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About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1877)
ill wegiifettt. batih or ADVEgrtyo is coigt E.VERY S ATU R D A Y Hfl R HJN G, Bhb 1, VMffV ht omen ,.. ...count Tniiirr. orrottTs tbx corefuorft. Katcg.of uUcrlplon In Coin: - . oSe"?r .....' " - W Six Month. -.-5M IT-ire Uoait-i 1 alBctc OiutLxn . .....'--. 10 i0 ik, fctf MMrtN. ,$2 JOO . . . rcor TSase srrrtef brf'tttrrt. EaSsci'JIcm t-taJ celaBS. tuu pxt Mm. Utultc Mb W&te aw-eH-Jr. m e TOL 2. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY IU, 1S77. JST0. 33. (-tit U2 u law iiwn. - , v Three iu a Bed. -. . Gay little velvet coat, One, two, three; Any hoine happier Could there be? Topsey and Johnny MMAiid"-Icepyed, ' Purring o cosily. Three in a bed. Woe to the stupid tueac, Pniwliugaboutl . ' Old 'mother Puy ' ' Is on the lookout. Little cats, big cats. 'Anjnutt be fed, In the sky parlor, Three In a bed. Mother's a gypsy pus ohen she move, ' - Thinking much travel Her children Improve. Hlhmlndcd family. Very well bred; io falling out, you kcc! Three in a bed. Ihs raised himtclf high above the tutfacc. We all recognized at once the hipp..pot inns, as he i reprotenti vi in the book of natural history. Our t-ubject son cot a little cooler. and giving a savage rear, lioat his head round as he seized the shank of the iron between his teeth. With nne Jerk he diet? it out of hi bleeding quarter, and shaking it savagely, wink down to the lottom. Ilie water was here bat abHii two fathoms deep. and we onahl see the i . . . - . - region of dwatf.. When the- i-i-tare were Hinted nearly every coertia Europe had a CHrwsity at tht d-crlplHM, and the little men were o highly prized that they were among Uie few object of in terrst which princes could present t one another, list the demand for tbera gead uallv ceased as common mim tjvrl p- The Austrian Empire Trying Hi Men. England' Colonic. Fight IJctt. ten a Lion and a Leopard. Few nation htve undergone more rapid I The battle of San which! The great orator ami statesman of the I The Zoological Gsrde&s at Ptath hate ami c mp!cte changes in a brief space of I Texas gained her independence, was U.t century, Edmund Butke, once hoa,t- jMt been the scene of a combat worthy . . . ...... B .. . a . ...... 41 . a I . r a : I f a iM. . . I - I . I . 1 I r . it.i: a 1 . rr-i uiuc imn .-iuiui hiiuiu uic ui c.ciru i jouhi ua .ini .1, i ovi. vtwu. iimuvni i ni utnsu luiea OTer an empire on I .inv ur ui"gviUB. iuc 3 par. Dating that period, that pmud commanded the Texan and Santa Anna I which the sun nerer ati. lie meant 1 tenaa.ed hraliwnand liuness hanfeaed empirr, rnee known for it deipotic pow. I the Mexion. I thit, thr.gbot the ttenty-f.Mir boars. I U be next to that in which dwelt a fe- cr and military Tignr,hasbceotranrriacd I On the m.iraiwr of the battie. Deaf the sea in TiU cnQ'te was sbinint; aroa I male leopard, for whom the captive ward frinn the ieople t- their rn'rr ; the ' , m bolute tnto a free and C"tilita. i Smith, the commander of a spy compaay, J some part of tba Hntth dumimos, and J ieen of the desert entertained a special f i. i . ,. ... iiwm raiinitiHj. ii is cieciaiiT laier-1 SB'e,;ei in os. liotHton uuiu wat ex l ei m rrcrr xnri ui uie Ktouc were ixinairnu. trench ucvotution iMongni u iww"T-- " .. v " V "t?"r:: TT ! 7. I "r...:Z i -to,TV . i J, I TZi'Ti' i Ji .TliT.'r- il- Standotiil, and ttiC dimiMlive CUVrtiett 1 ' jou i jk ucui hi umi u.ingc mt( a wjos, I w imghu onauiri aau cumaia ntcu I uiini ejes utu udsuivi aia vi uci Probably she was JaIoes of the went into Umbo with the lut mHtMb direction in whicti be was travnliair alons I of feudalism. One court, however, cw by a line or bluoJ, as well a by the air tinned to give them an asylum; and the bubbles which ritee to the surface as be I mall centhxuaa who now lives hereto breathed. Iploasantlr khared the conQdenee-f lsa "Girc me another iron. Chariot; and I balla with Marjon and Uie Iilcelia; nn. we'll not give him a chance to paf. it out j and aeoompanied her in her basty night next time." I irofa the capital The iron was handed nn. and we slow- lie left one palace only to iad sbeller ly sailed in the direction w Mich our prize another. The Quew, bad laid by for a ras following aton? the liottnm. I ra'ar dav, and bcr ranstia exile was "nefea two or three of tbemai.tera of J only lev sjdendid than her stat at Jlad- ns." taid the boat-steerer. r4. He bad a snr Jut then two more roe. one on either him in the nsral mani side of Uie boat, and In rather unpleasant d lb de H we, Auitria i drep'v iteres'ed in the rrsnlt f the Turkish troable, and next to Uut- u, Kogtaod and Turkey, ha 'the most at stake in iu settlement. Catunf, ai well as men and women. areoftenchattenedbyatiliction. It some times does a country a great deal olgoo-I to be hamitiated, defeated in war, and re dnceJ to weakac and povcrtr. This hat clearly been the cae with the empire which, up to within a iautr of a century, claimed to be unturpued in acknowledged aUegimce to the Ilntiih Lrown. This i even more true to-day than it was when Barke made the ftrnemi vaanL some i"ht or xtne mllot duunt, to pre vent the dvasf relnforeemenU to the 3Iexicanf. "Can yon do itP aakcl Go. Ilonttoa, without being cat to pieces by the Mxi-1 Since his time, England has gone on tend can cavalry I I ig out and establishing colonies here and "Ulre rac lix sns, rep4tiJ 1 there, uatil now that mgbt little, Ugbt I wilt try.' I tittle island. hold sway over no lej than "Take them. I one-third of the surface of our earth, and aejgtiijor, and may poastbir &itc bos- ptcted her lord and master of catting a tender rejard or two acrtts the bimer whidi separated the two deca. The UMpieioo, brcoled ever in filecce, became a devouring pusion. and it rijenbd into a certunty at the precise moment when Tesxea&ce happened to be - corns posuble. The keeper of the gar- lUtnrnlng to hi c mptny. Smith sihl, iQucea 1corias subjects comprise nearly I dens had ia lrertenUy one day I want six men. I am trofn to burn the I a fourth of it retire population. I hanging within the lion's cage the bodge. I want six men who are willio .ban ner siaw at iaa- " :-- r r - n . b "" , 7 , te of apartmoets given l0 ' dignity, and wbne ruler have to follow me through, or pensh in the at- and mmt snccestfu! mother of colonies and the ltn was not H nanvitiin theAvesne 1J daimeil a "divine right tog'jr- tampt. among nvxlern nations. She has rivalled and beginning to polL and at a fixe-1 W-mr crn- Th war tf jn w hich Anstria Six horsemen rode forward a v jbsn- Itome in the creation of colonial comma- animated with a spirit nreximttv. and before we bad begun to realize onr ritttattos, the woaa.led leasU unable any longer to stay beneath the surface, came bp to breathe inst ahead of OS. Tall ahead a little let n get out of Qma had to what wai abolateiv mdipen4ble t her comfort He was of bw to Her 3Uesty in a tlfHteoBd wa;; tus wit enter tained bcr, aoi her favorite m ra-ng amusement wa to e him make sport of I the wtd Mi:rs mm J ooatriMtod to her downfall, at of the new ene wtsn were servisM; the Previ.ient! G irenweat at Madrid. IU speeches a la C4elar wete Mghly retisfeed; and he somehow to contrive to bwk tall for the pur- pot of c&ncaianng tbe gait and boanng of Kignera : When tfce latter nndertowk hi ee.perate jenroey to Bareelona to qniet the Oataloniaa intxaniigete. with It-Mjce liareaa in bu train, the dwart ma4e a geat kit by appearing before bi mis tress one day all in red and carrying a pnppet (made ep rnd imiuboa of ike IteHiblican 3Iiuistcrl. of wbich W pnlled the iUisei to symUMze the resatts be tween Fineras and his ten welcome a- ctate. Thit represent ttion was mnch ap- 4aded, and the news of it wtt Me roend of I'xrii in alt circle in wlMch the roTat faaitv wa katwn. I'ks.- I Ainadeet, wbw bad prnslT left the cave an the ctt Ht. I coantry, wat, oi conrse, noi ana mt B nan; aril v.l ase aaan was peositany aipiiy im i- eat teocties oa ine anin-w m wmcm use lived. thrl the refntol w the nauve nobiliiv to attend his eonrt. Bt he was a irood deal more this a b.f toe he was atrnstedcaMosellor; and he was reallr one of the few wwo-polter wbo tbntSe-1 pnpt aflnr pnppel off the this narL Lv the boat around, so now, stern all, and the iron was pUnted deep in the neck ofonr victim. With a roar kuder thin a dozen of the wild brill of Madagascar, the now mad dened bcait made for the boat. "Back water! back water. I say ! Take dawn this boat-tatl, ami stern all stern all, for roar lives!" as two more appeared bv the bowr, evidently prepared to avtt their comrade. lie was making the water fir in all directions, and having failed to reach the boat, was now vainlr to grasp the iron, which the mate bad parpoely pat into hi short seek, si dose to bis bead that be coatd not "et it into his mouth. Slick oat Kne till we get clear of the boat, and then Tell pull ap on the other side of this fellow, and III kettle him with a lance This ws done; and as we again bailed npon the stilt lunons beast, tne mate posscd bis bright lance lor a moment. then sent it deep into bis heart. nb a txemendens rear and a despcr ate final strasrle of scarcely a mimtte duration, ear prize and after sinking aain to Uie satiate, lying npon bis side, jnst ai the whale doe when be dies. His companions bad left us, and we now, curing three caeera lor woiorr. towed the carcass to the cat far-distant ikn Tt In r 1-51 r UaWk tul amI w got the body Bp to high-water mirk.l.'Crae at Madrid nntil the stage . Ufi .iHnr I a toNind kftiii. and tht aaalws vt H On mcastirinir. we fbnnd sir prize to hiaidrs gate him exceptional oppor be a few inches less than fifteen feet loss, tonttses of suing tt to advantage. Ue from his head to the commencement of I was employed in conldonttal msMns bis short, hsirlew taM. We eoald not and in th capacity was invalab)e, tor tneasnre bis girth, but bis bnlk was ecor- he was abont the only pats w known to moos, ll.s.cfr were dUproportionatdv have bee, formerly abjnt the fxervtm -f short, giving bira, cosj itly with his I the Qoeen who wa allowed to enter short neck and very large head, an I Spain. ona tb-jnght of opecting awkward, stolid appearance, wnica tne was si unmercifully beaten br the he! mete-1 hosts ot Von MoStke and the Prus sian Crovn. Prince, ha proved to be a b!eiog in diguie. A Mttor lat verv trvln- momenta when tit!""' len '"" J ule sarnder cmry thing bit A",tnta evory morning he was admitted t the rootn of bis benefactress with the Iapd and the parrot, both bnxigbt, like himself. with bo mile dlucaity, across the iroov tier in those Au Adventnre with an Ilippopotamos. "We bad been some nine months from home, .and were nearly out of wood. Sailing lazily diwn the Mozambique Channel, but teeing no signs of sperm whales, we arrived tt the Bazasetta Islands, whither the captain had deter- dined to go in search of a stock of wood. These isle are situated in tbs Mnzam bique, at but short distances from the mainland of Africa. Thcv are thicklv wooded, and but part civ inhabi'el. both which circumstances contributed, in the present instance, to make them a favor ite place of rwort for our captain. We sailed into the little bav formed by the islands and the neighboring main land.about seven o'clock one morning; and after coming to anchor, fnrhng sails, and clearing n $ pace in the hold for the re ception of the wood.took axes to the mate boat, and proceeded to an insoection of the facilities for cutting and boating oil firewood afforded by the different lit tie islets. It must be premised here that our ship lay at the dittance of about two and a half miles from the mainland, the differ ent isles being from half a mile to three milei distant. To cat a supply of wood for a wbalin cruise is a work requiring some days, am often weeks; and it bad been determined that the first, and, if need be, the next day likewise, should be devoted to a thor- cuzh inspection of the facilities of the place, in order that we might work at as little disadvantage as possible. Uon$e qaently we the mate's boat's crew had been ordered to prepare for a general cruise. e provided ourselves with a store of bread and beef, filled the beaker with water, spread our nail to the light breeze, and pointed our !xat to the near est island. Landing bcr, we iomnJ nought bat a wilderness of low jungle, which was scarcely penetrable, tigeUier with a poor landing. W e examined three or four of the lMebvaad banc cat last fixed upon a suit able place "wbcre to commence operations, were about to return on board, wben the mate said, Trimaft,Tom there's a good breeze, fair coming and going, and well take a loorc at tne mainland." .Accordingly the beat's head was laid shoreward, and -we spread oCrselvcs at full length upon the thwarts, enjoying an unusual treat or come agar, winch our chief officer had good-nitoredly brought With him. I ... i l.,,l ,..4awt rri, i tlam r.r titni u OMtartHsilr of tight , When within aboutamiteand a half of Sr". manfof A m i'powerd pal ux.S and freedom of the press and pemainiana,weioana tne water snoaiing, .,t , TOa w.ii Tia txra sonndinr them as to their dispnatioa K J? 5a was laity esUWI.bed. wing tnen notmoretnan tnree latnoms- i-.; ,tnakr'DrorKed toward the exiled boa,e. Bt bb chief eignieen icet aeep. j. dis-nte.l. we businesi lav amens the leaders of the I Spain. - mbb uivagsv vi aoiuag htm it was ooly the dwarf, aad ltede. It was eco at last bv her statesmen that thedav of despotim were over, and that the empire at osec become free and oonttititMntl, or fall iotn inevitable decay and rain. To caret this great reform, tbe hm ner er railed a celebratol Saxna tUtesman, Cwant on Bentt, li his ahl: and this en lightened man u:crededln achieving tbe task committed to him. It man be remembered that the Aas- irian empre is composed, not of a single r-.M. IkALalafla.. f k. mltmiaU. It lkatf of at least war very diSerent races, who are divided into Oatnolics and Proteitaaa. There are the German subtests of tbe htnpcnsr, who live in the Amman dnch MS birdoriogoa B.variaand Saxony, the Tyrol and Styria. There are his Magyar oMrcts, who dwell in Hanfrary. There are hit Slavic abject, wh ucenpy Site eta (Austrian Poland, Bohemia and M-v raisa, and the otkern prsviaces of AIj lia and DalmaUa, and tbe Latin or It -a- man race, which is to be f and in ombcrs in the province of Transylvania. It hat alwavs been rerv hard to rcco etlc ibe iateresti and allay the jealotisies of the vari race. The German ete- jora', which bad always oatn4lrd the Mre Wfwre tne war of 153, was op- h ii by all the ether; and Voa Beast toand it noioiia'y, at the very Ixgioolag, to ooaottatc the crest kingdom of Han gory by granting it a miabtry and Leg islature of its own. Anuria, therefore, is aw divided into two kingdoms, the Anttriaa popor and the Ilnoganan; the Lmpensr rae over bu4h, bat each has tu local governmest. and is in local atfeir indeoendeat of the other. There is a cabinet an 1 a Paris meat la rock : and. betdet, thre I a ca era! Pxiiament Ut Kith, which deal. however, only with foreign, mililarv and ttnaadil matters adectiog the whi4c em pire rottowia:: these left chain England, indeed, has been the greatest! which served to draw ap the partition, tea? u aeuinz u Whether he was of ieklesexs or by teen. Thev pasted within ttan-sbotof Inities, and has spread bertocf. as Itome I ccnofity alone mast remain fortrtr a the rear of the 3(exicaa cavalry, r-xaeked I duL br slaating little nations of her own secret. Bat the result was that the par- the bridge, burnt it, anl set eat on their j people wberever she could get a foothold. 1 tition fie Bp and the road remained Other modern nain nave attempted I open irom one cage to tne other. Tbxoagh to create colonies, but this has tueallv I tt instantly rushed the liones breathing been withoat succeaa. Holland. Spain I hatred and malice, but the Hon bad no and Portugal, have to some extent sac-j sooner dropped the chain and prepared cctded; for the Dstch tull have aoonsh-1 to follow in chase txtaa the ptntcams retam to camp. Iteaekioe a deep, dry bellow, about three-oatrtcrs ef a mHe from the main arm v. Smith ordered a halt. I wilt ride ap the hfck trroaad.' he uid to his mea, fareaooh to see wheth er any of the 3Ixiean horsemen are near. o that we mar avMd taem. Tne men saw their captain ride forward a hundred yards or ao,aad then, dropping suddenly down on his horse' neck, gallop toward them. "What newr they asked, as he carae BP- "The praine is ailed with jlextean car- airy. ErcJae? eacfc auaa as if be weabl lk him tkroagh, the caoUia asked. "What shall w del" are osr leader T" cried the We wilt felloe where von lead. "I shall not 9 back. My order are to retam to camp, and I wilt tie it or die is ing colonies in Java and Sumatra; the Spanitb colonized Mexico. Central Araer ica, and many pats of South America; and the Portagtjese ocas had p) we rial colonies is the La,t. France, Gersasr and ltd v, on tiie eth er hand, have never been success Gal in making colonies; and the Lnited States have never as yet tried the experiment. The pesioas at Lasland over the globe comprise an area of focr and a half I pelied tn fight face to face with tbe ter- miWoB : K)aare miles, thirty times tbe I note taraaer. t er twenty tong cunsrj fell and the passage was barred again. In the meaaiime, howerer; a strssrzle commeaced between the two lady war riors tech as bai sot been teen in Earope since the painty days of the amphitheater. The leopard, worsted at the first caset, attempted to take refage zrom the foe by jumping and hanging to the top ratli of the cage. It 7a ak in Tain, however. She was brought to bay azain, and cats- area ef the Island of Great Britain itself. The territory contained in British Amer ica in the United States. England rales over a illtoa Kjaxrc mile in Asia, and two and the attempt. If any maa wiske to make I a half 'million in Aastralasia. M escape, I see give him permission." I On ererr coaticeat, her dag floats over "Lrad oa. We Set low." I some colony or province; and in all, she "Are year arms aM right I n e wiu go I ha no lea Uian thirty -nine colonul prav the battle raed in royal style. Tbe neck and sbeaklers ef the boness were deeply farrowed with red gahes. ivat her vic tim was overmatched, and at length thrown oc her back; when the onrs da gnu was given by the savage fang of the victor. Tbe Boa.wko had been kwldug ea probably with mingled feeling at the down the dry botlew t wkerc it jtias the I icce and gioap. In Europe, she hold scene, will now, no doabt, be restored to, asd thesa, la la nan aic, ran ui ine I utbraltar, and the utaad el JdaJta and above. Thee we steal! be cb-aagos came many WWK irar ia BlllllU a LI I R!&i OBUL. UIHU iUI. AIM B www w acility he displayed in the water by no he had a capital excise for hu preienco Z 1 real rel-- The Earr ' -..tii. 3 1 ;n tK- ntrr-. it, hail r. to took deprmJ f bts right to decree la s meatus jusuueu. i . We had not been long on shore, whea I atier ni -pnper.y, a p.o 01 iwuea several natives made their appearance. I in Uie Araajacx oeatewed Thev te.tified mech iov at the aiL'ht of on bim one day in a kind treak el goo-j . - . . . . . I . . , v .11. . 1 thi nnw. and went tnroi?n a moit Iivetv I Hilars ov iuc vaecn. 11a uiaisu rauca , ... 3 ,.-., pantomime, lrom wnica wegatneren taat 1 aoosi mi jnopeviy aw hit thcbeasU were a great plagne to them, coeditioa which he bal been left, by that the meat was good to eat, and that I the fail ef the dynasty; and a pretended thev wonld like a portion. Tne bint wa I anxiety 1 1 seeat e hi estate from coahsoa- level sraaed not a baaJrvd yard from the enemy Wben dioveml, well rv; the Texan yell, and cferge at fall speed throe gh UMr bee. They will, seiiuabt, kilt m-. 1. t Ml V - ... - - - --' - - tmj . .'m . . a., IBM wjimi the rest ol voa to pass." The men rode in lediaa ite afUr their loader, ak one detenaiael to cat kb way threagh the Mexican er die la the esTlrt. Threagh the dry heUew they patsed ap on tbe high level groaed, and taw net a Mexican horseman, bat their oca camp near by. The hearty Havrw ( Ueat Ornish re vealed te the brave aea that their leader hvi btea pottheg their eoerage In the tot. theaga not m an heeoraete way. JxckaN in India. n aadaal wkicX fbrtei lUelf ea the attentloa of ererr visitor to India is the VaekaL 0a hi arrival in Gileatta or B mbay, if be dees aet see the createre. be almot arc te hear it the Sr.: night, Udigolaad; ia Africa, the Island of As- theafeetioaate caSderce ef his spoase. Nttthin:? reauined, at the end of the es- coaster, of the pretry spotted skia which sad so captivated him bet a tew torn and eeattea, the Cokmy of the Cape of Good Ileee. the ceHt coast ef Oaieea. Jiattn- tius Natal, and other places; in Asia, the! mangled shreds and the ramaace ef the Islands ef lien; Kent;. Cevlen. Labaan and Parim, besiocs the mighty Empire ef I tragsc end. India, and a cumber of settlements in Cbina ani the archipelago; in Acstral- aU, AastraUa, ew Zaiaod, ew fcath A cerrpadest of the Boston EtraU aie aau r eejer; in .menca, ait the daucs Dr. Uellaad amoag the fertaaate temiory norm ot tne Ltuua siares ex-1 authors, and adds thu graphic sketch: cages, if reaance there was, case te a Dr. Holland. eept Alaska ; the Bexraadas and Bahamas, ralklaad I Uasds, Jamaica, Uaiana, liea- darat, and many lalaods. lor over two hasdml and teveaty years this system of colonizing has beea carried oa by the EngKsh. As long ago! the saolie tcboob a! withoat the sanctioa of the Legislature. free cdacatioa was oUWihed the peo-t erf as being a series of distresMos uie were allowed to meet and dfeus n. I shriek, like thox of somelJy who is ihlcal matter, which tnev ceald not da I beJni; mardered by ieche. ia fxmer days; marriage were permitted I Oiat of all kind, carcasses of deal to b performed by civil majitnte,wborc-1 ami mall, beees, etc, are eea devoared a bo ms-n:'f nl Id u valsU la law I OT lee uoau 01 jocKaia. uvr er u tv aalea it wa performed by a pneit; the I gvther, which roam thiMegh the streets at laments w of satfrage was given to all who! night. Bet ackals sometimes veatare to k)( t)ie 8t5 as la IWu, she ttxik peosioa of the Ulndwani Itlandi; and she Is even now adding to her list of collate on the Afri can ceatt. rluh coleaies are divided into three dashes acconiiag to the way in which they are governed. Tbe "crown coleaies, among which are Jamaica, most ef the African settlements, and India, are governed entirely by the heme gerem- ment at London, which makes and exe cute their laws. ine repreenutive cowaies, among bich are the Bermuda. .Natal, and Wotera Aastralia, have their ova Par- bile the home power appoints "iVknnning as a physician ia Western 3taisachejctt (he was bora at Belcher- tewe) be snrreadered the practice of medicine to edit a hterxry jecrsal; west to Mississippi; was ssperiatendest cf ior a icksberg That the proed old empire of Charles j V. and Maria Theresa has become almost I ..I X .r.u....:.l.l.l..k.n I I lfn.i.t nmrtr- 1-ut w.C tk, - ...f ? , a . EOT 1UC U3t UU,ltU vuawutianic Wl"r . . , ... ", iuuieuoai-sieerer, ,wnowas . . - fr ,fl wn faithfal and most inteilient of eo-be- I j u aft, the mate having stretched himself upon the bow thwart to take a nap. .Tt ..... i.. i . vans UUIUtli MUW 4. JIUUU Ol said he, drowsli v. "There it Is again, and no puffing pig, either, nor porpoise, nor no " said he, with some degree of animation, "nor any thing else that wears black skin, that I ever, saw before. This had the effect of rousing as up, every one casting his eyes ahead to catch a sight ot the Questionable "black skin. . "There he blows' and there again and over here, too, said several voices in succession "It ain't a spout at all, boys; let's pull and see what it is." we were enauiea to cat sieze a living goat, or sheep, or p xsltry, and the yoang of these animals are often earned off in broad daylight. Tbe jackal i asaally n alter m sue and les sleek than the wolf, bat wben ef uncommon stature, is easily mistaken year; re tern ed Xorth . cmaected himself with the tspriagaeld RfssXieaxi sold eat; travelled ia Europe: conceived the plan of crib&eri MiXl at GeasTa t tbe plan was consummated ea the Bridge ef Moot Biases rctsrsed here, and ia I $70 tbe magazine was issoed. lie is its editor aaU owns one-third; the ether two- thirds being behl by Roswett Smith aad Scribser, Armstxeeg i Co. IleUasd is as much liked as a lecturer as a Ktrxra tecr. Ia the dullest seasons he has more invitation ihaa be can accept, asd these come from every secuen cf the cecatry. "From all literary soarces he mast have aa income of freta $20,000 to i3,000. Xow ia hi fifty-eighth year. "What say too. bovs will ya try a piece of hippopotamus sbsakP proposed the United State. The ieilOBiies of tbe ditTrcat race still I a.-a w. I - ..... ..... . I , .1 .. 1. a.. .1 - - 1 r ... ... 1 nvc a trrcaL ueai 01 uoauic lj iu ibicts. 1 .v. oarseiTcs mixia.i iecai iui uw kiu wi w ct - p . . . .. , . I . r. r .u. t.i: w-:; . . c r 1 ... I Pj.i. 11- . fr fmm mntf ttian I ana u 1 tncM leaiousies, eapcciaiiy 01 tne -a "- L K.r.u r;.. V.Z ZZi: Ilanirtrians a-aiat the cUve. which In CA,xWrwf, tells a. that, when quarter of the antra cooked for snmer.u .. .... a. .la. - , . we were blessed with an unusually good 1 uis iieanng, jotneu u aa iBieiiigcaa: tSciais. Finallv, the corouies ith "responsible governments, which include Canada, the Cape of Good Hope, aad the Aastraiian colonies, not oaiv make their own laws, bat appoint their own ocers, the Crown being represented by a Ouverno., cr uoverniir-Ucneral. I able face, tits eye are gray or hazel; There has beea n great deal of dincas-1 his hair black; his complexion dark; England danog the past few I his nose aquiline; bis mouth firm, and he .si SoL- a h a 1 t I . . r T t a . he is much voaBger ia appearance. He has scarcely any gray hsir; he is straight as aa arrow; not more thaa thirty ia feeling, and possessed of limitless health. lie has a strong, handsome, Terr notice- sion ia v . p. -vf.alu.. t. ixT nn( lw n mma I f if V.. m7.).a 1... . V. I.l rtr ihmt nn in. inrf. i or ill nuuci a , ine u. I in nwu unci o o I . .. . . i ijvt, a. rvv rwmm u a-s wau tuic imal. Oar steaks were been, and he had that bird's gift of ac- lif the p-sitioa of Aa.tria to difficult stationed at Jhaa a mistake ot urn kib.i wi0:At M dctire it dr independence, blood. He u very pleasant aad afiable; nd wheU,-Uwasthat caratelv retwaUns whatever wl said In b dealing with Uie Turkish question. was committed by his iW,, or her- KIy all the zu colonies, lad eel, loves compaay, aad has every senses iir..lli,!. ,-.rir.r. ininMitn an 5 ntH i moatc I ii i w s uopoj u wk . I have now tree iniutuuoss. aad aire Drac-1 verv agreeable liters have now free institutions, aad -ire prae-1 verv agreeable lite rare receptioai at his appetite, or that the meafwas actaally that wa a.lhi own. Hi. memory wa, -n-oe ,"r wclt-fiavored, certain it is that they tasted delicious, and that we them. wonderful; lie took no notes, carried no l" u 0c " acepooiwi ... i. w jv-.----. - s: , . - icuniary prunt to the nome power, while I avenue. While he holds his cwn opia- Qncen Isabella's Dirarf. imparlance on the way. When all was In one of the broad avenaes of Paris, 'Vui. tlis little man was in high near the Arcce arompne, uve a mue loewiUlUie Mi,:tti.,n of being pro- man woo is 10m inumos n otej toU.e Klug's suite. Bat the young hemlit and. therefore, hu superior in I ,. ir,.;u.uvji;Li We took to our oars and the boat wss dwarfish merit- by the full thickness of I , .. , ,.f 1.5. m,,i,,v soondartingforward at good .speed to- a pocket volume. He has a ready wJt, an I nronertr behind bim. In ideas as in personal me place wnerewehad last seen intelligent lace, arcsses careiuuy, anu :,-- . .., ....rf ta t!e object of our cariosity. has plenty of money, and his turn-out is, mit1j that M mrji M hc u. -aternwii-'SBdseniysboatcdthematc, ltnot one 01 tne mox spienuiu, ai icasii M nwm flir him ia tbc hiz iue uoii Bfoagni up &u stanaing i one 01 uic neatest m ruu. ucuinai i uxsi inev lasieu i wenucxiui; tie auoa uv buio,.uiwiu ----- -. . -r -.- , . i i j r'""' - -- an ate heaftilv of papers, but awveyed the substance of should be Involved in a great wntUct no, ijiiaii nu t-c ia c aa.,jia hj. hu jj,,. burden of defending I ions tenaciously, he is altogether tolerant I communications from one side to the ai urne wnco mc giuy nrcm k.c , ' . I t I T, i . L I them lrom attack. I of the opinions of others, aad reckons The general conclusion, seems tj have I among settle of his best friends men aad it will be a mi. fortune that may bs ftal to her. lovtAs Companion. that when the colonies themselves desire to dissolve the bond be- her new basis of constitutional freedom, beheld what he took for a wolf; grappling bta with oneot me hock, ani dragging u - a a. . a down the Dane oi tne stream. th-n .m! is ,ntKa.rn. .r,,t tie ran torwani snouiing, anu uic uruio i jww,- ,;. ,k. t.,.. -:h . ,:i, . . . . . wv f t . I s-ra.-vvU vvar. vmw -ee4 -ll uui VWlWMt l!.nn Al lii rre ei1 vat ftm a M fTt fr I... . . 1 ICIIUIIUUUTU U1J I'lVIs -ua 4 ewe . e e An Indian llacl. as atr linst some object we had not been able I pony not much larger than a Newfound to see on account of the murkiness of the I land dog, in a trap that reminds you of water, the collision nearly throwing as I the vehicles to which tbe goals are bsr- down into the bottom of the boat. I nessed in the Champs Llysees. Lrery As we backed off, an enormous beast I tiling is hi keeping about bim, -with the slowly raised bis bead above the water, exception of his cigar, and that being of , 1 . , - .. . I. . a. a T . ' 1 . . . gave a loua snorx, ana incontinently i tne orainary size is oig caougu uj serve sane down again, almost before we could I him for a walking-stick, ile lias an cs- tret a fair look at it. I Ublishment, and hit servant (who, it "What is it" was now tbe question I must be confessed, are as inuch out of -which bo one could answer. keeping as the weed, being of the com "Whatever it is," said the mate, whose I mon stature) soein to treat him with the whaling blood was up, "if it comes within I most profound tcspect. It is not to be. reach of my iron, 111 make fat to it; so I wondered at, for, to say nothing of the' pul! abead." (fact that be is their master, the gentle "We were again under head way, keeping I man in question is no letsn person In a bright lookout for the appearance of I dignity than the ex -dwarf of Her ex- the stranger. I Majesty the Queen of Spain. '"There they are, a whle shoal T taldl Before her downfall Isabella always the mate, eagerly.poiBtiog in eliore, where kept a dwarf, if only to show tier regard gage. 1 nerc was anower reason lor nit cxclutioa: Alfonso simply detested him for the contempt which his influence in Uie Queen s household tended to brim A citizen of Sioux Citv. who has snent much time among the agencies of the up-river Indians, says it Is amaui wa.ll . . I,.n.k... IihP . laiill.a. .aa. ava u Waa.a.,u .M4.U O his death ssng. Oar informant was at Standing lkk afcw month since, and one day be observed an unmaal stir amng Uis Indians, txion two backs came forth from different lolge, each with a gun in hu hand. They walked under the low archway of a bridge near bv. The officer fonad that the goat was not much hart, and hastened at once after the marauder. The narrow tunnel under the bridge was d rk, and half-choked up with weed and sand. A bamboo was there fore brought where avith to induce the hider to show himself. women'of the art tribe who are radicals and rationidists in matters of belief. He has aa in teres ting family, consisting of two mature aaogbtert, and a son some bat the colonies are slow to give up the I years yourger, and is in his taster and advantage of British protection from as-1 feelings strictly domestic' saalt, and as vet, none of them have shown a very earnest disposition to be m- .1 , a r BcaTCca y-iTJACK. "I was set upon lait night nnd struck by a rowdy oa Sixth avenue. said a sceiccr after justice I The polo wa forced up one entrance of j ia the Washington. Place Police Court 0f wcro killed, and this week the Tns poor Spitz is meeting with his SU Bartholomew ia Williamsbargh. That quiet suburb, it appears, has beea here tofore quite an Ely sium for the Spitz, it oeirg csuuaicu uiac oeiore uie massacre begaa there were 4,000 within the limits of the Burgh. East week a great is any itnnn !wt rnrsl nim. III. u. . a Ti irt if I " . . . . . J 1 ..n.'ii i,.,.r.., "... ..i . , out some little distance from the rest of large jtckal from Uie other. Z,1, "I :L7" t ' ir.:Jli I V.: he Iudian and tk potts, distant from firl his ride, and missed "V..V A..T,'" 17 CT.n.1 eacli other about fifty yard. At a given barrel, but made a g.iod uiiui xi&c xic was iva. tu iwu.ui r . i.l ; I rt ... I , , . , ... i, , , tue glisiemngoi uic wuiic ! nuuni iut uic gji ui uci iiroucuasurs uu iuc .La. i. . j Ic t.t. .1.- rr i..a i .... leot, r?tfla-n(lv cninvinir themselvci. "Now. sec in Uie nicture trallerr at Madrid a 1 fact, as Uie Q'lcca wat left, because both Would hove been highly dangerous com panion for a tnoment'iui journey. Is bclla was nothing loath to hare btm wiui her: she loaded him with favor; and with these an 1 her 'subsequcot'jrlii', ha became what be is at this moment, a rich man. Alfonso would perhaps have been content to have seen livth ol Uiem for the last lime, but, as we kiiox, he found it imp issiblc, in tbe long run, to resist bl moUicr entreaties Tor permission to re Sutin. He coupled his a - Covn Focsditioxs. The Anuricj.i Btt Journal thus answer the question, "What are comb foundation!!" "Take a niece of cmntr honeycomb and cut off the cells, uatil nothing is left but the di vidon wall of wax between the two op yesterday. 'How did it happen I asked the court. 'Well, sir, as I was a passia Q the arnie, these two fellers "Two fellows! "Yes, sir, the two in. front of me. The one behind struck me. ' . a - 1 T , the arch, and out bolted, not a wolf, but a The o nicer with the right shot with ths left. . a .a ia a 1 iiietr laces and urcd. lsoui icti, wounacu, one fatally. Thcv wcreirauieJiatclysur roanued by friends, who made no panic ular ellort to bind their wounds Uat xm ply stood around talking among them selves and gesticulating, while Uie woand ed Indian, as soon as thjy fell, began the deaUi ing. Tliere was little musk I podte sets of cells, and you have a comb I eery store. ia It. It was a sort of dp-don, un-1 foundation. The latest production, how- "I see." natural tone of voice, kept up for half a lever, consists not merely of the dividing "I knocked down three out of the minute or so at a time, when it would J wall but also a slight depth of the cell I eight, and before I knew what was goin ceac, aad the sufferer would In the in-1 wall themselves, on each ide, and these Inn, Uie whole sidewalk was fall ov 'em. destruction will continue. Even the owners of the obnoxious animals are bringing them to the police for execctioa. Such are the vicissitudes of canine life. Only a litUe while ago these shaggy aad snowy creatures were the adrairatioa of all, and brought the biggest prices in the fanciers shops. They were petted aad them.' 'Sir." "Yes, sir; three Jined in from the turn to apin. ue coupicu ... - ,. . . r. , . t. ... ., .. ... . , -...,i.i, i,..i. i.. ,t,t,. a - .UU ' . 1 ... , f- I alIU latAU A bUUlCHIUal W, tail ka.U a.,., I f . 1, A4 IB, UU1UU1,U .a. aav'Ma, .aaaaj I . tiVl I. WVaaa k t.d W WVU MIM. aaaaa.j, However, wiia one aimoti n-.i.,t. i..,i . ti. ...mi.iIi ..... f,. ,n,.h I .:.n , "a , ..I,t- , -I... .. 1 a. . I a IUC, Ui.all.. al UVJ USUI WUI IUIHUWI v-.l-t. vh... IU, tolerable conditio me ni U leave of h majj icrcj Jn wMc had m Qt uym wcro f,,- tbcr;of couneF nn 1 1 liwt. ind wrH coon trv Uicir S nanlsli court would have been onlv morel ulc aw T7. .'. . .,? ' , Ibten enetired : how manv scalns thcT hadlnrolontr the cells to their tull depth with.J "Xcvcr soberer, ver Honor." r 1 - 17' . . ... more oegouauoa on tuis c 01 wo , , .... il. ' ' . "! ...t.t m. 1. 1 ut... .Kt. :: - .,r nuattiff " i iocumoicic wiLunui. a monarcii man wiui-1 - .. - . .. . t t .t -x , uueu iruui ms i caaiui nulls ikuuiv. wu inui idt wuiiiudii ut.iw. . .wuw , iuca, una o who ui . .l.. - i i.miir wnipii nrnwaiiwii inn uufrn i . . ... . . . I . . "There's something broke water just out a monster. There is the King a n d I T ' 1 ,V " " ' , l,7. ,n-,lnU!aber of lwuies Uicy ha-l stolen, to-1 foundations are given to the bees in their I rnitcictu, said the court, solemnly. ahd" said the boat stecrer. Uiero is the pygmy the latter often in I lJ..Zi. .. ,". . . " '.' i ....i I Kelhcc witli all sort of Important and broad chmbr, enough being put taai "it's nothla Ies, ycr uonor, .... . . .. i '-T ' ... . . -so mucii. ak .ui, ii uuw ukum . ., ,. .r it-..j I .. a t . :.. .. . .a n ., 1 .u ....: "Pull easy, lads, lseelum. lucre i uie name picture aca mways close ail. t:i,t i. ,;, n t i uaimponaui evii uoings m mcir iiicuuic. i irame io uu is i put, iw aui. jhk mwkuuiu buj i way enough -there's Ids back,' , hand. Sometime, he shows a sad face, The q ' n "jf like an infant ceoplihed, they were ready to ,.ps on y a narrow sttip bcin- used tor state Pnson." "Stars all 1" shouted be, as he uartea as oi one lorever murmarmg at tortune . , . r . br5jment ,,f . give up uie guoii.-iwMa utmiu, Ms iron into a back as broad as a upenu for having made him greater than other cnnrtirr ' Mi.iire .n,i .ue 1 him for a -,t..t-.'. mM. tmv because nature had mub him coortier go-Jd-byc, ami sue leu mm tor n ssaiw e was mea only because nature had m!e Mo r, immeasurably les.; someUrae. he seems I mlUon tlie wel I-filled V" ait Pleasantly puffed up with a sense of self- n0tr ads .. Il.fe.,..r, a"Ui?.?.? " "fifcrn all f Ttax.k vratpr back water. every waal" And the infuriated beast pieasanuy puucu up wiui a sense 01 sen- .1.-mMtin,a,rfou,c.n: ul of the world t t .... mnnrltnce. as UlOUt'h he underatood the ,i,e .molf..?Un,US Piif11 !.:LC fcZiiZtW'to include himself and b1 1 "Car" n tutting, in Jf. X. nma, mi"u.i rx -i.oi- ltaotpr. Manv a IMinlflter cf State it I Tiie txrnn who w& struck with aa rnitMinrr from the c&llcrr. 1at there I ides vranot cerlou&lr Inlarcd. nor is tie I HL'cnt cnBBDOitor will acccmimar a col the creatHre. m is his agony and wrprise scobs to be no break in the pictorial sue- J to bring an action for assault. I ony to Texas next oath. A on. Utrvld. No wanaat surplui honey, enoagh being gtven to fill I Xtu Fork World. " m I Itia uuJLUi v4 luvuii vaav wsm v tw w a Aijolt Uic sickest typographical error bees a start. The object is to save thai An exasperated politician. wo hive seen for some Utno is the recent I time of the bees in secreting tho wax and I been called upon to- denae announcement that a certain gentleman 1 the honey used in Its production." I once more man patience exclaimed Caukoksii Dears are now sent to the London market, and are pronounced I upon to do will be to spell it." suDerior to Uia fruit crown iu soulhcra -.-. Fraace. I bo Satoxwalisg llqaors. "And, sir, I hl a struggle with six ov TOhcd as if they had been babies, aad, in point of fact, much more than many babies are; they were led by silken rib bons through the streets; aad they quite supplanted in feminine estimation the lively t-iricr, and the pug with curvili near proboscis. We suspect that they did not appreciate the advantages of the situation. It gradually appeared that they were not overburdened by Intelli gence. It became certain that they were not amiable. They bit the hands that fed them, aad they also bit babies. For all these crimes tbey are now brought tnto judgment, and not to pat too one a point upon it, are being knocked oa the head, with one hcartlta. universal judg ment "Served "era right Y'X.TJTriiwt. an I to issued. would deliver a lecture "on the small-pox, for the benefit of the poor." Tho editor wrote "on tho sixth pror." aad the Intel- who had his position could endure, 'Define my position) Never! If I defina it, the next thing I'll he called A iadt writer desires to be iaforased "why there are no female tramp." Sfe refers to an accepted fact, that there are raore women than mea ia tbe couatry, aad cannot understand how it is all of them manage to make a living withoat deraaUUaf the eoatry. If aaygeette aa Seek like Tiadltin$ hi sexf he ach&ace.