fc (East xtpnimr. SATURDAY. ..JU.NE 30, 1ST7 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE K.EDUCED ! IS ADVANCE: 1 Tub a Ma.vnif .fi The Great duelist (), James Gordon Bennett, has returned from Europe. A. J.XawTcnce and J. II. Sliinn of Baker county, departed last week for Arizona. The Benton Democrat speaks of a field oi tt beat ol o ceres feet hlrfi. which stands seven Water is wry thin on the Upper WlUam - cttc bars, and steamboats have much diffi- culty in reaching Corvallis. Tli ere appears to he bo run of selmeB in the Uinpquti river this spring. Operations arc suspended by the fishermen till Fall. Senator Morton aad party is to have a grand reception in Portland Republicans only take part. No Democrats need apply. Er-Senator Xesmith offers to pay $25 in j gold, premium for the iKjst "Black Strang-. cr" colt exhibited FalL at the Slate Fair this C. P. Crandall, -who leng held a pnsittoa ' in the department of jasticc at Washington j now has a place in the treasury depart- i mcnt Between Lebanon and Corvalhs farmers hare agreed to give the right of way for a railroad and to grade the read through their lands. East of Lcbanea aboet seven miles a rein of coal eight feet thick has been found. They call it anthracite, bat this is probably a xcastske. It it supposed that there is bow in pro gress a plan to annex five Northern States or Mexico to the United Suites. The ad. ministration favors the projecL Good Suggestion. The Idaho Ava lanche proposes in case of war about Silver city, with Indians, to put Chinamen to the front? Wc second that motion. There has been aa average of 3vc men drowned per week on the river this Sa mer, and many more will share the same fate if they do not use leas whiiky sad more caution. Mr. Cameron from the Paieuse mines says that the miners both whites and Chi namen have left the mines and come down to the bridge by reason of the Indian alarm. IT. of P. The anneal session of the Supreme Lodge Knights of Pythias wHI take place at Cleveland, Ohio. August lth and loth. The programme iadados a grand parade, prize drill aad banquet. Presides! Hays has determined thai of ficeJtolders shall not take part ia political conventions, cemmittoes, etc, and an order ! will soon be issaed to that effect. This is j astonishing news aad will wk woaders in the politics of the naUoa. If Hives I keeps ca as he has cemmeaeed. he iooz 1 wUl receive the support, of this paper. j Blood TnrnTr. The foHowiaz ea-! phatic notice which evidently mcaas bast- j aess appears m the beattie Otspatoh : "Any persons that I Sad 'setting dogs at, or ill. Bsing my cattle, or if I am told by any per son, before one or more witnesses. I will shoot that person so help me God. Thos. P. Kelnluv. Township 27, SaehoraUh conaty." Hiltox axd the Jews. Jadre lriKon as the faclotnm of T fjrr tto ! . . .... i Jias createa a verv constaeraMe commntiea i I laT- ri:. T n j -avwMuaaa am. esc. uwaft ISC UioVV i Union Hotel at Sera-ota. HiKon claims that he only excluded the Scligman Jewf. i j- ., ..... ...... claims mraicr mai uicy arc attune I trom . tm. T7..i., c.jim . v. mw auw aaMMVna, aWsaL.tna.ca OVaSI9 eO banker of great wealth aad he reseats the ! distinction adverse to bis race and peWjfh- i.; , t .h nil'... I It is eridcntlv a mere matter of 1W ' uoi. ic- lrcviu, me louncicr or Lraiies city, paid the Astorian a call yesterday, en roate to California. TTcarcuet infurmcdi as iue exact otyeci oi ms visit to toe Oota-1 ea State, bat it is said to hare a bearinr ' ....... .. ! l npon the introdnctioa of a large colony of: teoi)lc into Eastern Orcroa. where thoa- ,.r,t.. :. cominrof anindnstriocsDonnlation.toiatSlatc creek and liave a defease of I developed into an cxjwnsc of production, Hie entire exports of both Oregon and ; California the presenlyear. Sacccti ittmd ; liim. Tdtyrarn. "We take the following items from thej Dalles Mountaineer: Oa Monday night last several Indians "broke into the house of 3Ir. C. "VV. Rice, on Fifteen Mile creek, near IValdron & Co.'s V Ule 10 41,0111 uae aay last weet some oi our miscuier. ooi hoys set fire to the grass on thc sonth tide of Mill creek, on thc outskirts of town, asd came near destroying thc Government Mali !ea at the Garrison. Hcv. L D. Diver was married lo Miss. Mary Williams at the close of the tempcr- acc meeting on Saturday, the ICtli at AI- A letter from Grundy county, Iowa, May 89th, Informs us that there will be a large emigration from that State this year for OregOB and Washington Territory. Thc writer says about every third man he meets Is ta-lkiag of thc Pacific slope. Thc writer, S. L Sheffield, says he Is himself coming to Oregon. We tovor the passage of a law to thc cf. feet that all bands of Indians who com- toeacc a war against thc Go'rcmtncul by butefcering Lite settlers, areata bdeclarcd ottt-lawed, and a reward offered for., their hejuk. A residence of 22 years in En In diea couatry convinces tis thai a law of thia kiad will do mere to keep thc Indians quiet aad peaceable than any other policy yet tried. TlIP lnil Win that ihewLltM may mto trouble for their, TTvn. J. ji.ia.wtts--11,11 AAIIIAA A IS. own btncllt: nav expenses for me ami JJ 11Y TCLEGn-U'Il TO LA onASDE, THIXN'CC TO thc cast onnr.oxixN uv taoc Lewistox, June 24, 1S77. Gen. How. ard is moving south via ML Idaho and be tween little Salmon and Snake river. Col. Green's column would Intercept between the Weiser and Joseph's Indians rapidly as possible, tu Keep tlic Vt etscr Indians at J peace and to cut off Joseph's Indians from going east. A report was received at La Grande Tuesday that totnen were killed on the Malhuer near Lou. Rinobart's stone bouse. Walla Walla, June, 27. Latest news from the seat of war reports no fighting as vet. Gen. Howard expects to attack the Indians tealay or to-morrow from three v' I Maci, w ir iu irai i a ciutui uu c tu ihc ill- 1 dlans to escape, which Is iniardedbv troops, j xke last heard of the Indians they were on I n,. ch cm- r rW ... , . alla Walla, June 23. Indians are entrenching at ilorse-sliee Bend fortineu came in vita a Krtira AKscchlcr teas well; troops 7 miles from there can sec kBre .Gc? . H.ard that his wf4cwwld Into fortification with jicld glasseW Troops are gcttiug prepared to attack: getting supplies and ainunkiot- Number of troops about 500 or COO. Iudians have done greater damage to nrmwrtr t It 11 ta fri.nr4l1t ctttitvnctel ,V. . . , . ioned, and jwoptefrr! safe. bt their hemes ksvc been abandoned and crops being de- strwyed by Mock. Gen. Haward arrived at Cottonwood on Saturday where he has a liHadrod mules packed wHh previktaBS aad arms fcr vol - unteors. Boise Cmr, Jane 23. Some three rears age a petition was circulated amoog settlers oa Salmon river asking that Indians living there be removed and placed on a rwerva - tion. Many settlers sigaed k; some refs- ed to. In the late massacre, thess w bo did sign were killed, others spared. Aoag signers was Win. It. Hctt, who was at last accounts in fort on Slate creek. The led I-1 ans told Whltebird if thry weald give Bp j coancil expressed themsdvei wUliog to de licti for aa Iadian saawd' Joe they weeid j tn uila W aay IadiaiM were not trouble oUters. " ! present who had fofere defended the wlr CwsroouALLsacnczis. iandtbataasy Indioas were prekeot who The rttwrt was that Lapwai had beea abandoned. This report needs cecSnB. tion. Gov. Chad wick is doing alt ia his power I to svpply ciibeas is Uaatilta, Uaioa aad Biker cotrnties with arms aad aawnMon. The ra order of men ea Salmoa rrrcrha been fully ceafomcd, hot tbe women aad j children were spared. Hereafter, however, It is expected that wosaea aad chiklrta : to oooarct Ihew wai the reecatf oart wiH not be spared. jhreak; that the Iodtoavs as dl a !taeaf ', Accoenu sar that flotes aad .Uo.L knew aotbior of the case of the toraWe: i were caeamped near Silver cltv, bt they! claimed to be peaceable. No troWe Is ex-1 pectodia the vidakv of Silver dtr. j Mrs. Norton was bt sNghUy ibot i threagh the calves cf the legs. j - " va on. v A represcntatioa of the Phstea, asder old Wianeaacca, were to hare a paw wow witii Gov. Brayaaaa of Idaho. The result of this talk we knew not. It has beea reported tbat tUs iMiiaa war was r wbbity. ai also a 1 lt this is alt false, K I. a gea-1 J -I - Hd, 1 3"HM7 aathorkies oSctoMy tfi tht j was hroaght ahoat by whfekr. aed also a in ere the sggrcaor. Tad deo xv? fte stecan," theory WWJ e emmtc. From Military aathortty wc ako leara that the taosa toa swen. ad tW XX eii. isacs were axirdered ep to Jwoe C. ntozt joacra's civr. The Lcwktoa Teller of Setordar last ' sts: "Three Iadci heW as HrMHers in Joseph's camp made their escape siaee the '. Sgbt, and report that the hesdies reieeved all their pwader loose stock aad sosawa across Salmon to a well fortified place oa ! ' T .11 1- 1 1 1 I I T TT " 7 , 'S epp iae aseaui n u we ijm. i uc TSftiltnn- ian v-r to m, ' " T"l 1 .a f . 1 aa xesrr HKar mraiM90M zteBK tb lralk road?, aad work their I 18 tfcc " allowa via aoath of the Orand Ttttndr Tltov utA ta Ik fWkt mxIp i - e men nestoes sqaaws wao eroaeht up fresh hones is tbe rear. They look 36 . aad these who I gvas from deed soldiers lurowa lbem away. Only 4 Iadiaas W08r,a' ODe lkcH1 nally. In tbe fight much of the stock they had Helen . rom uic sctuers on iac prairie scauercu and run back to the prairie. Pike Daren port. John Havard aad two I ... i r . . . . . uicr jdcb khvn irma j. loaue ai n o'clock last night. Thry rect that Mrs. ' ilaauel aad child aad GiO. Woodard had , been murdered on Salmon river. mot of tbe rrmiinlnr f.mHir on tl.r rlrcr.n fr i ahoBt 40 able bodied citizens. The wound- aiii.iaauoarc in a very oaa coauition nang no surgeon or plrytcian Chap. j man and 33 volBnleers were to proceed ', I from their defenses at Mt. Idaho to rccon noitrc the position of the Indians who are tupjKrted to be fomewhsre ia the direc tion of Salmon river. In thc fight Chas. Herton of thc volunteers was killed. Cant. Trimble was wot'ndcd. CjOOO cartriges sent f!from here had safely arrived at ML Idal.o. j Many other Indians have, since thc fight, joiaed Joseph; aboat 40 from Potlatcli. j Tlie New Tcnino arrived this mojaing with about 00 troops. Dr. 3ljrris camo up on her and proceeded at once with Pike Dav-; cojKin 10 .hi. iiiauu. .x mra orait came up on the boat. About 50 volunteers have 1 , arrived here from Columbia county, but fcwofU.cm have suitable arms, bat are awaiUng them from below. Lew Day has died Of Ills WOCnd. Wc learn that all thc while attaches of the Agency at Itwpal and Kamia hve de-, scrtcd their posts aad gathered at thc Lap-, wal garrison for safety. This Is convinc-1 ing proof that thc agent has not sufficient : confidence in his Indians who eurround : him to trust lo them at all for safety. I Spokane George would not take part in ; a council of the Ctcur d'Alcnc and i'alouse ; Indians, wherein they pledged themselves in fricndiliip to the whites. Sax Fuascimx), June 21. The follow Ing dispatch was received here: IViksemccoa, June 23. To GKS.McDowBUSan Franolsctu No truth in reports of Piuc hostilities: Y?lu. ncmucca. my father, in Idclio. avantt me .and chiefs to talk with you ; thc trouble I ; ! I ft, . ..... ....,,.. ft.- I chief to come and talk at San Francisco; I answer immediately. SxTCUlZ Piute Chief llIimlM Vri! llumboltlt, Nevada, Gea. McDowell answered the telegram,; saying he did not believe that the Plutcs wcreliostHe,anapr5mIcdtocommunIcatai with them. latch rnovi josnrn's camp. Wc haTc Just received reliable Indians news from Joseph's camp to this effect : All the Indian women, children and property bad been moved acroas Salmon river, thus leaving the men free to operate, and It Is said the Intend to raid upon the settle ments in the Wallowa. It I corrobor. aled by news brought in by Joe Craig. The troops will move early in the morning from I a a a r?? on ard in . m itnTiN tA mill ut ixit . vice. a vwawHa-av v Ik aa i;a n c uo doi know ox anv uiorc twutm 'aop killnl aad hope that we have! ' learned thcHL The oWlers lie where 1 (they were Kilted slrtpiKia bU mutilated. 1 I w Father Catahki this morBiRs. wh in rrltiain frirntllr Tlir ctritManal U iurr calming down and the settlers are return, ing to their homes. H.M.Ciusu. COUXCIL WITH THE IXMAXS. IMMASS AND WHITES MKET AT rCXBLETOX. gcnt Cornoyer met the citizens ef Pen. :dlctn, with the chiefs aad principal mca hetosgiiig to the Umatilla RrscrratioB at J he csrt Lease mm J use 20, is" The meeting was called to order bv Lot 1 1 . . . .i i .1. . ... 1 Cbairmaa aa4 Jse. C. ArncM becretarr. Chairman slated the object of the mretlog ( to be a desire open the part of the Indians to meet tk ckhxnt in coancll and express j ' their friendship towards the whites. Agent ; Coraoyer addreed the council firt aad !saW that the Indians were ail friendly to the whites asd hod bees all aloog : that he ",r" astoahhed that aay one is Ibis place . wd have feared diflicalty wWi thee i in dians. Yesterday. probaUy 113 Iadiaas had dcJclrtcJ ,kc Ceacral ' CrooV That there was sot ad hAI st; ue wTtriwa egagnl M Mtc rreeK ! SL All theyossg mtm ea the resorratio listened aueati vely to what the old m aaat chiefs say to lkta. They say thM. akltoo-li the IaaUaM coM not read, yet lay soaae means auaaged to get all the sews, aod thry were sorry to ftad sewifkaoert Lc attoaded two aMeihg waj Gca Mwd seme tiaae ago aad 4-. prerieas duaW to heaawtoa. j W-r ltJ- d the Iaaikpt oc e t iorpnsM te beer of tree Me. Assored the Iadi that Ua w1aMe were frieadiy with theaa aad did a& iM j to reb tbea of their roerre or aay ef aok : property; adrised the IaaHaes to atwajrs . keep to frieawWrip with the wWm: ! - " , - Iadsewa mm Oni tTll tT 0 ceaeeralog the lmUm on Mnpun mrt, wna im aw. heloaciag to tbe Uaaalitta roserrattoa he . believed Wad always beea eorrect. laac othxr -papers bad ha scaay hMUaees given aaeer. rest aad aafair report; that seaae IaaAaa i fVi T t.J t " -r - dlaas oa this reserve ia eec ef their fcu. These ladixas he had adrbed to reaaaea licre for a while. a)tiMHgh theV had left i &r'r fat&ilRa in the rrrnm of the war. aad that seme ef there Iadiaas were prres(. . that to-autrrow one of them weald start ea , hu retara. barhsg as good a pass as he : cedd give, aad being advised to stop t all 1 t. ... . 1 . . T l . T. . " . 7. . . . . . iatcrjwm ibcsc mearK ia laear o a lea-: -nnrr fnirirli tlur ill t fluar o j,-. -- a awfw a e t ewcsi. imc anil ttxi immmwm m i 1 How4ih.waaa.s. Heeaiy, Wooap-HHC. ! Twal-ka-tiaiay, aad Jec freaa lapwai ; rArri" ' leans Chief. Eaias aad Cottodea all , expressed Ihentsetvcs frieadly whites aad desired to reasaia so wkh the' The Ia. dians were responded to na call br Araotd. Livcmcre, Liadsey aad S wilder, each ef whom gave expmsleas of friead.hlp and tecurtiy among an. oa meuon tbe meet- i ing was adjourned War die. w . . v- ..wvwT. ,1.1 Mya that agent Cmeyer hail tele-raphrd la that place that mot of hi Indian had ?PL reservation to parts aakaewa.J r" . i Thc STgelag was manafaKBred oat of wl,ic fa)c in partieal.r. ITBW TO-DAT. STEAM - BAKERY ESTABLISHED IN 1SCL jaL ad ail Uuu u CnA.n. )in.Wtato(; tflla SlfWl QQi G77"Si 27 C3. ! W1"? PA,,fl!0.fr i7TV'ilt!lLJt ,u i I 1 1 ItHaix(toct: la JLn w frta. rtaM) ai nmb rrrri. : ! UuXa7to fiJI j U.zr4 (w, Ian44 K as tifrl alMwla-r. J I, t," 1. 'Z.r, tottUnt. m bit. WALLA WALLA r XT' TT' 1? ? EllT'T?!? T J Jtii .nil JL1L ai JLL JL2j X a, AKKr' i-,jtta. PBICES: lr. r W Itotilrd. ir dor. Ak-. i-r qnrt .. Al. r fax " . Votur, jwrqnart I'enrr, yet Bl " . .j: oo . 2 CO . 4 2 10 . W . s m . John 3EL Stahl, Cily Urewcn-, Walla Walla. ' I J C'W ID-EIl3PIiST tr ruii H pm or Cmuitu and (mhIm tb roeunj tflmuxr. asd dl Call l rralrMa ay fjort put lbr rca41.aa tr Lm-. ttcn ) aj4 wort curuiM rail xti af l-rf- for JU. S. V. KNOX, - at - Xiaw, A flnrnnV W i dt aV W Wralae, aXSU Cocotr, Urrcvo. Will rnACTiciTix the courts ok IhU State sad WatMntfon Trnilory. a- PrtU! atttblkra pilj tu LaaJ bcalaeaa aal Collretmna. FAREWEL L ! 1 T wi tx stu. coostso buw t oj tor i xt , UV " -v" u lk0 UD u T TnV17. I Must Have -Money. TAKE WARXtXG. rla, Jaa I. tin. G. W. Wedd. W. WHITCOMB. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON rraaictsa, Orra. WM aHfei aX fxM. ir r fctgtt. tta vBp Al amvi tmiMl Vf tL UM a4 rtj U( a U W wtirt H Um (siirat. Evcrjix Abel ! MANUFACTURERS AND Dealers In FURN1TU RE aX l4. Sfc Utt. Wnt iM rata KU aa4 faawaa urn Laa4 aJ tzA va ftrt. yjraotSTtJrt" omtu, rvr rrMM. vnim ' U 5 Utosn ""ra u-.p. u a First Class Furniture Store, Orders from the Coimlrv riroMin.Y attended to. J. II. Turner, ATTORNEY AT IJIW. 0n Orrj sVt aa4 mtl. Lnai NxiaUU OrnC as Slua Mm. rKi Cfl Eaaa. .... . , ... L np W npo nmr0 Off Ifrorp 1 ,UC IUCil L,4UU,ii G,,U L,,&G,'N ALWAYS TO UK HAD AT ; J.tnnl,cf in f. rn-o Sillnnn I!ilatn1faapa. HKJK YE! "r"T"aTtNV TJ T .7 a witviLUx vTwum is kx aCI m I 4.r K f-a ay aaa) arc aa tf lut ar wm fcy A'JC SXTTLEJfHXT. to W Oaaar CWt af Camali naaff 9uto af trrttUT VSTXmXl HrtV FX.. W laal ae 1 1 aaaWa na iitiutimiirrfit. ' Initio MM it J vow. mm m Wttj- uw-itatW AHLN W. Vttl VK. Ihmltf. Lartia Enm satf . Joe, hit. ABHiyiSTILiTOItS SVtlCB. j u v'ncr. i HfatoiT jtawiiaanniif aw bu, ' mt Tl mm., f TT M I J aim., , i i ! J. jtota.. wa.. mm Ba. .r, ra to prt aa. t. mr mTt rmtua t w a t " ,r " """ 1 "' f mjiot mamm, atnamfaaiM. - - - t.aaev ae-a- J. B 7rety, SUSIJIOX& l j 0rt. rvtl'if raaasaaa . naato id n i f n. w. ruiajarn) Cat rpo Tur aaerc nveo iifjxnbivt rc Jr iawtaajiwu. aw. mt iU ; UmTJmlTWl.lT IT S4?. tT"1 i iTf L T toicirttras tatr :i .(iat aj aa mt ttSt aa4 M af la hHm j r acorr Sar ; aWtraaw mt jiaxa. M tew ar- ' IM a Oalj tamim W M te lb VAmj JT af Mar, NYalUlllK. ui.w BtlLuv. JwOca af aa rnca. J. IL Tcastx. rtTa JIMT. . XOTWE. rpnn rw lowinc roomr orpem wtu. ac JL mH )fn ilnlaa at mmj aS In rnSiU, ia'ni cwx at iM Ami: 1M4 Ctatt.,.a la Umtmt. j JtrX HI1I Hf 1 Mtl Ja Na.ll I u :s 11 M ss Tl O) 9 M UO M Iti CO 1 rnak MaaaV. II XSNuM IV 3 LaaarM. c vr.wrna. rntfio. May SS, IS". riXAL SETTLEMENT. In tto Ceastj Coort tt I'taaURi Cenlj, ElaU of Ora- TlinrNnmlCNFIl Haala. CM (Mr Baal ac rwaat la H ali uiant Cmtt aa AdmlalMnian of Ua rUtlr mt Mrpata TJ-T. 4 a-!. MHra U b-r-tr ftrm IbalM-KOr lt Sd A af Jalr. IITJ. Laa I T an-il hjr aakl C-art S-r tbr hrana. af ob cUeoa la tto aats aa4 !! atlUimat lhm( 1 JAUI.1TAVUIU. JAUF-STAVUllt. I.!l JOUXO. WALTON.! -"-. Lij Jl" Ijocua Errrtt, Atlr. Colt Raco. rtnr.r.C WILL Ea a Ulf nB. rar orroiu. iro JL trmtt mU ata Jieaary In. ISTT. aa lh TrcU. iMlUnTncL E-Wasoa rtu--aJaa IS. lt. AU areerl44tofMapl 1'oc ru" torir m antda of atmamt at Wu. S.iltWi tmtt la IVlxSlHoo. DISSOLUTION OF C0PAIITXE11S1IIP. "X'OTtCrtS ItrjtEBV 0Ta Hat tt at1rrUp Utttftm rxMlfiC trlwrra J. W. Maal&Sir and Jmmrm N. Vaalkxn sd4t lb Era uiw of IidhUi k Vaatka, (a I) Uxg rf IVsdHno, rrjva, haa trra UiU imj illaMjir4 tj MClaal rtavM. J. W IllNWinntR. Mir sctb, tsr;. j. a. vxsvohx. ADXIXISTHATItlXA'OTICE. VrOTlCn 15 StEREBV CIVKS THAT I HATK tlw JL ai-fwinlftl AtiaiaMntrU uf Iba f4ta U leba SHItflKn. 4reaurt. A I ) Laria. rUlua aaal Mid ertatr ar rrpilrrl Ui trwrsl tttn Is bm tih MSfvr rachrn, at taf TrtUSaxm la Mradaaa fmlnft, i'roalfHi cwjatr. Orrca. ttbi tit tnoalba from Ulr. AS t-lMKM tm lax aakl tatala are rnjtlfd to arlUr Ute um IffimolutHf IfLfAS A. CTEtCKLtX, AdaloUlratrii. Tatf Vr2IM, lftL J. U. 7arcr, Atty. ADVERTISEMENTS. S.BOTHCHJLD CALL and examine the large and well assorted stock of general "rVToi? olaanclis o just received by S. RDTHCH1LD At his old stand ia UHarkev's building, and which be offtr to the public on terms that will compare favorably with thoic of any competitor. S. R07HGHILD The following are some of the Icadfeg lise. of which yoa wHI always Sad as : aiaortmentan hand: ! Dry-zol. Clathfer. Roota aod Stm-i. j Hau and Cap. Carpet. waH paper. Ore- cerh-s. patrnt mJLhr. 1'alot. ON.' Tobaeee. Hani ware. Cotlery, Chloa aad j uiait ware, stationery, etc, S. - ROTHGHILD Order front the coeatrr w1N receive protajn attention. Hides, Fars, Vfcel, etc, takea ia ex change. STOVES AND Tin-ware 'Tin-waxe. "yew M THE TtSE TO OCT 5 mm .4 c ! r w j trrrra At Umatilla. Oregon. K kaa a tort aAl to taint Bma . Uf inMitianiHni aaa. at a al atora ftfn aa4 M vim a a aiii af aaatoaaal tlaairr a rt a ina m 7awi-1 mt i , Lrnsxaaer U Hl la nM rmi ar iti. at mt a.a WHMill mtm ; - " " attomto aaatki ti&n. n totVaaax a COOK STOVSS Occident Goldsmith Range GoId;n Gate Empire City Hinnntli lilO U railUC PABLOIt STOVBS The Monitor Parlor Uellc Laurel IJanger Echo Onward PA B LOU O00K- Jewell Echo mx STovns Black Giant Moguul Piue Knot AVoodside Bonanza -A faM aaaurtaet tt- Caattutlfea basd. aalarj rasa. A1 rWu SV rl rracn4l;. JOB WORK oaa vuh era asl 4itth. WU. J IXIZSJL Act ice To Tax-payeis! VLL rrr)Vt Kavtc lhrm4m imtttnt W H-m take Mlc Ibal Iba Coaalr Caen ban pUrr.ttM DELINQUENT TAX LIST Fcr Iti jfr UTS' la or hJ for cJ4rrtMx Ti ealjr ajr to ma cou la tr taainLal fwjial. n. 5ARGCNT, Jbm?a4TaxColklar. t?culhU Coa) , Urrw. Fawth - of - July - ITlVERTnnnr ANn bla nit nrJ at lb rrUbra. It Urn at rvodlrtcw oa IL ruvrih af Jalr. A cp tim aeUdpalatL OralloB. rrwtlEf; irrlaratlnti aa4 lamlc arUaoi njaM aa4 otrrr ritrHaX Alls' aa crljlaa tout hj Hart Tajlar. "lliyou muckarnuck and hlai close dance" Atoal 3 a'tlxt r , reraa hy Im rtariflt rWii rat iui rrrcnra. naiM rooja, ttc nr. KrmraBrr i na imii ai bibi awi aii roma ant (wrrar4 u inp Iba lijil taalattle Ina. rr tanVr rfmlf Mr f milt r-n-frammri. ADVERTISEMENTS. COOKIIYG STOVES AX1J Manufactory of Tinware, And -ILL or SHEET-IRON WORK, Main strttt, opposite the Court' House. Will constantly haTe on hand, and r sale, a Complete Auortment of T X 3NT--7- ARE, X complete Assortment of the Diamond HOCK COOKIXG STOYES. ill styw er. 5TOB WORK DtM U OrCcr. at aWl ttHtvr, as4 at wtj XUmu rrtrr. G. V. WEBB. HUHRAII FOR EVERYBODY Jut Look Here ! r w wavr rxixt. wv, rtnt. oLa&. t. Ca to at PE.DiEro:t' DRUG STORE ! I Tr V" r Drafa aa u umtut rsarat L Wi ealiii m 1 1 II. i PKNIILCTON DRUG STORE. ; rjTTC WAXT La?aaVtjBl tt aa XtaU, gm i TKCDLETON DRUG STORE rrac wjurr tr t-tsv w ui u. r TENDLEION DRUG STORE I'HNDLBrON DRUG STORE. PUJCDLETON DRUG 0R2L rr 1'ENIM.KTOV DRUG STORE j wstul wtacaKN-ry or m Lia. y na natmia ihif iB vT sa aa V wUat IVWUa4Wpa. U. f aW aaxw Wa.VCX. aa4 enhm(r 21. wtonai,u to laaaO'ta tfua V'CCU AAD SALE - STABLE. putx 57. orreasTC rzxMxrax eem. John Howiuan. J. l. I'HUKTT, Jl. n. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ASe in trm't ftr beielaae, p !'"rf W. C .Tic Kay, .Tl. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. J; I.Int!?cy, SURGEON AND DENTIST. Ia aav lral4 jrtixirutf la Peadletoa, Umatilla County, (3Wn U wnm c aalaaratek-i SslrSmirstry A Spteiatbf.&s Ia. O. StcriJ?, ATTOIINKY Jt COUNSELOR AT LAW B Vrr "1 iy. Or an. T O. Fian . aKt lw ntiu et ihm na Ja 1 4aful SHKnaCaMaft-OMaca W-Ua(taa Trrrf aatl-a. Wa"r Kt b4 Mer IxnuMi a !-rs 01UTT. Cin tt iTMaiUr aL-J4 tA IKS Ti Steclas Tain EUADIGATOE. rnnn most mjrrtvE ctre ma kkwuuik, X Nrlsa. Hratwtv. Lam ttack, rlt, H, a lana worU. Taint tatrrsaRj- mr rtlmalSr M f4mlaat toinml IkaowU Dirrlr tmt-alr. pkaaaat ta Ula. a&l Urgm buttara rr aa bj CRANE & BRIGHAM, TTbalraale DnatiU, Saa rnoatcc Cmral A(rsla tmr U Coaat, ar A. It IVrtrr it N-rlc. arfO-n o STOCKHOLDERS' 2IEETJXG. vrrmcE ts ncREar c.tvrt tli iv n t a X awrrUiwc mtlhe atorttoMrnnTlb' larretnr'a Aon. -Maf Orrf4.oal-lliti ar t Jut, HTT, ai to 'rSacfc a X, ai Ibrlr offirr la IVfc-ilrOfx. forth arra ot rlKlls. a Hoard of llrc(ra RrlbnsMil8c inf. J. C. r KAN'S UX, nmkSrat. rriuMrUB, Kiy 1L UH. ST. PAUL'S SCHOCL WALLA WALLA, W. T. a noAUDtxc Axn nir jchoii. mru. tu y rrtlaai Doar!: tcbrot cut tX tbe Caa. raJra. Knaril aad UlUon. toctattejc rarl, llgcblA. rlr tr)uartrr-r ua artta, 5 XL AVutiai vr qurtrr. II Pa raP'I: TUiioa, rfrsinT. fl. $, $10, aad $1S t 3w, rrtroo, jwrywnrr. ....... .. u to Vokkro b fit. each, pr quarkr. ;u PbtS rroriTTd at any Lte and cbarcrd Iroo data of r&iraam Errwrttl attraUon raid la ih luaoBm and curat T the paptU, vbaarr Cnolatlr aoJrrlLo caro isf the trarbrra both la M qqi of tcboU. Aay riinbrrlRforrrutlKva KI W rUrffiiHy jtrto by rl X.X VAjfcL PENDLETON mxtx mtccr. THIS CXHTHALIT ICATX23 POPULAR HOUSE iUVlSfG BEEH ESTIRELT IIZFITTZD and u wveroM roa The Heccption of GnMts THE TABLE 7X1" "ita taa Wat a artt tSvrU. u ttituaUa KuAaU aatTr THE BEDS ac4 tt ranaaj ha Un FiruM u Hum 4 k rirrj cwajn HmSf !saJ Ua THE PENDLETON HOTEL, U Una MBu m wra3)aia tra.aa4 ADVKKTlREMENTi. T. CfLUtLKS HOTEL, CteeaxiUKAXifraTezc-rx t r-n. O... TLUm M M". -mmne mt Its n-asa. uter ti. u. rfuM, A rrvor.. kaa fV?"- n.4T. --r SC- aaaaaa. ckaa aa. ik ta t ni j. TWaa-ama.!. u al., u. -, J . 4 " uj ut rr aa WIKon Hotel. UMATILLA ! T OREGON. -I4 WWX. lataaaU. itm at Laa -- a Sat-a-, k-wt nw.wlMu a.fc-r).l,.u ZjwirrJ ax a-saat iifH; ska pcr. MONEY MONEY J10RSS LOST $5 Reward. rrrr a ctymck at kt iiork rmu mt 1 l l. Tai a- rmaW ataantaaf ji -rk--4. fM.arf --xx Sa-4CaaaVf aa..r t-O-g.. Im ae aa, araax aaj! ltn, t , ra4 ml ose.eoccAX FURXITORE STOEE .A.V. CABINET SHOP J V. TAN MMLV. rrrfrwaar. r :VatM T 7ac--UlTaprrdi Faaataaa tar aaic aa 33. cs-iL-rs HARNESS SHOP, S- IMmWrirnai riaiaty irlnii t ta. REPAIRING REPAIRING aj" PwSaOtdre. ea- to -ca, ALL ARTICLES USUALLY KEPT ta a PimOm rrevar na W ool-GrorciM, PKNWJH- N Ht THE HON'Kt or HAVtsO h ln rtia)-'t. aaaHi mt mm tntrncm, aH. u rJHl uir mar Sar raMara aaartvta AH9v- -a ae r-nrntiai i ' rrs-M-. laay ITTI BAKNAiat A LZE. CONSTJMPTIOir POSITIVELY - CURED. A raSrrrra than lba u iKa ara aaxlna. la W rr.t H try P . Kinr' Ctumm C"cr- ttn mxtt rmt r at ta -atr frTfarv. " ke- a Sat HI r (tnnmn aad ak wh mt the Ta ar Lnss-kaJrrd, a Mnat at oar raith la M- aad a)-4irnTtm ymn ttul ibry ara MbwWc.vaAfcardterTryaeKTrav "a pwrt pkL a rare rjoat at T-er saMMyaalat jva; arvt-r-rCr atrd r lVr ranart (von, It yw II ta wtwth MTitc, May m !; tto MKU at. UUL aa 1-t it a aarriy rr m rtVe. Mtrlarretox. S3. r L lay part et It Vaw trd UUea ar C-ida St mt an tirona. ti crm. AA. drt ASH & ROBBINS, 40 rahaa Strrrt. X. V. SUJ1X0XS. Im tia Ciroiil Cirt W lb ut rOrrra.ftrrBu. tauoaiaiy. w. A. CaSpaiilXti U. C KnaaUr drtrsd-Bt. rpa n. c nKTxauvs mi: a rove naxco pc- JL Ar-duttn lb ea af lb SUtr tt icmaat to a hrrrby rrqaarrd la aifm aad aaiarr th rwiv. rUal B-id ttion yoq by lb aborr kaaard tdsua ia u axrrbUUni-tkMi. l u a-or aaaad raart. "rthla Un 1U1 ffxa Iba i!al mf tlx frrrkv of lta aaraaaea arm ywa iTHtml ta Ibta twtaty. or tlamr NHUr br rmaaty mt Kits Sttte ! a tibia tirr. ry y troo tbe data T aach arrce nroa y, aad If armd nt id Ib4 ute Ihra aa 1Tjov tb Sad dayaf Otmlvr. ISTL U brtaj tba am day of tbDrU iro af aakl etti I aftrr MX nm.mtir arrta flr. bea of thai aBaiawaa Rvai l Z3i dif at Jut, A. t . 1TT lbedataftbar)(rb59Hcbr?oC Tbf tr Xirt rcvjbt by nM tuafUist ia I rvtwtrr (roaa jva JVA it xxitt of ceVT barr aad ea pry Dare ih porr' cf fliioill, ret(H.r Ukra br Too frwa pUiUb veawieo as.l raovrttrU yoaraan 4ycaatUI:iMXjr4tbatirIII ta atrar and aantr iVr reeir4atat brrrln. lb rJalatlff 1H tak JvJiiurat afilmt yaa tec fakl rata of JCO tcktlVr h h w.i . wmnDKiu t tan aciwo. This aaatsMtc u pahler.rd by nlr r tb Hon, L. L ktclnbur. JoAjs tt oM cwsn, bvmrtcc date Jimtr tiih, ISIT. 4.iLTcnjri:R,i.i.Ttw vv wa a, Mt Ta-i a txMr rr-n j tfca ai Miai. . aM tfrf an t.ay., aa w la Oaaa imx'mamv HWkitakMMatarMuaain. aar aaw iOiiiau mm mtmmtl Wm-. v. f !?.