The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, June 16, 1877, Image 3

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    c (bast wpriait.
JUNE 10. 1ST
IUskw I-ruxir No. 4. K. or P. Meets In Ibe Cattle
Hill, I'rcdlnon, crrrv Wednesday evening. UroUien
in pJ ttandmr, re conlUlljr Invited to attend.
roDixrox Loixis No Si, A. F. xxd A. 11,-Stmi
on the first tad Ihlrd llobdir t of each moalu, lioan
ol inrellnr. t K su
IUktxu Stjlk, Hart hi TVashmrton Charter,
ton Meets tmj Tuesday mjlit fuGowltif the Bret and
"third Moodi s of eecb tcocln.
Ecxck lonas No., rrton Meet
errry iilnidr errninf at ' r. X. Ervlbrea in rjeod
sisii& are Invited :o altcad.
Utcsaau. Ijodgi Na 104 tO C.T, rBdktaa
IU every ThurjJjr ercotes at t e'etock r. x.
brethren in RooJ uuc; are rvqJ to aaeaC
Ensrorat. Srcrxx-Oa the third SDr of cacA
.aomb. the Ber. U 1L Wetta M aod pn
In Ibc morctiu! t 11 oV tock is Vests; la Ibe etttAai
at 7 o'clock in re&dteiw.
U r. Csrccs. rrraUc eeceod Sandey In ea
month at 11 a. x. Her. Kooctx, rrrdT in eUii-fr.
Barnsr Corxca. Ker. XT. B. from wiB irree at
Ibe V E. ifeercB, on the reoosd Su&Uy eftneb
atoslb, at 11 o'clock x. x.
VL E. Csmra Serrn. rrracbtar. first Saadar in
each month at 11 x. x. and T r. x. Iter. & V. Dariea.
JConcx. Simple annoaoeemerts of birth, mama
f22 Wlh, itl It liwcrtM Hbrt dterre- Ofcit
otry -BeUcea m&be charged lor aceonter. to Ueir
Sicr.Se ccrc of the Eit Oirao-cux, ia !Ap;tr3 ta
KtiUnf, can Be c&uwra it taw oare.
We amn ca rtspoasrbtbtr f Tieaa ipi by
For Tlic Traveler.
THE XOCTIIWESTERV STAGE CVarnar's etert reedklen (trrnnau Ur brtrni3M
and o'cl-t r x. ; for 1 fins' BV- ct 4 Ket
tca at aboat 12 o'rferfc miteit; far Tt IHOn vH
UTTOf.- r: 6 o rkvk x. x. -iouttyr. Wrtoxdara ai
Trt5j. reteraHy: K'ftr at C ttfli a. x.
oaTceFda,Tbn4artabd fatanatf. armKc at 6
'ciocl: in the ctvbwc. Aetaert arrttv at I'matlNa j
,iraa I!o en Taeotar. imtmiit m sawroya at c
o'clock r. x : orartBea Wefcei r. rrtfaj '
Xaoiirt on rrtura InfK. Sttpn auLe dece eoaeec.
Ilea iriih the fteaaers.
ccrosarxj re-ETuxa.
SCHOOt Laxds. Geo. W. Webb, onr
obiging Couiity TrcasHrer, kiodly fHr-
Tiished us the toimwiug list or scrieoi lands j
"ami tne names or trie pnrcnasers ihereei,
sold fiom July 1. TC, to June 1, "77;
John Dike SE qrS 18, T 5 X, R35E;
Joseph Weit-XAV qr S 1C.T 3 X, E 3
E S200.
Hcbee narris S"Wqr S 16,T3X,E
30 East $000.
TVatn & Lnlirs XEqrofSWqrof
S 1C, T 1 S. It 32 1
H.McArthnr X E qr S 3S,T-1 X, R
33 E $200.
J. M. Gallaher XW V S 3C, T 4 X, 11
33 E $200. .
Thomas Gallaher SVT ftr 3$, T 1 X,
R 33 E $200.
G. "W. Campbell SE qr S 36, T4 X, R
23 E $200.
Charles Cnnnlncbam SE qr ofE qr
55 32. T 1 X. R 29 E. and XV qr ef XE qr
S l'J.TIS, R29E SU8.
Jacob Frazer SE qr S 2G, T 1 X, R 32
E $200. I
J. V.. TTart-ott VW nr SltT1 X. "R
32 E 200.
Deputy Sheriff, David Taylor, has tbis
week been thraogh 1be nortbeast partiea ef
onr conntv. He rctarned faH ef cladness
t t- KmmM-t far rmtt enm; ia thatin;. ,
- - -7. -"J " t4r - , '
tion. .otlus bat strocce wsas caa
now injure the craps,
that c?dftereid will
predscc from ,0 ,
lo CO bushels of wheat te the acre.
great a country is this
L. VT. Hamilton, the inventor aad pro.
prietor of the Veterinary Surgical Instru
ment for docking, marking and other uses
on sheep, has been oSered by zn Eastern
firm a royalty for live years (amoaatiag to
about $1,730 per annum) for the privilege
ff manufacturing and sdiiag the la stra
in ret in Xew Jersy, Xew York and Xerth
The passage of ciaigraat tcaan directly
in front of the EastOebboniasoScc (from
six to twenty a day) bas became so com.
in on that it has ce&sed to draw the atten
tion of the editor. Surely eastern "Wash
ington and northern Idaho will soon be
Settled if this great emigration continues
bat for a short time.
Caixed- Mr. Win. Robinson, represent
ing the firm of 3Iiller fc Richards, the
pelebrated manufacturers of the Scotch
hard metal type, called upon us last week.
He is a business man and gentleman, and
represents his house to the advantage of its
Lot Livennore bas purchased a neat,
light, spring wagon, (Xo. 5G) and will
tbortly start on a journey through the
county selling the Singer sewing machine.
Lot is a success at anything he undertakes,
and wc doubt not bis winning, "ways will
assist him in selling many macMnes.
Fast "Wobc Jerry M Dcspain, the
younger, aged 10 years, is one of tlic most j
tarpert sheep-shearers in the State One;
jday this week while shearing SanfordV
band, in eight hours he bbcarcd 105 sheep.
$ill larged sized and bearing heavy fleeces.
Beat this who can!
"Father Eals," one of the pioneers of
"Washington Territory in 1838. is visiting
'Oregon. It has been his custom for many
years to visit the different tribes of Indians
In the Territory once a year. He is now on
his way to the Spokane country for that
XewYouj June 0. The reduction in
the custom Louse berc has already be-
gun. bcvcrai men arcaiscuargcuJiDu re-i
factions made. One man who received
$7,000 per annum is reduced to $2,000.
Tliere is a camp-meeting now in session
at the Meadows. Owing. lo the fact that
temporal affairs require immediate atlcn.
lion, things spiritual have been deferred by
many hence the attendance is light
Mr. W. A. Cowl has our thanfcs for a
geserous supply of luscious strawberries
presented this, week. Also Mrs. G. W.
- a s ja
"Webb for large new potatoes grown in her
In tlic publication of State news the
f ertlaad Standard excels any journal ever
Muliefeed In Portland.
To-tlny thcLaDow property is to bo sold.
Mount Hood lias really been smoking of
The census Is bolng taken ofWaslilngton
Tliere is no war news tLU week or seem,
lag importance.
Her. Baker will preach to-morrow at 11
A. m. at the 31. T- Church.
No marriage licenses have been issued
since May 28. Hot ireatUcr, all I
"Col. Kesmith's orchards have been com-,
pletely denuded by caterpillars.
Sam. Oltenheimer or Baker city,
several davs in Pendleton last week.
Bcv. Darios had a severe attack oT billi.
ous fever; but is noiv as well as ever.
Sheriff Sargeat returned horneTbursBiy
from his visit to Columbia county, W. T.
The racing of 2-year olds on the Fourth
of July will be a grand feature of the oc
casion. The boys have commenced saving their
dimes to be spent Fourth or Jaly. Tiiat's
right boys!
Henry Bowman returned a day or two
since from Portland, where he had been to
dispose ef his wool clip.
The editors wife decorated the Hast One
coxxax oGke with a magnificoat boquot of
flowers tbis week. Thanks.
R EUeWors. Her. L. H. WcMs will held
services in the Episcopal Charch to-wcr-row
evening at the Msmal hoer.
Jamos AYilson prdascd oce of the
hoascs IrtfeJy erected by Dlsosway & Tor-
j ner, and is new occupying the saae.
Died Near Pilot Rock, Jaae 10, 1STG,
Hauxda L, wife ef J. 31. Hicks, arcd 8S
years, S months and 9 days. Deceas'jd left
eight children. ,
As fast as sheared, the varioas bands ef
sheep are driven to the nieantAia, where
tpj rsaia
netil dop snews sbaH
ferce then to the vxIVca's.
Dr. McKay was ekdtd Mee Pruidoa;
ef the State Medical Society, in senioa at
Perdaad, aad is anneaaced as bailing
free Waeee eeaaty. Hew is tbis ?
J. X.
VaaDerB preposes to erect a safc-
Eteatkd iwelliBg ia
liie same bteck.wMt
W'm. Switzkrs new Ikwjc. J. H.Tarncr
is soon to let a contract fer two new
VT. A- Gewi bas eeaHBCBced as action
n C If nil! i Car lhe rrMrerr sf
I 2400. the vaiae of two bersea ialm awav
fsimt nmU oaM k steaHag) by bin lest
Fall and appropriated te bu swa ae.
TTtn nritler rfxidarr ttIim ne)msi. 1 1
ted, will be the largwt aad probably the!sr "F pecod, sad
. ..... I fMaf4 tSaa. W i
feest tiatettcd h aay in we mwb. lie ex-
P OOCtiy-'
ibe boee ia aboat Sv
weks. Hart & Mays are the ooatractors. ' eaeg." "Hlppecherlequ a.ytVid oiric
In Jalr the Pendtetee eSee will an cKm.- or tb Vehrtii rf-MaiGi,-jLIm
lll. i2L I i vitt ea the Fetjrth ef Jaly. aad VaeVfeat
denbtedlr be declared by the aatheriles at I , . , ,
. . . - , eat ef the recakr order of thbaga. at the
Washiat-toe a txhu meocy order oSee. i , " . . . . . " ' ,
T l..r. , 4.l !. . ;
" l V CZJri
ij-a Bt bc rxwtil snirferiiaons bee cat!
p. s. Since wrltisc tie foreEfez the ;
telegraph brings the welcome inteHegence j
that Pcadkton will, after Jaly 1, be made
" . , .
araoaeyortieroaice. in is irwetceac in-,
teliigence, and win piove a great coaveai- j
race to ear people. 1
Scrr BROWtrr.-Sak bas beea brought
t t t . 1
hvtbe Dbtnct Attorney, L. B. Isea, against ,
I John S. White aad B. F. "White, as torcties
in the sum of $ 150 tor the appearaace of ,
Al S at tli tart lam of rmri - t
having faHed te pat in aa appearance.
Press Dikbctokt. That the Ameri
cans are a reading peoftk h 5: tailed by
the statistics of the Xcwapeper i'ress of the
country, as given ia the Xewrpaper Direc
tery for 1877, jHt issued by S. M. Petten
gill z Co, the well known advertising
agent of Xew York, Boston and Philadel.
phia. There are reported in it the names,
character (political, agricultural, religions,
medical, etc) and names of publishers of
no less than 795 dailies, 79 tri-weeklics, 125
tcmi-wcfklies, 0,000 weeklies, 122 semi
monthlies, 771 monthlies, 16 bi-monthlies
and CO quarterlies, published in the United
Sutcs and British American Provinces.
The directory shows the number of each of
these editions which are now pabilahed In
each Slate, Territory or Province. The
book contains 37C pages, and embraces an
immense amount of valuable information,
showing great labor and care in collection
aad preparation. It gives all necessary
facts lor an advertiser to know about 8,574
sepcrate publications, while it is also inter
esting and valuable for the general reader,
the student of American periodical litera
ture, aad the observer of American instf
tutcs. The book is sold at the low price of
$1 per copy.
Mr. C. V. Moore has jaat returned from
Owyhee. He tya the Empire mine Is
showing better than it ever did; in fact,
better than any mine has ever shown in
Owyhee. They have struck a vein of gold
rock, although narrow from eight to fif
teen inches wide which, sparkles all
through with gold. Carry a candle as you
follow along the vein for fifty feet, and you
can sec the clistcninz cold all the way. It
is no trick to pick cot specimens as large
as a man's hand perfectly speckled all
through with gold, apparently as much
gold as quartz. The parties who recently
struck this vein, and worked it fifty Icct in
irrigui at uie center, rorxnlng, in Uic way
they sloped oat the vein, a sort of scml-clr
clc, took out $GO,000. Mr. Town send, the
Superintendent who is now working it,
is even finding it richer than they did. 3Ir.
Moore cays the expense of working the
mine with tut present lorce are ?1W per
day, and he would willingly agree to pay
the expenses for what gold lie could pound
out in a common hand mortar. Xothing
in Owtiicc has ever been struck, exceed
ing, or coming anywhere near the richness
of this vein of ouartz in the Empire mine.
Bviti SlalatiM
Uucvchcss ef Wool.
An Eastern exchange saya that "many 1
farmers have been annoyed, whoa selling
their wool, to find that tin acttto ami pne-;
tlced eve of the wool buyer has detected
the fact that his sheep has been allowed to
run down la condition at eomc time Jw-
Ing the growUi f e fleece. They an '
half inclined to thluk that the buyer is
merely trj-Ing tc depreciate the prloe. AsH,
a matter of fact, there Is nothing which
renders wool so u.oless for certain kinds of
manufacture, as uneveness or break in coa-1
tinnity of the thickness of fibre; and there
is no defect more common, and notnlBg
phRt year by voir toadies the sheep grower
men: seventy on that tender part of his
anatomy the ccket. However good the
wool in alt other respects, the keen eye of
the buyers siHgks oat the dtfecttv wool,
and down goes the prices of it. Ami it is
not mere fancy that regulate the prices,
for the uncrea wM will break at the weak
places daring the first process of (autttfrc
ture. Some persons sHpttose that this nn
evenness ot ncece is uercaiiary m teruia .
animals, and perhaps uncvo&sc&s might be
made hereditary by generatlens ef lll-uiage
and neglect. Bat as the wool ef an entire
flock Is foaad to be a seven one year, aad
not so in another, it shews that the manage
ment has marc te do with it tbca tiectsU.
If s keep are allowed to get into a bad cea.
ditien.are neglected, aaderied or set sfeek
ered properiy, the pores will ooalract, aad
the wool that text will be of very tee
fibre As sods Kaiaaal recerers a
vigereas eoadltioa the porea xala opea,
aad atesferaed siroBgerAbre grows. The
wool is tbas weaker ia eae place tfcea ia
places at each de ef it, aad Weeks at the
weak pboe ee the siigktest streia. Xetii
iag iadaces uaereaaeH mere easily aad
screiy thaa wast of water, it k a ooawa
nrtiea that sheep can do wttimat w'ater er
a ven-little. If supplied with roou Ailhr
they do set want anich water; bat K is
well and baasaac, tee. that water semaid
be always wt'm their reeck. Xet eary ht
It ioperual that the SWm sh4U Vt ct,
bat the fteeca tiaroegfcoat seM be ttvx
as regards leagtk, seAsets, deaaity
it bas beea aaaeaaetd that here ia Pea
dietea the ceawag Fourth f Jaly ws be
be-ctebraled la x maaasr luneofcie at
eacelted la Baetra Orefoa. A saeertsar
-anas beH. eommhieo apf eialed. ii R.
Bfefeep was obexes te deNver aa awiHaa
aad a4ss Xeeale Orerbnlner be read Use
Dtctaratfee of Iadependeaee This was
all dese etorisg ear abscace. Xe eae baa
etScialry (orated as ef the preparaltean
made for the ceeebrai km ; bat we xwi
the respeMllaUiiT of Mathag whet is here
printed, that the people rhitag ha the
j varioas prdae ef the oeeatjr may kaeiw
that a crwtceiehrstioa wHI take phvee ia
! " - ill i f n am ttv Am? naaaeal A cxai
a geactsl
reed thK bad.
Tbe"Heraibaaaja." -HeaeriaciaieahaM
Deaew -C3 ean capraea, imwp wa
a?ea the aateatlrted makiteek Mke thel
' . . .
tArtain the a:dtaa.T ivrvm U a brnaarr
aevrr before aadertakra "ia thk ceioBy. j
UJ Z2ZLZ?r nu-H;,
the regular cekbrators fall lathefr prosais.
rf Alt who ice prefer ta eemt to
Pcndieton can rdy on a gay time.
... . ,, , T . . . ...
We hardly knew what te tomkeftbc
MenKta SeaUael s T re-
gardia; that dead mea foaad tied te a tree,
tfai, Cu throat eat. etc. The atbir U ax
located, except that K occurred ia the Mae
mountains The paragraph is toe taaeS
nite to be believed. T
rrusKS rr Jwsri. lm, srr Tt srit.
1 ftracee Mate srretaev Laataat naal
Of aauf raa bane a Me atrip K. w Swe
U rtl vtubte4 -. braaM M 5 m U rtabt
aboaleer. abt weea jwt bt Afmrtmm at f St.
Breaebf tmt viebesa.
Hotel Arrivals.
Tlic following arc the arrivals a the
Pendleton Hotel fur the week ending
Friday. J hoc 15, IS. 7 :
W A Cok
II Anderson
Frank DcPuo
Hcnr Koch
L It Oaki
B DarUon
Abe Hod ton
A W StulU
Tlios McConncl .
Clia 'Caunlngham
II U JSoothby
lienrr llowtnan
W I) I'arkcr
A L portion -J
L Anderson
Jas ltceves
W V WlnkUr
( llennmi ImtI
n iMehanls6n
(Jeo F White
V '? .
Henry Krvau
John .Mortiey
O J Ilk-hardton
W A ShWIet
J H Parker
C Frectrtan
W T Itathcr
ivdwanl Itoyle
VOnrn K KlStEBY dm tUl I hare lsa dtlf
X ft)ul4 111 i li r at tk EUU of JacxUtaa
eaw x t AK nmt bane; eiawna ajuatl
MM iwn are arer mnn la mm Ibrrn la or.
i tuMxomr. tTem. hulis att taoubi im tin
airf all hu kMk1 ta aaU EataU art r
CeaI M Rail irawrliiU' Jy&etiL
JAXU U. KALCT, Elrcstor.
Lrettx Emn, AHj.
Jim Z, ltTT.
Nwwai) CnA m li !. bjr oa aoclh't
aafl ft. O UN a Qttl4 IbZiM-
aaJfiem Ikm lbe; rewden al
Sir IWea. e tmi tis bj n
ixwr raMk a reas nui ml a It Cnbrd I I
mttf yaijmiia MtM bM er avV taM irm a tfref
al Mmtf. ami a a mat ia I )ittinili bare tma
rataaaaaant era e n f taew nnm. a
i eriuiru i miuen nrt M trrr caw. tr
atmaMC lUMHTntctMa ilniatmti
ain !r a rtf inei, aad b eaoet&o U
cbMraanaa raea hw. Sae tarn box, ft 09L ee I
fern tar fbtfei. f ay uii t aaf maet of CaeW
VaVaaeM 9m VafJMae Ba raalMy K KW ftaj ekT 9fvma G
fc. fe XaMleJe
M FaMea Jtmt. Beaatlja. K T.
FIELag k IbrCOT Wn4 tb
at tau wbirUi Vane. 01 rn ben
ai la w aaii in Mear atxk.
Tba I m ime Mulb U af MWtvawt
Itta. br Sir Arakf.
TorUbM af rtarUel
Stasv fartw ltt, bf
bf iesfbr.
f atin. M. fc FJka.
1US, 7 Teas.
aa rMeaybttCbj laatSatl
j a?H
& fll it tb i '. at ab Swva
at abe Swva e J. C
MeOy MtbrMiiea m. aa( at eba hn at Uab IV4a
anr if. jurraeaa
l lA vT
tXaafaaaa at est
Jal) AL ICS.
Satlilic nntl llnrnos
Pl2fUrKC. Ohtoo.
be tkal be ta trr frt-
aataei ieai rtart
tf mu. 4 tt Vmm U. tmtUr af Meak.
(ixa 5taXT rrxrjc.)
TlMtnCClAX XTZZXTmS raal tbe fwnlitc
A- ' - J - - - - ---
a teaal tMm aM atta eaearha.
f amM ae ItuCeeal Iba awoax ta nrt Jtiit
lib IIii't: aU sa ibi ra mrt t uitin
If HeaantaaX iM m-eacMa.
T REarBCrrCttT XIOK&CX U ta&ra af
I Uataaau - ebat I bare aUEXTri M . UlBu.
try betfaeat, ai at Xtf Ike Utaat iljlet ca",
EarU eafirts lk jTTitrt aT a Int claa
T3res -
I W ngigt ta da all vark :i tbii fct ta usee.
a wtj aa HitiT fitx mf
tfanaa, itr
(Ertrk u.4 Bar FxxlwQ
THIS Vrniirr botri, cenlr rarnUbed tareoibaal,
it bw ieeii for Ibe rerrtt cat, flsef I
reoeaa aad beet table Out aide of Pas rraBrlteo. at
Bedertte mree. Crocral SU 09cc THOUAS
O'BBICS', lTrfrteUr.
CA T T C" We naka a ireeiatiy, aa we bare Urje
m-UiJ ctstMleaeliTraa&dacardrreei.
FOR SALE;5Spi5-rtrof,l!l,M,
We rsake a rpeeltrir. aa we bare a
laraaaertroeatef rwHcrljsr.
I f jeSMHei jma. w
.lit fc-..f
5 I t naeSbm, ( Ba-e
Sill i
- - 'et aeaMb. (Tn-eia.,
- i
KtSr Oear b4 a uaihli Tf
JHmyi aa i. awaVy. Wlara, rfW. OaOan.
Cba aeeeaa V-ebee i i am bev. ArXfir-
jSEKtlUL -
332737 - G-OOClS
rail fee
Fers and Rides.
iivermore & mm
BtaSaeaa EaUbbbed la
il869 - 1869
In aew aTrrttr ! Ike alarpaaJ
w-aO aaiaeted aieaa at
it Iba Terr I:xji CXS3 rrteea. aa tber
Lit raada arraanaieaU te rortbaee teda
lia tbe Saa rrutcaca turtac.
Tber kerr ea baad a fsB Baa ef DCE-
KErt nriect nulal SHIKT5. wUeb are
taade la eeder: asd cj extra aoea wilt ta
rsn-aaed aa aTett acuta.
Tbe bltbeet reiee wW be raid lee HIDES
aad rUR., asd aH klada tt Coostr rr
data AirWe are aUa ajeaU ftr ma kllj
r-ortoatc asd Eipreti aSce ta fcl aue
esc JBcuglc
Our Brand Column.
tfrnnttrnWr Cat lU !io atbarrit r Hit
mr rxx bate i!tlr mrt sad teasa utUUb4 fa it
vnwHoaaBjr allbuot tbarje. Ttiia aluL la worth Ibe
teLftJifOe Ptca U aor SUnUer
' A L Rurlae, I'miHa) eilri-, HI ee rtit rt!e, a Late ,
i hi each; bonce, a.-K Was4 IwtlcusUll oa Irtt ,
J C rnaxbs, Lrsa; . cf-flr. F M lfl able, tnp
mat rmf uA alit aaae; bre. una brao-l
I C H BeeJ, V&i berM eaUie R II es Ml birv j
IxJe la radi er, Umk, vtUtoexef a buot so iibl j
. It rieaart. futrth trrtt: CatlK II S consednl aa
Hb( f t ui irtUp: tujnrt T uMt
baW.r 1
W It mU. Bo Kb crck; a! Or, II Lea lea Up; ita
la mmJim, bwrvea aaare Lra&l a Uft abnoUer.
Jabs 1Uj, Ixu; eatue. teller T urt aoctor aiilleit
ao icn hty. wmrt aa4 atfor HI ta riftl car; borc
taave braid e IrR ihn)'.t
XtLluitmU. WiHUU-, rjusle. BL ao rijbt Up;
eeaf a I-'. ..( ij a&aer Ul la rif.- barMa,3ii
wa r i . Mb ear bware
I eatas Vraad, aiaaUer,
L Ioe, a- Me. K I oa Htbt k!?; tmUthX
creel t Hr. ear aad aMee-tKUkfl; Lortra
aaate brand as left afaeel fcr.
C T aerrr. Vaua; eaMia TZm nfbt bar T asd
cdrfJre79paffrl(Uear; W-. - , urn
8 B Btbe, rttOtua , caute, UX per aSw la
Tbwaii Baker. Bagyy Oaftc; mile. 1C oa kfl Vry;
tvaiae lane M nr r, amnu avrw-bp cat ta
tva la iba aalMe: bam, rase Irasd ao lA lap.
tl K LeatbcrBas, ll'VXT; caUlc, CutMm raarJcrA an
IrR wa. crvc t? ruU xM miiw ta U(l nr.
axb-Ue Arm b9. bum asa braad Cm kft alwalScr
A 8 WeBa, Hrrtfcrr. ra(e. Itree amaS Ua la UUarl
Urf9r9aernatMe8v ferae ra left ear;
anrata, aaae braM ua left ibeeJdrr.
B. A. txr. Uaatca Bar raarb cm Mae creek. Caltlr.
BR ea left baa-. uAtt LaUrra9aSrbt aar aa-S -r
baef trap UA tat, tcrwa auae Uaa4 c fct
J. K liaaKle, rrseteo. Calte, rlrde na ascW
aiuebed catfmeatb. aa fca tip, aaaSs lari; la
eaeaearaa4aaeraeiaalfrtliatacaear. uar.
era utx hul ta IrA Ma.
VeAbatrrB. A UCmli CU,Sftre sa rrM
tee, ae aa Rtu a&i tat a&t esAtr eu u jr(I ear
Lrtra. axaa bns4 as nclt anlars
hmm Ales. Caaie. 3k 7 aa kit bis asd J A eeea cted
aaeWat W aem IU1 aa nxtt kt balT aarr
area er rUbt or. Ilxkea, USUx mul aa Itft
lsru. J trmtt Vrabrr Creek Vt. J-lfttttJ re
anedaaribtbo. atcrr alec u rlfti 3T - J"-
atase braad ritt UU
rWrOn r,r Hrorr CaaU W te riftt Uf;
:rfe?-.atar. aaASe a ixt-tcnn, taa braad
aa nbt abMMer
rtereaew a I", war Rrpjvr Cattle treat,! Tea rtjtt
bt aad Uttjb. m! emit Tea rtU bjpv nr eurk
lor Wxh. et2r U( s ifi&n tMk ra r ear. t-
vaora ea rttl aae ra n?at ?o-.iWT.
aa Arsbar. bfur-Caiatr. rzt .iVt at.
r tMmr trf. r aad ejyr tat ta fljil aad muCrr
bdlaknaar- bone, raw krutl as Mzat tosUer.
7UajeOat.Keyet-Caa. Qanbftteii, kftear
lned abd radte aa rtd bcratx, (j ea le&
Jaalt actac,tnrra Sack-Cattle, Cea rbt
' c!ee rrai aad a er a&l nto. la ieS. !
ran sew. a aa nfd taee rr.
J C JCeCaf . Xadw CiMe. .
3 lea
etda, r- U K&irr teak; bcran, aaaae bnad 1
Bee, eea. Laeer Beaarr Creek Calttc. ? ao left ;
aai rra- aavween.
eraeaz iuu aaa aaCeralape Is left ear
aa mi mss
B 4 Atwee LeT tr-" rrr A
aaaaWer tC benrs aad cattle.
S ee3rt ax !
V X Beofaat. leoa beeaea K B ac left b:). ottU.
aaeaa a Jtat aaae, ey ul raaBew lark ie eaab er
K C Tbeatii ia. tcr KaSier creek txerre IT ae
Ml tbeoeeer. caMe. 7 Tea left bra, aaJtr talferep
aa Ibe r4M aad eeot a ibe left ear
S It rutaaic a, Urmrt Ber errek benet. S F e
rtjM ll llr. tuk aatM c r)bt ttfi, mmf txd
Jeeea Voare, Laer Batter iml-bevs 3e ate
aa leK-t eabler. ee ntt Iur yfr
eoa mt r(M im e epaia la xa ear. i
a&a aaveer wnnta aot aa-r esra- ta ntt ear
Aas TtenV-leu. CaiUe. T vaa eraea wrrr "T '
C !ebr; BkStraeea ixeaeeu belwter.
J a. Kirbf ad Bene CettV, rfcr Jc7il ea. I
Waiay btirttearaa4aadertlBiH. Eae-
aa. ae braad aa wgt Vlbrr
Imwrj 8c8erfnA Cuie WL nszarted ee-
b tea Xw Serb Ueaeleex rjensTaaleft
rC)errr-'B-eerark-Catfe. TCaVPUa-'
ebraat Keeire TCn Itft abeeAarr. 3 rs Ml Cask;
A. v. fe OMSe. MKaWAbtr arr eerrt ff
l;ld ear. Horae atx kexsd to,
.katbx. atr
baa wttbaax aawre.
J. & Gertie. Brwk Slat, sear Weetea Cts&t, baU
aaJ aaderae: arvUr .
L. S. CaflT. Bfar creek ; CUJ eesdCenlei SJ;
mfsa T? S rjM rw u afc'r t i irir
IM is be IcA car. Baeaea aaae trial ee abe Kl
Ceerr Ccpls La Cnxde. Orss; Baeaea C cs Irft
3 H Smrjr Btrrb creek. Caal. J C oeaetSed ea
kft aaja Renea aaoe ea Mt akecMer.
ae fmiM-Totao. Cinte. g eartnied by i C cs
eqar Vlv Baewa. aaaae beatvd ec Irtt abaoer.
Bebt Brsre, IVsderua. CvSe. 3 ae ka bi?. Bee
B Jl Cklele. can rglz, tawrr pari laxrzd
e-x . tmtl ee eilj letr taiei. Bcraeaaasews
NetmAtVfcrrlT.BaUrraTek. Caltiebrxsdbiabat
ec rM e MX Iwca. rrp aMmaaa U tea ear
Bar- ease braad aa liA ebmtdrc
Cntra A Leri. Casit CLtt M aide. reaSew
Krk aal mccerm ta caeaear. Bam ease braze
a Vfl abeaUrr.
3. t. Secrn, TraKS. Caleie brasi X cs njlt lip.
abort tnf aCkC or, aad staler or? tS ef rxbt
1 3 Ltree, FBrt EarX tUrare, LOca as rttt ibss-
dec. aale. aaae ea nsbt ken. aad wxaSe ea seek. 1
.'! Oecz.irfV ro Rett Caste LCeoiMtl a3a
cs Sure aact Smt w -i. tarm, atucx cutr use
J LCaaWirr. Ba r -- CatCr. erso eC f rStbt
nrssdiratea r- a Mt ta tbe left ear, asd
w i tali caW - -.i.Jea kft aaie asd O te
ylcftbtn, Bareri -. let ebocAder.
JaTyir.w, gmu.-'t nse,T9eari(&tkJs
rt asJ sEdrridt ta rit car. Harare esse bcaad
lBBakr.Xee.Iewi. Cate braae. C te a r rf er
ritbt blj aad cre- tftt kil car xas. c ki -rtfbl.
J J Baesrar&er. CauUKa. CaOleJ c aMe. crrp
asd airt a kft ear. BtrWBsttrialniKd.
C A Rbea terrrr WBkv Cnt Canla. R ea rt(ta
itr; ast-r ba is left car aad ri(U car aeffwd. Bar-
tee, B aa rijil abeobkc
A S Weae, U770r CanVe. teUt rwvadc e Ie&
nV, ere? ed rbt aad wx9ev icrk la kft eas.
Bern, ease braad ea kft aboaVSrr.
B. C SraeoSsc Bence, S ea kft abeaUer; ca&a
B S ea rixbt hi a, aseetb crop atT ntbt car.
Va Lee, Btrcb creek. Cattle, tVat 3 ca kft bip;
awasew lark aat r? Mt a len eat itenra, U
eaede braad ea kft bffL
A CeSeae, ISrar creek. Cattle, A 6 ce kft kre; a!
ta eacb enr. Benea. aaae braaJ ea kft abeaMrr.
K. 3 Orrrer. TUfrT Curco. CatCe braad, ta dr
eatbtrde. CrspeCeadl ear, bole tarsia. Str
eet ease braad ca tbcaVkr.
Tf Ijn: Better Cree. Cattlebrtad. -j- oarUS
Erp; rrep u rn ear usnea, nst seaa, ca mu
3 M Bkkt. Blrra trtet CattK tbfee dewbxe, crrp
aad bete la kft ear. Benea. . ca lect aaeeur.
ft I". Tbcspfos. Batter creek. caKle braad O T ce
lea. aua. crop cs rni ear aaa rru ia na. una
O Tea left tboaUer.
U. TVMba, IVaSeiea. Call! brasd. beem ibse re
ten ttf. rtt car est otr. Bants, B O ta r!
II It DEoC Better (mt CxUkbnad ta tbe tiara
cf ere rrra, ec kft tide, rwaSew ta ibe kfi asd
tat ta nix eat Bam bnaded fjcre ca itjbl
R Otcotl, nSot Sack. CattA aut hi rifU ear aad a
KaadBSderaU la kftt, braad, O Lea left bb
tea aaase braad ec kit abcaUer.
r XJacart, Caj-CM Cauk. ereo eff af kft aad aader
crop eT of rbt ear. braai T R ce rtibt tlo. Beraea
ra braM ea kft tbcaVkr.
BAaalJW fxiabtrs. SuUT creek. CaUle. evp
cS eacb ear, brand, fra See rt&at tide. Honja
aaaae braad ca nrbt aaoatrr
D H Lealbencaa. Cattle. ner Ml fat left eer; Crua
V ea kft blp aad neck Ue dslirv. Boraca aasM
braad ea kft abeeJder
t. 9.j " rHt.
ear, braaJ, 6 T ea left b!p eili tie T dacctr wrcr
Cm UmartL Brrccer. tCattle ta caana ctLaah
Titajet CkM rrop cf of left car, brand, B L
Jciaed, ea itcbt blr
Bil nnir-r, HktT Caoroo. Cattle, ma aad Cdrr
Ul ta rtrbt aad afct ia ten ear, craso. n ea I
lrnraea aaaa bnad ea kit abaoider.-
B. . JabBMO. ntatRock. Clille Ertfid. tiila bcol:
earttbtbln. ercata eaeb ear aed tcdrr rrop off
ntbl aar. Heoes ease 'braad j IrTI abooMer.
C irekb. reasctos luilie brsa, T la etasMod ca
nbi bio. rrsa ea af r!bt car aad a&t la left.
NftHercer. Barry Ctayon. Cattle braad, a dctjblu
rroea ea kft awe. aadcrcp and aUt ia rlcbt ear, aod
rrat and aadtr kit la ft. Bcrata braaded K oa kfl
W 7 BraaaSetd, Cillk, afire S aader row lock ea kft
itaakicroa aadrp&t la ricbt ear. ccder aiope ta
kft. Beraea. B aader bait drde ea aboobkr.
j salt. Kot Reck. Cailk, mak ifaoe oa rtcbt kip.
trrpcrbaircrpplabflear. Barret aax braad ca
Tereibtr wUbaH eaacbleary coeseaed tbenwitb.
I GREAT BAncAIX Cta be bad by eartr aeotea,
iV ltn ta tbe iresrtttera at ISnrtletea. Tba tema
ef tela ill be turfttit te eba prcbar-a rartfea t
be r " i li tuitmw by taeunatw.
rpitc rtssLzrot tiouz:a wirxi an c-
a- cwflaiatad aad la (aB cfxratWx ror wU fee
....Or lie..
Uigfiest Cifsfi Price VM
Fir tbe taxi.
Will eiad Cera as.! Clop FreJ, fc. tX,
asy day ia tie weak.
For sab at all tisti.
TrMial yea " tit I wei Cm rfU. ICr";
acua U Qa5i mIm atd acutf ynOU. I wil t
la the csactry.aa 1 Hare ta trK Jilil
Zait of the Catezie.
. . .
RaaisikcaHaj aeastrs dcew treeaeeif tad ea ttae.
Her aM aaasv&etarw
Ot alt D?enp4lonA.
We artprfared ta SB eedera at ibe fsBgwtas yeet
.puatrW let,
VerVJar t U$. fosrtar asl 2aaavt SI 9 see IM
Berried wrstber VatHeas errbaxfTd Ur 1 feet aa
j ,, Swt Sar Seat. or faraUad al ta
jrr IM Svt,
pe Sarsbed at iraea SI 3 la $S CC
t Tqt J'ta I irrTtr tl i r -
tl-&l rri. 7 ttmrr. II 1
Va tewlt lr derea.
OsaBbeBa rer 5 a kberil tWacim ertet be
! a. i ii-i ea n Li
rcratabrd ea abot wao. Tree aTCeat,
wxc we are esraejrM ce
evOm fl 14L Ui ef lee Urgr n 7a.r
- t vi nrn-r A ll at
UNLcn i .HrirV3,
laaBBa braat-k-at imrrfrrl tarrae-qCy.
Pesdleton, Oregon
SEOrOXOcnttreettatbaeaaM tcac of S&
TjUt t.'rrtictwa rsr
PrompOj Atiended T
C. W. Marskill, - Prfrri
EAST SIOS XlCr alrJair, OrrcaCU rCeee
Baet. Via krep cccauaUy ca basd,' BeeC rack
MbOso. Firaare cseaA: ad.J)utcsa eaasafecaraed
aad dried Beat. FRtet raatsable. Ht r Be
Xerth-Western i
(7rx' Jeiaa ia JUri EmL.
ZochI Rata ef Fart;
reaiktea ta La Graade I IM
Cak U
BaktrOty tt
ttolae Oly, Mabo. ai 0
Vriaaetaarea. ? Ca
Keaae.Vtab,C V. BaUroad XI
ftaaUBa. .
VaSaWeSa. i
Yeetoe....... laj
Tbrr(h ttcketi to Otuba, Cl.lcir KaaaaajCBy,
St. Loasa, rtuUderabla. New Terk, Baelea.
Ua. aod all itizlt ri Boua CJIJ a4 K:too. the ii."
teel Orerlaad Xaote Cut. we an nSer at rrHj ie
duced ulea ortr tbe Baa of tba X ts; & Ca.
Croebb, Fd t"tk, tklCrd dHerrr. retabta -arrforeMaco
of aerrlce ra Usm are arecUl fttatam a
toe CMtasy. AmJt to LOT UVKRUOKE, Aeti
W. B. MOXRtS. s.-ufrlaleaderi.'
A. K. BOOK Of. AUat JayrrlitrcJttl.