMM4 btct to U Oullit r- aa4 hK iMUkrannkrwtaHl T srt am) la 1M mkt tnmMmf iw to nc bu tj tasca ia into mi u u m4tr Ml mum-iu tnm cu to nr. Mx fk T l!Ba Ul wren pUl SW sm. a4 akaUj S4ta IVru il rw f ta mtm. TtMiMMaaai,lMSku.WM toft k to i Sur Ut tr fcT7 rM C to Ul r Hiw. uJ ! aw 1rc jr ij h)iii. tsttm r 14c ri ( joar flilSif rw kttc M tnta U at fall L la Men can ym U eu If ml ton, mm U a uu awtMtr lcrekn'. hr - mi. - - .t.rw.r- . . iBB. , Yt jC Up IUm M W C ktc 4c- sotW. lAMMaMCKlrtWtuUl ttnml Mi. j ti.f.K TWieaninHnuiM kMX. K Sjrt uir u Ml um, to anr ttt-Uf . natot r -me, wt Si ma LWa HUH r imUIu, to H. 4Mf.tNutilnMr Hrlii, Saw e with a txmsm. a to aa4toMltoi. rtT iM.r -" a SetfM tlKrc u4 cm wrr. uU a tfcr Wi" nil' Sr Kenax HaKMi avrl a. X i i rt tto M ! lu to aarh U kt to tottr iur ktml IlUr aawa, rMWT. rt. at. x to.ijr h. niMfta Uae a cSm tram ia ml f tW r. Ur4 Snaif u Ur to rrmwrnt a mm1 m to mmtkU l atoto tw form c to er UW Tkputittot rt U tMri a M K. It MiaH,iMIHIiHnlHft . I la ttwr aw aiiwU it mrl Tc. ksr a to . ! tm imff m aawa u )9 4)cr IMUMM.IM a imrtj j ar at aar w i to pve at e to a 4 rrmi(tir atatcK tttf twv. BkulMliiiiiiviMii I iMilf. t jmmt t-rtr W ftrnfmrmt. mt Wft jw rt lOC 4 u iftmt tmm jmmr toflv !( yv call Ut a ycr - Waatoe. SU. JLlvv i-v-. tlii rwx Ht tilt lUatrtn, Ta im hut wm to am atmSi Man. I B Jv u-i jvir inMj t ;nj .S rrmm tof br wmW ym. it r ja c&& ea aw arf u wt aw wa?uy a as aw era4UM tan. lain? amaoit to.iir.. r jiawaii t C urf arra4 to Mto( nctuwiiii tor . w ,, t .t it.w wu. ' . t. Sxt. erj to kc HXI" " l" t a twh.. to. w.- rvtm nan . . w a nw. r h. n aw to ZJZZ ".TrLlTiTX MawMi ymt,ltm x, yz mt aW u h m k t-r mmSu ' - l aaf t-t-mtf i f M) m. f to WIJ (, SVa nt e. K ia fttx ax maw a awar p v nt4 w taHe rt Sr -Santa- tweaaa- to wat e '. s Wf 4 -tor to te twar e t toj rr to Aao. AimUUoii Wit raa fra '- TwXto ut rraaa t ta 11. Lfvn- Duo ! Jrrrs rtowf tr. tot lriir1 it tZZ.'Z? 22 awt aaf a frt kT Ca- j T aw r aw trw on raa wta I Tct w, 4 w wt3 ' lrJr ! cam.-. i wn ).. !- j ' Ui t4' av c a trtt. w J lJ IHBJII.IJ It. Ai f T to W fHHMil twt u MeeMtac toswawaraa-aiancaw (aa are Srr c H HaHifitW SW C - ! $ttial tB tfHumaaM W W xatcI to to, it Uw Wtot -t. SW aac i m aa sr mt jj fit, 4 m aw hvr aw n. aaa tou u iter rr v r r. TU rrr. JW TU, "5? A Card. th to tofiri bj SH U. tM mj M ? I I t r-rC iM tor 4 X 412 Surer tnt-c. wt C li-r ! I-c t katr &4 W (rctnt tnm n tw toSf rra MWr aad m-tttt I at t to m. t (ntton. ht uttftm . IS ran mot Aa . ww rwt- EXTitti. - Wit llin wr VHrrt ftiw. m r Cat to r to, aev t w t U4Sw Se rwu S rvtor rr & c. to tttn. nrj( iw. Srr , i i.atSM J inmMc. n I u4 nawia AUuscraaiE. r tttj i CarrWr A Wtotrr SW w a t r. txa Xnrar t S. r. Us Burwhaa' and aearalsta. AMctloe for rbearaaUiai Ax E traauaHso Krvtur. Bruwn' BrenchUI Trochea" are wWely knen aa an etabHhed remrdj fer tV,A, CU, Drv ttotu, Jla-truuttt, aad ether treuMe bt the TArvjf tU jmft, Cceso roa Fooa rtirs "Arter trymdinc hHre4 of detiar fer dexter fee, I cored at latt of rheumatbrn by iareatiar four MU la a uk of Trapfer'a ladlaa OH.- Ua Barnhata' Abictiae fr ore throat aad boa. rvene. crocp, coldn, N S t r.r Xara. VtaUiUJaM; fcW B4 txXctac at S WECT TAtt DtXlM tie t"U aerer fra mH. r S ralxk. U3S. BINCHSU-S SWEET TAR REMEDIES pOSSI5T of SWTTAnninfrtCrtfCar l a4 lla ww. swtKT TAI1 TUoCltLa. ax tt-Bf dr irruaus ta tw tar t, ! to nra. SWKlir TAIt BALSAM, to W u3 ta rurrttoa all tWUrafawTrta.arniriUaf to tw tat arc rtW coafla iat, tr 6erp rtl a4 tackmx Cucfk. Grvap. Houjaa: CoaxX lateraxa. Uruaraitu. A an, mm I tkc tin to i J c aSrci c 1 te Ir to Cmc - a. Mr, tllacaaia remark oa the trratisrat aad ear oi j ro i a uu ukbbu ibu. oeu ea artrr aa ei- rrlar- tar irar Ucuaa vita Wr avert j tz vu aaram, c a w cw iera oi ui arcxaut rrr ol caars. TWrlairartralabSaadBarral Utorm tat . SWEET TAB 1 JiEUIES arc ilmJ bom. t ptrrr Uom. wactlval tn tw tlxwat bm ral aauriu.aa are ar la ttotr rarct rur tu tWr tr rrcaaa Xotice to Su1cribcr8. L L. CUAOIX CO, l Soctli roar- BOwt. rbtlvl clpU. . Wrrr crr to ea4 to each of tw Sib crtr or rraden of tat paper. Irr, a ita;lt o( DODUISV ELECTIUC SOAP. pnni& tWy rrerlr the addreu aad SRrea ceau. valch ho ciacUr pr Um r po tae ca tfca irttp. TblaSoapvu preaoBBCed by ta CcBtesalal Jadcra lo W U only pur Family Sua ib made la A to erica. A It baa beca eilalttljr adrerrbed tax ywr cmr re er br aadoabudly beard of Ue Soap. Tbl rrry liberal offer of It Baa aftrrn enable 1 to lrtlu qaaltty tor tWsMira rerycfcraply. Scad jvor addrrw aad SfUra crcli far pottac direct to I. Z. CXAOIX t CO.. StO H. ronrtb nirrl, - - Pklladelplali. J.T.WTO.V ItUOS. A CO. X CanrorBt Street. Baa I raoaaca, rKe astbu lor raac iai BtTILVHAM-S AniLTINE FUlt 11011XS. bCALDa. Cat ad Son of all ktad QtyvAaz CATAUX1CK ntEE TO ACICVTS OU Wn.Tr.aAUx. 17 Muatgotaery aUH. 1. MorrrGOMEitrs ' tkm rtuuscx hotel, aar Ercood l,M0 TttuCLtca. e Mrol Ttctrt, at. Cfi tfl CiTPKItDAy. ArtriU WBted. So Com" KffJ IU UvQ prO'loa. SaratklacXev. Addrn Hh Mimpmum A&iam Wblartoa atreet. a K. Cr"0 ( MADE HT ONE AO EXT IK an dats i UUrtimof ralr: umMr frr a. a. BI'KXCK A CO- dnOrary trrrt.Ba rranelam. OEXTS WANTU- IV lac. tx lUrrlex ad ItrtnocbtB Too bel wotK otouctt itctarr l-t Copt- and Bl.kt.tcomm Iob clrra oa this Co. t. Ad area. "CopjUe. " 1 oa 71 No. I3 Baiter strati, 8. T. SAN FRANCISCO Weekly Post THE I EST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER - tat The Farmer, The Slock Raiser, The Gardener, The Miner, UK THE HOUSEHOLD ! Th Weekly ?:t Cstalzi X:ri Zesils Xatter ZhzzAzj Other Weekly ITsTrtpiper PallUiei ss The Cent. Of erei at The Sane Price ! USEFUL GIFT TO SENB TO EASTERN FRIENDS ! YOUR I . , l3Tth. m( tn to mJ rre l(nmliiW rMmM w e nwrtas; 1: l ta rraax u to latrr $- aw lnlta tutoa r aw Xi I atilini TW tt I mr rtfrmmi t j nam tM mt- WWn. mtmi Ultora . (toMtuclitMn i rwir u4 rnr s :fa rruam to f Sf T-rt, TW rrri m t tw fsji I Viuu rwt !tiw(Hmumu ,rtaautoa (mi1 i aj rapjvr i a, i ira)w to rr"r la lniiicaastiVw ktf nl rU to Sa rraso. It at cmuia W SaSV t 1 rn ( taSr b s rtUT to to JLcnraN -U t VU toe latrmu 1 im r tic p (. TW Gaaa amU uk I Mrat - ru m w ran irrau ia S yil to a k twm Tw 41 pia tai i e i rmt taVc toiimc ta I War aw ivVtc in, i Trjaa w I iar a as. aw ( 1 rajne emit I 1MTW BBt . I Wt tST im t a , St- ) m aw rViul u . la tormT ux a a j .aw wmtr hr i im wr.at.rt t t, a aumWj. to ; f alatoen S c tr , ! mt m- n-S toa af I nt rSru w aw i anr. Muawi mmnm to T tor to r wt to a a ir t a ia X rvl r to a w m s j ettwn, ut to tat 1 ,rr to a r . aac 4x &t T : i' t t VJS. r rack Sr jx. i j vat a i tmtt tm. to T , hi .. to tor, . irtf. t I S tor 't SVW rr r tol ;; K- S to tm aw irm C tutor- aw Sa i r. ! rr4: to u I- tor x n MfMI tr rrr. m rr tw a .b- imit ruaur jrw C tat. sr I a r Ha r r : ft r WM ; cm m ItzTtar rack Wt I r. vat ra4 tU-J." r mt OotW. tou T j tm a art I USa Vai tr. rw wt mat tw my to nx r wlicau Mm larat tor ia IU to tt ttr to errrT ;to r a ! rt mt Ur mtt i yrar. at H.S tmt rata , rftr.t ! ewpy at -rta(r ; lrra te: r a. mrw lay. I i at it-aii sr a ; r u a mi ot ( -:- t l t S tar vara hr-rltT. v ar4 a SratM "f1" ka t.f to r mt ran to r Ikm a riaa of s fr a a jear. aad t 3 tmt rata latmrtwr. v Aad a Ut atSrrr AtorrVaa W.ta. f to rahar of r; to aar mm arsMac o a efb T a) niajivn tr aa )rr. at fas far rack .atorr fr. a od a frat My rVmec wvta Ida- w. to aar w arad- IC a. a craS toWrtWr faesa ttab of tl r jer. t tia sse ae b- mm mrrnt I a W cWtr K If. mt IW nlH of SUi to ay ow xadlic a Sb of so nWnVn fr oee yrr. at tXS lor ratk .a rrSWT. v vaVctre noilab4t to aay mrm 4nc w a tab f aabaert -r., tor m sear. t tlSS. Ut tmt nlref. v ! ni rtd ar.tMr Earrka (iuc !. al tw !m of liauu. TW !( W paid by a 1-abl i rr ta fry eaw, aad rrry artic- oSrrrd M i w prctrty -t: ImrrnXmA. UltMana ury tau cisto tauold ! bo eat to ow pntof- eee. tw rrp ' I to mM oar M raa aaScrtapa tub Urc roooaa u cautle tWo Minna prrmlaa la tknr oa lueatwr lo nirapeBute eta Dberl Ijioeoara ta tw -ydtiM. t tnva. Orrry nrt, acaool tracWn, P tm Mrra. aad mala tfcTl buy .ad rlrl ca cars a aaadwK tat or by rrtUar ap da1 for tw sx Fa.x oiaco WaaaLT Pimt. :t- IrrTW tooaty ata.1 areomraay al! vrdrr la errry tmt. No derUUoa fretn tbl rale. RentlttWBrr-o aboaild far rnt by Poat oSteo Money Ordrr. r Iky Well, ITarxo Eiprr-u to avoid lo to the irntr. All order asd eormpoBdesee buaU be addmd to tbe POST PUBLISHING CO., 8 AX FliAKCIACO, CAL. tVBampW eople laaUrd free to tay addrea,oa apptlca a. MARKET STREET Bank of Savings 631 HARZET STREET, SAN FEAHCISCO, Opposite I'alace Hotel. Prraldmt . TIIOtfA II. LKll'IA IV. X. LATnOX He-r-irj' Izlcml iltoved oa til Droutu nuilalte It. Bak ortr ttindjr- lairrw: oa Tern Irp.rj t-wclrr prr cest. srr acnafa. trpolu rceelTM trvm ou eUrs7anL Xetrf3 tit II ask Book. fa rc edpt or rrmltuaeo frs tW taKrtor. &ak Boot or Ccraaeatc ot Itapodt 1S U orrnle4 er Cthr rmltawnt. Moarj to fca la taalt nai oa oMxttnl wearttr. lltzk. o-pts un fcAianlijj oa o'clock, f si. CALVERT'S CXKMOMC SHEEP WASH 3 pr cAo. T. W. JXK.KMJS. U rru j cLtca. tait Altai brttir C. & P. H. TIEHZLL c CO., mraarza jri n3rrrrrKa or BOOTS AND SHOES, SO. 410 CL.1Y HTKKSrr, Crtr Sjtosc as4 tUorrj. XS rilXXClfiCTJ. UaAetarm tr Vrt-.. B.7i Tocta. aal CtO- aw. r i k t xur wattsi Orm mtMititBA tiA ttvmvOj 83t A., ilm tzA 8ar au4 at rw tt cat Let s-rim. KmtnigMISt iwli mq mm. O 3,1 i f orlCLias BEST PRODUCTION Ycrba ISncna Initters, 7 T9T lUxauaax rw Liter a ranfjtl Ut BiuvL. Yerbu Bucna Bitters, Tmt taaifTa, Ycrlm Bucna Bitters, r. , 7 Tr ln ?!. Yerba Buena Bitters, TW font Syrtrj M iae. Yerba Bnena Bitters. reJcxvt. Yerba Bucna Bitters. T KMast C ss t. Yerba Buena Bitters, r '&ssl &s wJa. CSAXZ - BZIGKAX. Aeeats. 5. 7. G. A. POTTER, X.r&7tr cf trA IW-.rr a els- Mttutjr ! MARBLEIZ-ORoTHAHTaS. tats UiucT imn i raw. ci f WESTERN HOTEL, StOs) a tk rrws IsC 1 S So; r-fl-c SAClL-aEXTO, CAL. 'I'HIS t rarrr 5. wrtt Ht iVra cm X j w J3 1 1 tw M'ra laajf i . TW ' L.f B i tw t rr t r ru Umiet fjrr ,tei. a&o lrlr BrnlUl St Kur tKtixr. al.oo ) 1 jut frr t rtaf. Slt. a C"-t. Frr C rt ca ttow- Il'lun Uir. n rrr Sew. a a Beri 4 Ltttirj jt. tw HoKr. stT ftiii riLlK El b . W. IaU. t-r-rrlrlar. COMMERCIAL HOTEL Johx kvxlt. J vxjk at ti cs r r ucrcc mt to KnM. b KL . r U wr Rel aJjraa cummck cLu. HUT . M'w . m m -1 Xjmnr K r TWw aw? wa ttxMuu t rosft'.xr rw a iwt rjrtr vlTk ! rwrtosr. te. I oStrt tontar txu St few , nan. r n otk crr.wr trtto . ftct. A r- iHTEIKATIONAL HOTEL, 14 Mat Urmrmr u rrudu. IIMutttM PES DAT B.C rATCtCUC - - - la MraToa. j Twa Carl "ai. t o aa 3 at r , KOCH eea."W .IT li VLUt U TW ! CX.T to i mnj n" t('ii to Hex In. tB rarr jxj m Uts na C ea. li r X twy ra i ?K BUSINESS COLLEGE. JOfi trT STB UT. SAX FaiXCUO. THE I O U nt t n t exsphtto UaamU 1 li jinrrntwe . Erui wvrtra: r twr 1 oar lmtrmraom , j-rvtOcma tacWn aW ( I vt tw pO t autrzt caa itoraca at axy ! bad trrm as aOrac. CX4. lmt i rrr: iiaiMTi. iyiii- w tw . . M , FALKjNEKBELL & CO.. "VuP .vTS54 AoarjT T 1 rnt WOOL AGENCY. Orrxcn-s. jo c.ur.nii. hi.i wr anK, Caearr Mlti aad Tovw d iiu, S I Tr dan. S t.yard at Crxrr It ArrMa4 1 QSto . Waal Raid at Aaeilo aadby rrtraie ' Coau-aet. frrmMxf d rm4 a Sjmrt . trabrrp. Colli'. Hor Ktarkr, &w teat aad wl 't oc CMaMn. SU tritrrtrx U teadrd to. Adraam e aw Cas.rat rat, ta traa.it. or WrWr, ad ea mifx, eau u oar &. Ul aad Xtv Tarfc Aant. Maize Flour Tollot Soap! Maizo Flour To Hot Soap! Malzo Flour Tollot Soap! A irett dlamtTi r -.it m eoaipoaad tt nuCWa. aartra. aad v kites ISt Vt. ta adtrfal a c aad oprtor Uac revpent. aad h r,cv. lyaaid petwata.aairry , aad erwrU Rd4t. tt M drcauaJp perraed.aed a d errrrvWrrU a aatniM pnoe. lUCMavt la ratrat-Ocn. IfK by tw aa aafactarf. MrKHIN TAN tlAAOKX A Olu raq drtpM. AGENTS WANTED rrontlert ATa!abi aad aatVatie ry of ellrr iBvAdBtarrvTTT!.lrtT loa. CapUrl tS. aad aabi Brr aad deatW of IW M-MLrr of twlraasc Bywm aiw r w r,Dawiu tt Oi .aSa.Wrv Sa Fraartr CI TwaprqarWranoflUtrk ralTrta! CabTti Syrrp nrr cae lw rlrtaal bra' of tat Baedtria Ka iae frvat tkl. Utt it KSKt W of ntw. I retxaBjeednl H lo toy CBwUaBcrm. A a etpertrae onth It r an aold by tmt more buttle dans: taat tlx yearn taa of i uy .18 ar prrnaniMO ieusa rriiaairta i:t t W It NO I IT. VI l, fHrnJilil-s X T Ji ceuaWKkL atn-w. . TAL KoilVS. t Erarar St. ar 8atb.S4arralet. KTBaaor CaLOBoro adauaUtrrad. A tad , i.tat ta ta ae. Uaior.T. oalr a-njhrrad to aartai a nrviTP wanted tor ijk ik.-t jim nVLrl I Vtiarrrutaa.br Wutin ot tw Umof tMutreiU J ad Taevr Brwtiier.! mrteftlkm. ttmA fUUfar lrirrt. aad cotav taareeatooee. A. Bascaorr A uo. W. r WELL AUGERS.: O PKK DAY rA W ur a 1 ' birtceIlttaorer llIIAir. dan Oat. Mead far CalMlaxae la . li. BunruKB.ai. ui. Xm. I A -T 3a AEE YOU GOItTG TO PABTT? r aone bat that whleh .Ma-nc ha rrd I to tb br.t. Tk. AVKRt ll. FAI.VT. aiXXB KKtBV rti ll I'a It. r-dt tho klknl wr4 al tk. li.. nlat KiWIblilau rar taeaaly, darwatllty, aad oeaaaaay. THE AYERILL MIXED PAINT ril UttTllUK EUmeMlu&atWBIsr ld and oil ailboal CUAU CISO; t of aay dolred eol r It U preparM tM lnmrdUta applleadoa. mjatria ao OiU TMnaer. or Drier, aad doe aol ipoll bj taadlec ay Unfth of Ubm. It I rqaaliy Mpolbr toald a oat!d work; ott r old wort wU u m . Ib fct, atttr aar piial cut W axvl, IW AVaHttl. MtXtCU PA I. XT wtH bo faoJ aprfortoaay otter. Aay oae eaa apply It vbocaa aaj a beaa. wkkb traly wake It tbe KAftttKR? Ktat.B. Jrit lo J.t ta ralat for tkio a. It oold tay tb (allaa oaly. Oeo raUoo eorer A) ,aro yard Jeovor li yard S est. For farmer tafotau. Uoa aeadnemp cardaadprUeUattotbe CtLiraHXIA rAIJIT CO ST Mlartawa ln aaa rraaflieo, Can Jnaciico, Xaf SO, 1877. Wo, the asdtrslcsad Waolcaale Grocers,' talc r-Lwunre in reaarlda the laextued d aiaad for Eewta't Prenlani Tcut Fedr. i aad of ttitlTyic? t t is pracnl fatlsUstlsa givta by this brand: ' Wellasaa, Peek & Knit ft Baler, Eact 4 Saairtoa, Jne & Co. i Ledd2,Wal?U tCsu, H. Eiraaa ft Cu Hxj E:m, Taber, Har5ter Ca, J. JC Plxe 4 Co J. A. Felsr ft Co XcTrtcn Ere, ft Co., Castle Ero., yubzis ft co Booth ft Co., KilUkea Znu, Aiuaj,Ke5m&Ce.. 7. Ca&trl ft Ca, 2C t C. Jju:?9U, TlHeaa&2ft4al, Albert Jtaa ft Co, W.-W.Dodj ft Co. ! Saeraseata. 3HT(EELL WAGONS, A. W. 8AS20S5, Ajest, S3 Ia! St, E. T. 'THE XarWTX rarat Ff-rM t Syria Wxwu i trm .jaara uiattot iwauruiib! mtt anrt tw nail t IW l-Mlte Cms wtur taa aay ar Mr sora aiM bi at tw ' law. ibutM tnm S4 a anaaict-T x Va TH0R0UIH5RACE, EXPRESS v1: IJeht Ci rriin. VtnlN. lv( im Carriage ul m uali. GREAT ENTERPRISE. T2 EE22iSS?? ilS t ever 100,000 Acre efSnCATIS-, TLZ0W PUTS, SP2HCE. T13. aai CZ3A2 s1 - '; w saw xiia.sina? u,ia a user itezarx, lis sr.ua v xizszn, iu f BdU o.' Trawars. 157 il si Ttlegrai L t,UTcra;bSsas; ai csj i'i ea al uo care ai isrwi. Tie 3CGAS. Pli'E Is c7a4 ia . XT, ll tse wtila csaat ca be n Hid. Tie TIXLOT. TVXZ Is lr, ia rraiaed S.S.'0 T i SPCC u great (trjt, dzrxila "- txjoaei, ai epdaUy aii?titjEriir J .rwi n 1 1 .x l . i i l . h a a j aiiMi jr. a i c a a x vv ' are as tz tar a great Txrittj st jes- utrcar liirty nfTH-r. of it', wtri est, as 1 tie eaa r 1ST7 la irij &; U UeaniTHiHU artarr es haai, tiresSy sea sized by tie tt di-aU sX d -is- a-t Ciica. X erdsn eaa be id es a iar't S3 ee Jsr . afl Via i SCILSISG XATTSI A T.S. rsact er xaseiT.bywtseleraataai rsbstaatial wsrk zzxj b acta ;?!itd witbaat day a: tie aral cart Is r graea labcr. 1 Orat asrtb4 ilateriarledatleta i;it. Sa . Tnz rftce pices a! rrti;2 ! DO0S,SASH aid IUT03 always es u l Is Ixrra e A Ireai sizzza ixcxxASD tr22 ax. B1!T. 7T- pUO cea (jrlakul for ta4-ai a. OS. S. ZAT05, Ge-tral AgasS, law airHT lffrt, l jnraetw. FRESH COVE i X L OYSTERS Packing of 1S77. THE BEST CAKHED OYSTER rrn orraxas ta tsu z.axa-r. TW S e a: WWJ w S aly l5psner. TABER, IIARKEK CO.. to at It CaSaraU St S i TruttMa. K. IETKICK & CO.. BAGS and TENTS, Graia. rinr, W. Ore, Seaa. Sfde aad 5-t IUci.NcrOa.rtc. raa. Am uaas twetoCorrrve . 123 Qxj Street, S. T. ooktoohd drriu-, BS2U-, ETsras Wma I Einai, AT ABBOT BeWSlSU C.T. 413 aal 415 Batttrr Strett, 5 Fraaciac. x. n. st.awTai.aji. ait.i. LS. TAX WCSX-E CO 413 anal 41S X ark.1 Wt ta rraaelw TvrouTEns Avr de.uxi in L Iroa. M-K. Itorar SSwr S.to So. Ok aad baad-aaado ltone aad Oi 2CIU.acoassiw ar seat 1 seatk Bi:i" tsa VK!lJjr Tuoii . "V rH B of saaraac. .oi , nait. I rax. rt . at lower frte ika .tr; ttitt toSreper erat. off foe ea I . STAll SPKDfG BED fPHK BIST 15 rSE. IYKKTBODT BCTS IT X wad lor Orea r to C. D. Jfc K. HIXCKLEY. U9 Xrr Xaatcg-gry 3-... PH XIX MAOItSE OIL. OILS Spem, waaK, Lara. raa ar. ud a braad. of lkraa u iul; Ott. FtaM . t a f Sloea. Pia twia aad tr v Varewa. Axi Grr .etc wad Asr CUc r. HUTCH1NCS St. CO., rmvu r rwralx UU Wor.atT rroat st, 8. T. p f p c. No. 150. a nnsr-ci-ASs saw PATENTS. F-i a L RHMANX.Sotiettorof t MBvWabtat IKC So l"ial No fW Wo-tmrta aia. ' C3 Hi es. I Sas jTraad see. ' Ccr.re-rts t i izsi tl.lt . I t' ait I Haaato B JfcJ I