The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, May 12, 1877, Image 3

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SATURDAY. irAY 12 1877
lUaos Lnnct No. 4, K. o r l Mms Id the Cartk
Hall, tVnilrtoo, cvrry VcJoerfajr cvcutac Brothers
IB tooJ standinr. sre cordially Invited to altroA
rccoirrtxt Loner jco 5 A. r. ash A. U.-llcti
on the first and third Mondays of each month. Ucura
niminj r. x.
Easmx St, Martha TTasIiinslnn Chipfr. IVodk
too Urns rvrrr Tuesday nir.Lt foUowlcf the first and
third Mondays of each month.
Ecaraa. Lodge No. 32, 1. O. Q. F, IVoileUm Meets
crery Saturday evrni&cal " r. x. Brethren In rood
itandlnt are Invited to attend.
SUssatu. Lodge Na 100. Iftfl.T. In8eton
UwU every Thursday crests at T o'eJork p. x.
brethrrn In txvl sumitrf are mjacrtfJ to attend.
church directory.
ErrarDML Scnncs On tbf third Sunday of each
noBlh, the Iter. U VL KrHt iB oSktate. and preach
In the moraine at 1 1 o' lock In Wesson ; la the erector,
at 7 o'clock ts IVndVum.
M. E. Cbtbcs. rreachtec mead Sendar In essa
month at It a. x. ller. Kooou, rceatber in char.
Krr. W. H. Pro! prcarb at the VL E. Charch,
ea the Oft Scnday of each month, at 11 o'caoci a. x.
It. E. Cnnrx focra. rrcerbloc first Seodar la
each month at 11 a. x. asd 7 r. x. Krr. & YV. lisnea.
Sonet Slmjila asnoascrmects of births, mama
gta aad deaths, nil be iawrted wttboat clars. OMt
vary noUces nil be charged for accordicr, to their
Erf !e coplrs of the Earr Ossctroax, la wrappers for
ariillcfc ran be obtalced at thu oSce.
We asscmc tto retpocsibltity for rk erpmarj by
cumtm- rocrcjvn.
Baricj SeJkLj
CiKCtrrr Coct.t. Some omissions of in
terest 'were made by us in jHWliinp the
proceedings of the Circuit Ceart last uretk ;
we give this treek portions of the omitted.
The grand jury consign; of Messrs. W.
A. Cowl, J. C. Bunch, John Shaw, II. A.
Salislrarv, Wm. While, J. L. GuHtfunl,
Philip Schuh.
Douglas W. Bailer was appointed gener
al bailifl; John S. Vinson balHff to the
grand jury, and X. Gerkisg special bailiff.
J. II. Kunzle Executor of the olate of
TV. J. Jones deceased vs. J. C FraBkHn
and J.n.Koontz judgment against Frank
lin for G2S SG aad coBtisued as to Keoatz.
Michael Ryan vs John Ryan actios for
the recovery of wages, was i-etiied without
The judgment in the case of David Tay.
lor ts Umatilla eeasttv, for miteage s as
sessor, amounted to 4T9, instead of 400
as we published it,
The cases of Matilda Sanford vs O. F.
Clark and Maltie A. LaDow vs same were
It was ordercred hy the Judge of the
Circuit Court that the fMlewiog sums be
allowed to the persoes named :
L. B. Ison. District Attorney $S
Doaplas W. Bailer, pjceml karllS". . . . 45
J. S. Vinson, grand jury tiliC 85
2f. Gerking, special beilifl .25
The grand jury msile the foHoiviag re
port: To the Ilonorsble dreuk Court frr the
county of Umatilla: Ilavisc fcilhfatiy ex
amined into and completed aH hBtoes be
fore us for the regular term of said cowl
commencing April 28. 1S77, we rcspeetfol-
Jy submit the toHowtng 25 oar rcpon :
Xumbcrof true bilb found, 2; eaoorsed
"sot true bills." 2.
. Til . Y 1
We find the office of Supcrintcndeat of
Common Schools is not faraUhed with
suitable books, and recommend an appro
priation for furnishing the same.
The business conveniences of lkc ether
county officers seem to be sulScitat, and
the business of the several offices conduct
ed in a correct and orderly manner.
We find the stairs leadfng to the grand
jury room dangerous and inconvenient and
recommend that new stairs be put up with
an easier grade and protected by railings.
We find the county jail clean and tolera
ply secure, and tbc'otber buildings of the
county in reasonably good condition.
In conclusion, we cordially thank the
gentlemen who have chajtge of the several
offices for their courtesy nTsftbrding as all
proper opportunities for linking the neces
sary investigations. 9
W- A- Cowl, Foreman.
II. A. Saltsecet. Clerk.
In Brtaortau.
To the Most "Worshipful Mastef, War
dens and brethren of Umatilla Lodge Xo.
40. A. F. A. M Umatilla, Oregon :
The undersigned committc appointed to
draft resolutions in-reference to the death
or brother Jorxx Stuicelix, respectfully
submit the following:
Wheeeas-, It ha" pleased tlie Supreme
Architect of the Universe to remove from
their Lodge our well-beloved brother, Jonx
6TKicELix.a3Inster3Iason.and transferred
him from labor here to bis glorious and
celestial Lodzc, be it
lloolud. That in the death of our broth
cr this Lodge has lost one whose presence
was always welcome, and 3Iasonry at large
oge who endeavored to illustrate the worth
and usefulness of our bonred order, and
the community & true man and citizen,
who won the esteem and friendship of those
with whom he had occasion to associate In
the business of life.
2. That we sincerely mourn with his lw
rcaved wife, relatives and friends, and offer
them our sincere sympathy and condolence
iu their affliction and loss; and hope that
lie iu whom we put our trust may grant
them comfort in this their time or sorrow.
aad give tlicm strength and confidence to j
j 00k forward to a nappy reunion and bless
ed immortality.
3. That as a token of respect for the mem
ory of our deceased brother, the Lodge be
draped in mourning for thirty days; and
that these resolutions be spread on flic win
utes of this Lodge, and a copy be forward
ed to the East Okeooii ax for publication.
J. II. KtWWE, )
A. L- Gonixix, r Committee.
W J. Lkezee, )
Adopted May 4, 1877.
PcbucSale. Vethis week printed a
scat poster announcing a cattle sate at
which bargains can be had. In words the
sale is announced about as follows: The
UBderslgncd will sell to the highest bidder
oa Thursday, June 14, 1877, at the rcsl
dcace of James R. Straight, three miles
cast of Hqipner, all the cattle belonging to
the estate of Harvey Smith, deceased. The
terms of saIc will be as follows: 1, Ten
head of Sue steers will be sold on a credit
of 38 days' time; then the remainder or
the baud will be offered in classes often
head iu each lot, and sold for gold coin, on
six sad twelve months' time. The purchas
ers will be required. to give a note with ap
proved security oa day of sale in all cases.
Signed, Wa. Mitchell Executor, Eliza J.
Smith Executrix.
Letter from Granite creek next week.
I. C. Dlsosway surted below yesterday
Tla Ileppncr.
Scribner for May it on our table. It Is
the best magazine published in Amcrio.
A license to marry was this week isracd
to Enoch Russell and Miss Sarah C. Hall.
Arthur Crisfiuld it in town and reports
crops fruit and grass all lovely on Butter
AVe thank Brother Abbott Tor the kindly
notice he gave our boy in last weeks Dalles
S. L. Morse has been confined to home
by sickness, but he is once more on the
streets again.
Flour thrown on burning oil will quench
the flames instanter. Remember this when
your lamp explodes.
Charley Shumakcr is now a partner of
Matt Taylor in the businest of blacksmith
icg and horso-shoeins.
It is a new idea to brand dogs neverthe
less we saw one on our streets the other
day branded J II (connected) en tho led hip.
Mr. Ovcrboltzcr connected with the Pen
dleton Mills returned this week from Port
land, where he had been on a business
Jack Morten started Wednesday to Uma
tilla for the machinery to be used in the
baling and grading establishment of Mr.
Charley Storm has purchased the rest.
dence of O.Sylvester, paying therefor $500.
It looks like Charley contemplates some
thing serious.
Turner A: Disosway are erecting two
houses in the eastern portion of this grew,
isgtewn. There is a lessee for one of
them already.
Sparks has removed hit retail business
into the new batWing erected by him be.
tween Dcspain's neat market and Bishop
& Co.'s saloon.
Dinwiddic!b VaaUorn have rented the
lower story f the Lee building next te the
posteSkev wherein their famllure business
will hereafter be conducted.
IIiuvt Costs The e4s in the case of
X. Fnl vs Jack 3!rtMi. for the recovery
of a mare valued t ?MX), tried at the lst
term f the Circuit Court, amounted to
Oa iLe morabig Tbrday. May 16. to !
the wife f VCm. Getter a daughter. The
paresis of this aahappy birth have cavc
ta grieve, as oa Friday it was laid away in
the sHcat tamb. The pareats have the sym
pathy af the paMic
Sbeepitearier has takir begua
jjjjj ;
coaaty. The prtoes at w aiefc wai U qaa.
ted creates a smile aa lac weel-grewers
countenance which weuM cause one ta
tbiak that sever a sorrow vMsed these se.
rune aad seemiarly haemy men.
Prof. Mar: Tartar wiM held a public cx
amiaatioa this merabag in the school
iKNKe wherein hi classes ia peaaaaship
have beest taaglsL Messrs. Lot Llverraere.
Lee Moerbease aad Charles Set-lev have
hcn chosen as ladces ta determine the!
1 ' I
A- II- i'arter kas removed bts stoct of
ttrags and ether raerchaatMse to the Blsbap j
&, Jacabsan coraur, which is being- refitted
and refaruiehed ia each a manner, that
when all h completed aad Mr. Porter has
bis splendid stock weJt displayed, the es
tablishment wilt be a credit te Pendleton
Tr Ttinr In AaarnTninatalal cnXr?t
aai a vja 9 wmmi mbswiv p
has had the freat of each af his buildings ;
on ilain street, next ta the Temple of Jus- j
lice aad the East OcoaexiAX office, paint-
ed in a warkmaaNke maaner. If ethers !
TrnatU tla lit rra-lao th- (mm fakluMili It 1
tu. M . 11 r..
J. A- 3IcGowan. the festive sewing ma
chine man has taken his departure for
Walla Walla after having done a lively
business here in hi line. Mc. is perma-!
nently located in Walla Walla where letters
pertaining to business will receive his
prompt attention. j
Billy Bigham, the noted race horse, was
.f.nMiMln PHl.,l it,. 1,- '
bvim aaa aasaayaaw aa a, vm t
and bron
wiUt Blllv Why. 3Iorsc the
"Pike" (the poor man's friend as he is
sometimes called) Is worth that much; and
Jim Jacob's would hardly touch that sum I
. , .. J i
for "John." ,
. . ,...'
Our cash expenses having materially In-'
creased oi late it becomes a necessity that
our advertisers (and our subscribers as well)
be prompt in the settlement ot bills. To-;
day we are forced by pecuniary consider- j
.: . 11 r .1.,. ... .r-A J
4IUai9 W UU aa 4C Jtia V a, au aaaa t
dohope that this enterprise (the publication
of the East Obeooxiax) will be encourag.
t tl M '
cd uy a prompt payment 01 unit so wax
we may lc enabled in turn to meet our
ouJl liabilities.
WErnxo School AVc called at the!
school room one
day during the week and
oks belonging to the pu-
examined the books belonging to the pu
pils of Prof. 3Iart Taylor. We have never
seen more wonderful Improvements made
In so short n time. The Prof, understands '
his business thoroughly. His system Is
unequalled and his terms very reasonable.
He will commence a new term Monday ,
evening next. Xowis the time j-oung
men ami boys, young ladles and girls to ;
learn to write and write "elegantly well,
Al Bccor IlAnxKRtr-Tlicre is no ream
why any one wanting fine harness should
go to Portland or Walla Walla for the same.
Just go as we did to Frank Gray's harnes
and saddfrthon and thcrcvou will see aa
fln. -r.rnl.1 1,.1,.-... -t-
jv- - m '"V afMatJ naiuuti ws am aj
quired for use. It was made for Dr. Whit,
comb, and In the latest style: round flesh
colored lines, bridles without blinds (which '
is dccldcdlr correct), nlckle plated mount. I
intra, toetthcr with all latest iinnrovemenii'
in bu;gy harnes., mark, the subject of
this item,
Support home institutions and I
stop bringing coals to New Castle.
" " . v-, 011 I
Real Estate. The following is a Hit
of deeds recorded in the County Clerks of.
flee for the month of April:
State or Oregon to Chas Brown 80 acres
in S SO, T C X, It HO E. Consideration f 100.
Chas Brown and wife to Ja E AVItden
SO acres In S SO, T C X, It 30 E. $150.
U- S. to W'm Xeal patent. 150 acres In S
31. T 5 X, R 36 E, and in S 5 and 0, T 4 X,
State to S E Dnmihellcr 1C0 acres In S
30, T5X.R 35 E. $200.
State to I) M Drumheller ICO acres In S
30.T5X, R35E. $200.
J K Sallng and wife to Jas Shumway
lott 5, 0, 0 and 10, block 0, Weston. $575.
Jas Oithrell, wife and others to James
Shumway lot 13, block 2, Weston. $113.
Jas Bam ford to Jnt Gallaher 100 acres
inS32,T4 X.R3IE. $900.
C W Burton and others to Jas J Burton
Sr I, of S 35, 28 E. $009.
J A Hartman ami wife to Hendryx &
Price lot 3 in block 9. Weston. $ 150.
Kate C A A Cowl and hHsbud to Xathan
Pierce 100 acres iuS 5, T 5 X, It 30 E
Wm Swltrler and wife to John Switxler
lot 4 ami X 4 of lot 5 in Mock V, Pen
dleton. $350.
State to John F. Kirby 0 acres ia S 30,
T0X.R37E. $100.
JneFKIrbvand wire to C MaIer-0
acres in S 30. T 6 X. It 37 E. $300.
II. CI Paige and wife to II Koostz por.
tion of Week 10, Umatilla City. $50.
Jonathan Ralev aad wife to B F ltaley
180 acres in S 8,6 aad 17, T 3 X, It 23
E. $1.
Jonathan Ralev awl wife to Ju II Itoer
120 acn in S S, It aad 17.TSX, It 2
E. $1.
L E Itlckeckcr, T B Morris aad wife la
Arthur CriikW 100 aens ia S 1, T 2 X.
R27E. $2,000.
State to A M Llsenhv IW acres la S 10.
T 6 X. R 37 E. $212."
Wm Klrbv aad wife to G W MtW S
E is of S V h of Sec 36, T 4 X. R 22
E. $50.
Was Kasenben; to DaaleJ Disxlas 24
acres ia S 12 aad 1S.T4 X. It W E. $1T.
Wm lsle aad wltV U Jofcc iasaa 1M
acrelaS2.T2X.R2E. $KOJ.
The fruit crap oa the Umatilla ruer was
ae: as badly iajared br frml a at irst sap.
p-Ked. Orchards aa Bteea errek aad trH
Marios bare rccefoei aa lajtjrie v far at
we caa leant. Ib tM coaaicslaa we wM
take occas4oB to say that la tto Owamala
btl8 frost aa M ream 1 raaaia; eaM ami
west is far mare Mkcty te war aad If itr
tanre sMiftsirMas to frast tlma aa nram
raaalag aecih aad t alh. ar aearlr a.
Tbls i the absrrraie of tae atdiut kU
tier, aad the rees thereof Is attriaated
ta the y petal ar carreait af wtad which
Pret3d Ae Ui
Frew a Tex letter. Ailed AsnM S. rh
Mthed ia the Chlcage Dfaevrs JmsoiI we
Jm that the cattle drive frm that eeaatrr
wiH exered 39.0 head. 9M09 of thi
nasaber wilt remaia aartaera Texas fee
naca jmrpatc. mm m sac sivjnw. aae
urMer saysH m bis epiataa. that the eatirr
W of steers (three year aid aad upward)
witt Bat exceed MJHM bead driven firam
Saalhwast Texas. The -drlvV wilt be
much later this year tbaa ataai, eu
caaat af the candhjea af the eaaae.
G UAiKsn ax 11 Bausw Weetv Mr. Br
ard af the arm af Barnard & Lac arrtred
iu Peadlelea this week te o4ahhh the
heusr (ar gradiag and baHag weL lie
hssreated the large atd
4. KB
S erected ay Ulawimtle & aauara tar
the purpose. The BMcbiaery will prabeb.
H?. arrfre utAay aad UmWss wiH
laeace next week. This It a graad
for ear wnot-growers aad wilt tare a large
amount af maeey te UmatWa eeuaty.
Hotel Arrlralt.
The following are the arrivals at the
PrndleteB Hotel for the weak cadtag
1 T a 4 a
John Bradhurn
J L Bsraerd aad wife
J W ImmidKe
Fraak J Ostertag
E It Gilbert
Wm Moare aad wife
J D ilurpbey
Wm lteaaMs
S Edwards
Jateb Beau
Tarn GatT
Arthur CrkseJd
j p Keesey
3Ii Emma Mead
3Irs T LasdrV
GW Sutherland
L W MHls
Jehn MrlachMn
V Satheriand
II Pnekafdlow
A WStaHs
W R Loveland
3lAEntEn. In Walla Walla, April 20th.
by Rev. W. H. Eagan, at the residence of
W. C D. Robinson, Hon. 31. II. Abbott,
1 -
; editor of the Dalles Tribune, to Mrs. Suite
1 Sheffield, of WaHa Walla. We cos grata.
""UOIW, " "
. s a
. hoiie that for all time ts come he
rilt en-
joy me messing con set ti cm upon we
marital rtlatlopt.
W m a
r "pTEn -i1": - rat, V"
Frank Landry have Ited from 3Irs. Haley
the Pendleton Hotel, and will take passe
i"n Jane 1st Thee two reattemea wilt
mikt. A1 umiiani,. 3Ir. (i besides belag
obliging, generous-hearted rrntleman. has
hl much experience in and knows bow to
w. WniXtUAJS,
X. D-
r Onxoo.
WiH im.J ail e8, day rr aslt, Hh preartset.
All Awn trralnd by the Ulrtt as4 very Ut
ExxW Ut tb cunfKt cf the iaUat.
AffSTj .TT-T,ml--l?-I
P - 1 51 A
'X xom it llirrMmtM 11 til gHvbant
ra m aa Qffnntlr 10 topmry Hmt mglr. j
Tb lilr u.f ahs Usalba U of Uc pomt I
I, ml bofrr la Jlutta: I
f (TliDoa.lllt,VynrAribr, j
Harum. c 1
rb. lS(Si. ta Taekat by rSMiad I
Xhcr Or
Car- I
in, I
Imp. Farrdaa, USS, Wy
I mBlsi.
1 j
1 i
ifrnlun, lt!. I7 Sta.
Traarxillna, list, by Trim p.
I top Traoky.l ISlkyBWklock
1 Imtj Tkafkif. mi,
f br A. Mm
Tfala bm in mike lb tram at the Una it J. ft.
MrCoy at Ibe Uodoaa. and at lb f-rta ut llr! IVU
iMrtbeiwwth r HMn. Mar u b vn at
irti. I"tarae rateib4 at f I M r Doatb.
Tr.RU-?EAS0X, , rrW at toi T anaoa.
Jot u, isrr.
IKTTf .T - 5tHLC3L
t'n' WiUow Crtk, IS mllta from Itrptorr Any
ir toiler to buy wui da ntn by ftter nt a can.
8. tlUNER k SOS.
Dry -
ic Etc
faU Sir
Furs 2nd DiC5.
BsaUaa EliaViji! U
An aw aSrriafU ta r& a larr 1
ta MMtM te af
At tb Ttrr toMt CAfB crtcrt. aa tWr
bat aaaS amst9U U fVttam fit
1 Oa Saa ftaaciac Bartcu
TUr trrt M Vas4 fafl baa mC DCH.
KKITa IfSrtnutxSHIirr?.bar
aa4 M mrirt; aa4 aay txtra sum at3 b
famabrd ea aban antic.
Tb bllbrvt DM ttl b CaU far RTSES
mi FUR. aa4 aH kts4a T CMkiry rra
tzn x-Wt an liw iau Uc all UtxSa
AX tMa
PmtaOea aa4 Esara Jk la t saat
aV BeacTe
Our Brand Column.
T-Rtnrabrr thai tboae b sabarrtb for tblf
rPT caa bavt tattr ourka aa4 bna4 pbUb4 la It
ecraatounr vttbMt cbam. This aiuM U aih lit
I aatcntla frtca U say HtorkTaisrr
W H Smith, Dartbcrwk, eallip, HLooltftk!?; silt
ta nab ear, bom sum braa4 oa Uft sbnalr.
Jeba Hays. Lrm; calUa. Itur T ai aacber ttiu4
ealan aip: auKraa4 VKwr bit ta rtftt car: i.
Ila braa4 o kft abvatitr.
R X LaUl. 10 mil boi-, ralU. BLea rltbtbip;
" ff Wl tar snl ss4f t bit la rlitl: Umta, 2 oa
Matt UcC'tlvsgb. Dolur crrk. CauU li aa Utl blp;
ttaall rrap U acb rar, barsM aasic bra&d, sBalicr,
JaM oirr Uft ataSt.
K ItaV. MiJlaa. CaltU. E I a rltbt btp; rain balf
trtp Ml or ri(bt oar ao4 a4r-Ut la Urt, bona
Mai bnsal oa lat abacUar.
0 TBmr. MSVa, cattU T Z 00 rttbt tip; crop aa4
kvt uaii
UK iboaUr.
B B BUbop, raHUu ;
cattle, fcau nt Cayt La
raca rar.
Tbomaa Bakrr, Hafjcry Casyea; caUU. IS oa kft Lip;
(a3o lotk la rxbt car, doatlo irm up Ftl la
lira ta tb lal.iCr. boora, aatao bns4 oa kft fp.
D H Lralbrmaa, Hrptrr. cattl. ooatU rvm lKk oa
UntU; crcpiG mil a&4 rHo lark la kflrar,
oack'Ua dto- Upi borar aaox bras4 oa kft ihoalJcr
A 8 Wtfla. Utnatr. tauim. tbno tmaB O'a ta trlaefa
lar facta oa kft brp. to rBw tts ta toft car;
boraea, aasM braa4 ea kft aboebkr.
R. A. Ktrr. Hodaoa Bay raccb w Msa mL Cattk.
KKoakribp: aairt balf crop aS rbt rar aa4 ap
frt l!f ervpef kA aar. Una saac bn&i oa kft
J. K Oaakla. rrtaSrtoa. CaU'c. rtrcl vitb aacber
attaeb is4fMlk, ea kA Up. avaBe fcrk Is
racbraa4aorblta4otrUtt3 oKacar. Hoc
Ota aasaa braad oa kft oU&a.
KcAloirra A. LsCraoda Cattk CrsraS ea rftl
bla, crop off rubt a4 aat aa4 aairr ait Im ktl aar.
borara, aatoo bnc4 ea T1 tttvtitrr.
Jots ADra. Caiik. N T CO kft Up asi J A roaa-r-i
vilbost bar actum lb A a VftA hip hitf a-r
crop aS rttt oar. Ilanca, Uuar bnc4 oa kft
iarteai. tamrt VTMorw Cmt-CaUk. J-J taat J ro-
rf4os rtjbt kp. atfrraiaya ts rbl ear. Her-
mi, aaax traajc ritbttbiab.
WaOao Cbaa. scar Vrpfatr Catik W ea nbt Ufi
cropaS kflrar. oaSaes Seek baco-a, uciclicui
as rust aboabkr
Rarcsc S r, srar Rrrcer CaoSr. (yesta) TetriitX
sip a4 t.f. oM catco rra nb( btp, rar ssarK
f-c baab. aa4rr btt a&4 aoaBoo lutt la rbt rar. too
osbfira oe Jao, beraaa, ra Rbt abocUrr.
Da.'y ArOar. Brrpcrr Calk. fT os lb tsbt aiS;
iim mce is raas aaa aa-r M ta r-fai im aserr
btt ta kO rar, barn, aa& bnsl oa tttat tbvsfckr.
Tbaoxaa Qaui. Brrpcrr Caak. 4 oa kft brp. kft rar
fppoa ax oau os H4 soma, j oa ttn
Ju U Artae, srar rot Sack CalLV. C oa rjtl Ltp;
sas saorr aMta oc r( ass a crop iu ats ts left
rar; banr C es nxbt ebeakr
J O HrCf. Xrtr-Cett. J V cccsrcW aa kft
sua. too Ua xsArt soct, baots, tasvo brau
Bath tktla, La-arr BaStrr Crrk-Cattk. oaarft
lava; rrcV rr-JL as xairtaity ts kft car,
boron. es kA rM2c
BCAtoool. bntrSaac-rmt-A B cccaecW ea
kft abwttkr ot baon as4 catak. I
W X ter. Lrsa bora-a B D eakft hrp. rtt.
aaaares is tier, crop al toaS t-rk is raea aar j
HCTbiBo.a. Lr BaOrr Ml lii T 7 ra
fe. lo.r Batter cmk bam T Tea
Wir. xur. T Tea kft brp. at&r balf crop
bt a-t rpat Is tbr kft rar.
la um rtM a rft Is ts kft nr.
S UrraaoMt. Loarr Bearrrtk-bm. r es I
tbanarr-. n ae acrXfMkrp, crop a4
;W la R1 s loo rpau U Irft rar j
wanuffaaa cr-b-. sk asoa!
ea ira Kwnir, aw. hc rm nas a attt
a4 sssrr Ut ar aa aa4 mAev SsrX ia ncbt rar
Aane Vleet Lraa. CoHk. V om aarr lep
oa Irft tip. ssdrr s ta rata rar Ak brlorra
1 A. Ciroy 4 BarM-Caa'.T9tacJraa!ea
kftbip OiartfinaiiaoriklaliS. Bar.!
art ta bras o rtjbc t iiattif '
Was Uorry Baaur CroU Caattr W L rocsrorj es i
kab-a-abo-b-kiarocarsr Bor-Seskft
C C fomy-wabr. rarka-Caak. WC rftfcip-
tryy C rt urf aa-T UV nj-ir.Ua aiW
tbnol Ham, W C os kft boaSCrr. 9 TS kft task
A. w. Xj.-CrfaW. MCoswftbfr. arr uor- aS :
J U Crrktaav Br-sl TUr. srar UTro-Cak. balf
ctrraarrtf oa rbt b aaAt aat sskr bats kft !
sa4ssirrbatbinfUcar j
LSrwT.bnrcmt. Caak bras49Ceskft krp. 1
bt ts tso kft oac Borara aaea bra ea lb kft
LaOasac, Orrfsa, Bam C aa kft
I B Srrsry Batb crrtk. Caa2. 3 X ocsacloi os
kft k. Barva na a kft ikiallic
3 Scr.twi Wncae. Cast.. 5 i'WW ty a C as
rxw ks. 8ro-a. svaa WaM ea kft boUrr.
Bat Bran. rtctc. Coata; 8 es kft k-p. Ba
sra aasse.
X W ArfHL Oua. rart.ypbt. Irvrr part aastxt
r-a . VruT rUf tiT'xJUL Bones aaamoa
kfttLta. X
$rkoa a Dobnty. BsUrrrrork. CaaSrtraac la sUf
of t Mat os kft bt. crop as4 tsaaOas la kft rar.
Bancs aasr braa oa kft abosHcr.
Cnrtott k Lryi. Csa C L es kft sVftc. roaSro
Jerk as4 soerrfcx t racbnr. BomaasabrxsC
ea kft abesbkr.
9. L. Ria, . 1 a. Wratao. CattV braaA K es rVt lip,
abertcroperka a-r, ss4 saSrr crop acTef rtat
S J Le. Wot Back. Rrw. LOea ee rrXt sboat
an. ratik. war -a rsbt btv lot oosS os axt.
K H Ctrt. Baarr ctt. CatfrbrasJ U tbr abapa
of rye raczka. es kft arte. rraao ts tkt Jrft aa4
SU as rfil car. Bonra bras4rl !vt 3 ac rrkt
B CScwt, Wat Bark. CHk. abt la rtlbt rar asl c
rraa4ss-kraatskftt.bns O L es kft sip.
lUnn ats tru! cc i.H illt
r Rterrt.CaTa. Caak. crjc aS a U-1 as4 astrr
crop off of rtftt rar. brasl r B es rfll Lip. Bone
sao brtl kft ibnclkr
B A aoC 3 V faabsry. Bauer rrrrfc. Cattk. crop
of racb car. nas4. Iraro 1 os rU taia, Soraaa
ansa braa4 os mct aboakr
D n Lretbrraa. Cailk. sfcvr bK 1a kft ran Iran
t es kft brp aa srek tw calapp. Barxa aasa
bras4 es kft aboabkr
Lta Trrasor. Rrpparr Cattk. re-aSrv tort la racb
rar. bras4, OTes kft bottbtbc T AsrcUf orcr
Cre BaCari, Hnv- (lattk la cbarr of Losts
Treason. Cb crop eC of Irft rar, bretrf, H L
m4. oa rUU tip,
Bra I Bopvrr. Happy Cacyos CattV, rrp as otrr
btt Is rKbt as4 pbt Is kft rar. tcas It es kft
tblrb. Bonn mm braes' os kft abosMrr
3 3 Baaacaraer. CeutAa. Cattk 3 es awlr, crt
as4 alit ts kft rar. Henrs tae ana es CUrb.
Is tb Coaaty CMrtef tbaflaU of Orr k Cam?
err to tarccaoras tpy&esUttc tl Csanias Sac or. j
ecr or aJT at not ctaaia 1
A. y lTf "Vf'r awr a. Lajio.
- " - . - ' . 1
If . H".."" rr," J"-" ;
enkrefaakefmlals ml ntalo brfaaar e tbcra-
of tba nut of salt ear tbat rack ro; or air sasU
11 hi knoarirlmd Ail IU wtl .f 1 ik. '
aM osrc. as4 s3 prraaea latcmtM la tba aaM ra. !
wile, tpfar trCxr lh rtx.n ea K05PAl"!b tub
sty at MAT, A IX 117T. al ! o dork a. . at lb ,
ceart rovot oftbla cort. at tbr ta of rnhOnem la
tbaroaaly a( CawttOa. tbrs aa4 l&rr 10 sbrocasM
wby aa eraVr aboaM sol b rfxatat tar Ibc talc of rscb
real cout oracrra is tai4 prtrUea taaaw
Tbr aostk last claim of Joera Wbttsry asd wlfa.
liaUr ST. artoalr la smtea U.T1N.K3 Eaa.ras.
talslot IWarrra Bortorkta. abe es o4JrMr4 osr.
saUoflbcBocihbalfoflettlobieckS. aedleitLS.
krrs ao4 twrlra Is blvk I. as4 kt on ta frartiaeal
tlckS,xrrrMftrtctflbaoriare4otaaalll; aaj
hat S. a. 4, S. A. R, ?. . 10. Is Unrk tl. aaj Wats 19,
lt.lXlabkck M; aoatkrof ka oa tbc rxtb tUm
at Atu stmt as4 raat of tbr tmhia bar brtvrra rr
tloet 1 ssd It is T 1 X. R S3 Eaat. a4 lo tba traa cf
rredktso. CcuUHa coaaty Orrsua, aknaktsrptr.
eclat Ias4 rait oftb aakl lea a of lYsaXao. asi bc
tvfrs Ibc cast o it risers! stmt as4 tb ocst tiaa
orwunam Onifrn' Us4 ctaiat. as4 cttrstisc tea
petal paraTkl "Ha tbr orsib atta at Coort itmt
ta tbo 100 of r41rtoa aS.rrrH.
A&4 It It Isnbrr enkmt tbu a ropy of Ibft enkr be
psbtkbrd al ks.t far mnwti orrkc bfvn lb
rtklbrarlBC of tbo tM iotlt Is tbr EarrOatco
slay, s acvrpaprr pabtainl Is lbs aaM caaaty of
CsutUla. ts tba SUU of Orrrts
Dated Ibis, ab day of AwM. 11TT.
It. G YiUkXM, CcistyJaJra.
J. B. Trasaa, Alt try.
Sat afO rros. rsUOarsaaly aar
I. J. H. Jsiarwi, Ckrk of tb roasty of CraatllU,
Si alt of Unrao aod x!3rto Ckrk of tba rrobalt
Ceart ta asd Ibr said roamy. brrrky crnify Ur
tor-pi't tsbes trsaal cocmt ropy of as order daly
Sa4 asd rstrrtd p lb rrcurd of said rroUlt cuan.
Wlutot say ba&d asd arat af aaM ceatt, tbia ttb day
Seal of April, 1171.
3. R. Si iao, CasalyCktc.
Saddle and Harness
fEXF Cosauatty cm Lasd s
cotsptrla sarptf f
AV HatCM. lladdlM. Brtdko. WbirV Snara. Cjm
Xaktra. MacKa. ssd artrytklsc aarsot la ear Ima.
Can and see u botara oredlax bW. a-Rplr-la(
preeftty sHrsdet la.
A- cooifktol aaJ is fall ojicraUaa.
JVxir will bo
..Or lit.
Ilifftiesl Cash Price Paid
Fcr lea taase.
gnad Cora ssi Chop Fred, fur, taH,
aaj day ia li act k.
Far salt at all liases.
Trytsaesa yos 1U Ssi I vtU
suato Jo 9aKk aaks a4 it, I pntl.
Ia tie couctry,aj I Lave lh beat ilUi
Exit ef tie Cuaits.
nOn-n siia-a--i
Kixizt Is si oa brascacs com jtataftif aat es Bs.
Tbry a!oa saaasiacxxT
Oi aH rVscriptioca.
Wa air frpwH u 18 rim at tb iblrotsx frien
tacb toBrtxr, aat ttt'jc fsnbtt sj4 oerlot
I WaclBsr carb Saarst ss4 Trarx 11 39 per IM
R-frkc ncbrr bmr&ix rrriazl Ur 1 Stat es
f ub dm Unktr, txiS Ijt tvtA. r at Z3
t?.- .... .
'tS'Sl ft W W
WIaUrH prri
o altasa r bXOIrrt tbnl oaftutke a to
Plans and Specifications
ra. pJTrr, aT Ccat,
j-or kft at tb or af Lot Urrroorc, l"ta
marro proaua acmaos.
i aC2k UI'IL'C.a I MrVlVJ,
laaSCU heaaetf aoraSol ta xrocrcly.
Lazrt cfc Mays
Ptmdlcton, Oregon
SHOT X Ceart strt ts lb n
T jltCs btacUx&a tboe.
Promptly Attended To.
C. W. Xarskall, - Prerktr.
--ijlKT HIDE HAW STREET. Poan rnOua
Hm,(. Wl0 lwp ccoataaUyoa base. BrcC rarfc.
iinua, wm 9raa lm owcu aassic. corera
aid cnel ant. mrrs mtesabk. ruu., p-r, a
. -.a
TkJTn fT vfc-'
IKEjrrCTrClXT ASNOCSCE Ta 1st rrs of
Coiatma coasty tbai I bar Jsr"! la lb XlXa
cry bcMsrea, aad W krp tbc latest stylet of
Harraj sassied at ssmtes of a ftrsvstaas
I wiH ats( U ail orajt ra bVIs Baa rs sets
s way ts llCSf picas say
Usrca M, 1STT, Mta. LOT UTZKM9RE.
W malt s sprraAy, ss haro Virys
quastltka of typ ssd a nt prwa.
CTrD Call g ytoasttt tor cats
at Hwa
I VII Wnbila
The East 0aCft5M..
This papor is publi'hei ia
really one of the best couotiea,
of the State, and which yet con
tains much, valuable publir
land. The paper can bo unit
a valuable auxiliary to th
more speedy gro,vth andaettl
ment of the county, prorideA
a generous support is accorded
it by those who have positirc
interest in the welfare of thk
portion of the State. The very
hard times and great scarcity of
money will deter many from
subscribing for the paper, who
under ordinary circumstances,
would willingly assist in main
taining the enterprise, by buy
ing their monet's wobth f
news, both nome and foreign.
The duty of all is to subscribe,,
first. fo a copy for home read-
ingx and then to send at least
one copy to a friend in the
States, that it may then be c5"
culated among those who de
sire to better their conditio,
by immigrating to a better
country. It is a notorious fact
that Oregon papers sent Kcst
have brought hundreds of fam-
jiues 10 our aiaie. ic-siues.
'those friends left behind prefer
j a paper sent to them every
J week rather than a letter semi
'yearly. Really it is in the
j power of all to subscribe, xa.
j we stand ready to receive from
those who cannot pav money,
"L . ZJ?'
. iu.iu iiuw ta iuuu ut iitt uurrjt
Uo a turnin. It is not beirrnnr
' tllSt We 3rC, OUt Sim 7)1 V rat
- , . . J , ,
uiinuiog pcopte 01 uieir uuir,
to themselves, their friend.
and the public.
To those doing business ia
the country the necessity, or
rather benefit of advertising
ought to be apparent. Letour
country paper make a good
showing of business men; let
it reflpct the business of the
country, and then those abroad
can form a correct idea of what
we are and what we are doing;
besides the advertiser will get
uisiiO.vET Bj.cs indirect! v four
The East Oeixionijln job of
fice can turn out as good plain
business and social cards as
any office in the State; having
a fast Euggles card press ia
good order and condition, card
printing h made a specialty
The large assortment of wood
and other type renders the of
fice complete for poster print
ing, which we arc always ready
to do with celerity and certain
ty and at very low prices.
Any business man in the coun
try desiring any kind of job
work done, will please address
us and get terms and we
pledge ourselves he will have
no occasion to send to "Walla
Walla or Portland. Years of
experience, and aa acknowl
edged skill in job printinrr pre
pares us to assert that we can.
cive entire satisfaction.
Tlie settlements and town
of Umatilla county are so dis
tant from the county-seat, and
from one another, that the ex
penses of employing a repor
ter in each would be too great
for the small business we ex
pect to do for a year: therefore
we would deem it an especial
1 favor if persons in each town
and settlement would send us
each week all local items and
occurrences in their town or set
tlement. Items which arc
sometimes considered trivial
read well when in print.
Young men and women who
desire to cultivate their powers
of composition, and learn to
write in a terse, brief and
plain manner can avail them
selves of this invitation, and
benefit themselves, the public,
and render us a great favor.
In these columns wo hope t
bring the people of all parts
of the county closer together,
to let the people of each sec
tion know wnat the people of
other sections are doing and
this we cannot accomplisli
without assistance from On or
more persons from every town
and settlement in the countv.
(Therefore we say.
j Write ffer vnr