The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, July 07, 1877, Image 3

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....JUA IbW
Ttaimv Inner Va 1 IT af f Mka uiiit. i-
Rit, tvtxJM.i. rvrj- 4urK)ji j mtoii itmiiim
IB pood alaDdinf are cordially luvltrd In atlrtid.
fDfPixrojt Lows No Si A. r. ato A. y.-limi
oa ibeSrvt and tbird Hobdays of each mouiu. Hour
at Beetles T r. X.
EttTrex Srta, Martha Tralirar.ton Cbapter. lYedle
toa Mrc: every Tuesday nibi fullotrtur, tbt Crt alid
third aloodat of each mouib.
Erscxt lrx No S,l.aar, lYniletoo Vrrli
rrry Saturday ereetB at r. X. Orrifcrca IB rood
Btaadtar. ar Invited to atlead.
aUaaaau. lot So. 1M. I. 0. O.T lYndletoji
Meeu every Ttiuraday evenln at T o'clock r. x.
brethern ta cood iianJioj are rrqaefted la attend.
Enacorat. Scenes On tbe third Sanity ef rarh
acxlb. tbe Rer. I. H. Well. mHI uCl tale, aad preach
ta tbc DmrolD; at It o loci in Wwtoc; is Ibe etraUir,
al T o'clock in tVudktoo.
BimsT Cnoca- Rer. C H. rroett. tWar; err
icrt at tbe XL K. tcrcb an tbe arrood ?-cndar of
ccfa tncoth. Abo. alter Joly. ne pcortde&cr pro
realise, xemres oa tbe Sd Sunday ot each lovslb,
coadoclcd by Rer Clinton Criu.
M. E. Canmt Soctjl rreacb'ct rt Seodae In
aaca. BWBlb at 11 a. x. aad J r. x. Rer. & V. Darin.
KoTKE. Simpla asBouoceineau of btnba, roarria
ta tad daelba, will be taaerted ntbae.l rtiarje. Obit
aary aotioaa trill b cbarraj tar aceordiLr. to their
&1e coplei of tbe Ear Oarooqax, ta ii';'eii for
aaaihsf, can be oUalned at lb oSce.
V ancrae co irfpoaaibUtty lor ne exprraMd by
For The Tratreler.
JL Wre IVodletoo tor CmaiaU da Ir lrren : S3
asd e'dorl: r. a. ; for L Craode. BkT er r and Ket
toa at aboal IZ n'clorc nklnicbt, tor Tbc iaIW ru
Herferat6a'rlork a. x. rlonday. Wedne-dara asd
ooTedaTObcrdjrsaidfetrdars. aamrine at 6
rocatf. rrtcrarer leare UTwr at 6 adaK a. x
o'clock is tbeeTrswc. Sieaiam atrrre at TmaitBa
from below oa TBadir. Tba fdan acd Sitardir al e
u'lS r' 5,inil!: 00 u'!adJT. rtUtlt a d '
tSaa with tbe (teasers. I
vs i
CKXzxurss rosTuxa.
W J Selhrr
Real Estate. The following is a list
or deeds recorded la the County aerk'e
t5ce for tbe month of June:
Turner & Disoswar to Jas. IT. Wilson-
1 and N K oT l-t"2. in block 10, Pea -
dl ton. Consideration $200.
and lo; 7. S St. T 3, R 33 E, ISSli acres.
Pierce portion of fractional biock A. 3I. '
toa. SCO.
J Dtpiian wife Jn Wm. Gelakr '
f ? ti! eiut 9Km rut intBMi - - - -
J TV Tbu-uT. mA :c. n - I
rad,e:. SI
T'a Mtifcr!i- v rJut Wright .
lotjl VckZ. Pmd-eum -VO
acrtiab.TX. I.. 3 E. 1.
L S tnLraadr Mcrhon- 1G0 acres
la 5 18. IS and 20. T 6 X. It S7 E. I
ner. 00.
J.. K JJeans tr Saml. Wiiks 15U acres !
S6.T2X.R33E. $20
Ssml. Witks to R. J. Oliver Mi acres
S6,T2X,R30E. ?10.
I X Reed and wif. to Wm V THmliall
-J' a 01 a Jij 01 00, i j u l.
1W'- !
O II Wils3 and wife to Wm Wadhams
iw acres in I. r 1 K 22 E. aim E
KofSE i.S21,TlS.R32 E. flOO.
O II Wilson and wife to Wm Wadhams
E i or X W If and X i or S W U, S ,
21. T1S.K32E, 100 acres. f500.
Wm Dickson and wire to S Dickson lot
a, DlocK 2. Ueppner. SI.
Stafford Dickson to Sarah A Dickson '
lots, block 2, Heppner. $1.
Markiace Licenses Issued in Uma-
till county for the years 1S5G-C7
. 18CG:
"Wallace Jonts m Ellea Tureman.
J. II. Eunzie to Helen A. Kane.
Jasper Smith to Sarah A. Harper.
A. J itenerant lo Cassinda Knotts.
James M Leezer tu Susan T Trevett.
Reuben II, Baskett to 3Iarth J 31 00 re.
Jesse J McColIougk to Emily Pearson.
F M Mulkey to Harriette J Rodgea.
James Evans to Eatelle Bensoa.
Jeffersun Unwell to Martha J Fields.
G W Palmer to Martha J Parka.
James PBosheeio Etta JCoCa. .
"Wm Castlemaa to Clara Vanburon.
Philip 31 McBrian to X C Campbell.
1 V .-. lit .
Josenh E Ganarmsn In T.vla X TT;t.
wish Aasi to Aervcua cccil
Thm J Devess to Adda Smith
jacason Knotts to Jaartba Cassadr.
vZ D Labeeshe to Josephine Chapha. ,
Charles Seclev to Sarah White.
oimeoa E. Philips to Julia BoltingboBse ;
Abraham S Wells lo Elizabeth Yoakum,
CI las Roe to Aana Lanr.
- tithing sn. ficjCU.
TV II Crawford to Martha Perkins.
X' S Clark to Anna Whitman.
Wm V Ewing to Emily Short.
Elisha G Sloan to Xancy Rash.
Remaining in the Peadlcton postofflce
July 1, 1877:
Baache P & Co Bowman Miss Hatlie
Barnes T B 2 Brown T B
Burley John E Coombs Carl
Coffin C A CatteralAly
Davis G A 2 Elliot JS
Fisk J M Garret John
Harala John Howard Wm.
Henderson H W Ha-ar J 31
Hamilton L W Keith Xeil
Lane O P Mount W P
Moreno F J O'Hnra Mamon
Oaks J P 2 Proebf tel John
Price Isaac Sanpagnc Ptltx
Stanley 31illle Simpvia Ssml
Shrive JW S:alts Mrs L
"Walker J F Walton Joe
3IILTCS', Oar Milton correspondent
SjKrrv & Gilmore to WrfU & Dicksaa i that last w(t& Catarkr. CVawyer beaurit ! X
1t.5'i'!rIIrPJ,BCr tAS Butter crrrk.l 15 el,,,.!,, 8 lHsr. awl SO DVQ iriVfl 7
writes: "If some man that had money 1 ture of cheese tbc present year. Last year
would come to 3Iil'on and erect a Jew the firm put upon the mnrkct an excellent
houaes to rem Lcv.oulddo well, as twoand article, and it commanded ready sale. Front
three families are living in one house;'samplefentt!schavcnodoubtthcrtlclc
everything full. In one house there Is cai- of the present year will suMain their well
ried oa shoe-maklng, harness-making, earned reputation. If we had more cheese
blacksmitbingand saloonlng, ail under the nnd butter makers among u, the wraith of
wercof. Beat lli.t!
Married At the residence of the brides
fhrr, July 4, 1877, by Rer. S. W. Da vies,
Msnara Willis lo Mits Hatlie Bowman.
All af Uaatllla county, Oregon. The
cwspJe have ur bat wishes for their future
Born At Butter ere lc. July 3, 1877, to
: the wife af P. A. .Ncwniarj, a son.
I Dr. McKnv rrtunml from the Dallrstlils
wkLr f lfl lilm ,llsrillulb.,w,to
1 .-m . at-Si.. ....t.. ...-
will pcrmaneiitlr remain here.
The wife of Jamt II. Turner, Esq., dc-
, Parted, till rck for hrr old home In 31 Is.
60uri, taking her youngcat child.
Tom IIoj)jer, whom we referred to last
week as being very sick, has uearly recti r.
cred. lie was in town this week.
Rer. Thos. M. Boyd, of the Presbyterian
church, will preach to the Indians In the
31. E. church to-morrow at 3 o'clock f. v.
See 0. Brecbters advertisement of Bak.
cry in another column. 3Ir. B. is one of
the foremost businws men of Walla Walla.
J. H. Turner, Eq-, departs Sunday tor
Portland. During his absence, Ed. Sbsron
w ill attend to such matters as may require
The new Artist Is now ready ta do work
of all kinds, and will remain In Pendleton
for two or three weeks only; and tho
who want Photographs must come soon.
Pnounc Yield. From SfiU of Frawr
& Ilscketrs jbecp, there was clipped 37,.
450 pounds of wool, averaging 10 pounds
ana a traction each.
Judge 3IcArthur will be absent fm-n ti,
! State from Julr 5ih to the Mih- tt.rU-
! tliat time Judge Shattnck will attend tu tac
business of ihis District.
Louis Kastaer of Baker city knows how
j ,0 make good beer and please bis CC'tont.
ers; ana Dan Patterson knows bow to at.
tend to its sale in Grand Ronde raller.
The baling and gradinr macline of
Uamard, Lee & Co. has been removed to
ll,e rch of Thompson i Barnhart, whae
00,000 pounds of wool will be baled and
i i.i - - .
coming WCtK.
Extertrise. Our friend B. B. BUbop
"""r :"T . D"aop
' h" a gon. etc,
" d Z1 kf ff lri
Gh to r with something
' C " t0 Bih- do bing scc
' P?" rf"M Pendletaa thnwgk W. F. i
. J
rrm tract,, CMJTcsey sad bonis.. 2.72C 15
SHrpr 57 u
t clr tltresh w ith a bmlac re.
.mt W j
- . 1
oaafta 1st tt McEsr tact a
3Ioaii.r 1 sfefcled Wmmssk. TVt
ch stcpfwd rer? kigli aa tttrir retstr.
ladies caught.
Co.vnnr A hrah Jajk Jae swaarss f
! shexrifir tiar a hieh has oome uadrr aferr.
ratios this soasoft
AC , , 'uci orrr iro-a r -a "ui n ;niv-r .-iixm OHnr all Mil
slinw he i in a r"d wwtitrr. 1I-?
plit-d Pendlrtnii aiih the first drop or aa-
tire lager. Waidtata.
It 1, danreroas for a Pendlrionlt.. t .
it Valla Walla, as he Is tare to be noticed
W lue "re P31 or Ul, town-
Fourth of July and other uncommon oc
currences has decidedly Interfered with
,he 'P nP ing P. "d cake op of
UUCtAST OEEOOMAX this wteE. As all
j others tried to enjoy themselves, of coarse
no exceptions can Ie taken to tbe flesh and
blood or this establishment doing the
FcRxnrnn. The building erected lry
J. X. Van Dora has been vacated by
3Ifrs. Barnard. Lrc & Co, who hare oc
cupied it Tor grading and baling wool.
Jlr. V. will now enter actively into the
business of manafactcring and sale of
furnltare. His Intention is to keep a good
assortment on hand and manufacture to
Cajttox Cmr. TheTlmes: W.B. Lai
well and Cliarley Parrirh are "In togeth
er" practising law. Both good lawyers.
a fr v m a
A C""t in C anyon City was prevented
; by a Babcock Estlngulsher and th, -lee-
stionofSam Parr!i.ri a ilil.r Tfiiln,
.... . - " ,
for the occasion, "iou betM.Sam under-;
1 - er-tpM- cat irat la wm I
Ranas tvwto exiinromi Urea. In Ct.CZ7&Z prZ irby . etTc
yon dtr flour Is worth Cfl&7 ner barrel.
-The Rack In the 2-year old
which came off Thursday. Elijah Welch
catered Humboldt, (stallion), Geigcr. Ala
bama, (filly), and Charlie Shoemaker,
Gipsy, (Ally). Gipsy proved winner of tbe
race Humboldt flew the track. The race
was unsatisfactory, as it proved not to be a
(trial or speed. The winner is a "pert'
little filly, and proves the old saw that
"blood will tell."
Tbe Canyon City Times charges os with
copying Granite creek item from the Port
land Standard, which paper stole them
from the paper first referred to. If we did
that thing we did it innocently: and if
there has been a crime committed, ofcourse
the SUcdnnl is the criminal. Whenever
we do a wronr and are convinced of If,
we will qniclcly apolf5lz for wc only
woljjh 123 pnands now !
CiiErfE. Xewman & Vioeen! have cote.
lueneed active operations In the nanufnc-
Umatilla county would lc greatly en.
Tiik Fototh. It would ptizxle a Phila.
delphla lawyer to know just what to say
about our Fourth, therefore what can be
expected of a country local reporter J The
bet thing we can do b to publish a ragged
Item In rejrtl to the celebration In Pen.
, dltton thus; Had live men lmi nrmolnt.
m acn.i o mancr
10'nlns to the celebration, a -war tip
I,h"e haw l.erhad. Tlic Plus
ctl on the committee to attend to matter
Ujrllrs were a grand succe; the speaking
by Stevens er the Sentinel, nnd Mart Tay.
lor (jku ce we know these men try their
Kicks notwithstanding their terrible dls.
guises) wn excellent indeed. The driver
of the land wagon, to winch was attarhed I
a - 3toose," did hlmelf credit. We could
notice others, but we ha-c not time Just
as the Plugs had awmbled In front of the
court houc to celebrate, alout 200 Indians,
male and female, made their appearance,
nnd halted at a respectful distance. They
saluted the crowd in their wild and weird
way. The Plugs marched through the
principal streets, and then In turn came
the Indians. The latter were magnificently
dressed, and presented rather a startling
appearance. The balance of the dar's
sport consisted In John Bowman pound
in? with his head Sieve Sin ford's hand,
injuring the hand considcraldr and the
bead but little; then Mart Tavlor and
John had a war of words, but the street
was between them, hence no damage, ex.
ccpt to ears polite, was done. Two young
men on the race track had a little set-to,
wnerejn young Finch tried his muscle oa
young Kecney; both parties exhausted
theravelres and then they wens' septrated.
At night some son of a gun sold whisky to
otB" Indians, who became Quite drunk
' 00 damsSf By the way, the
i-ounu oi juiy was celebrated in Pcndle
ton and that Is the end of cor Fourth of
July item.
Our corrtspoadent "J. O." t Batter
creek furnishes the following under date
of July 5:
Tne Fourth was celebrated at Batter
Creek postaSice, and a general grxid time
was baa. Tbe declaration was read by 3Ir.
Jchn Vinson. L. W. Darling delivered
the oration and received many tokens of
appreciation of the effort from the audi,
ence. "God save tbc State' was sang br
the choir. Tnats were offered and respna.
tied lo. after which all partook or a lanch
aad then tbe afternoon was taken up wha
a variety or races and other sports. Tbe
foot race 100 yards was wea fey Aaroa
Frrach ; the horse race SCO yards six et .
toml. Ut two la three, was ws trr Char
crira bfM- "Polwlextfr.- The
Jak racrwaionebyJnhaQy taa, Drl.
Ti beat f treti7 prrraitwt at aii voSeai
- W IWltWTtiLSlVaVSat.V a araa
tjed aa tbr ccirraradioa
AN -
x wrnirrnir anvwc t iw tab r
VmU ma- Uat 1 1. -vt- ta W Xaaia-
,tt mmx. aac a lerat&r bMat nthear
Ear e;tjW Ua aarnrn af a (rat caan
Dress - MaKer
I ia rsjirt U da alt wart UU fcs ts aaca
ay u ISCSr rUaai ray
Uartb a, tIT:. . LOT UTESXOU.
rcrasaMttty Ccrrd bstabsf . by et egasta'a
ugt af Or. CaadanTa CtXinW talaU.
Ua ru rwdara.
rparasrtaea rtSrrrrt that the wa-eVri via ta
JL aBt rtaia Sir tbna. we sta aead tbeta by maj
ran rira. a rata Tait or a Dr naalud ta tax
" va-. vir M WWW laws aal' aM 1 .IVTV
al idy, wliiUMt aaaaiedetb-aad tar. baea
uy t.ycua taal bat errr Bud dVeaM a apert-
".Vcclt. '4
rirr iac jumnumwi is!rm ,wu
S" tbraa Tte-n aa er!y inal. asd be m. tared af
jbtrcra!iiep.e.rrs. hnp-.fcrUrsebox. 3oa,or
360 rahaa Sxnt. Broatya. X T.
AD raSerrn fraai I Ma diaretf that are aailosa la ba
cared a'avsld try ta Ximw'i Cstassarta Conrxr
nra 1'ciptli Tbetelovd raatetbely prrpara
tt knowa that win careCjairaniaa aad aU dateaa
of tba Taaaar an Lrc ladeed, ao auocf la oar
taab la Ibeta. and abolaeoaribrayoa ibat iLey ar
an barabac. venal faraardtacTrry aeferrr, by caail
peat paid, a rtu TK21L box.
W doot ra yoar naoeey actd yoa are perlectly
aatwSed of I Lett ntvllra trrra. If yoar If ta
arnrtbaanecoual delay la rtrlaj Oct ravasaa a
trial, aa tbey ar n orr!r ctre jxn
fnre. tor laf re bos. IX. arat t any part of tb Ce-
ira rum or .aaica trj mall oa receipt of prtca. Ad-
30 Tm'.lm Flrrrl. X T.
ME"RS. nrtJH t JrfCOT tMttac Uonaelike
erlerT U Mria ctjebot'd hr. lN rite Iwcm
jt u otfunsnj 10 rw laprvea taear atuk.
Tt HWni aboaa tbalb Is aaa of Ibe prat
brrd bojm la Jttxxrira:
ITtmoleoa. Iltl, by Sr Artby,
Stm. ta TcrkaW by ITorUtl
Atire CkT.
Imp. 5 aidne, tl, by
I!raa byasuptrr.
Wat. 'W
h ru
It'iilu lr.S, by Sellm.
Tramrnltea, IKS, by Truap.
f Inp.Traaby.tKt.bynarklock
Trubyaaa Lady TboaiiAina, 1131,
Tbl lerae will mat: a tbt aearna at ibe bta rfJ O
McCoy at tbe !. aod at lb firm i Hcb rielda
Dear tba rooulh ef Bkttr crtrk. Marra ran be ten at
cither Jaca. fattaraft fstatatied at ft toper tooclh.
. TZRHS-SCASOX, payabli U tsd f .
J'7 at, tin.
332ry - Ooods
To"fc ao 00,
S:c Eie.
Tatd He
Tun zni Ciics.
luteal Eaukaalad t
An a af-rUf la U kti a Urra 1
3 aalaciet ataat af
At lb vary tat CASH rrtcaa. aa tbey
bae aaad arraaela la arebaa (aaaa
la lb Saa fiuae atari ru
Tbey krr n kaad a faTI Iiaa af DCb
Kttt rrrfert nt SHIirrj. kb ar
aad U order: aad asr extra tuaa ana ba
faraiabad aa aaart aau..
Tba bleaett aete win b raid lar RIDES
aad nK. aad all ktd af Coaatry rra
dec aVi-VaaraaUaartaUUran ktada
Fnat'aea aad Exarraa ibi la tba
lc Beagle
Our Brand Column.
CT-ltemrmber that IUm a Ho tqWrtb fee lb!r
tar raa S-te their ourLa acd braada MUbbri la It
tnaMoaaliy hIw Tb. atab U ourtb lb
TCba.rt4ao WMtaaar ruk rlerr
I ibwibSiT '
I I L ie,' . 1 I llabt tde. a Ute
-. , viaoa mtutattmr aa lid
JCt'iaaVba.Leai; tat le, I" aa Hi a4. rrap aj
n(M raraxlatrt ta aaaie; b . a toe Uaa4 4 I
klilotel t. StraJctraal' !
tHl III, j
O U Knd, WHd Urae, rairl K It aa UH 14a, la. I '
Ut la raeb rr, Lvtm, mmim mi about a rribt !
b-r. i
II U it, Ar .rt creek j raMJ.. II 9 Mmu4 ,rrltE rWDfJCTOf rtOCBl!3 VlfXS ar
Irllae.crvpaadlaaamatakttaaJMSeraIatlaj 1 afcaitetad aad U tU ey-rt aiiaa. fiaar vllt I
0(11 ear awl dc!al
W 11 Sajitti, Ccrrbcretk, raiu, ft Laabft Up; tbt
la mJU ear, Imtw aaaae teaLd Mi left abwiUer.
Jaba l(.j. UtJ. -iU. letur T aad .a&bvr aalud
left b p. aaderabd aifve b.t la rUbl ar, b
aara Inaa aa left abuaWer.
X K Laaaiale. 10 tail Uh e, raltV. tit, aa rUbt Up ,
rrp aff MX araadkbderWtiarUtl: B-aia,S
kfltataafaerl. '
Vut J.O. l-vvjb RaMer creek. Cattle, il ao Wl kip;
aull.rna.arfarar, aaai br.a4. aOkJler,
wt alee Ml aUSc
li-tK Uaav C-tle. E t aa rlU ktf. . adef batf
cr-yaat at l(M r aa4 asr-Ut a left, bar.
raaa brad aa leH tWtSier
C T trry. MaHaa. uo T I aa n;tl Uf, trvp aad
Karbatrepa3iixUrar, UmauMktn
Wit I haul if.
II B tU.baa. f e-aUa. eWa, UH Kfftr ao ta
Tbaava tSalee. HrfyCasfa; raW. IS aa UH Uf ,
taaUaa tara tm tub aar. dtaan 4-a est la
ttatbuUe. h-r, baaod aa Vet J..
0 H LraUeraua. Ilrtyaer. Catu. 4e IV-lca aa
kltaiM, trwa,tn,Uat4 MrL takSlaar.
k U Crm Ur. banre um brad aa left ataaiaVr
A a Weda. Urvfaar. caui. tkre aaval IT la trUaf.
tarai aa leil B'F. laaaaaawar la left ;
k-ev. aaavt araad aa kft tbaaldar.
a. A. hate. UaaaaalUy raaca -a nwrmL Caul.
BXtaWnbta. a4r kaifcrv? affr ft ar aad aa.
Irkbf creovdr 1A ear, t-araea aaa braM a Srft
J. St. tiaata. rvadlrtaa. Call, tarda ab actter
'ttd abSrewiaia. aa Sitt b, ea4a htx la
eatbraraM a-4f tu aad txatatt ta taokaar Bar.
tea aaaa beat! aa let MiSW
VctUwr U. A.Uoeaa CaHW.ffWeC vs rttVl
r rwat M m t satrt tat ta Srit w
bane, ux. btsad aa nat -
Jta Adea. laule, tnattUiiudJA cu cted
aMbaal Ur acre, ta A aa r)(M b-La atrr
cr-f; vf nrl ear. ttarata, tattar Waiid aa left
Itrm. J Laaer tTflSv Cmt-OH. J-Jflut Jr
teMtarUMUr.aat.eaJavtanfUear. U-r-S
a.a ieaad a l.fci tbta
Wilrfa tbaa, fcrar wrtaar CaW IT aa rubt laf.
crapaittHcar aalaan aevt W.a. a-a ku
aa rijaa
rtatvaaa e f. arar Ur,irf tatHa. ty-:, T as rSt
aaadt(b. aal CO. " nbt L. ear Kilt
aaarbHas4akea MX ktUt,tt
ad)r.rJlJa. baram. .a ryb, ibllirr.
Bay anLar. bttare C-j f ta!,
t aa ta aw -rsu aa r(Vt .aJ aa-r
M"M. baeara. aa. araa. aa rUai taU i tfad. Ue,r-uaulc (1 4 erfv ap. car
Wrvadaad aaaartW J.-. Uteta.U a left
M i.taa, tar ru ra-Tafii,. C aa njat U,.
a, t e-. L rvft itaaur
iG IrfVat. Maa. . J at atsad aa left
la Uy aad.f taU.. taea aaM braM
t aaa,ar Batter reek -CaHie. J a Jeft
u.ira . . .. . . , " .
l :. zJLn.:Z e .
c WLUZ?,JX tM" -
" - r?rir r1" eaao-.
BCtb-aj- aWWe,a.taataa.TT -
fti4 M4M CtfbanasAat s. lafa aa aa...r
lffl.kW.tjM.. T air taTrev.
I al rra.aial.a. Ur-r
. a
way a
Jeaa. t.rtir.eee.rra, . w,
Aaraa " VTaf .."tlt
j Ur. .r.a.aa
J tM-t,4arMi, .MlM.w
nkM J a&.a aa
Wbaa-aat a l,Ur.THj aajaa .a . bve.
ka lq-itliifia.t-talb. K L
''J17Z7. eMT
CiiaSeaeaadSCaa left bay. I
s.jrW,-ua. i-ia-r. tea eflbea-' Plans ttHf. Nnrrlfifatiau 11 rcflcct lbe bustne5S
U-l' IgJT. TrTrT t-, country, and t hen those abroad
j Twei-T a. iTTw !die-, we a rc ami wlttit wc are aoinr:
J-Ui-eaa HUaad-tb.j3Sa:rrC TJTy
La Crasde. Orer. Hra. C aa JeSt
J U kaey-atrtb err. CateW. J E -Mrd a
left bi. tlane at. b-t at. adeee
ir.wwt-I'm ttW. .xmxMh a C
-r b Rm, HitHdnVH.k tMrr
E-aVt ttrw. IVaiiei caute. H aa Mt 1. Bar
bl a.fX Caaae. ear eakt. Wr tart Saaoa
raaa.beada eatf Utr sd. Barart UMia
IW1U.srU.Ctt1 KINS ierac r fcrf IS. im
Uf dat.Mexaa. N it iW Mm ta bay
Ccee aad a tax. aad
ar t caatta- baaaveat
aS ba are au( ae al
: caa aad aATftX at
I .Must Hare Money.
rradvtoa, Jis i trr:
G. V. Webd.
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Jacobson & Co's Saloon.
OfpMttt Eat 3TUr "Lore,
rSXPLErOX. Orrr.
ta Jsartee'a Caart. IV-Pta rererart. rta;Ka
rsaaly. Suit a Orrr-. W tTbiUaajb rials U2 t
Ceorr Caa deiradaat.
rpo TnE aiwve Nsittn ntrExmxT ree
X ta tbe aaata ef III f Ule wocem tm at
kery repaired I arrrar bfr ae. a af tbe
rree far tbe elart aSarald. il ar ar-re tber oa
tballhdaraf Jatr. ltrr,atlSa'fbka. af .ld
day.aadactaertbeabm aataed jdataus' t a mt
artaaa. Aad If yaa tall ta taawr. tbe tataH3
ir'T to tbt ron fcr aad late dremt afttaat a
toe Ibe lata r SI3 00aa4tbav'trtkuactM
T e trtrt tar tbe fbCratta - f taM- la IS .
fr aa dt mad by c ta tbe Stib die af JUy.
Jattioaar lb react.
3. H. Trana, fT AUy.
Satldlc ftntl llnrncs
rEstit-rTOx. Ontcox.
KEKI CcaaUaUr en baad a eanidete nrrdr af
Itareew. !sae. PraSW. Wh-T-, Hrtra. tLian.
Uatlera. Mark-, and .te Jtblai aeeded ta aar Hn.
Call aad are aa brjnrr aeadla W&rar. SJr Ueralr.
Ia( rejrly alteado. la.
B-r la lafana lb pnb r Ibat b la M rer-
rrH lo hrattb DkER aaadi lolberrd"fat
Cetlet.1 e.atUty Try adaBKbcwarl ted. Orw
i tt rat 11 al kUla tW cealer cf Meek.
Tajelber allh all rotthlsrry coaatctrd tbtraa Uk.
1 GREAT ntftOAINCaab had by eailr irrdtd.
V. " tali rnrrtrtart tt t'.adVts. Tba lemt
af ula a(U b ftiertbl. ta tk parchuer porti I
b raid da tad tbt Itlaac by tttU'Jarsti.
....Or lb....
Highest Cash Price Paid
Fcr lL asst.
Will griaJ Cos and Clnp FreJ, Utm XmX.
any day la tU .
For s.U at alt timca.
TryacaaxJ ;m ai 1x4 I
da r.iti v. -
titM. j ,a K.sJ t t
Ib I hatcta Ut Slid
East of the Cuciici-
W. S. Bters.
ni a stf atr-a nan t
, "' Vj IY1II.L.,
11 OjOLCilG-tOITi,
t . - .
r, ZT'EZ!"
sash, blinds,
' ' J
I ...-- 7 ; M
i i ... t I, - .
t ,r ".2 -TZlT":.-
' .- r ta t arr. at lb tlVlx; fr !
' tae aad Ssata: ftnAaaac aid 'm itt .
. u 1 jn t
S aai Sa- ixf tad Eaat tt SS er 1M
I CUA. la S-r fa. rxrti 1SS.
j lU. u Jhr, n n u JS St.
-fctVt a aa , ,aaM,y J 1
-rat caX be aaaat, tin.
aa Wied. taeraei
OaaklaSta lxti SS a aeera! del aetaai U b
ta aS at Waaaii iieciad ta raycly
Pendleton, Oregon
Snnf OX Caart tert ht &m taat balidaa f baatt
Ta) bar Kartrarib abey.
. . . ! IIOUSE "P A I XTI XG,. !
. GLAZIXG " . ." . . ! . .
....... .. . UXL ERTAKixd
Promptly Attended Te.
C.W. Mankall, - PrfprieUr.
IA5T HDE MAIX nntET. 0--nU reaCeeaa
U Uetrt, trig kera roaaatty aa baad. Sect rwt,
bajttaa, to-uae aaeal aad Uahvaa uuir. earaal
aad dried aL mm reaeaaabbt. nM it at
a extl
JVorth- Western
Greed Rtductian in lort EmL
TxKut Rata aFart:
rtadtetta to La Crxada ....1 M
Telaa n CO
BkeT City It 03
IWOlf. tdaba 3 09
TlBcemcr. ... .. Tl 0a
Kenan. Ptab, C V. KaUread .. .. Tl W
1 oatUU , 4 DO
Wkt'a WaKa. AOS
tTruoa 3 Co
Tbreaiii ticket to'Oinab. Ctiirxm. Ktaru Cllr.
5. LnaU. rbilalelpbU. New Vk, hwta. Watbiet-
I no ib-1 aU vjal tla imtae t r aet Ketlea, the di
tert Oif rtaa-l K-vite EtaL a Dow aSrrat tT.aUr la-
ditced I alt Tr tba ilae'of Ibe N. W. A. Ca.
N tVorbrr. r-M ttnek. tkltlrd drlrtr. relit!
twrtenaaare f terrtr aa Urn ar- rperi-I frvart .
Ibe coaroay. ArHf ta LOT IjrEXVOKE. Jr. ret.
w. n. Naperiatttat.
A. S. B40VEX. Aatitutl Ifdt)4etk
. i .
f Ut .a ia.. .
The East 02 ecosua.
j This paper 13 publishes is
'rcn,1J' c of the best CAlintiw
0f.l,,c and I,ich vet con-
I tains much valuable publi
It S fll . . . ' -1
imiu. aiic paper can bo msc
n valualle auxiliary to the
more fcpeedy growth and setll
ment of the county, proride!
a gcficrous support is accorded
it by those who have positi-rc
interest in the welfare of that
portion of the State. The very
hard timed and great scarcity of
money will deter many from
Eubscribitif? for thr nnnnr' tvltt
under ordinary circumstaucca-.
would twJIingJv a&stst m masri
taining the eiitcrprise, by buy
ing their K0NEYJS W02TH cf
m:ws, both Jtome and foreia.
The duly of all is to aubscribt,
first, fo. a copy for homo rea
iiig, and thun to tiend at least
Que copy to a friend in the
States, that it may then bs cir
culated among those who eft-
sire to better their condition
by immigrating to a hotter
' . -
country. 11 is a notonouj lact
tliat Oregon popfers sent Ifsst
!,,ave bought Iiuutlreds of fan:-
ihes lo our State. Besides
those friends left behind prefer
a paper sent to them every
week rather, than a letter Semi
yearly, l.eally it is in the
' power of all to subscribe, xi
WC stand readv to receive from
.t . "
initSC WHO CUIIllOt pa' mOnftT,
farm from a load of hay dowa
to a tumin. It is not bcmnr
I .. . ccs m
tnat we arc, ou t simply re-
minding people of their dutv,
to tiiAiAifA tt..; r
-.-, Vi fVa,dVdV dt aS . aB
taw WUtUCVHV.1
,1 ll.o n.,
. "
To those doing businesx ia
the country the necessity, or
rather benefit of sdvertisKi"-.
ought to be apparent. Letour
; country paper make a good
showing of bUMticsa men; let
j lscsities the advertiser will get
nKVrtt'mtrr !hiIima1. r,.
-AvawuitKuu, AWlia-
The East Ohegoxux job of
fice can turn out as good plain
business and social cards &n
:any office in the State; bavin
,ast ucTSles cardpresixa
gooa orucr ana condition, card
printing is made a specIiUltt.
The large assortment of woo
and other type renders the of
fice complete for poster print
ing, which we are always ready
to do with celerity and certaiiT
ty and at very low prices.
Any business man in the coun
try desiring any kind of job
work done, will please address
us and get terms and wa
pledge ourselves he will hav
no occasion to send to Walla
Walla or Portland. Yeara at
experience, and an acknowl
edged skill in job printing pre
pares us to assert that w m
give entire satisfaction.
Tho settlements and tawas
of Umatilla county are so dis
tant from the county-seat, and
from one another, that the ex
penses of employing a repor
ter in each would be too greai
for the small business we ex
pect to do for a year; therefore
wc would deem it an especial
favor if persons in ench town
and settlement would send us
each week all local items and
occurrences in their town or set
tlement. Items which art
sometimes considered trivial
read well when is print.
Young men and women who
desire to cultivate their nowers
I of composition, and learn t
'write m o terse, brief and.
! plain maiiicr can avail them
selves of this invitation, and
benefit themselves, the public,
and render us a great favor.
Tn these columns wo hope t
bring the people of all parb
of the county closer together;
to let the people of each sec
tion know wnat tbe people of
other sections are doing and
this we cannot accomplisk
without assistance from one ot
more persons from every town
nnd settlement in Ih county.
Therefore we saw