The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, July 07, 1877, Image 2

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    c (East rcjpunr.
JULY 7, 1ST7
3BL 3ES 33 XT O lES 33 2
The IWlowlnj: article wc copy la fall '
from the Idaho SdUomnn of June 30.
without cAtuuient at this time:
Hew T. Mpsttlle. wfcn was for thlrtv
The 1.max War.
be ready lo treat with them and j;rant full
llmiuiinlli- anil lunlml far the ntatSaCreS
Latest. rrom the Watchman litis the they hare r a condition ofsur. j Q aNC i HGH1L.D
t !.... n ti .1 K.,l, i inir niinl tu null I V IV a V mW
IIIICM UCw S taiU'M i UCil. liuniiiii tistr.c ii-bui. . ..
LotAlHS-a4' band into the anus of Cd. now know ton that they can easily come
Whipple, who killed many bucks, the wis. ' round to the recreation by the back door.
years laboriop Othollc nMBtry mea Mtd d,.,, niiltlnir into the river enter unrcco-niml. and never Le Idrntlfi
nmonrtheioutlHIUntrivsluhabltins ti,... w,n. ,imwnl. Jnfiili and l. Govennuvtt w HI dignify this outbreak.
! Orep.n, Wadagton and Idaho. and who I,,., u, f . ... ,.
jis now tatl.iHt at I'.irt B.Mf where he Too Utc for pultlloatltm last neck the
3ow..Ji; MIimlnj: of Hcr news caIUC ,
1 - i the U S- army, ghes the following Intel!!, j ,lsm,.
Two sharpers have been swindlinpatTa- Pce rrirara lo uu """' vl in Another report says J.-epli flanked Gen
I Tns...I51 Mcsnxa. ..JiM
and tna.sacre wlih the name of war. and
will treat with a miserable squad of tar.
ape at U HlgereM. entitled In the protec.
tl.Hi aifunled by the Uw s of war. TI.U tbe
band well know., ami will pUy the know.
dian matter: I n,,t i.jui in. a..1.!! ami rivl. tnlee bMndxmielr. If the Indiana bail
In October, 1875. he was at the Umatilla utcm j 1Uppl they would fell Into the hand of
nrcney. whither be ba.l been iavltnl to. R J , Ia. the people ItWead oflntr lhoe of a rcvero.
meet Ike Chiefs on that Rierva km. There Ainni Tx,kinR Gla bad tstraed went which I controlled by humanitarian
coma by playing off a belt tilled with iron
eboli for 20 pieces. They raised $G0 or
$70, and slid.
llrs. Norton, who was killed bytbeldabo I
Indians, was sister to Miss Linn Bowers
tvbowas rescued
were from Linn county,
The stand jun-of the district court rt ! W'F t ,l,e Res-! badit a their camp abit ix mlWs
WasWngtra Territory bare indicted the ' f rratbw e?rn hundred ImH. while tWe ,U)TC KmliMmla. TliU catlmiw Jim Law.
citr council of Kalama for failure to call a " ,H'C n-raucr wc c itoierm made in the Indian Caunell
w a cwmcH ldd there at that time, at IMc aml pjj Qcnrt Dewpter' mnna.hlne, tbl outrage neTer would bare
V , T!'' lim flft-' luMa "m PrvCD,.,plce,betw.tbeukb-ndHitl, fk. ;
n Pn ! ic,u,toS ,h I,r5ciwl C,'U'f "f Xhc Um- 1 of aearw-ter. awl driven off all the stuck I
unty, Oregon. tUlas, Oyu, ami Walla Wallas Tl.ere , of thcN.,llw. Kh4 ltween these fik.
Front thr Capital.
Saixsi. Or, June 1S77,
Eorron E. O. TliCtust two week have
been such lively times that we bare utterly
citr election when required to do so by Uic , 00W 001 lta S'L ycXcul.y at Upwat as la the purpews ef , failed to make our weekly rrjrt to the
Wic V V'TT., Looking GUss and hl forty men
I sunucndiar ewUBtrr, the jrty of them ! , . . ... ....
. . ..f..'., , , ... Balrd aar these Indians told V
W.A,3IcPherson.wbo recently accept, Ml R.pbk, n the Cnlurrbta
ed the position of deputy collector of inter. 1 rieer, rlwc between C.000 aad 4.0O3 rene-
oal revenue for tbe second dirlsica of- .Jisaaected Indians from all the
Washington Territory, bts reconsifiwrtl j Betghbttring tribes ad Reservations have
liis decision and returned to Lis home in ( jong been congrey !'
Soatb era California. At the Cmmctl to- I- s were very
' T" . -r- . ' noarlv Hittie3ts ia t ' h to ceie the
AxoTnERSTOKM Another trmfic storm .
, . , ... T T. . . . uuMKiim iMfsrrvauf - -e uetwnwrai , uea iiowara was Boiineti an saw iai tv, . . Irn-fw. .UiUp f i
nass-d :hrou-b(bi. Indiana. Illlnoi aad I , .. . ... , , ,.i i . .i. ! hrJ ,rc treupe eoniuttnff oi twa
Kentuckv. UDroosin:r trees. lOowmjr down i . .7. . .... : inwr sbi raantrr n iber dirrctioa. "d,e d ,w0 C"to. As tue perror-
bouses, barns, fences and desirovinr pp- ' I;. . IJ. . . . " 77 The vojH-treri wbo were ia the fieht en mance commences the cotnpaar step fur.
' rii,- ti.u V wi J- ' wa, White Beswl saw aa Iudtan utocl.
iVMHiSlM. - "-v-w ------ ----- , 1 J .... ... ...I, JT-
- - I klni IM-VMM ILMil I a iBli K 1.
two China.
men on Clearwater that the bad declared
war against tbe whites and would com
mence their raids upon the inhabitants
w Uhia two days. When this news reached
Jit. Idaho a force of SO rolastecrs started
immediately for the Cl.rwatcr.
from them when IUtrd left.
Gee Howard was Botittnl and sahl that -t-v,
. .... . t i e
East Oriwomax. Since our latt meetlnr
the EagHih Opera and Alleghanians Swiss
Bell-ringers has come and soae; and be
fore we pruceed to made mention of the
numerous other entertainments thai hare
commanded the favorable notice of so
many of onr citizens during the pan fort.
?e sews ! nl;bt, we must tell you something of tht
twtss ocu. hjscer'a.
storm occurred on the second of Julr
is tbe second one within a month.
and i
! tinned defMMitioas to this
wbleb uontiif liwfrirsdlr with Cni Imr. frttaa
tbev latresltJ to Father MopHe, aBd , 1-apwai, becton the litilrs lurwant la me
which were br biw forwarded te Senator . 5ht-BU Ifli ?. ISJ!!
The exports of p! frm Seattle artrr. Mitchell, t be laW bcfire the proper aa-, wlh , jHe, durin; tbe fisbt.
th o tn amlDct S.475 thoritlc at Waihlact3. The Indisas i The latest statement of the strrsith of
tons ia June. 1S7G; and for the wr month ; repreSeBled lh.1 their IWrralk was be- ' Joeph; fiShtiBr f.ce at SkH Chk
tnimirs?r.3?sSfnn!i.rainstS3.lSStnas:iBr ooatisBsUr ireaeU pn by the
during the first half of 1S7G. and 2C
tons durins the first half of 1S75.
inbabH&als nf the s.cl4ing white settle,
menu, who woaM sell the IkmHosm whisky
near llooc Shoe Bead. Is M warrWr. all
on this side f Salmon river. Theaaas
ward aad deliver sme beautiful son;; and
ther Inr in a manner that canaot fall U
ddipbt the hearts of the rani extravagant
skeptics : thea comes thcMarcb aad quick,
ilrp, played sspon the silver swlss tells
These bells are placrd apa a large table.
aad the fear performers playing respective
ly. apraM. alto, tester and Uas. pice up
aad their children plunder oa the Sal 'f-; ami tla-a bell ferxach different note. The
IjoltethrlBd w, VWislw,lkeiI(; whirb U In
and otherwise iirc and demiwwlfce them. tKe rivers ir Jepti tB eatfs M s uoa - . , .k-
Fridar nlsht forir lmrses were stolen Tbev said that the huatloa bad beewwe , ?rm bu Bgui we are isawe w near ."WV .. . " 7.
, 1 -r xr -c,kc. tinendaraWe. aad that If reSMrtred t oT the HsalB body ol the troop eagagsag , iTirr. ih.c w ri.M7 .,c o
u- ih - - r-. - u tkcaa-trs the Iadi.n forces al aay memeat. ; ,he tmer what they term -Musical GUs-
lem. uneortnem cwiw L, u. fi-hL Tbev therrliHr re- Thr swpiefeu. lBdla were seen to w are ordinal
other three was found tied la the tcoo4 : leprrBimion t ukw;tt. ia or ler ' aad aRerwani tlirr jrttea p rects a !:. n j , . .
.. j. tJ i'ti..i tu- riu. lu U !s a the saall hill oa thi ldc. Th . aWe the mraired t8e. Tbe mask Is made
. u " . I . I jvu .kk-itu- India. IaU- siM! of Jc b4ile kr brr rr- , i Jltfrrrsl att : br itrikisc thesa
T " . a. . -a. . ..aLt T e-
receiv-d mo wrii at Wa-hissSB. aswi rrmir rrcoanrr r ry . wttk a tJkv b ,ra,ia. x lhd ef
I ihe 1 IeCfra" UKr"- 'D"C " how ,he rim ; al the s-aad. at
siting night to come so they coald ieave
for other parts.
The directors of the Oregon and Wash
ington Fish propagating Cawpasy met at
Astoria lately. Prof. Li viccsttwe was pres
ent and made a report. The sight selected
is the Umatilla rirer. A levy of 25 pr
a . . a I
ceai.01 tue snusensseu siock, whm tirrr: cr.s a i.f .u c
pavable to the treascrer. for the pcrpese j try The Cfcwf t.4.t Fn'W.t )4-p;jr
- i
ofbegianiag the work at oacc
Some iwn DMWlk" arm. litMlida Wa4wr.
iwc of the OW wh had at
the Cwmdl, aei who k thr prfcarip-J
Cadet f tbe Umaiillw. rMd thiawgh
B4e C1v ha ta aal a pary
hU irioe wh i h4 h-a ia tb t'. S sie.
thi lime. lhf thr U"ttila 'V? aUII b
Mh4kd with nW-ir arra athn; that
thry had madr thrtr iris-( t-' harr K.
she liimcc s4 eref vt tht- Cwni
ut kl iIimm fanlklao Uj Lw frtv j (Hal
Marter. aad tlaai they WM-j'de Chief wai wwrtr
Ju-hI. Ia k VJUn raJVr. wbaaai' Uy. lS4Sfc WhirapitS Mtlbe
alre-dr reHvcd t- pa n wwr Haaijf the tiMm of th PactftV
thai If she Cowraawi h4 asar-le s.;rl lm saaiia mmm iiiaaaitii a
! thi awaiter
Kwwi a diafaatck k iW-' Uiaagh rmttt-T faswt. WLrtowat.ty teem
Ma Jaaar Wa.":!- arMaklBr frsst the esherhd.
liHtiaa k.l:ie. ik al r.l.t..!a- .ir astrtthas we ner WW witaad. It
crnjaiwg Saahe river uaro tjr ' has hrca hankfadl said ihx -ttrir ex
ley r ia-a rrc w w-jwwa i. , t.atr laora CaB M 'Ae IMcavlMC ear.
taraaiaaawnvcr. ieasai.aMrpaai3 .st a,, an, -
u.AowtL The ladian. ai gasM wr " cry-Jtfad numsaa
mat. aar! rc TrH caapr! ta of ' ftnt snaoir rttsriru ssvcxxstmcv
er car itsadi-o ue Baaf PiiK et-W -a lh 1Mb atal lath f
rut ! k-k an ahcast M
and examine
the larjrc and well
assorted tovk of general
Just received by
At bis old stimfla UHarkev's bulldtnr.
aud which he oflers to the public on terms
thai will eumaare favorably with thou
oiaay compctUur.
Kvcrax & AbcE
Dealers In
or ii kii. 'rnc Hif, wrj i4 ri zit
ud fiUoai bs UaJ u4 mj M r3ir.
UntoLBTCxr coo t, rv rnM. truaw
ahalM, Uirroei a4 fTtrlali hlispi la a
Fiisl Class Furniture Store.
Ordern Cram the Cetiufrf
Warrrxas VCm Crrrt. WALLA WALLA, 7ea
Si. LaaitSKO.
O- - Breolite
- rAVcrACTTKrt or bczap. cirrj. nrj
ilL aeJ al f Crwlta. nrrfm l&lz.
Surrt. Wll W jJU.
Tbe fnllnwlar are some of tbe leadln;
lbies. of whieb yon will aNaji Cad an
,wt1mrnl an hand:
Iirynd. CI M lib i r. IUw and Sb.
llsu'aitd Can. Carpet, wall naner.nro-
etrlr. patent medHne. Pabi. OHH
Ttiaer. Hard-viare. Cwllrry. Cbma. and j
Kami miic, sianvBvr. nc.
5TOCE TTaatJac WaHa Wa2a Sarreas j
lrara(tAitr eoUri -aa Jaaa-7 a raxiaK,
ts o orou rea
Ths Reception of Gnaeta
wm at an Man a I-aai fsrxUarj U vrn aact
awkrc aSarea. aa4 rtwj (lanUa aaaaa V aaLatr
Oa tsreaa af U Hkm.
A.- aH at. lU rvost kkTt V fraiak4 ta lXa
brains atjVt aa4 h rrarj caaTnr&M uult auJ
I B aj fcianu a u a i ta eaa, aaX
la rrafffvtm ka wtKi4 itai kt taa3 aaaialaca lk
fTtaUM- Stv(tSicT7 aiTEOCeX Uaf tV
TVr rArfX aii IriTttix HVlx ar rorciiiT la.
Wi lactS
HU rrr W
Ala. fr jn .
At. r aa
ratvr. irr ajrt
.S3 to
4 te
2 to
John H. Stahl,
CVj trt.rry Wa3t WaSa.
fefads. of Tinware, And
irkca-a-MasalaallM IMh aasd lath af I Q Q H T P -5 1 t H
I sM dWtft af
is parral aa jawvarV-
Tbe G rover iBvesticating committee be
gan its. labors in Portland on Monday last.
Senator Morton lein: chairman he ccy
qceMloned V,ta. H. tb, 8 i-1 rrTLu JT ' tT tXIhT 7": t faa ha pre . aWhsf
ness. W S-GoodcaawbodedMsedto c!k 2arkWvTrk. ki thw a.JatsWCSJtf JsUial -nW h-r a-or, , harMda
: of tbr ai em-rateecal j ilsm
lardiard their IWsrs taw! tawk tafea fa
Nsadw O xtm Use sw-radl t sa Ihe l'siM.
. whicw swv la Ad dhry aWVvd to
w Ifj, Sam rry dsattfci f OsvpN. sd HMaay
' a ' --- - ...I
.. . i- rt," wrttc hiaaifaiire. I Itave aat wrsfa ta j "
coaragment br DqaocraU w deaaad tht t?rrm:.. mmmZ. . W TT? .x. - ...a. . rd. The m-al Wrt w aa alrtrrd by
f. J I , T t 11 T 1 . POBPIil
gas ca the HcpaMicaa body. Use pwwth of
which is eacoaraird by a few diMf)tsaed the wmrrhstv w is
into caucus at the last rsatoriai electina. uv, w- Hm- I4ia wonM cvnahilf
is also ansosBced ns a witefss. Oar opin- i gn In war. Fw bltssMC he d he wcassd.
133 of this whole affair is thai K is a fas- i f ctare. crr wwr. l-had l-
; wr.vs taoca a nran iranaai mmm aar m aae
bM ani iii 'ree lor
amajftl Hat he enaafmlV-l
Democrats. If corrrct mardisir ks en. ; br hisw. The aw aty 0 sna the
nrr m nre wn nr
Tbe ivsMsitider M
Las Caorrr.
ISCT.-Ewtm II O.-Keias
tar same ihase SwsHWr
i her hladeaiiK . I have aat wrsts-a ta yni ;
ar sAae time. Tfaaes jlaainlally a ahMst
a aHsd. Cnap ha lhb part af she
iue ciaiHiara. jierenrv r ia '- . tHW f ikr 4Wr.. rrr MJ-
vl, n t,A f.. 1 Vt rv Ta. uit.rf.InUw t . t ., . a 1 J . 1
uov, .ir.irt.i. j httm nrer jaw (hiwt aapn jaanajiv an war , jjj ajal sad
epeal: oat that the nmntrv ixditkiaax atar iBftwaKe t . . .
v :. -rr" ! .L Fir rrV hatrr Hwlish Vas-4n acwhs ,
men sorely disappointed al the rfeclion of , W.n "),r tld Faihrr Mrr that , UraM sheir graia frw sa atari.
I!aW Elwd E. tf W
are JahHaat r
1 1 r I
exreated ha
T. aad lb-
maaatr lhJ
Grorer, and now they weW crash him iff ibr war nald mmnieaM'e. h- thrht. Wr-1
they could
A harder job was never an.
From a letter received by Sheriff Sir-
geat, we glcaa the following from Graske J
laaahel st thmki-lftne; fraw Weeart
There is qatte an emlgratlm Ih4s Spring
fure be caM rech bnt. a he had swet
ranners fmsa the X Feeee what bd
cHMr tt rMiser with the Baaaek sad
Mher tribes ia thU
XZZLZEZr. 1 -rTTaT ai alsiamt eartire faWere crwtts hs
frt Va iBisajBBaai w vrrvw-r-a-c vvaa ppsi ,
tather riling brr Ir. apeavbiae f , ptaeea ta tisal i tat seasoa.
a a a ta- a a
iicnravm. i.e- iti it MMn aa - - i ne i
t hh anted white rhief ba a raaMlh t4Mre
,f rd Krlcr far . tmairsi npiWM- irww an i
" - avfta aftya a a a ) a a
, Jcfer. i ke i kci r is-in oo r rwi Btu
wat the srtOetf tbe arssoq; culeaslhaa
139 Udse. all tassnr. !? aad nf
ti eLt. sad many ytwsn; gentlemas.
"swell aaJ "atlJT were la atteada&er.
the im.
swasase crwwd. the tflScirst Soar misagrr
a aa . . a m . .
Have JaaeTett has tasaameaeed Wra. hat It ' Kr " -
.iw v .i. ii ,u .t. m I saslsfled af bavhsr a rood time.
n .1 . . . a ..... . ... "tm. wiai ".mi " ' -
is the oly thing that will bring us o;;dln. bat hh; jd wrd .have m er "1 ! At the WiMa,C I nirenhy were -rand.
sad that ia a Short lime. rE"T !r. Tl. . 'Ju77:i ....... a... - -i- UVnaald elve the detail whleh are Indeed
jan im icrv lim iaQi: a ii s all Iftmr mr i -r-
Ordrr frei ih
rul MrtaVc.
ci asatry wfN re4sr
Hide. Fan. TVevl. ec.. tabea
r tribes iathU rrrbja. The i-ttWi-M Smmmrr freaa Carifomia; tbey rrt-art 1 !--, be in the rolilioo al
''J'XL"?' a- alWW failure f cit. h. sssaar ' Or-W...d a-.whh.laBdSthe
. 7 ' , J .washed a the Geaseewl aad hi
Big Steve ts ldg a saleoa capable of I .jj Myiwg tljer wooW
sappiymg an ue vraats ot ie wirsty tar . r-f;-e. ta ta ctve rP tise n aisaww ; r; - t. rf ch pe
SUjbh ii ta be tbe -ram- v-iey. wstsctt iiieywere nwavea w aitep -e - - - - - , j u,s
; the crtag grabs as tbe graW w.s get ' r"tl?- we are already occupying
llae nalaaww - . ... , , ... .- ami naaarlu anaee TUf medleal tadest
all time lo come.
rod. II i3 gracefal fiprc will draw ouch , fcc , . , vmi i
Slabtowa Is still improviag. Larch Bros.
castom at a bit a drtaic riil ih wr are rich and indssenlUl aad
?rstt Tick aA-XTjara 1 -sfTi .-ttri1fe iTtri In ! fllaaaJ llu riif ai UaW a Hmis' fn t?itir sun. '
hin, . r th,. rr orra.inn I"- I'lbr dl.a'tTected Indians bebwrinr lrt just completed a large warchosse ea
17c have a sort of masical bnd ha lova.
I The dhshag rom was
'Tin. ware.
-vn'X i tar tijic t rr rA at
.i ai a r a-ar. - a FMXai HM
K fa ta U J LXXXCS
At Umatilla. Oregon.
Pa bo a Wrx Mt ta aaWl traaa .
aaarSa a a a V-a iaara aa4 aS J aVal
aaala kacaa aarft J-l a-acra aa.V-aa a4 lAr
la aa aaarb rJ -aA M- - a Ilia
t .nU .t . Wi.lM f.k I l"T ar
af aaMaaaaat ! -. r "'" a Wa
4 ara pr. 4 aa a . ' Saewt a aaf trapA
la m lb ! "
I.V KVBOPT I aaHaaC ta rl 4 aaa mf Wr
aa4 m;fU ataik lan r rr.n4. aaar
I -af, aB arte to aa Ua Uaara. Tfca tai.aUf
ji a; tataf ttaet.
all Kunsstsr
aan itUaaC,
GXTtCZ COCCAY. fTlRt-Carar Vrtat
a4 Vwnaoa wrrta. rrtl 4. tirsa. Tto. ara
tW Maut, cauaauf af IU raaaa. xaar taa aAaa
aiaaiji i al mi Latciaa A Ktfao, ajrayalrtara. ka
Sraa ratf rnarkiai. aaaa aew m rtarw ar
a. .',lp i aa tatx la X CUT. Tla Musf
XUS Sa as f al aa IA (7-u4 taar a atata
tumtf lavaa lWLaV' rwr mfitiOtnti. Ta
BaraaaiaaSaftrSaa4. mi aau taa ia &.
tat KTaa aarl rraax ttxwu f ra rjian traaa
t-'-T-Mnrt f IT t T i n lai TVraaSaua(
SaSt a. Wi lartaaatW aX tta r. tiaia
aa4 aa . arrasd 1JXV b aaa trva wxai
rarr aa aaat aa uUR tkaa lA- Wvi Urf caaaa.
Tw aarle mtartSal aaSaaaa tt raac r
t arwaatvf ya.Ua-. -Sia rati mt aa.j I a
-K tiiai- aaarr ata w aau taat tl7 S aa
rrn .San ta t.a. van sbljtf (v.
A4 rrt- auca t aal Srao. taW lacac
IVIKon Held.
uk.u jlla. - (watix.
E A Vttfr-S. Saavat af
rai aa Irm i aaA.
' taaa aa" . ja aa a a-r waB
aat !- w ( A
ulr. a CMpkilc Aatwrtmea. af
as -ru. aa-ata atar
V complete AbiOrtincut of lltt-
iret a . . . . r. i
i a, W-r.rd Fa.UorMeM.tarsav.tbit Utc oooatrr kaV: btt-r lhaa tbey do farther ."rac: f:M.mtli Rfintm
Da ta Orac. at atari Sat-ir, aaj al
V7 Slaarraa rrtcaa.
U.iCh all. US
rua bmh
c6 ?si-:r!t.
a aa naa Jar tAa unj"
ant tta a m U la Ua
-aa ata aer ptUmMtgl mt la aaUa aa
xai:: srr VALL.V walla, xt.t.
Srxt u Barl IlaaMV
TRI rwA-rt ftr aaata rraiaW tSa-cxaar.
a la. aavft l tfea lai i taa "f rt t
naaaa a 4 taW at aa. mf faa flww. at
t-eacr: Slas QBem. TttOXAs
a i rti' frr. t
lf.N. tTaprtrW
the railroad near town; tbey are also errcL
lag a dwelling and enlarging their store.
vwrbm tribes, aad that Uiese cen-
attni tkp tnatnrltr in freer rau Pal lire
flntt Trttt, ? tvn tutrtta . 4'.ti11i aiul rTari I ,r ? r 1. . 1 ...i. . . 111 1.
music ola rare deception is readers.- Wral and prdh-n as the Indiana have ' boB Tbey are ahead of any other firm
mosUr old masters. I lone deWwtai prepariBg fr , here in improvements, i. few ntore mea
I it .ftcf laaatrata AfaVa . alataa- nitAtt ft ' L... . J -vMl4 aait
a, Ma t'o.v a-wa- -a ana, BCIC IlkC IHWT VUU Ua( WJfiU ftTtSIVl IVU
5rii!!'" 'r3T t0 n5,a ' gd beyaad slabs aad ne good lamoer.
poaseraaon f lite i - reded awav. or b 3 . , .
tvkea ct-r t4tl to tf: ttiat tkev la- The farmers are tatkicg af a larger acre-
able te secure Micebn aad atftnnlaccs ase sd" rrate sext season ; aad this season J t!i.,.i. . ,i,- f, ,nrrnH
Mdlii? l,,eM fr tlJe,rri',C, : Urftr lf. The farming in. , ,be Kcae of he dlka:
The question is often ashed, uas the
camp-meeting taken "Bob" in ? lo -which I
answer don't know!
News of the Indiaa ont-brcak has been
received aad judgment readcred. To
think thatmea.women and children should
be killed at this time is very discouraging
to the Pcjicc Commission, and will be the
means of arousing the people to otne dctb
aite action. Tbe Umatilla would do well
to keep quid at present, or some white cili
zeas will get a good ranch.
aad the UMm filled wMb all tbe delicacies.
btiurles aad beaaliea possible In imagine.
Tbe Aurora Brass Band faraisbed the mas.
Ic for Ibis occasioa, sad it was tbe grand.
ct occasioa ef the bind ever kaowa ia
a rtnn.
Last Tuesday night at 10:13. for the tint
time la eight months, the obi fire bell pour-
ed fourth the teoes which meant Are, and
Yi'c arc in receipt of a letter from Kansas
nnk. ",.rv,uUa At.r.', J is expanding fast, and new wacra i . . . . ,. . c.i. and none
tioa of the trite," the Father says . coming la seeking homes amosg ns. aad I whcJ. , m.ine shop owned bv D.
a a. .1 . T" . a f . a a a . . . .i t a . aAifli
inai tue .ez t'crces ntiuiuer in an a'loai , u outer portions oi mis cnanuy are ninog
4)00. Of this namW about ISO will apHke j, tUU ntteT U WaViBg
remain fnendlr ar inactive, adheriag to , , . , , . . . .
the leadline" receivcl fnm the whiles. ! TeIT rapid strides in popalatloa aad im.
The remainder will lie found ranged under ', proreacalf.
thelianners of Joseph of Wallowa or of j Xat Saturday wc have a meeting of the
Engleof the Light or the hta-tile chiefs iMcn of lbe Ootugc Grove Ware
wbo mar succttil them. He rcimates the . , . . . .
numter of warriors whtch the z Perres bot" preparatory lorcceivlng grain at
under date of June 20, as follows : can i.ring tnio int Hesa i i.wu j tie tue coming uarvcsu
31. P. Bcll, EsQ-Dran Smr I wish to Jrttrteftlro' 1 Tliel G T- U aminS
learn aome ter. holding out the light b,
MmandiDg conn ry. our popnlaUon. j .(HJnd in ,,. s,rae cfrj.. a frB. Tj.Wig gnidc the fooUtejM of the wanderer
etr ttud the hkellbwid or getting employ. , j.. to tl)C nibi-ioBariea wi the obi i from the path of inebriety, to the well beat
men:; aad hereby request you t send me j , .. BBlnlw. inrlHjinr ( h ' r ,nlIntfn ,.., ,
a specimen copy ot me ivAST ukegomas i r.i.,i ..,.:.! .. .it i v"
- a -j. m i aa s i i ist ai ct. si.ui i Baaa. ta-- s iii. niii i"iu ana. . . a . . a If. ' 1 . M a a a a
ranks of the hostile. Of warriors, the u' tucy go up u,c ,jk,.
Coeur D'Alenes can famish K): the' D. Peyton of Salem, fHrmerly of
Spokanes and confederate trilw inhabiting ' Grand Hnode valley, has bostsht one-half
the Upjier CVdttmMa Bat4n, 1500: the f'ol- wjjatl. known a the Snoden Springs
fll 1. J!.. . . . I 111.. , 1 . I i .a
mns aitd coufcib-ratea. li00; the Umatillas,
1.000; what tre known as Warm Spring
Indian, cw. IWHies tliese there arp tbe
Hopinpr to hear front you soon, I am
Yours, respectfully, G. W. Thtos.
In answer to the above inquiries we brief,
ly state that Pendleton 5s the county scat
of Umatilla count'; contains a population
of over 400, and aggregates within Its con.
fines the stores, shops, saloon;, eta, that
are to be ocuallv found in a small, but en-! iIl?J aml 'rair in lion. ' of jUotc who wW ,0 v,u ,kr r
. . . . ... tanit, with whom the 2t Perres are in' , , . ,
lerprtsing town; is growing very rapidly. cr nWlanrt. na( ,n rrsw,r aw frrquent , ls w ,B3 "re P"1 l
jiropsbly faster than any other town in enwmunicatina. Thc
eastern Orecon or eastern Washington. In-!furnih 1J2C0 warrior
dnstrioos cud rrorthy men. men who pre.
fer to work rather than loaf around saloon,
can alxtay get profitable cmplojinent. One
half of L'uiaUIla county affords the best
situated some ten or twehe mile south ofi
this place near the railroad, and has Just
J completed a building for the accomodation
priaes. It
sHperbtr med.
will lr We to ical pnipcrticj. ami quite a number have
Father 3Iifdie ! vitltnl them and ptnnounce thuui rood.
, .
T. RIggs, but occupied by the Pacific
Tbrcabing Machine Co. who were putting
Bp the Pelton threshers at that place. Be
fore the enjlne reached the spot ihe. fire
had doae Its work; the whole shop aad all
its contents was consumed. Tbe loss
amounts to about (5.000 no insuraace.
The news of the ouLbreak of the Indians
in Idaho has created great excitement. Tbe
call for help has been responded to as far as
possible from Ibis place. Yesterday notices
were stuck up of "volunteers wanted, and
at ihe meeting last night forty able-bodied
young men enlisted their services, if need.
ed, and are prepared to proceed to the sea
of war at a moment's notice. Thevolun
tcert together with the Capital guards wbo
will go, w ill make a company of CO per
son. K E. Pout en.
Tbe "Yaller dog" business as appeared
in our columns list week, (referring tu an
anonymous letter w rlttrn to Lot Llvcrmore
e-)inintes the total ntimUT of warrior. It,. .-... nr iL,.n.niEf wife !ia lmiinr. ! about the Indian war) turned out to have
which can la made available in n war nt . , , , , , t,. . i,-..m.' ii.a .iii.r tiara
from to 10.000 I!r drawa his data.;eJ ver-Hutch, so he tells me, since her ms. been a huge g,u bj the writer. Be care.
not from calmate made by those who have Joura there, kwic ttia-e or lour ruwiisi. ,iui ucit time now
nnlr seen the Indians mat were upon me Thi nhoare acoualnied wUbMr.Pertoa
. . . . i it -
pesturage ia the world for borwrs. cattle rteryauons. out irom necraie yJL know she has been quite fceeblc the most
aadfhcep, while tlie remaining portion is ,ynK He reganl Ihe lllrcrtr allowetl the of the time since she has U-ett on this
as fine a forming country "as ever laid out j Indians to remain off Ihe reservations, and , coast. The grncral health of this part of
of doors." There is plenty of room forlhe unrestricted Int'TCounc allowed te-: thc country is good as far as I know at
new farms and thousands ot people in ad. j Cfa "" "niur mi as "pnSn"';' prcsenL Avmy time Is snmewhat llmiteil
Goliten Gate
Empire Cily
Rio Grande
The Monitor
Parlor Belle
Black Giant
Pine Knot
A raB a-rtsnt mt-
17 I UNI k. EX. jE3
CaaMtal'r ea tavt. aba tar eat. AH aeiStt AS.
a Mftaftij. JOB VtTORo' Vo -HBBral.
m aal ttBfaUh.
trie J. txczr.x.
J. .!. I'KCKTT. St. B.
05e it l a-w baiWtar, ap "f't
!Vs3rtaa. Otnsa.
Watl anravt a8 e. day ar at. nt -aa
AZ fa"' a nraH mf law Ia4 a rrry rS
ata Ut It caaatatt afll pabraC
.. ...ASP
J. W. TAX POXX. rn?rxtmT,
Court Street
A3- Uritn Ut rn-Xirt yrasjtj tUr&Sat la. "V
tr IV t Orlrr. -1
a Wffl Sara "C
ta a IlrX CJua Farsitart risf.
ratAtx st. orrosnx rrsotxrox hotxi-i
Jekn Bewman.
Stecl38 Pain
t . iv. rwatt Caart af laa Plata rt OrrrM. Sr Caa
UUeanalt. W. A. Ot I ptatalil Vt P. C tUja' '
rrv p. c Rfrt-w Tar awive samxp Ptc i
JL leaeaat-IalUaa e IV- -UU mf i-trroo Ti I
a arrrav l'-f'" I
r4lcietaJaai&ftrS tAatetal ta :
lUSirMU0ta. ta IfJ - a4 aaart.
BKbia Ira 0' pae lb taerwa at tat
TV. C. rHcKay, .TS.
r , CaitWa Caonr. Orra. Oatc as ti
rsOru Hatrl.
Bakar O'jr, 9e .
Fa fmw t3 mnri ttert aflk mta J
' Oral Pwtnrt. a ef UiWa iM Waahtaafa Trtrt
w tyrt SWrUa act Xiaaae I !fral)a a
CaUTT. CaBatS-amiayOyateaat4a. OcSTS
J. II. Turner,
Oaatf OrSm Vaat ax4 asU. laat yifiHali t
raocTataa, OtTfa.
A.ttorne:' - at IjaTT,
Wcaus, CaaUla Caaatr. Orrxoa.
f T th.' SUte aad W ahicto Trney.
U prcut aUeaUoa pU la Laa4
aiJ lV!VcUna.
ag Dr. J. B- a.lndcy,
It a twatr pmnaaeatiy ia
Pendleton, Umatilla. Comity,
WJart U Kmni c a ajaaja 6 kaVs
ditioc to our present population. tvLicli i ,-- i ii,. nunii nr tU I will close for Uic present. I will write
- ' i a una niiiiii.tii iiim aa-v av a- u aaav
CCUTTJX. aTrrajaa far VrJk.
thwmit 4alBUIT Tt D. C
n.a.i. iia if amK tr Ik ra;i. air . -a. .-..-....-- .
S..---'; li... aha. MtM l-aa- a-a -M T.tra M'.ca.i.T ar ri
ail) a in I. rua' . E.a a ar aawr- .wr ,
probably Is about 7,000, or perhaps 8X00. : iin crnt stmrelp. Hie me fllt-triot of coun
This Js the best eonntry lo emigrate to and t try will not apain betenable (or whites and
remain in tban any other portion of the 1 Imla,! uThi'T' xlint
azain soon.
Sestiiikntai. Pouct. The 1'ortlanil
la It Ctmlt Ceit at ti.
tHta (-atir. 'txa. II.
Ii nvU frirtveat.
rnn p. r. linrNOIJt-. IbeVor- MmH t.l- a-.J i -B1 tale t ue-lh.1 " TW .i.!
1 hila-iuiaf relate 4-fTTi.r4Mtat J -"t cT,Ji!l1- rfllui
In lt rrW r lUr I.. I. xniiuar. JaJ,- jaiara,
j.a imiIo cr; u wai tb era JT af Ik- at i
i.em mt aaal I ttXtr all rntra wrlt pMlE- I
baar HHaaat riaoalhaSW IT of Je. A II.
tSTt tVailalaaf tk Sea raMlorflM. bafaaf la IT-;
al Mali-lit bTaae-ptaa ia la frwt'r fta-J f ,
Stun, il ra'ar mt mmmUj Iwna mm ra- rrT star
lt prnta-tf at ta-ta; terti'tr
fna. al.1 I Iff. ,.a.kai Bk-I mWlnl ta 1tt Omn
' - . . - , . ..... .... . -
(axd sotazt rcst.c)
niSTtri'Ua iTfrCrtOV PaM ta taa Miaiat'aa
rrt HE MOf-T nIMTE Ctnt". run KVnaUvn. j I arwrttlaiot ta ha ltfdiarat U tt'takaaciaa.
uma ihw, Tvr w i jivl ia ta tatvata Kai aScaa. B4 Ulaf arcatna.
!afTtnartVt-4 taa iicita la treat Sit
ar SrfcatJ Ua4i ; ala ta lca !aa4nac ta aaa,kra Ua4a
Sf ItaacaatraJ aal rrr-rtraMt.
tamaty m
WbuSnate ttrajsttta. 5a mntm
. 1 : 1 J . I. - I.I. I .'
r.ri c"u i-aiii-a - v .....
Hrriia( ptMinika brrH. y-a r rrqlti4 la aa I
-V. . - ... ... . a . ... . .. .1
n.r.r i. . iiiinrv tiinira tin iiiairnifi iifittnia iniiv iavi mniAna iiniiarwianii : .....
j ,a JHC
refer to the many Industrious men who in i relpt
r-nrnl A ru (or Oa Cuaa. e A. H rnr at
PraJWiaa areAT.B
I .
1 aaljr 4ncaaV DMf0ia2 aciaoul t mt tb Caa
cadr. Kaaet xt taitiaa. HaJaJtac raL tUiu. m.
I m qaarter f U wraka, $iX Waaaiat, bet aaarwe.
':.iZ! ' t:.r.;jC17TJ iht, Va. -tTrtlX UK PAID TO tar raetaa WtHnw tb !--. inram. ro lahnl Ir or&rtt tS 11. I. ' It Mtaatac atotL U 'Ctia WSpartt, rtli t I Tank. je anrr, . ...JJ. , $, aaJ $ M
nbode atnon us, aad who to-day are cunt
fortablccnd indepcudcDt farmer? and stock
Wp valley r Hip Snlinon where i fJ e jantimenUlisin of the government tier-! flt tu t tnn a --u
a af t.a. A.. .. it.. 1 til aalf ! tta
tjicpast tew year. .xtP cu up u.c.r ' -"N. " v;r ,itall thev hnvu lo do is to keen
iwv iumw mrr imiv net it LOini iunj -" - - -
a . . . .a a a a a.l a I tl t t III
neither whites nor Indians can yield what jonl of the way for awhile and kill a few
bath now claim uotil one party or the Ljor toldler. when the. roremtnent will
other has exhausted its strength.
Iktltr la-fH ta-IW tK
eoart. tMaBartae
tiaaillaanlr laaaal
tar It asm af l.
rtM rata at ll lfHt f lain. -Hti Utrrrtt lbrra
Iretn NortaUr J, UTt. 0J lot bM cai ana siaoarw.
aZlL J.K.Trna,r4AU7.
Cited it rtaflttfa, Jstr Sib, HIT.
t. UeAnhar,Ja43railcuarl, beartnj !t Ja matrhrrrfk
J. H. TUHNKR, rtittr.
ft t 1 nC " Ip'tr. " w aat tarf
tiaittrr t;r w a ta prraa.
nrtCTinTJC' Wtiaiataaeuttr.aaahT
1. Oa cboaat aoerrt taarr. rarar bar r. UtsM rare.
lorn a hilt aa Bear tuirf toat, btaaJnl -Hb rt-tockca
3, e -yeae M 10ml eott. Its taaat ttti tail,
biat face, keaatVet K tU ttwraVStr.
J, Oa btewa attrc, btaard tac. ao beaad.
, Oa amalt bro tctre. black Vrrsindllttrta
tonibtit, t triad.
Via-K. rrttav V-aawx. rrroir It e
Mnlvra laBAftam. exa, frt oamr . . I U
ri4l mriTrxl at aar tlfar, 134 caarant traaa 4ata
aTtviraaca. Oporial attratraa ial la lb taaaarea
aad tnoralteCitwrT1'. aboara eanttaaHy aaiitt ta
car of t!M ttacbeet bab la aa4 ast ct aeisaoL
Any farlbfr lafcnaaliea -III b cbearfaSy (trra W
miirmitt rr. U. H. Wati, rrtarat.