The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, June 09, 1877, Image 4

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    False PrWo as to "Work.
Many of ns see a gioat deal of tbo dis
tress which is so much talked of this year.
and we feel fired with zeal to help this j
one or that one ont of Iris difficulties.
You hear of a poor man "who has a fam
ily to support, and who has not earned a
cent lor Uie last weeK. lou jro from
place to place seeking -work fortHm, and
at lat, not where you are looking for it, 1
but among the sufferers from tlio hard
times, you accidentally hear of a lady who
is quite willing tn hire a man to do some
work which she is anxious to hare done,
Out sue cannot atlord to pay much. 1 ou
directly think of your poor prottgeaul
arc 6Utc he will jump at the chance of
making fifty ceuts by a day's work, be
sides getting a good me-.lN At gteat
trouble and inconvenience 4o.TOrs-lfi
you find him. He is "glad to hear of
job," but at the mention of fifty cents
day, draws himself up with, "I nivcr did about one hundred and fifty towns whose
a day's wurruk under wan dollar, and population exceeds ten thousand,
ginerally it was two." In vain you tell All orer that wide extent, however, are
him that fifty cents is better than nothing, clustered the villages which contain the
and even the good dinner is worth wGrk-" bulk of the Russian people. Far from
lBgfor.- You go home fairly discdttraeil," odng sparsly settled, as many think,
and feeling as if yon can never take such European Russia contains as xsuny pec
an interest in a "case' again. pie to the sqnare mile as that part of our
A note awaits your arrival. Your dear own count iy which lies east of the Mis
friend, Mrs. Caritas, wishes to interest si.sippi River. The conn try 5 fairly
you in a very sweet young widow. The dotted with busy little communities, and
young woman is left with two children arc quite distinct from the large towns,
to support. She is not ljoine!es..fflK; Row are these Tillages governed in
has a nice little house, but qcye penni- tbtyr local afiuir! Xot by agents and
leis. Can you think cf anything for her I
10 ao,or lmercst any tauics in licri louritnem, out ly tlicir own free votes and
chilled heart warms as vou think of the I action.
young widowjVready WjdosjijtbfggriJfc. The Russian village electa not only its
your friend says. Yea, you willVorkfor J own.exccutive officer, but its own judges,
uer; she has no settled sum that she can It has its local legislature, elected everv
earn. You go from house -to"fctuc and three years, in which nobles and peasants
talk of nothing but "work for a young sitxogether as eqeals. Great landed pro
widow," till, if you. but know ityKateV prictors and their former serfs are to be
widow"istheb"ugbearofallyoiirIiieaiis. s.oca.side by side in this body, and the
Bat your zeal is rewarded. -A lady wanes Tote of the serf is as good as that of his
to find somebody who will take the en- former master.
tire charge of the children's- wardrobe. . there is a vet more curious fact in rela
tor -and make ooth underclothes and j
uresses. iiisacue a jmici.o-iR
common run. The lad v is willing to nay
well, bat stipulates that whoever takes
the matter in hand shall cam 2 every Fri
day, xrom ten to four, to mend for her.
The pay is really good, for the lady feels is parceled out among the villagers sot
interested in jour widow, and von write, ip own, but to cultivate, and the products
to Mrs. to come to your hous at her of the field belong not to the man who
earliest convenience. Yctr tcllTfaCirtITTe raises them, but to the village which dis
plas to Lex. Sbe listens jcarefully. and pons of them. Then the village, as a
to 'yosr astonishment, Instead' cf saving, corporation, maintains and supports all
"When shall I begin." she MBksho I tbe inhabitants, pays tbe taie to the
go to her house every Friday on theYoot- general government" aad provides for tbe
ingof a team stress P . poor and helpless.
Yon are taken aback as it -strikes you Another singular fact is, that no isbab
that her children's footing-' ongtir'to oV itaat can leave a village without its con
the chief matter of anxiety to beiv -You-. rQt, or cnless be pays a certain sum;
try to axswer patitstlv. TheltdrtMif? ibid that, whrn "a riUare becomes ovcr-
T .3 m t i . ? , . . ,
aiau. iiiucuu ueen coming
larly arranged, only she wished to have
yoa there to mend, and she said there speedily grow up. '
might be some stains to take out of dress- The tie between the parent village and
es, or any snch little matters." '-Sbe its colonies is a very strong one, and not
must be looking for a kind of lady's maid, seldom a colony which does notflouriib
and I don't think' returns to its old home, and is received
And so it ends. Tbe last you beard of with open arms. About ten years ago
tbe widow, she was struggling along, one of these colony villages as entirety
making bonnets in a wry private way for burned down; whereupon the people re
ft, few lriends, and being helped by one turned in a body to the parent village,
and another. You are discouraged, but which was two hundred and fifty miles
yoa have by no means exhausted the away.
number of people who "can't do this," These villages choose and pay their
became it "migbt seem" such and such a own police, establish schools, ttVf meas
thing. There -are gentlemen who have ores for the general health, watch the
earned their thousands, and because they crops aad tee to it that each man does bit
can't earn them now, will not earn any- proper share of work,
thing. -I am worth at least twenty-five Thus their local government it as inde
hundred a year," one of them said to me, pendent of the Czar, in most respects, as
"yet I might go for twelve hundred." A that of the New England towns is inde-
great come down, but, in the meanwhile,
waning lor the twelve hundred, he will
not tarn a dollar or two a day, so let his
wife teach or sew to- earn a pittance till
bis talents are appreciated.
Look on the other side. There are men
to-day working for six hundred a year,
who arereallv worth twelve hundred:
but they say nothing. They work on and
on. A chance comes of making an extra village government is, tnat outside or the
five dollars by extra work. Mr. Dooless, cities and toan, which, as we have seen,
who k waiting for the twelve hundred fewer in comparison ta tUe total pop
dollar salary, wouldn't think it worth ibition than in any other civilized coun
while to make that five dollars; but tbe tfy, scarcely a beggar or pauper can be
other works at night and makes that ex-1
tra money. Gradually people get to
fcnow him as a man wbo is always ready
for work; who never refuses because the
pay is light; and one and another, who
have an uneasy feeling that, driven by the
1 3 : al l i--at- .t
hard-tiines tbev have not paid him as well
aa uirj ougut, inirounce xum to ueueT-
paying people and gradus.l'y'be gets more
and mort ' "
There. axe womtn who, -baring children
to snnnort. or husbands ta hefn. iwitibrfr.
pride in (he dustandstantTuponit their t JoaneT gfalnt over which the breexes
foolitb tiride. I meari.TOtthdr'-ooahSnH,P like playful spirits of tbe beautiful;
bit Brifieof indereDdcccel That-fooliiiiJ
pride tquirms and twists and sometimes purest wool, the hillsides, ruing up
almost gets up, but h-jw the brave worn- mist-shrouded mountains, arc all cov
an stamps on. it! She will sew or rettd, md with thick carpets of smooth, velvet
write or keep boardert. If Tpn-rksnch
a one whatjtje rf "irrtfT r;rirV ,
her answer comes promptly, "What it
will bring." SAe sets BajyaJoga her-
self, as far as "money is concerned, nor
does sbe feel bound to pursue one beaten meadows, but upon the very walls aad
track. One week she corrects jrooi-it of the sea, from tbe great
happened a proof-reader was uc& .blooming rhododendrons, down to tbe
somebody,niowing slitTwouTtTjump at smallest floweret that modestly peeps
any chance of workA let her know qf, ibe forth from its grassy cover. Tbe Irish
opening. .TJi atsr ,wtialeaLaC. Jiir1 lurze, so richly yellow, covers all places
sewing machine a friend's eyes are weak, 'bat migbt otherwise be bare or barren ;
and she happened to say she was looking "be silk-worm delights every where, from
for a seamstress. Atunns our heroine thousands of tree, to "drop its web of
(for are not such heroines?) stamped on gold;" tbe blooming hawthorn, with tbe
her pride, which squirmed horribly, and weet-sctnted pink, and especially the
said, Reaiber, sbe .was lHSfik-'t" r,'',c TBr'etJ adorns the Isndtcapes aad
said, and doesnf know how very poor the gardens; wall flowers of every hue
yoa are. You'd pietend yon krunt of a Tarieiy, clamber to hide the har.h
tMwuirm." Down came-the foot, and oatt of the mural supports; tbe beetled
the words were spoken bravely; "Ifl may clifls of the "North Lrs are fringed and
take the work home, I shall be very 14. softened with lovely flowers, and if you
to tiara." Another time there is sadden otcl anywhere almost ou tbe yielding,
sickHeM, JtBd a nurse Is reqairtd. --She velvety carpet, yon will find little, well-foaa-
aau4 io. irradtmnvieaa-i?rreiai- uigb invisible flowerUs, red, blue and
repuUtion for intense caroetneis in ful- yellow, wrought into the very woor and
f ilkg her duty that of earning money textur. Irclaod ought to be called tbe
for her children and, pHs,.lliag leading Beautifnl Ise. The spirit of tbe beauti
to aaotber, she learns bow to support her fol borers over aud touches to living
fiwiily comfortably and with case. Hope love.inesa every point. Springs and
Ltdfari, in lU Churchman. brooks, contunfng water as clear as crys-
m t c.Ze. aU are very frctjutnt, and serve greatly
. ' . ., to heighten the delight of the admiring
As extraordinary occurrence recently frayejer.
look place at a circus at "Norwich, Ung- . . .
laad. Oaef the i WormarniBcluTier The womanly woman is not ambiiious
VerU0DkTu,? D,-C l0 ofperstmal dbplay ouUide the perfect
m i Tnd,e ? 7C kB0W5 T eonlnct of ber bouse snd her ownTegit
sulU i tbe death of Black Bjtsd imatc beauty; sbe is fond of ber home
l.. burdlcs from tbe circus. Tbe and of her domestic duUea,she respccU
fftlT"? tat?0QWU conertfxIiBto her hBlbaBti Md tho tak7-s cart- ofber
raH'm8temid children, whom she looks after, guides,
remove a mare, which fitmred aa Black ! -.i . -VP.
TS-a frnta. tl tv,M..j-4
T ---- a aaa MIVI S9 V AS 1UUUU Rl
be actually dead. Wbcn jumping the
MaTBfcttac gave sue itit, ana bo doubt run
...! 1 C 11 .... .
tisredlsericlf inUrnally, but she cot up
d was ridden arouncf'tC rtt I.iP
wuea me cleared Uie rate iuwl MmnT..t
. - - - "
her part of the performance. That the
was injured was not discovered until the
was retBovcd from tbe nog.
"We itta4lv call those tpn mir mnafara
-- a
from wbern we always Iwra; bat not
trw-vtj my m nmmi iauu ucscrvc ut
tMe. (fort;.
V Busslan Tillages.
It Is genrrallr thought that Rush it
a vast and absolute despotism, ruled over
by a single autocrat will, and that the
Russian people, having no voice in their
own affairs, have nothing to do but to obey
the mandates of the Czar.
Wliile it is true that the Russian Em
pire is an absolute one, and is the only
oatiou in Europe which does not have a
general Parliament to make its laws ana
restrict the power of the sovereign, it is
Ian -error to suppose that the people hare
no voice In their political, or, at least,
their local attain.
Tins is seen bv the verv peculiar and
interesting organization of the Russian
villages. Russia, indeed, mav be called
a uauon oi villages, ir, contains very lew
arge cities, and throughoat that vast
country, comprising nearly one-half of the
entire continent of Europe, there are only
mayors sent from St. Petersburg to rule
tioa to these self-governing villages of
laaiocra. iiasaia. mev are one
autocrat Russia. Tfaev are one and all '
corporadons, which hold the entire land
on a perpetual lease, and each inhabitant
owns, sot a plot of land, but all the land.
is common with his neighbors. Tbe land
particn-Jiowucu, ii senas our, & colony to some
jbooccc pied tract, where a new villa re
1 pendent of the President of the United
I states.
Tbe great measure of the emandpatioa
of the serfs, which, having been gradually
aad carefully prepared, finally took place
inlool, added no leas than twenty-fire
mHlioai of free village to the producing
force of Russia.
I . 0e important result of this system of
ouna in iiussu. J ettA $ CvupMiv.
Tbe Beauties of Ireland.
TVe know, of course, that Ireland Is
called tbe 'Emerald Isle." aad that tbe
icol0"- of the emerald is green, but never
uagiiaui. uim wac
was any where in the world to be seen
inch verdure at charms tbe eye to look
" the rural districts of Ireland,
Tbe slopes, the knolls, the dells, the fields
U12 pattarw. dotted over with sheep of
green. Uut Ireland should also be called
ltae lowery Isle." There is not a spot
i Irelan i where blessed nature can and
an excuse for putting a flower, but she hu
oa not only in the gardens and in tbe
taaucac, auu TOucaica taw nooie tuea
and women. Sho is not of tbe silly sis
terhood wbo think housekeeping a degm-
,MU r,B".,"T , . r
I tbird-rate work of men than the best of
I a " tl .ll 1 al-
I tKa.4 vliif. n.lttra .nrl .uTal ar tiat'n ..rvn.
r- v ..-.v-j..
tioncd to themselves.
The trustees of the lows Agricultaral
College have placed the kitchen of that
institution under thrm of the taacli-
lpr nr ilntnaeita ..1 iMi
w. uu....v.v. CWUL'BI, i-k k .u.a J 1.01 ,
each young lady lis the junior class will
1 ivc to spenu one mortiiBg eaci'i Ki
I ia the kltchAi for nractlcal laatrB.-tlna.
A Merchant's Progress.
A correspondent
the Baltimore
Bulletin writes :
The mention of Etntru Abbott's name
inevitably suggests sotno anecdotes I
hoatd recently concerning Mr. George 0.
Like, whose elegant mansion on Fifth
avenue she rnakd her home here, and to
whom she is gUd to be indebted
much of the ruateritl encouragement
that enabled ber to pursue htr carrcr.
Mr. and Mrs. LtVe keep an apartment
ia their house which they call the "Alt.
bott mom," and which they have deco
rated with a number of oljrcU of ait,
including a iortrait of its occupant,
E tinted by Frank IL Carpenter. Mr.
ake is one of the remarkable men of
New York. He is well known as the
senior memler of the Broadway dry
good houfe of Lake fc McCreary, but
he retired from active business tome
years ago. He is to-day a millionaire.
Mr. Lake came to New York a poor
boy from New England. He obtained
a situation in the old house of Ublo)l
& PiemoD, and, in the course of time,
made a contract for three years at fire
hundred dollars per year, or an aggre
gate of fifteen hundred dollars for three
years. Jut after making this contract
he was called on one day by Mr. Crist,
of Spies, Crist fc Ci who said to him:
Mr t ,v. v,..-.. ...... . ... .
. u. tj. u .. ,
fnr some time; yonr fidelity and appM-!
cation to business please us. We have I
been lookini? for iutt such a maa to take '
our business. We offer you three the- mue. Mere are mad the Krne Concentra
sand dollars for the firtt year, five thou- tors, which have been found to operate to
sand the second, and seven tLoasaad the :
Laker Bccautc I iust maile a cua-!
m... t. it - ii... m
...u luch cl. i-,rrn. - ,
noi on suca terms as we ener y m, Jlr.
Laker" "No, certainly not," replied the
voang man. Is vour contract with .
Ursdell & Pierson in writing, Mr. Lake."
'o. ir." -Well, then it is act WskI.
I02t saiu jtr. intt. "U mtkes no au-
fcreuce. was Mr. Lake's renlv: I have '
giTen Ubtdell Piersoa ray wttrd."
Tiw. rnrt Mr T .v. a-. .wl.-
Tire years went on, Mr- Lake taprwrtiag
hu wire aad child on i00 a year. They
boarded on Caaal street at &3 a week.
Near the end of the three years Mr,
Pierson one day said : 3Ir. Lake, we
with tn say to yoa that e are macfa
pleased with you. Among all ear vwng
men you have been the mott faiihfttt.
W.tnow irhrr ,nn -ii-, ,.,
V.f, w: joa Co- Tea jour
daily duties are toier you go bome. e
are so much pleated with yon that we
have decided to offer vou an interest with ,
n. Jlr. Lake replied, "I cannot
ceptit, Mr. llerson." -Why notf
nave no capital ana x win
net borrow
It was Mr. Picroa turn sow to be tur
priied. "But, Mr. Lake, yoa i!l sUy
with us." "I will t lay. 3Ir. Pierson. but
you must make it aa oUjtct. Mr. Lake
then tor the hrt time told of the offer of
Thishehad kept to himself, as faithful
iuuu.jtvi jrxr as sc wostu
have been at (5,000 or $7,000. thosgh he
couta not arwajs xeep out ot nit aiaa
the tempUng offer be had put ande.
" Mr. Lke rrnlinl- f iml"K ?'rCT- ew peupie
oblured to you, Mr. Critt, for your good perfect machine thU It, separating L It doe
opinion, but I cannot accept your offirr. , to thoroughly, and yet to mechanically, all
Mr. Crist -as surprised. "Whv net. Mr. , the valuable aaterUlt at eae point, and car-
Mr. Piersoa said, "Mr. Lake, oa what , BUekmtr t DitU.VM aud Vxl yarkct t,
terms will yoQ remain with utP "Icaniaaa FraaeUco, are tcUtsg Sevea Octave,
not bom buy aad sell the same thiag,
Mr. Pierson. If my services are desired
by you, make me an oaer." They parted.
Tae next day Mr. Pierson said. Mr.
Lake, my partner and myself have deter
mioed to make yoa this offer 110.000
M .... fn. ta. l aitlt W- 1 viaaaanaMaa. . ; UHIM. ta ai BUT
per year for ten years." "All riRht, Mr. t to put eotlre ceaSdcarc la their selec
Pierson, I accept-" And so by fidelity tioa of a piaao than to bay of stroUlac
and patience oa foOO per year, George G. I -areata" wfe lafett the coaotrr, coilri
Lake laid the fooadatton of hi fortase. ' f r lio purehaatn r ufcrtor
He i, oae of God', noblemen. Ills heart 1!. aal
is warm with sympathy for the lira pi; ling i atove the real raise of their cooda.
ana tne susenas. lie it aa entbuttatuc
lover of mutic, and was the largeat sub-
rcriber in Dr. Cbapin a church to the
fund for the nautical education in Esnvne
nf Vi.i AMwitt Jr. .U. . l. K t...
i Abbott, i
most cabonnded
r.:,L. i .
laita. lie Dti
j , "
many fiae pictaret, including, perhaps,
toe naest example of Thomas Cole in
New y.nk. He has several Boaeraat. a
aiinrrhVer. TTnTM of lm.n -ir
'Zi:.i. '"7-ZZ '.7 r
Jay Cooke's Ogon'z Palace," the fa
moss country-reat of the great Pacific
raltmad ftnmrtar naar tt.taraj.l. .
Ttiar. I. . cY;.,. f rW
- . 3 r ZZ
ptlnting banging in one of tbe upper
chambers. It repreaesta tbe island bome
of Jay Ooxe, in Lake Erie, "Gibraltar,"
and was punted by a lady of Ohio, who
speat a year upon it. Tbe price not be
ing stipulated when the commiision was
given, the lady thought ber services aad
the picture worth fo,000. Cooke stood
out about it. Chief Justice Chase, to
whom Cooke largely owed bis fortune.
befriended the lady and adrued him to i
par ber ber price. Cooke said it was a
swindle, aad be would not pay aay such
price. Finally be sent Cogswell, the
artist, ou to New York with the paint
ing, with instructions to exhibit it to
Durand and Huntington, former Presi
dents of tbe Academy of Dedgn. They
said $1,000 would be a fair price for the
painting. This, I believe, was all Cooke
would agree to pty, aad it was finally
acccptea. Zonr comes the tunpuemeni,
At tM great sale oi Jay Uooice. P'.ctares
. .... .
assa vj W4i tstv iMtttuttL: w utiimu,
was knocked d-iwn to Mr. Lake, who
V-nnr nnthlnr nf tha l.latnrr f ti.r.
tketcbed, for $35.
As Ota Bcnus Stout. The ciders
of the gossipy critics have only to tax
their memories a trifle to go back to tbe
hilarious days al Jlilc. xinugaou Baron
auasi. lucuawaaa iuic maica wiiico ; qnaintaace. will receive oy return rntu a
provoked acres of broad German grins choice piece cf new Music, vocal or In it ra
in d los of scandal. It was a feast nientJ. bey prefer.
which the gos.ips of 1830 fully enjoyed
aad liiTO never forgot ton. "Henrietta , Llfa Intrurance Claims Adjusted.
Sontag was then in the flower of her
beauty of youth and charm of song. Sbe
had long declared henelf invulnerable to
the arrows of Cupid, but she was human
after all. Wherever the went i was
noted that tbe Baron Ilostl was at ber
heels. If she arrived in Berlin by .one
diligence the devoted Baron was sure to
arrive In the next. The same thing at
Hamburg, the same at Paris, the same at
St. Petersburg until tbe Berlinese made
fun of poor Sontag and called ber per-
a'tirn tnllnarrr Tlaron "Mnntarr" Whrn
love's secret began t Irak out in spite of
n j j... .
au precautious, anu scaauaia iouk tue
place of harmless jest, they linked Lady
Sunday and Baron Monday together, but
it turned out that Uie parson had joined
them in advance, so that all the calum
niators and jokers on Sontag were fig
uratively knocked into "the middle of
next week. Although nearly half a
century lias passed one will occasionally
encounter an old beau in tbe Thiergarten
or the lobby of the opera, who will smile
thOBf htluliy as he taps his snuff-box and
say, almost sadly, "Nobody slags like
bOHtag, aad ao one ever will."
Be jut before yoa are geaerous.
The Debris of the System
Mutt either pus through Its natural chan
urls of exit, the bowel, tbe kidneys and the
pores, or. In default thcrcol, polwo and dls.
order tbe fiulda of the system. In order to
ctTect the complete cxpuUlon of this dinger,
out refine, the organs through which It
im.tct on mut be acllro and unobttructed.
Fortunately there I a certain meant l ren
derlng thrut when they are not. UuatcU
ter's Stomach Hitters tUmulate the aellun of
. the excretory organ, and bv dltfotlng a gen.
I UI wrnith through Iho eirculatlon, rncuur
: ace moderate iwrtplration. fir thl triple
c fleet tbe exodut of the foecal and other
watte matter are encouraged, and the is
tcm freed from peril It would otherwise
Incur. The action of the bowel which ful.
low the UK of thU bcni-firent alterative b
ratjr and unaccompanied by griping, and Its
ttlmuUtlre effect upon the urlntry urgaa
ktj conducive to their local health.
Piles ou Ilrao&auoir: Their cautet and
bow currd without tting.tmrniogorcutUog,
and without pain. Send for circular. No
charge whatever If not cured. Da. Vase
Ucxxkix, I'arlor J. Cosmopolitan Hotel, H. P.
Golden State Iron "Workj Co -opera
I'auiaa, Knox Je Co.
Are located at No. 1V.2I. 3, and 25 Hrit
ttreet. Saa KraneUco, and were catablUbcJ
about the year lS-51.anii were at that tine
known a tbe "Sutler Foundry. Itwaaeoo
Ulerrd quite a Urge cstablubaeal In lboe
day, alltrouch It did not employ our 12 or
'J nen,wnjic it now emptor are or ix
umt. ibkt Lumber. It occuple U3K feet by
1S7K feet.
Here are made the celebrated Golden State
Suction and Prexure Blowers, that are to
taeceattuliy la separating and conccntratis
have any
Thl firm make alraott everr deteriDtioa
f lroo work. They are engaged la diking
a natality of eating for the "Napa Coatof
Mated QalcfctUvcr mine, and the Oceanic
,X ,V - ,
wrka eem to be their tpeeulty.
Te exeeHeace of the work tamed out of
J'1 "i? f,6" U,Jr
' le'tJ btiataett integrity dlir4ajcd by thlt
( firm la lhfir eraUetueomittid it to all
; be hare Irotleei trantactlont with U.S.
JtnU Uwamr.
, 1
Notlco to F armors.
D. M. Otborce Co, of Anbum, N. T,
raaaulictarert of Wheeler. Klrbr i Bardie k
"""7, ln? ih1?rr.'1.Thfc Jcific CJ"1
kraaeh it at 254 aad Market ttreet, Saa
FrKJclt mUh Q, .M , 4 y to OWDrr,f
I Kuby Machine that If they atnt tor
ItteiroacUte teturett waytortt ihctalt
f 2d dlntt 10 -ofaetmrm. box HIS,
,(a, V rta .a.. . i .
in a rw i taam
I . fa m af mb.
to other partle rsay caste a delay aad par-
I Ma ItMj u. ac - "bU ami.
had better aote thU, aa the Corspaay with to
lta where the old tsachlae are aad who
owns them, la order to be rtadr lth extraa.
Again taej aay, pay "Ho alteattun to falte re-
pona aeat ou dv -ton tgrnur l oq raa
reach the tavsavaarrarvrt by xiittulug D, M.
OSBORNE i CO, to r lata, is rrasciteo.
laUrior to that eSeet, tute that w hlch I falte.
. .
noe at p,ica on
I Koteooil Plaaot, with all raodcra Irsprove
taeala, tor fZt which caa tx pAldlattaall
; rasathly iattaltracata. Thlt la a rcHatke
' boote, whoae Ictcgrtty aad fair deallsg dij
e ccpescra upon, ttethlea waica. both
! raetaber of the trm arc accorapllthed raatl
;rlaat.aad knew vtttt they receatcetvl to
, their CBtletsera. Ve coattder It far raor
) F.
Tho Globe) Iron "Worka,
V. Haatiactoo. Proprietor, is a Botable
etUUiahtacat to all rcautrlar
maciuacry of
asvUaa. It la locaUJ at No. 113 aat Itl
; iikboti iurti,sta inaaica tac tiUH
, .1,. m , no ri j .
the preotltes are UzlCO feet. Xaaafactsr.
I c oT ail Uadt laachlaerr frota a pateat of-
'Sea raodel loaoee haadred ttaap caartz
' mm the-;Si a tsUU aad thlarle tali arc
tpedally. They are sow bolWlar a cjila-
i ler fr the U. h. Mint aad hare receaUy
shipped a aaw taQl raachlaery for the UaX
racia IanJ afar ljimharfVi mrtA mm an .l
deace of their aprecUttea of the wwk. they
hare lOtt rcceitcd aa Older for dopUcale
'atsWaety for the same compaay. Allhoorh
i very btiy, yet nae OHver TwUl U open to
receive a 11 Hie mere." This b Jatt the
place to set a Job executed with dltpAtca.
- V lament.
A. Medal Well Boeto-stred.
People who have osed the Avaauu. Mixxo
Pa 1ST aced no more proof of its cvouoraT,
beaaty aad darablnty thaa that aSordcd by
their own experience. It has gilded great
celebrity throuj-hosl the United State aad
Is now well kaown on the Pacific Coat I, aa It
tbo am by the sale whkh Increase fro as year
to year.
At the recent Centennial Exhibition the
Avkxiu, Muni pAi.vr wa awarded the
hlrbett raedal aad diploma. When we con
sider the rivalry called forth by a world'
fair it b ao very small matter for it to bear
oS Ihe honor, la spite of the corapctitioa
of all other mixed palal.
The National Surjrlcal Institute,
Aad Its branches, hu toccctafoUv treated
more cases of hutaaa deforrallles of every
deaeripUoo File, Filial, Ac tiaa aay
t iimuir lniumiun m ice aorin. 1 1 rrrrirrti g
, lho hl.httt Mdoreraeat of the profettioa.
Ii 1 a . . ' ,v "
. both of Earonc aad America, at the recent
OOU1 QI Xa4ir
' Ceateanial Expotltion al Philadelphia.
ala la.!
) ttCtXeni tsraaca K)CateH at aia 13QIQ
aau 1 1 auimu. lacaiaKicucu uuuiui
t formation by acadicc for circular.
To Musicians.
Any person who will send to Blacktaar t
Davit, V&0 Market street, Saa Francisco, the
aataca aad addrcttea of the ramie teachers,
piano tuners, aad choir leaders of their ac-
Parties holding policies ia Eattern Life
Companies la liquidation will find it lo their
lateretl to communicate directly with Jarac
Munaeli, Jr,2Jl Saatome ttreet, San Fran
rltco, he hatine ettablltbed tpecial facilities
In New York elty for collecting all tuch
TV would call particular notice to the ad.
vertlteracol of the Pacific Coast Medical
i House, aad the low price of that Invaluable
ricuraicic ana rtcrvou Kerneay, vit- .er
vou Antidote; also the safety and conven
ience of ordering any thing through that
Houte, as It I conducted br our saott cxpe-
e" ?Ut Md TeU
i to pcrsoa.
aone as well as
Ix calling attention to a valuable book for
bntlncs men. "Standard Fact and Flrure,
publltbed by Morton A Duraont, 160 Fulton
street, New York, we failed to mention the
price, which It fJJX) per copy. Scul pott
paid by the pu blithers on receipt of price.
A DocToa ix the Closet. Trapper's la.
disn Oil Is oae of thote harm let, readr rem.
ediea that every family should keep on hand.
wsc&crer mere is pain, use iu
Pxicss red aced at Wen. Shew' Gallery, 115
Kearny L, Saa KraneUco. roll leaj-lb lao
Inet Picture ft per ttosee, Bahlea' Cards
tiia per dotea.
Us a Kara aaa' AMeUae far sresp, eoUt,
sore ureal aad iterseBesc,
Tbe Best Photographs
On thi Pacific Coast are now made at the
New fork Gallery, No. 23 Third atreet, San
Francisco. Price to tnlt tbe times.
J. ll. PETERS. Proprietor:
Uta liurnham's
Ablctlne for rheumatism
and neuralgia.
rtUMi Ir JffU.
wa m u una u au "'ft .
tti 4p twa 417'rtat
Iltd be brot aw4r.
V.aaJ IlaanraA. aWLKT TAH TICOCHLa. tar
Uckaar or (rrtuuoa Is Um tsroat, tra41as la eeora.
bWKtf TAU HXUAM.IaUB41acaicOlu
tac Untf
tSc IfruM or TrucAM. accurdlac b tae Bmlar of u
roBpuui, rur n nui aa u
mini a4 Lackmr Caul. Cm .
IloofEz Cow. Ia
aSorai. BraacaiUA. JUtmi. au
IS tanoaa asalaJKa agrCUv- U Lbsi aa4 Uac
la CebamOoa.
Mr. Uutin1! remark en tac trratiMat aad ear
vt Tbrvai aa4 Laaa Uuasatalaia, obtaiaoS after aa ex
jvrlrare of nuaf jran (a ceBarruoa 1U tvtr Saort
Tar lUmrdka. raa ba oetalaral at UI arexut tree of
c&arr. Tory tzapart valaaolo o4 aacCal la&ieauUoa.
bWEKT TAK KEUEPrKS arc aSaipta Vhm rrra
Oocm, MaeUoe4 bj Ox alkat aalcal aataMi&rajiM
ar tan la t&tr rSrxzm tor aat ta7 an mas-
nun. nui.iuiu a w,urruQKa.
TritxiiAirs ABirn.xE run Btntss, scalds.
Cau Mdtmt( all k l&da
tlAoCUf S4 (erCaracsoCatakkrsa,
1U S J. a Drrroaa.So.lku Km.
1MUXK U3UIT rmt rarraasa. SreltrW.
ad tam far Catajucaa. I IQ Market mULr,
X cirrca w anicln aamsin free A. S,
tl-EM E MX. 4 Cwj Uwt. aaa rraaOaea.
taMtXS9.?LlSa. GacaAIUSMlS
aa UBwriu.iac larxt. tujia.
wrarrxa ucx weaxa. cattara. ix
nn WATCHES. raatM!
t la tit tmi
2V ,"S oW Man af l trm a Jmrnd;
VaPU rrtorsualrvuCYLLTlacOXueaa
TU 1 TPtrrCI OaM1.aA.
lkaV WAiuaJLu; t-i.v:.;k wir.a
"mir U ftwlrr;tnUf K. Ll raMar. at.
t IIX aBOrear Httek't I adrenal CcaSrraa
ot a. otaer atasar lrrtaraCoca. 1 tufc awl
a!ut all jeara, aaa asi caaLataen awaM eTUlsl7
mnkUHiiMix i iarBKaTajaaaerTsaT
t a moiaa. rnandaata. aju tawx T
inTiiTrnn ttt i "iTmnn- Jc booki-
a Ttn . war. a. "
UUiUUU II XAAI XUU tk Aaaarleai
rraatlar:" A TaJailnie aa4 aafVattc ktaurr c
ta liirxia. Aaieatar. rr.Yattaaa. UjciV
Ba. aa4 aatoU um aa4 4aUa m ta " Matawr of
ttvf lirpafcoe- BrtliiaamW rT T DKWI5G
at tM , rsaaaacrv Saa rraactm. tmX
KV VISKLASt Ttxri:K..ct
a. vaaaqj. ia M I an I a a iwm. aa raa wa
laa4. tUInu ut Mitral ear tr tratt, cn!a.
T$ukmjn . vca vuuxra ase araicrtc, rvminz so
IrrvraBoa to be aaat to bat akarcaoaerra. iralj
TeasTaeaxea faaatata axanat aa enirn'i'i Iraatea
let beiajL. Ctxrc&ra. trt ritJU Liirmrf, Ac rna
aactsa matW ta aar airaaa acat to oStea at Loea
tLSiaJAXM W WTBB.rralfr;t.
caaaua maltxt. woturf
1 JW-
jt c ir. l. wosbex ur the
AO WatTi an-roaa j rnrt. a4 I-kyateal la-
tarutta. Aa taa.aila rravray tar au Jvcrrw
Caaiatatata. TVacaaaal kai brra rrfla-rral at 5ra-
rt ca. k aatraaaaa, rraoca neavueaa. i
turf rTaraiiriHT. tt tf .1. 3
aalarBra aa asaar earn aa tkla
at. 1
luut- at ta ravrtar lal -Sratlral Ham
".II Waaklaiiaa l t'raarlMa
Ijatrt-rrral frpa kTciarraa. mi taV. vrr taira. IaAJl
artm tar aar arttcat .a laa aBva"A. C a rkatrrtf . or
et jz IV attca.t to anrafirtr axa rax aa aaora.
tl.1 laaairaa -an' 1ttM X. laaoa-t. at ka. nt
Ii I I arfaa W aalraa fca
aCL44 tal M
N. CXawt, Uaatar aaa
A liliiaii aa v-atVs
awiaaaaaalaaaiaa. f-rta. aavy iqaaaaa
tXytMn ifY. LOYD4.COrSlCuafa.ta.
t ceuawkLLn an
TAX Bookta. aaa lautr ac
rlua. etui or canoasroaa
atrlftTOTt. A avg? aarntTtaa.
uaaaaaTaa aa.
(Dr. Bltb ravxarX
MA-XCTACTTUZD r kfxxzo srctso. tac
lavaYt aa Lmrj KTrat. aaa Trmmdmra.
rmA ar evnar
Scaeav, Wkaat. Lar.Taaarn.
aa4 all Iracd tj lirasataatiac
i.ja. rniK Laar acoca. fmixi
tu aa4 Lraia. irtM. A lit
tartar. Ac. aat Ur ClrraUr
rrJQai.rtara.'i ul Wcrta. atT rraaist, a T
Jlntlo Corlc Truaa.
Ta arat la aaa. Xrrrr tmBm ta fm
ttaa. a raaiieal ran. a i
ttm t. CaJI aaat ara K. ae (cat Zjr
taSVkL BCXXAK aal Iwjf at aa
4IS aat 4 IS Sarkat u. rrava.araa
Inm. . Bana Rw. aiuX t.
Cm aaa aaaAaaaCa Horaa aal Oa
-CaiaiaeeaaaiK mtaiiatat tuata
aa.-eaa aaa JalalafTaoai . aa. raw ttaa
at SSiliC.CaaaaBa. .arn.rig. at
la war yrlrra ikaanrrUm
tatraaat erst. X Ur each.
Scribner;s LumberLog Book
-aaaaatrrat a? aa lix-ta at tartar. kmialtOat.
eaaaeal natrau r aarr aaa rrot trnxr. Mara
aX4 araatat tma taaa, a arra. rrai.
x batt UVa, arra. rrat, aoarc, caraan
a, rart wttoi latrrrat, nc staaxlara kuaa
Mataa aa4 Caai4a. A( Tver txMkadJtr
tal attrs
brldfrl -rUi aea4 aaa Ur S rrata. taAS.
r U. ol ra. o. W rtaHES. UactaralrrTy T
Tax mxT tx rsx. tvnrrBODr arm rr
SaaS Sar QrcaUn ta
C. D. at K. IIDtCKLEY.
149 5rar Xaatfcaatry 5I-, S. 7.
Maizo FIourTgHot Soap!
Malzo Flour Toilet Soap!
Maizo Flour Toilet Soapl
A ml UerTTTI' -aaaa oa3 c-a4 tl
aotXVra aoruaa. aaa ajkltraa tS Mia. aaa woatarTal
T-"tf aa4 arrvie vaaaax -irarartVa. aal W raal
tr aaaud tcr laa bata. aanrrr. aa nsmt ut let. It
la eetuauany larrraasaa, aai aoii rrrrraVrra u a
ncpiOM ia rairatvai. u.a. bj
. I
I A mnU oa taa coaat la QL ALZTT, STUiMiTH.
. tr citt aad tla ulL a aooad actace. nsdni
tamatiatra5aam.eaaear u t Mtrt.
laara tattrt ee kaataatk. atat a tetter cast at oSm
caa ta m4c la a frr nitntri taaa a HA aar ctaar
etri ta ia ru.
;trAU. nKUCtn- tm zr it
tcs4 tar Orealan ta
A. P. ADAX5, yassfactartr aad Proprictcr,
si rxexoxT htkci-t.
Oaraer Mla-ia. SAX rRAXCISCO.
Sf) fret V raeb tkrr Ur, eosoairU. .
9 tm H ItKk tkrr pT. carar!.
.. a in
aiI.M0SFaLEY.415 Saaoe t,S.F.
TJ-Cocata arat CO-P.UartT Oaat
BSI aad aHearr M.. ttan fraorlara,
t SO a4 S FEB DAT.
It. C fATRIDU C .... aaoraiavoa.
Taa ranrard Caaekr. with Baaw of tke
lloteloo.-rUlalaait!lB wainac at taa Ua41ai to
Convey raMeecan la lac iiocci irre. aar ua .an jam
ret lata ttt rKt Coack;
IX ro t. taar UI
caaiT yoa.
Bat Oa Bloek "Tata Dtpot ad Sttaaaoat Laadlsf.
THlSHat'ItaraRrtly Sew.kartBX Jatt Wa em
Plated artlk all taa Sioarra I-aprorrarBta. Tk
ealr Uoaa la tkc Cur arut rataal Xlrrator aad Fire
lacasea. U lrlr ratnalanrat Staonaa.
Kaant and LaosIuc. 1. ta .. jrr
Uar. Strata. 23 Onta. rrta Ccaek to tk
U out. Xickaa Otaea. Barber Ekoa. lUtt ttojmia
aad LaaaCrj la U lloeaa. Skowcr Batka ITiXK to
aaa aaaaw7 ia l-AMTB. frprtrtar.
Grala, Tlsv, Wal, 0-rt, saa, 8cis aai Salt
Baca. Xeedlra, etc. Teal. Awalnf. CrlllEft, Grala
tad Wtfoa CoTrra. etc 138 ClaJ Hret S. t.
Saftttur of rataata. Wiaatajtoa
it Tar . Stad aMCtrmtw.
a ytaaa aft oa awat aa
aav. aad aa taw aaaaaaa
tftaam aavi ianae iia aati
laAa.ata Ti tiaa. m4 taauarf
n aaaaa. Mavaar aa4 Yt Waaaara aa
Xmmmnl lui at OJa aaaat I ail m ifuwalj
tY mini
A a B.U aa
f nmn Unl tbat whlrla wxvrrtrntm fea proved tm be thf b-l. Tk AVKKRL
PAWT.JJIXKt) rorf CnK. rvrcltrrd tttm )lci't tra d at lb Cal-a-
Mini Calilblllau tmr UrmatJ, tfMntallltx. rranacajr,
Tlrm.lutT;ll:l;K u az u Illfr text 1 oU wltSai C'f ALKiyO W of inTdrtirrd ralor.
II h a Dmmi I jf amuaIUI. isallrala. Mlolrllf (U. Ii T .. c-l mmA aia aJ I kf
wuvurHuuti niu ii u muir u
'fifta bf tltHM. 1 1 la Mkiilf mm t mil lor
la tI, Lrs may pUntua b- at.ljr AVKUILLXIXKU PAIST w
BrT7 1 ar a'aea . u a araja, waaa ira aili - ' r Anncii rair.3 .
Sril (a Juki Iw faint for Iter a', tt ia a-ld Uf tar sal la onlr.
)wuUirml)irr 'ruImiU wr . yanla a rntla, f ' tnUtrr at -uaatiaa1 tmt aaU
cart aa4 rnu Hat to tU CMLIfOKaiA 1'J.i IT
L u crux; ix a oo, nt sut r aorta street.
rtttaoelkla. aarttr aTrc to ra4 U rack of Ik eab-
acrlbmor rea4e.oftaU aiatr.lm, a aaSiaWof
OOHni5a- nXCTKIC SOAl.roriae4tlvc7raertTe
IA aOlnaa aa4 CAa casti. a kick wza ctacttjr pa;
UnpataraoataaSoa, Tklakuapwaa roa.iM4
bj U CeatratUl Ja4 to U tae oaljr rm Ymzsttj
Soas ma4 la Aattrlca. A It kaa aaeitriulttr
tdrertUaat tat Jeara cr realm bt wloU-&.t
beard of tk Suaa. Tata rtrw Bteral offer of tu aua-
aftctarm raabSa ail la tmt lit faaSij' for Um:t
ktj cttnplr Sa4 yvmr aJareaa aa4 SfKcseeau
tmt autaft aJmt t
II H. raatrtk ttirrrt. . - S'lalladalalil'a.
-EWT03f BBtH. A CO. it Ct&tnU Street. Sae
M rancaara. aa aaraia sr raqae ouaaf.
a cr caSas.
T, W. JACKSOX. Saa Fraa
CtKO. Sait Xtrst tot tx Tm
elie CuaaC
C. k ?. 2. T22S2LL i CO.,
taraaraaa tn aaxrracrcxzaa or
so. 419 clay stTRastrr,
Etara SaxasetaT asd BaBrrr. SAX FKASCUCa
Maaaraetcrm of ktraa. Bon. Testa. aaS CaS
OnSen xyttwl aa4 tnxnpdT tSaL AU atata aad
;UtS asaja ml IVc lovrat Sftarkat aricam.
firaaa aaaalaa taa fixU aa4 rcVfaa-
Verba Baena Bitters,
roe Brrslanzx tae Urt7 mx Tvltfizx Uv Skxrt.
Yerba liuena Bitters,
Tot xcas.
Yerba Bnena Bitters,
. .
erua Buena Bitters,
TVt Crra: SjtUx Vaiktae.
aaa aa ,
i Yerba Bnena Batters.
Yerba Buena Bitters,
lce Batoaa Ccoy't:r'i.
Yerba Buena Bitters,
Far byi'iftx Ck Bo-arcU.
CXATZ k. BSI6KAr.aUasta.8.r.
X'xiholstery Goods.
X t aTrr ar Urrr a4 maj-ilirei! MUkA. rxMmc
lt4t ta aevnc atfata la ta tsartrt. at
7" Ctvll asi TffTawfw etr t4s asi Friot.
S53 Market SU S. F.
far Illaatratrd CaiaUartj-St
Of AS. S. XAT0X, Cfefteral Afsat,
law 3f aalaTamrrx ftlrrrf, ftaai afraneSae.
I 633 and
I rarrawa
634 miET STiilT.SLf RiKCECO,
Opposite Palace Hotel.
..tho hah b. x.i:tvx!
w. at. ri.To
latrmt aW-re4 aa aS tVpoeta re-aatatra; ta Baak
ever tAlrtr Ajv ta-T; oo Term IVfoata raetrt
tar era. tr acaaxa. tV-xaTta rrclr4 Cast a
doUar ra ri. taa-sv far Baak Boat. ia rc
etlMot rrmlt-aarra frata tk Uirrtar. Baak Btot
ee CartlScaira U Draualt IB ka rar-rardad or 4at
errtl ta acral.
Maorrtalpaalatsanaa-aa aa ceCMml au.a.
Baak apea oa Satarsar aJ odock. I XL
JaU oUmI aa4 aacat coa-ple-e OraaaMrdat tal
lrftiaatacKavat. Drcaalkant aea-raraltare taor-oai-k
Uru-actioa . -ca-lral tratka-r. kttk ataaitsc
ilk taa saaaa. Ctrsu eaa eErstBree at aay
tin;. Dav aa4 evealac a-aaioa. Oreaia taay t
had trra an aartleaUaa.
abbot nowsuru
413 aavi 413 Battery Streat, Saa Frttd:.
T. 1. tAtTAX. AithI.
j kaa Franrlara. for lalr-tVaal Kaara and
Twin. Hhrrp tthrara. hrr j-Waakra.Ta-
MN. vaaa MTancea auae a esaauaareau.
P.N. P. C
No. US.
J. ca!taral Mtcaiarrr. Short-fiTrd fatrtt la taa
tlnaa anaaaSaCtarrd a.a1 railra ir. arc betas
offered to Ua ranter aadcr trerjr aaaareat uxlacr-
mc au taa
Haa bam Tralrd lO Ararat
Sa nard ky , Amrrlran Tartarrat
ka aaad brrr In Caltrarnln rraca
ttajmrr. Vt'aad t
Xa fatly Wwxranlrd, ar n Hat.
Seait tar CVreaUra oo Tara aaj wtadaall.
US Brala at., turn lrawrSac,
oft a eat aa aarv t
Vjaatt laMfWlour
I U.. 17 Mirr.iiMu XI.. nan rraarlx-a
Try ikveV Yeast Powder.
hara orrr 100,000 Acres of SCGiS. FX5Z.
LUTES; 10 Saw XHIa,? rlarlgXHU,! &aja
aad. Scr TuSezj, 119 acila V Rsataa, 10
atlles of Traxwara, 157 aeJUs of Trlej-rapk
lire, 13 Ttlcxra-ahStatijas; aai kz'&st 47S
ates asi 550 exes sad. luraea.
Tit SCGA SVSH is zzrzrpuiei is abili
ty, aai tia vaela coast caa be tzjlUd.
Tfca TZXX0W FETE is ftrae, ae zrtliU
aai ssperisr to aay otter ur jdaa 1st ioar-is?,st7-aat;,cte.
Ti STStJCE has great stnata. imila
wbea crpoi, xzS t-tpocially xixM. lo tziif
aai Saip BtTWhjr. whUa ta TO. aad CZBAK
art as -ralaaala isr a great Tariaty of 7r-
Last year talrty -clTllsss ef tert wtrt est.
tout aefnifiasara sew c
USSrxiKaii; IT-
ea saas. tsorstarlT -
aoacd trr ts Jtst rlf-vtU e:
lUrra erirrt exbiIdeadi.T'a tsticef:
aaatkaV i Bi r T t It I m J - l fi f-1 iT I r3! 1
work aay be acecxslittwi witsast dalay at
lit zrul text Ut srtex ksher.
Ordtrt Ur ti IzterUr illed at Its titi Saa
frtirritfa srieea asi fetiyht.
D00tS.SA5Xaai3XI5DS always es iaal
is larga t;sastities.
r m hi-.
iiuv. ) Ssrrizxiae.
( Cor.IwrUtCtaa1 taa.
JL W. aAS-WSS, Ag-att, &SC St, S. 7.
mrm mrrM raav-a a ia -mt raa carrrx axa am
rBucaa4 Ca caataM af ta 1-agtSc arr aaoxr
taaa aay eorr xr laasara aaa sr-a ai sai
aaara.tasrflt rrcaa at a-ara auss-aetarr at ataa
raaaccr.x. a fjal m -ii tl at ai catrtrataii
Mm;, Wcasoxis,
Of aX atata. tVAlaa. Warxlra, rrWaaraaava aal
IJ ttit Canrlair. mt a3 Aata.
ixratrtXES or
I ap ail Carnap Material,
Aaa aa cdrr ar T
Sofia, aad
ttarrrat Pat rat tuad
Waard Hakt Wkrat.
aoas aar-rr raa
SaSUtac. actit Srr aar t-mxu: xx.irt are kes
trr Urns rtrr ta aayyT tae Tr4r aad JTaaa
araaMvaattaaJtwaralaactTaaa. W aa iara
coaareted -rttk aar Sacraaaaia aecM a Ward aad
Bo4r ractarr aad ktacaia dt.-uuacAt.cBaMr'; aa
ml a.1 atora lo CI tprcUJ artfrra. aa Xon acoca.
CoOkarzr-Uakr4Utktsoa(nesakii franx.
XakMaadSt r. Jam SirrrtSaarrarxiica.
Sea. aad Tt J aerrrt. SaeraacCTaa.
- lit ii
X. X. T.-1GCO,
1S caU a aijr 7rr4 aotaetetr.
mm aat aarta af 1M raaax aaov tt I
takr aeaaaaa-
kaa ta mrj rix.Fr. it aaieaor reoorta ian iraa.
SraTtaa. Caaoa Lampa Swrear. aad 2 ktratlaa
.1 tV karx. v Ua ta. taaattr a ala tt ta&areaaaia
tarsfralaa. Bratxa. Aetvea, rata, aad akcrcTrr a
road BatsMat la rr,alrrd.
Stocktes. CstL
S25 A DAY "
Tkk WcS Aarr vat Wf a aas Jo feet Wt ia eaa
day. aaat Iraea i tn f -tt ia Ja mt. It breianaa.
aay aaad of aarta. Bard aaa, alate, eaa aad is a saasaaa
aaaoaf boulaVn md'iiia t. tara ad aakar a.u
tmi. Ka4talra"rat fnat aaca ta? abaat at:
afWi, tha ar.ii nipirit. fcaaw ofaaa i
aacras afut atarnt PattatWcK Aacer. aa
k to taa aaibSc a oa el kaa aaeat ii-omat, l
aad araetaaUiaiialiini of taa aaa. aaatwa trat
dtat, fceat oar VaarwAfB afit. tfcat a aua eaa kaka
k ktao luAyi i' it aad aaaita tag Bdf 0my
tt uyiaaaa. A. J. rat, Gararaaa at Pi i taIarwty.
Cn. O. A.lAT7wlitiani bb-aataa,
Taaat. Rrr. D. CMaT, aS Hiam, H.
Taa tilii w'mt i in mi fcrr akatAaarak iniiiaia.
Writs to tfctaafiarjiaaif a naajal aad ate Wa tW
Stc a: Caa. M. Wat Saaaa. lt. J. k faed U
yai. S. aTKr)aaijaaj, ST Ah.
fcrr. Igorg GtaZUafcaa CWoTC. rTWaW,
CoBcarJ.N.C. cTw. Mw-aa. Laaitat. Tatkak, Ceo.
J. A. 1 nraktt. Taa Bma. Aak. Caariry mom Sat
aaX Sn-ay Aafar wiaki Saaat r r aw mt
lta Aayr .look, aad aifcim,
V. tt. -WKUL ACHBK C.t. Lwla,X,
TEZKteiS TmTTrtX aa Sjrac Waanaa